#mtmte megatron x platonic reader
in1-nutshell · 10 hours
Shenanigans happen, Fearless gets hit with magical plot ray and temporarily turns cybertronian.  Good news, they’re now alot more durable and no longer under threat of squishidge.  Bad news, their shenanigans have doubled now that they're durable.
YES! Fearless has returned and back with a new body!
Hope you enjoy!
Fearless turns Cybertronain
SFW, Platonic, Familial, Human/Cybertronain reader
The Lost Light had just found a new relic on one of their trips.
The science department was in charge of figuring out what it was capable of doing.
No one knows who or what had activated the relic, or why it even spontaneously combusted because everyone was too busy avoiding the energy beam that was ricocheting around the lab.
That is… until it left the lab.
Meanwhile, Fearless was hauling some metal scraps back to their room with Whirl.
Well, they were doing the work while Whirl was busy talking to them about the latest development in getting Cyclonus and Tailgate together.
None of them saw the energy beam heading towards them until it was too late.
The impact sent them both flying back.
Whirl tried to get back onto his pedes, but a giant weight suddenly flung on top of him.
Whirl tries moving the enormous weight off of him.
That fails miserably.
“Get off of me you little—”--Whirl
“Whirl?! Whirl where are you!”--Fearless
The weight suddenly gets off of Whirl’s chassis as the smoke clears.
In front of him was a large bot on their knees staring shakingly at their servos.
The bot looks at him.
“Primus! Fearless is that you?!”--Whirl
They nod looking back at their shaking servos.
Whirl takes their servos into his claws.
The shaking lessens a bit.
“C’mon let’s get you up.”--Whirl
Whirl stands up and attempts to help Fearless up.
Whirl is immediately dwarfed by Fearless’s shadow once they stand up straight.
Fearless blinks their new optics at Whirl before cracking a smile.
“Wow, the view really is nice up here.”--Fearless
Then their smile drops.
“What? What’s with the face?”--Whirl
They break out into a giant smile.
“I can finally do this now!”--Fearless
“Do wh-AAAHH!”--Whirl
Fearless scoops Whirl into their arms and hugs him tightly, slightly swaying back and forth.
They let him go while testing their pedes.
Thankfully they had retained their ability to move around just fine.
Fearless turned around and immediately started heading to Swerve’s.
Whirl stood there for a second trying to comprehend what had just happened.
“…This is what I get for staying on this ship. FEARLESS GET BACK HERE!”--Whirl
Meanwhile on the bridge…
“Fearless’s signature just disappeared!”
To see a bot burst through the doors of the bar wasn’t a sight too uncommon to Swerve’s.
But to have the bot smiling and immediately start hugging bots, that was new.
Even more when Whirl came in venting heavily and slightly cursing under the vents.
Chromedome was the first to try and confront the bot.
He was also one of the bots victims.
Chromedome was not expecting the bot to be so happy to see him and throw their arms around him.
Rewind tried to come to his rescue, but the mystery bot had also scooped him up into the hug.
“I’m-- its nice to meet you too but—”--Chromedome
The bot releases him to fully hug Rewind.
“Hey that’s my—”--Chromedome
“Welp, that happened.”--Whirl
All optics are on Fearless, who is completely unphased and still hugging Rewind.
Fearless finally releases Rewind and proudly puffs their chassis.
“Nice body am I right!”--Fearless
“But how!? Why?!”--Skids
Fearless and Whirl shrug.
“Energy beam.”—Fearless and Whirl
“An energy beam? That’s it?”--Cyclonus
Fearless nods before scanning the crowd.
Target locked.
Fearless lunges out and wraps their arms around Rung, hugging him close.
“Fearless, dear, how long have you had this… new frame of yours?”--Rung
“Don’t know. Less than 5 minutes though.”--Fearless
“And you haven’t thought about visiting the med bay to see if there are any complications?”--Rung
Fearless pauses for a second before releasing Rung.
“Hmm, haven’t thought about that. Honestly, my first thoughts were hugging everyone on board, telling Megs—PRIMUS MEGS DOESN’T KNOW!”--Fearless
Rodimus, Megatron, Drift, and Ultra Magnus appear at the door.
“Listen up! Fearless has gone missing. We need to—”--Rodimus
“Fearless is right here.”--Whirl
Whirl points over at the larger bot inside the bar.
“Yeah, some crazy energy beam thing came in and zapped me… And well…”--Fearless
Fearless runs up to Megatron and wraps their arms the best they could around him.
Megatron’s own arms flail around a bit before awkwardly hugging them back.
“Shut it, you’re ruining the moment.”—Whirl
“Where did you even get a camera?”—Drift
It didn’t take long to find where the cause of the energy beam came from.
But the relic was almost completely obliterated.
It would take some time to figure it out.
Fearless was checked in with Ratchet as soon as they could.
Thankfully they came out of the med bay with a clean bill of health.
It did take a while to get used to.
Especially being taller than most of the bots on board.
In fact, they are sure that they were even taller than Megatron by a couple of inches.
Megatron denies this.
… but Brainstorm checked, they were taller than him.
The minibots have found a new jungle gym to climb on.
Also, no one was except from Fearless’s merciless reign of pranks and hugs filled with words of affirmation and love.
Speaking of which, Megatron was never far from them.
A shadow per say.
But it came at a cost.
“Fearless… I need you to release me.”--Megatron
Fearless has locked their arms and pedes around him like a koala.
“You said you could count the number of times someone hugged you on one servo. I am just getting you caught up.”—Fearless
They hug a bit tighter causing the ex-warlord to grumble but made not effort to get them off of him.
Tumblr media
Fearless the moment they realized the ship would be subjected to their pranks and hugs.
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rowiewritesstuff · 4 months
Transformers Masterlist:
Color Coding:
Show/Continuity Yandere Fic Romantic Fic Platonic Fic Fic Name Colored in Red mean Trigger Warning Read at your own risk.
Transformers Prime:
Yandere Optimus Prime- The Soft Yandere Part 1
Yandere Optimus Prime- The Soft Yandere Part 2
Yandere Ratchet - The Protective Yandere
Yandere Bumblebee- The Devoted Yandere
Yandere Arcee- The Protective Yandere
Yandere Knockout and Ratchet Part 1
Yandere Ratchet & Knockout Part 2
Yandere Smokescreen - The Delusional Yandere
Yandere Wheeljack - The Possessive Yandere
Yandere Knockout and Breakdown
Yandere Soundwave X Reader
Yandere Shockwave X Reader
Yandere Poly Shockwave and Soundwave X Reader
Yandere Soundwave X S*lfh*rm Reader TW
Yandere Megatron X Reader X Implied Optimus Prime
Yandere Soundwave SERVERE TW
Yandere Starscream X Aircraft Maintenance Technician
Yandere TFP Megatron Matchup
Yandere Hardshell
Optimus Prime X Flirty! Reader
Shockwave X Cybertronian! Scientist! Reader
Soundwave X Reader Soulmate AU Part 1
Soundwave X Reader Soulmate AU Part 2
Optimus Prime Matchup
Smokescreen X Cybertronian Reader
Soundwave X Assassin Cybertronian Reader
Soulmate Megatron AU
Platonic Starscream X Sibling Reader
Transformers Earthspark
Yandere Megatron - The Protective Yandere
Yandere Tarantulas- The Possessive/Manipulative Yandere
Frenzy X Reader
Yandere Deathsaurus
Yandere Nickel
Yandere Tarn
Rodimus X Reader
Bayverse Poly! Yandere Optimus Prime X Reader X Megatron
Bayverse Optimus Prime Fluff X Shy! Sweet! F! Reader
RID 2015:
Yandere Soundwave SERVERE TW
Sideswipe Fluff (platonic)
Gen 1 Transformers:
Yandere Soundwave X Autobot Femme Reader
Yandere Soundwave and Cassettes 
Transformers Multiverse:
Various! Optimus Primes X Reader TMV Pt. 1
Bayverse Optimus X Bayverse! Reader TMV Pt. 2
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loveofbots · 1 year
Can I get a platonic MTMTE Megaton and Ravage x Human female reader? Where the reader can't reach something or involves poetry?
I had a dream and Megatron was in it, He is the definition of a Gilf
I did them both so I could do both parts of the ask!!
Warnings: none, just an old man and his cat
You had been taking inventory as requested by Rodimus on the Lost Light. Shore leave was in a couple days and he wanted a shopping list of things he needed to get. Specifically for you, he said. 
“Can’t have my favourite squishy going hungry now, can I?”
God, you had rolled your eyes so hard at that. Now you were simply ticking boxes on a chart that Ultra Magnus gave you. The room was dim, but not dark. You could still read labels and such so long as they were in English. It was quiet as well. A stark contrast to the day to day hubbub you were used to. 
Soon you came across a box you recognized. No way, was it? Your favorite treats! Somehow Rodimus must’ve come across them at last shore leave. You could really go for some food right now too. If only it wasn't 20 feet in the air..
You let out a sigh of defeat. Maybe you could ask for some later. A sudden ka-clink caught your attention, turning to see a familiar looking cat. well, a cat the size of a puma but still a cat in your opinion. 
“Hello Ravage.” 
Poor thing always looked fed up with life and it’s bullshit. He seemed to tolerate you however, something you had grown to appreciate. 
“Something have you down, Fleshling?” Ravage stretched his joints and then plodded over to you, following your gaze. “Aaaah... A human energy treat. Are you sad you cannot reach it?” 
You nodded, like a disappointed kid being addressed by a parent. “I was gonna ask Mag’s or Ten to get it down for me, but both are busy right now.” 
Ravage seemed to mull something over in his processor as he stared at you, making you flinch when he suddenly scrunched up his lithe black body and leaped up the shelving unit. In a flash he grabbed you the treat and landed back down next to you, setting it gently on the floor. 
“There, now you can’t say I haven’t done anything for you.” The grumpy feline huffed, getting defensive over the kind act he did. 
You picked it up with a huge grin on your face. “Thank you Ravage!” 
“Yeah, Yeah. See you later Y/N.”
You and Rung had been talking about literature, comparing Earth literature to what Rung could translate for you. He was quite enjoyable to talk to! And had even recommended a few poems to you. 
And that had led you to here. Alone in Swerve’s bar with several tomes of Cybertronian literature that you couldn't read. The audible sigh you let out must’ve attracted attention, as a shadow fell over you. When you looked you saw the co-captain Megatron, regarding you with a gentle look in his optics.
“Is there something I can help with?”
Megatron was making an effort to be more outgoing to others, and had even come to you with some questions regarding how organics like to be treated. Other than that, you two hadn’t interacted maybe as much as you had liked. There was something fatherly about Megatron, something not many others appreciated.
“Yeah actually.” You moved over so the mech could take a seat next to you. “Rung and I have been reading cybertronian literature lately. But he translates everything. I can’t read the ones he ended up recommending me.” A sad look passed over your features, making the ex-warlord frown. Despite his many years hating organics, one look at your face and he felt his spark twinge with sympathy.
Right then and there he subconsciously decided that you, the only human aboard the lost light, were worth his protection and so much more. He had never had a sparkling, but you were pretty damn close. He took one of the data pads in his servos.
“I can translate for you, but only under the conditions you learn how to read our language.” It was only half teasing. Megatron thought that learning Cybertronian would be a very useful skill for you. You looked up at him with innocent eyes and beamed. Nodding your head. The old mech chuckled and turned the datapad on, his vents hitching as he read the first line of text… and the author.
“What is it?”
He glanced down at you nervously, scooping you up in his servo to place you down on the table so he could read with you.
“This is one of my poems.” He seemed shy about it, not making eye contact. You smiled, he was still shy about his writing. It was very humbling to see your co-captain fidgeting nervously.
You spoke up to encourage him. “That just means you’re the best one to read it. Rung and I always try and interpret the meanings, but since you’re here you can tell me what inspired it!”
He smiled down at you, gently ruffling your hair with a digit. “You’re right, but I’d still like to hear your interpretations.”
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coffeistwriter · 2 years
Rules and Requests
Requests are on indefinite haitus
Number of requests: 3
Main acc: @swerveable
4 character limit for headcanons, 1 character limit (unless polyam) for oneshot and etc.
I ONLY WRITE YOUR REQUEST IF I WANT TO, DON’T FORCE ME. NOT ALL REQUESTS WILL BE DONE, OR DONE QUICKLY. Please don’t rush me, I have school, and a life outside of the internet.
I will write: Romantic, platonic, headcanons, oneshots, fluff, angst, drabbles, x reader, polyam, and disabilities (ex. deaf, narcoleptic, neurodivergent).
I won’t write: Rape, suicide, anything triggering (if I write it I’ll tag it as triggering), incest, illegal relationships, lemons/smut/valveplug, techno-organics (besides Terrans), character x character, and character x oc.
Master list
Characters I write for
Reader Guide
Ratchet, Drift + Rodimus "Karaoke Night"
Chromedome + Drift "Captured and Healing"
Bumblebee Romantic S/O headcanons
Megatron Artist S/O Headcanons
TFE Elita-1, Swindle, Wheeljack, and Megatron react to kid calling them dad/mom
Oc BoM trials angst
Tag key
#coffeistwriter is my own posts, anything that’s not a reblog
#coffe does asks is my ask tag
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chrome-mind · 5 years
Ultra magnus gets after the (normally very polite) liaison on the lost-light, and the liaison just says "your not my dad. I don't care." reactions from bots of your choice?
Megatron blinks, thinking he’s misheard, but the way you’re staring down Magnus proves he hasn’t. He looks to Rodimus next to him, who seems equally as surprised and has stopped his vandalism of the desk. Ultra Magnus himself looks unsure, if a bit flustered. The problem seems to be shelved for later, since Magnus awkwardly tries to resume the meeting without another comment. The rest of the meeting consists of the liaison meeting every moment of eye contact with stone cold apathy and Megatron and Rodimus attempting to ignore the heavy tension in the room.
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Up Next List (10/1/19)
Requests are finally closed again and I’m pretty sure every single one of you wants me dead X_X After going through the “doubles” (aka similar requests, requests for sequels, etc.) here is the most current up next list! If he request has too many characters, I’ll pick which to fill. If you have not specified a continuity (and its not obvious which) I will pick which one. If you don’t see your request on here, it is likely because it violated the rules (for some reason there were so many requests that did not adhere to the request rules?) These will be filled in the order submitted! And as usual, commissions are always open! At the time of posting there are 4 commissions in line ♥
Thank you for playing! Thank you for being patient! I’m putting this under a “read more” because it’s long and took me over a half hour to list out.
Here we go:
tfp bots tiddy pillow
prowl admitting to feelings
cyberverse grimlock x human s/o
mtmte hoist crushing on human
cyberverse thundercracker x bot s/o
mtmte megs x romance writer s/o hcs
rid2015 grimlock x human s/o
swerve voyeur x human
brainstorm x human s/o oral
tfa blitzwing x s/o fluffy nsfw
swerve x bot s/o praise kink
mer!drift love at first sight
ratchet x s/o comfort smut
galvatron x bot s/o fluffy smut
mtmte rung/roddy/tfp op x s/o breeding kink
reader singing to swerve
megatron x s/o rough
mtmte mmegatron x s/o soft nsfw
tfp blitzwing/tfp soundwave x bot s/o heat kink
tfp wheeljack holoform date night
cyberverse top robot fails
roddymags nsfw
tfp starscream x bot s/o
cyclonus x bot s/o oral
swerve x bot s/o
mtmte megatron x bot s/o slow dance
tfp ratchet x bot reader medbay
tfp optimus cat 
scavengers saved by human
g1 merformers hcs
ll bots touching human
synthen tfp ratchet x s/o hcs
rung x s/o kisses
more selkie swerve
tfa blitzbee x s/o poly
ll bots thirsty tweets
whirl x bot s/o play fight
mer!drift x s/o rut
bayverse optimus x male s/o
bugformers swerve courting
tfa jazz/jettwins/blitzwing x angel s/o hcs
tfp megatron/op/mtmte ratchet x s/o who gets sick
cyberverse megatron camgirl
mer!drift/mer!roddy/mer!wing x male s/o poly
tfa bumblebee x bot s/o
ll liaison turned cybertronian
tfp mer!starscream/mer!knockout poly x male mer!s/o
swerve x s/o edging
whirl x s/o soft
mtmte bots boner hcs
^ different bots
^ scavengers
rid2015 x bot s/o nsfw
tfa prowl dom s/o
cyberverse/rid2015 grimlock x bot s/o sandwich
rodimus x biologist s/o hcs
mtmte dratchet courting human
tfa prowl zoo date
brainstorm x nautica x human nsfw
50s!au swerve x greaser
tfp ultra magnus jealous nsfw
cygate x s/o fluff
mtmte roddy/krok/fulcrum hcs
first aid heat sequel
bayverse ironhide/ratchet/optimus x bot s/o hcs
fort max x bot s/o heat kink
cyberverse bots x s/o
rescue bots x excon bot s/o 
waspinator tittyfuck
swerve x bot s/o oral
cyberverse grimlock x s/o dance
beeverse blitzwing hcs
swerve x reader lapsitting
tfa prowl/jettwins/jazz x s/o coming out hcs
tfa jetfire dommed by human
tfp ratchet x virgin reader
cyberverse soundwave x s/o
jazz x s/o romance
tfp bumblebee x human fluff
whirl standing up for reader
bugformers swerve/cygate x s/o
dragonformers mins x s/o
drift x bot s/o thigh fucking
fort max x thunderclash x bot s/o
cyberverse thunderbee fluff
waking holo roddy with a bj
tfp ratchet x s/o singing/guitar
mtmte megatron x s/o facesitting
mer!dratchet x s/o
thunderclash x s/o
shatter/dropkick x mech suit reader
roddy x bot s/o oral
mtmte megatron/rodimus x s/o conjunx ritual
tfa prowl/tfp arcee/knockout x s/o dance
mer!roddy x mer!s/o rut
rumble/frenzy hcs
rescue bots chase x chief burns
rodimus x s/o laugh hcs
skids soup kiss?
setting off fireworks w/ bots
rung x swerve platonics hcs
naga!tfp ratchet x s/o rut
tfp bots x s/o hip sway hcs
human frenzy dress up
megatron x bot s/o size kink
cyberverse megatron x s/o
roddy x s/o comfort nsfw
tfp ratchet receiving candle
tfp ratchet/mtmte drift/magnus x s/o w/ thick thighs
mtmte bots x s/o dress up
swerve x bot s/o breeding kink
tfp soundwave x mech suit s/o
tfp wheeljack aftercare hcs
ravage x s/o fluff
mins/mags x s/o size kink
prowl x s/o soft
roddy x excon bot s/o
rid2015 bumblebee x s/o oral
deadlock x decepticon s/o
tfp ratchet and smokescreen hcs
rung x bot s/o
cdrw x bot s/o
scavengers x bot s/o
cyberverse hot rod x bot s/o oral
naga!mtmte magnus x s/o rut
cyberverse grimlock altmode nsfw
mtmte bots x s/o scaredof loud sounds
fort max x bot s/o
tfa roddy showing off fir bot s/o
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in1-nutshell · 26 days
You know what
I do want fearless Buddy and Megs to go to tfp.
I want one of those little portals to open up during poetry club and Buddy just to accept their fate and let the portal take them, Megatron is less accepting of getting dragged through said portal but he has no choice.
I want Team Prime to not even be surprised at this point, and Optimus is already trying to calm down Agent Fowler because WHY IS MEGATRON NOW IN OUR BASE!?
I want there to not even  be a few days of peace before everything hits the fan.  
The Decepticons have Team Prime on their back foot.  There's no other choice.  Time to send in their own Megs.
And for convenience I shall be referring to Mtmte as Megs and Tfp as Megatron.
Megatron's shock of getting punched by himself doesn't last long and the fight between the two is evenly matched.  But Megs is older, tired, weaker.  Megatron starts to get the advantage.  Megs is on his back, Megatron's fusion cannon aiming right at his spark.
And then Buddy comes along.
Yep, With all the autobots out, Megs running to punch himself in the face, and Ratchet manning the ground bridge controls, there was no one to keep an eye out for Buddy and Miko as they immediately ran through the ground bridge, and poor Jack and Raf following just to keep an eye on them.
Poor Buddy who spent the last few days talking up Megs.  “Are you kidding me, your Megatron looks like he's on space crack, my Megs would beat him no question.”
Poor Buddy who was so confident while watching the fight because their Megs is out now and he’s here to clean house.
Poor Buddy who immediately runs through the fighting to throw a rock at Megatron's leg and yell at him various cybertronian swears because of course that's the first thing Whirl taught them upon meeting them. 
And poor Buddy who immediately gets Megatron's fusion cannon pointed at them
But it doesn't hit Buddy.  No, the blast nearly digs through Meg's back as he shields he’s funny little human kid.
Luckily they get him back to base, maybe Bumblebee rammed into Megatrons fucking shins and they drag Meg’s body back through a ground bridge.
Cut to Megs waking up and Buddy immediately sprinting towards him because the apple doesn't fall far from the tree and they also can't stand to be near his limp body while waiting for him to wake up
“...he was on space bath salts… that fight didn't count.”
I tweak some elements in the request a bit, hope that's okay when you read it. If not please let me know.
Hope you enjoy!
Fearless Buddy witnessing Megs get beaten by his counter part
SFW, Platonic, Familial, Slight Angst, Mention of injury but nothing graphic, Human reader
It’s a normal day in Megatron’s classroom.
Megatron had just finished his final class of the day and was looking forward to going back to his habsuite.
Fearless had other ideas.
They decided to come by and visit after the lectures were over.
Megatron didn’t want to see Fearless right now.
He had been running a bit of the Cybertronain equivalent of a cold and hadn’t gone to the med bay yet.
Not that he thought he needed to.
He could handle something like this, but he knew Buddy would want him to go to the med bay if they found out.
Then portal time.
Megatron is clawing at his desk, refusing to get sucked into the portal.
Fearless sighs and just goes limp as the portal began dragging them in.
“What are you doing?!”--Megatron
“I’ve stop trying to fight these things Megs, just let go it makes things so much easier when you land.”—Fearless
Megatron lets go of one servo and tries to reach for Fearless as they are dragged into the portal.
His grip falters and let’s go of the desk and starts screaming as he gets dragged into the portal.
Meanwhile, Fearless was just thinking which dimension they were going to end up today.
Meanwhile in the TFP universe…
The portal opens dropping Megatron on the ground unceremonialy and Fearless safely bounces to the floor.
Team Prime just looks at the pair surprised.
Fearless waves happily as their Megatron groans in pain.
“Hey guys! How’s it going?”--Fearless
Everyone is surprised to see Megs and Fearless back.
Optimus has to calm down June and Fowler over this Megs appearing inside the base.
It’s a happy reunion with Fearless.
Ratchet’s sixth sense is tingling seeing Megs being more withdrawal than normal.
A couple days later, Team Prime gets ambushed.
Megs is actually feeling worse than what he felt on the Lost Light and still refuses to get help.
He feels bad for wasting their resources and knows he needs to cover his tracks better, Fearless was catching on to him.
Megs volunteers to go out and help.
He leaves before Fearless can do anything.
Fearless spots Miko running to the groundbrigde.
“I did not miss that, Miko!”--Fearless
Fearless is now running behind Miko trying to stop her from entering the groundbrigde.
“Miko! Get back here!”--Fearless
“I am NOT going to miss this fight!”--Miko
“Miko just because I said my Megs could crush yours, doesn’t mean that you get to go off on your own and—GET BACK HERE BEFORE THE PORTAL CLOSES!”--Fearless
On the other end of the groundbrigde.
Fearless sighs tiredly while Miko chuckles a bit.
“C’mon! You can’t deny that your also curious on how this fight could go.”--Miko
“Miko lets just get you back to—”—Fearless
Fearless turns around to see Jack and Raf behind them.
“… The three of you stick to me because I swear to Primus if you run off again, the last thing you will see if my foot denting your sorry behinds.”—Fearless
“Bet the last soda in the fridge Megs beats our Megatron”—Miko
They are not expecting Megs to get beat.
It was a bad beating.
Sure, Megs got good hits in the beginning, but it was nothing compared to the hits Megatron was landing.
Fearless starts panicking when they notice his fatigue.
It was time to put their name into use.
Fearless grabs a bunch of rocks and sprints to Megs and stands in front of him and starts chucking the rocks left and right.
They run out of rocks and move to their trusty pocket blaster, courtesy of Brainstorm.
Megatron looks down at the fleshy who was landing some blasts at his frame.
“Insignificant worm! You dare try and hit me!?”--Megatron
Fearless starts moving away from Megs and tries to lure this Megatron away from him.
Fearless dodges several blasts from the fusion canon.
Megs is terrified for Fearless as his counter part starts going after them.
Megatron also spots the kids and fires one shot before continuing to pursue the other pest.
Megs shields the kids with his body nearly crumbling down at the massive hole burning on his side.
Fearless screams in agony and rage making rapid fire with their blaster straight to Megatron’s face and wire sensitive areas.
Thanks to this distraction Bumblebee could get the drop on him going to the kneecaps and Optimus taking him down before he retreated like the coward he was.
Fearless is running back to Megs as he is being carried to the groundbridge.
Fearless get taken care of by June as they wait anxiously for the news.
They were so sure that Megs would beat this Megatron.
What happened out there?
Ratchet comes out of the med bay.
Fearless is on their feet.
“How is he Ratchet?”--Fearless
“He is stable, my counter part would need to do more extensive work in the long run though.”--Ratchet
Fearless looks relief but scrunches to confusion.
“He should have beaten him. It doesn’t make sense! Something happened to him when he went out and… and…”--Fearless
They hang their head a bit.
“That could be the exposure to the dark energon and the illness.”--Ratchet
“… Run me that again.”--Fearless
“Dark energon and the illness.”—Ratchet
“He was sick?!”—Fearless
“It’s a non-lethal sickness, most akin to a human ‘cold’.”--Ratchet
“… So, my Megs got his aft kick because the other Meagtron was on the space drug and he was sick...”--Fearless
“I would use different terms, but that is the gist of it.”--Ratchet
“… Thank you Ratchet, seriously.”--Fearless
“You’re taking this well.”--Miko
“Oh, I’m furious that he hid this from me, but that’s something he’s going to get when he can at least walk again. Then he is going to be thankful that I’m not a full grown Cybertronian.”--Fearless
Fearless feels sick to their stomach seeing him power down and still.
They try their best to keep themselves occupied with the kids and the others.
Fearless jokes around that the match didn’t count because their Megatron had enhancements and theirs was weakened by a sickness.
It was an unfair fight.
The moment Megs wakes up Fearless is once again sprinting to his side, climbing to the top of the med slab by themselves and to his chassis.
They cry a bit with relief when they see he is okay.
They were so going to snitch on him when they got back to the Lost Light.
Right on cue the portal opens up.
Megs is strong enough to walk a bit and goes to the portal with Fearless.
They say their thanks and goodbyes as the pair leave this universe.
In the Lost Light…
Megs lands on his chassis groaning in pain as Fearless lands beside him.
His biolight flickered dimly which caused Fearless to panic bad.
The doors to Swerve’s bust open as several bots come out to see Fearless cradling one of Megatron’s digits with tears threatening to spill.
“HELP HIM!”--Fearless
Whirl comes over and picks up Fearless as some other bots hurriedly carry Megatron to the med bay.
Fearless just watches his limp body get carried away and digs their face into their Amica’s neck cables stifling a sob.
Whirl can only gently stroke their back as he takes them back to their shared room for privacy.
Megatron has to stay in the med bay for a while thanks to the injuries and the complications the illness made on his frame.
Fearless made sure to tell everything to the crew once they calmed down.
Once Megs is given a clean bill of health and another scolding for keeping his sickness to himself, Fearless isn’t leaving his side for a while.
Magnus grants some grace to Fearless on their work.
Everyone gives the two some patience.
It wasn’t everyday that one of the most fearless organics on board got into a panicky state.
Thank goodness Rung has some room in his schedule because this was going to be a lengthy session for many bots.
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in1-nutshell · 29 days
Could you please do the old Predacon buddy meeting the Lost light more specifically ultra Magnus and the co-captains =]
Steel Mauler's going on a trip to the Lost Light!
Hope you enjoy!
Steel Mauler meeting Rodimus Prime, Megatron and Ultra Magnus
SFW, Platonic, Cybertronain reader
Steel Mauler looking at Rodimus.
“… Hi—”—Steel Mauler
“Calm down I’m not going to hurt you! OH MY PRIMUS YOU’RE ON FIRE!”—Steel Mauler
Rodimus refuses to admit that he screamed at Steel Mauler.
Steel Mauler is reminded a lot of Bumblebee and Smokescreen when seeing this young mech.
They are surprised to see that he is one of the Co-captains of this extremely large starship.
They haven’t seen one of those in eons.
Rodimus is one of the bots who give them the tour around the Lost Light.
He is a bit confused on why they seem a bit sentimental about some of the bots on board but understands when they say that in their universe, the war is still going on.
Steel Mauler nearly has a spark attack hearing that he was a Prime and is frantically asking what happened to Optimus.
They are floored to find out that the matrix thing works differently in this universe.
“Your Matrix really doesn’t work the same?”--Rodimus
“No, and truthfully, I am not entirely sure how my Matrix works.”—Steel Mauler
“I mean at least yours is still active.”--Rodimus
“Ha, you say it like yours is broken.”—Steel Mauler
“…Rodimus… this is the part where you say ‘sike’.”—Steel Mauler
“…Say sike right now.”—Steel Mauler
Steel Mauler is not afraid to put Rodimus in his place with some rash decisions he makes along the way.
Yes, he’s the captain but someone needs to be the voice of reason when Magnus is trying to correct his grammar to distract him.
And who is not going to listen to a giant Predacon.
“And this is Megatron—”--Rodimus
Steel Mauler pounces at the grey mech.
Steel Mauler looks at Rodimus puzzled.
“Who thought that was a good idea?”—Steel Mauler
“May you please get off—”--Megatron
Steel Mauler puts one of their wings on his face.
“You hush. Rodimus, explain.”—Steel Mauler
They are glad to see another good Megatron, at least  this one’s going through redemption.
After that brief misunderstanding and explanation of Megatron’s case they find themselves stuck close to the mech.
Megatron thinks that they don’t trust him.
That’s not the case.
Steel Mauler wants to protect this older version of their friend.
“Protect me? Why would you want to do that? You don’t even know me.”--Megatron
Steel Mauler looks at him sadly.
“I knew a version of you. He was a good friend to me”—Steel Mauler
“That still doesn’t explain why?”--Megatron
“…Call it what you will Megatron. Maybe sympathy, or me wanting to fix something that can’t be fixed in my world. But I know what happens to highly classified Cons when they defect. Takes one to know one.”—Steel Mauler
Steel Mauler walks away leaving a stunned Megatron in their wake.
One of the few bots on board that is not afraid to call him a hypocrite when it comes to certain subject relating to organic life.
So many bots thought they were going to see Megatron go up against a Predacon that day.
Steel Mauler has been alive longer than all of their friends, they don’t give a rats aft.
Megatron unknowingly gets attached to the older Predacon the longer they stay on the ship.
Ultra Magnus
“And this is—”--Rodimus
“Ultra Magnus! It is an honor to meet you, well this version of you.”—Steel Mauler
Magnus looks at the Predacon in front of him.
Steel Mauler is just glad to see a familiar face.
“Rodimus why is there a Predacon on board?”--Magnus
“… why am I not surprised…”--Magnus
“Who’s Brainstorm?”—Steel Mauler
Magnus wants to put Brainstorm in the brig so badly but now he has to deal with a Predacon.
… An incredible well behaved and mannered Predacon.
New friend gained!
They even got Rodimus to turn in some of the paperwork on time!
Steel Mauler does tell him of his alternative back on earth and is glad to see him here too.
He’s not crying.
But the older Predacon does get sent to the med bay after they saw a hollow Magnus all grey.
Steel Mauler groggily wakes up in the med bay.
A green minibot is by their side.
“Umm, hello there.”—Steel Mauler
“Primus Steel Mauler, you gave us quite a fright when you fell on top of--.”--Minimus
“Why do you sound like Magnus?”—Steel Mauler
Time skip to load bearer explanation…
“Does that make any sense?”--Minimus
“Yes, in a way. But earlier you said I fell on someone, who did I fall on?”—Steel Mauler
Minimus points to one of the nearby med slabs.
Ratchet is scolding a very dented Drift for thinking he could single handedly catch a giant Predacon.
Now Steel Mauler is wondering if their Magnus is also a load bearer…
They are not afraid to call Magnus on being too up tight with the rules around the ship.
Magnus does take in what Steel Mauler says and does reflect on it.
He trusts the Predacon’s judgment and lets loose some of the more harsher rules. Not completely though, he wasn’t mad.
Magnus saw Rodimus sneaking a Rodimus star to them for being the ‘Magnus Whisperer’.
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in1-nutshell · 23 days
I need the pinning to go on for way too long.  I’m talking Megatron is now not only on the ship but is sick of the two constantly making heart eyes at each other.  I need there to be a betting pool between almost everyone on the ship when these two are going to get together.  And I need Rodimus not to notice a damn thing.  I'm talking when they get together and are openly in a relationship, rodimus walks in on them making out and almost does a will smith “I’m an adult.  I can handle this.  I’m okay.” Look back to buddy and swerve. “BUDDY NOOOO”
Rodimus is as blind as a bat when it comes to Moony's love life.
Hope you enjoy!
Moonstreaker and Swerve pinning and Rodimus not noticing
SFW, Platonic, Hinted romance, Cybertronain reader
Oh Primus…
Megatron thought that the ship and Rodimus were his punishment.
Apparently, it didn’t end there…
He didn’t know what some of the crew were whining about when he came to Swerve’s for the first time.
Megatron sitting with Ravage.
“I’ve heard something about the bartender Swerve doing something that makes some of the patrons ‘bang their helms into the table’.”--Megatron
Megatron looks at Swerve happily talking to some of the customers at the bar.
“Besides the increasing chattering, I don’t see why—”--Megatron
Ravage points to the bartender again.
“Look again. What do you really see.”--Ravage
Megatron sighs and looks at the bar again.
That’s when he spots Moonstreaker, one of the only other bots that has given him some respect, coming to the bar and sitting down.
Swerve’s optics widen as his smile when Moonstreaker comes and brings her a drink.
Moonstreaker takes the drink and glues her optics on the bartender as he talks away.
She takes few sips from her drink but solely has her attention on Swerve.
“Primus, are they—”--Megatron
“But the looks—”--Megatron
“Completely blind.”--Ravage
“And Rodimus?”--Megatron
“Completely blind.”--Ravage
Ravage later brings Megatron into one of the spare rooms on the ship.
 Most of the ‘Rod Squad’ was there as well as a large chart in the middle of the room.
There was a chart on the board with multiple bots names, dates, and then some numbers.
This was a room dedicated to the betting pool to when Moonstreaker and Swerve would start going out, to when they would make it official, any potential sparklings…
And then there was a different pool for when Rodimus would find out.
Megatron had stumbled on a secret operation.
… and he was on the chart the next day.
As for Rodimus…
He truly was blind.
The Co-captian doesn’t see any of the of the signs either Moonstreaker or Swerve give each other.
Rodimus is having a drink with Drift at Swerve.
“So, what do you think about Moony and Swerve?”--Drift
Rodimus shrugs.
Drift raises an optic.
“You know…”--Drift
“I know…”--Rodimus
Drift gestures at Moonstreaker and Swerve talking at the bar.
Rodimus looks over and shrugs.
“They’re just having a drink and talk. Nothing new.”--Rodimus
Drift just stares at Rodimus.
“It’s nothing special, they’ve been friends for a while apparently and this has been happening since we’ve taken off from Cybertron. I thought you would have known Drift.”--Rodimus
Drift starts to question the observation techniques of his friend as he downs the rest of his drink.
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in1-nutshell · 12 days
Hi! can you do request of Tf Crossover of these Buddies And also them meeting each other?
Ophelia (TFP Megatron's daughter w/ the opposite personality), Ironhold (G1 Megatron's kid), and Fearless Buddy
The children finally meet! Interdimensional space siblings!
Hope you enjoy!
Fearless Buddy meeting Ophelia and Ironhold
SFW, Platonic, Familial, Slight romance (for corresponding Conjunxes), Human reader, Cybertronian reader
G1/MTMTE/Rid 2015
Au no one knows each other.
Fearless was minding their own business in the poetry club room when everything happened.
Well, that’s what they called it anyways.
They were waiting for Megatron to be done with his latest class and was running late. Probably trying to explain Riptide what he did wrong on his test again when portal appeared on the wall next to them.
Fearless grabbing the desk with a death grip.
Out pops two bots when the portal closes.
One is clearly a minibot who was rubbing her helm after landing on her face.
The other taller bot had landed much more gracefully on their pedes in a superhero pose.
Fearless looks at the pair confused, they could see the others were just as confused.
The tallest bot walked over to the human and picked them up.
“Human, where am I? I promise nothing will happen to you if you tell me the location of this… are we in a ship!?”—Tall one
Fearless eyes go wide when they see the Decepticon insignia on their chassis.
The minibot also sees this.
“Hey! Put the human down!”—Small one
“I assusre you two nothing bad will happen when Megatron—”—Tall one
“Megatron?!”—Small one
“Why would Megs—”--Fearless
“Megs?!”—Tall and Small one
“Okay… I think I know what’s going on. You, the tall one, put me down on the desk first.”--Fearless
The taller bot gently puts them down.
Fearless dust themselves and looks at the pair.
“Now, golden question. Is the war still going on?”--Fearless
“Of course, the war is still going—”—Tall one
“Of course, the war just ended—”—Small one
The two Cybertronains look at each other shocked.
“There it is. You two are from another dimension. The war has been over for a bit here.”--Fearless
The tallest is still processing it.
“It’s over… its finally over? Here?”—Tall one
They sit down in one of the chairs while the minibot pats their leg.
“It has been since Megatron renounced Decepticonism and became and Autobot—”--Fearless
“FATHER’S WHAT?!”—Tall and Small one
All three look at each other in shock.
“Megatron’s your father?”—Small one
They nod.
“And he is yours as well?”--Ironhold
“Same here!”--Fearless
Fearless breaks into a wide smile.
“Do you know what this means!?”--Fearless
“Umm—”—Tall one
“I got interdimensional siblings! Wait—what are you guys’ names anyways? I’m Fearless!”--Fearless
“That’s a human name I haven’t heard of.”—Small one
“It’s not my Earth name, Whirl picked it. He said it fit better and its just stuck since then.”--Fearless
“I’m Ophelia.”--Ophelia
“I like that name.”--Fearless
“I am Ironhold. Going back to my previous question Fearless, where are we?”--Ironhold
“We’re on the Lost Light on a quest to find the Knights of Cybertron. Rodimus knows more about the details than I do—”--Drift
“Rodimus? I haven’t heard a name like that?”—Ironhold
“Me neither.”--Ophelia
“Rodimus? Like Rodimus Prime—”--Fearless
“PRIME! What happened to Optimus?!”--Ironhold
“Oh, this is going to take a bit…”--Fearless
After a bit of talking and explaining briefly about their universe, Fearless wants the others to meet Megatron.
Ironhold and Fearless were a bit confused on why Ophelia didn’t like the idea too much.
She briefly explained her Megatron and what he had done to her in the past.
Ophelia is now slightly regretting telling her new siblings about her Megatron.
Ironhold has a steely gaze with their servos in fists.
Fearless looks like they are going to offline someone with a paperclip.
But Fearless reassures the pair, mainly Ophelia, that this Megatron was going through his redemption and was a nice bot.
Anyways they promised they would jump Megatron with their Amica before any damage came to her.
The trio walked out of the classroom and followed the human to the bridge using one of the longer ways.
Everything was going well until someone nearly ran over Fearless in their speeding alt mode.
They would have been hit if Ironhold hadn’t scooped them and Ophelia up and jumped over the speedster.
Fearless grasping their digit and heart.
“You sure… know how to make a save Hold’s.”--Fearless
“I’ve had practice with my Conjunx. He always gets into trouble, and I usually have to get him out of it.”--Ironhold
Ophelia and Fearless perk.
“You have a Conjunx too! I have one as well.”--Opehlia
Ironhold smiles continuing the walk.
Fearless grumbles a bit.
“How come the youngest gets married and I don’t even have a significant other yet...”—Fearless
“You do know I’m older than you by thousands of years, right? If anything you’re the youngest.”--Ophelia
Fearless points at Ironhold.
“Ironhold is the oldest, I’m the middle child and you’re the baby.”--Fearless
“That doesn’t seem—”--Ophelia
“I don’t make the rules that’s just how it is.”--Fearless
“But that—”--Ophelia
“Hush, the eldest speaks.”--Ironhold
“You too Ironhold?”--Ophelia
Ironhold just smirks and continues the journey.
Surprisingly not many bots reacted to Ironhold holding Fearless and Ophelia.
 Probably because Fearless and Ophelia were covering their Decepticon insignias.
They finally reached the bridge.
Rodimus, Megatron and Ultra Magnus were there talking about something.
Fearless let out a whistle catching the three bots attention.
“Fearless what are—Who are you two?”--Megatron
Ophelia’s grip on Ironhold tightens a bit as Ironhold realizes that this Megatron was bigger than theirs.
They were practically looking optic to optic.
“They’re my interdimensional siblings! You got more kids out there Megs!”—Fearless
“I have wait?”--Megatron
Megatron freezes hearing this.
Rodimus takes a bit to understand this and lets out a bit of a laugh at his Co-captain’s expense.
Magnus is wondering what to write up Brainstorm for this time.
Ironhold straightens up a bit when Megatron comes closer.
The former Warlord notices the Decepticon insignia on their chassis.
“… The war is still going on in my dimension sir. But I have no intention of hurting the humans.”--Ironhold
“… The war just finished not too long ago.”--Ophelia
Rodimus seeing Fearless’s face of ‘Roddy distraction! Please!’ swoops in.
“How about we talk this over at Swerve and a cube of engex?”--Rodimus
“Rodimus that is not—”--Magnus
Magnus spots Fearless’s pleading look and gives in.
“Also, no engex for the youngest here.”--Fearless
There is understandable a crowd around the newcomers when they enter Swerve’s.
Ironhold and Ophelia were floored with the amount of energon and engex available and not rationed out.
The pair answered the questions best they could while downing the energon after Ratchet made sure they could.
The crew was surprised to see that Megatron had two other kids in different dimensions.
They especially couldn’t believe that Ophelia was his kid.
Speaking of Ophelia, when her past was brought up, both Ironhold and Fearless told her that she didn’t need to tell if she didn’t feel comfortable. She told them either way.
The army of the ‘Ophelia protection Squad’ had grown in numbers that day.
Megatron gave his personal apology for his counterpart’s actions.
Ophelia told him it wasn’t necessary seeing that he was a greater mech than her Megatron would ever be at this point.
They were happy to hear about her being newly Conjunxed and happy to a mech that she had known for a while.
“Wait, his name is really Steve?”--Fearless
She had a warm smile saying his name.
Fearless turns to Ironhold finishing their 10th cube.
“Didn’t you say you also had a spouse? Who are they?”--Fearless
For the first time since they had gotten on the ship, Ironhold looked a bit bashful.
Fearless nudges them a bit.
“Ooohhh! I bet it’s someone we know! Is it someone here?”--Fearless
“No… but a can bet a good portion of the bots here know who he is…”--Ironhold
“The suspense is killing me!”--Whirl
“Spill the beans as the humans say!”--Whirl
Ironhold shyly looks down.
“…Its Rumble.”--Ironhold
Ravage appears out of nowhere startling the bot.
“Ravage? You’re here too?”--Ironhold
“Your Conjunxed to Rumble? Did you hit your helm before making that decision?”--Ravage
“You know… you, Frenzy, Megatron, Starscream, and almost everyone told me the same thing. But no, we decided to do it a year ago and we’ve been happy ever since.”--Ironhold
Megatron in the meantime is happy to hear that his interdimensional kids have wonderful Conjunxes, well at least having a good relationship. Then he looks over at Fearless who is intently listening to their siblings’ lives.
Fearless look at him.
“Megs? You, okay?”--Fearless
“… You don’t happen to find someone on board of… particular interest, right?”—Megatron
Fearless nearly spits out their drink.
“I’m just saying—”--Megatron
“Fearless has the hots for someone?!”--Whirl
“Whirl no!”--Fearless
“Whirl yes! Who is it? They’ll have to win me in a duel for your hand.”--Whirl
“Whirl this isn’t the olden days. Wait where did you even hear that from?”--Fearless
“You don’t need to know.”--Whirl
“I feel like I should.”--Fearless
Sooner than anyone would like, the portal comes back.
Fearless instructs the pair to just jump in, it worked for them the past few times.
There is a bit of a tearful fair well for the pair.
Megatron gives Ophelia a small hug, which nearly makes her short circuit, but is going to treasure that hug for a long time.
He gives another to Ironhold who stiffens a bit before reciprocating.
Fearless with a watery smile tells them that they are welcomed back anytime and if their respected Megatron’s ever give them trouble, to call them.
They would crawl inside his armor and tear him apart with a pair of tweezers and a spork.
Rung has some new appointments made after that comment.
Then the pair jumped into the portal.
With Ophelia…
Ophelia lands on her behind in the scrapyard.
“I can never get a good landing, can I?”--Ophelia
“Ophelia?! Ophelia is that you?!”--Steve
Steve turns the corner only to get floored by his Conjunx, who was just hugging him tightly.
He reciprocated just as hard.
“Primus Sweet Spark! Where were you?”--Steve
Ophelia hugs tighter.
“It’s a long story Stevie. I think the whole team might want to hear this one.”--Ophelia
With Ironhold…
Ironhold groans as they land on their back in the middle of the main room.
Megatron and Soundwave immediately go over.
Megatron and Soundwave help them back onto their pedes.
“Ironhold! Where on Cybertron have you been!? DO you have any idea—”--Megatron
Ironhold pulls them both into a hug and sighs in relief.
The two Cons are confused at the sudden physical contact before they let go.
“Where’s Rumble?”--Ironhold
“Rumble: habsuite.”--Soundwave
Ironhold begins running before turning back.
“I promise I will explain everything later!”--Ironhold
“Iron—and they’re gone.”--Megatron
Ironhold was running to their habsuite passing by several startled mechs.
They slow down at the front of their habsuite and gently knock.
“I told you Frenzy leave me alone!”--Rumble
Ironhold’s spark tightens hearing her Conjunx voice waver at the end.
They gently open the door.
Rumble has his back turned to the door.
His pedes up to his chassis with his arms around them making him look smaller than normal.
“Frenzy I swear if you don’t—”--Rumble
He looks back ready to through a pipe when he stops.
There was Ironhold standing in the doorway, gently closing it giving the two privacy.
They look down at their pedes a bit nervously before looking at him with slightly glossed optics.
“Hey Love, sorry for keeping you waiting.”--Ironhold
Rumble drops the pipe, stands up on the berth and launches himself at Ironhold.
They just had enough time to catch him and quickly fell back onto their berth holding him close.
Rumble breaks out of the hold suddenly and digs a digit into their chassis.
“HOW DARE YOU! Do you have any idea—any idea what… what…”--Rumble
He goes back to hugging, seeing their face with a sad smile.
“Don’t… do that again ya numbnuts…”--Rumble
Ironhold just hugs him back, just happy to have their Conjunx back in their arms.
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in1-nutshell · 3 months
I know request are closed so just add this to the bottom of the list for whenever you see it.
TFP Megatron's daughter with MTMTE Megatron.
this feels like the kinda thing that would hurt him, knowing that in one universe he was lucky enough to have a daughter as smart and kind as buddy and he hurt her.
have a nice day hope you drink water
This is a pair that I have thought about if they ever met. Buddy is now going to have to meet another Megatron. But don't worry she's not alone!
Hope you enjoy!
Megatron's daughter with the opposite personality meeting MTMTE Megatron
SFW, Platonic, Familial, slight angst, Cybertronain reader
Brainstorm was bored.
So, he started to work on one of the projects he had been putting off for a while.
A dimension to an alternate universe, even different than theirs!
He was just about to turn it on when Perceptor came in.
“Brainstorm have you seen Nautica? I have her data—what in Primus’s name are you doing?!”--Perceptor
Brainstorm hanging upside down trying to reach a button to turn on the machine that was slightly smoking.
“Oh! Percy! You’re just in time! I was going to push the button—”--Brainstorm
Perceptor trying to reach Brainstorm.
“There will be no pushing—”--Perceptor
Brainstorm pushes the button.
Machine starts whirling up.
“It’s working!”--Brainstorm
Buddy was walking with Miko on her shoulder.
They had gone to go get some arts and crafts from one of the empty rooms in the base.
Something about a human holiday coming up.
When the portal opened.
Buddy dropping the boxes trying to grab Miko and something else to not go into the portal.
Miko slips through Buddy’s grip.
Buddy jumps at Miko, covering her entire body as they both get swallowed by the portal.
Brainstorm was wrestling with Perceptor when two figures came out of the portal.
The portal shut leaving the machine slightly smoking.
There was no way anyone was going to turn that thing on and not have it potentially exploding in their faces.
Miko groaning a bit t the rough landing.
She is on a lab table.
Buddy is hanging upside down tangled up in a bunch of wires.
“Oh! Hello!”--Brainstorm
Brainstorm lightly pokes Miko who just looks at these two new bots.
“Hey! Leave her alone!”--Buddy
Buddy is struggling to get out of the wires to get to Miko.
Brainstorm presses a button to release the wires.
Buddy falls face first on the floor.
Brainstorm, Miko, and Perceptor wince hearing the sudden noise.
Perceptor helps Buddy up.
“My apologies. I know you two may have some questions in where—”--Perceptor
“We’re a different universe or dimension.”--Buddy
Brainstorm’s wings go up.
“Have you done that before?!”--Brainstorm
“Against my will, yes. This is Miko’s first time.”--Buddy
“Who are you guys?”--Miko
“My name is Brainstorm! I’m actually the mech who brought you two here with my machine. This is my partner Perceptor! Don’t mind him, he’s more of a mood killer.”--Brainstorm
Percepor sends him a glare.
“So, you’re the bot who brought us here? What about getting us back?”--Buddy
“Haven’t gotten to that part yet, but eventually we’ll get there!”--Brainstorm
Perceptor offers his servo for Miko to climb on.
She does and gets passed to Buddy.
Buddy refuses to let her down on the ground.
The two scientists briefly explain where the pair had ended up as they go to the med bay for any internal injuries.
Ratchet nearly has a stroke seeing a human and new bot in the med bay.
Buddy and Miko know immediately who Ratchet is. He isn’t too far from the Ratchet they were used to.
Brainstorm and Perceptor had to leave the pair with Ratchet while they went back to the lab to see if the machine was all right after a warning alert came online.
After explaining how the pair got there and nearly putting Ratchet in cardiac arrest, they get a clean bill of health.
“Hey Ratchet. Brainstorm and Percy over there said the war was over in this universe. Is that true?”--Miko
“Yes. Thankfully its been over for a bit. Has…”-Ratchet
“Our’s isn’t over yet…”--Buddy
Ratchet gives them an sympathetic smile.
Someone slams the door open.
Buddy grabs Miko and keeps her close to her chassis.
“Hey Doc-bot! I need you to settle an argue—”--Whirl
Whirl looks at Buddy and Miko.
Whirl looks at Ratchet.
Whirl steps closer slightly menacing to the pair.
Buddy straightens up, and tightens grip on Miko.
“So what do we have here? Another minibot and a fleshy.”--Whirl
“If you call me fleshy, can I call you a computer?”--Miko
Buddy wants to scream at Miko for trying to antagonize the larger mech.
Whirl blinks and steps closer.
Buddy glares at him hard.
Don’t. touch. Her.”--Buddy
“…All right! I have to give it to you both. Steal bearings.”--Whirl
Whirl scoops both Buddy and Miko up to his chassis.
“I’ll give you two the Lost Light tour with all the helpful commentary.”--Whirl
Buddy looks over at Ratchet who looks very tired but gives a ‘Your-safe-with-him’ smile.
Buddy can only hope so.
By the time Whirl gets to Swerve, Miko and him have already made a blood pact and have several ideas on overthrowing those who have wronged them.
Whirl swears he has found his Amica from another dimension.
Buddy is just trying to take everything in while also accessing any and all dangers onboard this ship.
It was much bigger than anything she had ever seen back home.
Even bigger than the Nemesis.
“—Then Megs and him nearly—”--Whirl
Buddy turns to him so fast he thinks she might have broken her neck cables.
“Megs? As in Megatron? He is here? On this ship!?”--Buddy
“Yeah? Oh yeah you two mentioned something about your war still going on.”--Whirl
“How come you two haven’t talked about it?”--Whirl
“Its better to tell a whole group so we don’t have to go through the whole story again and again.”--Buddy
“Kinda like your name?”--Miko
Buddy sighing heavily.
“Wait what is your designation, Tiny?”--Buddy
Whirl stops momentarily.
“Buddy? What kind of name is that? Did your Caregivers want you to get picked on?”--Whirl
Buddy winces a bit while Miko flicks his armor a bit.
“Oh! Soft spot. Got it, but you might as well tell now before anyone else knows.”--Whirl
Buddy gives him a dead glare.
“All right, all right, no spoilers.”--Whirl
“But back to Megatron—”--Buddy
“Hey look we’re here.”--Whirl
It was after hours, meaning not many mechs were in.
Just most of the mech whirl associated himself with.
As usual, Whirl made his grand entrance in the bar.
Not many bots paid attention to him thinking he was just being Whirl.
Buddy’s anxiety was going up seeing all the energon out.
She worried for Miko’s safety and kept her close.
Miko didn’t object to the closeness, remembering what happened to Raf.
Hopefully this universe didn’t have a variant of dark energon.
“Hey Swerve! Look who I got.”--Whirl
Swerve turning around.
“Whirl if its Rewind and Tailgate—”--Swerve
His optics land on Buddy and Miko in his cockpit.
Buddy is trying to ease the tension as Whirl places her and Miko on one of the bar stools and takes a seat himself.
“Hi, I’m Buddy and this is Miko. We are from another dimension and—”--Buddy
Swerve proceeds to fanboy about humans to Miko and asks a thousand questions where the two are trying to answer.
Swerve’s increase in chatter brought attention to the rest of the bars patrons to the new guest.
Some even comm in their friends to come and see the new commers from another dimension.
Buddy seemed to have relaxed a bit at all the friendly bots around her and Miko.
Miko was having the time of her life.
She let some of the more curious bots who had never seen a human before holding her on the condition that they tell her goofy stories.
Whirl had offered to take her to the gun range, which Buddy immediately shot down.
Eventually Ultra Magnus came in with Rodimus following behind.
The pair had heard from Ratchet, Brainstorm and Perceptor about their new visitors and had to meet them.
Magnus had messaged Megatron to come as soon as his evening class was done.
Magnus had never seen a human or a bot so happy to see him before.
What is this feeling?
They were excited… to see him?
Not Rodimus… just him?
That’s when Megatron came in with the rest of the Rod Squad.
Buddy felt her entire world come to a halt.
She knew well that this Megatron was not hers.
She knew that she should have any harsh feelings for the mech that she barely knew.
…that didn’t stop her servos from shaking and everything start to blur.
Miko was quick to recognize that Buddy was starting to freak out and saw why.
And she wouldn’t blame Buddy for freaking out.
This Megatron was a whole category by himself, easily.
Their Megatron wouldn’t stand a chance against this giant mech.
Miko went to grab Buddy’s servo when she noticed something in her pocket.
The Apex Armor!
How did she even forget this!?
Miko activates the armor and jumps off the counter causing multiple mechs to scream and try to grab her.
She activates the armor now standing roughly average height in front of Buddy.
Miko stares straight at Megatron as if daring him to make the first move.
Rodimus comes between her and Megatron.
“Woah, woah, woah. First nice form and all that needs explaining. Two I heard about your war still going on, but this Megatron here, he’s reformed.”--Rodimus
Buddy pats Miko on the shoulder from the bar.
They both look at each other, having an in-depth understanding.
Buddy gets down on the floor and walks towards the hulking giant, staring at the red Autobot badge.
She takes out her servo.
“My name is Buddy. Its… its good to see you Megatron.”—Buddy
Miko was silently cheering for Buddy’s bravery.
She even managed to get Megatron to sit down with the rest of the patrons.
That’s when the two of them agree to finally, fully, talk about their universe.
Starting with Buddy’s origins.
Just hearing about Buddy being Pre-war Megatron’s daughter floored everyone.
Megatron exe. Has stopped working please try again later.
He… he has a sparkling in another universe?
That’s great—wait… they were still at war…
Something was wrong…
The story started out with much understanding about the Senate’s power-hungry ideas and how hard it was to keep a sparkling.
Everyone, despite knowing what happens generally with the Senate meeting, is on edge.
Everyone is quiet when Buddy starts to describe her life on the Nemesis.
There are some glares to Megatron, but then they remember its other dimension Megatron that they need to get angry at.
Megatron has a neutral face while Buddy describes her time on the Nemesis.
Miko grabs her servo when the worst bits come up.
Several bots get up to give Buddy a hug during the explanation.
Some just stay there hugging.
Miko eventually tells her position with meeting Team Prime to try and make things as chronological as they could.
Once the pair is done, it’s silent.
Megatron looks over at Buddy.
“Buddy… I know that you are not my sparkling. But at the same time, you are. I want to tell you that the actions of my counterpart do not speak for other alternatives. I am sorry that you were hurt this way by him. I know that may not—”--Megatron
Buddy dives in and hugs his waist.
Megatron freezes before slowly placing his servo on Buddy’s back.
“You don’t need to apologize. You’re not him. You have a chance at peace and to make something great out of it. I am so proud of you for that Megatron. He… he would take peace and spit in your face. The point I’m trying to say is… thanks dad.”—Buddy
Buddy looks back at him.
She gives a small smile.
He gives a weak one back.
Miko is cheering in the background.
For the next several days the duo stays on the Lost Light waiting for the machine to get fixed.
Swerve thankfully got his servos on some human necessities for Miko while she stayed.
They had a blast with everyone on the ship.
Megatron and Buddy were nearly inseparable.
Megatron silently swears if he sees his counterpart that caused so much pain to this sparkling, he is going to meet his end. Or at least get the beating of a lifetime.
Soon enough it’s time for the two to leave.
The goodbyes are long and tearful.
Miko hugs Whirl’s neck as he tries his best to not tear up.
“If you ever end up in my universe you know who to call, okay?”--Miko
“Got that right Fleshy.”--Whirl
“I’m gonna miss you, you oversized can opener.”--Miko
Buddy and Megatron exchanging some words before giving one last hug.
“Bye everyone!”—Buddy and Miko
Buddy and Miko, in the Apex armor, go through the portal.
Menawhile in TFP…
Buddy shoots out the portal and straight into the wall.
“Why… I swear its every single time…”--Buddy
Miko lands doing a back flip.
“That was fun!”--Miko
Buddy falling back on the floor.
“Speak for yourself.”--Buddy
“MIKO!? BUDDY?!”--Bulkhead
Thunderous pedes start coming their way.
“Miko how do you feel about house arrest?”--Buddy
“…You think if we contact the Lost Light again, we’ll escape it?”--Miko
Pedesteps are getting louder.
“Not likely. Do what I do. Accept your fate without resistance.”--Buddy
The door gets torn off its hinges as Tema Prime comes pouring in.
“Nice knowing you Miko.”--Buddy
“Same to you Buddy.”--Miko
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in1-nutshell · 7 months
Hey, not sure if you're down for writing a continuation of the “Megatron 'accidentally' adopting human Buddy who fears nothing” post. But there was a line “Rung has a line of bots that express the same worry for Buddy one day doing something dumb and not being able to come back from it.” that I think should be expanded upon. Dangerous things are constantly happening to the lost light crew and Buddy must have the devil's luck to come out of everything that happens unscathed. I'd like to see that luck run out. I'd like to see the crew panicking because Buddy got hurt badly and there's been no news if they'll recover or not. I want to see Megatron deal with the impending mortality of his newly adopted kid poorly. And I want to see everyone on the lost light panic even more because if Megatron doesn't start a war if this kid dies, Whirl absolutely will. P.s please let buddy live, I may crave angst, but not that much.
Have a good day, love your writing
Ooooh! Have you been peaking at some of my drafts? haha! I have been thinking about what would happen if Buddy ever got hurt on Megatron's watch. But now more bots are going to watch.
Hope you enjoy!
Megatron and Fearless Buddy who gets seriously hurt
SFW, familial, platonic, angst but happy ending, mention of injuries but nothing graphic or detailed, Human reader
As we all know Buddy fears nothing
And this put some stress on their friends and new dad, Megatron.
“Hey Megs!”--Rodimus
“Rodimus, don’t call me that.”--Megatron
“Yeah, not gonna happen. Anyways I was wondering if you’ve seen Buddy anywhere. They were supposed to show me something?”--Rodimus
“Show you what?”--Megatron
“Something about being a present for being Brainstorm’s ‘Guinea pig’?”--Rodimus
Buddy flying by on a jet pack.
“Hi Roddy! Hi Megs! Bye Roddy! Bye Megs!”--Buddy
“…”—Rodimus and Megatron
Both mechs start running
But as time continues to go on, their little antics are just normalized. Sure, there are still some bots that know the true fragility of the human life span. Such bots included but not limited to Ratchet, First Aid, Velocity, Swerve, Rung, Megatron, and Whirl
“Where are you going with those pilars?”—First Aid
“It’s nothing illegal, yet.”--Buddy
“What type of answer is that!?”—First Aid
But for the most part the crew thinks Buddy is almost as durable as they are. Yes, even Megatron has been guilty of this type of behavior. He isn’t too proud of that.
“C’mon Fleshy jump and do a flip!”—Random Bot
“I think not.”--Whirl
“If you break your dumb fragile bones who else is going to come with me on planet expeditions? Cyclonus? I think not. He sucks out all the fun.”—Whirl
“I am literally right here.”--Cyclonus
So, let the angst begin.
The place was being invaded by space pirates.
The pirates where taking the bridge and had successfully barricaded themselves in.
“Why can’t we just break the door down?”--Buddy
“The main room has delicate equipment. One wrong move…”--Megatron
“Okay that’s a bad idea then.”--Buddy
“We just need an opening from the main door and we can figure out the rest.”--Rodimus
“Hey, I’m tiny enough to fit through the crack under the door. I can open the door!”--Buddy
“Absolutely not.”--Megatron
“For once I’m agreeing with him.”--Whirl
“Hey, its not like we have many options here. Unless someone else has a better idea then I am quite literally the only thing stopping these guys.”--Buddy
“…go then…”--Megatron
He was going to regret saying it like that. The computers dashboard in order to unlock the door or at least give it an opening. So, when they were sure that the aliens weren’t looking, they sprinted over to the console by swinging up with a grappling hook to the chair and began running towards the buttons.
They had indirectly activated the plasma screens.
These were holoscreens all over the ship that would show what was happening on the bridge. Everyone had a front row seat to Buddy sprinting across the console. There where cheers as Buddy was coming closer and closer to the button
“They made it!”--Rodimus
“Way to go Buddy!”--Tailgate
“Just press the button.”—Ultra Magnus
“That’s my Amica—”--Whirl
It was right there…
The alien came out of nowhere…
“EW! A Rat!”--Alien
“A ra—"--Buddy
They swatted Buddy across the room in one swift movement. They’re tiny body hurdling across the room and off screen. A small sickening crack was heard.
It was barely noticeable.
But it caused a deafening sound across the entire Lost Light.
 Good news for the crew, Buddy’s shoe came off from the force of the hit and successfully pressed the button opening the door.
Everyone is lined up to take these aliens down.
Megatron and Whirl are at the forefront of it.
Megatron is trying to find Buddy while Whirl is absolutely destroying everything.
Megatron spots Buddy slumped over in the far corner of the room.
No motion, nothing
He is just frozen in place.
“Megatron! Move!”--Ratchet
Ratchet snaps him out of it as he is trying to help Buddy.
Megatron snaps out of it a cover him.
Buddy is rushed out an into the medbay.
Everyone is waiting.
The sudden gravity of Buddy’s mortality weighs heavily on the minds of everyone involved.
Megatron sulks in his room thinking about how he failed them. He can’t bear to sit by Buddy in the med bay. Ratchet understands and tells him that he when Buddy wakes up.
Whirl on the other hand, stays by Buddy’s bed side the entire time.
“Hey Tiny. It’s been a hot minute since you’ve open those little eyes… You mind opening them up?”--whirl
“Fine be like that…”--Whirl
“Well, you’ve missed a lot since you took that hit. One you have a ton of inner most energon by your room and a growing number of get-well gifts. I personally made sure none of you’re a secret bomb. Megs is still in his room and its giving everyone the creeps.”--Whirl
“… Don’t tell this to anyone… but we miss you, you scared the ever living Pits out of us.”--Whirl
Whirl has lost every good thing in his life. He is going to make sure that this one thing does go so soon.
Buddy does wake up
“Hye Whirly Bird?”--Buddy
“Why you looking at me like that? Someone died?”--Buddy
“You nearly did Tiny!”--Whirl
“But I didn’t, huh? It takes more than a hand to stop me.”--Buddy
“…I guess huh.”--Whirl
Megatron is zooming over when he hears. Buddy is trying to play off their injuries to try and keep the peace.
“Hey Megs.”--Buddy
“You okay? You look like you’re dying.”--Buddy
“… that was a poor choice of words.”--Megatron
“Yeah I guess— woah, Megs?"—Buddy
Megatron gently holding Buddy’s hand the best he can
“Just let me hold you please, just a little bit.”--Megatron
“Sure Megs.”--Buddy
As they are recovering Buddy is treated with a bit more respect than they had before. Good thing too, they did after all manage to save the ship after all.
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in1-nutshell · 1 month
Fearless Buddy got me thinking, how would MTMTE Megatron (and maybe Drift as well?) react to a Buddy who has been doing Martial Arts their whole life? Like, maybe they come across Buddy practicing some forms or they fight off an alien kidnapping attempt? Thanks and have a wonderful week!
Fearless has a particular set of skills and they are not afraid to use them.
Hope you enjoy!
Fearless Buddy doing martial arts with Megatron and Drift
SFW, Platonic, Mention of injury but nothing graphic, Human reader
Fearless forgot to mention it.
But to be fair, they thought the bots already knew that they knew how to fight.
Years of martial arts certainly helped them get into this space program in the first place.
Granted, they couldn’t use their skills with the size they were or practice with any of the bots.
But then came that one fateful day some humanoid organic alien decided to board the ship and fight them.
Conveniently, Buddy was getting pent up from the amount of paperwork they were doing and needed a punching bag.
Oh, they were going to enjoy this.
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Drift had received an alert about an unknown organic signature near Buddy’s location.
He quickly grabbed his swords and raced down the halls.
There was no telling what could have happened between the time he found the message and him getting there.
Drift turning the corner with his swords out.
“Buddy! Buddy where—”-- Drift
Drift seeing Buddy beating the ever-loving pits out of the slightly taller alien.
“Who’s the master here?!”--Buddy
The alien makes a painful gurgle.
Buddy starts kicking them harder.
“Wrong answer!”--Buddy
“… I can not begin to tell you what’s wrong with that statement.”--Drift
Buddy turning to see Drift.
“Hey Drift! Hold on a second.”--Buddy
Buddy slams their fist into the alien’s head knocking them out.
“Hey, what can I do for you?”--Buddy
Drift points at the alien.
“I was here for that and to save you. But clearly you have that figured out.”--Drift
Buddy puffs their chest a bit.
“Years of Martial Arts can do that Drift.”--Buddy
“… Do you mind teaching me some of those?”--Drift
“Sure! As soon as we put Grumpy here in custody and some proper hand wrappings, we’ll do it!”--Buddy
Somewhere on the Lost Light…
Ratchet looking up from his workstation.
“Ratchet?”—First Aid
“Something just happened, and I don’t like it. It feels like a headache coming my way.”--Ratchet
The pair make room in their schedules to practice some of the basics and to go over movements that are bot friendly.
Not all bots are flexible after all.
Drift has now incorporated some of these moves into his fighting style and it has indeed given Ratchet a headache from the accidental launching of rocks and equipment.
Megatron is out the door once the readings of 5 larger organic lifeforms are right outside Fearless habsuite.
He is praying that he hasn’t gotten there too late, even comms in a small group of bots to come to Buddy’s location.
There was no telling what they were dealing with right now.
He turns the corner to see one of the aliens get thrown into the wall.
All their glory was Buddy fighting off the last alien with a peculiar looking fighting style.
He would have intervened if they hadn’t kicked them in the face and knocked them out.
Buddy pants a bit as the last alien falls down.
“That’s what you get you sorry son of—Megatron?”--Buddy
Megatron snaps out of it and rushes to Buddy’s side.
“Buddy, are you okay? What did—”--Megatron
“Woah, woah, Megs I’m fine. Nothing a little bit of fighting couldn’t handle.”--Buddy
“They were nearly double your height and you were outnumbered.”--Megatron
“But I won! Urgh…”--Buddy
Buddy sways a bit.
Megatron scoops them up in his servos.
“We are heading to the med bay now.”--Megatron
“The aliens…”--Buddy
“I have a group coming here to collect the fugitives. Med bay. Now.”--Megatron
It turned out that the adrenaline had just worn off and they were tired.
Megatron doesn’t want to leave Buddy’s sight.
They ask if they could stay with him for a bit.
Megatron is later seen in his co-captain chair with Buddy fast asleep on his lap with him absent mindedly petting them.
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in1-nutshell · 3 months
HEYYY I absolutely love your stories and im so happy to finally request something SO if it's possible can we have human fearless buddy meeting predacon buddy cuz like i can just imagine human buddy not stopping until they get to ride on predacon buddys back. But if not then don't worry about it! Thanks :]
It's been a hot second since we've seen Fearless Buddy, its good to see them back!
Hope you enjoy!
Fearless Buddy meeting Old Predacon Buddy
SFW, Platonic, Cybertronain reader, Human reader
For once the universe decided to give this old predacon a break from traveling across dimensions.
But they didn’t count on someone else to travel to theirs.
In mtmte dimension…
Buddy was walking to Megatron’s poetry club.
They hadn’t been very attendant to the club as the paperwork somehow grew overnight.
They suspect someone is secretly putting more in their pile each time they go to sleep.
Maybe they should get Nightbeat to investigate that.
Buddy walking to the club room when the portal appeared.
“Haha okay Brainstorm. What’s today’s experiment?”--Buddy
The portal begins to drag Buddy in.
“Hey, no more jokes, I got to get to club.”--Buddy
Buddy tries to go back away from the portal, but the intensity is growing stronger.
Panic starts to settle in as they try to grab on to the wall to slow down their drag.
Whirl comes racing towards Buddy stopping short after feeling the portal’s drag.
Whirl already close to the wall starts inching slowly towards Buddy.
Buddy’s hands start shaking.
“NO, YOUR NOT!”--Whirl
Whirl looks around for anyone.
Buddy’s hands start hurting as the portal gets stronger.
Whirl reaches for Buddy with his claw.
Buddy is centimeters from grabbing Whirl’s claw when some light tendrils wrap themselves around Buddy’s waist.
Buddy, horrified, takes one last look at Whirl.
The light yanks them backwards sending them tumbling into the portal.
Whirl tries jumping in after them, but the portal disappears before he could follow.
“No…no! NO!”--Whirl
 Rodimus, Ultra Magnus, Megatron, and Roller come in running but stop when they see Whirl on his knees shaking slightly.
“Whirl? Where’s Buddy?”--Megatron
Meanwhile in tfp…
Buddy was napping in one of the sunnier hangars close by when the familiar sound of the portal woke them up.
They are silently preparing for another round trip to wherever the universe deemed it necessary to go to this time.
They are not expecting something small and fast to come straight for their face.
Thankfully Buddy was able to stop the small projectile with their servos.
The portal closed leaving Buddy slightly confused.
They then look at what came out of the portal and were shocked to find a human laying in their palm groaning from the sudden trip.
Fearless Buddy groans as they rub their head in pain.
“Why can’t I get soft landings all the time?”—Fearless Buddy
“I hear you kid.”—Predacon Buddy
Fearless Buddy’s eyes shot wide open when they realize that they are in the servo of a giant mechanical dragon.
“…I know this might be a lot to take in—”—Predacon Buddy
“I’m in another dimension, aren’t I?”--Fearless
Predacon Buddy looks at them slightly baffled.
“Yes… this isn’t your first time?”—Predacon Buddy
“Believe it or not, after being around the Lost light for so long, this is just my typical Tuesday.”—Fearless Budy
“I’m guessing your team of Autobots have quite the travels then.”—Predacon Buddy
“Oh, it’s not just Autobot’s. we got Con’s, Neutrals, Megatron, and all—”—Fearless Buddy
“Wait did you say Megatron? He is on your ship?”—Predacon Buddy
“Yeah? He’s an Autobot now. He surrendered and now he’s Co captain of the Lost light with Rodimus Prime.”—Fearless Buddy
“… I don’t think I’ve been to your universe yet. At least your war is over, right?”—Predacon Buddy
“Yours isn’t?”—Fearless Buddy
Predacon Buddy shakes their helm.
“Not yet. It’s just a small number of Autobots against the rest of what’s left of the Decepticon army.”—Predacon Buddy
“Yikes.”—Fearless Buddy
Predacon Buddy huffs.
“Yep, I didn’t get your name kiddo. I’m Buddy.”—Predacon Buddy
Fearless Buddy’s eyes widen in a bit of excitement.
“Really! My name is Buddy too!”—Fearless Buddy
Both Buddy’s laugh.
“We definitely have to go by nicknames though.”--Fearless Buddy
“Your right.”—Predacon Buddy
“How about I go by Fearless? That’s a nickname I have back on the ship.”--Fearless
“Why do they call you fearless?”—Preadcon Buddy
“Because I fear nothing.”--Fearless
Predacon Buddy raising an optic.
“If you say so. I think I’ll go by Pred.”--Pred
“Because I’m a Predacon.”--Pred
“Ahhh. Makes sense now.”--Fearless
Pred starts walking outside.
“Where are we going?”--Fearless
“You’ll be staying with my team until the portal comes back.”--Pred
“How long does it usually take?”--Fearless
Pred shrugs.
“Depends. Sometimes a few days, sometimes a week.”--Pred
“…I’m getting so much paperwork from Magnus when I get back…”--Fearless
The team was very confused when Buddy came back to the main room with a human in their servo.
Even more so when they give them the explanation.
Though some things could have been explained better.
Especially on the topic of Megatron.
“You’re telling us that old Bucket head surrendered? That the war is over in your universe?”--Bulkhead
“And he is Co-captain of your ship with who?”--Arcee
“Rodimus Prime.”--Fearless
“So did Optimus…”--Smokescreen
“He is back on Cybertron with some of the others. Our ship is searching for some mystic knights of Cybertron. I’m really just there to tell Earth that Megatron is behaving.”--Fearless
“… But if he is in chains—”--Ratchet
“Woah, woah, woah who said anything about chains? He’s Co captain.”--Fearless
“There’s no such thing as Co-captain.”—Ultra Magnnus
“I think my Optimus made up the term so Rodimus didn’t get sad that his ship was getting taken over by Megs.”--Fearless
“Megs? He lets you talk to him like that?”--Wheeljack
“He hates the name but I do it anyways.”--Fearless
Miko and Wheeljack looking at Fearless.
“I like this one.”—Wheeljack
There is a bit of discussion about Megatron after that which Buddy makes it very clear that their Megatron and this one are completely different.
They are so sure that their Megatron can beat this one with no sweat.
There is some concern about this.
“Miko, you said you had a picture of Megs from this dimension, can I see?”--Fearless
“Sure! Here’s one where he still had the dark energon in his system.”--Miko
“What’s dark energon?”--Fearless
“Something I’m glad your universe doesn’t have.”--Pred
Fearless takes a look at the picture.
They put the phone down and then started dubbing down laughing.
Predacon always stays by Fearless’s side.
They know too well how out of place it feels to be in a new dimension.
Whether you wear it on your face or not, it can still shake you up a bit.
Fearless does have a near whiplash at the bots they have in their dimension.
Fearless constantly demands dragon rides.
And somehow Pred always falls for it.
They are just hoping that the kids don’t catch on to that.
Fearless looking up at Ratchet.
“Can I help you?”--Ratchet
Fearless just smiles.
“It’s nice to know that grumpiness is a thing most Ratchet’s have in common.”--Fearless
A little while later…
Fearless staring intensely at Magnus.
“What you looking at?”--Pred
“When is Mininus coming out?”--Fearless
“Oh, I get you. He hasn’t told you yet. Well, if he doesn’t want you guys to know yet then I won’t spoil the secret.”--Fearless
“What secret?”--Pred
Fearless makes a zip noise and walks away.
Fearless and Miko are no longer allowed to be in the same room alone together.
It’s a week later when the portal comes back.
Fearless makes sure to say all their goodbyes and thank you.
There is an extra hug snuck in between them and Pred.
They summersaulted into the portal as it closes.
Meanwhile in mtmte…
Megatron is taking another walk around the ship to calm his nerves.
The portal opens and drops Buddy in the middle of the hall.
Megatron stays still and waits for the body to start moving again.
The body moves slowly, as Megatron slowly speeds up to it.
He carefully turns the body over and nearly weeps in joy.
“Hey Megs, sorry for being late for club.”--Buddy
Megatron just rest on his knees and hugs Buddy close to his spark.
“Just… just let me hold you little one…”--Megatron
Buddy pats his chassis leaning on it hearing the faint sounds of his spark humming.
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in1-nutshell · 3 months
Loved when mtmte Megatron met his sparkling from tfp and how he offered for them to come with him and the lost light crew and buddy saying they would stay in tfp but what if buddy said yes to his offer what would their life with the lost light look like and would they vist tfp crew?
Fun fact: This was going to be the original response when Megatron offered Buddy, but decided not to last minute.
Now because there are way too many shenanigans' that would happen on the Lost Light if Buddy joined, I summarized the highlights.
Hope you enjoy!
What if... TFP Megatron's daughter with the opposite personality agreed to stay on the Lost Light?
SFW, Platonic, Slight angst, Familial, Cybertronain reader
Already a heavy considered in the beginning.
When Megatron did offer Buddy a spot on the Lost Light, Buddy hesitated, but ends up agreeing to go Megatron and Prime.
Optimus knew this was a possibility… but he hoped that deep down she wouldn’t leave.
Buddy turns to Team Prime and begins to give each one of them a long hug.
“This isn’t our last goodbye. We’ll meet again I’m sure of it.”--Buddy
Buddy hugs the kids with light tears slowly moving down her face as Miko sobs close to her spark chamber.
“You better come and visit us.”—Miko
Buddy hugs a bit tighter.
“I’ll come and visit you guys. I’m not going to leave forever. It’s just…”--Buddy
“You deserve it, Buddy.”--Ratchet
Buddy looks over at Ratchet a bit in disbelief.
Buddy puts the kids down and moves to the older mech hugging him dearly.
“After everything, I probably would have gone too.”--Ratchet
“Oh Ratchet…”--Buddy
Another set of arms envelops the two.
Optimus is now hugging them.
Buddy reaches for him too.
They stay like that for a bit before Buddy lets go and gets set on the ground.
She walks over to Megatron and grabs his servo.
Buddy looks back with a teary smile.
“Thank you all for everything.”--Buddy
Team Prime waves good-bye as the two bots walk into the portal.
On the Lost Light…
Buddy and Megatron walk out as the portal close.
The crew takes a moment to understand that Buddy was with them.
That could only mean…
Tailgate runs over and hugs Buddy.
Buddy hugs back as everyone else comes over.
Whirl snatches Buddy up.
“I guess that means you’re stuck with us now, huh?”—Whirl
Buddy wipes a happy tear from her optic smiling.
“Yep. Your stuck with me now.”--Buddy
Whirl pats Buddy on the helm as she looks over at Megatron.
He still has his servo in hers, still smiling.
Many of the Lost Lighters were overjoyed to keep Buddy with them.
There is a celebration at Swerve’s for Buddy officially joining the crew.
It lasts for a couple of days.
There was a lot of laughter and tears shared.
Buddy had never felt so loved as at that moment.
A bit later Buddy heads off to the med bay with Ratchet.
Since she was going to be staying permanently in a different universe, they wanted to make sure that Buddy’s frame could stand the adjustment.
Thankfully all scans prove that it was possible for Buddy to stay in this universe, with some framing modifications and internal work done, it was entirely possible.
The next few days are filled with Buddy going in and out of the labs and med bay.
The crew is giving their support in any way they can.
Megatron is by her side whenever he can.
Thankfully it’s more time since Rodimus and Magnus agreed to let him take some time to be with her.
There is another celebration at Swerve’s when Buddy comes in with their new frame.
Whirl twitching his claws.
“Urgh! When is Buddy coming? It’s been ages already!”--Whirl
“We need to be patient Whirl; Buddy is already trying her hardest to adapt to everything on the ship. We can’t rush everything.”--Rung
“That still doesn’t explain why she’s—”--Whirl
Buddy walks into Swerve’s with her new frame with Megatron and Ratchet by her side.
“Hi… how do I look?”--Buddy
Skids comes by and pats Buddy on the back.
“Looking sharp Buddy!”--Skids
Rodimus places her a Rodimus star for ‘Being the best Buddy’.
Many more crew members come over to see the new frame design.
But it’s not all fun and games.
Buddy gets her own habsuite a little away from Megatron’s.
He lost count of the number of times he had nearly torn down the door when she woke up screaming.
Ravage now sleeps close to Buddy offering comfort from the nightmares.
Buddy takes full advantage of the fact that Rung is willing to see her, not that he would turn her down.
Eventually she feels more comfortable talking with the others about more detailed things about her life in the other universe and what happened on the day she was taken.
“He suddenly started calling me Orion… I tried—tried to tell him it was me…sometimes he would stop for a bit…other times it made him—made him…”--Buddy
Nautica and Velocity sandwich Buddy in a hug as ore tears and hiccups come out.
“Thank you for sharing Buddy. We know this isn’t easy for you to talk about this.”--Rung
Buddy takes a shaky vent and nods.
“I can continue… just give me a nanoclick.”--Buddy
“Take as much time as you need.”—Velocity
Nautica carefully wipes a tear from Buddy’s face.
“We’re here for you.”--Nautica
Many bots offer their support creating a strong support system.
For example…
The minibots extend a servo to bring Buddy into the minibot’s only nights.
Whirl and some other bots create the Buddy protection squad.
Rewind and some other bots offer to fill in on facts and history about this universe.
Magnus nearly cried when he heard Buddy recite a passage in the Autobot code by memory.
Buddy tries to find her place on the ship too.
No longer in command of an army or being Prime’s niece, she had to make a name for herself from scratch.
As it turned out, Buddy took a lot of interest in Rewind’s line of work as an archivist.
“Wait so you’re telling me he just jumped from the roof onto the flyier? Where? Why?!”--Buddy
Rewind shrugs.
“Domey said once that he liked being on the rooftops and would jump, literally, into action when it was needed.”--Rewind
“…Please tell me you have some footage of that.”--Buddy
“…Give me a few minutes.”--Rewind
Other bots are not jealous nope, not at all.
Brainstorm and Perceptor are able to recreate a device to send anyone to Buddy’s original dimension after a couple of months.
But Buddy isn’t touching that thing.
Not just yet.
Not for a while.
Someday… but not today…   
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in1-nutshell · 3 months
Megatron's kid meets MTMTE Megatron
SFW, Platonic, Familial, from the polls, Romantic, Cybertronian reader
All Buddy wanted was a nice ‘date night’ with Rumble.
Buddy and Rumble’s schedules for the past month had been packed with things, making it hard to take time for each other.
Luckily, they finally made an opening on both schedules.
Buddy walking down the halls with Rumble.
“So, what movie do you want to see this time?”--Rumble
“Hmm… don’t know…”--Buddy
“Aw, c’mon Buddy you always have a movie on your processor. I’m sure you can think of one that doesn’t stink.”--Rumble
“Excuse you—”--Buddy
Buddy gives him a fond smile before patting his helm.
Rumble playfully swats it.
“Hey! What did we talk about that!”--Rumble
“Well, you were asking for it.”—Buddy
That’s when the floor beneath Rumble suddenly disappeared. Swirling colors replaced the purple and grey floor.
Buddy didn’t think twice about jumping in after him desperately latching onto the ledge of the portal.
Which was a personal feat.
The commotion had brought the attention of some nearby Decepticon who were already running towards them.
But the second Rumble’s servo slipped, Buddy let go of the edge and went after him.
Everything was swirls of pink and green until Buddy blacked out.
Rumble woke up to a bunch of Autobots looking at him.
Rumble stands up with his pliers ready.
He looks around at some familiar looking Bots and some unfamiliar looking ones.
“Rumble? Is that you?”--Ravage
“Who’s asking—Ravage?!”--Rumble
Ravage walks closer to him.
He sniffs before scrunching his muzzle.
“You’re not Rumble.”--Ravage
“And you’re not Ravage, he can’t talk.”--Rumble
“That’s because you’re not from here.”--Brainstorm
Rumble looks at the teal mech.
“And who are you suppose’ta be?”--Rumble
“I’m Brainstorm! And the reason why you and your companion are here.”--Brainstorm
“He is a scientist, and he was messing with that blasted suit case again.”--Ravage
“What suitcase?”--Rumble
“It travels dimensions, to put it simple terms.”--Megatron
Rumble turns to see Megatron.
“PRIMUS! When did you get this big! Come to think about it, most you guys are taller here…”--Rumble
“As Ravage was saying, Brainstorm accidentally brought you and someone else from your dimension to this one.”--Megatron
“Wait, did you say someone else? But who…”--Rumble
Rumble gets rid of his pliars to shake his helm with both servos.
“Oh, course that dumb, selfless, stinking, loveable dummy would jump in after me!”--Rumble
“Buddy jumped in after me!”--Rumble
“Who’s Buddy?”--Megatron
Rumble fully stops and stares at Megatron.
“Buddy? Your Buddy? My Buddy! Ringing any bells!”--Rumble
Megatron shakes his helm.
“Never heard of a bot named ‘Buddy’ before.”—Rodimus
“… No wonder you lost the war.”--Rumble
Rumble looking accusingly at the Autobot badge on Megatron’s chassis.
Megatron just vents tiredly.
“We should keep an optic out for this ‘Buddy’ you speak of then.”--Brainstorm
“That shouldn’t be too hard, just look for another mini and that’s it.”--Rodimus
“Who said Buddy was a minicon? And no, we aren’t going to find them.”—Rumble
“What do you mean?”—Megatron
“They’re going to find us, or at least make some noise—“--Rumble
Swerve comes through the doors
“Something came out of the oil reserves and is shooting everything! It’s like the creature from the Black Lagoon if it was armed!”--Swerve
“That’s Buddy.”--Rumble
Buddy venting heavily with their optics trained on the mechs in front of them.
Then they see Rumble.
Buddy clicks the blaster.
“I swear if you don’t let him go—Megatron? Ravage? What’s going on?”--Buddy
Buddy sees the Autobot badge.
“What is this!”--Buddy
Rumble comes running to them in a hug.
Buddy, one arm hugs him back but doesn’t take their optics off of the mechs.
“Buddy, Buddy put down the blaster. We can explain this.”--Rumble
Buddy not budging.
Buddy finally venting before putting both blasters away still holding onto Rumble.
“You better.”--Buddy
Buddy continues to glare at Megatron and Ravage.
After a quick trip to the wash racks, Buddy was finally caught up on the whole situation.
As well as hearing more facts about this universe’s war and Megatron.
Buddy and Ruble in exchange told them a bit about their universe and their war.
Buddy couldn’t lie when they’d say that they were a bit jealous that this war was over.
Even if the Decepticon’s didn’t win, at least it was over.
More and more bots and cons started working together and finding themselves again.
That was something Buddy wanted more than anything.
A peaceful future with Rumble and their family.
A bit whimsical, but it never hurts to be optimistic.
While the science department managed to find a way for Buddy and Rumble to get back home, the two were made honorary members of the Lost Light.
The pair got along well with some of the bots on bourd even making friends.
Buddy did manage to get some one-on-one time with Megatron.
Was it awkward for the both at first?
Did they get past it?
Yes, after a joint poetry session and story sharing moment, the two rarely seem too far apart.
Did Megatron get attached to this young bot?
He didn’t know how, but he felt comfortable around this bot. Almost as if he knew them for their entire life.
He couldn’t explain it with reason, but it felt nice.
Buddy was in turn fond of this ‘pacifist’ version of their father.
They knew well that any Megatron would have some sort of rage underneath layers of masks. This one just seemed to be much more in tune with it, or at least learning to.
Now there were two things that both Rumble and Buddy forgot to mention to the crew.
That Buddy was Megatron’s offspring.
And the both were dating.
But the crew found out…eventually…
“What about you two?”--Whirl
“What about us?”--Buddy
Whirl drapes a servo around Buddy’s shoulders, getting an angry look from Rumble.
“You two seem to be attached to the hip ever since Brainstorm brought ya here. Why?”--Whirl
“Whirl don’t tease them.”--Cyclonus
“What do you mean?”--Buddy
Whirl vents dramatically.
“Are you or are you not Junixies with the minicon?”--Whirl
“Whirl!”—Buddy and Rumble
Rumble looks a bit nervous while Buddy is trying to keep their composure.
“We haven’t done that…”--Buddy
“I mean if you want to.”--Rumble
Buddy nearly has whiplash when they turn to Rumble.
Rumble getting even more anxious.
“Spit it out! Or if your too chicken, I’ll just ask them myself.”--Whirl
Rumble looks angrily at Whirl before shouting.
“Rumble… Rumble do you mean that?”--Buddy
Rumble turns to Buddy who looks scared yet hopeful.
“Ye-yeah. If you’d have me?”--Rumble
Buddy lets out an ungodly squeal while hugging Rumble hard and shouting ‘YES!’ over and over again.
“I can’t wait to tell Megatron this!”--Buddy
“I’m right here? And congratulations.”--Megatron
“No, my Megatron, my father. Oh! We would need to do all of this in the base—”--Buddy
“Excuse me what?!”--Rodimus
“We would need to do the ceremony—”--Buddy
“Not that!”--Rodimus
Rodimus pointing at Megatron.
“You’re telling us Megs is your father?!”--Rodimus
Swerve in the background playing a Murray clip ‘You are the father’.
Megatron exe. Needs to reboot please try again later.
He is about to ask more about this when Brainstorm comms in saying the portal was back open but wasn’t going to be for long.
Buddy quickly grabbed Rumble, shook some servos, and added a hug here and there before sprinting to the lab.
The others followed suite.
They made it just in time.
“I know this isn’t exactly formal or proper, but the portals about to close, so BYE!”--Buddy
Rumble waving from where he was being carried.
“See ya later losers!”--Rumble
Buddy tightens their grip on Rumble as they jumped into the portal as it closed.
Meanwhile in the Decepticon base…
“What do you mean they dived into the floor?!”--Megatron
“I mean they dived into the floor!”--Starscream
“Status: Unknown. Continue search.”--Soundwave
“They will show up one way or another…”--Megatron
“Please Megatron, they would—”--Starscream
Buddy and Rumble popping above Starscream, properly flattening him.
Muffled screams.
Rumble poking out of Buddy’s arms with servo raised.
“THEY SAID YES!”--Rumble
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