#naked vision quests
shapelytimber · 5 months
A Taste of Faith
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Ok so the concept for this piece was : historical gay nuns, and 70s lesbian vampire movies meets tes (don't ask me why- I just had a vision at 3 am)
Because I think Serana should have been meaner<3 I love women's wrongs and when vampires do the suck <3
Btw of you want to see more gay Serana art, go check out @gay-of-waterdeep, their art is wonderful, and I can't say this was not a bit inspired by what they do :))
Process (and me rambling about some of my favorite 70s lesbian vampire movies (because I have a problem)) below vvv
Additional details about this drawing ! 1) I used the same Mara design than the one from my tarot deck :)) and 2) the other woman is one of the priestess in the temple in Riften lglggigkglgl her name is *check wiki* Dinya Balu
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And now......... Some movies I enjoy because my house my rules, you came this far so why not hear about niche european movies :))))))
Disclaimer for a majority of the films in this genre : the male gaze is very fucking obvious in these movies... they were made by men for men, and the message is often "lesbianism is a dangerous temptation for women". It's a glairing flaw nearly all of them share and that sucks (and frankly it's a flaw Serana's writting kinda has in my opinion, minus the lesbianism part, but let's not dwell on that)- so if you can't get past it, it's completly understandable, be on your way and have a nice day <3
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- Daughters of Darkness ! A toxic man is returning to london with his newly wed wife, but they get stuck in Belgium and are forced to stay in a luxurious hotel. Don't worry about the 10/10 smokeshow countess seducing his wife :). Completely unrelated, this movie has, in my opinion, the most beautiful lesbian kiss I've ever seen- but I might not be very objective because Delphine Seyrig is there lglglflflllglm The best one in the list ! So if you want to whatch one, whatch this one <3
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- The blood spattered bride ! This is more of... an aquired taste let's say- but I really like it ! A quite effective horror movie, with goofy ass scenes (shoutout to the vampire lady buried in the sand naked with only a diving mask that is not the screenshot because tits), and emasculation being a recuring theme <3 (but if you want to watch it, please check the content warnings beforehand, it has a lot of very shocking and frontal scenes, and it's the 70s so it's not done very tactfully. Also pretty intense flashing lights)
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- The vampire lovers ! Ok so this one is a lot less fun compared to the other two because it's made by the Hammer BUT... 1) Ingrid Pitt hello and 2) it's such a intriging thing to see a very christian/conservative studio make a film like that. I know a lot of people don't like the Hammer movies from the 70s, because the studio had a lot less money, and were making wild decisions. But I love them, because they tend to be much more fun bloody and sexy ! I'm a simple woman mjllkklhkhlhlho case in point with the vampire lovers (although if you want a fun vampire hammer movie from the 70s, Dracula ad 1972 is way better). And Peter Cushing is there (i love this man so much-) !
And now I shall resume my quest to find Vampire Lesbos by Jésus Franco and have a probably mid experience watching it xoxo
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shebunie · 6 months
Hello!! Can you do mizu x mixed trans fem reader which reader been traveling with them for a while now and they both find out about each other gender stuff by at a river when mizu is naked/bathing and reader doesn't know that mizu is their and is half naked to also sorry this is my first time requesting 😭😭
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𝐁𝐞𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐘𝐨𝐮𝐫𝐬
𝗠𝗶𝘇𝘂 𝘅 𝗺𝗶𝘅𝗲𝗱! 𝘁𝗿𝗮𝗻𝘀 𝗿𝗲𝗮𝗱𝗲𝗿
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𝐖𝐚𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠: 𝗸𝗶𝘀𝘀𝗶𝗻𝗴, 𝗰𝗼𝗻𝗳𝗲𝘀𝘀𝗶𝗼𝗻, 𝗰𝗼𝗺𝗳𝗼𝗿𝘁, 𝗺𝘂𝘁𝘂𝗮𝗹 𝗽𝗶𝗻𝗻𝗶𝗻𝗴, 𝗶𝗻𝗷𝘂𝗿𝘆, 𝗺𝗶𝘇𝘂 𝗯𝗲𝗶𝗻𝗴 𝗯𝗮𝗯𝘆 𝐖𝐨𝐫𝐝 𝐜𝐨𝐮𝐧𝐭: 𝟭.𝟭𝗸 𝐀/𝐍: 𝗜 𝗿𝗲𝗮𝗹𝗹𝘆 𝗱𝗶𝗱 𝗹𝗼𝘃𝗲 𝘁𝗵𝗲 𝗿𝗲𝗾𝘂𝗲𝘀𝘁, 𝘀𝘂𝗻𝘀𝗵𝗶𝗻𝗲 𝘅 𝗴𝗿𝘂𝗺𝗽𝘆 𝘁𝗿𝗼𝘂𝗽𝗲, 𝗮𝗯𝗹𝗲 𝘁𝗼 𝘁𝗮𝗸𝗲 𝗮 𝗱𝗲𝗲𝗽 𝗱𝗶𝘃𝗲 𝘄𝗶𝘁𝗵 𝗵𝗲𝗿 𝗰𝗵𝗮𝗿𝗮𝗰𝘁𝗲𝗿.
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Sandals crunched beneath your feet as you and Mizu traversed the vast expanse of the snow-covered path. The ethereal silence was occasionally interrupted by the soft whispers of the freezing winter breeze. A pristine white carpet enveloped the landscape, kissed by the gentle rays of the sun that filtered through the treetops, creating a mesmerizing play of light and shadow. Enchanted by the beauty, you mumbled to Mizu, the sword-wielder trailing behind.
"It's so beautiful," you sighed, casting your gaze ahead at the winter wonderland that stretched out before you.
Mizu's response came as a whisper, a ghost of a smile playing on her lips as she tilted her head to obscure her vision. "Indeed it is," she agreed, her eyes already locked onto yours.
You slowed your pace to match Mizu's, the two of you now walking side by side. "I heard some orchids bloom at this time of the month. Do you think we might encounter some on our way?" you asked, leaning down to catch the gaze of the dark-haired swordsman who had allowed you to join her on this quest for revenge.
"Rarely," Mizu replied with a hint of melancholy. "They're suited neither for frost nor fry."
Undeterred, you faced forward, a hopeful glint still evident in your eyes. "There is still a chance then, slim but evident."
Mizu peered at you from the corner of her eye, playfully rolling her eyes and shaking her head. She let out a small, contented sigh as you both continued your journey.
Throughout the trek, you occupied Mizu with your lively chatter, and she didn't mind. Your cheery and bright demeanour made the otherwise solemn journey more bearable.
As the sun dipped below the horizon and the moon took its place in the night sky, the duo decided to set up camp in a desolate area of the forest. A crackling fire was kindled to stave off the biting winter chill.
"Stay here while I look for more firewood," Mizu instructed, rising from her seated position. You noticed a subtle grimace as she reached for her shoulder, a lingering reminder of the battles she had fought.
"Let me help—" you began.
"No, you do not have to," she cut you off, her voice firm yet soft. With a nod, she ventured off into the darkened woods.
Exhaling a heavy sigh, you turned your attention to a boiling pot of water. "I guess I'm on soup duty."
As you rummaged through the meager supplies in your small travel bag, you realized the ingredients were lacking. Setting the pot aside, you decided to forage for plants in the nearby vicinity.
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Meanwhile, Mizu settled by the river's shore, wincing at the friction caused by her clothes. With a hiss, she slipped off her shoulder armor, exposing a bloody wound. Sighing, she removed the clothing entirely and immersed herself in the warm waters of the river, seeking solace from the pain.
For the first time, she felt a sense of relaxation, the soothing sounds of the river diverting her thoughts from the persistent ache of the gash she had acquired in her battle with Taigen.
Her mind, however, drifted to you. She questioned why.
Was it because you both shared the same defect? Did she pity you? Was it your annoyingly talkative nature?
Both of you were made with mixed metal, marked as demons, outcasts in a world where being a woman was challenging enough. Mizu loathed the stares and derogatory remarks that accompanied your presence. She detested the morbid offers from flesh traders who saw you as a commodity, a means to make coin.
She had never wondered why.
Why her gaze linger a bit longer when you patched her up. Why there were accidental hand touches that felt like more than mere accidents. Why she felt an unexplainable need to see, hear, or hold you close.
A sudden snap broke her reverie. Mizu swiftly picked up and unsheathed her sword, forgetting her clothes in the process. Danger lurked; you were in danger. The sharp end of her blade was now pointed at the intruder.
At you.
Half-naked, you stood there with wide eyes. Immediately, you turned your bare back toward her, attempting to shield yourself. "I saw no— nothing," you stammered, your hands hugging your half-exposed body for warmth. A sigh escaped from behind.
"I thought I told you to stay?"
"Well, you see, after you left, I was about to cook food for us, but then we were lacking ingredients. So, I assumed the forest might have some plants or herbs lying around and got carried away—"
"You talk too much," Mizu remarked, her eyes burning into the back of your head.
A frown creased your face, and your gaze dropped to the ground. "Sorry," you muttered loud enough for Mizu to hear.
A faint splash of water behind you prompted you to look. The blue-eyed woman sat under the warm waters of the river, staining its clear stream with red. "You're bleeding." Without much thought, you undressed and submerged yourself in the water.
Mizu never once looked your way as she felt the soft touch of your fingers tracing her wound, biting back a wince. "You should have told me; I could've stitched this up." The revelation of her being a woman had temporarily left your mind as you ripped a piece of cloth from your garments to make a makeshift towel to clean her wound.
With a gentle touch, you took care of her once more.
Silence lingered in the atmosphere until you spoke. "Do you trust me, Mizu?" The question had her turn her gaze to you, eyes reflecting the subtle glow of the moon, cheeks tinted a faint red from the warmth of the water.
Lips hovered over yours, not quite kissing but close enough that any small distance could do so. Their breaths blended, warm and wanting. It felt wrong, Mizu thought. She dared not close that distance; she was afraid to do so. Yet, you had her in a trance.
"Can I kiss you?" The way her eyes lingered on your lips, she raised a hand to tuck a loose strand of hair behind your ear. You leaned in, closing the final distance. Your fingers tread carefully in her dark tresses, one hand caressing her face with a gentle touch.
It made Mizu feel safe. She felt seen and loved by your touches. She loved you.
A hand slid from the side of your thigh to your waist, guiding you forward to straddle her lap. Parting from one another, Mizu leaned her forehead against yours with a ragged breath and a faint smile. Tracing circles on your bare hips with her thumb, she whispered, "You've stolen my heart, and I want it to continue being yours."
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REQUEST: So a girl named y/n is Steve’s best friend. But they are very attracted to each other. Steve once dreamed that he and Y/N had sex. So one evening, Steve comes to watch a movie at Y/N, they talk about the dream and then…the smut part. @safinkd
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Steve woke up in sweat and out of breath, his mind filling with the imagine of you, and him, naked on his bed doing things that best friends shouldn't do
he sat up, leaning on one arm as he ran his other hand though his hair.
he looked down at his pants and cursed under his breath
he got up and groggily walked to his bedroom to clean himself
he didn't know why his unconscious state would come up with something so... freaky, especially with you.
Steve has had his fair share of wet dreams before, but it's never revolved around you, and it has never been that graphic before, it was almost as if it was a memory
he went back to his bed and looked at the clock that sat on his nightstand
6:39am it read
he shook his head at the time and groaned.
the image of you in his head was something he couldn't shake off, it was imprinted on his mind and it had no intention of leaving anytime soon
of course he's thought about it, there's no way that in the 14 years of knowing you, he was bound to think about it sooner or later
Steve heard the phone ring from downstairs and since his parents weren't home, he had to get it
he took his time going down the stairs and into the livingroom
he walked to the phone that hung on the wall and picked it up
"hi, harringto-" he stared grumpily, sick of saying the same thing over and over again when he picks up the phone
"steve!" he heard your voice
"who is this?" he joked, knowing you hate it when he does it
"oh shut up, Steve" he could practically hear the eyeroll "just checking in to see if we're still on for tonight"
Steve's mouth went dry, he had totally forgot about his plans with you to go to your house that night
how could he face you with the image of you both in his bed running in his mind, still not leaving
"Steve? you there?" you questioned
"yeah, yeah, I'm still coming over tonight" he spoke up after clearing his throat
"ok, good- and please, for the love of god pick a good movie, Steve. I'm sorry, but I don't know if I can handle watching vision quest again" you sighed
it was an understatement to say Steve liked the movie vision quest, he took you to see it in the theatre when it came out not too long ago and every time he would come over to watch a movie at yours he would rent out that movie that you've gotten sick of it
"so I rent out vision quest?" he asked, wanting to annoy you
"Steve i swear to god if you bring Vision quest again I'm not letting you into my house" you huffed
"you will"
"no I won't"
"you will but whatever, I gotta go now, I need to get ready for work" Steve argued
"alright, bye, have a terrible day" you yawned
Steve knocked on your door, a copy of back to the future in the bag full of your favourite candies
you opened the door slightly, peeking your head out, glaring at him warily
"what movie did you rent?" you asked dully, not letting him in until you had an answer
"vision quest" Steve lied with a smirk on his face
you continued glaring at him "seriously?"
"no, back to the future" he replied, taking it out of the bag and showing it to you
"ok, I don't have a problem with that" you smiled, opening the door and letting him in
he looked at what you were wearing and almost flinched when he saw almost the exact outfit you were wearing in his dream
"c'mon, I'm hungry" you groaned, grabbing his arm before pulling him in, shutting the door behind him
you ran to your room as he chased you up.
you went to the phone on your table and looked at the list of numbers named with restaurants next to the digits
"pizza, chinese, what do you want?" you asked as he sat down on your bed
"pizza sounds good" Steve shrugged
you ordered the pizza and flopped onto the bed next to him, not noticing the way he tensed up
"how was your day?" you asked casually, sitting up and getting comfy in your bed next to him
"it was fine, work was boring" Steve took a deep breath, rubbing his hands on his jeans
it was boring, he barely got anything done and was distracted by you, even if you were there, you stayed in his mind the whole day, never leaving
"no hot girls in groups coming in to flirt with you?" you questioned, tilting your head
there was a few girls that tried to get his number by he paid them no attention, ignoring them completely, letting Robin take care of them, they seemed more her type anyway, even if she didn't care either
"I'll get the movie going" he said, getting the movie and putting it into the tv, getting the remote and putting it on while you waited for the pizza
around 10 minutes into the film you heard a faint buzz from the front door.
you ran down stairs with money your parents gave you and paid for it
you got back to your room and put the pizza on the bed
"dig in, Harrington" you grinned before crawling into your bed again, getting close to Steve as he took the first slice, the movie still playing as he didn't unpause it.
Steve looked over at you at some point in the movie and stared as you watched the movie, eating your favourite snacks he brought
"Y/n?" he spoke up making you raise your eyebrows, your eyes still on the film
"yeah?" you whispered
"do you ever have weird dreams?" he asked curiously
"depends on what you classify as weird" you took another slice of pizza
"about me" he hesitated
you looked at him with a tilted head, not quite following what he was saying
"Steve, what do you mean?" you smiled, confused by his words
"have you ever had a-" he paused, closing his eyes tightly "a sex dream?"
you sat next to him, stunned and frozen
"uhm- well uh- not that I remember, why? have you?" you answered
"what if I did?" Steve took a deep breath
Steve was never nervous around girls, especially you. but he didn't know what to think, he's never reacted to a wet dream like this before, but then again, it's never been about you, it made him confused and awkward around you.
you shrugged "I guess it's a normal thing to happen"
"yeah" Steve nodded vigorously, watching as you smiled tightly, going back to watching the movie
Steve shifted as your thigh brushed against his
"what if- what if it was about you?" he blurted out
your head whipped in his direction with wide eyes
"did you have a sex dream about me, Steve?" you wondered nervously
it stayed silent for a bit, you just staring at him while he fiddled with his fingers under the blanket
you let out a light laugh as you found the situation funny
"what did we do?" you asked
Steve grew confused at your reaction but then all of the nervousness washed away did you like the idea of it?
"wouldn't you want to know?" he chuckled lowly
you sat up straight and turned to him
"I would actually, or would you prefer to show me?" Steve noticed you biting your lip slightly, you did like the idea of it
"really?" he moved back slightly, getting a good look at you
you slowly nodded your head, leaning towards him
"show me what we did, Steve" you mumbled, getting closer and closer
he leaned in and waited to make sure it was ok
you nodded again and he kissed your lips gently. he felt you kiss back and he smiled against your lips
he laid you down and put you in the middle of the bed, the kiss deepening as he held your cheek
he took his other hand and held your waist, his hand going up your shirt just a little and rubbed your skin with his thumb
he moved down to kiss your jaw and made his way down to your neck, letting it bruise as he sucked on the delicate skin of your sweet spot
he heard your breath hitch as you closed your eyes
soon enough, he had your shirt off as was staring at your chest, admiring the way they looked through your light baby pink laced bra
"where'd you get this?" he questioned, playing with the strap, pulling on it and letting it go, hearing the clap noise it made when it hit your soft skin
"Victoria's Secret" you sighed in content, looking up at him with soft eyes
"I don't think there's gonna be any secrets to tell after I take this off" Steve smirked
"well by this rate you're getting nothing, you're taking your sweet ass time" you teased
"is there something wrong with admiring the view? I'm just taking you all in"
"I thought I'm the one supposed to do that with you?" you smirked playfully, laughing at the face he made when he realised what you meant
he reached behind your back and unclipped it, letting it pop off.
he slid it up your arms and took a deep breath when he looked at your exposed chest
he took both of his thumbs, running them over both of the nipple
he leaned down and took one in his mouth, swirling his tongue around the bud while holding the other, giving your tit squeezes and pinches
you stopped him and took his shirt off, throwing it on the floor, not caring where it ended up
he smiled at you before kissing you down your stomach getting to the top of your jeans
he looked up at you from your torso and silently asked for approval
you bit your lip and nodded your head, watching as he unbuttoned your jeans, unzipped them and slid them off, chucking them off from the rest of your clothes
Steve felt himself become hard at the sight of your panties that matched the bra that was abandoned only a few moments ago
he gripped onto your leg and lifted it up before kissing on the inner thigh, getting closer and closer to your clothes heat with each kiss
you stopped him again and told him to get off his pants, he leaned up and rushed to get them off, he pulled them down and shook them off before going back to you
"hurry up" you whined "show me, Steve. show me what we did, Please"
that was all Steve needed to hear before he slipped your panties down, slowly, making you whine more
he felt his mouth water as the sigh of your fully bare body in front of him, desperate for his touch
he lifted his hand up and reached to touch it, looking at you to make sure you were ok
his index finger ran along your folds, that had grown wet at some point in the process of getting your clothes off
"steve" you sighed lightly
he sat up and took his boxers off, letting them go wherever
he leaned down and leveled with you, giving you a kiss, letting his head fall to your shoulder before he pushed himself in
you let out a painful moan- painful because of how long it took, how desperate you were
"you ok?" he asked
he started moving in and out, watching the way your eyebrows would furrow and how your mouth would open, the noises you made sounding exactly how they did in his dream
his pace quickened and he held your hand that started to harshly dig into his back
"oh, Steve. fucking hell" you moaned, arching your back as he hit all the right places
he felt you tug at his hair and pulled it back, making him look up at the ceiling
he wasn't a very vocal guy when it came to sex, but he couldn't help but groan and grunt at the feeling of him inside you
he never thought he would be in your room, both naked and pleasing each other, it was something that he would often find himself thinking about, but he never thought it would ever actually happen
"steve" he heard you moan quietly before you let out a squeal of surprise when he reached down at began to rub your clit
"yeah?" he replied, out of breath as he thrusted deep inside you, feeling every part of you
"I-" you paused, the feeling becoming too much "I'm gonna- I'm gonna"
"you can do it" Steve encouraged, feeling himself grow to the point of an orgasm as well
a few more deep thrust, it began to get sloppy and you let out a load, long moan as you squirmed in your spot, only staying still from his hand that held your hip
he held it in as he let you finish before pulling out, letting himself finish on his hand
"is that all we did?" you asked, trying to calm yourself and catch your breath
"that wasn't even the beginning"
if you couldn't tell by the shit writing, I don't really enjoy writing smut because I'm shit in that area of writing
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shunsuiken · 1 year
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pairing. scaramouche/wanderer x gn!reader
genre. fluff + comfort + reader has insecurities and wears a mask + he might be a lil ooc here forgive me + he also says you have a pretty face <3
synopsis. a tiresome day of travelling leads to you revealing a part of yourself to your travelling companion. and in the same moment, he stumbles upon revelations about you.
wc. 1k (i know. its short. bear with me please)
an. I WAS STILL EMO AFTER THE 3.3 ARCHON QUEST SO THIS HAAAAD TO BE WRITTEN MAN ig this is also a late scara/wanderer bday fic ? take it any way you like <33 also yes there are spoilers for the 3.3 archon quest here
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“you don’t have to show me if you don’t want to,” the wanderer reminds you, fixing his gaze on the wall of the inn so you don’t feel pressured. “the final decision is always yours.”
“no, no. i want to—i’m just… i’m gonna need some time,” you explain as your eyes turn into crescents. one of his favourite expressions you made a lot. considering its the most he’s seen. but at least he’s able to see some visible feature of yours beyond the mask you wear. he knew you were smiling and that was all that mattered.
he would never say that to your face though.
“do as you wish.”
you look at him and realise he’s offering his lap for you to lie on. his eyes bore into your wide ones before switching his gaze to his lap then back to yours again.
he’s asking you: what are you waiting for?
your eyes soften at the confirmation of his offer, positioning yourself to comfortably lay your head on his lap. your hand boldly slides under his thigh and to your surprise, you hear no immediate complaint to your actions.
instead, the wanderer is putting every ounce of his power into holding his indifferent expression. suddenly, he doesn’t know where to put his hands, where to look or even if his lap is as comfortable as your pillow made of cotton wrapped in silk.
the warmth of your palm underneath his thigh feels like a reminder. a reminder that you aren’t going anywhere. a reminder that you will be his travelling companion and stick by his side despite all those empty threats and remarks he throws at you.
the wanderer’s lips are held in a line tighter than rope as he ponders about these heartfelt revelations. the air is comfortable. nature beyond the windows whisper and coo, he sighs inwardly and gently caresses your head once you’ve fallen asleep.
the wanderer never gets tired—one of the perks of being born a living puppet. but you, on the other hand, often find yourself falling into the hands of exhaustion. he obviously can’t see the expression on your face, but as a puppet that’s lived longer than you, he’s picked up on reading your body language whenever fatigue overcomes you.
your eyes become droopy, the steps in your walk become sluggish, your breath shortens and most of all, your posture wanes like someone turned you into an old person when he wasn’t looking. so the least he can do is calm your heart after such a trifling day of brawling fatui agents, stumbling upon domains and getting chased by wild fungi is… some peace.
such a pathetic creature you are. he mutters during those moments but his actions make his thoughts meaningless.
it’s silent. you don’t feel nor hear any movement. you’re obviously aware that a puppet doesn’t breathe, so you’ve tried picking up on other signs that lets you ascertain his presence.
unfortunately for you, none of them have worked. hence why trusting your luck felt like a better idea.
you lift your head a little, using the most of your peripheral vision to determine whether or not he fell asleep. and when silence greets you after the loss of contact from his thigh, you slip a finger under the string of your mask and pull it off.
the cool air of the inn splashes the lower half of your face, it’s uncomfortable at first—very exposing too, you almost feel naked. steeling your heart and pushing away your thoughts before they take over you, you quickly but gently rest your head on his lap again to continue napping.
it’s quite some time after, but the wanderer’s eyes finally flutter open—and the first sight he gazes upon is you. your face. he has to furrows his brows. there’s no way this is real.
he closes his eyes—if he’s dreaming right now, then he’ll need a word with lesser lord kusanali about this because, okay, sure! he’s been curious about his companions’ face but it’s not that serious! (which is the biggest lie he’s ever told since he started his new life as the wanderer).
it is, in fact, very serious. but he doesn’t let the curiosity win. it’d be rude to expose what you’ve hidden without your consent.
when he opens his eyes he realises that this moment is very much real.
he blinks, processing the situation before it hits him that you’ve taken your mask off. all his movement pauses completely at this realisation. he’s also aware that he’s never getting this chance again once you’re awake.
you are quite the sight. he thinks, peering over his lap to take one good look at you. he’s always wondered what the rest of your face might look like. he’s proud to say he’s not disappointed.
to think you hid such a pretty face behind that mask too… he’ll have to berate you for this betrayal (he’s half-joking). however, these emotions dissipate into the air when it strikes him again that you’re in front of him. without your mask.
now this means a lot of things. and one of those things is that you’ve learnt to trust him a whole lot more than you did in the beginning—no, that’s not it. the mask was your safe haven, it was your zone of comfort. plus, you’ve always trusted the wanderer. if not, why did you always yell out his name whenever danger was up your ass? this can only mean…
they let their walls down. he supposed, unsure what to make of this. so, they are letting themselves be vulnerable… in front of me? he continues his train of thought albeit how ridiculous it sounds to him.
he sighs, putting his thoughts away as he observes the lower half of your face. your cheek is squished from sleeping on your side and the fat of it accentuates the unintended pout on your lips.
the wanderer has nothing particularly in mind when the pad of his index finger gently trails along the bridge to the apex of your nose. he’s barely touching you to keep you from awaking.
he finds you rather mesmerising like this, napping quietly on his lap, without a care of your bare face. the back of his mind just knows how liberating it must have felt to remove the mask.
it is a shame you are asleep. because if you were awake, at least you’d be able to catch a glimpse of the soft smile the wanderer gazes at you with.
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knightsteapot · 1 year
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Hello again, here you have the second part of my Kuni/ Scaramouce analysis.
Disclaimer: I just did some research and everything but remember that what you’re going to read is a theory or a bunch of ideas, we don’t have anything in canon so for now let’s pretend this is how this puppet works. Also, I know some shit about psychology but don't take me too seriously, please!
In my first analysis, I was talking about his body and a little bit of his mind, not behavior because that’s not where I wanna focus. If you haven’t read the first part I recommend you to do it before reading this second part.
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He doesn’t have bones, of course, this is logical, he’s not human, so the material his skeleton is made of must be some sort of metal, taking into account that yes, the archons might be capable to do what humans can’t but still have to work with materials that already exist. His body, despite his size, is heavier than a real human with similar proportions; not only Kuni has this attempt of a skeleton inside but also a complex system that allows him to move, fight, dance, eat, and even think.
Something curious I noticed was how when you use his ultimate some parts of his skin are bright. I interpret this as divine marks, it’s very possible that if you take a look at him naked you’ll notice marks on his neck, chest, and hips. My theory is that usually, those marks are purple, representing electro because his mother is the electro Archon but once Kuni uses his vision these marks turn green, for two reasons: its a symbol of how anemo, his freedom, is part of him, claiming the marks of a negligent mother and make them his own marks. The second is easier, Kuni is still a divine creation, Archon’s hair gets bright when they use their ultis, Kuni hair doesn’t do that but his body does. He’s not any puppet/robot like Katherine.
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That being said, we’re going to explore canon things just because: Kuni is beautiful, is pretty and he knows it. His skin, hair, and voice are smooth, the shogun indeed created a divine being, this said, Kuni is not only beautiful outside but inside. I’m not saying he has a heart of gold and is a good boy, no, the Shogun made Kuni with an angelic appearance and the ability to feel, that’s what makes Scaramouche so precious and at the same time so vulnerable:
He can feel the whole range of emotions, just like a human, and as a human, he doesn’t have control over his emotions, his emotions control him, this in addition to his experiences make a very dangerous cocktail. Scaramouche feelings run so deep that he developed trauma, the second most obvious: Dottore’s abuse which probably originated a PTSD
Low HP line: I'm used to this. Kuni is used to pain, however, I don’t think the pain he feels can even compare to human pain, as Dottore said, he was the perfect candidate for his extreme resistance. Extreme resistance doesn’t mean Kuni can’t be in pain, it only means he couldn’t die or beg him to stop.
He can cry, hate, and feel pity as we know, but he can be considerate too. Birthday line: Give me your hand. Heh, there's no need to be nervous. I'm just taking you to a vantage point.
How is it? The scenery here should be quite breathtaking. There's no need to thank me — I see little point in it.
But that’s not all, his brain not only processes feelings but also has the ability to fantasize, foresee the outcome of some situations, and create imaginary scenarios, this is proven in the Archon’s quest and his plan to become a god, he had expectations and goals, he imagined an outcome, he fantasized about a future in which he was a god, but he also, in the past, dreamed of having a heart even though that wasn’t possible for a creature like him. It suggests that Kuni might have the ability to dream while he sleeps. Dreaming is not a super complex process, even animals can dream but for a puppet, an artificial creation to be able to do all the things I mentioned? well… That’s another level.
In addition to this, I’d like to mention that Kuni has mommy issues, but please, don’t think it's about him wanting a “mommy” or having a “mommy kink”, it’s completely different. Kuni has mommy issues because he was abandoned by his creator, this disconnection makes the person, in this case, puppet unable to understand his emotions and have a hard time understanding the emotions of the people around them, they can get attached easily (as we saw in his story), they can be in extreme yielding (something we can see in his past and in the present when he forgets his memories) but also can be evasive, and having very low self-esteem. Sounds familiar? yeah, yeah, I know.
Having mommy issues can be also related to the types of attachment, in my opinion, Kuni has a disorganized attachment, and it’s sad because this makes his life and the way he interacts with others extremely difficult and tiring. Some characteristics of this type of attachment are:
Fear of rejection.
Difficulty with intimacy.
Low self-worth.
Poor emotional regulation.
Fear of abandonment.
Extreme distance or extreme closeness.
Resistance to forming secure attachments.
Trust issues.
Sounds like him, right? and it breaks my heart, holy shit, why, why my baby had to suffer so much? Ah, okay, but to finish my analysis I’ll throw in some extra facts I’ve been thinking of:
If he can cry his eyes should be humid and soft, not like a doll’s eyes.
If he can cook, he can smell and must have some sort of taste buds.
If he feels pain, he can feel cold and hot temperatures, again, not like a human would do.
If he can eat, which is pretty much canon (not that he needs to eat, he just can eat) he can process the food and dispose of the components he doesn’t need.
And if he is so complex and physically he can do all that, is very possible he can have an erection, yes, you can rest in peace now, kunihoes, I got you, but he can’t create life, it’s not possible no matter how much I tried to make it work.
And that’s all, babies. I hope you enjoyed my analysis and agree with me when I say that Kuni is more human than he thinks! Poor little rabid kitten, he just needs some hugs, kisses, therapy (thank you Nahida!), and sex. Thank you for reading 💕
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tequila-starlight · 2 months
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Fears and Fantasies
Fandom: Genshin Impact
Character(s): Arlecchino, Furina
Ship(s): Arlecchino/Furina
Platonic Ship(s): -
Content Warning(s): -
Rating: Explicit
Arlecchino indulges Furina with fear and arousal.
Sharp eyes raked over Furina's form as Arlecchino took a languid sip of her tea. Furina stood still, shuddering, arms stiff by her side as she tried not to buckle under the scrutiny.
Furina wasn’t sure what caused her body to shake so; whether it was Arlecchino’s piercing gaze, the coldness of the room, or both.
It didn’t help that she was stark naked while Arlecchino remained impeccably clothed.
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•Finger Sucking
•Vaginal Fingering
•Fear Play
•Praise Kink
•Improper Use of Visions (Genshin Impact)
•Improper Use of Pyro (Genshin Impact)
•Safe Sane and Consensual
•Dom Arlecchino (Genshin Impact)
•Sub Furina (Genshin Impact)
•Top Arlecchino (Genshin Impact)
•Bottom Furina (Genshin Impact)
•Post-Furina's Story Quest: Animula Choragi Act I: "The Little Oceanid"
•Not Beta Read
•No beta we die like -spoiler-
•Can someone tell me what’s the pussy equivalent of a fear boner
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paramaline · 10 months
what made you watching foundation? and what made you keep watching it? i see you reblogging stuff and i’m right on the edge of watching… push me over?
anon i am so tickled by this message thank you. i have to warn you up front that i've got an intense love/hate thing going on with foundation and cannot "recommend" watching it per se…overall i think it's bafflingly badly written & poorly paced for the amount of money apple has spent on it! but it's giving me just enough of what i want that i keep coming back for more, and perhaps…just perhaps…it will do the same for you. and i would certainly love the company!
i started watching it because i grew up on the books that the show is (very loosely) based on, and also because jared harris is the puppet master who cursed my dick, so i'm going to see it through no matter what. i thought the first season was a fucking slog but for what it's worth i'm genuinely starting to enjoy myself about halfway through season 2. i think the show is at its best when it focuses on the bizarre family dynamics that arise from its space opera weirdness...like how the galactic empire is ruled by three differently aged clones of the same guy, plus their android mommy/wife/advisor/bodyguard/servant/captor. or the woman who goes on a quest across time and space to find her family, only to discover that her mother is a troubled nerd who is younger than she is and her grandpa is an angry ghost trapped in a four dimensional polyhedron. or the charming scoundrel magician missionaries who sell gadgets and half-fake religion to rubes on the outer rim of the galaxy. the cringey dialogue and clumsily inserted action sequences are still painful, and i don't think the show has a core sense of what it wants to be ABOUT. but i think foundation is learning how to laugh at itself a little, and how to lean into the compelling oddness of these character combinations, and that's working for me.
how else can i sell it…if you love beautiful sci fi vistas, it's got a lot of those. if you love seeing women of color populate what was originally a very Mid Century White Dude vision of the future, this show delivers. if you love watching jared harris suffer, he sure does that. if you love robots, laura birn gives a bewitchingly strange and compelling performance as an immortal android, and i know the Deep Lore so i can guarantee that her character is only going to get freakier. and if you love male nudity, lee pace is naked, like, ALL the time. that's all i've got. all i can say is that my mind tells me i should advise you to skip it, but my heart wants you to join me 🤖❤️
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Visison Quest ~I feel at home in Nature, I feel safe and held. Cared for and at peace. Spending a few days alone in the forest, really by myself. No group or even a friend nearby. Just me and the wilderness. Sleeping outdoors in a Hammock, totally exposed to the elements and animals. And I feel completely at ease.....that's a magical feeling! And you know what, that feeling of connectedness is available to everyone! Because we are part of nature, it is where we come from and where we will return to. Dancing naked in gratitude for the beauty around and within. I merged with the waterfall and it's stream, and the water danced me. Feeling flowing and free. The presence of my ansectors trembling through my body, I could feel that they are my blood and bones. Whispering words of encouragement and wisdom. Gently leading me on the path of purpose and fulfillment. Reminding me to honor them with more clarity and intention. To start including them more in my personal journey. As also they are where we came from, and where we will return to. But I do have to admit that this time I've missed the companion of others and the Temazcal to prepare together. And to integrate the experience by sharing our stories. I love being alone, have a great time by myself and feeling the presence of spirit I feel never lonely. Being a Vision Quest Guide I know exactly how to guide myself through the process. But in the end I feel that being together and having a sense of companionship during these intense processes really augments the experience and can help to give more grounding and meaning. Although we have full capacity to heal ourselves on our own, we multiply our strengths by sharing them within connection with others! So if you're inspired to go on a Vision Quest I encourage you to do so with a guide, or at least with a friend who can support you and keep an eye out to make sure you're safe! Ps the picture is from another time because we don't bring a phone on the quest 😉
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Ok Unicorn Overlord will get its own post at some point now that I'm finally done with it (spoilers: it's pretty great but not perfect, and I still like Engage more for SRPGs I've played semi-recently, but it's definitely one of my favorite things I've played so far this year), but here's some other stuff that's accumulated while I've been busy playing that or otherwise not posting on here.
I finally got around to playing Night in the Woods, or at least some of it. I get why people like it so much, but I think it's just not really my thing. The characters and the world are fun and everything, but when I'm a few hours in and have zero idea how far I am in the game because there's been zero actual plot so far, just random slice of life stuff, I'm probably going to get distracted and go do something else.
I tried to keep going because so many people I know really love it, but then I ran into the problem that it's possibly the only game I have on the Switch that's literally unplayable for me when the sun is up unless I go hide in a dark closet or something. I'm not turning up the brightness for the dark scenes with an average color of #010002 just to get my retinas seared off as soon as it switches to daytime again, especially when I don't have to do that in any other game. I have the fun combo of being noticeably more light sensitive than average but also having moderately bad and somewhat uncorrectable vision, and that just doesn't mesh well with trying to play this game at any time other than the middle of the night.
Death end re;Quest 2 was going to get its own post, but I just can't work up the effort to write it. I actually completely forgot I'd even played it a few days after finishing, that's how little of an impression it left on me. It was such a letdown after how interesting the first one was (despite all the problems I also had with it). I have no idea why they dropped the focus on most stuff that made the first one stand out as unique and went with much more generic horror this time around.
I could complain about the gameplay being less fun this time around for some reason (even though I never used the genre shift mechanics in the original, so it's not like it was because that was missing) or how predictable the story was or how much wasted potential the characters had (please let them have more than one personality trait), but I think I'll settle for complaining about fanservice and call it a day.
I appreciate that they dialed back on the visual side of the fanservice stuff from the first game, even if they probably only did it because so many of the characters are underage this time around, but they made up for it with their characterization instead. Look, if you have the right to write potentially interesting but ultimately relatively shallow characters and fill them with your own fetishes, I have the right to not like it and complain about it. Let Rottie have a personality trait other than "is gay", please. And just because you don't have her running around half naked because she's only 13 doesn't mean you're not still a weird creep for making her Extremely Normal about smelling Mai all the time or for making both DerQ games each have young girls talking about wetting their pants more than every other game I've played in my life combined (with the notable exception of Sahad Ys8, who somehow manages to do it twice as much as these games do combined while still being a pretty likable guy).
Maybe the story finally goes somewhere if you do the NG+ stuff, but I don't have the fortitude to drag myself through that, especially since you apparently need to do all the side quests to unlock all the dialogues, and the side quests suck and are just filler/padding. I didn't mind doing NG+ in the first one because I was actually invested in the story, but I just don't care enough this time. I'm not feeling optimistic about future games in the series, but if they're closer to what the first one was like I could be persuaded to try another if it's on sale cheap enough.
And I guess to end on a positive note, Vampire Survivors is still great. I originally played it on my computer before any of the DLC existed, and I did a bunch of what was in the game at the time but got distracted before finishing everything. I always meant to go back to it and do more and try the DLC, but I haven't been using my computer as much in the time between then and now because seeing is hard.
So I grabbed it and all the DLC on my Switch instead because it's practically free anyway, and I replayed everything I already did before plus all the new stuff, and I regret nothing. The first couple DLCs (Legacy of the Moonspell and Tides of the Foscari) were a bit underwhelming, even if some of the new characters and weapons were kind of fun, but the Amogus and Contra ones were actually surprisingly great. I was expecting crossover stuff to be worse and just a cash grab, but they actually did some really neat stuff with them and they were a lot of fun. I think I would've liked Foscari more if it had a proper adventure mode like the others to introduce you to the new stuff instead of just blasting through it with all your existing upgrades intact, but they haven't gone back and redone that one yet to add that. I suspect it'll be good when they do though, considering everything they've learned from making the more recent ones.
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scifrey · 1 year
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A Plane Ticket: Dream & Delirium
Status: Complete
Series: the Hob Adherent series (this is the last story in the series. No, really, I mean it.)
Fandom: The Sandman (TV 2022) Includes some comics canon, and some cameos from the wider Gaiman-verse, but it’s not necessary to know to enjoy the story.
Rating: Mature
Warnings: Discussions of grief and in-canon character death.
Relationships: Dream of the Endless/Hob Gadling
Characters: Dream of the Endless | Morpheus, Hob Gadling, Johanna Constantine, Despair of the Endless, Orpheus, the Kindly Ones
Morph and Hob travel to Naxos for their honeymoon, but once there, Hob is tasked with a quest as Vassal of the Endless that will force Morph to confront and amend one of his greatest past cruelties.
Picks up directly after the epilogue of Cling Fast.
READ ON AO3 or below:
Part One: Dream & Delirium
On their first night in Greece, Hob dreams of blood. 
He knows it’s a dream about blood, in that way that you just know things in dreams. He feels it on his skin as soon as he registers that he’s asleep. It covers his hands, all the way to the elbows. It has to be blood, it’s too thick, too tacky as it dries, to be water.
It’s not the most comforting of dreams, especially since it’s supposed to be his honeymoon, and he definitely passed out butt-fucking-naked on the bougie sheets with Morph already drooling on his chest rug. Luckily, his lucid dreaming has gotten to the point where he can stop the nightmare cold in its tracks and assess where and when he is.
His husband may not be Dream of the Endless anymore, but the Dreaming still listens to Hob if he asks nicely.
But first, he clothes himself in his favourite cotton pajama set. No point in traumatizing whichever denizen he’s about to meet.
This is also a dream of darkness, that much is obvious, but little else. He can’t really see beyond his own nose. He reaches out. His palms find something hot and wet. Not a gush, not a pool, but a steady stream pouring down a… a stone. A wall of stone. Under his bare feet is… grass, he thinks. And more blood.
“A little more light, if you please,” Hob requests politely of the dream. Around him, he gets the sense of the dream considering his request and then reluctantly acquiescing. “Thank you.”
A thin grey light trembles over the landscape, like the first faint rays of dawn, lighting the ambient scene around Hob just enough to make out the ruby-red glimmer clinging to his skin. Hob’s hands are fair soaked in the stuff. In another life, this would have worried him, but he’s both unkillable and married to the abdicated King of Dreams and Nightmares–he doesn’t feel any pain at the moment, so he takes the blood for the metaphor it’s likely meant to be.
For what, he’s not sure just yet. Better to let the dream unfold than to make assumptions, he’s learned. Especially since they all try so hard.
Turning his attention to the rest of the dream, he gets the vague impression of a lush vale around him. The stone beside him resolves into a tall granite cliff that soars up, and up, and up, the top, if there is one, lost to the thick fog of a new day. The blood runs down the side of the cliff, from a single point high above him.
Below his feet, the grass is interspersed with small red flowers. They spring up where the blood runs along the ground in a stream, and pop into bloom wherever it drips off his arms. On inspection, they’re not quite poppies. At least, not like any Hob’s ever seen before, and due to his husband’s penchant for conveying his emotions through floriography, he thought he knew them all.
Motion in the periphery of his vision catches his attention. Quick as a snake, Hob whips his head around and pins the dream to the spot by staring directly at it.
Only it’s not like any dream or nightmare Hob’s ever seen.  Usually nightmares are vividly coloured or deep-space black, uncanny and hard to look at directly because they slide out of the side of your vision. Usually dreams glimmer and bob around. This little denizen of the Dreaming sits on the grass, snuffling a tiny pink nose framed by droopy whiskers, tucking a naked pink tail shyly against its paws.
“What’s going on?” he asks the grey rat, crouching down slowly so as not to startle it. It takes a few steps forward and stops directly before him. “Who are you?”
The rat lifts itself up onto its hind legs, and instead of sniffing at Hob’s fingers like he expects it to, the rat tucks one arm against its breast, and the other behind its back, and executes a little bow.
Vassal - I task you with a quest of compassion, the rat says, in a voice that clearly isn’t its own. It is, luckily, one Hob recognizes.
“Despair,” Hob gasps. “Hi.”
Hi Hobsie , the rat drops out of the bow to clean its whiskers nonchalantly. Enjoying the honeymoon?
“The blood’s putting a bit of a damper on things, not gonna lie.”
The blood’s not my doing. That’s why I came.
Hob doesn’t like the sound of that. That feels like a thought that he should share, so he says: “I don’t like the sound of that.”
He sits on the grass, far enough away from the runnel of blood to stay dry, and the rat takes this as an invitation to climb onto his knee.
This is my quest, Despair continues, with an amusing, put-on air of formality. The rat, clearly unconcerned with being the mouthpiece of the anthropomorphic personification of all wretched misery in existence, licks curiously at the blood painting the side of Hob’s arm. It’s gross. But it’s also a rat. He’s seen them eat worse things. Find the fount from which this blood flows, and grant of the source its dying wish.
“That’s sad,” Hob says softly. He wipes his hands as best he can on his pajama shirt and touches the rat gently between its little pink ears. The rat leans into his pets, so he runs his sticky fingers down its fragile spine. “Poor creature.”
Piteous indeed , Despair agrees.
“You gonna give me any clues where to start?”
You will find guidance from the current scion of Constantine.
“Jo? Fantastic, just how I wanted to spend my honeymoon,” Hob tells the rat. “Isn’t your mistress just so helpful?”
The rat chirrups in its own voice, clearly agreeing with him, if Hob has anything to say about it.
Best I can do. Rules, you know, Despair says, dropping the formal speech. Say hi to Morphie for me, yeah?
“Sure,” Hob says easily. “And Despair?”
“I love all my in-laws, but stay the fuck out of my dreams while I’m spend the next three weeks railing your brother into the mattress, okay?”
Despair laughs, a thin, wet-sounding thing, and the dream dissipates like smoke haze.
Hob wakes slowly and sweetly to the sound of the Aegean washing against the shore, the feel of the honeyed morning sunlight pooling against his skin, and Morph’s greedy, hot mouth on his cock.
Morph, still adjusting to the sensations, limitations, and exertions of a mortal body, slips away for a midday nap after their large and boozy brunch in town. He’d had a few mimosas too many for his skinny frame. Hob uses the privacy to check the time difference, and then call the descendant of a woman who once shoved the tip of a shiv up his nostril.
“What,” Joanna Constantine snaps, when she answers.
“And hello to you, too, Lady Constantine,” Hob says genially, too used to her abrasive sass to be offended.
“Aren’t you supposed to be off on your honeymoon? Why are you calling me?”
“You know about that?” Hob asks, puttering his way around the rented villa’s kitchen.
Hob has a vague notion of having a tea-tray ready for Morph when he wakes, though what his poor husband will likely need is actually acetaminophen and water. Morph hasn’t quite got the hang of where the line between tipsy and liver-failure toxicity is, just yet.
“Everybody knows,” Jo says. “The Snake was floored that someone finally bagsied an Endless, but the Bookseller has been a smug bastard for weeks. Something about feeling the love. Eugh.”
“Who are they to talk?” Hob chuckles, deciding to make a cuppa for himself while he waits for Morph to sleep it off all the same. “ ‘Retiring to South Downs,’ “ he scoffs. “Like we all don’t know what that means.”
“Feels like everyone’s pairing up,” Jo says a little wistfully. 
“What happened with Ric?” Hob asks, and takes the kettle to the sink to fill. An awkward silence descends as the water rushes.
“Going to confession gets stale,” Jo says at length.
Hob sets the kettle on its base and flicks it on. “All that kneeling to pray not doing it for you?”
“Says the head priest who married his god,” Jo snorts. “Did he lay you out on an altar as soon as you got to Greece?”
Hob lets a feral, lascivious smile slide across his face. “Hell yeah he did.”
“You asked!”
“I didn’t think you’d answer. Aren’t all you Immortals supposed to have terribly old fashioned values?”
“You gotta change with the times or you’ll never survive,” Hob says with a shrug. “Oh, there’s a thought. What about that big-eyed girl from Below? The lady Door?”
“Absolutely not,” Jo snorts. “And if you ever suggest it again, I’ll ask Islington to drown you, too.”
Hob thinks of the fowl pond at Gadlen House. “It won’t stick,” he says lightly, instead of scolding her for making light of his traumas.
“That’s half the fun.”
“Fair enough,” Hob says.
The kettle clicks off, and Jo waits for the sound of Hob pouring the water into his mug to stop before saying: “So, you didn’t call me just to rub your marital bliss in my face.”
“No,” Hob agrees somberly. He glances at the bedroom door, but Morph hasn’t silently appeared in it, so he goes on. “I’ve been asked to look into something here, and I was told you can guide me.”
“Who asked you?”
“I can’t tell you,” Hob says.
“So one of the in-laws, okay,” she says decisively. Hob makes a disbelieving sound.  “Tsk, tsk, ‘Vassal of the Endless’,” she says and Hob can hear the finger-quotes around it. “I know everything, don’t forget. So where are you?”
“Oh, you know the title that no one else is supposed to be aware of, but you don’t know that?”
“Don’t be a prat.”
The shocked silence that drops this time has all the subtlety of an atomic bomb.
“Ooookay,” Hob says, straightening up and pressing the phone harder against his ear. “So that means something.”
“Hob,” Jo says slowly. “Did… did your new husband ever tell you what exactly he tasked Lady Johanna with?”
“No,” Hob admits.
It’s actually kind of a sore point with him. That she attacked them, and yet she still got to see his Stranger twice in the same century. It had hardly seemed fair. If his Stranger had a task to entrust to someone, why not Hob, whom he’d known for so long already? Hob, who he knew could fight, and sneak, and charm his way into or out of any place he needed to be. Why had he not trusted Hob with it?
Why, to this day, has Morph never told Hob what he asked Lady Johanna to do?
(Why, to this day, has Hob been too miffed about it to ask?)
Jo takes a deep breath, clearly steeling herself for the coming confession. “Okay, so… so I won’t go into detail, I’ll let him tell you all that but… Hob. Jesus, how do I say it?”
“Just rip the bandaid off. Please.”
Jo pauses again and then, all in a rush, blurts out: “Orpheus isn’t dead.”
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silvio + jumping rope headcanons
WARNING: some silvio route and event spoilers and some sexual content
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Jumping rope is just something that Silvio patently cannot do. It's not as easy as handstands, that's for sure. Those he could do all day, if he wanted to, which he doesn't. But he can do them, and it's very hot.
Silvio happens to catch you jumping rope by the poolside one afternoon. He asks Carlo to explain where you got rope. Carlo tells him that it's from the storehouse where Silvio keeps all the gift-bribes he receives from sycophants. Turns out that you snuck in (again). Carlo asks if Silvio can let go of his hair now. Silvio says nothing and drags him along to the poolside.
You are a vision when you jump-rope. Silvio decides to temporarily ignore the butterflies in his chest and activity in his loins (You can masturbate at a later date) in favor of asking you why. You explain the new exercise craze that's been sweeping Benitoitian circles as of late. Naturally Silvio is aware of this, having spearheaded the trend when he signed a trade-agreement with a certain fitness-obsessed kingdom. • When you ask him if he knows how to jump-rope, he answers honestly, that it's just something that's never come up before. But how hard can it be? Children do it all the time. "Give it here." • Silvio grips the rope like any self-respecting sailor worth his salt would. The rope slaps into his ankles on the first go. Silvio is unfazed. The rope cracks the leather on the toes of his boots on the second go. Silvio's eyes twitch in pain but he remains vigilant. The rope proceeds to kick Silvio's ass.
Carlo suggests taking off his boots. Silvio tells him to shut-up.
You suggest taking off his cape. Silvio tells you to shut-up.
Five minutes later, Silvio, now bootless and cape-less, begins attempt number Sariel’s-age-in-human-years.
Five minutes later, after Silvio climbs back out of the pool, he declares this past-time stupid and sends Carlo on a quest for towels. You're a little sad because fetching towels for a wet Silvio so you can ogle him has always been your thing. Perhaps Silvio knows this and perhaps this is why he proceeds to strip down in front of you until the sun reflects off his glistening pecs and glistening parts.
You're flustered but heccin excited. This is short-lived.
You look back and forth between the rope in your hands and the wet, bare-skinned sculpture in front of you. "You want to jump-rope naked?"
Silvio explains aerodynamics to you as if you and Carlo weren't the ones who suggested the idea to him minutes earlier. You receive a full-body flush from him when you sit down on a lounge-chair to watch from crotch-level. This is probably the reason he cites for his next five failed attempts.
"Cheeky thing. You sure have a knack for getting me to do stupid things." In the end Silvio decides to put the rope to different use in a more adult setting. In the end, in the end, it takes Silvio four weeks of regular coaching from Carlo and practice between meetings to learn how to jump-rope twenty times in a row without messing up.
And for some reason foreplay now occasionally starts with him demanding you jump rope for him while he watches and uh… does other things.
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abyssalpriest · 8 months
What the Angels Know, 19/10/23
Understand the point 0 through which experience is translated. Understand the point at which the angels exit themselves. Understand the point at which they say they join with their God. I've seen it, watched my favourite angel roll in bed for minutes pouring colours into psychedelic oil-spill ripples, lightshows, from his crown of flowing tendrils.
A flash in my room like lightning, Heaven is brewing a storm.
But oh, to be like that. What is it? Reality dims - more lightning in my room - in fact reality becomes something like earthquake shockwaves or heartbeats, it becomes the brief flashes in-between pits of something else. Flash - hands slide to my waist; empty golden Everything; another flash, his head beside mine, tightening grip, hand slides under me; oh, the gold, gold like the fleece of a golden lamb, gold like nothing else visible to the naked eye. It is no longer the thing that comes in flashes,ino longer confined to divine inspiration but now it is divine overcoming, where reality becomes the blackness of passing under bridges on a train. Reality takes the form of an idea that is transient and momentary. Reality begs to come inside.
Zeus is peripheral, tangible. He is marble that is sanded to a silken texture on the fingertips of the worshiper, towering over all reality in solid glory. Lightning is not made to pierce but to slide between... Angels talk of God - they talk of so many things - but their purest chatter is when moans and gasps turn to pure experience, where they find themselves in the great white palms of the Heaven as he curls around them. They know God in ways we do not, He is one of their eyes, their curves, their wide-eyed hypnotic smile meaningless to the ways their bodies speak but so meaningful to ours, they know Him as Heaven, Heaven, Heaven -
(I dreamt a giant birdcage around me in endless black when we fucked on our mutual vision quest the other night. I hung from the wooden bar at the too; from outside the cage I heard the God-scrying phrase I hadn't heard in years: "Holy, holy, holy".)
Zeus - oh. When angels cum, the Heavens part for them and then collapse. Tidal wave genesis. They see their Most Holy as one of them. Lev's voice now that I stop to recollect was a murmur of suggestion and more instrumental, hypnagogic dream-chatter, telling me to trust. I'm safe, pick a direction. He meant that in the way of soothing my autistic overload like pulling the reins of a scared horse to a complete stop, a solid, definitive pause to understand its surroundings before letting it continue; he meant for me to pick an energy, a fantasy, instead of attempting to reconcile all my want to submit to his lordship and all my visceral need to bite his neck until I made him part of me, but oh, I picked a direction alright. Up.
Marble gates of Heaven? Yes, don't they speak of Zeus' thighs in mystical ways, source of life, cryptic doublespeak. My favourite angel, oh, he heard me push open the filigree creaking gold and watched. Witness to my first experience of an ancient anatomy, a flow of water-electricity both divine and wretched in its abundance, a birthright buried by the temptation of the sweet desert's hips. Ancient: God's first creations, slippery sky-blue eels, were bursting at the seams echoing his orgasm that spurred the outwards spin of reality from him, an act that would take timeless time to have his writhing body calm to a point where it remembered its own names... They know what words spoke them into existence and they whisper it to you when they want you to understand how to create.
The gates of Heaven - no, I'm not literally there. I can't go back. It's a sweet recollection. I remember Him, the Father of all Sky Fathers, the fields pregnant and intoxicated on the perfume of endless flowers that draw visible lines on the sky, like dancing snakes of experiential pollen. Lev came to check on me, a singular form brief like a lightning strike through the bliss of remembering a time when we were young, and so thoroughly leg-tangled with the Heavens Himself. Before we knew the lightning, we knew the source. Before lightning: The absolute, ravaging need to connect so tangible it was chewable with heavy draconic teeth and -
Scripture tells tales of the beginning, only we knew the end.
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quitealotofsodapop · 1 year
Legend of Zelda: Wind & Wild au
Wind Waker, but the reason that WW Link ("Wind") isnt the "Real" Link in his timeline is cus BOTW's Link ("Wild") was still asleep in his 100 years nap. The powers that be looked proudly upon Wind's call to heroism, and decided to bestove upon him and Tetra the means of landing on New Hyrule.
Cut to Wild waking up and doing his half-naked heroic dash around New Hyrule while a slightly-older Wind and Tetra are looking on in horror.
Wind and Wild have a "Irresponsible Older sibling" + "Responsible younger sibling" relationship. Wind tries his best to uphold what he thinks a knight of Hyrule shpuld be, while Wild is so dissilluisioned by his fate that he doesnt care. Both bond over their shared traumas and love of soup.
Wind is very disturbed by Wild's treatment of Koroks. Wild in turn is surprised at Wind's inability to swim.
Zelda and Tetra are separate beings, but are able to tap into the same powers. The two are likely cousins, the royal family having more children than anticipated. Tetra is the more fiery of the two, willing to speak her mind and break decorum if it means results. Zelda is more reserved, but envies Tetra's large almost-familial crew. They will protect eachother with their lives.
Wind's little sister Aryll appears as a cruel reminder to Wild of the people he lost in his quest. Her smile reminds him so much of Mipha's.
Linebeck is there. He's already gotten himself arrested/trapped in dungeon by the time Wind and Wild find him.
Once the dreaded Ganondorf is ressurected; he's left stunned by the double vision of Heros and Princesses. Whether or not he is the same man as the one Wind felled with the Master Sword, or a man unrelated to the villain of the Great Sea is up for debate. Either way, Wind is hesistant to let a Gerudo King die once more from his pride.
I have many ideas I wish to brainstorm about this idea. I must get around to actually finishing either games
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shoggothkisses · 9 months
You mentioned "emotions as matter" earlier, does that tie into music universalis or even the divine possession of creating music? Or is that something else?
I did in fact say something about "emotions as matter," but now I think it would be more accurate to say "emotions as energy that can in turn affect matter." Even in Teyvat, emotions aren't something that can be physically held. (Unless you have a vessel for them. Like. I don't know. A little. Glass thingy.)
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I don't have any strong evidence for this yet, but since 1) all elemental energy flows through Irminsul and can therefore be influenced by music, 2) the soul is influenced by music and 3) the soul can take the shape of elemental energy, it seems to me that those things that reside within the soul (feelings!) can also be manipulated via music and energy.
And - this is the thing I've really wanted to talk about regarding emotions - I don't believe this is exclusive to the current Seven elements of Teyvat.
We've known for a very long time that Forbidden Knowledge is influenced by the emotional state of the creature in contact with it. When we first fight Dvalin all the way back in the Prologue, the Tainted Blood that we remove from him is a combination of
The foul blood he once ingested, the lies whispered from the Abyss, and the anguish of abandonment (emphasis mine)
In the Chasm, enemies that come into contact with Dark Mud (a liquid form of Forbidden Knowledge) become more aggressive.
Xiao, and by extension the other yaksha, have absorbed so much Forbidden Knowledge in the form of "karma" that it pains them physically and emotionally, and is capable of causing psychosis in non-Vision-bearers who stay too close to them. (In fact, the "Remedium Tertorium" Zhongli gives us in his voice-line to give to Xiao is, in traditional Chinese medicine, an antidepressant.)
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In Inazuma, the Crystal Marrow (visually very similar to Dvalin's Tainted Blood) exists as a solidified combination of Forbidden Knowledge and Orobashi's "will" (Tatarigami). When the overproduction of Crystal Marrow caused Tatarasuna to melt down, a human heart was required to absorb the Forbidden Knowledge - wielded by someone without one, so that he could exit unscathed.
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This same someone who encourages us to "embrace our anger" while standing in a Delusion factory filled with Forbidden Knowledge.
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Then, if we cut to Sumeru, our good friend Zandik has done a little extra footwork by discovering that Eleazar (a manifestation of Forbidden Knowledge in humans) is correlated with high levels of "elemental energy" within the body.
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So if elemental energy and Forbidden Knowledge are both associated with emotions, it would make sense that their levels would be proportional to one another - the higher one's emotional sensitivity, the higher their sensitivity to Forbidden Knowledge, and vice versa.
We know through Nahida's Story Quest that Forbidden Knowledge exists because Nibelung (King of All Dragons) obtained it from outside of Teyvat's borders. We also know that he would not have gone searching for it if not for the rage he felt at having his homeland colonized by featherless bipeds, What we don't know is what form the Forbidden Knowledge had when he first obtained it - or, if its true form is in fact "knowledge," what that knowledge is of.
So maybe I take back what I originally said. Maybe if the mere concept of knowledge can have a goopy, weirdly colored liquid form that is visible to the naked eye, emotions can too.
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paigerisawesome · 11 months
Legend of the Lost Spatula review
For a while now, I have wanted to review all of the SpongeBob games. Why? I don’t know, I thought it’d be fun. The first SpongeBob SquarePants game was Legend of the Lost Spatula, released for the Game Boy Color in 2001. SpongeBob did appear in Nicktoons Racing, which released a year before (2000) but that was a crossover game.
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I’m not even sure if SpongeBob is the focal point of this image, imagine being hit by a car with CatDog driving.
Anyway, Legend of the Lost Spatula. The game is a 2D platformer and was developed by Vicarious Visions (who later went on to develop Skylanders: Swap Force and some Call of Duty games) and published by THQ. That’s all I could find about the development of this game and I took that info from a Wikipedia page.
The game opens with a “cutscene” of course it’s the Game Boy Color so these cutscenes are just nice pictures of SpongeBob characters captioned with text.
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SpongeBob is unicycling around Jellyfish Fields when he stumbles upon a statue of a sponge with a golden spatula on top of a grill. He immediately assumes that Mr. Krabs will know about this, he speaks to Mr. Krabs and sure enough he knows everything about the statue. The statue marks the entrance to the Dutchman’s underworld. “A long time ago, in the city of Palm Bay, there was the master fry cook who ruled with the golden spatula. But Mt. Kabloovious buried Palm Bay starting the grease fires that ended the grease civilization. As legend has it, the Flying Dutchman took over the cities and ruins and his first mate buried the key to the city somewhere in the Goo Lagoon.” What?
There’s also some side quests. Patrick loses his shorts at the carnival, Sandy loses her hat at the desert, somehow? And you have to deliver a Krusty Krab Pizza to somebody in the middle of a jungle being attacked by loads of creatures… If you’re ordering a pizza in the middle of the jungle, you must have a phone with you. Why didn’t he call for help?
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Good heavens.
I actually really like how the game’s cutscenes look. In the game itself, yeah the characters don’t look as good. Mermaid Man is one of the whitest people I have ever seen.
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If you stay still for a bit, SpongeBob starts dancing.
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The gameplay is what you’d expect from a basic 2D platformer, there’s not a lot to say. SpongeBob’s health is measured by his pants. By default he starts off in his square pants. If he’s hit by an enemy once, he’ll lose his square pants and go down to his white undies. If he’s hit again, he’ll lose his underwear as well and be completely naked. This sends you back to either the start of the stage or some random, unmarked, checkpoint. There were several instances where after I lost all my lives I was sent to a checkpoint where there was an enemy right next to me. The enemy would move before I could and I would immediately lose a life.
The levels can be pretty long at times and some can be weirdly difficult. I had to use a walkthrough video for a lot of the game because I didn’t really know where I was supposed to go. A lot of segments looked the same to me and I got lost very easily. In fact one stage had two segments at the start that were the exact same, I have no idea what the point of that was.
There were also at least two levels where I had to jump from one spot to some moving bubble…. thingy on the other side of the stage and almost all of it happened off-screen so I had no idea if I was going to land properly. It took me forever before I eventually did this part of the stage and I still don’t know how I did it.
Another annoying aspect this game has is the items system. At the start of the game the only item you have is a bubble wand. You blow bubbles at enemies, it temporarily stuns them (even the characters with some of the toughest looking sprites in the game for some reason) and then the enemy runs off in the opposite direction. At least that’s what’s supposed to happen in theory, there were multiple instances of the enemy running directly into me after this had happened, which really defeats the point. But anyway, the other items in the game can be found in treasure chests that you find as you make your way through the level. These other items include: SpongeBob’s jellyfishing net Ol' Reliable, the net launcher from “Sandy’s Rocket”, spring shoes which makes SpongeBob jump higher and is required for some of the more difficult points in the game, and a spatula which launches a limited amount of Krabby Patties at enemies to stun them (it can only hold up to 30 patties and you find those patties through treasure chests as well).
A lot of the time you have to switch between these items. For example you might have to use the spring boots to jump up to a platform but when you’re on that platform you might be faced with an enemy and have to use one of your weapons to defeat it. You’d assume that the developers, knowing this would happen, would find an easy way to switch between items. Instead, the item selection screen is hidden away in one of the two pause menus in the game (both available under start and select). Pressing select leads you into a menu and the item selection is the last option in the list for some reason. Once you’ve chosen the item you need, you can then unpause. I’m assuming this is the only way they could do it because doing this repeatedly felt really unnatural to me.
The start menu, however, is where you learn the game uses passwords. Pretty much every time you move slightly the password changes so you’d assume when you reset the game and input the password you’ll be back at the location you were at before. I used two of these passwords and both sent me to a random spot back at the start of the game.
Some levels end with a boss fight and I found some of the boss fights easier than the levels themselves. Except for this weird one where I was fighting some fish who looked like they were from an old western film except their gun was comically replaced with an…
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I don’t know.
The idea was you use the spatula to shoot Krabby Patties at them. I had no idea what I was doing for the majority of the fight and accidentally ran out of ammo. I had to start the level from the beginning again.
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All of that just to find Sandy’s hat.
Near the end of the game, SpongeBob finds all the “knobs” for an oven. It opens, SpongeBob falls down it somehow and you end up at the final stage of the game. Once you finish the stage you meet the final boss, the Flying Dutchman, who introduces himself by making an… Odd comment.
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The boss fight isn’t that difficult if you know what you’re doing, it’s pretty much the same format as the western fish I mentioned earlier, you’re basically just feeding the Flying Dutchman. It ends pretty quickly, with him just… disappearing. You collect the golden spatula and the game just ends abruptly with a few cutscenes explaining what happened. SpongeBob is now the greatest fry cook and Mr. Krabs is making a lot of money.
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Legend of the Lost Spatula is… OK? There’s not a lot of content in the game, you can beat it in less than an hour and the world record is 10 minutes and 57 seconds. In fact if it wasn’t for the constant switching between menus, you could probably beat it in even less time. That was the main problem I had with the game. The best part of the game? I guess the weird still images the game uses as cutscenes?
There is no reason to play Legend of the Lost Spatula now, but, in the rare case you want to learn more about the game from someone who has never watched an episode of SpongeBob SquarePants, I highly recommend this GameSpot article. In it the author constantly refers to the game as just “SpongeBob SquarePants”, like it’s going to be the only SpongeBob game to ever release, and gets basic details about the characters wrong (including appearing to refer to Mr. Krabs as the “mayor of Bikini Bottom” and refusing to refer to Sandy by name for some reason).
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gra-sonas · 2 years
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Roswell, New Mexico’s Quentin Plair discusses entering the sci-fi space, Dallas' aquatic gifts, parting bodies of water, and confronting Clyde.
In the TV series Roswell, New Mexico, anyone could be an alien from another planet, from the deputy sheriff to the bank robbers to the local preacher. That's certainly the case with the charming Dallas, portrayed by Quentin Plair. As a youngster, an amnestic Dallas was discovered alone, naked, and mute. Residents assumed his parents perished in a boating accident. The truth was Dallas came from the stars. His empathic abilities, which Dallas believed were a divine gift, ignited his interest in religion and becoming a preacher. Lately, he's been pitching in to help the Pod Squad.
In last night's episode, "Dig Me Out," however, Dallas actively took some steps into restoring his lost memory. In addition, he clashed with Clyde (Andrew Lees) and lost. Plair recently spoke with CBR about his love of science fiction, uncovering Dallas' past, the last block of episodes, and unleashing his aquatic powers.
CBR: Most of your previous roles have been rooted in reality. What's it been like playing in this science fiction landscape?
Quentin Plair: Science fiction is one of my favorite genres, if not my favorite genre. I love space. My favorite phenomena are black holes, and my second is tornadoes. When I came across this audition and learned more and more about the show, I was excited to do something in that genre, where you have to use your imagination to think things out. It was fun. I was excited to go into a genre that I personally love to watch and watched as a kid. Then, when I found out I was going to be an alien on it, I was even more excited. I initially thought I was a pastor. I didn't know the alien background. Once I got there, the producer spoke to me about where the character was going. I was like, "Oh yes. Oh yes."
In the last two episodes, Dallas has ended up in Isobel's orbit. What makes these two a good pair to follow up on clues and go down this rabbit hole together?
For one, I think Lily [Cowles] is such a loving, giving actor. In terms of the two characters on screen, Isobel is so in tune with her abilities. She has had them from the beginning. She's been one of the stronger as far as reading people's minds and all those kinds of things. She's so good at what she does. Dallas is figuring things out right now. He needs that stable, strong connection with someone who knows what they are dealing with. So much of Dallas' past is oppressed or blocked in his memory. Having someone like Isobel to help him open up is an obvious fit for me. He needs Isobel to really continue this journey that he is on, one of discovery and self-discovery.
The plan is to unlock Dallas' memories, and the deed unfolds in a hot tub. Was that day more work or pleasure?
At the time, for Dallas, he's not all the way on board. He is kind of wondering why he had to be in a hot tub, but at the end of the day, he trusts Isobel. This is something he needs to do, and, like she said, it's a conduit. Water is a conduit for him. Connecting to the thing where he gets his source of power from makes sense. At the same time, it's not the worst day ever.
What kind of insight does Dallas get from his vision quest?
He really gets some insight into himself. The want and the need to know where you come from, as a person, or in this case as an alien, is a true desire. It's a true driving force to really know where you come from and have that connection. Dallas has had these weird things happen to him his entire life. Weird things happen with water, especially as a child. Obviously, because he has connections to prayers and him as a preacher, he thought that was from the Lord. Now, it's just set up this drive to continue his work and continue to understand who he is. Everything that he gets, it just draws him closer and closer to his past, to his family, and also closer and closer to figuring out who he is in this day and age.
In what ways does reliving his past memories impact Dallas in the present day?
It makes him feel more secure in who he is in present day. It makes him more confident. I think he always trusted in his faith and believed in that. Even though that faith was shaken in the stuff that he figured out about himself, finding out he is from Oasis and is an alien in Season 3, he never lost his belief... While it does give him a closer connection to that part of his past with his father and the past that is the alien side of him, answering some of those questions allows him to feel more settled in the questions that he has answered for himself as far as the faith and being a pastor.
As you mentioned, Dallas wields alien powers. That's part of the fun of portraying an extraterrestrial. As Isobel notes, Dallas goes all ten commandments on a body of water. What went into filming that sequence?
First of all, it was a beautiful location. I remember the day. We had gotten out there, and it started to get cold, but that particular day was not too cold. I was very thankful for that. I don't know if it was the water muffling sound, but we were in this campsite away from a lot of things. In a way, it connected me to the nature that we were around. The clouds kind of opened up in a picturesque way.
I'm just standing by this body of water and using my imagination. Even though I know it's VFX, I really tried to mentally think, "What efforts would I be putting in? What energy would I be putting in if I truly was trying to split this lake?" That's just what I did. I really put as much energy and effort into that -- intentional energy. The VFX people were doing their thing and made the water ripple, and the rest was going to be done in post. But seeing something visually happen to the water as I am trying to make it happen, it just makes you want to dive in and do it more. It was fun. It was like what you would do as a kid before people beat reality into you.
What can be teased about Dallas' confrontation with Clyde?
Andy [Lees] is such a nice guy. He is such a great, gracious, grateful human being. He was so happy to be there. It was such a beautiful energy to be around. Then, he just snapped into this evil alien persona. In the confrontation, it was fun to film. Even though I hadn't done a whole lot of physical one-on-one confrontational stuff -- most of my stuff has been informing or helping other characters -- it was cool to do that with Andy. As an actor, it's fun when you get to go into these other worlds and play. It was great with Andy being Clyde and him doing some of the little things that weren't necessarily in the script.
Moving forward, where does Dallas fit into this battle against Tezca and Clyde?
I can't say too much. Dallas continues his exploration and continues to be who Dallas has been since he entered the series, which I think is a soul that is really drawn to helping other people, whether it's people in his congregation that he's preaching to and hearing their prayers or whether it's part of this Pod Squad, this triad, that he can connect with on a whole other level now that he has figured out he is one of them. Dallas cares about so many other people. He is just willing to sacrifice himself and sacrifice his wants and needs for the betterment of the people around him. Anything he can do to help them through all of the tough times, which they always seem to get themselves into, he's on board to do.
Is it wrong to wish to see Dallas raise a little hell and unleash his powers?
It's not wrong at all. When I found out I had powers, I was so excited. In Season 3, we didn't really explore the powers that Dallas was going to have. Going into Season 4, the first thing you want to do is to find what the extent of them is. I do have water work with this telekinetic power. You want to dive into that. So, it's not wrong. I join you in that.
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