#my family convinced me to stay off while they left me alone in the house
It's your birthday man??? I'm sorry you're having a rough time but I want you to know that you're absolutely awesome and even though we don't talk a lot I think you're a really great dude and I hope your day gets better, and happy birthday 🎂
Thanks, that's nice of you to say.
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rafeandonlyrafe · 6 months
christmas stocking
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words: 1.3k
warnings: established relationship, reader has really good relationship with parents, implied bad family situation for rafe, christmas celebrations
taglist: @drewstarkeyslut @thelomlisrafecameron @f4ll-for-you @dilvcv @winterrrnight @drudyslut @drewsbaby @jjmaybankswifes-blog @rafescokenostril @jjsmarijuana @jjmaybankisbae @seeingstarks @angelofcigs @cece45450 @babygorewhore @vanessa-rafesgirl @michelleisheres-blog
“hey momma.” you say with a smile as you answer the phone, clicking it to speaker so you continue to work. 
“hi baby girl!” your moms voice rings out through the speaker. “did you figure out what time you're leaving?”
“looks like tomorrow at 10 am, then we should be to yours by dinner.” you hum, glancing at the clock while continuing to pack up. “oh, change of plans by the way. rafe is coming with me.” 
“oh yay!” your mom squeals. she only met rafe once when she came to visit you in the outer banks at your new house, but it was so early on in your relationship that she didn't really get to know him well, and things are a lot more serious now. “i can't wait to have my babies home for christmas.”
“does that mean andrew will be able to make it?” you ask, inquiring about your brother.
“they'll be here, but leaving the day after christmas for his wife's family.” 
“okay, that sounds good. itll be nice to have the four of us back together, plus rafe and diana.” you hum. ever since your brother went away for college when he turned 18, and you left two short years after to move to the outer banks, it was hard to get the whole family together, even for the holidays. you spent the last two christmases in the outer banks, one spent alone in your new house, the other with the camerons.
you were shocked by how different their christmas was than what you were used to. it was cold and devoid of any traditions besides what was seemingly forced on the kids of the family. you ultimately had a good time with rafe, but you missed the familiarity and fun that you had with your family. 
rafe was originally going to stay in the outer banks, not wanting to intrude on your family, but you finally convinced him last night that everyone would be happy to have him.
“okay so tell me about what i can get for rafe.” your mom says, and you just know she's bent over the counter with a notepad and pen in hand, not wanting rafe to be left out of opening presents.
“ready to go rafey?” you ask, looking at the back of the car, trunk filled with your suitcases, while the back seat has already wrapped presents, both for your family and ones for rafe, as well as his for you.
“i am. last chance to say if you forgot something.”
“nope.” you shake your head, “ive gone over my checklist three different times.”
“alright, off to your parents then.” rafe says, leaning over and pressing a kiss to your lips before taking off down the road.
“can we stop? i gotta pee.” you say, looking at the sign for an upcoming rest stop.
“again?” rafe sighs, but there's a small smile gracing his features as he turns the indicator on, pulling off to the road stop.
you hop out of the car, but rafe follows right behind you, not letting you go in by yourself, always extra cautious when you're out in public, especially away from the outer banks. 
“gonna get us snacks.” rafe says, keeping his eye on you as you head into the bathroom, only turning to the vending machines when you disappear behind the tile wall. 
“hey baby.” rafe says softly, stroking over your thigh to wake you up. “we're almost there.”
you stretch with a yawn, rubbing at your tired eyes. you blink them open, realizing the roads are now familiar, about to pull off the highway at your home town exit.
“thanks for driving, rafey.” you say, leaning over the center console to give him a kiss on the cheek. you clean up the car a bit while he finishes the drive, gathering up the wrappers of the chips and snacks and shoving them into a bag to throw away later.
“im so excited.” you say as rafe turns down your road, and your parents house comes into view.
“i can’t wait to get to know them.” rafe says, pulling into the driveway. you can’t help the squeal you let out in excitement as you rush out as soon as the car is in park, briefly turning your head to make sure rafe is following you as you step onto the porch, not bothering to know before flinging open the door, knowing that your parents are no doubt waiting right inside for you.
“mom! dad!” you shout, jumping into their arms as they swallow you into a comforting hug. you press a kiss to both of their cheeks before turning to rafe.
“i brought these for you.” rafe sticks forward his hand, in it a bouquet of flowers, presenting them to your mother.
“oh, rafe, darling you shouldn’t have.” your mom coos, pulling rafe into a hug before rushing into the kitchen to place the flowers into a vase. rafe gives your dad a firm handshake before offering to help carry in your bags.
you smile and look out the door as they chat casually, happy that rafe seems to be fitting in instantly.
“its just so different.” rafe says softly, stroking his hand absentmindedly over your back as you’re curled up next to him on the couch.
“what do you mean?” you hum, pressing your lips against his shoulder, even though you can guess what he’s talking about.
“your family is just so… easy going. and you all get along so well.” rafe says, looking around the living room at your parents sharing a couch, and your brother and his wife sitting in matching armchairs, all chatting happily amongst themselves.
“im lucky to have such an amazing family.” you say, looking to rafe. “and that you’re a part of it.” “i dont want to intrude though, baby. so if you have any traditions you want to be just amongst your-” “shh.” you cut rafe off, a smile on your face. “we all want you here. my mom was so excited when i told her you were coming. you love me right?” you ask, which rafe of course nods. “and we are planning to be together forever right? so of course my family is going to want you around, to include you in our traditions.” “sorry, dears, i couldn't help but overhear.” your mom says with a slightly blush to her cheeks. “forgive me for eavesdropping, but i actually have a gift for you rafe.”
rafe begins to say that he doesn’t need any gifts, but your mom cuts him off with a quick stern look, one he’s seen in you many times.
your mom returns to the room with a small wrapped box in her hands.
“thank you.” rafe says sincerely, setting the box on his lap. you smile, already knowing what is inside, seeing it before when andrew first brought diana to christmas celebrations.
rafe opens the box carefully, attempting not to rip the paper and make a mess, aware of the eyes on him.
“a christmas stocking.” rafe says with a smile as he pulls it out. you wait for him to notice, and you can tell from his body language the second his eyes read over his own name, hand stitched by your mother, signifying rafes place in the family. he tenses for a second before melting completely, body slumping against yours.
you wrap your arms around rafe, knowing this is an emotional moment for him, his moment where he realizes how loved and accepted he is.
“we are so happy you’re a part of our family, rafe.” your mom says, accepting his hug when he stands to embrace her and thank her for the gift, looking to the mantelpiece with all of the family stockings hanging, where his will soon join.
your dad strikes up a conversation with andrew, and you know its to take some of the pressure and attention off rafe as he ducks his head into your neck, pressing soft kisses to the skin there.
“i told you you wouldn’t be intruding.” you whisper, running your fingers through his hair.
“yeah, yeah.” rafe says sarcastically. “you’re right.” you give him a look, before he concedes with a nod. “as always.”
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AITA for being "negative" about a bunny and refusing to apologize? I don't think I can really shorten this, so I'm sorry for the lack of a TL;DR :/ It's pretty long!! TW for animal death(and potentially animal abuse?)
My mom(42 F) has a habit of randomly bringing pets home. For context, she's a single mother with four kids, with me(17) being the oldest, alongside my sister("E",13) and my two brothers(7 and 4, not relevant to the story). My sister and I share a room and my brothers share one too. My mom works a job that involves sleeping at work and doesn't think it's worth it for us to rent a three bedroom, so she sleeps on the couch on her nights off.
The first time was mid-2020 when she brought home a feral kitten my grandpa found underneath his house. What was supposed to be a family pet quickly turned into a pet that was kept only to E's and my room. He had some sort of sinus issue where he snotted everywhere all the time, so snot was constantly needing to be cleaned and being found randomly on our things. The cat was eventually rehomed after a year because it scratched my sister really badly to the point that my mom was concerned she would need stitches(she didn't. the cat didn't like being pet / touched and my sister wouldn't respect its boundries).
The second time was another cat(2021) that followed my mom from her cat to her place of work. This was when I started getting frustrated with my mom randomly bringing home animals, since the same set up that happened last time happened again- except this time, the cat got old enough to spray, and my mom kept forgetting to get him fixed so our room just smelled fucking awful. This cat was also rehomed when I broke down after realizing it has sprayed all over my books. I told my mom he either needed to be fixed or she needed to get rid of him. He was gone the next week.
Then last year it happened again- except this time, with a puppy(2022). My aunt was looking to get a new dog and sent some puppy photos to my mom, which she cooed over and showed me. She told me she was considering bringing one home, which I instantly told her was a bad idea and went over all the cons. Mom seemed to agree. Then guess what happened to be an early Christmas gift.... -_-
My sister and I took charge on the dog. We got our brothers to agree on a name for him(anyone with younger siblings knows this is a BIG deal lmao), started attempting to crate train him(basically making sure he's okay with eventually being left alone without crying the whole time), and we were the only ones trying to potty train him. Our mom didn't stick to any of this(including choosing a new name??) and the dog still isn't potty trained, and I'm the only one other than my mom that doesn't refuse to clean up after him. The dog doesn't stay in our room like the other animals, but it took months for my sister and I to convince our mom to get a hook lock for our door so the dog wouldn't keep coming in and peeing. The dog didn't end up getting rehomed, but now regularly stays at our aunt's house way more than ours.
It's worth noting at this point that all of these pets were "family pets" according to mom, and she would get upset when me and E pointed out we were really the only one taking care of them. The dog evened out after a while and now it's mostly my mom and I doing the work when he's here, but the cats are still a point of tension for us.
And now. For the fucking bunny!! Jesus christ I'm sorry there's so much backstory to this!!
A week ago my sister comes into our room and wakes me up to tell me mom brought home a baby bunny. It was scary small(3.5 inches long not stretching, 2 weeks old), and wasn't moving much but was clearly alive. My mom said it ran into my Nana's yard after the dog next door scared it off, and it's pretty safe to assume the nest is destroyed. But instead of bringing the rabbit to a wildlife rehab or something, my mom brought it home and told my sister she could keep it. They then put it in a box with some grass and water and did no further research.
I was pretty livid, because 1. This is a WILD rabbit. That's a crime in my state, 2. I think it was insanely irresponsible for my mom to drop this on us, 3. This is not a pet and it's very likely it'll die in our care just from us not being experienced, and 4. On a very basic and selfish level, I didn't want to take care of this animal and I didn't want it in our room(which it had to be). But E has been asking for a bunny for years, so for once she wasn't on my side about a new pet being dropped on us. So I was pretty outnumbered.
I kept pushing for my mom to contact a professional at the very least to ask about its diet(it's very easy to kill baby bunnies by feeding them the wrong thing), and kept trying to get my sister to stop holding / petting it since rabbits can die of stress. My mom listened after a day and my sister never did. Tbh I also thought if my mom contacted a professional the pro would tell her to absolutely not keep the bunny? But it was never brought up in their convo, so I think my mom might have lied about it or something, idk.
I continued being "negetive" about the rabbit and my sister kicked me out of our room for it. I refused to care for it too, even though my mom kept insisting it was a "family" pet(without me it was just her and E taking care of it, and since it stayed in our room my brothers never really got to see it). To be honest I really didn't feel like I had a lot of options, and I thought if I didn't help then maybe they would get overwhelmed or something and decide to give it to a professional. But I still kept trying to give pet care advice, because I didn't want any harm to come to the bunny(for example, my sister likes our room to never have to ac on, but i made sure she was keeping it cool enough for the bunny).
Well... After four days, the bunny died. E was pretty heartbroken, obviously, and my mom was sad, but to be honest I'm just sort of bitter. I'm upset a rabbit died just because my mom wouldn't listen. For more context, I also thought bringing in the bunny was a bad idea because my sister recently lost her dad, and I knew if it didn't end well this would just add more grief to her life. I 100% don't think she's TA in this situation, even if she has frustrated me.
I'm still pretty pissed at my mom for all of this, so yesterday when she sat me down and told me I should apologize to E for how I behaved, I didn't take it well. She said my negetivity made it so E didn't fully enjoy her time with the bunny, and that if I had handled things differently maybe things would have tunred out better. I know E has been avoiding me, which started when we first got the bunny and she kicked me out of the room for being too negetive. I feel like she just needs time to process, and to be honest I don't think this is something I should apologize for, even if it is an apology just to make her feel better. It feels like that would be irresponsible of me? Idk. I told my mom none of this would have happened if SHE hadn't been so irresponsible and brought the bunny home to a grieving teenager, when there wasn't much of a chance of the bunny surviving with us in the first place, but tbh ever since her dad died I've been really trying to do right by E, so I second-guess myself a lot now.
So AITA for being negetive about the bunny and refusing to apologize? To be clear again I don't think E is TA here, but they're both upset with me so idk.
What are these acronyms?
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weeping willow( Alastor's children and how they went to hell)
Alastor's fiance after being run out of town went to the east coast and started her new life as a live in nanny. she was lucky the her up bringing allowed her to have a good amount of schooling. her father had long ago cut ties with her. even before it got out the her finance had been killing and eating the people of new orleans. when she found out that she was pregnant she new that she would probably killed or her children would be if she stayed any longer there. so she abandoned the secluded cabin her and alastor used to live in, and got on the first train away she could.
when she first got to the east coast she took on a as substitute teacher for a local school till she had to give birth. it was a hard experience for her and the doctors weren't sure if she and the babies would survive. Flora her daughter was born first, but as Archie was being born, the doctor noticed he had his ambilica cord wrapped around his throat and that caused the complication for him and his mother. the doctors were able to deliver him, but he wasn't breathing at first, and for a terrible moment she thought she had lost her baby, but the doctors got him breathing again and he lived. together the three of them became a strong family small but so much love that every once in a while, she would imagine what would have happened if Alastor didn't die. she could see him doting on their daughter and carrying his son down to the banks to go fishing, but those were her day dreams.
mean while in Hell Alastor was completely unaware of anything. he did meet some of the old citizens of his town that had died, and they would start a rumor that he was trying to use his children as revenge for his death, but he assumed that they assumed he ate their children. which of course he never would do. he'd eat them and just emotionally scar their children. but that didn't stop him from questing them what happened to his fiance. the genre consensus is that she left town in shame. never to be seen or heard from again.
back on earth, She would eventually find a job as a nanny and she brought her young children with her to live. they went from living in a one-bedroom apt to a wonderful manor where they got their own rooms. the first time Flora saw the manor she thought royalty lived there. the twins at this time were 7 at this time. Flore loved to play pretend with the masters of the house's daughter. together they would convince Archie to play with them in the gardens. archie liked to play near the pond, skip rocks, read, or draw. they were taught alongside of the manor's daughter and when they weren't playing or at school, they would help their mother with her duties. cleaning, prepping food, or just following her around the manor till she shooed them off to play while she worked. in all, during the day life had seemed to finally find peace for the small family.
that is until the night hits. the masters of the manor were usually away, but their daughter knew of the going ons of it. how in the corners shadows seemed to move and follow you around if you walking around late at night. she usually stayed in her room after it went dark, but one night the twins could hear someone singing in the hallway. they asked their mother if she was there, but she wasn't in the room anymore. so they got up and followed the singing when they saw a tall woman in white walking past them. she went up the staircase, humming the weeping willow song.
We lay my love and I beneath the weeping willow But now alone I lie and weep beside the tree
Singing "Oh willow waly" by the tree that weeps with me Singing "Oh willow waly" till my lover return to me
We lay my love and I beneath the weeping willow A broken heart have I. Oh willow I die, oh willow I die
they both ran to the side of the stairs banaster watching as she walked down the halls. Archie decided to follow her up the stairs to see where she was going. when he saw her back turned to him he was about to call out to her when the daughter of the manor sushed him and his sister and signaled for them to go into her room.
"You have to wait. She will go back soon."
"Who is she? Is she your mum?" Archie asked
"No. She lives in the lake."
"Now that makes no sense. you can't live in a lake."
"Well, she does. she only comes out once in a while, but don't get in her way."
"our mum's gone. is she up here?"
"No. I don't think so. I haven't seen her up here."
what they didn't know was that she was in the garden with a glass of wine watching a fire. she had taken some time while the house was quiet to come out and complicate her great loves and the longing she felt for someone who was evil. lamenting about how even though Alastor was a monster, your children were the greatest gift from him. how they turned out to be such angles must be some sort of sign that your love for him must have produced some good. she had finished her wine and went back to her room just to see her children were missing. she freaked out and ran back outside to see that the front door was left wide open.
"Flora! Archie!"
back at the manor, the children watched through a crack of the door as the figure walked slowly down the stairs and back outside. the manor's daughter sighed in relief. before they could speak more they could hear their mothers panicked calling for them and they came out running to her.
"What are you guys doing up so late? you should be in bed!"
"We're sorry Mum, we didn't mean to be!" Flora said.
"Yeah we woke up and you weren't there!"
she hugged her children close to her while the manor's daughter watched the display of motherly affection from above. being the only one to notice the shadowy figures behind the family as well.
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in-my-feels-probably · 10 months
Could I request Rhaenyra x handmaiden!reader where they’re drawn to each other from the moment they meet and bond over their mutual trust issues regarding losing loved ones while slowly falling in love on Dragonstone? Like Nyra is cold and distant with everyone else, hesitant to let anyone in, but she just clicks with reader and whenever they’re alone, Nyra just melts and goes all soft, all affectionate touches and sweet nicknames and tender looks? (Two of my fav nicknames she’d call reader are: my little one, and Perzītsos (little flame) Maybe even a bit of soft smut?
Snow Angels
Request: Could I request Rhaenyra x handmaiden!reader where they’re drawn to each other from the moment they meet and bond over their mutual trust issues regarding losing loved ones while slowly falling in love on Dragonstone? Like Nyra is cold and distant with everyone else, hesitant to let anyone in, but she just clicks with reader and whenever they’re alone, Nyra just melts and goes all soft, all affectionate touches and sweet nicknames and tender looks? (Two of my fav nicknames she’d call reader are: my little one, and Perzītsos (little flame) Maybe even a bit of soft smut?
Hi! I’m so sorry for the wait, I’ve had such a hard time finishing fics lately. But I’m on a GOT/HOTD binge right now, and Rhaenyra has been on my mind. I haven’t written for older Rhaenyra yet, so bear with me while I try and figure out her character. Hopefully this is what you were looking for!
(Warnings: brief mentions of blood and injuries, mentions of nightmares, mentions of death, grief, war, let me know if i missed anything)
The Dance of Dragons was a grueling and ruthless war that nearly destroyed the realm. No matter what side you were on, what station you were, or where you called home—you’d suffer in some way. 
The House of the Dragon made sure of that.
You were born in Winterfell—the older sister of Cregan Stark, and the eldest daughter of Lord Rickon Stark. 
Your Father had sworn an oath to House Targaryen, more specifically to Rhaenyra Targaryen, who would inherit the Iron Throne. When the Dance began and many of the Lords flocked to Prince Aegon’s side, your House was not among them. Many Lords used the excuse that their Fathers were the ones to swear fealty to Rhaenyra, and therefore they were under no obligation as sons of previous Lords to continue upholding that oath. 
Your brother, Cregan, was not among these Lords. Upon his coronation as Lord of Winterfell and Warden of the North, he swore to uphold your Father’s wishes. Your Father swore allegiance to Rhaenyra, and so he would, too.
After all, there has never lived a Stark who has forgotten an oath. 
When Aegon was crowned, the Black’s began sending word to their bannerman. Prince Jacaerys himself came on dragonback to ask Cregan to join his side, and your House was happy to receive him. Cregan and Jacaerys got along well from the beginning, and you knew there would be a strong alliance between your families. 
But then, tragedy struck. 
Jacaerys had left for the Eerie to call on his bannermen there, promising to return to Winterfell to regroup with your brother. While he was gone, word of Prince Lucerys’s death reached the North. Upon his death, you knew that any hope of peace or brokering a truce was crushed. As soon as the Black’s came up with a plan, the war would be in full swing.
As the war became more precarious, Cregan finally decreed that you would leave the North. Winterfell was becoming a dangerous place to be, and you served no purpose cooped up there while the threat of an attack loomed over your head every day. You, of course, had protested, but Cregan eventually convinced you to go.
“The men will be off at war. Prince Daemon won’t be by Rhaenyra’s side, or her sons. She will be alone on Dragonstone with little to no one to talk to, other than those who are required to stay.”
You shook your head, trying to get him to change his mind. “And what help will I be? What purpose will I serve on Dragonstone?”
“Our Queen is grieving, sister. She’s lost her Father, her baby girl, and her little boy all in the span of a fortnight. Her other children are at risk, especially Jacaerys. She doesn’t have any companions left. Her bannerman are allies, but they’re not true friends. She needs one, Y/N. She needs you.”
“I only met her the one time at court when Father brought me with him,” you tried to reason. “She barely knows me.”
Cregan sighed in frustration. “She knows you enough, and that will have to do. I cannot allow you to stay here anymore, not while the war rages on. Dragonstone is one of the most defended places in the world right now. You will have a better life there.”
“You’ve already arranged this?” You asked, your face falling when his grew solemn. 
“I have. Jacaerys has told me his family would be happy to receive you. I’m sorry, Y/N…I will see you again. I promise.”
Your trip to Dragonstone was a short one. 
You’d expected for it to feel drawn out, so that you could dread every moment while aboard the ship that was taking you away from your home. But—whether it was for better or worse—your feet were on Dragonstone sand in no time.
Some of the Queensguard greeted you upon your arrival. As you climbed the stairs across the bridge that led to the castle, you were baffled by the sheer size of it.
The dragons flying overhead were far more baffling.
You’d seen Syrax before, her coloring unmistakable. During your visit to King's Landing when all the Lords gathered together to swear their fealty to Rhaenyra, she spent more time in the skies than she did with her feet on the ground. “A way of clearing her head,” she told you when you asked why she flew so often. She was truly a sight to behold on the back of a dragon. 
She was just as striking when you were led into the meeting hall where she was standing.
Her back was to you when you entered the room. A few Lords or others were gathered around, looking over battle plans. As your brother predicted, Prince Daemon and her sons were nowhere in sight. The sound of the Queensguard entering turned heads as you entered. The Lords watched as you stepped into the room, moving around the table to get a better look at you.
Ser Cargyll stopped just behind you, announcing your presence to the room. “I present the Lady Y/N of House Stark, eldest daughter of the late Lord Rickon Stark. Sister of Lord Cregan Stark–the heir to Winterfell, and the Warden of the North.”
Rhaenyra had no plans of getting close to you. She had only extended an invitation into her home as a courtesy, in the same way your family had done for Jace. It was best to keep your allies happy, and your House was currently her biggest ally. She had never planned on inviting you herself–regardless of if she was lonely and scorned–and she didn’t intend on opening herself up to you more than necessary. But she was ready to endure your presence all the same.
That is until she finally turned around, and her eyes met yours for the first time.
It practically knocked the breath out of you. You hadn’t seen her in a good many years, and she had grown into herself. She was far more beautiful than the stories of her foretold, and there was a way about her that rendered you speechless.
It was quiet for a moment as Rhaenyra looked at you. She seemed to be deep in thought, a cluster of emotions on her face. Finally, she gave you a small smile. From the surprised look on some of the Lords and guards faces, it was a very likely possibility that this was the first smile they had seen from her in weeks.
“My Queen,” you curtsied, your voice small. “Thank you for allowing me into your home.”
Rhaenyra walked across the room, taking your hands in hers. “Nonsense. You’re most welcome.”
She turned around, the smile on her face dropping. She waved a hand, and the Lords began gathering their things as they packed up to leave. The guards returned to their posts, except the ones stationed to be near their Queen at all times.
“I hardly get a moment alone anymore,” Rhaenyra mused, leading you to the fireplace. “Sit with me. Although, I doubt you’re cold. I’ve never been to Winterfell myself, but I’m told the winters are very unforgiving.”
You smiled, nodding. “It took your son at least a week to grow accustomed to it. He hid it well, but I knew he was constantly fighting to keep warm. I made sure the fires in his chambers were always burning.”
“I thank you for that,” she said, hesitating a moment before speaking again. “He was happy there?”
“The Prince and my brother got along quite well. When he flew to the Vale, Cregan seemed like he didn’t know what to do with himself. As if he had forgotten what it was like when it was just the two of us. My youngest brother died when Cregan was quite young, as did my Father. So, he was very happy indeed to have a friend closer in age and gender than his older sister. When I left Winterfell, Cregan and Jace were sparring in the courtyard. Your son had just knocked my brother into the dirt. It was a good laugh. I was quite cross with him for making me leave, so seeing him pull himself out of the muck made me very happy.”
Rhaenyra let out a chuckle, settling into her chair. You watched her smile, settling her hands into her lap. The fire crackled lowly, and you realized sitting there that maybe this wouldn’t be as bad as you thought it would be. Maybe your brother was right. You’d serve a better purpose here.
“You’re very close with your brother, then?” She asked, and you nodded.
“I love him more than anything in this world,” you smiled, trying your best not to grow sad. “It’s been just me and him for a long time. I never married, and my Mother and Father are long gone, so a sibling’s love is all I’ve ever really known.”
“Strange, how your age doesn’t seem to have an effect on your relationship.”
“Are you calling me old, Your Grace?” You joked, making her laugh.
“No, My Lady. It’s just that I can recall meeting you all those years ago. You were but a few years younger than me. Was Cregan even born yet?”
You nodded, trying to remember. “He was, but he was just a baby. Mother stayed at home with him. She was gone a few years after that.”
“It’s really just been you two up there, all this time? I expected to attend at least one Stark wedding in my time. But you never married?”
You chuckled, nodding. A Stark wedding was usually a lively affair. Half of the Houses in the realm attended, and would travel to Winterfell for weeks. Yours as the eldest daughter would have been quite the affair, but it had yet to happen.
“My Uncle married, actually. Although, I doubt many people attended the wedding. He and Father didn’t exactly see eye to eye. I barely knew him before he became Lord of some Lady’s dowry.”
“Poor girl,” Rhaenyra joked, making you smile.
“Yes, poor girl. But no, I never married. I suppose I’m much luckier than most girls. Father hadn’t promised me to anyone before he died. He told me he was waiting for the right man, and that he’d be sure to tell me when he found him. But he died, and the duty of promising me to someone passed to Cregan. There were offers by then, but none he took. He was only a little boy then, and Mother and Father were gone, as well as our little brother, so I was all he had left. Anyway, the Maester advised him to wait a little while longer before deciding. And when he came of age, he just didn’t have it in him to send me away. He should have, I know. I should have been promised to some Lord or other by now. But there never seemed to be the right time.”
“You’re very lucky to have him,” Rhaenyra said before her face fell, and her gaze fell to her lap. “My boys were always very close. They got along as siblings should. I’m not sure the same can be said for me, unfortunately.”
You nearly winced at her words. “I was very sorry to hear about your family, Your Grace—”
“Rhaenyra is fine,” she interrupted. “There’s no need for formalities here. They won’t do either of us any good.”
You nodded, slowly reaching to lay your hand over hers. “Rhaenyra…may I speak frankly?”
She seemed to stiffen under your touch. It had been a long while since anyone had touched her in that way, and she clearly wasn’t used to that kind of affection. She wasn’t sure she wanted that type of connection anymore, because that kind of connection could be ripped away from her at any moment. 
But as you gave her a look of sympathy—with absolutely no pity in your eyes—she didn’t pull away. 
She only nodded, motioning for you to speak.
“I can’t imagine what it was like for you. To have your birthright, your Father, and two of your children taken from you all in the matter of a few days. If someone had tried to take me from my place in the North, I would have brought the full might of my House down on them. But if Cregan was taken from me…I’m afraid there’s not a place in the world his killer could go to escape what I would do to him. There isn’t a thing I wouldn’t have done to avenge him, and to make sure those who harmed him died screaming. And for the people who took all of this from you to be your own family? Your brothers? I don’t know how you’ve survived it. I don’t know how you’ve had the strength to…to let them go.”
“I do not wish to be the Queen of ashes and bone,” she murmured, turning her hand over so it was palm up under yours. “And I do not wish to watch my half brothers and my sweet sister die. They’re my blood…and they’ve been led astray.”
“That’s one way to put it,” you whispered, giving her a sad smile. 
It was quiet another moment longer. You had so much more you wanted to ask, but you weren’t sure if you should. Rhaenyra wasn’t smiling anymore, and you certainly didn’t want to be the cause of any more pain. But your brother had sent you to Dragonstone to do more than just keep you safe. You were supposed to keep her safe, too. You were supposed to be a friend. Friends listened, even when it was hard. 
And they asked hard questions, even when it was the hardest thing they’d have to do.
“Were you angry?” You finally asked, taking a breath when she looked up and her eyes met yours.
She really was beautiful. 
Her eyes were as brilliant as the sea you sailed on to get to Dragonstone, as clear as the water when the sun shined down on it just right. You were sure at one point there had been a sparkle in them. Maybe there had been when you had met her all those years ago.
But that sparkle had been snuffed out. 
Now, that sparkle was replaced by a burning rage that seemed to always be at the back of her gaze. And when you spoke of the atrocities that had happened to her and her family, that rage burned bright. So bright, it nearly masked the sadness that was also always in her eyes. 
“Indescribably,” she finally said, her jaw clenched.
In the next few days, much of your time was spent getting to know Rhaenyra. 
And what you found was that she was a much different person with you than she was with anyone else. She spent most of her time sending and receiving letters, meeting with the Lords who came and went, and any other duties that were expected of her as Queen. She also spent much of her time alone, when being around people was too much for her.
You spent much of your time alone, too. 
There was no one—except Rhaenyra—on Dragonstone that you trusted. Other than the guards and servants, most people simply ignored your presence. Not that you minded much. You had no interest in getting close to new people, and you knew you didn’t have it in you to try trusting them either. Keeping to yourself was just easier.
Except when you were with Rhaenyra. 
After your first evening with her, you were a little wary of getting so close to her again. You had said more than you really had meant to, but she was just easy to open up to. When it was her turn, you’d asked her about her own family. And the rare smile she’d mustered fell.
You didn’t want to be the cause of that again. 
That was until you woke up to a crash just down the hall from your chambers, followed by the unmistakable sound of a wail.
You stumbled out of bed, hastily pulling on clothes. You nearly tripped out the door as you grabbed a candle, making your way down the dimly lit hallway. The cries got louder as you made it closer to Rhaenyra’s chambers, and you hurried faster until you found yourself in front of her doors. To your shock, her guards were standing there like nothing was out of the ordinary.
“What’s happening?” You asked one of the guards, taking a second to catch your breath.
“Nothing of your concern, My Lady,” he said, keeping his eyes forward. “All is well. Please return to your chambers.”
You raised a brow, quickly shaking your head. “What? Where is Ser Erryk? Surely he should be here. Why aren’t you attending to the Queen?”
The other guard posted at the door sighed, taking a step towards you as you tried to reach for the door. He stood in your way as you protested, finally getting you to stand still. 
“Ser Erryk isn’t necessary, Lady Stark. I assure you, all is well. This…happens sometimes, and our Queen has asked that we do not disturb her when it does. I know it sounds distressing, but it’s alright. Go back to your chambers, My Lady.”
Just as he finished speaking, another cry from inside Rhaenyra’s chambers echoed through the door. You tried once more to push past the guard, struggling in his grip when he wrapped an arm around your waist to stop you. 
“Let me go!” You ordered, ripping yourself from his hold. “Let me go, or you’ll have the Queen to answer to!”
Reluctantly, the guard let you out of his hold, but still kept you blocked with his arm against yours. “My Lady, please—”
You could see the fear in his eyes as you fought him. He truly feared Rhaenyra’s reaction if he disobeyed her, and he could see just how persistent you were willing to be. You cut him off before he could continue pleading with you.
“You let me deal with the Queen, Ser. And if she has to blame someone, she can blame me. I’ll make sure her wrath doesn’t fall on you. But that’s if—and only if—you unhand me and let me pass.”
You watched his face contort as he internally warred with himself. Finally, the other guard stepped aside in order to let you through, leaving him no choice but to step aside as well. 
“Be careful, My Lady,” he warned.
You gave him a wary nod. “Thank you, I will.”
Without another word, he let you in. 
As the door shut behind you, you realized the mess you had just gotten yourself into, but you took a breath and stepped deeper into the room. You looked around, a pit settling in your stomach when you noticed the room in disarray. A vase was broken and shattered, scattered across the floor. Sheets from the bed were bundled up and tossed haphazardly next to the bed, a pillow on the other side of the room. You let out a small gasp when you felt a crunch under your foot, looking down to see a jagged shard of glass smeared with blood.
You could feel your heart beating faster as you quickly looked around the room, trying to find Rhaenyra. She was bleeding somewhere—hurt, maybe scared—and you couldn’t find her. How could her guards not come in to help her?
“Ñuha Dāria, skoriot issi ao?” you called out, trying to find her. “Rhaenyra?”
My Queen, where are you?
There was a shuffle in the corner of the room. You looked on the other side of the bed to find Rhaenyra curled up against the wall in just her shift, her bloody hand curled into her chest. You rushed to her side, crouching down next to her.
Rhaenyra looked up at you slowly, her voice quiet. “You speak Valyrian?”
“I read it in a book on the ship over,” you answered, gently taking her injured hand in yours. “I had a lot of idle time. And I figured if I was coming to stay with a Queen of the Old Blood of Valyria, I might as well learn a little bit of the language. That is all I remember, I confess…other than the word for a man’s parts. What was it again…arvo—no, orvo…gods, I can’t remember—”
“Orvorta,” Rhaenyra breathed out a laugh, using her free hand to wipe away at dried tears.
You smiled, turning her palm up towards you. You reached for the bottom of your shift, using it to carefully wipe away the blood from her cut. She winced, trying to pull away.
“You’ll stain your clothes—”
“I don’t care,” you said, grasping her hand harder. “I have others.”
She was quiet another moment as you continued to wipe away the blood, inspecting the cut for any stray shards of glass. 
“Jurnegon rȳ ao…ñuha perzītsos,” she murmured as you worked. “Iā, kostilus—ñuha sōna jaesa.”
Look at you…my little flame. Or, perhaps—my snow angel.
You looked up in confusion. “What?”
“Nothing, love. It’s not important. But, I’ll teach you more Valyrian, if you’d like to learn.”
You smiled, nodding in agreement as you looked back down at her cut. You put pressure on it to stop the bleeding, running your thumb along the back of her hand to try and distract her from the pain. You held your hand there for a moment longer, before easing your fingers away from the cut.
“It’s barely bleeding now, and I don’t think it’s too deep,” you murmured, gently letting go. “What happened? Why didn’t your guards help?”
A look of shame crossed Rhaenyra’s face, and for a moment, you regretted asking. But then her eyes met yours, and you let out a sharp breath. She glanced over at the broken vase, before looking back up at her bed.
“My dreams plague me, sometimes. I don’t always have the strength to fight them off. Sometimes, they take hold of me and won’t let me go till they chew me up and spit me back out. They got the better of me tonight. But that doesn’t mean I need those men outside my door to come in and help. I’m quite capable of fighting them off on my own.”
You could feel your heart bleeding for her. There was so much you wanted to ask. So much unknown by you, and yet, you couldn’t bring yourself to muster up the strength to ask any questions. It wasn’t the time for them. Instead, you reached again for her unhurt hand, taking it in yours. You carefully looked it over, noticing every scrape and scar, every chipped nail, every line and curve that made her touch her own. She watched as you fiddled with her fingers, finding herself not wanting to pull away.
Her sleeve fell down her arm as you turned her hand over, and you stilled as you noticed the long jagged scar that ran down the side of her forearm. You frowned, gently running your finger down the length of it.
“What’s this?” You asked, making her face mirror yours.
“A painful memory,” she finally spoke, her tone solemn. “From a pained person, a long time ago.”
You nodded, choosing not to pry any further. She suddenly reached for your elbow, gently turning your arm over in her hands. She ran her thumb along a faint raised line that ran across the skin just above your elbow.
“I remember this,” she chuckled, smiling faintly. “It was a lot more ghastly the last time I saw you. I’m not surprised that it scarred.”
You nodded, laughing as well. “It’s from a bloody arrow! Father shot me, can you believe that? He didn’t mean to, of course—it was an accident. It was when he was trying to teach me how to hunt. He was distracted by one of his men, and he accidentally let the arrow fly. You should have seen Mother’s face when I came into the Great Hall, all covered in blood and snot. And Father’s face was even paler than mine was.”
“I doubt he ever let you tell anyone that story,” Rhaenyra smiled, her fingers tracing down the length of your arm until her hand was back in yours.
“No, he didn’t. But Old Nan did—she was the one who looked after me after the Maester patched me up. It’s all Cregan ever heard about when he first started practicing with a bow. She didn’t want her little Lord getting all scarred up like his big sister. He didn’t listen, of course. He’s got plenty of scars to match.”
“I’d expect nothing less from a Stark,” she teased, her grin widening when you pouted.
“Hey, you’re lucky I’m a Stark!” You retorted, settling against the bedpost behind you with a smirk. “And be happy my Father did what he did. I think that’s the only reason he brought me along to King’s Landing to come see you. He felt bad about injuring me. Back then, I was the only daughter who got to come stay with you for an entire season. Father’s the reason I’m here now—him, and my brother. What other Lady do you know that would be on this floor with you right now, if not a Stark?”
Rhaenyra nodded, a grateful smile on her face. It was quiet another moment as she held your hand in hers, her gaze never leaving yours. You could see the gears turning in her head as she looked at you, emotion stirring in her chest.
“We were girls together,” she finally said, her voice barely a whisper.
You felt your chest tighten. All those years had passed, but she was still the same in so many ways. You squeezed your hand in hers, your voice just as soft as hers was.
“We’re still girls at heart. Just a bit burdened now, and without a few loved ones. That’s what it is, to grow up, isn’t it? Still girls—just a bit more, now…and with a bit less.”
It was from that night on that you got close with Rhaenyra. 
You were practically inseparable, and everyone in the castle knew it. On the nights where you’d hear cries coming from her room, nobody would even bat an eye when you marched yourself out of bed and into her chambers. There were nights where you didn’t even bother going to your own chambers at all. It was much easier to stay with her and avoid all the hassle of running down the corridors.
Cregan sent letters when he could, as did Jacaerys. You were grateful for them, and always made sure to answer his letters in detail. Though—to be truthful—the pain of missing your brother wasn’t nearly as bad as you thought it would be. When you arrived the first night, you thought the grief would kill you. 
But now? 
Now, it was simply a dull ache—always with you to remind you that you still had someone you loved out there waiting for you to come home when it was the right time.
Rhaenyra was always there to dull the ache. 
A warm smile here, a fleeting touch there. Nights spent wrapped up in each other, murmuring words of love and laughter into the darkness. 
She was always different around you than she was anyone else. Much softer—much more open. It was a gift, being the one to make your Queen happy. She had lost so much, and anything you could do to dull the ache of those losses was encouraged by all.
You found yourself walking down the path to the caves where Syrax was kept. 
You had yet to meet her, and Rhaenyra had been wanting to introduce her to you. While you were a bit apprehensive, there wasn’t much more you could say or do to avoid it. 
She was your Queen, after all, and you obeyed any order she asked of you.
It was early in the morning, and you didn’t pass many servants or guards on your way. When you reached the cave opening, Rhaenyra was already there—atop Syrax who had been saddled. You stepped back in awe at the sheer size of her, accidentally backing into one of the guards.
“My Lady, you can’t be here—” 
“Leave her be!” Rhaenyra snapped, sitting tall atop Syrax. “Lady Stark is here on my orders. You may go, Ser.”
He quickly nodded, muttering a “sorry” in your direction before bowing and turning to run up the hill. A few of the other guards followed him, and the other servants left seemed to scatter as well. 
You chuckled as you watched them leave, turning to look up at Rhaenyra. “Hello, sweet girl.”
Rhaenyra grinned, climbing down from the saddle and sliding off Syrax’s back. “Am I sweet?” 
“No, not particularly,” you answered truthfully, offering your arm which she happily took. “But you are to me. You’re my sweet girl.”
A rare flush spread across her cheeks, and she avoided your eyes, if only for a moment. You smiled, keeping her close. She cleared her throat, looking up at Syrax before she reached for your hand.
“Syrax, this is who I was telling you about. Ñuha perzītsos—”
“Your little flame? I thought I was your snow angel,” you asked, your grin widening when her flush deepened. “I was curious. Turns out, learning Valyrian isn’t as hard as it sounds.”
“Tell that to my son,” Rhaenyra chuckled, looking back up at Syrax.
You turned to face Syrax as well, smiling up at her. She really was beautiful. Her very being struck terror deep in your heart, but her beauty and strength was almost enough to override that fear. Syrax peered down at you in curiosity, her breath fanning down onto you.
“We could fly her to the North,” you said softly, squeezing Rhaenyra’s hand. “We could see my brother, and your son. You could see Winterfell, where I grew up. We could go anywhere you wanted to with Syrax.”
It was nothing but a dream—you knew that. She knew it, too. But what was the harm in dreaming, if only for a little while? So often, dreams came to plague you and Rhaenyra both. Why couldn’t they also whisk you away to a place where you could be happy? What was the harm in pretending, just this once? These dreams couldn’t hurt you anymore than you both had already been hurt. There wasn’t much of anything that could hurt you like you had already been hurt.
Rhaenyra held your hand tighter, her palm warm in yours. She wouldn’t dare let go now…and she didn’t want to. She could feel her chest tighten at the thought, just as yours did. But she smiled anyway, looking over at you with love in her eyes.
“We’ll go together one day…I promise. We’ll see just how well fire does in ice. I’ve always wanted to see a true winter.”
You smiled, breathing out a laugh. “If you’re anything like your son, we’re doomed.”
A/N - Hi! I’m so sorry it took so long to get this out, it took me a really long time to write it for some reason. Thank you for being patient, I know you sent me another request. I promise to get to it as soon as I can, along with all my other requests. I hope this is what you were looking for! Thank you again for sending this request in :)
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harrystylesfan2686 · 7 months
Pairing: Mor x Reader
Warnings: Mentions of torture.
Summary: it's been a long time since seeing the most eternal beauty I've ever seen and now it's time to find her.
A/N: I'm really thankful to @thelov3lybookworm for giving me this idea to write. This is the first series I'll ever write so bare with me! I'll try my best. Thank you so much for chosing to read this. <3
It had been five centuries since I last saw her face. Her bright, golden hair and those rich brown eyes.
I saw her on my Fifteenth birthday. Her beauty was so captivating that I had been staring at her without even realizing it. Her laugh was the most sweetest sound I'd ever heard. We spent the entire day in the garden that day talking and laughing.
My family just having moved there, I didn't know anyone else and it's not like father would ever allow me to wonder off alone, so it was nice having her with me.
I still remember the friendly smile that she gave me while first introducing herself. ''Hello, I'm Morrigan. You can call me Mor.''
We met and talked everyday for the next month. I loved her company. I looked forward it everyday. Every morning I woke up, I'd think about what I'll say to her that day. I realized I could not stop thinking about her even if I tried. I didn't know what I felt that time. I wasn't aware of my preference in women. But I didn't really care. All I cared about was meeting her on time everyday.
Until one day, she didn't come.
It's alright she might be busy. Her family is really strict. I'll just see her tomorrow.
She didn't show up, again.
One day turned to two. Two turned three. And before I even realized, It had been five hundred years.
I heard that she'd been promised in marriage to the eldest prince of Autum Court. I also heard that to get out of it, she had beded an illyrian and due to that her angement was broken. I had felt a little happy at that, knowing that she was free, the feeling was short lived as I got the news that her father tortured her brutally and left out on the border of Autum Court with a nail to her stomach stating she wasn't thier property anymore.
That day I felt a kind of rage I had never felt before. A kind that could tore my entire house down if I let go of my control on magic.
Now she was in Velaris. The city of dreams. Staying there with the high lord. She had found a home, a family that in these centuries. And now I'm going to see her.
My father had arranged me to a high fea for marriage without conversing to me about it. I saw it coming, to be honest. I knew my fate. My family has always told me that I am to be married off to an high rank family and play the role of a good wife to husband. I'm actual surprised that this didn't happen sooner but when people find out that I had once been a friend of a disrespectfull run away, they don't find interest in marrying thier sons to me.
I'm so grateful.
But now, somehow, my father did find a man for me. A low rank seven hundred eighty six year old pedophile who already has two very young wives. I tried to convince my father to not agree to this and let me be but he didn't listen.
So I ran.
I ran away from my father's house 3 days ago. With a lot og struggle and money, I have finally reached the City of Starlight.
Walking through its streets is a whole different experience. The joy that I see in the faces of the people living here is something rarely seen in the people of Hewn City. I'm shocked with how free the parents are with there children running wild around the garden and the lake, it just shows how safe this place is.
I want to find Mor. I want to see how she is after all these years. I want to know if she's changed. I want to ask her if she's thought about me over the years. I want to see her family. And most importantly, I want to ask her if she's happy.
I will find Mor.
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charliedawn · 2 years
Aemond x Reader
Synopsis : Aegon brings back his little brother to the pleasure house he lost his virginity in, seeking to bring him shame—but is shamed instead..
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Aegon was in an awfully good mood that morning, as he strode confidently in the room where the family was sharing breakfast. His eyes immediately sought Aemond who was quietly picking at his piece of bread and eating it slowly—his eye staring at the table before him in deep thought. Aegon walked towards him and sat down next to him before greeting him loudly.
"Good morning, brother !"
Aemond stopped eating to glance back at his brother with his eye slightly narrowed in suspicion. Aegon's smile widened as he patted Aemond's arm and declared for the whole family to hear.
"I wish to find myself a woman for the evening, and I have chosen you as my lucky companion for the trip !"
Aemond remained silent and he looked up at Alicent who pretended not to have heard her first-born's allusion or understood it. She had long given up on mending her son's ways and Helaena looked away, not willing to say anything that would earn her a beating later in the night..Aemond could see the bruises on her neck and it prompted him to accept.
It made Aegon's face brighten up, unaware that the only reason Aemond had agreed was because he hoped to get his brother too drunk on wine and women to come home and beat up his sister.
"I knew you were going to agree !"
Aemond followed begrudgingly while Aegon made his way through the many streets of the Silk; a place he had sought to never return to. His brother grabbed his arm and pulled Aemond towards the one establishment Aemond had purposefully ignored for years..Because he knew who lived there—the secret that laid dormant between its walls.
Aemond's eyes widened a little as he recognized the woman who greeted the both of them at the door. He had yet not forgotten the kind face that had spared him the loss of his innocence all these years ago.
Flashback :
You were still a young girl back then—barely a woman—when you were brought before the two princes. You remembered how one of them seemed all too eager to be here—eyeing all the girls there as if they were mere cattle, while the other one had his eyes cast downwards and seemed out of place. You were almost glad when you were brought before the second one and asked to lead him to your room. He seemed sweet and shy enough. You wouldn't have to convince him to be gentle with you.
Your mistress then took you apart and warned you that the boy had to leave with his legs wobbling if you wanted to get paid. You nodded and thought nothing more of it—but you should've known there would be more behind the reason of this strange warning.
You understood the moment you were left alone with the prince who couldn't look at you in the eyes. You thought he was nervous and decided it would be best to undress first, but the moment you tried to get your dress off, the prince seemed to panic and bolt for the door. You knew what would happen if the mistress were to catch the prince fleeing out of your room, so you grabbed his hand before he could reach the doorknob. However, you didn't plan on the young prince to break into tears in front of you the moment your hand wrapped itself around his.
"I..I can't do this. I'm sorry..I'm not..I can't..Please..Don't make me do this.." He sobbed loudly and you immediately retracted your hand. You now understood the nauseating reason behind your mistress' words—she wanted you to rape the boy. He stood petrified in the corner of the room with his eyes wide open and his fingers wrung in fear and shame. You sat down on the bed and wordlessly stared at him. He was just a boy—a terrified and innocent little boy. So, you took a decision there and then. You knew what your lady mistress had said, but you didn't wish to force him into anything.
You had had your fair share of men already—you were far from a virgin maiden, but you knew that you had suffered from the loss of your first time to a rather violent man with no regard to your situation. He had stolen your purity without even caring about your own pleasure, and you didn't want the prince's first time to end up being the same as yours.
So, you finally rose from your seat and you kissed his cheek. Softly.
You wouldn't let him suffer with no gentleness or care, no matter what your mistress had instructed you to do.
"I am not going to take anything that won't be given to me. But, if you leave this room now looking prime and proper. I will be punished and your brother would find another whore to service you..", you explained and prince Aemond blushed—as his cheek felt warm after your kiss.
"So..What do you suggest ?", he asked hesitantly and you grinned enigmatically at him.
"Tell me, how high can you jump, my prince ?"
Aemond's eyes opened wide at the question and he didn't have the time to ask why that you were already dragging him to the bed with a mischievous glint in your eyes.
A few minutes later :
You and the prince were jumping up and down on the bed—making it shake and rumble as you screamed at the top of your lungs. It would be enough to fool your mistress and his brother for sure. Nobody would be stupid enough to come in to check and you made sure to shuffle the prince's hair and crease his clothes enough to make it look like he had truly f*cked you.
Aemond couldn't help but giggle as he kept jumping on the bed—his eyes sparkling in the dark. You held his hands and you both started jumping in a circle—as if you were two normal children having harmless fun together. It felt refreshing. After a few minutes though, you finally fell on the bed—exhausted. You and Aemond looked at each other—sweating and panting—before bursting out laughing.
You had succeeded in saving the prince from his brother's obvious malicious plan and even make him laugh. As far as you were concerned, it was two wins in a day. You stared at him as he slowly closed his eyes and unconsciously clutched to you.
Finally, he fell asleep next to you and you found yourself marveling at his peaceful face. You envied his unspoiled innocence, but wished him to keep it all the same.
You pressed your forehead against his and whispered—certain that he wouldn't hear you over his soft snores.
"I have saved you tonight. But, I know other women will come for what your brother wished for you to lose tonight. I know it may be selfish of me..But, I do not wish you to lose your innocence to another woman. I wish to be the one you come to, so it may be as sweet as it can be for you. So..Come back once you have grown into a man, my prince. Come to me when you are ready to lose that last thread of innocence you have left and I will be waiting."
The next day, you had woken up alone in an empty bed and your mistress had come in with another man. You had held back your tears and resigned yourself to your task—swearing that one day, you would overthrow the old mistress and make this place your own.
Nowadays :
When Aegon's boastful voice was heard, you sighed and waited a few seconds to come greet him.
For years, the beautiful eyes of your prince had haunted you and when you recognized the identity of Aegon's guest by his side—he seemed to do too and lowered his face.
"OH ! Y/N ! I was actually looking for you ! You must remember my tiny brother ?! The one you deflowered all those years ago !"
The words of the arrogant prince were almost lost on you, as your eyes stayed on the young prince. So many years had past already..He had grown.
"Ah. Yes. I remember you. It has been a while, my prince." You voice became perceptibly softer upon the sight of Aemond and your smile looked far more genuine.
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He bowed his head at you in silent acknowledgment, but didn't say anything. He didn't want to risk it. He knew the reason for his return, but it still irked you when Aegon smirked smugly at you and asked—loud enough for the whole brothel to hear.
"Tell me. Is it true my poor baby brother couldn't hold himself more than 20 seconds before completion his first time ?!"
You lazily turned your gaze back to the bothersome brother and shrugged.
"And what if it's true ?", you challenged with a slight arch of your eyebrow.
Aegon took your question for a concession and howled with laughter, but what you added next made him stop instantly.
"What are you laughing at ? He had a bigger cock than you at thirteen than you have at twenty.."
That made Aemond look up at you and jut out his chin slightly as a small smirk drew itself on his lips. He knew what you were doing and you addressed him a cheeky wink while his brother was suddenly seething next to him.
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"HOW DARE YOU ?! I'M THE PRINCE ! I'LL HAVE YOUR HEAD FOR THIS !", Aegon screeched and you rolled your eyes at the boy's threat.
"And I am the owner of this establishment. The only brothel which still serves your majesty with enough women to make a whore blush..Now, you either pay and stop wasting my time—or get out."
Aegon's eyes darkened as he gritted his teeth at you, but you weren't afraid. He couldn't do anything. He wasn't king yet. Besides, you were telling the truth and his grandfather would never let his precious grandson's reputation be tarnished by his involvement with a whore house.
Aegon seemed to realize that and grumbled unintelligibly under his breath before sending coins at your feet—expecting you to bend over and pick them up. However, you only shot a skeptical eyebrow up at him and clicked your fingers together—a signal for other servants to come pick up what the prince had so unceremoniously sent your way. You weren't proud enough to refuse a paying customer—but proud enough not to let his dirty money soil your hands. Aegon then walked past you, purposefully shouldering you aside on his way. Aemond steadied you and you glared at his brother's back before looking back up at the angelic face you had failed to forget..
Aemond's face remained emotionless—even though there was a look of silent recognition sent your way. You sighed and mistook his remaining presence as worry for his brother's safety.
"Don't worry, my prince. Your brother will be pampered here.", you assured him—even though nothing would bring you more pleasure than poison the little shit's wine and let him die surrounded by whores and filth—as that was a pig's fate. You turned around and made your way back to your office—thinking the prince would be out of your establishment the moment you weren't there to witness it.
However, you were surprised when Aemond followed you. You sat at your desk and were about to get back to counting the month's gains when Aemond suddenly stood before you—his expression forbidden as he stared down at you. You glanced up quizzically at him and sighed before carding your fingers through your hair—letting your disheveled hair fall down your shoulders in disarray. You had learned to not care about your appearance as much as the others—now that you had taken your leave from your life as a pleasure woman. You were running things now—and no longer allowed men to touch you. However, the way Aemond was now looking at you, it made you want to break that vow.
"I...came to thank you." He finally voiced the reason for his presence and you let out a small huff of laughter before waving your hand dismissively.
"No need. He was being a prick. I've faced my fair share of those over the years.."
Prince Aemond remained standing for a moment before clarifying.
"No. I mean..what you did for me. All those years ago."
Your eyes ventured back up to scrutinize the prince's face carefully. He held your perceptive gaze and you could see he was being genuine. You sighed and—understanding you wouldn't be counting any more bills in front of him—slammed the accounting book shut.
"You do not need to thank me, my prince. I have not forgotten how kind you were to me.", you reminded him and smiled weakly at him. "Not a lot of men ever made me laugh."
Aemond smiled back—even though it was as pained as yours. You were both children back then—even though both of you had been forced to grow up too fast.
"May I...pay you for your night then ?", he asked tentatively and you were about to tell him you no longer sold your nights—but reconsidered.
"If you wish..But, you really don't have to. I assure you.", you tried to convince him, but he shook his head.
"I insist."
You both remained quiet for a while as Aemond seemed hesitant before adding.
"I heard you, you know..That night. You told me to come back once I had grown into a man and was ready to lose the last thread of innocence I have left...I am soon going to war. I may die. And you are the closest thing to a gentle touch I shall ever have from a willing woman."
You were surprised to hear it, as you could have sworn the young prince to be sleeping when the words were uttered—but you didn't ask. Your expression softened at the prince's plea and you sighed again, your brow creased slightly in hesitation and worry as he mentioned he might lose his life on the battlefield. Your resolve was reduced to nothingness as you heard the desperation in his voice concerning the fact that you might be the only woman capable of being gentle with him..He deserved all the gentleness of a lover—of that you were certain.
"Fine. But, if we are to do this, I want to see you without the eyepatch.", you demanded and Aegon's valid eye widened at the request.
"A lot has changed since my first visit.", he sheepishly replied and turned his face away from you—hiding his damaged part from you. You frowned and suddenly stood up to make your way to him. You then gently tugged two fingers under his chin and dragged his face back to you, his eye now staring at you intently. You tilted your head to the side and smiled before tracing the scar with your fingertip, his eye closing under your careful ministration and his nostrils flaired at the sensation.
"Yes. You have grown more handsome. A man of your own.", you recognized with an appreciate sizing up of his person. He had grown taller, stronger and most importantly—a good man. You had worried that under the Court and his brother's influence, he would turn into a monster. Your chest swelled with pride at the notion that you life had spare your lovely prince this life. He had survived. You could still see that part of innocence shining in his lilac eye.
"Fine.", he conceded with a slight trembling of his voice. "Then, I shall ask for something as well."
Your eyes widened slightly, but you nodded all the same. It was only normal he would make his own demands.
"I heard that you could...act out some of your guests' fantasies ?", he didn't turn his gaze away, but there was a light blush dusting his cheeks, nose and the tip of his ears at the future request.
You sighed. Of course. It had been a long time since your last meeting. He must have tasted his preferences since then and would ask for some specific things, or some kind of fantasy of his.
"As you wish..", you indulged. You couldn't exactly deny him besides, you were curious as to what a prince could fantasize about ? Whatever went through your mind, it was far from what he asked of you next.
"I..I would like to know how to pleasure a wife. As I may never have the opportunity to wed, I shall ask of you to play the part of my wife. I would like you to forget about my rank and title for the night. I would like you to treat me as a lover. I would like you to treat me as an equal..to call me by my name."
The request surprised you so much, you couldn't help the laugh that bubbled in your chest and threatened to spill. Your little prince wanted you to be his wife for a night ? You found the idea itself ridiculous, but the look Aemond gave you at your amusement made your smile immediately fade from your face. You took a step forward and gently ran your fingers down the side of his face tenderly—mesmerized by the way his eyes fluttered shut at your gentle touch.
"...Beautiful prince, I am no noble woman, nor someone worthy of being your wife—or even pretend to be.", you tried to reason with him, but he shook his head.
"The kindness you showed me that night was more than any of those noble women ever spared me..", he confessed and your breath hitched as he slid his hand over yours and kept it against his cheek—not breaking eye contact as he kissed your palm. It was so very intimate. It made you regret not being born the bastard of some old lord, if only to be worthy of such heated gaze on you.
But, fate had decided against it by making you the daughter of a whore instead..You closed your eyes.
"If I was born a noble woman, I would have certainly let you woo me first and stand still in bed while you make sweet love to me, my prince.", you said with an affectionate smile on your face and his smile matched yours for a second—until you regretfully lowered your hand from his grip and stated matter-of-factly.
"But, I am no noble woman.", you said and stood by the door. Aemond thought it meant you would ask him to leave, or wouldn't indulge his request, but you only locked the door and continued. "I do not care about ethics. I know of pleasure and its many secrets. I shall take my time with you and make the experience as enjoyable as it possibly can."
Aemond shuddered at your words as you took his hand and led him to your room—situated behind the office. Once you were there, you locked this door as well to make sure you wouldn't be disturbed or walked on and finally turned around to face your prince—his eye watching your every move carefully and calculating the danger he might be in..But, you didn't leave him time to think as you stepped towards him and laid your hand flat on his torso—dark leather tiggling your skin as you raised your hands to undo his heavy cloak and let it slide to the floor.
You then unexpectedly gave him a little nudge—wordlessly asking him to step backwards—and he soon found the back of his legs hitting the edge of your bed.
You gently pushed him down and he let you, his eyes tracing your every movement as you straddled him—his lips slightly parted in awe. He was so pretty. It hurt.
"Aemond. Your eyepatch, my love.", you reminded him and Aemond's eyes widened at the use of his first name and his throat felt dry at the use of a pet name. He didn't remember asking for one—but he wouldn't complain. He was eager to obey as he almost grazed his skin in his eagerness to remove the eyepatch and throw it away.
"Here I am, dear wife. Fully exposed to you. In all my shame and glory."
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He knew you wouldn't judge, but what he didn't expect was your lips to make contact with the sapphire and to feel such pleasure at the tender gesture. He closed his eyes.
"I see nothing to be ashamed of, dear husband." There was still a certain skepticism in the way you uttered that last word—it tasted bitter on your tongue—but it seemed to be enough for him.
His hands hovered over your hips—not quite lingering there—and waited for your permission. You smiled. Your sweet prince was still there after all..You gave your consent by bringing one of his hand down on your hips to knead the flesh there and the other one was raised around your throat. Aemond's eye widened as he could feel your pulse beating widely under his fingertips—as hot blood flooded through you—and he let out a small gasp. It was intimate, to let his hand rest there while you knew he could very well use it to end your life. At the thought, Aemond accidentally squeezed your throat a little and he was surprised when it earned him a low moan from you and a roll of your hips. He hissed and it took a moment for him to look back up at you—something shifting in his gaze. His eye was no longer the one of a curious boy eager to learn about the pleasures of a woman, but the one of a man—hot and bothered with need and indescribable desire.
You could feel his heart racing as you slowly started to unbutton his coat. You took your time to kiss each new parcel of skin exposed to you and heard Aemond's breath quicken as your hands traveled all the way down. Your hand barely brushed against his groin—but it was enough for him to gasp. You smiled knowingly at him, but didn't touch him there again—removing his coat and shirt when he allowed you to pull it over his head. He was magnificent.
Your hand lowered to his leather-clad pants and just as you were about to untie the laces of his breeches, he grasped your hands and brought them to his lips to kiss them.
"You are my wife tonight, remember ? I am the experienced one—not you.", he taunted playfully—his eye lighting up with mirth.
You almost scoffed. Asking a whore to act coy was like asking a fisherman to not know how to fish, or a hunter not to recognize game...But, you indulged.
"As you wish. Should I lie on the bed then ?" The young prince scrunched his nose in deep reflexion and pressed his lips together while you bit your lower lip in order not to laugh in front of the childish display. You knew why he was here, but the notion that the prince had no idea how to take a woman was just too much..He seemed to notice the amusement in your gaze and mistook it for judgment as his eyes cast downwards in shame—his hands balling into fists in the sheet.
"...I must look ridiculous to you."
All amusement left your face as you noticed the prince's clear embarrassment and you shook your head. You then kneeled before him with a tender smile and grabbed his chin between thumb and forefinger to make him look back at you. When he finally did, he was surprised to find the affection there and when you kissed cheek—just as you had that night—his heart skipped a beat. It was a reminder. You would always protect him, as you had back then..
"Tonight. I show you. And, when you return from war ? Alive and well ? I expect you to return the favor...Alright ?", you offered and Aemond seemed to think about it.
His eye drifted thoughtfully and his sapphire shone in the darkness as he pondered on the proposition and finally, he nodded in agreement. He didn't want to think of the war ahead—or the possibility that he may never return to fulfill his promise..
"Alright. Show me.", he breathed out and you smiled—satisfied. You removed his boots and carefully laid him down on the bed.
"Don't worry, my prince. I'll take good care of you..", you promised before joining him. You started kissing his neck once more, but felt his whole body stiffen as your hands wandered below his waist. He gulped and it was the first time since back then that you found nervousness in the young man's eye.
"I..", he started—but didn't finish. He wanted to say something, but words seemed to be lost on him as you started tracing circles in the dip of his clavicle with your thumb to soothe him down.
"Ssh...You're safe. No one can get to you here. I'll make sure of it.", you comforted him as Aemond's eye glanced back at the door before returning his eye on you.
"We..could stop ? It's not too late."
You assured him, but were surprised when Aemond seemed so opposed to the idea. He hoisted you up in his arms and when your eyes met, you could see the desperation in his eye as he uttered softly.
"Kiss me.."
It was urgent and the only thing whores didn't give—for reasons of useless attachment. You knew you shouldn't but, who were you kidding ? You had already linked your soul to the prince long ago. You knew that if he was to die on the battlefield, you would feel it. He was yours, even if you tried to deny it..
You intertwined your fingers with his and surprised him by pinning both of his hands to the headboard and kissing him passionately. There was hunger, regret and lo—lust in that kiss. You wouldn't say the forbidden word—not when you knew there may not be a tomorrow for you to dream about..
Thankfully, the prince seemed as eager to forget about his soon-to-be demise and even though his hands were trapped, he rubbed your inner thigh with his knee and bit down harshly on your lower lip. You gasped loudly at the unexpected pain and he suddenly stopped. He seemed to remember where he was and who he was with when he saw your shocked expression and red smeared on your lips.
"F-Forgive me. I..I did not mean...I apologize." His hands were released and he ran his fingers through his long white strands with a crestfallen expression. He closed his eyes and sighed before adding. "I shouldn't have...I'm not...I'm not that kind of man."
He tried to persuade you—unbeknownst to him that it made him all the more endearing in your eyes. People never apologized to whores. But, he did. He apologized to you—as he had back then..When he hadn't felt ready to bed you. He had apologized to you—even though it wasn't his fault.
"I know you aren't my prince. I never thought you were..", you reassured him and kissed him softly to let him know that you didn't feel any regret.
You stood up slowly and gently ran your hand along the outline of Aemond's face, stroking his cheek with your thumb as he melted under your touch. He couldn't help but leave a kiss in your palm and let out a soft moan as you kept touching him. He wanted more. He was eager and ambitious—as you had predicted from the start. But, you hadn't expected the effect it would have on you as his weak moan made your legs quiver and his eyelids fluttered shut—coveting this bright blue eye of his where many wonders hid beneath the surface.
Before you could stop yourself, you leant forward to kiss him again. This kiss was soft—merely a breeze against his lips and much shorter than needed, but it was enough. He snapped his eye open and there was such hope in them, such dedication..He wrapped his hand around your throat to pull you closer and kiss you fervently. The hand around your throat slowly moved to cup the back your neck instead—making sure to pin you in place as he kept kissing you while his other hand traveled down to your torn dress to push the skirt up your leg. He smirked against your lips at the wetness he found there. He had heard his brother boast about his many sexual prowess, and he knew that the wetness gathered at your core was from your excitement. He hummed appreciatively before entering a finger. You gasped against his lips at the sudden intrusion and suddenly pushed him away. He pulled away with a dissatisfied pout—like a little boy being deprived of his dinner—but remained silent as he patiently waited for you to explain.
"My prince..Most women need preparation before you decide to insert anything in them. I admire your eagerness, but may I show you how to truly please a woman ?", you asked and Aemond scoffed against your cheek.
"You are unnerving.", he uttered—but kept holding you against him.
"Then stop touching me.", you quipped back and he snorted rather uncharacteristically.
"Why don't you ask me to ?"
"Because you are the pr—.", he silenced you with a seething kiss before correcting. "Husband. I am your husband. And you are my teacher. Now, show me. Teach me how to take care of you. Teach me everything about you, so I may serve you well."
You gasped as he kissed down the side of your neck, his soft hair tickling your skin and his teeth threatening to bite down at any second. He was quite the definition of a dragon with his hot breath and almost glowing blue eye with a purple streak. He was beautiful. You cupped his cheeks and you stared deep into his eye, that eye which had been the beginning of your troubles. You led his hand back to your core, but instead of stopping to your dripping orifice—as he had earlier—you paused just above it and started drawing circles around your clit. His eyes widened as he had never thought of where a woman's pleasure came from—but was now seeing the drastic change in your features. He marveled at the slight twitch of your closed eyelids, your uneven breathing as you sought your pleasure from his patient and dutiful fingers. It was a glorious sight and his valid eye returned to the hand hidden underneath your dress, the sound it made as it swirled around wet skin and the sweet scent his nose caught. Taking apart a woman with his fingers only was truly a remarkable sight. Aemond retrieved his hand, soaked in your juices and started studying the translucent liquid with unhealthy fascination. You were about to ask what he was doing when he suddenly licked the juice out of his fingers—a sinful sight that made you cover your mouth to muffle a squeal and your cheeks where a blush suddenly spread. There was nothing more arousing than the sight of the prince, feasting on your release as if it was pure ambrosia gifted by the Seven themselves. However, he seemed to remember your presence and once the last drop of pleasure had been swallowed, his eye returned on you with a predatory gaze.
"Another. I shall take another one from you..", he announced with no hesitation and you licked your dry lips—his eye following the movement. You could have sworn hearing him growl before he suddenly pounced on you.
Before you could as much as utter a sound, he was on you and lifted your skirts out of the way to get better access to your dripping cunt. He was about to use his fingers again when he paused and seemed to ponder on something..Why use a spoon when he could quench his thirst from the source ? When you felt the first lick, it took you by surprise as you tried to rear away from him—but his hands were clasped firmly on your thighs and kept you in place and at the mercy of his greedy tongue. He lapped and sucked at your clit as if he was born to do just that—to live in the safety of your treasured garden and take his pleasure from the scent and taste alone. It didn't take you long to come apart again, and your chest heaved at the force of it while Aemond didn't let a single drop go to waste. New bruises would form where his fingers had been clamped over your skin. But, it was worth it.
When Aemond reappeared in your field of vision, he seemed satisfied and a large grin was now on his face—his lips glistening with release.
"I think...I might be starting to understand Aegon's obsession with such sinful actions."
You held back an eye roll at the mention of his cunt of a brother who had only ever sought one release—his own. Aegon was a selfish lover, while Aemond—you had learned—was a people pleaser in the bedroom. Aemond was looking at you with a large grin—even though his obvious erection was standing proudly against his stomach..It made your mouth water and seek to please him as much as he did you. You gulped. It was a dangerous thought to have.
"I'm afraid your brother doesn't possess the same qualities when it comes to thinking of anything else other than his own cock..", you mumbled at the memory of some of the girls coming to you in tears after his majesty the a** decided he was too drunk to think of the bruises he would leave behind, or the scars..You shuddered in horror at the thought alone.
Aemond shook his head and chuckled at his own brother's lack of courtesy.
"Foolish decision. It is a pleasure as well. There is something exhilarating about bringing a woman to her peak. It makes you feel powerful..", Aemond mused—bringing your attention back to him. He was nothing like his brother and you wished he had been born first heir. You still couldn't have had him—but at least you would have felt safer knowing the streets to be under his jurisdiction. Your eyes then made their way to the hint of his own arousal—still standing proudly against his breeches. His seemed to follow your gaze and he smirked smugly. You turned your head away at the realization of having been caught and prayed to the Seven he would stop looking at you like that...It was dangerous for a prince to look at one such as yourself with such gaze. You crawled to him and Aemond didn't shy away when you placed your hands on his thighs and your teeth started nibbling at the skin underneath his ear lob—the place that you knew was a weakness in many men. And Aemond was found not to be an exception to the rule as he let out a low moan and tugging you closer against him with his hand fisted in your hair, let his other one venture itself on your bossom to give it a light squeeze.
"You..are insatiable.", he breathed out with a teasing smile and you chuckled mischievously against his skin before leaving a soft kiss on the abused flesh there—knowing a hickey was sure to appear there the next day.
"Only for you, darling husband of mine."
Aemond's eye snapped open—as it was the first time he didn't have to remind you of what he wanted you to see him as. The notion went straight to his groin and it twitched against your thigh.
Well..If you thought he would be so excited about it—you would have used it many times already.
You were surprised when he framed your face with his hands and plunged his tongue in your mouth—vigorously seeking for every single crevice to explore and conquer. You didn't even have the time to think—he took over all your brain functions..You didn't even feel when he led your hand to his bulge until he was rocking against it. He breathed out and you inhaled it—as if his life was your drug and you needed to feel him close to be whole. When you tugged his hair back to attack his neck and chest, Aemond hissed and panted against you. He was the one who was supposed to take you apart but—somehow along the way—the rules of that little game of yours had shifted.
Now, he just wished to last a little longer under your expert touch.
You peppered his face with feather-light kisses and Aemond closed his eyes at the mix of sweetness and pleasure your lips and hand brought him.
When he came, not a sound was uttered.
There was a slight shudder and a tightness of his features—as if the experience was painful, when it really wasn't. You felt his warm seed trickle down your fingers and even though the want to lick your hand clean appeared in your mind—you settled on wiping your hand on your dress instead and lay down next to the prince.
Aemond's breathing settled back to a normal pace and you absent-mindedly tugged a strand of his hair behind his ear.
"...So, was I a pleasant wife, my prince ?", you taunted—not expecting his rather blunt and honest answer.
"If I was any less of a prince, I would have taken you as my wife.", he confessed in a whisper and you laughed bitterly at his confession, not because you didn't believe him—but because you did. Tears strained your cheeks as you lolled you head back to look at him with a wistful smile.
"I'm sure you would have, my sweet prince..I'm sure you would have."
He smiled sadly back at you and in a way, you found yourself as children—back in that room where you had laughed and tricked the whole pleasure house into thinking Aemond to have lost his innocence with you...when in fact—he had won yours.
Back then, you thought the pang in your chest to be unsubstantial and insignificant—but it had taken you years to find out the name behind this feeling..the reason of this unreasonable longing...
Love at first sight.
You had fallen hard for Aemond Targaryen.
And, may the great Seven protect you if he would ever find out..Because you knew he wouldn't hesitate before tossing his life and yours into a great torrent of fire and pain for this feeling to be brought to light.
You could already smell the smoke as he kissed you deeply—fire rising around you.
Couldn't you smell the smoke ? Threatening to burn everything ? Yes. But—even though—you kissed him back..
War was on your door step—and it wasn't one about dragons or kingdom..
It was about a whore and a prince.
Pleasure and pain.
Two sides of the same coin and yet—stark opposites.
The next day, you thought to find your bed empty—as you had last time. But, your breath hitched as you were met with the prince's perfect face..
You rose to your elbows and couldn't help but press a light kiss to your husband's forehead.
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(Warning: absolutely no structure to this, this is a rant, this is “POV: you asked me what I thought of Sarah Hawkins while on my lunch break and I spent the entire lunch break rambling at you)
So, Sarah Hawkins. Let’s establish a few things about this woman that are very obvious: she is an exceedingly patient mother; she runs that inn almost entirely alone; Leland’s leaving hurt her just as much as Jim; she loves her son to the moon and back. Now let’s establish a few things that, while not explicitly stated, are kind of assumed: she built that inn herself out of her own home; she doesn’t resent Jim despite his selfish behavior; she fears for his safety, and that he’ll leave her the way Leland did.
According to the art book, Leland and Sarah settled there because the mining on Montressor was supposed to be pOPPIN’. That was Leland’s plan, to make money on Montressor. Plan SUCKED. But Sarah stuck with Leland for eight years, probably listening to his promises that he’d make it big and get them off this rock, and that he’d be home to stay one day. And then one day, he was gone, and he left her with their little Jimbo and that house. She was probably heartbroken, not just for Jim. Just watching her face in the flashbacks and the way she cried when he finally left, she loved that man (trash though he be). But what did she do?
She looked at her little boy, rolled up her sleeves, and turned her house into a way to support her little family. She planted a garden in the back, turned the other rooms into guest rooms; her own little kitchen into a place to make meals for guests, and hauled tables into the main space. She she did all of this presumably alone, maybe with Jim’s limited help (he was freakin 8) and maybe Doppler’s help, though I think they became friends a little later judging by the way he interacts and talks about Jim. From what we see, Sarah works all day and probably well into the night, still finding time to look after Jim and watch over her. And she did this for SEVEN YEARS. The entire time, watching her son slip away and become secluded and sullen and lose his spark. She probably tried to encourage him and prod him in the right direction, but every one of her efforts seemed to fail. STILL, she woke up every day and ran that inn and looked out for her kid. Never a word of complaint. The closest we get to hearing her “complain” is telling Jim that it’d be super great if he didn’t get himself arrested and add to her list of things to do. When she vents to Doppler, she says: “I’m at the end of my rope.” She doesn’t mean she’s fed up with running the inn. She means she’s run out of ideas for reaching Jim. She doesn’t care how much work she has to do, as long as it keeps Jim cared for and on the right path, but it doesn’t feel like she’s done enough or any of the right things.
Then the inn was burned down. Seemingly a freak raid, potentially brought in by Jim after he dragged some unsavory character inside. That was her ENTIRE life, built so carefully out of the rubble and tended for years, and it was burned to the ground in seconds. If any of that was gonna keep Jim steady, it’s gone now. The look of DEFEAT on her face after she looked back at it makes me wanna die every time. When Doppler puts that blanket around her shoulders and she just sits, not hearing anything he’s saying, refusing to look at Jim. WHAT’S SHE THINKING IN THAT SCENE?!? Is she angry with Jim? Just a little? Angry that he couldn’t just for once leave well enough alone?? Or does she think she FAILED??!!?! Like her last effort had been snuffed out and she’d failed Jim?! I hope not. But who knows.
AND WHEN SHE LET’S HIM GO ON THE JOURNEY?! You can tell that even after Jim promises that he’ll come back and make her proud, she isn’t truly convinced. You can tell she wants to be! She wants to believe that. That’s probably what Leland said to her. Jim’s probably made similar empty promises to turn it around in the past as well. She wants to believe this time it’ll be different, but she always believes that, and it never is. But she smiles at him and lets him go anyway, because maybe it will be. She loves him, and she knows she has nothing left to give him. Whatever it is that will help him, she doesn’t have it.
So then, Sarah is alone. Doppler is a bachelor. There’s no one else there for her to talk to. There’s no more inn, which was her life for seven years. No Jim, who was basically all she had for even longer. Now she’s just stuck in this observatory with nothing to do but wait. Maybe she even watched the stars through that massive telescope, wondering where Jim was, and if he’d come back. I’m not sure how long the journey was, but I’m assuming a few months (much shorter cuz of their instant zoom back). I wonder if she was surprised when she got notice of their return, and not just because of how fast it was. When we see her at the spaceport and she sees Jim, she genuinely looks surprised, even before he hugs her! How big had the part of her that feared he’d never come back become?! Either that he’d die out there or take for the distant stars like her scumbag husband.
BUT HE CAME BACK! For the first time in ages it’s her HOPES that are confirmed instead of her fears! And then when he hugs her—how many years had it been since he’d done that? You can see on her face that for the first time in forever, she knows everything will be okay. The weight come off her shoulders. The years of work are made worth it. She looks at him and he’s so different. Taller, a new shine in his eyes, a smile she hasn’t seen in years, but older. She sees that her boy is back and now he’s a young man who KEEPS his promises. Maybe whatever he needed was out there and not with her, but everything she did was exactly what she needed to do, even letting him go, and we see she knows it and it brings youth to her face. She had never failed—she’d done everything he needed.
AND THEN, SHE STILL RUNS HER INN! As a passion now! With that new inn Jim has built for her, she has a new life! She runs it with help, to keep giving that place to the community around her, safe and secure in the knowledge that she did good and will keep doing good.
Basically, Sarah Hawkins is a powerhouse. She is faithful, strong, persevering, clever, loving, and selfless. Never demanding anything for herself, only for her son, and receiving everything she could ever need in turn. She held on for the boy that needed her most, even when she feared she would be left behind for her troubles. She’s a wonderful person, and I wanna be like her.
The real treasure in Treasure Planet was Sarah Freakin Hawkins.
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anangelwhodidntfall · 2 years
Suspicious Minds IV: Elvis Presley
Austin Butler Masterlist 
word count: 2.2k
Description:  Following the events of part three where your dad Bobby Kennedy was shot, you decide to return home to be with your family only you realize what a mistake that was.
A/N: As always the original idea goes to my bestie @cozacorner 💜
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Numbness. Guilt. Regret. Heartache. was the only thing that you were feeling right now as you watched as images of your father with the bullet hole in his chest flash across the screen as the reports kept coming in about what happened.
"We're ready on set." A stagehand said walking into the room as a reminder that you guys were in fact in the middle of something before your dad was killed.
One by one everyone started leaving some giving you condolences, others just quietly leaving wanting to give you some time to process what had happened. You quietly removed yourself from Elvis's hold, knowing he was needed on set no matter how much you wanted him to stay here and hold you.
You stood there thinking about your mother crying alone and drinking her pain away, you thought about your siblings grieving not only losing your father but you as well. Everything became too much that you darted out of the room in search of some fresh air or something, you were halfway down the hall when you felt a hand grab your wrist.
"Baby look at me, you need to breathe." He said as you slid down the wall behind you and kneeled in front of you.
"Focus on me, baby." He said cupping your face and making you look into his beautiful blue eyes and after a few minutes, you felt your breathing going back to normal.
"I never got to say goodbye, never got to apologize for leaving, for abandoning him and my family." You said as more tears slid down your face.
"Hey hey look at me, your daddy loved you no matter what even when you left home and became your own person, so don't doubt for a second that he didn't love you, and whatever you do from this point forward I will always be here for you no matter what happens." He said wiping your tears with his thumbs.
"I don't want to leave you especially after I just got you back but I need to go home and be them, it would be wrong for them to sit there by themselves mourning." You said looking at him trying to figure out what you should do.
"If you choose to go be with your family, that means nothing would change between us, I will still love you as I do now. But should you decide to go be with them, I want you to promise me that you won't let them change you and that you will continue to be this beautiful, smart, and independent woman you've worked so hard to become." He said.
"Elvis.." The stagehand said stopping once he saw you two.
"I promise Elvis. As long as you promise not to let the Colonel change you while I'm gone." You said to him as he helped you up off the ground.
"I promise. I love you so much Darlin'." He said placing a kiss on your lips.
"I love you so much Elvis." You said to him as you two pulled apart and as he slowly let go of you.
It had been almost two weeks since you returned back home, and where you learned that your dad had been keeping tabs on you all these years and letting you be happy out of the spotlight meanwhile your mother made you feel like you were the worst person ever and put you under house arrest not allowing you to leave.  You wrote letters to Elvis every day waiting for the perfect chance to mail them but for now, they were kept in a secret place in your room where no one could find them.
"Go away." You said as you heard someone knocking on the door.
"Is that any way to talk to your best friend?" Your friend said stepping inside your room and making you look at her in shock.
"How?" You asked shocked as you hugged her.
"Convinced your momma that I could get you to come to have dinner with them, but really I am here to check on you and bring you something from your lover who is worried sick about you." She said reaching into her bag and handing you an envelope.
"Good because I have all of these for him." You said handing her the letter you had written Elvis.
"Okay, I'll give these to him tonight when I go see him. Why haven't you come back or called?" She asked confused.
So as you got ready for dinner with your family, you told her everything that had happened since you got home and how much you missed your independence which was true because you missed dancing, miss your friends, missed your lover. These were part of the reason why you ran away in the first place, your dad was the only one who truly supported you being your own.
"Wow, babe I'm sorry to hear that. Just keep playing along and I will come up with a plan to get you out of here, okay?" She asked as you nodded your head before you two headed downstairs to have dinner with your family.
That night you read Elvis's letter well letters were more like it with tears in your eyes as he poured his heart out to you saying how much he missed and loved you and wanted to see you. As you reached the final letter, a ring fell out making you gasp as you slid it on your finger as you read the final letter with tears in your eyes making you miss him even more.
Elvis was nervous, to say the least as he waited for your friend to return from seeing you, he had been worried about you since left to go home and didn't call him, his thoughts were soon interrupted by a knock coming to his door. After saying come in, he saw your friend walk in with a sad look on her face.
"Elvis it's bad. I think we made a mistake letting her go home. But she wanted me to give you these." Your friend said reaching into her bag and pulling out letters and handing them to him.
"How bad?" He asked her.
"Her mother has her under tight security, her phone calls are monitored, everywhere she goes she has security constantly watching her like a hawk. Elvis, we need to save her, she isn't doing good being there." Your friend said making him look up from the letter of yours he was reading making him even more worried about you.
It was a few days later before you would see your friend again and she somehow had convinced your mom to let you go shopping with one security guard instead of the usual two that followed you around, he stood by the car while you two went inside. You watched as your friend whispered something to the owner of the store before she was leading you into the back of the store where you Elvis.
"Take all the time you need, I don't mind wasting time looking at pretty clothes." She said to you.
Once you two were alone, Elvis wasted no time in wrapping his arms around and pressing kisses all over your face as the tears slide down your face because you honestly thought you were never gonna see him again.
"Missed you so much Darlin'." He said leaning his head against yours.
"I missed you too Elvis, I shouldn't have gone home because now I can never leave." You said.
"Hey hey I'm gonna help you get out there, that way we can be together again. I promise you that." He said making you look up at him.
"You mean that?" You asked him.
"Every word just like I meant every word I wrote in those letters when I gave you this ring. I need you to give me some time, okay sweetheart?" He asked you placing a kiss on your hand.
"Okay." You said to him drying your eyes a bit knowing that he would get away from your family one or another.
The two of you spent as much time as you could together before you finally had to go home, and even then you just wanted to run away with Elvis. You and your friend silently walked up to your room after talking with your mom.
"Thank you for today." You said hugging her.
"Of course, we're gonna get you out of here." She said to you.
Each day after that, you would pack pieces of your room up that you knew your mom wouldn't notice and have your friend smuggle them out until all you there were some clothes and your bed left there. One night your mom and you got into a massive fight about her control over you, so you ran up to your room slamming the door and grabbing your bag before climbing out of your window and running as fast as you could.
"Baby what are you doing here?" Elvis asked confused.
"I couldn't do it anymore..I tried I tried...I felt trapped I just had to leave." You said as he gathered you in his arms.
"It's alright darlin'. Your safe now, nothing is gonna happen to you not as long as I'm here with you." He said pressing a kiss to your forehead.
You were woken up the next morning by shouting which confused you as you rubbed the sleep from your eyes before leaving the room. You stood at the top of the stairs and saw your mom and Elvis arguing with each other no doubt about you.
"I'm not going back, momma. So you can disown me or whatever but I will not go back to feeling like a caged animal." You said walking into the room as Elvis wrapped an arm around you.
"Yes, you are! You are a Kennedy for crying out loud, not some groupie! Now you are gonna with me willingly or forcefully." She said as you coward behind Elvis.
"No, I'm not I'm 25 years old for crying out, stop treating me like a child! Now Momma I love him and the only reason I came home was to be with you and everyone during this difficult time, it wasn't to be a trapped animal again." You said to her as you felt Elvis squeeze your hand.
"Baby I know you are, it's just that we just lost your dad and got you back after being gone for so long, I just don't want nothing to happen to you, despite what you think I love you, baby." She said shocking you.
"I know momma and killed me to leave but I saw how the politics and spotlight ruined our family and had to get out of there and I'm glad I did." You said smiling up at Elvis whose smile mirrored your own.
"Alright baby, I'm gonna let you continue to have your independence and have this relationship with him as long as you promise to come around more. No more hiding baby." She said shocking you again.
"You mean that momma?" You asked slowly removing yourself from Elvis grasp.
"I do baby, I can see how happy you two are and would hate to ruin that." She said wrapping her arms around you nearly bringing you to tears.
"And you Mr. Presley, don't you go breaking my baby girl's heart or you will have to answer to me." Your mother threatened him making your guys laugh.
"I would never dream of it Mrs. Kennedy, I love your daughter too much to do that." He said placing a kiss on your lips.
"And I love you Mr. Presley." You said smiling at him finally happy that you two could finally live your lives together.
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krmy2386 · 2 years
If It Kills Me
Bradley “Rooster” Bradshaw x Fem!Reader
This is based on a scene from Steel Magnolias (one of my favs! Is currently on Netflix if you want to watch!)
Be kind😅
Reader is female
Warnings: Angst, mention of infertility
Summary: “I’m going to talk some sense into you if it kills me.” Rooster won’t let his fiancé push him away.
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Rooster proposed to Y/N on the beach where they met. She was there to spend the summer with her Aunt Penny, and he immediately swept her off her feet.
All the wedding stuff was fun in the beginning. She bought a white dress, Rooster had his dress uniform. Phoenix was maid of honor, and Hangman was best man. Maverick even got ordained to marry them (though that started more as a joke, he took it very seriously).
But two days before the wedding Y/N received the news she had been dreading. She was a teenager when she learned of her potential reproductive issues but it never really seemed like dire situation. Turns out is was. Conceiving a child naturally was not possible for her. She felt crushed.
When he was younger, Rooster never thought he wanted kids. He never wanted a child to grieve like he did with the loss of his father. But now the idea of a little Bradshaw running around made his heart sing. Y/N didn’t want to take that from him.
She hadn’t seen him in a few days due to training. He had driven her home after the rehearsal dinner and she broke the news.
She told him she couldn’t marry him.
“You can’t give up your shot at a family for me, Bradley.”
Rooster shook his head in disbelief, “You are my family! Damnit Y/N! Stop talking about yourself like you’re broken!”
Y/N lost it, “I feel like I am! I can’t give you what you want and it’s not fair to ask you to stay with me when someone else can give it to you!”
“I LOVE YOU!” Rooster shouted. “Don’t be stupid in saying that I would be better off without you, you know that isn’t true!”
“We’re done.” She stormed out of the Bronco leaving a devastated Rooster behind.
Y/N rushed into her aunt’s house and cried. Penny immediately knew what happened.
Sitting in that appointment with Y/N when she heard the news was heartbreaking. She knew she would try to push Rooster away. But Penny also knew Bradley Bradshaw wasn't going anywhere without a fight.
Y/N woke up the next morning and felt a little bit better. Until she remembered what happened. Before she could really think about it, Ameilia and Phoenix barged into her room.
“Good morning Mrs. Bradshaw!” Amelia’s smiled. But it fell when she notice the tell tale signs of tears.
“What happened? Is everything okay? Do I need to kill someone?” Phoenix asked.
Thankfully Penny entered the room, “Girls, can you give us a minute?” They both nodded and left.
Penny sat down in the bed and pulled Y/N into a big hug. Y/N couldn’t help it, she cried while Penny held her.
“Rooster loves you. I know you know that. He called here at least 5 times last night begging to talk to you but Ameilia claimed it was bad luck and wouldn’t let him.” Penny chucked.
“But what about kids? A family? Everything?” Y/N couldn’t let that go. She wanted to be a mother and she knew that despite his original concerns Rooster would be such an amazing father.
Penny cupped Y/N’s face, “Marry that boy and let him love you the way you deserve. You and Rooster will cross that bridge when it comes. But right now you need to breath and we need to get you ready to walk down the aisle.” Penny smiled warmly at her. She knew Y/N was hesitant and scared, but she also had a feeling that help would arrive soon to convince her that she was making the right choice.
Y/N had been alone for about 10 minutes thinking about just how much she regretted the previous night when someone roughly opened her window and started to climb in.
It was Rooster.
“I’m going to talk some sense into you if it kills me.” Rooster said, briefly struggling before climbing all the way in and getting his footing.
“Amelia will kill both of us if she sees you, it’s bad luck to see me before the wedding.” Y/N said half-joking.
“So you are gonna to marry me?” He sassed back.
Y/N looked down. She knew she loved him more than anything. She felt awful for the things she said the night before. “Are you sure you still want to put up with me?” She asked.
Rooster walked up to her and kissed her with everything he had. “Y/N, I love you. And I will gladly put up with you for the rest of my life if you will please marry me.”
They both laughed.
“I love you too. I’ll meet you at 1800 hours on that same spot on the beach. I’ll be the one in white walking down the aisle.” Y/N smiled. Rooster beams with happiness.
They started kissing again and Y/N had to practically push him back out of the window to get him to stop. He eventually climbed down with a huge smile, knowing he was going to do everything in his power to make her the happiest person alive.
He hadn’t been gone a full minute when Penny walked in, “Judging by your smile you two worked it out?”
“How did you know he was here?” Y/N asked.
“That boy is a stealth pilot, but also one heavy walker. I heard him clambering on the side of the house while Hangman hoisted him up. It was hilarious and Phoenix recorded the whole thing!”
They both laughed while headed downstairs to start getting ready.
Y/N was going to marry Rooster.
@rosiahills22 @vienna1644 @t-rexs
@timbradfordsboot @blue-aconite
@barbiegirlbaby @elevens-strangerthing
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dollyyyhouse · 2 years
This is the part two of my previous post, please read it for more context ʚɞ
WHAT THE HELL 😭⁉️ I didn't expect that post to get much attention but it got a lot more than I expected, tyyy everyone ^^ it makes me happy seeing all the sweet comments. I'll work harder to make you guys happy! 💪
Major TWs for : Mentions + implications of suicide, self harm, trauma and body horror!!!
Slight spoilers for Lesson 16!
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A loud boom came from outside of the House of Lamentation, one that would never be heard by the nearby residents. A gruesome and pitiful sight was displayed, your distorted body laid close by a balcony. The plummet killed you instantly, when your head and chest made contact with the hard ground; your protective bones shattered, allowing your major organs to fail not long after.
Despite the noise you had made, the brothers who were still in the dining room were too busy arguing to notice the commotion. Nobody chased after you, nobody went to look for you, nobody even tried messaging you to see where you had run off to— too busy with inner and family turmoil. "You scumbag! You were supposed to watch over MC during their stay," insults began to spew out of some of the brother's mouths; true hell was soon to break out unbeknownst to them.
Only after what seemed like hours of arguing that one by one, the brother's began to split up in hopes of getting some peace and quiet. All of them were in too much shock to think about where you were, they could only think about the look of terror on your face and your words. The twins headed to their room, most of the others did besides two. Lucifer and Mammon refused to head to bed, Lucifer went to his study and began working; silently praying it would distract him from everything that occurred. Mammon stormed out of the house, deciding it was best to take some fresh air before going into town to do some shopping.
While walking around the House of Lamentation, he could see a large group of crows pecking at something. Much to his annoyance, he headed over to shoo them away. When he realized what— who he was looking at, he could only stare in shock for a brief moment before releasing a blood curdling scream.
The others thought that perhaps it was Mammon being punished by Lucifer again, but when the screaming didn't quiet down after awhile they left their rooms to see what was terrorizing the Avatar of Greed so much. Once all of them had arrived at the scene, Mammon was at a loss for words and everyone else could only stare in horror and shock. Even the eldest couldn't manage to calm everyone down, let alone himself.
The dress that was carefully crafted to mimic Lilith's clothing was torn, covered in blood along with other indescribable things. The body you once took good care of was now covered in scratches; all done by you in order to convince everyone and everything that you weren't Lilith, and that you were no longer going to be a doll forced to play the part of the fallen angel.
Like a trance, the despairing emotions consumed you in such a short amount of time, not allowing you to think about everything you had to lose. But what did you have to lose? The brother's didn't think of you as MC, demons at RAD disliked you, you were in an entire different realm— no family or friends to talk to, even if your friends back in the human realm were searching for you, it wasn't like they could ever find you in the Devildom. You unknowingly lost everyone you cared for in the past, you didn't even know if they were searching for you; maybe they didn't even realize your sudden disappearance.
You already lost the people of your past, a past that sometimes you wished you could go back to, because comparing to the short life you've lived in Devildom— your life in the human realm seemed like a cup of tea comparing to everything happening now.
In the moments you were alone, the moments where you could take off the replica dress and think for yourself; all you could dream of was to rest in peace after months of mental and physical torment caused to you by the brothers. Never in your wildest dreams or most horrifying nightmares, you'd think you'd be kidnapped by demons— only to die again and again. But now, after experiencing the most traumatic things in your life— the suicide of yourself seemed much better than having your throat crushed by one of the Avatars of Hell.
Nobody knew what would happen to you, not even Lucifer or the Lord. Nobody knew if you'd be given another chance at life, to be doomed to roam the halls of the HOL as a ghost, or to rest in a grave. You wanted to live, you truly did, but not if you were going to suffer for so much of it. As beautiful as happy memories are, they can easily be tainted no matter who you shared them with.
The crisis of not truly knowing who you had become, the toll taken on your mental and physical state of always having to mimic someone you never knew had become too much to bare. You wanted to please all of them, but the satisfaction of seeing them smile never came. You knew all along they never saw you as MC, only seeing Lilith in a different form; even if you didn't want to admit it. But in a moment of distress, you failed to see the other possibilities whether you lived or not.
@xiaopleasecomehome @shan-jia-mo-li @lonely-dreamer @sweettooth-87 @hopeluna @shan-jia-mo-li @that-very-tired-writer0 @12am-motivation @wiltedros3s @akira-likes-to-read
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winxbutbetterimo-ovo · 3 months
Winx Season 1, Chapter 1
(first draft)
“Bloom! Bllooom!”
Eyes still closed, Bloom swipes her hand in the air, trying to get the voice to leave her alone.
“Aren’t you and Selina walking to school together today? She's outside waiting for you,” her mom chirps.
Bloom’s eyes shot open, she flies out of bed and scrambles to get dressed, “what- why didn't you wake me up earlier? Oh first day of school and im la..te-” her lands slow on the hem of her shirt, “- wait a minute i’m on vacation. Selina’s probably not even awake.”
Falling back on her bed, she tries to go back to sleep, but Venessa rips her covers off of her. “Its noon, sweetie. you can’t sleep the whole vacation away.”
Bloom drags herself out of bed, mumbling something about why not. Her mom scolds her about staying up so late last night reading about fairies.
Downstairs, bloom walks past her dad and towards the stove. Grabbing toast, she tells her dad about the trip her classmates are going on and not-so-subtly asks if she can join them. Mike tells her that she can when she’s older while Bloom groans that she is already 16.
“Only. 16. You mean. You’ll always be my little girl.”
“It's not fair, all my friends holiday by themselves now,” Bloom says as she thinks about their family vacation at the same old beach every year. 
Just as thoughts of being seen as a baby for the rest of her life begin to devastate her, Mike excitedly says, “well, as a consolation, we have a gift for you outside. A little something to help you get around Gardenia,” Bloom brightens up and rushes outside to see what her present is, hoping that it was a scooter. 
Her excitement left as fast as it came when she saw her present. A bike.
“Oh. thanks mom and dad, i- i love it." Bloom's disappointment seeps from her words as she walks towards the bike and starts to move it.
Mike puts an arm around Vanessa, proud of himself, while watching bloom start to pedal away. Vanessa frowns, telling Mike that bloom was probably expecting something more “sophisticated”.
“A bike with a speedometer?” Mike asked.
“A scooter, Mike.”
“But scooters are dangerous, Vanessa, and they cost a bundle.”
“We'll try to put some money aside. Maybe next year...” They continue discussing as they go back into the house. 
Bloom rides away from her parents with kiko in the basket. On the way to the creek, Mitsi stops her, sneering, “Heyy bloom. No vacation again? Poor thing”
“Hello to you too, Mitsi. And we are going away soon.” Bloom rolls her eyes.
“Same old beach huh? I'll send you a postcard from Italy. Give you a glimpse of an actual vacation.” Mitsi turns away, yelling at the people who were unloading her brand new scooter. 
When Bloom reaches the creek, she sets Kiko down, letting him run around while she prepares to sit by the stream. Just a second later, Kiko comes running back into Bloom's arms. She asks what's wrong and Kiko only shakes his head. Bloom holds him in her arms and starts to walk further from her bike. She starts hearing fighting sounds, the deeper she goes.
Reaching a clearing, she sees a battle between a girl, and a few monsters.
Bloom watches as bright light is shot out from the girl’s staff, hitting the smaller monsters that disintegrate into piles of ash on the floor. The larger, putrid yellow monster shouts almost unintelligibly, “Hand over the sceptre, little fairy.”
Bloom was convinced she was dreaming because fairies… didn't exist, did they?
The fairy reacted a little too late, getting knocked down by the yellow monster, dropping her sceptre. The monster waltzed over and picked it up, “thanks, fairy.”
Bloom’s legs moved before she could think, running in front of the monster, “stop!”
Laughing at the puny human before it, the monster grabbed bloom by the wrist and shook her around. Bloom shut her eyes, expecting the worst as her wrists felt as though they were going to be crushed. In a moment she could barely explain, her body felt warm for a split second before falling onto the ground. 
The fairy used this moment to dart over and snatch her sceptre back when the monster loosened his grip on it, taken aback by what happened.
“SOLAR BEAM!” The fairy shouted, pointing her sceptre at the monsters, killing them in a huge wave. One of the little monsters ran up to Bloom and bit off a chunk of her pants before running away. 
The yellow one came to his senses just in time to command the rest to retreat, and disappeared. Back to the cave where they came from, to report their doings to their Masters.
After that, the creek was silent. Bloom and the fairy were lying on the ground, both exhausted. Bloom got up first to look around for any more dangers, and approached the fairy next. 
A fairy. 
She could hardly believe it. Shaking the fairy by the shoulders proved that she had fainted, so bloom brought her home, not forgetting the sceptre next to her. 
It wasn't easy cycling with a girl on her back, but bloom made it. Her parents rushed out of the house to help her bring the fairy in and laid her on the couch. After they made sure the fairy was settled in, Bloom started telling her parents everything that happened.
“Bloom, I'm not sure I understand. Could you run that by me again?”
Bloom was exasperated, she already recounted the story to them 3 times, but her dad still did not believe her. 
“I think we should call the police and take this girl to a hospital.” Mike insisted. 
“Dad, at least wait for her to wake up, we don't even know what she is yet.” Pacing around, Bloom runs her hands through her hair.
“Wait, she’s coming to,” Vanessa turns to the fairy, “how are you feeling, dear?”
The girl slowly sits up, groggy and unsure. However, that all seemed to go away when she felt her left hand empty. 
“My Ring! Where’s my-”
“ - It's on the table next to you,” Bloom sat down next to her, “i thought it was a sceptre, how did it shrink like that?”
The fairy regains her composure after putting the ring back on, saying it's sort of a magical family heirloom and introduces herself as Stella, thanking Bloom for helping her at the creek. She notices Mike inching closer to the landline and casts a simple transmutation spell to turn the phone into a carrot. 
“Oops, Sorry did you need that?” Mike drops the carrot, nervously laughing as Stella turns it back into what it was. Bloom looks at him smugly.
After a bit of discussion, Mike and Vanessa relent and let the girls go to Bloom’s room, turning in for the night. 
Stella explains that she is a fairy from a planet called Solaria in the Magic Dimension, or Magix, where magic is integrated into everyday life, and that the monsters were an Ogre and its minions. She also compliments Bloom on her energy blast, saying that she must be quite a powerful fairy.
“Wha- no- i’m not a fairy, i don't think…”
“You have to be. Humans can't just shoot energy blasts like that, you know?” She says as she angrily fiddles with what looks like a phone.
“But, I can't do it now.”
“Well, strong feelings like fear, could have summoned your dormant powers. I’m sure they were always there, you just didn't know it. And - magic takes practice and concentration… I suppose you could learn that at Alfea, if you want to come, that is.” After some intense tapping, and a small magical burst, she smiles at her phone, and puts it away.
“It is the top school in Magix for young fairies like you and me,” Stella throws down a postcard from her pocket and it enlarges as it lands on the ground. “C’mon, just follow me.”
Stella steps on the now floor mat sized postcard and starts sinking in. Bewildered, Bloom follows her and stands on the card shakily, jumping a little after she starts sinking in as well. 
On the street outside, the Ogre from before is followed by an even larger blue monster tracking bloom’s scent with the piece of her pants. As bloom and stella sink into the postcard and take a look around, their scents disappear, leaving the blue monster confused.
Their scent reappears to the blue monster when the two girls return from the postcard, and they advance on Bloom’s house. 
Stella is more on edge when they return, sensing something dark nearby.
“Fairies! It's totally ridiculous.”
“Mike, it's not ridiculous. It's true. Come on, admit it! You and I both know that Stella is a real fairy, but you're afraid to believe it.” Vanessa watches as Mike worriedly stalks the kitchen and adds, “Mike, if this is Bloom's true nature, who are we to stop her?” 
Mike sighs, but just as he was relenting to the fact that his daughter is a fairy, the blue monster bursts in through the back door. 
“Where is the Sceptre!”
“Right behind you, Troll!” Stella shouts right before she starts to transform into her fairy form. Stella extends her staff and begins to fight. Bloom starts to lure the Minions and the Ogre away, leaving Stella to deal with the Troll. 
“I did not think this through,” Bloom mumbles to herself as she stands in front of the monsters that followed her outside. Seeing one of the minions try to attack her, Bloom instinctively raises her arm, shooting another energy blast at it. Killing it Instantly. Before she had any time to think, the ogre charged at her, and bloom tried to summon her blast again to no avail. She was sure she was dead. 
Suddenly, from the corner of her eye, a rope flies in and wraps itself around the ogre’s neck, pulling it back. Stella gets blasted through the window, landing next to bloom. 
“Oh they're here,” she gets up, getting ready to fight again.
“Who?” Bloom asks, moving behind stella. She watches the guys, holding what seems to be holographic swords, fight the monsters. 2 of them held the troll and ogre at bay, while the other 2 easily sliced through the smaller minions.
“The specialists. I called them earlier just in case.” She lifts herself off the ground, using her staff to shine a bright light at the monsters, distracting them so the specialists have an easier time fighting.
After incapacitating the troll, the ogre disappeared once again in a puff of smoke, and the specialists have no choice but to put the troll in the spaceship they arrived in. 
“Finally. Bloom, meet the specialists,” waving a hand at the 4 boys, “Riven, Timmy, Brandon, and finally crown prince Sky of Eraklyon.”
“Awh Stella, princess of Solaria, you don't have to introduce me like that,” the brunette jokes and turns to look at bloom, “just Sky is fine, and this is our Owl. And you?”
“I’m Bloom. what‘s an Ow-” 
“-Well it was nice helping you girls, but we gotta bounce.” Riven cuts in, pushing the troll into the Owl. 
“Don’t mind him, it was nice meeting you, Bloom. See ya at Aphlea,” Brandon says, walking into the Owl. Stella and Bloom wave the boys goodbye, going back into the house to turn in for the night.
Stella walks into the battle torn kitchen in the morning, using her magic to help fix the bigger messes while Mike uses a broom to sweep up broken glass and debris. They make light conversation about Alphea and Magix. Behind them, Bloom and her mom come down the stairs.
“She's ready.”
“Are you sure about this, honey?” Mike wipes away a tear.
“Yes, dad. I want to go to Alphea and learn about my powers.”
Mike gives Bloom a tight hug, “Call us as soon as you get there and let us know everything. What if you get sick? What if you meet the monsters again? Wh--what if–”
“Dad, I'll be careful, I promise i’ll come home as soon as the semester is over.”
“Did you really think we'd let you go, just like that?” Vanessa puts her hands on her shoulders, “We want to come with you, at least for today.”
“Really? Stella, is it possible?” Bloom's eyes lit up, facing stella.
“Hm, well, i'm not sure, but we can try.” She extends her staff, telling the family to stand closer together and taps the floor twice. A warm glow envelops the 4 of them, temporarily blinding them while they are transported outside Alphea. Mike gawks at the building that stood before them for a few seconds.
“Come on, let’s get going. Registration’s already begun.” Stella says, gesturing to the courtyard in the middle of the sprawling pink building. 
Mike and Vanessa walk forward but are stopped within a few steps by an invisible force, “hey, what is this?”
“I forgot, that's Alphea's magical force field,” Stella sends a spell to react with the forcefield so that Bloom's parents can see it. “I'm sorry, but I'm afraid you can't go any further.”
Bloom drops her suitcase and hugs her parents, promising to contact them as soon as she can. Stella offers to send them home with her sceptre. Mike continually spouts tips and advice until, in a second, they appear back in their home.
“Do you think she’ll be ok, Vanessa?” Mike worries for his little girl, resuming his sweeping.
“Our girl is a tough one, Mike. Remember how we found her?” Vanessa reminisces about the night of the fire, and puts hand on his shoulder, “she’ll be just fine.”
At the Alfea courtyard, Bloom notices a stern looking lady carrying out the registration of the new students. She worries about getting in as she didn't register, or even know about Alfea until a day ago. Pulling out a letter from her pocket, Stella assures her that she will be fine, “That’s just the discipline master, Miss Grizelda. All you have to do is pretend to be my friend, Varanda, the princess of Callisto.”
Bloom picks at her nails, slightly uncomfortable with having to lie about her identity, especially if she is found out. Stella reveals that the real Varanda is not attending this year as she is taking a year off to focus on herself. She gave Stella a letter to give to the headmistress, but since no one else in Alfea knows Varanda, without the letter, no one would suspect a thing. 
Stella makes the letter from Varanda disappear just as Miss Grizelda comes closer, “Ah, princess Stella of Solaria… I wasn't expecting you here this year, considering what you did last year." She looks at the gaping hole to the potions lab, making a comment about how it cannot be used for a while because of the potion effects that were still active in there.
“And you are?” She asks, turning to Bloom, but only paying attention to the names on her clipboard.
“Varanda, princess of Callisto, and my good friend.” Stella tells her.
“Hm, welcome Princess Varanda.” Grizelda extends her hand to Bloom after checking her list and allowing Bloom in as Varanda.
She then gathers the new students and introduces them to Alfea, its rules, and its history. The rest of the teaching staff slowly appear next to Grizelda, introducing themselves as they do so. The last to show herself is Headmistress Faragonda. After Grizelda finishes her speech, she starts the school tour, explaining the architecture and layout of the school while telling the students what their goals should be at Alfea and the 2 other schools around the area, Cloud Tower and Red Fountain.
“Alphea is a 3 year programme, at the end of which you girls will graduate as full fledged fairies, hopefully with your Enchantix.” Faragonda stops at the grand staircase, waiting for the girls to finish checking the names posted on the dorm room doors,” this brings us to the end of the tour, now you're free to roam around, your class schedules are posted in front of your dorms. And for the final time, welcome to Alfea.”
Stella brings bloom to their dorms to start off, telling her that they could explore the rest of the  school more after classes tomorrow. Bloom asks what Cloud Tower is, and Stella starts explaining the three schools in Magix. Alphea, Cloud Tower, and Red Fountain.
“There are many many more magic schools in the dimension, even a few on my home planet, Solaria. But Alfea, Cloud Tower and Red Fountain are the best ones. That's why so a lot of royalty come here.” Entering their dorm, they walk past the common area, looking at the room doors for their names.
“Wow Stella, you’re so lucky having a whole room to yourself. I have a roommate.” Walking in, Bloom accidentally steps on a vine that lets out a screech. This gains the attention of a girl, who introduces herself as Flora. She picks up her plant, soothing it while apologising for messing up their room so quickly. 
“I’m bl-,” Bloom almost gives herself away until Stella reminds her that she is Varanda. “ - Varanda of… Callisto.”
“Wow, Callisto is quite a ways away,” a voice says behind bloom, “hi, im Techna, i'm from Zenith.”
The girls continue to introduce themselves to each other, until their last dorm-mate arrives, who introduces herself as Musa from Melody.
Another screech interrupts the girls, turning around Bloom and flora realise kiko is being flung around by another plant. Flora rushes to make her plants let go of Kiko and starts scolding them, but Bloom tells her not to, saying “Kiko probably tried to eat him, it's not his fault.” 
Flora grabs a starter pot from her desk and magically grows carrots for Kiko, apologising to him. 
Stella speaks up, asking the girls if they want to get dinner in the city. The rest agree, taking this opportunity to chat and get to know each other. They each go and get ready before leaving to catch the bus to Magix.
Upon reaching Magix City, Bloom practically jumps off the bus, excited to look around. She had expected it to look enchanted, magical, but the sight in front of her just looked… like every other big city. 
The girls realise that Bloom’s demeanour changed and just had to ask, “Whats wrong bloom?”
“I- i just expected it to look more… more?”
“Like in the books, the fairy tales. Where’s all the magic?”
“That's all imaginary stuff, this is the real world. If you want magic, well… just take a closer look around.” Techna steps forward saying, eyes on her phone searching for a place to eat.
Bloom turns back around to look closer and finally sees the magic. She sees the hover cars, the people levitating their shopping bags, virtual changing rooms through the store windows and colour changing buildings.
“Wow this is even better than i imagined.”
“Told you magic is everywhere,” stella says as she drags bloom forward to catch up with the rest of the girls who were already making their way to a cafe Techna found
At the cafe, the girls bond over favourite foods and music. Techna even started to jam with musa over some techno music. At some point, Bloom tries to take the chance to call her parents but her phone didn't get any reception. Techna asks to take a look, and is fascinated by her phone, saying that its practically ancient technology. Techna magically adjusts her phone and hands it back to her, saying there is an empty corner nearby where she can use to call her parents in private. 
“Hey, mom- yeah i'm doing ok… yeah it's amazing here, i wish you guys were here to see it.” Bloom gets a little misty eyed, slowly adjusting to being so far away from her family for so long.
When she is ending the call with her parents, Bloom sees the ogre from her house and follows him as he sneaks up to the other girls. She prepares herself for a fight but the ogre turns and dashes away. Bloom continues to follow him and finds the trix. She texts the girls about them and to leave but she is noticed and caught by Darcy. 
“Well well well, what do we have here?”
“A little fairy.” Stormy chimes in.
“S - stay back” Bloom tries to cast a spell but she's too weak and it sprinkles onto the floor.
The Trix laugh at her and Icy charges up her ice spell, taunting Bloom in the process, “you call that magic? Let me show you what magic really is.” She snaps her fingers and freezes Bloom in a block of ice. 
The rest of the winx come just in time, not wasting any time, they transform and begin exchanging blows. They distract the trix while moving to shield bloom. Once they were all close enough, Stella uses her sceptre to transport the girls away. 
“Bloom!” Stella rushes to her side, warming her up with her sun powers, “are you ok?”
“Bloom?” Musa cuts in, looking at Stella expectantly. 
Stella freezes up for a moment, awkwardly laughing. She whispers to Bloom if it’s ok letting her real name slip, leading the girls to be even more suspicious.
Once Bloom falls on the floor after being thawed from the ice, she shakilly tells the girls about herself as they return to alphea. “Yeah, so… thats me”, bloom says as they enter through alfea’s gates, only to be greeted by Miss Grizelda and Headmistress Faragonda.
Here they are told my Miss Grizelda and Headmistress Faragonda that they also know the truth about Bloom, and threaten expulsion. Bloom thinks about everything she has been through so far and decides to make her case. 
“Wait, Headmistress Faragonda, please let me stay.” 
“Yeah Headmistress, she is quite a powerful fairy, she would do well here.” Stella starts, and the other girls all join in, talking over one another about why bloom should be allowed to stay.
Faragonda puts her hand up to quiet the girls and analyses bloom for a second. She lets out a breath and lets a gentle smile grow, and accepts her as Bloom of Earth. The girls cheer and exchange hugs until Grizelda yells over their commotion to go back to their rooms before curfew.
“Headmistress, how could you just let Bloom join Alfea like that, she doesn’t have any documentation, where does she live, how will she pay her school fees?”
“It's okay Grizelda, I sense that she is going to be a good addition to Alfea.”
“Well, alright, but-”
“But what”
“I thought all the earth fairies disappeared because of Ogron and his wizards.”
“I thought so too, i guess they must have been a little careless in their mission,” they walk back to their respective staff dorms, “for now we focus on what’s in front of us, have a good night Grizelda.”
The girls giddily make their way back to their dorm, Musa suggesting that they should have a name for their friend group. The girls start thinking of group names back in the dorm common area and Bloom suggests “Winx”
“Winx? What does that even mean?” techna asks. 
“Oh, i don't know. Just, Winx,” Bloom moves her fingers around, letting thin shimmers of magic draw an “X” in the air.
The girls start to smile, testing out the group name in their minds, and decide that it sounds nice, short and sweet. Bloom grabs a piece of paper to doodle their new “Winx” logo. The girls commend her skills and put it on the inside of their dorm door.
The Winx… she could get used to this, Bloom thought to herself as she drifted off to sleep.
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wildsupernova · 2 years
forget, but don’t forgive.
summary: it’s been three years since steve harrington broke your heart. you’ve tried to forget about, forget about him, but what should have been a quick trip to the mall sends it all rushing back.
based on angst prompt #13 on the x reader prompt list: “did you always know that you were going to leave?”
pairing: steve harrington x reader
warnings: angst, cursing
word count: 1.7k
x reader prompt list | masterlist
a/n: hi guys! this is the first of my prompt based one shot fics, so if you guys enjoy this one, stay tuned for more! if you’d like to request a oneshot/short running series using the prompt list, simply click the link above to check it out! if you’d like to make a request without using the prompt list, just shoot me a message with your request! my masterlist is also linked above, and while it’s not very populated right now, hopefully it will be in the near future. check it out if you’re interested in seeing some of my other works! thanks so much for reading, and enjoy! :)
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It had been years now. High school was nothing more than a bad memory, a black smudge across the pages of a diary that had been filled long ago. Graduation came and went, with every single person you had come to know moving away to start a new life. But something left you stuck, stuck in this town that only provided you with bad memories.
While time moved on for everyone else, you weren’t able to leave that moment. You relived it everyday, every night, every time you closed your eyes. You’d never been able to move on, and it was likely you never would.
He promised he wouldn’t leave. He told you time and time again that he was in it for the long run, that nothing could ever tear you apart. He’d heard you cry about all the people that had abandoned you, that had betrayed you, that had left you. He promised he wasn’t the same, that there was nothing in the world that could make him change his mind. It was all so confusing. You never understood how people could lie like that.
While you stayed stuck, his life moved forward. He seemed happy, unaffected by the entire ordeal. It was like it had never happened; like you had never happened. He continued on with his life, made new friends, dated other girls. It was like he never even cared about you at all.
While his life moved forward, you found it hard to keep going. You hadn’t even thought about loving anyone else, let alone dating someone new. You’d told him time and time again that he was it for you, and he’d said the same back, but you guessed lying was just in the nature of guys like him. He was a Cassanova, and you were just another conquest.
You’d been able to avoid the thought of him for a while. Getting out of town had been good for you, although it felt less like visiting family for the summer and more like running away from the things you were too scared to face. You certainly weren't happy, but you were slowly and steadily getting better. You didn’t really know if you would be happy again, but you could at least try and convince yourself that you were.
You’d finished your final year of high school, and by the time summer rolled around, you’d found a way to manage the pain and the heartache. Visiting family on their small farm in Illinois helped keep your mind off things for a while, but once you returned to Hawkins for the remainder of the summer, you slowly felt yourself begin to backpedal. Nothing had seemed to have changed about the place since then, save for the now giant mall that stood as a monument to the passing of time.
Going there that day seemed like a good idea. Your parents had been raving about the new mall, your mother talking nonstop about all the new clothes and shoes and books she’d bought since it first opened. Your father had pushed you to get out of the house, so you’d made the 10 minute drive, for nothing if not to get them off of your back for a while.
None of the stores inside particularly interested you. You’d never been one for trying to fit in with what’s trendy, and the large crowds of people only set you on edge. You stopped into a few stores anyway, but the more you searched through the racks, the more you wanted to leave and go back home.
You’d been wandering for what had to have been an hour now, aimlessly weaving in and out of store after store. You found yourself in the middle of the food court, stomach grumbling from the low breakfast intake you’d had since waking up. While a burger sounded good, you weren’t exactly interested in waiting in the long line behind the counter, so you settled for the small ice cream shop a few feet down while picking up some fast food on the way home.
You stared up at the bright Scoops Ahoy sign sitting just above the door, glancing around at the interior of the store. There was no line behind the counter, but patrons filled almost every table and booth, the majority of them being young children with their parents or middle school kids. A lone female employee stood behind the counter, leaning on one bent elbow and picking at her nails in boredom. The horribly designed faux sailor suit hung from her frame, and as you got closer, you read the words on her name tag: ‘Robin’
She didn’t notice your presence until you lightly cleared your throat, making her jump just a bit. Her eyes widened as she mumbled an apology and scrambled through a door into the back. You raised a brow in confusion but shook it off, hoping to simply get your ice cream and leave.
You could see two figures talking through the fogged glass window, one’s hands waving wildly while the other stood with their hip popped and arms crossed. You could see the taller figure tip their head back and turn around, the door swinging open a few seconds later.
You could tell who he was even before he lifted his head. The hat on top of his head did nothing to hide his most distinguishable feature; not that you didn’t recognize him from just his body alone. You’d spent so long trying to forget what he looked like, but it just made you remember him clearer instead. When he finally did lift his head, you felt the breath leave your lungs, looking at the face of the man you’d fallen in love with almost three years ago for the first time since the break up.
His face looked different than it did the last time you saw him, no longer an image of cocky arrogance, but rather of growth and experience. The usual testosterone-driven twinkle in his eyes had dimmed to nothing more than curiosity and sincerity, and the way his shoulders sagged forward was a stark contrast from the swagger he’d once possessed. You felt your eyes begin to well with tears, throat growing rough from the strain of trying to hold them back.
“Y/n.” His voice didn’t say your name like it once did, with that suave charm that dripped from every syllable. This time, it was laced with something between surprise and sorrow, as if he were the one upset to see you. You found yourself unable to find the words for a few moments, and when you finally did, they came out dry and shaky.
“I should go.” You turned quickly on your heels and practically ran from the shop, eyes of every patron giving a pitying and confused glare as you rushed passed. You could hear Steve call out to you from behind your back, but you ignored it and continued walking through the crowds of shoppers. He caught up to you and grabbed your arm, forcing you to turn around and shrug him off.
“Get the hell away from me.” He recoiled back like the words were a sword you had driven into his chest, face falling as his eyes softened. “I don’t want to talk to you.”
“Y/n, just let me explain-”
“Explain what? That you dated me for a year and told me you loved me, only to give me that ‘it’s not you, it’s me’ bullshit as soon as you succeed in getting into my pants? That you pretended to care about me just so I could be the first notch in your ‘King Steve’ championship belt? What, do you suddenly want to apologize? Because you had three years to do that shit.”
His jaw dropped from where it had been when you interrupted him, mouth moving like a fish out of water in an effort to figure out what to say. It had been a few minutes before he was able to finally find the words, although they sounded stupid coming out of his mouth.
“I’m sorry, Y/N, I really am.” You scoffed and turned to leave, Steve grabbing your wrist again to stop you. “The me that did that to you is someone I don’t want to be anymore. I swear, that’s not who I am now.”
“What, did Nancy Wheeler magically change you?” His face contorted as if he’d been burned by a hot poker, and you were almost guilty for bringing her up, knowing the way it had ended between the two of them. Almost. “I’m not some girl you can just throw away and then come crawling back to because you’re lonely and bored. I don’t care if you ‘changed’. Find some other girl to dangle around for a year and then drop as soon as she agrees to fuck you.”
You turned sharply on your heels, doing your best to hold back the tears threatening to spill out over your lash line. You only made it a few steps before you stopped and turned back around, calling out in a broken and foreign voice.
“Did you always know that you were going to leave?” It had been something you’d wanted to know since he practically dumped you on his front porch like trash. “Was that your plan from the beginning, or did you just fall out of love with me?”
He took a moment to reply, as if mulling over whether to be honest with you or lie and try to convince himself he used to have some sort of a moral compass. When he finally did speak, the words tumbled out messily.
“I don’t…I don’t know.” You only let out a strained and broken laugh, turning your face to the ground.
“Bullshit.” That was the last thing you said to him before heading towards the door, holding your head up as high as you could while you wiped away the tears that had slipped past the floodgates. Steve watched you walk away, only moving back behind the ice cream counter once you disappeared through the sliding glass doors. Robin raised a brow at him, but the only words he could muster as an explanation were,
“I really fucked up.”
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AITA for considering not joining my family for Christmas, even though my BIL already used his frequent flyer miles to get me a ticket?
Buckle up passengers, this is a long haul flight.
My (35F) younger sister (33F) and brother-in-law (43M) live on the other side of the country. They just had their first kid, and want me to join them, my mother (60sF), and younger brother (31M) for Christmas. They know that I don't make a lot of money, so my BIL used the frequent flyer miles he got from work related travel to get me a plane ticket. I was looking forward to going and meeting my niece (0F), but am considering cancelling because of family issues (mostly unrelated to my sister and BIL) that came up after they got me a ticket.
We have an older brother, who I will call Z (37M), who may end up being there at Christmas. Z has struggled with schizophrenia since he was first diagnosed several years ago. He has been hospitalized at least five times for his condition, and three of those times were involuntary. The most recent time was about two weeks ago in the state my sister lives in. He was there because he was going to be starting a new job, but he hasn't been taking his medication for a while and encountered a stressful situation that set off a psychotic episode.
When Z has an episode like this, I am usually pulled into the situation because 1) he can remember my phone number but not anyone else's, and 2) he trusts me even when he's having paranoid delusions. The two times he voluntarily checked into the hospital were because I drove hundreds of miles to check on him/the situation, and took him to the hospital because no one else could, or would even try to, convince him to go.
I REALLY do not want to be as involved in Z's care as I am, but don't have much choice. Other family members either fail to seek medical assistance in a timely or effective way (mom, dad, sister), have a strained relationship with Z that keeps him from trusting them during an episode (dad, baby brother), or lived on the other side of the country and could just stay out of it in the past (sister, BIL, recently baby brother).
My family also frequently ignores my advice regarding managing Z's condition and ignore the boundaries I try to put in place to protect myself. Getting into all the stories would take way too long, so I'll give the highlights. During Z's first episode, instead of getting him to seek treatment, my dad (60sM) brought Z to stay at dad's house where I was living while returning to college. This house had MANY firearms in it. I was lucky enough to have a friend near enough by that I could stay with them and still get to my final exams. During other episodes I've told family that I didn't want to be left alone with Z, only to be left alone with him for several hours where I couldn't abandon him because he was too unstable. I've told family that I didn't want to be the one to take him to the hospital, only for me to arrive at his location and IMMEDIATELY have to convince him to go with me to the hospital. By myself.
So, Z was just released from the hospital yesterday, and is currently at sister and BIL's house, which I'm told is an eye opening and alarming experience for them. Z is supposed to start his new job in a week or so, and this job provides housing. Given his current state, several of my family members doubt he will be stable enough to hold down this job by then. If Z loses the job, he will almost definitely end up back at my sister's house.
I've told my sister that if Z is going to be there, I will not come for Christmas. I already had to be his primary contact person throughout the latest hospitalization, and I know that the only way to keep my boundaries from being crossed is to not be there for my family to cross them. My BIL is apparently upset that I'm not willing to "tough it out" and that I'm wasting the ticket he got me (even though he told me when we made reservations that the ticket could be exchanged for other dates). My sister is sad that she won't see me or get to introduce me to her daughter yet, and that I would miss the baby's first Christmas. My mom has tried to guilt me using my sister's feelings, while my dad and younger brother say I'm making the right call.
TL;DR - My mentally ill older brother is coming out of a psychotic episode, and may be staying with my sister and BIL at Christmas. I may refuse to go visit for the holiday, even though BIL already bought me an (exchangeable) plane ticket, because my family doesn't respect my boundaries regarding my older brother and I fear being put in situations that range from extremely distressing to downright dangerous. AITA?
What are these acronyms?
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fe-fictions · 1 year
Imagine that Felix is on a mission for a while leaving byleth with a newborn and a boat load of her own work. He comes home to see the house a mess and byleth has run herself sick from overwork and stress
“And you’re certain you’ll be all right?’ Felix asked for the seventeenth time that night. It had been little over a week since your son was born, before he was whisked away on assignment by the king. There weren’t many people Felix could say no to, and unfortunately the boar was one of them.
What convinced him to go (reluctantly), was when you urged him to despite wanting to stay with his new family. Dimitri had been one of the most supportive people when your pregnancy was announced, and had sent lavish congratulations following his birth almost immediately.
You knew he wouldn’t have requested Felix’s presence unless it was absolutely necessary. While you were well aware Felix would sooner forsake the crown than leave you with a newborn baby all alone, you gave him the push to just get it done and come home quickly.
“I promise we’ll be fine. I’ll be back on my feet by the time you get back.” You told him with a smile, your attention shifting to the squirming little boy in the bassinet. You both leaned over it, watching him sleep with great tenderness in your hearts.
“Don’t let them push you too hard while I’m gone. I know maternity leave for the Archbishop is abysmal, but don’t be afraid to set boundaries. The last thing you need to do is overwork yourself and take care of him. I’d feel better about it if you’d let a nursemaid tend to-”
“I’m not letting somebody else raise my son. I want the kind of bond with him that I had with my father. I want you to have that, too.”
“Maybe you shouldn’t ship me off to take care of the boar’s problems, then.” He sighed, flopping unceremoniously onto the bed. You followed after him with a roll of your eyes, patting his chest dismissively.
“I’m sure it won’t take long. I doubt your boy will change all that much by the time you come home; he’ll likely be sleeping the whole time.”
“It’s the least he can do.” Felix huffed, looking back over to the cradle. “He was hard enough on you before he was born. If he causes any trouble while I’m gone we’re really gonna have it out.”
“You can’t really discipline or scold a newborn.”
“I’ll find a way.”
“No you won’t.” You laughed, turning to settle into Felix’s arms. The two of you cuddled up, Felix drawing the blankets over you to at least try and get some good sleep. “We’ll see you off in the morning, and when you come back, we’ll have a fine party planned.”
“So long as it’s just good food and a proper duel. We haven’t been able to have one of those in ages.”
“Of course.”
The two of you drifted off not long after, taking turns to tend the baby every two hours or so. Newborns were no joke, something that made him worry more. It was already tough enough on both of you when you split the shifts, but while he was gone you’d have to shoulder the responsibility on top of an already demanding schedule.
He’d have a word with Seteth before he left, making sure he promised you’d take it easy.
Early in the morning, you saw him off. The baby was given a lingering kiss to the top of his fuzzy little head, and a longer one to his wife before he left the monastery.
He’d be lying if he said he didn’t look back a few times, just in case something went wrong in the seconds after his departure. But you maintained your smile, waving after him until he finally disappeared from sight.
Felix took a deep breath, exhaling sharply in a futile attempt to dispel his anxieties. He’d just have to trust that you could handle it.
It took three weeks. Three gods-forsaken weeks to get home.
While it was nice to get back on the battlefield to help Dimitri with a campaign against cultists…he’d honestly rather be home. He missed three weeks of his baby’s life. How much had changed since he was gone?
The letters he’d sent during his time away were getting slower responses. Naturally that meant hurrying home faster.
When he arrived to the monastery, he didn’t bother taking his horse to the stable. He handed off the reins at the gate and made a break for the front doors, striding down the halls and making a beeline for your bedroom.
Gods willing, you were going to be in bed resting like you were supposed to be.
Ignoring any and all greetings or acknowledgements of him, Felix pushed the doors open to the Archbishop’s quarters.
Nowhere to be found.
Felix grimaced, eyebrows drawn together with irritation. If you weren’t here, there’s really only one other place you could be if you weren’t wrapped up in some council meeting.
If you were in one, he’d be pulling you out of it without hesitation.
The duke didn’t waste time getting to the office, borderline sprinting through the building. He made it down the corridor and zeroed in on his location.
He pushed the door open, a smile sprouting.
Instantly, it plummeted.
Your husband froze, finding your office in disarray. It was a wild mess, and you were settled into the middle of it. A blanket was wrapped tight around your shoulders. Papers were strewn across the floor if they weren’t haphazardly stacked anywhere they could be. Books were overturned and worse yet, there was a squirming bundle in a cradle off by the window where his baby was.
You looked up at him, dazed.
“Oh…welcome back, Felix.”
“Byleth- what the hell happened??” He all but forced his way through the sea of paperwork and came around the desk. He put a hand to your forehead; you were way too warm. “What the- are you sick?”
“No.” You shook your head, looking up at him as if that would reassure him. Your eyes were glassy. “I’m just tired.”
“You’re not tired, you’re sick! You’ve got a fever. Oh my gods- how did this happen?”
“I’m not sick.” You repeated, “I just…I just got a little overwhelmed with all the work I have to catch up on.”
“Your office is a complete wreck. And the baby- what about him?”
Felix left you for a split second, rushing over to the little cradle. The baby had been squirming since he came in, and was starting to squeak out protests. He could see why; the boy undoubtedly needed a diaper change, and he looked hungry. Felix plucked that baby up and held him to his chest, the worry starting to build into panic.
“He’s a mess, Byleth- you’re a mess!”
“Let me see him…I can-”
“I’m getting the clerics. Stay put, you hear me?”
He burst out of the room before you could so much as protest. Flayn was the first one he found, and he demanded she round up as many healers she could find to get you help (as well as hunt down her brother- he had some very choice words for the man whose sole purpose was to take care of the Archbishop).
In a matter of minutes, you were being taken from the office and carefully returned to the bedroom, trying to draw as little attention as possible from the prying eyes of curious students. It was unusual for the Archbishop to be surrounded by healers…let alone with an absolutely fuming Duke Fraldarius marching in front of them.
When they reached your room, he made sure to lock the doors behind him. Then everyone set to work. The healers helped you into bed and started immediately with remedies for your illness. Felix, in the meantime, took his little boy to the washroom and set to work getting the poor baby cleaned up.
At the very least it didn’t seem like he was in terrible duress; just that he’d been sitting in his soiled nappy a little longer than he should have.
“Tch…this is my fault, isn’t it? I should’ve been here to take care of you. Your mother should’ve been resting the whole time.” He muttered to himself, a pang of guilt hitting him while he worked on taking care of his son. The nappy was swiftly replaced with a nice and clean one, though it did little to assuage the newborn’s hungry cries.
He patted his son’s back gently, settling him back onto his chest while he returned to the bedroom. The situation calmed a little bit by the time he came back, and Flayn took him aside while the others continued their work.
“She’s overworked herself.” Flayn finally said, pinching the bridge of her nose. “I’m sorry, Felix. We had a pretty good handle on her for the first week and a half, but she started to slip away more and more when we weren’t looking.”
“She’s the Archbishop. How do you lose sight of someone like that?” His eyes narrowed, and she shook her head.
“She’s also the Ashen Demon. If Byleth wants to slip away, she’ll find a way.”
He glanced away, jaw clenched. She did have a point. “...Will she be okay?”
“She’ll need bed rest for at least a week. She pushed herself physically beyond the limit. It seems like she hasn’t slept much at all, even accounting for taking care of the little prince.”
Flayn nodded to the newborn with a small smile, her ears twitching as his squeaky cries grew increasingly more demanding. Felix gave his son a soft squeeze before he offered her to the young cleric.
“Take him and make sure he’s healthy- he seems okay, but I don’t want to risk missing something…and see what you can do about getting him fed. Get a wet nurse from the town, or something.”
She happily took the little bundle into her arms, giving Felix a swift bow. “I’ll see to it immediately.”
He watched her go for a moment, before he returned his full attention to his wife. They made space for the duke to come to his wife’s bedside, finding her asleep.
A cool cloth was settled on your forehead, tucked tightly around you. Felix could barely believe his eyes; the worst part being that it seemed like you did this all of your own volition.
“Idiot.” He grumbled, fingers laced in front of his face. His eyes were firm on your sleeping expression, refusing to leave your side. He’d already spent more than enough time away.
That man wasn’t going anywhere until his son was at least three years old, and even then it was debatable.
It would be about two hours of quiet rest before you finally came to. By then, Felix had moved a more comfortable chair over to the bedside, and he had a snoozing newborn with a full belly snuggle in his arms.
When your eyes opened, you found yourself staring up at the hazy image of your husband rocking his son back and forth gently, humming some tuneless song.
He heard you shift, which brought the song to a pause. He leaned forward, looking over you while you started to rouse from a much-needed sleep.
Your brow furrowed, followed by a few heavy blinks before you were able to look up at him. His eyes were narrowed at you, the frown more worried than annoyed for now.
“How do you feel?”
“I…” You swallowed, turning your head to the side. The cloth slipped off your forehead. “I feel better.”
“Good. Because you were in bad shape. You still are, according to the clerics.” He told you, tucking the newborn closer. “Flayn’s forcing you to stay in bed until you’re better. At least a week.”
“A week?” You repeated, waking up a little more. “No…I can’t wait that long. There’s too much to-”
“Stop.” He held a hand up, “You’ve been running yourself ragged since I left, haven’t you? Your office was a total wreck when I got to you, and you practically fainted the moment they put you in bed. You’re in no condition to do anything other than rest!”
Your protests quickly quieted, and Felix sighed sharply as he leaned back into the chair.
“Honestly…what the hells were you thinking? I told you to take it easy, and not push yourself between being the Archbishop and taking care of a newborn- a newborn baby- on top of that.”
“I thought I could handle it.” You managed, though it sounded rather meek. You turned your gaze from his venomous glare, “I-it’s just that…I had to slow down so much when I was pregnant, and…now that I can move around a little more, I wanted to catch up.”
“How much of your catch-up was actually viable? How much of it did you do while you were physically and mentally exhausted?”
“I don’t know. A lot, probably.”
“What about our son? Did you neglect him while you were working?”
“N-no, of course not.” You shook your head vehemently, your eyes falling to your sleeping baby. “It was part of what had me so scrambled…I had to keep interrupting work to make sure he was taken care of.”
“Why not let someone else take care of him while you worked?”
“Because he doesn’t belong to someone else.” You said softly, “He’s my baby. And your baby. And if you’re not here, then he’s just mine to take care of.”
“Byleth…you don’t have to be the only person your child has to rely on when you’re alone. You’ve got a whole monastery of friends, teachers and students who would jump at a chance to help you with him. Even your father didn’t raise you alone, right?”
You grew quiet, thinking back to your childhood. Felix had a point; there were plenty of times Jeralt left you in the care of other mercenaries (some better at childcare than others), so he could take care of something else.
He wasn’t alone, even as a single parent. And neither were you.
“...You’re right. I’m…I’m sorry. I thought I could handle it. I wanted to handle it.” You explained, feeling much more shy than before. Felix sighed again, and shook his head.
“You can handle a lot, Byleth. More than most people. But not even you can handle all the duties of the Archbishop with a newborn strapped to your chest. Just be more careful in the future, okay?”
“Okay.” You nodded, turning your attention to the little bundle. “Is he all right?”
“He’s fine. He needed a change and a wash, but Flayn looked him over and said he’s just fine. She found somebody to feed him too, while you were sleeping.”
“Good.” You breathed, relaxing now that your baby was accounted for. Felix’s gaze softened, seeing how visibly relieved you were. “I’m sorry, little one…I didn’t mean to put you through all that. I was negligent.”
“I’m sure he’ll forgive you.” Felix replied, and rose from his seat, kneeling at the bedside so that you could better see your baby. His little face was rosy and sweet, his little puffs of breath a great comfort to know that he was sleeping soundly. You reached over and cradled his head in your hand, running your thumb over his ear.
“I hope so.” You whispered before you brought your hand up to Felix’s face. “I’m sorry to you, too. I hope you can forgive my foolishness.”
“Hmph.” He leaned into your touch, kissing your palm. “Just this once. Don’t do it again, got it?”
You beamed at him, “Yeah. I’m glad you’re back.”
“Trust me, I’m not going anywhere for a long time. I’m right here with you- both of you.”
The three of you settled into bed, then, Felix more than happy to snooze with you both while you reunited with your little boy. It had been far too long since he was able to sleep in one, and also, share it with you.
He’d make doting on you a priority until you were back on your feet. In the meantime, he’d clean up your office and catch up on plenty of your work that needed to be done. When you slept, Felix had a baby strapped to his chest in a very cozy Faerghus papoose, handling meetings and paperwork.
Babies were surprisingly good negotiation tools.
After a full seven days of rest you were back on your feet, looking and feeling better than ever. You made sure to thank your attentive, ridiculous husband generously for all his hard work.
Which he accepted with a blush and a scoff, naturally.
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deliciousartfox · 7 months
Octonauts: Demon slayer au
Story I posted on Wattpad but wanted to share on here as well so here's the story and I hope you like it :)
𝚆𝚑𝚎𝚛𝚎 𝚒𝚜 𝚝𝚑𝚎 𝚈𝚘𝚞𝚝𝚑 𝚌𝚊𝚛𝚛𝚒𝚗𝚐 𝚊 𝚋𝚕𝚘𝚘𝚍𝚢 𝚐𝚒𝚛𝚕?
"Orson," a lady called out to her son. The boy, Orson, was preparing to head down the mountain to sell coal to the village.
"Your face is all black. Come over here. Because it's risky when it snows, it's alright if you don't go," the lady said while wiping her son's face. It was near New Year, and Orson wanted to sell some coal so they could have a feast
"I'll only go sell a little bit,"
"... Thank you," The door opened from the inside, and a girl, similar to the boy in both age and appearance, spoke up.
"Brother! Are you going to the village today? Let me come too!" Before she could step out, her mother(the lady) scolded her.
" No. You are ill and are in no condition to go out with your brother."
"But I feel better now, I can -" Before she could finish, her mother cut her off.
"No, Ursa, you were vomiting 2 days ago, and just yesterday you were coughing and sneezing left and right. You are staying home with me and your siblings."
"I'll buy you candy while I'm out Ursa, so just stay home and rest okay," Orson said while trying to convince his twin sister to stay home. After some bargaining, he left saying goodbye to his sister and mother.
Life wasn't easy, but it was a blessing. But, concerning life, it is like looking at the sky. It changes and moves because there aren't times when it stays clear for a long time. There also aren't times when it snows for a long time. Thus times when happiness is broken, there is always the scent of blood.
" Well, if it isn't Orson," a woman commented. Orson was prominent in his town, along with his family. They were known for helping people, and for working hard, there is not one person who hasn't at least heard of them.
"You came down from the mountain on a day like this, good work, but you'll catch a cold like this."
"I want to buy some charcoal!"
"Thank you for fixing up my door for me!"
"I also want to buy some charcoal!"
"AHHHHHHH ORSON I'M GLAD YOU'RE HERE. CAN YOU TELL WHO BROKE THESE DISHES? PLEASE SMELL THESE!" Being a hard worker isn't the only thing Orson is known for. Orson is also known for having a strong, sensitive nose; They say he can smell anything from 20 miles away, maybe more if he pushes. Orson leans forward and takes a sniff of the broken plate.
"It smells like a cat,"
"Eh, a cat?"
"SEE I TOLD YOU IT WASN'T ME!!!!!!!!!!!"
The sun was setting, and the vibrant hues of red, orange, pink, and purple were a stage that Orson would never forget. It was getting late, and Orson needed to get home before the sun was fully set.
"You can't continue. It's too dangerous!"
"O-oh, it's ok, My nose can smell anything. I'll be fine -"
"I'll let you stay the night, just come,"
"ENOUGH! The demons will appear..." And with that, Orson went inside.
"Since long ago, human-eating demons come out to hunt at night, and because of that, it's a problem to walk around at night. You'll get eaten, it's beat if you sleep here, wake up early tomorrow and return home," Orson was tucked in his futon while listening to the old man. If you were to ask Orson if he believed in demons, he would say no. Orson has ventured out during the dark and it safe to say, he has never seen a demon."
"Can the demons not enter houses?" he asked
"No, they can enter..." Orson wanted to scoff. He would have been home at this point. What difference did it make if the demon could just barge in the house?
"In that case... everyone.... would be eaten by demons..." the white-haired boy yawned before closing his eyes.
"...The Demons hunters kill the demons for us.... since long ago..."
He must be lonely, living alone since his family died. Next time, I'll invite my mother and sister along. Even though it's scary, it's okay since demons don't exist. Even though I'm certain that such man-eating monsters don't exist, our grandmother said the same thing before she passed.
The morning arrived, and Orson had just left the old man's house. The morning air was cold, but he would make sure to arrive home on time.
T̶i̶m̶e̶s̶ w̶h̶e̶n̶ h̶a̶p̶p̶i̶n̶e̶s̶s̶ i̶s̶ b̶r̶o̶k̶e̶n̶, t̶h̶e̶ s̶c̶e̶n̶t̶ o̶f̶ b̶l̶o̶o̶d̶ i̶s̶ a̶l̶w̶a̶y̶s̶ t̶h̶e̶r̶e̶.
Orson knew what to expect when he arrived home. He would see his mother awake, fixing up Breakfast, and his sister would most likely either be asleep or doing some other chores. His other siblings would also be helping around the house (except for the youngest, he could sleep all day if they let him). But what he didn't expect was for his mother and sister to be covered in blood just outside the door. His dear sister inside the arms of their mother, an image forever engraved in his head.
"WHAT THE- WHAT- HOW DID THIS HAPPEN-WHAT HAPPENED!" The scene inside was more gruesome, his 2 younger brothers, one cut in half and the other-he couldn't even recognize him; if only by his clothes, for his face was nothing but a mess of flesh and blood. Orson went and knelt in front of his mother, his shaking hands moving his mother's hair away from her face. That was until he felt something, -warmth-, not from his mother but from his twin sister. His sister was still alive, and with that, he picked her up on his back and ran back down the mountain.
Only Ursa had warmth in her body. If she sees a doctor, they might be able to save her. How did such a thing happen? A bear? Did a bear that wasn't hibernating appear? It was painful to breathe... the frozen air burned his lungs... but he knew he had to move forward... he had to move his legs faster.
They were still far from the village, he needed to go faster. He wouldn't let her die, he was going to save her no matter what.
"Your big brother will save you..." He felt Ursa shift behind him; her movement becoming more agitated before griping her brother's shoulder violently and growling loudly.
"GAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH" The sudden movement caused Orson to slip off the cliff.
' SHIT ' Orson closed his eyes preparing for the worse, but the soft snow softened his fall. He lays there for a while before opening his eyes.
" ...I'm saved...the snow, I slipped and fell on snow- URSAA!" Ursa was standing there swaying side to side in her bloodied clothes.
"Ursa! Are you OK, you don't have to walk. Let me carry you down the mountain! Ursa!!!" It was Ursa, but she didn't look like her. It was her eyes, they no longer held compassion, they looked angry.
They looked hungry
She was fast. She jumped on her twin with murderous intent, the only thing stopping her from biting her brother was the axe he had on him.
"A demon!" The old man's words came to his mind at that moment. Ursa, a demon? No, that's not right, Ursa has been a human ever since she was born. But her scent was different. Orson knew, though, that Ursa didn't do anything as she had no scent of their brother's blood and was being protected by their mother.
"Oof!" Her body was getting bigger, and her strength was increasing.
"While I was sleeping comfortably, you were all suffering. You were all hurting. I'm sorry I wasn't there to protect you."
"URSA! Try your best, Ursa! Try your best to hold it off! Somehow, you turned into a demon, Pull yourself together! I believe in you, Ursa!" A drop fell on the little polar bear boy. Ursa was now crying, muffled by the axe in her mouth. Too distracted by the situation at hand, neither of the two felt the presence of the intruder.
The two of them move out of the way just in time to avoid the sword. A man in a light blue lapis haori and black uniform attacked them with a sword. He had snow-white hair and blue eyes.
"Who was that...is that a Katana? "
"... Why did you protect them?" Orson snapped out of his trance and responded in a panic.
"YOUNGER, SHE'S MY YOUNGER SISTER!" She continued to growl, arms reaching toward the armed man.
".... I'm afraid she's no longer your sister..." He raced towards them. Abnormally quickly. Orson ducked his head trying to protect his sister, but he quickly realized that she was no longer in his arms.
"GYAAAHHHHHHH!!!" His sister was held with her arms behind her by the man in blue.
"URSA!" he yelled standing up abruptly.
"Don't worry, My job is to protect you against demons. I apologize... but I will have to decapitate your sister,"
"PLEASE WAIT, URSA HASN'T KILLED ANYONE! At the location of our home, there was another scent that I never smelled before! Whatever killed everyone was probably that! Ursa is different, I don't know why she's behaving like that but-"
"It's quite simple, If an open wound is exposed to demon blood, then you become a demon. This is how man-eating people multiply"
"URSA HASN'T EATEN ANYONE!" The swordsman was shocked by how persistent the boy was. He believed him when he said that she has yet to eat anyone, but he says it like it's always going to be that way.
"She was just about to eat you,"
"I'm sorry, but there is no cure, there is no way to turn a demon back into a human."
"THEN I'LL FIND A WAY, I'LL FIND A WAY TO CURE HER SO PLEASE DON'T KILL HER! I'LL FIND THE ONES WHO KILLED MY FAMILY, I'LL TAKE CARE OF EVERYTHING SO PLEASE.... PLEASE" His begging was useless. The man raised his sword toward Ursa's neck, ready to cut her head off. Everything else was taken from him, so in a last attempt, he went on his knees and truly begged.
"Please stop......whatever you do, please don't kill my sister...I beg of you..." He couldn't hold his tears anymore.
"I beg of you...."The man snapped, finally losing his patience.
"YOU CAN'T GRASP AUTHORITY OVER SOMEONE ELSE'S LIFE AND DEATH." Orson raised his head abruptly with a shocked look, still covered in tears.
'Don't cry. Don't despair. Don't do these things now. I know that you were knocked down. Your only family left became a demon. It's painful, isn't it? You want to shout, don't you? I understand.'
'Half a day. If I had arrived half a day earlier, your family wouldn't be dead. However, time can not be reversed. Be angry. Say that it's unforgivable. A strong, pure anger. Let it become an unshakable driving force such that your limbs can't be moved.'
'Frail resolution will not save and cure your sister, it will not kill your family's enemy.'
"STOP!" It was too late. The swordsman stabbed his sister in the shoulder, earning him a painful screech from the demon girl.
"STOP!" Orson picked up a rock and flung it toward the Swordsman. Not like it would do much, as the man easily blocked the little pebble. Orson ran behind a tree, picking up another rock and throwing it at the man as he once again dodged it.
"YAAAAAAAHHH!!!" He ran up to the man with the blue haori. An attack based on emotions. But the boy can't win against an experienced swordsman. As he used the handle of the sword to knock the boy out, he fell on the snow before being fully unconscious.
"........ Where is the a-" Out of nowhere the axe came flying toward the man's face just bearly missing. Just before he hid behind the tree he threw the stone, then he threw the axe up. He hid the fact that he was unarmed with his charging posture because he knew he couldn't defeat him. He tried to bring him down after he got knocked out.
"GAAAAAHHHHH" Ursa kicked the man out of the way, making her way toward her now unconscious brother.
'Crap! He'll get eaten!' Ursa got to Orson.
'Ursa is different!'
'She doesn't eat people!' Ursa got in front of Orson in a protective stance growling at him
'A long time ago... There was a guy who said the same thing and was eaten. Demon in a "starving condition" would eat their parents or siblings. Fixing that wound would consume a lot of energy. Also, because turning into a demon requires a lot of stamina, without a doubt right now she is very hungry. She's going to want to eat anytime now but those defensive movements, it's as if she's warning me...' She lunged at him, ready to attack.
"Maybe something is different about these two"
And with just a single hit to the neck, Ursa passed out.
A mother and two brothers surrounded Orson in a pitch-black void, looking at him with sorrow.
"I'm sorry for leaving you, Orson. Take care of Ursa for us" Orson woke up gripping some cloth. The cloth ended up being Ursa's haori. She was sleeping with a bamboo muzzle in her mouth.
"Are you awake?" Orson tugged Ursa close to him in panic
" ... Go visit a man named Natquick Belov, who lives at the foot of the misty mountain. Tell him that Barnacles Belov sent you. Because it's cloudy it should be OK. Make sure the sunlight never touches your sister... And I'm sorry for my outburst, I wish you luck." He vanished too quickly for the eye to see as if he wasn't there in the first place. Leaving Orson and Ursa there all alone.
Orson went back to the house to bury his family. Orson prayed while Ursa stared off into the distance.
"Let's go" Orson grabbed his sister's hand and with one final look, they took off.
𝚃𝚑𝚎𝚢 𝚐𝚘 𝚠𝚘𝚝𝚑𝚘𝚞𝚝 𝚜𝚝𝚘𝚙𝚙𝚒𝚗𝚐, 𝚠𝚒𝚝𝚑 𝚛𝚎𝚜𝚘𝚕𝚞𝚝𝚒𝚘𝚗 𝚒𝚗 𝚑𝚒𝚜 𝚑𝚎𝚊𝚛𝚝, 𝚝𝚑𝚎 𝚢𝚘𝚞𝚗𝚑 𝚋𝚘𝚢 𝚛𝚞𝚗𝚜
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