#my first ryou fic. i love him
koushuwu · 9 months
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*:・゚✧ blazing heat
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18+ content | 3,6k words | kominato ryousuke x reader.
tags/cw: afab!reader, omegaverse, fated pair, alpha!ryousuke, omega!reader, alcohol consumption, kissing, suggestive content, presumed unrequited love, no editing we die like neji.
part 2
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a late bloomer. that’s what people called it. called you. your heat hadn’t come despite you being well into your late twenties. and despite knowing full well that your were, in fact, an omega. there’d been tests. a lot of tests. but you took them all on, with your head held high. and maybe it wasn’t that bad that it hadn’t, because you’d heard from friends how hard it was to spend your heat alone, when you hadn’t found your fated pair yet, to help you through it. but then again, how were you supposed to know and find your fated pair, when your heat didn’t come? how were you supposed to find your fated pair, when you wouldn’t be able to pick up on their pheromones before your first heat brought that ability about? it was absolutely both good and bad, being a late bloomer.
but it was alright. it was whatever. you couldn’t actually change it anyway, so you’d settled on acceptance. in your early twenties, you’d been upset that it didn’t come. and more than once had you confided in your best friend ryousuke. ryousuke was always supportive, albeit with a bit of bite. because of course he was. but he was supportive in a way that was distinctly him. soon enough though, you came to the point where it wasn’t that big of a deal anymore. it’d happen one day, and even if it didn’t— well, you could still live a full life. without going in heat and without a fated pair.
in actuality, you already had a pretty good life, a good job, primarily because ryousuke had introduced you, since when you’d made a pretty good impression with the team coaches and other staff members. since when you’d gotten a job offer that you weren’t late to refuse. it was a good job and you got to see ryousuke more often than you otherwise would’ve been able to. 
the season had just ended and both the team and all the staff had been invited to a reception, in celebration of the teams recent victories. you and ryousuke would be attending together, since neither of you had partners, and you were best friends after all. it felt natural.
it felt natural when ryousuke picked you up. it felt natural when you slid into the passenger seat of his car. and it felt natural as he pulled out on the main road, accelerating until he settled at a comfortable speed. he leaned back in his seat. relaxed. comfortable. it felt— your eyes strayed to ryousuke. there was a familiar curl to his curve of his lips as he watched to road ahead. tilting his head, ryousuke threw you a short glance, the drag of his mouth stretching just a bit further, eyes already back on the road. 
“nice dress.” the ever teasing lilt to his voice could probably have thrown off someone who didn’t know ryousuke as well as you did, had they’d heard his words in passing. but not you. you knew him well after all of these years, and to you, the sincerity was only scarcely concealed in every syllable.
“you like it?” you told yourself that his opinion only mattered, because he was your best friend. and it was true, that with a friend like ryousuke, being praised did mean a little something extra. ryousuke wasn’t someone to give praise and compliments where they weren’t due. often, instead opting for pushing others to do their best and improve through harsh words and berated guiding. so when ryousuke really did praise someone, with his words no less, you knew that you could always trust it to be entirely truthful. the part that startled you though, was your internal desire for him to look at you again. to keep looking at you. it was the way your skin hand prickled when he did briefly glance your way earlier.
“yeah, it’s pretty,” he said. casually. as if it didn’t mean anything to say. “suits you.”
“thank you. not sure it was the best choice for tonight though,” you said, flat out. it felt too tight. too warm. like it was clinging to you, making your skin feel hot. that was probably why your skin had felt downright alive earlier. at least that’s what you told yourself, forgoing logic of the timing. 
“how so?”
“i don’t know, it felt fine back at home, but—“
“you look great.” the words were absolutely meant to be reassuring, but they felt thick on his tongue. in your ears. sweet, even if he hadn’t spoken particularly sweetly. you swallowed once, before you felt like you could speak clearly.
“that— that’s not what i meant,” you said, inwardly cursing yourself for the slight stutter. not that it mattered. ryousuke had heard your stutter in various situations before, it was normal for people to trip on their own words every now and then. but for some reason, right now, you couldn’t stand the thought of it. “it just feels kind of tight.”
“well maybe you shouldn’t have worn something tight fitting then,” ryousuke countered.
“it’s not that tight!” ryousuke simply hummed a undistinguishable tune in response, and you might’ve been upset if your mind wasn’t otherwise occupied by the tightness over your skin. “isn’t it kinda hot in here?” you ask, question lingering in the air as ryousuke sent a quick glance your way. his expression still painted in such familiar colors, a little teasing, toeing the line of menacing.
“is it?” it wasn’t actually a question for you to answer. not exactly. but you did anyway.
“a little.” you smile at the little huff coming from the drivers seat. you watched him for a moment, mouth feeling dry as you took him in. he’d dressed up nicely for the occasion. dress shirt and slacks. even a tie around his neck as well. “do you mind if turn on the a’c?”
“go ahead.”
and so you did. yet, it didn’t seem to cool you down as much as you’d hoped. it was nice, sure, but your skin still felt heated, a light tingle ever present from the warmth. you probably really should have worn a different dress. leaning your head back against the headrest of your set, you let yourself soak in the coolness of the a’c, even as the effect wasn’t as much as expected, a little was still better than none at all. 
the rest of the drive transpired in silence. comfortable silence at that. comfortable. yet still imposing. you didn’t actually know how that was possible, but it seemed that it was. while it was comefortable, you couldn’t help but hope that he’d say something. you didn’t actually know what. but something. anything that would take your mind off how unbearably warm this dress was, and how it clung to your skin. but he didn’t. he drove, and before you knew it, the car was parked, and ryousuke stood there, car door open and hand extended for you to take. 
“coming?” shaking the discomfort, you took his hand and let him help you out the car. your hands felt clammy. an unusual feeling. why did your hands tingle? and why did the breeze feel so good against what little of your skin was exposed? ryousuke watched you, hand lingering just a little longer. or maybe you just thought it up? maybe. that’s at least what you told yourself when his hand slid out of yours. what a silly thought. or maybe it wasn’t? ryousuke’s hand instead found the small of your back and lead you inside, leaving a tingling handprint on your body when you’d made it in, and he let go. reluctantly maybe? another silly thought, you told yourself.
or maybe. maybe it wasn’t all that silly. because it seemed, that whenever the chance appeared, one of ryousuke’s hands found you. whether it be knuckles brushing yours to get your attention, a hand on your waist to steer you in the right direction as you walked side by side, or fingers settling against your arm when they two of you spoke. when… someone looked? a little too long? no, you must’ve made that up, for sure. but there was something about the way he never strayed from your side for long. how he always reappeared when someone was showing interest. something about the way you were painfully aware of his presence at any given time. how you felt him coming before he opened his mouth a positively scared off any hopeful admirer.
it was at such a moment, standing near a wall, watching one of ryousuke’s teammates scramble off with his head hanging low that it happened. shaking your head, you decided not to comment on ryousuke’s intimidating demeanor. instead you heaved a frustrated sigh, feeling utterly restricted and uncomfortable in this ridiculous dress. you made yourself a mental note of never wearing this dress again. ryousuke watched you. expectancy. waiting for you to speak.
“it’s just this cursed dress.” you groan, tugging a little at the fabric covering your arms. “i really shouldn’t have worn something with sleeves.” 
“that bad?” not a single muscle in ryousuke’s face betrayed what thoughts may be happening behind that all familiar draw at his lips. 
“yeah, i’m sweating.”
“it’s not even that hot in here. are you sick?” while the words were those of concern, ryousuke’s tone stayed the same. another thing that a stranger might not have noticed for what it was, but after all these years by his side, you didn’t seem to have that struggle. at least for the most part, you had a pretty good read on him.
“i don’t think so?” ryousuke put a hand on your arm for what seemed like the umpteenth time that night. it was such a casual touch, nothing out of the ordinary. but his hand felt so warm, even through the fabric of your dress. yet, it somehow felt soothing. 
“you really are warm.” he noted. your head did feel a little fuzzy, but internally, you blamed it on the flute of bubbles you’d been handed upon your arrival. that was probably it. all things considered it was probably also the reason why your skin felt warm to the touch. ryousuke though, wasn’t letting up just yet. “if you’re not feeling well, you should’ve canceled.”
“i’m fine, ryou.” he looked at you with that calculated expression. borderline judging. “i only started on the way here. and i’m fine.”
“it started on the way here?”
“yeah. it was really hot in your car, remember?” you crossed your arms across your chest, ryousuke refusing to let his hand slide off of your arm as you did. instead it slipped further towards your elbow, having you shift your weight onto your other foot. 
“it really wasn’t that warm.” ryou searched your face, brows knitted together slightly. “are you wearing a new perfume?”
“i asked if you’re wearing a new perfume. you smell different.” his hand moved. slowly. fingers absentmindedly trailing down your side. traveling while he spoke. gracing over the fabric over your waist
“i’m not,” you said, skin blazing under his touch, even through your dress. maybe it should have confused you, that ryousuke touched you like this. but as it was, the wonder didn’t even cross your mind. only the feeling of his fingers crowded your head, even as you tried to push it down and concentrate on his words, not his touch. “it’s the same as always.” he searched your face for another beat, breathing in deeply.
“are you–” ryousuke stopped, voice dropping low. he cast a glance around the room, before turning back to you, a twitch at the corner of his mouth the only tell that something was off. “come with me.”
“what? why?”
“just come,” he repeated, snatching your wrist as a muscle in his jaw tightening slightly. he didn’t pull or try to force you to go with him. he simply held onto your wrist and lead you away from the crowds when you nodded and obediently followed his lead. he simply held onto you, but even that simple touch had your head feeling heavier and your skin feeling even hotter. tingly. he didn’t say anything else before you’re safely removed from any prying eyes and listening ears. he didn’t utter a single word, before he’d found himself befitting nook in a vacant bathroom far from any festivities hosted in the building. and even then, he watched you for a moment longer, as time stretched between you. then he inched closer.
“let me get this straight,” he said, intently studying you, breathing deep. or maybe he was steeling himself, for something you didn’t quite comprehend yet. “you’re wearing the same perfume as always, correct?” you sighed. you already told him this, so why? well.
“funny. you smell notably different,” he noted and moved even closer. he inhaled, as if to confirm with himself, shoulders sagging ever so slightly. “sweeter. you’re feeling hot?”
“yes,” you repeated, still confused at his insistence that you smelled different; too busy mentally convincing yourself that he’s probably just imagining it, to pay much mind to his other questions.
“feels like an oncoming fever doesn’t it?” he asked. you’d been over this already, so why did he keep pressing the matter? a fever? you hadn’t even mentioned it feeling like that, but now that he’d said it, it might. but even then, something stubborn inside of you, kept you from going back on the insistence that you were indeed okay.
“i’m fine,” you said, brushing it off. or at least you tried to. ryousuke caught your chin between his fingers, and held you in place as he looked into your eyes.
“answer me properly.” there was something about the way he spoke. about his tone. the words. you didn’t know, but it made you want to do just that. compelled you in a way that surprised you. welcome, but still surprising.
“i guess. but i really am fine,” you added. maybe you should have stepped away. maybe you should have turned your head, pulled free of his grasp. maybe. but his fingers felt good against your skin. warm. callused, but soft. perfect.
“how’s you’re head?” ryousuke inched even closer. heat burnt across your skin. all the little hairs across your body stood on end. he was close. so, so close. too close. not close enough. you wanted to step closer. which was weird. you shouldn’t want that. you shouldn’t. squaring your shoulders, you mustered all defiance left in your body.
“ryou, i’m not sick,” you told him. and that was final. there was nothing more to discuss. or at least that’s what you tried to communicate. that’s what you wanted your tone to say. and you were ready to tell him so, when he opened his mouth to speak once more.
“no, you’re not,” he said. your own mouth snapped shot. what? you’d been ready to tell him to stop pushing it. to tell you that you were done discussing it. but he just agreed? what? you looked at him in silence, confused. confused because he didn’t fight back. confused because with every passing moment the desire to move in closer got stronger. 
“what?” your voice came out weak and just as confused as your were.
“how does it feel—“ ryousuke started, ignoring your question. as he spoke, he stepped a little closer, inserting himself into your personal space, like you yourself had longed to do. you didn’t back away when he his hand moved down, tracing your exposed collarbone with his fingers. “—when i touch you?”
“good,” was the first ghost of a word to leave your mouth, spilling from your lips before you’d even decided to say it. and had you had the chance to decide, you probably wouldn’t have said it. “warm. hot. like my skin is on fire,” you quickly added in an attempt to cover up the confession.
“you’re in heat,” ryousuke stated, fingers still lingering against your skin. caressing. moving. burning against your hammering pulse.
“what?” you asked again. you heard him. of course you did. but as soon as you did, your blood started rushing in your ears, drowning out the very words and their meaning. you heard him. but you didn’t quite follow. or maybe the disbelief was all in your head. you were what?
“you’re going into heat.” you couldn’t be. of course not. you’d never been in heat. but you were an omega, so– why not? maybe you were actually getting sick after all, and this was ryousuke’s way of making you admit defeat. of making you accept the fact for what it was. but somehow you didn’t quite think that was the case after all. your hands clenched, unclenched. clenched, unclenched. clenched.
“how do you know?” you found yourself asking. because how did he know? and when did you accept this to be true? only mere moments prior, the thought felt completely and utterly insane. your mind was racing. spinning. how you managed to string words together into coherent sentences was a miracle you couldn’t quite comprehend.
“i’ve had my rut more than a few times, remember?” he asked, not waiting for you to reply before he continued. you nodded anyway. “i know how it makes the body feel. and the smell– the smell is unmistakably alluring.”
“i thought only your fated pair could smell that.”
“that’s correct,” he said, only then making you realize you’d spoken out loud. you looked back up to catch his gaze with yours, only then realizing you’d been watching him speak, watching his lips form each word and each syllable, for who knew how long. the silence settled for a moment. what? ryousuke looked at you like he waited for a reaction. like he expected you to say something. he grew blurry around the edges. or maybe it was your vision glazing over. his lips curled into that familiar smirk of his as he watched you. “you know what this means right? the fact that i can smell it on you. that your body is reacting to me.” a dull ache rose in your abdomen. did he realize what his closeness did to you? did he realize how the ache felt so much like a calling. like it was screaming for him. could he hear? could he feel? could he–
“ryousuke– i–” you didn’t understand. no, actually you understood what you needed, all too clear. but you didn’t understand how this came to be. and at the very moment, you couldn’t bring yourself to care. but you understand what this meant. and you wanted it. him. but you didn’t. your head kept spinning, when he finally said the words.
“you’re my fated pair,” he pressed. “and i’m yours.” he watched you. he was close. so close. had he moved even closer? and you stood there, lost for words and brain churning. he was your fated pair. he was your fated pair and you yearned for him. yearned for his fingers to touch you elsewhere. to caress you in places that no one else had ever ventured. where no one but yourself had ever touched. did it really have to be him? your best friend. of course it had to be him. it was like the universe knew that you cared for him in a way that’d you’d never cared for anyone else. feelings you’d tried for years to squash, because he wasn’t yours to hold. but he was. he was your fated pair. and you were his. what did this mean?
“what’re we supposed to do now?” it felt like ages had passed before the words spilled from your lips. but– oh god he was so close. the aching deepend. 
“you tell me.” his tongue poked out to wet his lips, but he didn’t lean in. actually, he didn’t move at all, lest for said lips, as he spoke again. “there’s nothing we’re supposed to do. we can do what we want. so tell me. what do you want?” what did you want? you weren’t actually sure. or maybe you were. yeah. deep down, you knew exactly what you wanted, but how were you supposed to tell him that? even now when your whole body was on fire and his scent alone made your mouth water, a twinge of fear leashed your tongue. how were you supposed to tell him? how were you supposed to throw caution out the window and just lay yourself bare for him to reject?
“i think–” you trailed off, searching for something to say. did he even want this? want you? he’d never shown you any interest that could be interpreted as romantic. but that’s just the thing with ryousuke, wasn’t it? he was in general not one to showcase feelings, and when you were being honest, you’d never seen him show interest in anyone like that, whether romantic or sexual.
“what do you need? tell me.” there it was again. that compelling need to be honest and tell him exactly what he asked. what he wanted.
“i need you to kiss me. touch me.” that familiar draw at his lip twitched upward, and pulled into something wicked. something unnerving that sent a shiver running down your spine, forcing you to shudder. unnerving. thrilling. like a hunter, keenly watching every reaction visible on your face. in your stance. your words.
“as you wish, princess.” the words were sweet, but the tone was all but. it was teasing. mocking even, and somehow utterly him. painstakingly so. that was the last thing to run through your head before the ache in your abdomen seared, making your knees buckle, as his lips connected to yours and you clenched around nothing.
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*:・゚✧ all interactions are greatly appreciated. thank you for reading ♡
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shinayashipper · 15 days
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“It’s beautiful,” Yugi finally said, unable to not smile at the way Ryou beamed at him. “I really, really do like it. If- if I do start streaming, I’d be happy to use it.”
Hitbox, Headshot by @semi-jpg ( bruhkakke on AO3) - Chapter 1 FANART
I read this very fun and entertaining Puzzleshipping fic with them being game streamers!! I've been rereading them and rereading... and got Delirious so I NEEDED to Make Something for it UWAGH, I HOPE YOU DON'T MIND THIS!!!
This is an AU where they're game streamers! Atem is a pro gamer and Yugi's his fan. After some ~Events~ Yugi decided to be a streamer too but he's using an avatar (Vtuber) because he didn't want to show his face. His friends prepared everything for him! Yugi thought it's gonna be potato-shaped but they gave him a super Gorgeous elf <3
I didn't draw Atem in the fanart but this is a Puzzleshipping fic! I just found this scene of Ryou showing Yugi his vtuber very heartwarming! And I'm adding some of Yugi's existential crisis in there because CHAPTER 2 IS MAKING ME GO CRAZYYY AAAHH UWAAGHHH
I hope you like this, Ryan! Sorry if the vtuber model for Yugi didn't look like you envisioned...
Anyway some more gushings abt the fic under
maybe I'm just not in the Puzzle tag very much but this is the first time I read a streamer AU for them and it's SUPER FUN!! The idea of Ryou and Yugi being vtubers is sooo CUTE and you wrote their friendship really well AAHHH I LOVE YUGIOH I LOVE FRIENDSHIPPP!!!!!!!
Atem is such a sore loser but I'm not surprised if Kaiba's been in his circle for long HAHAH. What a gem!! You know I've been rereading the chapter 2 but specifically the part where Atem typed “Don’t think you’re that important.” IT HURTS ME SO MUCH BUT IT ALSO MADE ME SOOO EXCITED MY HEART DROPPED IM ON THE FLOOR!!!!!!!
Love all the characters' interaction in the fic, it sparks such Joy in me, Beloved! <3
pls do tell me if u wanted the fanarts removed or something, take care & stay safe!!
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mirpuzzle · 1 month
Could you pretty please talk about how much you love occultshipping (⁠.⁠ ⁠❛⁠ ⁠ᴗ⁠ ⁠❛⁠.⁠)?
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Gladly! 😊❤️ I have so much to say about this ship 😈👻
Their dynamic is fascinating to me. Two spooky guys who theme their decks around ghosts and the occult have a duel to decide who will make it to the finals, proving to be the scarier duelist.
I'll start by comparing the way they treat their monsters. Yami Bakura likes using a monster's whole existence as a tool to achieve what he wants, as if condemning its soul, showing whoever his opponent is horrors beyond their imagination. Kotsuzuka, on the other hand, prefers to strengthen his ghosts to make a scary army of undead creatures to frighten his opponents.
One of them condemns souls. The other makes them stronger. They're so similar and yet so different. It's like seeing two sides of the occult.
What I like the most about this pairing is that it simply works. I'm thinking again about their Duel Links tag. Every person who has met Yami Bakura wants to use him, harm him, stop him, or wants nothing to do with him. This is the first time I ever see someone wanting to be around Yami Bakura, let alone feeling admiration for him.
Kotsuzuka barely knows anything about him. He doesn't know about the Millennium Items or Bakura's dreadful past and origin. He has no idea that this teenager, who is only 1 or 2 years older than him, is an ancient spirit currently possessing Ryou's body. In Kotsuzuka's eyes, Yami Bakura is this cool, scary guy who masters the occult and uses that to terrify others. And he likes him that way.
Having someone like Kotsuzuka around, who shows a genuine fascination for him (especially after experiencing how cruel he can be), could end up shaking Yami Bakura's world. This sweet ghost, who is both terrified and fascinated by him, could make Bakura want to lower his guard and get closer. He could make him care.
The height difference also makes this pairing too cute. Yami Bakura can easily hold Kotsuzuka, to which the little ghost will respond by finding the perfect spot to rest his head on Bakura's chest or shoulder.
Of course, I'm not forgetting about the dark aspect of this pair. Imagining a possessive Yami Bakura who wants to keep Kotsuzuka all to himself is what first got me into this pairing.
They could scare everyone together. Or they could lose themselves in the darkness. Just the two of them.
----------------✦ I have kind of a story in my head that includes all this. I hope I can turn it into a fic eventually (I've been practicing my writing) 🥺 Thank you SO much for the ask! 😊❤️ I fell in love with this pairing about three years ago, and my love for it keeps growing.
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emuthec0w · 1 year
Surprise Party !
Hehe >:) A littlebullet point fic of how the yugioh characters would react to their s/o throwing them a surprise party !! Gender neutral reader as always :)
P.2 will have , Ishizu Ishtar, Téa Gardner, Joey Wheeler, and Mai Valentine !!!
Characters ; Seto Kaiba, Yugi Mutou, Atemi / Yami Yugi, Ryou + Yami Bakura, Marik Ishtar
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Seto Kaiba
Birthdays.. he didn’t really enjoy them. Not his own , anyways. When it came to yours and Mokuba’s, he found some enjoyment in them. You and his brother’s smile of glee healed his heart just a bit, knowing you two could have the things he never could in his childhood- and now- made him.. happy.
Though, he may not admit it. Not right away, anyways.
His birthday was like any other day, loaded with work. What could he expect? A break on his birthday when he was the head of a giant company? Not a chance. It hardly even crossed his mind that it was his birthday to begin with.
On his way home he may pick up a coffee as a little treat for himself, but other than that, the festivities are pretty much over before they even began.
“I’m ho-,”
“Surprise!” “Happy birthday big bro!”
Little did Kaiba know you and Mokuba had been planning a huge surprise party since his last birthday. His lips parted in as he stared at his now decorated living room and kitchen. Blue and silver ribons all over..
“Hm,” He hummed, a grin settling over his previous look of shock, “Not bad, for the world champion himself.”
He would never admit it, but this is the happiest moment of his life. He didnt have to though, as you could read him like a book. And he was acutely aware of this fact.
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Yugi Muto
Yugi has always celebrated his birthday by bringing cupcakes to his class to share the joy. “It’s not as good if you’re celebrating by yourself!” was like his motto, or something.
Afterwards he may invite a few friends over to play Duel Monsters on this special occasion, just for fun of course. Though he didn’t expect you and Grandpa to pop out of the door with a “Happy Birthdayyy Yugiii!!” the moment he got home..! But, it was a pleasant surprise.
“You guys..,” He may tear up a little, “Woah..”
He’s more or less speechless at first, but he makes sure to show his gratitude through physical affection such and holding your hand and hugging you tight.
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Atem / Yami Yugi
The pharaoh is rather used to celebrations of days such as his birth, or the anniversary of his crowning- it’s hard to ignore the public’s gratitude. But, he was used to it by now. Their weren’t a lot of surprises on days like these anymore.
He spends most of the day in his study writing down the past few major events on papyrus sheets. His ability to write out perfect hieroglyphic symbols still impressed you to this day, honestly.
When he had finally decided to put his quill down for the night he noticed the sounds of excited squealing from the pharaohs sleeping chambers. His dear Queen/King, what could you be up to now, he wondered? You were always warm and happy like the sun, he wondered if you ever could truly harbor hatred for another human.
As he stepped into the temples sleeping chambers he was immediately met with the sight of red and white lights illuminating the walls, and petals covering the ground. He wasnt very good at expressing it, but it made his heart flutter. Making his way to your shared qaurters .. wow.. before him was a heartwarming sight.
You, his lovely queen/king sitting in a pure satin laced night gown, holding out a cake to him. ‘I ♡ you Atem!’ was written across it with icing.
His lip trembled, it brought him such .. happiness that you found him this precious to you with no strings attached. He took the cake and nodded his head;
“Thank you, my- my dear..”
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Ryou Bakura
Ryou had lived alone for quite a while, so.. on his birthdays, there was never anything to look forward to to begin with. Plus, what if he shared a birthday with someone else? He.. didn’t want to be a bother by bringing it up.
This is why none of his classmates ever batted an eye on his birthday; he never told them about it. But you..
Oh, he couldn’t hide a thing from you. In the end you had forced his birthday out of him- it turned out you were right. You shared your birthday.
On his way home from a tournament, he’s fully intent on buying you the best gift he can find! Stepping into your favorite little shop he immediately spots what he’s gonna get; a huge Hello Kitty plush that’s way bigger than either of you. Thank god the clerk running the check out was able to smush it down into one of their bags.
That would make it a much bigger surprise!
Opening the door to your apartment he’s greeted with the sweet smell of strawberry shortcake. Oh wow.. he was so lucky. If one thing was clear, you knew the way to his heart ; good, homemade food.
He made his way to the kitchen, the sight of presents piled on the table making him stop in his tracks. His cheeks flooded with a dark hue of red, brown eyes softening like a puppy begging for food. Could it be? Had .. you really done this all for him? On your birthday too? Oh.. oh wow.
He had never felt so loved.
The whole night was just like a dream come true- what he had always imagined real birthdays to be like! You’d both gotten presents from your friends, and you had gotten him a deck of all the rarest cards you could find.
“My fairy.. you shouldnt have..!”
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Yami Bakura / Thief King Bakura
The entire day you were by his side, on such a special day that should have been celebrated for milenia.. he didnt want his pretty prince/princess wandering from him. Though the days prior you had set up a small ‘party’ in your home.
After cheering him on in a duel against some chump- who was it? Oh, right. Kaiba, who he obviously won against; you brought him back home, making sure to stop at little shops you both liked to buy him treats.
“C’mon Bakura!” You called, “I have a surprise!”
“Tsk, so eager. I never quite understood birthdays, anyways..”
He grumbled but followed en-suite. He had no such good memories of birthdays. His was hardly ever celebrated, instead that Pharaohs was what everyone gushed over. But no matter, back then he could have always just stolen himself any trinket he desired - it didn’t even need to be his stupid birthday.
As the two of you returned you took the pale hand of his host’s body and lead him inside. His eyes widened at the view.. so many sets of cards.. so many random trinkets, and a table set full of food, drinks, cake- everything.
“I knew there was a reason we were destined to be together, my Prince/Princess..”
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Marik Ishtar
From his earliest memory of it, his birthday has always been a dreaded time in his life. One year closer to having to accept the ritual. And when that time finally arrived, his birthday had officially been deamed the worst day of the year. Somedays, he wished he had never been born at all.
It was no wonder it took him a good while to open up to you about his past, and even what day his birthday was. He wished he could just purge the day from the year. It would make everything much.. easier.
On the “special” day he had locked himself away in his room, hugging his pillow just- just waiting for it to be over. The memories he had to relive- the stinging from his tattoos.
But.. hearing your voice from outside he almost immediately shot up.
“My Prince, may I come in?..”
You were acutely aware of how hard this day was for him. But that’s why you wanted to give him some new, good memories of it. When he opened the door you brought him into your warm embrace, seeing the tears in his eyes broke your heart. He was.. comfortable being vulnerable around you. And that meant something- it meant a great deal to you. You hushed him softly, humming a sweet tune.
“I dont want to be seen like this.. come in.” He grumbled, “Not even Odion can see me cry anymore.”
The tan boy pulled you in, locking the door behind you two. He sat you down by his side on the edge of his bed. You watched with a small frown as he wiped the tears from his eyes and his sniffling nose.
“Marik.. I have a gift for you, my pharaoh.”
“What?..!.. Please dont- nno- dont do it to me again-..!”
Marik immediately pulled back, pulling his rod out as quick as he could. That look of fear in his eyes- you’d never seen it before. You shook your head, pulling out a small box.
“Please trust me, it’s something good.”
With your reassurance he lowered his gaurd just a bit.. but he was still weary. That was until you pulled- could it be? The Millenium.. the Millenium Eye from your little box. You held it out to him. He silently took it , rolling it around in his palms.
“Happy Birthday, my Prince.”
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mainstream-deviant · 5 months
Secret Santa 2023!
Hello hello -
Well, it's the 11th hour on xmas eve (possibly literally, depending on your time zone), but I'm here, very technically on time! :P
My giftee for the @super-secret-conspiracy secret santa event was @kitsunefaux, who gave me a pretty wide-open request for Ryou and/or Bakura by preference, with a few shipping options. Tendershipping was first on that list, so here we are. I hope you enjoy me subjecting poor sweet Bakura to the joy of winter weather for your amusement. ;)
Fic Rating: G (or I guess T if a couple of F bombs count)
Fic is below, or on A03 here
“Come on!” 
“No.” There was a pause. “Oh, fuck right off with the pouting.” 
“Is it working, though?” 
“Pleeeeeeaaaaase? It’s so nice out!” 
“Not it’s not, it’s fucking cold.” Another pause. A judgemental look down. “That’s the only reason you even got me into this monstrosity. It ends there.” 
“Except it doesn’t. People need to see!” 
“Lies.” A pause, then a deep, soul weary sigh.  
“I’ll get your scarf!” A beaming smile. 
“....I hate you so much.” 
Even though Halloween was clearly the superior holiday, Ryou always appreciated a nice fresh snow right before the winter holidays. And he was rapidly discovering that it was all twice as entertaining when you have a boyfriend with no concept at all of winter to lovingly torture with it all. 
He still couldn’t quite believe he’d managed to convince Bakura into coordinating ugly christmas sweaters for the day. It was good to know just how far Bakura was willing to go in the quest for winter warmth; that would probably come in handy someday. But for now, he‘d take his small victory. Here they were, all bundled up – Bakura in a scarf and a hat and mittens, goodness it was only barely below freezing, what were they going to do when it got properly cold – and out to enjoy the lovely winter’s day. 
Despite his earlier grumbling, Ryou could tell that Bakura was enjoying himself. Bakura’s gaze was darting around, eyes suspiciously wide and sparkly for a man who was supposed to be annoyed. A thick fog had rolled through the day before, leaving a thick layer of hoarfrost clinging to every available surface in its wake. The frost glittered now against the bright blue sky, turning the world to crystal. Ryou tucked his hands around Bakura’s arm and leaned into his side.  
“See, it’s not so bad, is it? It’s beautiful out here.” 
“I admit nothing.” Bakura glanced over at Ryou with what was probably supposed to be a stern look, but he didn’t quite manage to hide a tiny grin. 
Ryou couldn’t help but roll his eyes a bit at that, though he gamely tried to hide it. “Of course you don’t.” He smiled. “Fine then. Just enjoy the scenery, you grouch. I should have found you a grinch sweater to match the sparkling holiday cheer.” 
“A tribute to the best thief of the holidays? I’d take it.” Bakura made no effort at all to hide his smirk this time. 
Ryou now rolled his eyes quite a lot, and enjoyed Bakura’s laugher at his side. They fell into silence as they walked down the path together, just enjoying the fresh winter air and sparkling frost for a while. Suddenly, Ryou tugged on Bakura’s arm.  
“Oh, look!” He pointed up the path. “It looks like someone’s been flooding a little ice patch. Let’s go slide around a bit!” 
Bakura went stiff beside him. “Not a chance.” 
“Oh, but it’ll be fun.” 
“Nope.” Bakura planted his feet. “It’s bad enough walking in snow, there’s no way you’re getting me sliding around like an idiot. You’re on your own.” 
“Even if moving around a bit more would help you stay warm?” 
Bakura squeezed his arm to his side, tugging Ryou’s hands more firmly into his side in the process, and smiled. “You’re doing a good enough job of that already, thanks.”  
“I see.” Ryou gave Bakura’s arm a squeeze and considered his options for a moment before smiling up at Bakura with an exaggeratedly angelic look.  
“Well, I’m glad to be of service and all, but your heater needs a break.” Fast as a viper, he snatched the hat off of Bakura’s head and bolted towards the ice, gliding smoothly across it to hop into the snow on the other side. “Your precious warmth is right here whenever you’d like it.” 
“What the fuck!” 
Ryou burst out laughing. Bakura looked so deeply offended.  
“Come and get it!” Ryou grinned and shook the hat as though trying to tempt a bull. “Surely the greatest thief of the last few millennia can steal back a hat? All that’s in the way is a teeny tiny patch of i-” The next words were cut off by a burst of hysterical laugher. “What was that?!” 
Bakura looked up from the ground, where he’d splayed himself out the moment he set foot on the ice. “Shut your f-AH!”  
Ryou had to bend right over he was laughing so hard. Bakura kept trying to get to his feet, but he couldn’t seem to manage more than half a second of traction before ending right back on the ground in a heap of awkward limbs. Eventually, he lay still on the ice, despondently spread-eagle, and turned pleading eyes on Ryou. That was about as close to a plea for help as he was ever likely to give, and Ryou managed to calm himself down enough to take pity on the poor man.  
“Ok, ok, let me show you how it’s don- eep!” 
Ryou blinked up at the sky, which was suddenly straight ahead. He lay on the ground for a few seconds of stunned silence before turning his head to look at Bakura, who was lying still next to him, stunned expression on his face. They stared at each other for a moment, before bursting into laughter again.  
“It serves you right! Justice!” Bakura punched a fist at the sky, but wisely didn’t try to get up again.  
“Yes yes, me and my big mouth.” Ryou reached over to stuff the hat back on Bakura’s head. “I think that’s our sign to head home and warm up.” 
“About time. Let’s get the hell out of here.”  
Ryou shimmied awkwardly off the ice, dragging Bakura along in his wake as best as he could. It wasn’t graceful, but they got there. They always did.  
Ryou returned to the couch with hot chocolates in hand, and gratefully sank into Bakura’s side when he held the blanket open for him.  
“Here. Chocolate mint for me, and a dash of chili pepper for you. Only the best. Better?” 
“Yeah. Better.” Bakura shifted to help Ryou settle in, and pressed a kiss to his temple. “Remember this the next time you think it’s a good idea to go outside and freeze our asses off. We can skip straight to the good stuff next time.” 
“Oh, but you had a fun. I saw how you were staring at all the frost. Wasn’t it beautiful?” 
“And cold.” 
“Well yes, that’s how frost works.” Ryou took a sip of his drink with a happy sigh. “But it was a good day.” Ryou smiled up at Bakura, warm and content.  
“Yeah. A good day.” Bakura leaned his head over Ryou’s, and they let the warmth sink in.  
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antaresr · 1 month
I don't usually post my fic ideas, but I need to get this out before I cry.
Unrequited love gemshipping and enemies to friends to lovers casteshipping.
After coming back to life, TKB stays with Ryou, they go through the whole "you hurt me" and "I know, I'm sorry" process and become friends, but TKB starts to feel things for his only friend in the world.
Since TKB has never experienced a healthy and serious relationship, he doesn't know what the hell to do, so he does his best to show Ryou that he loves him, but Ryou believes that everything TKB does is because they are friends.
After a while Ryou arrives with TKB and tells him that there is someone he likes, that he is going out with that someone and hopes for the best, TKB, after considering how much he screwed up Ryou's life, bites his tongue and gives his full support because Ryou deserves to be happy.
Of course TKB needs someone to vent to, but there's no one else to go to except Atem, who could understand how after thousands of years he feels something for someone.
He then goes to Atem, who at first doesn't understand why TKB is talking to him, until TKB starts crying, which breaks Atem's heart because he can see how much TKB is suffering from his first broken heart, so he lets him stay in his house/apartment and take care of him.
TKB is very depressed, he questions if this is what he deserves after everything he did, if that is his punishment, he wonders if he doesn't deserve to be loved, he cries almost every day, if he is not crying he is asleep, Atem is not can do nothing but try to get him to eat and clean himself, sometimes if he's lucky he succeeds.
One day Atem enters TKB's room, sits next to him on the bed, neither of them says anything, TKB continues crying and Atem puts his hand on TKB's head, his hair is softer than he expected and he gives him cuddling, TKB falls asleep and Atem too, somehow they end up holding hands.
After a while TKB begins to improve, as well as his friendship with Atem, then he begins to think of Atem as more than a friend, traumatized with his first failed romantic experience, he withdraws into himself again, Atem worries about him again but this time TKB tries to evade him.
Atem at some point gets fed up and confronts TKB, TKB starts apologizing over and over again, Atem tries to console him but it only makes things worse, then TKB apologizes for loving him and Atem stands in shock while hugging TKB.
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rochelle-echidna · 6 months
@micheladee tagged me in the "post a couple paragraphs of your WIP" share-a-thon, so figured I'd go through my Word docs and see what I could find - thank you so much for the tag, Michela :)
Truth be told, if y'all will allow me to vent a bit first... it's been a bit of a shitter these last couple years, especially wrt getting any sort of writing done. Never mind with fics (of which I feel awful I've barely started anything new, even the WIP below is from last year) - but I've also been trying to finally write a novel of my own after realising I really, really want to... and the words just aren't coming. Whether it's because of fear of ridicule, fear of failure, fear of not being good enough, fear of financial stresses, fear of whatever... it's been really fucking rough since my spouse and I moved cross-country, and I've def been feeling ashamed at my lack of creative output :(
On the bright side, I'm getting some help with therapy and I'm doing a couple workshops to get me back into the swing of being creative so that I can tackle the work-life balance and not feel like the entirety of my (and my spouse's) survival rests squarely on my shoulders. Whether that means I'll be able to post any new work soon is up for debate, but honestly just taking these baby steps is better than nothing, so I'll take what I can get (and my body + mind can give).
And I know there's no "admission fee" to partake in fandom, but I still feel I'd be remiss if I didn't offer a huge apology for not positing fics recently, and especially for not commenting on fics y'all have made in these last several months - please believe me when I say I see y'all's work and it's great and makes me feel so many necessary things, even if I'm not able to type the words on AO3 atm.
Anyhow, just wanted to share an update with y'all and let you know I'm still here, still alive... just taking it one day at a time for now in order to keep my sanity strong!
Enjoy this little snippet of a WIP below, and I tag whoever so chooses to participate in this game - even if I'm quiet, I love seeing everything you lovely people write :D
When he was thrust back to reality in his own body, there was the usual disorientation that was to be expected of someone summoned through the dark arts. After all, if the infamous Thief King from 3,000 years ago had existed as a separate being before, there was no reason Malik’s other half couldn’t, too. Except… Ryou Bakura hadn’t exactly planned for this extra passenger to crawl his way back from the shadows alongside the former spirit. And what “Malik’s other half” – the phrase enough to make said individual gag – definitely hadn’t expected was for such confusion to be tainted by a profound sadness… one that had permeated his entire being for the last six months. Or however long it had been. Malik had gotten what he’d wanted, Ryou had gotten what he wanted, the Thief King had kind of gotten what he wanted – and all that “Malik’s other half” had gotten was a sense of displacement, dysmorphia and disdain. “You know… he’s welcome to stay here, Malik.” “You weren’t conscious during that damned duel fifteen years ago, host. Just be glad you weren’t privy to his cruelty firsthand.” “He’s right, Ryou. You’ve done enough already. There’s no need to put yourself in more danger.” “But there’s not much harm he can do now. I mean—" “I can hear you all.” Three pairs of eyes had greeted him when he’d first turned over on a – soft – bed. His hands had been bound, and he’d growled and snarled so much that he’d made Malik and the Thief King back up – but not the white-haired man in-between them. “You probably have lots of questions right now. And…” The blush that formed on the man’s cheeks had sent a – strange – shiver down his spine, warming his bound wrists. “I’m sorry I don’t have many answers.” He had merely hmphed at that, avoiding eye contact with his “main personality” and the thief who’d dared face him. Instead, he focused on the wide eyes of the man who must have been called— “Ryou… it’s no use. We need to send him back before he does some real damage again.” “Snap out of it, landlord. Just look at how he’s staring at you.” But the man – Ryou – had just tilted his head and let loose a very small smile. “What’s your name?”
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rosalind-hawkins · 4 months
Hihi!! Seto Kaiba for the character ask 3 and 7?
Thank you for asking! Answers for this post and still taking asks if anyone else is interested!
3. What was their best canon look?
I'm actually quite tied between his Duelist Kingdom outfit (I love it so much I have my own version of it for myself, as just regular clothes) and his white suit from season five (is just so slick and professional). Obviously his upgraded dueling outfit in DSOD was awesome and extra, but I like to think more about what Kaiba wears day to day. The Duelist Kingdom outfit is the closest we see him get to being casual ever, and unless I'm mistaken, the first scene we see that outfit is when he's working on the Duel Disk prototype. It's the outfit he picked for fiddling with his tech in his own home, and that makes it feel more personal, in a sense. This is what he wore when he was alone and not necessarily trying to impress anybody, and we don't get to see that part of Kaiba too often. (And in my Rock Bottom series, this is the outfit I have him in from halfway in Season Zero up through the end of Season Two, so this one is almost def my fave based on that.)
7. What do you think they would appreciate as a gift?
I had to triple check this one because I kept getting it mixed up with 5 and I was like, "wait, I already have something written for this, don't I?" and the answer is true for both, actually.
The thing about Kaiba is, he can already have whatever he wants. That's the worst kind of person to buy a present for, because you think, "Well if he wanted this, he would have gotten it for himself already, yeah?" And that's not necessarily true with Kaiba. He doesn't make time to take care of himself or enjoy himself, so a gift geared toward that would be very appreciated from a loved one. So I think secretly planning a vacation for him (Mokuba or Ishizu) or custom handmade BEWD art of some kind (Ryou) would be really nice for him. In the past I've usually written Joey as giving him *ahem* certain sexual experiences *ahem* as a present because Joey doesn't pretend he can give Kaiba a good gift, but he does know that he can show him a good time.
Another thing that would be sweet and specifically thoughtful imo (and this feels like something Duke would do) would be to look at the years that he was either in the orphanage or with Gozaburo, track down the systems and game copies for the best games that came out during those years, and spend a few weekends with him playing the games he missed out on during the time that he most needed them. Make sure that time is blocked out on his schedule and just have fun.
In Power of Three, well before Ryou and Seto get together, Ryou gives him a Christmas card with a single serving of tea inside, and at the time he's Kaiba's first actual real authentic genuine sees-him-as-a-real-human-being, talks-literature-and-philosphy-with-him-over-coffee FRIEND, so he's just touched way more by it than Ryou realizes. The gift is part of Kaiba's new experience with genuine friendship. It's just a little thing, but coming from Ryou, it meant something.
I have actually spent a lot of time on this question before and written a few of those scenes. And that was a really long answer to two simple questions, sorry about that! 😅
For fun, I'm including a snippet from my old Euroshipping fic Tainted Love below, where Ryou gives Kaiba a handmade BEWD sculpture for Christmas, it elaborates on it being a good gift for him (besides the obvious reason).
"Go ahead, open it. But be careful: it's fragile."
Intrigued, Seto tugged away the ribbon, peeled back the wrapping paper, and removed the lid of the box. He lifted away the flat piece of styrofoam and lifted away a few layers of tissue paper—then stopped, eyes wide in genuine surprise. As carefully as he was capable of doing so, Seto extracted his gift from its nest of protective wrapping.
"Did you make this?" he asked, voice so quiet that Ryou could hardly hear him above the sound of the fire.
"Yes." Ryou swallowed nervously, then continued, because Seto's silence unnerved him, "I started working on it a while ago, and the first few attempts kinda sucked because I was out of practice. I got some higher quality paints to use on it too, and because I know an art major who owed me a favor, I was able to bake it in a proper kiln. I was afraid that it might not be ready in time—"
"It's beautiful."
"Thank you." Ryou'd never heard Seto so soft-spoken before. He'd heard him whisper, but that was different from this. Even after all the time they'd spent together, the brunette's current expression was one that Ryou'd never seen and he didn't know how to interpret it.
"It reminds me," Seto said slowly after a brief pause, "Of when Mokuba made the Blue-Eyes card for me when I was a kid."
Ryou perked up a little. He'd never heard this story before.
"We'd been here for less than a month, and I already hated it." He traced his index finger over the delicate details of glossy porcelain wings. "He made that card to encourage me, because we weren't allowed to see each other. That's how he saved me, and that was also the day I swore I would own a real Blue-Eyes White Dragon card, since that was my first one. I'm not the type to accumulate objects because of the sentimentality attributed to them, but... I still have it."
"It brings back good memories, I hope," Ryou murmured, tucking one arm under Kaiba's and giving it an affectionate squeeze.
"Indeed it does."
When Kaiba began to set aside the wrappings, Ryou released him and let Kaiba stand, standing up with him. Kaiba carefully set the hand-made, ten-inch painted sculpture of the Blue-Eyes White Dragon on the center of the inset shelf above the fireplace that served as a mantelpiece. It's mouth was open, each of the teeth pointed as it screeched at them, its wings spread behind it as it gripped the rocky crag that formed the base of the statuette. It's eyes caught the light with a brilliant sparkle.
"Are those... real sapphires?"
"I couldn't find or make a shade of blue that could do its eyes justice." Ryou ducked his head bashfully.
"You really shouldn't have—"
"Don't worry about how I got them," Ryou interrupted, trying to put Seto's mind at ease. "The only hard part was setting them in his eyes so that they didn't look out of place."
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fableworld · 9 months
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I don't ship them but I don't really care if people do. but if I have to call this ship name anything else than "Tendershipping" it would differently be "Rentshipping" because their dynamic is really Landlord/tenant or Housemate/roommate. I even play around with that idea even if I don't ship them romantically but more familiarly. 
anyway, I have made Ryou Bakura's and Bakura's relationship more over to roommates or sibling dymanic. I just find it funny to play around with the idea that they learn to respect(Bakura) and being in control of his own life(Ryou)
in my fanfic "Raise the Sun", Bakura is only giving a second chance because Ryou felt bad for him. their power dynamic is shifted over to Ryou having all the power which, of course, Bakura is not happy about but deal with it. they do learn to live with each other even if they abselutly sometimes just want to throw the other out from the balcony.  
A few of the scenes I made here are from the fic. Rest is just me trying to give the very few different expressions you see Yami Bakura make over to the Thief King. 
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(Scene from Fanfic "Life of the Thief King")
“Yeah, because I am going to drag you with me,” Ryou threatened, but it was quickly replaced with an undignified “Hey!” when Bakhura leaned up against him with both of his arms resting on top of Ryou's head
“Hey, Malik. Do me a favor if he ends up dying of fright. Do revive him. I don't want to die in such an embarrassing way,” Bakhura said, completely ignoring a fighting Ryou under him.
“I wouldn't do it for your sake, that's for sure,” Malik commented. He couldn't even hide his amusement in his voice.
“Bakhura, get off me!” Ryou yelled and finally managed to push the former spirit off him. He was built like a brick house, so it was not an easy task.
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- Bakura and Ryou do have a few shared interests. They both love food, and they both love roleplaying. Bakura prefers to build things or be the gamemaster, but Ryou doesn't allow him to be the game master because he does have the GM versus player mentality. Bakura also prefers spicy food, while Ryou is more of a mild food type of guy. 
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Scene/Text from fanfic "Black Phoenix"
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(Scene from "Life of the Thief King") his first bath in ages.  You might note that Bakura has something on his chest in some of the images. It is a new spell put on him through an infused pendant with his heart. It is what keeps him alive and binds him to Ryou's lifespan. When Ryou dies, so does he. Ryou can kill him before this happens by removing the pendant, but he has only been close to doing that once. No one can remove it besides Ryou. This spell also makes sure that Bakura has to follow orders from Ryou. Ryou has only put up two rules, which are no killing and not hurting his friends. Bakura has a lot of freedom even if he is a ward of Ryou. 
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The red cloak Bakura has in some of the pictures is stolen from the same people who tried to bind him to them instead of Ryou. Ryou is still trying to get the blood stains out of it.
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Ryou have gotten a lot more sassy and confident after he put Bakura in his place. He is not scared of provoking Bakura anymore and can even order him to do things just by a look. Ryou is one of those people who have seen the edge and gotten back from it. He might look like a cute and gentle guy(he is), but he also has embraced the darkness and the occult.    They both give each other nicknames. Host and Spirit. Landlord and Tenant. Shadow and Idiot. Ibis and Sheut(pronounced Shoot). The last two are only said when they are on better terms with each other. 
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apathetic-theme-song · 9 months
honestly i'd love to see more of your angstshipping!! i'm really enjoying malik goes to therapy and i'd love to see more of your take on them :)
it's funny, i was working on an angstshipping smut fic a verrrrry long time ago and ran out of steam. so in honor of Ryou's birthday, here's the sfw version
Ryou sighed as he closed the door, resting his forehead against the wood. The apartment seemed stiflingly quiet now, the chatter of his friends' voices fading down the hallway. To their credit, they'd cleaned up pretty well before leaving; only a few stray napkins and paper plates were lying around.
"I've never seen someone so relieved to watch their friends leave." He turned his head to smile at Marik, who was leaning against the living room door.
"I'm always happy to see them," Ryou said, standing up straight and smoothing a hand over his hair. "I know telling me beforehand defeats the purpose of a surprise party, but -"
"You really don't like surprises, do you?"
"I just would've liked to tidy up a bit first."
Marik rolled his eyes and disappeared into the living room. "Nothing you can do about it now," he called from around the corner.
"I know." Ryou sighed, pulling away from the door to follow him. Marik had made himself at home on the couch, and as soon as Ryou sat down, he wrapped his arm around his shoulders, hugging him close. "I'm grateful," he affirmed, resting his head against Marik's shoulder.
"Good. It took a lot of effort to get you out of the house today, you homebody."
Ryou wrinkled his nose, blushing despite himself. "We can't all be extroverts! I'm not nearly as charming as you, anyway."
"Aw, trying to deflect with compliments, Mr. Fanclub? I appreciate it, but it's not going to work." Marik kissed the top of his head.
Ryou huffed but smiled as he reached for the remote to turn on the TV. It clicked on to some procedural crime show as he said, "It must have been hard to plan this with you being in Egypt."
"I have an email now, remember?" Marik sounded so proud that Ryou couldn't help but laugh to himself. "Only two years into being a proper citizen and everything."
"I guess I'm so used to your family visiting that I forgot."
"The perks of having a culturally important sister." Marik squeezed Ryou closer to himself, idly playing with his hair. His voice dropped to sound cartoonishly evil. "But now I have you all to myself!"
Ryou gasped dramatically, pulling away to look at him. "This was your plan all along!"
Marik turned, lowering his hands to grab Ryou by the waist as he climbed onto his lap. "And you completely fell for it, you fool." With that, he buried his face against Ryou's neck, assaulting him with little kisses.
Ryou squirmed, laughing out a "No!" even as he craned his neck to give Marik a better angle. He could feel the smile on Marik's lips as he worked up to his jaw and, eventually, ended by kissing his nose.
"You used to turn bright red whenever I even looked at you," Marik said fondly, brushing a thumb over Ryou's cheek.
As if on cue, his cheeks heated up, and Ryou averted his eyes. "This is still kind of hard to believe."
"That I like you?"
"No, I'm used to that." He flushed even harder, eyes widening. "Oh - that sounded conceited. Sorry, I guess it's just that... Even with all my quirks, you're still here. People are usually scared off once they get past me being 'cute'."
He held his breath as Marik sighed, lowering his hand to play with his hair again. "Alright. Point one: it's okay to sound conceited sometimes. It's nice to be humble, but you need to know your worth. Two: I'm not going to lie, physical attraction definitely played a part. But it's everything else that's made me want to stay. Anyone that didn't bother to get to know you beyond your looks is a fool."
Ryou's entire body was heating up as he talked, and he eventually had to cover his face with his hands. "You're trying to kill me on my birthday. This is really rude."
"I mean it. And the fact I'm the one that has to tell you this should be a crime." Marik paused, finally dropping his hair. "Although the ghost-hunting is kind of weird."
At that, Ryou peeked through his fingers, brows furrowed. "You don't have to come with me!"
"But I love that you love it. And the picnics are worth it."
"So it's my cooking that's keeping you around."
Marik gently grabbed his hands and pulled them away from his face. "A little." Ryou smiled and, to his own surprise, leaned forward to kiss him. Marik was also surprised if his hesitation was any indication. Eventually, he relaxed into it, entwining their fingers together. When he pulled away, he rested his forehead against Ryou's, his eyes crinkling playfully. "Happy birthday, hobi."
"Thank you," Ryou said, staring up at him and feeling incredibly lucky.
They fell asleep shortly after, tangling together in Ryou's full-sized bed. Marik didn't spend the night much, but when Ryou woke up in the morning with a faceful of blonde hair, Marik's legs and arms draped over him as he drooled on the pillows, he couldn't help but think that maybe, he should stay more often.
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ladyyatexel · 9 months
🥳🦋😎 if you please <3
🥳 Why did you start writing fanfic?
A friend made me! I had an idea I was really enamored with when I started college and I drew it all the time. A friend asked me when I was going to write it. I told friend I don't write like this, it is too embarrassing. She asked if I would do it just for her.
I was so absolutely mortified by what I was doing that my first page of writing in a notebook was blacked out in most places with a marker as though the FBI thought it would shatter capitalism if anyone saw it.
My friend later told me that what I made was too good to do nothing with and she would put the word document online if I didn't. And so I was blackmailed into posting it and now it's the JTHM AU that has its own mini fandom with cosplay and everything.
I have forgiven friend :p
🦋 Which character is your favorite to write?
This feels really difficult and like I might have to split it up by fandom?
JtHM - SWAN-verse Nny. He's a smart charming asshole, he's a delight. (But also Tenna.)
DD9 - Probably Julian, who is navigating a sudden orientation being dropped in his lap that he needs to slowly dissect. He tries very hard and he's a huge dork but he's very smart and it makes him a lovely brain to be in.
B5 - lol g'kar. He takes nothing seriously, except when he suddenly does and it is profound poetry. He's so fun.
Yugioh - Malik and Ryou. Malik frantically flipping through all of his mental Rolodex looking for the right conversation card to use in a situation and Ryou does not have anything like that and they are both trying to be sincere and gentle people who other people are afraid to see Angry. Malik may be a little more fun because he's going through more machinery to get out what he says and does. Ryou is floating through life, there's smarts and observations, but the mechanisms that are Machinery inside of Malik are organic in Ryou.
😎 What fics do you prefer on a scale of canon compliant to wildly original?
THIS IS A JUICY ONE ISN'T IT? I am a captive tiger on enrichment day and the giant jack o lantern is full of ENTRAILS.
So, my most successful things turned out to be AUs. I don't read AUs. Don't know what that means.
In general, what I want to read is a post canon continuation of sewing feelings and plot threads back together. I love keeping canon as it is for the justified sanctioned foundation it gives me to frame what I want in.
I often can't be bothered with story establishing relationshipd in the middle of the canon because then in me it inspires thoughts of why they did not behave as they would have considering their feelings for B Guy! I need the Canon to be over so that new Canon doesn't get the chance to hit me in the back of the head with a piece of lead pipe.
As soon as old things begin making new canon material I'm like "Aaaaahhhh No you might damage my baseline!" Luckily, additional Canon, like comics or books, is more easily ignored than more of a show, if that's what your source material was.
My AU things mostly come up when the show finished and i need to fix the way we ended. And then it becomes wildly made up.
My Babylon 5 stuff is in a super vague grey area.
Deep Dish Nine is full pizxa shop AU.
reSWAN is both a high school AU AND a canon timeline extending AU. which is also a musical where everyone is gay.
Strange Shapes is normal post canon nothing in canon avoided or ignored.
Same with painkiller, not that those folks are reading this or anything.
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sesshy380 · 11 months
I've went through and edited that chapter for the TKB 2nd chance fic. I think it's ready to be seen by all my lovely mutuals :D
Still no title, rating is still currently T+, no warnings for this particular chapter, and summary is still TKB gets a second chance. Wordcount is 1285 (the only thing I seem to have a definitive answer for lol)
Next chapter is in progress, but still a bit of a ways to go. Ya'll are more than welcome to make title suggests along the way, or point out any potential TW/CW that I perhaps don't notice (I know the next chapter will have one for sure).
Official first chapter below the cut (each chapter will be titled)
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Chapter1: Ren ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
“...time to wake up…class is over…”
The Thief King groggily lifted his head, staring sleepily at the boy looking down at him. “Landlord?”
Confusion crossed the boy’s pale features. “Um, it’s just me...Ryou. Were you having some sort of weird dream?”
The Thief King rubbed the inside corners of his eyes with his thumb and forefinger. “I don’t know what you’re talking about. If anything, this is the dream.”
Ryou’s face went from confused to concerned. “Bakhure, do you know where you’re at?”
The Thief King rubbed his temple next. His head was throbbing. “Based on my surroundings, I’d say I’m in a school. By the Gods, how can I feel like shit inside of a dream??”
Ryou immediately rushed to a nearby door and shouted down the hall. “Quick! Someone find Atem! Tell him that Bakhure needs him!”
“Ugh…is it really necessary to yell?” the Thief King groaned.
“Everything will be okay. Atem’s on his way,” Ryou said in reassurance.
The Thief King didn’t have time to process what Ryou had said when someone came rushing into the room.
The Thief King’s eyes went wide hearing the voice of the Pharaoh. He was certain his eyes were popping out of his head as he witnessed the Pharaoh placing a hand on his shoulder, wearing the same concerned expression as Ryou.
“Bakhure, how does your head feel?” Atem asked quickly.
Headache be damned, the Thief King found himself quickly standing and taking a massive step back in an attempt to put some distance between him and the Pharaoh.
Atem’s concerned expression quickly became sad. “You don’t recognize me…do you?”
“Oh, I recognize you alright, Pharaoh,” the Thief King spat.
Atem’s shoulders fell, as did his gaze. “I see. So you’re back to that.”
“Ryou! I heard shouting! Are you okay?!”
The Thief King stared in absolute horror as the source of the new voice came rushing into view. He stumbled back as far as he possibly could, pressing his back tight to the wall as though doing so might allow him to pass through.
“I’m fine, Ren. It’s Bakhure. I think he’s confused again.”
The pale form that looked nearly identical to Ryou turned a narrow-eyed gaze over to the Thief King.
“And this is why I said you shouldn’t hang around him, Ry. I know you like befriending social rejects, but I think this social reject is a bit too much for you to handle. He’s lucky if he remembers his own name half the time.”
“Y-You’re not real. None of this…is real…” the Thief King said in a trembling voice. The Spirit of the Ring didn’t…couldn’t…exist. Not like this. He was made up of two souls, one of which had been banished forever…the other was trying desperately to wake up from the nightmare he’d found himself in.
Not-Ryou gestured a hand towards the Thief King. “See? He thinks we’re made-up. He’s back to being convinced that his ‘La-La-Land’ fantasy is real, because he can’t handle the truth. He’s broken, Ry. Just accept that he can’t be fixed, and move on.”
Ryou pushed past his doppelganger, placing himself protectively in front of the Thief King. “Ren, I made a promise to Bakhure that I would be his friend, no matter what! I promised that no matter how many times he forgets, I’d be there to help him remember again! I’m not breaking either promise!” He shook as he tried to hide his frustration.
Atem came over, placing a hand on Ryou’s shoulder in an attempt to calm him. “Ryou, it’s okay. Bakhure won’t blame you for breaking a promise he most likely doesn’t even remember you making.”
“But…” Ryou’s mouth hung open slightly, his protest coming to a silent halt.
“Ryou, look at Bakhure. He’s frightened. I need to get my cousin home where the familiarity will hopefully help him differentiate between real and made-up,” Atem said calmly. “I promise I’ll keep you updated on how he’s doing.”
Ryou hesitantly stepped aside, looking defeated.
Atem extended a hand towards the Thief King. “Bakhure, let’s go home.”
The Thief King looked at the hand that reached towards him, shaking his head. “No. I’m not going anywhere with you,” he said coldly. He looked around and spotted a nearby window.
Atem cautiously approached. “I know you’re scared, and that’s okay. I promise I’m not your enemy. You can trust me.”
The Thief King slowly shook his head, keeping the one Ryou called ‘Ren’ in his view the entire time. Had a piece of Zorc latched itself onto his Sah? Was this nightmare the Dark Lord’s way of regaining strength by feeding off the fear it created in him?
“Sorry, Pharaoh…but I trust no one….not even myself.”
He bolted for the window, diving through the glass in a desperate attempt to escape. He landed on the ground outside, quickly finding his footing and taking off as fast as he could towards the road. He hadn’t made it very far when he felt himself being tackled to the ground. The Thief King struggled to escape his attacker's grasp, who held him pinned to the ground with an arm twisted behind his back.
“Bakhure, I don’t want to hurt you again, so please stop struggling!”
The Thief King froze upon hearing yet another familiar voice. He turned his head so that he could get a visual confirmation. The suited man that was seated on his back to keep him from getting up was none other than the Tomb Keeper’s alter.
“How?! You were banished into the Shadows!”
Marik’s alter used his free hand to speak into an earpiece. “Got him. He struggled a bit, but his confusion got to him. He’s not resisting at the moment.”
The Thief King turned his head in the opposite direction as he heard feet quickly approaching.
“It’s about time, Mahad,” the alter said cockily towards another man in a suit.
“How did you manage to catch him so quickly, Amir?” Mahad questioned with a suspicious glare.
“Easy. When he gets confused, he tries to escape. Fastest way out of that room was one of two windows. Though, I have to admit that jumping without first opening the window is a new one. He must have been really desperate this time.”
‘Amir’ helped the Thief King to his feet, keeping a firm grip on his arm so he couldn’t run away.
Mahad released an exasperated sigh before turning a concerned gaze over towards the Thief King. “Did you get cut, or hurt yourself?”
The Thief King’s heart was racing. This nightmare had to be Zorc’s doing. Nothing made sense. Why couldn’t he wake up?!
He tried to remember what he’d been doing before he fell asleep. He was met with fragmented images of a brightly lit barque and a land permeated in darkness. He closed his eyes tight, willing himself with all his might to WAKE UP.
The Thief King slowly opened his eyes as the realization set in that he couldn’t escape the nightmare. Zorc had him trapped.
“Bakhure!” Atem called out as he came running up, once again looking worried.
The Thief King felt a strong stinging sensation that radiated from behind his cheeks up to his eyes. His throat constricted, and he felt as though he were choking on the ash of his village again. A knot formed in his chest, making it difficult to breathe. Everything became too much, causing him to collapse to his knees.
His jaw quivered as he found himself looking the Pharaoh in the eyes. His stomach churned as he swallowed his pride to say the words he never thought he’d say to the Pharaoh.
“Help. Me.”
The world went dark after that.
Prologue, Ch2, 3
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kujakumai · 2 years
Knowledge of These Things 532 words; Ryou Bakura & Yami Bakura; drabble
"Why don't you ever write me any letters? I'm dead too, you know. I might even actually write back."
Whenever I sit down to write the bakuras together I do not so much write them as look up from my keyboard in a confused trance finding that a fic has possessed my brain and rapidly banged itself out in one sitting as if from the aether
The voice seemed to hover above and behind the desk. It had no source but spoke insistently, clear, precise, from over his shoulder.
"You're at this again, really?"
No one acknowledged it.
"Why don't you ever write me any letters? I'm dead too, you know. I might even decide to write back."
Nothing. Ignored, totally, but that did not stop it.
"What are you even going to do with it? Tear it up or shove it in a drawer? It's not as if there's anywhere to send it."
"At very least I could read them. This is just you talking to yourself, but in an even weirder way than usual."
"I could take over, that would stop you. Then I wouldn't have to watch this bizarre little charade. Watch."
A strangled non-noise. "Oh, you didn't like that, did you? Fighting back today, are we? Milquetoast has grown a spine? Fine, then, I won't push. If you insist on finishing your imaginary missive first. I didn't even really want it."
"...You always write in present tense, but you only ever ask her about the same grade. Is she nine forever, then, in your twisted little head? That seems a tad cruel. I suppose it doesn't make sense to make her any older."
"I don't understand what goes through your brain. And I live here, so that should concern everyone, if even I don't know. I think you might be insane."
"Bakura, she is dead."
"I know you can hear me."
"They can't answer you. I can, so you should answer me."
"It's better that way, really. You don't want them half-alive, wasting away and shrieking. I have knowledge of these things, you should trust me. It is not a fate you would wish upon her."
"Yugi already found one lying around, and now he thinks she's off somewhere alive. Are you going to correct him? Or are you going to keep lying? Then again, lying requires intent. You are a very good liar, you know, my host, and I appreciate that, but I fear this might be genuine delusion."
"I'm going to jam that pen through our hand. You are delusional, you know that? Utterly delusional. I will, I promise. Right where I put the castle through, so it's easy. I bet it would hurt. You couldn't write anything for weeks, the first time. Maybe then you'll have to talk to someone who exists."
"Did you do it on purpose, leave it out for him? Do you want them to think she's alive, keep asking you how she is, how school is going? Is that your little game, to make everyone pretend with you? Usually I love that sort of thing, but coming from you it seems a little sick."
"I'm surprised you don't send them. Shove them into envelopes and write an address to heaven. Pretend you don't understand why they all come back return-to-sender. That's exactly the bizarre sort of thing you would do. This is why your friends all think you're crazy. Like you think inconvenient facts aren't real. Get out of your head, for once. One of us has to be able to leave."
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crush3dmary · 6 months
Philosophy of a Knife + 1-3
Hell yeah thanks pal! I just had an edible so I'm going to try and answer this before I forget how to read and inevitably forget to answer when I wake up tomorrow, so here goes.
1: What inspired you to write the fic this way?
So, fun fact, Philosophy is actually heavily influenced by my favourite fic of all time, Scar Tissue, but I wanted to take the "Bakura wins" premise and take it in a WAY different direction than that author did (it is also forever unfinished and hasn't updated since 2013 so I don't have high hopes of ever seeing the final chapter). The biggest inspiration beyond that was the idea of wanting to explore a changing mindset and steady decline, and Ryou was the perfect target for that with this premise. I'm not used to writing strict single POVs since I tend to write omniscient in my long form stuff but I thought it would work better for what I'm going for and I've found the 'internal dialogue' is really effective.
2: What scene did you first put down?
Okay so, I actually CANNOT write out of order. The only fic I've ever written out of order was Saudade and I don't know if I'd do it again. So the first thing I wrote was the first scene of the first chapter, though the first scene while I was brainstorming that made me go 'I really want to write this' is actually a big spoiler, but I promise I'll tell you what it is when we get there. (finger guns)
3: What’s your favorite line of narration?
Honestly I'm really proud of this fic and it's hard for me to narrow it down but the one that I always come back to is at the end of chapter 5:
As Ryou gazed down upon the spirit and his corporeal form, he saw that all traces of the predator he had come to know were gone, left in their wake a quivering white rabbit. How the mighty fall; Ryou finally understood what it meant to fall in love with his own reflection. He didn't care whether or not that made him the wolf.
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bosstoaster · 1 year
Hi Boss! Would you answer these for DLS Ryou? He is, by FAR, my favourite character in any divergent fic I've read 🥰🥰
1: sexuality headcanon
2: otp
3: brotp
4: notp
5: first headcanon that pops into my head
6: favorite line from this character
7: one way in which I relate to this character
8: thing that gives me second hand embarrassment about this character
9: cinnamon roll or problematic fave?
Of course I will! Ryou is still my boy and I love him dearly. Also, thank you!!! That is beyond flattering, oh my gosh.
I go back and forth on this one, actually. My kneejerk is bi, but, ya know, clone of a gay man? But imperfect messy clone? Let's just go with MLM, especially give how he's taken to Lotor as of late.
OTP - Ryotor or Ryance are both very good with me
Brotp - I mean, the actual bros :3
lol none of the above. I guess him and Keith would be weird at this point, but I could be persauded.
His entire existence?? I don't think it counts as a headcanon when he's basically entirely my creation.
Gosh, this is hard, considering the, ah, sheer volume of lines. Shout out to the time he rambled for like five minutes about if the UN Law of the Sea means that earth copyright law applies in space. This is an actual debate I have had. Also shout out to @velkynkarma who honestly gives Ryou better lines than I do.
I am very 'stab first, interrogate later' in terms of problem solving. Ryou gets a lot of that from me.
Honestly? Not too much. Probably just how funny he thinks he is, but I find that funny, so...
Both :)
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resuri-art · 7 months
Fic writer ask: 26 and 55
26.Which of your fics would you call your wildest ride?
I think I answered this one in a other ask game? Well, my spirit!Ryou fic! It was just supposed to be a fun oneshot and I ended up writing a whole book flfllskdkksl. I didn't see this one coming.
55.Of the characters you write for, which is your favorite? Has that choice been swayed at all by your followers/readers’ reactions to certain ones?
This one is hard. I love writing Thief King Bakura (especially as post canon when he has to face feelings™), but Marik is just so fun to write!!!! I love writing him so much that he can easily take the spotlight in a fic where he is just supposed to be a minor character (this is how he ended up being one of the main character in the spirit!Ryou fic, he wasn't supposed to be this important at first). I have a gemshipping fic in my wip, and the moment I introduced Marik... he became my fave and I wanted to redo it all as citronshipping 😂 He is just so fun to write.
And no, I don't think that choice had been influenced by anyone's reaction. I just go where the hyperfixation leads me. <3
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