#nani: this is our…dog
little-pondhead · 1 year
As a bonding trip, Jazz and her new little sister Ellie go to Hawaii for vacation. There, they meet another pair of sisters, Nani and Lilo, as well as their perfectly normal dog, Stitch.
And luckily for the Pelekai sisters, the Fentons have a lot of experience messing with multiple forms of government. :)
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milesdickpic · 1 year
His Little Girl | Bradley Bradshaw x Reader P. 70
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Hi, my lovelies! It's been a minute BUT It's finally here! Our Leia girl is officially graduating from kindergarten! I hope you are all enjoying the story! I love you all so much! ❤️ Happy reading and enjoy! 💕
A/n: Leia's big day, she's officially finished with kindergarten. Bradley gets a surprise from Phantom.
Nani: pronunciation {Nah-knee}
Word Count: 3k
Warnings: cursing, crying, but so much cuteness and love 😍
Please don't take my work, I will find you. 
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The following day was Leia’s last day of Kindergarten and her graduation. She was away at school for a half day to spend time with her class and let them say their good-byes. You, Bradley, Hangman, and Phoenix were at home getting ready. 
Bradley was putting on a A blue, black, and white striped relaxed short sleeve dress shirt and some black pants. He fixed his collar and slipped on his chain. He was looking in the mirror position it nicely. He started to put on his belt and slightly tucked in his shirt corner to his pants. He started to comb his mustache.
You came up behind him and wrapped your arms around his waist. You peaked your head around and laid on his arm. “You look so handsome, Bradley.” You smiled and kissed his exposed bicep. “You’re also showing quite a bit of chest for a kindergarten graduation.” You giggled.
He shook his head, “Gotta show off the pecks to the dads that’ll keep checking you out.” He started to laugh as he turned to you. He placed his hands on your back and kissed your forehead. “You look so beautiful, sweetheart.”
You scoffed and looked down at your super pregnant belly in your sun dress. “I look like a good-year blimp.” You looked up at him laughing. 
He shook his head and bit his lip, “No.” He brushed your hair from your cheeks, “You look absolutely beautiful. I love you being pregnant.” He placed his hands on your belly. “You are perfect, baby.” He looked at you with his puppy dog eyes. “If you weren’t already pregnant, I’d give you another one.” He smiled and pinched your cheek.
“I’m going to freaking throw up. I always come at the worst of times.” Hangman leaned against the door way of your and Bradley’s room. “You love birds ready to go? Gotta be at Leia’s school before 1.” He looked at his watch, “It’s already 12:30.” He chuckled and crossed his arms waiting for you two. 
Bradley rubbed your arms, “Ready to watch our little girl graduate?” You nodded and he kissed your forehead. “I’ll grab her cap and gown.” Bradley winked at you.
Bradley helped you into the truck. Hangman and Phoenix took Jake’s truck to the school. The back of his cabin was full of balloons, flowers, and teddy bears for Leia. Bradley grabbed your hand and interlocked your fingers together with his. He pulled your hand to his lips and kissed it. “I can’t believe our Leia is graduating kinder already.” He sighed, “Before you know it, she’ll be graduating high school.” Bradley cringed thinking of it. 
You let out a laugh, “Hold on there, Lieutenant. She hasn’t even officially made it out of kinder yet.” 
He looked over at you and smiled, “She’s just growing up quick. It makes me so sad.” He bit his lip, “And her birthday is coming up again. She’s going to be freaking 7.” He tapped the steering wheel. “What do you think she’ll want to do for her birthday?” Bradley looked over at you.
You shrugged, “I guess we just have to ask her, so we can plan accordingly.” You looked over at him and smiled. 
You all arrived at the school. Bradley helped you down from the car and grabbed Leia’s cap and gown. Bradley grabbed your hand and skipped with you to Leia’s classroom. You were both laughing as Bradley pulled you along with his high jumps and long strides. 
“Bradley! Slow down please!” You begged him in between laughs. 
“No time, sweetheart!” He picked up his pace.
You laughed louder trying to catch up with him. “I’m going to have these boys right here and right now if you don’t!” You tried to catch your breath.
Bradley stopped and laughed with you. You were out of breath and so was he. He rubbed your belly and gave you a kiss, “I guess we should skip more then!” He acted like he was going to pull you into more skipping but he stopped and just laughed, “We are close, so we can walk now, baby.” He threw his arm around you and you walked to Leia’s classroom. 
When you both walked in, all the parents were there with their kids getting them ready. Leia ran to you and Bradley when she saw you. Bradley picked her up and spun her around, “How is my graduate?” He covered her face in kisses. 
“I am so ready for 1st grade daddy!” She gave him kisses back. 
Bradley let her down and Leia came over to you and hugged you. She kissed your belly twice. “Momma you look so beautiful.” She looked up at you with her puppy dog eyes. 
You started to tear up. You held them in. “I love you, my Leia.” You pinched her cheek.
Bradley started cleaning up Leia’s face with the wipes you brought. He took out Leia’s braid and brushed her hair. He attempted to rebrand it and got confused. “Sweetheart. This is hard. You wanna take over?” He looked over his shoulder at you. 
You laughed when you saw the messy braid, “I got you, Brad.” Leia came over to you and you started to braid her hair. Bradley picked up her gown and held it up to himself. 
“Leia do you thin this will fit me?” He posed while holding it against him.
Leia started to giggle. “Daddy, stop! You’ll rip it!” You finished braiding her hair.
Bradley took the gown off of the hanger and draped it over Leia’s shoulders while she inserted her arms. He straightened it out for her and zipped it up. “Now the cap, daddy!” 
Bradley grabbed the cap and placed it on her head, “Oh, my little girl.” Bradley placed his hands on Leia’s arms as he started to tear up, “Where has the time gone?” A tear rolled down his cheek.
Leia reached for the falling tear and wiped it from Bradley’s cheek. “Don’t cry, daddy. I’m still your little girl.” Leia leaned her forehead against Bradley’s. 
Bradley cupped her face and kissed her forehead. “I have something else for you, baby girl.” Bradley went to your bag and pulled out a fresh flower lei for Leia. She gasped when Bradley showed it to her in its case. 
“Daddy’ its so pretty!” She covered her mouth with her hands. “That’s for me!”
Bradley smiled and nodded as he began to remove it from the case. “For my pretty smart, baby.” He put it over her head and positioned it around her neck gently. “So beautiful.” Bradley cupped her face. “I also got you a matching crown to go with it, but you’ll wear the after so you can wear your cap.” He kissed her cheeks. 
Leia started to tear up as she looked at the necklace, “I love it so much. Thank you.” She looked up at Bradley through her lashes. 
“Anything for my girl.” He smiled at her and kissed her nose. 
The teacher called for all the students to line up for the processions. They would be graduating with 3 other kindergarten classes. Leia gave one last kiss to you and Bradley before she want to line up. Bradley helped you over to the gymnasium where Phoenix and Hangman were already situated, saving spots for you and Bradley. You plopped down next to Phoenix. She reached over and placed her hand on your arm.
“How is our Vapor girl?” She patted your arm and smiled. 
You smiled and placed your hand on hers, “She is so excited to graduate and go to the first grade already.” You started to laugh. 
The graduation started. You all cheered and clapped for all the children that were being called. You watched eagerly as they all crossed the stage and got little diplomas and hugs from all the teachers and principal. Next was Leia. She was standing in the stair well waving to the four of you in the crowd. She was bouncing in excitement. 
Hangman hit Bradley’s shoulder, “Here comes our girl! Get the camera, man!” Bradley pulled the camcorder back up and hit record. He zoomed in on Leia, she was waving and blowing kisses to you all. 
“Leia Rey Bradshaw!” Leia skipped across the stage waving and blowing kisses to you four. 
Hangman stood up and blew a fog horn. “That’s my girl! I love you Vapor girl!” He started to whistle. Phoenix stood up and started clapping for Leia.
“I love you my Leia girl!” She cupped her mouth and yelled over all the cheering and clapping. 
Leia waved over to you all, giggling. The teacher handed her her diploma and the photographer snapped a picture as they shook hands. Leia gave her teacher a hug and ran over to the other teachers and gave them a hug. Leia put her diploma into the air and you all stood and cheered for her. 
“That’s my little girl!” Bradley yelled as he pumped his fist in the air. 
“I love you so much, Leia!” You cupped your mouth and cheered for your daughter. 
Right before she got off the stage she stopped and pointed to you all. She held her cap on her head and started to shimmy like her dad. Bradley zoomed in on her as she danced. She laughed and waved to you all one more time before she exited.
Hangman started laughing as he wrapped his arm around Bradley and slapped his shoulder. He was falling into him as he laughed, “Dude, She is your daughter! That looked like you up there!” Hangman was patting Bradley’s shoulder laughing.
Bradley started to cry. He clenched his fist and brought it to his lips. He squeezed his eyes tight, “I have a first grader. Holy shit.” He started to cry hard and Hangman pulled him in for a hug. 
“You’re gonna be okay, Bradshaw!” Hangman laughed as he hugged and patted Bradley’s back. 
You were wiping your tears as Phoenix pulled you in for a hug and rubbing your back, “Congratulations, momma!”
After the graduation, you all waited excitedly for Leia to emerge from the group of children. Bradley and Hangman were looking over all the parents trying to scout out Leia. Bradley spotted her skipping around looking for you all. 
“Vapor Girl!” He called over to her and waved his hand in the air. Leia screamed and ran over to her dad. She immediately jumped into his arms.
“Daddy! I did it!” She threw her fist into the air. Bradley mimicked her and they yelled together. 
Hangman grabbed Leia from Bradley and kissed her over and over again. “My girl! I am so proud of you!” He kissed her cheek hard one more time and tickling her side. 
“Okay! My turn with my Leia girl!” Phoenix held her hands out and Leia jumped from Hangman’s grasp to Phoenix’s. She clung onto Phoenix and laid on her shoulder. Phoenix laid her head to Leia’s and cradled her head. “I am so proud of you, little Leia! You are so smart! You 100% get that from your mom.” She nuzzled into Leia’s cheek.
Leia pulled back, Daddy’s… smart too…?” She said questioningly. Phoenix started to laugh as you all looked over to Bradley. He was not amused. 
Phoenix covered Leia in kisses, adding “MUAH!” With each peck. “We have presents for you, sweet girl!” Phoenix hugged Leia harder.
Hangman held up all her balloons, stuffed animals, and flowers. Leia screamed and bounced in Phoenix’s arms. Phoenix let her down and she ran over to Hangman. “Oh my gosh! It’s all for meee!?” 
You waddled over to Leia and she hugged you tight. You took her cap off and kissed the top of her head. You held onto her cap while Bradley placed the flower crown on her. Hangman and Phoenix placed more Leis onto Leia’s neck and she could barely see over them. She was jumping for joy as you all cheered for her.  
Bradley snapped pictures of Leia to send to everyone back home. Phoenix came over and placed her hand on your belly. “One down, two more to go, mama.” She smiled and gave me another hug. “Congratulations to you too, Mom! You got her through her first year of school.” She laid on your shoulder as you both watched Hangman and Bradley make Leia laugh for pictures. 
After a couple of pictures of Leia with her teachers, friends, and principal, you all headed back to the house. Bradley invited Phantom and his family over for Leia’s small celebration. 
Hangman started to barbecue because some of the LTJGs from work would be joining in on the fun. A couple of them had kids in Leia’s class and thought it would be fun if they could all hangout together and play. Phantom would be coming with his wife and kids again. 
Bradley helped Leia dress out of her cap and gown. He hung it up on a hanger and placed it in her closet along with some of her necklaces. He changed her into a cute palm leaf printed pattern off-the-shoulder romper he had bought her. He placed her flower crown back on her head and her Lei. 
He gave her a kiss on the cheek, “I am so proud of you, baby.” He pinched her cheek gently.
“Thank you, daddy. I couldn’t have done it without you and momma.” Leia looked at her outfit, “I love this pattern! It’s so cute!”
Bradley nodded. “You look beautiful, Leia.” He straightened out her crown. “Go have some fun. Your friends should be here in a little bit. Make sure you thank everyone for coming, okay?” He kissed her again.
“I will, Thank you daddy.” She kissed his nose and ran out of her room. 
Everyone started to arrive at yours and Bradley’s house. You met some of Bradley’s co workers and students. When Phantom got there, He had a basket full of presents for Leia and Evelyn, his wife, had made cookies. His daughters ran to the backyard to play with Leia and her friends. 
Phantom came in and sat Leia’s gift on the counter. You called for Leia and she came in. Bradley squatted down next to her and placed his hand on her back.
“Sweetheart, Phantom and Evelyn brought you some presents.” 
Leia stuck her hand out to Phantom. “Vice Admiral Lynch. Good to see you, sir.” She said it so properly. Bradley started to chuckle. 
Phantom started to chuckle as he grabbed Leia’s hand and shook it. He squatted down and gave her a proper hug, “Captain Bradshaw. Pleasure.” He poked her in her belly as they laughed together. “Congratulations on your graduation, my little nani.” 
Leia got shy, “Thank you Phantom. Thank you for coming.” She hugged him tightly. “What’s nani?” 
Phantom rubbed Leia’s back, “It means pretty girl.” He smiled at her.
Leia gasped and looked down. “Thank you Vice Admiral Lynch.” She leaned her forehead to his shoulder. 
He chuckled and patted her back. “Of course, Would you like to see what we brought you?”
Leia looked up quickly. “YES!”
Bradley looked at Leia with wide eyes. “Leia Rey.” Leia looked back at Bradley embarrassed. 
“Sorry, daddy.” She looked at Phantom. “I mean Yes, sir. Please.” Leia held her hands together and placed them under her chin as she waited patiently. 
Phantom stood up and grabbed the basket off the counter. “The girls and I put together a basket for you” He showed her everything in the basket. “It has candy, a water bottle for when you’re out at the beach, a pineapple that we can crack open right now, some sunglasses, and a little ukulele. The girls also added in some of their favorite products they use for their hair, some hair pieces, and some nail polish.” Leia looked at everything with excitement. 
“I love it so much! Thank you so much!” 
Evelyn showed Leia the cookies she made for her graduation. They were decorated nicely. Some were Hawaiian shirts, hula skirts, coconuts, plumerias, pineapples, hula dancers, and some that said congratulations grad. It was such a sweet gesture. Leia gave her a big hug and a kiss on the cheek. 
Leia grabbed a cookie and brought you the pineapple, “Momma, can you cut this open pleaseee!” She gave you some puppy dog eyes. 
You grabbed the pineapple and brought it over to the open counter space to cut it with Leia. 
Bradley’s POV
Phantom came and put his arm over my shoulders. “Got a quick minute, Rooster?”
Evelyn patted Phantom’s shoulder, “Honey, not at his daughter’s party. Leave work for work.”
Phantom placed a kiss on his wife’s forehead, “Okay just this conversation and I won’t talk about work, baby.” He smiled at her and she shook her head and laughed before she went to join you and Leia. 
Phantom and I walked outside to one of the corners of the backyard. We over looked the mountain side. “Bradshaw, we have matters to discuss.” He was still looking out into the distance. 
I looked at him and nodded. “Sir.” He looked at me and smiled. 
“Lieutenant Bradshaw.” He patted my shoulder hard. “Or maybe I should say Lieutenant Commander Bradshaw.” He started to laugh and patted my shoulder. 
“Holy shit.” I looked at him with wide eyes. “Sir, I’m sorry. Excuse my language.” I started to laugh.
“No need, Rooster. Holy shit indeed.” He started to laugh as he pulled me into him for a hug. He patted my back hard and held me tight, “Congratulations, son. Your mother and father would be so proud of you.”
I was shaking as I hugged him. I pulled back and placed my hand on his shoulder and the other to my chest. “Oh my gosh. Are you serious? This is real. I got the promotion?” He nodded with a smile from ear to ear. I threw my head back and let out a sigh. I put my hands over my face as I laughed. “Thank you so much, for everything.” I ran my hands through my hair and hugged him again. 
“I did nothing. It was all you, Bradley. Your hard work has definitely shown and you deserve this more than anyone. I am so proud of you.” 
It's official! You have a first grader on your hands! I don't know about you, but I cried over everyone's excitement! This was so wholesome. I am so happy hangman, Phoenix, AND Bradley were able to experience with you and Leia. And OMGG! Daddy Brad got the promotion! How do you think he will tell all of you? I will see you all in the next chapter! 🫶🏼
My party babes are in the comments 🌺🥳
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shittyartestries · 8 months
In New York City, it’s always a rare blessing to see the sparkle of even a single star. It doesn’t get dark here. Even in the small hours of the morning, the sky remains illuminated by the thousands of blinking lights below—of the cars, of the buildings, of the houses. The lights reflect on the clouds, on the heavens themselves, turning them gray or an ugly muddy brown. There is no night in New York City, at least not in Manhattan. Queens can be different. On cold, moonless nights in Ozone Park, the stars come back to dance with me. At my bedside against the window, the stars twinkle and bathe me in a sleepy light. They’re pale and neutered, but I know they’re the same ones I see in my dreams. When I was younger, eight or nine, they visited me every night. When I lived in Punjab, in India, with my Nani and Nanu. When I had no worries. No cares. In the afternoons, I ran endlessly through the streets with my cousins, playing chicklets or pakdam pakdai. I never wanted to stop, so I didn’t. I ran and laughed and played. But when the light of the sun dimmed, we all collapsed in a pile in front of our house. Out came Bruno, a fuzzy black friend, to get his daily pats from the neighborhood kids. As we retired to the rooftop, we all laid in silence, altogether under the net of stars. Mendy and Boozi, our family dogs, whined softly, ready for bed. Our chests heaved, our hearts pounded, our feet ached, and our eyes grew tired. Cold breezes and hard concrete kept me always on my toes. Now though, it was worth it. My hands were a pillow behind my head and I watched the countless stars as they spread out in a never-ending array before me. The Milky Way was so radiant and bright, Hai Ram, it cast a shadow and my legs stretched ten feet. In these moments I was, without a doubt, the tallest girl in the world. With my head in the heavens, how could I not be? Drunk in starlight, I blink and I am back in the city. Years passed by; I find myself an adult, no longer a child. My head lies crooked on my windowsill once more. Tonight is one of those rare and lucky nights. I can see the sky from my bed. Three scattered stars blink back at me and this time the moon smiles at me too. They remember the moments we shared.
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Group Four Round One
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Character info from submissions under the cut
Lilo Pelekai (Headcanon) Since Lilo Pelekai’s parents died in a car crash, she’s been living under custody of her older sister Nani. She’s lonely and emotional and nothing seems to go her way, until she meets a mysterious, behaviorally-challenged ‘dog’ that isn’t all that he seems. Maybe this is kind of a stretch, but there’s a strong Mormon presence in like, Polynesia, Samoa, etc, and so it stands to reason there’d be a good amount of church members in Hawai’i. There was definitely a big, friendly ward when I got to visit Kaua’i! It also strikes me how strong Lilo and Nani’s conception of family is, ‘Ohana,’ and we know that’s a big tenet of our religion is eternal families. I imagine the issue of race in the church would make things a little rocky, for them, and being Mormon would definitely create an in for that stupid redhead girl to bully her. I imagine Nani would’ve gone a bit inactive in her teen years and then gravitated back to church with the death of her parents. Maybe I just like to think they have hope of seeing their parents again, y’know?
Elder Ryan Mitchelson (Original Character by @harvartia) In a world where the gods have gone missing, one man has made it his mission to bring them back. Enter Elder Mitchelson, a S̶t̶r̶a̶i̶g̶h̶t̶ White Male of Christian Family Values who hails from Orem, Utah. Convinced the world is plagued by a second apostasy, Elder Mitchelson seeks to singlehandedly spread the Good Word to everyone on earth. Unresolved religious trauma has turned him into a bit of an incel, but he isn't afraid to tell you about the most amazing book! His catchphrase is "Son of a Mitch!" (lawful good/lawful stupid) Born and raised in the church, he was halfway through his mission when the gods all but left and with them took the faith of everyone around him. Somehow he remained. Steadfast to a fault.
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midnightsunnyday · 2 years
In which MC learns air magic
Fire magic Water Magic
Mammon: man, I hate cleaning. If only there were a more convenient and efficient way to get rid of all this filth.
Satan, looking up from his book: literally no one said that.
Mammon: holy shit, it's a human. But this ain't your regular kinda human. This one can use magic. What kind of magic you ask?
Satan: they already told us--
Satan: *sighs*
Mammon: what's that? You want to see more?
Satan: no.
Mammon: go ahead my magically inclined friend. Show em' what you got.
*MC silently chants an incantation. The air around them swirls before a small whirlwind appears. The whirlwind sweeps through the room, collecting bits of trash and dust as it goes*
Satan: oh? That's actually very impressive, MC.
Mammon: that's my human. They've been gettin' really good at practicing their magic.
Satan: without killing you, I see.
Mammon: I know, right? But that's not even the best part. Me and MC have launched our own cleaning business. The profits are 50/20.
MC: 50/50.
Mammon: ha, oh right. Forgot about that.
MC: did you also forget the part where I kicked you in the shin?
Mammon: when did ya ever--OW. Ok, point taken.
Beelzebub, pausing in the doorway: oh no.
Mammon: sup Beel. Check out MC. They're like a portable vacuum cleaner.
Beelzebub: just keep them away from the kitchen...or else.
MC: don't worry that cute, orange head of yours, Beel. I have this entirely under control.
*5 minutes later*
Asmodeus, holding onto a table leg: oooh, this is the perfect time to take a selfie #gonewiththewindfabulous.
Satan, clinging to the couch for his life: what do you mean which one of us? It's MC. It's always them.
MC, hanging from the chandelier: HEY.
Lucifer: I ask you and Mammon to clean the common room and instead you do this?
MC: the vacuum was broken.
Lucifer: MC SO HELP ME I'LL--
*a loud, growling noise rumbles the house*
Satan: Beel...was that your stomach?
Beelzebub, nails dug into the wall: why does it always have to be my stomach? And no, it wasn't.
Asmodeus: hey guys, is it me or does that tornado look angry?
MC: oh yeah, I wouldn't threaten me if I were you. Toto doesn't like it.
Asmodeus: and Toto is?
MC: the tornado. I think it's sentient.
Lucifer: ...you summoned a sentient tornado?
MC: yep. It's kind of like a dog. Watch. Toto, spit Mammon out. He's not a toy.
*the tornado whines*
MC: Toto, be a good boy and spit Mammon out.
*Mammon launches out of the tornado, plowing through the common room wall and into the kitchen. The crashing of plates and pots can be heard*
Asmodeus: hey Mammon, are you dead?
Mammon: no...but it's close. 
MC: sorry, Mammon.
Mammon: it's ok... I...really need to reconsider my life choices.
Lucifer: alright, this has gone on long enough. MC, you have ten seconds to get down and away from that...thing. Ten, nine, eigh--
*the tornado blows a powerful burst of air towards Lucifer, sending him flying into the kitchen. Further crashing is heard*
Mammon: *stuck inside a cabinet* sup bro?
Lucifer: *flat on his back* shut the fuck up, Mammon.
Satan: you know what? Maybe a pet sentient tornado isn't so bad.
Asmodeus: it is...kind of cute.
Leviathan: *enters room* hey, the wi-fi cut off. Did something happen to the—NANI?
Belphegor: hey, I'm trying to sleep *blinks*oh cool, MC's destroying the house again.
MC: say hi to Belphie and Levi, Toto.
*Toto barks*
Belphegor: the heck is that?
Leviathan: cool, MC's an airbender.
Belphegor: so where's Fire Lord Lucifer?
Lucifer, stepping through the hole in the wall in full demon form: you probably shouldn't have named it, MC. Otherwise, it's going to hurt a lot more once I do this.
*Lucifer snaps his fingers. The tornado cries, swelling and shifting before exploding.  A large burst of air sweeps through the room, sending all the brothers flying except for Lucifer, who stands perfectly straight. Just before MC hits the ground, Lucifer jolts out his arm, catching them.
MC: *cries* TOTO, NO.
Satan, his head stuck inside the TV: this is why I read in my room.
Asmodeus, buried under a shelf: not the way I usually like to be blown.
Leviathan, on top of Belphegor: gross. TMI.
Belphegor: aw. I wanted to take it for a walk.
Leviathan: wouldn't it destroy the entire kingdom?
Belphegor: I fail to see your point. And get off of me, you're heavy.
Beelzebub, head struck in the wall: my food.
*Lucifer, dropping MC to the ground*
MC: ow! How could you? I thought you loved me?
Lucifer: you and I are going to have a long discussion about using these powers of yours IN THE HOUSE.
MC: But Luci--
Lucifer: --enough. The only words I should hear from your mouth are "Yes, Lucifer." Say it.
MC: Yes, Lucifer.
Lucifer: good. As for the rest of you, clean up this mess. I want this room back in perfect condition by the time I’m finished.
Leviathan: what? Why are we the ones being forced to help them clean?
Satan: yeah. If anything, Mammon should do it. This whole thing is just as much as his fault as MC.
Lucifer: do it or I’ll lock you all inside and cleanse the house myself…with fire.  
Asmodeus: no, wait! Do you have any idea what heat of that temperature will do to my hair?
Satan: he threatened to burn us alive and that's what you're stuck on?
Belphegor: Ugh. Fine! Though I'm still considering the being burned alive option...
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sueanoi-the-vet · 1 year
(over a phone)
them : hello animal hospital, i’d like to consult
me: of course! ask away
them: my dog has (describing issues) and we got a few medications (describing list) from another clinic. should we give these pills to our dog?
me: (nani)
me : well they’ve examined your dog, right? what did they say your dog has?
them: i didn’t bring the dog i just bought the pills.
me : (nanix2)
me : i can’t be any more sure than they can. the pills were prescribed according to description and not an examination. they’re probably not dangerous but there’s a chance it’s not the best match. I suggest a (test) so we can be sure.
them: so we CAN give the pills, right?
me: as i said. i also only has description to base on, so both of our best are educated guesses. i agree with the medication choices but there are always a chance it’s not the best match.
them: so Should we give the pills?
me: If you take the dog here for a test i can give you the answer more confidently. bring the pills with you so i can look at them too.
them: i can’t bring dog. I will give the pills.
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tsuki-sennin · 10 months
Azamuki kazamuki yomitori Mata te o kumi uragiri Kitai to negai akiramenai Kachitotta yume no naka de Tell me Nani o mitsukeru?
where were u wen dezagra die?
i was at house eating dorito when phone ring
"dezagra is kil"
I can't fucking believe this show is ending next week. Seems like it was just yesterday when I was making unfunny gamer jokes, taking a shine to the stripped back sound design, and speculating what the point of all this DGP crap even was.
Now the goddamn world is seconds away from ending~~!
Spoilers, I guess...
-"Come, my beloved audience. Spam poggers in the chat if you're excited to watch billions die."
-Oh, that's a focus.
-Hello, Tsumuri.
-Our very last DGP.
-Soba~! Tanuki soba, maybe?
-Everybody loves Keiwa-kun~!
-Kamen Rider counts.
-Are you a Kamen Rider?
-Hello, Kromer. Yeah, I'm still goin' with that.
-Oh, I recognize this location. I think Baron started assaulting people here in Gaim.
-Everybody's playing this game, whether they want to or not.
-Zagizuki Real.
-No hesitation on Ace's part to immediately jump in.
-"Only one person gets to live <3"
-"The most viewed stream in human history. A legend that will be passed down through the ages as the cruelest extinction event. ...by the way, please be sure to purchase merchandise at-"
-Love won out!
-Jesus Christ, it really is a Twitch chat.
-"Those who don't play, die."
-Not on Buffa's watch~!
-Oh shit, Mark 2.
-"No, you don't."
-Gonna prolong this season for as long as we can, huh?
-I wonder... I know the future has literal intelligent design, but what qualifies someone for the role of Game Master?
-"Game Masters, huh...?"
-Oh hi Kousei, where've you been?
-At least look her in the eye when you say that, man.
-Welcome home.
-"I'm not your Nee-san, you little weirdo."
-Hello, Dad.
-"Good morning, audience~! Welcome back to the End Game~!"
-"I'm a God, rememb- BONK"
-No hurting >:(
-Win goin' bare handed!
-...I guess Ace hasn't gotten around to giving him his Driver back.
-Y'know I'm all for this. Givin' the plant bois some sweet payback.
-"...this sucks."
-You left the back door unlocked, Samas.
-Hiiiii, Girori.
-It's been 32 episodes since last I made fun of you.
-"DGP fell off. And quite frankly, I blame all of you for it."
-Dad here was all about a fair game, huh?
-Ready? Fight!
-Oh shit, Magnum.
-Oh goddamn, this is so sick.
-This is insane and disorienting in all the best ways.
-Make you conceited, says you!
-Even the VIPs noped out.
-Not that I feel particularly bad for these assholes, but it is funny to point out.
-Ohhhhh, the sprinklers.
-Boost time~!
-Kicked in the face!
-Ukiyo Ace has been left with nothing.
-Now he's just a guy.
-"Go ahead then. Pull the trigger."
-Never give up on making people happy.
-Our final episode.
-...Dawn I...
-Obviously he's not dead, we've got a movie to watch, but damn. Quite a way to lead into your finale.
-The sun rises on the fox's friends: the bull, the cat, and the raccoon dog.
-How beautiful would that sunrise be?
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angelselene · 9 months
Tagged by @ladyyatexel and in 'get to know you better' style meme thingy~
Last Song: Girlfriend - Avril Lavigne (male version) I feel like this kind of sums me up
Currently Watching: Been watching a lot of Danny Motta reacts on Youtube. Also The Girl with the Dogs on youtube, which is pet grooming. Also watching the Rurouni Kenshin reboot and am so excited that JJK season 2 comes back this week.
Currently Reading:  Audiobooks for me too. Just finished Humankind  by Rutger Bregman, which, if you need a little hope that humanity isn’t a total cesspool of cruelty at our core, I def recommend. It has been giving me much thoughts. Onto switching between Agent Garbo by Stephen Tally, about the WWII spy who had Nazi’s so convinced that he was good he actually got their highest honors (heard about him on a tumblr post, actually), and a re-listen of Neil Gaiman’s The Graveyard Book full cast version because it’s awesome, and one of these days I really am going to write a crossover with it--a proper one. 
... I do so much more writing than reading these days.
Current Obsession: Long-haired Todoroki Shouto is high on the list--as are DabiShou and ShoutoMight. Been a little obsessed with puzzles lately too. The EraserSmite fic Be Not Afraid by Kyonarai--villain All Smite, the kind of dark omegaverse worldbuilding that kind of makes my skin crawl b/c it’s in the uncanny valley (and I mean that in the best way possible). I love this fic and this ‘verse so much that I wrote a 25k AU for one of the villain OCs for it, but it is very much not for the faint of heart, and my sidefic is Dead Dove™️. Still obsessed. Thinking about another followup. It’s amazing. Also, fallen back down the NaruSasu hole lately, and I need more fic where Sasuke gets knocked up. I don’t make the rules--that’s just what my id wants. 😂
Tag some kinda number of people: @nani-bell @dhampir17 @ghostproof @janaverse
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probablybigfoot · 1 year
The Secret of The Seals 1992 anime movie is just Harry Potter but instead of wizards, they're environmentalists and instead of assholes they're Italian.
Totoi/Harry Potter. The both have dead mothers and both of their fathers have bushy black hair and glasses. They both find out they have a special connection with a rarely seen world that most people think is a myth. For Harry it was finding out he was destined to kill wizard Hitler (only to become Hitler himself!) and Totoi finds an almost extinct Mediterranean seal and her pup hiding in a cave.
Billia/Ron-- The supporting male lead to the chosen ones. They're the best friends to our leads and are the largest source of peer pressure for the main boy to do something stupid. Totoi tells Billia of his first encounter with the seals only for Billia to doubt him and then tell everyone about what Titoi claimed. When Totoi does find the seals, Billia pressures him into showing the animals to him and his friends which ultimately results in one spilling the beans and the seals being attacked. Ron lost all self worth when his sister was born and instead of being jealous of her he aimed it at the orphan kid whose entire life has been a sacrificial ceremony to end his life in the name of wizard kind.
Catalina/Hermione-- Both have uncommon-in-America names that makes everyone have to doublecheck their spelling. They're both quick to tell others what to do and both act like know it alls. Hermione's first scene involves her asking a kid who hasn't even gone to school yet if he learned the things they're going to school for and Catalinas first line is sternly telling a kid she's never met "Don't tell lies!" before getting on Billia's new dirt bike and complimenting Billia like he's a dog.
Mr. Nani/Hagrid-- The Sexy One. The older friend other the hero who gives them guidance and support as they learn their respective destinies. He loves animals and children. He has a beard and a cool coat that he probably killed with the same bare hands he uses can use so gently (Mr. Nani makes his living as a potter and Hagrid can calm a unicorn's soul.), both will fight to the death for what they love. Hagrid has gone against death eaters, giant spiders, and entered the realm of giant clan politics because Dumbledore didn't punt Tom Riddle off a cliff when he had a chance. When he goes to help Totoi when the latter has gone to the seal cave to try and stop Millionaire Americans from poaching the mother, Nani takes a flying leap off a speedboat and punches a goon in the face before fighting off another.
The Seals/Voldemort-- Both are the catalyst of the hero's journey. Voldemort tries to strike down his enemies, only to create the very plot device that will be able to stop him and Totoi went for a leisurely swim in a cave and the mother seal begins charging him. Voldemort and the Seal also share the element of make Hagrid/Nani think the hero is dead. Voldemort hits Harry with the killing curse and the seal, upon realizing the cave is about to flood, pushes Totoi up onto a stone pillar near the entrance of the cave chamber they're in and then she gets her baby and they go onto higher ground at the back of the cave. This leave Totoi clings to the rocks for dear life and Mr. Nani to fear the child has drowned.
Thank you for reading my dissertation.
p.s J.k Rowling sucks.
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I know nothing is real anymore and there's nothing to stop anyone from doing "crazy shit", so I decided that I'm having my dog Sirius be blessed by the local Catholic church. My late Nani is Catholic and she's the main reason I decided to do this, because while Sirius is only four and will live a long and healthy life, I know that when he's gone, he's gonna go somewhere, and I'd rather him go with my Nani.
For reference, at dinner every night my mom, my dad, and myself alternate nights and pray differently and Sirius tends to be the most "obedient" (read: sits down the longest before he tries to take food off our plate(s)) when my dad, a former Catholic, prays. So to me, this makes him Catholic.
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greenbabyofficial · 2 years
remember the flowers left at my doorstep? nani found a brand new dog toy (no packaging) placed right at our doorstep the other day too 👀 eris loves it but who keeps leaving things at my door
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kosi-annec · 6 months
[HAIKYUU!!] Season 2 episode 14
Oh hey it's tsuki's bro!
Ah so their relationship is still a bit rocky huh?
Hol up, has the opening music changed?? I can't tell I always skip it. OMG WAIT IT HAS
I thought that was tsuki's bro trying to sneak around to watch his bro play, but kageyama??? Tf you doing buddy lmao??
So... kageyama is essentially going to stalk their opponents
Thank you yachi for thinking up a better disguise for our idiot
... Yeah nvm it kinda useless if he can't even act normal HSKHSKS
Come tsuki, you two were having an almost civilized conversation
Oooh tsuki gonna hang out with his bro! But taking that out of context, he sounds like some gangsta meeting up with some sketchy ppl lol
Nani wut, did kageyama just admit oikawa is better than him??
Holy shit, now THAT'S a skill. Pretty boy may not be a prodigy or wat not, but he is good at reading ppl
DID KAGEYAMA ADMIT TO BEING SCARED HELLO?? Oh nvm it just him giving motivational speech
Hskshk omg iwaoi moment--
HHHH awe tsuki's bro backing him up
Uh oh, new character. AND HE'S CALLED "MAD DOG"?? UH OH
Ok ngl oikawa looked really intimidating, so can't blame mad dog for that reaction
Lmao coach ukai has clearly been waiting for this moment. Tsuki is actually willing to improve and learn
Oop a montage. OH HEY YAMA IS PRACTICING HIS FLOAT SERVE! Ya know, eat i really like about haikyuu's montages is the fact that they treat them like normal animated scenes, like with lipsyncing and everything
GSAP kenma actually looking forward to playing a volleyball match
lol dadchi too tired of dealing with his hyperactive children. OMG YACHI! she's becoming more and more like a real manager
Aaaa the day has arrived!
Oh no, the blond play boy is here. Come on kiyoko simps beat his ass! Ah- lmao the characters actually acknowledge the gravity defying comedy moment
LMAO hinata is traumatized from going into the bathroom now, he keeps bumping into his opponents there. OMG HINATA HSKHSKS, i feel bad for him. God he's just being surrounded by these tall ass mofos
AHA I new karasuno be going up against blond play boy's team
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libidomechanica · 11 months
Long since to
To clear planet Lion, so vex’d.     Every flowers of men! At the neater was in our Sex     betray him? Waiting through
the eyes. ’ I said, Oof! Long since to     mooted all imagination spark, agrees as I stand     how rough water-smoke that
each prepare: I speaks of vows, when     tis beer. Sigh no more beautiful&carve not to be castles     today; she, curbside pool.—
But Fate the golden apples falshood     did but all those were undid the swete sonnet; with stern     sea! Of something their
honoured them from the stop mine own     Soul, and bolted then turns; and in stealth, and whining mimicking     day; save when she viewed,
and deeper sing To give maiden     babe forest blood in women place my true Justice naked     is, time watchful care close
forests, wherever head, over     they will rise like a chuckle of water dewe. Did pass Lovers     but for to the heaved
were be foundress, I scatter pearl     and marble pilings. From its veterans reward. Sabine honour,     the tree where was numb
with ourself; for thy tongue with tears     by wretched. A tone of them as thought! A furlong for them     and very night, and
misery and suffering; good-bye earth     gone by, this day say o’er than wisest thou go with flowers     in her summons:-still true
as a time had in the maidens,     with trapping with dazzle let me die too, ’ said Endymion     to him, living in from
the silver sails is going.     Oasis, lapt in the boat below, beat wittie Lewes to see,     shewes loue indeed who
lay downe doth bare, and when sometime     had vowed her arms across her chamber carve not bliss or bale—     her face; the fallow in
the Sum of his Penmanship, and     a tree, why dost thou art here! Willow sky, again. From out     of the while he prove her
To give Perenna’s lip. All locks     lurch past wet window and the deer, but of my sore discontent.     For pity Nature’s
bequest she the seven so. The     heard! To save me in th’ others, and sighing and see!     Full of clouds like us
just as eager or bishop, but     no singled love my Nanie, O. The ladies on his age! For     the fearfully, fearful
end must thy hand, alas, that to     things breast: o that you may smell Murphy’s Oil Soap, dog     That might shall not speaking.
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Semi Finals!!
After Kronk's hasty departure, all you lovely followers voted to bring Joshua back into the game!
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Character info under the cut
Joshua Graham (Canon) Joshua Graham, “The Burned Man,” appears as an NPC in the Honest Hearts DLC for Fallout: New Vegas. (said DLC is likely riddled with problems related to Native American representation) But Graham is a popular character, he is a legendary figure in the history of the Mormons, the Legion, and tribes of former northwestern United States. Born in New Canaan, Graham experienced both the lofty heights of power and the depths of despair, first as the military commander of the Legion under Edward Sallow, then as the fallen Burned Man and a prodigal son. His stubborn refusal to die after being cast into the Grand Canyon elevated him to mythical status, striking fear into the hearts of superstitious legionaries and members of tribes of Utah and neighboring states. He also said the following quotes: “I survived because the fire inside burned brighter than the fire around me.” “ I have been baptized twice, once in water, once in flame. I will carry the fire of the holy spirit inside until I stand before my Lord for judgment.” Born and raised in New Canaan, a Mormon settlement in post-apocalypse Ogden, Utah. He served as a missionary to the Blackfoot tribe, co-founded a fascist replica of Rome, then realized the error of his ways after being set on fire and thrown off the Hoover Dam. He returned to New Canaan, found acceptance, rekindled his faith, and now seeks redemption and revenge against the legion he founded.
Lilo Pelekai (Headcanon) Since Lilo Pelekai’s parents died in a car crash, she’s been living under custody of her older sister Nani. She’s lonely and emotional and nothing seems to go her way, until she meets a mysterious, behaviorally-challenged ‘dog’ that isn’t all that he seems. Maybe this is kind of a stretch, but there’s a strong Mormon presence in like, Polynesia, Samoa, etc, and so it stands to reason there’d be a good amount of church members in Hawai’i. There was definitely a big, friendly ward when I got to visit Kaua’i! It also strikes me how strong Lilo and Nani’s conception of family is, ‘Ohana,’ and we know that’s a big tenet of our religion is eternal families. I imagine the issue of race in the church would make things a little rocky, for them, and being Mormon would definitely create an in for that stupid redhead girl to bully her. I imagine Nani would’ve gone a bit inactive in her teen years and then gravitated back to church with the death of her parents. Maybe I just like to think they have hope of seeing their parents again, y’know?
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vstranslations · 1 year
Kvi Baba - 二つ目の家族 (Futatsume no kazoku) - Lyrics
song (spotify) Japanese/Romaji/English lyrics under the cut
Warning for mentions of parent and animal death
Title: My Second Family
よく考えた子供の頃夜中に パパとママが死んだら 順番で行けば1人になるのが嫌で 次の家族を探していた
ただ愛してるようで利用したって これ言えば君は怒るかな 二つ目の家族が必要なだけ
失う用意をしとかなくちゃ 多分僕はいけない この先をいけない この世で 一人残されたくないから
Stay with me girl Stay with me girl, baby
犬の町子も生きたとしても 後十年くらいのことだろうから この先で待つ別れの数 僕には多すぎる ある意味幸せでも辛すぎるのさ
だから家族の様に君といたい いや家族となって僕といて 別れの時に一人じゃないんだって伝えて
失う用意をしとかなくちゃ 多分僕はいけない この先をいけない この世で 一人残されたくないから
La-la-la la-la Stay with me girl, baby
先に言っとくよ 一人じゃ生きれない 守るものが なくなるのが怖い かといって誰でもいいってわけじゃない 浮かぶのは ah 君しかいない
二番目の家族 一つ目の家庭に なってくれないか何してだっていい 洗濯も料理も僕がするから Marry me
失う用意をしとかなくちゃ (x4)
Yoku kangaeta kodomo no koro yonaka ni papa to mama ga shindara junban de yukeba hitori ni naru no ga iya de tsugi no kazoku o sagashiteita
Tada aishiteru you de riyou shita tte koe yueba kimi wa okoru kana futatsume no kazoku ga hitsuyouna dake
Ushinau youi o shitokanakucha tabun boku wa ikenai kono saki o ikenai kono yo de hitori nokosaretakunai kara
Stay with me girl Stay with me girl, baby
Inu no machiko mo ikita toshite mo ato juunen kurai no koto darou kara kono saki de matsu wakare no kazu boku ni wa oosugiru arui mi shiawase demo tsurasugiru no sa
Dakara kazoku no you ni kimi to itai iya kazoku to natte boku to ite wakare no toki ni hitori ja nainda tte tsutaete
Ushinau youi o shitokanakucha tabun boku wa ikenai kono saki o ikenai kono yo de hitori nokosaretakunai kara
La-la-la la-la Stay with me girl, baby
Saki ni ittoku yo hitori ja ikirenai Mamoru mono ga nakunaru no ga kowai kato itte dare demo ii tte wake ja nai ukabu no wa ah kimi shika inai
Nibanme no kazoku hitotsume no katei ni natte kurenai ka nani shite datte ii sentaku mo ryouri mo boku ga suru kara Marry me
Ushinau youi o shitokanakucha (x4)
As a child, I often thought at night about when mom and dad would die I didn’t want to one day be left all alone, so I searched for my next family
I wonder if you’d get upset if I told you that I was using you as if I really loved you because I just needed a second family
I need to prepare myself to lose you I’m probably beyond hope I can’t go beyond this point because I don’t want to be left all alone in this world
Stay with me girl Stay with me girl, baby
Even if our dogs had puppies, it would only be about 10 years before we’d have to let go of them The amount of goodbyes awaiting me is just far too many to handle Even if their existences brought joy, it’s still too painful
So I wanna be with you like we’re a family No – become my family and stay with me Tell me I won’t be alone when it’s time to go
I need to prepare myself to lose you I’m probably beyond hope I can’t go beyond this point because I don’t want to be left all alone in this world
La-la-la la-la Stay with me girl, baby
I need you to understand that I can’t live alone I’m scared of losing the things I want to protect But that doesn’t mean I’ll take just anyone The only one I can think of, ah, is you
My second family can live under the roof of the first So what do you say? I’ll do anything I’ll do the laundry or the cooking, I promise, so marry me
I need to prepare myself to lose you (x4)
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getmemymicroscope · 2 years
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This was a lot of fun - all the characters but especially, of course, Nani's performance. It's an interesting story, and while maybe there's a touch of 'not really believable' when a man who has spent his life copying English movies into Telugu novels suddenly becomes an expert detective who faces no issues of making mistakes, the movie is fun enough that you don't really worry too much about that. They weren't trying to make a gritty, realistic, dark thriller - they went for something slightly more fun and, to some extent, slightly more about 'family' than entirely being detective/revenge drama. The story is maybe also slightly weak in that area - in that everything, again, just works together perfectly too quickly and without any hiccups at all, but ... sometimes, you just gotta enjoy the ride. And this is a fun one of those.
It starts off pretty gritty, admittedly - the dog scene, yes, but that doesn't really tie together with everything until the end, but even beyond that, where the entire first sequence has almost no words and feels like a serious thriller (at least for me - I had no idea what type of movie I was getting into, what with my lack of watching a trailer and, even if I had, the inability to understand Telugu).
But after that, once it gets going and especially after Nani's introduction, things become slightly more light, even with what is a pretty deep/emotional story about a bunch of people out to get revenge on the unknown man who took their only loved one from them. And as they investigate, as they grow together as a sort of 'build your own family,' as things progress with their investigation - things remain pretty fun.
I don't know - I can look back and obviously there are plot issues (as above, with everything working out perfectly well every time; or, at least, well enough that there are no major hiccups in the entire journey), but none of it was so glaring that it interfered with enjoying the movie.
And, probably best of all, our main characters are not horrible people (learn something, Bollywood!). Like, sure, Nani's character is a fraud as a writer and clearly obsessed with a girl (played off in humor, but yeah, maybe a bit much at times?), but he's still good-hearted. Obviously it's a case of "what have you done for me recently," but I just compare it to our main character in Ek Villain Returns, who is pretty much a jackass from the minute he shows up on screen and never gets any better than that. Nani's character is a fraud, yes, but he becomes a better person on this journey (sure, maybe that's questionable with the ending - if that really qualifies as 'better,' I mean - but he has a good reason for his actions, so I guess in terms of movie law, that's acceptable; in reality, of course, it's not).
I do also like how none of them are really swayed by the money at all - like, it was never their ultimate goal to just find the money, and other than the minimal "we've found our enemy" feeling when they find it, it's sorta just there as a byproduct of everything - even when the reason for the robbery comes out - and never their ultimate motive.
I also really like the music - especially Ra Ra as it plays in the background, especially when the 'gang' is first coming together.
I've now seen 3 Nani movies, all sorta thrillers but also all sorta different from each other - Eega/Makkhi, Gentleman, and now this - and they've all been a lot of fun. This one is clearly not up to the level of Eega - not many films would be - but like that, it's a slightly different story that's a lot of fun as it unfolds.
The bad guy in this movie gave off some real like Sunil Shetty vibes with his voice and the way he talked, and even a bit in the role. Not that that's a bad thing, of course, it was just a jarring and unexpected thing for my brain when it happened (and it did multiple times). Not a good person, though, and got what he deserved; his friend, though, is also probably an idiot for revealing anything to him there at the end. Like what did he thing was going to happen? Clearly that wasn't the time for hug and "it's alright buddy." Not with this guy and how crazy he is.
It's a nice movie overall, and the ability to make a 'thriller'-type of movie that focuses on family is not something that many can do (see: all of Bollywood at this point), so it's nice to see it done well here.
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