#my editis
the-last-tsar · 1 year
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"Catherine II played a decisive role in the choice of future tsarinas, introducing compatriot women in the court. And so, with one exception (Alexander III's wife, who would be Danish), they would all be of German origin. The princesses were selected very young, between fourteen and sixteen years old, still shy and malleable. The ceromonies obeyed a very strict etiquette, starting with the solemn entrance of the future Grand Duchess, until her wedding. The court carriages were waiting for the young lady at the station. On the way to the Winter Palace, where the great dignitaries would be presented to her, she could admire the living barrier of the imperial Guard outlined to her passage. On horseback, the emperor escorted the golden carriage with the imperial crown on top, pulled by eight gray horses. The Grand Dukes followed on horseback, and the Grand Duchesses, in other luxurious carriages. The next stage was a kind of guided tour by the imperial palaces of St. Petersburg and the surrounding area, which was an opportunity for the young foreigner to learn the history of the country. Another important stage of this training consisted of inculcating the culture of the country of adoption, to allow a complete integration. (something Catherine II had achieved to perfection). The future Grand Duchesses were to learn Russian and convert to Orthodoxy. It didn't take long for them to lose all contact with their home country. Thus, stripped of their Germanness, they could become authentic Slavs. The wedding ceremonial remained unchanged until the reign of Nicholas II. After the festivities ended, the young wife found herself closed in the rigid world of the Russian monarchy. They had to give up their personal tastes and erase their personality. Becoming another guardian of secular traditions, she was to become an idol of the nation."
The Tsarinas - The Women who Made Russia | Vladimir Fedorovski.
(Loose translation)
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oufrelou · 7 months
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Pride Poems Day #6 Theme: Intersex A special thank you to @motordyk who's post (https://www.tumblr.com/motordyk/752477212569157632/just-realized-how-much-being-intersex-fucking) inspired me to write the poem. A special thank you to @leafgorge for being my partner in crime on this project, and to you, dear reader, for reading this poem and supporting the project. (I practically live off reading the tags you guys put in reblogs)
Good luck figuring me out, I’m a pop quiz, You’ll read me wrong every time
I’m the demon in their nightmares, The smiling friend who gave you a cupcake when you were sick, And just as human as you or me
Purple sun and yellow sky,  Everything, nothing, both things all at once Tick all the boxes and rip the paper in half, I don’t just think outside the box, I stroll, I cartwheel, I waltz outside your pathetic rules and lines
I’m the weaver, the tapestry, and loom
Give me the rules and I’ll bend them ‘til they break
Give me the rules and I’ll break them down until you learn
Don’t give me rules, don’t give me shackles Don’t give me another half-hidden glance, I’m not the only one watching
Good luck on my quiz, You’ll fail every time
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overthinking-snail · 11 months
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happy 3 year anniversary to loveless :). this book was probably the first time I saw my aroace part of my self explicitly portrayed in media and means so much to me. thank you Alice so much and long live the shakespeare society
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lupaeusmoved · 16 days
like this for a manip !!!!
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mgrace-art · 2 months
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New issue of Ink hot of the press!
Find it in the checkout of all your local grocery stores!
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Unblurred Version for your pearlina needs
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lacewovenoleander · 1 year
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everydayzefron · 11 months
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Once a theatre kid, always a theatre kid.
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annwayne · 2 months
The WIP game looks fun, the Oc x Rikkick isekai fic looks fun, but I'm also really interested by Alice in Atlantis.
I'll take any opportunity to talk about my wips bc lord knows I'm far from posting them 🥲
The oc x riddick isekai is suchhh a fun fic and probably my saddest? bittersweet, I'll say. but I love it sooo much. Very general summary-Ares is a regular person living in a regular world, until one night they wake up from a very vivid dream with marks that match how they died in their dream. Also, that dream world is a movie they are obsessed with called Pitch Black.
Alice in Atlantis is my SGA long fic, and actually the second fic since I've started writing fic again (around 2022?). Alice is a human scientist who's been with the Atlantis expedition since the beginning. When an alliance between Atlantis and Todd the Wraith forms, she's the scientist tasked with working with Todd to find a gene therapy that'll allow Wraith to eat regular food. This is that story. (and its a ship fic between Todd and Alice, if that wasn't clear lol)
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oc x Riddick isekai:
“I don’t blame you.” I broke the silence of us sitting on the ridge overlooking the desolate camp.   “What’s that now?” Riddick scraped off that black goo he used to shave his head into a bucket.  A beat passed between us as I stared out at the multiple suns in the sky. “I’ve spent a long time thinking about why you’ll do what you do.” He glanced my way. “It never made sense to me, especially with how much you stick up for Jack. I don’t think I could even imagine thinking how you do. I don’t think I’m supposed to.” He scraped another line of goo from his scalp. “It’ll happen again.”  From my peripheral vision I saw Riddick lift his head to look at me. He didn't need to ask what I was talking about. I kept looking forward.  “Considering what’s coming, I’m not sure if I’ll come back.”  “What’s coming?” He asked, voice steady and serious. Everyone else thought me insane or cursed, but Riddick listened. Didn’t mean he always believed me, but he was smart enough to listen.  “A blood bath.” I answered, finally meeting my own eyes via the reflection of Riddick’s goggles. “You’ll run.” His head tilted back. “I don’t run.”  “You’ll want to.” A sigh slipped from me. “But that’s what I wanna talk about–I want you to know, no matter what happens to me, I don’t blame you because I know you’ll do the right thing when it matters.”  He sat, taking everything in perhaps. “That’ll be the first time you’ve been wrong, little girl.”
Alice in Atlantis:
"Ugh, you should have seen me, Teyla. I was a disaster in the lab." "I'm sure it was not as bad as you think it, Alice." Ronon’s eyes flickered with curiosity. A sly grin grew as he asked, "What happened?" The doctor pulled back the lid on her fruit cup and in one swift movement knocked back the contents of the plastic cup as if it were a shot. A habit from childhood. After wiping off the stray juice on her lips, Dr. Tucker answered. "I was focused, in the zone. Completely forgot where I was and who I was with. After I ran the simulation the whole program flashed errors at me and I swore at the computer." "I've heard Rodney threaten to rip apart a computer's mother before." The muscular man bit into his apple. Teyla gestured towards the full bottle of water on Alice's plate. "That's not all." Dr. Tucker grabbed the bottle, following Teyla's urging. After taking a long gulp she continued. "I guess Todd was curious. Hell, I'd be too. It was the first words I'd spoken since we started."  Ronon sat up and rested his elbows on the table. He crossed his arms and tilted his head while listening. Teyla finished off the last of her mashed potatoes as Alice continued. "He came over to check my work, only I didn't notice. So next thing I know, a Wraith is leaning over my shoulder and pointing out my mistake." Between words Dr. Tucker forgot about her lack of appetite and started shoveling down her meal. "I nearly fell off my stool and then couldn't say a word without shaking. It was pathetic."  Ronon chuckled quietly and Teyla threw a glare at him. "Alice, you have never encountered the Wraith in person before. It is sensible to react fearfully." "Sensible, but not strong." "So get stronger." Ronon lifted a hand the doctor's way. After a blank expression from her, the Satedan continued. "I've been giving Dr. Keller lessons. You could join us."
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technetiumai · 1 year
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Hello there!
I have been writing, but I’m at work, and finding clips of writing is much more time consuming to do, so I thought I’d show some other stuff.
I drew this map:
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It’s not really a whole lot more helpful than the ones on the endpapers, but drawing it was helpful to me. I don’t know if you can even read most of it 😆. I made some assumptions and also just made some stuff up. If there are direct contradictions to canon... I really want to say don’t tell me 😂 because I don’t own white out and I don’t want to redraw it... but, yeah, you should probably tell me. I... want to know...
This is just a zoom in of what we know so that I can draw maps more and less zoomed in of stuff I’ve made up for a fic that we don’t know in canon.
I also made some BINGO cards?  🤷‍♀️
Inspired by a convo on the discord where @boyinjeans posted a few bingo cards that he made, and people were showing what they had on them from the fics they’ve written, then @yeonjunenby said it would be fun to have bingo prompts. And I also thought that would be fun.
But because I’m a giant weirdo I had to do it like how actual bingo cards are, with 15 possible prompts for each column, using a random number generator ro tell me which cards to put each prompts on and where.
I didn’t put nearly as much thought into the actual prompts as I put time into making the cards in the probably unnecessarily difficult way that I did 😅 which in retrospect was probably a silly choice. I didn’t just use Carry On stuff, I used some fanfic/general fic tropes (bed sharing, time loop, fairytale au), maybe a couple things that aren’t common tropes but are things that I like, I can’t remember, and then... yeah, just random Carry On things (Lucy is alive, Simon is good with kids, “Because we match”), some of which were inspired by @boyinjeans ’s cards, although at this point I can’t remember what’s what... definitely cottage-core lesbians was on his though.
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Like I said, each card has a unique arrangement (the colors don’t mean anything, it’s mostly just to help me keep track of things); I’ve only made 15 so far, but this is what I’ve been doing while I have a migraine or while I’m just generally too tired to do things that require thought, so I’ll probably make more, even if no one wants one.
I guess maybe I should put a sample one?
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(Yeah, definitely several of these were on Basil’s bingo cards)
If anyone wants one, let me know! Obviously, you don’t actually have to use them or anything, they’re just... Here...
Ummmm. That’s all I got!
Thank you @you-remind-me-of-the-babe, @cutestkilla, and @captain-aralias for tagging me!
I’ll maybe be a little bit more brave about tagging and also tag some people who were in the bingo discussion?
@onepintobean, @fatalfangirl, @raenestee, @bazzybelle, @martsonmars, @aristocratic-otter, @bloodiedpixie​, @wellbelesbian​, @forabeatofadrum​, @aroace-genderfluid-sheep​, @artsyunderstudy​
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mudpuddlenl · 3 months
Lasergamen in de watcher world house of mirrors
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wizardmania · 1 year
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blackstarising · 1 year
sowing (getting more men of color as antagonists and or villains in media which is indeed sexy and great) and reaping (fandom primarily associating them with sexual aggression and animalistic traits and not giving them the same emotional and intellectual depth they do for white antagonists for Some Reason)
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chubbydino · 11 months
fool’s gold | chapter 152
A bottle of Ferrari Trento sat on ice, surrounded by an immaculate spread of desserts. The plan had been to eat a picnic-style dinner under their makeshift stars, but dinnertime had long since passed.
support me on ko-fi!
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awkwardpossum0 · 1 year
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silly sketch and one of my costumes from when I was an actor in the drama club and not a techie
I played Wikipedia
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redstarfish-art · 11 months
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Which Jason is best?
All drawn by me. This is what it looks like when an artist does not have an established art style. XDDD
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