#might delete later if I remember
layraket · 4 months
i have a strong pain in my chest (not exactly in my chest. mostly like. in the middle.) and everytime i move slightly to correct my posture it gets worse. i thought that it would be bc of all the work in PE class. but im starting to suspect that it is another thing.
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disneyhighau · 7 months
ngl, half the reason this comic takes so long is cause of the real disney company being shit and me having a hard time separating the two and retaining energy for it. lmao, im susceptible to nostalgia as much as the next person, but i feel my balls retract into my body every time im reminded what the companies doing at any given moment and have to recede into my shell where the memories from 10 years ago are stored so i can like writing about silly au's again
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mav-the-artist · 5 months
Hey guys.
Slight vent i guess. It's nothing drastically serious, but putting up a warning anyways. It's me complaining abt work and my ability to interact online.
under a cut, as it's a bit lengthy.
As the year comes to a close, I think about my milestones. Yeah, I've made a few friends since making a twitter finally. i've made a lot of improvement on my art. i've also figured out my gender. my life in general has been really good, since leaving a bad situation a year and a half ago. for the most part i'm happy where i'm at now.
except one thing.
it's getting to me, working 40+ hours a week and hardly having any time at home to myself, let alone interact with my mutuals and friends. i feel bad. there's a lot of people i want to interact with and get to know more, but i have to sacrifice so much of my time off work to take care of irl stuff, family, etc.
and i have so many ideas for art, SO MANY. ideas of ocs i wanna draw from my mutuals/followers/people i follow, my fursona that i've been wanting to design FOR MONTHS, and so much more. my notes app on my phone deadass is FULL of ideas i get. but by the time i get home, all my motivation almost always is drained. i feel like a hollow void. and when i do draw, i never have enough time or energy to put more effort, more details or fully render. i've noticed my art has looked half-assed lately due to this.
after work, if my friends are in a group call, i end up just hanging out in the call not doing a goddamn thing otherwise. i enjoy hanging out with friends greatly, don't get me wrong, it's just i don't have motivation most of the time to draw while chatting in vc. hell, i don't even play video games half the time cuz i'm too tired to even do that. and there's so many games i bought this year that i only played once/never played yet because i'm too busy working/drained after work.
to my friends, mutuals, and followers who want to interact with me: i'm sorry i cant talk more or talk to you at all. i want SO BADLY to interact in fandom spaces more and make more friends, but work and fatigue is beating my ass relentlessly. however, even if we've talked a few times/rarely talk, i don't get friendship decay. we're still friends even if we don't talk in a while! and know i appreciate all my mutuals/followers greatly and will do my best to interact more.
i may be able to talk to my boss about going down to part time, as my mom and i did some number crunching and we could make it work. this would fix my problems massively, as i could finally achieve a work/life balance that i can actually function in.
in the end, i want this year coming up to be better than this one. yes, i've done a lot this year. but the next big thing is trying to talk to more than just like. 3 people online. and make more art, and improving my mental health.
don't expect this to be a reoccurring thing with me venting, as most of the time i'm a happy person. but i had to get this out. you can see why, lol
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To the guys who barked at me as I was walking by
Were you catcalling me or are you just that weird?
Did you do it because you recognise me or did you do that to everyone passing by the street? Because I did not recognise you.
If you were indeed catcalling.... why? Just why.
Do you think it's funny? Do you get enjoyment out of it?
Because no one thinks you're funny and it's very uncomfortable.
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mbcorvo-author · 1 year
Having to deal with indifferent librarians this morning kind of spoiled the mood for the whole day.
I was happy to have had the idea of donating my old comics (at least, a good chunk of my collection) to the library since I need to make space in my old room, but seeing the lack of interest and not even bothering to answer me when I asked if they would have liked a list of titles and authors to check if they already had them or not… it was disappointing.
I still remember when I was like idk probably 13 or 14 and I donated my full collection of Geronimo Stilton's books and received a mail thanking me for the big donation and how it made me proud… idk I guess I had my expectations skewed.
Now I don't want to donate them anymore because I feel like it won't be an appreciated thing. I'm not asking for something big. Just a thank you. Not a "bring them here and we'll see" when I asked if they needed the list and a "now I need to figure out how to catalogue them" while taking the handful I left them. A simple "thank you". And maybe also a fucking "goodbye" when I said it going away. No, I guess that messaging on whatsapp was more important.
Fuck it, I'll put them for sale online. I wanted to donate them because I cared about those comics but whatever.
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biohazard-inevitable · 9 months
Dont you hate it when you really start to click with someone as a friend and then they suddenly say some shit that makes you realize “oh- i dont know if i want to be open about my gender with this person” cause like- that just happened to be with this guy that claimed he was “neutral” on lgbt issues which, *red flag* but he thinks im cis soooooo
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marinatedsaltea · 4 months
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Oh lord he coming
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kanrix · 5 months
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I remember When I was playing the sims my bloberta had a cardiac explosion after watching. Clay and Danielle kissing for the first time
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clockworkclownart · 1 month
Day 3 - Invisible (Invis-o-Bill) - #DannyMay2024
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this is the best joke in the whole show~🤣
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todayisafridaynight · 7 months
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journalists underestimate the magnitude of my addiction and how far i'll go for the bit
#snap chats#im lying i physically could not marathon this i got school LMAO BUT IMAGINE#my god speaking of school i signed up for a japanese history class. because of course i did#i also needed an extra class and i didnt know what else to put LMAO but i might swap it or somn#thinkin i should get back into theater..... i got like two months to decide anyway#i was thinking about how im gonna play IW during streams... if the lord will let me i might stream for 2~3 hours or so#im putting such a small time limit due to Aforementioned School but also idk if my computer can record any longer than that#when i tried saving the video to my flashdrive it only lasted about two some hours right ? maybe 3 if i remember right#i decided to record to my computer's hard drive instead of the usb since it has more space so maybe i can record longer#ill prob do a test run later today and record a nonsense video. i WILL delete it i just wanna see what the limit is#cause my plan is to just Record One -> Upload It -> Delete OG yk. Lazy Susan type of plan#didnt mean to type out my whole gameplan in the tags LOL BUT HEY I WANTED TO TALK BOUT IT AT SOME POINT#my final message is that ive Hopefully preordered the ichi statue. i say Hopefully cause i am once again doing it through jp rabbit#and i didnt get the confirmation it was successful yet so I Will Simply Wait.#point is it was a lot cheapter than i thought it was going to be <3 yay <3#ok im running out of tags tl;dr im gonna marathon IW until my eyes bleed BYYYE
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liameowlia · 8 months
i see people talking a lot about the concepts of "older sibling being emotionally and phisically burnt out" and "youngest sibling being spoiled and selfcentered", and even thought both of those are completely true and unfortunately happen often, can we please talk more about the concept of "younger sibling traumatized for being the outcast of the family" AND "older sibling crushed by the unreasonable expectations of being the perfect child", together???
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squuote · 4 months
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real thing that happened to me today while i was spiraling super badly. thank you branch brozone trolls
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cassandracain52 · 7 days
Alternative Bat ship names
Some of the batship names leave much to be desired (as I somewhat mentioned here )I wanted to propose some new ones or bring awareness to ones I think should be more popular! My credentials are that I was a part of the RWBY fandom back in 2015 so
Pairing: Dick Grayson and Barbara Gordon
Original: DickBabs
Alternative: Nightwatch
"DickBabs" is not that bad tbh but also not at all creative. “Nightwatch” Was something I first saw on Spotify as a ship playlist name and thought it fit perfectly. "Night" is the first part of Dick’s hero name and watching the BatFam during patrol is kinda Barbara’s whole job description so it combines them both beautifully
Pairing: Bruce Wayne and Selena Kyle
Original: BatCat
Alternative: Thieves Crusade
“BatCat” just feels too much like “CatDog” and I don’t want to associate them with that. Now the easy choice is to go "Black Cat" As it still fits them but that's not that much better creativity wise. "Thieves Crusade" Is fairly self explanatory with Selena being the thief and Bruce being the caped Crusader but is also Selena’s goal in a way
Pairing: Tim Drake and Stephanie Brown
Original: TimSteph
Alternative: Ultra Violet
Again, “TimSteph” isn’t the worse but it’s just so bland. "Ultra Violet" Is the name of an energy drink which while mostly fanon based does remind me of Tim and Violet is a shade of purple which is Stephs favorite color
Pairing: Damian Wayne and Nika
Original: DamiNika
Alternative: Knightshade
I just don't like the way "DamiNika" sounds. "Knightshade" would be said the same as "Nightshade" which is a poisonous plant. Damian is the heir to the mantle of the Dark Knight(something he use to point out often) and Nika's whole powers surround death so I feel like it can apply to them both
Pairing: Conner "Kon" Kent and Cassandra Cain
Original: KonCass
Alternative: Star-Crossed
"KonCass" could be worse but it also could be better, it also is a bit too close to "KonCassie" for me which is a whole other ship. "Star-Crossed" Is a bit more of a stretch but my reasoning is that DC had set their relationship to fail from the beginning so the phrase itself fits and also one of the only "dates" we really see of them in canon is when Kon takes her into the sky to see the stars and the clouds(Kon is also half ailen which can kinda apply here)
If anyone knows some other good ones please share! I'm not even saying these are particularly great, In fact I’m aware they’re not, but I just miss the fun shipnames so bad:(
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em-allay · 26 days
Hey at least Bobby and Jaiden get to spend Mother’s Day with each other….
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willthespy · 1 month
i should be replying to asks but im too busy thinking about the fact that i accidentally called thalia a member of the big tree. I have been checking my posts thoroughly ever since.
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aforgotto · 2 months
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was wondering what it would be like if she was a little chubby...
tgirl Versace you are always on my mind...
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