#mitsuba sousuke headcanon
veliamore · 1 year
what he likes most about you
with hanako , kou , mitsuba , teru
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; hanako :
your hands ; it doesn't matter if they're soft or rough , he will hold your hands at any chance. He loves to take your hands into his own , feeling the warmth that transmit against his own cold , lifeless body
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; kou :
your smile : he lives to see you smile at least one time a day. That smile of yours that lights up his day , he's too shy to say it out loud but he wants to be the only reason your cheeks warm up , your eyes close and your teeth show up in a big smile.
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; mitsuba :
the way you listen to him everytime : he loves the fact that he can be his self with you and you'll never ignore him , you will always hear what he has to say , even if it's some insults towards you ; because of his ego he will never admit that he's thankful for everything you do for him.
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; teru :
the way he can tease you easily ; everytime he does some remarks on how pretty / handsome you look today , how good you did in a test , or just flirt with you , you always blush not being able to contain the embarrassment and he loves it. Even if you're on the verge of dying to the amount of compliments he gives you , he'll still call you cute (sadistic ass).
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isimpxiaoooooo · 1 year
Cute pictures of tbhk characters!
Spoilers! ( Manga, etc.)
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dochvada · 11 months
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I just love this au from aidairo because mitsukou has paired costumes, and the puppy Kou literally sometimes wants to eat a mitsuba- bone and it's so damn cute that I'm going to suffocate.. I like to think about how it would be. Well, like..Kou holds back for a very long time and then walks and bites Mitsuba because he smells delicious and he has a very beautiful bone on his head. my hedcanon on the fact that Kou wants to bite/eat what he likes, literally becomes true in this au 😭😭 I wish someone would draw this omg
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zombie-ghost · 8 days
Pride month starts tmr, so here's my lgbtq+ headcanons for the tbhk cast!!
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I'd LOVE to hear you guys lgbtq headcanons (or like headcanons in general) for them + other characters
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ninjagrace · 7 months
mitsukou hc?????
oh MAN let’s do this
mitsuba is a lady gaga fan and kou is a cavetown fan and you can’t convince me otherwise and so they listen to the other’s favorite artists when they’re sad
occasionally they have karaoke battles in mitsuba’s boundary- they both suck but neither will admit it
kou brought a hoodie to school at one point during the winter and forgot it in his homeroom, then came back for it at the end of the day but couldn’t find it. on that same day, mitsuba happened to acquire a new hoodie. he never wears it around kou, though.
whenever there are leftovers that kou makes, after setting some aside for his family he will sometimes bring the extra to school and, during lunch, set it by a nearby mirror, then walk away. not long after, mitsuba snags the food. neither of them say anything about this.
a strange amount of pink stuff has started appearing in kou’s room. if anyone asks about it, kou just brushes it off, saying it’s his new favorite color. mitsuba, on the other hand, occasionally asks shijima for little things, like a bottle of nail polish or a pretty picture or a flower or something, all in a specific shade of light blue.
i can go on and on about this omg
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oh and I almost drowned on the beach and the first thing I thinked of was that it's so kou and mitsuba...
mitsuba quiet on the sand and his stupid boyfriend on the water
and he almost drowned too
(He's certifying if kou is alright at the same time)
((They get ice cream afterwards))
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Mitsuba and Kou definitely watch the "this will make you feel like you're floating" optical illusion videos together
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frogizzhc · 1 year
TBHK Headcanon: Sofa Meme Edition!
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iwannachaebol · 2 months
Asmodeus: Happy Birthday Mitsuba! What's your wish this year?
Mitsuba: I want you out of my life for good.
Asmodeus: Haha, so funny now blow your candles!
Mitsuba:*inside his head as he blows on the candles*I want him dead
This has been my biggest brain rot for the past 2-3 ish years like?????
Y’know how in the tbhk manga Mitsuba’s father is never mentioned ONCE. (Unless something was mentioned after I stopped reading???)
They are kinda similar if you squint 😭😭😭.
Asmo is literally his father. Your honor, he came back with the milk‼️.
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sarcastic-trash · 2 years
TBHK Characters + What I Think They're Insecure Of
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This is strictly headcanons and I'll definitely project onto some characters (I'll give you guys a note of which ones). Nene's and Mitsuba's is canon though with a bit added on.
Yashiro Nene
Her ankles are a canon insecurity but, I also think she'd be insecure of her legs in general - not just her ankles. Her calves, thighs, and ankles are all things she is insecure of herself. At one point I believe she was insecure about having a smaller chest but, she realized that big boobs aren't exactly the norm. All sizes exist.
Yugi Amane - Hanako
Personally I think Hanako has a decent amount of confidence. However, I think he's insecure about his height. He has a crush on Nene as we all know and Nene typically likes taller guys (*cough* Teru *cough*). I think he's always had this insecurity but, it heightened when he saw who Nene liked.
Minamoto Kou
I feel he's insecure about whether he's helpful enough. Let's be honest, Kou looks up to Teru and they do look similar except Kou looks obviously younger. So, I feel Kou is comfortable with his looks enough to not consider himself ugly. I just think he has an insecurity of if he's helpful enough or if he's a good friend.
Mitsuba Sousoke
He was canonically insecure of his personality at one point (pfft same dude) - I believe. I feel like Mitsuba likes how he looks but, is also insecure that he's too "girly". I feel he's fairly confident in his looks other than that. He comes to realize he likes his androgyny.
Yugi Tsukasa
He's actually so hard to think of an insecurity for. If I had to pick one I'd say he's insecure about his clinginess. He seems so careless about how touchy he can be but, I feel secretly he may feel like it's annoying. I don't know - Tsukasa is such a hard character for me to pin point an insecurity for.
[UPDATE: An anonymous user submitted their thoughts on Tsukasa's insecurity. Link here.
Natsuhiko Hyuuga
I feel like he's insecure about being too clingy as well. While he's insecure about that, he's also insecure that if he's too distant people will think he doesn't like them.
Sakura Nanamine
I honestly don't know! I love her character design and everything so it's hard for me to think of anything. I'll say maybe she's insecure about herself in general. It's nothing specific really - she doesn't talk about herself a lot or really talk much at all. Maybe she's not fully confident in how she appears to others - looks or otherwise.
Aoi Akane
She wears a whole ass fake persona so she's probably insecure about her personality. I feel like thats a given. I also think she's insecure about her family and home life - this is definitely projection by the way. Since she wears a fake persona, it makes me think there's stuff at home going on. I know from experience when your going through things you adopt a fake personality to display to others.
She gives me that vibe.
Akane Aoi
I think he's insecure about his self worth (self projection lol) due to multiple rejections over the course of many years. He's had to feel worthless at one point or another. Anyone would have likely felt that way, getting rejection after rejection since their first year of middle school. I think after the whole supernatural bullshit, he was probably insecure about that - given his hatred for supernaturals.
Minamoto Teru
So I saw a headcanon that like Kou and Tiara, he has fangs too. He's just insecure of them and I actually really like that. I also think he's slightly insecure about his own personality as well (self projection except I'm not popular lmao). He's known as Mr. Perfect yet, his personality is so unlikeable? That would make even the most shameless individual insecure.
Yamabuki Lemon
I'm gonna try to think of one for Lemon cause I wanna include him. So, I'd say he's insecure of his interests. Lemon is iconically seen face in his phone - always, without fail. I think him having an insecurity about his interest could explain that and his lack of interaction with others.
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veliamore · 1 year
Can I request hanako, tsukasa, sakura, kou and mitsuba x reader who is calm and can handle things by herself and strong enough to defeat supernaturals
Hope you can do it and take care!!
!! : in this reader is wrote with she / her pronouns but yall can see them with they / them or he /him pronouns as always
a s / o who can handle things by herself
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; hanako :
he's impressed by how calm you are ; there's always something chaotic going on in the school and your calm personality really helps him to relax a bit , though he will try to fluster you just to see your calm act drop off
also the fact that you can handle supernaturals by yourself does really help him , he knows you'll be just fine and doesn't have much to worry about , though at the end he will always check you for some injuries. When he sends Yashiro to destroy the yorishiros he asks you to cover her back
Sometimes he tries to save you and kill off the supernatural before you do and take you in his arms so it can seem like the prince saving the princess kind of scenario ( we all know you'll be the prince and him the princess )
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; kou :
you're like the opposite of him and he adores it ; he loves you and your calm attitude and how it contrasts with his energetic one , you always help him to calm himself down and it works !! Even Teru adores you and always asks you to keep an eye on his brother so that he doesn't get himself in some troubles.
The fact that you can handle supernaturals even if you're not an exorcist amazes him more , he's always shocked to see you fighting bad spirits and looking cool while you do it , though even if he knows that you can handle yourself he tries to protect you anyway
You being this strong makes him overthink about you thinking of him like a weak exorcist , that one day you'll leave for someone better and that can actually protect you without letting you risk ; please give him a kiss and reassure him :((
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; mitsuba :
at first he joked about you " not having feelings " because how can you be so calm ??? When in reality he loves you personality and being around you ; being the third mistery of school and dealing with the broadcasting room members can be quite exhaustive , so when he feels overwhelmed he comes to you for a bit of peace
he wants you to protect him from the supernaturals even if he's literally a school mistery ... but the anxiety of you getting hurt because of him makes his " skill " ( ? ) protect you ; he will start to say how much strong he was for protecting you and such when he was just shitting his pants tbh
Tho of course he doesn't want you to be in danger and will stop you if the enemy looks too much for you
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; mitsuba :
he " lives " to try to piss you off , just like his brother but worse ; sure he loves your behavior but at the end its not really funny for him to see you always calm and collected ; its in his nature to piss off people after all
He wants to see you fighting supernaturals so bad , he'll watch your moves with sparkles in his eyes and when you win he'll hug you and compliment you. Though if he sees you are in difficulty he'll slay the supernatural with a single move and act like nothing happened
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; sakura :
Trust me she loves and adores you so much because of your personality , finally someone who doesn't scream every day and just causes troubles here and there. You're the one she talks to you most , not just because you're her s / o , but because she really loves your company in general
She's not really happy when you fight off supernaturals , you're good and all , and your skills are impressive of course , but she can't help to be a little anxious for you when you come back ; you always have to do a spin in front of her just to see if you you're injured or something
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isimpxiaoooooo · 1 year
Tbhk 𝒞𝒽𝒶𝓇𝒶𝒸𝓉𝑒𝓇𝓈
(How they would react to your confession of your love to them~)
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Sakura would just be the person to ignore you untill she is ready to confront you and accept the fact that you love her~ Sakura: Are you sure?..
You nodded a yes, While she ran away to change the rumors as always.. but she can’t stop thinking about you~ She never knew she had feelings as well for you..
She was confused but deeply in love with your eyes and personality..
When she came back..
Sacker: I—I suppose I- like you too..Would you like or perhaps want to come to my tea party?
You nodded a yes again.. While her face turn red as a tomato..
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Nene - Chan would be the person who goes crazy because you are her first boyfriend/girlfriend and would become a different person like you never met before..
Nene : I— I love you Y/n!~(she said bravely but then turn into pink cheeks as cherry blossoms)
She ran away because she thought you wouldn’t like her because of her fat radish ankles.. So she decided to do exercise and wear different type of pants just to impress you even though you said she was perfect the way she was..
Nene: Does this impresses you?> Your perfect the way you are Nene- Chan~
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Mitsuba would be the person who would tease you a lot— and be sarcastic most of the time in a way on how to express his love to you~ Mitsuba: hA Eheheh hOw dO I eVeR LiKe sOmEoNe LiKe yOu I MEAN I LoVE myself- ❤️
You frowned and walked away until he grabs your arm and—
Mitsuba: Wait—I..don’t want you to leave…
(After hours and hours of talking with him inside of his boundary.. you decided to leave until—
Mitsuba: Can you come— by tomorrow?..
You nodded a yes.. and left— But before you left he was shedding tears typically Mitsuba ~
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Hanako-kun would be person who doesn’t treat you as a queen/king or doesn’t pay attention to you.. But when you ignore you him too.. He’ll be crazy and trying to get your attention again..But deeply in his heart he does care about you.
Hanako-kun : Stop Ignoring Me!!!
You rolled your eyes ..
But he took of his hat as a way to apologize to you... when he was looking at magazines of ladies and not paying attention to you..
Hanako-kun : I’m— sorry Y/n..I didn’t knew that you really liked me..can we start over?.>
Y/n : FiNe !! But you better not look at those magazines!!( you cried a little) But you fell in love with his eyes..when he said—
I am yours truly and please don’t cry—
I’m here by your side~
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Kou would be the opposite of Hanako-kun instead he would treat you as a queen/king and protect from any supernaturals even tho he never defeated one.. He would do anything to make you satisfied..
Kou : Do you want me to bake donuts?
Y/n : No— it’s fine Kou ~ ( he bake them anyways cause.. he wants to see you smile and plus you always loved glazed donuts and on how you kept talking about it with Hanako-kun)
Kou : I—(he got flustered eheh) made donuts just for you Y/n!> Y/n: Yum!! You’re a great cook minamoto!
Kou : Please call me Kou~— Unless if you want me call me by my—
Y/n : Minamoto Kou~ I love you~ You blush a little at his words—
I will protect you! As an exorcist I shall eliminate all evil spirits!! ( He said bravely, but everyone thought he was weird for saying that—gave him the death stare while you gave him a cute smile~)
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Tsukasa would be the person who is confused on what you said to him..
Tsukasa: What’s does “I love you” mean?
(Since, he hasn’t been out in the human world in so long.. he forgot what words meant.. because he was always busy on killing things.. you liked the dark side of him most of the time 🔪)
So you went with him to ask Sakura for advice..
Sakura: “I love you” means that you exchange hearts to one another which also means that you both are soulmates or belonged to each other and would never break that bond of an relationship.
Tsukasa: You mean— on how Mitsuba eats supernaturals?..
Sakura: Well not exact—
(Tsukasa brings out a heart that was filled of blood.. and his hands are covered in red..until—
Tsukasa: Well.. This is my love to you!! Ehehe(He smiles cutely)😈
(You were interested if that was his heart or someone’s else..As you saw him covered in blood again and scaring off the mokkes he reminded you of Hanako—kun and simply you wanted to learn more about Tuskasa~)
FIN ~ <3
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dochvada · 11 months
-which idols are you stan?
Bro.. Yootou and Mitsukou are the best idols.
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ghostscrown · 1 year
You can't tell me they aren't queeplatonics
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the-mei-chan · 11 months
nene is bi. obv likes men, was crushing on Sakura in the 4pm bookstacks arc. shes also trans. she was "brought up as a prince" in one of the aus
kou is bi. had a crush on nene. gets flustered by hanako and mitsuba at multiple points. called hanako beautiful iirc
hanako is genderfluid (tfem). said he used to present as fem. he is also bi. he likes nene, but he also flirts with kou. he has said pervy stuff ab akane (boy).
both mitsuba are gay and/or aro ace. he has said he doesnt like women on multiple occasions. hes never denied liking men + flirts with kou.
akane (boy) is bi. he likes aoi (girl), but also dated lemon that one time.
teru is aro?? he rejects guys and girls, but claims he's looking for the right person?? idk
lemon is gay or bi. hes only ever shown interest in men. i also think hes enby or trans. hes chronically online.
aoi (girl) is aro/lesbian. she rejects men on multiple occasions. and doesnt love her main interest romantically. she flirted with shijima in one of the aus.
shijima is a lesbian or bi. she has no male love interest. she showed interest in aoi (girl) in one of the aus.
satou is gay or bi. hes flirted with men (yokoo)
yokoo is gay or bi. he flirts with men. (satou)
tsuchigomori is gay or bi. he has shown interest in men (nagisa).
yako is bi ig idk shes never denounced either gender nor showed interest
tsukasa is unlabelled
sakura is gender blind and fluid. that asbhk chap
natsuhiko is also gender blind and fluid. same chap
hakubo is aroace. he doesnt love anyone.?
sumire is straight or bi. i dont understand her enough to explain tbh
katakuri is transgender. he was sacrificed which is usually a girl but hes not. idk sexuality wise probably bi.
fuji or whatever his name is is bi. he hasnt said anything about disliking either gender.
the rest of the characters are children or animals im pretty sure so lmk if i forgor sum1
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lildreamycyclone · 2 months
I'm bored as fluff so here is my Mitsuba headcanons nobody asked for
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Asexual homoromantic (he is 14 so don't panic)
Demiboy (he/they/it)
Obsessed with Tamagochi
Playing with his fingers when bored
Unironically types "👉👈", "🤭", "😚"
Has a crush on Kou (i ship Mitsukou bishes)
Has kitten-pattern bedding on his bed
Secretly likes Sanrio (his fav character is My Sweet Piano)
Should i make more TBHK Headcanons?
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