#my sister is allergic to chocolate
fireflyescaped · 2 months
Tfw when you microwave a piece of a 1 kilogram bar of 90% pure chocolate so much that it turns into a state of matter I’m pretty sure is banned by the Geneva convention
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obstinaterixatrix · 1 year
I consider myself good at hosting but not necessarily a ‘good host’ because I try take care of everything and try to keep an eye on everyone but am very. Never Forget You’re In My House. I’ll put guests to work when relevant and get clean-up started while people are still around lol
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quotidian-oblivion · 4 months
I made peanut butter chocolate chip cookies!!
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They don't have anything to do with Breadorthy, I just wanted to show you :)
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diah-the-demon · 1 year
so me and my sister have tried to make my mums favourite desert cause its her birthday tmr and she gets back tmr too
i think we did alright, had to substitute a few things but im sure it will turn out great
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undreaming-fanfiction · 3 months
As a crazy cat lady, may I offfer...
Eddie who has always loved cats, how free and soft and elegant they are, how they purr and close their eyes in affection, how they make him forget all his worries and stress. He's loved them ever since a neighbor's cat found him crying behind the trailer after he got bullied for his new haircut, the last gift from his shitty dad before Eddie got whisked away by the social services. The cat ignored his sniffling and jumped in his lap, plopping herself over the bony knees and thin thighs, and when she started rubbing her face against his scraped palm, Eddie felt complete.
He can't adopt one yet because he lives with Wayne who is allergic. Wayne offers to take antihistamines but Eddie refuses, he doesn't want to inconvenience him in his own home. Still, he dreams of one day sometime in the future, a small apartment of his own and at least two cats who will greet him when he comes home.
Eddie finds himself volunteering in a shelter and when a new cat café opens, he jumps at the opportunity. He is hired and spends his days taking of their cat ensemble and preparing delicious coffees. Cats help him be less jittery and more grounded, so it's a win win. Eddie loves this job.
Enter Steve Harrington, an insanely handsome man who stops by to make a reservation. Eddie is his usual flirty self, although he expects Steve will bring a date and that's the end of that. But then Steve leans to Eddie and asks: "Listen, uh...I will need some help."
Suppressing an internal groan, Eddie asks: "what, do you need me to drop an engagement ring into the coffee or something? Because can do, but it needs to be sanitized first."
"Oh no. Not that, no..." Steve runs his fingers through his hair and even though it looks like a nervous gesture, Eddie is seconds away from a cuteness induced nosebleed. "Not at all. I just...I have a little sister, you know? I mean, my adoptive dad is fostering her and she's the kindest girl you've met, but she had it rough in her original family. Apparently there was something involving animals and...she loves cats so much, but is terrified of hurting them. She would never!" he clarifies when he sees a frown forming on Eddie's forehead. "It's just that whenever she showed affection to any animal, her biological father made sure it would get hurt or at least chased away. And that's gone, that man is in jail and I just...I want to show her that it's okay to love animals again. That she can pet a purring cat without worrying about its safety."
Eddie just stares at him with mouth open. "That's...wow," he says. "Sorry. Processing."
Steve does the hair thing again and laughs and Eddie thinks that this man deserves a brother of the year award, yep, he'll ask Gareth to 3D print one right fucking now. "Yeah, sorry. I didn't mean to dump all that on you, but I had to be honest because this is a big deal to her. To me as well. Just...listen, I like cats a lot, but I'm not the best at interpreting what they mean, their body language and all that. And I really need Jane to have someone here that can tell her what to do, when she's doing a good job...someone who will protect the kitties if she messes up. Her words. I know it's a lot to ask, but..."
But Eddie shushes him. "Say no more, big boy. I'll be here and I'll give the young lady the cat experience of a lifetime."
Eddie used to think he couldn't love his job any more. But with Jane's uncertain smile and big eyes, her incredulous squeal when a cat chose her for the first time, when she kept asking Eddie for specifics of each cat in his care - "which one is more shy, which one likes to be picked up, which one is a picky eater?" - he thinks he's finally found his calling. Steve beams at him and comes back the next day with a bag of approved cat treats for the cats and a box of chocolates for Eddie as a thank you, then asks him out for a dinner - "if that is even appropriate, shit, sorry, I don't want you to feel pressured or something, this is your job, I get it, but I just really admire you and you were amazing to Jane, uh, and the stuff you say about cats is so interesting I'd just love to hear more". Eddie's heart flutters like the traitor it is and he thinks - maybe this is someone I could adopt a cat with one day.
And unsurprisingly, he's right.
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newtthetranswriter · 6 months
Snow and Cuddels.
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Word count:1333
Paring: Zora Ideale x reader
Summary: Snow day turned into cuddles with the best prankster who is allergic to wearing a shirt.
Warnings: Not much, cursing, mentions of colds and frostbite, maybe ooc Zora
A/n: Hello everyone, I hope you enjoy this. I am aware some of the bulls are not mentioned, i just couldn’t think of what to have them doing. Also this is my first time writing for Zora so it may be a little off, I’m hoping with this event to write for more fandoms and maybe get some requests in as well, but who knows. Anyway, have fun, enjoy and remember to Hydrate or Diedrate.
      Winter has finally arrived in the Clover Kingdom, and I couldn’t be happier. Playing in the snow with friends and family, baking cookies and making candy, and drinking hot chocolate, just some of the many fun things to do when winter hits. And of course today was the first day that there was a decent amount of snow, and Captain Yami kindly gave all of us at the Black Bulls hideout the day off.
      Charmy decided she’s going to be baking and cooking all day, Vanessa is already passed out drunk, Magna and Luck are fighting over whatever one of them did this time, Gouache is well being Gouche, Gordon is trying to hang with gouache but is just being creepy, and Gray is hiding from everything. The more rambunctious and childish of the group were outside in the snow, this included Asta trying to get Noelle to participate in a snowball fight, Finral has made a snow person he’s practicing his flirting with. That just leaves Me and my grumpy boyfriend who just wants to go inside because ‘shit it’s cold out here’, I’m trying to get him to enjoy the chilly weather but Zora being well himself refuses to, I don't know, put on a shirt and try to enjoy this free time.
     “Come on, Y/n why do you want to be out here it’s freezing. Why don’t we go lay down and cuddle? Or steal whatever Charmy has made for the day, we could also mess up Gouche’s creepy sister shrine again.” I turned to the red head slouched against the wall, rolling my eyes at him in response. “What are you even doing over there? It’s just snow, what can you possibly be doing with it?” He asked, pushing off the wall, moving to look over my shoulder.
     I lend further over my creation to hide it from him. “You don’t get to see it until it’s done. If you don’t want to be out here, you can go in if you want. If you really want to mess with the others, have fun, I’m enjoying it out here.” I tried to tell him he didn’t have to stay out here.
     “You know it’s not as fun if you’re not helping, plus you know where Vanessa hides her booze. Plus you could get sick if you stay out here too long.” Zora said, still trying to see the snow creation I was working on.
     “Why do you want Vanessa’s booze? You know what nevermind with that, but seriously if you want to go inside you can, I won’t blame you. I just hoped we could do something fun out here, instead of staying cooped up all day. And I won’t get sick, I’ll be fine.” I said, leaning back to show him what I had finished making.
     Zora paused processing the drawing I had carved in the patch of flat snow in front of me. It was a crescent moon along the side of one of his trap spells, to represent both of our magics, in the center was our initials. “I know it’s cheesy and won’t last long out here cause it will melt eventually, but it just popped into my head and I need to physically see it and show you. I was thinking we could maybe get it made into necklaces or something?” I explained my thinking. I hoped he understood what I was saying.
     “It’s amazing. But why draw it out here in the snow, if you want to get it made into necklaces or something you’re gonna have to draw it again on paper, why not wait till you go inside?” He asked, looking at me quizzically.
     I thought for a second before answering. “I just didn’t want to forget it plus, I want to stay out here as long as possible. Since I finished, would you want to pummel Asta with some snow balls?” I asked knowing he would want to cause some kind of trouble.
     He just groaned at the thought of being in the cold any longer. “Fine but after we bury him in the snow we are going inside and cuddling.” He answered standing up straight and offering me his hand to help me up.
     “Deal as long as we get Hot cocoa before cuddles.” I started moving behind a tree close to where Asta was now trying (and failing) to build a snowman. “Let’s hide from him here and make some snowballs, before we launch our attack.” I said bending down and beginning to make some roughly ball shaped clumps of snow to throw at the young boy.
     After about ten minutes of making and throwing snowballs at a screaming Asta, and him running over Finral. Zora and I decided it was time to go inside for the rest of the day and finally get some hot chocolate, mostly because Zora’s chest was now bright red from being in the cold for so long while shirtless.
     We made our way inside, snagging some cocoa and cookies from Charmy, before heading up to our shared room. I couldn’t help but laugh as the normally grumpy and closed off Zora dropped onto the bed sighing while thanking whoever assigned our room for it having walls without cracks so the cold couldn’t be felt inside it. 
     “You know if you put on a shirt you wouldn’t be so cold in the winter right?” I asked, raising an eyebrow as I took a sip of my hot cocoa.
     He just rolled his eyes standing up and taking his mask off, walking over to me. “If I wore a shirt, you would be robbed of the second best sight known to man. The first being your face after I do this.” I was confused for a moment before he lent in, placing a kiss on my lips, before pulling away with a smirk. “See that’s the face, all shocked and confused.” He said turning back to the bed to pull the covers down. “Stop gaping like a fish and come lay down, I’m still fucking freezing and need your body heat so get over here.” He complained, laying down on his side of the bed having taken off the rest of his flashy clothes opting for a pair of sweatpants, he’s still shirtless but at least he’s under the blankets.
     I rolled my eyes moving to kick off my boots while hanging up my coat. Crawling under the covers I was met with very little warmth as Zora’s ice cube off a body sapped all the heat from the bed. “Holy fuck Zora you’re so fuckling cold.” I said moving to cuddle up to him. “I wouldn’t be shocked if you get frostbite or something, damn.” He just chuckled but pulled me closer, sighing at the fact that I was at least a little bit warmer than he was. “Next time we go out in the cold, will you at least wear a coat, it doesn't have to be zipped just enough to keep your arms warmer.” I tried to bargain with him.
     He paused before responding. “Fine, but I better get cuddles anyway.” I just nodded, now focused on warming him up while also trying not to fall asleep. “Go ahead and sleep. I'll be fine with you snuggled up to me being a space heater.” He said, rubbing my head. Letting out a yawn, I mumbled a quick I love you before falling asleep. The last thing I heard was Zora’s quiet response. “I love you, too, today was fun even if it was freezing.” He quickly followed suit in sleeping.
     The next day when  we woke up it became apparent that Zora was right about getting sick staying in the cold. But finally the jokes on him, cause he’s the one to wake up the sniffles and a slight fever. His pouting and grumbling could be heard throughout the hideout as he complained about it the rest of the day.
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Killer Cookie
A/n: I finally finished and I don’t know what else to say but I hope you love reading this since it’s the last part
Word count: 3.3k
summary: You get into a fight at school and Hailey helps you and your brother to stop fighting
———————————————————————— It was a chilly, no… freezing day in Chicago. It was snowing but not as much currently because the storm is supposed to hit later tonight.
You decided to walk to the firehouse instead of riding the bus because you didn’t feel like hearing everyone screaming whenever the bus would almost crash, even though you were one of those people with your friends.
Your class won a food party because they collected the most votes on the door decoration contest. Luckily none of the food had strawberries. Because you are deathly allergic to strawberries and always needed an EpiPen with you just in case.
Which reminded you to tell Will or Jay that you needed a new one since you lost your last one when you went out sledding with them.
But when you opened your locker to get your backpack and Jacket there was a box of chocolate chip cookies.
~inside the box
don’t worry there’s no strawberries, 
-secret admire ;)
You screamed internally because you lived  for Chocolate chip cookies, and you had a secret admirer?
On your way home you were starving since you didn’t eat much at school, only really some fries from the restaurant.
So you decided to eat 2 cookies and let everyone else fight for the rest, they were yours after all. 
Opening the box carefully so you didn’t drop the box and whatever was in your hands.
You shoved the whistle cookie in your mouth. You may do girl things but you eat like a grown man, especially a football player.
Not even 10 seconds after swallowing the cookie your throat started to feel dry and you couldn’t breath 
(Give me a break today this is all going to be in mine right now)
“Shit. There’s no strawberries in these, unless.” You picked up a cookie and broke it in half. “What kind of psycho put strawberries in chocolate? I- I need to get t-to the house”
You basically pushed everyone aside who tried to greet you and rushed to the kitchen.
“Ayy, Y/n how’s my favorite Halstead sibling doing” Kelly joked
Jay hit Kelly in the elbow hard. “C'mon man it was a joke, I can have favorites”
“Nah, I see how it is, guess I’m never bringing food over here again. And you can keep Y/n forever then” Jay shrugged.
“I was just trying to cheer her up, she looks upset” Kelly usually payed attention to
Your face whenever you came in. He would know if it was ok to make jokes or he needed to pull you to the side and talk to you. Right now you are upset but that’s because you weren’t processing anything.
But clearly ignoring everyone was for nothing because you barely made it to your drawer of the kitchen before you fell and your backpack cushioned your fall.
At least you didn't  hit  your head.
“Y/n you good?” Jay stood up from the chair he was sitting at. This was so unlike you. You always came in and said “Hi” or “Hello” to everyone whether or not you were having a bad day
“Y/n?… SHIT Y/N!”Jay screamed 
“Take her back pack off,” Matt said. “What’s wrong with her? She turning blue”. Someone else’s voice came out from the other 10 voices.
“Give her CPR or something” Jay spoke as Kelly was rubbing your sternum.
“Jay we don’t know what’s wrong with her let alone why she’s turning blue it could be the cold” Kelly said “cmon y/n come back to us”
Hailey practically runs in due to all the commotion with Stella and Sylvie right behind her
Sylvie and Stella ran over to you and started assessing you while Stella started CPR.
Hailey walked over your bag which was thrown a few feet away from you and decided to go pick it up, to help out.
Hailey picked up the box and your backpack so it was out of the way but when she looked in the box she saw something that she thought you wouldn’t have. 
“Shit, where does Y/n keep all her stuff in here” Hailey was looking at both Sylvie and Stella but she hoped at least both of them would answer.
“Uhh bottom drawer far left”
Hailey rummaged through the draw until she found a tube with a bright orange tip. And sprinted to you and pushed everyone out of the way.
As everyone was yelling at Hailey like she was crazy she rolled up your pant legs and Jabbed the Epi Pen in the middle of your thigh.
“Strawberries- she had strawberries” She sighed
My head feels like it’s underwater
Everything seems so muffled 
What-what happened?
Your eyes flutter open and immediately shut them due to the light.
“C'mon y/n come on back to us” a soft voice says
“Give her space guys” as time goes on the voices get louder and it forces you to open your eyes. 
“Just rest, we’re not gonna push you to talk, we’ll talk at home. We’re gonna leave soon”
Hailey had to go home while you were passed out because she had an early shift tomorrow so Will drove over to the firehouse to come and get both you and Jay.
“How is she?” Jay looked in his rear view mirror to see you guys.
Will checked your pulse again and looked at the watch on his wrist “her pulse is better but her breathing is slow, I might give her oxygen when we get home”
“Why would she eat strawberries?” 
“They were cookie Jay, maybe she didn’t know. It happens” 
“Well it better have been an accident or me her are gonna have a serious talk” Jay grumbled 
“Don’t be to harsh on her”
You woke up around 5:30 am and couldn’t go back to sleep, and the one thing you hated the oxygen.
You’d much rather have the nasal one but you can’t exactly argue with adults on what’s better for your health so you just have to deal with the mask. 
Eventually it got hot and you got bored since you couldn’t find your phone. You assumed it was still at the firehouse or Jay had it.
You dragged your little tank/ machine across the room and grabbed your comforter (the very top blanket on your bed) and your pillows and one stuffed animal  and stuffed them into the bathtub and you found your laptop and you put on your favorite show.
This was better than being in your bed. 
Will woke up to the sounds of Jay screaming in his ear. So much for trying to sleep in.
“Wake up, Y/n’s gone she’s not in her bed” Jay almost screamed at the top of his lungs.
“Are you crazy? Check her bathroom, I found her sleeping in there one time after a reaction and I heard sounds coming from there this morning” Will turned his back to Jay.
Jay ran into your bathroom which was connected to your bedroom and what he saw made his heart melt. 
“Here’s the real story, the PTO had a cookie drive where you could buy cookies for your friends and stuff like that and they would put it in your locker and we would find them, mine had a note that just said that “thanks for being great friend, don’t worry there’s no strawberries” Okay, so maybe you lied a little but it’s better than jay beating up some poor boy.
“Did it say from who?” Jay asked in his detective tone
“Nope, and I’m pretty sure Hailey told me she threw the box away while I was passed out” you shrugged.
“I guess it’s fine, maybe the PTO forgot. It’s not like anyone hurt you on purpose so it's fine. Right jay” Will sent Jay that look to just drop this subject this one time.
“Yeah right…” Jay picked at his pancakes. He wanted to look into it more but Hailey would kill him.
But… the laughing and the image of you guys faded into his mind.
Flashback end… (WHAT?!??)
Will realized it, it was Milly. Milly was somewhat an old friend of yours and he remembered the day you said you told her that you were allergic to strawberries when she was over. You’ve only been allergic for around a year and half. There hadn’t been anyone else you told. 
Except for Milly…
Will shot up from the couch, grabbed his keys from the bowl and ran outside to his car.
Will attempted to call Jay but he didn’t answer. So he was probably out with Hailey. 
“Jay when you get this meet me at the Jail they have Y/n immediately. There’s not a lot of time” 
“Uhh yeah, I just opened my locker and they were there. I didn’t think anything of it, I guess I was just excited” You shrugged.
“Did you tell anyone else about your allergy other than Milly” Jay spoke
“No, not until after the incident, I honestly don’t remember much from that day, but I don't really care to be honest.” You shrugged once again.
“Y/n listen to me, you’re going to have another court date. You’re going to tell everyone exactly what you told us. We’ll get security footage from the school and we’ll also get statements from everyone at the house” You’re lawyer was pretty strict and prescient on getting you out.
It wasn’t the first time someone has gone against Milly in court and you’re lawyer had won 4 cases against 2 
1 year and 7 months ago
“Well well well isn’t it the detective's little sister?” 
“What did I do not milly?” You sighed.
“Nothing, I just wanna make your life a living hell. Your brother is horrible and if I can’t do anything to him I might as well hurt what’s best to him, his little sister-.” Milly had a smirk on her face.
“Please Milly, I’m just trying to fix my makeup” you rolled your eyes and looked back at the mirror.
“Let’s see if make up can fix this” before you could ask her what she meant when you felt stinging on your right eye.
“It’s not you I have a problem with. It’s your brother's little squad.” She spits as the rest of her group come in and corner you.
A kick from behind throws you to the ground. 
As you try to fight back Milly and get friends they overpower you as it’s 1v5 
(And yes this happened at my school but in the hallways❤️)
After a few more kicks to the stomach one of the girls speaks up. 
“Let’s go, don’t kill her.”
“You’re off the hook for now Halstead.” She kicks you once more in the stomach and you cry out in pain.
As soon as you got home you peaked behind the wall to see if Jay was watching Tv to make sure the coast was clear. Nothing 
You ran to your room and to your bathroom.
You pulled open your draw of Makeup and crabbed your concealer. 
(I don’t wear much makeup yet so give me break on how it works😭)
“Y/n? Are you good in there?” Jay knocked on the door
“Yeah, yeah just fixing something” you replied 
“Alright, Will called and asked if you wanted to go out for dinner” 
That made you freeze. You can’t go out like this… Will and Jay could tell the signs of when you used too much makeup. 
“Uhh, I don’t really feel like it. Can her just pick up chick fil a or something” 
“Are you ok? You love going out” Dam it Jay, did you really have to pick a being detective as your job.
“Yeah, I rather just hang out with you guys tonight y'know”
“Alright I’ll call him”
“Y/nnnn… Y/N”
“Is this one of those seizure things she used to have when she had that head injury?” Jay whispers to will
“No, it doesn't look like it. I’m hoping it’s not because I will sue this place down if they let her get a head injury and didn’t let any of us know.” Will grits that last part between his teeth.
“Y/N!” A voice pulls you out of your thoughts.
“Yeah, tell them in court got it. I gotta go bye”
“Alright, call me if you need to schedule anything or if anything happens” your lawyer stood up from the chair.
“Yeah thanks Chris” both Jay and Will got up and shook his hand and walked out.
“What was that about” Will mumbled
“I don’t know, Y/ns strange but you never know what’s going up in that head of hers.” Jay shrugged as he walked down the steps.
Just three weeks left Will said to himself, three weeks. And then you could go back to school. You missed a whole school year so you would be a year behind all of your friends. 
How could Jay not care, he hadn’t fought or visited you as much as he did. 
He would talk to him when they got back to his apartment. This was gonna be another fight 
“Yes will”Jay hummed
“You seem to not care about y/n all you do is sit her all day and watch these stupid games” 
“First of all the games aren’t stupid, and second of all how dare you say that I don’t care about her. It seems like you don’t care about her”
“ME? Oh no you sit here and go to the district come back home and drink like your Addict” 
“And you? Don’t act so innocent. You’ve been sitting there on your couch rotting away when you’re not at work” Jay scoffed
“At Least I’m trying to help, I’m trying to read about how we can help Y/n. Do you ever use your brain or are you so fucked up inside? You gonna turn up like dad if you don’t check yourself” Will shoved his finger in Jays chest.
Jay flung wills hand away. “Watch who you’re talking to. Don’t bother  coming over. And you can have y/n when she gets out since I don’t care about her. Now get the hell out of my house”
Like I said, the Halstead siblings are falling apart.
January 29th 2024
Court date
“All rise” Everyone stood up as the judge walked into the room
Will,Jay and your lawyer Chris had given you a talk on behaving and doing exactly what they said.
You were gonna follow through with those rules but you had something else in mind to add. A way that everyone would see the true face of Milly.
“I have a question for my client”
“During your first court, Ms. Taylor accused you of abusing her over the months, and looking over CCTV footage from your so called confrontation Michelle walked over to Ms Halstead instead and she threw the first punch. If you had looked at the cameras you would have seen it”
Milly looked astonished that someone had said her real legal name and not Milly. 
“MR. Olsen, I did look at the security cameras and I saw what I saw” The judge shrugged.
You had enough, the judge kept lying, Milly kept telling fake stories and everyone wans´t helping.
“I’ve had enough” You stood up. “Y/n what hell are you doing sit down” Jay yelled in a whisper.
“Back off Jay, Your name isn’t Milly Parker. It's Michelle. Isn’t that right? Ms, Taylor? There’s video proof of everything and every single one of your group of friends. You think I haven’t had an outsider for months? Giving me all the information I know right now. I knew it was you who tried to Kill me with the cookies. I got video permission and I saw it. Best part is I didn’t even have to wait for you to be proven wrong in a couple of years because IT'S ALL HERE. YOUR A FUCKING SNAKE, A LIAR AND BITCH”
Jay and Hailey got up and pulled you out of the courtroom before security did it themselves. 
“Y/n are you crazy, you’re going to end up getting more Time in jail” 
“You don’t understand Jay, she’s the one who hit me first. She’s the one who gave those strawberry Cookies” You cried.
Jay pulled you into a hug, so you wouldn’t run off and he could comfort you. “It’s alright, you’re ok. I’ll figure it out.” “Go get that footage on that screen, if they try to stop you someone named Harrison Butler will help you” Jay whispered to Hailey and she nodded back.
“Y/n I’m gonna leave you with Kevin for 5 minutes while I talk to Will about something really quick. Is that ok?” He could feel you nodding in his chest. 
“Natalie, It’s Jay. I need you to send Y/ns medical records from when we came for a check up after she had a reaction”
Jay kept humming in response when Natalie kept asking questions
“Alright thank you” 
“I’m getting super tired of the crazy shit” Jay mumbled to himself. 
“You need to listen to me. When you go in there don’t get up and scream, don’t accuse, don’t exaggerate. Stick to what Voight told you” Jay was on your level giving you a pep talk. This was the final court session. It would be decided who was guilty and who wasn’t. “Do you understand?”
“Yes. If I get to go home can I get McDonald’s?” It was worth asking.
“Of course y/n. I’ll buy you all the McDonald’s you want and whatever you want.” 
“Y/n it’s time, let’s go” Your lawyer Chris came out.
“Can Ms. Y/n Halstead come up” The judge “would please tell your side of the story to settle this once and for all.”
After the longest speech of your life which was almost 40 minutes. And other people are coming up to talk. A decision was made.
“I sentence Michelle Taylor 30 years for attempted murder, 10 years for fraud and 3 years for assault.” 
“For Y/n Halsted, she and her family will be compensated 10 thousands from the star and 25 thousand from the Taylor family from what she has been through.” You looked at Jay with a shocked face, that was a ton of money. “Case closed.” The Jude spoke. Everyone around you started clapping and cheering. 
People from your school who had also been affected by Milly were there, News stations, Your family from Med, Fire and Pd. The whole state had heard about your story and it finally worked, people came out told their stories with Milly and this Past year of Hell was over. 
You won
Now in the car With Jay and Will you guys were one of the last to leave since people were interviewing you guys like crazy. You were starving for something, not prison food. 
“Can I have McDonald’s now?” 
Jay and Will looked at each other and then looked back at you “taking that as a yes, I’m tired of prison food so let’s go”
IT'S OVER, I don’t know if I’m gonna pick this up and add to it again but I want to say I’ve been adding to this every now then since late December early January ish.
I love this and now I can focus on working on some other stuff I have to write😁
Sorry it took so long as well. I wanted to make it good but I got tired of writing this like 2 weeks ago so it’s kinda bad.
Love yall so much and thank you for all the support
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samgirl98 · 8 months
Mending a Family 26/?
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The first back-to-school meeting happened a month after school started. Jason decided to attend. He wanted to be on top of Danny’s education and ensure everything went smoothly. Parents were encouraged to bring in snacks for the kids.
Jason made chocolate chip cookies. He even made gluten and nut-free ones in case any of the kiddos were allergic.
He entered the school with the cookies and sat them on a table, making sure the labels were correct. Danny ran off to find his friends. Jason smiled. He was glad his son had people to talk to.
Jason turned around and came face-to-face with a blond woman. She was in her mid-thirties and wore a prim suit. She wore a pearl necklace. Three more women dressed similarly were behind her. She looked Jason up and down. He had worn his best pair of jeans, a clean T-shirt, and a leather jacket.
“Hello, my name is Avril Dubois. I’m the president of the PTA. I’ve never seen you here before, are you lost?”
Jason gritted his teeth at her question while she and her cronies laughed.
“No, my name is Jason Nightingale. I’m Danny Nightingale’s father. It’s a pleasure to meet you,” he said while putting out his hand. Avril ignored the hand and gave a look of distaste at it. So what if he still had grease under his nails? Her ignoring the handshake was rude.
“Right, I’ve heard about Danny from my little girl. Where’s his mother,” she asked while looking around. Wow, nosy much?
“She died while giving birth to him. It’s just me, Danny, my sister, and my niece.”
“That poor boy doesn’t know the touch of a mother’s love. It must be hard for you, especially since you’re so…young,” she sneered at the word young.
Judgmental to boot, she was the whole package.
“Don’t worry, I give my son enough love for two people.”
“Still, being a single must be tough. Well, I’ll talk to you later. Or maybe not. Ta-ta.”
Jason was glad to see the women leave.
He looked for Danny and saw him talking to a group of kids. Jason smiled once more, feeling how happy Danny was, which made Jason feel so much better about his decision to send him to school.
“Say goodbye for now, Danny. The assembly is about to start, then we can go to your classroom, and you can show me around.”
“Okay, daddy. Bye guys, see you later.”
Jason sat through the meeting assembly. It was a bit boring, but he was glad to see how the school operated. Danny was busy playing with a 6x6 Rubik’s cube. After the assembly, Jason went to Danny’s classroom, where he officially met the teacher.
Mrs. Duma was a friendly, middle-aged teacher who had been teaching for seventeen years. She spoke about how well-behaved and smart Danny was. His best subject was math, and Mrs. Duma had to print 12th-grade-level worksheets to keep him entertained. Well, that made sense.
 Jason couldn’t help but preen at the compliments Danny got.
Then Avril Dubois came up.
“Mrs. Duma, it’s nice to see you again.”
“Mrs. Dubois, what a pleasure to have you as a parent to one of my students again,” Mrs. Duma said through clenched teeth. Aw, it wasn’t just Jason who didn’t like the woman.”
“Excuse me,” Jason left the two women and looked for his little boy. He was showing a little blonde girl with glasses his Rubik's cube.
“Daddy, this is my friend, Sarah.”
“Hello, Sarah, I’m Danny’s dad, Jason.”
“Hi,” the little girl said shyly.
“Wanna see our drawings, daddy?”
Danny showed Jason his paintings. They were good. Then he showed them the models he had built. He knew his little boy was talented with his hands, but some of the things he had built looked very advanced. Hmm, maybe Jason should invest in buying Danny more things to build.
Seeing the models, he knew Danny would love working on the car with him.
“Mommy, look what I drew,” Jason looked up to see Sarah talking to Avril. The little girl was being ignored by her mom as she talked to a group of moms. Now that Jason paid attention, the little girl looked like a miniature version of Avril. The poor girl was shooed away from her mom without getting any acknowledgment.
His heart went out to her.
Danny went to Sarah, “Is everything okay,” he asked.
“Yeah,” the little girl answered, “mommy is just busy.”
“Can I see,” Jason asked. The little girl brightened at having an adult’s attention. It was a good painting.
“Wow, kiddo, that looks great!”
The little girl smiled, showing her missing teeth.
“Sarah, what have I told you about speaking to strangers?”
Avril took her little girl’s hand, ignoring the squeak of surprise she gave.
“Listen, I don’t know what your game is or how you were able to put your child in this school, but I would appreciate it if you don’t speak to my child.”
“Lady, Danny is Sarah’s friend. He was introducing me to her. Maybe if you paid more attention to your child, she wouldn’t be talking to strangers.”
The woman honest to God clutched her pearls, “How dare you? Come, Sarah.”
“Bye, Danny,” the little girl said while being dragged along.
“Is everything okay, daddy?”
“Yeah, ignore her. She’s a b—not a nice person.”
Thankfully, the rest of the parents weren’t like Avril and her little clique. They all seemed to welcome Jason.
At the end of the meeting, Jason went to sign up for the PTA.
“Are you sure you want to do this,” the woman scoffed, “We meet every two weeks. I’m sure you’re busy doing other things. We also engage with the school and teachers. Fundraisers, school activities, things like that.”
Jason smiled at the woman as he signed his name, “When’s the first meeting?”
Jason had a new nemesis. Her name? Avril Dubois.
Someone suggested that Jason has a PTA-style rivalry, but I cannot for the life of me find the comment to give the credit. So, to whoever suggested this, thank you! Anyway, now that we have Avril, does anyone want to see anything between the rivalry between the two?
@itsberrydreemurstuff @idontgetpaidenoughforthisshit @skulld3mort-1fan @theauthorandtheartist @emergentpanda-blog @jaggedheart11 @fisticuffsatapplebees @booberrylizard @fantasticbluebirdfan @thegatorsgooseoose @cyrwrites @kjoboo91 @crystallicedart @amaramizuki666 @spekulatiusmuffin @meira-3919 @kilasmess @bubblemixer @lexdamo @wonderland-daisy @mj-arts-n-stuff @amyheart19 @dolfay @the-church-grimm @undead-essence @aph-mable @lizisipancardo @purrloin77 @writer-extraodinaire @charlietheepic7 @sinfulloccultist @nootherusernameworked @coruscateselene @chaoticchange @itsberrydreemurstuff @gmkelz11 @feral-bunny31 @paroovian @thatonegaybitch68 @d4ydr34min9 @overtherose @fandomwandererer @vipower001 @thordottir45 @blackrabbitt3t @rosecinnamonbun @bianca-hooks123 @epilepticnerd @dat1angel @consouling @flamingenchiladadragon @all-mights-asscheeks @ender-reader @fuyu-bitch @ravenswife
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kleinv01 · 9 months
i loved the demo so much! al is suspicious in a good way, i really love klein (although he's insane but i love my men insane) anyways yael is also really cute, everyone is cute, shsshsjjsjjj please PLEASE! give us some random facts about the characters, i need it desperatelly
://SYSTEM_MESSAGE_ANSWERED thank you so much for playing the demo !! <3 im really happy to know you enjoyed it > _ < here's some fun facts about the characters ...
://KLEIN - he's capable of downloading any data he wants as long as it's accessible to everyone (imagine browsing the internet, but it's happening in your head. LOL - tallest dude in the game . he's 190cm tall - he loves getting headpats the most! - he has a barcode on the back of his neck - his oversized jacket's fabric is quite thick because it's meant to be kind of a protective layer to shield his android body ://YAEL - eldest son in the family, he has 2 younger sisters named elysia and yves ^ ^ - back in HS, his most disliked subject was math, and his favorite was biology (regardless, he was a model student) - extremely afraid of heights - very, very low alcohol tolerance. give him 1 shot of liquor and his cheeks would turn a little red already - bakes and cooks whenever he's stressed out . ://AL - he likes playing games, but dislikes the online ones . he enjoys single-player games that lets him play at his own pace - loves spicy ramen and just spicy food in general - has a habit of biting his nails and tapping his feet, which has resulted in chapped nails. - tiniest guy in the game at the moment . 170cm! - bad posture... he's a shrimp ://SERA - no one has ever beaten her in a drinking game; she never really gets drunk somehow - she loves strawberry chocolate crepes! - she met ethan at a business-related party she attended during one of her work trips - her love language is gift-giving, so if you tell her you like something, expect a whole lot of it the next time you meet her ^ _ ^ ://ETHAN - his fav colors are brown and beige - the first time sera introduced ethan to MC, he was so nervous that he couldn't spell MC's name correctly... - a caffeinated workaholic - ethan is allergic to cats - people often tell him that he never changes his clothes. WRONG ! it's just that he owns the same outfits because he's not sure what to buy each timee
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mick schumacher masterlist
a collection of all the one-shots and mini series i've written for mick. they're (mostly) in release order (i tried.) this includes fics i've written for my christmas, valentine's day and summer events (they're marked with these colors).
• = my personal favorites ○ = fan favorites (500+ notes)
mr. ocean eyes ○ oh damn, never seen that color blue.
you give me butterflies a scary accident forces you to confess your feelings.
enough ○ he's had enough of his teammate. (or, in which he looks hot when he's angry)
mine (driver!reader) ○ you found the perfect nickname for him.
sparkling ○ your sister's marrying your ex, so, you kiss his best friend.
best friend's brother you've never met gina's brother.
best friend (part two↑) ○ as time goes by, he's slowly taking over gina's spot as your best friend.
champion (driver!reader)  ○ every champion deserves their prize. *(smut)*
tabasco sauce (baker!reader)   you finally find the missing ingredient for your new recipe.
a-maze-ing latte foam art, tiny pumpkins, fuzzy comfy socks. (or, in which you love autumn)
home ○ pancakes for dinner. (or, in which he asks you to move in.)
promise you don't like presents, but his promise might help you change your mind about them.
tomorrow (part two↑) it's your two-year anniversary with angie mick, and you're sick. today (part three↑) it's been a year, and it's time for mick to ask the most important question.
mini chef ○• his daughter wants to be a chef. (or, in which he's allergic to chocolate)
sugar, butter, flour (part two↑) ○ my whole life is in here, in this kitchen baking, what a mess i'm making.
yellow ○• look at the stars, look how they shine for you, and everything you do.
third try the third time's the charm.
oh, baby ○• it's time for your husband's family to meet your newborn baby.
furry baby (youtuber!reader)  how the hell are you supposed to wrap a puppy?
romeo & juliet (vettel!reader) ○• you and your father bond over shakespeare's play. (or, in which your father wins a bet) *(one tiny smut scene)*
see you later • this isn't goodbye, this is simply 'see you later'. you could call me 'babe' for the weekend, 'this the damn season.
be mine two words, six letters. that's all it takes.
fairytale (part two↑) he's perfect, but he didn't check the weather.
tulips ○• you really didn’t want his family to find out about your relationship like this.
prada (stylist!reader) ○ being mick's stylist is easy. until he’s modeling for prada and you’re asked to take part. *(not smut but kinda steamy, i think)*
untouchable untouchable, burning brighter than the sun, and when you're close i feel like coming undone.
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pilot-doodles · 9 months
HELLO! I was tagged in this "Get to Know me" thing. wazzup. thanks, @alyxtried
Last Song - Blood Upon the Snow- Hozier, Bear McCreary
The song fits some of my OCs super well, I keep putting that song on in the car and get really lost in it. It's one of those songs that if given the right time to sit and listen, will give me full body chills. today was one of those days!
Currently Watching - Star Wars Rebels (Season 2)
I can't shut up about Star Wars ever and because I am fun and love live My favorite animated series is Rebels. I wanted to show it to my roommate. Every time I re-watch it I notice more and more. I'm also watching Ashoka so It is nice to see the parallels. and GOD i love Hera Syndulla so much.
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Currently Reading - Burning Chrome- William Gibson
Reading is SUUUUPER hard for me for some reason, so I find myself picking up and putting books down often. I rarely get so engrossed in a book that I finish it, but that's why Burning Chrome works for me. it's a scify anthology/short story comp that I can pick up and put away whenever I want. the few books I strongly recommend are Piranesi and the Winternight Trilogy!
Current Obsession - (Still) Rise of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, Baldur's gate 3
before I go back on my Star Wars bullshit, I'm still playing BG3 with my beloved bard, Viv. I don't have as much free time as I did a while back but I still want to finish the story.
Favourite Colour - Red
it's been my favorite since I was a kid! I don't have a single explanation for it but it's always my favorite. I use it a lot in character design. I am also a fan of a good gold and black. the combo of red, dark navy and gold will always make me go insane. (in a good way)
Favourite Candy - Gummies
who has ONE favorite candy? what? I love gummies, hard candy, dark chocolate, anything with lemon- the more I think of it I don't think there's anything I actively dislike! except circus peanuts and candy corn but I think I'm allergic to them.
Favourite Game of All Time - Final Fantasy Crisis Core
I don't know who knows but I have a tattoo of the buster sword (Zacks OG CC version). it's on my left forearm. the tattoo artist I got was amazing, too. Crisis Core was extremely formative for me and had formulated some of the ideals I hold today.
Current Pets - Tadashi (gray longhair cat) and Acorn (Society Finch)
My boy tadashi was a shelter cat who probably would have died if I hadn't gotten him when I did. He came to me with a life threatening respiratory infection and ringworm, fleas, kennel rashes, etc. He's all fixed up now and living his best life as a spoiled, fat housecat. he's a bit standoffish to people, but really loves being with people. I also live with my sister's two cats, madeline and Olive.
Thanks for the tag, If someone wants to do it, go for it! I would love to hear about the vast beautiful worlds you got going on! (trying not to tag irl friends) Theres a lot of you active mutuals, so if I missed you and you wanna do it, I have spiritualy tagged you.
@magicalzombiegirl @ramroadrage @sternenhimmel-mond @thatoneperson1967 @astro-b-o-y-d @jesterrlavorre @phobosapollo @nionbell
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nikatyler · 4 months
hii!! <3 if you're still accepting asks for the oc details ask meme, how about ✈️ 🐷 ☕️ 😊 for bianca?
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Yay thank you! Always love to talk about my favourite mad scientist.
✈️ AIRPLANE — does your oc like traveling, or do they consider themselves a more homey person?
If she could, she'd never really travel anywhere. Unfortunately, things happened in her life and now she has to go where no other has been before to find her lost sister. Long story short, parallel universe travel. No biggie.
🐷 PIG FACE — what is your oc's favorite animal?
She loves cats…in theory. In practice, she's allergic to them.
☕️ HOT BEVERAGE — does your oc prefer coffee, tea, hot chocolate, milk, water, or some other drink? how do they like to take this drink (ex. coffee with milk, hot chocolate with whipped cream, a specific kind of tea, etc)?
She's a black coffee kinda person. Black like her tormented traumatized soul.
😊 SMILING FACE WITH SMILING EYES — what are your oc's career/general life desires? what do they want to get the most out of life?
Growing up she wanted to be a scientist and just invent or discover something great. For the longest time, she didn't actually know what this “something great” could be, but she wanted to change the world with it. Then…Emit Relevart caused her little sister to get lost in a parallel world and Bianca had her exact goal (two goals actually, but murdering Emit was off the table considering the two had to team up to find Zoey). The more they discovered, the more Bianca knew that this can never be revealed to anyone else, in wrong hands it would cause more harm than good. So no changing the world, no Nobel prize, no going down in history, but that doesn't matter to her anymore anyway. Now all she wants is just to find her sister and safely return back home and then never travel to another world or another time again.
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yujikitu · 2 years
Black phone headcannons because i had a dream about them and i can write what i want
Griffin is a reptile kid and has always wanted a lizard but couldn't afford one and his mom thought he was too young for a pet like that
Billy's dog isn't his first dog it's actually one of the puppies of his first dog that he kept to remember them
Bruce tried to teach his little sister how to play baseball but she didn't like it so he played every other sport she could think of to find one she likes (Spoiler its volleyball idk why but it is)
Robin loves horror and loves reading horror books whenever he can but he would absolutely hate IT, he would've read it once then never again but he would have loved the movie (the 2017 version)
Griffin has scary dog privileges if he and vance were friends, Vance will literally end someone if they even bumped into Griffin
Actually Griffin has scary dog privileges with all of the boys because he's the youngest so they all collectively agree thst they're not letting anyone touch this tiny boy
Robin favorite candy are these little hard strawberry candies that his grandma gives him everytime she visits, he doesn't know what they're called but they give him such childhood nostalgia he loves it (i love those candies im pretty sure they're called strawberry bon bons but i really dont know)
Vance hates chocolate with a burning passion, nobody knows why (He lost three teeth eating milk duds and refused to eat anymore chocolate, its ok because the teeth he lost were baby teeth also im totally not basing this off my own experience with milk duds 😅)
Finney was allergic to chocolate chip mint ice cream as a child and never ate it again, what he didn't know is that you can grow out of allergies until he accidentally ate some at a school party or something and found out he really liked it
Griffin has really bad seasonal allergies
Bruce hates getting hiccups because his hiccups are literally so violent, like it feels like he's being stabbed everytime he hiccups he hates it
Vance sneezes so loud people mistake it for him screaming, luckily he doesn't have seasonal allergies like griffin or else no one would live in peace
They have debates on who would win in a fight but could never agree so they just rated them with Vance in first place, Bruce and Robin in second together (because bruce is really athletic and robin is an absolute badass even though he smaller so its a tie), Finn in third because his arm is mint /j, Billy is also tied for third because he looks like he could put up a fight but no one's actually seen him fight, Griffin is last because they all agree he's baby but what they dont know is he's actually a gremlin waiting to fight someone, would literally go rabid on someone but the others just cant see it because they're so used to worrying about him and seeing him as the youngest who needs protection
Vance would probably use coconut smelling hair products idk i just have a feeling
Robin is secretly jealous of vance's hair but no way in hell would he say it outloud
(Might make more of these later again idk)
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princesssarisa · 4 months
Character ask: Honour "Beauty" Huston (Robin McKinley's "Beauty")
No one requested this. I just finished rereading the book and felt like discussing it.
Favorite thing about them: How human and relatable she is, especially compared to the idealized fairy tale heroines of tradition. She makes the parallels between Beauty and the Beast and Jane Eyre more obvious than ever, since she's not a physical beauty (or at least doesn't think she is until the end), nor is she the traditional sweet and gentle figure, but a no-nonsense, stubborn, intellectual bookworm and horse girl, who only gradually attunes to magic and romance as she lives in the castle. These differences from the traditional Beauty make her more of a kindred spirit to the Beast (since they're both kind-hearted yet slightly rough around the edges, and both insecure about their looks), and they humanize her too. So do many details in the way she's written. For example, the sheer physicality of her first-person narration – her emphasis on smells, tastes, and tactile sensations, her mentions of aching feet or hands raw with work, her dislike of dainty teacups and preference for a big mug of tea, etc. – enhance the sense of her grounded personality and make her seem all the more real. Or the fact that she doesn't ask her father for a single, pretty but ephemeral rose, but makes a more practical request for rose seeds, with which she can plant a garden full of roses that will last. Now, of course, the idea of reimagining a classic fairy tale heroine as plain, strong-willed and down-to-earth rather than sweet, gentle and beautiful is nothing new anymore. Neither is a YA heroine with low self-esteem because she thinks she's not pretty. But those tropes were obviously fresher and newer in 1978, when this novel was first published, so I feel free to consider them effective in Beauty's case without calling them clichés.
Least favorite thing about them: The very brief moment when she loses her temper and shouts some nasty things at her horse Greatheart when he panics at the sight of the Beast and almost throws her. I understand that she's struggling not to fall and break her neck, but it still seems harsh and faintly out of character for a girl who's usually so level-headed. But then, her level-headedness also disappears at other important points, like when when she goes into hysterics and faints at the reveal that she can never leave the castle. I suppose the key to understanding these moments is that she doesn't often let her emotions flow freely, but when she does, whether in anger, anguish, or fear, she goes all-out.
Three things I have in common with them:
*I love books.
*I'm sometimes insecure about my appearance.
*I like spice cake and hot chocolate.
Three things I don't have in common with them:
*I don't have any sisters.
*I have very little experience with horses.
*I'm not allergic to dogs, as she mentions in passing that she is.
Favorite line:
To her sister Hope, when the latter worries that their father won't approve of her love for a blacksmith:
"If you think you'll be happiest scrubbing tar out of burlap aprons, Father won't say nay. And he will probably buy you several maids to do the scrubbing."
When her invisible maids are trying to force her into a fancy gown that she thinks is much too beautiful for a plain girl like her:
"It's a beautiful dress, and that's why I won't wear it; if you put a peacock's tail on a sparrow, he's still a brown little, wretched little, drab little sparrow."
After she saves the Beast from dying at the climax, and is nearly swooning from exhaustion, and the Beast urges her to rest:
"Not yet. I have to see to Greatheart – I'd still be in the forest without him – but I had to find you first – and then there's something I must tell you... I can't sleep now. It's daylight. What I want is breakfast."
Attuned though she is now with the castle's magic and her own love, she's still her old, down-to-earth self. Even when she's near collapse after journeying for twelve hours through the forest, finding the Beast near death, and then miraculously reviving him, she talks about tending to her horse and getting something to eat.
brOTP: Her father, her sisters Grace and Hope, her brother-in-law Ger, and if non-sentient animals count, her horse Greatheart.
OTP: The Beast/Prince.
nOTP: Her father.
Random headcanon: Her life story will inspire the fairy tale of Beauty and the Beast as we know it today. But the telling-and-retelling process, combined with attempts by parents and governesses to make the story more didactic for young ladies, will distort the tale and result in all the familiar differences from the "true" story. For example, that Beauty was always physically beautiful, that her sisters were wicked and jealous rather than kind and loving, that she did all the cooking and cleaning in their cottage rather than the "boyish" outdoor work she really did, and that she asked her father to bring her a rose rather than rose seeds.
Unpopular opinion: I don't think Disney's Belle is as much of a knockoff of her as some people do. Yes, Disney did arguably borrow some details from this novel – even more in the 2017 remake than in the animated version – but apart from their shared love of books, which comes from Mme. de Beaumont's version of the original fairy tale, this Beauty is a very different person from Belle. For the most part, Beauty is a grounded, unromantic girl, whose love of books is intellectual (for example, she writes her own translations of Greek tragedies and dreams of becoming a scholar at a university), and who learns to embrace magic and passion in the Romantic world of the Beast's castle. Belle is a sensitive, "dazed and distracted" dreamer, who loves books for the adventure and romance they bring her, and she doesn't change as much as Beauty does by the end, but finds what she was always looking for, just in an unexpected way.
Song I associate with them: None.
Favorite picture of them:
This stylized silhouette from the cover of the book's 2018 edition.
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aita-blorbos · 7 months
aita for failing?
i (19f) am… i think you'd call it a nun? i mostly live in the mountains with my stepmother. that's not really relevant to the story, what you need to know about is my sister D.
D was in college at the time. we didn't really talk much after i failed to help her escape her terrible family -- we live in different households -- back when we were 14. (she did manage to get out in the end, but i was too scared to be there for her, and i think she's kind of held a grudge against me ever since.)
anyway, D was a college student, and for reasons that aren't relevant here she was trying to get this necklace back from another college student P (21m) who she said had fallen madly in love with her. my sister's really good at charming people so this wasn't news to me, but P was refusing to give her back her necklace because D had initially shoved it onto him and said something about it being a sign of their eternal love for each other, and P had taken that really seriously.
i can't stress enough how much D had to get this necklace back. it was a matter of life and death for her -- not sentimentally but for actual, legal reasons. she was desperate. and i know how D can spiral when she's desperate, so i reached out. we're twins, after all. i told her i could pretend to be her, date P for a few days, ask him nicely for the necklace and everything would be fine!
well, i underestimated P. he was madly in love with her. he wore the necklace everywhere, never taking it off even to sleep, and when i found him again he'd just come back from theater class, almost glowing as he talked to his slightly-less-spiky-haired friend about the brightness of D's smile and showing him how pretty the necklace was. if i were actually D i might have had a conniption right then and there.
instead i asked him out on a date.
and -- i tried. i really did. i asked him every day if he could please give the necklace back, told him i could give him a new one -- said it was important to me, even tried guilt-tripping him the way D taught me and said he was hurting me, at which point he looked so incredibly wounded and might actually have given the necklace back but i couldn't stand him looking like that, like i had broken his heart just with those words.
it wasn't P's fault just like it wasn't D's, you have to understand. he was the best boyfriend i could ever ask for. he took me into the city and didn't laugh at the awe i couldn't conceal, because i really do love the mountains but i've never experienced the festivals and music and life of the urban jungle. he got me chocolates even when it wasn't valentine's and i didn't tell him i'm allergic, but i think he figured it out because he got me flowers the next day, and he hugged me when i surprised him with the best chocolate i could find in the supermarket.
he was just -- wonderful. and i took it for granted. i asked about the necklace but i never pushed, i didn't take the threat to D's life seriously enough…
she must have realized, after so long. she must have figured i was useless, and she must have been so scared and i didn't help just like that time five years ago -- i failed to get her necklace back for six whole months
P wasn't hurt, at least. but someone else was -- D pushed him into a power line and he was electrocuted, and P was framed for it and D went to court to testify, but the attorney for the defense figured everything out (except for my involvement -- she thought D really had been dating P that whole time) and D was
well, she's in jail now. and they're deciding on when to schedule the execution.
i went back to the temple in the mountains. i couldn't tell P anything, obviously, and visiting D was… too much of a reminder of everything i'd failed at.
if i'd gotten her necklace back everything would have been fine. but now my sister is all but dead because of me. and that poor boy. and feenie…
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ping1n · 1 month
Tag game (thank you @chickenmcnuggies )
took me a week to get around to this lol
Last song I listened to: I was just on the train so I was listening to my generic garage/punk rock playlist, the last of which was The Mirror by Himalayas.
Currently Watching: Not a lot really. I was watching the dungeon meshi anime but I've finished the manga now so I'm just keeping up to see how they animate it. Also managed to get my sister to watch it so I'm rewatching the first episodes with her.
Sweet/Savory/Spicy: I do like sweet stuff but I'm allergic to milk which puts most chocolate off the cards. I also have a fairly high spice tolerance but I wouldn't eat something just because its spicy (I will add whatever spice is in my kitchen to literally anything I'm cooking though). So I think savory is the winner - my go to food at my uni is a steak pie, which you can get for pretty cheap at literally any cafe/bakery, and is nice enough.
Relationship Status: I dont think I'm aromantic but the whole idea sounds exhausting so I'm unbothered.
Current Obsession: I am trying my absolute hardest to beat Terraria Calamity. I just managed to beat Devourer of Gods after 88 ATTEMPTS and now I'm struggling against Supreme Calamitas (and im only on revengeance :'( ). I'm also playing dwarf fortress a lot when the terraria is too hard.
Tagging @tobias-exists-again (which tumblr does not recognize for some reason. hopefully that tagged you correctly), @almost-correct-quotes, @ehovel and @auroras-void
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