#my aos rambles
chronicowboy · 1 month
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agents of shield: 4,722 hours (season 3, episode 5) | 9-1-1: buck, bothered and bewildered (season 7, episode 4)
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ridragon · 5 months
Bro I hate Twitter there's drama about an autistic YouTuber being a harasser when the only fucking screenshots are someone... typing like an obviously autistic person. He didn't understand that he was being ghosted and the person thought he was talking "creepy" or "weird". You ghosted him and didn't tell him. I'm so fucking angry. Fuck you Lady Emily. I see how you treat us. You don't even care because it's giving you attention. I fucking love having the anxiety that in the end even people who are my friends will think I type too autistic and hate me. Maybe someone on Tumblr will care and spread that it's all fucking false. All the evidence is just someone being awkward..... you disgust me.
Edit Cuz I can admit when I'm wong albeit begrudgingly. Emily is still full of shit imo but it seems like he has actually hurt other people. Unfortunate. You weirdos cam stop sending me anon death threats without checking the post date now
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pnk-spiderr · 15 days
One thing I really appreciate about Rinshi as a canon shounen romance is that it feels like a perfect subversion of usual shounen romance arcs where the protagonist is involved. Instead of having the girl fall for the protagonist, Rin starts crushing on Shiemi long before she begins reciprocating his feelings (and when she rejects him, he respects that and they continue to be friends!). And this romantic subplot also factors into Shiemi’s character arc in a different way than usual: instead of her having an arc about self-confidence because she likes Rin, her feelings towards him are just one way of showing the development of her self-confidence! Shiemi believes she cannot like Rin because she’s so far behind everyone else. Her realising she likes him back shows that she’s accepting and understanding her own emotions, instead of brushing them off because she doesn’t have confidence in herself. And most importantly, as I said, this isn’t the center of her arc, just a facet of it. She also grows her self-confidence throughout the whole story in ways unrelated to Rin (or in non-romantic ways related to Rin, like her guilt about not being able to help the twins after the camping arc), such as when she rescues Izumo in the Kyoto arc or when she fights Amaimon. Overall, the way Rinshi and especially Shiemi is written feels like Kato is intentionally trying to write a shounen romance not reliant on misogynistic character writing by using romance as one aspect or way of expressing a female character’s growth rather than the reason for her growth.
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neverevan · 2 months
oop. i just realised why this whole buddie + bucktommy situation felt so familiar... this is the spirk + mckirk thing all over again.
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bitchfitch · 9 months
I hate opening up a project I haven't touched in a few months because I was upset with how it was progressing only to find out it's not half as bad as I remember it being. What do you mean I have to give myself slack and not abandon things as soon as they get frustrating. That sounds fake as hell And yet this keeps happening.
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samadhifired · 10 months
I find it a bit weird that LMK almost always shows Ao Lie in his dragon form. Sure, dragons are cool, but him being Tripitaka's horse is pretty much the first thing people learn about him.
But Ao Lie has been shown as horse what? Three times? Twice, if you don't count the horse Mei from 'A Hero is Born'. The dragon form on the other hand has gotten two animated appearances and is present in most of depictions of the Pilgrims. Heck! We have even seen Ao Lie's human form more than his horse one. And that didn't appear until halfway of season 4!
So, I'm taking this as an implication that in the shows canon, Ao Lie couldn’t transform into a horse for most of the Journey. And if that is the case, his horse form is most likely "just" one of the 72 transformations.
Meaning the only person who could have taught him how to do it, is Wukong.
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athanatosora · 6 months
wrt typos that ive made my favorite accidental genius is definitely “i frogot.” conversely there are 2 that my friends will forever Get my Ass over and they are “on the cock” and “fucks u into bed.”
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trans-mephisto · 1 year
When he's drawn with just a little more detail to his mouth/teeth than usual>>>>>>
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nimilla · 3 months
Quick Sketch! | Farmers' Interaction!
I saw this image in my head while I was riding a motorcycle with my dad, and it's quite clear, so I had to sketch our farmers in how I saw it in my mind. It was cute in my mind, but I am itching to share this online, so I just did this messy sketch 😅
I think I might redo or probably refine this so that it looks better? 🤔 IDK, but for now, have our farmers being silly chibi in the School AU! ✏️
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I hope I didn't ruin them too much 😅 Hair is my weakness lately 😭 But I enjoy drawing them, hehe! 💕💕
Wren belongs to @bungiri ! Ao belongs to @aolyxe ! Ziana belongs to me! 😌
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apocalyptichearts · 2 months
So, hi! I hope this message finds you well!
I know you might’ve moved on from the AoS fandom, but I’ve come from your TikTok, and I love your May & Daisy edits! The fics that accompany a few of them as well are simply glorious! And the captions are mini fics in and of themselves as well so they’re lovely (if heart wrenching at times) to read, too!
I was hoping, if you wouldn’t mind, could you rec some of your favourite May & Daisy fics? Doesn’t matter whether it’s complete or how long it is :)
Thank you for your time! And for your wonderful edits and works!
Have a nice day/night!
thank you so much for your kind words anon, they really do mean a lot :))
as for maydaisy fic recs, boy do i have some for you!!
now for the sake of not making this post too long here are some of my favourite maydaisy authors:
Book_freak I don't think we can talk about maydaisy fics without mentioning them; of they're 90 or so maydaisy fics, you're bound to find your cup of tea!!
PanicMoon15 for when you need a little fluff and lightheartedness. also, they're Baby Mine, Rest Your Head Close To My Heart series? a must read, no one does AU like they do.
cassiopluto for when you want something a little darker and want to read some insanely good writing <3
daisyqiaolianmay they have so many good fics to choose from and I think I mention The Framework later in this post, but others worth checking out are A Daisy By Any Other Name  and The Parts That Make A Whole Series!!
Inkquillery i can't express in words how beautiful her writing is, all of her maydaisy fics are such joys to read <33
marvelthismarvelthat would've ended up listing all their fics in the following section so I listed them here. they write so many cool concepts it's hard to summarize them, but each and every one is incredible
agentmmayy a lot of sweet philindaisy content as well as a handful of maydaisy angst bcus sometimes that's just what you need.
here are some more specific fics that I (obviously) love:
It’s a Long Road Out to Recovery From Here by PanicMoon15 I enjoy most fics that deal with their relationship post the season 2 finale, but this one is quite something else. the writing and the themes and the characterization and just omg I cannot stress how good this fic is!!
Hold Her Close by StillTryingToWrite I'm a sucker for character studies and introspections and this one is just so beautiful.
silent secret sacred ground by Inkspinner a post-coulson's s5 death fic that is just so sweet and so gentle and I lose my cool a little whenever I think about it.
In Kasias' arena, no one wins… by Axolotl7 read this so long ago but I remember it being just jawdroppingly tragic and such a cool concept. insanely vivid writing <3
Mother’s Day/Father’s Day Series by agentquakingskye philinda becoming grandparents?? yes please. this series is so fluffy and so happy and even if you aren't into daisy x sousa, i think it's still worth reading.
Exposure by agentquakingskye now this isn't maydaisy focused, but they do have quite a few scenes and honestly, I'll take any opportunity to recommend this fic because oh my god. life-changing, I'm telling you.
and if you're into AU's that deal with baby/younger daisy some of my favs are:
from your head down to your toes (and your tiny nose) by agentmmayy of all the "daisy getting turned into a baby somehow" fics, this one is my absolute favourite. sadly I think it was discontinued but I think it's worth reading the 18 chapters posted!
Just a Walk in the Park by Bdoyle1807 I remember lovinggg the dynamic between May and (a much younger) Daisy in this and I'm pretty sure I read it in one sitting so.
The Framework by daisyqiaolianmay such an interesting take on the whole Framework stuff, I can't recommend it enough.
honestly, despite going through my bookmarks pretty meticulously, I'm probably missing some I would absolutely recommend as well, but I hope you find something you like out of the ones listed :))
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chronicowboy · 1 year
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i'm fine and so very normal
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yours-the-author · 17 days
Hey, so...
Does anyone remember this post I made recently?
I made some art for it...
If you wanna see it...
Here it is:
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...Aside from that little oopsie, though, I'm actually really proud of how the logo came out? I based the font off a style called "Micro 5 Charted". Thank goodness I was using graph paper!
I'm not sure if that Kanji is correct; Google Translate doesn't seem to like the word "oni" or "stick", especially together, so I spelled out the Romanji in the English box and then tried to copy the characters Google offered me as closely as possible. I think I'd be more surprised if I got the Kanji correct, honestly.
Henry Stickmin title screens usually have two different fonts for the verb and the noun, and I thought about trying to make "Mansion" look like an actual house, but that made my brain hurt to much to conceptualize, so I stuck with different colored fonts. Hmm, that clock sure is there. I wonder what it means gets hit by a bus
Anyway, here's some theoretical scenarios of what the main gameplay would look like! This one stars General Hubert Galeforce and some other guy:
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Option 1: Shoot
Result: The monster hears you move as soon as you pull your gun from its holster. No time to defend yourself.
Option 2: Backup
Result: Your radio refuses to work, even though it was just fine before you entered the mansion. The monster waits until you've realized this, then goes for your throat.
FAILURE (No one will hear your screams...)
Option 3: Time Out
Result: The monster does not hear you and goes into a separate room, out of sight and out of mind. Galeforce survives... for now. But what was that thing...?
I don't know how feasible it would be, but I imagine this would be a cross between typical RPG Maker-styled games (pixels, speech boxes with pictures of the characters, moving around a set floor plan, puzzle solving, etc) and typical Henry Stickmin-styled game play (cutscenes, choices, possible interactivity [grabbing items/bios], the occasional quick time event, etc) (voice acting would be a stretch). Most of the gameplay, like exploring the mansion, puzzle solving, and running/fighting the monster, would be RPG style, and then occasionally switch into a cutscene that requires you to make a choice; usually with just one correct answer but possibly others that could result in diverging dialogue/interaction/paths/endings? Something to think about.
Anyway, Galeforce! Poor man has no idea what he almost walked into, haha. I experimented with perspective and limb placement here, which was exhausting but also a lot of fun! Dynamics are hard with stick figures, but considering that they're they only character medium I've ever been decent at, I made it work.
And the Oni... I tried to give it some sort of anatomy, but quickly realized that I do not have the skills to pay those bills. I opted for a more of a shadowy figure looking thing with a big smile instead (you can see some of the lines where I tried to make it have arms, I think). I opted for Ao Oni's purple-y blue color scheme verses HetaOni's gray alien look. Back in the day of fan made Ao Oni games, people would usually try to put their own unique spin on the Oni sprite, with HetaOni's being the most unique I ever saw (keep in mind, it was one of the few designs I ever saw, so there might be cooler ones out there, who knows). In theory, a game called Sutikku Oni would use a stick figure shaped monster, but with my current art skills, that would just look like a normal stick person with a big head (look! Geoffrey Plumb's cousin!). I think the less we see, the better; all good horror games know when to leave things to the imagination!
I also made a second one, featuring my boy Dave Panpa!
...Dave, I'm so sorry... *MAKES HIM PEEP THE HORROR*
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Option 1: Call for Help
Result: You call for help...
FAILURE (...but nobody came.)
Option 2: Run
Result: You tense your muscles in preparation to run. The monster is faster.
FAILURE (YoU... wOn'T... eScApE...!)
Option 3: Pretend to be a Piano
Result: Frozen with fear in front of the piano, it's all you can do to hope the monster thinks you're also a piano (a sopping wet piano, but still). It's deadly quiet. You can hardly breathe, and you're afraid to. The monster stares at you for an uncomfortably long time, before walking away, out of sight and out of mind. You stay still a little longer before collapsing to the ground. Dave Panpa survives... for now. How on Earth did that work? Or... did that thing let you live out of pity...?
UGH the piano! Pianos are so hard to draw! Luckily, I had an almost head on reference that I was able to use for the first picture. For the above view shot, I had to do some wild guessing. The red stuff near Dave's head in the second picture is the red stuff he was referring to. Is it blood? Paint? Something else? Who knows! But as we all know, any self respecting Ao Oni fan game needs a piano puzzle!
I imagine Dave was dragged along for the ride when the Toppats decided to find the treasure of the mansion (or something to that degree), fully intending to leave him there to die if there was, in fact, a monster inside. Poor Dave... Maybe there could be an ending where amends are made? Or maybe not...
I mostly put the smile on the monster's shadow as a means of showing that, indeed, it is the monster, but now I'm wondering if the monster's mouth glows or something? Hot fires of Hell, delivered right to you! Can you beat the heat?
Thank you all for coming to my fixation ramble that absolutely no one else except me finds interesting! Any thoughts before you go?
(A cricket chirps, then leaves because it's in the wrong conference room)
...Yeah, I figured.
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pnk-spiderr · 11 months
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I love expressing my emotions about fiction though stick figure violence memes
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hikayunas · 3 months
the selection of animals in promised blood is really good for a lot of reasons, but something i've always liked was the fact that the animals even fit together when you look at their real-life diets.
as apex predators, tigers have a wide selection of prey on their menus -- but most notably, will snack on monitor lizards (closest thing to dragons), snakes, horses when they can get their claws on them, and potentially even bats (given the overlap of range between flying foxes and bengal tigers, i'm not sure why a tiger wouldn't eat a bat if it managed to snag one.)
a very common predator for a lot of bat species worldwide? snakes.
given all the talk of killing each other for "food" in futatsugi...it all sort of just clicks together well, i think.
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tonguetiedraven · 10 months
I went with writing for today's Ao No Summer 2023 prompt. (I'm not the quickest artist, lol.) It's Enemy!
This ficlet brought to you entirely by this gremlin grin in chapter 35
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Rated G for everyone. No ships, despite the water.
(งಠ-ಠ)ง   (≖ᴗ≖ ✿)
Bon had not been thinking beyond annoyance and mischief when he lifted Izumo and tossed her into the ocean. She had once again been running her mouth, and Bon had seen the opportunity, and he’d taken it.
Had he been thinking, he would have realized that Izumo was vindictive, and one of the smarter people in their group, and creative when she wanted to be. He likely still would have done it, but he’d have been on guard.
He got a chance to realize his mistake that evening after the fight when they were eating the kraken ikayaki (and Bon hardly paused to think about how strange his life was that he was eating kraken ikayaki and it was actually pretty good.) He was going for another skewer, listening to Rin lament how bland the actual squid was, and how much work his sauce was having to do, and how the kraken just tasted old and tough, and suddenly felt something thump on his head as Izumo waked past. It was a heavy thing for a moment, a solid thump, and then something was raining down over him and onto the second skewer and into his vest and shorts and legs and it was all through his hair, and it wasn’t until he gave an instinctual shake of his head that he realized as all the other guys and Shiemi gasped.
She had just dumped sand on his head. And not a little bit either. He didn’t know how her tiny hands had held so much of it, and now it was everywhere.
He shot to his feet with a roar as soon as he processed it, chasing after her, but she was already half way across the beach, heading for the crowd of exorcists to lose herself in. 
And just like that, it was started.
(v° •̀ᗝ•́)૭ •—(>~< °v✿ )
They didn’t actually get to the beach that often. It was rare enough, that Bon had more or less forgotten the events of their first trip. (Outside of the Kraken.)
Izumo had not forgotten them.
It was an actual vacation this time, a short thing for spring break, and Bon was staring at the ocean and sand suspiciously, just waiting for an Illuminati soldier or a malicious demon to pop up and ruin their short break.
He did not expect the attack to come from his own team, but he really should have.
He set his bag down by the towel and lowered down, tray of beach food in his hand, entirely ready to eat and nap in the sun for a bit before he joined the others in the water. He lowered down onto the towel—
And fell much further down than the towel should have been. His arms were pushed up and his legs were drawn to his chest, and the towel was trapped around him, and it took him a good five seconds to get past the sheer confusion to realize he’d fallen into a hole of some sorts. Someone had dug a hole under his towel, and it only took him a few seconds more to figure out the who as someone started to cackle loudly over the other mostly muffled laughter.
His eyes locked on Izumo where she was standing by the ocean with her arms crossed over her chest and her chin tipped up haughtily.
He growled out a threat and started shoving his way up and out of the hole – far harder than it should be to do – to get her. She was gone by the time he managed it, and the war was rekindled.
(#`Д´)凸  凸(`△´+✿)
There was a spark and a loud sort of crackle, and then a deafening shriek of, “GORILLA!”
The screech could be heard across the beach, and it was followed by a booming laugh and the sight of Bon standing with his hands triumphantly on his hips as he watched Izumo try and escape the trap he’d set for her next to the drinks. Shiemi was stuck as well, and had to use Nee and a vine to fetch the drinks they’d been frozen from getting.
“KAMIKI!” Roared with a tremendous splash, and two harvest spirits were running to join Izumo again to escape Bon’s wrath, sending sand over all the other teens on the beach, their towels, and their own snacks.
“You’re dead!” And Varuna dousing Izumo as Bon glared with his still ocean soaked body, and getting everyone soaked with her.
“You Neanderthal!” Izumo cackling and retaliating with a basin of holy sake when Bon was sunning next to Konekomaru and Yukio, and the strangely sticky holy liquid getting in everything and making it impossible to see with glasses.
“I’ll kill you!” And Bon running from where his summoned shield over Izumo had caused her and Shura’s tanlines to get cover with sigils.
Ruined drinks and sandy food and soaked clothes and capsized rafts and popped inner tubes, and no end in sight as their day off rushed by in a chaotic war.
/( .□.)\ ︵╰(°益°)╯︵ /(.□.✿ /)
“I’ve had it,” Yukio growled, glaring at the shore line. Rin hissed his agreement as he picked more sand out of his irritated tail.
“It’s gone too far.”
“I still can’t get my glasses clean.”
“We were supposed to relax today.”
“I don’t even know who started it—“
“I don’t care who started it.”
Rin nodded his agreement as Bon threw a handful of sand at Izumo and dodged the sake she tried to throw at him, and the squid they’d been carrying over was dropped to the ground.
That was it. Rin hadn’t managed to get any sand or magic free squid today, and watching more get dropped to the ground, and nope. He wasn’t taking any more.
“I’ll be right back,” he promised, and hopped up with a shake of his tail that flung sand on all of them. (They hardly noticed at this point.)
He jogged forward with a call of their names, waving and smiling and trying to look happy, only his lashing and slightly ignited tail giving away his irritation.
(Yukio grinned and Shura rubbed her hands together in anticipation.)
"Hey!" Rin called cheerfully, getting their attentions. They both crossed their arms over their chests with scowls and a "What?!" that they called in unison.
Rin gave them no warning before hefting them both up and tossing them over his shoulders before running into the ocean and tossing them both in. He then dusted his hands off, shook more sand out of his tail, and turned to jog back to the others as the battling duo surfaced and hurled outrage and insults at his uncaring back.
(He had no idea he'd just started the cycle over and given them a joint target.)
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seshmesh · 4 months
Would peeps be interested if I some day stream myself playing Alicia Online or Star Stable or like draw or make some 3D stuff?
Might be too shy to talk tho. I noticed I get quite heavy finn accent when I'm shy so i don't think people wanna hear my voice 🙈.
But I've been kind of thinking of blasting music I like while playing something nice and vibe on stream 😊.
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