#nat is the best girlfriend in the multiverse
inkblot-inc · 2 years
Natasha and Wanda getting Jaws stickers to decorate their water bottles special. Knowing if they do something just for them Jaws won’t repeat the biting incident. Especially if there are Black Widow and Scarlett Witch stickers involved.
After that incident for sure, I see you and I raise you this scenario instead:
Jaws doesn't put the stickers on themselves because "why am I putting stickers on a water bottle?", so when Natasha and Wanda get them their water bottles, they stick the stickers on themselves as a "These stickers reminded me of you baby," or "I picked them out for you to have, gup" when in reality they know Jaws wouldn't destroy something Nat or Wanda did for them.
cunning, but effective *taps left temple*
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randomshyperson · 2 years
Sweet Us - Wanda Maximoff x Reader
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Summary: An accident with interdimensional portals takes you to a world where you are married to your best friend. For a certain black widow, it's a great opportunity to torment you. Or, the one where you have feelings for Wanda and sometimes you just need to visit the version of you who had the guts to tell her. | Requested
Warnings: (+18), a little bit of everything from angst, bad jokes and happy ending, some milf!wanda was well, friends to lovers, kissing, nudity, avengers being a family, some drinking, several references to comics and series inside jokes, emo wanda, mild angst, everyone is homosexual 'cause i said so, car sex in the end, strap on use, bottom!wanda, reader being a simp in every world | Words: 12.555k
A/N-> A friend from A03 asked me for this one and she had asked for a comedy and I put in several angst scenes for free. Anyway, I think it worked. Now I still have a fic from a very old request for Spider!Reader that I should post next week. Hope you like this one!
General Masterlist | AO3 | Wattpad
Sweet Us - Wanda Maximoff x Reader
The Multiverse was at war.
It didn't start in your world, however. In fact, according to Stephen Strange, the supreme of your reality, the war wasn't actually even in its infancy. He just knew that things had gotten out of hand and that the Avengers would be a good help in keeping the dangers at bay.
Therefore, Tony and Vision created special teams to help the sorcerers - In Tony's words, a glitter cleaning team (No one was offended, everyone was sure it was jealousy since Iron Man couldn't do magic) and you were one of the names on the Black Widow team. 
Obviously, Natasha was the leader. You, like her, were part of the Red Room in your childhood. The third was Yelena, and she didn't want to join the mission because Kate Bishop was coming back to the compound this weekend and she wanted to be a good friend.
You understood and said fine. Natasha was annoyed.
"It's her job, Y/N!" Complained the redhead for the hundredth time on the way to the Sanctum Sanctorum beside you. "If she doesn't help us to protect the universe, she can wave goodbye to movie nights with her girlfriend."
You sighed lightly. "But she hasn't seen Kate in months, Nat! It's normal to miss each other..."
"I don't even know why I'm trying to explain this to you." Natasha interrupted irritably, her hands busy reviewing ammunition (a Yelena task) while you drove the truck. "Of course, you understand well what Yelena is going through."
You frowned slightly. "What did you mean by that?"
But Nat only laughed dryly, ignoring your quibble and going back to check to see if the guns were loaded.
Usually, Stephen's missions were simple. Making sure the interdimensional cracks were closed in time and dealing with any kind of threat that might have escaped through them.
But as soon as you made the curve in the avenue, and you had to brake the car to avoid hitting the number of running pedestrians, you and Natasha knew it would be different than last time.
Natasha quickly slung a gun in your lap and opened the doors, and you wasted no time in running with her toward the confusion. Soon you could see the cosmic monstrosity that was happening there.
Right on top of the Sanctum Sanctorum, an extradimensional cathedral had opened. Stephen and some other magicians were floating around, trying to keep the creatures under control, and they seemed to be doing a good job. But extra weapons were always useful.
Exchanging a look with Natasha, you moved into the fray, and you had to put all your widow training into practice to stay away from the tentacled creatures advancing out of the colored cracks.
On a roll behind a car, your cell phone rang. You answered the call using the helmet of the uniform you and Natasha were wearing.
A small window became visible in your field of vision, and the image of a sleepy Wanda Maximoff with slightly tousled hair and scratching her eyes appeared and sped up your heart more than the surrounding monsters.
"Good morning Witchy, what can I do for you?" You asked in the gentlest tone you could manage, as your fingers worked to reload your gun. Explosions boomed behind you.
"dobroye utro, milaya ('morning sweetheart)..." She started with a yawn. "Y/N, have you seen my Imagine Dragons t-shirt? I can't find it anywhere and I was going to wear it to the show later."
"Yeah, it's in my closet-ouch!" A small exclamation of pain cut off your speech because some of the creatures threw an acid that corroded half the car and dripped onto your sleeve. Wanda was immediately alarmed.
"What was that, Y/N? Where are you...?"
"ARE YOU REALLY ON THE PHONE WITH YOUR GIRLFRIEND IN THE MIDDLE OF THE FIGHT?" Natasha shouted from across the street in indignation and thank god it was too far away for Wanda to hear. You grunted a little.
"We ended up in a conflict before we got to the sanctum, darling. No big deal, just a few more little magic monsters." You said, and Wanda's face grew even more worried.
"I'll dress up in a minute, I can help-"
"No, no, you're off duty." You interrupt her immediately, shaking your head and having to throw yourself to the side to keep a tentacle from holding you. "Wanda, go get some breakfast, and the blouse-Shit!" You hush to defend a blow, ducking and Wanda tries to look past the camera but to no avail. You return to the video breathless and with a helmet full of blood on the outside (Not that she can see). "Your blouse is at the top of my closet, wear it with that black skirt it will look great! I-I'll meet you and Pietro at the door of the show, okay? Seven-thirty. As we agreed."
Wanda hesitates, clearly worried about the muffled confusion around you. You soften your expression though you can feel a cut burning in your stomach. 
"I'm fine, Wands. I'll come home, I promise."
You never lie to her, especially if it is a promise. So she smiles, swallows dryly the anticipation, and trusts you.
"I'll be waiting, dorogoya. Seven-thirty, don't be late." She says before hanging up.
But the fight seems to get worse after that. Or maybe it's the cut on your stomach, which slows you down.
Natasha steps back to give you cover, and for a moment, it looks like you are winning. You see Stephen controlling the largest of the Monsters, and the mages closing most of the cracks.
You turn to tell Natasha that you have landed more hits than she has, but the redhead is already running toward you to get you out of range of the car that one of the monsters has thrown in your direction.
You both roll a little on impact, but you're fine. 
"You could have knocked me down a little more gently, Romanoff." You mutter to irritate her as you massage her shoulder. But Natasha is looking forward with wide eyes.
When you look and see the crack that you have passed through - and which was now closing in at high speed - you also widen your eyes. 
You stand up to try to stop it, but it is already too late. The portal had already closed.
"Okay. Okay. Don't panic." You gasp with your hand on your stomach, looking to where the crack was, but where now there are only streets. And what was once a chaotic fight with a crowd fleeing monsters, has turned into a quiet boulevard with pedestrians looking strangely at the blood-covered uniforms you and Natasha were wearing. 
"Let's try to be positive. Maybe we've gone to a nice world." You try but Natasha is drawing her pistol again, turning toward something behind you.
Black pickup trucks arrive at high speed and park, surrounding the area. Pedestrians run away and you swallow dryly, feeling a little dizzy. You can feel the cut dripping down your stomach as well.
"Let me do the talking." Natasha murmurs to you, as you watch masked agents step out of cars with rifles that are clearly far more advanced than anything you have in your world.
They all carried the Iron Legion symbol in a brooch on their chests, perhaps that's why Natasha lowered her gun to the ground and stepped forward with her hands in the air.
"We're not here for trouble." She tried, but one of the soldiers stepped forward.
"Identify yourselves outsiders." Demanded the male voice. You swallowed dryly as you noticed the iron hand that held a smaller type of iPad. 
"I am Natasha-"
"Reason for the Journey, not names." Cut the serious man - Or you imagined the expression by the tone of his voice. Like everyone else, he wore an iron mask that covered much of his face. But the long hair and green eyes were familiar enough for you and Nat not to despair. She swallowed dryly.
"Bucky, we are travelers from another universe, we are not here to cause trouble." Natasha tried as she stepped forward, but the mention of the name only made everyone tense up. The soldier put down his iPad and drew his gun. Nat stopped walking. 
"Reason for travel, I won't ask again!" He shouted demanding, and Natasha sighed slightly. She opened her mouth to reply, trying to decide how she was going to explain all of Strange's confusion when she heard a motorcycle noise. Bucky's variant let out an impatient grunt, but the vehicle was already parking next to the truckers, and someone got off.
"You're losing your touch, Barnes." Mocked the agent who got down, and before you could mutter to Natasha that it was a hell of an entrance, the woman was pulling a knife from her ankle and advancing on you two. Natasha wasted no time in reacting, of course, masterfully matching the blows.
"You're trespassing, illusionist." Said the soldier between one hit and another. You tried to help Natasha, but Bucky's variant attacked you and the metal arm kept you busy enough.
"It's not an illusion!" Natasha defended herself without stopping the fighting. 
"It's not, heh? If you really are Natalia, tell me something only I would know." Demanded the woman, making the redhead laugh confusedly.
"I don't even know who you are." Justified the widow, and ended up getting hit in the legs that knocked her down.
"Wrong answer, evil clone." Retorted the other. Fortunately, you had trained enough with Bucky to know exactly how to defeat him and had just hit him when Natasha fell. You only had time to run and throw yourself against the agent to prevent your friend from getting hit in the face.
The wound on your stomach throbbed with the impact, and you squirmed on the ground, trying to get up beyond the pain because you heard the other soldier doing the same next to you. Natasha ran into a range to you, helping you up and taking a few steps back. You both raised your fists at the Soldier getting up, but Natasha hesitated when they took off her glasses that were scratched in the fall.
"You take the right and I'll take the left, okay?" You directed but Natasha was lowering her hands. You frowned in confusion. "Nat, by god, she's coming, what the hell are you doing?"
The soldier started walking, and you swallowed dryly. Nat didn't hesitate. "Take off your helmet, Y/N."
"Do you want her to hit me in the head? Or worse one of the soldiers?" You asked in desperation. 
Natasha grunted impatiently, and when the soldier moved forward, she spun her body skillfully and used the same blow you never knew how to defend, effectively knocking the other woman to the ground. 
"No matter the world, you never watch the knees, do you баламут (troublemaker)? Mocks the widow, pinning the soldier beneath her, a victorious smile on her face. You frown in indignation.
"I thought you only called me that..." You mutter in annoyance, and Natasha sighs impatiently.
"By God, Y/N! Hasn't it become obvious yet? Take off your helmet, and help me before they shoot us." She shouted, and despite your grimace, you capably obeyed.
As soon as your helmet came off, the soldiers hesitated and lowered their weapons. Bucky - who was getting up - widened his eyes and made no attempt to attack.
The woman trapped underneath Natasha stopped struggling.
"I'm going to take yours off now, okay?" Natasha asked the soldier, who stood still waiting. 
As soon as the iron mask came off, and you saw your own face, you were completely speechless.
But only for half a second.
"Oh my God! It's me! I'm so cool! Did you see the way I arrive on the bike? Where did I learn to ride a motorcycle! And this leather jacket looks amazing on me! And see the way everybody put down their guns and let me fight alone? I'm like a super powerful leader, aren't I? My God this is so cool! 
Natasha laughed incredulously, and got off your variant, helping you to stand while you looked around excitedly.
"Like I said, it's not an illusion." Said the widow. "We are from another world. It was an accident to end up here."
Your variant swallows dryly, exchanging a glance with Bucky - who is standing and sort of at a loss for words with you praising the improvements his mechanical arm has received in this world - before sighing lightly.
"I'll take them to the compound, Barnes. Take the team to take care of the breaches they've opened up in the north." Your variant directs, and Bucky seems quite content to evade your comments, gesturing for the team to follow him.
In record time, the pickup trucks and soldiers are gone, and you and Natasha stand facing the motorcycle.
"You can't fit three on a motorcycle..." You mutter softly, making your variant chuckle. She moves to take something off the dashboard of the vehicle, and you realize that it is one of the rings that Strange owns. And that might explain how cars get to places so quickly in this universe.
She opens a portal into the street, and you walk through to end up in the front yard of the Avengers Complex.
"Are you writing this stuff down, Romanoff? Strange could lend us those rings." You whisper to the widow beside you, who shakes her head, hiding a smile.
"Why did you bring us here?" Natasha asks your variant, who is dragging the shut-down motorcycle to the entrance. 
"You need to give some statements, paperwork for multiversal travelers." She replies, parking the motorcycle before turning to you two again. "And well, the Legion of Ultron takes care of those matters."
You and Nat swallow dry, exchanging shocked looks. It is by following your variant that you realize that the Avengers' symbol is not on the door of the compound but the same as the Iron Legion's - or Ultron's - like the one on the brooch on their uniforms.
"Ultron worked out in this world then?" Natasha asks casually, and your variant lets out an impressed laugh.
"You guys know him?" She asked. You scratch the back of your head.
"Yeah, something like that." You mumble because you don't think it would be a good idea to say that he was a supervillain in your world and that you and Wanda destroyed his last body together.
It seemed like a good enough answer for your variant.
"The guy's a pain in the ass if you ask me." Retorted the variant. "But if you're fans, he stays in the Tower basically always, because he can work inside his own head. You can ask for an autograph before you leave."
Natasha giggles, muttering that it wasn't okay in the sense that she had no interest in asking the robot for autographs, but you barely heard it because you were impressed with the inside of this world's compound.
Everything was so clean and luxurious, and the painting of that legion of Ultron on the wall of the living room attracted your immediate attention. All the Avengers were there, and they were a few years older. The image of yourself smiling and with an arm around a redheaded Wanda made you interrupt the conversation.
"This girl. That you hug in the picture. Are you friends here?" You ask, and your variant raises a surprised eyebrow.
Natasha rolls her eyes. " Of course, you and Wanda are besties everywhere, Y/N, can we get back to adult business now?" Retorts the impatient widow having been interrupted in her questioning about going back to her own world, but your variant lets out a small laugh.
"It's all right, Natalia, in a new world I too would be curious to know where my wife is."
Your smile fades immediately, and Natasha's shock only lasts half a second.
"I beg your pardon?" She questions with a dry laugh. "Did you say wife? Are you married? You?"
Your variant laughs awkwardly, approaching the frame next to you. "Yes, for a few years actually." She starts by nodding to the picture. "That was taken in the first year of the legion, we called ourselves the Avengers back there. It was cool, but while I'm not much of a fan of the microwave, I have to admit that Ultron has improved everything. It's nice not to have any tragedies to avenge, you know?" You counter with a slightly nostalgic smile, lowering your hands and putting them in your pockets. "We had quieter years, I was able to start a family. Wanda and I got married just before we were promoted."
You had your mouth hanging open in shock. Natasha was biting back a smile, trying not to start laughing at your face.
"Wow, what a beautiful story." She commented with a slight tease that your variant didn't catch. "And were you guys friends or was it already a more direct thing with dating and sex in the compound?"
The variant gave a shy, confused laugh, evidently surprised at the straightforward curiosity. You grunted in shame, unable not to imagine the situation, and closed your eyes for a moment to control your own thoughts.
"Sorry, you and Wanda are not a couple in your universe?" Your variant asks tenderly, and Natasha giggles from your side as you try to control the red in your cheeks.
"N-no, we... um, no." You stammer.
"They're living a friends to lovers, I'd say." Natasha murmurs, and your variant gives a chuckle at the way you cross your arms in a sulk, your face burning like your ears. 
Natasha seemed intent on continuing to torment you, but someone crosses the hallway and you roll your eyes at the sight of Peggy Carter in front of you. You only know her from Steve's pictures and the Shield paintings, and it is impactful to say the least to see her standing in front of you.
"Y/N, I just got the notification from Bucky." She says seriously, her gaze on you and Nat. "We don't bring travelers into the compound, but seeing them, I already understand the exception." Says Peggy, to which your variant just nods.
"Is Wanda back yet? Someone has to take care of the trial and T'Challa is in Wakanda until next week." Your variant said, but before Peggy could respond, Nat steps forward.
"Trial?" She asks indignantly, but her variant softens her expression.
"It's just what we call it, Natalia." She replies. "We have rules for interdimensional travel, all are administered by the Council. It's dangerous to mess with the multiverse, everything has to be well taken care of to avoid catastrophes. When two variants appear in the middle of New York, we need to know what they were doing here."
Natasha sighs slightly, deciding to trust. It was you, after all. 
You, on the other hand, are trying to look at the shield Peggy carries on her back. She gives a little giggle when she notices, taking the item out to show you.
"So cool!" You comment excitedly, running your hand over the flag. "We have a Captain America on our world, his name is Sam Wilson, maybe you know him?"
"Oh, sure, he's our Captain America too." Peggy retorts with a smile. "He took over the shield after Steve Rogers. And I'm Captain Carter."
"Oh, that makes sense." You murmur nodding. "It's nice that you and Steve were able to stay together in this world."
Peggy frowns slightly, chuckling lightly. "Um, actually, Steve isn't...well, we were partners. In the war, before the ice. But now, well, he and Barnes got married in the fall." She tells you and you widen your eyes in surprise. "And I'm... um, I'm Margaret Carter Romanova now."
Natasha chokes in surprise, turning redder than her own hair. You can't hold back your giggle.
"You married Steve's ex-girlfriend? Sweet Jesus, Natalia, congratulations, really. I'll never let that one go." You teased and Nat grunted loudly, but the variants only chuckled lightly.
"There's time until the trial, and you guys could use a bath." Your variant spoke, clearly trying to dim the awkwardness of the conversation. "Come, I'll take you to, well, your rooms." Joked last.
You would have scoffed at the way Natasha tripped over her own feet as she passed Peggy - who muttered to her that she was very pretty in all universes - but you were too excited to see the rest of the compound.
Despite the different decorations - from pictures or coats of arms - in general it was quite similar to the one in your world. You found it funny that your room in that reality was on the other side of the tower, however.
"I imagine you know the showers trick." Asked your variant as she led you inside, and you laughed, nodding in agreement. "You can wear anything from the dresser, we're the same size after all. I'll see if I can get you guys something to eat. And I'll check if the operations with Bucky go smoothly. Make yourselves at home." Said your variant, before leaving the room.
Natasha turned her face and her gaze was full of mischief.
"So you actually want to marry Maximoff..."
"Choose your words well, Romanoff. You hooked up with your best friend's ex." You retort quickly and Nat chokes in shock. She closes her mouth with an irritated grumble and you giggle. "Let's get this over with soon, and you can torment me later."
"Oh, believe me, I'll torment you later." She retorts mockingly but is moving away toward the door. "And what can we do but wait? Strange is probably looking for us right now, which means we should take advantage of the time we have here."
"Nat, please stay out of trouble..."
"Or please, the баламут here is you." She retorts with a chuckle as she opens the door. "And I'm just curious what my life is like here. Come on, it's not every day we get to go to a different universe. If I were you, I'd go snoop around, maybe find out how you and Wanda ended up under a tree..."
You grunt in embarrassment, grabbing one of the pillows from the bed to throw at Natasha, but by the time you do, she is laughing her way out the door.
Sighing heavily, you decide that if Natasha is going to be looking around for trouble, someone of you should behave. For now, you need a bath.
Your room is evidently the largest in the world, especially the closet that your variant humbly calls a dresser.
You let your fingers run through the suits and uniforms until you reach a kind of dressing table, where you let out a soft sigh when you find a picture in the mirror.
Red hair suits Wanda. In the photo, she is sitting on your lap, while you kiss her cheek. You are both smiling, and what is most different from your world are the golden rings on your fingers.
You swallow dryly, returning the photo to its place and letting your attention fall to the fighting equipment your variant keeps there. The iron mask has its replacements in the top drawer, and you are curious to know how it feels.
Putting it on, you face your reflection. It's nice. You're considering telling Tony when you come back for a new design on your uniform when you hear footsteps approaching and a voice that makes you stumble with fright.
"lyubovʹ moya, ty tak dolgo (my love, you took so long)" Wanda comments as soon as she enters the closet and you swallow dry, ready to explain the whole story, but she walks over to you and hugs you tight and you can only sigh deeply. Once she looks at you again, she gives a little giggle at the mask, "I always forget how hot you look in this."
Your cheeks blush, heavily, and you are grateful for the mask. Wanda kisses you on the neck and you almost become a complete mess. She doesn't seem to notice, pulling away and going back to saying something about the mission being over earlier than expected, and her looking for you, but you're trying to decide how you're going to explain everything and stop shaking.
All thoughts fade away when Wanda simply takes off her shirt.
Your breath catches, and you know that your face must be the same color as her hair. With trembling legs, you sit down in the closet chair, and Wanda - oblivious to all this - simply works to remove her bra and turns around with her torso exposed to you.
"[...] Anyway, that Bishop girl has been hanging around the house a lot, don't you think? I've asked America dozens of times, but she keeps evading the subject. Billy and Tommy refuse to tell on their sister, but I'm going to find out if they're dating." Wanda comments, but you're in shock, staring at her bare breasts without reaction. At your realization, she raises an eyebrow. "Malysha, are you listening to me?" She asks with some amusement, placing a hand on her waist and you gasp slightly.
"Jesus christ." You mumble affectedly, finally looking away and not risking looking up again. Wanda watches your reaction with amusement. 
"All these years and you're still speechless at the sight of me without clothes..." She murmurs approaching and you are opening your mouth to start explaining, but Wanda is straddling your lap and you find that you have lost the ability to breathe. "If we were quick, we can have some fun before the appointment this afternoon. Do that thing I like with your tongue..." She teased softly, hips grinding against yours and taking away your ability to think properly.
"Wanda, god, I'm not-"
"Wow, that's something." Interrupted someone from the doorway and Wanda screamed. She stumbled away from you, covering her torso with one arm, a mixture of horror and confusion on her face. But your variant, arms crossed from the doorway, was laughing. "I can only remember when I said I dreamed I kissed another version of you and you made me sleep on the couch. Now, look how the tables have turned."
Wanda grunted indignantly, "Explain yourself, Y/N! Now!" She demanded, still in shock that she was seeing two versions of yourself. Your variant didn't stop smiling but uncrossed her arms.
You heard something about multiverse but the wound in your stomach throbbed painfully and everything started to go dark. 
When you blinked again, you were lying in an infirmary. And Natasha beside you.
"Hey." You greet in a hoarse voice, and soon let out an exclamation of pain from the slap you got from Romanoff on the arm.
"Why the hell didn't you say you were hurt?" She questioned as you massaged the twinge and sat up in bed.
"I didn't think it was serious." You justified yourself feeling your whole body aching. "And the super serum has to be good for something."
"The serum doesn't make you immortal, Y/N! God, if I let you die in another world Wanda turns me into a frog." Grumbled the redhead making you chuckle lightly.
"She's not that kind of witch." You say, but Nat shakes her head.
"Oh, that's not what I heard." Says the redhead, nodding her head at the couple talking outside the room. Wanda and your variant are talking very close, and when they exchange intense smiles, and the variant takes Wanda's hand and kisses it before saying goodbye, you turn your blushing face away.
"What do you mean?" You ask Nat, who sighs a little.
"You blacked out for a few hours, Y/N. The trial is over."
"Relax, it all worked out." Nat soothes you by forcing you back into a sitting position when you make mention of getting up. "They've had some bad experiences with travelers in this world, and now they keep things under control. They were waiting for you to wake up to send us back."
You absorb the information in shock, and before you can question further, Wanda is back. She opens the door and offers you such a tender smile that you suddenly feel very aware that you are only in a top because of the bandage they made on your belly.
"You're awake, dorogoya." She greeted, and you were too busy hiding your flushed face to notice Natasha's little smile beside you. "How are you feeling?"
"G-good." You murmured watching her approach the bed until she was close enough to touch your face. "Natalia already told you about the trial, I imagine."
"Mm-hmm." You merely replied, knowing that you would have no ability to formulate any answer with Wanda caressing your cheek like that.
She smiled, tucking a loose strand of hair behind your ear before commenting, "God, you're so young. This is so odd."
You laugh shyly. "You don't look old." 
That wasn't entirely true. Wanda was older than the one you knew, but that may be because you have all the traits of her face memorized, and your Wanda has no age wrinkles yet. Regardless, the version in front of you is absurdly gorgeous.
She chuckles a little. "You are sweet, but I am old enough to be a mother in this world." She murmurs as she pulls her hand away, you were going to complain about the lack, but she sits down beside you. "And indeed, I am."
You widen your eyes softly, but Natasha doesn't seem the least bit surprised, a little smile lingers on her face.
"Do you have children?" You ask curiously, and Wanda smiles, nodding in agreement. "Cool. They... are they ours?"
She bites her lip thoughtfully, and you imagine that there must be rules about what and how much to say about the multiverse. Wanda may have decided to ignore them all.
"Yes, they are ours." She replies, her hands moving to check the bandage on your belly. "America, not by blood, is our older. We adopted her when she was 6, she's the naughtiest girl I know. And then the twins came. William and Thomas. They are our biological children."
You give a lopsided laugh. "Is that, like, possible in this world?"
It's Wanda's turn to laugh, her cheeks turning slightly pink.
"Oh, dorogoya, believe me, we figured that out." That's what she replies, and you'll accept it as enough because you've suddenly allowed yourself to think about the attempts and the heat that has surged in your body makes you embarrassed. Wanda realizes that everything is okay with the bandage, and sighs slightly. "If you are really feeling well, everything is ready for you two to go."
You swallow dryly, nodding and forcing a smile at Wanda.
"Hey, Wands." You call out to her before she can get up. "Sorry." That's what you say, surprising her. "F-for not saying I wasn't your wife. And for seeing your boobs."
"Wow, excuse me?" Natasha cuts in with a laugh that Wanda accompanies. You blush heavily, but Maximoff gestures slightly.
"It's okay, sweetie." Wanda assures you. "My wife also gets tongue-tied around me. It's a good reaction, I suppose." 
"Well, you're super gorgeous, so it's not our fault." You mutter getting a shy chuckle from the other, but Natasha grunts softly.
"And you guys are super gay. I'm going to get something to eat before we go, Y/N." Annunciates the redhead before leaving the room, and you and Wanda exchange giggles as you were left alone.
Once the giggles cease, she reaches for your hand on the bed.
"Promise me you're okay?" She asks low, and you swallow dryly at the strong deja vu. Wanda is Wanda in all worlds.
"I'm fine, it was just a scratch. I promise." You assured her making her smile slightly. Next, you let your curiosity prevail. "Where did I go?"
Her smile didn't go off. "Home, of course." She says. "We work at the Tower, but our home is in Massachusetts." She tells surprising you.
"We live with the witches, huh?" you joke and it's Wanda's turn to be surprised.
She hesitates a bit, curiosity shining in her eyes as she draws patterns on her hand.
"Your Wanda...she's not a witch?"
You bite the inside of your cheek, half thoughtfully. "Well, technically, no? Her powers are super cool, and when she was with Hydra, she did some stuff with people's fears and everyone started calling her a witch. But she only does energy stuff and stopped with the mind control thing. The nickname little witch caught on, but she doesn't really do spells."
"But the powers, where did they come from?" She insists, and you shrug softly.
"From the mind stone, I guess." You reply. "That's what I know."
Wanda forces a smile, nodding and stopping her caresses on your hand. "I am a witch, Y/N. And I think your Wanda is too."
"Well, that's cool, I love magic and so does Wanda." You casually retort, getting a small giggle from the other.
"Malysha, listen to me carefully, okay?" She asks looking into your eyes. "I have met a few versions of myself in this extensive multiverse. None that have had their magic amplified by an Infinity Stone before. Your Wanda may be a special kind of us."
"Oh, like royalty?" You ask receiving a frown in return. A small smile forms on your lips. "I usually call her princess too. It would be nice to know I got another nickname right."
Wanda laughs softly, her eyes full of affection. "You really like her, don't you?"
You swallow dryly, evading the hidden meaning in her words. "S-She's my best friend."
The redhead doesn't seem to be impacted much by the correction. She smiles. 
"If I'm right, Wanda will be the Scarlet Witch one day."
You blink in confusion. "I don't know what that means."
"And you don't need to know." She says, placing a hand on your face. "Not now. You're young, she is too, isn't she?" She asks and you nod quickly. Wanda smiles, "You have time. Enjoy that innocence now, that freedom. If she really is the Scarlet Witch, the power and responsibility don't come for free."
You frowned in concern, raising your hand to her forearm. "Wands, what are you talking about?"
But she smiles, shaking her head. "It's not my place to tell your story, dear." She says as she strokes her skin. "Please, just be there for her. She's going to need you. I always do."
You swallow dryly but force a smile. "I promise."
Wanda smiles, and you hold your breath as she approaches. She kisses your cheek, and you know you are blushing hard. 
"Go get dressed, I'll make sure your Natasha didn't destroy something else." Declares Wanda as she walks away, and you frown in confusion.
"What did she destroy before?" you ask getting only a chuckle in return.
Many minutes later, you are wearing a completely clean uniform with a pouting Natasha Romanoff at your side. - She didn't like that the Legion of Ultron people wouldn't let her destroy another of the small statues of Vision (which in this world was Ultron) scattered around the compound. In her words 'microwave third wheel deserves no tribute'.
You were very pleased that some members of the Legion came to say goodbye to you.
Peggy even let you hold the shield before you left. And you were too busy talking to Wanda to notice the flirtations the captain threw at Nat only to see her blush.
"I think you would like to have this." Wanda said as she handed one of the masks to you, and got you to widen your eyes. 
"She-I mean, I won't mind?" You ask, and Wanda giggles.
"It was my wife who asked me to deliver it." She explains, and you take the item from her hands. "I think she'd like to give it to you, but someone has to make sure Billy and Tommy do their homework. And part of her got the impression that you'd like to see me by your bedside when you wake up."
You blushed again, babbling embarrassedly, which only increased Wanda's smile.
"Thanks for the mask, witchy. Really." You murmur and she moves closer to hug you almost tight enough that your bruise hurts. No chance for you to complain, Wanda could keep her arms around you as long as she wanted.
"Sorry to break the moment, love birds, but I think we'd better go soon." Natasha said as she approached with her arms crossed, and her face half flushed. "Our friends must be worried."
Wanda waved goodbye as she let you go, and you smiled at her before joining Nat. 
After the conversation, you weren't surprised that the return spell was done by Wanda, and you just arranged to wave goodbye to the Legion before entering the portal with Natasha.
The scenery of the compound was replaced by the interiors of the Sanctum Sanctorum, where Stephen Strange stumbled away from spell books toward you two.
"Romanoff! L/N! You are here!" He announced in amazement, but Natasha rolled her eyes.
"And we did it on our own, mister Supreme!" She scoffed.
"But it was Wanda who did the spell..." You muttered low, receiving an elbow from the widow who forgot you were injured and scrambled to help you stand when you howled in pain.
Stephen used his cape to float to you quickly.
"How long have we been gone?" Nat asked holding you as you squeezed the bruise gently.
"Long enough." Stephen replied. "I alerted your team, and was trying to find the spell to take to me and -"
But Stephen didn't even have to complete, because a female figure was crossing the hallway and as soon as she laid eyes on you, she let the teacup fall to the floor.
Pietro caught the item with a grimace, keeping the drink from spilling out, and Natasha released you just in time for Wanda to throw herself onto you.
"Hey, hey, I'm fine." You assured with a shy chuckle, feeling Wanda squeeze tighter. "I'm glad you found the t-shirt."
But she didn't laugh at your joke, sniffling against your chest and making you swallow dryly. 
"I thought I lost you." She confesses with her face hidden against you. "I couldn't...I couldn't feel you anymore. Nowhere. Don't ever do that again. You scared me."
You stroke her back, swallowing dryly before saying, "Forgive me, I didn't mean to. I'm here now. I'm safe."
Wanda only releases you because you grunt softly from the pain of the bruise. "W-what happened?"
"We have a lot to discuss, Maximoff, you have no idea." It is Natasha who answers, and you force a tender smile at Wanda.
In the end, Natasha did most of the talking. She took care of the story, and because you were injured, you insisted on taking care of the mission reports for Stephen.
She politely ignored your request and delivered them while you were busy at dinner with Wanda.
Unfortunately, you missed the show. Your interdimensional trip lasted almost two days on this world. The avengers were racing against time to find you, and Stephen had spent many hours enduring light threats from an angry Wanda demanding that he find out where you were. Pietro, besides being a mandatory presence on the rescue team, thought it best to stay around so that Wanda didn't end up destroying the Sanctum.
Your injury was healing fast, and although you had told the team members a few hundred times about the universe you visited, you were doing a great job of hiding the fact that you were married in your other life to your best friend.
When Kate Bishop showed up in your room with tickets to the next Imagine Dragons concert, they came with an ultimatum.
"You have to tell her." She said, completely confusing you.
"What are you talking about, Hawkeye?" You questioned, but Kate crossed her arms.
You widened your eyes. "Who told you?"
Kate laughed. "Really, Y/N? Nat tells Clint and Yelena everything. And Clint is my mentor, and Lena is my girlfriend. And well, I tell everyone everything, so I guess the only person who doesn't know is Wanda, but if Pietro already knows..."
"God I need to sit down." You state with a nervous nausea in your stomach, sitting down on your bed as Kate sighs impatiently, and closes the door with her foot as she follows you inside.
"Man, what's the big deal, you know? You married her in another world, and you're obviously super into her in this one too."
"Kate!" You interrupt her with a red face. "It's not like that, okay!"
Kate rolls her eyes, with an incredulous laugh. "As if." She mutters, but you grunt.
"Look, I can't, okay? Wanda is...perfect. She's everything. Everything I have." You state looking at the floor, and Kate frowns in surprise. You swallow dryly. "I can't ruin us. She's the most important person I have, and I don't know what I would do if I ruined this..."
Kate sighs, coming closer and kneeling in front of you, one hand on your knee. "Y/N, it's normal to be afraid. I felt the same way with Yelena. But look on the bright side, you can already see that you guys work in another life, you can have a chance to be happy in this one too."
You smile sadly. "That world was different, Kate." You mutter. "There, a lot of things that went wrong here, worked in that life. What if in this world, Wanda and I are supposed to go wrong? That variant was incredible. Fearless and so cool. I am not that way. I panic about basically everything, and I have no idea what I'm going to do with my life. Those two knew who they were and that they wanted a family together. And I have no idea how to do that."
Kate swallows dryly, forcing a smile. "But you don't need to know that now, Y/N." She says gently. "We are so young. Maybe your variants were as lost as you are now, but they had the courage to stand by each other until they were ready. The question is whether you will too."
You swallow dryly, silently absorbing her words. Kate offers you a soft smile and moves her hands away to take two items from her blouse pocket.
"I heard you missed the last one, and I hate the band, but I kept getting tickets because of the last name, so I figured you'd make better use of this than me..." She says as she places the tickets in her lap. "A confession is a good way to end a concert."
You laugh with flushed cheeks, picking up the tickets so they don't fall off as you hug Kate.
"I would never have the courage for something so public, but thank you little Hawkeye." You murmur and she laughs softly, hugging you back.
Neither of you notices the teary-eyed girl behind the bedroom door.
When your wound had completely healed, you went to Wanda's room.
It was Tuesday and it had been two weeks since the trip to the multiverse. The subject, in theory, was no longer anything new for any Avenger to be interested in asking about.
That's why you were surprised Wanda brought up the topic again.
"I'm just curious." She justified herself as soon as she saw your expression. "It's weird, to think there are other versions of us living around."
You chuckled awkwardly, scratching the back of your neck as you settled into Wanda's bed. It was a common image - Since you joined the team, your intimacy was very strong. And her room was practically yours. So she was at this very moment trying to decide what outfit she was going to wear to the Imagine Dragons concert, and both pieces in her hands were yours.
"You're right, witchy, but I already told the whole story." You lay with your head resting on your arm, as Wanda put the shirt over her body in front of the mirror. She hums, clearly not believing you and you frown. 
Wanda never acts like that with you. But to be fair, you didn't usually lie to her either. 
"What does ‘hum’ supposed to mean?" You question, but Wanda sighs wearily, scarlet magic keeping the garments in the air as she pulls her shirt up.
Your face burns and you look up at the ceiling immediately. Wanda notices you through the mirror, and has trouble hiding her little smile.
"It doesn't mean anything, just that I was listening." She mutters in clarification, and it's your turn to mutter back, not trusting your words when the image of Wanda in a bra is still so fresh in your mind. "Hey, Y/N?" She calls out after a moment, and you hum to say you're listening. "How come, if we're such good friends, we never change in front of each other?"
Your brain short-circuits. You open your mouth and close it dozens of times, but can't think of anything. 
"Is it a cultural thing? I thought Americans were more casual about such things..." Wanda continues, and you are sure it is meant to torment you.
"I don't know, Wands. Jesus." You mumble in embarrassment, stumbling out of bed and thanking the heavens that Wanda is already in her t-shirt. "It just never happened. You, um, want to change in front of me?"
She gives a naughty little laugh, raising an eyebrow.
"Humm, Malysha, take me to dinner first." She mocks, turning back to look in the mirror, and you snort indignantly. 
You walk dragging your foot out of the room, muttering that Wanda is playing games with you and misses the way she is blushing too.
Wanda won't find you again until dinner, and you are grateful for the hot food with which you can justify the redness of your face at having her approach you and kiss your cheek.
"What are we having today?" she asks, too close, a hand on your arm as she leans over to look at the pans on the stove. 
It has to be on purpose. Wanda has always been affectionate, but this here has to be a test to see if you'd have a heart attack before dinner or something.
"S-since it's Lena's birthday and we're going to be at the show, and she doesn't want a party, I thought I'd do something traditionally Ukrainian..." You start to explain trying not to sound so affected by the closeness and begging to the heavens that Wanda doesn't notice how much you are trembling. "There are some Nalesniki, which are cheese crepes, in the oven and the cured pork, Salo, is going to be the main course-"
"Is that Banush? Oh, dorogaya, kak zabotlivo s tvoyey storony (darling, how thoughtful of you)" Wanda cuts in excitedly as she looks at the food, and you smile immediately at her happiness. 
"Yeah, I've been trying to get the point of this one right." You count as Wanda stretches out her hand to taste the food. "And Nat and Steve went to the market to get the missing peanut butter for the Kiev Cake."
Wanda smiles, having gotten her entire finger dirty from the meringue that was going on the cake. She brings it to her lips, sucking it clean while staring at you before releasing it with a soft pop.
"Delicious." She praises but you're not even listening properly, the blood pulsing in your face at the sinful image. You feel an intense attraction, and lean in at the same time as Wanda and her dark eyes, but just as your noses brush against each other, loud avengers enter the kitchen.
You immediately pull away, Wanda biting her lips and you clearing your throat.
"Here's what you ordered, баламут." Natasha announces as she places the market bags on the counter. But as soon as she notices the tension between you and Wanda, she raises an eyebrow. "Are we interrupting? I can retrace my steps..."
"Shut up, Nat." You interrupt in an embarrassed grunt, wasting no time in grabbing the missing ingredient from the bag while Natasha giggles a few times.
Wanda follows the cue of Kate and Yelena walking in chatting loudly and leaves the kitchen behind them, barely listening to Steve's apology - busy with bags - who bumps into her as he closes the door.
Even if Yelena doesn't want a party, this feels like one. And you even baked a cake.
As soon as the food is served, the Avengers spread out around in various conversation wheels. Pietro kept changing the music every five minutes, but Wanda was too busy stealing glances at you talking to Clint across the room to bother.
"So Maximoff, how's it going?" It was Yelena, with a plate of cake in hand. Wanda sighed loudly.
"Not well."
Yelena grimaced. "What? Are you sure you are doing as I said?"
Wanda sighed again. "Yes, Lena, I'm sure. But maybe that's my mistake, you know?" Retorted the upset brunette, returning the soda glass to the table and crossing her arms. "Your tips worked for you and Kate. I'm not like you, and Y/N is not Kate. I did what you told me to, I even tried the t-shirt trick but she just ran out of the room!"
Yelena made a thoughtful face, chewing the cake. "Are you sure you did it right? When I did the T-shirt trick, Kate melted down and ended up confessing that she liked my tits."
"First, gross. Second, too much information. Third, I'm exhausted." Wanda confesses with a grunt, pushing her hair back. "I don't know what to do anymore. Ever since I heard her confession, I've just been waiting for her to make a move, but she just... I guess I should just accept that she's decided I'm not worth it."
Yelena shakes her head indignantly, pushing her plate on the table and placing her hands on Wanda's shoulders.
"First of all, I don't allow that kind of blue humor on my birthday." Yelena informs with a mixture of serious and playful tone, offering the brunette a tender smile. "Second, you are so close, Maximoff. You can't give up now. You have to play dirty."
"Play dirty?" Wanda asked in confusion, to which Yelena merely nodded, leaning in to whisper something in the brunette's ear that made her eyes widen. "Belova!"
The blonde laughed softly as she turned away. "It'll work, I guarantee it. It worked for Kate."
Wanda grimaced. "Too much information!" She complained walking away, but Yelena laughed, shaking her head and deciding to go look for her girlfriend.
Wanda had two seconds of peace as she poured herself some non-alcoholic punch before Natasha appeared in the kitchen.
"Lovely party, eh Maximilf?" She began, and Wanda gave a confused giggle at the nickname. "Oh, I forgot. Not a Milf yet."
"Hey, can I talk to you?" You came in suddenly, cutting off Natasha's question. Wanda didn't understand why you looked so uneasy - You had been talking to the redhead two minutes ago. She knew because she watched you all night.
"I'm busy, Y/N, talking to your wif-"
"Natasha." You cut her off almost pleadingly and the redhead sighs impatiently, and unlike Wanda, ignores your question and bends down on the counter only to grab a bottle of whiskey.
"You know what we should play? Have I ever never." Declares the redhead and turns to the kitchen with a huge smile. "Avengers! Everyone is going to play!"
You are visibly annoyed by the whole thing, but when Wanda approaches and goes to ask if everything is okay while the rest of the team starts getting organized to play, you force a smile.
"Nat had a bit to drink, and I didn't want her to talk more than she should. Maybe it would be better if I didn't join-"
"баламут! Don't even try to run away from the game! You're going to be the first!" Shouted the redhead from the room and you sighed loudly. Wanda giggled, moving even closer and holding your hand.
"I could charm them into forgetting about the game. If it's making you uncomfortable." 
You blinked impressed. "Would you mess with their minds for me?" You ask in a low voice, and Wanda nods, looking at your mouth. "What a naughty witch."
Heat spreads quickly through her chest, and Wanda bites her lip to hold back the sound that wants to escape her throat. She is about to kiss you in front of everyone when the team whistles and the moment is broken immediately.
You approach the circle, and because everyone has already sat down, Wanda has only one vacant seat on the other side of the room. She doesn't complain because at least she can breathe properly without you next to her.
"Now that we are all seated, you start Y/N." Natasha declares with a mischievous smile on her lips, her hands busy pouring whiskey into the glass that Pietro uses speed to place in each person's hand.
You sigh, running a hand through your hair. 
"Never have I ever gotten drunk playing these games." You mutter getting a few laughs. Natasha and Tony exchange impatient buffos at being the only ones drinking.
"Very funny, kindergarten. Now allow the adults to play. Romanoff, would you like to do the honors?" Tony asks, but Natasha shakes her head, settling further into the couch.
"I'll give mine some thought." She retorts mysteriously, and since Tony doesn't insist, no one else does. Only Wanda notices the way you swallow dryly and squeeze your glass hard.
"Never have I ever been turned down." Tony declares arrogantly but the whole team booes in disbelief. Natasha laughs out loud.
"As far as I can remember, Stark, I did that about four times in my first week of the industries alone..." Affirms Romanoff and this is the first time you see Tony effectively blush with embarrassment. He takes it in stride, rolling his eyes and taking a long swig from his glass.
You don't drink, and somehow, everyone notices.
"Really, L/N?" Kate asks genuinely curious. You laugh sheepishly.
"You can't be rejected if you've never confessed." You retort and the team laughs in understanding, but Wanda realizes your smile is forced.
"Okay, okay, now it's my turn." Pietro cuts in raising his glass in the air. "Never have I ever made out with someone of the same sex. And yes, everyone here but me is going to drink." He sneers, at the rest of the team who laugh and exchange curious glances.
Steve clears his throat and settles into his seat to ask for his turn.
"Never Have I Ever... Googled sex positions."
The room burst into laughter. Tony was so red from laughing that he almost fell over backward. It was the whiskey's fault, probably.
"Jesus, Steve, this isn't a confectionary! You must say things you didn't do." Pietro clarified and Steve became a complete tomato, muttering that he had got the game wrong. Thank god everyone was starting to get drunk enough not to care.
Sam, as soon as he stopped laughing, raised his glass. "How about we make things more awkward for the originals? Never have I ever slept with a co-worker."
The original Avengers let out embarrassing grunts, and all of them drink.
"Wow, now I need to know who with who." Yelena declared but Natasha laughed.
"That's not the game." Retorted the redhead and didn't flinch even when Lena used the birthday card.
But the light and fun mood were about to end, because as soon as Thor said "Never have I ever been unfaithful." and was taunted that it was hard to believe that the god of fertility was faithful, Natasha stood up.
"Never have I ever... been in love with my best friend." 
The question hung in the air lightly for a few minutes. Most of the team thought it was funny, Kate, Yelena, Steve, and Bucky drank. But you remained static in your seat, feeling Natasha's gaze burn into you.
"Honest answers only, people." Insisted the widow, and soon everyone noticed that she was looking at you.
Clint noticed the way Wanda squirmed in her seat, lowering her gaze to her own lap, so he cleared his throat.
"Come on, Nat, maybe you should change the question, that's a pretty personal one."
Nat forced a laugh. "I have a better one then; Never have I ever married my best friend in another world."
You cringed, closing your eyes but Wanda raised her head.
Your reaction was answer enough, but she questioned anyway.
"What are you talking about, Nat?" 
The widow put a hand to her chest with false innocence in her expression. "What? You haven't heard? What a strange thing! Y/N must have been busy telling Steve about Peggy to remember, I imagine."
Steve sighed loudly from the couch. "Natasha, I said it was okay..."
"For you!" She interrupted indignantly. "I told her not to tell! It was my secret!"
He sighs again, the room silent and shocked listening to them argue. "What difference does it make, Peggy is gone."
"Exactly." Natasha retorts with tears in her eyes. "I have this perfect wife who makes me happy and loves this complete mess that I am in that world, but here, I have nothing. Peggy is gone, she never even met me. And she was my best friend's ex-girlfriend, so excuse me if I wanted that to be my secret. But now it doesn't matter anymore, because everyone knows!" Natasha exclaimed with open arms, and when she went to get down from the table, she stumbled softly, and Wanda understood that the bottle of whiskey was not to be the first of the evening. "And you know what the funniest part is? It's that Y/N only did that because she's scared! She has something incredible, the chance to be with the one she loves the most, and she's afraid!"
You feel your eyes fill with tears, and you are standing like half the team, who stood up when Nat stumbled. The widow, who now looks on the verge of tears as well, moves closer to place her hands on your cheeks.
"I just want you to be happy, you stubborn, idiotic girl!" she says indignantly and drunkenly. "And I need your first daughter to be named Natalia, too."
The group giggled emotionally, and you nodded in agreement, putting a hand around Nat.
"Come, Romanoff, what you need is some water and a night's sleep."
As you lead Nat away, the game ends and the Avengers scatter back with a few murmurs about the scene but no one is too upset about anything, and Yelena says she will check on her sister.
Wanda approaches Steve and Clint once they are alone.
"You two are the closest to Nat, so I want to know what this whole otherworldly marriage thing is all about." Demands the witch and the two exchange sighs. 
"Natasha has spent the last few weeks stressing about it." Clint began. "Apparently, she met a version of Y/N who was married to you."
"What?" Wanda exclaimed in shock, a warm thread of hope sprouting in her chest.
"Yeah, happy family with kids and everything." Steve completed the story. "She made several jokes, heckled Y/N with that story for days trying to get her to confess the whole thing to you. But in the end... well, you saw. Y/N told me that Nat's variant was Peggy's wife, so that was the end of the matter, and well, they got so tense that no one else had the nerve to ask about it anyway."
Wanda twists her fingers nervously. "B-but, do you guys think she didn't want to talk about it because she hated the idea?"
Steve and Clint frown. "What? No, Wanda, that's not it." The captain says, with Barton nodding immediately.
"I think maybe she loved the idea, actually." Clint says with a laugh. "But you know, you're all what, twenty, twenty-two years old. You're young as hell. If at that age, a version of me showed up saying I'm going to get married and have kids, I'd freak out too. Even today I have my doubts about paternity. It couldn't have been easy for Y/N, you know? I'd be scared to mess it up too."
Steve nods in agreement. "Especially with someone who is already important." He says. "If you didn't know each other, she might get anxious about a date or something. But, you two are so close. And I can tell you from experience that the fear of messing up and losing someone important like that is pretty strong." Steve said, his gaze going to Bucky across the room to exemplify. 
Wanda swallows dryly. "B-but I like her." She confesses low, and it's no surprise to the Avengers next to her, who smiles. "I really like her."
"You should say that to her, not to us." Clint says gently, and Wanda sniffles low, but smiles, nodding.
She takes a heavy breath and decides that this thing has gone on too long already.
Natasha fell asleep just as you and Yelena threw the blanket over her, exchanging giggles at seeing her sleeping expression.
"Hey, Belova, the birthday girl has to stick around at the party." You try as you watch her sit down, but she holds up a finger in warning.
"I told you I didn't want a party." She accuses in a fake serious tone, making you laugh guiltily. "I'm tired, Y/N. I'll text Kate to come to sleep with me, and the rest of the team can keep having fun."
"As you wish, birthday girl." You mumble but when you go to walk away, she holds your forearm.
"Thank you." She says. "For taking care of my sister."
You smile. "Usually, it's always the other way around. It doesn't hurt to return the favor once in a while." You say, getting a smile from her. "Hey, Lena, that Peggy story, I really didn't mean-"
"Don't worry." She interrupts gently. "I'm not mad, it was just a disagreement between you and Nat. Friends fight sometimes. You can apologize to her when she wakes up. Now you should talk to another Avenger."
You swallow dryly, looking away. Yelena expects you to make up an excuse, but you sigh. "Yeah, you're right. Wish me luck?"
"Oh, I'm sure you'll be lucky tonight." She retorts to which you only laugh without understanding the malice in her tone of voice.
You leave the room and decide to go look for Wanda at the party, but when you return to the living room she is no longer there. Sighing in defeat, you make your way back to the elevator and toward your bedroom.
You are quite surprised to find Wanda inside.
"Hey, Wands, I didn't know you were up here." You greet as you take off your jacket, and the brunette meets your gaze just for a moment, her attention on the mask on your shelf. 
"This is new. Did Yelena make it for you?" she asks about the item, running her fingers over the details. You swallow dryly, throwing the jacket on the floor and sitting down on the bed to remove your shoes.
"No, it's not from around here." You reply, clearing your throat softly. "You gave it to me."
She frowns in confusion, turning her face to you only to understand immediately when she meets your gaze. "Oh. The other me."
"Yeah." You gasp softly. "The Wife one."
Wanda looks away to the side, leaning gently on the shelf because she thinks her knees are weak.
"So that's actually true." She mumbles trying to sound casual, and you think your tie is too tight. To blame Kate and her small suits, you are sure.
"Yes, I was surprised, but it's not like it's completely out of the question, right?" you retort so naturally that Wanda's eyes widen slightly. Panic settles in your chest. "I-I meant that friends get married all the time! A-and of all the people on the team, if I were to marry someone it would make sense that it would be you, I mean, not that I'm thinking of marrying you, but if given the choice and based on our intimacy..." 
Wanda cuts off your anxious babbling with a giggle. "Detka, you're hanging yourself." She comments nodding to the tie that you took off in an all-crooked manner, and was in an even tighter knot around your neck.
She moved closer, her hands working leisurely on the item even though you both knew she could use magic to pull it off. 
"You really... don't think it's so impossible for us to be together?" Wanda questions the next moment, her voice husky and affected, and you raise your eyes to her immediately. 
She looks absurdly beautiful. And you sigh, biting your tongue to keep from letting that slip out instead of the answer.
She uses your silence to finish the knot, and when the tie falls loosely around her neck, she makes mention of pulling away, only for you to hold her by the waist.
"I don't think it's impossible at all." You answer finally, rising to stand at the same height as her face, and place a hand on her warm cheek. "I think we are made for each other. In any world, especially this one."
A short, shy, contented laugh escapes Wanda's lips and is mirrored on yours. She steps forward, breaks the distance between your faces and the world stops.
It's not your first kiss, but if it were your last you would die happy.
Her lips are soft and taste of cherry gloss. It's sweet and so warm, and it's over too quickly.
Wanda pulls back with sparkling eyes but slight insecurity. "Was that... nice?" she asks in a husky voice, and you almost choke because how can she have any doubt?
Instead of answering with words, you kiss her again. And again. And again. Until Wanda entwines her hands behind your head and slides her tongue into yours. You gasp because this is even better.
She explores your mouth until you need to break for breath, and when you do, your lips trace a trail down her jaw to her neck, and Wanda shudders, an aroused groan escaping.
You suddenly lose your balance when she pushes you sitting up on the bed, but you don't complain because she is straddling your lap next, kissing you with passion.
It's a war of hands and pulling, but it feels so good. Wanda kisses you with the same longing that you do as if she can hardly believe that you have wasted so much time without doing it.
It's late when you stop. Far beyond the end of Yelena's party.
You have half the buttons open, and her dress is dangerously lifted at the edges of her thigh. You are lying on your back on the mattress, Wanda beside you, hugging your body.
"I don't want to close my eyes." She confesses in a whisper with her head on your pillow, and you straighten up to be even closer. "I want to look at you."
You smile, your cheeks flushed. "I'll be here when you wake up. And you'll be able to look at me all you want."
She smiles but straightens up so that her face hovers over yours. "Just look?" She asks in a tone that makes you chuckle softly.
"I hope not. Please do more." You joke in the same tone and she chuckles lightly before kissing you again.
It doesn't take long for you both to fall asleep after that. Both of you with easy smiles on your faces.
One Month Later
Your relationship with Wanda was only getting better every day, unlike the war in the multiverse.
The variant was right - Wanda needed you. Luckily, you also needed her.
Even though the Avengers' missions were increasing, you and her were falling into an incredible rhythm in your relationship, getting closer to each other every day.
And speaking of proximity.
"We're missing the whole concert." You recalled in a breathless voice, Wanda's lips marking your neck making the task of conversation nearly impossible.
You were in the back of your truck. The original plan was to watch Imagine Dragons, finally, and Wanda was even wearing your T-shirt. But well, she wanted a kiss, and somehow you ended up in the full auditorium parking lot in a heavy make-out session.
The sound of the music muffled out the sighs, and hopefully, the night made it impossible for anyone curious to try to look inside the car.
Wanda was on your lap, grinding against your thigh, and you were gripping the seat for support, trying to resist the urge to rip her clothes off.
Wanda seemed to want quite the opposite.
"Detka..." The brunette practically whimpered, teeth dragging under your skin. "Touch me."
You groaned aroused, tightening your hand around her waist and earning a sigh in return. "By god, Wanda, we're in a parking lot."
She complains with a bite on your skin that makes you gasp. "Why won't you touch me?" She insists almost annoyed, and you sigh before bringing your hands to her face.
"I thought you wanted our first time to be special." You explain with a warm face, surprising her a little, "We won't even be able to make any real noise here. And it's going to have to be quick."
Wanda bites her lip, her hands going down to the buttons of your blouse. "It's going to be special anywhere, detka, because it's with you." She retorts before stealing another firm kiss. "Now someone is confident about the quick and loud." She teases getting a small laugh before you return to kissing her with more passion now, determined to win the implied challenge.
Wanda tried to match the intensity of the kiss, but her hands wandered and you adjusted just enough for her to feel something else.
She broke the kiss with a soft choke, her center pressed against the firmness between your legs. Her darkened irises flashed in surprise at you.
"What's this, dorogoya? Were you planning this?" She asked with a mixed tone of teasing and mockery. "But what about all that stuff about our first time to be special..."
You grunted impatiently, thrusting your hips upward as you firmed your hands around Wanda's waist, and the precise friction of the strap against her made her whimper and grip your shoulders tightly.
"This was meant to be for after the show, smart-ass." You explain half breathlessly, watching her gasp as you guide her movements in your lap. "I did something nice in your room, with roses and everything. But someone couldn't keep their pants on..."
Wanda gave a guilty little laugh that turned into a groan when you pressed her right. 
"I need you inside, detka, please." She whimpered but you shook your head, stopping your movements to push her skirt up with one hand.
"I need to stretch you out first, pretty girl." You explained, sliding your hands inside her skirt and choking on your own breath as you found no panties. "Wanda, by all that's most sacred..." You grunted affectedly, leaning your forehead against hers and she gave a breathless giggle.
"Yelena's idea, you can thank her later." She clarifies, throwing her hips forward to encourage you to move your hand. You follow the cue immediately, and when your fingers sink inside her, she arches her back and throws her head back. "o chert, detka! (oh fuck, babe!)" She exclaims affectedly, making you smile proudly.
"Feels good, doesn't it, babe?" You ask meekly, curling your fingers inside her tight intimacy and stimulating her at slow speed until Wanda is panting and whimpering. "You look so sexy riding my fingers, pretty girl."
Wanda moaned deeply as she came and you muffled the sound with an intense kiss, feeling a strong wave of arousal at the sensation of her pussy twitching and dripping onto your fingers.
"I'd say that was pretty quick, but let's try the loud now, what do you think?" You sneer at the dizzy with pleasure girl in front of you, who has a few seconds to recover from her climax before you unzip your pants and adjust the strap with her entrance, making her jerk a little for her sensitivity. You kiss her cheek, hands on her thighs. "Changed your mind?" You ask warmly, showing in your gaze that there would be no problem at all if Wanda wanted to stop, but she shakes her head quickly and kisses you hard. You feel her straddling you, and only know that she has done the work to adjust and sink into the toy when she gasps against your lips in a loud whimper.
"Fuck, it's too big."  She whimpers, and you hold her waist, keeping her still. Your lips kiss her face and neck, and one of your hands moves up to her breast, stimulating the tip and making Wanda roll over against the strap-on instinctively.
"You can take it, I know you can." You coax meekly, the hand on her waist moving down to her intimacy, your fingers beginning to draw circles on her swollen clit that make Wanda drop her forehead against your shoulder, an affected moan leaving her lips. "Can I start moving, sweetheart?"
Wanda nodded breathlessly, practically bouncing on her own and making you smile. You held her by the waist, looking down to see the strap-on soaked when you pulled it out and then watching the toy unstrap inside her as you lowered her back down, the image tearing a moan from you. 
You kissed Wanda again, but as soon as she found her rhythm on top of the fake cock, it became impossible for her to reciprocate. She bounced on your lap, the sounds of your hard thrusts echoing mixed with her whimpers of pleasure until she began to spasm and you had to take over.
"Bozhe moy, detka, ya tak blizko! Ne ostanavlivaytesʹ, pozhaluysta, ne ostanavlivaytesʹ! (Oh my god, baby I'm so close! Don't stop, please don't stop!)" Wanda came with a loud cry of pleasure, making a complete mess in your lap and destroying half the seat with her magic.
You kissed her hard, exchanging breathless giggles as you caressed her hips.
"This definitely beats watching Imagine Dragons." You joke and she laughs with flushed cheeks, kissing you again. 
You notice that the noise of the music has diminished, indicating the first break, and you sigh together. Wanda speaks before you.
"Take me home, dorogoya. " She asks against your lips, her eyes gleaming with mischief. "I don't want to stop."
You choke softly, and nod dumbly, which makes Wanda smile. 
You have no idea how you managed to drive home after that, but part of you thinks Wanda must have used magic.
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Lightning Bug - Chapter 18
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Master list 
Warning: this chapter mentions self-harm and a depressive episode for our reader. Lots of angst. 
Word Count: 4.3k 
“Any changes?” Natasha asked her girlfriend as she walked into the kitchen, an empty bowl in her hands. 
“She ate better than yesterday,” she put the plate in the sink. “But she still hasn’t said a word.” It seemed to be the trend. The young girl stayed locked in her room since the car incident. That was 3 days ago. They feared that they were gonna have to get Helen involved because of her lack of eating but she began to eat what Wanda brought her. 
“I’m getting worried,” Kate said, playing with the spider-shaped necklace around her neck. It was a gift from Yelena when the couple first started dating. Yelena wore an arrow, similar to the one that Clint gifted Natasha. But the Black Widow was getting worried too. She even called Laura asking for advice. The mother of three gave the best advice she could, being a little out of her element since her three didn’t have powers. 
“She needs to work through this,” Natasha said. “And when she’s ready we’ll be here to catch her.” The whole tower seemed to be affected by it. But America seemed to have taken it the hardest, spending more time at the Sanctum and traveling the multiverse. The elevator opened and Maria walked out, holding a folder in her hand. “No,” Natasha found herself saying before Maria opened her mouth. The agent smiled. 
“I’m sorry but Fury asked for you and Wanda,” Natasha grabbed the folder out of her hand. It was nothing dangerous, just smooth talking with some politicians. She slammed the folder close, a little harder than she attended. 
“Have him send someone else?” Wanda took the folder from her. There was no way in hell she was leaving the tower. 
“Don’t you think I tried, Nat,” Maria opened the fridge and pulled out a beer. “We are stretched thin,” she popped open the beer and took a long sip. It was only 11:30 but Natasha saw the bags forming underneath her eyes. “I know things are tense but I don’t have a choice. 
“Sestra,” Natasha looked at Yelena. “We’ll make sure she’s okay.” There were times like this Natasha hated her job and envied Clint. She wished she had a house in the middle of nowhere with no missions or need to train. Her family was happy and safe on a few acres of land. But there was so much red in her ledger for her to stop now. 
“Fine,” she said. “We’ll do it but Fury owes me,” Maria smirked, chuckling. 
“That list keeps getting longer and longer. 
The world around you seems muted, muffled as if you were submerged underwater. Nothing was clear, everything sounded far off as you stared ahead. You had no energy to move from your bed. Every bone in your body ached and your head felt fuzzy. The only interaction you had was with Wanda bringing you food. The interaction was a loose way you’d describe it. Wanda did most of the talking, you weren’t even sure what she was saying. But you ate the food even though it tasted bitter so they wouldn’t worry. And you knew they were. You couldn’t pull yourself out of this pit you were in. Every Time you tried to crawl your way out you were pulled back in. It was an exhausting, endless cycle as your mind degraded you. Monster. Freak. Killer. Worthless. You believed every word. 
When your door opened you were sitting up, coloring on a piece of paper. It was the only thing that you could bring yourself to do. The music was too loud. Reading seemed too hard. And practicing Russian left your brain fried. You were expecting to see Wanda unsure of when the last time you saw the witch. But Natasha walked in with her girlfriend. “Hey dorogoy,” she said, sitting down on your bed. Your legs were crossed so she sat closer to you than expected. “How are you feeling?”
“Okay,” Horrible. Bad. She smiled. Your throat was a little sore from disuse. Wanda chose to stand behind the Black Widow. You felt uneasy. Did they finally have enough of you? Were they here to kick you out? 
“That’s good!” Wanda said. You nodded. “Nat and I have to leave for a few days.”
“Fury is sending us on a quick assignment,” you frowned. They were leaving because of you. They didn’t want to deal with you. 
“Oh,” you said, looking back down. “How long will you be gone?” 
“2 days max,” Natasha said. You nodded. “Kate and Yelena will be here if you need anything,” you nodded again. “And we’ll be a phone call away, okay?” She added. 
“Okay,” you whispered, glancing up at them. “I’m sorry,” you looked back down. “I’m not sure where my head is.” 
“It’s okay,” Wanda assured you. “We’ll be here when it gets all sorted out.” They were about to leave but you called out to them. 
“Be safe,” you said. “Come back in one piece.” Natasha smiled. 
“Always,” the Black Widow closed your door behind them. You thought you’d be grateful for the silence, to be alone again. But it unsettled you, it scared you. Oh, how you wished you could be back in time and stop all this from happening. 
A shower was the first thing on your to-do list when your head felt less fuzzy. You didn’t realize how much it would help as the warm water washed over you. It made you feel human. You were walking out of your closet, dressed in fresh clothes, and drying your hair when it hit. It came out of nowhere. The feeling started in your legs, which was new. Your legs began to tingle and your feet cemented to the ground. The feeling traveled up to your stomach and chest where you felt warm. That fuzzy feeling returned in your head. Your muscles tensed up as the wave of electricity moved through your body. Every time you thought it was done it kept going and going. Finally, it stopped. Black spots appeared in front of your eyes and the metallic taste of your blood filled your mouth. You fell to the ground, unable to find the strength to keep yourself standing. A sheering pain ran through your head and the world went black. 
Steve was watching Bucky read. It was moments like this that he treasured. No mission. No meeting or training. No paperwork. Just quietness and the opportunity to admire the man he loved. Steve glanced at Bucky one more time before returning to his sketchbook. “Captain Rogers, Sergeant Barnes, Miss. Y/n fell and hit her hand. I’ve already alerted Dr. Cho.” Steve never jumped to his feet so fast and ran to Natasha’s floor. The elevator would take too long. He took three stairs and heard Bucky behind him. By the time Steve got to her door, his chest was heaving and he opened her bedroom door. He saw her, laying face down on her floor. A small pool of blood was forming near her head. “FRIDAY alert Yelena and tell her to get back to the tower.” Steve bent down to pick her up but Bucky placed a head on his shoulder. 
“She doesn’t like skin-to-skin contact,” he said. Steve pulled off a blanket from her bed and carefully picked her up, being mindful of not touching her skin. 
“Miss. Belova is on her way back,” the AI said. “Should I contact Miss. Romanoff and Miss. Maximoff?” 
“Negative, FRIDAY,” Bucky said, following Steve to the elevator. He looked at his boyfriend as the doors opened. “It’s probably better if one of us tells them and not an AI.” He was right. Steve looked at the unconscious girl in his arms and prayed to whoever God was listening that she would be okay. 
Yelena felt her heart in her throat as she rode the elevator to med bay. They left the tower for just a few hours to try to get America out of the fuck she was in. She didn’t regret leaving because it was nice to see her friend smile again but Yelena couldn’t help but feel guilty. The doors opened and she saw Steve, Bucky, and Sam waiting in the chairs outside a room. “What happened?” Yelena asked, walking over to them with her girlfriend close behind. Steve looked up. 
“We don’t know,” he said. “Helen is still doing her assessment. All FRIDAY said was she hit her head.” 
“It could be because she hasn't been eating,” Kate said. “She just may need some food and a good night's sleep.” Yelena heard the elevator door’s open and she saw Pepper and Tony walk over. A party was happening down here. 
“What happened?” The CEO asked. 
“We were just discussing that,” Yelena said, filling in the couple on what they missed. 
“FRIDAY, can you tell us what happened?” Tony asked the AI. It took a moment for FRIDAY to respond which Yelena thought was odd. 
“It appears that Miss. Y/n has undiagnosed epilepsy,” the AI said. “This is not the first incident to occur but she asked me to not notify you when an episode happened.” 
“Epilepsy?” Steve questioned, looking at Kate and Yelena for clarification. But the Black Widow was just as lost as everyone else. Helen came out of the room, gently closing the door behind her. 
“Is she alright?” Pepper was the first to ask. “I know epilepsy that goes untreated can cause brain damage. We -” 
“Time out,” Helena said, cutting the CEO off. “Epilepsy? Where are you getting that from?” 
“FRIDAY informed us she had epilepsy,” Bucky said. “And it wasn’t the first time she had an episode.” 
“She doesn't have epilepsy and she didn’t have a seizure although her symptoms mirror it.” The doctor explained. 
“Then what happened?” Yelena questioned. Helen sighed. 
“Steve and Bucky told me of her powers. Have any of you seen her use them?” A chorus of no and headshakes was the answer the doctor received. Before the incident with Pepper’s car, Yelena believed the teen would go a lot longer without telling everyone what she could do. “She is pulling energy from around her; the beating of our hearts or the existing electricity in the room. Energy can’t be created or destroyed but it can be converted. So she uses that energy and creates electricity,” she explained. “But that energy can’t stay in her body. It needs an outlet. Similar to when you blow into a balloon. Even when the balloon is inflated you can still blow air into it. Until it pops,” Yelena connected the dots in her head. “Electricity is the same way when it needs an outlet it will make one no matter who gets hurt in the process.” 
“She’s electrifying herself.” Yelena guessed. Helen nodded. 
“From the scans we took, she’s been doing it for some time and it’s causing damage to her hippocampus,” she told the group. Yelena knew that part of the brain was related to learning and memory. “Right now her vitals are stable but she’s still unconscious. You can visit her but only 2 at a time.” The group thanked the doctor and she returned to her other duties. 
“We need to call Nat and Wanda,” Tony said. He looked at the two super soldiers. “Are you two okay with taking their spot?” They nodded. 
“Of course,” Steve said. “Will you guys keep us updated?” 
“We will,” Pepper said. “Kate and Yelena, why don’t you two stay with her until Nat and Wanda get here?” 
“I’ll call them to tell them what’s going on,” Sam added. A plan was in motion and finally, it was just Kate and Yelena standing in the hallway. Instead of going into her room, Yelena sat down in the chair Steve was sitting in. She began to play with the rings on her fingers. Each one had a different story, a different reason why she wore them on her fingers. She was so lost in thought she didn’t notice Kate kneeling in front of her, placing her hands over hers. 
“My love,” Kate whispered. Yelena looked up staring into the blue eyes of her girlfriend. “She’s going to be okay.” 
“Natasha is going to kill me,” Yelena threw her head back with a sigh. “I told her we would look after her.” 
“These things happen, Lena,” Kate sat down next to her. “And Natasha will understand that.” Yelena nodded, allowing the silence to settle between the two. When she looked at her girlfriend, the archer was in deep thought. 
“What is it?” Yelena asked. 
“Do you want to draw straws on who tells America?” The Russian smiled. 
“I’ll leave that one to you, little hawk,” Kate rolled her eyes, kissing Yelena on the cheek. 
“Fine, anything for you.” 
“Remind me to kill Fury,” Natasha said as they rode the elevator. She was holding onto Wanda’s hand as a lifeline. When she saw Sam’s name appear on the caller ID, she knew something was wrong. They booked it back to the tower before they were off the phone with him. Wanda chuckled. 
“You're not gonna kill him. You're just upset.” 
“And you're not?” The Black Widow questioned. 
“I am,” Wanda said. “One of us has to be level-headed and not think about murdering the Director of SWORD.” Wanda hit her hip against Natasha. The small action pulled a light laugh out of the Russian. 
“You're right. Thank you, little witch,” the laugh was much needed as the elevator stopped and the doors opened. Immediately, Natasha saw her sister, sitting alone in the hallway. Not even the sound of the elevator pulled her out of her thoughts. She gave Wanda’s hand a tight squeeze before letting go and walking over to her sister. “Sestra.” 
“Natasha,” Yelena stood up. “I’m sorry. I told you she would be okay and I couldn’t keep my promise.” 
“Hey, hey,” Natasha put her hands on Yelena’s shoulder. “It’s okay,” she maneuvered Yelena back into the chair and sat down next to her. “This is not your fault okay?” Yelena nodded. 
“You are here now and that is what matters,” Wanda added. “Have you been in her room?” The blonde shook her head. 
“Cho only wants 2 people in at a time. She wants to speak with you two. I’ll go get her,” Natasha let her sister stand up and walk to find the doctor. She wasn’t ready for this. She felt like her feet were glued to the floor. But she dragged herself out of the chair and opened the door. The air left her lungs as she stared at the still form in the hospital bed. There was a nasal cannula around her face and Ekgs on her forehead. A small gauze was on the side of her head. It took another squeeze from Wanda to get her moving and sit in the empty chair. Wanda sat across from her. 
“She looks so peaceful,” the witch spoke, breaking the silence. Natasha agreed but she desperately wanted to see the striking color of her eyes to tell her everything was going to be okay. A gentle knock on the door drew her attention from the teen and Helen walked in. 
“Hi,” she said with a smile. “I’m guessing you’ve been filled in.” She stood at the foot of the bed, hands resting on the metal frame. Natasha shook her head. 
“We were just informed that she was hurt and came right away.” Helen nodded, her smile faltering slightly. Natasha listened as the doctor explained what happened. She had to admit that she was only catching every other word but she understood what occurred. Self-harm. An act she and those closest to her have gone through. 
“Can the damage be repaired?” Wanda asked. 
“I recommend introducing light exercises to her daily routine,” her eyes went to the girl. “But the most important thing is we need to stop her from continuing the behavior,” she sighed. “It’s impressive that she’s still doing okay.” 
“She’s strong,” Natasha whispered. 
“That she is,” Helen said. “Please come get me if you need anything or have any questions.” She left the couple. 
“You're right, you know,” the Black Widow looked at her girlfriend. “She’s strong so she’ll be okay.” 
“Let’s hope it’s enough.”
Kate found America in the kitchen making pasta. “Hey,” she said to the archer. “I figured everyone would have their hands full so I’m making dinner,” she scratched the back of her head. “I can’t promise it will be good.” Kate sat on the bar stool. 
“I’m sure it will be great,” America drained the pasta and moved the pasta back into the pot to add the sauce. 
“How is she ?” America finally asked, stirring the pasta and sauce together. 
“She’s stable. Her vitals are good but she hasn’t woken up yet,” America nodded, leaning on the counter. “She doesn’t have epilepsy like we initially thought.” America looked up suddenly. 
“What caused it?” So Kate explained it in the same way Helen told them. Somehow it was more heartbreaking as she watched her friend's face fall more and more. “Electrifying herself? I- I don’t understand. I thought she was doing better. Wasn’t she?” Her voice cracked at the end.
“She was,” Kate fully believed she was. Before the car incident, the girl now in med bay was completely different from the girl who first came to the tower. “Even though we are healing, people can regress. It’s not linear,” Kate has seen it first hand with Yelena. America nodded. “Can I ask you two things?” 
“Sure, doesn’t mean I’ll answer them,” America smirked. The archer rolled her eyes.  
“Why are you avoiding her?” The teen sighed, looking in the direction of Y/n’s room. 
“The last time I saw her I made her lose control because I wanted to fix everything,” she sighed. “But God Kate you should have seen the fear in her eyes. I don’t want to put her through that again. I can’t.” Kate understood that as she’s been in the same position as America. It was a simple mistake but Kate didn’t realize her girlfriend was stuck in a memory. She came up behind her for a hug and Yelena grabbed her wrist, flipping her over, and spraining her wrist. But the pain didn’t bother Kate; it was the fear in Yelena’s eyes that hurt more. It was in the beginning of their relationship so they were still learning about each other. Natasha had to pull Yelena out of her spiraling thoughts and got her to talk to the archer. 
“Do you like her?” Kate asked. “More than just a friend.” She added on quickly. A small smile grew on America’s face. 
“Am I that obvious?” Kate smiled, nodding her head. “Yeah, I do. There is something about her that I can’t describe. My stomach flips like I’m on a rollercoaster.”
“A little advice,” Kate said once America was done talking. “Don’t turn your back on her no matter how hard it gets,” she was listening with her full attention, feeding on every word the archer said. “Loving her will be difficult but so worth it.” 
“Speaking from experience?” America questioned. Kate heard the quiet footsteps of her girlfriend walking up behind her. 
“Yeah,” Yelena’s arm snaked around her waist and burrowed her head in the crock of her neck. “I am.” 
Pepper was lost in thought as she had music softly playing in the background. It was rare that the CEO let herself sit and not busy herself with Stark Industries. She couldn’t bring herself to tackle her growing to-do list. There was guilt making its home in her bones. “You're thinking very hard for someone who should be relaxing,” Tony said, handing her a mug and sitting down next to her. Pepper rested her back against his front. Immediately, he began to massage the tension out of her shoulders. “What’s got you thinking so hard?” 
“Just thinking about the past few days,” she said after a moment. Tony hummed. 
“You care about her, don’t you?” He asked. She took a sip, savoring the taste of spiked apple cider before resting it on the table. 
“Yes I do,” she said, turning to face her husband. “And I know you do too.” Tony turned her back to face forward and continued massaging. She had a big knot on her right shoulder that Tony focused on. 
“It’s her eyes,” Tony said. “Never have I seen such child-like wonder and sadness at the same time,” Pepper nodded. “I spoke with Banner and I think we can help her.” When she turned to face him, he didn’t stop her. “Cho said this happened because she’s not using her powers. I can guess she doesn't use them because she’s scared.” Pepper came to that conclusion as well. “So what if we create something where she can use her powers and do some good? It will kill2 birds with one stone, ya know? A safe and controlled way to use her powers and slowly change how she views them.” Pepper stared at him and then finally kissed him. 
“I think that’s a wonderful idea,” she said, picking up her drink. The CEO half expected Tony to run off to his lap to work on the new project but he stayed, lost in his thoughts and worlds away. “Now who is thinking too hard?” She teased, squeezing his leg. 
“Do you remember that dream I told you about before Strange came to us?” Of course, she did. She thought about it almost every single day. “Is it something you would want to do? You would be a great mom.” 
“Tony,” she said, slowly. She moved away from him slightly to look at him. 
“Tell me to stop,” he said. “Tell me to walk away from this,” he gestured to the tower. “And I will. I have that cabin upstate and we can raise our daughter.” 
“You can’t walk away,” she said. It was a pipe dream. She’s seen the incredibly stupid things he’s done as Iron Man in the name of saving others. 
“Why can’t I?” He questioned. Being with Tony, Pepper learned the man was 5 minutes away from a sarcastic comment. But as she stared into his eyes, it was the most serious Pepper had seen him. “Rogers can handle the team and if he doesn’t want it, Wilson isn’t a bad option. I’m serious, Pepper,” he laced his hand with hers. “Tell me to walk away and I will.” But she couldn’t tell him to walk away and have a normal life to raise their daughter. She couldn’t make that decision for him when he wasn’t just her husband and best friend. Iron Man was a beacon of hope for so many. It would be selfish of her to take him away. 
“I love you,” she said. “But I don’t think the world is ready to say goodbye to Iron Man.”
“Will it ever be?” He questioned. Pepper placed a hand on his cheek and he turned to kiss it. She drew circles against his skin. 
“I’m not sure,” she said. “But we’ll know when it is.” 
“Knock, knock,” Natasha looked up as the door opened and saw America, holding two bowls. “I come bearing food,” she whispered, noticing Wanda asleep in the chair. “I know Helen has a two-guest policy so I won’t be long.” Natasha took the bowls from the girl, whose eyes kept flickering to Y/n. 
“I can leave,” Natasha said, ready to give her spot up but America shook her head. 
“It’s okay. Can you just let me know when she wakes up?”
“You’ll be the first one on my list,” Natasha smiled. “Thank you for the food.” 
“Of course. Try to get some sleep too. Goodnight,” she waved, carefully closing the door behind her. It wasn’t long before the smell of food caused Wanda to wake up. 
“That smells good.” Natasha smiled, handing her the bowl. 
“America made it,” Natasha blew on the pasta before taking a bite. It was good, a little over-seasoned but she was grateful for any food. Wanda giggled. “What’s so funny?” She asked her girlfriend. 
“Nothing,” she waved her hand with the fork in it. “Have you ever seen America cook?” She was right. The most the teen had cooked was toast. “It’s just amazing how one stranger can change us.” 
“Is it a good change or a bad change?” Wanda smiled. 
“It’s good,” the witch said. Natasha looked at the teen, finding comfort in the steady rise and fall of her chest. She wondered if she was dreaming or did her mind offer her one dreamless sleep. Natasha smiled. 
“Do you ever wonder what hugging her would feel like?” Wanda nodded. 
“All the time,” she whispered. “I wonder when the last time she’s been hugged.” 
“Or if she’s been hugged at all,” Natasha mumbled, angrily twirling her pasta. It made her blood boil when she thought how unfair life has treated her. “We’ll ask her when she wakes up,” she looked at Wanda. “I think it will help her feel more like apart of this family.” 
“Yeah, I think that’s a great idea,” Natasha watched as Wanda reached into a bag on the floor and pulled out a book, she handed it to Natasha. It was the Outsiders. “She was reading it to you when you were hurt,” The Black Widow took the book and placed her bowl on her lap. “America says it’s her favorite.” 
“Is that so?” She opened the book to the first page. It was on the movies they made her watch in The Red Room, an American classic that was filled with their edited agenda. Kate and Peter made it her mission to show her and Yelena movies and TV shows that weren’t tainted by the Red Room. Natasha began to read, “When I stepped out into the bright sunlight from the darkness of the movie house, I only had two things on my mind; Paul Newman and a ride home…”
Taglist:    @aestruvx, @toouncreativeforausername, @modedddd, @julilamoment, @mythixmagic, @yourmamacom, @vicmc624, @cherlenovix, @liliesandrosies, @whitewidowsbite, @clintsbigtoe,  @blackbirdv98
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thevindicativevordan · 11 months
Superman & Lois Season 3 Review
Another season is over, let's take stock of how the show did in comparison to S2.
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Well for starters their poster game dramatically improved, the pic above is the first one that I would describe as cool. The writers seemed to have taken feedback from S2 into account because they made several corrections that I think led to S3 being the best season of the show yet.
First off they dropped the emphasis on the Multiverse which had previously played a strong role in S1 and 2. Good timing considering that the general audience at large has started to show signs of fatigue with the very concept of Multiverses, Spiderverse aside. I myself have grown utterly sick of the Multiverse and was grateful that like X-Kryptonite, the show decided to put that storytelling crutch on the shelf.
Second, they did a much better job with juggling all the characters' storylines this time. Lois, Superman, the Irons, and Smallville all connected to the overarching Intergang plot in a way that made sense and worked to flesh out Mannheim in contrast to the Parasite Twins last season who suffered from too much vagueness and multiple plotlines that failed to connect emotionally. Sam and Lana having similar emotional arcs - where they learn to move past the pain they suffered from previous relationships and be ready to explore new ones - was a great way of connecting the two that I did not see coming. And sue me but I enjoyed the Kyle/Chrissy romance as out of left field as it was.
Bruno Mannheim was easily the best villain of this series thus far. His actor was able to switch from charismatic and sympathetic to terrifying with startling ease. My favorite example of that is the episode where Nat and Matteo had dinner with the elder Mannheims, Mannheim was cracking jokes and being the cool dad one minute, and getting ready to beat John Henry Irons to death the next minute. Great casting and acting for the entire Mannheim family, odd choice to use a take on Onomatopoeia for a Superman show, but I thought Peia's love for her family and ruthless nature to protect them contrasted well with Lois. Loved that scene at the end between Supes and Peia where he tells her it's ok to let go, opposite message of the iconic All-Star scene which they also homage, but one that I thought can be just as comforting.
Speaking of her, Lois benefitted from being the star of her own storyline this season. She got to deal with cancer and investigate the Mannheims, she got to make mistakes (like when she hesitated to keep digging into Mannheim after her bonding with Peia), have struggles with her self-esteem, and her past actions regarding Lex help set up S4 nicely. Eager to see the fallout of Lex's hatred for her next season.
Clark didn't get as much to do this season other than butt heads with Mannheim and Jordan, but he got enough cool Superman saves and nice Clark moments for me to be satisfied.
New actor for Jon is great. Not only does he look more like the Jordan actor's twin but his performance was on par with his predecessor. Making Jon a firefighter was a nice way to give him something to do beyond being Jordan's emotional support, or take the fall for his girlfriend. Writers appear to have finally caught on that most of the viewers see Jon as the true sympathetic kid who embodies the best of his parents. Jordan however... what the hell are they doing with this kid? He was a total creep this season regarding Sarah and towards the end it felt like maybe they were going to pull a twist ending by having him start falling into villainy. Then they had the scene at the end where he apologizes to Sarah and I have no clue where they're going with him anymore. Having S4 be Jordan's fall while Jon finally gets his powers and has to confront his brother would be the best way to end this series, a way of coming full circle back to S1 being Clark vs. his own evil half-brother without being a total rehash. Dunno if the show has the balls for that, I expect they do not, but man it would be a great set up for a series finale
The Irons were far more involved this season which made me happy. Scene where Irons and Mannheim confronted each other after Irons saved his sister from the bomb was pure classic Superman/Lex hatred, made me wish we had gotten more scenes between Wole and Coleman because the two played off each other beautifully. Grinned when I saw this show follow through on the Steel/Lana romance, happy to see something of Pak's influence reach outside of comics.
The Lex actor is the best live action Lex since Rosenbaum, have to give the CW credit for being able to adapt Lex while the film side struggles. Really looking forward to him stepping up as the Big Bad next season. Given the show's emphasis on family and that they won't be bringing the actor playing Sam back as a reoccurring support, I firmly believe they should have Lex kill Sam in S4. Would be a great way to establish Lex as a threat, show how determined he is to punish Lois, and write Sam off in a way that serves the story.
On the bad side I guess this season ending on Doomsday didn't do much for me? Doomsday being a weird adaption of Nuclear Man from Superman IV (they even end the season with a fight on the moon!) and DCEU Doomsday is one of those times where I just ask "why?" when I see this show taking influence from the DCEU. Oh and there's all those supporting cast plotlines that aren't going anywhere now that the show has basically trimmed the cast down to the Kents and Lex. Nothing will come of the Irons moving back to Metropolis and building Steelworks or Kyle and Chrissy having a kid, not that the writers are to blame for that.
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People would have been pissed if the show ended on this cliffhanger, lucky for them that S&L are at least getting what is likely to be one final season to wrap things up. Tulloch was saying that she wasn't sure if S4 was the last season, but I don't believe S&L can get another one. Between Nexstar just barely renewing this show after months of negotiations with WB, Nexstar making it clear the show isn't very profitable and they want to transition away from scripted content, most of the supporting cast members being laid off to cut costs, the real life town that scenes for Smallville are shot at only being signed up for three seasons, and of course Superman Legacy being primed to release in 2025, there's no way S4 will be anything but the final season. Especially with the WGA (and possible SGA) strikes delaying S4 scripting and shooting until late 2024, I expect that S&L S4 will air just a little while before Legacy's July 2025 release date, much the same way as the CW Flash series ended a little while before the Flash movie released.
Between MAWS and Legacy it's unlikely this show will have much if any impact on the Superman franchise, but it's been a nice diversion while the film side sorted itself out and MAWS got worked on. I'll definitely check in for the final season, I'm sad that the Irons won't return but I think the show might benefit from having to focus on the core cast rather than get sidetracked by focusing on everyone else like how the Flash show botched it's final season.
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pan-de-queer · 1 year
this is for you babe @hellmo one unfinished wip served fresh off the doc!
mcu!scarletwidow meets comics!babymaximofftwins meets billy x teddy meets tommy x david (that isn't shown yet bc, again, unfinished) meets offscreen amerikate
To say Teddy’s nervous is an understatement. Honestly, he’d rather be fighting a semi-interplanetary war all over again—which is ridiculous considering he’s already met Billy’s parents once. And considering that moment went ridiculously well, surely he can handle meeting Billy’s biological mom just fine.
Except, Billy’s mom is also a superhero.
Which is fine because Teddy’s met so many freaking superheroes.
Except, Billy’s superhero mom is the Scarlet Witch.
And Teddy kind of fears and admires the woman after everything Billy’s told him about her.
So he’s fine, really.
Teddy has everything under control.
“Oh, hey boys, you’re early.” The front door opens to reveal a short redhead in an old S.H.I.E.L.D. sweatshirt and jeans. Natasha Romanoff, Teddy’s brain supplies.
The second reason he’s definitely not nervous.
Obviously, who’d be nervous about meeting their boyfriend’s multiverse-bending mom and said mom’s assassin-girlfriend?
Teddy pastes on his best impress-the-parents/guardians smile and offers his hand in greeting. “Afternoon, Ms. Romanoff. Sorry if we’re a little too early. Billy isn’t a fan of being late.”
Billy elbows him in the stomach in reply, glare half-hearted as he side-steps him to greet Natasha with a hug (Teddy holds back his smile as he watches the infamous Black Widow melt into the hug. It shouldn’t be so surprising. Billy’s just magic like that).
When the two finally part, Natasha leads them into the living room and offers them some drinks. “We’ve got sparkling juice and non-sparkling juice.”
“Did mom make you hide the vodka?” Billy teases, plopping on to the couch and tugging at the hem of Teddy’s shirt to follow.
Teddy gingerly follows suit, letting the warmth of his boyfriend pressed next to him soothe some of his non-existent nerves. Thankfully, Billy slots their hands together and rubs soothing circles into his knuckles as he tries to muster up his usual charm.
“Where’s mom?” Billy asks as Teddy takes the offered apple juice in a wine glass.
“Double-sealing the alcohol cellar with magic so your brother doesn’t speed his way into nabbing one when he says he needs to use the bathroom.”
Billy snorts in reply, nodding in commiserative understanding before knocking his knee into Teddy’s. His boyfriend turns to him as he shares, “One time, Nat found Tommy passed out with a bottle of her favorite whisky in his hand and when she tried to pry it out of his fingers, the glass broke from him sleep-vibrating in his sleep.”
Teddy chuckles at the image. It seems that no matter where he is, Tommy would always be Tommy. And speaking of the other, slightly more reckless twin…
“Where is Tommy?” he asks as Natasha takes a seat on the armchair across from them. Nothing nerve-wracking about that.
Natasha shrugs as she hums, “Well you two are quite a bit early.” He’d told Billy they could take the bus. Would’ve given him more time to mentally prepare, too. “Wanda had said something about him bringing his not-partner along so that might also be it.”
“Oh! David’s coming?” Billy leans forward, curious, and Teddy tries not to get distracted by the cute, mischievous look on his boyfriend’s face.
Natasha seems to pounce at his reply. “It’s David now, is it?” Her smile is practically predatory. “I thought he was with Kate?”
“Nah, that barely lasted,” Billy waved his hand, oblivious to the way Natasha seems to be filing this information in her head. “She’s with America now and we all go on, like, triple dates together sometimes.”
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fratboykate · 1 year
so a feelsy situation I write for you (it sucks, but I still hope you enjoy)
Kate woke up to the feeling of the bed lifting up a little. Yelena was short, sure, but the millionaire's girlfriend was a dense wall of Russian muscle. The soft padding out of the room wasn't uncommon. Yelena was always a light sleeper, and so wandering the mansion at night and double-checking the doors and windows was just part of her routine as she struggled to get 6 usable hours of sleep.
Kate found it odd, however, that she heard the bathroom door open and the sink running instead of the door to their bedroom. Rubbing the sleep out of her eyes, Kate padded over to the bathroom.
Kate: Yel, everything OK babe?
Yelena didn't answer, and Kate's eyesight was still warming up so she didn't see the shocked and distressed look on her partner's face. The tap turned off while Kate willed her eyes to focus on the blurry images in front of her and a part of her wished she just stayed in bed.
Yelena was standing over the sink, her face dripping with the water she had just splashed on it. Her eyes were hazy and unfocused as she searched the mirror for some invisible threat. Kate inched closer, taking care to make her movements loud and easily readable for the Russian. She placed a hand on Yelena's forearm, making the partner blink back to reality.
Kate had never thought she would experience Yelena crying, but the tears were falling down her lover's face before the woman could voice a thought in her clouded mind. Kate quickly wrapped her arms around her and tucked the blonde's head under her chin, feeling the normally stoic bodyguard's body shake under stress.
"It should have been me," was whispered more than a few times while Kate stroked her hair. The hiccups and snot trailed with tears as Kate tried to calm Yelena down.
"Yelena," Kate whispered when the blonde went quiet.
"I'm sorry. That hasn't happened for a while." Yelena spoke into Kate's neck, neither making an attempt to move from the embrace.
"Do you want to talk about it?" Kate hated herself for asking, but she couldn't stop it.
Yelena didn't respond for a few minutes, taking the chance to just breathe and relax into the firm hold of her girlfriend.
"There was a sniper," Yelena began quietly, forcing the words out. "I swapped patrols with Oksana. We were on a stint with SRS. I convinced her to switch with me so I could have a Skype call with Natasha while she was in Germany. Normal recon. Nothing any of us hadn't done a thousand times. Except this time, the enemy managed to get a shot off. Nailed Oksana right in the chest. While I'm arguing with Nat over the best beer between Germany and the brewery I liked in Ohio, she was bleeding out into the sand and the rest of the squad was scrambling to secure their position. By the time we learned what had happened, we had 3 dead and 2 wounded being medevac to base."
The shaking returned during this story. Kate tightened her grip, ignoring the bad taste that Natasha's name always gave her.
That's all I've got.
OHHHHHHHH THE OKSANA DEATH STORY I SEE NOW lol i hadn't read this yet lol i read my inbox all out of order sometimes
idk if you've read the og kyau or not but yelena casing their house when she couldnt sleep was canon there too so *chef's kiss* very on brand for the multiverse haha.
i love it when you guys write fics for the aus. feels very...appropriate haha.
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bcrtonhawk · 2 years
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FULL NAME & ALIAS: clinton francis “clint” barton / hawkeye CURRENT TEAM(S): cage’s thunderbolts PREVIOUS ALIASES: ronan AGE: 43 MULTIVERSAL ORIGIN: earth-616
GENDER IDENTITY: male (he/him) SEXUALITY:  heterosexual NATIONALITY: american ETHNICITY: white
FACE CLAIM: aaron tveit SPECIAL / RECOGNIZABLE FEATURES: wears a hearing aid in his right ear and has several scars scattered across his body HAIR COLOR: blonde EYE COLOR: blue ACCENT: standard american CURRENT COSTUME: here from the recent thunderbolt comics
CURRENT HOME: an apartment in new york city, but he crashes at the base for the thunderbolts often (and it’s totally not because he forgets to pay his electricity and water sometimes) PAST OCCUPATION: s.h.i.e.l.d. operative, freelance assassin, circus performer CURRENT OCCUPATION: leader of the new thunderbolts SNAP STATUS: n/a
SIBLING(S): barney barton (brother) PARTNER(S): bobbi morse (ex-wife), karla sofen (ex-girlfriend/fling), jessica drew (ex-girlfriend), linda carter (ex-girlfriend) CHILDREN: none PARENT(S): harold barton & edith barton
clint feels very out of his depth in leading the new thunderbolts, mostly because it feels more like a pr campaign rather than a superhero tea
he gave natasha a necklace with an arrow pendant as a symbol of their friendship.
pat benatar’s hit me with your best shot is his favorite song
clint is the type to ask a lot of questions and hate authority, which is making it very difficult for him with his new team having to report to cage
bucky barnes of earth-616 and clint share a very close connection with natasha romanoff, and after the two of them freed her from her captivity, they’ve been checking in on each other a lot more frequently along with nat.
monica rambeau of earth-616 is a show off, plain and simple. she’s made her way onto the thunderbolts, but clint knows it’s only a matter of time before she just takes the team over herself. he’s pretty sure that’s why cage sent her in in the first place.
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gthreepio · 3 years
i’ve been thinking about the future of the mcu and realized there’s a LOT that i didn’t know/didn’t remember in terms of where things are going so i figured i’d sum it up incase anyone else was in the same boat!! 
quick recap of (unresolved) mid-credit scenes:
doctor strange: mordo (a sorcerer that is one of strange’s mentors, who by the end of the movie becomes disillusioned with magic/the ancient one and quits) confronts pangborn (the paraplegic who healed himself with the mystic arts, who tells strange about mystic arts in the first place) and steals his magic because according to mordo, there are “too many sorcerers." of note, this guy is typically a villain in the comics but hasn’t been thus far...
gotg2: ayesha (leader of the sovereign, a golden skinned alien race obsessed with genetic purity), after spending most of the movie chasing the guardians for stealing some stuff, is revealed to have created an artificial being named “adam” which is presumably, adam warlock. (other stuff that is less relevant: kraglin appears to take up yondu’s mantle; the ravagers regroup and several old and obscure comic book characters are introduced [charlie-27, aleta, martinex, mainframe]; the watchers are watching things.) 
far from home: j jonah jameson basically tells the whole world spider-man’s secret identity, and frames him for what happened with mysterio....making him public enemy #1. ALSO, turns out nick fury and maria hill in the movie were ACTUALLY the two skrulls from captain marvel (talos and soren) attempting to do their job, while the real fury (and presumably hill) is ... up in space on some spaceship!!!
wandavision: monica (who we can assume is photon) is called by “an old friend of [her] mother’s,” up in space, which presumably means fury, talos, or carol. ALSO, wanda sits in the middle of nowhere reading the darkhold and hears the voices of her children who.. by all accounts, should not exist. 
aaaaand what we know about future movies (i’m not even going into the tv series.....): 
black widow: 
takes place after civil war
nat confronts a “dangerous conspiracy with ties to her past,” likely has to do with taskmaster who has apparently taken over the red room where nat was trained as an assassin
prominent new characters: yelena belova, who will take over the mantle of black widow after this; alexei shostakov aka red guardian, an ollllld marvel hero analogous to captain america except for the soviet union.
tony stark will make an appearance... SOBS
shang-chi and the legend of the ten rings:
shang-chi has never been seen in the mcu before, but he is, essentially, a superhero that is a master martial artist, and in some adaptations can also create duplicate (fake) versions of himself to confuse opponents
main villain will be the the mandarin who we have *sort of* seen before... he is the leader of a terrorist organization called “ten rings” whose main goal is to destroy world peace. brief history -- in iron man 1: one ten rings cell kidnaps tony stark and tries to force him to make weapons (he of course, makes his suit instead). stark and ten rings become enemies and fight a bunch. nat and nick fury fight them too. in iron man 3, the villain aldrich killian hires a dude to pretend to be the mandarin and claim responsibility for a bunch of stuff, but its not the ten rings or the mandarin at all. this makes the mandarin v mad and he has a dude kidnap the faker to punish him. they also briefly show up in ant-man, when a ten rings agent tries to buy the yellowjacket suit that darren cross is selling. BUT IN SHANG-CHI....... looks like we are FINALLY going to see the real mandarin after over a decade!! 
the villain razor fist will also show up, he is lesser known... he has no superhuman powers but he has surgically replaced his hands (1 or 2, depending on the version) with a steel blade, and is highly skilled at hand to hand combat.
besides the presence of these characters, the only bit of plot we know is “shang-chi is drawn into the ten rings organization and forced to confront his past.” so... yeah. we don’t know much at all.
quick explanation: the eternals are an immortal alien race who have been secretly living on earth for thousands of years. they were created by the celestials, who are most prominently in gotg2. 
more entirely new characters!!! their names are: thena, who can form any weapon out of cosmic energy; gilgamesh, who can make a super strong exoskeleton out of cosmic energy; ikaris, who has superhuman strength, flies, and can project cosmic energy out his eyes; kingo, who can shoot cosmic energy projectiles from his hands; makkari, who creates sonic booms, has super speed, and is deaf; phastos, who has enhanced intelligence, and is also gay (and married with a kid!); ajak, who has healing powers; sprite, who can project illusions; sersi, who can manipulate matter; druig, who can mind control; and dane whitman (black knight), a human with a mystical sword. 
regarding the plot... it seems the eternals have kind of dispersed, but have to come together again to fight the deviants, who are their “evil counterparts” (also created by the celestials, though i’m unclear on why). thena and gilgamesh have apparently been in exile, unclear why; sersi, who is posing as a museum curator, has apparently been in love with ikaris for centuries and it seems as if their love story may be central to the film; and kingo is a bollywood film star in his spare time. aaaaand that’s pretty much all we know.
directed by chloé zhao of nomadland fame! 
spider-man no way home: 
based on the post-credits scene in far from home, peter parker will now be known as spider-man to everyone. unclear if he’s going to be seen as a bad guy due to mysterio framing him, but i guess we’ll see! 
jamie foxx is electro, and alfred molina is doctor octopus; which is VERY interesting considering they played these roles in other spider-man franchises, once again stirring up excitement for possible multiverse. 
there have been *multiple* reports that andrew garfield, kirsten dunst, tobey maguire, and emma stone will be in the movie but tom holland has repeatedly denied this... so... who knows. 
there are also rumors that matt murdock / daredevil (from netflix) will be in several scenes! not confirmed though. 
MJ is still his girlfriend and i hope it stays that way!! 
doctor strange will be featured in the movie, taking on the mentor role now that tony stark is gone :( this will be interesting as i.. haven’t really seen them interact much before. because of this inclusion some people speculate that the film may draw inspo from some comic storylines where peter’s secret identity is restored with magic. 
doctor strange in the multiverse of madness: 
scarlet witch is essentially co-starring!!! it’s going to be really interesting to see if they bring vision or the twins into this at all, though i’m not counting on it. 
seems like mordo will be the main villain -- recall the ds1 post credits scene where he is apparently running around trying to steal people’s magic.
america chavez will make her debut!!!!!! i have no idea how this plays into anything but i am so excited!! 
regarding the plot, all we really know is that strange has been researching the time stone, mordo messes with him, and this results in him accidentally unleashing “unspeakable evil.” presumably there will also be heavy involvement of the multiverse, and who knows what kind of craziness that will bring!! 
initially was going to be directed by scott derrickson who did ds1; however he stepped down to being just EP due to “creative differences.” i am presuming this is because derrickson really wanted to make this more gothic and horror than disney was comfortable with. i REALLY hope they keep some of those elements though and don’t erase the idea entirely! anyway, it will be directed by sam raimi now (of evil dead and spiderman 2002 fame). 
the film also reportedly ties in with the loki series (will loki show up!?) and spiderman 3 (which is obvious enough, given that strange is in that movie and those curious electro and doctor octopus castings...)
thor: love and thunder
directed by taika waititi again, hell yeah!!! and he has stated, the film will be “so over the top now in the very best way" and would make ragnarok look like a "run of the mill, very safe film" .... so.... oh god
so many great returning players!!! including.... valkyrie (now the king of new asgard), jane foster, lady sif, korg, star-lord, mantis, drax, nebula, and kraglin (takes up yondu’s mantle after he dies in gotg2)
in this movie, thor isn’t thor anymore.... it’s JANE!!! she gets cancer :( and is undergoing treatment while simultaneously being thor. i’m a little nervous how this will be handled, but i’m excited. (it’s based off an amazing comic series by jason aaron) 
the big bad: gorr the god butcher, played by christian bale! the gist of it is, this dude HATES gods because nobody helped when his family was dying and in need. his weapon is “all-black the necrosword,” forged from the head of a celestial, and allows the user to create wings and fly at extreme speeds. honestly, he sounds cool as fuck. 
valkyrie is going to be made canonically bisexual!!! 
it will explore more of korg’s backstory, and also include... space sharks!?!?! an alien race from the comics.
taika has called the script “very romantic” so take that as you will 
black panther 2
will again be directed by ryan coogler
not much is known at this point, does not have an official name
t’challa will NOT be recast (which i’m happy about) so..... honestly no idea what to expect for this one. i think we can probably expect shuri to have an expanded role. all we know so far is they will be “exploring the world of wakanda.” not clear to me how this is different from the upcoming wakanda D+ series. 
tenoch huerta has reportedly been cast as a villain, but no one has any idea who. there’s also rumors that donald glover is in “informal talks” to play a role. note all of this is unconfirmed.
captain marvel 2
will be directed by nia da costa (candyman!) and written by megan mcdonnell, who is one of wandavision’s best writers! 
will take place in the present day 
will feature kamala khan / ms. marvel, monica rambeau / photon!!! this will be so interesting.... kamala is a huge fan of carol’s in the comics, she is her mentor/idol. the ms. marvel series will also resportedly lead into cm2. and monica, well, monica knew her when she was a little kid. wandavision implies that there’s some bad blood between carol and monica though, not sure why. maybe because carol left and never came back? (until endgame) 
post-credits scene of wandavision appears to tie into this, having monica go up into space at the reqeust of her “mom’s old friend.” again, not clear who that is. this could also be a tie in to secret invasion though, so we’ll see. or both.
zawe ashton has been cast as an unknown villain... a lot of people are actually speculating that she may play rogue? which would be fascinating, as there’s a comic arc where rogue steals her powers and memories. BUT there’s still no confirmation that X-men exist in the MCU so for now i remain skeptical.
they are looking to cast a ‘john boyega’ or ‘michael b jordan’ type which makes me wonder if they are going to create a new character, a “younger” war machine to be her love interest? (note: carol and rhodey are a huge thing in comics!) carol obviously does not look her age but her and don cheadle.... that just doesn’t work. which is why i wonder.
ant-man and the wasp: quantumania 
in addition to scott and hope, pretty much all the major players are returning including: luis, hank pym, janet van dyne
cassie lang has been recast with an actress 5 years older, which is really making me wonder if they are going to make her stinger in this movie! (aka one of the main young avengers)
the villain: kang the conqueror! this dude time travels. original name nate richards. in the comics, kang travels back in time to rescue his younger self (nate) from an attack that would help shape him towards a life of villainy. kang also gives him some fancy armor. his younger self actually is like, what the fuck dude? and renounces his destiny, becoming a hero. and he makes his armor look like iron man, calling himself iron lad. who is a young avenger. which also makes me wonder about cassie lang.
otherwise not much is known! 
guardians of the galaxy vol. 3
james gunn is returning, i’m mixed about this...he really does *get* the guardians though. 
based on the gotg2 post credits scene, i think we can assume adam warlock will be a HUGE part of this. there are multiple versions of him, some villainous and some heroic, but no idea how this is gonna turn out.
no word yet on whether thor will be involved, or if those ravagers they introduced will be involved. 
fantastic four 
will be directed by the spiderman guy, john watts.
otherwise we know literally nothing.
aaaaand that’s the roundup! 
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sugarybitterness · 3 years
here’s a short list of my wips!! cant guarantee that all of these will be posted but i promise i’ll try🥲🥲
[r] = request
natasha x reader
- her smile
the times you see your favourite assassin’s smile
- feels like home pt ii
you finally get the chance to meet natasha’s family
- acceptance [r]
an unfair situation at work leads to you revealing something to your girlfriend
- riding in the rain
natasha brings you out for a motorbike ride in the rain
- comfort [r]
you were always her source of comfort
- adventures of mama nat (series)
you and natasha getting to have your own family
- no time to die [r]
the blood you bleed is the blood you owe
wanda x reader
- our first date
first date with wanda (sequel to all of the parts of you that you think are hard to love, i want to love the most)
- the way i love you [also leigh shaw x reader]
you enter a multiverse where you have no powers and you meet wanda- wait. no, she’s not wanda.
- piggyback
your favourite mode of transportation? wanda maximoff.
- heart by heart
wanda knows your heart by heart
- left unsaid
the “you never replied any of my letters!” + “what letters?” trope
yelena x reader
- saved
set after black widow. will be posted end july / early august ideally (so that i can avoid spoiling anyone lmao)
- your favourite
you always had a jealous streak, especially when it came to who was yours
natasha x wanda x reader
- title tbd
losing wanda, the five years with natasha, losing natasha and being reunited with wanda.
- you’re the best thing that’s ever been mine
based off taylor swift’s mine
- like mother, like daughter (wandanat x daughter!reader)
will reference black widow, will be posted end july / early august
carol danvers x reader
- tiny captain [r]
carol might be tiny but you know better than to underestimate her
avengers x reader
- you’re not alone, not anymore
your first solo mission was a bust, you patch yourself up at a safe house and you just feel so overwhelmingly alone.
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inkblot-inc · 2 years
Natasha would totally take free diving lessons so she could control her breath better while spending time with Jaws in their pool. That is if she didn’t already know it.
I imagine with her prior experience that Nat already had decent breath control, but she would definitely take classes specifically to improve how long she can be in the water with Jaws 😊
I could also see Jaws giving her pointers themself too 👌🏾
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inkblot-inc · 2 years
Important question; is Jaws the big spoon or the little spoon? Or are they an equal opportunity spoon?
This is simply a win win scenario for Jaws-
Jaws is an equal opportunity spoon for sure, but they prefer being the little spoon a bit more because Nat has a habit of running her nails along the smoother parts of Jaws' back and sides.
that size difference go crazy in either case tho
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inkblot-inc · 2 years
Imagine if part of Jaws’ hair got/was long enough for a little braid and Natasha sort of shyly asked if she could braid it while they relax together
That'd be so friggin' cute-
Jaws usually keeps their hair pretty short with the same few styles, but once there's a decent amount of new growth, Nat's just like "I just wanna- can I try something really quick?"
There's really no reason for Jaws to say no...Plus it's Nat asking so-
Jaws winds up getting small braids while they're just playing in a Minecraft world with Peter or some shit 🤭
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inkblot-inc · 2 years
Natasha learning to cut Jaws’ hair because Jaws won’t let anyone else besides her and Wanda near them with something sharp.
Again, we're just building on ideas here bud 😂-
Since Jaws has never been to a salon or barber, they'd usually just cut it down themselves. It gets the job done, but you can tell the one who cut it didn't exactly know what they were doing. It's uneven in some areas and the styling is more unkempt than purposefully messy y'know?
Just having Natasha find them in their shared restroom one day cutting their hair while borrowing Sam's clippers 🤭
You can imagine how fast she shuts that shit down
Once Jaws explains themself, Nat readily learns how to cut hair to one: stop whatever the hell that was, and two: it just gives both of them another way to spend one on one time together.
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inkblot-inc · 2 years
Nat makes Jaws lactose free cheesecake !! It might be burned here and there and oddly has a weird taste but its the thought that matters :3
Agh, it is the thought that counts🥺
You know that distinct taste Lactaid milk has? It defo has that sort of taste, but Jaws can get past it because it's actually not bad and Nat made it for them 🥰
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