#modern AUs
toxictoxicities · 4 months
14 for ask game
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HAHA I am literally making one! As Emergence is off the string it's also the progression of modernizing though lowkey I reckon they're all already somewhat modern in a way. The ancients have drip after all
I think it's fun and I get to open the entire range on how I design my iterators, upgrade them with the ability to eat and all that jazz- experiencing life which is the whole point of Emergence! My lil robos get to be happy with living <3
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very fun
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hold-me-witcher · 6 months
Yesterday someone was asking me about my fanfiction, and I was explaining that I really like The Witcher fandom right now. He asked if I had read the books or played the game and I said no and he said he's only played the game. I asked him if he liked it and he said the only thing he remembered is Vessemir finding a note from Yennefer to Geralt talking about having sex on a unicorn. I then told him that in modern AUs for that specific reason people will often give Yennefer a unicorn horn dildo.
I love educating people on fandom.
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thewingedstag · 8 months
And for the four Bishops in your Modern AU?
Shamura is 33yrs old, they're married to clauneck and have one kid with him, they're a forensic psychologist and works with criminals in a local jail. They're calm, soft spoken and read people like an open book, they work with all sorts of people, but their main patients are Fox, Narinder and lamb
Kallamar is 30yrs old, he's A surgeon and very good with patients, he's anxious as hell, he worked hard to be where he is right now, he may or may not be dating one of his nurses
Narinder is the middle child, he's 27yrs old, and in jail, he's a drug addict, and probably dealer, he's the quiet type and annoyed by fellow inmates. not only does he have a history with drugs but he's also a murderer, he killed his wife, especially troubling knowing he had kids.
Heket is 23, she lives on the fam's ranch, living there with her younger brother and gf, she loves the hard work the farm makes and would give anything for the place
Leshy is the youngest, 16yrs old and still in highschool, he gets bullied a lot, he's struggling to stay alive in school, Heket tries to support him but she simply doesn't have time. Leshy is trying to graduate and get a degree in biology.
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fizzigigsimmer · 1 year
Modern Au. Steve spends that summer watching Billy Hargrove. It starts when Billy gets a job at the pool, and Steve is worried about him giving the kids a hard time, Max and her friends especially. But to his surprise, Billy doesn't pay the party much mind and he seems to be a big hit with the younger kids. At first he thinks it's in order to flirt with their big sisters and the moms, but no. Billy's just good with them, and then Steve learns that Billy teaches their swim classes and it kind of blows his mind a little. He struggles to picture it but there's no mistaking Billy's name listed as Swim Instructor on the flyer on the bulletin board.
Billy makes a friend that summer. He and Heather are the type of besties that just amp each other up. When they're together they just keep getting progressively louder and sillier with their antics the longer they're in the same space, until they dissolve into full blown hysterics. He's talking wheezing snotty laughter. Kill me now for it hurts to breathe laughter.
Steve kind of gets it because he and Robin are like that and quickly becoming the best part of each other's lives. But he is wary of the whole Billy &Heather thing. A little enthralled too maybe, because Hargrove is so different with Heather than he is with anyone else. In the corners of that bright smile and veracious laughter he keeps looking for the guy who used to shove him around on the court and broke a plate over his head once. But he keeps finding new versions of Billy instead. Sitting in a booth at Scoops, grinning teeth and rosey lips licking up drippy vanilla ice cream in the aftermath of an assault with an ice cream cone that ends with him and Heather taking a selfie instead of violence.
It puzzles Steve. Irritates him for reasons he can't quite understand and that Robin is tired of hearing about. He's not upset that Billy found a friend - a real friend and not the popular crowd that had propped him up on the abdicated throne - it was just simpler, somehow, when Billy was an asshole who didn't make them. Steve didn't have to think about Billy's (or himself thinking about Billy) when Billy was just some jerk.
Steve spends so much time looking at Billy Hargrove, but it's not until the lifeguards at the Hawkins Community Pool upload a TikTok that he finally realizes why. It's captioned 'We're ready to back you up Adele!' And features Billy and Heather front and center, the unapologetic ring leaders of this circus act full of flapping arms and legs and wagging butts.
The thing is, Billy looks good. A smile in his eyes even as he pretends at seriousness, smooth movements juxtaposed against the goofy flailing of this peers, broad hands slapping thick thighs, the tip of his tongue resting in the corner of this mouth turning his grin just a little bit wicked as he and Heather turn and shake their assess for the camera to the delight of the others.
Steve's face goes hot at the way his dick twitches in interest. 'Oh' he thinks for the first time. He wouldn't have thought anything about it at all, watching Heather dance that way in her red bathing suit. But Steve's eyes aren't on her; they're where they've been all summer long. With Billy.
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phoenixyfriend · 2 years
One of those "my soulmate is a celebrity" AUs for CodyWan.
Option 1: Delivered pizza to a guy. Accidentally saved his life by the coincidence of being there. Got taken out for a nice dinner as a thank you. Now I'm in his bed and have a ring on my finger?
(This was the point at which I realized that I'd kind of done celeb/rando CodyWan with the clay dragons AU but anyway.)
Option 2: Cody's got a middle-schooler (idk Wooley? Boba?) that goes to the same grade as Obi-Wan's middle-schooler (Ahsoka), and they got into a bit of a dustup so the parents/guardians had to be called in.
The kids are horrified to see their guardians ask each other out.
Cody's some big hotshot celebrity (we'll with the easy option, actor), and Obi-Wan's family is all hippies and any generational wealth is with Grandpa Dooku over in Austria or something, and he will pay for Ahsoka to go to this fancy private school only so long as she gets a B+ at minimum in all her classes.
Obi-Wan is just. Some guy.
Who's usually very put together but this time he came in a rush and there's still dirt under his nails.
There's something? In his hair? That might be alive?
Option 3: The classic! Celebrity has a timer soulmark that is counting down to first meeting, leaves the house to shake out the nerves and goes to the nearest bakery, whoops the person ringing them up also just had their timer hit zero, you're soulmates.
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masterjedilenawrites · 4 months
👥 My OCs 👥 [Master List]
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Open to reading about original/non-canon characters? This list will link to stories, headcanons, and blurbs where I've shared about my dearly beloved OCs.
Check out other master lists here.
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⛑ Dr. Joan Vo
A civilian medic during the clone wars. Worked with the 116th. Eventual love interest of Crosshair.
Story: The Sniper & the Medic
One Shot: How she joins the 116th battalion
Art: Picrew of how I picture her
If she were a shoe / If she were a setting / Something you'd immediately notice about her vs later
Her voice / Where she grew up / Her ideal weapon
Most important thing / Her hobby / Her Starbucks order
Her core wound / What she'd do at a party / Her signature color palette
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🐦‍⬛ Commander Crowe & the 116th
A regular infantry battalion during the clone wars. Led by General Rhee. Tragic ending.
Additional troopers: Captain Civic, R.J. (pilot), Diver (co-pilot), Breeze, Mack, Coma, Commander Falcon (leads the 115th, Crowe's bestie)
One Shot: Introduction to Crowe & the 116th battalion
Quick Crowe HCs
More Crowe HCs & profile pic
Chapter: Their tragic end
If he were a shoe / If he were a setting / Something you'd immediately notice about him vs later
His favorite book / My favorite trait of his / His weakness
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💟 Jedi General Rhee Cthedsard
A Jedi Knight during the clone wars. Trained under Mace Windu and led the 116th. Tragic ending.
Initial development of his character
One Shot: Introduction to Rhee & the 116th
If he were a shoe / If he were a setting / Something you'd immediately notice about him vs later
His voice / Where he grew up / His ideal weapon
His core wound / What he'd do at a party / His signature color palette
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⚽️ Bethany Batch
Single adoptive mom of the Bad Batch in a modern AU. Eventual relationship with a clone I have yet to reveal.
The Batch Family Master List
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✂️ Scraps
A defective clone meant to work with the Bad Batch. Tragic ending.
Brief mention in The Sniper & the Medic
His favorite book / My favorite trait of his / His weakness
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✈️ Kohl Morley
An Imperial pilot. Trained (unwillingly) by Reader character. Tragic past which leads to complicated connection with Reader.
First appearance in Broken Wings (unnamed - he's the "soft spoken one")
His favorite book / My favorite trait of his / His weakness
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🪐 Unpublished "Rebel Girl" characters
Jetstream / JJ-505: An Imperial Elite Trooper. Birth name and home world have been long forgotten. Raised an orphan and conscripted as a stormtrooper from a very young age. Partial to using jetpacks and rifle weapons in battle.
Luche Race: An Imperial Special Forces Command Officer. Assigned to Mission Command for the Elite Trooper Program, overseeing the soldier JJ-505. Born and raised on Pantora, suspected to be half-Pantoran/half-human. Personal interests include history and architecture.
Kye "KB" Bodalla: A Rebel leader. Born on a cargo ferry and transient thereafter. Worked as a contractor in a variety of fields until turning a blind eye to the atrocities of the Empire was no longer an option. Now leads a band of Rebel Alliance fighters in the mid and outer rims.
The only snippet I've shared so far
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💫 Canon characters from Rebels I gave a name and/or personality to
Valen Rudor/Charlemagne and Supply Master Lyste (S1, E4)
Aresko/Vampire Officer and Mr. Grint (S1, E6)
Gunter (S1, E8)
Konstantine/Mustache Officer (S1, E9)
Konstantine and Yves (S1, E11)
Dave (S1, E15)
Yves and Dave (again), and Tito (S2, E4)
Huey, Louie, Dewey, and Miles (S2, E8)
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🗂️ Misc characters
Natalia Mercer and Sergeant Kieron Beloch, from In Other Words
Suula and Mallona, from Spitting Image
Amara Tilde, Sergeant Lou Mam, and Heva, from Broken Wings
Arden, Commander Burdick, Eva Carroway, and Sadie Amiko, from Blueberries & Cowboys
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ossidae-passeridae · 6 months
question 25!
Question from here
25. What’s your opinion on modern AUs? What makes a good one?
My opinion on modern AUs is very mixed. When they're done well, they can be a fabulous way of examining a character through a different lens, but if they're just dropping a bunch of characters fully formed into a coffeeshop or somesuch, they do less than nothing for me.
I've written one serious modern AU, Six Months In A Leaky Boat, and before I put a single word on the page, I went through all the main and supporting characters and broke down their characterisations in the GFFA to traits, and noted major events in their life that would have shaped them in some way. I then looked at how I could map this onto modern day earth. If I couldn't, then the character couldn't be used. This meant I could stay true to the characters, even through a complete change of context.
Do I expect everyone to do this to write AUs? Absolutely not. I'm much more German structural in my writing process than almost anyone else I know.
But for a modern AU to be "good" to me they really do have to be in very close dialogue with the original text — they need to be a deconstruction and reconstruction both. That's what makes them compelling.
(All opinions expressed above are solely those of pass e. ridae and do not express the views or opinions of any affiliates or associates, passerine or otherwise)
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muchymozzarella · 1 year
"Why do people like modern AUs"
why do you hate fun
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ninereadytoanswer · 6 months
Concept where modern Mo Ran and Chu Wanning started dating not long before COVID, and are still really in the beginning of things when lockdowns etc hit.
Mo Ran realizes with horror that with him and Chu Wanning living separately, yes they can talk, but he won't be able to *touch* Chu Wanning. There is no way he's going to live with that!!
Mo Ran wants to move in with Chu Wanning immediately. Chu Wanning, who canon amounts of struggles with housekeeping etc, is very self conscious about this, and given his issues worried about what will happen if Mo Ran has to see him *all the time*, and asks Mo Ran if he's really sure he wants to deal with all that.
Mo Ran is so sure.
(Cue unexpected-to-him disability support and validation for Chu Wanning!)
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wickedobsessed101 · 2 years
Okay I’m not sure if these even exist but do you know of any fics with an autistic Elphaba? I see so much of my own autism in her, like the last one I also prefer ones set in shiz (or modern au’s!) if not can you recommend any gelphie modern au fics? :D
Sure! I actually found one that fits your autism/Shiz/Modern AU request!
"Her Better Half" by TimeDragonClock DESCRIPTION: A modern AU centered around life at Shiz University. Galinda Upland is cracking under the pressure of maintaining her sophisticated facade. Doesn't she have it all? A doting boyfriend, popularity, parents who want the best for her? Everyone would think she was coping just fine, and she thought she was until she met her roommate, Elphaba Thropp. Elphaba is starting her life over at Shiz, trying to distance herself from her vindictive family and coping with her own problems. Who would think that Elphaba could catch Galinda when she falls and Galinda could soften Elphaba's hard exterior? Read on AO3
And here are some Modern Gelphie AUs:
2. "The Interview" by MyLittleElphie (@mylittleelphie) DESCRIPTION: Glinda has a job interview at a big bank, but somehow luck simply doesn't seem to be on her side. Although she doesn't get the job, the consequences of this one short interview turn out to be more far-reaching than she could possibly have imagined. Modern AU. Gelphie. Read on FF.net and AO3
3. "The Love Club" by Wagyubeefy (@gelphie) DESCRIPTION: Galinda moves into a new apartment with an old friend and four strangers. All of them are interesting, but none more than her new roommate; green, angry, and the future Eminent Thropp. Modern Oz au. Gelphie. Read on FF.net and AO3
4. "Tend The Bar In All The Right Places" by @weaselspeedfanfic DESCRIPTION: Elphaba's a bartender and Galinda's a banker. Really love this fic! Read on Tumblr
I'm always open for Wicked fic recommendations, if anyone else is interested! :-)
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yeehanfrf · 1 year
Week 3 Recs: Right on Time
This week's Yeehan recs were all modern/contemporary AUs. Those fics set in our world and time (or roughly thereabouts) that still include the OTP. Check out the recs gathered from the Yeehan community below, organized by rating then alphabetically by title.
Not Rated
Rootbound by wyntera [WIP; 67,484 words] Reccer comment: "Flower shop au bc yes"
Every plant is unique. They need love and care in the right environment to grow. Give them what they need, and they will flourish.
McCree and Hanzo are a lot like plants. Big, stubborn, root bound plants.
General Audiences
Conflict of Interest by orphan_account [28,222 words] Reccer comment: "Superhero au with a Lois Lane type beat"
“You know, I’ve been wanting to get an interview with you,” Jesse says as Hanzo happens upon another malfunctioning elevator shaft. How is it at all likely that more than one elevator is out of service? When Hanzo levels Jesse with a hard glare, the man keeps talking.   “I’m a reporter.”
Or, the one where Hazno and Genji fight crime, Jesse is a cigar-smoking Lois Lane, and everyone else wonders why they’ve been trapped in a bad comic book.
Teen and Up
Climbing the Walls by robocryptid [22,669 words] Reccer comment: "a social-distancing yeehan fic"
Hanzo and Cole are neighbors who have never met until social distancing forces them to stay in their homes. Neither can see the other's face, but that doesn't stop them from getting to know each other.
Da Capo al Signo by midgetnazgul & temporalSilence [75,482 words] Reccer comment: "an incredibly moving fic featuring musician Hanzo and rancher Cassidy falling in loooove"
In music, da capo al signo tells the performer to start over until they see the sign to move on. Life has its movements, too. Even when we must begin again, signs will appear to remind us that just because we feel we are repeating ourselves, we will not necessarily end in the same terrible place we were before.
It's 2018 and Jesse and Hanzo are both living in Tucson, AZ on second chances. Hanzo is on the cusp of recognition as a musician after his life in Japan is run aground by a devastating accident, and Jesse has chiseled out a life of purpose and achievement after a rough childhood. Together, they will come to understand how misfortune and loneliness can end, giving gifts they would never have found any other way.
Flowers for Assholes by HappyLeech [10,552 words]
Hanzo just wants to close up shop for the night. Jesse just wants to tell his boss where to stick it and quit his job.
Of the Pickle Persuasion by Byacolate and mywordsflyup [14,813 words] Reccer comment: "My favorite food truck au"
Hanzo is convinced that his bento wagon is locked in a corporate deathmatch with the taco truck down the street. Genji just wants to flirt with the produce vendor.
Searching for Game... by AsheRhyder [10,792 words] Reccer comment: "Cute, cute, cute, with fun meta jokes about the game, characters, and community."
Genji wants Cassidy to play the new game he helped develop: Overwatch.
Cassidy just wants his hot upstairs neighbor to stop throwing food at him every time he says "hello".
Shimada Dreams of Sushi by delicaterosebud [24,344 words] Reccer comment: "It's silly, but has the right amount of drama, angst and extremely uncomfortable situations."
As the owner of a mediocre taco shack with tanking reviews and multiple health violations, the last thing that Jesse McCree needs is competition - competition, specifically, from a sushi bar so popular that it drove every other restaurant in the neighborhood out of business.
From the very day that Shimada sushi opened its doors, Jesse had hated that restaurant with a burning passion. ...So how does he end up working for the man who runs it?
To the Great Deep He Goes by westerncibee [53,288 words] Reccer comment: "its been a hot second since ive read this but i remember enjoying this one"
Hanzo accompanies Genji to their new college, and of course Genji would want to room with his friend--leaving Hanzo to deal with a god-forsaken cowboy whose only goal that year was to be Hanzo's friend. And as the cowboy said, "You're stuck with me for the rest of the year." - and a lot can happen in a year.
The Cooking Cowboy by SadakoTetsuwan [WIP; 79,662 words]
It had started simple—he just needed a good recipe for matcha cake to surprise Genji on his birthday, and so he’d started clicking around for tutorials on YouTube.
But now Hanzo is in deep, and is officially part of ‘The Chuckwagon’; the mostly middle-aged, mostly female fan following of YouTube cooking sensation Jesse McCree, the Cooking Cowboy.
How had his life come to this?
School Nights by rebeccastceir [WIP; 45,484 words] Reccer comment: "School teacher au and romance~"
Jesse got so flustered he forgot what he was doing and stuck his hand out. “Jesse. McCree. Jesse McCree. I’m -”
“Hana’s teacher, of course,” Hanzo smiled at him, shaking hands, holding on for a split second longer than necessary. He held his head cocked down, almost shy, but kept looking up from under his long lashes, pretty lips teasing in a grin, and ohhh, Jesse was in so much trouble he ached with it.
“Sorry. You knew that,” Jesse mumbled. Was he red? He felt like he was flaming red. __________
It's the fluffiest, smuttiest, romcom-iest, parent-teacher au we all need and deserve
Shear Bliss by wyntera [12,725 words] Reccer comment: "I think about the way Hanzo's hair is described in this fic all the time"
Sometimes you can't help falling for a handsome face...even if they are holding very sharp objects near your head.
And that's a wrap on Week 3! Thank you to everyone who sent in a recommendation! Keep an eye out for next week's theme: "The Rivalmance," or fics all about the rivals to lovers, enemies to lovers, competitive assholes to lovers of it all.
In the meantime, you can also check out the Week 2 recs here or see the list of past and future themes here!
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since another anon mentioned modern aus, that does kinda have me thinking
could a modern AU apply to any series, regardless of what timeframe it takes place in, or if it takes place in a confirmed timeframe at all? i think it'd be kinda fun to think about
anyways something similar to that anon's femcel grell sutcliff but subspace phighting (i need to ramble about her at some point, i just wanted to put my thoughts here)
Modern AUs apply to everything.
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thewingedstag · 8 months
What are the three bird siblings like in your Modern AU?
Clauneck is abt 28yrs old, he's a really sweet guy and has his own little trinkets shop, something passed down to him from his and his sibling's mother. He's the oldest in the bunch, married to shamura and has a kid with them.
Kudaai is the middle-child he's 18, so much younger than clauneck, and transmasc. After the incident that crippled his and clauneck's sis he ran away, blaming himself for what had happend. Now on the streets, he's a drug addict, struggling, and trying to stay out of prison.
Chemach is the youngest of the bunch, being 17, she's sweet but a little insane, she needs a wheelchair after what happened, she's also scared of kudaai, she lives with Haro but Clauneck got her a Job at his trinket shop, she can't do much since she's still in recovery but she makes little nick-nacks or otherwhise helps around the shop.
Haro is their adoptive Parent, they're a good Ren and do everything for their children. The Birds' biological mother died in mysterious ways, it was when clauneck was about 12, his siblings, being just babies weren't really affected by their mother's death, but clauneck was, he *saw* the crime scene
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feyrianedoesart · 8 months
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Inktober Day 7 - Flannel shirt (prompts list)
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(I would love to hear your explanations in the tags, as always, share to get a larger data pool!)
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maiikawriter · 1 year
Modern AU KakaRin Fics:
Title (rating)(***if incomplete)
Favourite Sweater by kyarajack (Gymnast Rin) (T)
Lesson Learned by Maiika (Yakuza) (M)
(Look.) by bluefisted (M)
Making the First Move by Maiika (College) (T)
Polar Hearts by Kazekage-Namikaze (Office) (w/SasuHina) (K)***
Another High School Story by cg again (coalitiongirl) (w/NaruHina, SasuSaku, ShikaTema, JiraTsu, ShizGen, NejiTen, AsuKure) (T)***
Bruises by Valen_Pine (High School)
College Antics by Valen_Pine (College)
gLee by LilRamenLover (w/NaruSaku, AsuKure) (T)***
Love letters to the wrong address by OliviaStone (w/JiraTsu, ShikaTema, KibaHina, NaruSaku, SasuIno, AsuKure) (T)
Second Chances by enzhe (w/MinaKushi) (T) (Organized Crime)
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