#my dearest anon
flopity-flips · 2 years
Hi, I just wanted to say I read your tags on that last post, and I thought they were spot-on, worthy of their own post. Now you've got me thinking about what sort of setting the next DMC should have for all of that flavor text to be in response to.
The series has already done Spooky Castle, Mid-Apocalyptic City, Fantasy Vatican, and whatever aesthetic you'd call the Temen-Ni-Gru, where do you hope the series goes next?
tbh i wouldn't be opposed to revisiting concepts like a city but most of all, i just wanna be wow'd and surprised. i feel like dmc characters reacting to the most mundane things would be interesting to me so I'd ideally want a location with plenty of mundanity- if that's a word- or just normal things for everyone to react to. i feel like you can't really squeeze slice of life into a game series like dmc, which is why i love the anime so much because it's as slice of life as dmc can get- so those types of flavor text really help to bring some normalcy to these wacky characters.
for example:
i mentioned nero commenting on the books in the library before the artemis fight. imagine him saying something like "just some boring history books. definitely not my speed. now if they had comics?"
or v commenting on the food stalls. "eugh. carrots. I've always held such disdain for them."
like i just want a locale where we can see fun small stuff like that. idk i got distracted but basically yeah that's what i want lmao. just somewhere where you can see the characters react to small things in the levels.
also i just feel like they gotta stop pulling out the most interesting locales and stories in the damn novels and manga because some of those would make for perfect games or short dlc.
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cosmos-coma · 1 year
Hey! I hope you're doing well 💗
I really like your writings. You write very understandable! My native language is not English, so sometimes reading fics is hard for me. But I can easily understand yours and it's wonderful ✨️
I want to thank you for these amazing works!! I wish you the best, have a great day/night my dearest writer ❤️
♥️♥️ thank you so so much for your kind words!
I’m glad I can write in a way that lets you just enjoy what you’re reading. It’s anons like these that encourage me to keep getting better.
I hope you have a great day/night too my dearest anon 😊
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justfangirlthingies · 2 years
Hello are you going to write the part 2 of treat you better? I'm actually waiting for it but no pressure though
Hi anon! Thanks for the ask^^
Omg I didn't know there's actually people waiting for me to post new fics! I feel so honoured😱🥺💕
It might be a while until I post again because my life is kinda busy atm since I need to study for my university entrance exam and I started a new hobby recently. I definitely haven't given up on writing all the stuff from my wips yet, so yeah I am still planning on writing it. I usually go Harry Potter and/or more specifically Draco Malfoy crazy at least once a year, so I hope once I get all the stuff in my real life behind me, and maybe get my Bnha obsession to calm down a bit so there's space for Harry Potter again, I'll start writing again😅
Thank you so much for asking though. Knowing that there's actually someone out there who wants to read a specific fic gives me a boost to write it.
It's all a thing of my current fandom and character obsessions and my mood, especially since part 2 for treat you better is gonna be a song fic for the song "happier" by Ed sheeran so it's gonna be angsty (and a bit depressing maybe) so ya know, matching the mood to write that and get into that mindset while writing is very important to me (and it should'nt be too hard either, thanks to my depression 😅🙃)
Wow that was a long ass answer whoops!
So long story short: yes I still plan on writing the part 2 for that fic (especially now that I know someone wants to read it) , it might just take me a while with everything going on atm and everything that needs to flow into that fic.
Who knows maybe your ask was enough to motivate me to write it asap, we'll see. If motivation hits me in the middle of the night tonight I might just go ahead and work on it right away😊
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willowser · 1 year
you don't know how much comfort your dragon king bkg drabble has given me ever since you posted it!! i keep reading it i love it sm 🥹
as it turns out, the man bakugou is — a bit harder to handle.
he sleeps like a heathen; you once thought the dragon bakugou to be a bit lazy, with how often he tended to curl up in the fields of grass, warm under the sun, but now — it would seem his little human form needs significantly less rest.
almost up all hours of the day, and when he does finally lay down, he's everywhere. a mess of limbs: one thrown carelessly out to the side and the other bent at an angle you can't believe doesn't hurt his joints. his head stays tucked into you somehow, either buried in your neck or pressed against your ribs — or you'll wake to find him nose-to-nose with you. he still snores like a dragon, however.
you're also beginning to wonder if there is a bottom to the pit of his stomach. he ate much before, whole fields of things, but you expected that appetite to dwindle, at least a little, now that his stomach has decreased considerably in size. and in number ? you're not even sure how many stomachs a dragon has; that's not something that was mentioned in the fairytales.
it burns through him quickly, gives him more energy than he needs, and it doesn't ever seem to affect his weight much. already, he's huge and thick with muscle and eating as much as he does never dulls the severity of his cut abdomen. not that you're looking all that much.
— not that you have a choice not to, as he seems to have little-to-no understanding of —
the door to the bathhouse kicks open, with enough force that you already know who it is without ever turning to look. you try not to shriek when you see him, because he seems to like that in some evil, impish way.
you've been alone to wash so far, thankfully, as the inn you'd managed to find was small and far enough out from the nearest kingdom that the occupancy was low — enough for you and your little brute.
the man bakugou comes to stand in front of the bath, blinking and huffing against the steam. finding clothes for him was — nearly impossible, and so the trousers you'd found hanging on someone's line outside fit above his ankles, a bit too tight around his waist. instead of a shirt, you've wrapped him in a scratchy linen, swaddled him up like a baby to cover the small smattering of scales that decorate his body, almost like freckles from the sun, though they gleam just as bright and red as they ever have. no matter his form.
a horn has started to sprout, on the right side of his forehead, and you've done your best to cover that, too.
you have no idea how long this man thing will last. if it's permanent or if he even has control over it. the last thing you need is for him to switch back, somehow, while you're in the middle of feeding him, absolutely demolishing whatever tavern you're in and calling all of king todoroki's guards to attention.
bakugou grunts, almost sleepy, and tosses a fat, weighty sack onto the edge of the bath. it jingles a certain jingle that makes your heart stop.
"oh, allfather—" you move for the edge, awkwardly keeping one arm against your chest despite the fact that he's seen it all by now. when you peek inside and confirm your fears, you lob it back to him furiously, as if it were a steaming potato. "where do you keep getting this stuff?"
things have started to turn up, miraculously. shiny things — like coins and rings and gems. things he could not have simply found rolling around in the dirt.
"go put it back!" you hiss at him, and the tone of your voice makes his frown deepen. you never realized how pouty he was, when he was still a dragon.
you think he understands you, and you're pretty certain he just chooses not to listen; instead of doing what you've told him in the slightest, he simply dumps the coin-purse to the floor, and then lets his linen and stolen trousers cover it as he unceremoniously undresses.
the biggest issue that you would say the man bakugou poses is — his complete lack of understanding of personal space.
"bakugou!" your voice wavers, shocked again by his nakedness. as if you haven't seen it all by now. "no, you — get out!"
but he does the exact opposite, which is hop into the steaming water, ignoring the arm you hold out to keep him away as he saddles up beside you. skin against scales, pressing a nose into your hair to huff out his annoyance, to make it something you can feel.
if anyone were to walk in right now, they would — probably think the lie you'd told the innkeeper was true. that you are a simple traveler and this is your mute, over-sized husband.
regardless, you think this behavior isn't polite. especially in a public bathhouse.
"bakugou," you try again, turning your face away as you speak to the wood-paneled wall. "i'm taking a bath, you have to wait your turn."
all you receive in response is another huff against your ear and a low rumble of disagreement from his chest.
he has yet to speak back, and has only used inhuman sounds as his points of conversation. the only word you've ever heard him utter is oi, which he does when he really thinks he needs your attention. you're starting to wonder if he's named you that in his head. oi.
curiously, you turn back to him and the movement has him pulling his face from your hair, just enough that he can look down at you, too. watch you, with the red-rippled sea in his eyes.
they're — amazing, you will admit. just as bright and detailed as they always have been. fit for a fairytale told by the fire, veiled by the soft-ash of his lashes. he watches you through them, half-lidded, and you wonder if it's something other than fatigue that has them so heavy.
"do you know what i'm saying?" you ask quietly, voice lacking the firm heat you want it to. instead it's heavy, too, weighted by something soft and unfamiliar and frightening. "can you even understand me?"
bakugou doesn't respond, not with a huff or a rumble or ever a purr, like the one he let out on the night he lay over you by the lake. you've only heard it sparingly since then, oftentimes in his sleep when his face is pressed into you.
you try not to frown at his silence, try not to let it disappoint you because it shouldn't; he's a dragon afterall, and you're not sure what it matters. the little horn protruding from his forehead catches your eye and you reach up to touch it gently, watching him blink away the water that drips from your wrist — and then he's turning into you again, too close.
beneath the water, you feel his hands skate up your bare thighs, wrap around your waist until your chest is pulled flush against his. you feel his huff, again, against the damp skin of your neck but it's slower, lighter. not laced with his frustration. some unknown thing you feel guilty for liking.
you drop your hand to his hair, rushing full force into all the damned things you've thought about doing but have been too afraid to. he's soft between your fingers, and you trace your nails lightly against his scalp until he groans quietly; a new noise, one you don't know how to translate.
your fingers stop when they brush upon little spines that have grown at the base of his skull, that have started to trail down the center of his back.
suddenly, tangled up in the bath with him, you wonder how much time you have left.
bakugou huffs again into your skin, a little fiercer this time, and it's because of his light jostling that you realize how rigid you've gone. you try to relax so that he will, too, though you must not do a convincing job, because a sharp nip comes to your earlobe.
"ow!" you squeal, but he doesn't let you go far, not even as you try to jerk away from him. in fact, the harder you try the more his teeth show: into your cheek and the point of your jaw and then dangerously low on your neck.
it's not until you finally freeze that he stops, huffing again, with a warmth that burns more than the steaming water.
and then, very quietly, he grumbles, "shitty wife," into your collarbone, just before biting you again.
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blindmagdalena · 6 months
I just lost my dog and I need something fluffy😭 How do you think HL would feel about adopting a pet w/ reader?
Homelander would fight tooth and nail against you getting a shelter dog. he offers all kind of designer and pedigree dogs, the sky is the limit. he wants you to have your DREAM dog. a perfectly bred golden retriever or a rough collie, "Just like Lassie! C'mon," he practically begs.
the absolute last place he wants to be is some dreary shelter that reeks of filth and misery. the whole place makes his skin itch. "You're probably going to catch a disease in here," he warns you baselessly.
naturally you fall in love with the scruffiest mutt he's ever seen in his life. it's only got one big, sad eye and a wheezing bark. "Seriously?" he asks, but he knows by the look on your face that dog is coming home with you.
he complains about it constantly. it stinks, it breathes too loudly, it sheds. he's at his absolute limit with the thing, especially when he keeps finding it in his spot sprawled out on top of you on the couch.
but then a funny thing happens one night. you're watching a movie together, and that dog leans against his leg. he glances at the dog—definitely does not consider nudging it off—and then goes back to watching the movie.
it doesn't happen all at once, but that one tiny allowance is the start of it. bit by bit Homelander makes more and more space for this creature. when the dog puts its head on his knee, he puts a hand atop it. he lets it in so very gradually that by the time you come home to the two of them sprawled out on the floor face to face, with him conducting a very serious conversation, it feels like the most natural thing in the world.
does he talk to the dog like it's a tax paying adult? yes. is it thoroughly charming every time? also yes.
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2aceofspades · 8 months
*newspaper bapping intensifies*
What do you MEAN "goodbye" Ace???
~-- --- .-. ... . / .- -. --- -.
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This is it...this is what I mean.
It's over.
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plistommy · 3 months
I always love a jealous tommy fic. There's so much to explore there. Did he and steve "practice" when they were younger? How does he feel now seeing steve almost blatantly hanging off of another man (eddie or billy, or both hehe)? It's so delicious that tommy in canon obviously assumed steve would always be His, that he was bound to be asshole king steve with tommy forver, and then steve went and changed. Replaced him with someone else. Discarded him. I love when it's so obvious that tommy didnt even maybe respect steve as a person, just the roll steve "the hair" harrington was and now, seeing steve be allowed to just be himself, shamelessly, with another man must make tommy's blood boil. He missed his chance
Tommy felt like he would puke.
There Steve was, laughing so loudly and sweetly with Billy Hargrove and Eddie Munson on both sides of him, looking at him with such loving eyes that Tommy would love to rip them off and spit on them.
The three of them were hanging at their schools parking lot, Steve perched on top of his beemer as the other two leaned on it. The freak had clearly made some type of joke, because Steve was letting out a ’You’re so funny, Eds!’ as he tried to catch his breath.
The nickname made Tommy fume with rage.
Eds? What the actual fuck was Tommy hearing?
Four years back he and Steve would make fun of that guy, even bullying him a little when he started to wear those freaky ass clothes. People rumored him being into Satan or some shit and Steve and Tommy totally bought it as they laughed at him in the hallways.
And now Steve was throwing himself at the guy as he leaned towards him, hand lingering a little bit too long on the older man’s shoulder.
Tommy saw how Billy, the asshole who had dropped him almost immediately once he got to know Steve, moved his hand to rest on Steve’s thigh in a friendly way from other curious eyes, but Tommy could see through the bullshit.
He knows what those three are. What they do together.
They aren’t just friendly buddies who come together about sports and music and talk about hitting on girls.
They’re together. Partners of some sort which makes Tommy fucking sick in his stomach.
He knew Eddie was into guys the second he saw the freak, Billy probably too, but he wasn’t that sure.
It was only confirmed when he saw the way Billy looked at Steve the first time they showered together after PE.
Everyone looked at Steve once that way. With desire and want.
Wanting to have a taste of The Steve Harrington. Of the King. The rich pretty boy with the charm no one had.
Tommy knew it the best, because that’s how he had felt.
He had felt it when him and Steve had kissed for the first time, hands lingering on each other’s body when Steve had carefully leaned down and put those soft lips onto his.
Or when he had fucked Steve the first time. Those eyes so huge as they stared up at him when Tommy had clumsily lined his dick into the other’s waiting hole. And oh did those eyes go huge as Steve took him in so well, like no one has after him. How he had begged for Tommy’s name, told him he loved him.
And Tommy had loved him back.
Still fucking did.
But then he had fucked it up. Played with the other’s feelings, fucking up with his head which eventually made Steve leave him, his best friend, for fucking Nancy Wheeler. Things had broken that little head of Steve’s too many times and he had finally shattered, showing that sensitive and humane side of him that Tommy knew he was always hiding behind his King Steve persona.
The side he had hated. Because he liked it when Steve was mean.
He blamed the hits Jonathan Byers had given him.
That maybe those made a screw inside Steve’s head loose because how could he ever even think about leaving Tommy like that? After everything?
But he had.
And it made Tommy furious. Sad. Jealous.
Because that should’ve been him up there with Steve right now. Holding onto the boy's thigh and maybe kiss a little if no one was around.
Tommy would give him all the attention he needed. Would’ve fucked him so good no one else would’ve mattered. Steve would’ve never even thought about spreading his legs to Eddie Munson or Billy fucking Hargrove.
Just for Tommy.
”What’s up your ass?” Carol asked, focused on putting her disgustingly sweet lip gloss on, but not enough to not catch Tommy’s suddenly grumpy vibes.
”Nothing.” Tommy groaned out and took a bite of his sandwich.
It tasted bitter now.
Carol brushed it off, going back to chatting with Tina who was sitting beside her, oblivious to whatever Tommy was doing. Not like she really cared. Tommy was sure they’d break up soon, again.
Not that he’d mind.
He glanced back towards Steve and gritted his teeth when he saw the trio start to get in Steve’s car, all happy and smiley because they had ’so much fun’ together.
He didn’t miss how Munson patted Steve’s ass softly when he was bending down to the passenger seat and wait… what the fuck?
Was Billy fucking driving Steve’s car?
Steve never let anyone else drive it. He was too afraid to. Never trusted anyone else with it because his Daddy would get mad if it had even a small scratch on it.
Tommy never drove it.
And that pissed him the hell off, because Billy Hargrove of all people can?
The man with three fucking speeding tickets?
His blood was boiling.
He couldn’t tear his eyes away from the car.
Not even when his eyes locked with those big brown ones that suddenly looked worried when Tommy didn’t look away.
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merakiui · 2 months
why do I feel like you have a breeding kink 🤨
(No hate, just something I noticed when reading your works lmao, I love ur writing and you do an absolutely fabulous job!!)
Fork spotted in kitchen. (ᵕ—ᴗ—)
It's just so fun to write about in yandere. The fact that a fictional character would be so obsessed with their darling that they'd go to the extreme of knocking them up is so :O omg!!!!!! It's not enough to just love darling; they have to tie you to them through way of pregnancy whether you want it or not.
I feel like this meme right now because my Luxe Couture Azul fic involves breeding........... ;;;;; I couldn't resist the temptation of writing about alpha Azul breeding you. orz
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melanchoise · 11 months
SORRY ART REQUEST i love ur style <:3 cd u draw yoohan? Or hankim!!
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i drew both because they are all valid 💖
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Personally, I don't see the appeal of Shoko.
Please convince me why I should. I'm curious.
ANONNNNN YOU’RE MISSING OUTTTT WHAT THE HELL 😔😔😔😔 okay i’ll give you a pass because her character writing is very subtle. but she’s just…… so interesting!!!!!!
honestly i have a Lot of things i like abt shoko…… getting the obvious out of the way; she’s Gorgeous. most beautiful woman in the whole wide world. look at her!!!!!!!!!! :((((((((((
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bUT THAT ASIDE . to me, the most interesting thing about shoko is her grief. and her connection to satosugu, obviously, but those go hand in hand!! i’ll die on the hill that she’s extremely similar to the both of them. she was also born with the burden of an ability she didn’t ask for, and she also became a weapon for the jujutsu society to wield. the irony is that she’s a weapon who Heals as opposed to satoru and suguru, but that’s arguably a worse thing to go through. in one of her phanpara voicelines, she mentions that it might be better to be out on the front lines than to stay back not knowing if the others will return in one piece…..
she’s just . stuck in such an awful situation. i think she’s seen far more death and suffering than either satoru or suguru . there’s a good chance she’s had to dissect her dying friends since she was fifteen. no wonder she comes across as so detached!!!!! no wonder she covers everything up with apathy or humour. she’s lost so many friends throughout the years. and she’s had to touch their corpses. i can’t imagine how much that messes you up.
but. yeah . her grief is just so, so silent. it’s almost always either subtextual or shown through visual imagery (usually her cigarettes)… it’s hard to tell what she’s thinking but it’s so obvious she’s suffering when you look at that subtext. her calling suguru childish for thinking nobody would understand him (implying she did), walking out of the room during jjk 0 when yaga declares war on him. picking up smoking again after gojo gets sealed, and she finds out that kenjaku had taken over geto’s body. (which is partially her fault!!! she was supposed to have disposed of it, but gojo tried to show compassion by not forcing her to. and that’s why kenjaku could take over.) the amount of cigarettes she’s smoking when she’s watching gojo fight sukuna….. etc etc . it’s all there. her grief is very silent and compliant and sad. but it’s so obvious that she loved them both.
basically; shoko is flawed, traumatized, desensitized, and kind despite that. just like satoru and suguru. she isn’t able to open her heart to anyone, isn’t able to be honest about how she feels, and she’s resigned herself to her role as a weapon. but she cares. she sticks around and keeps healing and never complains. i think she cares so much that she has to force herself into a state of apathy. she wouldn’t be able to keep going otherwise.
all of this is just my own take on her, but . imo it’s a take that the manga supports!!! we haven’t gotten any glimpses into her headspace aside from chapter 220, but we have more than enough subtext and interactions to analyze her character…. overall, i just think shoko is interesting. and wellwritten, in a subtle way. i hope akutami gives her the spotlight she deserves in future chapters because she has such a silent and unique role in the story…. it’s really hard not to fall in love with her!!!!! :’3 she’s just so cool…
anyway i said i had three reasons for loving shoko and her gorgeous gorgeous face + character writing are two of them . so i’ll end this by mentioning the final thing!!!!!! ….. which is that she’s super funny .
like. she’s a healer . but the first time we see her in the morgue she’s cutting curses open with a chainsaw. she’s disappointed when yuji turns out to be alive because she won’t get to dissect him. the students hesitate calling her for help with their injuries at night because they never know if she’s sober or not. in the light novel she takes gojo to a bar and calls him a big kid. in phanpara she complains when you put her on your team because she doesn’t want to do any work. she cheated her way through med school. she wore sunglasses during her best friend’s unsealing party. she made nanami and haibara give her a shoulder massage after they lost against her and gojo at an arcade game. she then forced a very grumpy suguru into taking a selfie with her. she’s so fucking funny and i love her <333333
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ask-spiderpool · 2 years
Don't burn yourself out Sci. If you need a break, prioritize yourself. If you have other obligations, like a job or relationships, feel free to focus on them. If you want to continue posting daily, by all means I'm happy, but don't feel like you HAVE to.
Oh, I'm forcing myself to hiatus in December! This blog is shutting up shop for Christmas, and I'll be experimenting with what it might be like to be a normal human being for a month...
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flopity-flips · 2 years
I wanted to ask about your modding commissions. I know you do costume and body mods, but I was wondering if commissions for Sin DT would be acceptable? And if so, would that be the full character replacement? Sorry this was the only way I could think to contact you about this.
hi anon! yeah i do sdt commissions as well and they would count as a full character commission. if you dm me or give me an idea of what you want i can letcha know how feasible it is!! owo
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beta-adjacent · 10 months
okay this is such a weird question but like what is a dangerous scent? Because when i’m in heat i feel like a black widow omega hybrid thing that makes nests and lies there in waiting for an alpha to be lured in where i can keep them trapped and well yk it’s a heat for a reason. But it’s not like normal nesting for me it’s “i’m a dangerous creature that waits for my prey to come and find me through my pretty scent and deceptively comfortable nest”. Idk if this is normal behaviour for an omega at all but recently i just feel so feral like i’m about to kidnap some poor alpha and keep them in my nest forever 😭😭 ANYWAY back on to the question, i need a scent that rings danger. Right now my scent if fairly sweet and it works for everyday but when im in heat and in these moods i want another scent that like indicates other omegas to back tf off and i want to feel dangerous yk? sorry this is probs such a strange question hahaha
OK FIRST OFF!!!!! THAT IS A CONCEPT THAT GOES SO HARD AND I AM IN LOVE WITH IT!!!!!!!! I have never understood an assignment more clearly in my LIFE; I am FERAL about this concept.
Ok!!!! That being said, we have a lot of options to play with.
The first thing I thought of was keeping your original scent but adding something like capsaicin or menthol to your scent AKA things that don't necessarily have a smell, but will certainly affect people's senses.
I also did an rudimentary Google to get a vibe of what spiders smell like. A couple different sites mentioned acetic acid, which breaks down insect bodies. Acetic acid is basically vinegar. So, it's not so much of a luring thing, but it definitely would be indicative of danger.
That being said, capsaicin, menthol, or vinegar aren't the most appealing scents, and actually trying to make/find those scents as a wearable perfume might prove difficult. So! May I also suggest pushing the sweet elements of your existing scent to the extreme? Your everyday scent can be used as the dangerous lure and no one would ever suspect it!!!! You catch more flies with honey than vinegar (albeit figuratively) after all! Does this idea underplay the danger element in practice? Yeah..... but, it'd also probably be the kindest one to implement in real life, haha.
If all of those options sounded really unappealing, you can also try a dusty/musky scent? I've seen some people go with that for a hunter vibe.
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venusandsaturnsrings · 9 months
VENUS I have soooo many ideas for taru.... ranging from prisoner taru with warden darling cause yk he's in prison rn to icky angel taru who has nasty thoughts about the human hes supposed to be keep safe<33 -chubby darling anon who's brain's so rotted it's seeping out
this hit me in my pussy!! blinking wide eyed at u prisoner taru… my single braincell is rolling around like a marble i hope u kno how genius this is… i am KISSING YOU!! taking some creative liberties with the prison design since idk what it’ll actually look like… utc since i got a bit carried away soz T^T
includes: afab gn reader, prisoner taru, guard reader, a good handy, and whiny taru!!
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you found the early morning rounds to be the least enjoyable portion of your day. the prisons was created out of a series of circles with intricate arching hallways to connect them. architecturally, it was to make the layout confusing for any prisoners looking to escape should they not have a map. equipped with an irritating amount of locked doors and special keypads, no one who wasn’t supposed to leave would be able to. enter the eleventh harbinger Tartaglia.
all of the other guards and employees hated his presence thus Wriothsley burdened you with tending to him twenty-four seven. initially, you had cringed knowing his reputation but… being his watch dog constantly meant less work navigating the building so ultimately, you were game. bring him three meals a day, tend to nay wounds, and keep one eye on him at all times; an easy job for you. when you first met no words had been exchanged beyond your vague introduction to the food he was receiving. you got a sharp nod in response but his furrowed brows and slight pout indicated that he wasn’t pleased, you assumed he was likely used to more elegant dishes, but this is prison. he gets what he gets. Tartaglia slowly began to warm up to you, his slight chatter coming through the bars that separated you from him; it was more like a grate considering there was both horizontal and vertical metal. you had eventually insisted on bringing one of the prisons spare chairs over so you could sit while he talked your ears off and Wriothsley quickly conceded, just happy to know he wasn’t causing you any real problems. it wasn’t like you could do much else other than entertain since there was a door between the chamber and the rest of the jail; this particular cell was saved for high risk offenders which any harbinger more than qualified for.
after some time of swapping stories and bandaging the occasional scratch he obtained from punching the walls in frustration, the two of you were rather well acquainted. Tartaglia told you all about his family, most exciting missions, and even slivers of his life prior to joining the Fatui. you shared tales of your friends, favourite hobbies, and the best spots in Fontaine for spending sunsets; nothing too personal as you were more than aware of his conniving nature and couldn’t fathom metaphorically putting the bullet in the chamber for him. he never complained about your reservations, though, merely enjoying a voice responding. Tartaglia is lonely, you figured. lonely with his psyche rotting away in this prison cell as he awaited appealing the charges wrought against him. it was one evening that you made perhaps the largest mistake of your life.
diner had been served and he groaned about having mashed potatoes for the nth day in a row. you had shrugged in response as you couldn’t control the meals given out. he ate reluctantly, shifting endlessly on the chair bolted to the ground. his eyes flicked back and forth between you and the fixtures of his cell in a way that made nervousness settle in your gut. once his dishes had been taken away and you returned, the flush across his face was beyond noticeable and, to your chagrin, you had looked him over just long enough to notice the member twitching through the fabric of his administered pants. he eyed you, slowly coming to narrow in on the apex of your inner thighs. with a slight shift, he let out a pathetic and garbled groan, face tightening further.
“i… i’m a tad sorry it’s just… it’s just been so long since i’ve had the time to relieve myself… can’t help it i’m… i need something. you can turn away but please i’ve gotta…”
the look he gave you between glances at your chest, face, and clothed pussy said more than his words could. he carried on.
“yer’ just so pretty n i can see everything… makes me wanna touch myself n you so so bad n i just need to… hurts a bit, honestly.”
his laugh was sour when he trailed off. you gulped, mouth suddenly dry and almost imperceptibly rubbed your thighs together but, of course, Tartaglia noticed. his hips raised and head lolled slightly to the side.
“ya want it too, huh? i could… i could get real close to the bars… put myself through n you… can touch if if ya want… can finish me off.”
against your most base inhibitions, you nodded hesitantly and he sighed, rising from the bed. as he approached you noticed just how tall he is for the first time. at least six foot two and with arms flexing as he shimmied the pants down before pushing himself against the grate, he was nothing short of a man who could kill you if the bars didn’t exist. yet, Tartaglias member was pulsing with need. twitching and leaking from the tip, his hips involuntarily moved for a couple thrusts against the cold metal and he whined. your hand reached out and hesitantly gripped him while a moan already spilled past his lips. you stroked him soft and slowly as he pressed his forehead to the bars and gripped them between his hands. settling into an even pace, you fisted his cock with vigour he clearly loved if the groans and soft begs for more meant anything.
“so close… fuck… gonna… in your hand…”
his breaths were laboured and you threw caution to the wind, leaning down just enough to slide his tip into your mouth. he twitched against you and let out a guttural noise as he came into your awaiting mouth and down your throat. you swallowed quickly and upon standing straight up again, you caught him slack jawed and wide eyed staring at you. you spoke before he could.
“i uh… didn’t want to have to clean it up…”
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2aceofspades · 8 months
Not me going back and looking at Cassandra and Casey's hug reunion like omg Ace you are making me EMOTIONAL i love it so muuuccchhh
~-- --- .-. ... . / .- -. --- -.
It almost didn't happen, but I managed...I managed 😅 got me all emotional looking back at all of it ngl. But! They truly did deserve a reunion, and I'm so very glad you loved it as well 🥹🙌✨
Here's a lil bonus sketch of them being all content, no tears...just them:
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Also don't mind the morse it's not important, I swear!!
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seakicker · 1 year
the longer I'm in grad school the more l just want to be alhaitham’s housewife that doesn’t have to think about anything but caring for him, our home, and all of the children he’s given me…OTL oh to be his pregnant wife that’s given only the best because he’s read so much literature on the topic of pregnancy and knows exactly what me and our baby(ies) need…he seems unemotional but i know he would be so doting in his own way :( —🌸
WAITWAIT THE PART ABOUT HIM READING UP ON PREGNANCY HAS ME SO WEAK 🌸 ANON 🥺 i can SO see this my god. he uses his status as the scribe to form connections with the best doctors and midwives available to ensure you have the best care possible at all times, he scours the akademiya’s libraries for the best essays on nutrition for pregnant mamas and how to keep you cool and comfy in the hot and muggy sumeru summers, and ensures that you’re always well-rested and happy.
he has a quiet sort of love for you while you’re in delicate condition, telling you that he finds it annoying when you apologize for being an inconvenience to him like this—you feel bad for asking him to help out with chores when your feet hurt and you can’t get around as easily—because why would his wife ever be an inconvenience to him? he hears enough apologies from the bumbling morons at the akademiya on a daily basis; they actually have reasons to apologize. you, on the other hand, don’t have anything to actually say sorry for— he thinks you should just be quiet and let him put his knowledge to good use.
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