#mixed race problems
chaoticas-hell · 1 year
Ngl I like that Nicky seemingly doesnt speak Spanish (never mentioned in the books and I havent read all the extra content) cause like, I too am a mixed race Mexican-American who doesn't speak Spanish and majority of the mixed race Mexicans I see in media can speak Spanish whereas I can not (my dad tried but my very white mother didnt bother trying to learn the language and my dad gave up)
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boiboiperson · 1 year
Idk if this happens with other mixed-white race people but the most annoying thing to me is when you experience racism for being part poc one moment and the next moment someone calls you white ._.
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frankenbolt · 2 years
“british people aren’t racist--”
I’m going to forcefeed you your own face you ignorant piece of garbage, sit down you don’t know what you’re even talking about.
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newhologram · 2 years
I don’t know how to respond to these kinds of compliments??
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lesbianamalvada · 3 months
tell me why my grandma and mom are talking about how Black people are naturally better at athletics just because Cousin Luke can't keep up in eighth grade basketball.
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rosefulmadness · 5 months
does anyone know how to make dead fried hair get curly again? I'm really regretting those hair straightening chemicals I used as a kid, mixed hair textures are weird af
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lu-dao-writes · 8 months
Some days I think about picking my own Thai name🤔💕. I used to think it was not something I should do even tho I am Thai, but lately since I’ve been here in Thailand and with my family I’ve grown more fond of the idea.
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wyrmbone · 9 months
dear estrella,
its mexican independence day and im teaching myself spanish with every free resource i can find.
i miss you, sweet sister, and wish i could find you and talk to you about everything we’ve been through in the last 13 years since i last saw you. i have spent countless hours searching the web for any trace of you, to no avail. all of the dna testing websites everyone recommends cost money and these days i struggle to feed myself, but i save every penny i can in hopes of someday finding you once again. my white family adopted me and kept me from you, from our father, and now i cant even remember your last name. my mother has been dead for 6 years and our dad never married her so i cant look at marriage records to find you or our other siblings. i hope danny and alejandro and guadalupe are doing well, though all i can remember are first names.
i remember being ten together and drinking chocolate milk with beef tamales sitting in the living room floor of your house, and wishing we could be together more. i have a star shaped hole in my heart and i miss you very much. im so sorry i wasnt able to keep track of your phone number and keep in touch all these years, i had a very hard nine years after i moved out of california and have been struggling to make ends meet as an adult.
i long to know what our abuelo and abuelita were like before they died, and how our father is doing. i dont feel like i truly belong anywhere because of how alienated my white family has made me all these years, but im also scared your family wont accept me either as a trans person. i just hope you understand and are willing to accept me as your brother instead of your sister, at the very least. i will try to ask my grandfather if he remembers our dads last name the next time i call, but hes getting so old, feeble and hard of hearing that im not sure if he’ll remember it. i think its something like garcia, martinez or rodriguez but i cant say for certain. no matter what it is i want to find you.
ive never felt more alone than i do tonight while writing this, but a tiny light of hope flickers in my heart that i might find you in the future.
its mexican independence day and im teaching myself spanish with every free resource i can find in hopes of feeling closer to you, dear sister. i hope someday i can find a place where i feel i truly belong, and i hope you’re there, too.
lo siento mi hermana, i love you.
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thatsleepymermaid · 2 years
I’ve been thinking about that one post I saw on here a year ago that said “if you want (ethnicity/country) representation, then just go watch films by that country” and it’s always gotten on my nerves. I think I realize why. 
I would love to see my own representation. If I saw a film made in the Uttar Pradesh region of India, I would not have representation. They would look sort of look like me sure. But as a biracial Asian-American, I want to see an American film with a Asian American (specifically Indian) character who has struggles unique to what I face here. Not just someone who looks like me if you know what I’m saying.
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pricklymuffinzzzzz · 4 months
Jokes I don’t think are funny,
Jokes about when mixed ppl don’t look mixed
Jokes about how “borderline” or manic someone is acting
Jokes about “the voices”
When someone jokes about how they haven’t eaten all day, like okay??
When someone jokes about another persons mental illness when they haven’t gotten permission.
When someone jokes about wanting to go to a mental hospital, saying “I need the vacation” “silly people vacation” etc, treating it like it’s not severely traumatic. Stop joking about that shit.
Oh and stop fucking joking about having ptsd, it’s not fucking funny, shut the fuck up
I can’t stop anyone from making these jokes but can y’all shut the fuck up sometimes? Like unless you’ve experienced it, when you have the trauma it’s funny. But when you just say that shit for fun it’s so fucking annoying.
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chaoticas-hell · 1 year
I find it hilarious that Nicky is 5'10 bc, and I can say this cause Im Mexican, Mexicans are fucking short dude. I have never met a Mexican taller than 5'7 (I'm 5'11), all my Mexican friend are shorter than 5'5, one literally celebrated reaching 5 ft even. I have to look down at them. Idk why I find this funny, I just do-
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ohdirtyriver · 1 month
something that's really meaningful to me about dead boy detectives is seeing charles as representation of being a multiracial teen in the 80s. it's not a major plot point, but it feels like a relevant undercurrent all throughout his characterization. at least in the US, being mixed race at that time felt like something that no one talked about and that you had to navigate basically on your own. to the degree that it was ever acknowledged, it tended to be about the black/white mixed experience - but i mean, this was a time when i had to suffer through long duk dong as the most visible example of an asian kid in a teen movie, so maybe not getting asian/white rep was a blessing in disguise.
i imagine charles feeling similarly to how i did - that being mixed was something to downplay, a personal family struggle that went on behind the scenes, just one more thing that made you not quite fit in anywhere. i'm super glad that teens today have it different.
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frankenbolt · 2 years
Me: -Dances on beat, pop and locks-
Aunt: Wait...your Mom said you can't dance.
Me: -Still dancing- No, she said I won't dance. If she saw that I like doing it she'd expect it all the time. People expect me to be too white to dance good anyway.
Mum: -enters room-
Me: -immediately stops dancing-
Aunt: You told me she can't dance. She's got some caribbean in her afterall!
Mum: Did I miss it? She never dances around me.
Me: And I like to keep it that way.
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ruthlesslistener · 10 months
Seeing a white person say unironically that PK and WL are colonizers is so fucking telling that they have zero idea of what racism actually is or the implications behind it, they're just parroting the most basic bullshit to look good. Like come the fuck on that take is racist as shit and its not because PK and WL are any less awful than colonizers. It's incorrect at best but genuinely an awful fucking take when parroted for clout bc you dont wanna be seen as problematic
(It's racist bc equating a genocidal god who you have to shred apart with extreme violence in order to have peace with the pain and anger of indigenous people is. Hm. Bad!!! Not to mention the fact that Radi has a very strong Christian angel motif going on and engages in a 'holy crusade' against everyone in Hallownest INCLUDING OTHER INDIGENOUS TRIBES NOT AFFILIATED WITH THE PALE KING like how the actual fuck can you look at her and go 'oh yeah she represents indigenous people because the moths have what look like dreamcatcher motifs with the essence motes' and unironically think you're not being racist. What the actual fuck)
((Double disclaimer: you can actually write a really interesting and nuanced altcanon narrative with this concept but the problem is that almost nobody ever does, they only ever flag it as 'problematic' because they want to look good, not bc they know the implications))
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skygemspeaks · 9 months
I mean this in the best possible way, but i find it fucking hilarious that garp is british and luffy's mexican
Not in a "they're different races" way but more in a "i wonder which of their accents is native to goa" kind of way.
Maybe luffy's is a mix of windmill village and the bandits, while garp's could be from goa kingdom and/or picked up during his years in the marines?
netflix gets bonus points if ace and dragon are also completely different nationalities too
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lenaauhh · 1 year
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Show me what I’m missing 🫢 DM me for my snap. 😏
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