rowlesgonroll-blog · 7 years
Finding it more difficult to maneuver herself so that he would be able to see her fingers if she signed as they walked, Cadence opted for vocalizing her commentary as she eyed all of the dessert options. “Aw, don’t be like that. I hope that they all did decide to come. I saw Octavia earlier and was relieved she was taking a night off work for once. And I’m sure Vano and Stasia will both be on their best behavior. And Orion is never anything less than regal. Stella, too, always looks flawless.” 
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Perhaps it was testament of how petty Nikita Rowle could truly be, but he waited until he had released his sister and she could actually look at him until he rolled his eyes emphatically. And then, because there were just too many people present and signing in such close proximity with so many others made him uncomfortable, he pulled out the fountain pen and miniature notepad in his pocket, scribbling on it rapidly before passing it to Cadence.
                                    And you’re too bloody nice, C. S&S have never behaved in all our lives together and we all know why Onion’s here, just to make people cry with his stench. He paused, then added: It is good to see Octavia though, but fascinating too. Kind of like seeing a giraffe on a farm or a mummy in a river.
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rowlesgonroll-blog · 7 years
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Cadence signed back in turn, grin spreading over her face. Not that bad, right? I know this may not be your kind of thing, but I’m glad you came. It’s good for you to get out of the house. Have you tried the cake?
It’s not a bad party. Worth the effort of putting on a tie if I get to hang out with you. I haven’t run into the rest of the brats yet though, so that could change. Orion could show up and wreck the whole effort. He hadn’t tried the cake yet either, but he figured putting his arm around Cadence’s shoulders and steering her towards the dessert buffet clarified the direction well enough.
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rowlesgonroll-blog · 7 years
“It’s all so romantic, don’t you think? Did you see the fountain? The water has been charmed to flow in the shape of a heart.”
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He couldn’t just not say anything; it was Cadence. An emphatic sigh, all the better to signal his discomfort, and then he signed, pull of his mouth signalling reluctance: It’s cute.
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rowlesgonroll-blog · 7 years
Cadence knew how to appeal to Nikita’s senses. And he would indulge her every now and then. It was nice. Simple. “To you it may be usual, but adding vegetables into the equation of a cake is certainly a new concept for me.” Cadence knew how to sign, but with her hands full and her continually turning her back from her brother, vocalizing her words was easier. Plus she was such a chatterbox even when she signed she tended to talk as well. 
She laughed at her brother, his expression giving away it all as she set the mixing bowl on the counter. “Yes, Andrea likes it. Don’t give me that. It’s not such a bad thing that I want to do things that he’ll like, right?”
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There were notepads littered strategically all over the Rowle estate as well as his own seldom-used flat; Nikita was far too dependent on them for his liking and far too proud to admit it. Besides, toting around paper like an arse was stupid. It was easier this way. It also meant he could lift the fruit bowl on the counter to find one, and tear out a page to chuck a paper ball at the back of Cadence’s head for her attention.
He had already pulled a sharpie out of his pocket while she turned, now he held the notepad up for her to see, words scrawled in large untidy letters: I can teach you potato cake & then you’ll never call it weird. But more on the other thing OK how much do we care about andrea flint now?
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rowlesgonroll-blog · 7 years
R U D E. Stasia made a point of signing every individual letter, ensuring the emphasis did not get lost. I brought you books, though I might just take them home now instead.
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A grin tugged at his mouth, amusement willing to stretch out despite his alleged distance. She was too easy to wind up; possibly the easiest out of all their siblings. You can’t afford to keep my books around, loser. You have too much rubbish for any real human’s living space to survive.
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rowlesgonroll-blog · 7 years
“Aren’t you pleased to see your favourite little sister, Kita?”
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My favourite is Stella.
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rowlesgonroll-blog · 7 years
❝ Smile! It increases your face value. ❞
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rowlesgonroll-blog · 7 years
Nikita suffers from selective mutism, stemming chiefly from extreme social anxiety disorder he suffered from as a child. The anxiety has been managed to a mild case with age, but Nikita (the asshole) uses the mutism as a crutch and therefore, despite having read up on the disease himself, chooses to remains untreated and let others believe it is a permanent condition.
His preferred form of communication is British Sign Language. Him signing and the other person speaking is the easiest means of communication, but if the other person can sign as well, he much prefers conversations entirely in sign. He will write for those who don’t know BSL, however, and carrier a notepad around for the purpose.
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rowlesgonroll-blog · 7 years
          Was it that obvious? Octavia signed, smiling, an eyebrow arched delicately. “Well, then. Zip me up, would you?” With her back facing her brother, a hand rose to pull up her hair.
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A grin lifted the corners of a mouth far more accustomed to amusement or sullenness, an action reserved solely for the few people he liked. Octavia qualified enough. He slid her zip up neatly, waiting until she had turned back to continue their conversation. Where are you going? Hot date with destiny?
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rowlesgonroll-blog · 7 years
❝Are you fucking crazy?❞
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Nikita tilted his head, observing his adopted brother. To another, it would have translated into a half thought; a response started but left incomplete. Between the brothers, it was the start of a standard conversation. Even with the added signs, the look spoke volumes: Ah, the fucking idiot. What do you want?
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rowlesgonroll-blog · 7 years
❝I can recognize a cry for help when I see one.❞
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rowlesgonroll-blog · 7 years
All of her siblings were the best. Cadence insisted that was fact rather than flattery to cater to whomever she was speaking with in any given moment. “Well, I figured the carrot bit. But there are other things, right? There seems to be some kind of nut mixed in?” She was seated on the counter, opening up the drawers to take out a mixing bowl. “Andrea likes carrot cake,” Cadence supplied simply, as if that explained everything.
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Nikita ducked under the counter as Cadence spoke, digging out his favourite cake tin and parchment paper. It had nothing to do with liking Cadence much — although he did; she was far from the worst sibling in the household — and everything to do with how much he liked baking. Already, he was preparing the cake tin in deft, experienced movements before he paused to sign to his sister.
                 Walnuts and cinnamon and vanilla. The rest is the usual. Cream cheese frosting? He paused to bat his lashes mockingly at her explanation, though, a poor imitation as he repeated. Oh, Andrea likes it.
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rowlesgonroll-blog · 7 years
So maybe she had been a little bit loud, overzealous in her request as she was. “Sorry, sorry!” She waved her hands animatedly in front of her. “I just figure that carrot cake may be a bit hard to master since I’m not even entirely sure what it all consists of, and if I’m going to be in the kitchen, it only seems right that you chaperone me. And possibly be the best older brother and show me your skills?”
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Never far from him if it could be helped, Nikita’s frequent smirk slid into place again at his sister’s ( markedly well-placed ) compliment. I am the best older brother, he signed, It’s definitely not Orion. And carrot cake is made of.....carrot. And cinnamon. What are you doing in the kitchen anyway?
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rowlesgonroll-blog · 7 years
❝For heavens sake, stop that screeching.❞
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rowlesgonroll-blog · 7 years
… and you drink a little too much and try a little too hard. And you go home to a cold bed and think, That was fine. And your life is a long line of fine.
Gillian Flynn, Gone Girl (via unsociabledoll)
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rowlesgonroll-blog · 7 years
…she felt so old, so awfully old and worn, and so young all at once, raw as a wound.
Catherynne M. Valente, from Deathless (via luthienne)
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