#meanwhile thor and Loki have spent the last 10 minutes talking about who they think is going to win the great British bake off this week
thot-son-of-odin · 1 year
Love the idea of Thor and Loki having telepathic conversations, but the only way they can do it is if they hold hands and stare at each other,,,,,anyway imagine them doing that in the avengers tower while the other avengers look on in sheer confusion about why they’ve spent the last hour silently staring into each other’s eyes
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wolfish-trickster · 4 years
Advent kisses
Loki x female!reader
Word count: 1 280(they are getting longer and longer, i'm so sorry)
Summary: Instead of chocolates, kisses are going to be recieved everyday until Christmas.
Tag list: @gaitwae
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'I think I went too quick.'
Loki was lying on his bed staring at the ceiling. A few minutes ago he kissed you on the cheek. It was the best feeling he had had in a long while. Your skin was so soft and warm. His heart was beating unnaturally quick. Still.
'I should've gone for her fingers or palm, not moving straight to her face.' He was overthinking. If he went too fast, he could've scare you away. You could start avoiding him, just like he thought you did today. He knew you were not lying when you said the reason you were asking Thor about Asgard and not him. But something about that truth felt off. Like you didn't say the entire truth.
It doesn't matter. You were telling the truth. You wanted to give him a gift. Him! Humans tend to give eachother gifts when they care about eachother. You cared about him! He smiled at that thought.
Loki glanced at his alarm clock. 00:10. He should really go to sleep. He rolled on his side and hugged one of his spare pillows imagining it was you, closed his eyes and dreamt of tommorrow's kiss.
Morning came too soon for his liking. It was 6:00 when he first opened his eyes and 6:45 when he rolled from his bed, got dressed and made his way to kitchen. Sun didn't even start rising yet. Only Avngers did. Natasha, Clint and Tony were opening their advent calendars and chewing on their chocolates. When Tony spotted the mischievious god he stopped chewing.
"You! How dare you ruin the tradition!" he pointed at Loki, mouth still full of chocolate.
"Whatever you think I did Stark, I thoroughly enjoyed it. But seriously now, what do you think I did?"
"You," Tony reached for one of the calendars behind his back, "ate," picked up the box with Loki's name, "all of your chocolates in one day! It's not how we do it! You're supposed to eat one a day!"
"Calm down Tony, it's his loss. He's going to be without chocolates, not you," Natasha was trying to pacify the situation.
Tony looked at her. Nat glared at him.
"Bet he'll back off," Clint whispered to Loki.
"Why betting when you already won?" Loki smirked. Everyone knew when Natasha glared and you didn't back off soon enough, you're not gonna end well.
Thankfully, Tony still had common sense. "Alright, you're forgiven Mischief."
"As if I needed your forgiveness. You gave the box to me, remember? And I get to do whatever I please with it. Including enjoying the chocolate in one go," he smirked.
Meanwhile the rest stumbled into the kitchen. Bucky, Sam and Steve wet from their morning after run shower, Thor in nothing more than brown sweatpants, Wanda and Vision holding hands, Bruce yawning from reading instead of sleeping the whole night and you. Your hair was a mess, still in your pyjamas (oversized t-shirt and sweatpants), rubbing your eyes. You looked extremly cute.
"Good morning," you greeted him mid-yawn.
"Good morning to you too," Loki smiled at you. You weren't trying to avoid him like he thought you would. First good thing this morning.
All of you ate breakfast. Discussed your plans for the day. Talked. Just the typical morning.
"And what about you Y/N?"
You looked up from your plate, still half asleep. "What?"
Wanda repeated her question. "What about you? Do you want to come with me, Vision, Tony and Pepper to city? Taking a walk on the fresh air, shopping-" "Aka you browsing through store for half an hour and leaving because the jacket isn't in the right shade of red?" Vision teased her with his hand around her shoulders.
"That happened only once Vis. Can you please stop bringing it up?"
Vision pretended to think. Then smiled at her. "No."
You chuckled a bit. "No I don't think I will join you. Not that I have better things to do than hang out with you. I'll be like a fifth wheel to you guys. Two couples and a book worm without social skills," Loki noticed your mood shift. You were lonely. He can't just leave it like that now, can he?
"I can accompany you, if the rest of the group allows me. It'll be two discustingly in love couples and two book worms," he smiled at you.
You looked at him and smiled. Then you looked at Tony. "Can he come please? I'll keep an eye on him, I promise."
"Alright. But don't let him buy any chocolate. He already had enough," Tony glared at Loki who smirked at him.
20 minutes later the six of you were heading to shopping mall. As Vision predicted (and all of the boys expected) girls spent about an hour in two different stores, but didn't buy anything. You headed to bookstore while the girls stopped to look at purses.
"So what's between you and Y/N?" Tony asked Loki as they were waiting in front of the shop.
"Something called friendship, maybe you've heard of it?"
"Cut the sass and tell me the truth."
"It is the truth."
"You kissed her hand two days ago."
"That I did. We do it on Asgard to show respect or gratitude. Things Midgardians lack these days."
"I also saw you and her in the library reading together."
Loki side eyed Tony. "That's..... what libraries are for."
Tony smirked. "But libraries aren't meant for two 'friends' to cuddle."
'Damn, I forgot the security cameras.' Loki kept his stone cold facade while panicing internally. If he saw you two cuddling then he also saw the cheek kiss. Why must this man see and ruin every sweet moment he shared with you?!
Just as he wanted to reply smething sarcastic you ran up to both of them laughing and holding a book. "I found it guys! The picture of Dorian Grey! I was looking for this book for WEEKS!" you ran straight into Loki, hugging him tightly. Tony smirked at both of you. Loki only glared at him and put both of his arms around you.
"Darling, I don't think I can survive another hour waiting in front of the store for ladies of those two. Let's go outside for fresh air," he was pushing you with a hand on your lower back away from Tony before he could comment on the hug.
It was cold outside. Loki barely registered, but you were positively shivering. He started walking towards the tower but you stopped him with a hand on his shoulder. "Can we go for a walk into a park? I like this weather, might be one of the last days with sun still shining without clouds."
"Alright, lead the way darling," he smiled at the way you blushed. He liked making you blush. You looked cute. After 45 minutes of walking he noticed how your nose and cheeks got red from cold. "You must be terribly cold, don't you want to go to tower yet?"
You shook your head. "Not really. Well, maybe a little bit. My fingers are freezing. I think it's time to go before I get frostbite," you looked down at your red finger tips.
"Here let me help you," Loki brought both of your hands to his face. His hands starte to glow with soft green light as he kissed each finger tip. You were bright red, but not from cold. When he drew back he smiled at you. "Better?"
Only then you realized what he did. He put a warming spell on you.
"Yes, thank you," you smiled back at him.
He looked down at your small hands in his big pale ones. "Can I hold your hand the way back to tower? To keep the warming charm."
Both of you knew it wasn't only for the charm. So you let him.
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reidingandwriting · 4 years
10 Things I Hate About You (And 1 Thing I Love)
Word Count: ~2000 words
Ship: Peter Parker x Stark!Daughter, Avengers x Reader (platonic/family)
Warnings: Mild language, but that’s it!
A/N: This was so much fun to write honestly, we love fluffy chaos. It was originally going in a COMPLETELY different direction, but I decided to be nice and give you guys the fluffy version instead 😉 I attached the “10 things” list at the end in case you wanted it :)
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You took a breath as you stood at the altar, hands interlocked with your fiancé Peter’s, and you began to speak.
“I hate your jokes, they’re so stupid.” Everyone in the room laughed, including Peter. “You’re the only person who could make such lame jokes funny. I especially hate that goofy laugh of yours that follows, that’s what makes the jokes tolerable. I hate that smile of yours, how it lights up the room. Seriously, it’s so bright, I need an Advil for my headache.” Peter let out a tearful laugh and your thumb brushed over his knuckles.
“I hate how hardworking you are. You built yourself up from nothing, you worked hard in everything you did. You overachiever, I look like a slacker. I hate how my family loves you and how they didn’t scare you off. Trust me, my dad tried.” Your dad called out a ‘hell yeah I did!’ which sent the small venue into laughter again. “My family’s all very guarded, but you smashed through those walls and you became like another member of the family. I hate how even my dog loves you, and he hates everyone. You can ask Dad, the day we took him off the street, he tried to bite him. He never liked anyone that I dated, until I met you.” Peter gave you a smile, which you gladly returned. Tears threatened to spill from your eyes, but you blinked them back.
“I hate how you always know how to make me laugh, you know I hate how my laugh sounds. I don’t think I’ve ever laughed this much until I met you. I hate how you always want to help everyone, even when struggling yourself. You could be out in the freezing cold, and you would give the shirt off your back to whoever needed it. You’re going to get sick or hurt doing that one day, you self sacrificing dork.”
“I hate how much you care about your friends. I won’t admit it again, but we truly are lucky to have you. Every endless day we spend with you is the best day. Except for our Harry Styles concert, nothing tops that. I hate how you’d lay down your life for your friends- you’d even do it for people who weren’t your friends. That’s just the person you are.” A few stray tears slid down your cheeks now.
“Even with all this complete and utter hatred I have for you,” your tone was playful and Peter was struggling not to cry at this point. You had told him your wedding vows would be a bit unconventional, he expected nothing less from you. You were Y/N Stark after all, being unconventional was a trademark Stark trait. “there’s one thing I love about you that cancels out all of that.”
“You made me feel like I belonged whenever so many people made me feel like I didn’t. From the second I started at Midtown, everyone treated me differently. Students and teachers were either terrified of me and what my dad could do, or they sucked up to me to get in my dad’s good graces. You treated me like I was just Y/N. Not Y/N Stark, daughter of Tony Stark, aka Iron Man. I was a regular teen with you, and I can’t thank you enough for that, Peter.” You wiped your eyes, smiling at the man you were about to marry. Your almost husband. “You introduced me to the best friends I could ever have, and you became the best boyfriend I could ever have. Boyfriend turned into fiancé, and now fiancé is about to turn into husband. These losers in the audience may be part of my family, but I can’t wait to start my own family with you. I love you, Peter Benjamin Parker.”
“I love you, Y/N Y/M/N Stark.” Peter smiled, a tear slipping down his cheek. “Now, if we’re doing the things I hate about you, let’s start with that god awful snoring.” The rest of the ceremony went on beautifully. Your dad wouldn’t admit it, but he totally cried whenever you and Peter said your “I do’s” and kissed. Meanwhile, Pepper wouldn’t let your dad forget it that he cried. Once the ceremony was finished, you moved the reception outside. Laura and Clint’s kids played with Scott’s daughter Cassie and your sister Morgan, while the adults continued the reception. The wedding was intimate, with your family of Avengers and Peter’s Aunt May and some friends of yours made up the guest list.
“I can’t believe Y/N’s married.” Natasha stood next to Tony, watching as you and Peter made your rounds with all the guests.
“Me neither.” Clint hummed in agreement, standing beside Natasha. “I remember the day I taught her to flip off the paparazzi.” Tony laughed at the memory, Pepper sending a playful glare to the archer. Tony still had the magazine in his office, the picture of you showing the camera your middle finger on the cover. You were only nine or ten at the time, you were all grown up now. You still liked to give the paparazzi your signature pose.
“How about the time she programmed FRIDAY to play that horrible Rebecca Black song every time we tried to use FRIDAY?” It was Steve’s turn to speak, and he groaned as he got the song stuck in his head again.
“Or that time she got FRIDAY to play that Black Widow song every time I entered the room?” Natasha’s face morphed into one of annoyance, but there was no real irritation behind it.
“What about the time Lady Y/N came to Asgard and made friends with Loki?” Thor remembered on your fourteenth birthday how you visited Asgard. It took endless tears and begging for your parents to agree. They finally agreed after you made a ten minute presentation, and Thor had promised to keep you safe. You loved Asgard and the people you met loved you- even Loki was fond of the young Stark. During your weekend in Asgard, you had spent equal time with the brothers. Thor gave you tours of Asgard and the castle, while Loki showed you some important spots from his childhood. You hated having to leave, but you came back every time you could. You even convinced Loki to spend more time on Earth (Midgard as he preferred to call it).
“I can’t forget about the time Tony brought in Y/N to the medbay when her hand was broken, he was hysterical. And you remember how she broke it?” Bruce looked at Tony, who rolled his eyes with a faint smirk.
“By punching that Flash kid in the face and breaking his nose.” Pepper shook her head at the memory, looking at the now grown up kids she loves. “They’ve always had each other’s backs. Now they’ve got each other forever. And they’ve got all of us.” Tony smiled as his older daughter walked over, Peter talking to his aunt. You gave everyone a hug, thanking them for coming.
“Sorry to interrupt, but it’s time for our dance, Dad.” Your dad nodded, pressing a kiss to his own wife’s cheek before walking to you.
“Let’s dance.” You lead your dad to the dance floor, your arm linked with his. You wrapped your arms around his neck, and Tony’s wrapped around your waist as you began to dance.
“I can’t believe my little girl is married now.” Tony spoke softly as you two danced, your dress sparkling under the lights as you moved. “Seems like just yesterday I held you in my arms for the first time.”
“It doesn’t feel real yet.” You hummed in agreement, looking up at your dad. “It still feels like I should be at home, having tea parties with Morgan, and giving you heart attacks with Peter.” Tony rolled his eyes, remembering how mere months ago, Tony was making a cup of coffee. You and Peter came to the lake house for Christmas, and you two were spending time with Morgan in your room.
Tony smiled as he heard the sound of laughter through the halls, until he heard a loud crash and Peter yell “shit!” which Morgan replied “that’s Mom’s word!” Tony ran to the sound, stopping at the sight. Morgan, holding your phone, stood beside Peter, who was doubled over laughing. Then he saw you, sprawled across the floor, roller skates on your feet. Pieces of shattered ceramic, dirt, flowers were surrounding you, which Tony recognized as the vase of flowers Morgan set up last week. You raised your head, looking at Morgan.
“Did you get that on video?!” You fist pumped the air as Morgan nodded, carefully getting back up. You froze when you saw your dad and looked at your fiancé and sister. “Retreat, retreat!!” You skated past your dad, Morgan and Peter following you as they laughed.
“Y/N, Morgan, and Peter! Get your asses back here and clean this up!”
“You see all these gray hairs? You caused them.” You laughed, giving your dad an award winning smile.
“We add excitement to your life.” Tony laughed, twirling you.
“And I can’t be happier that I have you two hooligans in my life.” You smiled as the song paused and everyone looked around. A familiar song started playing over the speakers, and your dad grinned. The slow song had been replaced by Mr. Brightside, one of yours and your dad’s favorite songs. The rest of the guests came to the dance floor, dancing and singing (yelling) the lyrics. The rest of the night was filled with singing, dancing, and laughter.
You stood beside Peter at the end of the night, swaying slightly as you held your sleeping sister. She was older now, but she never missed a chance for you to hold her. Your eyes traveled the room, taking in the sights around you. The rest of the kids were off by themselves, eating leftover wedding cake and drinking soda out of the champagne flutes. Ned and MJ had taken over the music, playing everything from throwbacks to today’s music, jumping around (as they’d call it, dancing) and laughing. The team of heroes were all broken out into their own groups, everyone getting along fine.
“I can’t believe this is our life.” You spoke after a minute of silence. “I remember when it was just me, my dad, and Happy. I never would’ve thought my family would grow from that group of three to all of us now.” Your eyes landed on your dad, who was laughing with the original Avengers team.
“If you would have told me in the start of high school that I was going to become an Avenger, fall in love with Tony Stark’s daughter, and join the family of the Earth’s mightiest heroes, I would think I was in a dream. And now it’s my reality. I’ve always wanted a big, happy family like this. And you gave it to me.” Peter smiled, pressing a gentle kiss to your forehead. Your eyes closed, savoring the moment.
“Our family’s about to expand by one more, too.” You whispered and Peter’s jaw dropped as it clicked.
“We’re having a baby?” You nodded with a smile, laughing as Peter hugged you tight, being careful not to disturb Morgan.
“We’re having a baby. Don’t tell my dad you know, he wanted to be the first to know.” You rested your head on his shoulder and Peter’s arm made its way around your waist.
“Our child really is going to have the best family to grow up in.” As you looked at your husband, you smiled to yourself.
‘Yeah.’ You thought. ‘They really will.’
1. Your stupid jokes
2. Your laugh
3. Your smile
4. How hardworking you are
5. How much my family loves you
6. Even my dog loves you, and he doesn’t like anyone
7. How you always know how to make me laugh
8. How you always want to help everyone
9. How much you care about your friends
10. And how you’d lay down your life for them
11. And how you made me feel normal
Taglist: @daughter-of-stark @agent-barnes40 @spideygirl2003 @ditttiii 💖 Taglist is OPEN, please let me know if you’d like to be added. Requests are also OPEN, feel free to make requests :)
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lowkeyassgard · 4 years
Day 10 of Loki vs. Earth series and today Loki is very pissed off by attending a country concert.
One shot summary: After bailing Loki out of some serious trouble, Thor asks Loki to attend a concert with him.
Quarantine series summary:It’s going to be a series of fun and light hearted one shots to help readers and other writers get through this hard time. I made a a03 collection and a tumblr tag. To join just write a fun, soft, and/or light hearted one shot and post it to the collection @Quarantine_Series or tag it on tumblr as #quarantine series.
Word count: 900 words
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Loki didn’t care much for music, He never understood why Midgardians would spend their time blasting loud obnoxious noises into their ears. Also, didn’t understand how they enjoyed it. He didn’t like it but since permanently residing on Midgard his brother Thor had found a love for it. He blasted it through their home and would dance around like a psycho. Loki thought Thor a fool for it.
Thor had been pestering Loki to attend a concert for the last few months. Loki had repeatedly said no but knew he would no longer be able to decline the offer. Loki had recently run into some trouble leading Thor to bailing him out. Literally. Loki was arrested for assault. He did nothing of the sort, but the police officer insisted that Loki had come at it. What had actually happened was that one-day Loki was walking down the road flipping his favorite blue knife and a police officer had stopped to question him. Loki was not a fan of this man tone and pointed his knife at the officer. Loki wasn’t going to stab him, but the officer said that he had to jump back to avoid being plunged in the gut. What a liar. Upon Loki’s arrest they confiscated the knives on him and threw him in a dirty dark cell.
He spent two whole days in the jail because the police department had no clue who Loki was and how to contact someone to bail him out, Loki wasn’t from Earth, so he did not have a fingerprint on file or even a social security card. The entire police department was perplexed by his existence because to their computer system Loki simply did not exist. Yet he did and he like all others will have to serve the time for his crime. On the second night of his confinement Loki astray projected to New Asgard and pleaded with his brother to free him. Sure, thing the next morning there Thor was with a big wad of cash to free him and recover his prized knives.
With that situation in mind Loki knew the next time Thor asked he would have to go. He did in fact owe his brother and how horrible could a concert be.
The dreaded ask came two days later. Loki was in his bed reading a book over astronomy. It was a calm and bright day. He was in a pleasant mood. He was until Thor came waltzing into his singing one of those songs he was always blasting.
“Oh brother! Do you recall when I got you out of that sticky situation?
“How could I forget brother. It has only been a week.”
“Oh, how time flies when you are having fun. Speaking of fun how about you and me go to a concert tonight. There will be alcohol.” Thor emphasized the last part. Loki wasn’t fond of Midgardian alcohol, but something was better than nothing. Since Loki didn’t have any form of identification he could not lawfully buy alcohol even he was thousands of years past the required age. The people would just not believe it. So, the only time he received alcohol was when he stole it, much frowned about by Thor and Valkyrie, and when he went to an event that served it to all guests.
“Ah yes brother. I do owe you so just this time I will join you.”
“YES!” Thor practically jumped with joy. Loki knew that Thor loved hanging out with him, but they just didn’t like the same things. Loki liked raves and clubs meanwhile Thor loved campfires and concerts. They were like polar opposites and yet they still loved each other dearly. When Loki had no one, he had Thor. Thor was the only one that gave him chance after chance and saw the good in him. So even though he knew he would hate every minute of it if this concert would make his brother happy he would attend.
“Alright Loki. Be ready by six and where something that isn’t black.”
At a quarter to six Loki walked out of his bedroom in a olive green shirt and grey denim jeans. It was the only thing he owned that wasn’t black or Asgardian custom clothes. He felt like a teenager that was trying to be cool. He wasn’t going to impress anyone, so he swallowed his pride and put on a smile for his brother.
Thor on the other hand was absolutely ecstatic. He was in a plaid button up shirt blue denim jeans and boots. He was grinning ear to ear. The minute Loki came out Thor gave a big holler of excitement and practically dragged Loki out of their home to take a truck into the city.
They arrived at the concert venue within the next forty five minutes and immediately Loki wished he had said no. Just from the look of the people entering the venue he would be miserable. Everyone entering was dressed in cowboy hats and boot. The men and the women were plaid shirts and both were equally acting loud and obnoxious.
As Loki walked with Thor toward the entrance Loki groaned. The person taking the tickets was a blonde chick with a plaid shirt tied at her breast level. She was in cutoff denim shorts that showed the bottom of her undergarments. She was loud. Too loud. Loki wanted to throw his ticket at her and tell her to shut up before she found her mouth bound. Instead he calmly watched as Thor handed the tickets to her.
“No.” Loki simply said. Thor was beside him talking about how excited he was and had been looking forward to this all day.
Loki left his brother at the ticket stand to push his way into the venue. He thought maybe it would be better once inside, but it was not,
Thor had left out the part that this was a hillbilly concert. Loki wasn’t even trying to be offensive. A person that walked by him held a sign promptly stating that it was a hillbilly concert. The sign read “Hillbillies get down too.”
Everyone I mean everyone looked like they should be in the wild west. Loki didn’t usually complain about humans showing off a little skin but now he was. Their attire and the way they presented themselves repulsed Loki.
He pushed himself thought the crowd of sweaty exposed bodies to find the bar. Once there he was even more repulsed. They just had beer. Cheap piss. This was their suck ass excuse for alcohol. The whole reason why he was here. Loki remembering, he was doing for this Thor laid down a few bills and took one of the beers. He took one swig of the beer and spit it out on the ground.
“Real men drink beer.” A woman sitting at the bar scorned at him. He reached for his knives to realize he left them at home.
‘Real women know not to pester a man that could easily destroy them.” Loki spat at her. Pardon his language but fuck her. If he had his knives he would hold them at her throat until she cried out in mercy. He might not want to take over the world anymore, but he would not be disrespected.
Not being able to stand the taste of this piss he threw the half full can on the ground and removed the lighter from his pocket and set it on fire.
“Oh, brother there you are!” Thor said before realizing that Loki had set a can of beer on fire and had attracted a crowd.
“Please excuse my brother. Its not a concert without a little spilt beer am I right?” Thor said before grabbing Loki by the arm and dragging him to the other side of the room.
“Loki, what did I tell you about burning things?”
“Do not belittle me brother. That Midgardian piss made a fool out of me and I smite its existence as punishment.”
“Just stand here and have some fun. The concert is starting soon.” Thor said before taking a swig out of his own can of fermented piss.
The concert did start but Loki did not have fun.
The music was horrendous. It was loud. Obnoxious loud. The people let out yeehaws like they were farm animals. At one point the man beside Loki made the comment that he loved this music which Loki returned by screaming “THIS IS NOT MUSIC.”
Worse than the music was the dancing that followed. The dancing looked like an exorcism ritual. The people shook their bodies and bent them in ways that should mot be normal. They thrashed against each other and yet out shared simultaneous hollers. Loki felt as though he was watching a whole crowd of people possessed by a spirit and this country music was expelling them of their farm demon.
As the night went on the crowd got worse. Even his brother began to thrash around and swing his beer in the air. Later Loki would ask what happened and Thor would just say he was overcome by the music. Overcome by the music? The only thing Loki was overcome by was the urgent need to bleach his eyes and wipe his memories of this event.
When the crowd began to sway, Loki let out a groan. The people around him assumed he was joining them in their pleasure but he was not. Every time their shoulder pressed into his body he had to stop himself from grabbing them and snapping them in half.
At one point the stranger beside him bumped a little too hard into Loki taking him by surprise and knocking him to the concrete floor. That was loki last straw.
“I do not know what kind of hoe down throw down you people think this is hit if you so ever even think about touching my godly skin I will remove your bones from your body one by one.”
The people around him just stopped. They stopped dancing. The must stopped playing. The people all stopped to look at Loki.
“I am a god and I will not be disrespected and touched by you distasteful rowdy animals.”
Thor just watched in disbelief as his dear brother screamed at a venue of people.
“ I did my best to enjoy this time for the sake of my brother but you farm animals sad are just not worthy of my company.” With that Loki felt arms reach around him and he was picked up. A very large human carried him outside the venue and threw him on to the ground.
“Do you know who I am?” Loki screamed at the man.
“No and I do not care. Move another inch and I’m calling the cops.”
Loki was absolutely appalled that he was thrown out. He was even more appalled that Thor did not quickly come out to him. Instead loki spent the next 2 hours on the ground outside of the venue. When Thor finally came out he was completely hammered. . He was smiling and laughing to himself
“Brother. You are such a pain. Kicked out of a concert. If only mother and father could see this. They would laugh so hard they wept.”
Needless to say that Loki never attended a concert after that.
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