#navigation programs
2022 Top technologies to shape your career
Artificial Intelligence & Machine Learning
Artificial Intelligence (AI) , although started gaining popularity a decade ago, still continues to be one of the new technologies today because its remarkable effects on how we live, work, and play are still in the early stages. AI is already popular for its use in applications for image and speech recognition, navigation programs, smartphone personal assistants, voice assistants, and much more.
A B2B research firm “Markets and Markets” suggested that the AI market is expected to grow to a $190 billion industry by 2025. So, with AI spreading its wings across sectors, new jobs will be created in development, programming, testing, support, and maintenance. Even the salaries provided for these jobs will be quite high, thus, AI technology is the trend to watch out for.
Robotic Process Automation
Just like Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning, Robotic Process Automation (RPA) is another trending technology that is automating jobs. RPA in general is the use of multiple software and applications used for automating business processes such as data collection and analysis, customer service, and other repetitive tasks, which were managed previously through manual processes.
RPA is a rapidly advancing technology that generates many jobs across different industries. It offers several new career options and trajectories such as a programmer, project manager, business analyst, or consultant.
Edge Computing Cloud computing previously was a new technology trend to watch, however, with major players like Amazon Web Services, Microsoft Azure, and Google Cloud Platform dominating the market, Cloud computing has become mainstream.
Although organizations are adopting Cloud solutions today, they have found several limitations in this technology. And thus, it is not an emerging technology trend. Edge is.
Edge computing is designed to help bypass the latency that Cloud Computing causes and helps organizations to get data into a data center for processing.
Click for more information "2022 Information Technologies" -https://codetru.com/TechTrends
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jvlianbashir · 6 months
i know that others have already commented on this but most of my high school interns are so helpless when it comes to technology that doesn't completely spoonfeed the experience that it is actually terrifying
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evil-city · 7 months
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Day 162 of making low effort Des doodles until New World Of Steam releases
I am straight up not having a good time
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milooo8096 · 6 months
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another art dump
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muffinlance · 1 year
All US books have shipped! International ones are in the works; they should all go out by next weekend.
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zeezu-ix · 2 months
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rendside · 28 days
Heyy i wanted to know which brush do you use for your art?? BTW I LOVE YOUR ARTSTYLE SO MUCHHHH
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crimeronan · 11 months
imo tumblr having an algorithmic for-you page for people who don't know who to follow yet is literally fine and good. you shouldn't need an in-depth tutorial to figure out where the content on the site is and even if you disagree, it's honestly inconvenient as Fuck and always has been. the most active users here rarely have tagged archives that can be easily discovered & the for-you page limits the barrier to entry for new people. unless you came here specifically FOR an artist/writer/creator who ACTUALLY POSTED THEIR TUMBLR URL over on twitter or reddit, you can't figure out who's active in your fandoms or how to talk to people or how to populate your dashboard with content very easily. i get being biased against people who specifically seek out algorithmic content but staff is NOT wrong that this site is inaccessible to get started with. and they're not wrong that that's a bad thing. let people have fun on the internet instead of forcing them to get frustrated and give up????
i'm mainly posting this because i DO disagree with a major part of staff's proposed plans, which are the plans to update their advertising techniques to mirror other social media. that does suck. they're doing it because tumblr users do not have enough money or dedication to keep the app afloat ad-free with in-app/website purchases, but it Fucking Sucks. that's a business decision that has nothing to do with attracting/retaining users or making the user experience better, and everything to do with Make Dollar Sign Go Up At All Costs.
showing new users content while they figure out who to follow is good, that's a good change, that introduces people to the different fandoms and communities on here n gives them a place to start. i know it's annoying for popular tumblr users to have their content prioritized in this way but the people who use the algorithm weren't gonna fuckin' figure the dashboard out to see your posts anyway?? it's a change that's sorely needed and will improve the user experience and it wouldn't surprise me if reasonable staff members have wanted to do it for A While, & are couching it in corporate language so that it can be prioritized. it is FINE.
please for the love of god don't get lost in the weeds here. it's important to understand why different marketing decisions matter and how they impact the userbase. tumblr updating their signup streamlining to retain more new users IS FINE AND GOOD. PEOPLE SHOULD BE ABLE TO USE THIS SITE????
eta just in case: if you have a rebuttal to this that's along the lines of "but algorithmic content will encourage advertisers to ruin the user experience with their grubby greedy little hands" : yes, that's a valid concern. hence why i'm saying i don't like the proposed advertising strategies. i just don't think that the for-you page is in and of itself a bad thing.
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dodomingo · 4 months
Is there like 'become a human being' intensive career therapy or smth like that or is that something Ronald Raegan un-invented
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spectralan0maly · 2 months
things that are easy for you are often actually skills that you have. btw.
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ikosburneraccount · 2 months
⚙ navigation for mobile users ⚙
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⚙ about
⚙ read before you follow
⚙ ask guidelines (please read before sending an ask)
⚙ swifties (even casual listeners) read this
ask box status: CLOSED
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ivygorgon · 2 months
Fund the Affordable Connectivity Program NOW!
130 so far! Help us get to 250 signers!
I’m a concerned constituent writing to urge you to fund the Affordable Connectivity Program or ACP. Digital connectivity is a basic necessity in our modern world and the internet must be treated as a public utility. We use the internet to apply for jobs, perform our jobs, receive telehealth medical treatment, and pay bills, and students use it to complete homework assignments. But for millions of people in rural and urban areas, and Tribal communities, the internet is a luxury they cannot afford. Failure by Congress to fund this program will force millions of households already on tight budgets to choose between being able to stay online or potentially losing access to this essential service. If Congress doesn’t act fast, funding for the Affordable Connectivity Program will run out and more than 22 million Americans -- 1 in 6 households -- will lose this vital service. The implications of this will be devastating. In 2019, 18% of Native people living on Tribal land had no internet access; 33% relied on cell phone service for the internet; and 39% had spotty or no connection to the internet at home on their smart phone. The ACP has enrolled 320,000 households on Tribal lands -- important progress. The largest percentage gains in broadband access are in rural areas. Nearly half of military families are enrolled in ACP, as are one in four African American and Latino households. Losing access and training on using computers and the internet will have devastating impacts on all these communities as technology becomes increasingly integral to work, education, health, and our everyday lives. Without moves to address tech inequality, low-income communities and communities of color are heading towards an “unemployment abyss.” The Affordable Connectivity Program has broad bipartisan support because it is working. As your constituent, I am urging you to push for renewed funding for the ACP before it runs out in the coming weeks.
▶ Created on April 11 by Jess Craven
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littlestarprincess · 9 months
The people who talk up linux are insane.
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pixlerelish · 3 months
I tried so hard, and didn't get far, and in the end, I really fucking HATE THIS.
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hakudaku · 1 month
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More Rose Kingdom archive finds, mainly pictures that are somewhat rare?
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ghostzvne · 1 month
been very slowly learning how to use rpg maker XP and making a nifty little horror game about mirrors, high school, and scared teenagers. i'm excited for it to exist even if i think it will very obviously be Baby's First RPG Maker Project
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