#michael yew lives
a-french-coconut · 20 days
Part 4
Michael wakes up in a golden haze.
He's a big room, yellow flowers growing a little everywhere, music instruments linger on the floor with the occasional broken arrow.
Apollo Cabin, Camp Half-Blood.
A window is open, the ray of sunshine passing through hitting him right in the face. Warmth settle over his body, like the light is hugging him.
Welcome home my son
The voice is a barely a whisper, only meant for those whose earring is keen enough to perceive it, only meant for the children of music.
Michael basks in the sunlight, acknowledging his father's embrace. He's still bitter about the whole "I'm alive but you didn't bother looking for me" thing but he can appreciate the effort.
He tentatively stretches, that empousai hit him pretty hard, only to feel great.
A little too much even for his accelerated healing. Either Will is a medical prodigy or his father really wants to be forgiven.
His eyes wander to the nightstand and he freezes.
On the little table is a bow, smaller than the standard size, specifically built for one person only.
The last time he hold his bow, he was falling off a bridge in Manhattan.
His siblings must have found it in the middle of the wreckage and brought it back.
He carefully takes the weapon, the wood fitting perfectly in his palms. At the very end of the it, there's a little engravure, a M and Y etched in the surface.
It's another part of him coming back, this bow holding so much memories.
Lee taking him to Beckendorf because the other bows were too big for him.
Hours after hours in the archery fields, hands bleeding red from shooting countless arrows until every one of them were perfect.
Enflaming the Ares Cabin from the flying chariot, Clarisse promising to skewer him.
Where was Clarisse now ?
Two years are a long time for a demigod, that insufferable war-addict could be in college or ashes scattered in the wind for all he knows.
He hopes it’s the former, he might have despised her but there is only one demigod Michael has ever wish died and that is not Clarisse. That title is reserved for Luke Castellan.
Now that’s someone Michael really wants to be dead. If he’s not, if he’s miraculously still alive…
Michael smiles, he does need a subject test to see if his aim is still top notch.
Light footsteps interrupts his murderous thoughts, followed by the sound of shoes hitting a wall.
"Ugh, finally ! Gods, why did I choose to wear baskets ? It sucks."
Will's distaste for any kind of footwear covering his toes, Michael can work with. It's a familiar ground, one he can travel on without stumbling. Maybe the only thing left from what he knew.
Will is fifteen now, a far cry from the thirteen year old boy he left.
Does he still like Star Wars as much as he used to ?
Does he still smile with all his teeth despite witnessing the slaughter of Williamsburg Bridge, leaving him in charge in horrible conditions ?
Lee, I failed him, I failed you.
Lee, who had been adamant that he would be a great older brother.
Lee, whose bed across Micheal's has been left untouched by his new siblings.
Does he have new siblings ? Or is it just Will, Kayla and Austin ?
Two fucking years
He's out of his depths. Why did he even thought of coming back ?
They managed fine without him, yet here he is, wrecking Will's world once again.
Even more, Micheal's eighteen. He's still reeling about getting compared to a twelve years old but that's not the point.
The point is that all the demigods he knew are either long dead or in college.
Annabeth, Percy, Travis, Clarisse, Chris, everyone is too old for camp, just as him.
Camp is a place for demigods to learn their capacities in order to survive in the mortal world. The cabins were not made to house demigods entering adulthood.
He tries desperately to hold his tears off, why would it matter to leave Camp ? He already left it a long time ago.
Because it's home, because it's familiar, because Michael missed Camp so fucking much.
Despite his best efforts, tears soak the sheets, his heavy breathing echoing in the cabin.
"Michael ! You're awake !", shoots gleefully Will, now in his beloved flip flops, before noticing the tears, "Are you okay ? Are you still hurt ? I triple checked before letting you go of the infirmary but maybe I missed something ?"
Michael furiously rubs his eyes, already red and puffy.
"I'm fine, thanks to you actually. Your healing really got better after I-", he wavers, "disappeared."
Will's joy diminishes drastically.
"Yeah, well hum, I got a lot of practice with the wars you know..."
His mind stops dead on its track.
"What do you mean wars ?"
Will winces, "A lot happened since you die-, disappeared I mean. Sorry, force of habit.",his young brother chuckles nervously, "But yeah you kinda missed a war."
He missed a war. He left Will with blood and monsters while he was doing tea parties with the other orphans.
"And dad got turned mortal... but he's a god again now !"
Michael's brain is going to go overdrive if Will lets out another bomb.
"Oh, I almsot forgot ! I'm dating Nico, you remember him ?"
"The son of Hades ?"
"Don't say that with such a tone ! He's a sweetheart, a little grumpy one very prone on conjuring skeletons, but nobody's perfect. Although in my very unbiased opinion, he's getting closer every day..."
As he watches Will rambles about Nico, Michael is relieved to see that some things really don't change.
Will's smile has remained the beautiful, pure, wide smile of his memories.
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pain-is-too-tired · 3 months
One thing I like to hc with the Apollo Head Counselors is that they all represent a time of which the sun is out.
Lee - Dawn/Dusk
Mainly dusk, but pretty much imagine him in browns, oranges , dusky yellows and reds and the like.
Michael - Twilight
Starts after the fall of Dusk,short lived. Haralds the start of darkness and but also first light when it falls. The darkess time in which the sun is out. I see him muted/ dark blues,dull browns and blacks. Maybe a touch of greyish pale yellows.
Will - Daylight
Longest lived, bright, it's what most people think about when they think of the sun. With his golden sun kissed hair and sky blue eyes its pretty on the nose. I see him in bright/light yellows and blues.
Idk why I thought of posting this, I just love them and wanted to share my thoughts.
Think it is pretty obvious how I tend to draw them, but it's fun to write it out ^^
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solangelokitkats · 11 months
Tumblr media
Will is a healer. In fact, he’s regarded as the best healer at CHB. He has so much weight on his shoulders to save the wounded and live up to the title of head counselor of the Apollo cabin. In fact, it is stated in BoO that Will is insecure of his healing abilities, because he wish he could do more to help the front lines, such as being an archer like everyone expects out of Apollo kids. But he can’t, so naturally, all he knows how to do is heal.
Not to mention, many of Will’s half-siblings died. His previous head counselors - his role models - Lee Fletcher and Michael Yew all died in PJO. He was left with the duty of head counselor at 13 years old. Thirteen years old. Thirteen years old, and suddenly he is the eldest in Cabin 7. Thirteen years, and suddenly he has to be the role model for all his half-siblings.
This means, he’s never had the chance to go out and explore his own desires, because his responsibilities will always outweigh anything. That is, until he gets closer to Nico after the war.
Later on in this book, Will states that he’s never met anyone like Nico. And that pretty much just sums up everything.
Nico is his polar opposite. He’s a child of Hades, of the Underworld. He is, quite literally, the son of death.
He spends some of his time actually in the Underworld. The Underworld, the resting place for Will’s half-siblings. The Underworld, the resting place for the patients he could not save. Of course Will is skeptical of the Underworld. I mean, who wouldn’t be?
Will Solace is completely valid for his opinions. Why? Because he tries. He tries his best to understand the Underworld. He tries his best to understand Nico.
So yes, I thought this scene was absolutely beautiful. This is why Will and Nico will always, ALWAYS, hold a special place in my heart.
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mediumgayitalian · 4 months
hello 😎 i’m jackie!! i have been in the percy jackson trenches since 2013. here again because pjotv is truly that good and also it never left. will be writing some stuff, i’ll tag it as #my writing, and also reblogging a lot from the coolest artist on here (mothmanavenue stans rise up). maybe doing some fic recs too!! who knows!! anyways. all my fics (including tumblr-exclusive ficlets) are linked under the cut :)
my ao3
full length fics are linked here
100 ways to say i love you fics are linked here [ao3]
wips are linked here:
road trip to new rome: 1 2
capture the flag: 1
modern courting: 1 2 3 4 5 6
modern au road trip slowburn [ao3] : 1 2 3 4
naomi solace: art more art 1 2
april fools prank fic: 1
mermaid fic: 1
percabeth pirate au: 1
naomi in hosptial fic: 1 2 3
music first hangout fic
fic rec fridays are linked here:
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16
french braid will
solangelo chores & living together
solangelo gift giving, music, fruit, pop culture, and sweaters
baby will & his siblings (and the tragedy of being the only one left)
big brother will
general will headcanons
the apollo kids
road trip au playlist/songs
ocd will
will solace rizz
lee fletcher appearance
baby will
rip michael yew u would have loved meg mccaffery
road trip fergalicious
will's wandering eyes
big three kids & capture the flag
solangelo as troy & helen
solangelo songs
solangelo line without a hook lyric analysis
nico & percy parallels
there is no hope for may castellan
nico, luke, percy parallels; grief as resistance
unfinished stuff. will i ever finish? who knows. not me:
overworked will/worried everyone else
rly bad drabble
solangelo fight
failed modern courting update
apollo cabin lives
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thestarstoasun · 2 months
The question that had ignited a change in Will had come completely out of the blue. It was just like any other day, a day spent in the comforting familiarity of the infirmary. The only patients were a daughter of Ares and Connor Stoll of Hermes – who had to be put on opposite ends. Nico was cutting bandages while Will lectured Connor on reckless pranks on the Ares cabin that ended up with him in the infirmary.
That was when Gracie walked in. Gracie and Will were close, mainly because she had clung to him – much like he had clung to Lee when he was claimed as a son of Apollo. “Hey Will! I have a question.” She looked up at him with the innocence a child should have. An innocence that was stolen by the rest of them through wars and death.
Gracie's green eyes reminded him so much of Lee, it was almost unnatural. Lee had gotten his eye color from his mortal mother, while Will’s blue eyes came from Apollo. The shade of green was something Will had never been able to put into words. Though, the many girls and guys at camp who had crushes on his older brother had plenty for them.
Will shot one last, narrowed look at Connor before turning his attention to his sister with a much brighter expression. His eyes softened and he ruffled her hair. “What’s up, Rapunzel?”
Out of the corner of his eye, Will could see Nico raise a questioning eyebrow, which reminded him they still had so, so many movies to watch in order to catch his boyfriend up on everything he missed because of the Gods.
“Jerry, Yan, and I were in the attic of the cabin-“ Will could feel his body tense up and tried to make them at least appear natural. “The boxes up there had a bunch of names up there. Lee Fletcher, Michael Yew, Isabella Nightshade, Mckenzie Ayers, Juliet Solbello-“
“That’s Italian.” Nico interrupted, noticing that with every name Gracie innocently listed Will looked closer and closer to breaking a apart.
“It is?” Gracie looked his way with brimming excitement in her eyes, directing her attention to Nico. Will flashed him a distant, but appreciative small smile. Nico nodded, a reply to them both, so as he distracted Gracie, Will slipped away through the side door of the infirmary.
He knew what Gracie was going to ask as soon as she started to list the names of their siblings she had never, would never, get to meet. She wanted to know who they were and what happened to them, but Will wasn’t brave enough, or strong enough, to talk about it. Five…only five of his thirteen dead siblings, and he could hardly handle hearing the fact his younger siblings, (they had never met them. They shouldn’t be touching their stuff. What if it gets lost? Or broken? What if there’s nothing left of them to remind Will that they lived?) had found the Apollo kids' biggest secret. The last remains of a shattered family with a father of healing that couldn’t be bothered to save them.
Will went straight to Cabin 7, ignoring the looks of other campers. He saw Jerry and Yan looking at a picture a much younger, more innocent Will Solace drew of him and his big brothers (big brothers that would never hold him again. Not until he joined them in Elysium). “Put that down. I told you guys not to go in there.” He couldn’t help but wince at the harsh tone in his voice. Snapping at them wouldn’t help the situation. Will Solace had a responsibility to his living siblings first, as their big brother. His own feelings could be pushed down into the suffocating box where they threatened to drown him. “Sorry, please . I don’t want it to get ripped. It’s pretty old.”
Yan at least had the decency to look guilty. “I’m sorry, Will. You guys just never talk about any of them, and you, Austin, and Kayla always find excuses to not be in the cabin.”
“We all noticed, so we figured whatever you were hiding in the attic was why.” Jerry added, finally looking a bit ashamed.
Will took a deep, shaky breath and grabbed one of Lee’s flannels. Most of the ones he wore now were once Lee’s that, when the time came to pack his belongings, Will had taken for himself because he knew it was the closest he would ever get to one of his older brother’s hugs ever again. “It’s not because of these. It’s because of why they’re there. Why the people they belong to aren’t..” Will clutched to Lee’s flannel and put it on, despite the temperature outside being the reason he hadn’t worn one today at all. “Please, put the boxes and all their belongings back in the attic. They belonged to our older siblings. And I promise, I-“ Once again, Will had to pause and clutch onto the sleeves of Lee’s flannel. “I’ll tell you guys all about them.”
Will’s gaze landed on the old video camera that neither he, Kayla, nor Austin had had the heart to look at the recordings after Manhattan left them feelings emptier than ever. But, Will Solace couldn’t let his younger siblings see how much this really hurt him, so he looked over at them and smiled brightly. “Don’t feel bad, we all make mistakes. I gotta go check on Neeks, since I may have left him with Gracie.”
Will walked out of cabin 7 with a heavy heart hidden by a porcelain mask that was covered in cracks plastered together by the sense of responsibility and becoming head counselor and the oldest sibling, after being a former youngest, in the matter of hours during a war. Other campers looked through at the cracks in his carefully crafted mask wondering how long until it shattered leaving whatever Will Solace could be underneath it exposed for the world to see.
Part 2
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katasstrophy · 1 year
I feel like I've seen every Bluelock boy paired with a very cute, very bubbly, and chill gf/reader before, but I haven't seen any of them paired with a cool and competent or even bossier type. Are there any guys you think of liking that type??? Or maybe just deserve that type to be kept in line lmao 🤣
nonnie!! 😳 NONNIE UR BRAIN I’M GIVING IT A THOUSAND KISSES UR SOOO RIGHT FOR THIS!!! i guess it doesn’t really show with the fics i’ve uploaded so far – which is a damn shame, i should fix that – but i am absolutely all for readers who are just… out there, ya know? they’re prickly, or easy to anger, or sardonic as all hell, or way too clever for their own good or yes yes, bossy<3 i eat that shit UP like it’s my last meal. this is not to say i don’t enjoy sweet, bubbly readers (bc i do!) but the type you describe just… scratches a certain itch iykwim 👁️👁️
i think one of my first posts ever about blue lock on this blog (cw. mid writing LMAO) was exactly about this. obviously most of the blue lock guys are only extreme egoists when they’re playing soccer, but i do think that aspect of their lives will ultimately start to bleed into their personality as they grow up/go pro. so having someone who’s just like “yeah that’s great and all but if you won’t make it to date night i’ll leave your sorry ass” is just. so sexy to them like?? they haven’t gotten their ego knocked down a peg in a while so i think they’d be drawn to a partner like that askdhxnbz idk if i’m explaining this very well but as far as i’m concerned all blue lock boys deserve an unhinged reader lol 😤
THAT BEING SAID!!! >:))) i have a top three list of blue lock men who i, personally, would love to put in their place and encourage anyone out there to do so as well LOL
1. MICHAEL KAISER — this cocky motherfucker ugh need i say more 🙄 the urge to censor his name was real strong but i persevered still cannot believe i’m (sadly) attracted to this horrible, horrible man. he’s sooo insufferable and just so obsessed with himself like he unironically refers to himself as the emperor when i tell you there’s nothing i want more than to make this man beg on his knees i mean it – what a pretty sight that would be hm? <3 all his past lovers probably treated him like he was god’s greatest gift to women (HE IS NOT) – and by now he’s not only used to it but comes to expect it – so when he meets you and you’re like “mm you’re kind of a prick leave me alone thenk yew✨✨” he’s just. so scandalized LMFAO suddenly he’s the one chasing after you and vying for a shred of your attention oooohh yes that’s exactly what he deserves how it should be
2. ITOSHI SAE — listen he might be my precious babygirl now but i used to hate this mans guts like no other and that little resentment still lives on in my heart in the form of wanting this man’s downfall to be a woman like don’t tell me that’s not the hottest thing you’ve ever heard. he’s just so single-mindedly focused on soccer – japan’s treasure and what not – and thinks he can get away with being an asshole because of it but you place down your foot and tell him to cut the bullshit or you’ll find someone who treats you better (AMEN SISTER) and suddenly he’s grappling with the reality that shit he might just fall apart without you yes girl make him suffer
3. OLIVER AIKU — i couldn’t not include the resident fuckboy here mmmm the possibilities for him are endless and each one more delicious than the last. he might not be as insufferable as the others but he still thinks extremely highly of himself, especially when it comes to his way with the ladies. typical “oh no i don’t do relationships” kinda guy who can show you a good time for a night before dipping in the morning – and you just don’t want that. so you reject his advances, say you’re not interested and move on, but for some reason, oliver can’t. literally physically wounds his pride when he crawls back for a second chance but you don’t budge, still wary of him due to his past behavior unless he can show you otherwise. and the way he scrambles to prove himself as trustworthy to you? god tier groveling from a man YUMM
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arataka-reigen · 5 months
My reread of the og PJO series has enlightened me on a plot inconsistency that comes with tsats, but that I personally think makes the story a bit better. Which is that Will was around and learning from Michael Yew back when Nico was first introduced in The Titan's Curse. Michael Yew actually only comes to camp after The Battle of the Labyrinth, as stated by Clarisse in The Demigod Files, when she complains about a "new camper". Before Yew came around, there was Lee Fletcher. Something that's always bothered me was that Michael Yew, as a new camper, had become the head of Apollo, even though it's stated that there were other Apollo kids around when Lee died, and everything in the series always lead us to believe that having more experience at camp beats out being older when it comes to becoming head counselor.
So, I personally like the idea that Michael was already around (as well as Will) at the same time as Lee. First, because it makes the Apollo cabin more lived in, with actual kids in there that aren't just Lee and unnamed kids. Second, because it fits with Percy's internal struggle in botl, when he becomes sad because he didn't even get to know the campers that died during the battle, there are all these other kids in there with whom he has barely spoken, and now they lost their older brother and Percy has nothing to say to them. And third, because Lee was mostly a fighter, he was good with the bow and arrow, and it is not stated that he was good with medicine, so it still makes sense that Will would be learning from Michael and not Lee during that time.
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georgies-ftts · 1 year
⚠️Does contain The Sun and The Star spoilers so continue at your own risk!!!⚠️
I don’t know when Will Solace became one of my favourite Percy Jackson characters but it probably has something to do with the fact that he’s one of those characters that’s deeply traumatised but everyone forgets about it
So (for some reason) i’m gonna sit here and list everything my man’s been through:
At ten years old he and his mother got attacked by Stymphalian birds, found by his satyr and taken to camp halfblood where he, at some point, became a year round camper
He admits that his mother, despite his love for her, could be quite neglectful during her time on tour and he grew to live with it but now he’s scared of being abandoned
Between the ages of 10-12 he’s training to be a field medic in camp
Had to watch his friends and family switch sides to fight against them and probably had to watch them die throughout the course of the books (it’s mentioned that there’s countless demigods deaths from Kronos’ side during the battles)
At 13/14 he fights in a battle to defend his home where his brother, Lee Fletcher, dies along with many other campers including some from the Apollo cabin
Within the same battle he probably has to heal many of his friends as well as watch them die as he believes he ‘fails’ to heal them
At 14 he fights in The Battle of Manhattan where it’s believed the Apollo cabin suffers the most fatalities (four documented, however I remember seeing somewhere that the cabin was practically empty due to fatalities and switching sides by the end of the series)
During the battle he heals Annabeth, which drains most of his energy, he creates a field hospital on Olympus to heal other campers and he becomes head counsellor of the Apollo cabin as Michael Yew was never found after the bridge collapse.
Fought in another battle literally less than a year after the last one and delivered a baby mid way through at the age of 14/15, had two entire camps full of children depending on his skills as the head healer
Watched Octavian willingly hurtle himself to his death and believes he ‘let’ him do it even after being ashamed that he’s related to Octavian.
Let himself be a distraction for six guards that would have happily either killed him or captured him
Spent his days after the battle with Gaea in the infirmary healing other campers, or watching them suffer through injuries they would ultimately not recover from
Has his father just fuckin plummet to earth and pitch up at camp as an egotistical teenager after his own powers were going mental and camp was falling into disarray because Apollo was no longer an Olympian throughout
Has to help his father complete his quests and heal other injured campers during fights and battles all whilst trying to make sure his boyfriend and his father don’t do anything stupid and die
Finally gets a break at camp with his boyfriend with no other campers and gets a prophecy that insinuates that he will have to go to the depths of tartarus which could either drive him insane or just straight up kill him off and be abandoned there
Goes on said quest and before they’ve even gotten into tartarus he’s passed out 3 times, is the colour of literal wax and has wounds that have just randomly opened up on his body after collapsing on a hill of what’s described as glass shards and rolling down.
is plagued by nightmares, gets drawn in by voices of tormented, pain ridden souls and loses his one source of light that’s keeping his barely sane
Comes to the realisation that he cannot heal everything and that not everything needs to be healed. That his boyfriend has dark parts that Will may not like but that’s okay and they can learn to live with those parts of eachother
(i fully believe that, if it came to it, despite his objections, he would have sacrificed himself to stay in tartarus if it meant Nico and Bob got out alive)
I know many people love to talk about Nico’s trauma and honestly fair enough cause his trauma is deep and horrific and he deserves to heal and be happy and his trauma should never be overlooked
however i will never miss an opportunity to bring up will solace and talk about the shit he’s been through
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a-french-coconut · 28 days
Part 3
He attacks every monster he crosses path with.
It's funny to surprise them, their eyes widening because they are not used to being the prey. Chasing them is exhilarating, feeling their fear when they understand they are the one in danger.
Each one trigger a little more of his memory.
He's a demigod, son of Apollo.
He's the son of a fucking god who can't be bothered in actually checking on him to see if he's okay.
Whatever, he did fine without the guy and does not need his help.
His name is still unknown but others are swirling in his mind.
Lee Fletcher, the blond guy who got killed by a giant.
Will Solace, the smaller blond guy who wanted him to teach him healing.
Kayla Knowles, they did archery together.
Clarisse La Rue, the one he told to eat his quiver and something about a flying chariot.
Other people appear sometimes, two identical brothers, a dark haired guy swirling a pen in his hand often accompanied by a blonde girl. Those he can't put names on their faces but he knows they have been a part of his ancient life.
Everything is still foggy but sometimes it appears with painful clarity.
The water surface getting closer and closer because he fell off a bridge.
A lyre above his head and a centaur kneeling in front of him.
A dragon in the woods, arrows embedded in its skin.
So much memories, all in disorder, but it's a start.
He swiftly dodges the talons trying to tear him apart. This time he's the one who's got attacked by that weird donkey girl. He hadn't expected crossing a monster during his short stroll in the city, which in retrospective was a dumb thought, and she was fast.
A hit sends him flying against a wall, he groans when he feels his ribs are broken. Thanks to his dad, the only thing good about him, he heals faster than mortals. It's also the only reason they found him still alive two years ago. But it's not fast enough to restore his bones before the monster kill him.
He can't die again.
He's got a whole life to discover.
He can't die
But she's on him, claws suffocating him and teeth draining his blood.
"Get the fuck off me !"
He tries to kick her, scratch her, even bite her but the blood loss and the pain from the broken ribs are getting him.
Black spots cover his vision.
His attacks get weaker and weaker.
An arrow pierces the monster's neck, he's dropped on the ground.
He's against the street's wall.
A figure approaches him and he can dimly figure out the shape of a tall guy.
Tall guy kneels in front of him and lift his face.
They both freeze.
Golden curls and blue eyes. A bright smile on a small child, excited about learning.
"Michael ?", whispers Will Solace in incredulity.
His name opens the gates and he remembers everything.
The Battle of the Labyrinth, his brother's death.
Luke Castellan waging war on the gods, on him and his younger siblings.
Younger siblings he abandoned in the aftermath of war.
Did they even win ? He guesses so.
Will is still alive. What about Kayla and Austin ? Travis, Connor, Percy, Annabeth, Silena ?
Did they all make it out alive ?
"Will I'm-"
"Save your breath you're injured. I'm taking you back to Camp. Don't you dare die now Michael !"
Will scoops him up with embarrassing ease and he allows himself to pass out.
He is in goods hand after all, he trained them.
part 4 posted !
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pain-is-too-tired · 15 days
Michael Yew is better then me for sure hdhd
Because if my siblings had been struggling and dying in a battle for gods know how long, one just got yanked away by a Hellhound- and Percy took the time to flirt and say that Annabeth only one who could organize my cabin in a defensive line(which yeah she's the best strategist, but ouch my guy.) I'd lose it.
Few hours before this Percy was shoving him around too ,back on Olympus.
This boy has more patience then we give him credit for dear gods XD
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dreamyzworldlove · 1 year
just read the tsats preview my live reactions with no context under the cut
preview live reactions bc i am sooooooo normal
NICO HAS WARCHED star wars csnon
nico would not go on a date with dearth vader i refuse to believe that
loving kayla so far
okay but them just being kids 🥺
nico is so emo oh my god
“exhausting to be their conselours” is interesting bc i was under the impression that they just took care of their cabin?? did 12 year old percy have to run camp activities and take care of kids??
why are they taking the taxi and not the strawberry trucks
nico liking the grey sisters :)
nico you stupid bitch composed starwars head ass
he is so sappy ew
insane that literally no one is at chb like how
joking about nico being happy is weird gave me the ick
they are so gross
nico not used to being normal or having nothing to do :(
nico feeling like he can’t talk to will :((
the ptsd joke was funny
also nico with no filter how fun
will is just like: bbgirl you are crazy<3
smallest SMALLEST inkling of banter
them saying ptsd is nice like i think that’s the first time they’ve ever acknowledged it in pjo
wait leopard print pattern camp shirt … does it have a pegasus on it??
ik it’s not final but a lot of the book feels repetitive? like they say a lot of the same things multiple times
nico befriending outcasts motif
loving the body horror
damn this is like a worst hits tour for nico
nico trying so hard 🥺
the cookie monster 🤨 that was truly awful
lots of telling not a lot of showing
straight percy :/
it can’t actually be bob that’s so boring:/
even in the dream jason was gone 🥺
here’s how jasico can still win-
a slay that cupid looks like will but nico has to be down bad for him that fit is ATROCIOUS
WUPID this stupid bitch
nico kicking will is soooo funny
then they cute
gamer nico canon
mr d with the popcorn best character fr
chiron and mr d are a weird ship that i am thinking about noe
nico has been funny approx 2 times now
nico has gotten over his corn trauma
who is alton brown
so so so many questions
what about the third person on a quest ??
why nico of all people? why does he need to do this?
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phoenix--flying · 1 year
so mainly based on a tik tok by @/pmpkn_soup but uhHh
Beckendorf gives Charon a photo of Silena as payment since he didn't have proper payment when he died and his body was never found :((
But it's got me thinking about the other campers who's bodies weren't found. Would they just sit there? Would they hand over items of importance? What could those items be?
Originally my mind procured Nico visiting DOA and giving the campers the payment they needed, Charon probably wasn't impressed but "They gave their live to beat Kronos, they deserve it." so he doesn't put up a fight.
But I'm curious what the other demigods may give up as payment.
Do we know of Ethan Nakamuras mortal parent is alive 🧍‍♀️ or if they have a good relationship?
idk but I'm gonna say they're dead and he carries a photo of them 😎 so he gives that
Michael Yew, I like to think Will made a friendship bracelet his first year of camp. Michael's that person like "i don't wear jewelry" "oh. well you don't need need to-" "stfu im never taking this off" and he'd give that to Charon. Reminder of his lil bro he hopes not to see anytime soon. Either that or he has a photo of his siblings. Charon recognizing Lee:
Are there any other demigods we know who's bodies were lost 🧍‍♀️ well probably. like 100% but named
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twoidiotwriters1 · 8 months
Daughter of Olympus (Leo Valdez xFem!Oc)
A/N: I love it when the plot starts plotting -Danny Words: 2,772 Series' Masterlist Previous Chapter / Next Chapter Listen to: 'leave my mind' -by Ben Platt
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XXIV: Disappointed but Not Surprised
I look indignantly at the shroud in front of me. "You planned his funeral behind my back?"
"It's been two weeks, Ara," Chiron tries to reason.
"I asked you to be patient!"
"We have," Annabeth looks exhausted. "But Iris's messages don't go anywhere..."
"It's time to pluck up your courage, Birdy," Clarisse intervenes.
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Ara wakes up in the middle of the night covered in cold sweat, she goes to the bathroom and examines her reflection in the dark.
On the week she spent outside of camp, she grew out of her babyish features. Her gaze is slightly more stern, her body is fuller even though she hasn't been eaten that well. When she mentioned to Will that her body was rejecting the nectar and ambrosia, Will put her mind at ease. 
He said it was the other way around, her body was healing itself so quickly that it probably overloaded when she tried to speed up the process even more. There is nothing wrong with her, she's alright. 
So why is she so restless?
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Annabeth steps forward and I follow, but I can't talk. I tell my friend to speak for both of us. 
"He was probably the bravest friend I've ever had. He... He's right there!"
My heart nearly jumps out of my chest. A crowd of campers surround Percy and greet him, Annabeth and I leave the half-burned shroud abandoned.
"Well," Chiron sighs in relief. "I don't believe I've ever been happier to see a camper return. But you must tell me—"
"WHERE HAVE YOU BEEN?" Annabeth demands.
I hold onto my brother, thick tears stain Percy's shirt but he makes no attempt to push me away. I use my empath touch on him, he's happy, but there's something looming over him... The remnants of a powerful emotion, so strong that it feels like it keeps him from breathing right.
I think Percy fell in love.
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Leo Valdez.
Just thinking his name gives her butterflies... but also makes her want to punch a wall. She wouldn't have minded liking him, or being preordained to help him—but both at the same time? What a bad joke.
Chiron had advised her to not pursue romantic relationships as soon as she got her wish granted. She won't live a normal life, things like school, or camp chores, are all beneath her. So is dating. 
Nevertheless, just like it was predestined that she would get Almighty, Leo and her will fall in love, and she hates that it's not an exciting thought. Mike was wrong, she isn't lucky, she's cursed.
Stupid Michael Yew, why can't he go away? No matter what she thinks, or where she looks, he's there. It's really hard to move on and do her job right with his lingering presence breathing down her neck.
"Shut up," Ara scowls at her reflection. "Don't think like that."
The girl returns to her room, falls on the mattress, then rolls over and stares at the ceiling. When did life get so hard?
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Rachel guides us through the maze so quickly that I can't believe we hadn't thought about her until now. Unfortunately, our progress stops when Luke's army finds us, and he takes us to meet another one of Percy's half-siblings. They take my friends' weapons, I didn't have time to seize mine when they caught us, so they think I'm unarmed. It's the first time I'm glad about my unassuming looks. 
Percy pulls out the whistle Quintus gave him, he'd promised not to use it but desperate times require desperate measures. I search in my pocket for the compass, I've been waiting for the right moment, cause I knew it would come. As soon as my sword materializes, I push it into the chest of the Laistrygonian that's holding Annabeth in place. 
The Empousa keeping Rachel trapped vaults at me, but before she can catch me, Mrs. O'Leary gets in the way and throws her to the opposite side of the arena, right on Luke's lap. I pick up Rachel at the same time Annabeth retrieves her dagger. 
"Nice killing!" She pats my shoulder before running into battle. "Protect the mortal!"
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As soon as Ara walks out of the Big House, Lily hands her the clipboard with her to-do list.
"Buongiorno, Strategus," she walks with her. "Your lion spent the whole night chasing harpies, so you gotta teach him to not do that—also not to er... leave his nasty presents in the arena, please."
"You got it," Ara yawns. "We gotta refurbish Zeus's Cabin. Have you seen the place? Bad vibes all over, and Jason's a nice guy, he deserves better."
"Well, the Aphrodites can—"
"Don't let Drew near him," she replies quickly. "Let Jason do it."
"Alright," Lily glances at the clipboard and hums. "Jake's cast has been removed but he's got to visit Cabin Eleven once a day for the rest of this week."
"I'll keep an eye on it," they reach the pavilion. "Annabeth and Rachel?"
"They'll arrive at noon. Did you find out where Percy is?"
"I know where he'll end up," Ara replies. "That's the best we could do."
"That's good," Lily nods solemnly. "No one will doubt you now."
"You think?"
"You finally took care of business," the grey-eyed girl shrugs. "You came back with the Nemean lion as your pet, no one can beat that!"
Ara's not as satisfied as Lily. "I just did my job."
"Exactly!" She smiles. "Like Michael said—"
"Can you not?" Ara asks, sounding very irritated. 
She doesn't mean to, but hearing his name does bad things to her. It's like she can't breathe—like she's the one who got trapped under that bridge, and it was Michael who never came back to pull her out of it.
Lily stares at her like she just slapped her in the face. A crowd bursts into the pavilion and interrupts them, Ara realizes they're all from Cabin Ten, and they're carrying Piper on their shoulders. 
The girl raises her voice. "What's this about?"
"I'm the new counselor!" Piper beams. "Drew stepped down..."
Ara guesses her sister is telling a very short version of the account, but she doesn't mind it much. "Congrats! I'm looking forward to seeing the cabin's makeover." 
Lily grabs the clipboard and adds Piper's cabin remodeling to Ara's list.
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Back in Pan's cave, he stared at me as if he knew exactly who I was.
"Arae Jackson, I have been waiting for my satyr, but you have been waiting for me."
"I have?"
"The lost chapter," I knew at once what he was talking about. "Make amends with your past."
As he vanished, a stack of pages fell at my feet. I picked them up and shoved them inside my backpack. Percy tried to ask what those were, but I didn't know. Now they're hidden inside the book Lily gave me. 
I haven't read them, but I glimpsed at the title:
The Children of Olympus
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During the course of the day, Ara doesn't see much of Piper, Jason, or Leo. She doesn't want to go back to her routine, the solitary confinement, with Lily's presence invigorating her existence only from time to time.
Ara visits Zeus's cabin to talk about the changes the son of Jupiter would like to make. While she lists the campers available for this and calculates how soon they can get it done, she notices Jason's looking at her funny. 
He shrugs. "I can tell you're passionate about your job, and you're good at it. I don't understand why some campers think you're bad luck."
She laughs dryly. "It's complicated, Jason. Most veterans here see me as dainty little Ara, they can't forget who I was."
"Well, if who you were is keeping them from seeing who you are, maybe distancing yourself is the answer."
"Distancing myself from them, or the past?" Ara tilts her head, trying very hard not to think of that one person, not to utter his name with her inner voice.
"Maybe both?" Jason shrugs and pats her shoulder. "See you later, Strategus."
"Yeah, totally," she says quietly. "And take your stuff to the Big House, you'll sleep there until we finish with this place."
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The battle that takes place in Zeus's fist is a big deal for me. It's the first time I stand next to instead of behind my friends.
Lily and Nico lock eyes for a moment when we arrive, then she hugs me. "I'm glad you're back," she means Nico and I, but there is no need for clarification. "Chiron doesn't have much faith in this."
"I noticed," I sigh. "But we'll be okay."
"You and your endless positivity," she smiles. "I'm glad I get to die next to you."
"For Hades's sake," I scowl. "You and Nico will get along nicely from now on..."
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When Ara gets to the edge of the forest, Leo's already waiting there... along with the rest of his cabin, Chiron, Piper, and Jason.
"Was I supposed to bring a plus one?" She raises a brow.
Leo laughs, it's short and anxious. "Hi, doll! Didn't recognize you without the purple cape."
"Doesn't matter," Ara looks at everyone. "What's going on?"
"Yeah, uh—just follow me," Leo steps into the forest. 
Ara approaches Chiron. "You know what this is about?"
The centaur smiles. "Alas, I think this time around, I'm as clueless as you, Strategus."
"Hmm," Ara picks up her pace and mumbles. "Serves you right..."
Halfway into the forest, the Nemean lion startles them, he skips over to Ara like a harmless kitten, making cute little noises as he bumps into her back. She stumbles a little. "Hi! You need a name, don't you? But I suck at naming things..."
"You need to tell us how this happened," Nyssa pets the lion, it seems the campers are warming up to him.
"I rescued him from a department store. Sorta. He died but Mom brought him back 'cause I chose love instead of violence or something..."
"You, not choosing violence?" The girl teases her. "That's new."
Ara shrugs and smirks. "I'm taking a break from my murderous urges."
Nyssa laughs. "And adopting the Nemean lion is a peaceful statement to all of your enemies..."
"Shut up," Ara chuckles, nudging her side. "Once Nico comes back with Mrs. O'Leary, you'll see just how harmless my baby is."
"Just like your bronze dragon was harmless."
Leo stops abruptly and everyone looks at him expectantly. There is a limestone wall before them, and Leo looks more anxious than ever. "Here we go..." he sets his hand on fire and presses his palm against the stone surface.
"Leo!" Nyssa gasps."You're a fire user!"
"Yeah, thanks, I know."
"Holy Hephaestus," Jake breathes. "That means—it's so rare that—"
The limestone moves out of the way, and Ara looks at it with her mouth wide open. "What the..." she glares at Chiron. "There is no way you didn't know." 
The centaur doesn't look at her.
"Welcome to Bunker Nine," Leo says. "C'mon in."
Ara steps forward, and the lion tries to follow her in. "No, boy, s'not big enough—"
"It's big enough to store forty Porphyrions," Leo eases her.
"Come," he insists, grabbing her hand and pulling her along. 
Ara gets a full view of the place and she gasps, her hand closes tightly around Leo's. She spots Festus's head on a circular platform and drags Leo to it. "Baby!" She lets go of the boy to hug the dragon. "You're here!"
"I'm sorry, Festus," Leo speaks quietly, eyes gloomy. "But I won't forget you." 
Jason approaches and places a hand on Leo's shoulder. "Hephaestus brought it here for you?" The boy nods. "But you can't repair him..."
"No way. But the head is going to be reused. Festus will be going with us."
"What do you mean?" Piper walks up to them. Ara's lion sniffs Festus's back end curiously, sneezing as he gets a whiff of burned oil.
"Guys, look at this!" Nyssa's going through some blueprints on the largest workbench. "I've never seen anything like these! There are more amazing ideas here than in Daedalus's workshop. It would take a century just to prototype them all."
"That's a bold statement," Ara moves toward the group. "Let me see, I was at his workshop once—"
Leo pushes through. "You met Daedalus?"
"We all did! He was our sword instructor. Lily worked with him last August—"
"Who built this place?" Jake interrupts her. "And why?"
Ara looks at Chiron, but he still refuses to speak. Leo notices her annoyance and tries to respond. "It's a wartime command center. The camp was attacked once, wasn't it?"
"In the Titan War?"
"No. Besides, that map looks really old. The date... does that say 1864?" Nyssa and her siblings stare at the centaur.
"This camp has been attacked many times," he voices calmly. "That map is from the last Civil War."
"Civil War... You mean the American Civil War, like a hundred and fifty years ago?"
"Yes and no. The two conflicts—mortal and demigod—mirrored each other, as they usually do in Western history. Look at any civil war or revolution from the fall of Rome onward, and it marks a time when demigods also fought one another. But that Civil War was particularly horrible. 
For American mortals, it is still their bloodiest conflict of all time—worse than their casualties in the two World Wars. For demigods, it was equally devastating. Even back then, this valley was Camp Half-Blood. There was a horrible battle in these woods lasting for days, with terrible losses on both sides."
"Both sides," Leo raises a brow. "You mean the camp split apart?"
"No," Jason glances at Ara. "He means two different groups. Camp Half-Blood was one side in the war."
"Who was the other?"
"The answer is dangerous," Chiron warns them. "It is something I swore upon the River Styx never to speak of. After the American Civil War, the gods were so horrified by the toll it took on their children, that they swore it would never happen again. 
The two groups were separated. The gods bent all their will, wove the Mist as tightly as they could, to make sure the enemies never remembered each other, never met on their quests, so that bloodshed could be avoided."
If Hera was brave enough to break the oath, why couldn't he? Ara reaches for her compass and squeezes it, but it's not as effective as other times. Lately, many things aren't as effective to cheer her up as they used to.
"...In the last century, it has been reopened a few times, usually as a hiding place in times of great unrest. But coming here is dangerous. It stirs old memories, awakens the old feuds. Even when the Titans threatened last year, I did not think it worth the risk to use this place."
He knew this place existed and he didn't think it was worth mentioning? Ara steps forward, but Nyssa grabs her shoulder to keep her in place. "This place could've saved many lives!"
"Or it would've been another target for Kronos to strike."
"Hey, look, this place found me," Leo doesn't sound so giddy now, and that upsets Ara further. "It was meant to happen. It's a good thing." 
"I hope you're right."
"I am!" Leo pulls out the old crayon drawing he's been carrying around. "There. Aeolus returned that to me. I drew it when I was five. That's my destiny."
"Leo, it's a crayon drawing of a boat."
"Look," he insists.
"Holy forges..." Ara breathes. 
"That's impossible," Nyssa speaks in a shaky voice, she's spotted the largest blueprint on the board in front of them. "That blueprint has to be a century old at least."
"'Prophecy—Unclear—Flight,'" Jake reads out loud. "It's a diagram for a flying ship. Look, that's the landing gear. And weaponry—Holy Hephaestus: rotating ballista, mounted crossbows, Celestial bronze plating. That thing would be one spankin' hot war machine. Was it ever made?"
"Not yet. Look at the masthead," Leo's eyes are bright, the others's reactions are lifting his spirits.
"Festus!" Piper exclaims.
"He's meant to be our masthead. Our good luck charm, our eyes at sea. I'm supposed to build this ship. I'm gonna call it the Argo II. And guys, I'll need your help."
"I'm in," Ara's mind is racing. "This is it, isn't it? What you father meant."
Leo gives her a crooked smile. No one else knows what she means, but he does. "Think so."
"The Argo II." Piper grins. "After Jason's ship."
"Leo's right," Jason adds. "That ship is just what we need for our journey."
"What journey?" Nyssa frowns. "You just got back!"
"We've got to confront Porphyrion, the giant king," Piper's fingers graze Leo's drawing. "He said he would destroy the gods at their roots."
"Indeed," Chiron hums. "Much of Rachel's Great Prophecy is still a mystery to me, but one thing is clear. You three—Jason, Piper, and Leo—are among the seven demigods who must take on that quest. You must confront the giants in their homeland, where they are strongest. You must stop them before they can wake Gaea fully, before they destroy Mount Olympus."
"Um... You don't mean Manhattan, do you?" Nyssa inquires hesitantly.
"No," Leo answers. "The original Mount Olympus. We have to sail to Greece."
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Next Chapter ->
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percy-x-luke · 8 months
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Even The Thorns Have Roses (171876 words) by robindrake93 Chapters: 16/17 Fandom: Percy Jackson and the Olympians & Related Fandoms - All Media Types Rating: Mature Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Underage Relationships: Luke Castellan/Percy Jackson, Percy Jackson/Michael Yew Characters: Percy Jackson, Luke Castellan, Nico di Angelo, Clovis (Percy Jackson), Hermes (Percy Jackson), Minor Characters, Original Characters, Michael Yew, Aphrodite Cabin (Percy Jackson), Bianca di Angelo Additional Tags: Time Travel Fix-It, Alternate Universe - Everyone Lives/Nobody Dies, Canon-Typical Violence, POV First Person, Heavy Angst, Denial of Feelings, Secrets, Self-Harm, Unrequited Crush, Self-Medication, Explicit Sexual Content, Implied/Referenced Child Abuse, Murder, Dark Percy Jackson, De-Aged Percy Jackson, Luke Castellan Redemption, Good Luke Castellan, Shapeshifting, Annabeth Chase Is Her Own Warning, Background Relationships, Luke Castellan Smokes Marijuana, Implied/Referenced Sexual Assault, Book 1: The Lightning Thief (Percy Jackson), Past Annabeth Chase/Percy Jackson, Mood Swings, Percy Jackson Rewrite, Monsters, Dubious Consent, Death, Past Hermes/Percy Jackson, Body Dysphoria, Jaded Percy Jackson, Demigod Scents, Scents & Smells, Manipulation, BAMF Percy Jackson, Blood and Injury, Slow Burn, Camp Half-Blood (Percy Jackson), Worldbuilding, Memory Alteration, Natural Disasters, Mentions Of Luke Castellan/Dionysus, Bisexual Percy Jackson, Scratching, Percy Jackson Has Scars, Horny, Dead Dove: Do Not Eat, Fights Series: Part 1 of Revenge, And A Little Bit More Summary: Percy Jackson thought he was done with quests when an old player to the game offers Percy the chance of a lifetime; to go back in time and save one demigod. Even though all Percy wants is to live at the bottom of the lake and be left alone, he can't pass up this golden opportunity to make things right. But this time things are going to be way different and Percy is going to save all of the demigods. No matter what it takes. The rewrite of an older work with the same title.
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psychicpanic · 2 months
im thinking abt doing spirit work (? is that the right word im very new to this) w angels... is there anything youd recommend for starters
this is awesome bcs i REALLY recommend spirit work with angels first and foremost when dabbling in spirit work because angels aren’t here to hurt us, they’re here to guide us, protect us, and they love us unconditionally.
some things to remember when working with angels
there are different types of angels that specialize in different things (beauty, youthfulness, protection, divine messages, etc). there are guardian angels, archangels, and angels. there are also different types of angels like throne angels (ones that hold God’s throne), seraphim (they worship God), etc.
guardian angels watch over us since before we were born. these are the angels that are with us all throughout our lives.
archangels are high ranking angels (archangel michael, archangel gabriel, etc)
all angels are literal beings of light and are multi-dimensional entities
angels would love to guide us and offer their services to us, but they DO NOT unless they have explicit permission to help from us. when spirits do things like help without permission, they hinder our gift of free will, which then will lower their vibration. angels are very high vibrational beings. helping with permission, on the other hand, helps to raise their own vibration
there are different ways to work with angels, like rituals to invoke specific ones, but i will tell u how to practice spirit work with angels the easy way. angels are highly intelligent, highly powerful beings, and they are able to read our minds. this seems like an invasion of privacy to us but is very natural to them because thoughts are seen as thoughts coming directly from God / the one true infinite creator. (and don’t forget, they love us unconditionally!) if you are shy, or in a pinch and can’t pray out loud, prayer in your mind is 100% fine. they will hear you.
we have guardian angels that are specifically assigned to us by our birth date. i would definitely take a look at the occult encyclopedia wiki (or just google your angel birth date) to find out who is your specific guardian angel. i was born december 21st so mine is Nithael.
angels watch over us all of the time and know what we are thinking, and would like to offer us any assistance they can. knowing this, and knowing what your angel can offer (just googling your angels name will tell you a lot about them), you can pray in your mind or out loud. they will listen to u. you don’t have to see lights, signs, or feel a change in energy. if you’re nervous about other entities trying to trick you, you can also tell your angels that you do not wish to claim any negative energy and would like negative entities to be away from you, and ask for protection throughout the day and night.
if you would like assistance from an archangel, your guardian angel can easily bring them into the picture if asked. you can ask for protection from archangel michael, both spiritually and physically. you can ask just ask your guardian angel as well. angels are naturally protective entities.
you don’t have to invoke them, have candles out, do a ritual, etc. working with angels is very easy! they don’t ask for anything in return BTW! they are such kind and gentle beings.
you can ask for blessings, protection, help with your mental health, help with clarity for a certain situation, help with love and being loved, etc. the possibilities are endless! and knowing your angels name and looking up what they specialize in will help a lot with the prayers. just make sure your intention is there and you really want what you’re asking for so they can answer.
there’s probably more im forgetting, but yeah! sorry it’s kind of long! I LOVE ANGELS! and they love you 🫂🫶
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tsarisfanfiction · 2 years
Fandom: Percy Jackson and the Olympians Rating: Gen Genre: Angst Characters: Will Solace, Michael Yew Abandoned, it carried memories only for as long as the living could remember them. For @flashfictionfridayofficial​ #165: A Mere Relic. Been a little while since I wrote anything for this but I couldn't pass up this prompt, even though it took a while to settle on a direction I liked. This comes in at 854 words, according to MSWord. Reminder that there’s now a discord server for all my fics, including this one!  If you wanna chat with me or with other readers about stuff I write (or just be social in general), hop on over and say hi!
He didn’t know what had brought him there, guided his tired, aching body up stairs that creaked and groaned in the middle of the night and into the dusty cave that housed the old, forgotten and discarded, but there he was.
He should have been sleeping.  His father’s chariot had long since returned to its temple and his aunt’s chariot was halfway through its journey, and he knew his feet were supposed to have taken him back to his bed, so he could shut down in exhaustion and know nothing until the dawn.  He’d had every intention of doing just that, he was certain, but something had drawn him the wrong way, away from the infirmary but deeper into the Big House, up, up, and up again until his half-conscious body stumbled into the attic.
It was not a place he was overly familiar with; he had never had cause to enter it while his father’s oracle resided there, trapped in a failing, dead body that couldn’t die, and indeed had only ever made one trip up before, the day he formally took over head counsellorship and was introduced to the storage space that never had enough room, yet never ran out of room.
His last trip up had been with bundles and bundles of items, wrapped in nondescript white sheets for ease of carrying.  Things didn’t get thrown out at Camp; they got thrown in.  Into this cavern atop the Big House, this place of the dead, the gone, the forgotten.
Tired legs stumbled across the dust-encrusted floorboards, leaving twin messy tracks where his feet never quite left the floor in their forwards advance past godly relics and items humming with something he couldn’t identify, not stopping until he came face-to-face with it.
He didn’t know why his feet had carried him there, why he’d stumbled and staggered his way into the technically off-limits attic in the middle of the night, after settling a scared new arrival with scratches and fear in their eyes and singing them to sleep with a healing hymn that left his voice hoarse and rasping.  He didn’t know why this, why now, but something had dragged him up, and that same something had his pale, shaking fingers reaching out to touch.
There was a layer of dust over the smooth, polished material.  It clung to his fingers as they passed through, coating them with a grey fuzz not unlike the sensation of exhaustion in his mind.  Seeing it like this, neglected and fading away from memory one day, one speck of dust, at a time, tugged at his heart and his knees crashed to the floor.
The bow fell with him.
Nothing else moved, no matter how precariously they were stacked on top of each other.  There was a strange sort of magic in the attic, one he would never be able to identify, but that was barely a flicker of a thought as he grasped for it with scrabbling, desperate, hands.
His brother would never have let it fall like that.  His brother loved his bow, with its short, curvaceous shape and the power to send arrows shrieking into the distance in the blink of an eye.  His brother wasn’t so good at caring for people, sometimes, but his bow always got anything it needed, whenever it needed it.
Only once had it ever been left, discarded on the ground like trash, and the memory of that sight bubbled up inside him, overlaying the image of it covered in dust on the floor of the attic and squeezing tears from dry eyes unbidden.
His brother was gone, his possessions tidied up and left in the attic to be forgotten as life went on and he was left behind.  The bow he’d always loved so fiercely, more than anything – or anyone they’d always said, and it hadn’t entirely been a joke – was abandoned, not even a note tied to it to tell anyone else its story, who it had belonged to, what he’d died for.
The bow wasn’t his brother, couldn’t represent everything his brother was, had been, with his sharp tongue and sharper temper, short stature and shorter fuse hiding a heart that let very few in but guarded those it did with a viciousness that rivalled even the hound of the Underworld.  It was a mere relic, a single object that carried memories only for as long as the living could remember them, but he found himself curling up around it regardless, his hands leaving streaks through the dust that clung to it as he cried.
Come morning, with tired eyes rimmed with red and distant shouts of his name from people realising he’d never gone back to his cabin, he’d grab some string, a paper tag, and a pen from his filthy scrubs pocket.
In the middle of the night, however, he could do nothing but cry until exhaustion claimed him and he fell asleep where he was, clinging to the bow the way he’d never get the chance to touch his brother again.
Bow of Michael Yew, son of Apollo Hero of Williamsburg Bridge
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