#mother millie
colourstreakgryffin · 22 days
Moxie and millie + genderfluidy/n who is their adopted imp child platonic headcanons
Haha! Awwww! Let’s gooo~! M&M deserve their own baby! I’ll try my best to handle a Genderfluid coming out and Genderfluids as a whole, please forgive me if I’m handling you wrong. I’m not perfect! As usual… a bit short but I really like this one!
Moxxie and Millie- Appling
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Moxxie is that loving doting father who is so clingy and sobs over his child being so precious. Like Blitzø, he wants to be a better parent than his own so he gives you unconditional love and support, he’ll always listen to you and he’d die to protect you. He never pushes you into anything you don’t want. He takes up a parenting style similar to his late mother
Millie, on the other hand, kinda sticks more to the way she was raised as a country gal but she doesn’t try to parent you like some callous tough southerner or to be like that, she only wants you to be tough enough to handle yourself and protect yourself! She is affectionate and kissy like Moxxie and especially loves giving you piggyback rides!
You are always holding one of their hands; either one, it doesn’t matter. One of your parent is always nearby if the other isn’t. Some days, Millie is with you all day and other days, Moxxie is with you all day! They trade looking after you singlehandedly and guarding you but don’t blame them for being cuddly and snuggly. They LOVE you deeply
Moxxie and Millie are the type of parents to always buy you presents, small or big. Rather you worked for them or not! They love you and they’ll pick up whatever thing they find they think you’ll like. Their spoiling mannerisms grow during your birthday
Moxxie and Millie bring you to get together with your maternal family once a month so you can grow familiar with Millie’s family. You’re always welcomed in with open arms and Sallie Mae adores playing with you, she’ll ask to babysit you at times
However. Never ever suspect you’ll meet your paternal grandfather, both of your parents refuse to let you meet Crimson… just. Nothing more, just that you’ll never know who Crimson is and your parents will actively avoid you being anywhere near that mafia boss
Moxxie doesn’t want you using weapons like guns and knives but Millie wants you to know self-defence so you’re split inbetween both… both knowing self-defence and not knowing self-defence
Moxxie and Millie love to bring you to cafés. Like those cute homely cafés with coffee and pastries. It’s kinda a ritual now, they’ll take you to your favourite and they remember your regular. It’s a great time since it’s a peaceful bonding time of you and your parents
Honestly… people are always surprised when Moxxie or Millie explain that you’re adopted… you look JUST like them. Not even just because you’re a Imp but because you just look like their lovechild
Moxxie and Millie are very accepting parents so when you finally get the courage to come out, the older you get, that you’re genderfluid. They both support you without any problem, and ask your pronouns every day so they can correctly identify you
Millie is more violent with her protectiveness over you than Moxxie is, so if you’re being bullied, both will try to resolve your problem differently and both are equally stubborn. Moxxie will give a big harsh lecture to your harassers whilst Millie will beat them with a inch of their life
Moxxie and Millie have those cute solo parent days with you as well. A mother-child day and a father-child day where both arrange fun events with you. Either way, you’ll come back covered in presents and with your father or mother having the time of his or her life! It’s precious
Moxxie and Millie prefer to leave you at home so you don’t have to see their job, mainly because you’re quite safe when you’re back at home and you don’t spend time around I.M.P, especially around Blitzø and his daughter, Loona since they consider those two bad influences on you
Yeah… Moxxie is also the type of father to cry hysterically when you do anything ‘adult’ since he is watching his precious baby grow up right in front of him. Millie‘s that type of mother to comfort them encourage you to try ‘adult’ things as you grow up, even if both would prefer you to stay as their little appling of their eye
Moxxie and Millie are a mixture of strict and loose. They’ll enforce rules of the house to protect you and ensure you know right from wrong as suspected but as soon as the punishment is over, both Knotlastnames are tackling you to pepper your cute squishy face with all the love their hearts carry for you
Moxxie and Millie are also the type of parents to always invite your friends over, rather you know or not. They like knowing who your friends with and they’ll happy cook for your friends, they’ll happily pick up your friends, they’ll happily chat with your friends. Both of your parents encourage your friends, if you’re happy, they are happy
This beautiful couple really is the best parents in Hell. You’ll grow up loved and cared for in all manners, happy with your gender identity and capable of being a perfectly functional adult!
“Oh, sweetie… you’re not wrong for feeling like this. I understand that you don’t feel like a girl today, but feel like a boy. That’s called being Genderfluid, cakepop. Listen to me, Mama and I will always love you across all the Rings, no matter who you love or what gender you say you are”
“Pumpkin-spice… no, no, no. Do’n ya’ cry now. Papa is so proud of’ou, I’m so proud of’ou, for final’y tellin’ me your feelin’s. I know it’s scary but we’re here for you. You do’nt want to be call’d a boy but a they/them? You’re our precious cinnamon-roll with whatever gender, never forget that”
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myuminji · 2 months
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this certain dynamic abt millywood that goes beyond wolfwood simply yearning for milly—how he deems her as a mother, a lover, an enemy, a friend, a curse, a salvation—how milly becomes a symbol he can't put into a word, and it scares him and he wants to bury himself in it and beg for forgiveness all the same...
wolfwood knowing he has nothing to be forgiven of (that he's a sinful, sinful man) but THE YEARNING FOR ONE. the thought of how getting close to her feels like it'll melt away his 'impurities' (which is him entirely, he'll be GONE), but still clinging to her as both humanity and a heretic icon of worship......
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ladycalleddella · 1 month
If this post hits ___ notes by June 1st, I’ll . . .
50: Draw Sallie May and Mille
100: Draw Angel Dust and Molly
200: Draw Lucifer and a pile of duck things
300: Make fake merch art (edited choice)
400: Draw my Hazbin OC as a request
500: Paint (IRL) a famous painting
600: Do a cover of a Hazbin song *
700: Do a cover of a Helluva song *
800: Do a cover of a Lemon Demon song
900: Do a cover of a Mother Mother or other requested song
1,000+: Start selling painted wooden ducks
* I will set up a poll to pick one
Reblogs are appreciated!
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beautyofthend · 2 years
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2.03 | 4.09
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asoiafarchive · 2 months
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abraincellandahalf · 11 days
now, PERSONALLY, I found Ruby's 40 y/o look believable but that's probably just because my mother is the epitome of the phrase "potrait of everlasting youth" and gets mistaken as being in her early 30s while nearing her 50s so-
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songleap · 10 months
hey gang i think we can talk about the misogyny in warrior cats without defending a character whos ONLY personality trait is "abuses disabled children"
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himboblaze · 3 months
blossomfall being closer to daisy than she was her own mother for as long as she can remember. daisy being there to comfort and reassure her when millie and briarkit got moved to the abandoned twoleg nest as they were sick with greencough. daisy offering to play with blossomkit when she was scolded by millie for playing ‘too rough’ with briarkit, a kit slightly weakened by sickness.
blossomfall, a newly made warrior, beaming with pride as her and bumblestripe watch briarlight finally become a warrior alongside them, her mood only dampening when she sees how hard millie and graystripe are cheering briarlight’s new name. she can’t remember millie cheering that loudly for her and her brother, but she remembers how proud daisy looked. daisy always looks proud when a new apprentice is made a warrior, no matter who that apprentice may be.
blossomfall, a slightly older warrior, being lost in the tunnels under their territory alongside fellow dark forest trainee ivypool. she’s hit in the head by a falling rock as they attempt to traverse the darkness, and briefly, while struggling to maintain consciousness, she’s reminded of a memory from her childhood. bumblekit is there, alongside briarkit of course, but the molly watching them play from afar is.. blurry, non-distinct, ever switching between grey, and pale cream. no matter how hard she tries to focus, that cat stays ever unidentifiable.
blossomfall finding out that, as she’s scolded in front of her peers by her mother for getting lost, this inability to remember whether millie or daisy were more present in her childhood doesn’t bother her as much as it probably should.
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kattahj · 11 months
Thinking of Christopher and Millie, how Millie never wondered what would happen to her after she got too old to be the Goddess, while Christopher honed in on the question and figured out that she would be made a human sacrifice.
Millie had been pampered and spoiled her whole life; she had no reason to doubt that she would be taken care of. Meanwhile, Christopher had been betrayed by his own family and knew damned well that there are people who will think nothing of murdering children for a bit of power.
And as readers, we know that this is true. Millie came to believe it too. Adults really can be horrible.
But there was one thing Millie knew that Christopher didn't, that the readers don't. She knew Mother Proudfoot.
Christopher wasn't wrong to think that adults do atrocious things. But Millie wasn't wrong either, to believe that this particular adult would always take care of her. Because in the end, she did.
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clairedelune-13 · 5 months
Ok, I found a blonde picture of Jenna and now I REALLY think Ruby could be her daughter. 😂
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lord-aldhelm · 6 months
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Aldhelm | The Last Kingdom 5.04 (Part 1)
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radicalredrasp · 1 month
some my ocs meeting orion ig?
Oscuro: Silly hat man probably does orion a good scare, only meeting him in passing. "Sorry boy, i was on my way to watch the northern lights!" and then he just dips.
Nightmare: She really only comes to people to warn them of sum bad thats about to happen to them, but for orion dark just scooped him up without explaining and just takes him on a very impromptu meeting. "were going to visit my mother!! :D"
she genuinely thought he was darks kid
Milly: left alone to watch him during an emergency, Bug panic, she doesnt know how to talk to children.. the most she'll do is turn towards him like "So, h-hows school?" very awkward
Sombra: saw him with dark and- two words, excited uncle. (hes darks uncle) def talking this kids ear off.
Mother universe: Orion is very very very lost. and he meets her. very happy to see him, shes been alone. they chat for a bit. she sets him down to sit, (on a planet with air and practically no noise. and helps him calm down but she just sends him home.
Nyx: Talking with dark when she sees him behind dark. She doesn't like kids. like straight ignores him.
Eve: Doesn't care. not being rude but just straight up thinking
"cool. anyways."
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nemonclature · 2 months
I need Emily Carey in the green fuck you dress time travelling to Emma D'Arcy on Dragonstone just so they can have screaming matches.
Not that I don't love so done, so tired Olivia Cooke and their tragic lesbian telepathy.
But the fire Vs fire of those two would be excellent
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mattzerella-sticks · 2 years
*Pam voice* ...It's the same.
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Supernatural 12x01, Mary watching Dean and Cas /// The Winchesters 1x04, Millie watching John and Carlos
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scredgirl · 1 year
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A Call of Cthulhu party can be a railroad heiress with a mysterious death to solve, an Egyptologist with impeccable knife throwing prowess, an aviator who wants no part in mythos but is doing the work anyway, and the ex girlfriend who is trying to outsteal artefacts from them all.
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Seeing how much Moxxie's mother loved him as a child and how much she tried to keep him away from Crimson's abuse makes me think that if she had lived, she'd love to have Millie, a woman who cares for Moxxie just as much as she does and would do anything to keep him from danger, as a daughter-in-law.
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