#monster prom fanfiction
vanilla0chinchilla · 1 year
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Here it is! The last chapter! How does Vicky react to seeing Zoe's spicy fanart?!
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sleepygraveyard · 3 months
I wanna start writing again but I have a severe case of writers block so please send me requests. The fandoms i’ll write for are marvel, dc, stardew valley, mha , One piece, Monster prom (my favorite franchise literally ever), Obey me, overwatch, greek gods, Hazbin Hotel, or ocs. I’ll write headcanons and one shots.
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kiruamon · 2 years
Would you like to watch the meteor shower with me?
Based on one of the Monster Camp routes, where I failed miserably several times at the end, I wrote a fanfiction. Sooooooo I started to write an Oz x Damien story based on the event where you try to fool Damien's parents into thinking you are in a relationship with their son. Since English is not my native language it will take some time to finish translating the story, but! Since I already translated 8 out of 27 pages, I thought I could at least upload a little sneak peek here on Tumblr. So hopefully you have fun with the first three pages!
I translate most of my texts with the help of DeepL. It is a translation program. Just wanted to let you know. Okay, okay, but now let's start for real!:)
"YOU and ME at the meteor shower? After you've ruined everything? Forget it loser!"
Quite obviously, Damien was still mad at him. It struck him as extremely unfair at that. After all, his angry crush had dragged him into his family affairs and the web of lies that had been created in the process, not the other way around. Oz had certainly never claimed to know anything about neurosurgery.
"You made me look stupid in front of my dads! I had to listen to a hill of questions!"
Oz was relatively sure that Damien didn't mean hill but ton, but refrained from pointing this out to the already upset demon. He should have known it would turn out that way when he asked Damien if they wanted to watch the meteor shower together tomorrow night. Now Oz regretted even more having summoned up his courage to approach his annoyed friend about it. He had hoped that maybe Damien would overlook this one annoyance, especially since they used to have so much fun together the days before here at camp and also at school. Silly hopes, which were now torn apart in the air, like an unwanted love letter. The shadowy monster tried to endure it. Damien, still cursing and angry, circled in front of him, kicking the trunk of a tall tree several times until it finally fell. Oz tried to suppress the trembling of his hands. As it seemed, only he had believed that they had really become friends. But Damien's reaction and words were enough for him to understand how wrong he had been. His little phobias huddled insecurely on his arm and shoulder, watching Damien with a hurt expression on their tiny faces as he gestured furiously with his arms in the air. Oz felt the same way as they did. He dropped his shoulders, his thoughts already about to spiral downward as he gave himself a push. No. No! He couldn't let his head hang down. He had not done anything wrong! And just because he liked Damien - a lot, in fact - he wasn't going to let Damien put all the responsibility on him alone. Enough was enough. And he definitely had enough of it! So the personification of fear mustered his courage a second time that evening to confront his crush. Something he would never have done so directly otherwise.
"D-don't you think lying to your p-parents was n-not exactly the best idea in the first place?" Oz tried to keep his voice steady. So he wouldn't stutter too much. While he didn't completely succeed, at least he got Damien's attention with it. This was probably due to the fact that his words went straight into the other’s head, so he had to listen to him either way. The golden eyes fixed him with a piercing look. Fortunately, Damien's looks weren't deadly. Unlike many other things the demon could do to one. Oz forced himself to keep talking nonetheless. As long as he could before Damien might attack him. "I mean, they w-were incredibly nice, and i-if I'm honest, I didn't like lying t-to them in the first place." His stuttering increased. He could still feel his guilty conscience gnawing at him. While at first they had seemed so intimidating, Damien's fathers had treated him so kindly.... A bone-chilling roar as loud as that of a wild beast abruptly silenced him.
"Uuuuuuuaaargh! Shut up, noob! You have absolutely no idea what it's like to be embarrassed in front of your parents!" In a blind rage and without even thinking for a second about his words, Damien tossed all his frustration at the monster who had so often helped him with his various problems. Oz literally flinched before him. It was as if Damien had just physically punched the lanky monster in the face. There was a pain in the round white eyes of his counterpart that went beyond any physical agony. Damien himself was a little surprised by this, but still far too upset to give it much thought. When the voice of the inconspicuous monster entered his head this time, it sounded very quiet and downright broken.
"T-true. I-I...d-don't know what it's like...t-to have parents," trying to say each word out loud stressed him out horribly and made his chest ache. He would never know what it was like to have parents who loved one, let alone what it felt like to have parents at all. Meeting Damien's parents had been special for Oz. To be accepted by them - even if under false pretenses - and welcomed into their little circle. It was as if he had been allowed to step through a door for a short time to take a look into a world that was normally locked away from him. Oz's phobias became even smaller, some even retreating into his innermost being to escape this conversation. He could no longer manage to look Damien straight in the face. It hurt too much that Damien, of all people, was holding this very thing against him. Oz understood that there was no point in talking to the angry school bully about this any longer. His body was already shaking like crazy. The pressure was too much and would eventually crush him. Somehow, he just managed to utter one last plea before his voice failed him completely. "T-tell them... a-at least... t-that... I'm very s-sorry for... l-lying to them... " As soon as he finished his sentence, Oz disappeared, swallowed by the surrounding shadows.
"Hey! Fuckin' wait!" Too late. By the time Damien broke free of his stupor, it was too late. Oz had made a run for it. The noob could be anywhere now thanks to his stupid shadow teleportation. "Bloody hell!" Damien felt it rumbling inside him. To the feelings of anger and frustration which had burned so brightly until just now, another was being mixed in. One that he felt very, very rarely and that he couldn't stand for the life of him. Remorse. Bitterly it spread in his mouth, ran down his throat and made his guts clench violently. It slammed its nasty, sharp claws, like a mountain lion on the rampage, so deep into his chest that it took away the air he needed to breathe and slowly suffocating all other emotions in him. But it came too late. The damage was already done and Oz was no longer here. "Fuck." Damien didn't know what to do. And this time he couldn't ask Oz to solve his problem for him.
He felt sick. So terribly sick. From the shadows of the surrounding trees, Oz stepped out into the area lit by the campfire. Several of his classmates were fooling around with each other, sitting on logs around the warmth-giving fire. They were drinking, making plans for tomorrow, eating s'mores, laughing, and arguing with each other or trying to win the attention of those to which their hearts belonged. Oz didn't feel like joining them. Not after what had happened. He barely managed to keep himself on his feet. With some difficulty he forced himself to walk upright, past the others. He only took a quick glance at the faces of the gathered monsters. Of course, his friends noticed him. He waved at them weakly, and with a small gesture of his hands, told them he was going to lie down for the day, before stumbling hastily over to the tents. It took him two tries to grab the zipper of his tent without it slipping out of his fingers again since they were shaking so badly. When he finally opened it and crawled inside, this time, thankfully, one of his little phobias closed the entrance of the lemon yellow tent for him. Without changing clothes or anything, completely exhausted, Oz dropped onto the camping mat lying on the ground, which provided some comfort with a pillow and a blanket. Logophobia and Algophobia helped him out of his shoes, which fell dully to the ground at the foot of the mat. The little phobias then moved up his legs, over his side to his shoulder where they snuggled close to his neck with a soft sniff. His fingers instinctively reached for his yellow, gray and white striped, cuddly blanket under which he disappeared completely moments later - as if he could shield himself from the rest of the world like this. He wanted to see no one now, hear no one and talk no more. There was no strength or will in him to do so. Instead, he was letting free the long overdue tears he held back since his conversation with Damien. As well as the disappointment, which had hit him like a bullet in the heart when he realized how little he must mean to the horned demon. Admitting this to himself still hurt like crazy. Worse than any pain he had ever felt in all the billions of years since his existence. Falling into a lava pit was laughable in comparison. Not that he felt like laughing. He pulled the cloth even tighter around him and his little phobias. Seeking for a bit of comfort, the personification of fear bent his knees close to his chest, wrapped his long, slender arms around his legs and tried somehow to become as small as possible in his current form.
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trashcornertully · 8 months
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Three spooky gals who are friends.
More of my idle musings about my she/her Brian AU: Vicky and Zoe are the ones who helped her figure it out. Fanlore (and Monster Prom spoilers) under the cut!
Brian was never been much of a highly emotional or philosophical type. So when he started questioning his gender, it was a shock to him that it was something he actually felt very strongly about. He confided in Vicky first of all, who suggested they talk to Zoe.
Whereas Zoe felt very sure of what she was and wanted to be, very shortly after she was summoned, Brian wasn't exactly sure what it was he wanted. Where Zoe had struggled with acceptance from others, Brian didn't seem as concerned about that, but wanted to make sure he did the right thing for himself.
Fast forward and Brian is happier than she's ever been. Ostensibly she's still her same old chill self, with a bottomless appetite and all-or-nothing energy, but she feels like she finally solved an issue that had been sitting just under the surface her whole undeath, and she's grateful to her two best friends for showing her the way.
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tatertotsafterdark · 8 months
Marking - Scott Howl x Reader
|| Being a struggling college student sucks. Luckily, your werewolf boyfriend doesn't mind helping you de-stress - even if he gets a little too into it.
Word count: 1k
Author’s note: IK I switched this fic from what was planned at the last minute but shhhhh... tried to put some characteristics of the Monster Prom writing style but I don't know how successful that was. Based mainly off the first Monster Prom game. (Ignore how the gif is monster roadtrip okay byeeee have fun reading or don't)
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Midterms, midterms, midterms. Jesus fucking Christ. That’s all your life has been for the last few weeks, working on gradually revising your notes and studying for those God forsaken tests, worth a part of your grade that’s way too big. You slam your flat palms onto the desk in your small apartment, giving it a good couple of smacks. You’re frustrated, unable to grasp the topic you’re reading through. Why the hell did you have to take a math class? You hated math. Your major didn’t really use math, either. 
You groan as you hear a knock at the door, lifting yourself on to tired legs. Who visits this late at night, especially when you have a giant sign on your apartment door labeled “DON’T DEAD OPEN INSIDE?” You’d think by now people would catch on to your witty ideas of decoration and lack of availability. Maybe studying for midterms wouldn’t be so hard if you’d stop making interior design into your impromptu passion. 
Your hand quickly twists the knob, without giving much thought to check if there was some kind of evil monster or a serial killer or a Jehovah Witness outside of your door. Luckily, it’s none of those - it’s Scott! You manage a smile as his tail wags, and step aside, nonverbally inviting him inside. You can do that since he’s not a vampire. He quickly enters, wrapping his muscular arms around you.
“Dude, where have you been?!” He yells out, a large and toothy smile plastered on his face. You can practically hear his tail wagging, and you can definitely hear it hitting into his backside as it wags. 
“Studying.” You reply, returning the hug weakly and shuffling back over to the living room, lit only by a singular lamp (setting the aesthetic is an important part of studying, after all). You didn’t realize it until now, but your desk was piled with sticky notes, flashcards, notebooks, highlighters, pens in every color under the sun, and empty energy drink cans.
“Studying? Who even studies anymore?” Scott cocks his head, making that stupid-yet-so-damn-cute face at you like he always did when he was questioning your totally normal decisions. 
“I mean, c’mon, when was the last time you got some sun, bro? Your curtains are never open.” Scott says, a small pout on his lips as he looks down at you. You opt to ignore the comment about your currents, and instead huff and walk over to your desk.
“It doesn’t matter when I last left my apartment or opened the windows or anything like that. What’s important right now is that I teach myself everything my professor has been trying to teach us for the past few weeks.” Your ass hits the office chair a bit hard, which sends it backwards. The back of your chair hits Scott’s front, stopping it in its place. 
“You haven’t even showed up to the gym recently! You’re not getting any exercise.”
“I’m not interested in exercising. I want to pass these dumbass exams, Scott. Plus, there isn’t an exercise in the world that I actually like.” 
“Yes there is, bro, you know that.” 
“Great, Scott, then go ahead and tell me because you definitely know me better than I know myself.” You roll your eyes, and the action could probably be heard just off of the nasty tone you dip down into using. Swapping sleep for caffeine isn’t good for your mood, note to self. 
“Well, Polly says that sex burns calories, so therefore, it’s exercise.” 
You freeze up for a moment, thinking about the implications of the sentence that just slipped out of Scott’s lips. Was he implying that you two-? 
Before you can think much longer, one of Scott’s large hands is slowly massaging your chest, and the other is in between your thighs. He may be a bit academically challenged, but at least he wouldn’t be totally lost in an anatomy class. You can’t help but lean into the touch. It’d been ages since you’d gotten any action, even before you started obsessing over getting good grades on your midterms. Scott’s large fingers rubbing slow circles over your clit is enough to melt your brain, getting it off of finding derivatives, even if it was only for a temporary amount of time. 
“Shit- don’t stop- please.” You manage to get your voice to work in between pathetic squeaks and whimpers, and Scott simply speeds up in response to your words. You close your eyes, soaking in the much needed feeling of human contact. Two of Scott’s fingers find their way to the hard bud that’s developed under your shirt, gently twisting and pinching it as your moans get louder.
He buries his head into the crook of your neck, and before long, you feel fangs on the tender flesh. Love bites are completely welcome, of course, so you don’t complain. You run your fingers through his hair as he finishes you off, giving you much needed release without so much as undressing you.
“There, bro! Now you’ve got your daily workout in. Your studying is going to be way easier now.” Scott says with a proud smile, turning your office chair around to face him. The way his face drops, you can tell he’s totally marked up your entire neck to the point even a turtleneck wouldn’t be enough to hide it. Oh, shit. 
“Well… a workout is exactly what I needed. Thanks, bro.”
“Anytime, dude! Just, uh, make sure you have that color corrector stuff you were talking about the one time.” Scott laughs, turning on his heel and walking to your kitchen. You rub your fingers over the bite marks, and the fact that they’re indented into your skin is enough to tell you that any amount of color corrector wouldn’t be enough anyway. They trail up to just below your ear, so you’ll just have to hide away in your room and study for a few more days until they fade. 
You take a deep breath, turning away from Scott as he opens your fridge, and picking up one of your colorful pens for the umpteenth time that evening. 
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sweet-sakura-soju · 2 years
Hiya! I hope your doing well! <33
I was wondering maybe if you chould write some headcanons with Oz from monster prom having a short chubbyf! s/o
I was thinking the s/o whould be like a cupid type monster:)
-just like the request is! Oz with a short and chubby f! s/o, w a side of ✨cupid magic✨
a whole lotta corndog shit lmao
as well as fluff, language, and a little bit of body dysphoria at the end!
I FUCKING LOVE THIS OH MY FOG SJFNSNFNSNGN THANK YOU FOR REQUESTING THIS I LITERALLY SCREECHED WHEN I- Anyways!! Yes!! Thank you!! Here you go!! (I also added some general oz in a relationship headcannons, I hope you don’t mind!!)
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let’s go
He initially convinced himself that he just thought you were really cool
Or maybe that you accidentally spelled him
Became friends with you to make it easier on himself (and to get rid of the weird butterflies in his stomach)
And by him I mean Polly saw you and immediately swooped you into the friend group
When he first realized he liked you, he immediately was like “ah shit how do I fix this-“
Psyched himself out of asking you out, in his eyes you were (and still are) an angel sent from the heavens and is absolutely infatuated by your entire existence, he really has loved you since day one
Eventually asked you out. (Brian coerced him into doing so, Vera and Polly helped him gain confidence)
He is absolutely OBSESSED w the fact that you got your lil love magic it’s adorable
“Babe can you use it on me?”
“You already love me silly”
“Okay and?”
Insists that when you two are cuddling his head is resting on your lap and refuses to move
“Oz honey pls I need to go to class”
“mphfrmhumph. mrphnphafump.” -Oz, using your thighs as pillows
He’s not very confrontational in a direct way but if anyone dares to make a negative comment on your body
Listen man he’s an ageless deity made from others fear, do I need to go into detail?
He has all of your measurements memorized so when he’s out shopping he can swing by your favorite store and pick out anything he thinks you’d like
“Oz. This is the third time this-“
“Do you want me to re-“
“No shut up I love it”
His love language is all of the above, but he mainly loves giving you gifts and physical touch. He’s more subtle about it in public, linking pinkies, one hand on the small of your back, having his body turned towards you, etc.
Oh duh and resting his chin on your head bc awww you’re so short
Behind closed doors he’s a lot more affectionate
Always touching you. Can’t keep his hands to himself.
Arms fully around your waist, shoulder, tucking his face into the crook of your neck, kisses e v e r y w h e r e
You literally need to pry him off of you
Don’t get me started on his little shadows/phobias
One time they tried to spook you pre-relationship
You put a love spell on them (with his consent ofc)
It backfired. They’re absolutely obsessed with you. They love you. Arguably more than Oz.
He’d fight them for you. He means that. I mean that. It’s a well-known fact.
He’ll lend you his hoodies if you’re into that sort of thing, they fit almost perfectly if you’re stealing one of the ones that are his size
If you like big hoodies he will deliberately go out and get hoodies that are bigger than what he prefers specifically for you to steal
Acts annoyed bc he knows you love it
He can also read you like a BOOK. It’s almost unnerving
“..[y/n] why are you so anxious?? Can I help??”
He saw you blink in an abnormal way
He also understands what it’s like to be insecure about certain parts of himself so if/when he finds out you’re feeling insecure he unlocks his full boyfriend potential
His love and affection borderline competes w Scott’s
intense loving™
On the really bad days he’ll go out of his way to attempt to make you see yourself the way he sees you
Every part of you is perfect in his eyes
And he means that every time he says it
“[y/n], love spell or not, you’re flawless in my eyes. I’m in love with every part of you, even on the days that you don’t show yourself the love I have for you. Why would the person that’s supposed to make others have unconditional love for each other be any less worthy of love from themself?”
All of his awkward and dorkiness aside, he’s really just out here trying to be the best monster he can be for you, through thick and thin.
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A/N #2-
I went a little overboard, sorry!! I hope this is what you were thinking of when you requested! I had a lot of fun writing this, so thank you for requesting!
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terrencemcterrence · 8 months
So, two things,
Yesterday I released another Sawyer/Milo fic, because I had three fics in the vault and forgot about them until just then and this one won the D3 roll (the other two shall be released within the month in due time)
Starting NOW and going through hopefully every day this month, I will be releasing a 300-or-so-word thing of smut with kinks generated from Aroceu.com.
Thanks to @trashcornertully for giving me the idea of this, doing one of these things has been on my writing bucket list ever since I got started goddamnit WOOOOOOOOOO
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pillowdrawz · 2 years
Making More monster Prom Crossover this time with Hazbin Hotel
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Note: This is for my Own Enjoyment i just post this to share and So I don't erase my drawings.
Lucien and Lucifer are brothers but Lucifer is adapted. They visit in Lucifers hell lets just say there are two types of hell like Lucifer where sinners are still like in a law and Lucien and Stan's hell they Make people Sinners and Demons suffer straight up suffer.
Lucien: My Brother Lucifer Is also a ruler of hell.
Stan: isn't he like a Falen angel?
Lucien:....he's adopted.
I mean common Lucien and Stan go to rule 8 circles of hell together so i think Imo they are more stronger.
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blahpanblah · 9 months
A fic I made for Glitch x Miranda fans out there. In which case if your a fan of the ship, in that case it’s just for me.
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tiredkirisimp · 2 years
ITS SCOTT HOWLS BIRTHDAY! I LOVE THIS BOY SO MUCH, HAPPY BIRTHDAY SCOTT!! This man has helped me through so much and when i say he is one of the reasons i am still here today i am not exaggerating. He means so much to me (the whole franchise does but him more specifically).
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Fandom: Monster Prom (Visual Novel) Rating: General Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Characters: Susanne (Monster Prom), Scott Howl, Red | Amira (Monster Prom), Polly Geist Series: Part 26 of Domaystic 2023 <3
Susanne is sent to the roof to rescue Scott, who is howling at the full moon despite the thunderstorm outside.
@domaystic​ 2023 prompt 26: Sounds from Above
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kujiua-kun · 2 years
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I realized there isn't a lot of Scott x Liam content, so I took it upon myself to help with that, cause I love a good Dork x Jock ship!
Also, my first time writing a werewolf character/heat so go easy on me!
Rating:: 18+ // Explicit
Fandom:: Monster Prom
Themes/Kinks:: Heat // Cycle . Pet Names . Knotting
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Scott was acting stranger than usual, he constantly fidgeted at his desk, tapping his leg, chewing his pens, and whimpering...
Okay, these are things Scott normally did, but he was doing them much more frequently. The only one who seemed to notice this change from the norm was Liam. While he was curious, he didn't bother asking the werewolf what was wrong, cause showing basic concern for your friends is way too mainstream. It wasn't until lunch that  Liam got the answers out of him.
"Hey, Liam! Could you maybe call me a 'Good Boy'?"
Liam froze and looked up from his phone at the much bigger, and visibly worried, Scott.
"And for what reason would I call you that?" Liam asked with raised brows.
Scott's whimpers from earlier returned this time much louder.
"Bro, it's serious! Like, Really, really serious! Ultra serious!" Scott said his face becoming more and more panicked.
"I've had this weird...'feeling' all day like I haven't been a good boy! My heart’s been racing, my body feels hot, and I  had sweat dripping down my forehead all class today! Sweat!"
He sounded real anxious about that last part.
"Oh man, what if I'm cursed!" Scott yelled out.
Liam scoffed and cocked his eyebrow. To him, this didn't sound like a curse. It sounded like the basic signs of werewolf heat. 
Liam wondered why he was freaking out, shouldn't he have learned about this?
Then he remembered Scott didn't have parents, and he highly doubted, Scott's grandma was sexually active enough to warn him about it.
The only reason Liam knew this was cause of his "Monsters Culture" studies. 
And if there's one thing he knew, it's that werewolves can get pretty fucking violent if they're in heat for too long.
Personally, he always thought that was a harmful stereotype, but not wanting to risk anything, neither the School's mortality rate increasing nor Scott's oblivious Innocence, Liam played along.
" Maybe you are? luckily I'm a connoisseur of curses," 
Scott didn't know what that meant, but Liam used a big word, so that must mean he knows something! 
"Now Scott, has your Libido been more active?"
The jock's eyes began to stare off into space as he attempted to pronounce the word.
Sometimes Liam forgot Scott was...kinda dumb.
"Let me put this in words you can understand, Have you been hornier lately?" 
A bit of blush appeared on the werewolf's face.
"Uh yeah, I think so..." He replied sounding embarrassed and confused.
"This is serious!" Liam gave a fake shocked expression.
"Scott you're cursed! And the only way to fix it is for me to call you a 'good boy'."
Scott paced for a bit and yelled.
"Dude! Please help get rid of this! Call me a 'good boy', please! Pllllease!" 
Liam chuckled, Scott was weirdly cute when he begged!
"Ah-ah," The vampire tsked
"You have to earn it, or else it won't count." He smirked up at the jock.
"Ok, how do I earn it !?"
Liam didn't say anything he simply grabbed Scott's hand and led him to an empty class. Perfect!
Once they got inside, Liam sat Scott down on a desk and started taking off the taller boy's pants.
"Uh, what are you doing?" Scott asked his head cocked.
"We have to perform a very precise ritual," The purple male said as he got Scott down to his boxers.
"If done correctly you'll earn the title of 'Good Boy' and be free from this curse!" He said as he pulled Scott's boxers down revealing his sheath.
Scott stared down at himself.
"What am I supposed to-" Scott let out a deep moan as Liam slowly massaged his sack.
"Sshhh" The vampire softly whispered, still massaging the wolf.
"Just relax."
 Soon enough his cock slowly un-sheathed itself.
Liam looked up into Scott's eyes, they were filled with lust. The smaller boy couldn't help but smile.
Soon enough, Liam pulled the tip into his mouth.
It didn't take long before Scott was moaning loudly.
"Oooh!" Scott moaned through clenched teeth.
Liam continued with his job. Slowly, he pushed down onto his cock.
Scott arched his back at the feeling. He'd never been touched like this before! His entire body felt hot and free.
He'd never done this before, but something was telling him to grab Liam's hair, so he did!
He grabbed onto Liam's bun and forced him down further. 
Liam felt the large cock slide down farther and deeper into his throat. While he was giving into the conventional idea of Vampires being good at head. He didn't care!
He felt himself about to go crazy, and honestly part of him wanted to give in but he knew what needed to be done. 
He slowly slid off the bigger man's cock, with a loud sloppy *Plop*.
Before Scott could say anything, Liam got up and stripped down his pants.
The werewolf sat and blushed, seeing the other man strip.
When Liam finished he leaned onto a desk, presenting his ass.
Scott stared for a bit before he finally understood what he was supposed to do.
He said out loud as he got up and stood behind Liam.
Scott wrapped his hand around the purple boy's waist while using the other to line himself up.
Soon enough he pushed inside Liam, moaning as he closed his eyes.
He thrust his hips forward, gaining a small moan from Liam.
"Faster!" The smaller boy commanded, not even looking back.
Scott complied, he went faster, and his movement became sporadic.
As his thrusts grew erratic his grip on Liam tightened, his claws digging into his purple skin.
The jock's thrusts were almost painful but it felt amazing.
"Yes!" Liam screamed.
Scott kept going, each thrust growing rougher with each passing second, but he slowed down a bit after a while.
Liam turned around to ask what was wrong. That's when he felt it, Scott's knot slowly but surely making its way inside him.
Scott moaned loudly when he finally connected, his fingers dug into the other’s sides, causing a few bruises to form.
His pace quickened and he thrusted harder with each passing second.
"Yeah!" Liam shouted excitedly.
Scott was now on fire, Thankfully not literally this time, he was ready to cum.
With one final thrust, his knot shot past Liam's prostate and he came inside.
Liam felt every drop of cum spill into him and smiled as he held back his orgasm.
Scott collapsed onto his back, panting heavily against his purple skin.
After a couple of minutes of silence, Liam spoke up.
"Good boy!" He turned and petted Scott's head.
Scott turned and smiled at the pet name.
"But you're still cursed!"
Liam smirked, if there's one other thing he knew about heat, it's that they don't just go away after one fuck session.
"Oh well, looks like we'll have to try again."
Scott took a deep breath and smiled.
"Alright, anything to be a 'Good boy'!"
This was going to be a fun week for both of them!
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sleepygraveyard · 2 months
Got any rules of who you writing for and what not?
Just asking before I make request
I have a post on my account about what fandoms I write for, I'll only write for characters that are 18 or older and I write male or gender neutral reader if it's an x reader request. If you want to make a request by Dming me to see if I'll write it go ahead :D
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kiruamon · 2 years
I've done it! The full story is now officially on AO3 to read!:D Took a little while for the invite to arrive, but it gave me time to read over everything again. Thanks for your patience! And I wish you lots of fun reading.
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trashcornertully · 22 days
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Monster Prom/Evangelion cosplays
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aberix · 7 months
⛌ F A N D O M S
⛌ G A M E S
Genshin Impact
Tears of Themis
Monster Prom
Monster Camp
Hatsune Miku: Colorful Stage!
Twisted Wonderland
Persona 5 Royal
Persona 4 Golden
Persona 3 Reload
⛌ A N I M E
Death Note
Devilman Crybaby
One Piece
⛌ S H O W S
Criminal Minds
House MD
Sometimes I MIGHT write about a character from a FANDOM that is NOT on this list, if I do I will then add the FANDOM that its from. You MAY ask if I can write for a FANDOM that is NOT on this LIST. I'll say YES or NO if I can write for said FANDOM.
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