#my gifs do not steal
happy74827 · 30 days
“I watch movies for the plot”
The ✨plot✨:
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puwumats · 1 year
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first words dimension 20: the ravening war | critical role: calamity
aka: two more crossover seasons and we'll be able to make the atla opening
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copypastus · 26 days
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But Keir must have known, too. And said simply to Rhysand, “I want out. I want space. I want my people to be free of this mountain.” “You have every comfort,” I finally said. “And yet it is not enough?” Keir ignored me as well. As I’m sure he ignored most women in his life.”
Wow Feyre, what a wild thing to say after leaving your ex over being locked up in a mansion.
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minthara · 9 months
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Ivy ran away from home during her teenage years, bored by small town life and working on the fields. She quickly gathered a following as one of the funniest and most talented newcomers in the music scene, though not without stepping on some toes. For her own protection (and for the good of her coin purse) she took up training as a thief shortly after running away. (insp.)
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thundergrace · 2 years
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Have y'all read today's Defender? 💅🏾😎
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sprout-fics · 1 year
dunno if imissed thurs thots bc time zone is an arse but i pilled an allnighter and needed some smit to keep going bc coffeee aint doing it job anymore so heres a copy paste of my idea from when i was actuallyawake
hallo! so taking a page from the spider verse movie, what if reader did yell out a safeword? there is an “aftercare for a red moment” hole in the fic community (or im just blinded by the algorithm who knows)
So this is a really interesting concept, and also a good way to discuss proper sex practices, so thank you anon!
For those unaware, the color system (Green, yellow, red) is typically associated with BDSM practices. Green is all clear, yellow is slow down/change tactics, and red is full stop, change into aftercare mode. However this system is not exclusively designed for kink related practices, it can be a useful tool for even vanilla sex. Please remember to always check in with your partners and obtain enthusiastic consent before engaging in sexual activities. I am not an expert in this area, so please remember to do your own independent research if you are curious about this topic.
(Warning: Uncomfortable sexual scenarios and use of safe words, please read at your own discretion)
The Color Red
(TF 141 reacting to you using a safe word during sex)
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Johnny 'Soap' MacTavish
You’re not really sure what does it, but something inside you drops abruptly, without warning as Soap’s hand wraps around your throat. 
There’s not even any pressure, just a heavy grasp that circles under your jaw but it’s enough to make something in you rise in panic, blood chilling and breath seizing inside your chest
He’s still hunches over you, your legs wrapped around his hips, brow scrunched in pleasure, voice dragging as he tries to angle himself just right to graze against the soft spongy part of you he knows will make you go boneless in his arms
Whatever pleasure was tightening low across your hips dies as a cold, fearful wash of dread takes its place, the world spinning as you drop fast.
“Red.” You croak, voice trembling, abruptly, entire body going rigid with panic.
It’s over in an instant. Soap knows what the word means, is trained to respond at the first instinct of discomfort, and within a blink his hand is gone, his weight off of you
You curl over onto your side, eyes wide and shoulders trembling, wetness still on the inside of your thighs but air rising sharply as hyperventilation threatens to take over
Soap’s weight is off the bed, giving you space, but when he notices your breathing he kneels beside you at once, eyes brimming with worry
“Hen, sweetheart, it’s alright.” He coos softly, words echoing as a steady stream, a reminder to his nearby presence. “You’re safe, we’re done. Breathe for me, You’re alright.”
“Johnny.” You gasp, reaching for him, and he obliges instantly, maneuvering you both so he sits against the headboard and puts your head into his lap, positioning a pillow underneath it. 
“I’m here.” He reminds you, a hand stroking along your shoulder in soothing circles as you try to control your breathing, listening to him breathe alongside you. Deep inhale, hold for 4, out for 7. Repeat.
“What do you need, hen?” He asks after a few minutes, after the panic has faded to a dull bite, once you stop shuddering and instead curl into an exhausted heap at his side.
You sigh out a shuddering exhale, feel his thumb graze across the top of your shoulder. Gentle, patient, devoted.
“You, Johnny.” You tell him at last. “Just you.”
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Kyle 'Gaz' Garrick
You gasp it out unexpectedly in Gaz’s bed, hands secured above your head as he bends over you, three fingers curling inside you, smug smile plastered over his face as he tries to wring another orgasm from you despite you telling him you can’t, and him finding another, another anyways
Now, however, it’s finally too much, and when he presses just right the sensation it summons is less pleasurable and more aching, stretching an overworn muscle that leaves something twisting unpleasantly inside you
“Oh shit, doll.” He gasps at the word, and slowly withdraws his fingers to not cause you additional discomfort. You whine, but the sound catches in your throat, pleading and tender. “I’m sorry, shh, take a breath for me.”
He reaches up above you, pulls at the rope and it comes loose easily, allows your hands to sink into the pillows and reduces the strain on your shoulders. 
“Hey, hey, I got you.” He murmurs as you shudder, face contorting at the unpleasant ache inside you
He drags you into his arms, and you don’t complain at all, curling into his steady frame as he tucks you against his chest
“You did good.” He tells you at once, reassuring, gentle. “Promise you did good. Just take your time.”
You nuzzle against the coarse, curly hair of his chest, feel him stroke a hand against your back as the ache inside you dies to a low murmur
“I’m okay.” You tell him after a few minutes, taking all the time you need to fully relax into his embrace “It just…it was so much.”
Kyle exhales then, a breath you didn’t realize had been holding. His form goes a little lax against you, relieved by your words
“I’m sorry, doll.” He tells you at once. “I should have stopped sooner.”
You shake your head a little, remind him gently “That’s what the colors are for. I’m alright, just-” and you wince. “Tender.”
You feel him smile into your hair, mouth tugging just an inch, his body warm, solid, reaffirming against yours
“We can fix that.” He tells you softly. “How about I run you a bath and get you cleaned up, hmm?”
You nod, pause, and then crane your head up to plant a kiss against his lips
“Sounds wonderful.”
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Simon 'Ghost' Riley
Sex with Simon can usually be an intense, emotional affair, an experience where you try and carve space within each other through touch, seeking a balm to the brokenness, soothing to the fear and hurt 
Yet there are also times when you both just need release
Which is where you are now, face down, his hands hauling yours behind your back, hips slapping against your pelvis with a rapid, brutal intensity that’s going to leave you pleasantly sore for days
His voice is a grinding, rumbling presence that doesn’t allow you to drift entirely off, forcing you back into the presence of him. A hand tangles in your hair, presses you down into the sheets as he growls lewd, filthy praise down at you
Yet there’s a hint of malice to it, and normally you’d welcome it, send it right back to him, teeth bared and spirit a bright flame that burns against his darkness
Now, however, each word seems to puncture through you, as he hisses ‘Slut. Pretty little whore.’ down at you
You want to take it, want it to feed the coiling need as he buries himself inside you, but tonight it sounds almost like Simon means it.
It hurts.
It forces you to drop so fast it gives you whiplash, mind reeling and you have to remind yourself to say the word that bleeds across your tongue.
Simon stops instantly, removes his hand from your hair like he’s been burned.
You barely even notice, caught in your own turmoil of thoughts, trying to find your way out of the labyrinth. You don’t even notice as he pulls out from you, but the sudden emptiness only feeds the fall, makes a sob curl in your throat as you try and fail to swallow it down
He’s gone from the bed, you notice, and if anything it makes you panic more.
“S-Simon.” He try, voice wavering, and as if you’ve summoned him he appears back at your side, his voice gentler now but strained, guilty
“Here, pet.” A hand against your spine, a feathering touch given only as a mild offering before you give him permission to touch you, to which you gasp “Please.”
The touch becomes firmer, fingers pulling at the rigidness coiled in your frame, and after a moment there’s the cool touch of a washcloth that wipes the sweat from your skin.
“Y-you didn’t mean it, did you?” You try at last, not moving yet, knowing he’d only hush you back into stillness, make sure you didn’t push yourself too fast too soon
Simon takes a moment to process, realization washing over him at why you invoked your color.
“No, never.” He tells you, voice a little distant, and you know the faint unhappiness that colors his own voice isn’t for you but for him, tearing at himself for causing you hurt
You take care of him too, knot your fingers between his in tender reassurance, reminding him that even as he hovers at your side, you stay beside him too
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Captain John Price
You’re trying to soldier through it, the pain that wraps around your thigh as he hauls it over his shoulder, braces it on the broad planes of his frame
Your hands are fisted in the sheets, chest heaving as Price forces his tongue into your cunt, fingers digging red marks into your opposite leg. There’s pleasure coiling n your core with every stripe of his tongue, dragging whimpering moans from your throat
It’s soured, however, by the wrapping on your thigh, the stitched bullet hole radiating pain. The sharp ache drowns any potential pleasure that rises inside you and you try to grit your teeth against it, force it down in pursuit of the warmth of price’s breath against your folds
You can’t. You can’t do it, not with tears beginning to well in your eyes and the sounds coming from transitioning into whimpers of pain. 
“John.” You manage, strained, and for a moment Price is so absorbed in his task he almost doesn’t hear you. “J-John, red. Red.”
Price’s head shoots up, his ears attuned to that word specifically, and when he does you see slick coating his chin, his eyes flickering brightly in worry.
A sob bursts from your chest at the sight, dragging with pain, eyes hot and wet as you press a hand to the red blossoming bandage. 
He surmises the situation quickly, and instantly he’s rising off you, nearly vanishing from you entirely, giving you a bit of space before sitting back down beside you and gently bending your leg onto his lap
“Shh, it’s alright love.” He reassures you, a hand reaching up to stroke at your sweaty forehead, against your brow bunched in worry. “I’ve got you, you’re alright.”
“I’m sorry.” You blurt out even as his fingers knead into your calf. “I didn’t- it hurts.”
“Never apologize for using your colors.” The captain tells you sternly, and he holds your eyes on him, levying you with a disciplining stare that ensures your compliance. You nod, sniffling, and it makes some of the grimness melt from his eyes, tendered with affection
“Where are your pain meds?” He asks then, a hand gently tracing over the bloodied bandage, and you nod to the bedside drawer.
He nods absently, one hand still braced on your leg, the other reaching past you to withdraw the bottle from the assembly of items there
“You’re going to take these.” He tells you without question, drawing your gaze back to him once more. “We’ll get you cleaned up, and then get something warm in your stomach so they go down sunny, yes?”
You sniffle and nod at him, still feeling a little embarrassed, still in pain. Yet it’s softer now with his touch as his eyes turn to you fondly.
“Might even get you some hair of the dog for good measure.” He offers, and it at last summons a shy but warm smile from you
Again, if your partner every signals they are uncomfortable during sex, stop, talk, and proceed as needed. If anyone ever disrespects you signaling you are uncomfortable or blatantly ignores your safeword, do not engage with them further. Stay safe, stay sane, and stay consensual
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blakbonnet · 2 months
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Gifmaker's challenge : Reblog this post with one before/after gif just to show people the work it takes to make even the most basic gifs. I'm not even talking about beautiful colouring that a lot of gifmakers put time into, this is the bare minimum editing I'd do for a scene like this 🫶 Gif making takes so much time and effort (and sometimes, funds for external hard drives and screencap software programs and legally getting PS) so I would just like people to see how hurtful it is when gifs get reposted on Twitter and here 🥲
Tagging @bizarrelittlemew @cobbbvanth @seance @djarin @yenvengerberg @michaelsheens @saltpepperbeard @ofmd-ann and any other gif makers out there who want to participate
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yangjeongin · 1 year
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hollygl125 · 25 days
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William Petersen in TO LIVE AND DIE IN L.A. (1985), dir. William Friedkin BEFORE + AFTER
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helinyetille · 1 month
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Happy birthday, Christoph Schneider! | May 11, 1966
Sources: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6
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emblazons · 1 year
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tfw: you're in love with a Wheeler in a happy relationship
Jonathan Byers in S02E02 - Trick or Treat, Freak Will Byers in S04E09 - The Piggyback
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noah-price · 1 year
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wejustvibing · 7 months
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oh-gh0st · 8 months
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"hey... give that baaaaack!!"
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bionicboxes · 22 hours
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some OC icons i drew up for their artfight pages :o]
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sigurism · 1 year
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Monica Vitti e Alain Delon L'Eclisse Dir: Michelangelo Antonioni
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