#mia hawkins
cliosimming · 1 year
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The twins age up into children!
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tiredassmage · 1 year
WIP(?) Wednesday
Does it still count if it’s an idea I unleashed in one sitting because I was FINALLY freed? xD @sullustangin​ tagged me last week, I think, and at the time, I didn’t have anything new to share that I hadn’t already, but I think we’re finally FREE of finals!!!!! And I could not get the last part of the Tatooine agent story relating to Tyr out of my head ALL day, it’s the only way I coped, lmao.
So!!! Please enjoy a short... well, it’s not exactly fluffy. But it kinda makes me soft? (alternatively, read it on ao3)
Mia Hawkins parts ways with Cipher Nine after defeating the Ghost Cell.
No warnings for this one. ^.^
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“So.., how does this go now? The cell is gone, but we’re both here. And I’m in no shape to fight.” She didn’t want to fight. Not him.
The agent considered her for a moment with imperceptible cool eyes and the faintest curve of a frown at the corner of his mouth. She still didn’t have his name - not even what he’d answer to in Intelligence. More the fool her, Mia supposed. He’d been the one that had conditioned they trade no names, but she’d given him hers.
She didn’t really know anything about him, did she? The Old Man may have claimed the cell had learned his ways, but she’d seen the Imperial Cipher swap masks faster than she could blink. To lay their trap, he had been almost cocky and arrogant. He hadn’t minced words at the cantina and his resulting departure on speeder would’ve almost woken the dead, she reckoned. There’d been a bravado, an untouchable swagger full of confidence that whatever the cell had in store, Intelligence could’ve done better. He could do better.
“Say I asked you,” he said. “What would you want to do?”
Mia blinked and wrung her hands together as her eyes dropped to the sand. There had also been the calculating agent that had kept stride with her at every step of her plan. He was adaptable, open to suggestions, and efficient when he finally committed.
And there was the agent that had promised her no harm would come to her on his watch. It felt a little foolish to want to believe him. In a smirk and narrowed-eyed assessment of his surroundings, he had sold her on the untouchable Imperial agent and, almost as easily, a gentle voice and perceptive inquiry about her status had eased her. A part of her wanted to scold herself. This was all a familiar game. She had no reason to trust him - whoever he really was.
“Honestly?” She scuffed a boot through the sand. “All I want is my freedom.” Whatever sense of belonging she’d ever had here had fallen through. Evidently, she’d maybe never had the kind of grasp on this whole thing that the cell did.
Whether or not everything the Old Man had said was true, it didn’t much change how it’d felt to hear it.
Mia shook her head and folded her arms across her chest. “But you’re an Intelligence agent,” she said. She squeezed her arms around herself. Her voice still wavered, no matter how firm she tried to forge it. “You won’t give me that, I know. I know it was never…” She closed her eyes tightly. It’d been the lesser of two evils, she’d been trying to convince herself. It was easier to live with that she’d done something, even if she didn’t get to live with it very long.
The alternative would have been… running? Alone? Either way, living with letting it continue.
The agent rolled his jaw and stared out over the desert for a long moment as his hands settled on his hips. Something would probably bruise, soreness would set in for trading the established advantage of a distanced firefight for a close look at the enemy, to trip them up along the knife’s blade and…
Whatever else she’d been, she was scared. Maybe barely old enough for any of this. Certainly too young when she’d started, likely.
Watchers and Academy instructors would’ve likely called it foolish. At the heart of the enemy whose specializations were hardly unlike his own, and he was about to take her on her word? He had?
More than that, he’d suffered Kaliyo’s stare as he prepared for this possibility in the back room of a seedy cantina on the edge of the desert over some piss excuse for drinks.
“No,” Nine said finally. Mia looked up as he pulled something from his jacket and offered it to her. “I can’t offer you that, Mia. But I can offer you the chance.” In his extended hand was a credit chip. He nodded to encourage her to take it. “I ran some of the numbers after you left your recording. This should be enough to get you a flight of your choice off this dustball.”
No. Mia hesitantly took the chip. She turned it over in her hands. “Agent, I…”
“It’s not going to be easy, Mia,” he said. “We’ve beheaded the serpent, maybe put most of them out of business here, but…” He shook his head. “I don’t have to tell you how this works. And I can’t tell you what ‘freedom’ is going to look like. You’ll have to figure that one out yourself.”
“You’re serious?”
Nine smiled in the way smoke rose from a campfire - faintly, almost spectral and drifting. “We don’t all get this choice. I wish you luck in making the most of it.”
“You really mean this then? You’re letting me go?”
“We’ve never met. The Ghost Cell is no longer a threat. And that,” he indicated the credit chip, “is all written off for missions supplies locally. I can trail you as far as the spaceport, but we probably shouldn’t be seen leaving together again. You’ve got a new life, a new cover, to forge.”
Mia gripped the chip tighter. There was a lingering chance it could still be a play. Maybe she’d make it back to Mos Ila only for him to hand over responsibility to some lesser troops or an Intelligence ambush. Given everything he knew now, it’d be easy enough…
Mia stowed his offering and chewed on her lip. She reached for his hands - half-surprised when he let her take them both. A part of her just needed to confirm he was even real.
“I guess this is goodbye, agent.”
His hands squeezed carefully around hers. “For the best,” he said.
She nodded. Of course. “I still don’t even know what to call you,” she said with a breath of laughter. She didn’t need to - didn’t want to; as he’d said, it’d be too much of a risk. “But I won’t forget this. You.” Her teeth dug into her lower lip one more time before she leaned up and quickly pressed a kiss to his cheek.
Heat flushed her own almost instantly, but she squeezed his hands back. He hadn’t pulled away. Out of the corner of her eye, she’d almost believe she saw another flicker of that faint smile - as elusive as a mirage. “I can make it back well enough on my own, agent. You just… take care of yourself, alright?”
Mia Hawkins pried herself away before she could wallow in any more regrets and trekked back across the sands with Cipher Nine’s eyes on her back until she cleared the camp and disappeared beyond the walls.
His eyes narrowed as Kaliyo plucked herself from where she’d taken to leaning against one of the camp walls. “Stow it, Kaliyo,” he warned.
The Rattatak snorted. “I don’t want to know, and I’m not going to ask. Let’s just not tell your bosses.”
Tyr rolled his jaw, eyes fixed on the walls. “She helped us,” he said. “She was scared. That’s no reason to kill her.”
Kaliyo groaned and shook her head. “Whatever, I said I wasn’t asking. Keep that sappy bantha fodder to yourself. I don’t want to catch it.”
Amusement quirked the Cipher’s lips. “C’mon then. Mission complete. We have reports to file.”
“Charming,” Kaliyo muttered. “You have reports, loverboy. I’m raiding the lounge again for some proper liquor.”
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stevesbipanic · 2 years
If Steve dies next season, how long do you think it will take his parents to find out?
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roseworth · 1 year
every once in a while i see posts like "ugh i want more content of *insert character here* but i have to read teen titans 2003 to get it :("
well. i hate that book but i am unfortunately insane about it so
how to read Teen Titans (2003) without wanting to die: a guide
in this im gonna cover which issues each character is in and which ones are worth reading for Cassie (Wonder Girl), Mia (Speedy), Rose (Ravager), Eddie (Kid Devil), M'gann (Miss Martian), Jaime (Blue Beetle), Virgil (Static), Lorena (Aquagirl), and Kiran (Solstice)
keep in mind. many of these characters are out of character in this book so i would NOT suggest this being the first thing you read for most of these characters
Appears in: #1-100 (yes all of them, she appears in every issue <3)
Worth reading: #1-5, #15, #30, #34-35, #40-41, #44-46, #47, #63-65, #69, #72-74, #75-76, #79, #81-82, #88, #92, #93-97, #98-100
Appears in: #21-26, #30-32, #34, #66, #99-100
Worth reading: #21-23, #30-31, #32
Appears in: #0.5, #7-12, #23, #34-60, #69-82, #88-100
Worth reading: #0.5, #34-35, #36-37, #40-41, #43-46, #57-60, #71-82, #88-91, #98-100
(ps i also have more a more detailed tt03 rose list here, and a full rose reading list here if you're interested 🫶)
Appears in: #30, #34-74
Worth reading: #34-35, #36-37, #39, #42, #44-45, #56, #60, #61, #67-68, #71, #73-74
Appears in: #37-62, #69-87, #99-100
Worth reading: #39-41, #51-54, #58-60, #62, #69, #72-74, #75-76, #85-87
Appears in: #50-83, #99-100
Worth reading: #50, #52-54, #61, #73-74, #83
Appears in: #69-87
Worth reading: #69, #73-74, #79-82, #87
Appears in: #15, #21, #34, #38, #69-86
Worth reading: #69, #72-74, #75, #81, #83-86
(^side note for lorena, as a lorena stan i am BEGGING you to read her appearances in Aquaman 2003 or Sword of Atlantis before reading her in this)
Appears in: #89-100
Worth reading: #93-97, #98-100
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Are you okay with scenario asks? How would the ros react during the crushing stage where the MC and other person are having flirty banter or smth
Are you okay with scenario asks?
I am but they may take some time to answer.
How would the ros react during the crushing stage where the MC and other person are having flirty banter or smth
Both Aiden and Jules will see it as a competition. Like, oh? That's all you can come up with? That's boring. I could do so much better. Look at me, mc. I am far better than them. You sure you want that thing around you? They won't exactly be subtle. So, now you have one more person flirting with you along with the previous one. Good luck with that.
Warren will do nothing but stand there with his usual pained smile. He'll soon excuse himself, curl up into a ball in his bed and cry himself to sleep. Nothing he isn't used to but it hurts the same every time.
Ok, Dylan won't be fond of this at all but he knows he doesn't have the right to interfere. So, he'll either just stand up and walk out of the conversation and pace around in the hallway or just stand there, with his heart in his throat, fists clenching and unclenching at his sides anxiously as he frowns at the mc everytime they entertain the other person's flirty remarks. Later, he'll make sure to have a talk with the mc. He prefers confronting people rather than playing mind games and walking around in circles. He would want to know where he stands with the mc.
Jessica will place a subtle hand to mc's forearm, her forefinger travelling down their arm, a practiced smile on her face in an attempt to bring their attention to herself. I can totally picture her talking through her eyes. She has very pretty eyes, she has heard. Surely that will be enough to sway the mc?
Oh. Oh...Heather will be heartbroken. She'll smile nervously, swallowing and looking around, gazing at the mc's face and then the other person's. She will try being a part out of conversation but will trip over her words and end up fumbling out sentences that won't make much sense at all. She's usually loud and cheery but a romanced Heather becomes more subdued.
Mia will make sure to rudely interrupt the conversation by throwing not-so-subtle snarky comments towards the other person while smiling wickedly. She'll make sure she embarrasses them.
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Cassie: What did you guys get in your yearbook?
Bart: Most popular.
Kiran: Best Hair.
Amy: Most athletic.
Mia: Nicest Personality.
M'gann: Most spirited!
Wendy: Most likely to succeed.
Lorena: Life of the Party.
Eddie: Class clown!
Kara: Most likely to help a stranger.
Kit: Most likely to drop their phone in the toilet.
Jaime: Most likely to run for president on a dare.
Kon: Most likely to go viral.
Tim: Most likely to start a cult.
Rose: Most likely to start a bar fight.
Virgil: Least likely to start a bar fight, but most likely to win one.
Cassie: Well, we really covered the spread here, huh guys.
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dad-a-base · 3 months
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dccomicsbracket · 26 days
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Sanderson Hawkins (Sandy)
First appearance in Adventure Comics #69 in 1941, he was the sidekick of Wesley Dodds Sandman. He gained superpowers when the "silocoid gun" malfunctioned and be turned into a man of sand. He was put in suspended animation for a long time while heroes looked for a cure for his condition. Years later, he was back to being a hero again but in a whole new and very disorienting era. When his mentor died he also got his prophetic powers. Sandy is a character who has a real heroic spirit. He actively reaches out to villains who he believes can do good and is determined to be a hero despite the traumatic things that have happened to him. He is a good leader and overall good character.
Mia Dearden (Speedy)
she's soooo cool and fun and silly. her boyfriend once cheated on her with emma watson! she's always wearing silly little y2k crop tops and baggy pants! she's a csa / sex trafficking survivor and lives with hiv! teenage girl character of all time!
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fairytale-poll · 5 months
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Loser's Bracket Propaganda Under the Cut:
I love her. She's an avid reader. While she didn't originally get along with her step-mother, their mutual want of a good life for Bronwyn's step-sisters has brought them to at least a mutual understanding. Her deerhounds are named Walter and Scott.
[No Propaganda Submitted]
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cadybear420 · 2 years
(At cheer practice one day)
Sydney: Guys, I just learned that one in 4 girls is gay.
Payton: So?
Sydney: That means... one of us cheerleaders is gay.
Payton: ...
Emma: ...
Sydney: ...
Sydney: I hope it's Mia. Mia is cute.
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brenheir · 2 years
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thinking  abt  s4  main  character  ,  rick  davis.  step-father  to  carol  ,  husband  to  cynthia  davis  ,  former  doctor  at  hawkins  lab  who  worked  alongside  dr.  brenner.
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cliosimming · 1 year
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And we're ending here with the Hawkins family for now. Things are a bit uncertain for the right now, but its nothing they can't work out. Next up, Carter Moss!
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tiredassmage · 1 year
Tyr x Mia Hawkins! (or, we sort of know how that one goes a little but I wanna hear more...)
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The people have spoken! xD @captainderyn and @eorzeashan on the same page this fine evening. This is a good one, I love you both.
(send me a ship suggestion for one of my ocs and I'll give you my thoughts!)
The shorter end of this answer is that, yes, something could have come of this - and what does, by circumstance, is really only a whisper of the potential. It's a passing admiration, which I touch on in a relevant exploration of their parting on Tatooine in this fic (or the ao3 link, for those that prefer).
Mia's letter after letting her go really touches me, tbh.
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And, of course, as game events go, all of those things remain unsaid. Nothing really comes of this except Mia having a minor crush for the two seconds she knows this nameless Imperial agent and Tyr wishes her the best of luck - genuinely. He'd never really admit it - one, because Kaliyo would never let him hear the end of it and, two, because it's not relevant given that they never see each other again (for the best, for her. It'd be risky to whatever life she establishes afterwards) - but it wouldn't have entirely been one-sided.
That said, doing something more with this is still kinda lurking in the back of my head.
I'd have to workshop the specifics more to get an actual premise, but one of my pending agent runs is to explore one of the possible editions of this which is Tyr recruiting her to Intelligence. Neither of them are exactly the perfectly loyal Imperial type at the end of the day, quite honestly, so I imagine she resisted the idea at first, but the alternatives were less certain and for sure less appealing because of it.
The other end of this is that Mia's the kind of person that could have convinced Tyr to run away. Maybe not after Chapter Two screws with his entire life and perception of everything ever, or maybe especially because of that. Like I said, the specifics are kind of nebulous still because I haven't seriously worked on the idea, but whether she's certain of it or not, she gets a very genuine look at Tyr beneath Nine, though he's not obvious about it.
There's an earnesty to her that Tyr can't help but be drawn to - and it's that very thing that makes him decide quite early on that she's not a threat, regardless of his initial orders. And he decides with quite a level of certainty that he's going to make sure she makes it through this. He might have chosen this life, chosen Intelligence, but he gets the impression that she's maybe a bit farther in over her head than she ever wanted out of this.
She has the opportunity to run. Tyr's not even considering it when they meet.
I don't... really know how it'd play out since the origin is still so nebulous, but I'd be inclined to think this would be a very slow, very gentle relationship. Sure, the physical crush and attraction may come early, but neither of them are really in a position to act on it - or even desire to, given all the uncertainties of the situation. But I think there's something to how easily and readily they look for the best in one another that could really lead them to something good - something that would give Tyr a reference point, a way to keep his head above water, so to speak, and something that reminds Mia of why this was all worth it, why she's trying and why she's still fighting for this shot at a quieter life.
She's one of the few that sees something other than just a Cipher, so she's one of the extreme few that has a shot at convincing him that there's something else to do with his skills, something more for him to be than this... lack created by giving everything to his work in Imperial Intelligence.
It's more likely to start as a partnership where Tyr teaches her what he knows from being a Cipher. He starts with the desire to help her, to make sure she can protect herself and Mia couldn't help but be surprised by the altruism of it, how he doesn't even question the boons (or lack thereof) of doing this.
I'm not sure if any potential relationship would last insofar as them being a Thing together, but, regardless of any romantic developments, I think they'd stay close friends, always watching each other's backs and there to catch each other when they stumble.
Of course, broadening that to the realm of other like-minded agents and whatnot, undoubtedly part of the reason he ends up with Theron, of all people, is because he feels so seen - in maybe... not what feels like a good way (Stars forbid we admit weakness and vulnerability to anyone, after all) initially, but in an ultimately validating way - with him. Theron's not above or below him, so Tyr isn't wearing a mask of the good soldier or responsible agent or the carefully masked mentor. Theron's an agent, too, just trying to get the job done despite onerous forces such as Saresh, lol.
I suppose we could make a sort of honorable mention to Sanju Pyne from Balmorra in this broad consideration, but Tyr and Sanju are never really more than acquaintances and coworkers. In a "pot calls kettle black" kind of way, Tyr sees Sanju as ultimately too idealistic for this line of work and grits his teeth trying to balance their shared ideals with an intolerance for unnecessary risk for the mission that ultimately just barely works out in their favor and gets them both out alive, if you asked for Tyr's honest assessment of the mission. Sanju's right to try to appeal to Tyr's ideals, sure, but attraction and anything deeper than a potentially already somewhat-jaded Cipher's advice to what Tyr perceives as a potentially less-experienced and maybe even younger operative don't factor into it. Intelligence work has a way of aging its operatives ksksfnlsdfa.
Chance might deserve an honorable mention as a potential friend, too, from Ardun's crew, but, in short, I think Mia's the only one of this streak that I recall a few more sparks flying with.
But it probably takes that kind to really get anywhere with Tyr. His relationships even inside of his crew sort of suffer from the whirlwind that is Chapters 2 & 3 from damaged trust and the need to maintain appearances, so Tyr needs someone that can meet him as something close to an equal for him to really feel any sense of comfort - someone that comes to him with less rigid expectations, otherwise he's liable to morph quickly to meet them.
Him and Lana, for example, would never have worked if any inclination ever existed - largely because he doesn't necessarily trust her until the Alliance is starting to take shape. That first impression and initial distrust (largely, granted, from what he experiences as Nine and not particularly anything of her own doing until Rishi) of meeting her as an agent reporting to a superior sets a lasting tone for their relationship going forward. She's someone he has to play a role with more often than not still (Cipher, Commander, what have you); her confidence in him and his ability to overcome adversity kind of unfortunately reinforces that in ways I think go largely unacknowledged from both ends because Tyr's nothing if not dedicated to the last atom of his being to his work and Lana's is something more akin to a tough love kind of encouragement.
Even his relationship with Shara, after all, is ultimately always kind of touched by what neither of them necessarily see at first as a power disparity in their ranks inside of Intelligence. Theirs wrenches my heart so hard because, on one hand, she knows him more intimately than most, and, on the other, they don't really know that much about each other at all in the end because they always leashed themselves because of their duties. For as close as they do get, it's still ultimately a distraction from their work. A mutually agreed to and enjoyable one, yes, that definitely has its intimacy, but always short of their true, unfiltered honesty.
They maintain its to protect one another, to make the fall easier when it comes.
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alternate-kiza · 2 years
Apoo: How are our parents still so lively?
Kid: I don’t really know
Penguin: Only one of them has a reason since Vault is only 46 years old.
Hawkins: No, Drake and I are both older then 30 and we still do similar stuff.
Kid: But you aren’t at the age your body starts to fail.
Angel: What the hell are you talking about, I’m only 56.
Apoo: You may be but my mother ain’t, she shouldn’t be hanging on a rope trying to get plushy‘s.
Mia: I’m only 57
Apoo: Yeah, your too old.
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eorzeashan · 1 year
was awakened at unholy hours last night to participate in the great agent discussions. emerges from my blankets with no memory of what transpired as if possessed
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do the ro’s have a type of mc they prefer personality or appearance wise?
The ros will be interested in you regardless of whether you are their 'type' or not! This isn't something that will mentioned in the text.
Jules' type? All mcs. Everyone else was just plain boring. mc was the only good thing for them in ravenwoods.
Warren's type? All mcs. No one interests him but the mc and he's afraid it will remain that way no matter what he does.
Dylan? He doesn't have a preference.
Jessica has never been in a relationship with another girl before but she has been curious at times. Usually, she goes for the tall dark and handsome guys haha. Go ahead and give her that gay panic lmao.
Aiden? I have said this one before. He rly enjoys pushing mc's buttons. So one who would talk back would delight him a lot. Stoic mcs are right up his ally too.
Heather? Oh she has never been in a relationship before. She doesn't even know what she likes herself haha. A bold mc will surely get her feeling all mushy inside though.
Mia...oh Mia would love a really cocky mc but only because she wants to 'put them in their place' or a really shy one. Or the quiet mysterious one. She finds those types cute.
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