pandorafallz · 16 minutes
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Would love for people to put some feedback on A03 (if possible) on my recent update for the vampire AU XD
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pandorafallz · 12 hours
When I’m scrolling through a blog and see they reblogged one of my posts
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pandorafallz · 12 hours
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Vampire AU | Shacks and whistles.
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“You want eight shacks this run?” Jake double-checked as he and the group of humans sat at their respective radios. Today was not a Hometree day and he wasn’t training as Neytiri had to assist with a birth with Mo’at so the humans planned their next theft now that there were more people.
“Well, Nine, actually,” Xanthe spoke, looking at their list of chosen options. “Castro here wants the airlocks specifically. The ninth one we can cut up and bring down ourselves but the trip is a little tricky and will be slow but possible without air support.”
“Airlo-cks?” Zane asked, a little confused. His voice cut off a moment as the frequency changed on its typical cycle.
“We’re using air-tight, fabric-based airlocks at Homebase, not the best but the only feasible ones in both quantity and availability. No one could drag a solid airlock door on their back out. RDA would have noticed.”
Homebase, the main living cave of the miners. Jake knew from conversation the last few days of the general names of the main caves and their people. Wei Chang, Matthew Holster, and Sean Wallen were the only ones he hadn’t met yet. Jake remembered they had sealed their cave off and made it breathable for humans and he was curious to get a peek but it was still slow going for both the adjustments and for safe cave navigation. A week until they’d be able to go down, Alejandra had said.
Still, he could see how having an actual airlock would be better than a tent with a tiny air filter system in place.
“We could cut up the chosen shacks walls and fuse them together for a bigger space so they won’t need an airlock system between like the dual shacks sites have.” Nadine suggested, “We can use those, as long as there’s at least one airlock, as means of a storage house in the mountains. Protected from the air and elements, and we have means of still putting the shacks to use if we don’t at our campsites.”
“That’s a good idea.” Morgan praised, sitting at the far end of Jake’s desk to be part of the meeting. “Plus, we could do with one of your miners to check out our cave spot; maybe you could help set up some proper lighting so we can see? Bladder lanterns the Na’vi and we have don’t work as well since insects that are drawn to the lantern’s nectar don’t go that high up.”
“Maybe we send someone to stay and oversee the site? Wei could—” Moran spoke up but was interrupted
“No, he needs to be with people and have our support.” Xavier shot down immediately with a surprising amount of passion “We need him here.”
“Not a conversation for now.” Xanthe coughed, putting a stop before anyone could protest. “how feasible would eight be, is all I’m asking.”
There was a pause from all camps. Nadine was frowning but running the numbers no doubt on fuel consumption, distance and other variables.
“No,” Ming called after a minute. “At best, we can do six shack grabs in a single night. We can’t do it during the day. We’ll need to refuel once. If we try for eight, which can take up to eight hours’ worth of trips given where the last two marked ones you want are and our travel routes, there’s a chance Quaritch can let a scorpion run a patrol ship go at dawn if he suspects some activity.”
“But is it possible for other nights?”
“Yes, but our fuel refinery is very crude but it passes. It’s just slow at the moment.” Kendra said, “We’ll need you guys to start pitching in and getting us burnfibre for us to drain the resin to make the fuel. If more is provided, then we’ll be less limited on how much we can do. Also, we’ll need more spare parts for ship and refinery maintenance.”
“We’ve got a tent up pitched up in the mountains. I think more hands would be better to inventory shit once the drop-offs have happened and we need a better system to manage redistributions based on needs and projects.” Jake input after a moment. “There can be food within date and non-perishables. That also needs to be accounted for. We need people who have allergens to let us know what not to put in a food pile and not to risk cross-contamination. I personally can’t eat nuts, but I can be around them. Some people won’t have that tolerance.”
“Will do. We should also consider if Pandoran food, like their nuts, will carry the same allergen effects or not. Does your avatar have a nut allergy, Sully?”
“No, but I don’t know if that’s because Tommy didn’t. Kinda odd for twins but… well I lucked out on those cards.”
Nadine leant over Jake’s desk to speak. “Does anyone want to share any allergens we should be aware of? In case we do something that might trigger a reaction? I work with our food at Hometree and I really don’t wanna kill anyone. We’ve got earth food growing right now and I do plan to add those when they’re ready.”
“I’m allergic to Copper,” Xavier called, “it’s not strictly a food concern but I’d rather not come up in hives if you cook in a copper pot or something.”
Nadine leaned over the desk and grabbed her tablet to make a note. “Okay, no copper cooking. Any foods to avoid?”
“Shellfish,” Eliza called out. Alejandra echoed that as well before they chuckled.
“Any dairy or wheat concerns? We have pasta and I can make pasta now so that’ll be something I can serve.”
“Well, the Na’vi don’t have dairy tolerances, that’s a no-brainer but they do make plant-based milk.” Jake pointed out.
“Actually, Jake, it’s the Omatikaya that don’t have milk tolerances. Na’vi as a species can build a tolerance if exposed to milk long enough.” Maria said brightly, “I heard that there’s a clan in the west called the Zeswa that has milk and cheese as a stable in their diet. The Omatikaya don’t need to milk their animals for milk or protein.”
“Ooh.” Nadine perked up at that and Jake could see she was wondering if that milk was edible for humans.
“Neither me nor Bree can have a general anaesthetic. I don’t have it as severely as Bree so while I could be relatively fine, she will go into anaphylactic shock. Found out the hard way with her.” Kung called after a moment
“Oh god,” Eliza whispered but he hoped she too was taking notes.
“Also, doc for your notes, I’m allergic to penicillin and Wei’s allergic to latex, mangos and pears,” Xanthe called in. “That covers our group with allergens.”
“I can’t have nuts either” Ruby piped up. “But I do wanna try them in my avatar. Can we discuss this with Mo’at? I’m sure if my avatar has a reaction and we’re prepared, then we know for sure if our avatars have inherited those conditions or not.”
“I’ll add that to our discussion board.” Jake made his own notes.
“Do we even have a discussion board?” Zeke whispered but his voice still carried through the radios.
Jake smiled a little. “No, but it’s not a bad idea. You guys could keep a board for each of your camps and come to me with them. I could represent the camps to discuss anything or problems that may come up with Eytukan. He respects me to open discussions for smooth sailings between us and the clan. If not with him, Mo’at’s another good option.”
There were a few confirmations at that before they circled back to the shack theft again, going over when it would happen (tonight was most called for), who would be on the Samson’s aiding in the grabs and who would be at the mountain cave. One member of each camp would participate (Bree would once again camp at the mountains; even living in a metal shack now, Kung was too paranoid) to help and to inventory the stuff in the morning.
They were nearing the end of their discussions before there was a knock on the shack window and Neytiri’s face was peering in. Jake waved her in but didn’t interrupt Eliza’s discussion with medical aid, Morgan moved to shut the airlock door on the inside for Neytiri to enter safely.
“We have some of those herbs in our area that Mo’at showed me that I can get you to study more in-depth,” Jake said, as the airlock hissed and opened and Neytiri crouched in curiously but took the hint to not speak up. “I know people with allergies have Epipens but when they run out, we need to try alternatives that are just as effective. I’ll talk to Mo’at about that, I don’t think allergies are a topic you’ve spoken to the Tsahìk about yet,” he added to his list.
“I’ll speak to her when I can.” Eliza promised, “If anyone’s got any data banks on studies of the plants I was on about, compile them for me, please. That’d save me a lot of time. Medical research wasn’t my thing but I’m willing to do it.”
There were a few agreements made before Kendra’s camp hung up to get back to their camp’s duties and planning for their upcoming evening event, as did Ruby and Alejandra’s group. Kung however didn’t.
“Sully, Bree wants a word.”
“Yay,” Bree’s voice was quiet and distant before he heard something of wheels before she spoke, now at the radio. “Jake, do you think you can talk to some of the wood shapers for me? I need help with a few of my projects but… the woodguy is really hard to talk to without him brushing me off. It’s… he’s kinda scary. He looks like he’s three seconds from stabbing me with his wood shaping knife if a human looks at him wrong…”
“What do you need?”
“I don’t know… someone who’s willing to teach humans how to work with wood. I want to make books and… I need a book press and how to make small thin planks for book covers. That sort of thing.”
Jake huffed, running a hand through his locks of grown-out hair. Woodshapers. That was unpleasant still but… he could understand her fear.
“I’ll… talk to Eytukan about that. Ateyo shouldn’t make you feel scared. It’s unfair to chase anyone away from their interests.” Of course, it wouldn’t be just about Bree but all of them. They all should have that chance, he had just… it was easier to focus on what he was doing than focus on what he wasn’t wanting to do.
“Thank you. Also, I’m still working on making parchment since you gave me all that hide. It’s almost done if you’re interested.”
“Sure, let me know if you need any more hide. We still got a ton from recent hunts.” He didn’t know what he’d do with parchment but he was sure he’d think of something.
They made their goodbyes before Jake made his last new notes on his tablet and set it down.
“I’ll check through our cook pots, and make sure they’re not copper or at risk.” Nadine mused, sliding on her wheelchair to get her leg that was on charge and slipped that on. She passed her farewell to Neytiri as she clunked out.
“I’ll make plans for the shack reconstructions. I know my way around them a lot more than they do.” Morgan decided. “Still, moving airlocks aren’t gonna be easy.” Morgan rose to his feet as well. “I’ll give N’deh, Jer and Kim a heads-up on what we talked about.”
“Alright.” Jake ran a hand over the stubble on his chin, though smiled at Neytiri as Morgan left. “How'd it go? A healthy baby?”
Neytiri nodded, leaning forward with clear contentment. “Very, so far a little girl until told otherwise. Both parents must remain close until the child is mature to leave their Tsalnu pod. The mother is recovering well and is pleased to see her child healthy while their last part of development continues.”
“How long until….”
“Typically a week and a half. Sometimes longer. A month is often a concern so a Tsahìk must decide to wait or to remove the child if necessary. Sometimes a child may be too weak to initiate the pod’s softening.” Neytiri explained with warmth.
“Wow.” Jake let out a steady breath. “Here human babies come into the world, premature, kicking and screaming and covered in their mother’s blood.”
Neytiri's brow raised in some amusement. “Yes, my mother informed me of our birthing differences.”
Jake chuckled. “Sorry about not coming out. A meeting. We’re stealing another few link shacks tonight. A lot of organising and making sure people get what they need. The new group want a lot given they’re lacking what we have.” He gestured around to their beds and desks, wondering about the set-up but patient to wait and see.
“It sounded important, I’d like to help like last time but I heard medical concerns?”
“Nothing too concerning. Some humans can’t eat certain foodstuffs, contact with certain minerals or medical drugs without their bodies rejecting it. We were making sure no one accidentally winds up killing each other out of ignorance.”
Neytiri’s head tilted. “Nothing too concerning?” She quoted a little dryer in tone. “I don’t think toying with death is ‘not a concern’, Jake?”
Jake hummed a little. “As long as we’re all aware of possible threats, there’s no concerns.”
Neytiri didn’t look thrilled before she took a deep breath. “I need to leave, my head is getting light.”
“Of course, I’ll link up.” Time to continue on with the day after all.
Outside, when he descended down from his mauri, he could see Neytiri taking deep breaths contently though he watched as her head turned and her eyes seemed to linger on him with vivid interest.
“You’ve added a pouch?” she noted, coming to point at his waistband where he had two hide pouches attached. The first he had simply had basic sling ammo (his sling was also around his waist like a belt which sat at a slight angle) and the other was empty.
“Gifts from N’deh. He knew I was missing pockets.” He chuckled warmly, allowing her to poke the ammo pack curiously. “So, we training today?”
“Yes, your bow.” Neytiri nodded to his training bow. “Another hunt.”
“We speak Na’vi when out. This will help your practice.”
“Yes…< I mean yes, teacher>” Jake corrected himself as her side-eye, giving a little salute.
Neytiri had been swift in getting him into action with his hunt and despite his best efforts of the afternoon training, a successful tracking but he didn’t manage a kill. Neytiri still seems pleased with his efforts on their journey back.
In some part, Jake knew it was him being self-conscious given his new attire. A proper hunt in new clothes. The loincloth, he was used to but it was still a little odd every so often to feel like he had a wedgie on an important outing.
Jake had painted up his avatar with the usual paints to cover his eyebrows and forehead with a few patterns here and there along his body but nothing too detailed; he wanted inspiration to hit him in the face. He too had a knife holster on and across his chest which was comfortable and was otherwise shirtless. He looked forward to earning a cummerbund after he got his Ikran. They hadn’t got their hand or feet covers made just yet but so far, it wasn’t quite needed.
It was a new physical change for him but he was glad that she was…understanding of his difficulties. Something as simple as a new attire shouldn’t have been such a massive deal and yet, it was.
“It’s not about the end result, as long as keep to what I have been teaching you. Hunters can come back empty-handed.” That was all Neytiri had said.
Still, he hoped to continue on with another hunt soon now he knew his flaws.
“<Thi-wait are we going to your resting space?>” Jake realised as he looked around and noticed it wasn’t familiar to the woods around his home. He knew this place enough to know what was here still.
Neytiri chuckled. “<Yes. I have something to show you. Sit up by the waterfall, I’ll join you in a moment.>”
Jake complied and sat at a small plateau of smooth rock close to the waterfall and waited. It was only a minute before Neytiri appeared from the cave underneath and this time, something small was in her hands.
“<Here,>” She sat down beside him with it. “<For you.>”
Curiously, he took the present and turned it about in his hands. It looked… mostly like leather straps with beaded latches, meant to hold something. The leather was strong and there looked to be sewn designs along two of the supportive straps that looked to be the ‘top’.
“<It’s beautiful but… what is this?>” Jake asked. He doubted it was bondage stuff, she didn’t know what it was and he wasn’t gonna tell her. Yet.  
Neytiri giggled a little with fondness. “<I noticed that when we travel by wither Pa’li or Ikran, you cling onto your wheeled chair and you complained once that it aches your arms with your efforts to keep a hold of it. I made this to carry it for you. See here,>” She lent and touched another loop. “<This can be bound onto the harness of either mount. We can length the straps if you simply want to strap it to your back.>”
Jake’s breath paused fully as her words washed over him and he almost felt like crying. He felt… so damn touched that she had made not only the effort to think of that but to… make it too and with so much care and thought put into it; to be functional for his needs because he hated the difficulties of managing his wheelchair while trying to stay on the Pa’li. He never would ask the Na’vi to hold his chair for him on a ride if he could help it. A man had his pride and his chair was a major part of it.
It hadn’t even occurred to him that a carrier for his chair could have been an option.
Neytiri had gifted him the… wonderful and most thoughtful gift that he had… ever received.
Jake felt his eyes prickle with happiness pulling it to his chest like a child hugging a new favourite toy. He wanted to say thank you, to tell her how wonderful it was but… he couldn’t get his mouth to move. He felt…stunned. Happily stunned.
Neytiri’s face was soft, her hand coming to his shoulder with a soft touch and yet, she looked like she didn’t need his verbal response to simply know his gratitude. 
In a way, he was glad.
Ongwi’s steps were silent as he stepped along the mossy branch of the tree. The dense shrubs in front on the decline made it hard to make an excellent shot from the floor so he needed to go higher to make his kill. Up ahead, feeding with unawareness of death so close was a yerik. Mature by the dark blue hide with red and white accent patterns. Stunning in a way that would certainly please the clan’s tanners for such a find.
It was facing towards him, it’s nasal cavity facing towards him and would be an easy shot. Ongwi lowered himself down to stabilise his balance, his tail flicking out to help as he brought his bow in front and lined up his arrow.
His breaths remained even as he pulled the sting back slowly towards his cheek and felt the soft tickle of his knuckle. The yerik’s head popped up from its grazing, its fans spreading out as it looked sharply to its left which gave him pause—
Then something from the undergrowth leapt out. A small mass of orange with black spots was the first thing he saw before the Yerik took off but it didn’t get far; the small creature seemed to easily outrace it and let with sharpened claws, a mouth of sharp teeth, four longer ones on its lower and upper jaw that clamped down into its hide leg. Claws broke the hide was ease and easily sliced the Yerik’s flesh. It wasn’t alone as a second creature seemed to appear to help.
In a pack of animals, like Nantang, they were typically more or less identical but even to his eye, the next creature was not the same; it’s body, while covered in fur was a grey, and white most predominantly but with dark spots and surprisingly large paws in comparison to the orange one and an extraordinary long fluffy tail.
The grey one dove and sunk its teeth into the Yerik’s throat and thankfully ended its suffering but the two quickly began to devour, pulling its hide open to access the flesh underneath and allowing Ongwi the chance to examine the two predators.
Unlike anything he had ever seen. The Orange was taller than the grey, but it was far slimmer and had longer legs, its tail shorter and less fluffy than the other; clearly a chasing creature. Its face, when not covered in blood had large dark amber eyes that were lined with dark lining that lined down from its tear duct down to its upper jaw. Short but rounded ears on top of its head. Its nose was triangular, similar to that of Na’vi.
The grey was smaller but its build was chunkier and had more weight to its paws, its ears had a slight of a point to the tips but otherwise remained rounded but what stood out was the large blue eyes the creature had, locked on with its meal.
The only thing he didn’t see on either of them was a Kuru. Severed from Eywa, a pitiful existence that often needed an arrow to end such pain of disconnection but neither of them seemed to act too aggressively like the few the Aranahe had seen of Severed Viperwolves. In fact, both didn’t seem to get into each other’s way or fuss as they consumed their prey. Focused on the hunt and feeding. No other emotion but to fill an empty stomach. No pain or anger in their eyes.
They were not of the Kinglor forest, which was clear by their fur colourings alone. It didn’t match the forest to hide. Had they migrated or been chased out of their natural habitats by the sky people?
Ongwi debated if escape was necessary; he shouldn’t be too concerned if both ate well, they’d not see him as prey but that would be if he was caught. Leaving was the sensible thought; most predators did not take well to another being so close. As most as he was curious, he had no wish to be perceived as a threat to creatures he knew little of. It would be a shame to kill them.
His debate didn’t last too long as the orange’s head lifted towards him, making him pause as it’s eyes narrowed, letting out a purred sound. The grey paused, looking at Orange and then towards him before they both grabbed a jawful of its prey (a hind leg) and easily tore it off and both booked it back into the undergrowth.
He stared after them, down to the mauled and half-eaten carcass then he began to follow; not at a running speed but enough to follow the paw-prints within the soil and broken trails. Their scent smelt foreign and easy to follow.
Ongwi followed them for five minutes the trail, stopping at a broken branch that provided a clump of stark white hairs which he took and folded them into a leaf for safekeeping. No orange fur but this white fur should provide Ka’nat with proof of evidence of these creatures. The scent disappeared over a stream and while he found the paw tracks, they ended at a clearing where… sky people's feet seemed to appear in the mud in inconsistent patterns as if they had run around first. Without those strange foot coverings, he had heard a lot about, the five tiny toes were easy to make out and seemed to vanish into the moss; clearly with careful intent to not leave a track.
As much as he tried to scope out the area, he had no other leads. Despite the frustration, he knew he had to return back to Hometree. Inform their hunters of these new creatures. If anything, to ensure they didn’t get hunted as a result but… if they could capture, they could learn more of them. Why did they not have a Kuru and still be at peace?
“Shit. Shit, shit shit!” Anqa hissed as she hurriedly washed her face free from blood first before her hands, doing what she could to get the blood out from under her nails as Priya hurriedly collected their clothes and masks from their hiding spot.
“That was too close.” Priya agreed, tossing her a towel as well. It was a simple set-up they had decided to put in a few days ago now. A crate held their things, dental caps, clothes, masks, shoes, cleaning supplies and a mirror. Simply it was put under a large tree, gaps too small for a Na’vi but something that they could slip in and out in either form.
Their first trip out and they almost fuck it up. Anqa had hoped this session would have led to them keeping that whole Hexapead but no. Still, a leg each and some for Jax was better than nothing. He had no other form so he had to eat with that they hunted for him. He had stayed to cover for their absence, probably for the better given the interruption. God only knew what the Na’vi would think if they saw a ‘sky person’ feasting like an ‘animal’.
Anqa knew the Aranahe knew about their presence in their forest courtesy of the Sarentu kids but no official contact had been made; only the kids came and went if they weren’t already staying at the Hometree.
“Wrap the legs. We can store the other one for later and give Jax his meal now. He’s probably salivating over a picture of a roast ham.” Anqa said, drying off and hurriedly pulled her clothes on. Maybe they should start forgoing shoes? Claim some good excuse back at Refuge? “This should last us a few days but we’ll need to hunt again. Pills ain't gonna cut it anymore.”
“I still have a Samson. I can fly out further out to hunt. Less likely for Aranahe hunters to find us.” Anqa suggested, slipping her mask back on and was glad to see Priya just about done as well. “Let’s go.”
Jake’s mood continued to be bright as the day went on and their training came to an end before, evening came yet Neytiri vanished once to let her parents know of their plans for stealing the shacks and returned when dawn was closing in.
In his avatar, and through the radio, they kept in touch as Nadine flew to their meet-up spot in the mountains for final checks and everyone volunteering with a Dreamwalker was following the same routine as last time; Dreamwalkers do a sweep, debug and let the humans run the internal check and start collecting up any external boxes. Fix the cabling and then off.
Despite not having done a twenty-four-hour watch of the chosen sites, there was doubt the chosen sites were occupied which made it all the quicker to get to task as night fell and Jake led Nad’s Samson with Ashely (in avatar form) Xanthe and Xavier, Zeke was piloting Ruby was with Zane (both in avatars), Kung and Alejandra. Ming was also piloting with Morgan but would take on Ruby once she had a shack. Remaining at the mountainside for their deliveries were Bree, Kendra and Marcus.
Given the extra shacks than last time and thus extra time, it was decided that everyone would sleep at the mountains, pilots, and ships for the night as well and they’d all get stuff moved to camps the following night once everything was split up and divided.
Neytiri however would have to return to Hometree for sleep.
Still, it made for an interesting journey as they set out as a three Samson squad in search of their target shacks under the starry night with an Ikran following behind.
It was just like last time, Jake and Ashely jumped off first, scaring away sleeping animals and worked together to locate and disable the tracker before locating the cables as Xanthe checked inside and Xavier helped Jake with the outside boxes and disconnected the second shack (they had chosen all with dual shacks for this). Ming took the shack with Ruby and took off back towards the mountains with Neytiri as her guide.
Jake took the second shack as Zeke followed as a guide and set it down in its designated spot.
After the second trip, they had to stop at the mountains for Nadine to refuel so Jake waited patiently but thankfully, Zeke and Ming would take the last trip as they had enough for the last two.
He could feel his Dreamwalker was tired and the temporary light the cave crew had put up into the cave was a better improvement to see everything. The tent was for the people to rest, although he had heard Bree was sleeping in a deactivated link bed because of its comfort levels (he didn’t blame her for that; they were really comfy).
The others were already snooping and moving some of the shit out of the new shacks and into the cave but due to their agreement, they had to wait for everyone and go through inventory checks before serious claims could be made.
Jake was debating on unlinking when a voice in the low light pulled his attention to see a small figure scurry out of the latest shack a few metres away and straight towards him
“Hey Jake, give this a blow!”
Jake’s attention turned to the���black, whistle that was handed to him by Kendra. It was small in his Dreamwalker’s hands; shaped like some fancy skull with a headdress on which…distantly reminded him of the décor he had seen at Halloween or Day of the Dead festivals (which was one time on a film Nadine had him watch back in the day). The whistle looked to be made of plastic of sorts and from the texture, 3D printed.
Curiously, Jake brought it to his lips and blew hard… only to be met with a horrific screech that went straight up his spine, his tail shooting up and he recoiled a little, pulling the whistle from his lips and the sound dropped instantly.
Kendra began to snigger happily. “Your ears went up!”
There was vivid movement as movement as a few tired and grumpy faces turned his way but he just grinned at them sheepishly until a few decided to go to the tent. Unfortunately, Neytiri also seemed to have returned; the distant sounds of the other engines echoing their near arrival.
“What was that screaming?!” Neytiri looked startled as she jumped off Seze’s back, her ears on high alert as she peered around them. “Was someone hurt?!”
“This!” Jake held up his new favourite toy. “Aztec Death Whistle.”
Neytiri’s shocked face morphed into being both unimpressed to done within a second. “Death whistle?”
“Aptly named, I think.” Jake chuckled. “I wonder if there’s any more”
“There are a ton,” Kendra grinned, producing another from her pocket “We can’t blow these at the moment with our masks but I wonder why there’s so many. It’s a Zoology shack. Study of animals, seems odd.”
“Maybe they were trying out new dog whistles?” Jake said, not entirely serious but when animals and whistles are in the same boat, often it’s related. He was sure once the data banks were searched tomorrow, they’d get a clear sign of what this was all about.
Kendra blinked. “Think they could scare Pandoran animals?”
“Maybe we should try it out?” Jake suggested. It seemed like a good idea to test the theory out. If they were right and it was an animal scare, then the humans could have these to help ward away unwanted wildlife quickly and without bloodshed or arrows. They could explore more freely without that fear.
Jake took another breath and blew hard and the demonic screeching once again graced all of their ears.
Neytiri flinched at the sound of the whistle, turning wide-eyed. “That is horrific! Sounds like so much pain!”
A few distant calls of complaints echoed before Kung radioed in despite being in the tent.
“No more demonic prayers, Sully. If you start crawling on the ceiling, I will let the others shoot you.”
“Do we have to wait for that?”
Jake felt an idea spring to mind, a smirk coming to cross his face as he eyed Neytiri. “Tiri, do you mind not mentioning these whistles to Tsu’tey or your parents?” He asked slyly, “I mean… I’d love to demonstrate this little thing more… personally tomorrow.”
Neytiri’s eyes turned, narrowed in confusion then she seemed to light up as she caught on to his implication. Her fingers plucked the whistle from his fingers, tilting it for a better view but the curl of her lips seemed to grow a little. “Perhaps. My father and Tsu’tey will be together tomorrow until noon for his training by the Olo'eyktan.” She suggested, handing it back slowly. “You can catch either one of them for…informing them of this sky people device.”
Jake's grin grew. “Then I shall certainly make sure they know all about it.” He tucked the whistle into his side pouch for safekeeping as Ming’s Samson came into view and he gently waved his arms to help signal her back into place.
Tomorrow was gonna be a good day indeed.
8 notes · View notes
pandorafallz · 13 hours
Some things were never meant to leave Earth…. or be known about. Let alone being introduced to a whole new world, new life and a species called the Na'vi that probably didn't understand that there were worst things that came from Earth than Humans with technology. Jake knows the Earth was a harsh place, well aware of the dangers it had and the monsters it had as well. No one cared, nothing would matter and….so what. If they thought of him of nothing, then why not take himself, his avatar and his friend and fuck off into the wilderness of pandora. If he can screw over the RDA and its resident parasites, then bonus points. Grace isn't thrilled.
Chapter 34 snippet
“Hey Jake, give this a blow!”
Jake’s attention turned to the…black, whistle that was handed to him by Kendra. It was small in his Dreamwalker’s hands; shaped like some fancy skull with a headdress on which…distantly reminded him of the décor he had seen at Halloween or Day of the Dead festivals (which was one time on a film Nadine had him watch back in the day). The whistle looked to be made of plastic of sorts and from the texture, 3D printed.
Curiously, Jake brought it to his lips and blew hard… only to be met with a horrific screech that went straight up his spine, his tail shooting up and he recoiled a little, pulling the whistle from his lips and the sound dropped instantly.
Kendra began to snigger happily. “Your ears went up!”
There was vivid movement as movement as a few tired and grumpy faces turned his way but he just grinned at them sheepishly until a few decided to go to the tent. Unfortunately, Neytiri also seemed to have returned; the distant sounds of the other engines echoing their near arrival.
“What was that screaming?!” Neytiri looked startled as she jumped off Seze’s back, her ears on high alert as she peered around them. “Was someone hurt?!”
“This!” Jake held up his new favourite toy. “Aztec Death Whistle.”
Neytiri’s shocked face morphed into being both unimpressed to done within a second. “Death whistle?”
“Aptly named, I think.” Jake chuckled. “I wonder if there’s any more”
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pandorafallz · 16 hours
my dream as a fanfic writer is to write a story which people want to talk to me about and send asks about afterwards and discuss things the characters did and the symbolism and meanings behind certain lines and I'll be all "hehe thanks" but irl I'll be in literal tears because I wrote something that means something to someone
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pandorafallz · 1 day
Some things were never meant to leave Earth…. or be known about. Let alone being introduced to a whole new world, new life and a species called the Na'vi that probably didn't understand that there were worst things that came from Earth than Humans with technology. Jake knows the Earth was a harsh place, well aware of the dangers it had and the monsters it had as well. No one cared, nothing would matter and….so what. If they thought of him of nothing, then why not take himself, his avatar and his friend and fuck off into the wilderness of pandora. If he can screw over the RDA and its resident parasites, then bonus points. Grace isn't thrilled.
Chapter 34 snippet
“Hey Jake, give this a blow!”
Jake’s attention turned to the…black, whistle that was handed to him by Kendra. It was small in his Dreamwalker’s hands; shaped like some fancy skull with a headdress on which…distantly reminded him of the décor he had seen at Halloween or Day of the Dead festivals (which was one time on a film Nadine had him watch back in the day). The whistle looked to be made of plastic of sorts and from the texture, 3D printed.
Curiously, Jake brought it to his lips and blew hard… only to be met with a horrific screech that went straight up his spine, his tail shooting up and he recoiled a little, pulling the whistle from his lips and the sound dropped instantly.
Kendra began to snigger happily. “Your ears went up!”
There was vivid movement as movement as a few tired and grumpy faces turned his way but he just grinned at them sheepishly until a few decided to go to the tent. Unfortunately, Neytiri also seemed to have returned; the distant sounds of the other engines echoing their near arrival.
“What was that screaming?!” Neytiri looked startled as she jumped off Seze’s back, her ears on high alert as she peered around them. “Was someone hurt?!”
“This!” Jake held up his new favourite toy. “Aztec Death Whistle.”
Neytiri’s shocked face morphed into being both unimpressed to done within a second. “Death whistle?”
“Aptly named, I think.” Jake chuckled. “I wonder if there’s any more”
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pandorafallz · 2 days
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Vampire AU | Shacks and whistles.
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“You want eight shacks this run?” Jake double-checked as he and the group of humans sat at their respective radios. Today was not a Hometree day and he wasn’t training as Neytiri had to assist with a birth with Mo’at so the humans planned their next theft now that there were more people.
“Well, Nine, actually,” Xanthe spoke, looking at their list of chosen options. “Castro here wants the airlocks specifically. The ninth one we can cut up and bring down ourselves but the trip is a little tricky and will be slow but possible without air support.”
“Airlo-cks?” Zane asked, a little confused. His voice cut off a moment as the frequency changed on its typical cycle.
“We’re using air-tight, fabric-based airlocks at Homebase, not the best but the only feasible ones in both quantity and availability. No one could drag a solid airlock door on their back out. RDA would have noticed.”
Homebase, the main living cave of the miners. Jake knew from conversation the last few days of the general names of the main caves and their people. Wei Chang, Matthew Holster, and Sean Wallen were the only ones he hadn’t met yet. Jake remembered they had sealed their cave off and made it breathable for humans and he was curious to get a peek but it was still slow going for both the adjustments and for safe cave navigation. A week until they’d be able to go down, Alejandra had said.
Still, he could see how having an actual airlock would be better than a tent with a tiny air filter system in place.
“We could cut up the chosen shacks walls and fuse them together for a bigger space so they won’t need an airlock system between like the dual shacks sites have.” Nadine suggested, “We can use those, as long as there’s at least one airlock, as means of a storage house in the mountains. Protected from the air and elements, and we have means of still putting the shacks to use if we don’t at our campsites.”
“That’s a good idea.” Morgan praised, sitting at the far end of Jake’s desk to be part of the meeting. “Plus, we could do with one of your miners to check out our cave spot; maybe you could help set up some proper lighting so we can see? Bladder lanterns the Na’vi and we have don’t work as well since insects that are drawn to the lantern’s nectar don’t go that high up.”
“Maybe we send someone to stay and oversee the site? Wei could—” Moran spoke up but was interrupted
“No, he needs to be with people and have our support.” Xavier shot down immediately with a surprising amount of passion “We need him here.”
“Not a conversation for now.” Xanthe coughed, putting a stop before anyone could protest. “how feasible would eight be, is all I’m asking.”
There was a pause from all camps. Nadine was frowning but running the numbers no doubt on fuel consumption, distance and other variables.
“No,” Ming called after a minute. “At best, we can do six shack grabs in a single night. We can’t do it during the day. We’ll need to refuel once. If we try for eight, which can take up to eight hours’ worth of trips given where the last two marked ones you want are and our travel routes, there’s a chance Quaritch can let a scorpion run a patrol ship go at dawn if he suspects some activity.”
“But is it possible for other nights?”
“Yes, but our fuel refinery is very crude but it passes. It’s just slow at the moment.” Kendra said, “We’ll need you guys to start pitching in and getting us burnfibre for us to drain the resin to make the fuel. If more is provided, then we’ll be less limited on how much we can do. Also, we’ll need more spare parts for ship and refinery maintenance.”
“We’ve got a tent up pitched up in the mountains. I think more hands would be better to inventory shit once the drop-offs have happened and we need a better system to manage redistributions based on needs and projects.” Jake input after a moment. “There can be food within date and non-perishables. That also needs to be accounted for. We need people who have allergens to let us know what not to put in a food pile and not to risk cross-contamination. I personally can’t eat nuts, but I can be around them. Some people won’t have that tolerance.”
“Will do. We should also consider if Pandoran food, like their nuts, will carry the same allergen effects or not. Does your avatar have a nut allergy, Sully?”
“No, but I don’t know if that’s because Tommy didn’t. Kinda odd for twins but… well I lucked out on those cards.”
Nadine leant over Jake’s desk to speak. “Does anyone want to share any allergens we should be aware of? In case we do something that might trigger a reaction? I work with our food at Hometree and I really don’t wanna kill anyone. We’ve got earth food growing right now and I do plan to add those when they’re ready.”
“I’m allergic to Copper,” Xavier called, “it’s not strictly a food concern but I’d rather not come up in hives if you cook in a copper pot or something.”
Nadine leaned over the desk and grabbed her tablet to make a note. “Okay, no copper cooking. Any foods to avoid?”
“Shellfish,” Eliza called out. Alejandra echoed that as well before they chuckled.
“Any dairy or wheat concerns? We have pasta and I can make pasta now so that’ll be something I can serve.”
“Well, the Na’vi don’t have dairy tolerances, that’s a no-brainer but they do make plant-based milk.” Jake pointed out.
“Actually, Jake, it’s the Omatikaya that don’t have milk tolerances. Na’vi as a species can build a tolerance if exposed to milk long enough.” Maria said brightly, “I heard that there’s a clan in the west called the Zeswa that has milk and cheese as a stable in their diet. The Omatikaya don’t need to milk their animals for milk or protein.”
“Ooh.” Nadine perked up at that and Jake could see she was wondering if that milk was edible for humans.
“Neither me nor Bree can have a general anaesthetic. I don’t have it as severely as Bree so while I could be relatively fine, she will go into anaphylactic shock. Found out the hard way with her.” Kung called after a moment
“Oh god,” Eliza whispered but he hoped she too was taking notes.
“Also, doc for your notes, I’m allergic to penicillin and Wei’s allergic to latex, mangos and pears,” Xanthe called in. “That covers our group with allergens.”
“I can’t have nuts either” Ruby piped up. “But I do wanna try them in my avatar. Can we discuss this with Mo’at? I’m sure if my avatar has a reaction and we’re prepared, then we know for sure if our avatars have inherited those conditions or not.”
“I’ll add that to our discussion board.” Jake made his own notes.
“Do we even have a discussion board?” Zeke whispered but his voice still carried through the radios.
Jake smiled a little. “No, but it’s not a bad idea. You guys could keep a board for each of your camps and come to me with them. I could represent the camps to discuss anything or problems that may come up with Eytukan. He respects me to open discussions for smooth sailings between us and the clan. If not with him, Mo’at’s another good option.”
There were a few confirmations at that before they circled back to the shack theft again, going over when it would happen (tonight was most called for), who would be on the Samson’s aiding in the grabs and who would be at the mountain cave. One member of each camp would participate (Bree would once again camp at the mountains; even living in a metal shack now, Kung was too paranoid) to help and to inventory the stuff in the morning.
They were nearing the end of their discussions before there was a knock on the shack window and Neytiri’s face was peering in. Jake waved her in but didn’t interrupt Eliza’s discussion with medical aid, Morgan moved to shut the airlock door on the inside for Neytiri to enter safely.
“We have some of those herbs in our area that Mo’at showed me that I can get you to study more in-depth,” Jake said, as the airlock hissed and opened and Neytiri crouched in curiously but took the hint to not speak up. “I know people with allergies have Epipens but when they run out, we need to try alternatives that are just as effective. I’ll talk to Mo’at about that, I don’t think allergies are a topic you’ve spoken to the Tsahìk about yet,” he added to his list.
“I’ll speak to her when I can.” Eliza promised, “If anyone’s got any data banks on studies of the plants I was on about, compile them for me, please. That’d save me a lot of time. Medical research wasn’t my thing but I’m willing to do it.”
There were a few agreements made before Kendra’s camp hung up to get back to their camp’s duties and planning for their upcoming evening event, as did Ruby and Alejandra’s group. Kung however didn’t.
“Sully, Bree wants a word.”
“Yay,” Bree’s voice was quiet and distant before he heard something of wheels before she spoke, now at the radio. “Jake, do you think you can talk to some of the wood shapers for me? I need help with a few of my projects but… the woodguy is really hard to talk to without him brushing me off. It’s… he’s kinda scary. He looks like he’s three seconds from stabbing me with his wood shaping knife if a human looks at him wrong…”
“What do you need?”
“I don’t know… someone who’s willing to teach humans how to work with wood. I want to make books and… I need a book press and how to make small thin planks for book covers. That sort of thing.”
Jake huffed, running a hand through his locks of grown-out hair. Woodshapers. That was unpleasant still but… he could understand her fear.
“I’ll… talk to Eytukan about that. Ateyo shouldn’t make you feel scared. It’s unfair to chase anyone away from their interests.” Of course, it wouldn’t be just about Bree but all of them. They all should have that chance, he had just… it was easier to focus on what he was doing than focus on what he wasn’t wanting to do.
“Thank you. Also, I’m still working on making parchment since you gave me all that hide. It’s almost done if you’re interested.”
“Sure, let me know if you need any more hide. We still got a ton from recent hunts.” He didn’t know what he’d do with parchment but he was sure he’d think of something.
They made their goodbyes before Jake made his last new notes on his tablet and set it down.
“I’ll check through our cook pots, and make sure they’re not copper or at risk.” Nadine mused, sliding on her wheelchair to get her leg that was on charge and slipped that on. She passed her farewell to Neytiri as she clunked out.
“I’ll make plans for the shack reconstructions. I know my way around them a lot more than they do.” Morgan decided. “Still, moving airlocks aren’t gonna be easy.” Morgan rose to his feet as well. “I’ll give N’deh, Jer and Kim a heads-up on what we talked about.”
“Alright.” Jake ran a hand over the stubble on his chin, though smiled at Neytiri as Morgan left. “How'd it go? A healthy baby?”
Neytiri nodded, leaning forward with clear contentment. “Very, so far a little girl until told otherwise. Both parents must remain close until the child is mature to leave their Tsalnu pod. The mother is recovering well and is pleased to see her child healthy while their last part of development continues.”
“How long until….”
“Typically a week and a half. Sometimes longer. A month is often a concern so a Tsahìk must decide to wait or to remove the child if necessary. Sometimes a child may be too weak to initiate the pod’s softening.” Neytiri explained with warmth.
“Wow.” Jake let out a steady breath. “Here human babies come into the world, premature, kicking and screaming and covered in their mother’s blood.”
Neytiri's brow raised in some amusement. “Yes, my mother informed me of our birthing differences.”
Jake chuckled. “Sorry about not coming out. A meeting. We’re stealing another few link shacks tonight. A lot of organising and making sure people get what they need. The new group want a lot given they’re lacking what we have.” He gestured around to their beds and desks, wondering about the set-up but patient to wait and see.
“It sounded important, I’d like to help like last time but I heard medical concerns?”
“Nothing too concerning. Some humans can’t eat certain foodstuffs, contact with certain minerals or medical drugs without their bodies rejecting it. We were making sure no one accidentally winds up killing each other out of ignorance.”
Neytiri’s head tilted. “Nothing too concerning?” She quoted a little dryer in tone. “I don’t think toying with death is ‘not a concern’, Jake?”
Jake hummed a little. “As long as we’re all aware of possible threats, there’s no concerns.”
Neytiri didn’t look thrilled before she took a deep breath. “I need to leave, my head is getting light.”
“Of course, I’ll link up.” Time to continue on with the day after all.
Outside, when he descended down from his mauri, he could see Neytiri taking deep breaths contently though he watched as her head turned and her eyes seemed to linger on him with vivid interest.
“You’ve added a pouch?” she noted, coming to point at his waistband where he had two hide pouches attached. The first he had simply had basic sling ammo (his sling was also around his waist like a belt which sat at a slight angle) and the other was empty.
“Gifts from N’deh. He knew I was missing pockets.” He chuckled warmly, allowing her to poke the ammo pack curiously. “So, we training today?”
“Yes, your bow.” Neytiri nodded to his training bow. “Another hunt.”
“We speak Na’vi when out. This will help your practice.”
“Yes…< I mean yes, teacher>” Jake corrected himself as her side-eye, giving a little salute.
Neytiri had been swift in getting him into action with his hunt and despite his best efforts of the afternoon training, a successful tracking but he didn’t manage a kill. Neytiri still seems pleased with his efforts on their journey back.
In some part, Jake knew it was him being self-conscious given his new attire. A proper hunt in new clothes. The loincloth, he was used to but it was still a little odd every so often to feel like he had a wedgie on an important outing.
Jake had painted up his avatar with the usual paints to cover his eyebrows and forehead with a few patterns here and there along his body but nothing too detailed; he wanted inspiration to hit him in the face. He too had a knife holster on and across his chest which was comfortable and was otherwise shirtless. He looked forward to earning a cummerbund after he got his Ikran. They hadn’t got their hand or feet covers made just yet but so far, it wasn’t quite needed.
It was a new physical change for him but he was glad that she was…understanding of his difficulties. Something as simple as a new attire shouldn’t have been such a massive deal and yet, it was.
“It’s not about the end result, as long as keep to what I have been teaching you. Hunters can come back empty-handed.” That was all Neytiri had said.
Still, he hoped to continue on with another hunt soon now he knew his flaws.
“<Thi-wait are we going to your resting space?>” Jake realised as he looked around and noticed it wasn’t familiar to the woods around his home. He knew this place enough to know what was here still.
Neytiri chuckled. “<Yes. I have something to show you. Sit up by the waterfall, I’ll join you in a moment.>”
Jake complied and sat at a small plateau of smooth rock close to the waterfall and waited. It was only a minute before Neytiri appeared from the cave underneath and this time, something small was in her hands.
“<Here,>” She sat down beside him with it. “<For you.>”
Curiously, he took the present and turned it about in his hands. It looked… mostly like leather straps with beaded latches, meant to hold something. The leather was strong and there looked to be sewn designs along two of the supportive straps that looked to be the ‘top’.
“<It’s beautiful but… what is this?>” Jake asked. He doubted it was bondage stuff, she didn’t know what it was and he wasn’t gonna tell her. Yet.  
Neytiri giggled a little with fondness. “<I noticed that when we travel by wither Pa’li or Ikran, you cling onto your wheeled chair and you complained once that it aches your arms with your efforts to keep a hold of it. I made this to carry it for you. See here,>” She lent and touched another loop. “<This can be bound onto the harness of either mount. We can length the straps if you simply want to strap it to your back.>”
Jake’s breath paused fully as her words washed over him and he almost felt like crying. He felt… so damn touched that she had made not only the effort to think of that but to… make it too and with so much care and thought put into it; to be functional for his needs because he hated the difficulties of managing his wheelchair while trying to stay on the Pa’li. He never would ask the Na’vi to hold his chair for him on a ride if he could help it. A man had his pride and his chair was a major part of it.
It hadn’t even occurred to him that a carrier for his chair could have been an option.
Neytiri had gifted him the… wonderful and most thoughtful gift that he had… ever received.
Jake felt his eyes prickle with happiness pulling it to his chest like a child hugging a new favourite toy. He wanted to say thank you, to tell her how wonderful it was but… he couldn’t get his mouth to move. He felt…stunned. Happily stunned.
Neytiri’s face was soft, her hand coming to his shoulder with a soft touch and yet, she looked like she didn’t need his verbal response to simply know his gratitude. 
In a way, he was glad.
Ongwi’s steps were silent as he stepped along the mossy branch of the tree. The dense shrubs in front on the decline made it hard to make an excellent shot from the floor so he needed to go higher to make his kill. Up ahead, feeding with unawareness of death so close was a yerik. Mature by the dark blue hide with red and white accent patterns. Stunning in a way that would certainly please the clan’s tanners for such a find.
It was facing towards him, it’s nasal cavity facing towards him and would be an easy shot. Ongwi lowered himself down to stabilise his balance, his tail flicking out to help as he brought his bow in front and lined up his arrow.
His breaths remained even as he pulled the sting back slowly towards his cheek and felt the soft tickle of his knuckle. The yerik’s head popped up from its grazing, its fans spreading out as it looked sharply to its left which gave him pause—
Then something from the undergrowth leapt out. A small mass of orange with black spots was the first thing he saw before the Yerik took off but it didn’t get far; the small creature seemed to easily outrace it and let with sharpened claws, a mouth of sharp teeth, four longer ones on its lower and upper jaw that clamped down into its hide leg. Claws broke the hide was ease and easily sliced the Yerik’s flesh. It wasn’t alone as a second creature seemed to appear to help.
In a pack of animals, like Nantang, they were typically more or less identical but even to his eye, the next creature was not the same; it’s body, while covered in fur was a grey, and white most predominantly but with dark spots and surprisingly large paws in comparison to the orange one and an extraordinary long fluffy tail.
The grey one dove and sunk its teeth into the Yerik’s throat and thankfully ended its suffering but the two quickly began to devour, pulling its hide open to access the flesh underneath and allowing Ongwi the chance to examine the two predators.
Unlike anything he had ever seen. The Orange was taller than the grey, but it was far slimmer and had longer legs, its tail shorter and less fluffy than the other; clearly a chasing creature. Its face, when not covered in blood had large dark amber eyes that were lined with dark lining that lined down from its tear duct down to its upper jaw. Short but rounded ears on top of its head. Its nose was triangular, similar to that of Na’vi.
The grey was smaller but its build was chunkier and had more weight to its paws, its ears had a slight of a point to the tips but otherwise remained rounded but what stood out was the large blue eyes the creature had, locked on with its meal.
The only thing he didn’t see on either of them was a Kuru. Severed from Eywa, a pitiful existence that often needed an arrow to end such pain of disconnection but neither of them seemed to act too aggressively like the few the Aranahe had seen of Severed Viperwolves. In fact, both didn’t seem to get into each other’s way or fuss as they consumed their prey. Focused on the hunt and feeding. No other emotion but to fill an empty stomach. No pain or anger in their eyes.
They were not of the Kinglor forest, which was clear by their fur colourings alone. It didn’t match the forest to hide. Had they migrated or been chased out of their natural habitats by the sky people?
Ongwi debated if escape was necessary; he shouldn’t be too concerned if both ate well, they’d not see him as prey but that would be if he was caught. Leaving was the sensible thought; most predators did not take well to another being so close. As most as he was curious, he had no wish to be perceived as a threat to creatures he knew little of. It would be a shame to kill them.
His debate didn’t last too long as the orange’s head lifted towards him, making him pause as it’s eyes narrowed, letting out a purred sound. The grey paused, looking at Orange and then towards him before they both grabbed a jawful of its prey (a hind leg) and easily tore it off and both booked it back into the undergrowth.
He stared after them, down to the mauled and half-eaten carcass then he began to follow; not at a running speed but enough to follow the paw-prints within the soil and broken trails. Their scent smelt foreign and easy to follow.
Ongwi followed them for five minutes the trail, stopping at a broken branch that provided a clump of stark white hairs which he took and folded them into a leaf for safekeeping. No orange fur but this white fur should provide Ka’nat with proof of evidence of these creatures. The scent disappeared over a stream and while he found the paw tracks, they ended at a clearing where… sky people's feet seemed to appear in the mud in inconsistent patterns as if they had run around first. Without those strange foot coverings, he had heard a lot about, the five tiny toes were easy to make out and seemed to vanish into the moss; clearly with careful intent to not leave a track.
As much as he tried to scope out the area, he had no other leads. Despite the frustration, he knew he had to return back to Hometree. Inform their hunters of these new creatures. If anything, to ensure they didn’t get hunted as a result but… if they could capture, they could learn more of them. Why did they not have a Kuru and still be at peace?
“Shit. Shit, shit shit!” Anqa hissed as she hurriedly washed her face free from blood first before her hands, doing what she could to get the blood out from under her nails as Priya hurriedly collected their clothes and masks from their hiding spot.
“That was too close.” Priya agreed, tossing her a towel as well. It was a simple set-up they had decided to put in a few days ago now. A crate held their things, dental caps, clothes, masks, shoes, cleaning supplies and a mirror. Simply it was put under a large tree, gaps too small for a Na’vi but something that they could slip in and out in either form.
Their first trip out and they almost fuck it up. Anqa had hoped this session would have led to them keeping that whole Hexapead but no. Still, a leg each and some for Jax was better than nothing. He had no other form so he had to eat with that they hunted for him. He had stayed to cover for their absence, probably for the better given the interruption. God only knew what the Na’vi would think if they saw a ‘sky person’ feasting like an ‘animal’.
Anqa knew the Aranahe knew about their presence in their forest courtesy of the Sarentu kids but no official contact had been made; only the kids came and went if they weren’t already staying at the Hometree.
“Wrap the legs. We can store the other one for later and give Jax his meal now. He’s probably salivating over a picture of a roast ham.” Anqa said, drying off and hurriedly pulled her clothes on. Maybe they should start forgoing shoes? Claim some good excuse back at Refuge? “This should last us a few days but we’ll need to hunt again. Pills ain't gonna cut it anymore.”
“I still have a Samson. I can fly out further out to hunt. Less likely for Aranahe hunters to find us.” Anqa suggested, slipping her mask back on and was glad to see Priya just about done as well. “Let’s go.”
Jake’s mood continued to be bright as the day went on and their training came to an end before, evening came yet Neytiri vanished once to let her parents know of their plans for stealing the shacks and returned when dawn was closing in.
In his avatar, and through the radio, they kept in touch as Nadine flew to their meet-up spot in the mountains for final checks and everyone volunteering with a Dreamwalker was following the same routine as last time; Dreamwalkers do a sweep, debug and let the humans run the internal check and start collecting up any external boxes. Fix the cabling and then off.
Despite not having done a twenty-four-hour watch of the chosen sites, there was doubt the chosen sites were occupied which made it all the quicker to get to task as night fell and Jake led Nad’s Samson with Ashely (in avatar form) Xanthe and Xavier, Zeke was piloting Ruby was with Zane (both in avatars), Kung and Alejandra. Ming was also piloting with Morgan but would take on Ruby once she had a shack. Remaining at the mountainside for their deliveries were Bree, Kendra and Marcus.
Given the extra shacks than last time and thus extra time, it was decided that everyone would sleep at the mountains, pilots, and ships for the night as well and they’d all get stuff moved to camps the following night once everything was split up and divided.
Neytiri however would have to return to Hometree for sleep.
Still, it made for an interesting journey as they set out as a three Samson squad in search of their target shacks under the starry night with an Ikran following behind.
It was just like last time, Jake and Ashely jumped off first, scaring away sleeping animals and worked together to locate and disable the tracker before locating the cables as Xanthe checked inside and Xavier helped Jake with the outside boxes and disconnected the second shack (they had chosen all with dual shacks for this). Ming took the shack with Ruby and took off back towards the mountains with Neytiri as her guide.
Jake took the second shack as Zeke followed as a guide and set it down in its designated spot.
After the second trip, they had to stop at the mountains for Nadine to refuel so Jake waited patiently but thankfully, Zeke and Ming would take the last trip as they had enough for the last two.
He could feel his Dreamwalker was tired and the temporary light the cave crew had put up into the cave was a better improvement to see everything. The tent was for the people to rest, although he had heard Bree was sleeping in a deactivated link bed because of its comfort levels (he didn’t blame her for that; they were really comfy).
The others were already snooping and moving some of the shit out of the new shacks and into the cave but due to their agreement, they had to wait for everyone and go through inventory checks before serious claims could be made.
Jake was debating on unlinking when a voice in the low light pulled his attention to see a small figure scurry out of the latest shack a few metres away and straight towards him
“Hey Jake, give this a blow!”
Jake’s attention turned to the…black, whistle that was handed to him by Kendra. It was small in his Dreamwalker’s hands; shaped like some fancy skull with a headdress on which…distantly reminded him of the décor he had seen at Halloween or Day of the Dead festivals (which was one time on a film Nadine had him watch back in the day). The whistle looked to be made of plastic of sorts and from the texture, 3D printed.
Curiously, Jake brought it to his lips and blew hard… only to be met with a horrific screech that went straight up his spine, his tail shooting up and he recoiled a little, pulling the whistle from his lips and the sound dropped instantly.
Kendra began to snigger happily. “Your ears went up!”
There was vivid movement as movement as a few tired and grumpy faces turned his way but he just grinned at them sheepishly until a few decided to go to the tent. Unfortunately, Neytiri also seemed to have returned; the distant sounds of the other engines echoing their near arrival.
“What was that screaming?!” Neytiri looked startled as she jumped off Seze’s back, her ears on high alert as she peered around them. “Was someone hurt?!”
“This!” Jake held up his new favourite toy. “Aztec Death Whistle.”
Neytiri’s shocked face morphed into being both unimpressed to done within a second. “Death whistle?”
“Aptly named, I think.” Jake chuckled. “I wonder if there’s any more”
“There are a ton,” Kendra grinned, producing another from her pocket “We can’t blow these at the moment with our masks but I wonder why there’s so many. It’s a Zoology shack. Study of animals, seems odd.”
“Maybe they were trying out new dog whistles?” Jake said, not entirely serious but when animals and whistles are in the same boat, often it’s related. He was sure once the data banks were searched tomorrow, they’d get a clear sign of what this was all about.
Kendra blinked. “Think they could scare Pandoran animals?”
“Maybe we should try it out?” Jake suggested. It seemed like a good idea to test the theory out. If they were right and it was an animal scare, then the humans could have these to help ward away unwanted wildlife quickly and without bloodshed or arrows. They could explore more freely without that fear.
Jake took another breath and blew hard and the demonic screeching once again graced all of their ears.
Neytiri flinched at the sound of the whistle, turning wide-eyed. “That is horrific! Sounds like so much pain!”
A few distant calls of complaints echoed before Kung radioed in despite being in the tent.
“No more demonic prayers, Sully. If you start crawling on the ceiling, I will let the others shoot you.”
“Do we have to wait for that?”
Jake felt an idea spring to mind, a smirk coming to cross his face as he eyed Neytiri. “Tiri, do you mind not mentioning these whistles to Tsu’tey or your parents?” He asked slyly, “I mean… I’d love to demonstrate this little thing more… personally tomorrow.”
Neytiri’s eyes turned, narrowed in confusion then she seemed to light up as she caught on to his implication. Her fingers plucked the whistle from his fingers, tilting it for a better view but the curl of her lips seemed to grow a little. “Perhaps. My father and Tsu’tey will be together tomorrow until noon for his training by the Olo'eyktan.” She suggested, handing it back slowly. “You can catch either one of them for…informing them of this sky people device.”
Jake's grin grew. “Then I shall certainly make sure they know all about it.” He tucked the whistle into his side pouch for safekeeping as Ming’s Samson came into view and he gently waved his arms to help signal her back into place.
Tomorrow was gonna be a good day indeed.
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pandorafallz · 2 days
Some things were never meant to leave Earth…. or be known about. Let alone being introduced to a whole new world, new life and a species called the Na'vi that probably didn't understand that there were worst things that came from Earth than Humans with technology. Jake knows the Earth was a harsh place, well aware of the dangers it had and the monsters it had as well. No one cared, nothing would matter and….so what. If they thought of him of nothing, then why not take himself, his avatar and his friend and fuck off into the wilderness of pandora. If he can screw over the RDA and its resident parasites, then bonus points. Grace isn't thrilled.
Chapter 34 snippet
“Hey Jake, give this a blow!”
Jake’s attention turned to the…black, whistle that was handed to him by Kendra. It was small in his Dreamwalker’s hands; shaped like some fancy skull with a headdress on which…distantly reminded him of the décor he had seen at Halloween or Day of the Dead festivals (which was one time on a film Nadine had him watch back in the day). The whistle looked to be made of plastic of sorts and from the texture, 3D printed.
Curiously, Jake brought it to his lips and blew hard… only to be met with a horrific screech that went straight up his spine, his tail shooting up and he recoiled a little, pulling the whistle from his lips and the sound dropped instantly.
Kendra began to snigger happily. “Your ears went up!”
There was vivid movement as movement as a few tired and grumpy faces turned his way but he just grinned at them sheepishly until a few decided to go to the tent. Unfortunately, Neytiri also seemed to have returned; the distant sounds of the other engines echoing their near arrival.
“What was that screaming?!” Neytiri looked startled as she jumped off Seze’s back, her ears on high alert as she peered around them. “Was someone hurt?!”
“This!” Jake held up his new favourite toy. “Aztec Death Whistle.”
Neytiri’s shocked face morphed into being both unimpressed to done within a second. “Death whistle?”
“Aptly named, I think.” Jake chuckled. “I wonder if there’s any more”
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pandorafallz · 2 days
Some things were never meant to leave Earth…. or be known about. Let alone being introduced to a whole new world, new life and a species called the Na'vi that probably didn't understand that there were worst things that came from Earth than Humans with technology. Jake knows the Earth was a harsh place, well aware of the dangers it had and the monsters it had as well. No one cared, nothing would matter and….so what. If they thought of him of nothing, then why not take himself, his avatar and his friend and fuck off into the wilderness of pandora. If he can screw over the RDA and its resident parasites, then bonus points. Grace isn't thrilled.
Chapter 34 snippet
“Hey Jake, give this a blow!”
Jake’s attention turned to the…black, whistle that was handed to him by Kendra. It was small in his Dreamwalker’s hands; shaped like some fancy skull with a headdress on which…distantly reminded him of the décor he had seen at Halloween or Day of the Dead festivals (which was one time on a film Nadine had him watch back in the day). The whistle looked to be made of plastic of sorts and from the texture, 3D printed.
Curiously, Jake brought it to his lips and blew hard… only to be met with a horrific screech that went straight up his spine, his tail shooting up and he recoiled a little, pulling the whistle from his lips and the sound dropped instantly.
Kendra began to snigger happily. “Your ears went up!”
There was vivid movement as movement as a few tired and grumpy faces turned his way but he just grinned at them sheepishly until a few decided to go to the tent. Unfortunately, Neytiri also seemed to have returned; the distant sounds of the other engines echoing their near arrival.
“What was that screaming?!” Neytiri looked startled as she jumped off Seze’s back, her ears on high alert as she peered around them. “Was someone hurt?!”
“This!” Jake held up his new favourite toy. “Aztec Death Whistle.”
Neytiri’s shocked face morphed into being both unimpressed to done within a second. “Death whistle?”
“Aptly named, I think.” Jake chuckled. “I wonder if there’s any more”
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pandorafallz · 2 days
Some things were never meant to leave Earth…. or be known about. Let alone being introduced to a whole new world, new life and a species called the Na'vi that probably didn't understand that there were worst things that came from Earth than Humans with technology. Jake knows the Earth was a harsh place, well aware of the dangers it had and the monsters it had as well. No one cared, nothing would matter and….so what. If they thought of him of nothing, then why not take himself, his avatar and his friend and fuck off into the wilderness of pandora. If he can screw over the RDA and its resident parasites, then bonus points. Grace isn't thrilled.
Chapter 34 snippet
“Hey Jake, give this a blow!”
Jake’s attention turned to the…black, whistle that was handed to him by Kendra. It was small in his Dreamwalker’s hands; shaped like some fancy skull with a headdress on which…distantly reminded him of the décor he had seen at Halloween or Day of the Dead festivals (which was one time on a film Nadine had him watch back in the day). The whistle looked to be made of plastic of sorts and from the texture, 3D printed.
Curiously, Jake brought it to his lips and blew hard… only to be met with a horrific screech that went straight up his spine, his tail shooting up and he recoiled a little, pulling the whistle from his lips and the sound dropped instantly.
Kendra began to snigger happily. “Your ears went up!”
There was vivid movement as movement as a few tired and grumpy faces turned his way but he just grinned at them sheepishly until a few decided to go to the tent. Unfortunately, Neytiri also seemed to have returned; the distant sounds of the other engines echoing their near arrival.
“What was that screaming?!” Neytiri looked startled as she jumped off Seze’s back, her ears on high alert as she peered around them. “Was someone hurt?!”
“This!” Jake held up his new favourite toy. “Aztec Death Whistle.”
Neytiri’s shocked face morphed into being both unimpressed to done within a second. “Death whistle?”
“Aptly named, I think.” Jake chuckled. “I wonder if there’s any more”
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pandorafallz · 2 days
Eaxh member of the human camp, Avatar and Human, need an Aztec Death Whistle now, I swear. Surround Hells Gate and just see what happens.
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omg that would defo be amazing lol, scare the people shitless!!
even better, partol groups looking for defectors lol. Just surround and blow! they ain't going back there lol!
Also the Na'vi and surrounding wildlife who have never heard such a horrifying sound before or that a simple whistle would be terrifying hehe
I've seen a video of two cops running from the sound of these whistles in the dark! so funny!!
I've got Pandoran death whistle designs mocked up for future chaps but I'll make them...interesting XD I gotta make a few revisions before I'll post them.
0 notes
pandorafallz · 2 days
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Vampire AU | Shacks and whistles.
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“You want eight shacks this run?” Jake double-checked as he and the group of humans sat at their respective radios. Today was not a Hometree day and he wasn’t training as Neytiri had to assist with a birth with Mo’at so the humans planned their next theft now that there were more people.
“Well, Nine, actually,” Xanthe spoke, looking at their list of chosen options. “Castro here wants the airlocks specifically. The ninth one we can cut up and bring down ourselves but the trip is a little tricky and will be slow but possible without air support.”
“Airlo-cks?” Zane asked, a little confused. His voice cut off a moment as the frequency changed on its typical cycle.
“We’re using air-tight, fabric-based airlocks at Homebase, not the best but the only feasible ones in both quantity and availability. No one could drag a solid airlock door on their back out. RDA would have noticed.”
Homebase, the main living cave of the miners. Jake knew from conversation the last few days of the general names of the main caves and their people. Wei Chang, Matthew Holster, and Sean Wallen were the only ones he hadn’t met yet. Jake remembered they had sealed their cave off and made it breathable for humans and he was curious to get a peek but it was still slow going for both the adjustments and for safe cave navigation. A week until they’d be able to go down, Alejandra had said.
Still, he could see how having an actual airlock would be better than a tent with a tiny air filter system in place.
“We could cut up the chosen shacks walls and fuse them together for a bigger space so they won’t need an airlock system between like the dual shacks sites have.” Nadine suggested, “We can use those, as long as there’s at least one airlock, as means of a storage house in the mountains. Protected from the air and elements, and we have means of still putting the shacks to use if we don’t at our campsites.”
“That’s a good idea.” Morgan praised, sitting at the far end of Jake’s desk to be part of the meeting. “Plus, we could do with one of your miners to check out our cave spot; maybe you could help set up some proper lighting so we can see? Bladder lanterns the Na’vi and we have don’t work as well since insects that are drawn to the lantern’s nectar don’t go that high up.”
“Maybe we send someone to stay and oversee the site? Wei could—” Moran spoke up but was interrupted
“No, he needs to be with people and have our support.” Xavier shot down immediately with a surprising amount of passion “We need him here.”
“Not a conversation for now.” Xanthe coughed, putting a stop before anyone could protest. “how feasible would eight be, is all I’m asking.”
There was a pause from all camps. Nadine was frowning but running the numbers no doubt on fuel consumption, distance and other variables.
“No,” Ming called after a minute. “At best, we can do six shack grabs in a single night. We can’t do it during the day. We’ll need to refuel once. If we try for eight, which can take up to eight hours’ worth of trips given where the last two marked ones you want are and our travel routes, there’s a chance Quaritch can let a scorpion run a patrol ship go at dawn if he suspects some activity.”
“But is it possible for other nights?”
“Yes, but our fuel refinery is very crude but it passes. It’s just slow at the moment.” Kendra said, “We’ll need you guys to start pitching in and getting us burnfibre for us to drain the resin to make the fuel. If more is provided, then we’ll be less limited on how much we can do. Also, we’ll need more spare parts for ship and refinery maintenance.”
“We’ve got a tent up pitched up in the mountains. I think more hands would be better to inventory shit once the drop-offs have happened and we need a better system to manage redistributions based on needs and projects.” Jake input after a moment. “There can be food within date and non-perishables. That also needs to be accounted for. We need people who have allergens to let us know what not to put in a food pile and not to risk cross-contamination. I personally can’t eat nuts, but I can be around them. Some people won’t have that tolerance.”
“Will do. We should also consider if Pandoran food, like their nuts, will carry the same allergen effects or not. Does your avatar have a nut allergy, Sully?”
“No, but I don’t know if that’s because Tommy didn’t. Kinda odd for twins but… well I lucked out on those cards.”
Nadine leant over Jake’s desk to speak. “Does anyone want to share any allergens we should be aware of? In case we do something that might trigger a reaction? I work with our food at Hometree and I really don’t wanna kill anyone. We’ve got earth food growing right now and I do plan to add those when they’re ready.”
“I’m allergic to Copper,” Xavier called, “it’s not strictly a food concern but I’d rather not come up in hives if you cook in a copper pot or something.”
Nadine leaned over the desk and grabbed her tablet to make a note. “Okay, no copper cooking. Any foods to avoid?”
“Shellfish,” Eliza called out. Alejandra echoed that as well before they chuckled.
“Any dairy or wheat concerns? We have pasta and I can make pasta now so that’ll be something I can serve.”
“Well, the Na’vi don’t have dairy tolerances, that’s a no-brainer but they do make plant-based milk.” Jake pointed out.
“Actually, Jake, it’s the Omatikaya that don’t have milk tolerances. Na’vi as a species can build a tolerance if exposed to milk long enough.” Maria said brightly, “I heard that there’s a clan in the west called the Zeswa that has milk and cheese as a stable in their diet. The Omatikaya don’t need to milk their animals for milk or protein.”
“Ooh.” Nadine perked up at that and Jake could see she was wondering if that milk was edible for humans.
“Neither me nor Bree can have a general anaesthetic. I don’t have it as severely as Bree so while I could be relatively fine, she will go into anaphylactic shock. Found out the hard way with her.” Kung called after a moment
“Oh god,” Eliza whispered but he hoped she too was taking notes.
“Also, doc for your notes, I’m allergic to penicillin and Wei’s allergic to latex, mangos and pears,” Xanthe called in. “That covers our group with allergens.”
“I can’t have nuts either” Ruby piped up. “But I do wanna try them in my avatar. Can we discuss this with Mo’at? I’m sure if my avatar has a reaction and we’re prepared, then we know for sure if our avatars have inherited those conditions or not.”
“I’ll add that to our discussion board.” Jake made his own notes.
“Do we even have a discussion board?” Zeke whispered but his voice still carried through the radios.
Jake smiled a little. “No, but it’s not a bad idea. You guys could keep a board for each of your camps and come to me with them. I could represent the camps to discuss anything or problems that may come up with Eytukan. He respects me to open discussions for smooth sailings between us and the clan. If not with him, Mo’at’s another good option.”
There were a few confirmations at that before they circled back to the shack theft again, going over when it would happen (tonight was most called for), who would be on the Samson’s aiding in the grabs and who would be at the mountain cave. One member of each camp would participate (Bree would once again camp at the mountains; even living in a metal shack now, Kung was too paranoid) to help and to inventory the stuff in the morning.
They were nearing the end of their discussions before there was a knock on the shack window and Neytiri’s face was peering in. Jake waved her in but didn’t interrupt Eliza’s discussion with medical aid, Morgan moved to shut the airlock door on the inside for Neytiri to enter safely.
“We have some of those herbs in our area that Mo’at showed me that I can get you to study more in-depth,” Jake said, as the airlock hissed and opened and Neytiri crouched in curiously but took the hint to not speak up. “I know people with allergies have Epipens but when they run out, we need to try alternatives that are just as effective. I’ll talk to Mo’at about that, I don’t think allergies are a topic you’ve spoken to the Tsahìk about yet,” he added to his list.
“I’ll speak to her when I can.” Eliza promised, “If anyone’s got any data banks on studies of the plants I was on about, compile them for me, please. That’d save me a lot of time. Medical research wasn’t my thing but I’m willing to do it.”
There were a few agreements made before Kendra’s camp hung up to get back to their camp’s duties and planning for their upcoming evening event, as did Ruby and Alejandra’s group. Kung however didn’t.
“Sully, Bree wants a word.”
“Yay,” Bree’s voice was quiet and distant before he heard something of wheels before she spoke, now at the radio. “Jake, do you think you can talk to some of the wood shapers for me? I need help with a few of my projects but… the woodguy is really hard to talk to without him brushing me off. It’s… he’s kinda scary. He looks like he’s three seconds from stabbing me with his wood shaping knife if a human looks at him wrong…”
“What do you need?”
“I don’t know… someone who’s willing to teach humans how to work with wood. I want to make books and… I need a book press and how to make small thin planks for book covers. That sort of thing.”
Jake huffed, running a hand through his locks of grown-out hair. Woodshapers. That was unpleasant still but… he could understand her fear.
“I’ll… talk to Eytukan about that. Ateyo shouldn’t make you feel scared. It’s unfair to chase anyone away from their interests.” Of course, it wouldn’t be just about Bree but all of them. They all should have that chance, he had just… it was easier to focus on what he was doing than focus on what he wasn’t wanting to do.
“Thank you. Also, I’m still working on making parchment since you gave me all that hide. It’s almost done if you’re interested.”
“Sure, let me know if you need any more hide. We still got a ton from recent hunts.” He didn’t know what he’d do with parchment but he was sure he’d think of something.
They made their goodbyes before Jake made his last new notes on his tablet and set it down.
“I’ll check through our cook pots, and make sure they’re not copper or at risk.” Nadine mused, sliding on her wheelchair to get her leg that was on charge and slipped that on. She passed her farewell to Neytiri as she clunked out.
“I’ll make plans for the shack reconstructions. I know my way around them a lot more than they do.” Morgan decided. “Still, moving airlocks aren’t gonna be easy.” Morgan rose to his feet as well. “I’ll give N’deh, Jer and Kim a heads-up on what we talked about.”
“Alright.” Jake ran a hand over the stubble on his chin, though smiled at Neytiri as Morgan left. “How'd it go? A healthy baby?”
Neytiri nodded, leaning forward with clear contentment. “Very, so far a little girl until told otherwise. Both parents must remain close until the child is mature to leave their Tsalnu pod. The mother is recovering well and is pleased to see her child healthy while their last part of development continues.”
“How long until….”
“Typically a week and a half. Sometimes longer. A month is often a concern so a Tsahìk must decide to wait or to remove the child if necessary. Sometimes a child may be too weak to initiate the pod’s softening.” Neytiri explained with warmth.
“Wow.” Jake let out a steady breath. “Here human babies come into the world, premature, kicking and screaming and covered in their mother’s blood.”
Neytiri's brow raised in some amusement. “Yes, my mother informed me of our birthing differences.”
Jake chuckled. “Sorry about not coming out. A meeting. We’re stealing another few link shacks tonight. A lot of organising and making sure people get what they need. The new group want a lot given they’re lacking what we have.” He gestured around to their beds and desks, wondering about the set-up but patient to wait and see.
“It sounded important, I’d like to help like last time but I heard medical concerns?”
“Nothing too concerning. Some humans can’t eat certain foodstuffs, contact with certain minerals or medical drugs without their bodies rejecting it. We were making sure no one accidentally winds up killing each other out of ignorance.”
Neytiri’s head tilted. “Nothing too concerning?” She quoted a little dryer in tone. “I don’t think toying with death is ‘not a concern’, Jake?”
Jake hummed a little. “As long as we’re all aware of possible threats, there’s no concerns.”
Neytiri didn’t look thrilled before she took a deep breath. “I need to leave, my head is getting light.”
“Of course, I’ll link up.” Time to continue on with the day after all.
Outside, when he descended down from his mauri, he could see Neytiri taking deep breaths contently though he watched as her head turned and her eyes seemed to linger on him with vivid interest.
“You’ve added a pouch?” she noted, coming to point at his waistband where he had two hide pouches attached. The first he had simply had basic sling ammo (his sling was also around his waist like a belt which sat at a slight angle) and the other was empty.
“Gifts from N’deh. He knew I was missing pockets.” He chuckled warmly, allowing her to poke the ammo pack curiously. “So, we training today?”
“Yes, your bow.” Neytiri nodded to his training bow. “Another hunt.”
“We speak Na’vi when out. This will help your practice.”
“Yes…< I mean yes, teacher>” Jake corrected himself as her side-eye, giving a little salute.
Neytiri had been swift in getting him into action with his hunt and despite his best efforts of the afternoon training, a successful tracking but he didn’t manage a kill. Neytiri still seems pleased with his efforts on their journey back.
In some part, Jake knew it was him being self-conscious given his new attire. A proper hunt in new clothes. The loincloth, he was used to but it was still a little odd every so often to feel like he had a wedgie on an important outing.
Jake had painted up his avatar with the usual paints to cover his eyebrows and forehead with a few patterns here and there along his body but nothing too detailed; he wanted inspiration to hit him in the face. He too had a knife holster on and across his chest which was comfortable and was otherwise shirtless. He looked forward to earning a cummerbund after he got his Ikran. They hadn’t got their hand or feet covers made just yet but so far, it wasn’t quite needed.
It was a new physical change for him but he was glad that she was…understanding of his difficulties. Something as simple as a new attire shouldn’t have been such a massive deal and yet, it was.
“It’s not about the end result, as long as keep to what I have been teaching you. Hunters can come back empty-handed.” That was all Neytiri had said.
Still, he hoped to continue on with another hunt soon now he knew his flaws.
“<Thi-wait are we going to your resting space?>” Jake realised as he looked around and noticed it wasn’t familiar to the woods around his home. He knew this place enough to know what was here still.
Neytiri chuckled. “<Yes. I have something to show you. Sit up by the waterfall, I’ll join you in a moment.>”
Jake complied and sat at a small plateau of smooth rock close to the waterfall and waited. It was only a minute before Neytiri appeared from the cave underneath and this time, something small was in her hands.
“<Here,>” She sat down beside him with it. “<For you.>”
Curiously, he took the present and turned it about in his hands. It looked… mostly like leather straps with beaded latches, meant to hold something. The leather was strong and there looked to be sewn designs along two of the supportive straps that looked to be the ‘top’.
“<It’s beautiful but… what is this?>” Jake asked. He doubted it was bondage stuff, she didn’t know what it was and he wasn’t gonna tell her. Yet.  
Neytiri giggled a little with fondness. “<I noticed that when we travel by wither Pa’li or Ikran, you cling onto your wheeled chair and you complained once that it aches your arms with your efforts to keep a hold of it. I made this to carry it for you. See here,>” She lent and touched another loop. “<This can be bound onto the harness of either mount. We can length the straps if you simply want to strap it to your back.>”
Jake’s breath paused fully as her words washed over him and he almost felt like crying. He felt… so damn touched that she had made not only the effort to think of that but to… make it too and with so much care and thought put into it; to be functional for his needs because he hated the difficulties of managing his wheelchair while trying to stay on the Pa’li. He never would ask the Na’vi to hold his chair for him on a ride if he could help it. A man had his pride and his chair was a major part of it.
It hadn’t even occurred to him that a carrier for his chair could have been an option.
Neytiri had gifted him the… wonderful and most thoughtful gift that he had… ever received.
Jake felt his eyes prickle with happiness pulling it to his chest like a child hugging a new favourite toy. He wanted to say thank you, to tell her how wonderful it was but… he couldn’t get his mouth to move. He felt…stunned. Happily stunned.
Neytiri’s face was soft, her hand coming to his shoulder with a soft touch and yet, she looked like she didn’t need his verbal response to simply know his gratitude. 
In a way, he was glad.
Ongwi’s steps were silent as he stepped along the mossy branch of the tree. The dense shrubs in front on the decline made it hard to make an excellent shot from the floor so he needed to go higher to make his kill. Up ahead, feeding with unawareness of death so close was a yerik. Mature by the dark blue hide with red and white accent patterns. Stunning in a way that would certainly please the clan’s tanners for such a find.
It was facing towards him, it’s nasal cavity facing towards him and would be an easy shot. Ongwi lowered himself down to stabilise his balance, his tail flicking out to help as he brought his bow in front and lined up his arrow.
His breaths remained even as he pulled the sting back slowly towards his cheek and felt the soft tickle of his knuckle. The yerik’s head popped up from its grazing, its fans spreading out as it looked sharply to its left which gave him pause—
Then something from the undergrowth leapt out. A small mass of orange with black spots was the first thing he saw before the Yerik took off but it didn’t get far; the small creature seemed to easily outrace it and let with sharpened claws, a mouth of sharp teeth, four longer ones on its lower and upper jaw that clamped down into its hide leg. Claws broke the hide was ease and easily sliced the Yerik’s flesh. It wasn’t alone as a second creature seemed to appear to help.
In a pack of animals, like Nantang, they were typically more or less identical but even to his eye, the next creature was not the same; it’s body, while covered in fur was a grey, and white most predominantly but with dark spots and surprisingly large paws in comparison to the orange one and an extraordinary long fluffy tail.
The grey one dove and sunk its teeth into the Yerik’s throat and thankfully ended its suffering but the two quickly began to devour, pulling its hide open to access the flesh underneath and allowing Ongwi the chance to examine the two predators.
Unlike anything he had ever seen. The Orange was taller than the grey, but it was far slimmer and had longer legs, its tail shorter and less fluffy than the other; clearly a chasing creature. Its face, when not covered in blood had large dark amber eyes that were lined with dark lining that lined down from its tear duct down to its upper jaw. Short but rounded ears on top of its head. Its nose was triangular, similar to that of Na’vi.
The grey was smaller but its build was chunkier and had more weight to its paws, its ears had a slight of a point to the tips but otherwise remained rounded but what stood out was the large blue eyes the creature had, locked on with its meal.
The only thing he didn’t see on either of them was a Kuru. Severed from Eywa, a pitiful existence that often needed an arrow to end such pain of disconnection but neither of them seemed to act too aggressively like the few the Aranahe had seen of Severed Viperwolves. In fact, both didn’t seem to get into each other’s way or fuss as they consumed their prey. Focused on the hunt and feeding. No other emotion but to fill an empty stomach. No pain or anger in their eyes.
They were not of the Kinglor forest, which was clear by their fur colourings alone. It didn’t match the forest to hide. Had they migrated or been chased out of their natural habitats by the sky people?
Ongwi debated if escape was necessary; he shouldn’t be too concerned if both ate well, they’d not see him as prey but that would be if he was caught. Leaving was the sensible thought; most predators did not take well to another being so close. As most as he was curious, he had no wish to be perceived as a threat to creatures he knew little of. It would be a shame to kill them.
His debate didn’t last too long as the orange’s head lifted towards him, making him pause as it’s eyes narrowed, letting out a purred sound. The grey paused, looking at Orange and then towards him before they both grabbed a jawful of its prey (a hind leg) and easily tore it off and both booked it back into the undergrowth.
He stared after them, down to the mauled and half-eaten carcass then he began to follow; not at a running speed but enough to follow the paw-prints within the soil and broken trails. Their scent smelt foreign and easy to follow.
Ongwi followed them for five minutes the trail, stopping at a broken branch that provided a clump of stark white hairs which he took and folded them into a leaf for safekeeping. No orange fur but this white fur should provide Ka’nat with proof of evidence of these creatures. The scent disappeared over a stream and while he found the paw tracks, they ended at a clearing where… sky people's feet seemed to appear in the mud in inconsistent patterns as if they had run around first. Without those strange foot coverings, he had heard a lot about, the five tiny toes were easy to make out and seemed to vanish into the moss; clearly with careful intent to not leave a track.
As much as he tried to scope out the area, he had no other leads. Despite the frustration, he knew he had to return back to Hometree. Inform their hunters of these new creatures. If anything, to ensure they didn’t get hunted as a result but… if they could capture, they could learn more of them. Why did they not have a Kuru and still be at peace?
“Shit. Shit, shit shit!” Anqa hissed as she hurriedly washed her face free from blood first before her hands, doing what she could to get the blood out from under her nails as Priya hurriedly collected their clothes and masks from their hiding spot.
“That was too close.” Priya agreed, tossing her a towel as well. It was a simple set-up they had decided to put in a few days ago now. A crate held their things, dental caps, clothes, masks, shoes, cleaning supplies and a mirror. Simply it was put under a large tree, gaps too small for a Na’vi but something that they could slip in and out in either form.
Their first trip out and they almost fuck it up. Anqa had hoped this session would have led to them keeping that whole Hexapead but no. Still, a leg each and some for Jax was better than nothing. He had no other form so he had to eat with that they hunted for him. He had stayed to cover for their absence, probably for the better given the interruption. God only knew what the Na’vi would think if they saw a ‘sky person’ feasting like an ‘animal’.
Anqa knew the Aranahe knew about their presence in their forest courtesy of the Sarentu kids but no official contact had been made; only the kids came and went if they weren’t already staying at the Hometree.
“Wrap the legs. We can store the other one for later and give Jax his meal now. He’s probably salivating over a picture of a roast ham.” Anqa said, drying off and hurriedly pulled her clothes on. Maybe they should start forgoing shoes? Claim some good excuse back at Refuge? “This should last us a few days but we’ll need to hunt again. Pills ain't gonna cut it anymore.”
“I still have a Samson. I can fly out further out to hunt. Less likely for Aranahe hunters to find us.” Anqa suggested, slipping her mask back on and was glad to see Priya just about done as well. “Let’s go.”
Jake’s mood continued to be bright as the day went on and their training came to an end before, evening came yet Neytiri vanished once to let her parents know of their plans for stealing the shacks and returned when dawn was closing in.
In his avatar, and through the radio, they kept in touch as Nadine flew to their meet-up spot in the mountains for final checks and everyone volunteering with a Dreamwalker was following the same routine as last time; Dreamwalkers do a sweep, debug and let the humans run the internal check and start collecting up any external boxes. Fix the cabling and then off.
Despite not having done a twenty-four-hour watch of the chosen sites, there was doubt the chosen sites were occupied which made it all the quicker to get to task as night fell and Jake led Nad’s Samson with Ashely (in avatar form) Xanthe and Xavier, Zeke was piloting Ruby was with Zane (both in avatars), Kung and Alejandra. Ming was also piloting with Morgan but would take on Ruby once she had a shack. Remaining at the mountainside for their deliveries were Bree, Kendra and Marcus.
Given the extra shacks than last time and thus extra time, it was decided that everyone would sleep at the mountains, pilots, and ships for the night as well and they’d all get stuff moved to camps the following night once everything was split up and divided.
Neytiri however would have to return to Hometree for sleep.
Still, it made for an interesting journey as they set out as a three Samson squad in search of their target shacks under the starry night with an Ikran following behind.
It was just like last time, Jake and Ashely jumped off first, scaring away sleeping animals and worked together to locate and disable the tracker before locating the cables as Xanthe checked inside and Xavier helped Jake with the outside boxes and disconnected the second shack (they had chosen all with dual shacks for this). Ming took the shack with Ruby and took off back towards the mountains with Neytiri as her guide.
Jake took the second shack as Zeke followed as a guide and set it down in its designated spot.
After the second trip, they had to stop at the mountains for Nadine to refuel so Jake waited patiently but thankfully, Zeke and Ming would take the last trip as they had enough for the last two.
He could feel his Dreamwalker was tired and the temporary light the cave crew had put up into the cave was a better improvement to see everything. The tent was for the people to rest, although he had heard Bree was sleeping in a deactivated link bed because of its comfort levels (he didn’t blame her for that; they were really comfy).
The others were already snooping and moving some of the shit out of the new shacks and into the cave but due to their agreement, they had to wait for everyone and go through inventory checks before serious claims could be made.
Jake was debating on unlinking when a voice in the low light pulled his attention to see a small figure scurry out of the latest shack a few metres away and straight towards him
“Hey Jake, give this a blow!”
Jake’s attention turned to the…black, whistle that was handed to him by Kendra. It was small in his Dreamwalker’s hands; shaped like some fancy skull with a headdress on which…distantly reminded him of the décor he had seen at Halloween or Day of the Dead festivals (which was one time on a film Nadine had him watch back in the day). The whistle looked to be made of plastic of sorts and from the texture, 3D printed.
Curiously, Jake brought it to his lips and blew hard… only to be met with a horrific screech that went straight up his spine, his tail shooting up and he recoiled a little, pulling the whistle from his lips and the sound dropped instantly.
Kendra began to snigger happily. “Your ears went up!”
There was vivid movement as movement as a few tired and grumpy faces turned his way but he just grinned at them sheepishly until a few decided to go to the tent. Unfortunately, Neytiri also seemed to have returned; the distant sounds of the other engines echoing their near arrival.
“What was that screaming?!” Neytiri looked startled as she jumped off Seze’s back, her ears on high alert as she peered around them. “Was someone hurt?!”
“This!” Jake held up his new favourite toy. “Aztec Death Whistle.”
Neytiri’s shocked face morphed into being both unimpressed to done within a second. “Death whistle?”
“Aptly named, I think.” Jake chuckled. “I wonder if there’s any more”
“There are a ton,” Kendra grinned, producing another from her pocket “We can’t blow these at the moment with our masks but I wonder why there’s so many. It’s a Zoology shack. Study of animals, seems odd.”
“Maybe they were trying out new dog whistles?” Jake said, not entirely serious but when animals and whistles are in the same boat, often it’s related. He was sure once the data banks were searched tomorrow, they’d get a clear sign of what this was all about.
Kendra blinked. “Think they could scare Pandoran animals?”
“Maybe we should try it out?” Jake suggested. It seemed like a good idea to test the theory out. If they were right and it was an animal scare, then the humans could have these to help ward away unwanted wildlife quickly and without bloodshed or arrows. They could explore more freely without that fear.
Jake took another breath and blew hard and the demonic screeching once again graced all of their ears.
Neytiri flinched at the sound of the whistle, turning wide-eyed. “That is horrific! Sounds like so much pain!”
A few distant calls of complaints echoed before Kung radioed in despite being in the tent.
“No more demonic prayers, Sully. If you start crawling on the ceiling, I will let the others shoot you.”
“Do we have to wait for that?”
Jake felt an idea spring to mind, a smirk coming to cross his face as he eyed Neytiri. “Tiri, do you mind not mentioning these whistles to Tsu’tey or your parents?” He asked slyly, “I mean… I’d love to demonstrate this little thing more… personally tomorrow.”
Neytiri’s eyes turned, narrowed in confusion then she seemed to light up as she caught on to his implication. Her fingers plucked the whistle from his fingers, tilting it for a better view but the curl of her lips seemed to grow a little. “Perhaps. My father and Tsu’tey will be together tomorrow until noon for his training by the Olo'eyktan.” She suggested, handing it back slowly. “You can catch either one of them for…informing them of this sky people device.”
Jake's grin grew. “Then I shall certainly make sure they know all about it.” He tucked the whistle into his side pouch for safekeeping as Ming’s Samson came into view and he gently waved his arms to help signal her back into place.
Tomorrow was gonna be a good day indeed.
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pandorafallz · 3 days
Some things were never meant to leave Earth…. or be known about. Let alone being introduced to a whole new world, new life and a species called the Na'vi that probably didn't understand that there were worst things that came from Earth than Humans with technology. Jake knows the Earth was a harsh place, well aware of the dangers it had and the monsters it had as well. No one cared, nothing would matter and….so what. If they thought of him of nothing, then why not take himself, his avatar and his friend and fuck off into the wilderness of pandora. If he can screw over the RDA and its resident parasites, then bonus points. Grace isn't thrilled.
Chapter 34 snippet
“Hey Jake, give this a blow!”
Jake’s attention turned to the…black, whistle that was handed to him by Kendra. It was small in his Dreamwalker’s hands; shaped like some fancy skull with a headdress on which…distantly reminded him of the décor he had seen at Halloween or Day of the Dead festivals (which was one time on a film Nadine had him watch back in the day). The whistle looked to be made of plastic of sorts and from the texture, 3D printed.
Curiously, Jake brought it to his lips and blew hard… only to be met with a horrific screech that went straight up his spine, his tail shooting up and he recoiled a little, pulling the whistle from his lips and the sound dropped instantly.
Kendra began to snigger happily. “Your ears went up!”
There was vivid movement as movement as a few tired and grumpy faces turned his way but he just grinned at them sheepishly until a few decided to go to the tent. Unfortunately, Neytiri also seemed to have returned; the distant sounds of the other engines echoing their near arrival.
“What was that screaming?!” Neytiri looked startled as she jumped off Seze’s back, her ears on high alert as she peered around them. “Was someone hurt?!”
“This!” Jake held up his new favourite toy. “Aztec Death Whistle.”
Neytiri’s shocked face morphed into being both unimpressed to done within a second. “Death whistle?”
“Aptly named, I think.” Jake chuckled. “I wonder if there’s any more”
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pandorafallz · 4 days
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Sigourney Weaver in Avatar (2009)
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pandorafallz · 6 days
bring back tumblr ask culture let me. bother you with questions and statements
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pandorafallz · 7 days
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Lest We Rest Upon Our Graves | C13
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“Is this it?” Alex couldn’t help himself as he noticed Kìoetey’s arrival back, jumping up from his seat to greet her but he couldn’t help the knot in his stomach at the sight of the box. In all honestly, he wasn’t sure why he was doing this. He probably had a lot of other things he should be doing that were more worth his time than doing something Cortez wanted, he still felt awkward around her but resistance work was a good medium that he could work with her on.
Why was he doing this?
Well, that picture of that little human baby lingered in the back of his mind. A life lost by either natural causes or cold-blooded murder and… while he wasn’t a father, he couldn’t imagine how Cortez was feeling. The underlying desperation to find out what happened to her own kid… He still was stalling a little on the fact she had gotten pregnant to start off with. Sixteen years, they had worked together, she hadn’t mentioned life before the resistance and… well it was no surprise of why given TAP. But… as something like this, a daughter, he was sure it should have come up before.
Cortez really liked her secrets.
Still, he couldn’t quite hold that against her, not like TAP.
Kìoetey brushed past So’lek with a tense smile, holding the grey container out to him which he took very delicately but his stomach tightened at the ratting inside. Bones.
Real, human bones. Baby bones. Ooh, what was he letting himself get into?
“Do you mind fetching Nalin? I could…do with her medical eyes on this.” Alex asked. “If she’s not busy with the injured still.”
“I can collect her for you,” So’lek spoke, drawing their attention but he was gone before he could really say anything.
Alex sighed but nonetheless, headed to the lab anyway and carefully set it down.
“What’s inside?” Kìoetey asked interestedly, coming to crouch beside his station. “It felt heavier than I expected.”
“Remains. Human remains.” Alex replied honestly with a wince. He didn’t want to lie, there was little point of it and Kìoetey didn’t deserve to be lied to. Not again.
Kìoetey gave him a look. “You had me desecrate a grave?!”
“No, I had you exhume a grave for examination to determine if the death was natural or not.” He said, hoping to soothe her words with why. This wasn’t thoughtless. “I’m sorry I didn’t expand when I asked for your help. In all honestly, I didn’t expect you to find it given how long it’s been buried.”
Kìoetey inhaled deeply, still annoyed but thankfully, not holding onto her ire. “I would have handled it more respectively, Alex.”
“I’m sorry.” He turned a lingering look back to the case. “I’m… a little surprised I’m invested.”
Thankfully, Nalin seemed to make her appearance, a ration pack in hand and a coffee in the other and still looking a little tired. Now out of medical, it seemed. So’lek was following and seemed to linger back.
“So’lek said you wanted me?”
“Yes, I’ve got bones for medical examination for you to help me with. Is Cortez about?” Alex asked.
Nalin frowned, her eyes flickering down to the box for a moment. “No, She fell asleep at her desk in that makeshift office she’s pulled together this morning” Nalin set the ration back down, her hands coming to find her gloves. “What are we looking at? This is a small box for bones.”
Alex also grabbed from gloves, also ignoring their audience and grabbed a tray to help with the unloading. Nalin carefully opened the rusty latch but the lid didn’t move as she tried to lift it. Alex pulled open his draw for his trusty bottle of WD-40 which he sprayed on the backings and the rim and gently began to try and coax the lid into moving. It worked, slowly but enough for the lid to rise with loud, rusty complaints.
Inside were a lot of tiny bones, mixed up and hard to tell how the child had been resting prior to her burial. The clothes and blanket were long gone and there was a distinct odour but they both ignored that. It wasn’t just bones that lay inside. There is a plastic bag was… a mass of grey that looked like a wet brick from moister having leaked into the container. Alex knew that was a pile of human ashes as well. A dual burial. Not what he had expected… but too late to back out now. He was gentle as he picked up the bag first, setting it aside in a bowl and covering it with a rag then helped Nalin as she began to retrieve the bones and set them out onto the tissue-lined tray.
“Oh—Oh,” Nalin breathed as she realised what she was looking at. “A baby…” She reached in. “Look how small the femur is!”
“Aw…” He couldn’t help himself as he saw the little bone in her hands. “I’ve been told she died before birth. How long is it? That can determine the gestation term. ”
Nalin hummed, grabbing a Vernier Caliper and measuring the little bone’s length. “Seven point seven centimetres in length.” Nalin sucked in a breath. “That’s… that means the baby was practically at full-term prior to its death.”
Alex winced though Nalin looked…sad as she set the femur down and began to pick through the bones and set them out onto the tray to resemble a humanoid shape rather than a mass.
“What do we know about the baby?” Nalin asked, gently setting out the tiny ribs. “Stillborn? There used to be a few miscarriages happening often from the female staff before I defected. None lasted after eight weeks of pregnancy. Could Pandora in general affect fetal development? Gravity is lighter.”
“Assumed stillbirth at the time but…there’s been insinuation that this wasn’t natural,” Alex replied. “I don’t expect to find bone trauma but there are ways to determine interference with a pregnancy with bone development and density and pull some DNA from the bones. What’s your assessment of the bones?”
“The bones are in good condition and intact. We haven’t got everything since newborns and pre-term fetuses don’t have all their bones yet; some of it cartilage that gets replaced with bones as the child grows up. The stull is in pieces but that’s expected. It has to be malleable to pass through the birth canal.” Nalin set the little toothless mandible off though paused at one of the pieces as she set the skull. “Look, down the upper jaw. The maxilla’s deformed. See how it pulls up to the nasal cavity and leaves that small gap.”
“A cleft lip.” Alex agreed, eyeing her bone fragment “Pallet as well?”
She tiled it around, “Yep. Still, treatable. It doesn’t look like it could have been too impactful on life expectancy. Do you think it’s a sign?”
“I’d ask Cortez if it runs through her family or Baby Daddy’s first before we think down that route. I’m not gonna put my assumptions ahead of me.” Alex shrugged, expression softening at the little vertebra that he lined up. Tiny little things that were the size of teeth, or dice.
Nalin picked up one of the longer bones but wasn’t the femur. “We can use one of the tibias for genetic testing and screening. I’ll put them all through an x-ray to see if that’ll give us any indication of growth developments.”
“That’s the tibia?”
“Yep.” She set it down for now.
“You should check through Cortez’s file for anything that occurred before birth.” She should had everything, Alex knew she kept those records private and secure. If it wasn’t lost from the bombing. “If we can’t find anything on the baby’s bones, her health at the time may reflect interference.”
“There’s a chance it could be missing those parts. I hadn’t seen that far back.”
“Perhaps. If Mercer has a hand in the child’s death, he may have covered it up.”
Nalin frowned at his remark but nodded softly. “I would make a comment of doubt but… we all know Mercer isn’t above killing children.”
Alex was inclined to agree, picking up the rusted box before there was a low metal ting echoing. He peered down, using the end of a pen to move the rotten fabric at the bottom to see… a small flash of silver. He dug it out carefully, though inside he was set with the clear view of an engagement ring which he looped onto the end of the pen to examine.
A silver band with a sapphire jewel inset into the band, basic really. Kinda cheap but that often wasn’t the point; most wedding and engagement rings were cheap, too expensive or family heirlooms passed down and never no middle ground. An engagement ring buried with her daughter’s bones but also with human ashes? Alex wasn’t dim to think it was unrelated at all. Logic dictated that the ashes belonged to Cortez’s fiancé, probably baby daddy. Another thing hidden away but something Alex was more lenient to forgive; she had but buried both. A tremendous loss to endure at once.
He set the ring carefully onto the bag of ashes. “I’ll get another box prepped for when we’re done. I’ll bring back the x-ray kit.” No doubt Cortez would want to rebury them somewhere else now. Alex peeled off his gloves, siding past the two Na’vi in search of Jin-young. A wooden box would be better now.
Alex didn’t have to go far in search, Jin-young was by the memorial again, the weight of his loss still on his shoulders with how he slouched a little.
“Jin-young, can I ask a favor?”
Jin-young looked at him and then nodded softly. “Sure.” His voice was quiet.
“Can you cobble together a wooden box? Something big enough for… ashes and some small bones?”
“You mean like a coffin?”
Alex hesitated but nodded. “We’ve exhumed remains for examination, we need a new box to rebury them in later.”
Jin-young’s expression was tense but after a moment, nodded. “Okay. Let me know when you need it finished by.”
Alex reached forward, grasping his shoulder in a comforting grip. “Thank you.”
“Those bones as so small.” Kìoetey’s voice was soft as she crouched over the tray of remains. “I know… humans are small but your infants…” She couldn’t help but be amazed at the little one, her hand outstretched beside the tray it was resting on and measuring the size of her hand to the bones. The baby would quite easily and snuggly fit into the hand of a Na’vi. It was almost a novelty of a notion.
Nalin chuckled softly. “Yes, our babies are tiny. We’re born underdeveloped and depend on our mother for everything, near blind, can’t support our heads and fragile. Na’vi newborns are about the size of humans at two years.”
Kìoetey’s expression turned a little, softening to a quiet melancholy. “It’s sad that a life so small was taken.” It… gave her mixed feelings. Pity for the child… and part of her couldn’t help but offer some pity for Cortez. Far more than she wanted to give but.. this child was innocent. What was their story?
“Indeed. The smallest of deaths are often the heavier than most.” She sighed sadly too. “but, Infant deaths are a part of human life. Almost too common. Even on Pandora, the human infant mortality rate is at least 90%. There’s only been one human born and raised successfully on Pandora. He lived with the resistance in the east growing up. He’s… probably about your age now. The fact this child grew to this size and so far looks healthy does concern me. Most fescues had died in their first two months of gestation.” Nalin explained, eyeing the little skeleton.
“Wait, humans aren’t able to keep a pregnancy?” Kìoetey frowned a little at the implication. Did Eywa not allow humans to birth here?
“Well, humans in the RDA aren’t technically supposed to have relations but even the higher-ups want to get laid. So, they provide preventatives when they can, like contraceptives, and pills; After morning, plan B. Sterilisation options as well. Abortions are available if needed but there’s an application process for that out of medical intervention. Now, the RDA do have prenatal care on the chance there is a baby if a woman decides to continue a pregnancy. Before I left, at least three woman tried to keep their pregnancy going but all of them lost before the second month was up, a fourth had to abort due to medical complications that would arise.” Nalin explained, running her hand across her head before she realised it was gloved.
Kìoetey’s brow was still pulled in. “You’re inclined to believe this…baby was killed?” In all honesty, Nalin had been right, Mercer would certainly kill a baby it if became a problem. How come this child was a problem that he felt he had to kill? Why didn’t Cortez…clock on sooner? That answer was simple really; she thought it was natural.
“I still need to run my checks so I can’t… go either way. We’re missing a lot of context behind the environment of how the mother was living prior to the loss. What food or changes were made that could have had an impact.” 
“How can you tell from these bones if it was killed?” Kìoetey cocked her head a little. “They’re no wounds or… easy method to show.” If the baby died before birth; there couldn’t be ways for it to show, right?
“When a child is growing, their bone density and durability changes and adapts. If the bones don’t show any inconsistencies in growth and are consistence throughout, the baby isn’t affected in gestation. Now, we don’t have any information about the birth. Infant can die in the birthing process, if they’re breech and get stuck… or if the cord gets wrapped around their neck or compressed….” Nalin explained. “Typically when there’s a problem, the doctors will perform an emergency C-section. Essentially, cut the baby out.”
Kìoetey nodded with her words. “I see…”
Thankfully, Alex seemed to arrive with a heavy-looking box so Kìoetey stepped back to let them work in peace although So’lek took a second longer and a raised brow from her to take his leave.
“You knew?” Kìoetey couldn’t help but ask, drawing the only logical conclusion with his… sudden interest in this child. “About…this baby?”
“Harding made the implications which…carried weight to Cortez’s unhealthy relationship with her dreamwalker form.”
“No,” Kìoetey didn’t linger on that can of worms. “I mean, you knew about the baby? Did she…ever mention having one?” In all her time growing up in TAP… she hadn’t seen Cortez act differently. It…was blurry in those early years. Aha’ri was very prominent in those early years more than anything.
So’lek shook his head. “No. She mentioned very little of her personal life within the RDA. In part, TAP but.. this is news to me. Harding made…other comments.” He looked… uncertain on if he should speak. “By her words, she said Cortez planned to leave TAP once the child was born, leaving you and the other Sarentu to the mercy of Mercer and Harding.”
Kìoetey frowned. “Then suddenly, her baby dies and she stays?” Which certainly indicated the child’s death was planned to keep Cortez in line.
“So it seems.”
Kìoetey sucked in a heavy breath but…she couldn’t help but fixated a little on that last bit as she reflected on it. “Wait, she was going to leave us behind? After everything she did to us? To get us?” She huffed angrily. “She valued the life of her own child’s wellbeing over our wellbeing and for her to raise it away from Mercer than stick with us and what hell we were put through.”
So’lek’s head tilted thoughtfully. “We do not know the full story, Sarentu. I do not say that to defend Cortez’s intention but at the end of the day, she still lost her unborn child. Whether it was by natural causes or by cold-blooded murder by Mercer. It is not an easy loss.”
That didn’t comfort Kìoetey too much but it stopped her storming off to find Cortez; to demand more answers that she had omitted once again. So’lek was right, they lacked the full story but it didn’t make it right by any means. How could have Cortez considered leaving them back then? Back when they were still so new to TAP. Back then, they heavily relied on the familiar of her avatar’s face; one that looked like them. Someone who was kind in the darkness of TAP. Who would have replaced her? What other teacher would they have had?
“That doesn’t change the fact she was willing to abandon us after all the effort put in to get us.”
“No, it doesn’t.” So’lek agreed. “But these are old wounds that now bleed with new grief. I would… advise you to be careful in your interactions with Cortez. I‘ve noticed she is…very fragile.”
“I suppose.” Kìoetey let out a heavy breath, shaking her head. “I just…. I thought all her secrets were out in the open. Now there’s more? How much more is she keeping from us?”
So’lek’s head tilted. “I believe there is a fine line between secrecy and privacy. Humans have a strong sense of private things that we Na’vi don’t generally consider. I don’t believe it was anything less than private and I doubt would be relevant to bring up unprompted.”
He had a point. She didn’t like that but… perhaps she needed time to think about it. A few days really once the celebrations came and went. They no doubt had to wait until the dust cleared to see how the RDA would respond back with this loss.
“Will you be there for when Harding’s executed?” Kìoetey asked, turning the topic away.
“Yes.” So’lek straightened up. “Tomorrow at noon.”
Kìoetey nodded. “I’m not sure if I want to be there or not. I’ll see. Ri’nela may want to go but we should keep Teylan away. He’s not ready to see the Zeswa like that.” By no fault of the Zeswa but Teylan may become frightened if he saw them kill Harding in such a fashion; a woman, up until this morning he worked very closely with, would be dragged out and killed. How, had yet to be seen but there was no doubt too much. She didn’t want him scared of their allies.
“The humans here can keep him busy. Priya has him helping put up wires along the walls for expansion into the deeper caves. Nalin wants to expand to a more private medical area than what she currently has. He will have a lot to do.”
“I suppose.” Kìoetey gave one lingering look to Nalin and Alex as they tended to the infant’s bones before she took her leave with a departing nod.
Her feet took her to the kitchen where Kìoetey pulled out the Na’vi meals that had been prepped and left for them. Ri’nela had started to get into that habit of leaving them prepped food. Humans wouldn’t be able to eat them and most Na’vi that came to the base wouldn’t open a fridge unless it was them or So’lek.
So, she grabbed the egg-washed mushrooms and happily took her dinner to a corner to eat. An early night may be called for. Long day.
Alma woke with a start with a fluttering heart, sitting up suddenly and her head pounded painfully. Her hands shot to her head, pushing back a wave of nausea that had her breathing heavily and leant over her desk before the pounding began to settle into the background again and…allowing her to focus on the world around again.
She was vividly aware her left cheekbone felt a little sore, her fingertips could feel the edges of the keys from the keyboard ingrained into her cheek. The ache of poor posture seemed to make itself well-known as she tried to lean the kick in her spine away but it did little to help but hurt.
She was getting far too old to sleep like a teenager cramming before finals. Alma clambered to her feet slowly, keeping her balance quite well as she tried to flex her protesting body into something more manageable as she walked. Stretching her arms and rotating her shoulders before her back gave a satisfying crack. There was the pressure along her neck which urged her to crack and let it release that tension but given the fact her brain’s check engine lights were on, she quickly decided not worth the risk.
Still, it hurt.
It was very quiet as she hobbled from her office but there was still life about as she saw the back of Alex in the kitchen, by the stove and looking to be cooking something up that smelt…really good.
Alex turned briefly as she knocked into a bin before he turned back then back to her.
“Oh, you’re up.” He stated in surprise. “I thought you’d be in your bed.”
“What time is it?” Alma asked quietly, her stomach grumbling loudly as she headed to the fridge to look for something; she had missed dinner so she was starving.
“About… Six-thirty.”
Alma frowned a little. “I couldn’t have been asleep for thirty minutes.” She knew the average time she must have dropped off; her tablet had a clock on. She didn’t remember it going later than six pm…
“Morning, not evening.”
“I’ve been asleep for twelve and a half hours?!” Alma wrinkled her nose. So much time wasted. She could have used that time properly.
“Clearly you needed it.” Alex said though eyed her for a moment, “Did no one wake you? Get you into bed?”
“No. My back’s not happy about it.” She grumbled a little, pulling out a silver pack of what she assumed was dried chicken noodles and set that into a cup and reached to get the kettle to boil to start rehydrating them.
Silence stayed between them for a while though she felt his eyes on her as she waited for the water. The question in the air before his voice broke the silence.
“Kìoetey found your daughter’s bones. We were testing them last night to see if we can find a cause of death.”
Alma felt her insides turn cold. Her hands came to grip the counterside in support. So soon? They had…gotten her? Brought her back to her.
“K-Kìoetey got them?” She felt her mouth run dry. If Kìoetey got them, then that meant she knew what they were. Why would Kìoetey agree to help her? She had no reason to.
“I asked if she could unearth and bring them to me. She didn’t know what she was bringing me if that’s what you’re anxious about.”
Alma stiffly looked at him, trying to swallow the lump in her throat. “S-She knows now?”
“She does.” Alex nodded, unabashedly. “Me and Nalin looked over the bones. Not in private given where our equipment we needed was.”
Her heart still pounded uncomfortably in her chest, turning her head back to the kettle and poured a splash of it into the bag and stirred with a spoon. “What…what were your findings?”
Alex inhaled deeply. “Right now, inconclusive. Bone density and growth lines are showing inconsistencies but we’re gonna start DNA extraction to draw a more conclusive picture. That’ll take a few days for us to get answers from. Nalin will need full access to your medical files back then to help her research into your daughter’s death from your pregnancy... if we have it from that far back..”
“I-I have a spare copy of it on my thumb drive.” She kept it as a backup really. Why, she didn’t know but perhaps out of paranoia. She had done a full download when she had hobbled out of her bed after surgery and almost opened up her stitches along her abdomen. Alma didn’t fully remember the experience but she hadn’t been well enough to have a clear sense of mind. Now, perhaps her subconscious had been right to think ahead and preserve or maybe she was simply overthinking.
Didn’t matter; she had the data still.
“You do?” Alex’s eyebrows rose in surprise.
“I don’t…remember why I stole a copy. I got…very sick. Almost died, actually. I was on a lot of medication and got paranoid.” Alma admitted, pulling the mug toward her with a sniff before she drained some of the liquid off into the sink. “Kept thinking Michael was about hiding her from me. In the end, they had to wrap up a doll in a baby blanket to calm me down.”
Alma sighed deeply. “Amanda’s father. Dr Michael Brookes. He…died. Three days before hers. He was on his way to Hell’s Gate to set up our new lab and Family quarters when his Samson went down after engine failure following a fuel leak.”
“I’m sorry.” His reply was soft and genuine.
Alma said nothing. What could she say?
“Are those his ashes? In that box?”
Alma nodded softly, staring into her ration pack and despite her stomach complaining, she felt a little less hungry.
“I hope you don’t mind but I’ve asked Jin-young to make them a box for reburial. It’ll be far nicer than the metal one.”
“Thank you.” It would be far nicer. She could think of a new place to bury them as well. All of them. She probably needed to bury the last avatar as well. That spirit tree underground would benefit from her avatar’s tissue and nutrients once she laid it to rest. It could rest beside her daughter’s bones and her fiancé’s ashes. Like a little lost family. Her too, if she was lucky.
“I just… why didn’t you tell me? Something? I… I know you don’t share but after sixteen years, Cortez, I would have thought you would have mentioned something about a… child or a late fiancé?”
“What would be the point in telling you, Alex?” Alma replied sharply. “They’ve been dead for over thirty years.”
“You thought the Sarentu were dead for sixteen years and didn’t mention it.”
“At least I have the remains to prove that fact now.” Her tone sharpened significantly. “Don’t compare the Sarentu to my daughter. That part of my life was long since over and I sure wasn’t going to open those wounds just to make conversation. My daughter and Michael were my business. Not yours and not the Resistance’s need-to-know. It was personal.”
Alex took an idol sip of the coffee he set aside and very casually slid the strip of meat he was cooking off the stove and onto a plate beside some bread. “You know, Cortez. I’m trying to be patient but you’re making it hard to be understanding. Yes, it’s a personal loss and maybe we don’t have the right to know but all of this ‘news’ is coming across as more you’ve hidden away from everyone.”
Alma turned to face him with an intent look. “Just because I kept secrets, it doesn’t mean everyone is entitled to flay my personal history out for the world to see to prove something. I have the right to privacy like everyone else and to keep some dignity. Amanda and Michael were irrelevant to the resistance, to you and certainly irrelevant to the Sarentu. I mourned and moved forward with my life because I had to. Even if TAP was the only thing I had left in life.” She picked up a spoon, “People don’t bring up major trauma for the sake of it. I am not any different so don’t judge me on what everyone else does.”
With her ration pack, Alma turned and stormed out of the kitchen, barely avoiding spilling it as she had to side-step So’lek.
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pandorafallz · 7 days
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So, I'm going to be redoing the possible clan names for the Dreamwalkers for my vampire AU.
This is in part, my last poll, i used a generator to create them but... I think i need a name that has real meaning and some personal reference (their origins from space, or avatars themselves) that also doesn't give the avatar group away but also one that could be acceptable for long term.
I put an English translation on the left, Na'vi on the right, but i don't think my gramma is good so this is what I've put together that I'm remotely happy with
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