#nesim frontiers of pandora
torukmaktoskxawng · 5 months
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A place to put all of my pictures during my Sarentu, Evuä's travels in Avatar Frontiers of Pandora 💖
Part 1 - The Most Special Moment
Part 2 - Fun With Friend
Part 3 - Mostly Ikran Shots
Part 4 - The Wooden Glen
Part 5 - Resistance HQ
Part 6 - Zeswa, So'lek and Ikran Upgrade
Part 7 - Beauty Shots (Zeswa Look)
Part 8 - Sarentu's Name (Finally)
Part 9 - Sezem & Evuä: The Sarentu Siblings
Part 10 - Cursed Images
Part 11 - Official/Final Evuä Look
Part 12 - Calm Before the Storm
Part 13 - More Evuä & So'lek
Part 14 - Take Flight Shots
Part 15 - Evuä/Explosions
Part 16 - More Sezem
Part 17 - Yellow
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ponyinpinklover-blog · 3 months
Afop has given us more dynamics between oloektan and tsahik
Nesim and minang being sisters
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Ka'nat and etuwa being a father daughter duo
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Is it possible for tsireya and aonung to rule together as brother and sister?
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zafrinaxyz · 6 months
Frontiers of Pandora Spoilers ❣️
i'd like to introduce my favorite cut scene of all time and my raging girl crush Nesim
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xxxdizzy19 · 4 months
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skxawngonearth · 6 months
Frontiers Memes without context
(cut for Spoiler protection)
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PS. I don't know how to meme
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dilfsyndrome · 2 months
Hidden Weakness
⚠︎︎ Afop Spoilers ⚠︎︎
Saving this quest for last since I got a lot more to do and since it is like the final quest till next update then I’m saving it for last.
(Alma just standing there)
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onskepa · 5 months
If your requests are still open could you do a Ri'nela x reader fic where the reader is an Avatar and they spar together? I love her character so much and I hope we see more of her in the future!
YAAAAAAAAAASSSSSSSS!!! My first ri'nela fic!! Thank you so much for requesting her sweetie! You are the best! Alright, hope everyone enjoys this fic!
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The doors opened for Nesim to enter. Along with her, Ri’nela and so’lek enter, leading Nesim to the conference room. During the walk, ri’nela introduces everyone to the Olo’eykte and give her space. But among the allies in the base, one caught Nesim’s attention. 
Further in the back was a dream walker. Litx. 
“Does my eye deceive me? Litx!” Nesim calls out to the dreamwalker. And the person in question turned away from their tablet and smiled happily. Nesim and litx meet in the middle of the room, hugging and laughing in joyous manner. 
“What is this? These….awful things you called clothes. What Happened to the top my sister made for you? And your necklace? Gone! Where is the Zeswa warrior I trained? Hm?” Nesim wouldn't stop her questions. So’lek didn't looked surprised but ri’nela sure was. 
“You were a zeswa?” Ri’nela asked. Litx can only chuckle. 
“It is a long story…” 
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What felt like hours had passed, and Nesim shared some embarrassing stories to the resistance. Like a proud mother giving no privacy to her child. Everyone laughed but ri’nela didnt. Everything that she knew of nerdy litx was nothing compared to what Nesim was telling. 
“You make litx sound like a mighter warrior” Nor tells. 
Nesim cackles at that, “because she is! Now if only the young ones can follow her example, my clan wouldnt worry as much! But yes, litx, despite being a dreamwalker as you call them. Litx has proven herself among the Zeswa, and I am proud to call her as such”. 
“Nesim…” Litx whispers, feeling the heat of embarrassment reach her face.
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So’lek noticed how much time was being wasted, so he turns to Nor and takes him to further his training. But before they fully leave, he turns to ri’nela. “At some point ri’nela, you will have to train too. Supplying and assisting won't help you survive in a fight” he tells her. Ri’nela looks down at her tablet, clinging on to it. 
“Ri’nela is too nice to fight” Nor tells so’lek. Alma was quick to correct nor, but it didn't comfort ri’nela. So’lek dragged nor out to train. Leaving the ladies alone. 
“He is right, you know, we are at war with those humans. Everyone has to learn how to fight, even you, young sarentu” Nesim tells calmly. Ri’nela only nods. Out of those she grew up with, ri’nela felt better working behind the scenes. Being silent yet still trying to make a big impact on the world. Just by living is a big change already. Fighting isn't something she can imagine herself doing. 
“Perhaps you can teach me…?” ri’nela asks to nesim. The na’vi in question releases a loud cackle. “Why not join so’lek? He is a good warrior too. You have seen it first hand” the Olo’eykte replies. Ri’nela only shakes her head, “he can be very intimidating, scary even”. 
The women chuckle in agreement. Yes, there is no doubt about that. 
“I cannot. I must return to my clan, your sarentu fellow must have arrived in the great planes. My people need me and there is much to prepare and protect” Nesim replies with a slight guilt in her voice. Ri’nela catched it but it also made her sad. However, Nesim smirks as she turns to Litx, already thinking ahead. 
“I cannot help you, however Litx can” Nesim says. 
“She can?” 
“I can?” 
“Yes, you can skxawng” Nesim hisses as she hits litx at the back of her head, earning a hiss. 
“Like I said before, I personally trained litx myself. Showed her everything I ever knew. If litx trains you, it would be like me training you ri’nela. Trust me, litx is a fine warrior who is sadly wasting her skills away” Nesim tells as she playfully tugs ltix’s ear. 
“I am not wasting my skills away, I am just needed here more than out there” litx resplies. 
“But can you litx…? Can you train me?” Ri’nela asks again, this time with some new hope. Litx scratched the back of her head, hissing slightly. 
“Yes she will,” Nesim replies for her. Litx was surprised but tried to protest, her attempts fell short. “No, so’lek is correct. Young ri’nela needs training and I need to go back to my clan. You are the only other option the resistance has. So get your tail moving” Nesim warns. 
Sighing in defeat, litx finally complies. And ri’nela smiles in glee. 
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“Hello my pretties” litx says in awe. Opening her massive storage, she brings out many spears. Some looked nearly identical to the spear nesim brought. Ri’nela was in awe as litx takes them out, handing a few for ri’nela to hold. 
“Come, let's go to the open grass field, it's wide enough and hardly any animals go there so you won't hurt anyone or anything” Litx suggests. Nodding ri’nela follows close, already feeling excited and nervous. The field wasnt that far so they made is in a few minutes of walking. 
“Alright ri’nela, what form of combat do you know? Defense or attack?” litx asks in wanting to know what specifics the young sarentu knows. 
Giving a moment of thought ri’nela responds, “I know how to shoot guns and run really fast. How to use large war machines and fight with blades but that is about it”.  
Litx slightly frowns at that. The sarentu ancestors would be angry and rolling in anguish if they heard ri’nela say of her experiences with human machines and practices. That won't do. 
“Well ri’nela, the way you were taught is the way of the humans. While useful yes, but you are na’vi, so you will learn to fight like one” Litx promises. While encouraging, ri’nela felt some doubt. Litx was quick to catch that. “Your people, the sarentu, were peaceful. Mighty they were, but fighting is an art I am not really familiar with. So like nesim taught me, I will show you the zeswa way. So, think fast!” 
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Learning the basics wasn't easy, and training was more difficult. Ri’nela moved too much like a human, Thinking like a human, everything that the young sarentu did was too human. And was something litx had to fix. 
“*sighs* ri’nela you could have dodged it easily” litx sighs. Ri’nela groans in frustration, throwing the spear to the ground. “You make it look easy, litx. The spears are heavy and comfortable. Rough and not easy to grab on to. Much less throwing them. I d-” 
Ri’nela was silenced by the sudden burst of laughter from litx. Tilting her head in confusion, she just observes the avatar letting out a good laugh. “Oh ri’nela, you truly have a long way to go” litx says. Standing up straight and clearing her voice, the dreamwalker tilts her head to a spot to sit on. Taking a break. 
Ri’nela does so, sitting next to litx taking in the calm view of pandora. There was an odd amount of silence, so she decided to break it by asking a question. 
“Why did nesim teach you?” ri’nela asks. 
Litx took a moment to respond, “simple really. I wanted to learn”. A small smile stretched her lips, remembering the past. 
“Learn what?” ri’nela presses on. 
“What is not important. What is important is to get you to learn” 
“I am trying but-” litx cut her off. 
“But this, but that. Ri’nela that is your problem, you are thinking human. You are not human, you are na’vi. How you fight is human, how you move is human. So, stop being human. That is not who you are. Fight, move, talk like a na’vi” 
Ri’nela repeats litxs words but looks down in doubt. “I don't even know if I can” 
Litx gets up, dusting off her clothes and offers her hand to ri’nela. “Well it is about time that you do”
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“Again! With your tail this time, you have a tail so use it!” litx instructs as she spars with ri’nela. The spears were pushed aside from hunting blades instead. Small steps at a time. Ri’nela was trying to balance her movements but kept forgetting to use her tail for proper body balance. Swaying too much on either side always makes her trip without meaning to. Or gripping her knife too loosely. But ri’nela was determined. 
“Don't be scared to hurt me. Don't let fear cover your vision. If you hurt me then that is good. A warrior must never fear” Litx continues more. Their hunting blades crash against each other, at times when they clash sparks will fly. Each swing, punch, or a near stab, ri’nela was getting the hang of it. Trying to be familiar with her body in the form of combat. 
Ri’nela was pushing litx back, close to a small body of water, while litx was quick in dodging her attacks, she was blind of what wash happening. And ri’nela used that opportunity. Seeing an opening, the sarentu quickly used her tail from under, and wrapping it around litx’s ankle catching her off guard. Using her left feet, ri’nela swept litx off the ground while being quick to release her tail. 
Litx fell into the small pond, being surprised by the sudden move. But she wasn't mad, in fact she was proud. 
“See? I did use my tail” ri’nela says confidently. Chuckling in amusement, ltix gets up. 
“Indeed, well done ri’nela” litx praises. Ri’nela blushes at her words, its not often she hears positive words towards her. It feels nice to be complemented. “Can we continue..? I think I would like to practice more” she says. 
Litx smiles and guids ri’nela back to her other weapons. “Good, because we are not stopping now. You got the hang of your blade, now for the real things. We will be using the spears, and hopefully soon ri’nela. You will fight like a true na’vi that you are”. 
Ri’nela looks forward to what litx has to show. 
Maybe she will rub it in Nor's face later.
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Aaaaaaaand that is all for this one! I really enjoyed it since I did my hardest to describe the actions even though I suck at it XD
So until next time! See ya!
Litx = (blade) sharp
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pandorafallz · 2 months
Alma reflects on what she has done. What she had been a part of in TAP, what she had done to… get the school going. The truth had come out into the open and everyone knows of what she had been a part of. 'Good' Alma, the Avatar was dead. Killed. She was the 'other' Alma, that they despised. Where does she stand now in the Resistance when no one wants her around?
Chapter 11 snippet
“The new avatars,” Alma started, her voice stern, “how many?”
Harding continued to smirk still. “None of your concern.”
“Does Mercer have an avatar like this new squad?”
At that, Harding seemed to laugh, wincing a little at the pain the motion brought her. “Hell no. He couldn’t pass the tests required, mental or physical.” She shook her head. “He’s a psycho.”
Alma rose slowly to her feet, bringing her arm to her chest to avoid leaning on it. She brushed the grass from her clothes as she fixed her former colleague with a long look. “I look forward to meeting your recom, Colonel Harding.”
She didn’t dare look at So’lek as she turned and headed towards the exit.
“No you won’t,” Harding called after her almost gleefully. “You’re a dead woman, Cortez!” Alma didn’t stop at her shout, her voice meant to sound loud now like a threat. “You’re a dead woman walking, Cortez!!”
“I know…” Alma whispered to herself, exhausted already still.
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neteyamssyulang · 2 months
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“No warrior in pandora can best our spears”
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✦ Series ✦
⋘ 𝑙𝑜𝑎𝑑𝑖𝑛𝑔 𝑑𝑎𝑡𝑎... ⋙
✦ One-shots/Two-shots ✦
⋘ 𝑙𝑜𝑎𝑑𝑖𝑛𝑔 𝑑𝑎𝑡𝑎... ⋙
✦ Drabbles ✦
⋘ 𝑙𝑜𝑎𝑑𝑖𝑛𝑔 𝑑𝑎𝑡𝑎... ⋙
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0-animelover-0 · 5 months
Avatar: Frontiers of Pandora Masterlist
A/N: The reader is always gender neutral unless specified in the summary or title.
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Characters so far: So'lek, Teylan, Eetu, Etuwa, Ri'nela and Nefika.
Characters going to be added: Nor, Minang, Nesim, Okul and Priya. (Maybe more)
My other Masterlists are -> here
Your Ikran doesn't like others but for some reason, it likes them {WIP}
How they react to finding out they like you
Needy!Teylan x Human Reader (NSFW)
So'lek x Pregnant!Human Reader
Domestic Bliss (Eetu x Pregnant!Na'vi Reader)
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torukmaktoskxawng · 5 months
Hello do you think that they should have added romance to frontiers of pandora because while I do love me some nor and so’lek I gotta say the one I wish I could romance most is rineala(definitely spelt that wrong)
I really want to see a fanfic with an avatar male and rineala
Anyway I just wanted to vent have a good day or night or afternoon also cannot wait to see more on the development of the relaxation ship with Ronal and tonowari and Makayla
I'd probably 100% try So'lek first if they had put romance in the game, mainly because he's like the Astarion of Pandora since most people would choose him to romance first (love me a broken man)
But my next choices for my future gameplays would definitely be Ri'nela, then Minang, Etuwa (and lowkey her dad, hi Ka'nat), Eetu, Nefika, and last but not least, Nor. So, um... I guess almost every important Na'vi you meet lol (not Teylan, he is baby)
This actually came to mind the other day when a cutscene happened in game: (Spoilers below)
So Nesim arrives at Resistance HQ and So'lek encourages Ri'nela to speak her mind and places his fingers over her heart.
I was struggling to find out who I was jealous of: So'lek or Ri'nela XD
Also, Nesim and So'lek gotta have some history I just love their dynamic. I don't think it's romantic but I just loved their interaction.
Back to Ri'nela, I was telling my friend that she should be tsahik of the Sarentu, and my phone must've been listening again because last night I saw an edit about her that basically spoiled the ending for me so I'm happy that I called it! She's so stunning!
Welp, I guess I ranted a bit too so sorry about that XD
If you find any fics about Ri'nela, please send me links! In the meantime, I'll try to cook something up for her soon <3
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pebblethestone · 5 months
Avater Master List
Requests Open
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Main Master List
Jake Sully;
Sully Family;
Norm Spellman;
Grace Augustine;
Trudy Chacon;
Miles Quaritch;
Avater² Way Of Water
Jake Sully;
Miles Quaritch;
Avater Frontiers Of Pandora
Too Close To The Cliffs Edge
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pandoraescape · 9 months
{𝐎𝐞𝐥 𝐧𝐠𝐚𝐭𝐢 𝐤𝐚𝐦𝐞𝐢𝐞}
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Greetings, my fellow Avatar fans, and aspiring writers; this is Pandora Escape speaking, and I'm back with a new look!
As mentioned in my previous post on the old blog, I have deleted my primary blog to make Pandora Escape the central focus. So, without further ado, here are the rules and guidelines for requesting fanfiction and what types are acceptable within this blog. Beginning with the characters that will be mainly present in the stories I'll be writing:
Jake Sully (Tsyeyk Suli)
Neytiri te Tskaha Mo'at'ite
Tsu'tey te Rongloa Atey'itan
Neteyam te Suli Tsyeyk'itan
Kiri te Suli Kìreysì'ite
Lo'ak te Suli Tsyeyk'itan
Miles "Spider" Socorro
Colonel Miles Quaritch
Sarentu (You or whatever you choose)
These will be the main characters I'll be using, but it doesn't mean I'll only use them. Please feel free to request the other characters as well. Even ones from the Avatar: Frontiers of Pandora. Regardless, the only character that I will never ship romantically is Tuk. She's eight, for God's sake. The only way I'm writing for Tuk is for family-type stories and nothing else. While on the topic, the type of fanfics I'm willing to make is unlimited. There are a few themes I would like to stay away from.
Incest (No, just no.)
Non-con (It depends on the story. I'll be willing to imply to some extent, but ultimately, no, I hate it.) 
Horror (Don't like it, will not write it.)
Knowing what to request and what not, we can review the final rule within this blog. When asking for something smut or anything related, I'll be aging up characters depending on the ask because I wonder if you noticed some of these characters are minors! With that all said and done, I can't wait to see what wonder recommendations you all send, and I can't wait to see and write! Hayalovay! (Until next time!)
Request Are Open!
💙 Fanfiction Edition 
🤍  Series Edition 
🖤 Headcanons Edition 
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xxxdizzy19 · 3 months
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The coolest na'vi in one room 🔥
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torukmaktoskxawng · 5 months
I need to know how far into Frontiers of Pandora you are cause I am in love with Nesim but NO ONE IS TALKING ABOUT HER
I'm not that far yet, but I've seen tiktok edits of her! Beauty and grace! I can't wait to officially meet her in game 💕
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xxxdizzy19 · 4 months
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