#mha chapter 413
satorugojjo · 3 months
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very rough very quick clean up and colour of that one panel from ch 413
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springy1011 · 3 months
colored that one sick panel from MHA chapter 413
I’m not very good at coloring stuff so this is how I practice until I get good enough at it. Haha! I also made one version darker then the other. I also meant to do one that isn’t based around the DFO theory but I accidentally put some things on the same layer so I can’t do that unless I want to redo the whole thing. :(
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wanietheworld · 3 months
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This panel is going to haunt me for DAYS
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zestirial · 3 months
Okay, now let's all get on the same page. Izuku has never been without a birth alter, that's impossible.
I elaborate, in chapter 410 All for one dies, which means that all the alters he'd stolen so far are returned to their owners, dead or alive.
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Now, right after that, his hair is turning white, for no good reason.
Because if we follow the famous "he doesn't have an alter" reasoning, this color change is just a mistake by Horikoshi. But it isn't ;)
In chapter 413, the owners of the One for All decide that Izuku must give the One for All to shigaraki so that they can beat him from the inside.
Because it's impossible for Izuku to beat him physically.
But let's agree, Izuku is definitely dead if he passes the Ofa. By the time they react after the transfer, enlarge the breach and do their thing. Shigaraki will have had all the time he needs to destroy everything. With deku left with NO defense.
So I sincerely believe that his stolen alter will save him when the One for All no longer belongs to him.
Because there's no way he'll survive without an alter against shigaraki, who'll have the two most powerful alters. Knowing that even with the One for All it wasn't a foregone conclusion 🧍‍♀️
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dekusleftsock · 3 months
Yada yada, kudou looked through Izuku’s memories and saw big gay thoughts, but we already knew they were gay. Of course they were gay. They’ve always been gay.
It’s so FASCINATING! And I know I’m late to the party (school, work, life, depression, art block, the list could go on) but all I can think about is the trust that this entire situation holds.
On one hand, Izuku has to trust Kudou and his abilities. Defeating him from the inside out is probably the only way Izuku will win at this point.
And on the other hand, Izuku in his own way, is having to trust shigaraki, something he hasn’t done nor even considered before. He sees that little boy inside of him, but there’s more to that little boy. The man that stands before him, broken and beaten and shattered emotionally by society, is a person too. It truly doesn’t matter that the boy exists; yes it’s a way for Izuku to understand that concept of “heroes and villains are cut from the same cloth”, but it’s also the understanding that even when someone has fucked up their life, still deserves to be treated as a person for doing so. Everyone, EVERYONE, deserves the right to be and feel like a real and alive human being.
To me, it’s in the same vain as Izuku as a little boy. We could go over he details ALL DAY as to how he became the person he is, what could’ve been different, what could’ve happened. But at the end of the day, the only thing that changes the past is how we view it; Katsuki knows this.
There’s a part of me that whenever I see a fanfic where Katsuki meets his old middle school self that he hates him, wants to kick him down, humble him, whatever other verb here:
But that small part of me always thinks that it’s… oddly out of character.
Okay, comparing Katsuki and Izuku, who is more ashamed of their pasts?
If you guessed Izuku (and you agree with me), tell me what exactly inclines you to think that?
Because the difference between them is who accepts themself, and who doesn’t.
Accepting yourself doesn’t just mean, accepting that you were a bad person but you’re better now so it’s okay. No, I think that’s actually more complex than implied.
In my opinion, seeing your past actions as something to forgive is important too. Katsuki meeting his middle school self may seem like an aggressive cat fight in idea, but it practice may turn into high school Katsuki being unaffected by middle school him. He knows why he thought what he did, understands that it was bad, but also understands why that mindset came to be. He can be sorry to Izuku AND sorry to himself.
Izuku I think feels a sense of shame for his middle school self, especially that weakness. He cried more in middle school too; he didn’t try. That’s what he’s most mad about and unable to forgive himself for, he didn’t try.
And to an extent, Izuku has to learn that his perception of his past is what matters most: Shigaraki is the same.
Shigaraki as a little boy could’ve lived better circumstances. He could’ve found a hero and been saved. He could’ve had this or that or made a better decision. And I think a small part of him feels guilty for it. Shigaraki also doesn’t accept his past.
Ofa being taken away, as saddening as it may seem to fans, was always an ending I was hoping for. Of course I could be wrong and by the end of the manga he still has it, and while I’d still be happy with that ending… I just really want Izuku to let himself be a human being. A flawed one, with things he could or could not change, and accepting that fact.
After all, “You’re still human.” Right?
And sorry to bring up the girls again, but part of the key components to saving Himiko were trusting her, and not clinging to a small part of her. She wanted to see and know Himiko as she is, not who she was.
That’s this dudes problem; even if he wants to tear that rug to pieces, there’s certain ideas that hold him back. Think, the idea that your emotions matter less over others, or hating yourself for flaws that nearly every human being has.
Izuku saving Shigaraki has always always always been about saving himself too, and I love that.
Izuku had to trust Katsuki in this battle, trust allmight, trust Ochako, trust people. He had to let them take the wheel, the burden. Maybe he and Shigaraki can lift that burden for themselves too. His mask is broken, he’s become a monster blackwhip thing…
What’s your move Izuku?
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ronimacaroni77 · 3 months
My hero.
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pikahlua · 3 months
MHA Chapter 413 spoilers translations
This week’s initial tentative super rough/literal translations under the cut.
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tagline AFOとOFA精神の共鳴が見せるものとは⁉︎ オール・フォー・ワンとワン・フォー・オールせいしんのきょうめいがみせるものとは⁉︎ OORU FOO WAN to WAN FOO OORU seishin no kyoumei ga misero mono to wa!? The resonance between the spirit of One For All and All For One reveals [what]!?
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1 師 マスター MASUTAA (kanji: shi) Master,
2 悲しそうな子が かなしそうなこが kanashisou na ko ga a child who seems sad
3 いたよ ita yo was there.
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1 ーーィト! --ITO! "--ight!"
2 オールマイト‼︎ OORU MAITO!! "All Might!!"
3 寝たら死ぬぞ‼︎意識を保て‼︎ ねたらしぬぞ‼︎いしきをたもて‼︎ netara shinu zo!! ishiki wo tamote!! "If you sleep, you're die!! Keep conscious!!"
4 …! "...!"
5 通信機がなくて状況がわからんが つうしんきがなくてじょうきょうがわからんが tsuushinki ga nakute joukyou ga wakaran ga "I don't have a communication device so I don't know what's going on, but"
6 恐らく緑谷がまだ戦っている! おそらくみどりやがまだたたかっている! osoraku Midoriya ga mada tatakatte iru! "Midoriya is probably still fighting!"
7 夢…? ゆめ…? yume...? A dream...?
8 いや…この感覚は… いや…このかんかくは… iya...kono kankaku wa... No...this sensation...
9 あの時と同じー…‼︎ あのときとおなじー…‼︎ ano toki to onaji-...!! It's the same at that time-...!!
10 遠く離れている筈なのに とおくはなれているはずなのに tooku hanarete iru hazu nanoni Even though it should be far away,
11 OFAを感じる ワン・フォー・オールをかんじる WAN FOO OORU wo kanjiru I feel One For All.
12 "意志"が流れ込んでくる "いし"がながれこんでくる "ishi" ga nagarekonde kuru Its "will" is flowing back [into me].
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1 紡がれてきた力が… つむがれてきたちからが… tsumugarete kita chikara ga... The power that has been spun...
2 解れる ほつれる hotsureru will be unraveled.
tagline No.413 鉛の塊 堀越耕平 ナンバー413 なまりのかたまり ほりこしこうへい NANBAA 413  namari no katamari   Horikoshi Kouhei No. 413 A Lump of Lead  Kouhei Horikoshi
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1 何だ今のは なんだいまのは nanda ima no wa What was the just now?
2 何故今アレが脳裏に過った なぜいまアレがのうりによぎった naze ima ARE ga nouri ni yogitta Why did that pass through my mind just now?
3-4 おまえは完全に消滅した筈だ おまえはかんぜんにしょうめつしたはずだ omae wa kanzen ni shoumetsu shita hazu da You must have been completely extinguished.
5 人が人を助ける限り ひとがひとをたすけるかぎり hito ga hito wo tasukeru kagiri So long as people help people,
6 英雄の意志を継いだ誰かがー えいゆうのいしをついだだれかがー eiyuu no ishi wo tsuida dareka ga- someone who inherits the will of heroes-
7 消滅して尚 しょうめつしてなお shoumetsu shite nao Even though it was extinguished,
8 残り火の如く…! のこりびのごとく…! nokoribi no gotoku...! [it lingers] like an ember...!
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1 づ dzu "Dgh"
2 ハッ HA "Hah"
3 ーーッ "--"
4 …! "...!"
5 君は きみは kimi wa You
6 ヒーローになれる HIIROO ni nareru can become a hero.
7 どういう…ことですか… dou iu...koto desu ka... "What do...you mean..."
8 ワン・フォー・オールを手放せって…なんですか⁉︎ ワン・フォー・オールをてばなせって…なんですか⁉︎ WAN FOO OORU wo tebanase tte...nan desu ka!? "Let go of One For All...what [does that mean]!?"
9 二代目…‼︎ にだいめ…‼︎ nidaime...!! "Second...!!"
10 心を荒げるな奴に聞かれる こころをあらげるなやつにきかれる kokoro wo arageruna yatsu ni kikareru "Don't worry yourself [or] he'll question [us]." (Note: I think Kudou is basically saying "Play it cool or else Tomura will catch on.")
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1 死柄木の中にあった鉛のような黒い塊…あれは しがらきのなかにあったなまりのようなくろいかたまり…あれは Shigaraki no naka ni atta namari no you na kuroi katamari...are wa Inside Shigaraki [is a] lead-like black lump...that is
2 奴の中にあった幾つもの小さな怒りや不満……記憶… やつのなかにあったいくつものちいさないかりやふまん……きおく… yatsu no naka ni atta ikutsumo no chiisa na ikari ya fuman......kioku... the many small angers inside him......memories...
3 それらが引き寄せられ一つに集約されたものだ それらがひきよせられひとつにしゅうやくされたものだ sorera ga hikiyoserare hitotsu ni shouyaku sareta mono da Those are all drawn together and consolidated into [that] one thing.
4 いわば奴の決意そのもの憎悪で固められた精神 いわばやつのけついそのものぞうおでかためられたせいしん iwaba yatsu no ketsui sono mono zouo de katamerareta seishin So to speak, his determination itself is a spirit fortified with hatred.
5 だが dagaBut,
6-7 八木が隙を見つけた やぎがすきをみつけた Yagi ga suki wo mitsuketa Yagi found an opening.
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1 あれは恐らく あれはおそらく are wa osoraku That is probably
2 スターアンドストライプとの戦闘でついた残り傷 スターアンドストライプとのせんとうでついたのこりきず SUTAA ANDO SUTORAIPU to no sentou de tsuita nokori kizu a gash left over from the battle with Star and Stripe.
3 再生の"個性"でも癒し切れぬ肉体ではなく精神の傷 さいせいの"こせい"でもいやしきれぬにくたいではなくせいしんのきず saisei no "kosei" demo iyashi kirenu nikutai de wa naku seishin no kizu Even the Regeneration quirk cannot heal the wounds of the spirit as it's not the body.
4 それと sore to "And then"
5 ワン・フォー・オールが… WAN FOO OORU ga... "One For All..."
6 どういう…… dou iu...... "what do you mean......"
7 AFOを飲み込んだ死柄木は強くなりすぎだ……このまま力比べを続けても勝ち目はない オール・フォー・ワンをのみこんだしがらきはつよくなりすぎだ……このままちからくらべをつづけてもかちめはない OORU FOO WAN wo nomikonda Shigaraki wa tsuyoku nari sugi da......kono mama chikara kurabe wo tsudzuketemo kachime wa nai "[By] swallowing All For One, Shigaraki has become too strong...... At this rate, if we continute to compete by strength, there will be no chance of winning."
8 だから裡から攻める だからうちからせめる dakara uchi kara semeru "So we'll attack from the inside."
9-10 ワン・フォー・オールを譲渡という形で傷にぶつける ワン・フォー・オールをじょうとというかたちできずにぶつける WAN FOO OORU wo jouto to iu katachi de kizu ni butsukeru "[We'll] strike* the gash in the form of transfering One For All." (*Note: This particular word for "strike" evokes imagery almost like "bust through," "smash through.")
11 傷をこじ開け きずをこじあけ kizu wo kojiake "[We'll] pry open the gash
12 奴の精神を直接叩く やつのせいしんをちょくせつたたく yatsu no seishin wo chokusetsu tataku "and strike his spirit directly."
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1 "譲渡"して… "じょうと"して… "jouto" shite... "Transfer it..."
2 "ぶつける"……? "butsukeru"......? "and strike......?"
3 待って言ってる事がよくわかんない! まっていってることがよくわかんない! matte itteru koto ga yoku wakannai! "Wait, I don't really understand what you're saying!"
4 渡したら…使われるだけだ! わたしたら…つかわれるだけだ! watashitara...tsukawareru dake da! "If you hand [us] over...[we'll] just be used!"
5 四ノ森さんのように取り込まれるだけだ! しのもりさんのようにとりこまれるだけだ! Shinomori-san no you ni torikomareru dake da! "We'll just be captured like Mr. Shinomori!"
6 "譲渡"の解釈を拡げるんだ "じょうと"のかいしゃくをひろげるんだ "jouto" no kaishaku wo hirogerunda "Expand your interpretation of 'transfer.'"
7 わからんか wakaran ka "Don't you understand?"
8 イメージで修練? イメージでしゅうれん? IMEEJI de shuuren? "Training through visualiation?"
9 ーーーああ… ---aa... "---Yes..."
10 なら…わかりやすいのがいるだろう nara...wakari yasui no ga iru darou "In that case...there's one [person] who'll make it easy to understand."
11 あの幼馴染はおまえにどうやってものを渡すかな あのおさななじみはおまえにどうやってものをわたすかな ano osananajimi wa omae ni dou yatte mono wo watasu ka na "How does that childhood friend [of yours] hand over things to you?"
small text 信じ難いや しんじがたいや shinji gatai ya "It's difficult to believe."
12 渡し方によっては怪我もするし わたしかたによってはけがもするし watashikata ni yotte wa kega mo suru shi "Depending on how you hand it over, you may get injured,"
13 物自体が壊れもする ものじたいがこわれもする mono jitai ga koware mo suru "or the item itself may be broken."
14 これをOFAで実行するだが… これをワン・フォー・オールでじっこうするだが… kore wo WAN FOO OORU de jikkou suru daga... "You'll implement this with One For All, but..."
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1 確証はないだからまず俺で試す かくしょうはないだからまずおれでためす kakushou wa nai dakara mazu ore de tamesu "I'm not certain [about it], so I'll test it with myself first."
2 さっきは四ノ森さんだけが奪われた さっきはしのもりさんだけがうばわれた sakki wa Shinomori-san dake ga ubawareta "Earlier, only Mr. Shinomori was stolen."
3 一部だけ奪われるなら…一部だけの譲渡もシステムとして可能な筈だ いちぶだけうばわれるなら…いちぶだけのじょうともシステムとしてかのうなはずだ ichibu dake ubawareru nara...ichibu dake no jouto mo SHISUTEMU to shite kanou na hazu da "If only one portion was stolen...it should also be possible to transfer only one portion as a system."
4 俺たちはOFAに取り込まれた因子 おれたちはワン・フォー・オールにとりこまれたいんし ore-tachi wa WAN FOO OORU ni torikomareta inshi "We are factors taken into One For All."
5 OFAの一部……そして ワン・フォー・オールのいちぶ……そして WAN FOO OORU no ichibu......soshite "[Individual] parts of One For All...and"
6 強化された特別な因子 きょうかされたとくべつないんし kyouka sareta tokubetsu na inshi "strengthened special factors."
7 俺が砕け散る程に強く"渡せ"ば おれがくだけちるほどにつよく"わたせ"ば ore ga kudake chiru hodo ni tsuyoku "watase"ba "If you hand me over so strongly that I shatter to pieces,"
8 力が渡ることなく攻撃ができる ちからがわたることなくこうげきができる chikara ga wataru koto naku kougeki ga dekiru "I can attack without the power passing over [to him]." (Note: I believe Kudou is saying "If you send me over strongly enough to break me as a factor, I can attack Tomura without him being able to use my quirk.")
9 試すって…!なら「煙幕」を! ためすって…!なら「おれ」を! tamesu tte...! nara 「ore (kanji: enmaku)」 wo! "Test it, you say...! Then [send] me (read as: Smokescreen)!"
10 俺が今一番使い所ないでしょ おれがいまいちばんつかいどころないでしょ ore ga ima ichiban tsukai dokoro nai desho "I'm the one who has the least use, right?"
11 いや iya "No,"
12 俺からだ おれからだ ore kara da "it's from me." (Note: I think Kudou is saying "No, it was my suggestion, so I should be the one we test this on.")
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1 でも"変速"はこの戦いの要だ!失敗したら死柄木に"変速"が でも"へんそく"はこのたたかいのかなめだ!しっぱいしたらしがらきに"へんそく"が demo "hensoku" wa kono tatakai no kaname da! shippai shitara Shigaraki ni "hensoku" ga "But Gear Shift is key in this battle! If it fails, Shigaraki will [have]Gear Shift!"
2 今 いま ima "Right now,"
3 動けなければ死ぬ うごけなければしぬ ugokenakereba shinu "[whoever] can't move will die."
4 "変速"を手放せば反動も手放せる "おれ"をてばなせばはんどうもてばなせる "ore (kanji: hensoku)" wo tebanaseba handou mo tebanaseru "If he can let go of me (read as: Gear Shift), he can let go of the recoil."
5 そして万が一奴が使ったとしても今の反動状態がそのまま渡ることになる そしてまんがいちやつがつかったとしてもいまのはんどうじょうたいがそのままわたることになる soshite man ga ichi yatsu ga tsukatta to shitemo ima no handou joutai ga sono mama wataru koto ni naru "And even if by any chance that guy used it, the current state of the recoil would pass over [to him] as it is now."
6 リーダー…俺はずっとあなたに従ってきた…けれど今回はリスクが高すぎる リーダー…おれはずっとあなたにしたがってきた…けれどこんかいはリスクがたかすぎる RIIDAA...ore wa zutto anata ni shitagatte kita...keredo konkai wa RISUKU ga taka sugiru "Leader...I've always followed you...but this time the risk is too high."
7 だから賭けだよ だからかけだよ dakara kake da yo "That's why it's a bet."
8 俺たちは過酷な時代を生きた おれたちはかこくなじだいをいきた ore-tachi wa kakoku na jidai wo ikita "We lived in a harsh era."
9 仕方がないと…無情な決断も重ねてきた しかたがないと…むじょうなけつだんもかさねてきた shikata ga nai to...mujou na ketsudan mo kasanete kita Literal. "[I thought] there was no choice... I piled up heartless decisions." Contextual. "[I thought] there was no choice... I made decision after heartless decision."
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1 今 最も過酷な状況にあって いま もっともかこくなじょうきょうにあって ima motto mo kakoku na joukyou ni atte Right now, [he is] is in the harshest situation,
2 それでも尚心を諦めないこの少年が それでもなおこころをあきらめないこのしょうねんが sore demo nao kokoro wo akiramenai kono shounen ga yet still, this boy will not give up on [his] heart. (Note: The "his" is ambiguous. This phrase literally reads as "this boy will not give up on heart.")
3 正しいのだと信じたい ただしいのだとしんじたい tadashii no da to shinjitai I want to believe that he is right*. (*Note: This word "right" can mean both "correct" and "righteous, just.")
4 オールマイトにここまでして貰えて オールマイトにここまでしてもらえて OORU MAITO ni koko made shite moraete For All Might to do all of this for me,
5 恵まれすぎてる… めぐまれすぎてる… megumare sugiteru... I'm too blessed...
6 づ… dzu... "Ddh..."
7 ふぐ…! fugu...! "Ngh...!"
8 …この期に及んで… …このごにおよんで… ...kono go ni oyonde... "...Up to this phase..."
9 力が惜しいとか…死の恐怖じゃない… ちからがおしいとか…しのきょうふじゃない… chikara ga oshii toka...shi no kyoufu ja nai... "it's not that the power is precious [to him]...and it's not the fear of death."
10 どれだけ強大な使命を帯びてても… どれだけきょうだいなしめいをおびてても… dore dake kyoudai na shimei wo obitetemo... "No matter how powerful the mission with which he is entrusted..."
11 俊典…! としのり…! Toshinori...! "Toshinori...!"
12 この子はいつまで経っても…… このこはいつまでたっても…… kono ko wa itsu made tattemo...... "For this child, no matter how much time passes......"
13 この子にとってOFAは… このこにとってワン・フォー・オールは… kono ko ni totte WAN FOO OORU wa... "to this child, One For All is..."
14 肝に銘じておきな きもにめいじておきな kimo ni meijite oki na Keep this in mind:
15 これは君自身が勝ち取った力だ これはきみじしんがかちとったちからだ kore wa kimi jishin ga kachitotta chikara da this is a power you have won yourself.
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1 憧れのヒーローがくれた宝物なんだよ あこがれのヒーローがくれたたからものなんだよ akogare no HIIROO ga kureta takaramono nanda yo ...a treasure given to him by the hero he admires.
3 何をごちゃごちゃと話してる なにをごちゃごちゃとはなしてる nani wo gochagocha to hanashiteru "What gripes are you talking about?"
4 万縄あんたはなるべく小僧の側に ばんじょうあんたはなるべくこぞうのそばに Banjou anta wa narubeku kozou no soba ni "Banjou, you [stay] by the boy's side as much as possible."
5 黒鞭が生命線だ くろむちがせいめいせんだ kuro muchi ga seimeisen da "Black Whip is the lifeline."
6 頼んだ たのんだ tanonda "[I'm] counting on you."
7 ああ aa "Right,"
8 マイヒーロー MAI HIIROO "my hero."
9 あとはお前だどうする緑谷出久‼︎ あとはおまえだどうするみどりやいずく‼︎ ato wa omae da dou suru Midoriya Izuku!! "The rest is up to you, Izuku Midoriya!!"
10 ……やります‼︎ ......yarimasu!! "......I'll do it!!"
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1 …とても ...totemo "...You don't really"
2 腱や筋肉を内から直接補強… けんやきんにくをうちからちょくせつほきょう… ken ya kinniku wo uchi kara chokusetsu hokyou… Direct reinforcement of your tendons and muscles from within…
3 肌から透けて見える黒鞭が物語ってる はだからすけてみえるそれがものがたってる hada kara sukete mieru sore (kanji: kuro muchi) ga monogatatteru That (read as: Black Whip) that’s transparently visible through your skin tells the story.
4 ヒーローには見えねえな ヒーローにはみえねえな HIIROO ni wa mienee na "look like a hero."
tagline 動かぬ身体に黒鞭を打つ‼︎ うごかぬからだにくろむちをうつ‼︎ ugokanu karada ni kuro muchi wo utsu!! With a body that won't move, strike with Black Whip!!
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filipinoizukuu · 3 months
what comes next though? (MHA ch. 413)
// major spoilers for mha ch. 413 since its leaks, so please stop reading if you arent quite caught up. i havent written one of these in a LONGGG while lmao.
ANYWAY, with all that being said.... this week's leaks huh?
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We saw it coming a long time ago, we speculated it to hell and back, we made aus and fics, and now it's finally here. The conclusion we've reached and the one that's been hinted at since the release of Heroes Rising in 2019:
bnha is going to end with deku giving up one for all and becoming quirkless.
(LOTS of words under the cut -- youve been warned.)
For those who are a little lost; the basic premise of the ending we are hurtling towards is that Kudou (the 2nd user of ofa) has a plan to take down Shigaraki. With AfO dead and gone + Shigaraki becoming so powerful he is essentially invincible -- theres no other choice for the heroes other than destroying him inside out; the plan being the equivalent of charging a battery so much it explodes.
the way they're going to go about this is by essentially, feeding Shigaraki bits of One for All until he's given all of it -- then allowing the vestiges of the previous wielders to create a massive revolt similar to what SnS did until they can successfully tear him apart from inside the "quirk realm" and shut him out. Kudou volunteers to go next since danger sense has already been taken, and if Shigaraki uses gearshift again after Deku already used it twice, Tomura's body will likely shutdown and receive twice the backlash Deku does when he uses kudou's quirk.
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(sidenote: funny as fuck that deku only understood once kudou equated the strategy to bkg throwing papers at him. bro stupid af.)
its a sensible(ish) idea. one that seems plausible given the context of the last hundred or so chapters with heroes like Hawks and SnS having their quirks revolt against both AfO and Shigaraki in a way that makes it clear that its not uniquely OfA that animates the souls of peoples quirks. Its inherent. Quote, Nana Shimura, "romantic" even.
(let it be known though that i think hori absolutely did not plan on delving into this plot point as much as he is now. ill explain in a bit, but heroes rising was 100% a major factor of why he moved in this direction.)
That being said, the conclusion of the plan (and subsequently, the major plot of bnha) is as follows: Deku gives up One for All to Shigaraki. One for All unites with All for One within Shigaraki and destroys it in one final clash between Yoichi and his brother. The break in the barrier of Shigaraki's hatred will part, letting him find the consciousness of Shimura Tenko behind it after years.
Shigaraki dies, taking OfA and AfO down with him,
and then Deku is quirkless once more.
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Sad conclusion aside for now, I firmly believe that no matter what way you look at it; Deku was always meant to end the story without a quirk. Given some of the original drafts of bnha where Deku was never supposed to be given a quirk in the first place, this is clearly unsurprising. What's more is my favorite piece of information relative to katsuki and deku's character development:
the fact that heroes rising was (one of the) ideas for the original ending of bnha.
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a refresher for some of you: heroes rising is about class 1a going to the isolated village of nabu island and defending it against an upcoming big bad villain named "nine" with a quirk that is essentially a scaled down version of all for one. katsuki and deku eventually resolve the conflict together via brute force by deku giving katsuki ofa, them rushing in while the quirk is transferring and both of them have it, and then ultimately defeating nine at the end. the movie then of course circles back on deku losing one for all, undoing that consequence by saying the transfer never completed bc ofa chose him over katsuki and they all move on to the endeavor agency arc with katsuki remembering absolutely nothing of the final battle.
many fans often misunderstand one of horikoshi's quotes about the movie in that it was, without a doubt, the original ending of bnha. for the sake of accuracy, that is not what horikoshi really said; what he ACTUALLY said was something closer and to the tune of of how it was "one OF the endings" he planned on using for bnha, but his original idea for how the story ends "has not changed one bit."
obviously disregarding the cop out where ofa sticks back to izuku in order for the series to continue as normal; this can only confirm that bnha was going to end with midoriya izuku quirkless whether katsuki was involved or not.
so what's different this time?
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its hard to figure out how far horikoshi had planned the ending of bnha with heroes rising's prototype conclusion in mind. if heroes rising never pulled through and horikoshi had planned on bnha ending with the shared ofa transfer and katsuki continuing deku's legacy -- then that means katsuki wouldve died an early death because of all might's confirmation that only quirkless people can hold on to one for all without dying young, meaning he either intended on katsuki dying soon after the story ends or only planned that plot point after heroes rising was released.
the plot as well of heroes rising's conclusion cannot have been thought of all that early on because of ANOTHER tidbit of information that changes perspective of the entire series: in that,
bakugou katsuki was never supposed to be a major character to begin with. (keep an eye on this link; i reference this interview a LOT)
he was not supposed to have an arc. he was not supposed to become a major focal point of the series. he was not meant to be the hero he is in the story today. bakugou katsuki was not written with the intention of being a major narrative this late into the story -- instead originally only existing as a character that deku would surpass within the first few arcs.
but then katsuki cried, and deku apologized, and then opened his big fat mouth, and then told him a secret he didnt even tell his own mother -- and suddenly bakugou katsuki was not just another footnote in deku's story, but a legitimate character that grew and created one of the most loved (and hated) character turnarounds in shonen history. he started of as a literal EXTRA before snowballing into the very same character horikoshi decided would defeat all for one, the original scariest antagonist of the entire series. someone not even ALL MIGHT could defeat.
but circling back, yeah. heroes rising was definitely not the ending horikoshi thought of first, nor was it the ending he thought of last. ultimately, it was simply another route he couldve taken into wrapping up deku's fate into what it was (probably) always meant to be:
deku was gonna lose one for all no matter what.
it's kind of fitting, honestly -- for this to be the ultimate conclusion to the series. it makes the most sense, since what sent deku down this path so many years ago was his mother apologizing to deku for being quirkless; as if being quirkless meant he was born inferior to those who had quirks. people, after all according to deku's famous beginning monologue, are not born equal.
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Even still, i thought to note: deku never stopped wanting to be a hero. we all know this, obviously. this was his driving force -- but then when you REALLY think about the implications, you have to ask. what the heck was deku even planning to do?!
he had ideas. he had hope. he wrote notebooks for the future and thought of his costume for being a hero -- but not once do i remember him writing about his hero experience as if he was suddenly going to develop a quirk. he was planning on saving people quirkless -- an extremely interesting motivation especially when he couldve so easily chosen to walk the path of being a doctor or engineer instead if he wanted to save people so badly. its a story about conviction, about doing the things you wanna do in the way you wanna do it no matter what ANYONE else says and hey wait a minute that sounds familiar
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it doesnt quite read that way at first, especially because of how izuku almost listened to all might about "being realistic" when the first met and nearly gave up on becoming a hero entirely, but izuku is a lot similar to katsuki in the sense that no matter what gets in his way -- he is determined to achieve his dreams in the way HE CHOOSES, and not the way that is more "convenient".
even when you look at just his name, "deku" in the way that uraraka had interpreted it (dekiru -- "you can do it!") and the way deku reexplains it to katsuki in deku vs kacchan 1 ("the deku that doesn't give up!") you can so easily tell that deku from the very beginning has only ever needed the slightest push to pursue being a hero, quirk-or-not-be-damned. hell, we even see a glimpse of this possibility in the sports festival race when deku absolutely DECIMATES not just bakugou but also TODOROKI (as well as every single other damn student participating in the festival) with nothing but robot scraps and his balls of steel. it just so happens that until the promise of one for all, no such encouragement or push was ever given to deku in his pursuit of heroicism, most especially in comparison to katsuki who had been receiving praise and validation for his goals his whole life.
i'd argue that deku's conviction is even stronger than katsuki in a way no other person seems to recognize (except maybe katsuki himself). katsuki had received only positive feedback and zero competition for his goals growing up while deku received nothing but discouragement. both of them kept the conviction of being a hero for TEN YEARS; neither wavering til the day of the sludge incident.
that aside; what comes next?
we know the story after that. deku gets his quirk, he goes to school, he fights, he drops out, he fights some more, and now he's standing before shigaraki tomura with every quirk of one for all unlocked and over twice the power that all might had in his prime -- fully knowing he's about to lose EVERYTHING in order to defeat shigaraki.
this is deku we're talking about. he doesn't care. he knows the implications and what that will mean for his dream -- but his goal right now is in front of him. his goal is shigaraki, consumed by hatred, threatening to take down the world izuku loves most into a pit of misery and decay because society failed people like them. does he care? probably. will he refuse to give up his power if it means not saving the world and fulfilling one for all's purpose? absolutely not.
deku has made all might's quirk his own, but one for all does not belong to him. it belongs to yoichi. and kudou. and bruce and nana and all of the other users who built that quirk for generations in hopes that one day, someday, someone would be able to yield it all and bring down the monstrosity that created it in the first place. deku will not hesitate, but also deku knows what he will lose.
i have... a few things i dislike about this.
Admittedly, i do think that this is a better resolution than the simple brute strength approach of Heroes Rising. For one, while i do love heroes rising with my entire heart and soul, i firmly believe it would not have been a satisfying conclusion to the core lessons and teachings bnha tries to impart throughout the story. simply outnumbering and outpowering afo/shigaraki would not be enough to close yoichi's story and one for all -- much less the story of shigaraki himself as tenko, the boy consumed by hatred.
Still, this new ending that horikoshi has laid out leaves me with more questions; as well as large expectations for how izuku's character will close out. its complicated, because deku's evolution and development is subtle and intricate in a way i havent seen from other shonen protagonists and i worry about doing it justice.
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but most of my problems have to do with bakugou katsuki.
(aint that the truth)
i know i mentioned that bakugou was never intended to be a major character, but i want it to be known that that was only in the beginning. season 1, maybe even season 2 -- but horikoshi had said it best himself in that bakugou katsuki, against his permission, had gained a life of his own and inserted himself into the very grain of mha's story. you cannot deny this.
he is the series deuteroganist inarguably. one of the most beloved characters and one of the most attentively-written development arcs in the whole series. katsuki in and of himself embodies major themes in bnha that make it so that ditching his development and impact last minute after defeating all for one would reflect poorly upon the conclusion of the story itself. he and deku are intertwined in arcs -- even if they do have separate paths at the end of the day. katsuki is the one izuku told about the quirk. the one who followed izuku during the paranormal liberation arc. the one who understands one for all and is determined to learn about it more than anyone else barring all might and deku himself. the one who is closer to izuku than anyone else.
it can't be over for their arc, no matter what way you see it. friends? rivals? hero partners? what comes next, when the smoke clears? what comes next when izuku gives shigaraki hell, like katsuki told him to?
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katsuki's atoned. we accept that, have known it since chapter 285 and have continued to know it until the iconic apology in the rain. that's not where katsuki stops however, because we know that its not all about begging for izuku's forgiveness nor atoning for himself. its about catching up to izuku -- the last words he uttered before shigaraki crushed his heard say it all.
"can i still catch up to you, izuku?"
since the moment katsuki died, we've been given a metric ton of material to read through what he and izuku have become in the story. firstly, the point of katsuki being the person closest to izuku. what does this mean? what does that say about katsuki? is he supposedly the person izuku loves the most? the person izuku believes in the most? i'd argue these two criterion would easily fit his mother or all might a lot better -- not his childhood friend turned bully turned rival turned barely-friend. katsuki sure as hell didn't believe he was the person closest to izuku before shigaraki brought it up as evidenced by the fact that he let IIDA bring deku back to UA -- and neither does izuku as far as i bet. what was shigaraki's intention?
katsuki heard that statement. he hasnt said anything, but he definitely heard it. its an open end that is left entirely unanswered PRECISELY because katsuki fought afo on his own and izuku is about to tackle shigaraki without katsuki by his side. if it was heroes rising's ending wherein they would both fight shigaraki and take him down together -- then that statement would easily be answered by how their strength and bond is the one thing that gave them an upper hand in the final battle. other than that... i'm not entirely sure how they're going to have katsuki and izuku acknowledge katsuki's brief "death" and Tomura's reasons thereof.
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But fine, lets ignore that for the time being and move on to what happened when Katsuki came back.
katsuki answered izuku's cry for help. he came back to life in the last moment to save all might when izuku was too busy fighting tooth and nail to win. they are the penultimate example of two sides of a hero; the win and save. not one without the other. every single parallel thus far between izuku and katsuki have always been to draw attention over and over to each of their stubborn convictions to win and save under all might's tutelage.
katsuki has chosen to prioritize winning and fighting over saving and rescuing over. and over. and over. and over again. at every single opportunity from the very beginning of the series. in usj, in sports festival, in the final exam, every choice he's made up until --
chapter 285 - bakugou katsuki: rising.
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he chooses to save izuku in this instant. as he says, his body moved on its own -- or in other words, he felt like how izuku has always did since the sludge villain incident. this is bakugou katsuki catching up to midoriya izuku. its katsuki realizing that he needs to save so deku can win, and actually being okay with that for once. it's a major turning point in his character that clearly tells even horikoshi that there's absolutely no way katsuki can go back to being a side character within the plot of bnha after a development like this.
and then, after this instance, we notice it happen again and again. katsuki choosing to save to win instead of winning to save. katsuki protecting best jeanist against the nomu. katsuki coming to chase after izuku when he runs away from UA. katsuki (in a way) saving aoyama when its revealed he's the traitor. hell, katsuki saving ALL MIGHT as soon as izuku -- the savior -- begs someone to save his idol when he can't because he's too focused on trying to win.
so what changed?
what changed since the moment of chapter 285 was katsuki accepting his fears and anxieties. katsuki letting go of his aversity to working with deku. the reason katsuki started accepting the path of saving to win was because he TRUSTED deku to win where he couldnt.
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this is katsuki accepting that him and izuku already surpassed all might together.
but katsuki said it himself. it's not over. he accepts that him and izuku are finally on equal footing -- hell, he admits he's the one who needs to play catch up. it's not about katsuki conceding to weakness, but katsuki being able to trust in izuku to finish the job. the point is that they both will break and break until they win the way they choose to, and the other will be there to win while they save and save while they win. moreso, katsuki still wants to be number 1. he still wants to catch up and surpass deku. he wants to fight by deku's side. but ... as we've established:
deku will be quirkless soon.
my problem (or, i guess, curiosity?) with the path horikoshi seems to be going down for the end of this story is what happens to this end? what happens to the wonder duo? i believe in a quirkless deku plot as much as the next person -- but any reader would find it easy to see that once deku loses one for all, he will not be nearly as efficient nor quick nor capable of a hero as he once was. especially not against a developed katsuki with mastery over cluster explosions.
he will lose one for all and he won't ever be the pro-hero he was going to be before the final war arc. katsuki will get number 1 surely, but will he be happy about this resolution? i don't think so. All Might himself had said it when Katsuki spoke to him about his relationship to Izuku; that the twin stars reminded All Might very much of his own rivalry with Endeavor and the bitter feelings it created.
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endeavor expressed regret and a bitter end to their rivalry; the acknowledgement of the bitter truth that the only reason he was the number one hero is because all might lost his own quirk. he knew he didn't deserve the mantle all might had held for a long time before him. he knew that he was still only just playing catch up with the wisdom and understanding of heroicism that all might had in his heart from the beginning. endeavor will likely retire from being a pro-hero unsatisfied with this truth and his own victory at becoming the no.1 at the very end -- never feeling like he truly surpassed all might of his own accord. both enji and toshinori -- victims of their destiny.
is this the fate that will befall katsuki once izuku is quirkless for good?
There are many questions I have in wake of the recent chapter. The end of the series is here, and that's a whole can of worms i haven't touched in and of itself. We all saw this coming; some of us know that this was always going to be Izuku's fate since the beginning of the series. But now that it's more than just izuku's character involved in his dreams of being a hero -- i dont know how this series is going to conclude and if it will be satisfying to any means. there's a lot of questions i still have; bakugous arc feeling incomplete ever since he came back to life, the conclusion of all might and one for all's dreams now that they will disappear altogether. where does deku go after this? where does bakugou go? where do any of them?
i guess i gotta wait and see lol
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greenhappyseed · 3 months
MHA 413 leak reactions
ALL MIIIIIIIIGHT!!! HE CAN SEE THE AFO-OFA RESONANCE!! He and Tomura are both seeing Star!!! Also, I’m glad he got one small vestige interaction with Star.
(But at the same time I’m hoping this is it for Star in the endgame, just as we had Nagant deliver a few critical shots from the hospital roof and that was it.)
Tomura has reinforced his heart/spirit, wrapping Tenko in walls of hands. He thinks that’s made him stronger, but it’s really the same hands AFO used to control him. Luckily, there’s a crack in those walls…
Kudou’s plan is to force OFA on to Shigaraki, since OFA can be forcibly offloaded, like a box of chocolates. Or, if not all of OFA, Kudou will at least force himself into Shigaraki in order for Izuku to save Shigaraki. (Yes, I know how that sounds….)
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Creepy overtones aside, I do like the setup. Our heroes have to break the walls associated with AFO to open the crack enough to save Tenko. But forcing a quirk into Shigaraki to change him and make him more “acceptable” also sounds like something AFO would do. Are we the baddies?
En says no, don’t. He’s said 2 sentences the whole manga but the last two chapters he’s been panic-rambling….but then En changes his mind. He says if they’re gonna give someone away, make it him. He’s willing to make the sacrifice. Especially since Smokescreen doesn’t work against the Search quirk OR the AFO-OFA resonance.
Kudou says no, it has to be him because his quirk factor is exhausted. If he’s transferred, his exhaustion will transfer and any attempt by Tomura to use Gearshift will cause massive recoil (worse than the breathlessness Izuku is experiencing).
Bruce (still can’t get over that name) agrees with En. Banjo has nothing to say for once — I guess the loss of Fourth, his predecessor, did something to him. Nana steps in to say Izuku sees OFA as a treasure from his favorite hero, and excuse me I have something in my eye.
AND IT’S DECIDED: KUDOU WAS VOTED OFF THE ISLAND!!! Izuku agrees to send him to Tomura, and Kudou says his goodbyes by telling Banjo and Yoichi to protect Izuku Midoriya (not Ninth). Of course, Yoichi can’t let go of Kudou without a little flirting. My hero, sigh.
Despite the heroic swooning inside OFA, on the outside Izuku uses Blackwhip to tear off Shigaraki’s arm. Shigaraki tells Izuku he doesn’t look like a hero. Which, I mean… generally one doesn’t try to save a person by dismembering them. Or forcing a quirk into them, which was one of AFO’s moves.
Break next week and good for Horikoshi. I’m sure he’s not actually resting and is instead working on the anime and the new movie, so if he needs time to finish the manga the way he wants then I support that 100%. TAKE THEM BREAKS!
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myheroblogs · 3 months
The Kindest Power: How Midoriya might save Tenko
Originally, this post was supposed to be a response to another post about 411 (Yes, I'm late), about why Yoichi might be oddly calm when Shinomori was stolen. This post itself was also going to be more of a continuation of my previous post about the true nature of One For All and All For One.
But while thinking of this post, I may have went into a deep rabbit hole and uncovered the ending of My Hero Academia, how Midoriya might save Tenko and defeat All For One.
Okay, so buckle your seatbelts, this might be one of the craziest theories yet-
The other post by @shiroforest in which this post was going to be a response to was actually more of a DFO post. The usual, Yoichi hiding a secret that Midoriya has AFO or something.
I'd like to say that they may have been right. Well, half right. Midoriya DOES have All For One. Not in the way you might think.
One For All IS the same as All For One. I made this post all about this subject, that Yoichi and AFO were most likely identical twins, and since quirks are genetic, they were supposed to have the same quirk. But due to TTTS, Yoichi's quirk couldnt develop properly, thus manifesting differently from All For One
ThIs seems to have aged really well in the following chapter:
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Essentially, Yoichi's quirk was just a half-baked version of All For One. It also explains why it was able to merge easily with an entirely different quirk (Stockpile). Since Yoichi's quirk was half-baked and incomplete, it was much easier for it to adapt and merge into another quirk entirely (If Yoichi's quirk was fully formed, it would've stayed seperate)
Okay, so OFA was AFO but incomplete. How does this factor in with that panel of Yoichi, or MHA's endgame?
Well, it was incomplete.
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This started changing 200 chapters ago. Where, according to Banjo, it started growing. The metaphor used is very interesting now we know OFA's circumstances.
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Apparently in the original Japanese text, the metaphor used is just like an unborn child, growing and kicking in the womb.
And we know that OFA was underdeveloped because Yoichi was deprived of the nutrients to fully mature before birth.
OFA, from the beginning of Ch 193, has actually resumed its development process. Finishing off where it left off, and started growing as it matured.
The time it made contact with All For One in ch 287 must've quickened the process. After that event, the OFA Users managed to finally come out and communicate with Midoriya directly.
Remember what I said about how OFA was supposed to be the same as AFO, just halted during the development process?
Yes, you heard me right.
Midoriya and Shigaraki are fighting with the same quirk right now.
Horikoshi likes to put double meaning in his panels. If a speech bubble is displayed on an unrelated character, that means Horikoshi wants us to see a connection with what's being said to this other character
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Yoichi is looking at his hand, which is actually also the exact same hand in which he passed on OFA to Kudo before his death. His power of giving, juxtaposed with the mention of the power of stealing by En.
There is a chance that Yoichi might've been thinking about what to do with the situation, he could be thinking of taking Shinomori back, or just speculating about what he can really do. Either way, it's actually foreshadowing. That Yoichi might be able to take just as much as give.
Perhaps, at this point of the story, One For All is already fully complete. Because Midoriya can now seemingly just throw or give away the quirks stored in OFA the exact same way AFO can give away quirks in his disposal as of the newest chapter, ch 413. Without the old complicated process beforehand of consuming DNA or something. (Watch this age horribly next chapter, but I think that's what will happen)
The only thing that's missing now is the trigger. All thats left is for Midoriya to instinctively think of "taking" to trigger the ability at this point.
But what would trigger Midoriya into taking?
Perhaps, to save a life.
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I think it's clear that Horikoshi is currently using quirks as a representation for a person's heart and soul. After all, they are also called "individuality".
Even though AFO uses his power in cruel ways, Yoichi says that the power to "give and take" could have been the "kindest" power in the whole world. He's referring to both here, "taking" can be just as kind as "giving".
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Maybe this power can save just as much as destroy.
As of Ch 413, Kudo makes a plan with Midoriya to basically fire OFA's quirks at Shigaraki to free Tenko Shimura, the child.
But what happens when Tenko is free? There is a chance he might be vulnerable to AFO (his abuser) and Tomura Shigaraki (the two are constantly seperated in the narrative)
Both might want to destroy Tenko, especially the former. Midoriya, out of desperation to try and save the crying child, might unlock OFA's "taking" ability, getting the child away from AFO's grasp. This probs has to happen right before Midoriya gets ready to throw One For All.
I think this might also be the part where the door of OFA gets unlocked. It's a back-door, a way in and out. The hand in which Tomura grabbed the Shinomori was OVER where the door is supposed to be.
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When Midoriya unlocks the ability to take, the door might be opened in which Midoriya and maybe even Yoichi save Tenko and bring him into the OFA space.
Rather than a forceful "take" like AFO does, it's presented as a choice. Tenko is given the choice in which he can come with Midoriya or stay where he is now. Because saving is a two way street.
Since heart = quirk, having Tenko might also take away Decay, which would also prevent the incoming mass destruction.
(Make this more heartbreaking if Nana was already taken at this point by AFO, and she's the one trying to protect Tenko long enough till Midoriya and Yoichi take him away. They also try to save Nana but are unable to, Nana apologising for not being there for Tenko and asks them to take care of her grandson, argghhh-)
Here's a scenario of how I think it might all go down:
When Tenko is saved, this leaves Midoriya vs AFO and Tomura, desperate to get Decay back and OFA. Midoriya desperately tries to defend Tenko. Tenko, now in the OFA space, sees Midoriya's genuine desire to protect him, something he was desperate wished for.
This eventually fails, and ShigarAFO gets the opportunity to steal OFA and Tenko a few times, perhaps losing the remaining vestiges until only Yoichi and Tenko are left. Finally having enough, Tenko ends up intervening, and decays the hand that was reaching into the OFA space.
Its a perfect callback to the times Midoriya has saved before. Not only does Midoriya save people no matter what, his actions would in turn also inspire others to act too. He saved Eri, and so her power later saved him. He saved Kota, and Kota then used his quirk to protect Midoriya. It's perfect, because Tenko Shimura is the combination of both characters.
Remember how the quirks in OFA were enhanced due to stockpile?
Tenko, while defending Midoriya and OFA, also ends up decaying a portion of AFO's quirks as a result of being enhanced by OFA.
So this leads to Tenko suggesting he goes back in there to destroy AFO and his quirks from within.
Yoichi is unsure at first, since Star also tried the same thing, she eventually got destroyed before she managed to destroy all the other quirks. So the only way for Tenko to be successful is for OFA to go with him, so it could be strong enough to destroy it all at once before Tenko is destroyed.
This could also lead to OFA being destroyed too, Yoichi holding back his brother long enough when only OFA and AFO are what's left to keep him away from Tenko, allowing him to finish it all off once and for all. There's a good chance Tenko won't make it out either. In a sense, Tenko Shimura fulfills his dream that he was denied of all his life and dies a hero.
This is the big moment in which Midoriya has to prove whether he is the same as those in Tenko's family (denying him), or be someone who can finally give him the words that he always yearned for, the validation that "You can be a hero".
Midoriya's final test is letting someone go.
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Maybe this isnt just the closure Tenko needs, but for all three of them (Yoichi, Midoriya, Tenko). These three were the ones denied of becoming heroes one way or another, finally being given the chance.
It's a triple sacrifice.
Horikoshi planned this from the start, Ch 193 and onwards were all build up towards this very moment. Bakugo noting that OFA being the same as AFO almost 200 chapters wasn't just some observation or symbolic parallel, it was set up. Because the two are one and the same, and it's the very key to Midoriya's goal in saving Tenko Shimura.
I know, some might not agree, it might even be controversial because of how similar this is to AFO, but I'd like to say that it might not be like that.
A big theme in MHA is how one's quirk, personality, or nature isn't all that makes a person a villain or a hero, it's also the nurture and how they use it. A power used for "destruction" can also be used for "salvation". The power that can be used in the most cruellest ways can also be the kindest. This applies to both All For One (in the form of One For All) and Tenko's decay.
I don't know, what do you think? Crazy? I would agree that Horikoshi is crazy if this happens to be accurate-
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bibibbon · 3 months
MHA 413 leak rant
For a war commander kudo is really risking everything. Look kudo is a war commander so logically speaking he would prioritise and should prioritise people's lives more than whatever silly idea he has of freely giving shigaraki a free power up while leaving an Already exhausted midoriya defenceless?!?! Like he wants AFO/shigaraki dead but he thinks of an idea like that. Like it's a logical idea I guess I can see where it comes from but did we forget that shigaraki isn't a regular human and already is able to have the mind and physical capacity to deal with multiple quirks at once so how is the whole let's give him OFA to slow him down and make him enter an almost nomu state gonna work if we already know it kinda won't?!?!? Also the whole idea of the vestiges fighting tomura seems a bit iffy to me like?!?!
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Why is Bakugo here and why is he used as an example. Why is horikoshi trying to bring bakugo into everything it's getting boring and way too out of hand. Also what was the point in using bakugo as an example I don't get it kudo man you have seen bakugo abuse izuku for years and you're like yes lemme use your abuser as an example for how this transfer will act like?!?!?! It's a horrible idea honestly or may I say horribly introduced and executed but the point is there was no need for bakugo being here in this chapter in anyway shape or form so idk why he is there and why it has to be kudo that mentions him like seriously what was the point.
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I get the idea but it's low-key horrible. Ok i get where the whole idea came from but it's horrible and you need to admit that. Like the whole idea of having to defeat tomura from the inside because he is "too strong" isn't as great as it sounds. Even if they are successful with such an idea wouldn't tomura be able to sense it considering that he has danger sense. Also where is danger sense why don't we see shigaraki use it?!?! Did hori realise that izu would be in a major disadvantage did shigaraki just becomes dumber and forget to use it or is izuku trying to do something like toga did and attack him with the intention of helping him and not harm him? Guess we will never know the last statement cos of izukus lack of INTROSPECTION!!
Stars and stripes. (1) why is star and stripes in the OFA vestige world are the OFA and AFO vestige world's overlapping and becoming one or something because if they are then why can't the OFA vestiges fight shigaraki from there it makes no sense why izuku has to lose or transfer his quirks to shigaraki so they can kill him from the inside in. (2) why the hell isn't shigaraki dead?!?!? The whole point on why shig didn't die in the beginning when fighting star is because of his identity crisis which was an interesting plot point but executed horribly and now that we know that shigaraki recognises himself as a symbol of destruction and chaos shigaraki shouldn't he die?!?! I mean why is he just mentally injured and showing tenko or something why isn't he dead? It makes no sense is horikoshi saying that tenko and shigaraki aren't the same person because if they aren't why is shigaraki still alive and why the hell is it that the crack is tenko or something or a sad child it makes no sense. The whole plot point doesn't make sense like SHIGARAKI AND TENKO ARE THE SAME PERSON WHY IS HORI SAYING THEY AREN'T?!?!
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Izuku, poor izuku. This chapter really really shows that horikoshi doesn't really care about izuku and how much character development he lacks and it's just sad. The vestiges realise that he doesn't wanna let go of OFA because he views it as a gift from his favourite hero and that's it. (1) this in my opinion shows how much all might and izuku lack in their relationship. Izuku still views all might as a grand hero or some bs like that and not as a flawed person and father figure he really cares about and is connected to through quirk and blood. (2) the lack of izukus introspection. Look I go on and on about this I know I do but it really doesn't help Izuku's character and the way horikoshi tries to depict and illustrate his character. I think it would of been an ironic thing that deku the word that stands for a nobody and a wooden doll is used for izuku and we see his character become a doll who has to strip all his feelings and sacrifice everything for the sake of the world and nothing but horikoshi low-key doesn't do this properly and I am pretty sure that's not even his plan fro izuku which makes it suck even more. (3) we are consistently told in this chapter how izuku feels or how he is supposed to feel and we don't see what he feels which to me is utter bs considering that this is his fight and that he is going through some tough stuff rn. ALSO HOW THE HELL CAN IZUKU Individually TRANSFER QUIRKS?!?!? OR IS IT JUST FOCUSING ON THE IDEA THAT SHIGARAKI WILL STEAL A VESTIGE NEXT
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All might? Honestly speaking it's cool that we got an all might interaction but it didn't offer much like we caught up with what he is doing and how he is but that's kind of just it for me. We didn't get anymore like it may of felt out of the blue and wants necessarily paid much attention to which I guess I might be complaining too much but ehh he was just there nothing much 🤷‍♀️ he kind of useless rn. Also the idea of all might sensing izuku was that supposed to be a dad might moment where we see how they are connected in an inseparable way because if it is I feel like this chapter low-key contradicted itself with it
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Ps this is my opinion but MHAs writing has gotten into a much more devastating state lately and I feel like horikoshi really can't be bothered but imma still sticks round for the ending just cos I can.
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zestirial · 3 months
Okay, don't make me crazy. Is izuku's hair really turning white?!
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I don't especially want to be mean, but I get the impression that when it doesn't concern Bakugo, nobody cares??!
Izuku is fighting a guy stronger than All for one and nobody cares 😭
The only time I saw from chapter 412 was just to talk about Kudo mentioning the relationship between Bakugo and Izuku. Everyone was kicking themselves about the chapter. It's a shame and hurtful...
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hvwks · 3 months
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mha chapter 413 looks sick
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myheroanalysis · 3 months
Catch the F*ck Up: MHA Chapter 413
Hey y'all! Join Nicole and Fern as they discuss the latest manga update for My Hero Academia/Boku no Hero Academia: Chapter 413, "Leaden Mass". Want more? Check out our website, myheroanalysis.com. Thanks for listening!
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