#my precious husband i love you endlessly
dabislittlemouse · 1 year
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My heart belongs to him
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pix3lplays · 4 months
While I can totally see the toxic side of a relationship with Aventurine, I'm so down bad and soft for him and in love with him that I want him endlessly happy so may I interest you in the healthy version of dating Aventurine...? 👀
I haven't seen anything of him past the conversation he has with Ratio in his hotel room but I HAVE had him spinning around in my head since his very first leaks so I have too many thoughts about him unfortunately.........
I feel like his main love language is physical touch. I can see him having all the love languages tbh but his main feels like physical touch. He just feels like such a physically affectionate person who'd wanna drape himself all over his partner or the other way around. But considering how shit his social life and life in general is, he most definitely hasn't had physical affection reciprocated like. Ever.
So a partner who initiates physical affection with him even prior to establishing a relationship would destroy him methinks. Thanking him for something and then you jump into his arms to hug him tightly... When's the last time he's been hugged? Especially in such an affectionate manner??? Never!!!!!! His brain would shut down, he wouldn't process that he should hug back and when he does it's too late, you've pulled back and he already misses the warmth.
A partner who holds his hand?? ESPECIALLY in public??? It's clear nobody likes him and his reputation precedes him and everybody is space racist to him, so a partner who's unafraid to show him off like he's the greatest prize they could have would also destroy him methinks. He'd definitely adore PDA, but again, single and sad lol. So if his partner is down for PDA, Aventurine is the happiest bc he gets to indulge in his partners affections 24/7 AND ALSO SHOW THEM OFF?? flex that even someone like him could be loved??? Absolutely!!! Your designated seat is always his lap and he always has an arm around your waist or your shoulders and he will always shamelessly kiss you anytime he wants and you return all of it back and make everyone within a 30k mile radius feel single as fuck.
I can imagine once he's entirely comfortable with his partner, he is SUCH a gentleman. Shoes untied? He's getting down on one knee to fix it for you, caressing your leg softly and planting a kiss near your knee before standing back up. No he doesn't care if he gets his precious white pants dirty. No he doesn't care if any camera caught that and there'll be an article with his name in bold next day. Tired?? Will carry you bridal style. Out shopping?? (and he'd definitely love taking you out on shopping sprees) will carry all your bags. Anything!!
He slowly finds himself turning into husband material even if he has not been an ideal husband type ever. He'll find himself wanting to cook a nice meal at home for the two of you, likes having you sitting on the counter looking all pretty while he works and giving him kisses as thanks every now and then, or likes surprising you with it when you come home.
Starts memorizing your orders at restaurants or cafes, will always automatically just go and order your favorites.
Begins to refer to most plans with 'we'. It just comes out naturally. "This is a difficult mission to manage, but we can find a way around it". We. Even if you're not involved in his work in the slightest. You two are intertwined entirely to him.
He never officially asks you to move in. All he knows is one night you slept over and then slowly it became a regular and his house is becoming filled with more and more of your items, starting with your toothbrush then your towels then some spare clothes and now you practically live there. And he's so happy at how natural and comfortable and not awkward it feels. Nothing forced.
Speaking of spending the night, the first time you two shared a bed was insane to him. Being held so tenderly, with so much love and care and warmth.. All things he's so unfamiliar with. He almost couldn't handle it. His favorite sleeping position is either burying his face in your back while spooning you or having his face buried in your chest. He likes your warmth, your heartbeat, your hands stroking his hair and the other wrapped around him, he doesn't care how much of a baby these positions make him look like. He's comfortable and he deserves it.
Showering together was something he wasn't keen about until one time it happened and you washed his hair and he almost cried. Gentle hands rubbing his scalp and stroking his hair and lathering the soap so calmly, he could have died right then and there. Then washing his body with equal amounts of care. He'd never been taken care of that way. He started wanting you there for every single shower, throwing excuses like "I can't reach my back I need you to wash me!" or "my hair felt softer when you did it I don't know how so you have to do it!"
His future is uncertain. But he finds himself looking at your ring finger and wondering what wedding ring cut would look the best on it. Sees you with kids and thinks it'd be nice to have that. But it's a step he's far too afraid to consider taking, with how dangerous his work is and how the rug could get pulled from under him at any second. He'd never want endanger you or a child. Those are things for an incredibly far future, but the thought of possibly dying and not ever having it saddens him.
As for his gambling, as predictable as it is... You're his lucky charm!!!!!! But also his self-control. You pull him out of it when he starts betting a little TOO much, and you switch his drink with water when he starts getting too drunk too. You manage him without suffocating or restricting him, he'd appreciate it.
If you ever visit him during work hours at the IPC, he'd be the happiest. Just an IPC secretary coming to tell him he has a visitor who claims to be his partner and he's almost flying out of his chair like "let them in let them in!!!". Poor anyone around, because you will not be spared from Aventurine's kisses. He doesn't care who's there. In fact, if Topaz or Dr. Ratio are there, it's even better. He'd like to silently rub it in. And If you made him lunch and had come to drop it off???? He may actually just ask to marry you,, being taken care of is something he loves. Something he could get used to.
His job requires things to get dirty often. He's told you the details but you still stay. He sometimes wonders if you'll eventually snap out of this daze and realize what you've gotten yourself into. See his true colors and hate him and leave him. He thinks the day he came back home covered in blood that wasn't his own would be the final straw. But it somehow wasn't. He came fully expecting you to scream, yell, get angry, get upset, break up with him and leave. But you didn't. You just gave him a sympathetic look before dragging him to the bathroom. You tended to any injury with love, took his clothes off with care. Put what can be washed in the washing machine and threw what couldn't be to the side. Got him in the shower and helped clean him up. Dried his hair afterwards and got him in bed. Told him he should rest, he must be tired. Why do you still love him?? He's no good. He took someone's life today and you're worried about whether or not he's tired??? He won't ever understand what you see in him. But he's so grateful, he'd want to keep repaying you for your love.
And his birthdays.... If you throw him a surprise party, he'll cry. For sure. Does this guy look like anybody remembers or celebrates his birthday? He probably spends them getting wasted in some bar after blowing a couple of millions on a gambling table. A cake, decorations, gifts... You'd make that day special. Like a birthday should be.
He'd feel more and more like a human with you. Not like an object that can be used and discarded when no longer useful. A person. With feelings.
He'd get jealous. Cry in your arms. Say "tell me I'm yours". Begging for reassurance.
"You don't belong to anyone. I love you" you'd answer. And he'd break.
He doesn't know what it's like to not be owned. A slave. He doesn't know what it's like to be loved. Unconditionally.
He thinks you deserve better. But he can't let anyone else have you. So he becomes better.
Sorry this is soooo incredibly long and self-indulgent but I've been so obsessed for MONTHS this is so much pent up thoughts.... I'm so Normal about him <3
Yes you may absolutely interest me in a healthy relationship with Aventurine and I think every Aventurine fan needs to read this immediately-
The part about him coming home after a ‘work related incident’ had me SCREAMING oh my gosh
Like yeah coming to terms with the fact that Aventurine hurts people would be REALLY hard but you love him enough to trust him???
He definitely strikes me as the type who literally cannot imagine receiving anything without giving so to have someone just openly show him so much kindness without expecting something in return is literally shaking his world??
And yes physical touch Aventurine is so real- I have another ask proposing touch-starved Aventurine and that. Yeah that makes sense. Him counteracting that by being So physically affectionate just makes sense to me haha. He’s very in denial that he’s touch-starved haha…
Thank you for the food, I ENJOYED IT A LOT💕💕
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OK LAST ONEEE scaramouche and wife!reader getting into an argument over him being too careless with himself on missions and he ends up getting tired of arguing so he decides to fuck her instead, and make it up to her, being soft with her during sex for once since usually he degrades her :((
Dw, y'all, I'll fullfil your requests soon 😋
Scara, who would always come back from his missions, all bruised and cuts around his body. You've told him many times before to be careful and take care of himself, but that just seemed to not get in his head.
You were scolding him once again, lecturing him how he should take care of himself more instead of always being reckless all the time. Scara, of course, just grumbles under his breath. He knows he can be reckless at times, but it's not his fault that he got hurt.
It didn't take long for him to just drag you to the bedroom, and for him to just to mutter how much of a good wife you are. Surprisingly, he's not degrading you, he was actually being soft with you in bed.
Being you, you just sigh and give in to his ministrations. How can you say no to your dear husband anyway? Not when he's pampering you in soft kisses and caressing you like you were the most precious jewel in the world.
He would take things slow, taking his time to worship your body and help you relax and just forget everything, that also includes him just pleasuring you, muttering praises about how good you always take him and how much he loves you.
He's never been so gentle, and soft with you during sessions like these, but you didn't mind, you love it either way. You felt like you could sleep just by hearing his praises, but just knowing that his cock was throbbing deep inside of you can just let you know that you can't really fall asleep with his cock always pumping in and out of you.
During that night, he would just worship and praise you endlessly, making you forget all about that argument and being the (sometimes) sweet husband he is, he would take care of you after you both were done! Sweet isn't it?
This is probably not my best but I would be surprised if people actually liked this!!
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hongcherry · 4 months
rating svt from husband, boyfriend, bestie material
pairing/genres: svt x reader (gn); fluff
warnings: lots of nana tour (NT) and in the soop (ITS) references, as well as others but wanted to give specific warnings for those two shows bc spoilers
author's note: for 🍉 anon. THIS WAS TOUGH LMAO. I’d also like to say this is kinda biased!!! I tried to be objective despite having strong feelings toward certain members 🥲 But just a general disclaimer: I do not know them personally, so I'm going off of what they've shown to the public. I know there will be people who disagree because we all have different ideas/preferences in a partner/best friend. So, please, keep that in mind! Each member can mean something different depending on the person 💞
seventeen masterlist | main masterlist
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Husband Material
1. Mingyu — This man can cook, clean, is intelligent, handsome, funny, etc etc etc~. I believe he’s also one of the first members to comfort others. And his sister has mentioned she wants a partner like Mingyu. Enough said lol.
2. Seungcheol — He’s caring, loyal, reliable, and dependable (cough that one jeongcheol clip cough). He’s not afraid to stand up for those he cares about (i.e., members > company). He’ll be the protector type (wbk). I sense the relationship would feel stable and secure.
3. Joshua — This man has always screamed husband material. He truly IS a gentleman. He has a good balance of playfulness and seriousness, which would make the relationship fun. He’s also very caring (flashback to ITS with Seungkwan (even NT as well)) and has a great heart.
4. Chan — In his Weverse interview, he mentioned how he wants to be there for his members no matter what. He’s also very passionate about his craft, and I think that attribute would cross into his love life. And did you see the video of him with that carat and holding their purse while they got in the car?!?!
5. Minghao — I’m reminded of that video of him saying he’s always dreamed of getting married and having kids (ironically saw this again on my tl recently). And watching NT, it’s so easy to imagine him with his family in an artsy town. Also, he’d be loyal (I recall all the anti-delulu fancalls and lives LOL; this doesn't necessarily show loyalty but yk... it can *wink wonk*) and caring (as seen with Vernon).
Boyfriend Material
6. Seokmin — He’s so precious and sweet. Definitely someone you would want to take home to your family. He’s so full of love and happiness. I think he’ll care for his partner a lot and shower them with love. The relationship with him would be so wholesome.
7. Wonwoo — Have you seen the way he treats Chan?! Imagine him with his partner *sobs* I get the sense (one of) his love language(s) is acts of service, so he’d treat his partner sweetly and tenderly. He’ll be a soft and supportive lover.
8. Jun — I recall how he made breakfast for SVT during predebut because he couldn’t speak Korean well at the time but wanted to do something nice/show his love for his members. I also saw a recent video of him making sure one of the members didn’t fall when they stumbled. So, I think he’d be very attentive to his partner’s needs. Also, imagine bf!Jun cooking you hot pot. Yes, please.
9. Jeonghan — I think he teeters on the boyfriend and bestie line (his face also gives off fwb vibes lmao), but since Jeonghan is one of my biases, he gets put in this category (semi-sorry). This man said, “You’re supposed to wait endlessly for people you like” in NT. He has said he wants to be an island to people in ITS. He’s also supportive of others as we’ve seen when he co-parents with Cheol lol. I think he wouldn’t be afraid to do something for his partner if they needed him to as well (i.e., that live when Seungkwan wanted to sing but it was late, so Jeonghan said he’ll ask for others to understand. It may have been a joke, but it was still kind to say).
Bestie Material
10. Soonyoung — He’s the person I would swap with Jeonghan since he also is on the borderline. He’s very energetic with people he’s comfortable with so his friends get to see that side a lot. He’s also cuddly as we’ve seen in several clips of him snuggling his members lol. I get the “you’re so comfortable around each other it’s almost like you’re dating” vibes LOL.
11. Seungkwan — He’d be so fun to be around. A lot of fun memories will be created with him. He’s the life of the party, and I just imagine him popping around here and there at an event lol (I think I’m overprojecting slightly, but he would still be well-known to others!). I think Seungkwan just needs/likes to be around people regardless of whether they’re a partner or a friend.
12. Vernon — He feels like a free spirit. I believe he’s mentioned before that he’s more of a personality person, so he’s not focused on looks in his partner. He’s very chill and already is confident in his own skin. I get the sense he’s content being alone (or w a friend) but also having a partner if the right one comes around.
13. Jihoon — It’s not impossible to have a relationship when he’s busy, but it def would be harder to balance. Even though he’s quiet, he cares. This is evident in the songs he’s made for certain members. I think he wouldn’t mind a partner, but they’d need to be understanding of his lifestyle (and accept he’s not big on showing affection directly). I think his partner would be someone who is similar to him but also would be able to introduce him to things he doesn’t do (like go outside lol. I say this bc he was loving the NT experience).
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©️hongcherry // DO NOT REPOST OR MODIFY Please consider reblogging if you liked this work to show your support. Feedback/commentary is always welcomed.
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judewrld · 1 year
joyeux anniversaire [kylian mbappe]
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⟶ 𝑠𝑢𝑚𝑚𝑎𝑟𝑦: it’s the morning of your husband's birthday, what better way to celebrate than together…in bed.
❥ 𝑝𝑎𝑖𝑟𝑖𝑛𝑔: husband!kylian x f!reader
❥ 𝑔𝑒𝑛𝑟𝑒: fluff, nsfw, 18+
❥ 𝑤𝑜𝑟𝑑 𝑐𝑜𝑢𝑛𝑡: 2.2k
⟶ 𝑤𝑎𝑟𝑛𝑖𝑛𝑔𝑠: dirty talk, rough sex, penetrative sex, vaginal sex, nipple play, fingering (f receiving), dom!kylian, sub!reader, unprotected sex (kylian wants more babies), light ass spanking, scratching.
⏤  𝑎/n: domestic kylian makes my heart go boom <3
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“Happy birthday dear Kylian, happy birthday to you,” You softly sing into your husband's ear, causing him to stir in his sleep and ultimately wake up.
You smile at his disheveled state and gingerly caress his cheek. “Happy birthday my precious boy,” you whisper into the morning air. He groans and tucks his head into your chest, too tired to properly respond.
Today is December twentieth, the day your wonderful husband was born. You have multiple activities planned for today to celebrate the love of your life, as much as you would love to stay in bed just holding each other you need to start getting ready.
“You know I love you right?” You ask.
Kylian hums, “I love you too, mon amour.”
He whines and bashfully removes your hand so he can go back to hiding in your embrace. You sigh at this before launching into a speech. “When we first met I never imagined the relationship we would have, I will forever be grateful for having an amazing person like you beside me. I know I always say this but it’s because I mean it, I love you so much and I really hope you never forget how much you’re loved, not just by me but by our kids, your fans, family and PSG members too.”
You hear him sniff which makes you smile a bit, knowing your words have brought him to tears already. “Thank you for being such an amazing father and husband who’s incredibly bright and kind. Someone who’s never afraid to state their opinion and continues to love endlessly. You’ve become a person I can confide in and I’m so incredibly lucky to have met you Kylian. Happy birthday, baby.”
He scoots away from your embrace and smiles up at you, “Thank you, mon amour. I’m so lucky to be able to call you my wife.”
You smile and lean down to place a soft kiss on his lips. You pull away slightly after a minute. “You know, you looked so beautiful and peaceful I almost didn’t want to disturb you.”
He scoffs at that, “how pretty can I really look in my sleep.”
You pinch his shoulder causing him to wince and draw nearer to you. “Stop. You look so at peace when you’re sleeping, like you’re not carrying the weight of the world on your shoulders. Sometimes I wish you always looked like that. Happy, I mean.”
“I am happy, being with you makes me happy.” He softly sighs looking deep into your eyes before slowly leaning in to place his lips on yours once again savoring the feel of your mouth against his. You brush your hands down his chest, gently scratching the lower your fingers get. Kylian breaks the kiss for a moment and moans directly into your mouth. The sound so sinfully erotic that it causes a rush of arousal to flood your panties. 
“Fuck, you drive me crazy,” he says, digging his fingers roughly into your hipbones.
“Ky,” you say in a breathless whine, slipping your hand down to the waistband of his shorts. “What about the kids?”
“They’re heavy sleepers.”
He leans back down and proceeds to kiss you again. He starts to slowly rub circles on the inside of your thighs and slowly inches his hand up your nightgown. He hooks his fingers under your panties and yanks on your lacy underwear. You lift your hips and allow him to remove them. He then brings a finger to your crotch and pokes at your clit with his finger and slowly drags the tip of his finger up and down your pussy lips. You moan into his mouth and tug at the hair on the nape of his neck when he dips his finger into your hole, entering your warmth. He curls his finger ever so slowly inside of you. You release a choked moan and your toes curl at the feeling.
“Shh, don’t wanna wake the kids, do we?” He says in a hushed tone near your ear.
You whimper as he drags his curled finger out of your pussy, his fingernails grazing the sides of your walls. You moan loudly at the feeling, ultimately pleasing Kylian even more. He pushes his finger back in slowly, accompanying it with another digit. You roll your head to the side facing away from Kylian and let out a wanton moan, your fingers digging into his bedsheets.
“Look at me princess, I want to see how I'm making you feel.” Kylian says in your ear.
You whine but obediently turn your head to face him. He grins at how submissive you are and pulls his hand out to slap your folds with his slender fingers. You yelp in surprise and shut your legs on impulse. Kylian only pushes down on your thigh to keep them from fully closing and pushes the two digits back into your heat. Your eyelids flutter close in bliss. Kylian watches you closely and intently, enjoying the look of pure pleasure on your beautiful face. He smirks when your hips start pushing forward onto his hand. He rubs at your sensitive and swollen bud with his thumb while his middle and pointer finger begin to piston in and out of you. Kylian picks up his pace and begins thrusting his fingers back and forth, pumping in and out of your hole with ease. His fingers get faster and deeper, curling with each sharp thrust until your body unravels. Your eyes snap open at the feeling of Kylian speeding up his pace. You throw your head back as you feel the muscles in your stomach tightening.
“I-I’m close.” you warn Kylian but that doesn’t stop him. He goes even faster, making sure to hit your g-spot each time until you eventually come all over his hand.
Your chest is rising up and down as you ride out your high on Kylian’s fingers. He waits for you to calm down before slipping his fingers out of your slick heat and helps you sit up. “You did great amour.” Kylian says as he leans in to place another kiss on your addicting lips. He moves to pull away but you lean forward and don’t let him break the kiss.
“I want you Kylian.” you whimper onto his lips, trying to pull a reaction from him. He groans and tightly holds onto your waist.
“Tell me what you want and I'll give it to you, amour.” he whispers lowly, pressing kisses onto your ear as he slips his hand back up your nightgown to play with your overly sensitive nub. You release a low moan at the overstimulation but do nothing to stop him.
“I want you inside me. I need you to fill me with your cum.” You breathe out, your voice soft and submissive. You pull back so you’re not so close to his face anymore and look at him timidly. Your lips are parted to release whimpers. “Can you please fuck me?”
Kylian gulps at your words, your words send a reaction straight to his cock which is now painfully hard.
“I’ve always wanted a big family.” He comments as he removes his shorts.You slide off the straps to your nightgown, blushing slightly when you feel Kylian’s eyes on your chest. He gingerly pushes you back onto his bed and climbs on top of you. You let out a surprised mewl when he dips his head and begins pressing open-mouthed kisses to your chest. He latches his mouth onto one of your nipples and begins sucking on it hard. You moan loudly, your fingers finding purchase on his back. Kylian hums in appreciation when you begin scratching down his spine. One especially hard scratch has Kylian groaning and pulling away from your breast, a string of saliva connecting between your skin and his lips.
“Lie on your stomach,” he demands, pinning his dark eyes on you. “now.”
You scramble to do as he says. You flip yourself so you’re ass up face down and wait for him to touch you, your body heating up at the thought of having his dick inside you. You can hear him step closer to you and can feel his presence by your legs. A surprised gasp escapes your lips when he drags your body closer to his.
You can feel the bed dip as he rests a knee beside your hip. You jolt forward when he spanks your ass with full force. You wait with baited breath as Kylian squeezes your cheeks. You moan at the feeling of him fondling you.
“You have such a pretty ass.” He mutters in a low appreciative growl.
You blush but say nothing to the compliment. He positions himself at the back of your thighs and puts his weight very lightly on you. He uses his hands to pull your cheeks apart, spreading them to make sure you are well lubricated. When he sees how your vagina is glistening he hums, “you’re so wet for me, amour.”
You let out a little mewl when you feel his tip tease your entrance. He rubs his cock up and down your slit to coat his tip with your slick. You both let out shaky breaths as he slips his thickness inside you, your tight walls milking his throbbing length. You whimper and mewl at the pleasure, your entire body heating up with want. Kylian stays like this for a few moments to let you adjust to the feeling before he starts to slip in and out of you. His thrusts start to pick up speed, hitting the right spot each time, leaving you a moaning mess. He is grunting and breathing loudly behind you. The sound of his hips slapping against your bouncing ass is loud.
Kylian grunts, slamming his cock deep and hard into your pussy. You let out a gasp at the feeling. The pleasure is so amazing that you push your ass out even more, directly pressing your ass on his hips. Kylian hikes his other leg up next to you and leans down to lay his body on you. He slides his hands under your arms then he leans down to press a soft kiss on your nape. He lays a few kisses on your neck and flexes his muscles to hold him up better, he picks up his pace again and starts fucking you hard and fast. He groans into your ear and starts whispering dirty things into your ear. The faster he goes the closer you feel to your climax.
He brings his elbows closer together so that you are wedged tighter between his arms. “Fuck, mon amour,” he whines, “I’m going to cum in you.” You hum and arch your back.
“Please do.”
He fucks you deep and hard, each thrust filled with overflowing love and passion. Kylian lets out a low growl into your ear and in one more powerful thrust, he fills you up with his warm sticky cum. But he’s relentless, he continues to fuck you through his climax. You whine and mewl, you feel so full with both his thick cock and cum shoved in you, in no time you feel your orgasm crashing through your body.
Kylian continues to thrust in and out of you as you both ride out your highs. Once you’ve both calmed down he slides off of you and helps you fix your nightgown before putting on his own shorts. He pulls you close to him and covers you both with his blanket.
“This birthday is off to a great start.” Kylian’s remark pulls a giggle from you and in turn him as well.
As the ripples of laughter begin to settle down, the door to your bedroom opens pulling your attention away from each other. In walks your oldest daughter Noémie holding hands with her younger brother Éliot and sister Josephine. Noémie, your firstborn, clutches onto Éliot, the most recent addition to the household. As the oldest child, it isn’t uncommon for Noémie to guide her siblings to where they need or want to be.
Suddenly, Éliot yanks his hand from the grip of his sister and begins to waddle towards the bed, “Mama!” 
Increasing in his speed, you can’t help but become worried. He still isn’t the most stable on his two legs, and the last thing you want is to search for the first aid box, “Careful darling…” You warn, already holding out the arm to support him for when he climbs onto the bed. 
Following behind, Noémie and Josephine shuffle across the carpet, clearly still not accustomed to the morning light. As Éliot gets comfortable on your lap, Kylian looks over to Noémie, who’s unusually quiet, “Everything okay?”
Noémie nods slowly, “Just sleepy! Happy birthday daddy!”
Josephine follows her sisters actions and scrambles to get on the bed to sit on her fathers lap, “happy birthday dada!” she babbles before throwing her arms around Kylians neck. He smiles at the action and gestures for Noémie to join her sister on the bed. Josephine sits between Kylian and you and leans against her father.
“Thank you my babies, I love you all so much.”
You smile at the heartwarming scene in front of you. You can only hope Kylian enjoys the day you and the kids planned for him today. Kylian looks up at you, admiration in his eyes. It’s clear to him there’s no place he’d rather be and just how blessed he is.
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starsandhughes · 1 year
Girl Dad— Matthew Tkachuk
request: “could u write a dad!matthew tkachuk insta edit 🙏 i feel like he’s be such a softie off of the ice! 🤍🤍”
sorry it’s short!
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liked by matthew_tkachuk, taryntkachuk, and others
yourusername happy third birthday to our precious baby girl, braelyn! matty and i are so proud to bet her mom, and we couldn’t have asked for a better daughter! and i’m not at all jealous that she’s a daddy’s girl🩷
ft. matty looking very cute at braelyn’s birthday dinner!
tagged matthew_tkachuk
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matthew_tkachuk it’s an honor to be her dad! and it’s an honor to be your husband❤️
yourusername you’re an amazing dad, my love! and husband! i love you❤️
matthew_tkachuk i love you most❤️
yourusername i love you endlessly❤️
bradytkachuk we get it you’re in love
taryntkachuk i’ll be by with endless presents soon!
yourusername you spoil her too much!!
matthew_tkachuk we are running out of room
taryntkachuk @/matthew_tkachuk @.yourusername this is not my fault
yourusername @/taryntkachuk focus more on field hockey and less on buying things because i will have to one up you when she’s older to compensate
taryntkachuk @/yourusername i can multitask!
user37 wait is her name a combo of brady and taryn’s?🥹
yourusername maybe… (yes)
flapanthers happy birthday baby chucky!
bradytkachuk best niece in the world!
matthew_tkachuk best daughter in the world!
yourusername as a daughter, i accept this
taryntkachuk ^^^
user44 awww happy birthday!
montour am i invited to the birthday party?
yourusername only if you’ll be the entertainment
montour i can arrange that
yourusername then yes! bring balloons! and kai!
matthew_tkachuk @/montour she’s kidding you don’t have to be the entertainment
yourusername @/matthew_tkachuk you’re uninvited <3
montour @/matthew_tkachuk i’ll be prepared just in case
barkovsasha happy birthday to my favorite two year old!
yourusername she says thank you!
matthew_tkachuk it’s true! i’ll send you a video!
user2 these family pictures are so cute! happy birthday!
marner_93 she’s growing up too fast! make it stop!
matthew_tkachuk we’re trying our best
yourusername it’s not working out too well, but i’ll try some more just for you!
marner_93 much appreciated!
user44 i need to know what braelyn’s first word was stat!
yourusername dada🙄
matthew_tkachuk the best word ever!
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ladysanza · 7 months
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Beginning - one shot
"So, you were watching me huh?" he says still catching his breath after. 
She was. Shamelessly so.
There is something about seeing Jon sparing that makes her blood hot in the most delicious way. Every line of his body is confidence and strength as he moves with the sword, hands maneuvering the object as if it's nothing.
A dark hero.
And completely Her’s.
She took him by the elbow to the nearest room, trying her best to be the composed lady that she is, but as soon the door was closed, she didn't give him any time to undo his own breeches, doing it herself, fast, so he could be inside her as soon as possible. “Gods Sansa” he trembled once he was fully where he should be. 
"Yes...well" she noses him softly "has no one told you that you are very handsome?
"He laughs looking down while tying his clothes.
Jon can be so shy, she thinks, it's always endearing, and it always catches her a bit by surprise.
"Not my wife," he says gazing at her mouth and she gasps feigning chock "No?? My, she’s been negligent this lady of yours."
"Never," he says seriously now "I am the one striving to deserve her."
Oh Jon.
She already can feel the heat behind her eyes, her emotions are so delicate these days. "I am the one striving to deserve you" she manages to say as the tears flow freely to her husband's absolute horror. "Sansa" he says, hands on her face. And is so very urgent that she says, that he knows. So she holds those hands that she adores and lets him hear this truth for the first time: "I love you so dearly".
"My heart," he says, so close to her face, as they breathe the same air. "I love nothing more than you."
"You will, gods be willing."
"How do you mean?" he asks. Oh, his confused face, she can't help but laugh as she takes his hands and places them on her belly.
"Sansa...truly?"  He says in such awe that she can only feel endlessly precious when he moves to hold her.
She remembers then of another hug, in a dreadful city, amidst the aftermath of chaos and death. A hug that felt like loneliness and farewell forever, so she holds him to her just a little tighter. This is the beginning, she thinks, they are just starting.
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tomuras · 6 months
| But Nobody Knows |
Pairing: Kaeya x Gn!Reader
Warnings: 18+ MINORS DNI MY BLOG IS NOT SFW, Heavily selfship coded yet again, He/HIm for Kaeya, No pronouns for Reader, Hurt/Comfort, Fluff, Reader has hair, Reader has intrusive thoughts, Anxiety, Mental Health Themes, Reader has trust issues rip, Gender Neutral Reader, 1.1k words.
Summary: When one night Kaeya comes home to find you curled up in bed with tears stained to your face, he finds himself holding onto you so tightly that very night, that he feared he’d break you.
A/n: Happy Birthday Kaeya!! I love you, king.
The day had gone by slowly and painfully. Thoughts had poured through your mind endlessly like a rain of misery. You yearned for the moment you could go home and curl up into bed, close the curtains, and cry into the pillows, hopeful the next day allowed you to forget about all the agony you endured. It felt as if your insides were bursting from the seams, like your wounds had been badly stitched up only to be ripped apart in a poor attempt to contain all the turmoil inside of you. You sobbed into the pillows, hiding your face from any poor soul who dared to enter your room. 
Unfortunately, it was only a matter of time before someone came in. Not now, thankfully, but very, very soon. Hours had to have passed you by. The faint light in the room was now replaced with a deep darkness and the air surrounding was cold, so cold. You clawed at the pillow as you felt a pang in your heart, those tedious and horrible thoughts haunting you still. You took a few moments to catch your breath, gasping onto the fabric of the pillow sheets. It was then that you heard the front door to the house open. 
Fuck, you thought. Your husband was definitely home. Quickly you wiped away your tears and pretended you were asleep, desperate to escape an uncomfortable conversation you definitely did not want to have. Hearing a light knock at the door you immediately acted as if you were asleep. 
“Sweetheart? Is everything alright?” Kaeya asked you with obvious worry in his voice.
No reply from you, but a few tears fell down your face as you squeezed your eyes shut. Kaeya cautiously opened the door, asking if you were alright, again. When he received no response he turned on a nearby lamp and slowly walked towards you, kneeling in front of your side of the bed where you laid. Kaeya said your name, waiting for a response, but still nothing. That’s when he proceeded to move the hair out of your face and reveal your very pained expression followed by fresh tears falling down your face. 
He sighed. “Honey, I know you’re awake. Please, talk to me.” He pleaded with you to be honest with him, and you were far too weak to ignore his pleas. You could practically feel the pain in his voice.
Slowly opening your eyes you were met with his, his eyebrows were furrowed into a worried expression and you couldn’t help but feel a tad bit guilty. This is my fault,  you thought to yourself. You had to tell him, had to confess your pain even if it felt uncomfortable and violating. Regardless, you chose to lift your head from the covers and tell Kaeya everything that had been running through your mind, all your worries and anxieties, and of course, he was so sweet afterwards. He climbed onto the bed and pulled you into his arms, stroking your hair gently as he told you how precious you were to him. 
“It’s okay. It’ll all be okay, sweetie.” He reassured you. 
You worried for a moment if he was actually telling the truth, or if this had all been some elaborate plan to get you to stop whining about your pain, but you knew that wasn’t the case, because that just isn’t in Kaeya’s nature to be so cruel. So, to calm your nerves and reduce your anxieties you reminded yourself of that. You reminded yourself of all the good and pure that Kaeya is and was. He would never lead you astray, never harm or deceive you, at least not without the best intentions. So, why should you question his love? The answer was simple, you shouldn’t and honestly, you didn’t want to. Not when he was holding you together, like glue holding a broken vase intact, with all the love and care he was physically able to feel for you. 
A few moments went by of your crying when it suddenly subsided and you thought to yourself how lucky you were to have such a supportive man like Kaeya in your life. He was holding you. You were a fucking mess and he was holding you as if you’d turn to dust at any given second. In that brief moment you wondered how fucked up in the head you head to be to question something so intimate and caring as what Kaeya was currently doing for you, but instead of furthering your punishment you allowed yourself to let go. Relinquishing yourself of the burden of human existence and just let yourself be for a moment. Just for once you allowed yourself to love and be loved by a truly wonderful man. 
A few minutes had passed and Kaeya had begun to rock you in his arms, shushing you quietly, and reassuring you that everything would be okay. You had begun to weep without even realizing it. Thankfully, Kaeya continued to reassure you that these emotions, these thoughts and worries you experienced, that they too shall pass. Even if you felt the world was crumbling down on you, you trusted his words. Even as you cried in his arms, clenching his shirt, you trusted him, because that’s the one thing you were so sure about. You were so sure that even if the world would go to shit, you could trust in him. And that was more than enough to get you through this difficult moment. So, relaxing your body once more you let it all out. All the tears, sorrow, guilt, and regret, until the time came when the sun would rise and a new day would begin. The next day you awoke in Kaeya’s arms that still held onto you dearly, and felt something new, something different. It wasn’t unknown to you what it was but it was an unfamiliar and unusual emotion for you to be feeling. For the first time in a very, very long time you felt hope. Hope that not everything would be so terrible and daunting all the time, hope that one day you’d wake up next to Kaeya and wouldn’t feel those tears hiding behind your eyes, and instead would feel a bright sensation like no other.
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Chevalier x Emma The Rose That Never Knew Blood
tags: fluff, soft chev
I've long-since accepted that to live while loving is to be endlessly restless. To the point where my path often crosses with Emma's even when it ought not; where my heartbeat misaligns if I so much as glimpse her hair swaying when she enters or exits or, indeed, exists; where my arms feel wasted and dull without her to fill them.
Worry, curiosity, joy; these emotions not only abound in my day-to-day, but bounce and scatter inside me as though I were made up entirely of mirrors. My rational mind tells me this violent ubiquity should hurt. I do not know what the pain will be like, only that it should be there. I brace in a way a man such as me has never had to. Cowering, my fool brother might venture, regardless of consequence, sneering and self-proud. The thought bitters my mood, but the sweetness of everything else, and perhaps my own pride as husband-to-be, makes me march forward even as I brace. I've never considered what it is for myself of all people to be courageous, and I certainly never expected to find it here, away from horror and villains and the ghosts that haunt everyone else.
Of course the pain—the one that I imagine as clearly and outrageously as if I were a snotty, quivering child—never comes, yet I'm still certain, with that same child-like conviction, that this should hurt. It's laughable, it irritates me, it makes me restless, and the worst part is how precious it is to me. There's so much of this radiance, within me, around me. Too much. And I am not infinite. Until I fall into her gaze and I am forever.
A nostalgic sight greets me when enter my old bedroom at the palace to collect some letters. There he is, my surly prince—now King—seated on my desk chair. Legs crossed, regal, reading. Except his soft smile becomes the very air in this room, and suddenly I can't be close enough to it. Even a kiss would be achingly distant.
"Hello. I didn't expect to see you until tonight." I wipe my palms on my skirts and immediately feel silly for doing so. "Are you done with work for the day?"
"Yes," he says in what I'm sure is a lie. Brief, sweet, as he gazes up at me through golden lashes prettier than sunrays. "And by my estimation, the same should be the case with you."
I smile as I walk over to his vacant lap. "Well, if the King himself says so, it must be."
I've been reading hugh howey, alex michaelides and blake crouch as of late. Definite inspirations here.
Thank you for reading! This is subject to future and ongoing edits, so check back for increasingly enhanced versions ^^
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tragedygroupie · 1 year
I Wanna Be Yours
shiv roy x reader smut
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she’s only mine in the twilight hours, when the city sleeps and the stars watch. i belong to her every hour of the day, but she’s only with me for a precious few. i’ve learned to cherish them, hold them close when the days stretch out endlessly, when i only see her in the headlines of the wall street journal. she told me when we first started this, when she had me pinned against the door of her office and her hands were down my skirt, that this was never going to be anything. it was a one off incident, a quick fuck, two people staving off boredom. but then that one off incident happened again. in the bathroom of a club. the janitor’s closet of a gala. never at her place, but eventually at mine. it became a weekly occurrence, only now the visits have started increasing.
she knows i love her and she allows it.
tonight she’s wearing her black turtleneck, with the dark grey houndstooth trousers that fit her so well. i let her in and she is on me, no small talk just her mouth on mine and her hand on the small of my back, guiding me to the couch.
she sits down and pulls me onto her lap, her mouth never leaving mine as her hands roam my body, going under my sleep shirt to cup my breasts. i moan into her mouth as she squeezes them, and she uses that as an opportunity to slip her tongue into my mouth. every move she makes is precise, exacting even. she elicits a reaction with every flick of her tongue, completely in control of the situation while i lose myself in her ministrations.
she doesn’t ever surrender control, not at work and certainly not here. even when my face is between her thighs she still guides my head with her hands, never letting me make a move that she disapproves of. i am grateful for that, because the last thing i want to do is disappoint her. she has been disappointed by every person in her life and i want to, no, need to be different.
at first when she slips her hand into my underwear, i barely notice, too focused on trying to keep up with her. it’s only when she slips a finger inside me that it hits me, as i let out a whine as she works me.
“you’re already so wet,” she mutters and i blush, turning my head away in embarrassment.
she chuckles and grabs my chin with her free hand, forcing me to look into her eyes.
“you’re so needy.” she says.
“my needy girl”.
she kisses me softly and in this moment i could die, with her lips on mine and her fingers working my cunt, i could die in her arms and i’d die smiling because i’m hers, and no one can take that away from me, not her job and not her father and certainly not her husband.
i’m hers.
she curls her fingers against that spot and i cry out, hiding my head in her neck and clinging to her as she fucks me with her fingers. she curls them, over and over and over as i whimper into her skin, and maybe i have died and gone to heaven because she uses her free hand to stroke my hair, humming quietly as she works me to the edge.
it’s all too much, it’s more than i could’ve dreamed of and it’s more than i can bear and i’m coming undone around her fingers, my body trembling as she holds me tightly, fucking me through my orgasm till there are tears in my eyes, the pleasure giving way to overstimulation.
when she finally pulls her fingers out of me, she uses her free hand to pull my hair till i’m looking in her eyes.
obediently i open my mouth and she shoves her fingers inside, and i taste myself mixed with the salt of her skin, my tongue swirling around as i try to clean her fingers off the best i can.
“good girl,” she says, and it’s different than usual, because there’s this softness in her eyes and she’s not trying to gag me like she normally does, not trying to assert ownership or dominate me, it’s like she’s in awe.
i didn’t know she could be awed.
when she removes her fingers from my mouth i start to move, but she grabs my waist tightly.
i look at her questioningly.
“but what about you?” i ask and she shakes her head, and i must be out of it because i could swear her eyes are watering.
“i just wanna stay like this for a moment. please?”
this is new. this is uncharted territory. shiv never asks permission, it’s not her way.
“of course.”
she holds me in her lap and i rest my head on her shoulder, and in that moment she’s not a married billionaire and i’m not a broke college student, nobody exists outside of us.
when we make it to bed, i sit at the edge, waiting for her to get undressed.
“can you help me with this?” she asks, referring to her necklace, and i almost stop breathing because this is far too intimate, this breaks all the rules of our situation, but she doesn’t elaborate and i’m not gonna pass something as rare as this up so i cross over to her and get behind her.
i move her hair out of the way and part of me wants to take my time, fiddle with the clasp and try to prolong this for as long as possible, because i am selfish and i want to savor this moment of her needing me even if it’s for something as small as taking off her necklace. but somehow i know she would see right through me, and the thought of her knowing how much i live for this type of intimacy from her is an embarrassment that i don’t think i could handle, so i swiftly undo it and hand it to her.
“thank you.”
she takes off the rest herself, and even though i’ve seen her body a million times it still amazes me. she looks like a greek goddess, all curves and softness and skin unblemished by hardship. not a scar in sight. normally it would make me anxious, having to have my body on display in proximity to a woman so stunning. it should make every insecurity light up inside me like a forest on fire. but instead i feel like the luckiest girl in the world.
when she lies on the bed and i take my space between her thighs, i feel her fingers find purchase in my hair and take it as my cue to start. i part her with my tongue, licking a fat stripe up up up until i reach her clit. my tongue circles her clit as i press a finger inside her and she lets out a moan. i start to suckle on her clit while curling my fingers inside her, trying to put on the performance of a life time for an audience of one.
“you’re doing… so good,” she chokes out and i feel her grip on my hair start to loosen.
i continue with my ministrations, trying not to let her words of encouragement go to my head, when suddenly i notice a lack of pressure on my head. her hand is gone. i look up at her curiously and see that her eyes are closed, her chest heaving as her brow is scrunched together. her hand is gripping the sheets, and in a moment of courage or madness i slip my free hand over hers. she interlocks her fingers with mine and i feel a wave of ecstasy wash over me. this is my paradise.
i eat her out in earnest, tongue swirling while my fingers work in time, and soon her thighs are squeezing around my head and the pressure is making me delirious.
when she comes undone i start to slow down, moving at a more languid pace so i don’t overstimulate her.
when her orgasm has subsided completely i look up at her shyly.
she motions for me to come up beside her, so i start to crawl up next to her. she pulls me on top of her, so my head is resting on her chest.
“i don’t think any man can eat pussy like you,” she says.
i let out a surprised laugh, delighted by this compliment.
“you don’t mean that,” i say and she shakes her head.
“no i do. if i had this type of sex in college, i don’t think i would’ve ever given a man the time of day.”
i smile softly at her.
she looks over at the clock on my dresser and my heart starts to sink. it’s too late, she’s going to have to leave.
“can we stay like this just for a minute longer?” i ask.
she looks at me thoughtfully.
“i was actually going to ask if i could stay the night.”
this can’t be happening. this is a joke, this is a cruel joke, this violates every rule shes put in place.
“unless you have plans of course?” she asks, and she sounds nervous, i’ve never heard her like this before.
“i don’t,” i squeak out.
she nods and puts her arm around me before closing her eyes.
this is a one off incident. she’ll be gone in the morning. this means nothing. but tonight, with her arms around me and her chest rising and falling in time with mine, i’ll let myself believe this is the beginning of the end.
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matenrou-fan · 1 year
Hello!!! How are you? I hope you're having a amazing day! May I request Doppo, Hitoya and Rosho with and S/O (you can choose the gender!) that's a kindergarten teacher? Tysm! your writings are the best!
Doppo, Hitoya and Rosho with fem!s/o who's a kindergarten teacher
hii, sweetheart..! ahh thank you very much, dear, you're so kind!! planned to make it with NB reader yet ended up with fem...
Femreader, fluff, just wholesome stuff;;
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-Ahh.. He has no idea how you can get along with such a bunch of kids..
-I'm totally sure he doesn't really know how to treat kids or teenagers. A poor man gets abused by a small girl in one of manga's chapters, and Jiro calls him boomer.. And let's not forget about how Dice treats him after the first division rap battle.. Doppo is frightened by the new generation.
-So seeing you being so cheerful around kids, managing to calm them down and actually making them behave to you.. Ahh, what type of magic do you possess?!
-"I'm actually not surprised.. If I had such a caring, precious teacher back in my childhood, I would be in awe too.." - your boyfriend mumbled, embracing you. - "You're like an angel to them, s/o.."
"I think they just seek some maternality in me, in separation from their mothers for the whole day.." - you giggle, hugging him back. - "It's more like you're the one who sees me as an angel, dear.."
-"How can I not..? You are so kind and loving.. And soft, and warm.." - slight blush covers Doppo's cheek and he looks away, ashamed. - "And you smell so good and sweet.. I can go on endlessly.."
-He actually has a little brother, so maybe you will manage to help him educate him well. Doppo will never tell you, but when you agree to sit with him and his sibling, he can't help but see you as a couple with a kid. Maybe that's why he gets even more softer and quieter than usual..?
-So after some time, as he watched you having fun with kids, he started to wonder what mother you would be for his children.
-He enjoys being with you, enjoys your soothing care and sincere love, yet thoughts about you and him having a love child together, about building a family, a piece of calm paradise in this cruel world.. Maybe Doppo bad at babysitting yet he's willing to learn for your own kids..!
-Ahh, but these thoughts are so embarrassing, how can he even ask you something like that?!
-"Um.. S/o.. What are you thinking about kids..?" - asked Doppo cautiously, one day as you two were cuddling in his bed.
"Mm? Are you trying to ask how I am doing at work?" - you blink, confused. Just why did your boyfriend suddenly get all red and shy again?
"No.. i.." - for a moment he just froze and sigh. - "Yes, how are you doing? Not get tired from such a loud and annoying job?"
-It's good you didn't understand.. After all, he probably should ask such a thing after marriage..? So this would be his first goal.
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-He acts like he doesn't care about your workplace (the main thing that you enjoy working here), yet actually absolutely adores it.
-The way you are always surrounded with kids, who keep jumping around you, bubbling about random childish things.. It's hard to keep his smile small and calm.
-"Oi oi, buddy, don't climb on her like that.." - your boyfriend scoffs as he gets to check up on you during his lunch break. Yet it seems like you have no time to relax. - "And you! Don't cling to her leg.."
"Are you jealous?" - you can't help but giggle, caressing the head of one of the little children. - "Don't worry, Hitoya, you can cling to me as much as you want too, but only after work.."
"That's not what I mean.." - he mumbled with furrowed brows.
"S/o.. You have a scary husband.." - one of the girls whispered, hugging you protectively. That was enough to break Hitoya's nerves as he suddenly started to blush.
-It's not like he's jealous or something, especially to random kids, goddammit. Well, maybe a little, as after a long, tiring day in his company all your boyfriend wants is to also receive some pats and cuddles from you.
-He actually appreciates your soft caring behavior, it's like a contrast to his more cold harsh personality.. Yet Hitoya feels like he starts to change, as your heartwarming attention melts him completely.
-"Good morning, darling.. Come on, get up.." - your cheerful voice slowly wakes your boyfriend up, and his sleepy eyes lazily look up at you.
"Mm, just a little bit more.. I don't want to go to work." - Hitoya mumbled with a tired sigh, closing his eyes and almost drifting to sleep again. You get in bed back and hug him and he immediately holds you closer. - "Great, now I have zero wishes to get up at all.. It's your fault, don't you think?"
"Hey..! Stop with these tantrums..! You have responsibilities to do.." - you chuckle, tickling his cheek. - "Or you want me to take you on my job instead? With such an attitude you will fit among some bratty kids just greatly.."
"Haha, funny.. Gonna put me in the corner?" - he laughs, finally slowly gets up with you in his arms. - "Sorry, teacher, I'm too bratty and gonna run away, what will you do about that?"
"Well, for you, Hitoya, I have another punishment. And if you come home tonight in the same mood, I will show you it.."
"Ooh? Now I'm all scared, dear.. Can't wait for the evening to come.."
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-Oh, so you can relate to him, when he comes home after work, absolutely drained after a long day of educating childrens..
-Duo of two teachers, what can be better? Rosho's glad to have a girlfriend that has the same work as him.
-"Ahh, this boy I have told you before to skip my classes again.." - he sighs, drinking the warm coffee you made for him after dinner together. - "I have no idea what I should do with him and his parents.."
"Mm.. I do have one bratty little boy in my group too, yet I'm lucky kids can't run away from kindergarten.." - A small chuckle escapes your lips as you get closer and hug your boyfriend.
"Well, the older the kids, the larger the problems with them.." - he leans to your warm touches, feeling light goosebumps on his skin. - "But I'm glad you have more peace at work.."
"I wouldn't call it 'peace', actually.." - you laugh, and Rosho can't help but smile too, adoring your face.
-There's nothing better for him than some person who understands him so much and knows how to cheer him up. The way you always try to be as gentle and caring towards all these kids around you makes Rosho also work hard to understand his students.
-You two always share some professional tips and just support each other in this difficult path of raising a new generation. After all, even you get tired sometimes from your work, wishing for some rest.
-"Here.. This herbal tea will soothe your headache a little.." - Rosho whispers, placing a hot cup on a table near your bed. - "And some cookies as a little snack, before the delivery man comes.."
"Mm? You order delivery?" - you get surprised, laying in bed with tired muscles after an especially busy day with your pupils.
"I didn't want to make any noises in the kitchen to disturb you.. Well, you know how I'm cooking.." - Rosho mumble with soft blush yet you chuckle a little from his last words.
"Mm.. but that's not enough.." - whimsical whine escapes your lips as you bite a cookie. - "I want more.."
"Oh? You spend so much time with kids that you turn into one little scamp yourself?" - your boyfriend smirks, patting your head. - "Adults also need some rewards in their life after work, but don't get too whiny now, okay?"
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Hey, please scream about Turgon and Elenwë at your earliest convenience.
I think their attraction to one another was instant. Literally I headcanon a "spotted across a crowded square in Valimar" meetcute, in which Turgon thinks "WOW THIS IS THE MOST BEAUTIFUL SMOL WOMAN I HAVE EVER SEEN WITH MY OWN TWO EYEBALLS" and Elenwë is like "check out that stern-faced hottie with a bodyyyy" 👀👀. And of course Turgon is Socially Awkward AF, but luckily Finrod is RIGHT THERE to witness EVERYTHING and plays wingman.
As implied above, the height difference between the two of them is REAL. Turgon loves scooping his little wife up in his arms. Elenwë has never once protested about this.
My headcanon Elenwë is the daughter of a prominent Vanya, so she's very dainty and poised and lovely, but she also loves to laugh and be merry.
Elenwë thinks Turgon's social awkwardness is THE MOST ENDEARING THING and she teases him about it ENDLESSLY, but always with love.
Turgon is Bad At Talking, but he writes THE SWEETEST love letters, which is good, because for awhile they're long-distancing it from Tirion and Valimar.
Turgon is also Very Bad at Asking For What He Wants, always. But fortunately for him, Elenwë is very good at Knowing Exactly What Her Husband Wants, always. (But she will MAKE HIM use his words in order to get it, dammit! XD)
Turgon loves to plan things and sketch out plans for buildings and cities. Elenwë loves to watch him work, and will always come take his quill away from him and drag him from his desk whenever she senses he needs a break.
I think Turgon begins to hear faint whispers from Ulmo from very early on in Valinor, whenever he ventures close to the sea. He confides in Elenwë about it, she tells him it means he's destined by the Valar to do great things. To which he responds that he doesn't wish for greatness, only to have her by his side always. 😭
Turgon was THE HAPPIEST he's ever been in his life during the time Elenwë was pregnant with Idril, and he cried with happiness when his daughter was born with his wife's same golden hair.
Turgon had a lot of angst over the fact that his mother decided to stay behind in Valinor during the flight of the Noldor, and he feared that Elenwë would make a similar choice, not wishing to be parted from her kindred. He was SO RELIEVED when she told him (several times over, because it took a hot second for him to be able to slow his anxious mind down and listen) that under no circumstances would she ever willingly leave him and Idril. 😭😭😭
BONUS: Turgon built Gondolin in tribute to Elenwë. He chose white stone because his wife always wore a gown of white, and his favorite time of day is dawn, when the golden sun crests over the mountains and sparkles against the pristine courtyards. He plants her favorite flowers all over Tumladen, and he spends months carving a statue of her in a very prominent place in the city. Idril knows she can always find him staring at it whenever he's troubled or anxious about something.
[and if you want a slightly unhinged one-shot, here's a lil Orpheus/Eurydice inspired TurgonxElenwe drabble.]
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trin-gvf · 1 year
christmas fun - S.F.K
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sam x fem!reader
1.8k words minors DNI
WARNINGS: unprotected sex, oral sex (fem rec)
a little late but here it is!
It was christmas and you’d had the opportunity to spend the whole weekend with your husband, sam. He was always busy with touring, making the new album and many things that concluded being a famous musician. Yet, you had him all to yourself this weekend. Usually, you would go to his parents for the christmas weekend and stay up until the day or two after new years depending how bad your hangover was. But, you stayed home this year. There was a bad storm circulating around the south of the U.S. and even going up to Canada, so, you were stuck.
“Stay home! We wouldn’t need you or Sam getting hurt over the holiday weekend! Come over when it passes!” You recalled Karen’s voice. She was so sweet, she always put her kids and their significant others first. She would give the world to make any of you happy. 
So, this year, it was you, Sam, a bottle of fancy wine and a few presents you’d gotten each other. It was enough for both of you but you knew Sam was bummed about not being able to see his parents this year. You saw Josh, Jake and Danny yesterday due to the snow not blizzard yet taking place. It helped Sam just a tad bit with his new found homesickness. 
“C’mon, Sam. Let’s open our presents now. I think you’ll love what I got you, love.” You said, pulling him off of the couch and next to your decorated Christmas tree. You both sat next to it, passing each other the presents with their name attached to them. You handed Sam a big, soft gift. 
“Open this one first!” You gestured to him excitedly. 
He nodded, handing you one about the same size and texture.
“Okay, you open this one first too.” He smiled at you.
You both pulled away the wrapping paper, laughing when you both saw what it was. You had bought the same gift. It was snuggies you’d bought each other. His was a soft brown and yours was a baby pink.
“Oh my god!” You laughed, throwing your head back. You both would complain endlessly about how cold you were. You would layer on many, many jackets/hoodies in an attempt to warm up but never did it work.
You both shared a good few laughs over it before opening the few others. Sam had got you a new laptop, feeling bad he broke your old one and you’d bought him a new phone, knowing his old one was barely functioning. You’d also received a couple others, but nothing as big or expensive as the phone/laptop.
“Thank you so much, my lover. I love it all.” Sam said, wrapping you in a hug in his new snuggie.
“And I, the same.” you smiled into his chest. 
“Are you cold now?” he laughed, looking at you in your oversized snuggie. 
“No! It’s a miracle!” you basically shouted in excitement. 
You spent a while just being close together and watching christmas movies before deciding to make dinner. You both decided on spaghetti since it was easy. You wanted to help your husband but he simply wouldn’t allow it.
“Sam, please?” you begged, this being your nth time asking.
“I’m sorry, but no.” he scoffed.
“Why not?!” you said, stomping your foot onto the floor like a child throwing a temper tantrum.
“Because I’m almost never home and I want to cook my wife a meal. Can I do that, please?” He pleaded. Giving you puppy eyes that he knew you couldn’t resist.
You were now just admiring him while he stirred the pasta and spoke whatever came into his pretty mind. You were so incredibly happy to have him alone this precious weekend. You were happy to share him with the millions of fans around the world, they needed him to feel whole. Yet, you found yourself getting jealous half the time. You knew you’d never be a “normal” couple. Even following into his elder years, he’d be recognized here and there every so often from fans claiming they’d been listening to greta van fleet since they’re teenage years. 
That’s why this weekend felt so special. Just you and him. 
Dinner flew by, it was delicious as always and it paired well with the glass (or two) of wine you had along with it. You were now sitting at the table, talking about silly things.
“Do you wanna dance?” he asked as “have yourself a merry little christmas” came on. 
You nodded your head as fast as you could. You dimmed the lights, almost to nothing as Samuel waited for your company by the Christmas tree. The shine off of the white Christmas lights gave the living room a soft glow. The snow falling outside was enough to make you find peace within the four walls you had seemed to be trapped in just 3 hours ago. Sam took your waist and softly rested his head on yours as you nuzzled into his chest. He started singing the lyrics and it was heartwarming. 
“Have yourself..a merry..little christmas.” he lowly sang. His voice vibrated your face under his chest.
“Let your heart be light. From now on, our troubles will be out of sight.” you sang back. When Sam realized you were listening to him, he hugged you tight.
You looked up at him, having the feeling you needed to be kissed. He gladly did so. You smiled into the kiss and softly put a hand into his hair. He’d been home all weekend and it was now Sunday, yet, you couldn’t seem to get enough of him. His smell, his presence, his whole entity. It was too good to be true.
It made you want him the more and you knew he felt the same when he pressed his body against yours particularly roughly. His hands were grabbing your waist, needing to feel even an ounce more than what he already was. Next thing you knew, your husband was guiding you down the hall and into your shared bedroom. It felt so much different when he was home. You were used to the room being cold and lonely. When he was home, it was warm and brought to life with the joy you felt.
“I want to show you how much I love you” his voice was soft and so close. 
“Can I do that?” he asked.
You nodded your head, needing his touch more than ever. 
“Please.” was all you said before Sam laid you back into the bed. 
He let his hands rid you of most of your clothes, taking the view in. Sam thought you were the prettiest girl he’d ever land his eyes on. You were his prized possession. He kissed down your body before ghosting over where you needed him most. You whined, watching him take his own clothes off. He was so fucking pretty. Almost too pretty. 
“Can I take these off?” he questioned while digging into the band of your panties. You were too far gone and far too needy to verbally answer. You just nodded your head as fast you could, pushing your hips up into his hand. 
Your panties were soon discarded and thrown onto the floor. Sam took the opportunity to push himself between your legs and softly lick and warm stripe up your cunt. He smiled into you as you bucked your hips into his face. He knew what he was doing, he knew how impatient you were when it came to him. 
“Don’t you worry, my love, I’ll take care of you” He softly mumbled as he finally attached his mouth to your clit. He sucked on it, causing you to arch your back away from the sheets. He made coo-ing noises as you locked eyes. He flicked his tongue against you as he slid two fingers into you. It was enough to softly push you over the edge and you were now begging Sam to let you cum.
“Sam- Sam please- oh my god!” you cried, squirming under his touch.
“Go ahead. Do it. Let me feel you, my precious girl.”
His words were muffled out as you let the pleasure take over you. It was hot, overwhelming and absolutely just what you needed. In all honesty, Sam could’ve cum untouched just by watching you finish due to what he was doing to you. Sam’s ego always seems to grow when he was able to make you cum. 
You had unconsciously put a hand into his hair, giving it a hard death grip from when you had let the pleasure take over your body. You let go when you came down, watching Sam pull away. His chin was glistening with your own pleasure, licking his lips and wiping his chin with the back of his hand. 
“Taste yourself, baby. You taste fucking amazing.” he said, crawling up to your face. The kiss was hot and slow, letting you taste yourself in all your glory. 
He pulled away, finally taking his boxers off. His cock slapped against his lower stomach as he did so. Your mouth watered and you simply couldn’t wait to feel him. He was perfect in every way. He was so fucking perfect for you. 
You watched as he let a string of spit fall from his mouth onto the tip of his cock. He spread it with his hand, pumping his hand up and down his dick a couple times before watching you move towards the middle of the bed. He crawled atop of you once more, finally pushing into you. You both let out a gasp as you felt your bodies connect. Sam buried his head into your neck and you let your hands make their presence known in his hair. He started out slow, letting you adjust to his size before speeding up.
You shut your eyes, letting yourself feel him in every way your bodies allowed. Your legs wrapped around his waist, making him go as deep as he possibly could.
“Can you feel that, baby? Feeling me all the way in your fucking stomach, hm?” his voice was more like a growl at this point. 
The energy you two had made, made it even easier to get closer to finishing. 
“I know, love, just a little while longer. Do it with me, c’mon.” he spoke into your neck.
A couple more thrusts and you were thrown into your second orgasm of the night. Sam was in his own little world, going through his very own orgasm. Your chests were heaving against one another and you were both sweaty. Although what seemed to be gross, was loving and made you feel closer to Sam, more than you ever had. 
It took a while to get up and get clean, but laying together in a mess you made together made it so much better. You were now laid against sam’s naked chest.
“Merry christmas, Sam.” you mumbled as you fell into a very much needed sleep.
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sitp-recs · 2 years
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Here I come with another special hidden gems selection to celebrate the best among us, the wonderful and inimitable @the-starryknight! What a privilege to share this space and be friends with someone this generous, creative and kind. I can’t imagine the fandom as we know it without Starry’s warm presence and gentle encouragement. Starry is a true MVP - somehow they find time to write, beta, mod, comment, rec, check in, cheerlead, and god knows what else. They’re not only an incredibly talented creator - with a creative mind and evocative prose that gently tuck me into bed or, alternatively, keeps me at the edge of my seat with a gritty, seductive dark-ish plot - but also the gentlest soul, always available and ready to lend a helping hand or to boost our community with their fabulous TLC posts.
Starry, you are the gem. Your collaborative and generous spirit is the backbone of this fandom, and your passion for art and history make me want to experience all those beautiful things with you. I’m endlessly fascinated by the worlds you create, so rich and detailed, by your vibrant characters full of nuance and heart, by their tender falling in love and journey towards hope, friendship and self-care. Thank you for being an inspiring ray of sunshine during my moody and difficult days, for putting so much of yourself into your work, and for making my fandom experience so much more special. Your energy fuels our enthusiasm and your kindness awakes the best in us. I can’t think of a better way to celebrate your day and contributions than to highlight some hidden essentials that could get more visibility and love! The banner I chose hopes to evoke - beyond the obvious reference to gems and a starry sky - the ethereal quality of lush beauty & mystery that I see and enjoy so much in your works.
I gently invite everyone else to join me in this love fest for Starry - go check the incredible works below, leave as much feedback as you can, and feel free to share your own favorites alongside mine, I’ll love to see your picks. Happy happy birthday Starry! Here’s to many more years enjoying this chaotic but exciting fandom life 💙💜
On Permanence (2021, M, 1.4k) - the title itself makes me immediately love this fic but I wasn’t prepared to the explosion of feels this sexy, tender, introspective fuck buddies to lovers gave me. The clubbing atmosphere full of freedom and possibilities, their easy coming together as if inevitable, the tentative way they navigate this change of pace, wanting as much as before but with so much more meaning and time to discover each other. Utterly gorgeous.
The possibility of going home with Draco is the only reason Harry comes to the club anymore. Tonight, there's a new kind of intimacy to be found outside the neon noise.
little luminaries (2022, G - E, 2.5k total) - fifty short stories, fifty new ways to fall in love with Drarry through Starry’s words. This is a spectacular sample of their genius mind and beautiful prose, exploring all the takes and tropes you could imagine within 50 concise and magical words. A delicious collection of bite-size treats for all kinds of moods and days!
Fifty 50-word Draco/Harry microfics in various genres, mostly romance/HEA.
Confessions in a Lover's Whorl (2021, T, 2.6k) - this impeccable Draco POV full of hope and longing tells the love of a lifetime within 3k. It’s so precious and moving to witness him watching Harry, a private and intimate little moment exposed to our eyes and heart only. The ending makes me tear up every time and it’s a crime this doesn’t have more comments. If you wanna read only one thing today, choose this fic.
In the mornings when Harry remains asleep, Draco tracks the stories of their life together in the lines of Harry’s upturned palm.
Could Have Been a Tragedy (2021, T, 3k) - vamp hunters husbands, that’s what I’m talking about baby!!! This has the exact brand of light and fun intimacy I need in all my established relationship fics pls, their dynamics are a delight and this concept is so cool and inventive! As always this unfolds into so much character and back story, with excellent dialogue and delicious domesticity, A+ power couple vibes.
Covens of dangerous and feral vampires require a special sort of hunter. Luckily, Draco and Harry make just the team, equipped with a frankly absurd number of silver knives and wooden stakes.
In the Garden After Dark (2021, M, 3.5k) - I am simply obsessed with this Unspeakable universe with teams of three, and by Starry’s sharp, evocative and melancholy exploration of grief and loneliness. The Drarry dynamics sharing love and pain hit me right on the solar plexus and I wanna know all about their complicated jobs and lives! Haunting and moving.
Unspeakables work in teams of three, but when Draco and Harry lost their third, Draco left too. Now he's back, Illusion magic stronger than ever, and Harry is less lonely in his arms.
Of Mirrors, Myths, and Men (2021, E, 5.4k) - imho this is one of Starry’s sexiest stories with superb UST, ballroom romance, handyman wolf Harry & Veela Draco coming together in a lush, hot and poetic way! I just love the seductive vibes here, how they quietly gravitate towards each other building anticipation, which culminates with a breathtaking mirror sex scene that lives rent free in my mind! Trust me, you gotta read this one 🔥
After years of renovations on the Manor, Draco has one room left: the Ballroom. Harry Potter’s repair skills come highly recommended. But from the moment Potter stepped foot in the Manor, something burned between them, far more compelling than Draco could have ever anticipated.
The Art of the Matter (2021, E, 5.7k) - there’s something magical about seeing Starry in their element - like in this Victorian AU featuring fancy waistcoats and hot fumbling amidst an art heist (!!!) - that leaves me in awe of their writing. The detailed historical setting, the charming flirty dynamics, the intensity of their get together (never enough time, even after seven years!), the mystery behind the painting, the exciting thrill surrounding the heist! This feels both familiar and original, fun and sexy and full of vibrant details that make the story jump out of the screen.
Someone has been casting increasingly awful curses on artworks, targeting Muggle viewers. Draco and Harry are one of the best cursebreaking teams around despite their penchant for distraction in cloak closets. Their latest case? A Muggle portrait in the Paris Salon with a virulent blood curse.
Saltwater Stain (2021, M, 9k) - @tackytigerfic and I will never stop screaming about how brilliant this dark-ish fic is - downright creepy and fascinating it will confuse seduce your mind like a siren with its contemplative and surreal atmosphere, plus the sublime devastation of Harry’s longing for Draco. Incredible setting and vibes, one of the most intriguing, disturbing and well-executed pieces I’ve ever read.
Seven days stuck on a boat investigating a rogue ghost wouldn't be so bad if Harry didn't want Draco so much. Draco has his rules and Harry's content to follow them, but the air feels different away from the shore. Is it possible that the sea could offer Harry something impossible on land?
Rare pairs
Autumn in the Air (2021, T, 1.7k) - the way I ran to check this when I saw that Starry had written DRON! This is a darling, intriguing and moving short. I love the building tension, the slow creeping realization something’s wrong, their soft mutual longing for each other. A treat to soothe my poor multi-shipper heart!
Draco had never been here before.
Surface Texture (2021, E, 6.3k) - I can’t even think about this Harry/Teddy without getting choked up, this has everything I’ve ever wanted for my favorite rare pair, and it’s a joy to experience how hot and devoted they are to each other. Artist Teddy finding his muse in this sexy and mature Harry gave me goosebumps, I could taste their want and the sexual tension as if I were right there by their side, and despite the sinfully scorching smut this has an incredible amount of introspection and tenderness, as per Starry’s brand. A masterpiece! Don’t forget to check @bluebutter-art’s brilliant art for it here.
I've drawn a hundred portraits, but none quite like Harry's. In the early hours of the morning, I lay him bare in charcoal and paper.
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wonibow · 9 months
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˚ ༘ ( 🥀 ) ⋆˚ ࿐ྂ 𝑠𝑡𝑎𝑦, 𝑠𝑡𝑎𝑦, 𝑠𝑡𝑎𝑦, 𝑦𝑜𝑢 𝑚𝑎𝑘𝑒 𝑖𝑡 𝑏𝑒𝑡𝑡𝑒𝑟
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𝑚𝑦 𝑙𝑖𝑓𝑒 𝑤𝑖𝑡ℎ𝑜𝑢𝑡 𝑦𝑜𝑢 𝑖𝑠 𝑎 𝑚𝑖𝑠𝑒𝑟𝑦 ୧ ‧₊˚ ⋅ 💋
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𝟎𝟗.𝟎𝟏.𝟐𝟐 — 𝟎𝟗.𝟎𝟏.𝟐𝟑 ❤︎
𝙬𝙚 𝙙𝙞𝙙 𝙞𝙩, 𝙢𝙮 𝙡𝙤𝙫𝙚.
˚ ༘♡ ⋆。˚⇢ 💌 ;; incoming love letter for @snghnprk !
happy one year to the absolute love of my life! where do i even start...
wow, we've gone through so much in this past year but we did it together and i'm so glad i had you right here beside me through it all. we're not perfect individuals by any means, but we're learning and growing together as we go along and that's what has kept us from drifting apart. i want this to be about our happiest memories and about us, so i'll leave out all the unneeded details, but i hope you know that you've helped me through so much and there will never be enough words in the world that could begin to describe how much i love and cherish you. you mean the world to me and i'd like to stay attached by our red string of fate forever~
you always make me feel like such a princess, always calling me the sweetest pet names and even going out of your way to ruin your angsty emo boy blog theme to reblog pretty pinky things that remind you of me. c': you never fail to make my heart go whooshhh~ and whenever i'm in my sad girlie hours, you're always there to give me infinite snuggles and distract me with the cutest baby videos you find. i couldn't ask for anyone lovelier than you, you've become such a safe space for me and that's all i could ever want in a future husband~
remember that first date we went on? c': where you took me to watch a sunset and gave me a cute necklace which i definitely still wear to this day? remember that phase you went through where you used to toss me over your shoulder almost every day? c': i pretended to hate it but it was so much fun, you always know how to make me giggle. remember all those random love spams you'd send to me while i was asleep? i loved waking up to read them, it was such a good start to my day... waking up to you just makes my day brighter~ remember when we started to plan our wedding just two months after making it official? i guess we always knew we'd stay together for a long, long time, huh? i can't wait for the day it finally happens... there's no one else i'd rather spend the rest of my life with than you, you're my forever~
ahh i'm definitely rambling now but i just... i'm so thankful that i still have you... i can't imagine what i'd be doing without you here... you're so precious to me and i'll love you endlessly, no matter what. thank you for the best one year of jangkku, and for many, many more years to come! i love you to the moon and back, always~ 🌙
from, your future wife who's totally not sobbing sparkly tears while writing this 💗
˚ ༘♡ ⋆。˚ jangkku turns 1 year old ! { 9.1.22 }
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nalia-tsukino · 10 months
[Yawning, Yuuto opened his eyes and gazed his wife, who was still asleep next to him. Smiling, he pulled her a little closer and nudged the tip of his nose on her cheek.]
"Mhm... my Sleepin' Beauty~ Are you gonna slumber through the day?"
(How can anyone look so damn cute? I could watch her all day... Tho... I kinda wanna... hmmm...)
[So it turned out Yuuto couldn't wait for his wife to wake up. He brushed her wild curls, leaning in and inhaling deeply. Such a good scent, the most perfect one in the world. Chuckling happily, Yuuto pressed a smooch on Nalia's cheek.]
"Happy anniversary, my sweet little vixen~"
[Grinning, Nalia ran in her fox form through her dream forest. Suddenly everything went black and a familiar voice was heard. Time for waking up...]
"Five more minutes..."
[When Yuuto's voice disappeared, the forest reappeared in front of Nalia's fox eyes. Between the branches and leaves, she could see the bright night sky.]
(Ever since I can remember, my dream forest had always been dark. The trees had grown into a kind of dome and let no light in. But when I met Yuuto, the branches started to open up more and more and turned into normal looking woods. The crushing darkness has disappeared. Hmm... I've never told him this before, but it's almost like—)
[Black again —— The voice most precious to Nalia entered her ear. Yuuto's words brought a smile to the lips of the Sleeping Beauty. Nalia squirmed a little and snuggled even closer to her husband.]
"Happy anniversary, my beloved fox."
[Slowly, the young woman opened her eyes and gazed at Yuuto with her amber-yellow orbs. Overjoyed, Nalia breathed a kiss on his lips.]
"My fox... I love you endlessly. I'm so incredibly happy that you became mine a year ago."
[Gently, the redhead brushed the kitsune's cheek before leaning her head on his chest.]
"Let's stay like this for a while..."
[Enjoying the closeness of her great love, Nalia closed her eyes and sighed happily.]
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