Guide to select mobile app tech stack
Guide to select mobile app tech stack
To build a powerful mobile application, you need to use a technology stack that supports your vision and gives your users an amazing experience. A tech stack is the combination of software, hardware and supporting technologies that make up an application. A good tech stack will enhance security while supporting quality development. It should also allow you to incorporate all the features you want in your product right from the start.
Here, you will understand the fundamentals you need to consider when preferring the tech stack and how it influences the overall mobile app development process and approach.
What is Technology Stack? A technology stack is the combination of various tools, technologies, frameworks, and languages that are employed to create powerful web or mobile applications that augment business growth. A mobile app's tech stack is categorized into four main classifications: backend (the back-end code), frontend (the user interface code), development (the code that creates apps), and support (additional services such as security).
Android Tech Stack This will help develop Android-specific applications. With the open-source platform, you will get the flexibility and adaptability that a mobile app demands.
1. Eclipse IDE
2. Android NDK
3. Android Studio
ios Tech Stack iOS stack is nothing but the technologies used to develop apps on iPhone, iPad, and iOS-specific devices.
1. Swift
2. Objective-C
Tools - UI kits, SwiftUI, Xcode, App Code
Hybrid Tech Stack With the hybrid tech stack, you can create app solutions for both iOS and Android that are retained in a web application. A few ready-to-use frameworks and tools make it easy for you to provide a functional app for this platform.
1. Iconic
2. Cordova
Cross-Platform Tech Stack If you want to produce apps on both iOS and Android concurrently, you should prefer a cross-platform development practice.
1. React Native
2. Flutter
Read more for clear information - https://codetru.com/mobile-app-stack
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On-premise VS Cloud hosting?
Which one should you choose among: On-premise VS Cloud hosting?
Choosing between on-premise and cloud hosting is a tough task for enterprises forward to handling their data. We cannot just prefer anyone since on-premise and cloud hosting has their own set of advantages and disadvantages, specifications, and, respective enterprise benefits. This blog will present the advantages, disadvantages, and risks of on-premise and cloud hosting.
What is On-premise hosting? On-premise hosting is a scenario, where all the business data will be stored in the physical servers placed in the business location. Having on-premise hosting, one can have whole regulation over the server. This hosting is also known as “dedicated” hosting as it offers specific hardware for the customer.
What is Cloud-hosting? A cloud is an approach for people to store and share files and let them access the stored files from any part of the world. Cloud hosting enables people to store their data on remote servers instead of locally on their computers. This just goes to prove that you can access your data from any device with an internet connection, containing mobile devices, laptops, and desktops. It is used when the business owner needs to avoid handling hardware.
Advantages of On-Premise Hosting On-premise hosting may be conventional and surely an old approach, but it still has some notable benefits. Typically, on-premise offers you more power. As you employ your servers, you don’t have to bother about the working of other servers and internet connections. You can overlook security issues from random parties' negligence. Though on-premise hosting is usually quite expensive compared to cloud hosting, this is a one-time investment. Instead, the monthly maintenance expenses for on-premise hosting are lower than those for cloud hosting as there are no extra fees for storage space.
Advantages of Cloud Hosting Any company can use cloud hosting which plans to host their applications and data in the cloud. This covers small businesses, start-ups, and enterprises with heaps of data to hold. Cloud hosting has many advantages, which contain the following:
Click for disadvantage of on-premise hosting and cloud hosting - 
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What is the Robotic Automation Process and its benefits?
No matter what industry you are in, today’s consumers expect things to happen faster than anything. With the fractional rate of technological improvements driving the speed of service, this trend will barely diminish. Specifically in the banking industry, customers anticipate their mortgage loan to be approved the next day and queries answered immediately. Newly launched banks manage to handle these requirements from the origination.
Well, these latest industry partakers with the impact of digital transformation have become real competitors to conventional banking institutions with traditional banking ecosystems. These banks now vigorously turn to robotic process automation, deliberating to remain inundated. In this blog, we will understand the most powerful use cases for robotic process automation in finance, highlight real-time RPA applications in banking, describe the implementation perspective, and offer a future perspective for the technology.
What is RPA in Banking?
RPA (Robotic Process Automation) in banking refers to the utilization of progressive business process automation tools to automate many everyday and redundant tasks, letting employees concentrate on more value-adding and customer-oriented actions. Precisely, RPA impersonates human activities / actions communicating with the software alongside fractionally increasing productivity.
Benefits of RPA in Banking
1. Boosts Employee Efficiency
2. Measures Operations
3. Reduces Human Mistakes
4. Less Expenses
5. Promotes Compliances Reporting
6. Conserves Time
What is RPA Important?
Generally, a common bank employee serves various redundant and boring back-office chores that need utmost focus with no scope for mistakes. RPA is balanced to bring the robot out of the human, liberating the latter to execute more innovative jobs that require dynamic intelligence and mental input. Integrating RPA in the banking industry can substantially fasten core processes, decrease operational costs, and improve productivity, pusing more high-volume work if an appropriate use case is picked and a well-designed configuration is implemented.
for more information and use cases click the link below - 
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Guide to handle challenges of your AWS Cloud Migration Approach
As every organization today undergoing digital transformation, cloud adoption is at a historic peak. Many researchers declare that by 2025 globally 85% of organizations will adopt a cloud-focused ecosystem. Among all the cloud storage systems available in the market, AWS is swiftly transforming to be a global choice for those looking forward to investing in progressive storage, scalability, and reliability. But switching to AWS needs thorough accuracy and planning. Multiple challenges make a move in the way of people developing spectacular AWS cloud migration strategies. This blog will put across 5 challenges you need to be mindful of while developing AWS Cloud migration strategy.
You should begin the cloud migration approach by analysing and estimating ongoing in-house operations, cloud, or hybrid environment. A clear organizational overview can support you in finding what's in your ecosystem, realize dependencies, and also help you figure out which data or assets will be easy to handle and elements that require keen attention. As the intricacy of migrating functioning applications differs on various factors like lifespan, ongoing architecture complexity, adaptations, licensing agreements integrations, and others. A clear review will help in crafting a powerful migration strategy, nail down an approach, and get appropriate vulnerability migration strategies fixed for rapid and efficient turnaround.
5 Savior Tips to Handle AWS Migration Journey Challenges You can migrate your data and applications in a phased manner if all your challenges, needs, and prospects are documented. In the process of AWS migration, although you rehost and re-platform your applications, there are possibilities that you will come across some problems. Here are 5 saviour tips which can help your AWS Cloud Migration strategy.
Click for Video to watch  "5 challenges you need to be mindful of while developing AWS Cloud migration strategy" - https://codetru.com/aws-cloud-migration-approach
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Guide to handle challenges of your AWS Cloud Migration Approach
As every organization today undergoing digital transformation, cloud adoption is at a historic peak. Many researchers declare that by 2025 globally 85% of organizations will adopt a cloud-focused ecosystem. Among all the cloud storage systems available in the market, AWS is swiftly transforming to be a global choice for those looking forward to investing in progressive storage, scalability, and reliability. But switching to AWS needs thorough accuracy and planning. Multiple challenges make a move in the way of people developing spectacular AWS cloud migration strategies. This blog will put across 5 challenges you need to be mindful of while developing AWS Cloud migration strategy.
You should begin the cloud migration approach by analysing and estimating ongoing in-house operations, cloud, or hybrid environment. A clear organizational overview can support you in finding what's in your ecosystem, realize dependencies, and also help you figure out which data or assets will be easy to handle and elements that require keen attention. As the intricacy of migrating functioning applications differs on various factors like lifespan, ongoing architecture complexity, adaptations, licensing agreements integrations, and others. A clear review will help in crafting a powerful migration strategy, nail down an approach, and get appropriate vulnerability migration strategies fixed for rapid and efficient turnaround.
5 Savior Tips to Handle AWS Migration Journey Challenges You can migrate your data and applications in a phased manner if all your challenges, needs, and prospects are documented. In the process of AWS migration, although you rehost and re-platform your applications, there are possibilities that you will come across some problems. Here are 5 saviour tips which can help your AWS Cloud Migration strategy.
Click for Video to watch  "5 challenges you need to be mindful of while developing AWS Cloud migration strategy" - https://codetru.com/aws-cloud-migration-approach
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2022 Top technologies to shape your career
Artificial Intelligence & Machine Learning
Artificial Intelligence (AI) , although started gaining popularity a decade ago, still continues to be one of the new technologies today because its remarkable effects on how we live, work, and play are still in the early stages. AI is already popular for its use in applications for image and speech recognition, navigation programs, smartphone personal assistants, voice assistants, and much more.
A B2B research firm “Markets and Markets” suggested that the AI market is expected to grow to a $190 billion industry by 2025. So, with AI spreading its wings across sectors, new jobs will be created in development, programming, testing, support, and maintenance. Even the salaries provided for these jobs will be quite high, thus, AI technology is the trend to watch out for.
Robotic Process Automation
Just like Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning, Robotic Process Automation (RPA) is another trending technology that is automating jobs. RPA in general is the use of multiple software and applications used for automating business processes such as data collection and analysis, customer service, and other repetitive tasks, which were managed previously through manual processes.
RPA is a rapidly advancing technology that generates many jobs across different industries. It offers several new career options and trajectories such as a programmer, project manager, business analyst, or consultant.
Edge Computing Cloud computing previously was a new technology trend to watch, however, with major players like Amazon Web Services, Microsoft Azure, and Google Cloud Platform dominating the market, Cloud computing has become mainstream.
Although organizations are adopting Cloud solutions today, they have found several limitations in this technology. And thus, it is not an emerging technology trend. Edge is.
Edge computing is designed to help bypass the latency that Cloud Computing causes and helps organizations to get data into a data center for processing.
Click for more information "2022 Information Technologies" -https://codetru.com/TechTrends
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2022 Top technologies to shape your career
Artificial Intelligence & Machine Learning
Artificial Intelligence (AI) , although started gaining popularity a decade ago, still continues to be one of the new technologies today because its remarkable effects on how we live, work, and play are still in the early stages. AI is already popular for its use in applications for image and speech recognition, navigation programs, smartphone personal assistants, voice assistants, and much more.
A B2B research firm “Markets and Markets” suggested that the AI market is expected to grow to a $190 billion industry by 2025. So, with AI spreading its wings across sectors, new jobs will be created in development, programming, testing, support, and maintenance. Even the salaries provided for these jobs will be quite high, thus, AI technology is the trend to watch out for.
Robotic Process Automation
Just like Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning, Robotic Process Automation (RPA) is another trending technology that is automating jobs. RPA in general is the use of multiple software and applications used for automating business processes such as data collection and analysis, customer service, and other repetitive tasks, which were managed previously through manual processes.
RPA is a rapidly advancing technology that generates many jobs across different industries. It offers several new career options and trajectories such as a programmer, project manager, business analyst, or consultant.
Edge Computing Cloud computing previously was a new technology trend to watch, however, with major players like Amazon Web Services, Microsoft Azure, and Google Cloud Platform dominating the market, Cloud computing has become mainstream.
Although organizations are adopting Cloud solutions today, they have found several limitations in this technology. And thus, it is not an emerging technology trend. Edge is.
Edge computing is designed to help bypass the latency that Cloud Computing causes and helps organizations to get data into a data center for processing.
Click for more information "2022 Information Technologies" -https://codetru.com/TechTrends
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Top reasons why your website isn't attracting the right customers
Did you ever think, despite having an impressive design and content, why your website is being unsuccessful in attracting customers? Although you follow every regulation while developing a website, you might overlook certain vital things during the process which pulls your website back from standing out and serving the purpose. This blog is filled with some prominent reasons that will help you realize and revamp your website to perform better in the market
Following are the Main Reasons
1. Inaccessible on the mobile platform2. Excessive ads 3. Repeat website content 4. Insufficient website content 5. Less website focus 6. Slow website speed
Inaccessible on the mobile platform - 
SEO progressively improves websites ranking based on their mobile responsiveness, hence if your website looks cluttered on mobile, then it will be forced down by the search engines, and also the website visitors. 9 out of 10 users in today's setting choose to operate any website on a mobile phone over a desktop. So, if they try finding your website on mobile and it gives them an unpleasant experience, they will never look back towards your website.
Excessive ads - 
Loading your website with advertisements land a chance to divert the visitors and redirect them to somewhere else without dwelling on your website. Hence, disorganized website design can be a true pain for website traffic. So, it's wise to drag off sober website sidebars and see how it impacts your overall website traffic. Or try using less bulging website banners rather to check what toils most satisfactory for you.
Repeat website content - 
If you are reluctant of duplicating the original content and employing it across other pages of your website, search engines will easily find out the pages and avoid considering those pages of your website. Eventually, the search engine won't push the search traffic your way. Better walk through your website and try to find any duplicate content. If you find any duplicate content, replace it with unique and SEO-optimized content. Hereby doing this will support the website to push itself in search engine rankings.
Learn More Information about " Top reasons why your website isn't attracting the right customers?" - https://codetru.com/top-reasons-why-your-website-not-attracting-traffic
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How to Transmute an iOS App to an Android App?
In today's setting, you can access all the technical innovation that has developed in the world in your hands through the mobile application.Well, all you require is an adaptable mobile app development to remain experienced and let you achieve your business pursuits. As the title depicts, if you want to convert an application from iOS platform to Android platform, you need to implement changes to it.
It is exceptionally great to have an iOS mobile app for your business. The same appreciation applies to android mobile apps as well. Since you've decided to build an app on one platform, the following approach is to create the same application for another one which means to convert iOS or Android, which are retaining as pioneers with 97% of all smartphones on the globe.If you take iOS, the devices like, of course have distinct screen sizes and the mobile app developers will pick typical bitmap sizes considering the decision of the application they want to build. iOS apps have a specific amount of benefits whereas, android apps have their own benefits. If you compare both platforms, the market for android apps is typically higher considering the low cost and easy development.
What Are The Grounds For Converting An iOS App To Android App? Withstanding the fact that iOS and android both are prevalent among smartphone users and if you have to pick one, it becomes tricky. Before we jump into the grounds for converting an iOS app to an Android app, let us initially comprehend the difference between these two. Doing this will support you in gathering knowledge about market implications and allow you to pick a befitting platform for your app development.
Let's begin-
iOS app developers utilise Swift and on the other hand Android app developers use Java or Kotlin. The screen sizes for iPhones and iPads are standardised with Apple Devices. Whereas the Android devices, there is a vast sort of screen sizes, which means there is room left for development more on the interface design end and case-by-case programming to guarantee compatibility and functionality across devices. As a matter of fact, Android apps generally take longer to develop due to device fragmentation. The fact is that there are so many different Android OS versions available on the market and of course, different devices get significant security updates at different times, and this makes maintaining and developing Android apps more formidable. The iOS and Android apps are distinctive in terms of user demographics like age, income, locations, hours spent on apps, and many more. Apple users are supposed to be younger and more moneyed than android users.
Learn More Information about "How to Convert An iOS App into an Android App?" - https://codetru.com/iOS_to_Android
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How To Improve Your Web Development Process?
How To Improve Your Development Process: A helpful blog for new web developers to learn the proper development process.?
Websites are the face of any business and have turned out to be carriers of vision. If you come across any product or service and it catches your attention, the first thing you do is to net it on google. Websites make it easier for millennials to find, analyze and purchase any product or service in moments with the help of a link or URL. Post considering such prominence, it makes it the mere responsibility of any web app developer to well-design and build a highly engaging, accessible, and productive website. A website should always be able to render an ideal user experience to a visitor and create an impact with an initial hit through its perfectly crafted user interface. These should be followed by other factors like relatable and yet engaging content communicating the needed information about the product or service which the visitor is accessing the website for.
A perfectly-built website lives up to these challenges, and even advantages from impressions and usability to make an attractive and engaging user experience. All these considerations assemble under one roof in the website design process.
Figure Out the Problem First and foremost, it is essential to figure out an idea before jumping into the web development process. Well, some enthusiasts will do some serious research and analysis to find path-breaking and never-seen-before ideas whereas some will walk on the path, which is already established in the market. It doesn't matter which approach or strategy you are on, but all that matters is you figure out the issue that will be sorted by the product you develop.
Researching the Market After you figure out an idea, kickstart exploring and researching the market would be the next smart move. Comprehending the intensity of the competition in your line of industry, and helps you to avoid developing something, which is already there in the market and create something unique. Well, experts always say that it is highly advisable to spend the majority of your time developing a deeper comprehension of the market your product is compatible with before launching it. Hence, understanding your market will be the doorway to your success.
Learn More Information - https://codetru.com/how-to-improve-web-development-process
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How to protect your website from Hackers?
It is important to comprehend how to protect your website from hackers. But, before you hop in, it is equally or maybe a bit more prominent for you to understand "how hackers are cause threat to any website?". In any given web development process, it makes your prior responsibility to ensure that you are following security measures to protect your website or not. There's no actual manner that a website will behave after being attacked by hackers, but you will find some unusual signs on the website. Here are some signs of hacking you might find on your website.
1. You’ll find several auto-created pages loaded with keywords and nonsense, to get them to rank on Google for key terms. When clicked on, they’ll redirect to a dodgy site. 2. The hacker will endanger publishing your information and data or they might get a hold of your website and demand the amount to leave it to you. 3. When a hacker inserts a virus or malicious code into your website, it may go down or you may not be able to access it. In fact, along with your website, the hardware will be affected. 4. Hackers generally employ bots to overkill a website with requests and demolish the server when it's on. 5. Some hackers will use your brand image and act like they are representing your brand to the clients to snatch their personal information like bank account details, mobile numbers, email, and other sensitive information.
Here's what you can do to protect your website from hackers * Strengthen your passwords * Use multi-factor authentication. * Install automatic backups * Install SSL and use HTTPS on your website
Learn More Information - https://codetru.com/website-security-hacks
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Why you should Redesign your Website? To re-design a website, there are multiple reasons from distinctive corners to benefit the website from different perspectives like lead generation, traffic, user experience, effective presentation of products and services, and many more. Web app development has taken many turns and upgraded with each passing day and still continuing to do so. Most businesses will always keep website renovation in the rear in terms of prioritization, but it is utterly important to understand and address the prominence of a website during customer data acquisition and its mark on sales and revenue. Especially, on the marketing grounds, every focal element should be streamlined and this includes your website, which is ought to be the most prominent element for sales personnel. Obsolete layout, horrific navigation, unsatisfying user experience, and inaccurate target audience are some of the elements that influence your website adversely. Anyways, you can handle these problems by redesigning your website. Read along to comprehend the reasons justifying why you should redesign your website. Your website looks obsolete compared to the contemporary design trends. With relentless innovation and market demand, "upgrade" has become mandatory in every line of business, and web designing is no exception. The latest design trends demand a flat design using easy going patterns that renders both a clean and contemporary look to the website on any given device, be it a desktop or a mobile phone. All it takes is a simple and flexible approach to create, which has been followed by many reputed companies across the globe. To make it easier for users to access any given website accessible on mobile phones as most prefer to do so, complicated designs with heavy images will not work. Whereas a simple design does. Perhaps your website is not imaging your brand Well, a freshly designed website that is accompanied with appropriate call to actions will lets you optimize your web site for greater lead generation. Enforcing calls to action throughout each page of your website, will allows you to leverage from every opportunity to convert visitors into leads will typically contribute to your business. Find out more reasons why you should redesign your website ( Web app development)? Possibly your website is not responsive Your website is not optimized for search engines. You are expecting better grip over updating your website. You want to uplift your website lead generation. For More Information - https://codetru.com/why-redesign-website
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What are the roles and responsibilities of a Mobile App Developer?
As the world of technology is being transformed enormously with each passing day, the market for app developers who can innovatively design, develop, and uphold mobile applications to grow. Mobile application developers are considered to be a prominent resource for any project management or technical team to render desired requirements to clients.
Basically, any mobile app development embarks with an idea. The primary chores of a mobile app developer includes understanding the client's ideology and requirement, predicting technical feasibility, and predominantly implementing the anticipations of customers mobile applications. Developers are required to develop APIs to support mobile functionality. They should uphold good association with function designers, UX designers, UI designers and programmers. Sometimes they might've to build an application from scratch or they might've to support an existing app.
Ways to Become an app developer
1) Decide on one of the significant mobile app development platforms The primary step towards understanding how to develop a mobile application is to choose major platforms among iOS, Android, Windows, Symbian, and blackberry, RIM. Nevertheless, despite many platforms, it is quite obvious that iOS and Android are the pioneers in this arena. Hence, it will be wise to choose the right and best mobile app development platform to start off your career.
2) Understand Essential Background Skills In order to become a mobile app developer, one needs to be proficient in the required software development skills. To render better performance while being a mobile developer role, learning coding skills are extremely vital. Let us suppose you are a web developer and aspiring to become a mobile app developer, then you can easily pull off the coding essential for mobile app development since you already possess real-time coding hands-on exp. whereas if you have awareness of object-oriented coding but, never touched coding before in your life, even then it gets easy for you to understand how mobile app development works.
3) Learn To Code Coding ought to be the focal point of the mobile app development process and it makes it a mere responsibility for every aspirant to master it. With technological advancement, there are app development platforms available that allow you to develop basic apps using tools. But, to develop a sophisticated app, you need to learn how to code.
4) Get Certified Though you would've comprehended to code from sources like youtube or any free training platform, having a certification would add more value to your profile and also builds confidence in you at the employer. For employers, these certifications will act as gauging metres in estimating your coding skills in one spot.
5) Broaden your coding competence There are many coding languages to learn in the market, be it from an online source or offline source. Rather than sticking to one coding language and mastering it, it's wise to learn multiple coding languages to keep up with your demand in the market. Also, the employment opportunities will be more when you have an awareness of multiple coding languages. Here are some most in-demand coding languages- Kotlin, Java, c#, .Net, Objective-C, and Swift.
For More Information - https://codetru.com/Mobile_App
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Top Trending Tools & Technologies in App Development (IOS and Android)
Over the last two decades, the revolution of mobile apps has transformed the human way of living to a whole new level, and surprisingly, this process of levelling up is continuing even today with relentless innovations and technologies in the market.
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Over the last two decades, the revolution of mobile apps has transformed the human way of living to a whole new level, and surprisingly, this process of levelling up is continuing even today with relentless innovations and technologies in the market. To become successful in today's scenario, one requires to go mobile and own an app to operate, promote and communicate with their consumers.
Be it the Play store or app store or any other app store is flooded with millions of mobile applications for the consumers to download and utilise for their deeds in daily routine like payments, communication, entertainment, banking, home services, shopping, etc.
In a cut-throat market, the usage of mobile phones persists to transcend desktops and other wired devices, and where an individual spends at least 2.5 hours on a mobile phone in a day on average. Hence, the mobile app developers had no other choice but to develop something better and more exciting than existing apps to entice users or welcome ignorance.
Generally, a common question which hits every developer before jumping into any mobile application development process is the kind of app that needs to be developed. This prerequisite differs not only depending on the essentials of the client, but also upon market saturation, developers' familiarity level with the technology, etc. Explore some of the basic types of apps listed below - Native apps, Mobile web apps & Hybrid mobile apps.
1. Native Apps 2. Mobile Web Apps 3. Hybrid Mobile Apps
Technology upgrades, user demands, and a broad variety of other elements have a direct influence on mobile app trends. Keeping up with newfangled trends is debatably the most vital element of success in this arena. Mobile app developers need to keep up with the latest trends to render best services to their clients.
Learn More - https://codetru.com/Trending_tools
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Benefits of Responsive Web Development Services
Upholding a dedicated mobile friendly website demands extra support and testing.  Also, maintaining a dedicated desktop and mobile sites raises the need for two separate content strategies.
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Responsive web development services is the call of the day as it renders a top-rated user experience across multiple devices irrespective of their dimensions. In detail, a responsive web design refers to building websites that acclimate to the size of the user's device window. The objective behind creating a responsive web design is to make content to be delivered distinctively relying on the screen size, hence the user gets a hassle-free website accessibility no matter what device they employ. Using a responsive web design will stand by the user while accessing any website by automatically resizing the components of the website and fitting them appropriately into the respective device dimensions. Earlier users used to manually adjust the website as per their device screen size,and the inception of responsive web development services stood by developers and designers in building susceptible websites.
There are a wide variety of benefits offered by responsive web development services, read along to thoroughly comprehend: 1. Better Mobile Traffic Inflow 2. Endurable Maintenance Needs 3. Better Conversion Rate 4. Streamlined Analytics 5. Optimum SEO Ranking
Learn for more - https://codetru.com/Responsive
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Web Application Development Process?
Codetru always strives to devise a holistic approach to designing & developing futuristic web based applications that are future ready. Having delivered many web based applications 
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Web Application Planning With all the enormous real-time experience gained from handling many web application development projects, our business experts will identify the project requirements and summarise the magnitude of the prospective web application. Later, the project managers will provide the top-tier project plan with approximate time and budget requirements. Also, roll up respective team members to pull the application development process.
UI/UX Considering your intended audience's expectations and needs, Codetru UI and UX professionals will create engaging interfaces and insightful navigation for your web application. We ensure a higher user satisfaction rate and so the conversion rate through effortless & responsive web application design.
Application Development Web development architects at Codetru are well versed with most cutting-edge web architecture patterns including Progressive web applications (PWA), microservices & headless while our developers are well proficient in handling web development tools in real time. Generally, this phase comprises two major scenarios - front end development and back end development. In precise, front end development is effectively executing and handling the visual experience of the user while using the application. Whereas the backend part is nothing but regulation of data and ensuring smooth flow on the client side.
QA (Quality Assurance) In order to deliver a highly functional user interface and superior user experience while employing web applications or portals, we make the developed application undergo the Quality Assurance Process. By implementing the QA process, we will acknowledge the performance of the application alongside detecting bugs and errors, which went unnoticed during the development process.
Upgrade & Metamorphosis With an eye toward maintaining the accord between the client and the user, we steadily optimize and develop the application. Our industry developers will never leave a stone unturned when it comes to implementing or integrating the latest features to the application which can uplift the user engagement from every corner.
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