#n i’m like yea
doggaro · 1 year
being aroace is like telling people that you’re gay but nonpracticing
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friendlyengie · 10 months
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And now we have the unfinished, uncolored eternal-WIP variety hour! 🎉! This months picks are “various gay people” and “random ‘put a character in situation’” ideas. The designs of the mercs as kids are partially brought to you by @illuteridae everyone say thank you to roger for his genius brain
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cupcakeinat0r · 4 months
Currently thinkin abt how I swear I could give Miguel attitude, but I need to be so fr, if I were to actually argue w him………………… ya, I’m losing.
Like, okay, whatever u say, gorjus 🫡
“Nuh uh.”
“Fym ‘nuh uh’?”
“Ooo actually, nvm, let me sit back down.”
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dovesick · 6 months
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persephonaae · 1 month
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Speakinnnnggggg of my new Miku figure!!! She’s so lovelyyyyy waaaaaaaaaaaa 💖
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squuote · 1 year
I do think about how unnerving the office must be being so empty. Like I know it’s a very obvious n noticeable thing in the game but specifically I think about the instant silence that occurred after everyone just vanishes. And how pieces of them are still present at their desks and all around the office. How it goes from distant talking and sounds of typing and bustling movement to just nothing. nothing except for stanley. how long do you think it took for him to notice the silence?
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octoooo · 2 months
Sabito & Giyuu but Wizard & Dragon. Do u see my vision?
Sabito found newly hatched noodol dragon giyuu as a kid & begged sakonji to keep him. Sakonji was uncertain because there’s no telling (1) what kind of dragon Giyuu will be or (2) how Big he’ll grow up to be (could they keep him in the bathtub ?? The backyard ??) Ultimately, he gives in and lets Giyuu stay (he also gets every book about raising/living with dragons he can find)
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While he’s still small, Giyuu likes to drape himself over Sabito’s neck or arm. Occasionally had hidden in his pocket.
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(He gets mistaken as a worm many times until he starts to grow)
Y’know how Clifford (Big Red Dog) is too big to fit in the house so he’s just In the yard? That’s Giyuu as an adult. Sabito wakes up & opens his window so Giyuu can greet him every morning <3
(Sabito’s window is about the size of Giyuu’s eye. For size reference)
17 yr old Sabito gets suspended from Wizard School for fighting Sanemi (who also gets suspended)
They had been butting heads for a while and they finally decide to settle it in a fight. In a bathroom. At school. It was mostly a physical fight, a bruise here, a bite mark there but then Sanemi casts a weak lighting spell* that grazed Sabito’s cheek as he tried to dodge. The bolt however hits the ceiling of the room & causes a power outage. A few more punches are thrown before a *fwoosh* is heard & the ceiling corner lights up orange.
*(they hadn’t explicitly stated ‘no magic allowed’ during the fight, and they were already fighting dirty (if the bite mark on Sanemi’s arm is anything to go by) but indoors? you’re gonna fire a lightning bolt at another person who is Not prepared for it indoors? Crazy)
That becomes a permanent mark on their record (Yea causing a power outage & fire in the bathroom isn’t the best look on someone’s record)
They both end up with a restraining order, expelled from the school and get fined for damage to school property.
Shizu & Urokodaki talked while Sabito & Sanemi were healing, they agreed to split the cost of the damages (Sanemi caused it yea but Sabito is also responsible by association (maybe if they weren’t fighting this fire wouldn’t have started))
Urokodaki takes Sabito’s training into his own hands after That,,
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garlicrrow · 9 months
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mirum!!!! new oc i got:3 he/him
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fairiegardens · 10 months
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Dress I was wearing when that guy stood me up. So so so sooooooo sorry for you. Terribly sorry for you dude. Not sorry for me though
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joyce-bi-ers · 2 years
A little bullet journal action about our favorite closeted gays
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newts-and-sharks · 2 years
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Moon being a simp? Yes.
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merevide · 7 months
one thing they do not tell u about the airport is that u get there mad early n then it’s like. what now
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yourbestgal · 1 month
interview no.2 soon for this job send good vibes if you’re feeling kind, this would be a very good opportunity for me…
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sleepybirbies · 2 months
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🌸 ٩(。•́‿•̀。)۶
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unicornofgt · 2 years
alright, i have come to the decision i am keeping this blog up as an archive and leaving the gt tumblr community for the foreseeable future.
when i made my post about chamomile-g-tea’s damaging treatment of my story, gtms, my goal was to acknowledge the situation so i could hopefully move forward and restore gtms/my blog as mine again, without her influence. and while i anticipated backlash, some of the responses were just...downright disturbing. lots of comments echoed a victim-blaming sentiment that i am responsible for the emotional and creative damage done to me by another person because ‘why didn’t you just say no or tell her to stop?’ not only does this ignore the several attempts i did make to express discomfort and set boundaries—which were not respected—but even if i didn’t manage to express a ‘no’, that doesn’t make what happened ok; it doesn’t erase the year of crippling pressure and guilt i lived with and still struggle to shake daily. realizing that so many people in this community think otherwise is just...disturbing. it’s disturbing. that’s the only word i can think to use.
the response to all this does not make me feel safe being here—that’s what this situation has unfortunately showed me: that the audience i hoped to allow to view my reclaiming process would also contain the same crowd who make me feel so unsafe—and why the fuck would i let those people see something as personal as that? why would i let them see anything? it’s made me understand i can’t continue to heal myself and my writing if i am posting it for other people, especially harmful people. and even though it turned out this way, i’m glad i gave it a shot; that i made that post as an effort to see if it was even possible or worth it to restore this space—even if the answer was no! absolutely fucking not!—because it saved me from even more time spent sharing my work with people who do not respect me as a person or a creator. i’m glad i tried, however much it sucked, because it allowed me to understand: it is not just one person in this community i feel unsafe with, but a solid percentage of the community at large that i just cannot healthily engage with, and no amount of blocking will fix that.
but of course this is not the only situation that showed me this community’s true colors—the dismissive or outright aggressive response to the calling out of racism in our tropes has also been deeply disturbing. to clarify, there is no problem in identifying with and finding comfort or catharsis in problematic tropes such as the pet trope, but there is a problem with using that comfort to make others feel unsafe and speak over people of color. and the solution to this trope problem is very simple—generally apply critical thinking skills to the media you enjoy, and tag your shit properly (dead dove, particularly when the giant owner/abuser doesn’t face consequences and/or if the abused/abuser fall in ‘love’—dead dove is not actually currently used in this community, that’s the problem). but rather than taking this as an opportunity to listen and improve, it was instead used as a chance to lash out at and make clear that poc are not welcome in this community and come secondary to the feelings of white creators and readers.
over the last few years, this community has fostered and been exposed for bigotry such as terfs, ableists, racists, etc, and especially in the current political era, this is no longer a community i want to share my work with or even just lurk in. and i know on the surface this community seems progressive, but take a better look and you’ll find members of the community doing and saying…questionable things, or keeping quiet and enabling their friends who do and say questionable things because they would rather be passive and polite than be genuinely kind and compassionate through active accountability.
of course this is the risk you take interacting with any person ever—but it’s especially taxing to look around at such a small, close knit community you know is riddled with these problems and wonder if the people making innocent posts are actually harmful; if they prioritize their comfort over the safety of marginalized people, if they even see you as a full person, and for me, personally—if they are willing to overlook consent to blame you for your trauma and defend the person who inflicted it. it’s taxing to explain basic basic concepts to strangers over and over in a place that prides itself on being a safe space, where people just have fun and mentally escape from irl hardships. it’s taxing to ride out shitty, hateful treatment when you are just simply one person (voluntarily providing free services btw) with only so much energy and fucks to give. it is not worth the strain it puts on you as a person, nor is it your responsibility to sit there and accept it, and i am not the only creator in this community who feels this way. we are fucking tired.
quite simply, this is not a community i feel comfortable participating in or sharing anything with. and that’s a shame, because there are wonderful, creative and caring people here who i have enjoyed sharing this space with, and maybe someday i’ll give this community another chance, but currently it’s just not worth the time of day. and i want to make it clear: my leaving is not simply because of just one person or just one situation—that i could handle—it is the community itself that is the root problem; that continues to be harmful, in multiple contexts—that is the reason why i and several other creators are leaving for greener pastures and more enjoyable communities—or just simply for a fucking moment’s worth of peace, because lord knows you won’t find it here.
#i considered making this post just ‘yea i feel unsafe here i’m leaving’#but i did want to post a clear explanation for mutuals still here n the ppl who come across my blog in the future#instead of leaving it to speculation and guess work#so i wrote a fucking essay lmao#but there are more personal details i didn’t go into bc they’re distressing and some of y’all are straight awful<3#however i will say you are not inside anyone else’s head if they say they feel unsafe it is not for you to question that#anyways privileges to myself and my writing are officially revoked#when i’m ready to share writing it’ll be with close friends in private#and maybe eventually on another site like ao3 but if that happens it won’t be for a while#and if i do post gtms there it will prolly be v different from the version here bc it’ll be the restored and improved version#i hate the version on this site<3#for now i just need to get back into the swing of things bc rn it is. so hard to Think at all#i’ll also be doing things on my fandom account i am just leaving this community bc good lord#if you told me a month ago i’d be leaving this community i’d have been devastated but now?#having seen sm of this community’s true colors one after another?#i don’t give a fuck now#the only thing i feel is relief#the community i thought i was apart of does not exist and it made me physically sick to realize and experience that reality#for all its problems i did not think so MUCH of the gt community was this vile#i’ve run this blog for years and closing this chapter just brings me closure and peace#and to those of y’all who are alright n still here: good fucken luck lmfao wish y’all the best dealing w this shitshow#gt community#giant/tiny#gt#g/t#sfw g/t#gtms#gt mech suits
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frogayyyy · 1 year
will my mum ever understand that i don’t like talking (as in it’s really physically difficult) sometimes, especially in the morning, and not get upset with me and make me feel guilty about it despite telling her countless times that this is why? 😃
i just vented in the tags sorry bout that :S
#i wouldn’t say non verbal but pretty close#it’s the same with everything#she just doesn’t understand at all and it’s so draining :/#she constantly makes me feel bad for trying to set boundaries so i just give up#like no i genuinely can’t do some things without help no matter how many times you explain it to me i’m sorry?#no i don’t like that food because the texture makes me want to rip my hair out#i want to try different foods i just have bad anxiety about it and you making comments about it doesn’t help#yes i do need to have headphones or earplugs in most of the time bc sometimes it’s unbearable not to#yes i want to spend time alone in my room bc a) it’s a normal thing to do and b) it’s the one place where i can just be myself n not mask#no i’m not ignoring you you actually just interrupted a conversation i was having with my friends#‘i wish you would talk to me more about things’ I WONDER WHY I DONT#and i can’t even say any of this to her because she’d just cry and tell me what a bad mother she is#like… yea exactly#don’t even get me started on queer stuff#yknow i came out two years ago as not straight#and she hasn’t said a single thing about it since#not even vaguely supportive#i can’t even remember if she told me she still loves me#she said ‘i don’t know what to say’ and left me sobbing by myself#i have to censor myself around them bc i still don’t know how they feel about it#the worst part of it is that i convince myself she isn’t that bad so i just forgive her#and never do anything about it#even now i’m thinking ‘ yea but she genuinely isn’t that badi’ 🤡#i want to leave so bad or at least not be in the same house#but i’m not financially independent yet#and i genuinely don’t know if i could cope living on my own#:’D#just gotta deal with it for now#thank god for this safe space 🙏 love u guys#about the only thing keeping me (partially) sane atm
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