#my understanding of anatomy has improved so much since then
jadedloverart · 8 months
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Pt. 1
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The Healer pt 2
Decided to continue this, let me know if you want me to keep going!
Part 1 linked here
“What have you done?”
My voice was strained in a horrified whisper.
Jack the Hero was calm despite my obvious distress. He leaned back in his chair, his face smiling but his eyes freezing cold. “That’s the wrong question, Healer. The right question is: what have YOU done?”
“Everyone… they’re dead… you promised you needed it to clear the gate… you told me…”
“I told you a lie.” His smile didn’t change. “You were the fool who believed me. Their deaths are on your hands as much as mine.”
I stood up, checking my inventory and beginning to drop any group items. “I’m quitting your team. I’d rather die alone out there then stay on under you. After what you've done."
“I’d rethink that, Healer.” He held up a hand, and a bright red gleam shined between his fingers.
“You bastard.” I froze at the sight, unable to move, as realization slowly dawned on me of the extent of his betrayal. “You…”
He stood up, not bothering to listen to the rest of my cursing. “Save your energy.” He paused at the doorway, his gaze settling on my tear-stained face without much interest. “You’ll need it. We ride early tomorrow, Healer. Be ready.”
“JACK!” I sat up in bed, breathing heavily. I was filled with terror and rage, and it took a moment to realize my familiar surroundings. Light blue walls, intricate draperies, stacks of large books on topics ranging from anatomy to pharmacology. My room. I sighed with relief.
Thinking of my dream, and the bad memory contained within, I stiffened again, slowly slipping my hand into my collar and gripping the cold hard surface of the amulet within. I sat silently, clutching it so tightly that the hard edges began to dig into the skin of my palm. Eventually my speeding heart rate slowed, and my breathing normalized. I was in my house, out of Jack’s reach.
As I calmed down, a notice popped up in my vision.
**You have rested through the night. HP and MP are restored in full. Adverse conditions such as fatigue are eliminated.  You are encouraged to continue your mission in securing the advancement of the human race! Good luck!**
I waved away the notice with a frown. Since the Downfall, since we had woken up in this strange world crafted after a VR game, there had been only vague references to the “purpose” behind it. The original message had mentioned an “opportunity for improvement” but given little other information. Who was it that trapped us all here? Why did they do it? And are they still watching us?
I shook my head. All we knew was that there were one hundred gates to pass to “complete” this mission. Perhaps then we would understand the purpose behind all of this, the meaning of all this pain, death and suffering.
But we were only on the forty-second gate.
I went downstairs, and paused when I spotted Alton the Great Evil Wizard, looking nothing like his terrifying reputation as he was sitting cross-legged on the floor, calmly sewing a black robe. Hearing my footsteps, he looked up and grinned, waving with the hand holding the threaded needle.
“Good morning, Miss Healer!”
The address caught me by surprise. Jack and the party had always just called me “healer” or “the healer.” The word was always said dripping with disdain. They had hated my profession, hated the embarrassment of having me on their team, made even worse by the fact that they actually needed me around. But when Alton said it… it just seemed normal.
I think my sense of normal has been greatly skewed.
I regained my composure and nodded at him. “Good morning. What are you working on?”
“Repairing my torn robes.” He gestured a pile next to him on the floor. “They have low durability so they break down easily.”
“Shouldn’t you just buy new ones?”
He nodded. “I could… but prefer to save my money for the things I really want. Better to keep it close, since you never know what important things you might need it for… especially in this world.”
“Says the guy who put a 100,000 gold bounty on the head of the Hero?”
“Exactly!” He grinned viciously. “I save my money for important things like annoying idiots like him.”
I laughed at that. After another pause, I sat down on the floor next to him and grabbed a piece of dark cloth from the pile. Pulling a needle and dark thread out of my inventory, I began to stitch.
“You sew?” Alton asked, seeming surprised.
I pointed at his chest, where the stitched wound was still visible. “If I can patch you up, pretty sure I can sew up a sleeve.”
“…Good point… although I guess I didn’t realize the skills were transferable. Did you take on a Tailor side quest?”
“It’s not a skill, not a Fantasy Realm type skill at least.” I kept my eyes on my hands that were picking up speed as muscle memory took over. “I always liked to sew, even before the Downfall… it was a good way to relax. It seemed logical to decompress doing the type of sewing that didn’t have the possibility to kill someone if your stitch came loose.”
“Wait…” He held up his hand, shocked. “Were you a doctor before the Downfall?”
“Yeah, but I was still in surgery residency. So wasn’t like I was operating on my own… “
Alton blinked, seemingly trying to absorb this information. “That’s… impressive.”
I kept my head down, my hands moving smoothly without hesitation. “Not in my family.”
“Ah… familial disappointment. Something with which I am quite familiar.” There was a sad tone in his voice, a look in his eyes that seemed almost close to despair. “Unlike you, I did not go into the family business… making me somewhat of the black sheep of the family.”
“Your family business?” I probed, curious.
“Well, it wasn’t wizardry, that’s for sure.” I sensed he was avoiding the question, and dropped the topic. I didn’t know Alton that well, certainly not enough to push him to open up. I tried to find something else to talk about instead.
“So… what do you think about what I said yesterday?”
He seemed quietly relieved that I moved on. “Which sentence?”
“About finding a couple other people for our party.”
He continued to sew, thinking it over. “I guess it depends…”
“Depends on what?”
Alton looked up, his eyes serious. “On if you trust them.”
I paused at that, before finally answering in a cold tone. “I don’t trust anyone.”
The amulet around my neck felt icy cold against my skin, as always, as if reminding me of its presence, reminding me of the consequence of trusting someone.
“Not anymore.”
Alton nodded seriously at that, and I remembered the title that I saw in his Stat screen. “The Betrayed.” Given the particulars of the system of this world, I didn’t want to know how severe of a betrayal it would have to be to actually bestow a title like that.
Looks like we are both haunted by the consequences of trusting the wrong person. I feel like I already know the kind of person he is... even if it's not been a long time.
As if he heard my thoughts, he spoke up. “We have a lot in common. I’ve been watching you for quite some time. I have a good understanding of the type of person you are… and aren’t. I considered all the options before inviting you into my party. If you have someone you know that well… I would at least be willing to meet them.”
“You were watching me?” I raised an eyebrow at that. “Why?”
“First, I was interested because you were a healer. I didn’t think any had survived. Then I noticed you cleaning up after the Hero’s party’s antics. And then… it was partly because I was scared of you.” He smiled to soften the blow, but I still froze for a moment, before forcing my hands to continue.
“Scared of me?”
“Yeah… since I’m fairly certain that you are the only human in this world who is strong enough to kill me.”
I processed that. “So it’s a ‘keep your enemies close’ type deal?”
“Nah, nothing like that.” He laughed quietly. “It’s just the more I got to know you, the more I couldn’t escape a thought: That I thought you would be a good friend.”
“… You shouldn’t trust me.”  My tone was flat.
Alton seemed unfazed. “Why not? Are you planning to betray me?”
I shook my head.
“Then what’s the problem?”
“You don’t know everything yet… even if you’ve been watching… there’s things… terrible, awful things you need to know about me before making any decisions.”
“None of us are saints in this world.” He briefly closed his eyes, taking a deep breath, before meeting my gaze once more. I could see the guilt within. “We were trapped here, forced to survive. We’ve all done things we regret. Don’t forget: I’m not far behind you in human kill numbers.”
There was a long pause.
“What are you thinking?” He finally asked, breaking the silence.
I knotted off the thread as I finished closing the tear, cutting it off with a neat motion. “I think you’re strangely naïve for someone called the ‘great evil wizard.’”
“If you say so.” Alton chuckled.
“I do.”
“So are you going to introduce this naïve evil wizard to your friends?” He finished sewing his robe, tying it off somewhat clumsily.
I froze at the word “friends."
“I need your help.” Jack’s eyes were intense as he cornered me, my back against a cold brick wall. The solidity of it grounded me, the realness of it reminding me that this strange world I lived in was my new normal.
“I don’t think it’s a good idea. If the power gets into the wrong hands…” As I tried to turn away, he grabbed my face, forcing me to look at him. My skin crawled at  his touch, but the hard grip prevented me from pulling away.
“We don’t have a choice. The next gate is impossible without your help. If you refuse… everyone will die.”
He finally released me, and I tried to back away, but only succeeded in hitting my head against the brick. After a few long moments, I sighed.
“Just for the gate, right? You promise?”
“Of course…” He smiled. “We’re friends after all.”
I took a deep breath, ignoring Alton’s concerned look. “No. Not friends. But strong people who might be interested in partnering with us.”
I had no friends. I didn't dare. Not since I stopped calling Jack and his group that.
“Ah of course. `And you think these strong people will be okay partnering with me?” He pointed at himself with a quizzical expression.
I smiled confidently. “I have no doubt.”
The door slammed in our faces for the third time. Inside the building we could hear a muffled “GO AWAY!”
Alton looked over at me with a smile. “No doubt, huh?”
I frowned. “ I underestimated your bad reputation… or maybe mine.”
“I resent that. My bad reputation is more than enough to scare good prospects away on its own.” He glanced back at the door with a raised eyebrow. “Besides if they are too scared to even join us, I imagine they wouldn’t be that much help in a fight.”
“Well, you don’t have to worry. I’ve run out of suckers… I’m mean strong heroes to ask.”
He grinned at that, as we walked away from the last house and towards the 38th level City. The main road was deserted, this was one of the higher levels, and very few people advanced this far. Many chose to stay in the lower levels, avoiding danger. I kept a close eye on the surrounding forest, tense. The roads were generally safe, but the wariness remained all the same.
“So, just the three prospects, huh?”
“People on the World Leader Board who aren’t already in a party and not total psychopaths?” I shook my head, distracted from my obsessive watching of our surroundings. “You’re lucky I could think of three.”
“Well maybe it will just have to be you and me. I mean we ARE the top two players on the World Leader Board. It could be enough.”
We walked forward as I continued to ponder his words. I had not really seen Alton in action. However, his ranking and reputation as the world’s strongest player couldn’t be denied. “It might be enough, for a while. But I don’t know if that will carry us to the end. The gates are getting harder and harder… “
“Well, it’s not like teammates are going to just fall from the sky…”
Alton and I rolled out of the way of the person falling from a nearby tree, both readying for battle. Alton whispered quietly, activating a dark magical flame that danced around his fingers. I on the other hand, simply stood in place, hands resting at my sides. If there was one thing I was good at, it was killing. I just needed to know if it was necessary. In the corner of my vision I confirmed my filled HP and MP, with some reassurance.
The falling person hit the ground with a loud CLANG and her metal armor slightly deformed from the impact. She the rolled several times, coming to a loud stop on her back at my feet. Her young, bright eyes stared up at me with delight.
I looked down at her, and sighed. “Hello, Stephanie.”
Alton glanced at her, and then looked at me. “You know her?”
Stephanie and I answered at the same time. Alton laughed, and held out a hand to the teenage girl. “Nice to meet you, Miss Healer’s best friend. I’m Alton.”
Her eyes widened. “The evil wizard?” I braced myself for her to scream or run away similar to the prior “strong” people I had tried to recruit. Instead, she smiled with great relief. “THANK GOODNESS!”
“Huh.” Alton seemed just as confused as me. “Never had that reaction before.”
Stephanie in response pointed a group of monsters emerging from the nearby forest, heading towards us. “Can you guys lend a hand?”
I studied the new threat carefully. There were eight wolf like creatures, 5 feet tall with long horns, large jaws and rows upon rows of blood-stained teeth. They moved as a pack, snarling and howling as they closed in on their prey.
Alton shrugged nonchalantly at the sight, and pointed at me. “I’ll help if she says it’s okay.”
“Great!” Stephanie sat up with difficultly, her armor hindering the movement, and placed her hands together in a praying gesture. “Please?”
I pushed up my sleeves. “Sure. I had some energy I wanted to get out anyways. Alton, you take the four on the left?”
He nodded in response and began chanting.
I faced the four beasts on the right with a thoughtful expression. One out of the group was larger than the rest, likely the leader of the pack.
**The Healer has activated wordless incantation. -300MP per use.**
The wolf monsters were racing closer. I sensed the end of Alton’s chant coming and raised a hand, pointing.
**The Healer has cast Immobilization -10MP/sec while active.**
The three smaller wolves froze, tumbling to the ground. The larger stumbled, but shrugged off the spell, obviously having some magical resistance. I moved forward, going at my highest speed. If a spell won’t work…  I pulled a syringe out of my inventory. As I reached the leader. I saw Alton finish his chant out of the corner of my eye. A black flame surrounded the monsters he faced, burning them to ash.
**Alton the Great Evil Wizard is credited with 4 monster kills, awarded 160XP and +4 fame. You receive 20XP as a party member.**
The lead monster snapped at me as I leapt over its head, its teeth missing my arm my a hair. I jumped and straddled its back, grabbing its rough, stained fur in one hand, and plunging the syringe into the large muscle near its shoulder joint with the other.
**The Healer has used custom potion – Anesthetic. Patient is paralyzed and sedated for 3 minutes.**
The monster under me let out a groan and collapsed to the ground. Letting out a sigh of relief, I looked over at the smaller wolf monsters and reached out a hand.
**The Healer has cast Debridement x 3. – 60MP.**
Black blood spilled out from large wounds in their necks, pooling under the three bodies, soaking the grass beneath them.
**The Healer is credited with 3 monster kills, awarded 120XP and +3 fame.**
 Now that the small fry are out of the way… I waved away the notification and pulled a scalpel out of my inventory, the small blade in my hand reflecting the bright sunlight.
If spells won’t work, then I’ll just do it the old-fashioned way. I couldn’t use weapons, only medical/healing potions and tools. A scalpel although tiny, was the closest thing I had to a bladed weapon. I reached out towards the wolf’s neck.
“WAIT!” Stephanie cried out, causing me to pause before I cut the monster’s throat. “Don’t cut it!”
I raised an eyebrow. “You want me to spare the monster that was hunting you?” I noticed that Alton had kept a small amount of magic around his hand, ready to strike at any moment. It was strangely reassuring to see that he wasn’t always so trusting of others.
Stephanie looked at me, confused. “What? No! I just meant please don’t CUT it! I need an undamaged pelt for a quest. Can you kill it without hurting its pelt?”
I thought it over, still holding the scalpel to its throat in case the potion wore off. “Depends. What about the quest rewards?”
She deflated slightly at the question. “50-50 split? I did spend days tracking them down.”
“Deal.” I put my scalpel away, and pull up a buckled strap. With a quick practiced movement, I placed it around the wolf’s head, and tightened it over the neck.
**Healer has utilized tourniquet. Blood flow to the affected area is cut off. Please utilize caution, patient received 10 damage for each second that the tourniquet is in place.**
I waited patiently.
**WARNING! Patient airway is compressed and is becoming dangerously hypoxic. Please secure airway to continue healing. Patient will receive 50 damage for each second that airway compression remains in place.**
I continued to wait.
**The Healer is credited with 1 level 20 monster boss kill, awarded 200 XP and +5 fame.**
I removed the tourniquet, wiping down the strap before replacing it into my inventory. I glanced over at Alton and Stephanie who stared at me in surprise. “Isn’t that what you wanted?”
“…Umm… did you just kill a boss monster… with a syringe and a belt?”
“It’s a tourniquet, but yes.”
“Cool.” Alton gave me a thumbs up.
Stephanie shrugged off her apparent shock and ran to the boss monster, using a skill to remove the pelt without any tools. She then paused, and stood in front of both of us, shuffling back and forth slightly.
I cleaned my hands with a handkerchief and some water, not looking at her. “What do you want this time?”
“This time?” I waved away Alton’s question and looked at Stephanie, who didn’t make eye contact.
“Well, I guess I wasn’t here JUST for the wolf pelt… I may have also come here looking for you… and remembered to finish the quest when I saw them in the forest on my way over.”
I didn’t change my expression. “What do you want?”
Striking a pose, slightly hindered by her dented metal armor, she answered dramatically: “…I heard you were recruiting… Can I join your party?”
Alton and I stared at her.
 “Wait. How did you know we were recruiting?”
“After you asked three people you are seriously asking this?" She shook her head in disgust. "You both are famous! It’s been all over the world chat since you were first sighted together!”
Groaning, I pulled up the display that I rarely opened anymore. After the Downfall, the people pulled into this game like world had quickly discovered a worldwide chat option. There were many different topics, guides and other discussion available to read through and comment on.
In the first few weeks after waking up in this world, I used to read through the gossip and other new topics daily, hoping desperately that someone would discover what had happened, why we were here, or perhaps some tips on succeeding as a healer. Instead I quickly discovered it was a toxic cesspool of humanity, filled with petty arguments, lies and gossip.
I quickly became a common topic of discussion on the chat board. As the only high level healer, part of the Hero’s party, and the player with the highest number of human kills, I was infamous, with entire forums dedicated to analyzing how I was accomplishing it.  The conclusions they often came to were often not very flattering towards me.
There were also fan clubs and forums dedicated to the Hero and his party, and they were also my strongest critics as well, accusing me of dragging the hero and his party down. I flinched from the memories, but quickly pulled up the world chat, noting that the top topic of discussion was about Alton and me.
The infamous mooching healer from the Hero’s party has officially split from them and joined the Evil Wizard! No one knows what horrific plans they are concocting, but whatever it is must require strong people, as they have been sighted trying to recruit two free agents on the leader board, and were last seen on level 38, likely to recruit Dallas the Barbarian! We’ll keep you posted!
I frowned at the post, quickly scanning the comments below.
“ Good riddance! It was always a drag to see her running behind the hero’s party, getting carried by them. “
“That’s terrifying! The Evil Wizard has friends? If you see them, you better run!”
“Who would want to joined such a cursed party?”
“… So who else is shipping them?”
“Weirdos will ship anything with anything. Get out of here with that nonsense.”
“Pieces of trash will always gravitate together.”
I looked at the last comment, which was posted by Rita the Holy Archer. She was a member of the Hero’s party as well, and not someone I had ever gotten along with.
Alton was staring blankly, obviously scrolling through the chat as well. He made a weird expression and waved his hand back and forth, dismissing it and muttering to himself. I stepped forward, patting his shoulder comfortingly.
“Don’t worry, it’s just a bunch of idiots chattering.”
“Worried?” He looked at me, confused. “I’m not worried about the comments. There’s a whole thread dedicated to taking bets on what sort of horrible death I’ll have. This is child’s play.”
“Then why the weird face?”
He looked away awkwardly, mumbling something I couldn’t hear.
“What did you…?”
“I saw FAN ART, okay? They made fan art of the two of us…” He covered his face with his hand.
“Why would they…?” I paused. “Can I see it?”
“No. No. I would rather die.”
What on earth did he see? Before I could ask further, Stephanie pushed again.
“Guys? I’m still here! Can I join?”
Alton stared coldly at her. “I don’t know you, or trust you. It depends on what Miss Healer has to say.”
Stephanie turned towards me, but only received an eye roll in response to her puppy eyes. “I can vouch for the fact that she’s strong. She’s a barbarian warrior, and obsessed on leveling up her strength stats.”
He looked at the girl in her late teens and her tiny frame. “…If you say so”
I sighed. “Show him your sword.”
“Sure!” Grinning, Stephanie raised her hand, an enormous cleaver type sword longer than her body appearing in it. It looked incredibly heavy, but she waved it around as if it were weightless. Alton applauded politely at her show of strength. Finally, she put it away. “I’m forty-third on the Leader Board, partially due to the fame I gained for my strength stats, which are the highest in the world here.”
“The real question is…” Alton turned towards me. “Why wasn’t she on your list of people to recruit?”
“I told you my list was strong people who weren’t in a party who weren’t total psychopaths.” I looked at Stephanie pointedly. “She is absolutely crazy AND she’s in party already.”
She grinned. “Not anymore, Healer! I quit my party the minute I saw you were recruiting on the forum! I owe you my life, how could I not take advantage of that opportunity?”
“And your fan club of a party allowed that?”
“I had to chop off a hand or two, but eventually they got the point and agreed to let me be happy and follow my dream.” Seemingly unconcerned by the intense violent acts she spoke about, she held out her hand to me with a smile. “So do we have a deal?”
I looked up at the sky. “We do need a tanker…” Crazy or not, she is really strong... I took a deep breath, and shook her hand. “Fine.”
**Stephanie the lovely Barbarian has accepted your invitation to join your party! She will have access to shared inventory, and her stats will become visible upon medical scan.**
“Should we head on, or are anymore of your friends going to suddenly jump out of trees to join us?” Alton finally asked, breaking the silence.
“Who knows?” I turned to Stephanie. “Where do you need to turn in your quest?”
“Where else?” She grinned. “Winter’s General Store.”
"..." Rubbing my forehead, and trying not to cry, I asked quietly, “Are you out of your mind? You realize he would kill you if you didn’t bring back the pelt?” Alton looked at me questioningly, but I gestured at him to let it go and he remained silent.
“No he wouldn’t!” Stephanie burst out. “He promised that since I was your friend he wouldn't kill me! ... He would only maim me if I failed.”
“You’re not my friend.”
“That’s right, we’re not friends… we’re BEST friends!”
“Heaven help us.” I groaned and pulled up a traveling artifact. “Let’s go see Winter before he decides to come see us.”
As we arrived in level 1 City, we quietly moved towards the back alleys near the water front. It was a mostly deserted area known for its paid killers, black markets and the most desperate part of humanity. The few people we ran into were cloaked and minding their own business, but I kept my guard up, refusing to dismiss wordless chanting despite the mana drain. I wanted to be able to fight at a moments notice.
“Who is Winter?” Alton asked finally as he followed us through the winding and increasingly dark streets.
“An NPC!” Stephanie answered cheerfully. “A really powerful one. He really likes the Healer too”
Alton was shocked, as I knew he would be. There were scattered being that looked like humans, but weren't that could give quests, termed Non Player Characters given their similarity in role to NPCs in the game. However, since their discovery in this world since the Downfall, their interactions with humans were limited. There were a few that would hand out quests, a few that ran shops, but all of them had one thing in common:
They despised humans.
They treated human players as lesser beings, only worthy of cheap and dirty missions or tasks that they didn’t want to take care of. Many attempts at befriending or learning about them were made in the beginning, but universally they responded with only vitriol and disdain.
No one knew why they were here. If they were part of whatever scheme this was that had trapped us in this world. But we knew one thing: Any attempt to harm them went poorly. They could be harmed. Could even be killed. But any player who did so would find themselves hunted relentlessly by the City 1 guard, who wouldn’t rest until the offending player was dead. After a handful of deaths, this became the new normal and people learned to leave NPCs alone for the most part.
I gave most NPCs a wide berth. I didn’t understand them, or trust them.
But Winter was the exception.
We arrived at the store, pushing it open to the sound of a tinkling bell overhead.
“Winter! Guess who I brought?!!” Stephanie crowed as she pranced in, before coming to a sudden stop. I halted behind her, and Alton beside me as we stared silently at the group already in the store, arguing with an annoyed appearing Winter.
“What bad luck.” Alton whispered, and I had to agree.
It was the Hero’s party.
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zariyen · 1 year
Do you have any art tips for beginner artists?
hi! i'll do my best to list the most useful ones for me from the top of my head! but if you're asking about something specific, lmk too!
always use references! this is 100% the fastest way to improve quickly! and don't forget if you're posting artworks using references, to always ask for permission if needed and to credit the reference! here's a very good post with links to various art tutorials and references :) try to do things out of your comfort zone!
i remember my sister drilling this into my head as a kid lmao: if you're going to draw people, make it a habit to draw the whole body, not just a face or bust. this way you can improve drawing the face and body at the same rate, rather than perfect the face and have like. a shoddy body HAHAHA (<- speaking from experience - my sister warned me but i still did not listen) here's an example from when i was 12 lol i went so hard on the eyes but my anatomy wasn't great so the drawing looks kind of goofy
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if i'm being honest nothing has really changed even now HAHAHA you can still tell i spend too much time on the faces and neglect my anatomy studies a lot 🥲
3. don't worry too much about building a signature art style if you're a beginner! experiment and imitate art styles that you like, and it'll eventually develop into something you're comfortable with
4. speaking of art styles, Naoki Saito-sensei does very in-depth art videos for people looking to develop and improve their art, and he covers a variety of different topics! the link i provided is for his new YouTube account, since his first one was unrightfully terminated :( since it's new, there aren't a lot of videos up yet but he'll be re-uploading all his old ones soon
5. this video by tppo is also a useful tutorial/explanation for style breakdowns, using Mika Pikazo-sensei's artworks! also another good reference for building art and colouring styles
6. unless you're going for a specific art style, try not to use black colours for shading. Instead, try using a darker version of your base colour with the hue slightly adjusted. it's a little difficult to explain so i made a tiny diagram underneath:
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it makes the colours pop a lot! Kurahana Chinatsu-sensei and Akiakane-sensei are really good at doing this 😭💖 that can also apply to lineart! but again, only if you're going for this kind of colourful art style :') do what feels right to you!
7. lastly try to enjoy drawing! if you do what you enjoy, learning and improving will come so much easier to you :) i can understand the urgency to improve (it's like my default state of mind 🥲) but if you keep focusing on that, drawing will eventually just start to overwhelm and frustrate you. try to combat it by doing something self-indulgent! i like to draw my ocs whenever i start getting burnt out :')
8. actually i lied this is the last one!! never give up!! it's so easy to feel bad or frustrated about your art no matter where you are in your art journey, so what i like to do to try and fight that is to look at my old art and compare the improvements! here's one of the earliest oc drawings i could find from my childhood vs my most recent oc drawing :pensive:
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seukorei · 2 months
I love ur art so much!!!!🥹🫶🫶 how long have u been drawing for? and I was wondering if u have any tips(?) for drawing cuz im trying to learn how to ehe👉👈
thank you so much!! sorry for the late response
i honestly dont know how to answer how long i've been drawing for because i kinda just been doodling since i was a toddler but i started doing it more seriously when i was in 5th-6th grade and then digital art when i was around 12? it doesn't really matter when you start though
tips!!!!!!!!!! this might get long i hope i dont sound pretentious
in my opinion, art is 70% observation and 30% putting it into practice i.e. you first have to see the concepts and the breakdowns and the details before being able to use them at all. they're not going to appear by brute force or out of thin air unless you first observe that they exist and how they are used.
i have an entire archive on art tips and breakdowns that i store that cover basically everything like anatomy, color theory, composition, perspective etc. i also have an archive for art that i just enjoy looking at and want to emulate! that doesn't necessarily mean to copy verbatim someone else's style, but to pick up details in how they use colors or how they conduct lighting or how they paint a landscape. it's to pick out what makes their art so appealing and figure out how that can then be used to apply to your own art! I also just like looking at beautiful art to inspire me :)
general tips i think are really good for improvement vv
study the difference between cast shadows and form shadows. this is REALLY helpful in making your art look more 3 dimensional. for simplicity's sake, cast shadows are generally more hard while form shadows are generally more soft (depending on the form) and every object has a combination of the two. the way that you can see it most notably and then apply it is on clothing, where the clothing folds will cast a shadow while also being rounded and have a form shadow
color and light are deeply intertwined and something that you can use is cool shadows/warm light or vice versa! this doesn't ALWAYS apply, but it is a good starting point.
think of shadow not as an addition but the starting point while light is where you are adding. therefore, the shadows should be heavily influenced by the environment that they are in, i.e. a white box in an entirely red room is not going to have gray shadows, but red shadows. when the white light is shined on it then it becomes white.
use dynamic lighting to create the sense that something is real! this can be done in the way that either your shadows are rendered while your light has little detailed or that your light is rendered and your shadows have less detail
when referencing, use at least one or two "reference" lines that go across the entire picture horizontally or vertically so you are not trying to draw everything relative to each other but instead search for where something is relative to that line and you will be able to then capture the proportions in much more more comprehensive manner
i think this one might be overdone but break everything down into simple shapes!! it becomes a lot easier to understand something when it's not as visually complex and then after you have gotten down the basic shapes of a figure
use blank space as a guide (when referencing or otherwise). sometimes something isnt looking right when you have tried to redraw something and that might be because the blank spaces in between the lines of the figure and outside the figure arent actually matching up!
the heat of your drawing is determined by the dominant colors and when trying to make a color more cool or warm, you don't necessarily need to shift your hue over to that color. for example, if you have a predominantly warm color scheme with strong oranges/reds/yellows/pinks, if you wanted to have bluer shadows all you need to do is to make the color more desaturated. it will pop out as blue because your colors are mostly warm
make shadows a bit more lighter/saturated in the insides of them because light is being reflected onto it
this one might not apply to you, but it really helped my art when i stopped trying to force myself to do lineart. there are ways to improve at lineart but i prefer not to do it and to just create multiple layers of sketches and then at the very end after i've colored i create a layer on top of everything to clean up the messier bits
implement light fall-off! tbh i don't reallyyy know what this is i just see it a lot but it's basically a really saturated red-orange that you mostly see on skin where the shadows meet the light
pick what your brightest and darkest colors are going to be when you start coloring. i would normally stay away from pure white or pure black because by picking other colors as your brightest/darkest you can create mood and tone
fade out the hair at the edges of it because hair isn't really a block despite often being drawn like one. it's a large collection of strands and as it nears the edges those stands would begin to thin out in comparison to the cneter. in addition, add flyaways to your hair to make it more realistic because again, it's a collection of strands that is usually composed into blocks because that's how it looks most of the time
alright that's kinda all I got for now there's so much more i could talk about but i think this is getting long LOL... i hope that at least one of these is helpful in some way, shape, or form <3
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moltenraider · 1 month
Fortnite mains
Having a main on Fortnite is something special, loving and caring about a skin that has little to no story and yet playing as them everyday really is different than the normal fandom brainrot experience
And today I want to talk about the character that was my Fortnite main
This is Sig
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He was introduced on Chapter 2 Season 2, the Spies! Season (known to be the Midas Season and one of the best season)
I have NO IDEA why I started liking him, looking back at his design, he is pretty boring(? Nor even handsome, I do think his model was used for more skins(? Maybe to ones with the face covered. But as you can see looks weird
I really don’t remember why I just connected with him, not even with the first time he came on the item shop, it was later because I remember I waited for months for him to come again, and man, the day I bought him, since that day I used him non stop until I quit playing fortnite on chapter 3 season 3
Naturally, I also drew him a ton
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And a lot of things happened since then, I created lore for him, I named him (his name is Sig, in my head his whole nickname was “Signature” and his real name was Edén)
I remember I used him to roleplay, which was what really made me create a deep story and give him characteristics. For example, I explained his white hair and skin by him having albinism (which is not that creative lmao) I also explained that he is always wearing dark glasses because his eyes are very sensitive to light, he was mainly a hacker. And probably one of the most important things I HC for him is that he loves frogs
This was before Fortnite added animals, and when the animals came on the Primal season I WAS SO DAMN HAPPY LMAO
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So then, that I made this drawing of him as a frog
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And I continued using him, playing with friends, having fun, all while I was going through some hard stuffs on my life (pandemic included)
So Sig really became a HUGE comfort character for me, it’s probably the character that I’ve feel more comfort with, and when I think about him to this day, I still smile by just remember the good times I spend while wearing him on Fortnite.
Of course there was some shitty things happening (like people calling him one of the ugliest skins hfjfh. I mean, kinda) but honestly I don’t care anymore haha
At the time I was so pissed tho, but I understand now.
When I had my 20 birthday I even asked a frog to be drawn on the cake, and it was because of him. I don’t have a pic of that, but that happened fr.
And another important thing about Sig is that he was actually the character I used to learn how to draw nsfw and suggestive stuffs, which to me is REALLY important, cuz this might sound crazy but learning that helped me improve my art an insane amount (just think that at the time I didn’t practice much naked human figure. And when I started doing so, my anatomy learn when to a peak. Yes, drawing nsfw helps with learning anatomy)
So he was also important to me artistically speaking
And while writting this I just realize how important he really was to me in so many ways, and for a character that only has a name and one stupid sentence for description, that is…
At last, when I was stepping away from fortnite for personal reasons (and also because my switch was dying) I really wanted to keep Sig in some way
So I made this character, which is clearly based on everything I did with him so far
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His name is Caesar, he is a frog
And he was going to be just that, but after all this and him carrying everything that Sig means to me. He is not just a frog character
He is my sona, my second sona to be exact, being the first one The Vicepresident
And that’s the story of how a fortnite skin became so important to me that I made them an actual original character
Right now, playing fortnite again… it might sound weird, but I don’t use Sig anymore, it doesn’t mean I don’t love him anymore, I still do. But his period as my main skin ended years ago, and I don’t want to ruin those beautiful experiences I had with him back then
That’s why he was my main, and now, I’ll wait for other skin to come and be my new Sig.
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rosekasa · 1 month
hello! since you love to talk about your art process and how you manage to not feel disappointed when things don't go your way, i wanted to ask you a question. im really curious about drawing a particular way but im not using the same medium to draw. no one has made tutorials on it and i am not sure how to go about it. what's your process of trying to emulate a style in your works?
hi anon !!! <3
i'm always a big believer in the fact that art is very much about what feels good to you. this used to be a very frustrating thing to get my head around at first because it made me feel like I had to renounce control over how I wanted my art to look, but what I eventually learned was that doing what feels good literally gets you the same results that you want but with a more organic process that makes your art feel more authentic. in terms of using mediums that differ from your favourite artists', this is a chance to understand what exactly you are resonating with in their styles and using the resources at hand to interpret that in your own work!
for example, in 2021, I read Tokyo ghoul and became obsessed with ishida's art. I was like, I need to ingest this art style. for comparison, these are the things that I had saved to my inspo folder, vs what my art looked like at the time.
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at the time I was so intimidated by the idea of trying to work towards that style because I genuinely believed I would need to practice for years to get to that level. but what really helped me was doing redraws of the panels that I found prettiest -- not with the aim of copying it down exactly, but rather getting down what stuck out to me the most in terms of technique. doing that made me realize I was subconsciously focusing a lot on the facial anatomy and the detail added to the nose/lips/eyes, which then let me start working on those things independently. everytime I would draw I would try to focus extra hard on those things, trying to do what felt the best to me in every drawing. within a few months I already saw a lot of progress and I started feeling like my style resonated with me a lot more than it would have if I just tried copying ishida's style on its own!
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sorry if this isn't helpful, I do recognize that 'do what feels good' is kinda useless advice but skdjfhsdkj it really is what helped me improve the most -- watching countless tutorials, trying so hard to 'memorise' theory, trying to copy what I thought was 'correct' rather than what I felt was correct, all actually hindered my progress. form < feeling bby. what feeling do you get when you see the art you love and how can you attain that feeling?
if u need anything else my askbox is always open <3
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staticsable · 4 months
Goddddd Your art looks so freaking amazing - especially both the wonderful body shapes and anatomy you draw as well as the coloring and rendering in display~ If you don't mind me asking, do you have any advice for someone trying to get better at drawing? Specifically in getting better at drawing characters (especially fat ones)
Aw gosh, thank you so much!
I'll try to be pretty thorough in how I answer here, since I think the idea of getting better at drawing fat characters requires some additional nuance beyond the usual advice for improving at art. This is by no means an objective list, but I hope these help!
Practice the fundamental anatomy underneath all that fat. Unfortunately, my first bit of advice is also going to come off as somewhat of a boring one, but don't just strive to learn how to draw fat characters. Learning fundamental anatomy will carry over into every other aspect of your art, especially some basic understanding of core skeletal and muscle structure. Remember that any weight the body accumulates is going to hang from that structure and pad out the existing musculature underneath, so keeping those things in mind can help all of the outside layers feel more correct. Doing this will help you avoid some common mistakes, such as characters getting taller as they look fat, limbs being too short, etc. Note: while books like Morpho: Fat and Skin Folds are helpful, I think the necessity of having them has been a bit overblown by tumblr. It will certainly help, but you can learn a lot of what that book has to offer just through practice and observation.
Learn from real life and from artists you admire. In my art journey, a lot of my early endeavors with learning fat furs came from trying to mimic artists I looked up to on FurAffinity. I do not advocate for posting traced art, as that is theft, but what I will suggest is trying to understand the shapes of what you're looking at. Break the limbs down into circles and tubes, map out kind of a boxy tube shape over where their rib cage is, etc. But don't just do this with art, make sure you're looking at real people too. There are a lot of really confident and cool fat people on this site that are great to reference from, but no matter where you get these references from, try to make sure you're avoiding stealing content from sex workers who put these images up on their onlyfans, fansly, clips4sale, curvage, etc. If you're drawing digitally, don't be afraid to put images directly onto your canvas and sketch out some simple shapes over them. If you're working traditionally, having printed images of the art or photos can be a big help, especially if you've got some tracing paper that you can lay over top. There's no "best" way to do it, just whatever works best with your tools and setup.
Be mindful of how gravity affects fat. This is going to sound a little abstract and maybe a bit of a no-brainer, but remember that fat is heavy! Like I said earlier, everything is going to be hanging off of that skeleton underneath, and the more fat there is, the more it's going to be pulled by gravity. A larger belly may hang partway down the thigh or even below the knees. Heavier thighs are going to hang over the kneecaps and probably spill out over the upper calves a bit. Breasts are going to want to droop more when they get bigger, and will have a tendency to fall to either side of the belly. Things like that! These are all tendencies that you'll probably pick up on while following the previous two bits of advice, but it's something that's good to think of!
Don't be afraid to give detail to "imperfections." This is one of personal importance to me. Don't forget things like stretch marks and cellulite! These are very common details that accompany body fat, and including them in your art can add an extra layer of realism. Frankly, it's also just good for representation, as a lot of art tends to erase these features on fat people, and folks deserve to see these details represented in a positive light. Again, it's just something you'll want to try to pick up on and learn as you're going through the rest of the steps here, but my advice early on is to just be gentle with your line work. Some folks certainly have darker stretch marks, but for most folks they're going to be a touch darker or lighter than their skin tone. I tend to abide by this rule for furry characters as well, even when dealing with fur colors.
Be patient with yourself and give yourself time for your art skills to develop. This is a good art tip in general, but don't fret if the early stages of learning feel slow. That's completely normal. I've given you some starting points or things to keep in mind, but a lot of the learning process is going to be more about what works for you. I took a few years worth of art courses in college, and ultimately they were too inconsistent from professor-to-professor and too varied in subject matter, approach, and medium to be of much help for my drawings. You'll learn a lot just by asking questions and being hungry for knowledge, sometimes in a more useful way than any one institution might be able to provide. Above all else, try to have fun, and don't beat yourself up if something doesn't come out looking quite the way you wanted it. Try to identify what went well and what could have gone better, and make notes for next time. Asking artists to red-line your work can also be a big help, though their willingness to do so may vary.
Hope this helps!
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megidoreyn · 3 months
Heyyy it's about the art questions
I would like to know your answer in 18 (the purpose) and 22 (artspiration).
I would also ask 3 but I'd completely understand if you prefer not to answer
The rest are already answered
Hope you have a great month. ;D
Hey there! Thanks for the questions!
⭐️3. Show us your oldest piece of art you have on hand
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→ It was a real trip down memory lane to look back on some of these, but here's a sample of some old things from 2021-early 2022! (Prior to posting on social media in Aug 2022) Back then, I didn't have any real incentive to improve my art outside of drawing quick sketches like the pictures above. I had issues being cleanly (due to lack of motivation), committing to learning character details, and more LOL. →Fun fact, I drew on a very tiny 11 inch screen 4GB RAM laptop with horrible color calibration for about 3 years until finally getting something better in early 2022 too LOL. It might be noticeable in some of the above pictures with the color choices being a little too light or too saturated, LOL.
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→As also seen at the bottom of this post, It might come as a surprise that I also draw fanart for my favorite assorted fandoms outside of megaten too, LOL. I just never post it in public since they're meant as warm-up doodles!
To be honest, 2020 thru late 2022 was a very low point in my life. I had given up on all creative endeavors at the time due to: My career, being diagnosed with a bodily issue of which the effects I still deal with even today, and other personal issues.
It truly wasn't until late 2022 (when I started posting online) that I truly felt confident picking up my tablet pen again and view art in a more positive light…!
NGL I had written out my entire life story here but ended up deleting it--it would have made this post terribly long regardless LOL💦 Perhaps it'll be a story for another time, though!!🙏 And it absolutely has to do with why the Samurai husbands mean lot to me!
⭐️18. What is your purpose for drawing?
→ That's a good question! For me, (especially due to my visual agnosia) it'd have to be the ability to draw whatever comes to mind with skill and precision. To not hold back and draw whatever comes into your mind's eye without fear or hesitation from others (or your own critical inner voice)… And to be able to properly convey the meaningful themes of your work as clearly as they come into your mind... That, to me, is true freedom.
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➡️As for BL content: Despite not posting much of it in public (yet), my purpose in drawing BL (or OTP content in general) is to transmit feelings of love + warmth in my art! To depict tenderness, warmth, and love with affectionate, natural-looking body language to make it as believable + realistic as possible...That's always been my goal! →The world is a scary place out there. Though, if my OTP content can make someone feel a slight glimmer of peace, tranquility, or even hope to keep moving forward...then I'll be incredibly happy!🙏💕 It's always my intention to convey nothing but sweet wholesome vibes and warmth with my pictures, and I truly hope that feeling comes across too. ➡️I'll be super candid and say I actually really enjoy angst and raunchy content as much as everyone else! But drawing wholesome + sweet characters in love just comes much sooo much easier and naturally as breathing to me, LOL. Just because I don't post angst or raunchy things, doesn't mean I dislike it! ☝️
⭐️22. List at least one of your “artspirations.”
→ I tend to gravitate towards professional artists with thick painting (厚塗り) coloring styles, dynamic illustrations, and artists that have a strong grasp of anatomy, character design and storytelling! It's hard to pick just one, so here's a brief selection of ones that come up at the top of my head right now!
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Thanks again for the questions! Have a wonderful January and rest of your 2024 as well!✨🌟
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8bit-mau5 · 5 months
IDK HOW TO DESCRIBE IT BUT LIKE. ur art is so 🤌 (chefs kiss) like ur lines. and ur anatomy. and ur color. and ur?? everything???? its so Gabriel(tm)
NO NO I THINK I UNDERSTAND. i constantly flipflop between my art looking more stylized and more realistic but whatever ive been doing since spring/early summer has felt rlly nice.. i dont know HOW to explain the art style and development shift, but i find myself a lot happier with the end results these days and have been joying the WHOLE process a lot more, actually! Cos for a long time i just hated the sketching and rendering process, like my fave parts used to be only the inking + highlights. now its everyfing..
i can DEFINITELY feel an improvement in anatomy this year. idk i felt so stagnant abt it in previous years, but the new way i go about the facial structure especially feels like such a huge difference. My best example of this has to be this side by side of lakatos sketch sprites i started much earlier this year VS the resketch i did a few months ago (also a horn design update for the iokeirahs!)
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Reblog if you want your followers to tell you what your trademark™ is. Like, what’s that thing that really identifies you.
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howlhawk · 8 months
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hi i realize i don't talk as much here as much as i do on twitter which. maybe i SHOULD talk here more because there are no character limits. okay so.
first image (aug 2022) i think was like. one of the first times i actually tried to reference and i had to trace bits of it and i didn't know HOW to reference. and i barely understood charlie as a character. did not understand how he would dress had not even settled on his tattoos. could not get the colors to look right so i think i like. put him at 90% opacity to make it work.
between that and the second one (sept 2023) not only has there been SO much character development (future version with a beard now exists. he has been electrocuted. he is now jacked. he is transgender.) but i have done so many anatomy sketches that i didn't have to reference at all. yes i still should / do / will but i didn't feel like i needed to just to get it done.
and i picked all the colors by hand i didn't use any layer modes. the shadows here are actually the base / local colors and the lighting is added in on top and i used actual color knowledge to do that. like how i learned that if you use a desaturated warm tone against a more saturated warm color, it makes the desaturated one look blue and that's how you get 'blue' light on warm colors without it looking weird.
i found a message from last year when i sent the first image as an example of how i "have clothing folds figured out in my style, maybe not realistically but they look good" and looking at the folds on that versus the new one is like...no i did not. i don't know why i thought that.
this obviously isn't like a 100% fair comparison since i didn't bother to shade the first one and i'm pretty sure i was experimenting with a different lineart brush / style (which is why i'm not commenting on that here) and i did actually redraw the chair image one-to-one already but. i was looking through charlie's gallery and this just stuck out to me like WOW. holy shit dude. jesus christ.
i will never ever ever get over how much just becoming deeply obsessed with a character makes you improve. to give you an idea he hit 69 images on toyhouse (lol nice) in october 2022. it is SEPTEMBER just under a year later and he is now at THREE HUNDRED SIXTY (360). I AM NOT JOKING. not all of those are by me but a lot of them are! i did studies SPECIFICALLY so i could draw him better. please note i had literally never done studies before and like i said did not know how to reference. i have never been so obsessed with a character before charlie and it's the best thing that ever could've happened to my art. AND me.
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theunstuffedpepper · 1 year
First of all, I’m currently sitting in a massage pedicure chair with my toes soaking. I think I finally found a good spot in our new town. Bless.
So much has been going on and honestly, all of it good.
House stuff. I mentioned it briefly, but I’m so stoked that I’ll say it again: our old house is SOLD. Off the market. We no longer own it. It’s someone else’s problem. Since getting the offer in December-ish I looked so forward to closing day and finally saying goodbye. It’s more or less sunken in now, that we no longer need to worry about the dead tree in the yard possibly falling or running back to that house 1.5 hours away because of some repair.
Financial stuff. The sale of the old house has given us such breathing room financially, I can’t even begin to explain. As the half of the marriage that does the bills, this has done wonders for my stress and mental health. What a profound relief. We’re already considering future investments and plans, but mostly I just want to enjoy this for a few months.
Work stuff. I won’t say much on it, but someone reached out to me with a potential interesting opportunity and I’ll be interviewing this week. All good vibes accepted.
Toddler stuff. Pep is growing and blooming and his vocabulary is expanding in such fun ways. The other day, he and B were heading to the park and B asked him if he wanted to give mommy a kiss goodbye. He turned around and came back for a smooch, then went to head to the car. A few steps into his walk to the car, he turned around again and said “one more.” and his little tush turned around to give me a second kiss goodbye. I mean… my heart.
Baby stuff. We had the anatomy scan (because I’m officially 20 weeks!) yesterday and B got to come along. My parents took the day off and came to watch Pep while we went to the scan together. It was so lovely, and most important, everything is looking normal and healthy. Tiny man is 14oz.. almost a pound. The kicks and flutters are more common now and I’m loving the reassurance of feeling him rolling around.
Home improvement stuff. The plan was always to finish off 1/2 of our unfinished basement area which was used for storage and use that newly finished room as my office/an extra couch-pullout bed space/workout space. B has started on that project and it’s coming along quickly (partly thanks to help from my dad). Looking forward to my new home office having a window!
While it’s not really part of my “good stuff” inventory, I’ve of course got my share of grief stuff too. My brain understands that I’m pregnant and yet I’m still pretty solidly in denial of actually raising two happy babes together because of everything we’ve been through. I can’t picture it. I want it so badly but I guess on some level I don’t want to let myself believe in it completely. Aside from that, I have gotten notably worse at reaching out to people. I also get annoyed/angry easily - there’s a lot of internal regulation that happens all day, every day. My memory still sucks, but general recall has gotten easier. I’m exhausted daily. How much of that is pregnancy vs grief vs general human stuff, who knows. I think daily about starting therapy again. I probably will soon, because I want that support in place for labor, delivery, and the postpartum journey.
Trying to focus on the good, and it’s been abundant lately.
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leavingautumn13 · 1 year
What equipment and programs do you use to make your art? Your about says you're self taught, what helped you learn? And does anything specific give you inspiration for your current style or what you'd like to achieve in the future? I really like your art❤️
ahh!! hey, thank you so much!! <3 that's so kind of you to say!!
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easy questions first: for digital art i use a wacom intuos tablet and paint tool sai, which is the only setup i've ever used. i've been trying to get into clip studio paint but something about it just doesn't stick with me. i think i need more practice.
for comic panels and lettering i use adobe indesign, and export as png to before putting them in sai.
everything else under the cut so this post isn't miles long
i've been drawing ever since i was a kid, but until middle school i mostly just drew animals or little notebook paper comics about animals. i grew up on a farm so there were lots around, and drawing from life is something i think really helped. like, there's a difference between knowing what a cat looks like and being able to pick one up and see how its bones and muscles fit together, being able to watch it change how it moves around depending on what it's doing, whether it's catching a mouse or playing with another cat or curled up asleep, and being able to break down that anatomy and movement into simple shapes. i'm a pretty visually oriented person so knowing how a thing functions or fits together as simple shapes helps me visualize it in my head and imagine how it would look in different poses or from different angles.
around middle school i moved onto drawing people, again from life while sitting in a cafe or at a park. actually being able to get what's in my head down onto paper in a way that satisfies me is something that i think just took practice. only recently (like, late last/this year) have i been consistently satisfied with the way i draw things.
sorry if that sounds weird or clinical--this is the first time i've been asked to explain how i learned to draw and this is the best way i can think to say it.
honestly, finding my own style has been looking at what i like about other artists' styles and trying to figure out how they achieved that. i did a lot of redraws of other peoples' art as a kid. for me, trying to replicate something makes me really think about why i like the way it looks. i try to lean towards a semi-realistic style--i don't like drawing super realistic all the time, i love cartoons and think they have a lot of character--but i also don't want to lose the underlying anatomy or structure because it helps my brain make sense of stuff. so i try to find the middle of the road, where things are simplified but still structured, if that makes sense.
brief tangent... that's why i draw pokémon the way i do. they're not on model, they're how i imagine they would look if they were real animals, based on the sort of animals they're... uh, based on. so like for this piece, because camerupt is a cow/camel hybrid, i looked at a bunch of pictures of cows laying on their sides, what their hooves and skulls looked like from certain angles, etc. and then i could draw what i wanted.
as for improvements, i need to get better at backgrounds and realistic coloring/lighting. color theory is one of those things that i understand... well, in theory, but when it comes to practice and paying attention to it when i color, i need work. and because i've mostly drawn animals and people my whole life--organic stuff--i find buildings and backgrounds difficult, so i tend to avoid them. and i need to not do that.
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enri-ch · 8 months
✨Time for the MASTER-POST!!!✨
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(last update 03/04/24)
u can call me Enrico/Enri/En/Enri'ch/Ench/Cocha/'cha-cha/etc., whatever you want!
('cha-cha is too fine XD)
Bw: pls remember, most of my works have very bright shadows, so before you watch them, lower the brightness (I'm so sorry if I burned out your eyes:(...)
I don't take commission
and srry, but
[Art Requests are closed now]
about ask questions:
dont be shy and ask questions as much as you want or say something
If you want to do art trade/collab with me, then write to me in DM :D
Please don't repost my artwork without credits if want to use it
A some info about me:
My bday 29/01 (January).
Bad engl
✨Fandoms: Undertale (and au)✨
(I use IbisPX 🎨 sometimes InfPainter, Krita)
2nd acc @dumbestart (doodles acc) ✏️
Things I post:
submissions for DTIYS
rarely redraws
Sometimes I can disappear for a while because of my studies-
Have fun! I'm happy to share my joy with everyone through my artwork, draw or cheer up, if I can:)
And sorry for the mistakes in anatomy and all that in the art, since I'm not a skill artist and I'm still learning some basic things of drawing
✨Other Socials✨: (yes, I finally got them!)
✨My pinterest page (Aka @/EnricoCha or En' doodles)✨
You can go to them if you want to see more of my ut fanarts/doodles and my other works.
¡(please DNI if you are)!: proshippers, pedos, fetishist, racist, NSFW fan, transphobic, sexist, and etc. (all basic creterias).
✨sona:(redesign) + No Renderer✨
(If anything, it's an ordinary person in a mask and an oversized hoodie)
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To be honest, I'm very bad at English grammar, so I use a translator.
Im creator of ⛰️MountainsTale⛰️ (unfinished now)
I do not know if you need it, but my fav Sans(-es) are Asher(EstelTale) [by Colorzartz], Ink [by Comyet] and Passive Nightmare [by Jokublog].👀
I'm not against criticism, on the contrary, I'm even for it, I'll be glad to read it to understand my mistakes^^
Please don't hard hit me, I'm not an artist =). I just draw arts in my spare time to relax from the stress of the day. I've been drawing for about 3-4 years. I tried to go to an art class (I studied there for 6.5 years), but I was expelled because I can't draw anything except cartoons XD. This is probably not surprising, considering that I took a 5-month break from art classes due to terrible emotional burnout ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ (I came to this school and couldn't even pick up a pencil). In any case, I really like to draw, and I sincerely love all my work (except super old >:( ), no matter how bad and anatomically incorrect they may be XD.
(p. s. I don't know how to draw traditional arrrrrrtttssssss-)
To be honest, if I hadn't started a blog where I share my art to this day, I probably would have given up drawing and wouldn't have improved it if I hadn't been inspired by the people I subscribe to here. I used to be very afraid to publish my work anywhere at a younger age (mostly because of the very aggressive ru community in which I was a member for some time). I really thought that I would face a barrage of criticism (non-constructive ofc) there, but here are very kind and pleasant people here, really no kidding, most of you are such cool and pleasant guys❤️!
Have a great day to everyone who has visited my blog or read this post! :D ... And.. I want to hug u🫂, srry if I embarrassed u with this (*´▽`*)
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Evermore (Beauty and the Beast)
I was the one who had it all/I was the master of my fate/I never needed anybody in my life/I learned the truth too late/I'll never shake away the pain/I close my eyes, but she's still there
"I was not expecting a Beast song when I went to see this movie. And to have him sing about letting her go and what he’s giving up?! Obvious choice I guess but still, a powerful moment. I cannot listen to this one only once, I always have to play it back. It’s the ultimate “if you love her let her go” it’s the perfect “you don’t know what you have til it’s gone” it’s exactly “finally growing up, but perhaps too late” song. As much as I would prefer to relate to Rapunzel who was trapped in her tower, this song pokes at my mind asking if maybe I’m choosing to waste away in my lonely castle. There’s a whole world out there but he’s never embraced it and now he has had to give up the one person who might have made that world less scary. This song also inspired me to consider what future Beast is looking forward to now. How he has changed his visualization so much since Belle arrived. This song takes Beast’s single line from 1991 and improves our understanding of him infinity."
Anatomy of a Car Crash (Too Small The Limelight)
In ink, we'll write a tragedy/With players star-crossed and you'll read/About it late at night, and cry yourself to sleep/In fiction, lies push conflict/But in real life all they push are people to the edge/A teeter on the ledge
"^Forcing myself to stop there but the bridge of this song makes me insane and then it flows so well into the last chorus and and and...Not only is it a song about some nonspecific great tragedy, and it feels like it was tailored exactly to my tastes (seriously everything from the instrumental to the vocals to the lyrics is just PERFECT to me) but also it is SO OBSCURE. NOBODY ELSE KNOWS ABOUT IT. It was made by a (from what i can tell then relatively popular, but now Pretty Obscure) furry musician over a decade ago and im like. this guys most dedicated fan. Its not on any streaming services or even bandcamp i had to go digging through the internet to find a download link to the album its on. The lyrics arent anywhere so i had to try to transcribe them myself. but this song is SO GOOD and i. hrgrhrgr. song that makes me explode. and oc havers take heed because this song is so blorbo-able I guarantee I will be the only person to submit this song (unless one of my friends does or something) but im asking so politely. this song and the guy who made it HIGHLY deserve more recognition."
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swirlwalker · 8 months
How do ya draw Silver? He's my favorite hedgehog ever since I first saw him and it really makes me sad that I can't draw him. The closest I can get is this:
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But it's not really that good. 💔
Heya Grimnlucky!! Hope you have a marvelous day!
Really really sorry for the slow reply there for I take too much time just to come up with response/words OTL
Yours a very adorable and precious silver art Ive ever seen, and I wanna cherish the small bean, cos look at he!!! My heart QAQ!!
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You're honestly on a very good start there! Art is a journey of self-expression and it takes time and dedication to create on something you love or have passion on! Don't be ashamed/afraid on what you have right now cos when you look back in the future (hehe), you can see how far you have come!
I'm still learning on how to draw Silver and the Mobians in general since I'm still quite new to the franchise. Hence understood the struggles/pain when it comes to drawing certain features and proportions of each character (for me its the five front quills in different angles, so much fixing/tweaking here and here...)
Having official photos of him as references somewhat helps me, until the colors and rendering comes by and oh boi that's a whole other story right there, the armour for Sir Galahad...lighting...absolute nightmare...
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So I'm not sure if these helps, but I would recommend checking on Silver's references! Whether it's the 3d models from games such as 006/Sonic Rivals 1 & 2 etc, and/or 2d versions of him (e.g promo arts from Sonic Channels or the comics like Archie/IDW) which would get good ideas as to how he was drawn!
Plus, personal favourite of mine, if really stuck with what to draw for your fav, redrawing screenshots from games, shows or comics can also helps ya with understanding how anatomy, poses and all of the stuffs work!!
I'll leave both of the gallery from the wiki and the head angles that has Silver and couple other characters if you wanna practice on some head turns with Silver!!
I would also recommend if you have enough storage on your device/s to have an album on your gallery with references for Silver! Or preferably for me, if uses Discord, create a server just for yourself and add a channel just for images, that way you don't have to worry about the actual storage space in your device's gallery!
At the end of the day, we all be sailing the same boat when it comes to art so its nice to have fun and slowly but surely learn and improve when drawing your favorite character!
Live and Learn!!!!
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spaciebabie · 10 months
How do you sketch and draw so well?!
I wanna reach your level of skill, are there any tips or videos/guides that helped you a lot?
erruh ill try my best ta give advice (although i still feel like i have a lot ta learn) i wrote more than i thought i would so its under the cut ^v^!
ermm i mean im entirely self taught (if it wasnt obvious) so my artist journey has basically been me looking at other artists artstyles, methods of coloring and drawing, etc. and adapting them in my art when i see something i really like.
i used ta watch a lot of speedpaint videos as a kid and those are honestly really helpful for figuring out how artists do specific things. for example: when i was 14 i watched a speedpaint done by an artist i looked upta and noted their use of layer settings ta make certain colors pop and i have used their method ever since! dont be afraid ta experiment and draw inspiration :]
i have watched a lot of videos and followed tutorials on how ta do specific things such as anatomy (lots and lots of anatomy...), shading, perspective, etc. although i mostly look at those when things dont quite look right and i wanna improve. i dont really have any specific recs for tutorials? for me tutorials can be a hit or miss (seems like a 10/90 hit or miss instead of 50/50 sometimes ._.). my most basic advice is ta break things down inta shapes! cubes are the easiest shape for me ta understand so breaking things down like that has helped me a lot! ALSO REFERENCES. USE REFERENCES THEY HELP SOOOO MUCH FORREAL ONG BRAH. DONT BE AFRAID TA TRACE OVER SOMETHING TA FIGURE OUT THE SHAPES IF YOU CANT JUST SEE EM AND PULL EM OUT (but also only do this for practice, dont trace over things and then post em and say they're yours thats theft) AND LOOK AT LIGHTING TOO AND HOW IT TOUCHES CERTAIN OBJECTS DO SOME STUDIES ITS GOOD FOR YA (<- sucks at doing studies b/c he gets bored of doing them really easily)
a note about sketching: something i know a lot of beginners struggle w/is using too many strokes. it happens when you're unsure of a specific thing you're drawing and i do happen ta fall inta this from time ta time, although i try not 2 as much as possible. an example of me on a good sketching day is this rabbittrap i drew:
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i use very few strokes here! and am not afraid ta overshoot my lines. compare it ta this drawing i did months ago:
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and you can tell i was having trouble in certain parts b/c of the heavy amount of strokes i used. it takes practice but sketching w/out using as many strokes is a surefire way ta make your art seem more dynamic and less ridged and also save time! remember, you dont hafta detail out every last thing in your initial sketch. save that for later!
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