#naven epithet erased
slightlyplant · 8 months
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i was rereading prison of plastic and WHY did he say “you’d be surprised” when lorelei said he didn’t know anything about being evil. why would you say that man. dude be real with me here please cmon man be normal
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pixellangel · 28 days
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local ceo is comparable to sopping wet pretzel. more at seven
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emilnikos · 9 months
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naven my best friend naven my bestest buddy of all time
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ironwoman359 · 1 year
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Molly's dad is the absolute worst. Luckily, she has a long line of very protective Dad Friends waiting in the wings.
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favficbirthdays · 2 months
Happy Birthday
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Naven Nuknuk (11th April)
Epithet Erased
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Today’s Autistic character of the day is:
Naven Nuknuk from Epithet Erased
Requested by @shipwreeck
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shokogast · 1 year
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best thing to come out of my sketchbook all week istg
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artsandseances · 1 year
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Naven!!!! With and without the background.
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lettucebrrrger · 1 year
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I got the Prison Of Plastic audio book yesturday and decided to draw this. I need a few more chapters to end it off but man oh man do I HATE Lorelei with a burning passion. More of a hatred I had for her when I was the KS. Anyways I hate how I drew her here but I have better drawings of her. I’m still going to draw her cause I love her design but omfg.
By the way PLEASE Giovanni ADOPT MOLLY
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slightlyplant · 1 year
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i literally do NOT know what his deal is bc i’m following the series as it comes out and haven’t watched the anime campaign but i like to believe he is normal and has done nothing wrong in his whole life
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fnafs-ex-boyfriend · 11 months
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“My eyes are always closed. Wink!”
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epithetlovemail · 8 months
Guess what got revised sillies
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autisticgaledekarios · 9 months
Hi! I saw that you write for Prison of Plastic. You don't have to do this request, but I just thought it would be adorable.
Could you do a Naven Nuknuk & Baby Reader (platonic) one shot where the reader is a child of him and his wife. The reader is crying at night and Naven goes to comfort them?
Again, you don't have to do this request, I just thought it was cute. Sorry for bothering you.
Song of the Sea—Dad!Naven & child!reader
Hi!You were actually my first requester and it made me really excited to write this! I didn’t really know how to write a long story with a baby reader, so i did a small drabble and some headcanons/scenarios!
[also note i have not watched/read prison of plastic,i was going entirely off of his wikipedia page so i hope i am somewhat in character]
WC: 760 total.Abt 400 for the drabble
Turns out, Naven was not well suited for parenting. Sure, he dealt with children most of the time. But with an actual baby, he’s more nervous than usual. A lot more nervous.
He rubbed his eyes, shuffling a bit before sitting up. While his eyes were adjusting to the light,he immediately felt for his wife. Who was still asleep. It was quiet for a moment. Until sharp cries rang from the cot attached to the bed. He scrambled up, doing his best not to wake his wife up, she had been doing most of the parenting while he was working. And Naven felt like she deserved her sleep more than he did.
He walked over to the cot, picking up the child carefully. He wasn’t exactly sure what they were upset about. He was used to dealing with children slightly older than infants. Or a lot older. He sat back down on the bed , blinking slowly as he lightly rocked the baby back and forth.
“hush now, mo stóirín. Close your eyes and sleep”
He sang softly, doing his best to remember the song his father had sung to him when he was a child.
. They made some babbling noises, slowly reaching their tiny hand up and latching onto Naven’s bright green hair. It stung a bit, but he was just happy they had stopped crying.
He smiled softly, all of the bad moments of parenting were worth it. He hummed a lullaby under his breath,slowly lowering the baby back into the cot, they looked like they were going to start crying again. So he offered his hand, watching as their tiny hand wrapped around his finger.
He sank to his knees so he was more comfortable, he expected it to take a while for the baby to get back to sleep. So he just kept singing.
“waltzing the waves…diving in the deep.” he rested his chin on the side of the cot. Closing his eyes for a moment. He didn’t realise that he himself had also fallen asleep until he woke up in his bed.
His neck ached,and he turned over to see his wife talking to the baby as if it were a fully developed person. He sat up,rubbing his neck. “you fell asleep beside the cot,” she said, smiling at him. “I made you some rose tea, it should still be warm.”
he would be the type to worry a lot about minor details all the time, he’s too soft to be strict to you so he ends up being the more fun parent
he can be a bit of a pushover, and if you do decide to abuse it (poor naven) he’ll end up being really stressed. Until your mom sits you down and tells you. “stop bullying your dad you know he has anxiety”
He’s really good at comforting, once when you were a smaller child, you had gotten overwhelmed in a grocery store, and he had quickly diffused the situation easily. It’s quite admirable and he ended up giving some other parents tips
He would definitely make pillow forts with you once you got to like 7-9 and have fort sleepovers, never on a school night however
Speaking of school, the teacher side of him wants you to succeed. But he doesn't want you to end up burnt out like he had when he was younger. So he’s very sweet and reassuring that he values you despite your grades and makes sure to pay plenty of attention to you either way.
When you’re old enough, he definitely teaches you how to bake. You spend a lot of time making apple pies or apple crumble.
Naven doesn’t know this, but his wife managed to catch a video of him getting an entire bowl of flour on his head by [name] one time when you got caught stealing chocolate chip cookies when he turned his back.
There’s also a “painting” you did when you were three sellotaped to the fridge…it’s been thirteen years and its still there. Its not moving.
He used to read stories every night so you could sleep, more often than not, you would wake up with your dad lying in the most uncomfy looking position holding a book in some way. You would always have to weasel around him as to not wake him up
no matter what you want to do,or who you are as a person. You bet he’ll be incredibly supportive.
oh and if someone bullies you?He sends Zora afterthem^^
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favficbirthdays · 1 year
Happy Birthday
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Naven Nuknuk (11th April)
Epithet Erased
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palatteflags · 1 year
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Naven Nuknuk from Epithet Erased based Ace, Aro, and Agender flags! ^^ For an anon! hope you like these~~
Want one? Send an ask~ -mod Jay
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