#me when i'm finished writing and looking at the amount: hm.
velvetydream · 11 days
꒰ :🥊 [ Rocky ] ”♡ᵎ꒱ˀˀ ↷ ⋯
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Summary : Your boyfriend loved to take you to his matches, saying you were his little good luck charm, yet you're always worried to the core watching him fight.
Pairing : Boxer! Mingi x GN! Reader
Word count : 1.7K Words
Genre : Romance , Fluff, Angst
   Warnings ➵ Boxing, Blood, Injuries, talk
about marriage and having
children (still GN! Reader)
a/n : I have no clue of how boxing works, but Rocky goes hard so I had to write a Boxer Mingi story!🤧💕
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Mingi called you his little good luck charm, while it was an endearing name to be called, you hated it. Because it would end up with him hurt in some way or another. The boxing matches you watched, even when being his lucky charm and he wins, he was hurt. Busted lip, cut eyebrow, sometimes even a black eye. Many bruises all over his body. You hated it and he knew.
"You'll be there Saturday right?" Mingi looks up at you from the table, it was a calm morning so far.. till he had to bring up his next match. Even thinking about his upcoming matches makes your stomach turn, making you nauseous. "I don't know, I might have to work or something." Your back was turned to him as you were flipping the pancakes in front of you. The grip on the handle made your knuckles turn white, until Mingi stood behind you, his hand softly gliding over yours and making you loosen your grip. "You said you're free, you know how important it is for me that you're there." Of course, you knew, you were his little lucky charm, his motivation, the love of his life. Yet it was hard to watch him get hurt over and over again, fearing that someday he would get hurt drastically with irreparable damage to himself.
"Of course, I know that, but you also know I don't like seeing you get hurt! Mingi we've been over this countless times already." Pulling your hand away from his now, you turn the stove off, pushing the pan to a cold place before turning away and walking to the living room, your tall boyfriend following you shortly. "I barely ever get hurt! It's nothing serious!" He was getting irritated with you, just as you were getting annoyed with him. Mingi just won't understand. He won't get it into his thick stubborn head. "Yeah till now! What if one day you get hurt badly?! Paralyzed?! Do you want that? Mingi I'm worried sick every time I watch you!" Tears were building up in your eyes as you finally looked at him. He was visibly taken back by your outburst, he knew you were worried but that it was hurting and bothering you so much? He didn't think about that.
"Hey.. I'm sorry babe, come here.. Please." His hand reaches out to you, softly grabbing your wrist and pulling you against his chest, tears flowing down your cheeks now with soft sobs. Mingi felt torn, he loved boxing, and it was his passion, a way to make money besides his small barely paying job as a waiter. Yet here you were crying in his arms because you were scared to the core for him. The amount of anxiety he must've put you through with each fight he made you watch. Yet you always sat tight, smiled, cheered, and celebrated for and with him. "I should've thought about your feelings earlier, I'm sorry.." Pressing a kiss to the crown of your head, he cradles you against him, your hands balled to fists holding onto the sleeping shirt he was still in.
Mingi was overcome with guilt and also contemplation.. you did have a point. What if someday he took it too far? One wrongly placed hit and it could be over for him and his body. He would never be able to marry you, have children, or grow old with you. Those thoughts made him scared and even question his own choices about boxing. He would definitely have to talk to Yunho about this later at the training. But for now, he had to pamper you, make you smile again, and stop those tears running down your face.
"Pretty, let's watch a movie and cuddle hm? I'll finish the pancakes and you get changed into that sweater of mine you love so much~" Nodding softly, your fist rubbing over your puffy red eyes, before disappearing up the stairs to your and Mingi's shared room, searching for the sweater you loved to steal oh so often. Yet he never gifted it to you, saying it wouldn't feel the same if you owned it and didn't steal it from him anymore. Back in the living room Mingi already prepared two plates with pancakes, arranged just how you like them, some fruits, and just the perfect amount of syrup. "Thanks, Mingi.." Smiling softly at your boyfriend as you take a seat beside him, grabbing your plate while helping him choose a movie. Settling on Spirited Away, and probably also watching Howl Moving Castle immediately afterward.
Mingi later in the day left after making sure you ate dinner, and made his way to the place where he trained at, Yunho already there training one of the new younger guys that joined recently. "Mingi! You're late! What caught you up?" Yunho looked over at him, noticing the frown on his best friend's face, something at home must've happened again. Walking over to Mingi who sat down on the bench, starting to wrap his bandages around his hands, Yunho stood in front of him. "I'll quit after this Saturday. It will be my last match." His eyes did not even meet Yunhos, knowing his friend looked flabbergasted at him now. "What do you mean quit? You're on the best way to become a legend Mingi! You cannot quit now!" His hand was grabbing his shoulder now, shaking him slightly, Mingi swatting his hand away with an annoyed groan. "I don't care, living a long healthy life with Y/N is more important. I never realized through what pain I put them okay.." Mingis hands were clenched, he was visibly distraught.
Of course, he loved boxing, it was his long passion yet he loved you so much more. Enough to give this up to be able to make you not suffer anymore and grow old together.
Getting up now Mingi gets ready to warm up, Yunho following him, the conversation is apparently not over for him yet. "Why all of a sudden?" Voices calmer now, trying to understand his best friend's decision. "I realized what pain I put Y/N through, I want to grow old with them, I want children, want to marry and.. If I someday get injured and can't be saved I would never be able to forgive myself for being so careless with my body." Yunho could understand him, of course, he could. Yunho had been through the same years prior with his wife, yet he never had the potential Mingi had either. "Listen I understand but.. Have you thought this through?" Mingi sends him one last glance, making it known that he is serious.
Leaving the man alone, for now, Yunho goes back to the students he currently has. He can't be mad at Mingi, boxing is dangerous, he knew that, yet it was sad to see a rising star stop mid-air.
"I'm home!" Mingi calls out, noticing the sweet smell of baked goods in the air, making his way to the kitchen. "Mingi! I made some cupcakes! Come on taste them!" Pulling him over, you shove a sweet pastry into his hands, the buttercream decorated with colorful sprinkles. Upon taking a bite, he notices the cream on your face, wiping it away softly with his thump. And now he could see it, this was what he should live for. Your smile, your backed goods, you. Your future children and grandchildren. Growing old together.
Leaning his body down, he presses a kiss to your lips, being able to taste the sweetness of the cupcake he just ate. His hands put the cupcake away to hold your hips softly. "I love you so much, so so much." Pulling you against him, locking your lips again with his own ones. Left hand gliding up to hold the side of your face, his thump caressing your cheek softly.
The rest of the week passes by in a rush, Saturday evening arriving, you're now sitting watching Yunho massage Mingis shoulders talking to him quietly. You were glad that this would be the last time, yet dread filled you knowing you'd have to patch your boyfriend up again after the fight. Soon it started, Yunho walking around the ring, shouting to Mingi who was holding up quite strong. His opponent was not really a big deal for him, Mingi being probably almost double the size of him.
The fight continued, Mingi took in some bad hits but the other one was much worse. Being on the brink of giving up, you could see it on his face. Finally, Mingi got him down, the countdown starting, fans cheering as Mingi threw his fits up into the air. Yunho himself was jumping around screaming happily. Before running over to you and pulling you up, looking confused at Yunho now as he pulls you to the ring Mingi was in, microphone in his hand now.
"I know everyone loves to watch me fight, but despite my joy for it, I never noticed how much I hurt someone dear to me with it. The person who despite being in pain on the inside while watching me, still supported me. The person I want to grow old with." Mingi was talking, reaching out for your hand and pulling you into the ring with Yunho's help, stopping you in the middle. "The person I want children with and I want to marry. So today was my last fight! I will be retiring from fighting, but there is one last thing I have to do in this ring!" Mingi was holding your hand in his, looking into your eyes with so much love and warmth. While you tried to mirror it, you couldn't help the look of confusion.
A gasp now leaving your lips as you watch Mingi get down onto one knee, pulling out a velvet box from his left pocket. Eyes meeting your glassy ones. "You're the love of my life, my motivation.. my lucky charm so will you marry me?" A soft yes was pressed out of your lips, as lips threatened to fall, Mingi put the ring on your finger before standing up, pulling you into his arms and lifting you up. "You just made me the happiest man on earth! I love you so much!" His lips find yours, as the lights of cameras go off around you capturing this memory forever.
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mrsmikaelsxn · 1 year
Tears Of The Sky
pairing: niklaus mikaelson x female reader
warnings: fluff and kissing, also a pinch of jealous nik
summary: a rainy day with klaus - requested by @viavolterra-wp
a/n: via i'm gonna get to the angst request for klaus but i suck at writing it and i'm trying to come up with something depressing to write about lmao, i hope this fills the void in your soul <3
song: valse sentimentale, op. 51, no. 6 - pyotr ilyich tchaikovsky
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You groan as you hear your alarm go off. You contemplate on whether or not you should throw it out the window.
"Shut off the bloody alarm," Klaus says from his spot next to you on the bed.
You reach over and press the stop button before looking outside. A smile makes its way to your face when you see the rain pouring down. You turn and kiss Klaus on the forehead, "Nik, get up, it's raining!"
"So?" He pulls the blankets closer to him, effectively ripping them off your body. After dealing with that for so long, you don't even bother trying to steal them back.
"Well, we can't let a good rainy day go to waste, can we?"
"Of course we can, love."
You roll your eyes and huff as you fall back on the bed, "Well, if you don't get up, I guess I'll have to find someone else to spend the day with. Maybe that brunette Salva-"
In an instant Klaus is up and on top of you on the bed, "I think my company would be better than his anyday," he narrows his eyes at you.
"I don't know about that," you push further, "he was good company that one night a few weeks-"
You are cut off as Klaus starts tickling your sides, "What was that, love?"
You squirm under him as you try to break away, "Nik! I c-can't breathe! Stop! Please!" Your laughs make him smile, showing his beautiful dimples that you love so much.
"Hm, since you asked so nicely," he stops and falls next to you on the mattress. His head is resting on his arm and he looks at you with adoration in his eyes. "You're so beautiful, sweetheart," he whispers.
Your face heats up at the compliment. "I also think you are very pretty, Mr. Scary Original Hybrid."
He grins, "You think I'm scary?"
"Oh, not at all, you are a soft puppy," you take a hand and squeeze his cheeks.
He playfully scoffs and grabs your wrist, "I am not a puppy."
"Sure you aren't. Anyway, I was thinking we could bake some cookies."
"Great idea, love."
You two get out of bed and go to the bathroom. You both brush your teeth, hair, and after having a small water fight, you wash your faces.
You head to the kitchen with Klaus behind you. You grab a bowl and place it on the counter, "Nik, can you grab the butter, flour, eggs, sugar, and chocolate chips."
He nods and gets them while you grab a whisk, pan, and preheat the oven.
"Thank you." You two now add the ingredients into the measuring cups so everything is prepared. "Okay, do you want to do the honor of pouring the first ingredient," you ask him.
"'Course I do," he grabs the flour and holds it over the bowl.
"Pour it slow-"
It was too late. He flipped the cup upside down and although most four stayed in the bowl, there was a good amount now floating in your faces. Klaus and you swat your hands and cought a bit at you breathe in the flower.
"Oops. Now I know for next time," he shrugs.
"Who says you are going to pour it next time?"
"Let's add the softened butter and eggs now," you put them into the bowl and handed Klaus the whisk. "Stir gently, please."
He nods and as he stirs you slowly pour in the sugar and then the chocolate chips.
"Perfect! We can start rolling them and placing them on the pans."
You two roll them into balls and space them out on the baking pans before putting them in the oven. After washing your hands, you and Klaus go into the living room as he picks a movie, "The Parent Trap? Nik, you know me too well."
"What can I say," he grabs a blanket and tosses it onto the couch. You sit down and cuddle with him on the couch as you wait for the cookies to finish.
The timer on the oven goes off and you stand up, place the oven mitts on, and take the two pans out, putting them on the stove. Nik appears next to you and he goes to grab one but you slap his hand away. "No! They are too hot, Nik. You'll burn yourself."
"Pfft, I'm an Original, love. A cookie isn't going to burn me," he goes back to grab one. You sigh and watch in amusement as he places one in this mouth, jumps around while it burns him, rushes to the garbage to spit it out, and then goes to the sink to spray cold water in his mouth.
"What happened to, 'i'M aN oRiGiNaL, lOvE. a CoOkIe IsN't GoInG tO bUrN mE.'"
He crosses his arms and walks out of the kitchen back to the couch. You laugh and follow him to continue the movie while the cookies cool down.
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Now you were laying on a couch in Klaus' art room as he painted you. "Nikkkk, this is taking forever," you groan.
"Don't move, love. I'm almost done."
You think for a moment, "Isn't the butterfly effect crazy?"
He lets out a deep sigh, "Not this again, love. Last time you made my brain hurt."
"It's just like, interesting to think about. If I take one step in another direction, that changes my whole life. That brought me to thinking about other dimensions."
"Other dimensions?"
"Yeah. I heard somewhere that there could be other dimensions where there is every other choice you could possibly have made. That's a lot of dimensions."
"I'm confused," Klaus glances at you and continues to paint.
"Here's an easy example, if there was a fork in the road and I chose one choice option, in another dimension I would have chosen the other."
"Ohh, that makes sense."
"Yeah, so then I was like, wondering if there are several versions on ourselves living on earth in the same timeline."
Klaus drops his head, "Sweetheart, I don't know how much more my brain can handle."
"Okay, I'll save that one for another day. It's hard to explain anyway."
"I'll hold you to that, love. I just finished anyway, come and see," he says excitedly. Although he has hundreds of drawings and paintings of you, he gets just as excited to show you them each time.
You head over to where he was sitting in front of his canvas, "Nik! It's stunning!"
"Not as stunning as you," he winks at you.
"I love it, Nik."
"And I love you," he pulls you to him and places his lips on yours. You pull back after a bit and leave him in a daze.
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It's now afternoon time and Klaus said he was going to take you out to dinner. He told you to dress up but you were stuck on picking a dress. There was only one person you could call for help on this matter.
You go and grab your phone, scrolling through the contacts, before calling the number. After about two rings, the call is picked up.
"Hello, angel," you hear the voice of your best friend come through the phone.
"Bekah, I miss you so much."
"I miss you, too. Is Nik being tolerable? If not I can come and rescue you and we could run away together."
"Yes he is, but I'll take up that offer any day."
"Great! I'll start planning."
"Before you do that, I need your help. Nik is taking me to dinner and I can't pick a dress. I have three top choices but I need you to pick from them, please," you say while grab a perfume you are going to put on.
"Sure! Send me seperate pictures of each one and I'll text you which one I think you should wear."
"Thank you! You're a lifesaver, I love you so much."
"Love you, too. Call me again soon!"
"Of course, bye Bex."
You hand up the phone and send pictures of the dresses. A minute later you get a response from her and you smile. You throw on the dress she picked and you go into the bathroom to do your hair and makeup.
You finish getting ready and put your heels on. You go downstairs and see Klaus on the couch waiting for you. He hears you and turns, he has you clench his jaw to keep it from dropping.
"Are you ready to go, Nik?" You stroll towards him and grab his hand.
He blushes and stutters out a yes. He grabs his car keys and you grab a large umbrella. Klaus grabs you by the waist and speeds you both into the car so you were barely wet.
On the drive there, Klaus let you choose the music - which barely ever happens. You, of course, took that to your advantage.
You get into the diner and the waiter takes you to a booth. You order drinks and Klaus glare as the waiter as he takes your food order.
He walks away nervously and you put your head on your hand as your elbow rests on the table.
"Is it really necessary to glare at the poor boy?"
"Yes it was. He was staring at you."
"Usually when you are talking to a person, you look at them."
"He was stuttering."
"Probably because you were scaring him."
"You get jealous too often."
"I can't help it, you are too gorgeous."
"I promise you that you don't have to get jealous, Nik. I love you," you smile at him.
"I love you, too," he grumbles.
The waiter comes back with your food, "H-here you go, enjoy."
You smile at the boy and whisper, "Sorry about him."
He nods and smiles back before walking away.
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After Nik pays for the dinner, you too go back to the car. Once you arrive back home, Klaus carries you inside and speeds you to your shared room.
He tosses you onto the bed and goes on top of you. He kisses you so passionately that it speaks so many words.
You tug on his hair in the back and he puts a hand on your waist and one resting on the bed next to your head.
He bites your bottom lip and slides his tongue against it. You open your mouth and move your tongues against one another. You both pull back breathlessly after a few minutes.
"I've been waiting for that all night," Klaus says.
"Of course you have. Do you want to get ready for bed?"
"Sure," he kisses your cheek and rolls off of you.
Klaus speeds to the bathroom across the hall to get ready and you use the one in this room. You take off the makeup and jewelry. You do your nighttime routine and throw on one of Klaus' shirts and a new pair of underwear.
You hop into bed and pull the cover over you. Klaus joins you and you hand him the remote, "You can pick what we watch this time."
"Hmm, decisions, decisions."
He finally picks a movie and you are surprised to see it was Twilight. "You enjoyed the movie?" You recall back to when you introduced him to the saga and he seemed like he hated it the whole time.
"Not exactly, but it's fun seeing the way they made vampires and werewolves."
You lay your head on Klaus' chest while he plays with your hair. Your eyes flutter shut about an hour and a half into the movie. He kisses your head and whispers, "Goodnight, my love," before falling asleep.
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lareynaderucorazon · 1 month
Sol x Reader, long post, Minors DNI
"I'm home"
You call out as you take off your shoes. Not even a moment later Sol greets you with a kiss.
"Hi babe, how was your day?"
"Mm nothing special. How was work?"
"Ugh don't even get me started. This new hire, Kevin." You rolled your eyes at the thought of that man.
"But I'm home here with you now so all of that doesn't matter." You put your shoes up and follow your wife into the kitchen.
"Endonde esta Sebastian?"
"He's upstairs finishing his homework."
"Hmm my baby's so studious."
Sol stands over the stove in his frilly green apron. You hug him from behind and peek over his shoulder.
"What gourmet dish did you cook up for us today?"
"Well you've been craving shrimp pasta so I made shrimp fettuccini and some garlic toast."
"So that was the heavenly smell I smelled as soon ans I walked through the door."
Sol slightly blushed. He knew he was married to the love of his life for seven years now but he still couldn't get over how she complemented his cooking. He felt a little embarrassed being put on the spot but, nonetheless, pride swelled in his heart at how he's able to take care of his wife.
"Dinner's ready."
"I'll go get Sebastian."
You walked away but not before you slyly groped his ass cheek. Sol's face turned red and he covered his ass with his hands before turning to softly glare at you. You only sent him a kiss before laughing and walking away.
As you walked up the stairs you could hear faint piano music coming from your son's room. You knocked and waited for him to say come in before you opened the door.
Your son looked up at you, tearing his attention away from his homework.
"Oh hey mom, when did you get back from work?"
"Just right now. I came to get you for dinner, dad made pasta."
"I'll be right there, I'm just trying to finish this last question but I can't get past it."
"Oh what class is it for?"
"Hm let me see it."
Question: Maria compro ocho frutas. Tres naranjas, dos pinas, una sandia, y dos manzanas. Cada naranja cuesta veinte y ocho pesos y cuarenta y uno centavos. Cada pina cuesta cincuenta pesos y setenta y tres centavos. Una sandia cuesta sesenta y nueve pesos y ochenta y cinco centavos. Cada manzana cuesta veinte y tres pesos y sesenta y ocho centavos. Cuanto pago Maria en dollares?
"Ok wow, that's a lot of information."
"I know right."
"Ok so lets break it down in English first. The problem say, follow along with me, Maria bought 8 fruits. Write down the numbers on top of the words so you can visualize it better. Ok, she bought 3 oranges, 2 pineapples, one watermelon, and 2 apples. Each orange costs 28 pesos and 41 cents, Each pineapple costs 50 pesos and 73 cents. One watermelon costs 79 pesos and 85 cents. Each apple costs 23 pesos and 78 cents. Did you get all that?"
"Is it easier to see all the numbers written down?"
"A lot easier."
"Now remember its asking for the total in dollars and they gave us the amounts is pesos. So add all of the numbers up and then we are gonna convert the total amount into dollars."
"But how are we going to do that if the teacher didn't give us the conversion rate?"
"The internet my son. What's the total amount?"
"314.1 pesos"
"Now, looking it up on yoogle, you get 1 dollar per every 16.91 pesos. So, you divide the total amount by 16.91 and then you get your answer, which is?"
"18.6 dollars!"
"That's my boy, now let's go down and eat dinner before it gets cold."
You and your son head down to the dinner table where your husband was patiently waiting for you to.
"What took so long?"
"Homework." You and your son said simultaneously. You both laughed before all three of you started to dig in.
🤎timeskip cuz im lazy + smut🤎
Your husband was now washing the dishes as you boxed up the leftovers for your lunch tomorrow. As soon you as you were done with that you were right back onto clinging to your husband. You started trailing kisses up and down his neck, leaving hickies in certain areas. Sol started to groan as you were caressing his hips, occasionally trailing over his hard on before going under his shirt to play with his nipples.
You leaned into his ear while groping his bulge.
"Shh baby."
"Wha-haa. What abous Sebastian?"
"Taking a shower. Now let me take care of my sexy husband."
You decided you were done with the teasing, so your hands finally found their way under Sol's waistband and at the base of his cock.
"Hm? What's this? Basketball shorts and no draws? You wanted this to happen didn't you? You were fantasizing about this all day weren't you?"
You teased your husband, both with your words and with your hands, slowly traversing up and down his length while occasionally flicking his head.
"Tha-hah. That's not... true."
"It's not? You don't want this? Should I stop?"
"No! No please keep going." Sol could feel you smirk against his shoulder which caused shivers to run down his spine.
"That's my pretty husband. Look at your pretty pink cock in your wife's hands. You love this don't you?"
"Sh!" You tugged on his dick a little harsher which caused him to bend over and for him to almost drop a plate.
You heard the water turn off upstairs so you knew you had to finish him off quick. You let go of Sol's dick which caused him to whine. You grabbed his hips before harshly turning him around and getting on your knees. Sol's breath hitched in his throat when he felt your warm wet mouth take him all in. He gripped onto the sink as you practically sucked the soul out of him.
"Y/nn. Fuck."
You knew he was about to come so you quickened your pace and started fondling his balls.
Sol's release came quick and powerfully. His eyes rolled to the back of his head while his body involuntarily jerked itself further into his wife's mouth. His hips sputtered for a few seconds before they eventually stopped.
Sol's body fell flaccid against the counter, so you picked up his shorts and gave him a kiss.
"Thanks for desert honey. Why don't you go get ready for bed while I finish up the rest of these dishes."
Sol could only nod and wobble away, the high still heavily weighing on his mind.
Finishing the dishes only took 10 minutes, and once you were done you walked up to your son's room to wish him goodnight. He looked around, trying to spot Sol.
"Where's dad?"
"Oh, he went to bed early. He was really tired today."
"Hm ok. Goodnight mom."
"Goodnight sweetie."
You turned off his lights and left your son's room. You walked down to the opposite end of the hallway to enter your room where you found Sol laying on the bed, staring up into the ceiling. He greeted you with a warm smile and love filled eyes. You smirked while closing and locking the door. You stripped out of your clothes and you could see excitement spark into your husband's eyes.
"Ready for round two?"
Sol belongs to @fantasia-kitt
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countessqin · 1 year
Some voicelines of our dear Y/n as a playable character of Honkai Star Rail!
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Charecter : Jing Yuan × fem!reader romantically (lovers); Yanqing × fem!reader platonically (mother-son relations)
[Author Note]
I got this idea, so instead of getting ready for university I'm writing it. Purelly my headcanons are used, as well as my impressions of characters. I tried to do it in the way it's done in game!
PS.I have quite small knowledge conserning characters stories as for now, because I didn't finish all quests and didn't read all character stories.
Apologies for any typos and mistakes, English is my 4th language, so please bear with them, I'll edit mistakes when I'll have time. Thank you for reading it , hope you enjoyed!
Small intro:
- Name : Y/n
- Age : ???
- Occupation : the advisor of the Luofu region
- Status : ???
- Path : [choose which one you want]
- Element : [choose which one you want]
[First meeting]
- Greetings Traveller from afar. My name is Y/n, I'm the advisor of the Luofu region, shall you need any assistance...please, contact the Sky-Faring Commission or Divination Commission.
- Oh, hello there! How is your journey? Aah... how facinating! Care to join me and general with a cup of tea to tell more?
-Oh, it's quite late now, you should go and rest...hm? Me, I still have work to do, the amount of work an advisor can have is...very big... Until we meet again, Trailblazer. May the stars guide you~
[Chat: work of advisor]
- You want to know about my work? Well as an advisor I'm resposible for some stategic things as well as helping with making some decisions, giving advises and of course I deal with bunch of different documents
[About herself: troubles]
- What troubles me? Hmm...What an interesting question...maybe the amount of money Yanqing can spend on swords or the amount of the work that general Jing Yuan currently has
[About herself: hobbies]
- You want to know about my hobbies? Why? Oh... I see. Well I love calligraphy and in my free time I draw, also I love history and antique things. Do I play musical instruments? Oh.....Trailblazer isn't that your friend, March 7th, standing there? I think she is looking for you!
[About Yanqing]
- Ah Yanqing, such a good young boy! I remember when he first won in our small martial arts and sword fight training! He was beaming with joy! And now, he works as leitenant of Cloud Knights, I'm so proud of him.
[About Jing Yuan]
- You want to know about my relationship with general?... hm... oh no need to worry, I'm not mad! I work as advisor of general for such a long time now, I don't even remember exactly for how long... oh? You wanted to know if we are together? Ha-ha-ha you should have told me, why beating around the bush, yes we are. For how long? That will remain mystery for you!
[About Yukong]
- Oh, she may look strict and intimidating, but when you get to know her better, you'll see that she is a kind soul!
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yuikomorii · 1 year
♡Valentine’s Day♡
// I present to you Ayayui Valentine's Day cg because they're adorable together and I really wanted to feed their stans uwu. I got this idea from something my bestie drew last year, and I'm not one to brag, but I love how this one turned out! It almost looks official, which makes me happy! ٩̋( *ˊᗜˋ* )و
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I also wrote a special Valentine’s Day story regarding this cg! Despite being my best boy, I don’t really consider myself good at writing Ayato but I tried my best, therefore… if you’re into fluff and cheesy moments, click on “keep reading”! <3
~Ayayui Valentine’s Day scenario~
Yui: “Limited edition Pocky”
(That’s what I got yesterday when we went to the Demon world. Kanato-kun was surprisingly kind enough to recommend a good candy store, so I’m sure he must know best, right?)
(I can’t believe it’s already Valentine’s Day…)
(If I remembered it sooner, I would have tried to bake something special for it but I suppose these pocky sticks should do the trick as well. It’s still chocolate after all and it’s really interesting how once you finish them all, you’ll get a message at the bottom of the box!)
Now, all I have to do is wait and——
Ayato: Whatcha doing there, Chichinashi?
Yui: Wah…! Geez, Ayato-kun, you scared me!
(And he almost saw the pocky box too—!)
Ayato: Tch… stop screaming, will you?
Yui: Ah… I-I’m sorry! It’s just that… Ayato-kun, there is——
Student: Hey, you’re Ayato-san, right? I was told to give you these. They are quite a lot, you must really be popular, huh?
Yui: …!
(Eeh!? A bag full of chocolates!)
(I know Ayato-kun, as a member of the Sakamaki family, is popular but when this thought crosses my mind, my chest… it somehow tightens…)
W-Woah, the amount is really impressive!
Student: Right? I wish I received such gifts on Valentine’s Day too but haa… not everyone is lucky enough.
Ayato: Y’know, if you really want them, you can have them.
Yui: Wha—!
Student: E-Excuse me?
Ayato: I don’t need them, they can’t satisfy me in any way so what’s the point of keeping useless trash?
Yui: B-But Ayato-kun, it’s the thought that counts! Besides, they spent money on them!
Ayato: If they can afford to attend a private school, buying chocolates will not bankrupt them. Let's go, or what now? Do you prefer to walk home all alone in the dark?
Yui: That’s… I-I’m coming!
— Timeskip —
Yui: (Ayato-kun… Does he refuse Valentine's Day gifts? But if that's the case, I can't guarantee I won't be rejected as well...)
(Nevertheless, thinking negatively will accomplish nothing. I bought the box with the thought of him in my mind because Ayato-kun is the person I like the most. If I don't take a shot, I might regret it later, so it's now or never!)
Hey, Ayato-kun.
Ayato: Hm?
Yui: (Here we go…!)
Will you be… my Valentine?
— Yui blushes and hands him the pocky box —
Ayato: Heh…
Yui: (C-Come on, is he laughing at me now?)
— Ayato teleports —
Yui: Eh?
(We’re at some sort of dessert shop?)
Ayato: Took you long enough, Chichinashi. I would have much rather preferred to receive Takoyaki but pocky doesn’t sound half bad either.
Yui: Wait a little, so you knew!?
Ayato: Obviously? I noticed you hiding something from me a few hours ago and waited all day for you to make your move. At some point, I even thought you were scared based on my reaction to that bag of chocolates, which… wasn’t my intention.
Yui: It’s alright, don’t worry. I should have guessed you don't like Valentine's Day gifts. I mean, I'm sure there are a lot of disadvantages to being popular. You probably grew tired of receiving gifts from people with whom you had little or no interaction.
Ayato: That too but those chicks also lacked courage. If you're going to make something for me, give it to me face to face. I wouldn't have turned down their gifts otherwise; I'm not that kind of person, y’know?
Yui: (I see, so that explains his reaction. I failed to look at what was actually bothering Ayato-kun but on a positive note, I’m glad I took action, because that’s what he truly wanted.)
Ayato: Besides… I… I would have accepted it anyway from you.
Yui: A-Ayato-kun…!
Ayato: S-Stop screaming already, will you!? Tch… whatever!
Yui: (Am I not seeing well or is he really blushing? Fufu, that’s somehow cute~!)
Ayato: Pocky, huh? Let’s give them a taste test then, hm?
— Ayato puts pocky in his mouth and gets closer —
Yui: Eh? R-Right now? But this is a public place!
Ayato: And? What’s the point in having a Valentine if you can’t show them off ? Now c’mon, open your mouth.
Yui: Uuh…
(He’s lifting my chin!)
(When Ayato-kun looks at me like that… I simply can’t resist anymore!)
F-Fine… Mn..
Ayato: Mn… Mn… Mn…
Yui: (W-Wait, slow down!)
Ayato: *kisses*
Yui: …!
Ayato: Heeh, your face is turning bright red; are you really that easy to heat up~?
Yui: “E-Easy”, you say, but that's a normal reaction when you decide to kiss me unexpectedly!
Ayato: And now that I've done it once, I demand a second round!
— Timeskip —
Yui: (I can’t believe we finished the whole pocky box. Gosh… that was so embarrassing!)
(Thankfully, the people around us preferred minding their own business rather than looking at us.)
Ayato: …
Yui: (Ayato-kun became unusually quiet; could he be sleeping?)
Ayato: …
Yui: (No answer at all? Did he really fall asleep?)
(However, I shouldn't wake him up. We'll be asked to leave when the dessert shop closes anyway, so I'll let him nap for the time being.)
Come to think of it, now that the box is empty, a message was said to be at the bottom of it, no?
— Yui finds a piece of paper and starts reading —
Yui: “Thank you for purchasing our limited edition pocky! In honor of this release, we have a special treat in store for you too: if you share a pocky stick with your beloved, both of you will be able to drown in pleasure afterwards! The reason is simple because our secret ingredient is… aphrodisiac”!?
(N-No way, this can’t— Kya! Something is touching my leg!)
Ayato: Change of plans. Come with me, Yui.
— Ayato picks her up —
Yui: W-Wah, wait, Ayato-kun—!
(Uuh… what will I get myself into?)
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Let's Have a Bath Together (SMUT)
AN: i literally dreamt this concept one night and had to write it out. i wanted to make it a little longer but got impatient. so sorry about that. please share your feedback with me.
This story contains: smut in a bathtub, fluff in-between, and a bit of happy angst
{ dadrry / dilfrry - husband!harry - softrry }
word count: 2021
After putting your three kids to sleep, you and Harry get in the bathtub together and the innocent bath turns sexual when Harry's hands start to roam your body.
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You and Harry have just put your three children to bed after a bit of a struggle getting them to settle in for the night. Now you're on your way to your shared bedroom to decompress and relax. Running around all day from taking care of your kids has made your limbs heavy and sore.
As you step through your bedroom door, Harry turns around to face you and persuades, "Let's have a bath, hm? We haven't shared a bath in a while and it'd be nice. To help you relax and all." God your husband is too sweet.
"I'm tired but I guess a nice bath would do us some good." you answer and walk into your master bathroom together. Harry steps over to the large bathtub to turn the water on and adjust the temperature while you begin to strip of your dirtied clothes. When he's finished, Harry turns around to see you standing on the fluffy rug in all your naked glory. When you catch him staring you ask, "What?"
Harry begins to strip of his clothes as well and replies honestly, "'S'just...... fuck you're beautiful. *mouth whistling noise* How did I score you?!"
Getting bashful under his gazing eyes, you rebuttal, "Yeah, yeah. Let's get in the tub before the water turns cold." You step in the water first and then Harry wedges in behind you. Now submerged in the filling bathtub, you lean back into Harry's chest and Harry wraps his arms around your pudgy stomach.
The stomach that has stretch marks on either side from carrying his children that he adores so much. And a line down the middle of your tummy from when you had an emergency c-section. You use to be super self conscious of the scars and marks. But after realizing you had nothing to worry about because you had the most loving husband, you stopped caring as much.
The tub is now filled up to your desired amount of warm water and you and Harry lay in silence for quite a few minutes before he starts getting handsy. You had a feeling this bath wouldn't stay PG and you're not exactly mad about that fact either.
Harry slowly drags one of his hands up from where he had it resting on your belly under the water and gently cups your breast. He doesn't say a word as he begins to fondle your right boob and then your left with his other hand now brought up. It isn't until his fingertips start to rub over your sensitive nipples that you let out a muffled moan, head thrown back against his shoulder.
"Mhm, Har....Harry." you hiss from the pleasure he's creating in you with the rubbing and light tugging of each of your nipples. You subconsciously spread your legs out with your knees standing upwards and this lets Harry know you want more.
Harry keeps his left hand on your breast but slowly moves his right hand down between your open legs. Without even looking, he finds your clit pretty easily and starts to gently stimulate it for you. This has you gasping with your mouth hung open wide, making Harry proud that he can please his wife right.
"Yeah, does it feel good, love? Am I makin' yah feel relaxed?" he questions knowingly. All you can do is nod your head against his shoulder as your breathing begins picking up. His wet fingers never let up on your clit. They keep a constant pace of rubbing and then flicking, back and forth, bring you closer to the edge. Somehow the water you're in is making this experience feel even better then it would in bed.
After another minute or two, your body starts to shake and your breath catches in your throat, all signs you're about to orgasm. When Harry picks up on those signs he's well familiar with, he takes his left hand off your tit and brings it down under the water. Knowing how naturally wet you've became, he slips one digit into your pussy and can feel your walls flutter around his finger.
"I'm gonna come, I'm gonna come!" you pant with your eyes squeezed shut and that leds Harry to slowly start thrusting his finger inside of you while moving his fingers over your clit faster. Then your orgasm crashes down on you suddenly. Your body tenses up and you attempt to close your legs but Harry has propped up his legs beside yours and wedges his ankles between your body to help keep you spread open for him.
Eventually your orgasm starts to disappear and when you jerk away from being too sensitive, Harry removes his hands from your cunt and settles them on your tummy again. As you catch your breath, that's when you notice the hardness brushing against your lower back and realize your husband is hard for you.
You turn your head to the side, looking back at Harry before saying, "How 'bout we help your problem out now, yeah?"
Stuttering out, he tries to reply, "Y/n, if you're too tired I can handle it when you go to sleep. No biggy, reall....."
"Shhh, babe," you cut him off, "of course I want to help you. I'm tired but never too tired to be intimate with my husband." This brings a smile to Harry's face and he begins to help you mauvore until you're straddling his lap. It's a bit difficult in the bathtub but you manage.
Once in position, you reach under the water and grab at the base of his hard cock, gently stroking it in your hand. Then you surge your face forward and connect your lips to his. Harry moans into your mouth and you swallow it down with pride. But the hand stroking doesn't last too long before you become impatient and blindly line him up with your entrance.
When you feel Harry's tip nudge your hole, you slowly begin to sink down and allow him to fill you up. "Ugh, fuck." you moan as you back your mouth away from his, inhaling a much needed deep breath. Even after two vaginal births, your pussy is still so tight and his large cock stretches you out every time you have sex.
Eventually you bottom out and with your knees bent on each side of his hips and hands grasping onto his shoulders, you begin to ride him in the bathtub. Harry places his hands on both sides of your waist to help you keep a steady rhythm beings its quite hard to have sex in the tub. Water is splashing out and onto the floor but neither of you could care in this moment. It just feels so nice to have some alone time without your kids interrupting or needing attention.
"Feels s'good, baby." Harry moans out with his head tilted back against the back of the porcelain tub. "Love you so much."
You peak your eyes open to see that Harry is watching you bounce on his dick. He looks dazed out with pleasure and it turns you on even more then you already are. Leaning forward so that your chest is pressed up against his chest, you start to build up a new pace of only rocking back and forth, knowing bouncing never really gets you to your end.
The patch of pubes Harry has around his base brushes against your clit as your ground your hips deeper into his and you nearly lose it on the spot. You start to kiss up and down your husbands scruffy neck, over his adams apple, and over his tensed jaw. Harry's hands move from your hips to your ass as he continues to help you move over him.
"Shit, 'bout to come, love. Are you close?" Harry heaves out. You just feel so good around him and your lips on his skin is really sending him over the edge.
"Yea..Yeah." you squeak out, doing more panting rather than kissing at this point. To concentrate on your orgasm, you relax your head on his shoulder and nuzzle your face into his warm neck. Your arms wrap around his upper body and your hands lock between his back and the bathtub.
To help you further along, Harry rebends his legs so that his feet are flat on the tub floor and he starts to thrust his hips upwards, causing his cock to dive deeper inside you. The sound of water splashing echos through your bathroom as well as your moans combined. "Come f'more, baby. I've got yah." he whispers to you.
His hot breath over your sweaty face is what sends you over the edge. Well that combine with his cock penetrating you just right and your clit rubbing again his sharp pubic bone. Your body starts to convulse in his hold and your pussy contracts tightly around his dick, causing him to release inside of you. (you're on birth control)
To quiet your moans so you don't wake up your children, you hide your face further into his neck. Harry leans his head forward and does the same to his face, hiding it in your sweaty neck. After what felt like the biggest orgasms of your lives, the water in the bathtub starts to settle again and your bodies become lax against each others.
A minute later Harry annonces with a heaviness in his tone, "We should probably wash up and get out of here to get ready for bed. Waters getting a bit cold." But then he hears sniffles coming from beside his face. Harry gently pries your head out from his neck and sees you're crying. "Hey.....hey, love. What's that matter?" he questions with worry in his voice.
Sitting up from his chest with his soft cock still inside you, you reply, "It's just, just that I love you so much, *sob*, and..... and moments we share like this make me remember just how much I love you." Hearing your confession has Harry's eyes tearing up too.
"Oh love, no crying alright. I know yah love me. I love you too, so so much. I wouldn't have gave someone I didn't love three wonderful children. Your the best mum and wife anyone could ever ask for, okay. Never forget that." he states back with a tear running down his cheek.
Now you giggle to lighten the mood and mutter, "God, we are such saps. Having sex in the bathtub as our kids are asleep for us to just cry afterwards. But I wouldn't have it any other way." You lean forward and Harry catches your drift, leaning his head forward as well. Your mouths collide and you kiss more passionately then you have all night.
The kiss is deep with your tongues stroking into each others mouths, smacking sounds bounce off the bathroom walls, and all your other senses go numb as you focus solely on the small makeout session. That is until you feel Harry's cock that's still inside of you jump and it causes you to moan and break away from the kiss to say, "We really should get out now because we're all pruny. If you want me again it's gotta be in the bed. You on top because I'm exhausted now."
Harry wipes at his dried tears from under his eyes and giggles, "I'm forty years old. What kind of stamina do you think I have?"
"H, I just felt your dick pulse inside of me just from us making out. Did you forget what happened last month when the kids were at your moms and we had the house to ourselves. If I remember correctly, you came three times that night."
"Alright, you caught me. What can I say. Just kissin' you will turn me on. Now let me clean us up and then I'll fuck you again if you want. In bed this time. Me on top so you don't have to lift a muscle." he speaks and so the washing begins so you can get out quicker and get under your sheets naked to shag for a second time tonight.
(no more tags are allowed because i've hit my number limit. sorry : ) )
tag list: @one-sweet-gubler // @harryscherrysugar // @japanchrry // @lollypopsx // @harrycanyonmoonn // @itfeelslikemytherapisthatesme // @damnasstyles  // @mrsstylesharry // @softmullet  // @meetmyblondemuffins  // @thegirlnextdoorssister // @stanleystyles  // @haarrrys // @michellekstyles  // @skyangel57   // @the-gardener-31 // @lhharrylilpumpkin // @yousunshine-youtemptress // @clairestylessss  // @kissmyaxe140  // @goldenmelonsugar-hi // @kaitieskidmore1 // @florencepughily  // @alienorknight //@dancearoundthelivingroom  // @swiftmendeshoran
 // @luv-flor7777  // @alohastyles-x // @tenaciousperfectionunknown  // @sleutherclaw // @siredtohybrid // @whoscamila // @a-strange-familiar  // @golden-elodie // @mrspeacem1nusone //  @goldenkhae // @lntwithharry // @shadowygladiatorlight  // @manifestrry  // @mendesblurb // @sunshinemoonsposts  // @depersonalizationsucks // @academiaghosts // @zendayassimp // @reveriehs // @vsnnstuff // @dancinsunflowerkiwi // @quinnsgrapejuice // @theroosterswife24 // @justlemmeholdyou // @stylesmygucci // @hsonlyangelxo // @luvonstyles // @howdey
My Masterlist Masterpost
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1eoness · 1 year
I need Leon starting to date a girl with curly hair and he LOVES her curls and tries to learn how to style them
i'm not sure how you want me to format this im sorry so i'll just write like a list of hcs GRRRRRRR but i love the curly hair stuff HEHHEEHHE
content: fluffy leon kennedy with fem curly-haired! reader
synopsis (?) : leon kennedy has a curly-haired girlfriend :3
-leon's hair has ALWAYS been straight ash so when he saw you and the way you took care of your curl he was like woah :0
-it's like a level of enlightenment to him lol (jk)
-this man will always look at you while he has the chance so you can expect him to pick up on your routines. sometimes he'll be present in the bathroom while you're doing your little hair pampering routine and he's like 'so what's that?' and points at a bottle and u have to explain it to him LMAO
-no matter what the length (hell you could be bald) leon loves your head because 1. it holds your pretty lil face 2. your HAIR
-and idk i just have a general hunch that this man just loves carding his fingers through your hair or your head a lot (as you can notice from my first works lol)
-and leon is MESMERIZED by your curls everytime. whenever leon is standing behind you at a queue or waiting for you to finish doing something, like say putting your makeup on, his hands will absentmindedly bounce on the ends of your curls and just watch them go boioioiioioing
-there was a time when you were at a night bar with leon and some other friends. you guys were sat on stools and your back was turned to him while you were conversing with your friend, and leon just kept bouncing the ends of your curly locks because it's like a satisfying fidget to him.
-he loves the shape, the texture, the way it feels in his fingers (especially when he pulls on it in bed oops im sorry hehe)
-and tbh what can i say? leon likes taking care of you and that can apply to different parts of your everyday life; before you go to sleep he reminds you to take your vitamins, and whenever you come home and he's there he will undo your shoelaces :3. but he will NEVER forget to brush your hair (especially if it's long as hell, he knows ur arms probably get tired brushing through it and applying product through it)
-if you were bashful at first and said it was okay, he insisted with a lighthearted and joking tone. he's like 'i got the strength for this c'mon gimme that brush NEOWWW'
leon loves to approach his pretty girl while she's perched in front of the mirror. he sees you brushing your wet curly locks and, silently, walks up to you from behind. he's a rather silent man right now while he takes your hairbrush from your hands, your arm slowly stopping its brushing motions as you looked up at his reflection; him being behind you while his eyes are downcast to your locks. "and where's my love going?" he asks with a mild tease. he knows you're going out somewhere because you seem to smile a little more when you're anticipating some plans. you giggled while feeling leon gently brush your hair with tenderness. maybe by narration it sounds obscure, but he adores the back of your hair while you're rambling about your day so far and where you're heading off to next. "so she's a busy girl. hm?" leon grins slightly, eyes locked onto your soft hair while he helps in spreading moisturizing product (rather expensive product that leon willingly paid for u bc, well, he loves you like that) on your hair in moderate amounts, being careful not to accidentally pull your head back or something lol. his fingers tread and work caringly— and he even scratches his fingertips on your scalp lightly and briefly to top it off ♡ he continues the rest of the brief conversation with his thumb gently stroking your wispy baby hairs, and you're just so cute to him he just wants to eat u tbh
-and whether you want him to put some lil bows, ribbons, clips or extensions in it is up to you. you probably have an array of hair accessories and leon memorizes all of them. he knows when one is new and which ones are the ones you've always had in your dresser/vanity.
-speaking of, leon LOVES seeing you accessorize your hair. beads, hairclips, anything that furtherly charms your pretty hair literally makes him melt you have this man in an entirely different state of matter atp he just loves you sm argghh. one time you let him put some little butterfly clips in your hair after teaching him how they're clipped on and you had leon WHIPPED the entire time in front of that vanity ♡
-omfg and leon does this thing where whenever he's hugging or cuddling you from behind, he nuzzles his face in the back of your head and start inhaling your hair like you're some sort of freshly-washed pillow. it tickles a little for you and he can feel your frame repulsing or squirming in his arms but leon doesnt rlly care lol (he's kinda sorry)
-i feel like leon has more of a tendency to ruffle your curly hair if it's short, maybe like above shoulder length or something.
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itsmealaiah · 5 months
Can you please write more Tom fluff?
of course, sorry for the wait ❤️
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2014 Tom Kaulitz x Fem Reader
Tags/ warnings: none just fluff 🫶 😍
Synopsis: While your daughter Cora is at home with a babysitter for the night, you and Tom go out for dinner as a date night.
Your POV:
Standing in front of my mirror fixing my hair and the dress I had chosen for our dinner tonight, I grabbed some red lipstick from the dresser, plastering it on.
Tom's arms snaked around my waist, head resting on my shoulder, leaving light kisses on the skin. "You almost ready love?" He asked as I was finishing up the makeup. "Almost" I smiled, putting it back on the dresser.
"Now I am" I turned to face him. He kissed the top of my forehead, taking my hand in his, and led me downstairs. "The babysitter should be here soon, so we have a little bit of time to relax," He says, sitting down on the couch.
"Hey Cora, what are you doing?" I questioned, looking at her playing with one of her toys. She babbled and smiled at me. I sat down on the carpet, picked her up, and brought her to the couch so she could be with Tom.
She immediately began to reach out to Tom, squirming around. "Hi, Cora!" He cooed, taking her from me. She tugged at his hair, fingers poking around his face. "You like my hair?" He asked, tilting his head slightly. Cora smiled again.
A couple minutes passed, and the doorbell rang, signaling the babysitter had arrived. I got up and walked to the door, welcoming her in. "Hello! We're just going to be out for two hours, Cora's pretty well-behaved, you can tell us if she acts up and we'll deal with it" I smiled at the young girl. She nodded obligingly, going to meet Cora. "Hi, Cora! I'm Natalie! Nice to meet you!" She said in a babyish voice, trying to appeal to her.
Cora wobbled over to her, and Natalie rushed over to pick her up. "Say bye-bye!" Cora tried moving her hand to form a makeshift wave, and Tom kissed her forehead before guiding me to the car. "She seems like a good kid" Tom said, turning on the engine of the car. "She does" I added, beaming.
"I'm so excited" I exclaimed, jittery as ever. "I am too" Tom added. Placing his hand on my thigh, thumb tracing small circles across the skin. I blushed, my face becoming a light shade of pink. He chuckled at my flustered state. "Aw schatzi, I love you too" He spoke.
We arrived at the restaurant, parking the car in the lot. He rushed over to my side of the car, opening my door for me. "Thank you" I kissed the side of his cheek, holding his hand. When we entered the restaurant, it was gorgeous. Dim lighting, light chatter, and beautiful decor surrounding the walls.
"Kaulitz?" Tom stated to the waiter at the reservation stand. She scrolled through the tablet, and looked up at us when she was finished. "Right this way" She directed us to a small table, placing the napkins on the table. "A waiter will be with you soon" She smiled, walking away.
Tom caressed my hand gently as I glanced over the menu. It was quite a large selection. "What're you going to get?" Tom asked me. "Hm, I think the risotto? It looks delicious" I looked back at Tom. "Ooh, that does look tasty" He added.
"Hello, I'm Anita, and I'm going to be your guys' waiter for tonight," A young girl said, standing at the edge of the table. "What can I get you both started with?" She whipped out her notepad. "The bruschetta?" I glanced at Tom to double-check. He nodded quickly. "Yeah the bruschetta," I said, more confident this time. "Okay, anything else?" She asked, scribbling our appetizer onto the small pad. "Nope, I think we're good!"
"So, how was your day?" I pondered. "It was good, we were able to get a good amount of the song done." He answered. "What song is it?" I clasped my hands together, placing them underneath my chin so they were holding my head up.
"Covered in gold" He smiled. "That sounds really cool!" I gushed. I didn't know much about what went on during the day concerning his band, but I was always supportive of him. "It's one of my favorites on the album." He explained. "Kings of Suburbia, right?" I remembered, and he beamed.
"Yes," He asserted. Our waiter came back with the appetizer and two glasses of water. "Thank you so much" I chimed, taking a sip. "You both ready to order?" "Yup," Tom said. "I'll have the risotto" I began. "And I'll have the osso buco" He grabbed our menus, giving them to the waiter. "Alright! That'll be out soon" She assured us, and we dug into the starter course.
"I'm really happy we got to have a date night" I expressed. "After we could go for dessert someplace" He commented. "That sounds amazing."
The waiter came back with our food soon enough, and we savored every last bite. We got the check, paid, and left. "Do you know where the nearest ice cream place is?" I asked on the way back to the car. He wondered for a moment, humming lowly. "I think one is ten minutes away? Not too far" He replied. "That sounds good" I laid my head on his shoulder as we walked back.
slight time skip sorry
As we entered the small ice cream parlor, I glanced at the large menu above the cashier's head. "Welcome! What can I get you both?" She asked as we approached her. "Tom, what do you want?" "Hot fudge sundae?" I agreed. "Alright, that'll be ten dollars." I pulled out my small hand purse ready to pay, but tom stopped me. "It's okay love, I got it since you paid for dinner"
We sat at a small table, and waited for the ice cream to finish being made. "Number 483?" The lady at the register called. "That's me" Tom got up, getting the ice cream and carrying it back to me. "Oooh" I gushed. "Right? It looks so good" He exclaimed, sitting down once again.
I nodded eagerly, taking one of the spoons he had gotten. I dug in immediately, and moaned lowly in joy. "Sooo good," I said with a mouthful, and he laughed. "Glad you're enjoying it love" He said as he took a scoop.
He squeezed my hand gently from across the table, and I glanced at him. "You have ice cream above your lips" He pointed out, wiping it with his thumb. "Thank you!" I murmured happily, still enjoying the dessert. "You're welcome" He eats the last bit, and I pout.
"Hey! You stole the last bite!" I whined. "I'll make it up to you later" He pulls me up from the table and whispers in my ear, making me shiver. "Promise" He opened the door leaving the parlor for me, hand placed against my lower back.
He started the car as I pulled on my seatbelt, and we began the drive home. I was excited to go home and see Cora, I loved her deeply and I wanted to spend every second with her.
With the car parked and the engine shut off, we walked inside, and Cora ran to me and Tom, begging to be picked up.
"Hi baby!" I cooed, holding the back of her head. Natalie walked over to us, a coloring pack in her hand. "Was she good?" I tilted my head so I could see her better.
"Oh she was the best, we had so much fun." Natalie stroked Cora's cheek slowly. "Thank you so much for babysitting." I handed her a fifty-dollar bill and said goodbye.
Cora yawned and nuzzled her head into my shoulder. I looked at the time, it was nine o'clock. "You're tired honey aren't you" Tom rubbed her back. There was no response from her, meaning she must have fallen asleep. "Aw" I whispered, bringing her upstairs and placing her in her crib.
"Night my love" I said, making sure she was comfortable. I grabbed the baby monitor as I walked out. Tom was already in the bedroom we shared getting undressed, and I joined, sliding my silk dress down my shoulders.
"Thank you for tonight" Tom whispered, dragging me to the bed. "I need to get change-" He cut me off. "Just sleep like this tonight, yeah?" He asked. I was already exhausted so I obliged, falling asleep on his chest.
a/n: thank you for the request love you!!! sorry if I over or underdid anything dialogue wise xx Alaiah 😘 ❤️
(i thank Heidi everyday for that photo of Tom's hand)
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vodika-vibes · 9 months
The Daimyo's Cyare
Summary: You get to spend some time with your favorite person in the galaxy.
Pairing: Daimyo! Boba Fett x Reader
Word Count: 1356
Warnings: Tongue in cheek teasing, there is an age gap, but Boba is only 41, and the reader is, at the youngest, 30.
Songs: None
Prompt: N/A
A/N: This is my first time writing Boba, so I'm a little unsure about it. But I think I'm happy with it? Also, 3 stories in one day! I love DND Sundays~
Divider by Saradika
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When you ran away from home at 20 years old, you kind of expected your story to have a bad ending. But you ran anyway. At the time, it was the only option you had. At least, it felt like it.
Your parents always expected too much from you. “You can do better” and “you’re smarter than this”, are mantras from your childhood, said daily by your parents, sometimes even hourly. 
Your parents had ambitions for you. In their mind you were going to be a doctor or a lawyer or an Imperial Officer. And they pushed, pushed, pushed…until you couldn’t take it anymore.
You ran until no one knew your family name, and then you shed their name like a second skin, and you kept running.
Eventually you found yourself on a Cruise Liner. Playing bartender to the rich and famous. People who don’t care who you were, so long as you continue to ply them with copious amounts of alcohol. While living on the cruise liner, which you did for well over ten years, you created yourself a dozen different times, until you became the person you are now.
You left the cruise liner when the Empire fell, and you found yourself on Tatooine, still as a bartender, only instead of serving drunk rich people, you were serving drunk bottom feeders.
The only real difference being the amount of credits you make in tips.
That was where you met Boba Fett for the first time.
The first time he came into your bar, he was clad in his armor, and was dripping malice. You mentally prepared yourself for a fight, and having to clean blood off the floor, but that’s not what happened.
Instead he walked over to you, and sat at the bar and ordered a drink that you hadn’t made since your time on the Cruise Liner.
You weren’t going to make it for him, originally. It’s an expensive drink, made with expensive drinks, but he swore that he could pay for it. And you decided to take him at his word.
He watched you make his drink with an intensity that made you feel like you were being interviewed. And when you finished, he pinned you in place with a stare you could feel, more than see. And then he set a handful of credits on the counter, and offered you a job.
And, well, your mama didn’t raise a fool, so you accepted the job. 
That had been a year ago, and you’ve never been happier. Never felt safer. You’re happy enough, in fact, that you’ve started considering reaching out to your family to let them know you’re alive.
“Credit for your thoughts?” You don’t even start when a calloused hand slides around your hips, instead you turn your head slightly and you smile up at Boba.
“Just remembering.” You reply lightly as you turn against him.
“Remembering what?” He asks as he adjusts his grip.
“How I ended up here.”
“Here on Tatooine, or here in my arms?” Boba teases gently, “Because those are different stories.”
“Hm. Both.” You beam at him and slide your hands up the worn material of his shirt, “Have I ever thanked you for getting me out of that dive?”
“You have, repeatedly. But you can always thank me again.”
You stand on your toes and kiss the corner of his lips, “Hm. Maybe later.” You slide your hands across his broad chest again, “No armor today, love?”
“I’m on vacation.”
You nod thoughtfully, “Fennec kicked you out of the throne room, didn’t she?”
He huffed out an amused laugh, “Maybe I should name her Daimyo, and retire somewhere.”
You laugh quietly, “Oh, love. There are less painful ways to die, you know.”
You feel him chuckle, and you look up as he bumps his forehead against yours, “I suppose you have a point.” His calloused fingers drag against the thin material of your shirt, “Did you sleep well, cyare?”
“Well, my pillow seems to have abandoned me early this morning,” You say with a playful pout, “You wouldn’t know anything about that, would you Boba?”
“Hm. Sounds like we should invest in a proper pillow for you,” He replies blandly. “And then I won’t wake you up when I get out of bed.”
You drape your arms over his shoulder, “Oh, but I love my pillow. Even if you get up far too early.”
“You could always wake up with me.”
“Ew. Mornings.” You scrunch up your nose, and Boba laughs.
“Well then, you’ll just have to suffer without a pillow then, I’m afraid.”
You pout and lean against him, burying your face against him. “You could always not wake up early. That’s an option too.”
He drags his fingers up your spine and you shiver against him, “That’s not an option, and we both know it.” His fingers stop at your neck, and he lightly rubs small circles against the skin there, “So. You want to tell me what’s bothering you?”
“You had that look on your face, cyar’ika.” Boba replies, “The one that screams that somethings bothering you and you aren’t sure what to do about it.”
“...I have a look?”
“You have a look.” He agrees.
“...I’m thinking about my parents,” You admit with a sigh, “I haven’t spoken to them since I was 18. They probably think I’m dead.”
He hums thoughtfully, “You don’t talk about them much, cyar’ika.”
You curl your fingers in his shirt, “Because I know you, Boba Fett. You’ll get all grumbly and protective.”
He raises a single brow, “Did they mistreat you?”
“My anxiety is a direct result of them.” You say with a shrug, and you smile ruefully when his grip around you tightens. Boba’s helped you through more than one anxiety attack. “They were just…they expected so much from me. Perfection was the expectation, and anything less than perfect was grounds for yelling and ridicule.”
“So that’s also where your perfectionist tendencies come from,” Boba notes mildly.
“I’m not a perfectionist!” You counter as you lean back slightly.
“You once polished my armor after I did because I didn’t do it well enough.”
Your face flames bright red, and you press your face back against his chest, “I thought we were never going to mention that again.”
“I promised not to mention it in front of other people,” Boba corrects with a laugh in his voice, “It’s just us in here.”
You huff out a breath and press your still flaming face against his chest. “Anyway,” You mumble against his chest, “They’d probably be so disappointed in me. Bartender my entire life. Never amounted to anything-”
“Hey,” He grips your shoulders and shakes you gently, “You managed to get through the Empire without getting conscripted into the Imperial Army, and you managed to live well on the Cruise Liner. Not to mention you work directly under the Daimyo of Tatooine.”
You muffle a laugh.
“That’s not remotely what I meant, cyare, and you know it.” He sounds amused though, “You were my personal chef for a year.”
“Yeah. I was a terrible cook.”
“The worst.” Boba agrees, “But how could I fire you when you were trying so hard. Plus, I liked looking at you, even then.”
You smile up at him, “That’ll be a fun letter. ‘Dear mom and dad, I’m the official eye candy for the Daimyo of Tatooine, are you proud of me yet?’”
“You’re a little more than just eye candy, cyare.”
You look up at him, a would be innocent expression on your face, “I know. I work directly under you, remember?”
He huffs out an amused noise, “You’re going to be working directly under me if you don’t watch your tongue.”
You grin at him impishly, “My tongue isn't long enough to watch, though Boba.”
His fingers twitch on your hips, and he returns your impish look with his own steady gaze. “You’re going to get yourself in trouble, cyar’ika.”
“Promise?” You ask with a grin.
His grin becomes sharp, and you squeal when he scoops you into his arms, “Oh, cyar’ika. It’s a guarantee.”
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If you let me show you (Charles Leclerc)
Years later, your's and Charles' hearts are still longing for eachother and, perhaps, it was meant to be all along
Note: english is not my first language.
Thank you so much to everyone who likes and reblogs, your feedback is appreciated, and while I'm not actively taking requests, I am writing some blurbs when I can so if you have any ideas or concepts that can be written in a small amount of sentences and you want to share, feel free to do so!
Tw: past breakup
"As usual, thank you for listening to the podcast", you began closing off the recording for you newest episode of your podcast, taking your headphones off once you were done and your editor gave you her thumbs up, "That was really good, Y/N. I think people will enjoy it a lot", she said as you smiled, proud of how far you got. The idea of creating your own podcast while you finished your degree was just something to keep your mind off of school, despite it being about what you studied since it was something you enjoyed, but it had quickly grown to join other people who, like you, enjoyed the topic. You had gathered a small community that you were very grateful for, especially when it allowed to go to bigger events like TedTalks and sit and talk, as well as meeting them.
Checking your phone for your e-mails, you noticed a new one from someone you had never received anything from before, "what is this...?", you muttered under your breath before letting your finger tap the screen to open it, revealing what looked like an invite to an event, looking at the top to see that you had been sent it a few days ago and, scrolling down, finding out that you had to confirm your attendance until that afternoon, "did you get this?", you showed it to your editor, "nope, but I've heard of other people who come here to record that they've been invited too", she smiled. "Are you plann-", she was interrupted by the sound of your phone ringing, an unknown number calling, "yes?", you said, "Hi, this is from Fondation Prince Albert II de Monaco. How have you been, Y/N?", a seemingly kind man on the other side of the line, "Hello, I've been good, and you?", you said as you looked at your editor, "sorry to bother you during the day, but we've had some issues with our communication channels and are not receiving the confirmation from the people who are attending, and we just wanted to confirm wether or not you are joining us for the evening", he said as you panicked opened the e-mail again, checking for more details about this event, "Oh, you're also allowed a plus one, I don't think your e-mail said that due to the glitch we had", he offered as you looked at your editor one last time, her showing you a dinner she had with family on that night, "yes, I can confirm my presence. Just me, no plus one", you said as you heard him type, "Good, thank you! Since our communication channels are not working properly, is it okay if, in case of any new information, I contact you through here?", he asked before you confirmed, bidding eachother a good day and goodbye before ending the call, "this is a very surreal thing", you heard your editor said, now propped by your laptop as she look at the e-mail, telling you all about why they had decided to invite you, your contribution to spreading scientific knowledge in a simple way and accessible to everyone bring the number one reason, "who knew, hm? My weird little podcast about academia getting me t-, oh, wait, this is a red carpet?", you looked further, noticing their dress code advice section, "what did you expect from the Fondation? Some burgers and fries?", she teased you, "I thought it was, like, an intimate thing, small thing. If I'm going to this, who else is?", you mused while your editor only snickered.
After having your friend help you pick a dress worthy of the event, you dropped it at the dry cleaners, which is where you found yourself in the morning of the event, ready to pick it up while the lovely lady went to get it outback when a younger employee asked "I'm sorry, but you are Y/N, from the podcast, right?", she asked as you nodded, "I've heard your voice through these so many times I recognised it almost immediately", she said as she pointed to her earbuds, "I'm very happy that you listen to it", you said as you noticed your dress, clean and ironed being set on the counter, "may I ask what this is for?", she said curiously before who you figured was her grandmother set the bill for you too, "dear, that's not nice for the costumers, sorry about my granddaughter", she half scolded her, "no, don't worry. I'm going to an event tonight because of the podcast", you explained as you paid, smiling before leaving the store and bidding goodbye.
Arriving at home, you tried your best to remember and replicate how Pascale taught you to do your hair, the curls coming out looking like you were from a different era, silently praying they would drop while you fid your makeup. You put one the dress and added your accessories before shaking your curls, moving to put on your shoes and coat just in time for the car they had sent to pick you up and go to the event, "is this your first time?", the driver asked, "yes. Do you notice it that much?", you giggled, "not at all. Just I know I would have recognised you otherwise", he explained, "do you know anyone who is going to be there? It is a big help, so I've heard over the years", he offered, "I don't think so", you mused, "I'm not sure who's invited to be honest", you giggled again, nervous that you should have done your research, "usually actresses and actors, singers too usually, people from non profits, other members of TV shows. Oh, and how could I forget, some drivers usually go too", and it hit you. How did it not hit you before? Charles could be there too, and you not seen him in person in the longest time. Last time you saw him was a few months after you broke up, and it pained you to be in the same room as him, and while you did nothing but be polite to eachother, you couldn't deal with that, somehow always managing to avoid any gathering where he would be. Did you watch his races? Yes, every weekend one had been on you'd take your time no watch it, never breaking your promise and supporting him whenever you could, however you could. Knowing how it would bother you stayed out of anything related to his personal life, only knowing little bits you picked up from interviews and, since he was pretty private, there hadn't been anything related to his relationships, so were you about to know something more? Was he bringing a plus one with him? "Don't need to get nervous, dear, from all my years of this, people are usually very friendly and before you know it, you're already friends", he smiled sweetly, oblivious to the actual relationship you were worried about.
A woman dressed in black guided you on what to to once you arrived, telling you when to stop and pose for some pictures, despite your insistence that 'I'm here for my voice, I don't think people will need to see my face really", giggling and comforting you until you felt comfortable enough, "See?! Stunning, chérie", she smiled before her phone beeped, prompting her to tell her colleague, "Charles is arriving just now, could you go to him, please?", before helping you to the other spot where you would do an interview with someone who also had a podcast that, despite being a bigger creator, treated you with the utmost kindness, "thank you so much for taking some time and giving us your story on getting to where you are today", he said as you shook his hand one last time, thanking him before walking back to the carpet, spotting Charles posing too. And then your heart started doing somersaults, almost like it never stopped doing then anyway.
Charles followed the woman in a black suit as she told him where to stand, smiling in almost all the directions someone called him from before he noticed you, sitting in a high chair with a pair of headphones on your head. Were you here? Your podcast was successful, he knew that much since he contributed, but he did not expect you to be here. How long had it been? Two, maybe three years? You had managed to go to his F2 celebration, just as friends, before, as he now recalled, never setting his eyes on you in another form other than pictures on Instagram or your voice from the podcast episodes.
He was about to head to you when a young fan, who happened to be attending with his parents, asked for his autograph and a picture, "whenever we are home, me and mama and papa watch all your races, you're one of Monaco's pride!", the boy who was no older than ten said excitedly, prompting Charles to open his blazer's button before crouching down to pose with him. Getting up and wishing everyone a good night and event, his eyes looked for you in your emerald green dress, now finding a gentleman in the chair you were sitting previously. Heading inside the venue, he greeted some people before he noticed you looking at something on your phone and confirming it on the indicating plaques, looking a but confused before you looked around and your eyes locked in his, "h- Hi, Charles, Hi!", you said as you greeted him, your movement so automatic that you didn't even think about hugging and pressing a kiss on each cheek of your ex-boyfriend, thankful that he seemed to want to do the same, "Hi, Y/N, how are you?", he said as he looked at you properly. And you looked even more beautiful, despite looking like the same girl he had fallen in love with all those years ago."Are you here alone, too?", you said and immediately wanted to take it back, feeling like you had nothing to do with it, "I'm on my own, yes. C'mon, let's go through here", he said as he guided you on the other way you were thinking of going, leading you to the big room where all the tables were and finding out that the table you'd be sitting in was next to his, "if you need anything, call for me, yes?", he said as he looked for reassurance, "you're going to do great, I just know it".
The evening was beautiful, getting the opportunity to listen to all the projects and ideas people were developing and over all having a good time, and while you enjoyed it, you needed to get some air, excusing yourself from the group and heading to one of the outside gardens, a glass in hand as you took in all that had happened for you to get here. You had never dreamt of this opportunity to come from something as simple as you sharing your thoughts outloud, finding people on the receiving end interested in what you had to say, and to be here was something you still couldn't make out, "may I?", you heard a familiar voice you could recognise anywhere, seeing Charles coming to sit next to you on the stone bench, "it's amazing how many inspiring people are here today, no?", he began, really not knowing how to approach you. You were here alone, so it wasn't like he was crossing a line, he hoped, remembering some conversations he heard in the last group gathering where one of your close friends admitted that you were single still, "and somehow I ended up here, too", you mused before looking at him, his eyes never failing to calm you down and rile your heart up at the same time, "of course you did. Your work is amazing, it's only fair they recognised it", he let slip, "how do you know that?", you quirked your brow as you took a sip from your glass, "I listen to it. Every Thursday I go and look for the new episode", he admitted, "I still don't understand half of the things you defend and explain, but you make it so engaging and, and I miss your voice. I miss you", he said as he looked up at the starry sky before he let his hand crawl along the light stone and nudge yours, your pinkies lacing eachother. You looked at him, a small blush on your cheeks, "thank you, I- I watch all your races too, even the ones that are broadcasted at daft o'clock in Europe", you said before sighing "you know why we did it that way it was", you said, remembering the day you and Charles decided it was for the best that you should go your separate ways.
"I love you so much", Charles said as he held your hands in his, "I love you so much and it is why I think we should do this", he reasoned, although the tears in his eyes, matching your own, reflected the genuine hurt you both knew was dawning on each of you, "I never want to be the one making you hurt, not in a short time or not in a long time", you sniffed, squeezing your eyes further to slow down the tears, "I love you with my whole heart and I'd never want you to hurt, either of us to hurt", you finished as you gave him one last hug, relishing in the feeling of having his arms around you, "you'll always have my heart, Y/N Y/L/N", he said kissing the top of your head, "and it will always be yours to keep".
"Was it really though?", he said, snuffling closer to you while still not touching you more than before even though his skin longed to feel yours, "I don't know, Charles, I really don't know", you said. You didn't like to admit it, but every now and again, you would entertain the thought of what could have been if you had stayed together. How your days could have been if you had him to come home to, or having to travel to races to see him, hear his laughs in person instead of through a screen. It would have been like you had predicted, crazy schedules, long periods away from eachother, but the effort to make it work would have been worth it to have him with you. As you were about to say that to him, you heard heels clicking on the floor, "sorry to interrupt, but the fireworks are going to go off now, I thought you might like to see them", one of the ladies that had helped you in the red carpet said as you both got up, "thanks for letting us know, we'll be up shortly", Charles offered before she walked away while you two followed her, "Would you be willing to come to my place tomorrow?", he asked as he finally laced his fingers in yours for a few seconds, parting when you reached the door, "okay", you said before you were ushered to different places in the crowd.
Arriving home later that evening, you were taking all your makeup off when your phone pinged, seeing a text from Charles, surprised that after all these years he, like you, had kept your number, "Even though we did not spend that much time together today, I know for a fact that I missed having you around and being near you. I hope you have a goodnight's rest", could be read on your screen.
"Thank you for coming here. I would've gone to your place but I didn't know if you wanted me there, and besides, I don't want all the attention that it could draw that way around to you", he said nervously, "No need to rub it in that you're more famous than me, Charles", you teased slightly, wanting to clear up the tension in the room that your nerves were not exactly helping, "I mean it. Thank you for agreeing to come and talk", he said before taking a big breath, "yesterday sparked something in me, and I'm not sure it was a spark again moment, I think this has always been here", he admitted, looking qt you in the hopes of getting you to speak about your take on it, "I-, I felt the same", you gulped, "but can we do this? I think so b-", you were interrupted by him, "all those years ago, we said we wanted to focus on our careers, grow and not have to worry about it. And, while I think it could've been good, there's no way to know that the success we have it due to that. Can you imagine having me next to you on your graduation? Signing your contracts? Because every weekend I imagine you sitting in that hospitality, working on your laptop before coming to watch me race and congratulate me, or be the only person in my driver's room to calm me down after a bad race", he admitted, "I know you don't owe me any of that and if this is one sided then I don't want to make you feel guilty about it, but I needed to let you know", he finished as he looked at you. Sighing, you launched your hand to meet his, "I miss you, and I want to have you with me, to get home and see you there, even if it is only every now and then. But I don't want you to feel guilty that you're not here, or that I feel like I'm not enough", you said and he giggled, "Mon ange, you are more than enough. And I'll be the luckiest man alive if you let me have you in my life again. We'll take things slowly, but please, let us go back to how we were", he pleaded as he saw you smile, "mon coeur, we are going to be better than ever".
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wannawritefast · 7 months
A/N: Here she is. Seriously Aro is wicked fun to write and as I told Vas (@vasiktomis) reader/MC kinda ripped the reins from my hands. Is she (as in reader/MC) a lil coo coo bananas? Yes. Did she stretch my abilities as a writer? Yes. Were there times that I agonized over a singular word choice for an embarrassing amount of time? Oh yes. A lot of firsts in this fic for me as a writer. Very proud of myself. Thanks for reading. Also I'm so unserious about Aro. No funky aesthetic gif for this one. He's simply too silly. I also post all my stuff on both Tumblr and AO3. Same handle!
Pairing: Aro Volturi x F!Reader
Words: 6.6k
Warnings: gore (consider yourself warned), implied intimate partner abuse in flashbacks, death (no major characters), arachnophobia, reader has powers having to do with nightmares and is crazy, so is Aro, it’s the Volturi you kinda know what you’re getting into
Summary: After taking matters into your own hands, you swear never to be weak a day in the rest of your eternity. The Volturi can help with that.
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“What I am left wondering is why you have suddenly found yourself in want of membership to the Volturi. You denied us quite emphatically those many years ago.”
“I was under a year into my immortality, Caius. You must forgive the blunders of my youth.”
Indeed, that many years ago you had declined their invitation. But that was when you still had your youthful fire about you. In so many years you had traded it in for temperance.
Still Caius narrowed his eyes from the platform. Only two of those splendiferous thrones were occupied at the moment -- a naked helm. Heidi had assured you that Aro was well on his way. That had been 3 minutes ago when Caius had decided to put you on trial for no other reason than him not being present.
Marcus watched on with those ancient eyes. They must have always looked old, you thought to yourself. You couldn’t imagine Marcus’ eyes looking any younger than time itself. And Caius’ eyes -- well… Very well. You’d let him enjoy this silly little power trip. There was something of a cruel smile lifting the edge of his lip.
“I have the time to hold a grudge.”
“Have you nothing better to do with eternity than harbor petty anger? My, my, you truly do not play well with others.” Your eyes drifted to Marcus. “Have you nothing to say, old friend?”
“We are hardly old friends.”
You rolled your eyes, settling your attention back to Caius. “If you’ll excuse me, I shall speak no more until Aro arrives.”
“Why? Are you frightened?” He taunted. Bait, that’s all it was…
“Are you?”
The doors behind you swung open heavily, like a final breath. Four sets of heeled shoes struck the marble. You did not turn even as Jane and Alec walked close on either side of you, like eels as they glided up the platform standing in the background.
Heidi didn’t even so much as brush past you to go out a side door. It was an unusual occurrence to demand entrance into the Volturi especially when a previous invitation had been so rudely turned down. You were certain a number of the vampires along the walls with you were there simply to see what demise would befall you for such insolence.
The fourth set of boots slowly walked up to the direct back of you. There was no body heat to speak for Aro but you knew it was him. The eyes of all the people in the room suddenly on you could not mean anything else. 
“Did you receive a warm welcome?” His voice hit the back of your head and it was no louder than a lover whispering their intentions.
You straightened, your eyes piercing Caius where he stood. “Something like that.”
Aro finished the pace around you. “You are very brave to have come here.” His eyes scanned the walls. He was looking to see if it was true that you had come alone.
“I was hoping it might be rewarded.”
“Hope…” He tasted the word. “Now that’s a word I have not heard in a good while.”
Half of a smile spread across your face. “You’re welcome.”
“Hm.” Aro looked you up and down, amused, before continuing his path to his throne. The three men on the platform finally sat. “And I… well, perhaps I should not assume a thing. Why don’t you tell me why you are here?”
The blonde vampire stole the silence from you. You couldn’t help but think that the angelic color was wasted on him. He would be blonde. “Foolish girl, she’s changed her mind!”
“Caius, I did ask her to tell, did I not?” Aro only dignified the man with a slight turn of his head. He set his jaw and sunk back into his throne a little. Aro’s hand gestured for you to continue.
“It is true,” you responded. As much as it pained you to soothe Caius’ temper via agreeability you were not above it especially now. “I would like to petition for entry to the Volturi.”
The laugh of all the vampires in the room made it all the more funny, you supposed. Even Marcus’ perpetually morose eyes tilted up as he chuckled.
Aro only smiled. “Now my dear…”
“I am aware of my past petulence-”
“Ooh, that was not petulence,” he corrected you, leaning forward. “Petulence is far too generous. You were rude.”
You gulped. It was true. You had been rude those 200 years ago. Very rude. 
Aro continued. “I believe you said… what were the words you used…?”
Marcus cleared his throat. “Allow me. ‘The Volturi are a semblance of order. Their actions are a colossal mimicry of law and the leaders are just as big of fools for as long as they stand if they believe that their offers of entry are anything more than an identification of spinelessness in the subject if they accept such a thing.’” Curse him for his memory. “Something like that.”
His really good memory.
The helmsman of the Volturi raised his brows at that. “Your recollection is pristine, Marcus. My goodness, such scathing words… I had forgotten.”
“‘Go to hell, you greedy fucks’ too,” Caius added, that hint of a cruel smile earlier was now a complete grin. “Can’t forget that either.”
“That last one was not me actually.” A glower from the blonde vampire. “My sire, rest his soul-” I hope he is eternally suffering, “-should be properly credited for that.”
There was a chuckle from all three on the platform, even Jane smiled a little. Although it was better than how you had begun it still was not a good sign.
“Yes, rest his soul.” Aro tilted his chin up. “Whatever did happen to him?”
A test. Aro knew what had happened. Everyone in the room knew what had happened. Or they knew a version. “My coven at the time… handled him and went our separate ways.”
It was not a lie. 
“Yes, I suppose you did handle it.” Aro remarked. “It was startling to hear about, just like that, ripped limb from limb by your coven.” He didn’t trust you. Why would he?
You swept up the steps before him and wordlessly knelt, reaching a hand up. A young woman reaching her hand up to a young man, both centuries old. Jane and Alec stepped forward in warning, flanking Aro’s throne. Your eyes flitted between them. An impasse. Still you kept your hand outstretched to Aro who had taken a small step forward in your approach. Your eyes landed back on him. Please.
Aro regarded you coolly; it was colored by something else though. Intrigue. Curiosity. Hunger. The last time Aro had read you had been 200 years ago; you had so much less control then. You remembered him snatching his hands away from yours as your nightmares, or rather his, had sloppily tumbled toward him while he flitted through your memory. Two horrible truths slamming into one another -- a mutual bruise, the two of you. Your talents were similar, all thing considered.
“You can look,” you whispered up at him. “I am better at this now.”
Something of a warm smile dawned on him, if indeed Aro could ever be described as warm, as he crouched down. His red, milky eyes bore into yours and then, gently, one of his hands tucked under your palm and the other covered your knuckles. You bridled the lightning fast nightmares as the man pushed forward.
Just like the first time it had happened, it felt like nothing more than the pad of a thumb releasing held pages as they rushed for the cover of a book. Aro flicked through two centuries of life in ten seconds, his eyes darting between yours as he passively consumed.
The story had to begin with the truth that covens did not turn on each other. In technicality it was not that it had turned on itself -- just all against the self-declared leader who held all of you in a vice-like grip. You refused to even give him his name in your memory, yet another way to kill him back in a way that truly mattered. 
His inclinations of you showing abilities upon your turning were unfortunately well-guessed. You cursed your sire for the rest of your days for his early but ultimately rare stroke of clairvoyance. With time you would learn that he was no stranger to fear as a weapon either. 
Aro pushed forward, unreadably neutral. The memory of the first time you ever used your abilities somersaulted through your consciousness. You had gone well beyond the bounds of the perimeter that had been set for you by your captor. It was direct disobedience to your sire’s orders and the vampire passing through never saw it coming. The spooking they had done you was a complete accident. Their intentions to take the human body you were feeding on, however, were undeniably loaded with malice.
You had only intended to shoot them a glare but something about the tense moment, about them approaching you with a hand reaching out to what was in yours… that’s what started it. You heard it first, an impossibly low thunder like something far beneath the earth pushing its way up; they heard it too. Your crouch was something feral when you did it and the nightmares that crashed into that poor vampire tumbled into your mind too. To that though you were a spectator, privy to the innermost workings of what horrified that particular individual.
Tense shoulders, a talon-like grip taking control of your hands, a furrowed brow. Your eyes snapped shut; while the nightmares were never your personal bane they hardly offered any comfort. You saw it all. It would be the first of many in the coming eternity. 
Their shrinking hands slashing and clawing through phantom blood, unable to cup it, unable to consume any of it in a vicious bout of craving. Frantically pressing themselves into the ground as the endless blood on the ground began draining into the soil. They were withering by the second. It didn’t matter to the vampire that it was utterly ridiculous.
The vampire before you, the real version, collapsed to the ground; you heard it, like a snare cutting through reverberating bass. You didn’t open your eyes until their breath came out in pants, as if they were suffocating on too much air. And it stopped. Just like that. An end to the focus ending their nightmare. 
Aro cocked his head, continuing to read you. In hindsight, you wished you had cut and run right then. You would have had a head start. Your sire wouldn’t have caught you in the few moments he had made the mistake of leaving you alone. From that moment on, he forced you to be at his side. You remembered the berating you had gotten for your disobedience that followed after his wide-eyed realization that you could do what you had done to the weeping vampire.
With that, you became the prize of the coven; it was your abilities that afforded your sire his longevity. He made you play with his food sometimes; asking what you saw as you screwed your eyes shut. You told yourself it was from the effort. In truth it was not any harder than flicking down a wooden block had been in your mortal youth. 
No, you strained with the wretched knowledge that the only thing you really had a knack for was holding out a mirror. The beastly things you saw -- what frightened the most deplorable of individuals. It was sick; in every horrid vision you churned out, you saw the inner workings of the mind, of the filthy things that these monsters had done in their conscious lives. The worst thing about your abilities was that the most frequent nightmare you bore witness to was them getting what they had deserved. Revenge. Balance. Order. Justice.
It was true. Yours and Aro’s gifts weren’t really that different. You saw a lot, possibly too much of whoever had the poor luck of encountering your proficiencies.
And, oh, how your sire had loved your gift. It was precious, he said. You recalled a time he had even called it artistry. It was after you used it, after you saw the depravity of human and vampire kind that he cradled your head between his heavy hands. You learned to savor the moments where he wasn’t throwing them around. And during those times when you deeply pleased him by what you were able to do, you saw him bloat with the intoxication of power. It would be many years until you really used your gift but it took little guesswork to know then what he feared: the loss of control -- the loss of you. Motivated by pride he kept turning others, stopping at the fifth of your covenmates when he realized that he had really only lucked out on his first try -- also, you.
That was when you had been initially approached. Your sire had never once received so much as a greeting from the Volturi; he never let you forget how bitter it made him. Unfortunately, his hold on you also included passing down his opinion. By the time the Volturi got to you, you had been spoiled against them. Only time would truly tell whether you would be forgiven for it.
At this moment, though his red eyes were set on you, Aro wasn’t really looking though -- not the present-you anyways. It was subtle, the way his brows and lips fluttered up and down as if fighting his own desire to respond. His expression sobered briefly.
You had spent centuries with the man, your sire… he was brutal. Even you were not immune to his rage. Each of your covenmates were strong in their own rights but none of you were singularly stronger than him. The Volturi’s arrival and immediate departure was one of the worst days of your life. You remembered holding one of your sisters, the sixth, the youngest, after it all. She begged you to stay and endure with her. And for two hundred years the two of you, all of you kept that promise to each other.
It had been one too many cruel moments when the dam broke. It was the moment that all of you realized that while you were too individually weak, he couldn’t handle all of you. You did the honors of the inaugural blow -- undoing him with nightmares of his own demise as it came to fruition. It was the only time in all of your years of using your abilities that you hadn’t clenched your eyes shut and shrunk away. No, that time… that time you had leaned forward, eyes unblinking as you watched him writhe in fear before what was left of him was instead writhing in pain. It was easy, like dropping a heavy bucket with little care of what happened to its contents. 
As Aro dug, it was only then that you realized you smiled when you’d done it. It was funny, you supposed, that your sire’s worst fear had come to pass right as it transpired just moments before in his mind. The six of you, your five covenmates and yourself, tore him to shreds. No blood that you had tasted or would ever taste compared to the delicious freedom of his eternal rest. He died, truly died, afraid. He deserved worse.
It was short-lived though. After centuries of subjugation, the sudden freedom was a blessing and a curse and not a single one of you could really agree on what to do except to leave. It was devastating in the same way you would see the final struggle of a living thing fighting off its final moments before succumbing; they were certainly in a better place. Two of them went on their own. The other three traveled together elsewhere. At the end of it you found yourself alone and not wanting to be weak again a day in your life.
While the rebellion had been justified, it was an overthrow of power, something especially dangerous in the halls of Volterra and you had been the ring leader. After all, you were the only one in the group with a talent.
Aro rose to his feet, gently tugging you up with him. “Now that does complicate the narrative, doesn’t it…”
Your eyes flickered to Caius who was in turn staring him down. “Oh, come off it, Aro. You are not honestly considering letting her in.” He stalked up to where the two of you were standing. You looked up at both of the men, still a step below. “The Volturi do not give second chances!”
“If I may, I am not asking for a second chance.” Bold… This was bold of you… “I am petitioning for membership on the grounds that it was offered once before. Your opinions of me have not changed since the initial offer.”
“Yes, they have.” Caius spat.
“Mine haven’t,” Aro confirmed. “Although I wouldn’t be so sure that is a good thing.”
Bright red eyes bore down as you finally pulled your hand from his grasp. His fingertips brushed along your knuckles before his hands lowered in kind. Him looking through your mind just moments prior felt less invasive. You directed your attention instead to the less intense of the two.
“We should have killed you the second you walked in here.”
Very well. “If it is an apology you want I will give it.” Your eyes were locked on Caius, pure impudence meeting unbridled sadism. You knew it drove him crazy.
“Foolish girl-!”
“I am sorry!” You snapped at him. The words came out more like ‘shut up.’ They were just as effective though. Caius stood silent although the sneer was still on his face. Of course that would do it for him. You knew it. It was disgusting. Oh, how he loved seeing people grovel. The hate in that man’s heart…
You suddenly remembered yourself. Aro had seen that -- your distaste for Caius, your willingness to do anything to be a member of the Volturi, your deep regret that your sire had influenced you to be so brash. That was one of the worst things your sire ever did: convincing you that his opinions were yours.
“I will repeat to you what I said to you earlier. Forgive me for the insolence of my early days. It was unwise of me to have behaved in such a way… and-” You were practically choking on your apology, uselessly panting with the effort. Admittance that you were wrong had a bad mouthfeel, especially after decades being forced to do it. “-and I was wrong about all of it. Consider me corrected.”
If Caius had been biting back any of his cruel amusement before, he certainly wasn’t hiding it now. Marcus was now standing closer having meandered nearer during the course of the apology. And Aro… Aro had the most curious of soft smiles on his face. 
You were beginning to think you had made some kind of mistake coming here. You had laid almost all your cards bare. You had shown them you were desperate which was far worse than just being desperate. This was something you were going to have to amend for a good while if they accepted you. That you begged to be let in.
“I am satisfied,” Caius remarked, eyes settling on Aro. They were standing over you, all three of them. 
Some days ago you had come across a rat moments before it was devoured by three street dogs in an alleyway on your journey to Volterra. It must have looked like something like this to that rather unfortunate vermin, you thought to yourself.
Your head dropped in complete and utter humility, eyes only on the marble underfoot. Even the pristine stone was too good for you… You had been at the mercy of the three men before you since you set foot in this dreadful place. It was only at that premature moment you still had an ounce of pride in your body. It was far gone now.
“I am satisfied.”
“As am I.” Cold smooth fingers tucked under your chin. Aro’s. You must have looked something pitiful. “And this-” Aro tutted at you, lifting your face up. “-we will work on this.”
The gesture might have been kind, intimate even, if it was anyone but Aro. You didn’t really trust him as far as you could throw him but you knew enough in having seen his nightmares many years ago that he would not tolerate an ounce of self-deprecation in a vampire beyond paying their due respects to the Volturi, to him. He had seen quite enough from you. That much was true.
“Yes… sir?” You tested the title. You weren’t quite sure what to refer to him as.
Aro’s face took on something of a delighted expression. “Look at you using your manners. See, Caius; she learns.” The blonde vampire rolled his eyes. “I do appreciate it but ‘Aro’ will do just fine.”
Ah. Well, that was embarrassing. You nodded affirmatively. Marcus’ eyes flicked from Aro to you and back before he returned to his seat. Out of the corner of your eye you saw Jane smile something wicked.
“We shall get you new attire, especially now that you will be joining the guard after some fine-tuning, but there’s no sense in putting you in anything of the sort since we’re coming up on-” The side doors swung open and Heidi led in a group of tourists who were guffawing at the ceiling. Aro’s hands flew up like a child prince being brought an expensive present. In a sense, it was -- “-dinnertime!”
Oh, so this was how they fed. Aro steered you to the side and behind him with a hand clamped around your upper arm. Heidi sidled up to you.
“Welcome to the Volturi.”
“How did you know?”
“You are still in one piece.” Fair. 
Aro leaned over to you. “Now, next time you will join your compatriots along the wall but tonight we will make an exception -- something of a welcome gift…” He extended his arm to the group of mortals before you who were clicking pictures of the room. Like fish in a bucket… or however the expression went.
You raised a brow at him. 
“You first, my dear.”
A vampire along the wall by the name of Felix bobbed on his feet, antsy. You smiled and launched off the platform for the human before you. The both of you rolled together as you slammed him into the ground. Only his limbs flailed clumsily. Yours had been a vision of centuries of practice. A trained killer.
You bared your teeth. He screamed. Humans… 
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Wandering aimlessly about the grounds, such expansive ones at that and with such independence, was novel to you. You weren’t entirely sure what to do with yourself; it was beautiful. Just months ago you had been sequestered to your corner of the world, never to go beyond a painfully small perimeter. And now here you were… surrounded by the most powerful of your kind. Nearly unrestricted access to the grounds. New clothes. Fresh blood, not whatever your sire didn’t finish. Eyes never black with hunger. The respect you got as a tentative member of the Volturi guard. It was new.
And the Italian air. Sure, you didn’t really need to breathe at all. There wasn’t a function to smelling it. But the air… The breeze in Volterra was something fresh, warm, earthy, sweet, like blood. It was even more perfumy at night.
Something about the years of being on edge, even as an immortal, still ran through your veins, through the very way you functioned. Even in your most relaxed moments, you could recognize when you were being followed. And someone was following you.
You stopped in your tracks, only peering over your shoulder.
A fraction of you thought to yourself -- how odd… Aro should’ve been better at this. Then you realized two things. The first was that if Aro was truly aiming for discretion in whatever he was about to do, there was no reason for it to be him here and now. The second was that it was also entirely possible that Aro simply didn’t care that you knew he was there… or, in fact, did want you to know. Your curiosity was a helpless one; you must’ve looked like a cat.
“I was wondering when you were going to catch on.”
Only the trees in the garden obscured him from you, not the darkness. “How did I do?”
Silence as he rounded the corner. Black suit. Red eyes. Dark hair slicked back. You let him approach until he was a pace away, slowly continuing. “Ten seconds before you caught me… there are a good many vampires who would have gone much longer if noticing me at all.”
“Will you subtract a moment or two since I contemplated not acknowledging you?”
“Only if you have the ability to corroborate and don’t.” You held your hand out to the side toward him, stopping in your tracks. 
Aro only looked at it from the side of his eye, not even stopping. He did grace you with a smile though. “I should like to keep my victory unnegotiated.”
Ah, yes… the cat walking next to whatever you could call it that killed it. You closed the distance with a few long strides, now playing catch up with him. “You were loud.”
“I was not aiming for stealth.” If Aro was trying to humble you, it was working.
“And what was your target then?”
Silence again. It was comfortable. In time you came upon your favorite spot in the gardens — the point at which you could overlook the better portion of the town. It was beautiful -- quiet and empty for the most part at this time of night but the evidence of mortality there, living and dying… well, you still found it charming. 
“Would now be the appropriate time to thank you?”
“For heaven's what?”
“For…” You finally looked at him beside you. He wasn’t looking at you; perhaps he was gazing beyond this little enclave in Tuscany. “For your hospitality.”
“Hospitality is for guests.”
“I was a guest for a small while.”
“You were more of a defendant.”
“Well, then, I thank you for your arbitration.”
“My ‘arbitration’?”
Aro exhaled for the show of it. “Do stop your simpering and get on with what you mean.” 
You were speechless.
“I didn’t say ‘shut up,’ did I?”
You blinked at him. “I suppose… I am grateful to be somewhere nicer.”
“I can hardly be thanked for your decision to come here.” He still refused to regard you. You imagined it was a rare thing for Aro to resist such expressions of the kind. He was a proud man after all. You looked back out at Volterra.
Aro finally turned his eyes to you. It was a withering look. Now that you obliged. “I saw quite a bit in that mind of yours. It is such a shame that you were thoroughly convinced of such horrible things.”
You were confused. “The only thing that I was convinced of was inferiority.”
“Like I said,” he snipped. “Horrible things.”
“Now how is that horrible,” you inquired. Surely this did not bother him personally. Aro did not strike you as the type. “I do you no injury in my lack of pride.”
“And you think it is good for the Volturi’s reputation, for the guard’s reputation to have but one who thinks themselves lesser than even humans?” Aro seemed to shudder at the ‘h word.’
Oh. There it was. He was right. Your head lowered.
He tilted your chin up for the second time. It wasn’t as gentle. This time it was a scolding. Aro was not pleased. He released it looking back onto the town. “And you must stop that. It’s unbecoming.”
It was lost on you how to respond. “Sorry.”
“Already forgiven, my dear.”
“I guess… I just want to thank you for taking a chance.”
Aro scoffed and looked at you fully. He wasn’t a tall man; his height was hardly what made him intimidating. What made him intimidating was the stature with which he carried himself, the raw power, the hunger, the intelligence. A man like him hadn’t gotten to where he was without some impressive cunning. 
“I might find low esteem from my subordinates satisfactory on the usual occasion. I will not mince my words -- on you it is a most distasteful thing. I will forgive its ugliness for its reaffirmation but only for a time.”
If there was any functional air in your lungs, it would’ve been snatched from you. His words were not harshly spoken nor were they loudly boomed at you. Instead they broke skin like something sharp to vulnerable flesh. Aro took an imposing step forward. You took one back but it wasn’t enough. Your neck was craned up at him despite every inner instinct to shrink away; you wouldn’t dare disobey him again. You weren’t sure he would be as kind.
“There is nothing so abhorrent as one of our kind — our superior, beautiful kind — acting in the embarrassing way you continue to. If I was capable of emptying my stomach at the thought, I would.” Aro plucked something minute off your shoulder before rolling it between his long fingers and discarding it to the wind. “And as far as taking a chance is concerned, I- The Volturi- do not ‘take chances.’ Make no mistake, there is no calculated risk with you being here.”
“If that is an apology or another meaningless expression of gratitude poised on your tongue, I would advise that you hold it there.”
You could only gape up at him. He was leaning over you still, very close.
“You will show the full extent of your gifts tomorrow. I want you officially in the guard as soon as possible.” And with that, Aro was gone, stalking away into the gardens.
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With about 12 hours to ruminate on Aro’s words to you, you had decided that he had a flair for melodrama. You also decided definitively that you would never let him know such a thing unless he pried the information from you, which he was indeed capable of. This… what you were being made to do before the Volturi… You would not define it with such levity. When Aro had said that you were to display the full extent of your gifts, he had meant it. 
It wasn’t certain whether it was you or the man writhing on the ground that was the subject of the gripping fear that your nightmares brought, what with your upper body being curled in on itself the way it was. Your fingers were curled at the ends of your locked arms with effort. The unfortunate human’s whimpers rattled along the domed ceiling, merely an accessory to the deep hum in your ears. 
There was an exaggerated yawn from behind you — showy for a vampire — Jane’s. And a voice cut through the whole of it, halting your powers immediately. “No, no. That won’t do at all.”
Because you had already been shrinking away at the time of the interruption you needed only to open your eyes. The body thudded to the floor. Relief. It wouldn’t last. Aro was shaking his head as he leaned against his throne.
“You, my dear-” he pushed off his spot and stopped just behind you “-are holding back.”
The man, as far as you could tell, was only deeply phobic of spiders. It was how you had done it the dozens of times you’d done it before. Except for…
Out of the corner of your eye, Caius held a finger to his temple, rolling his eyes. Asshole… Aro’s voice pulled you back. “Try again.”
You clenched your eyes shut, your chest coiling up in kind. The man began wheezing almost instantaneously, the only sound in the room.
“No.” Aro cut in once again and you dropped focus. You turned to face him, your muscles loosening in the way that only annoyance could make them. His red eyes glimmered back at you. “That is not what I meant. Again.”
You huffed. You’ve done it once before, his face seemed to say. Who were you kidding… that was exactly what his sharp features said. When you had channeled that much power, you had been in an entirely different state of mind. That had been the raw rage you had buckled behind survival. All you had done was suddenly unleash it. You weren’t certain that you still had it in you. “Aro. I can’t-”
“Ah, ah, ah.” Nonsense. His hand straightened to a point — the human, once more. 
You faced more of your body, still tense, eyes clamping shut. Your arms locked to your sides and you willed the fear forward before you tensed — thunder in your ears. Your muscles reacted in pure instinct, the man weeping in perfect time. Despite the overwhelming physical sensation of pushing the abstract forward, you could feel Aro behind you. It was stronger this time.
Oh, the man wasn’t just afraid of spiders.
Between the spiders, flickering amidst the impossible number of angular legs and blinking sets of eyes, the insects that dribbled into every corner of his vision, there was something else. A girl with one dark eye and a knife. She was young.
You jolted backward, knocking briefly against Aro. If he minded he didn’t indicate any such sentiment. Your lip curled into a sneer. The human… he was pleading with a higher power that was certainly not listening if it was there at all. Pathetic.
When your eyelids closed this time they didn’t tighten. It was a flutter. And this time when your muscles tensed, you trembled. Where there was air between the clawed fingers at your side, you imagined the man’s fleshy neck. This… this was righteous. The girl began closing in, spiders skittering out of her path.
Aro’s voice brushed your ear. “May I?” You nodded your head, although you weren’t certain as to what exactly you were agreeing to. Aro would not harm you; you were sure of it.
It felt like a baptism. In a way it was. Feather light, Aro’s fingers ghosted first at the base of your neck, gently pulling the muscles out to your shoulders. In the touch you were acutely aware that it wasn’t intimacy that Aro was after; he was honing you. Your nightmares were only encouraged.
Aro’s hands smoothed over your shoulders with a quiet mastery -- tender in the way a sculptor guided pliable clay between their fingers as it spun at their behest. The harshness was gone with but a swipe. 
The man bellowed. He sounded now more of a screeching animal than man. The girl picked up her pace, almost a jog. The knife winked at him.
It turned into a full grasp as Aro traveled down your biceps, tugging the astriction out. He chased the natural form of the muscle down your elbows into the joint of your wrist. The rigidity in your fingers released at the pressure he placed there -- conjoined in poise.
You pushed a stronger assault of terror forward to meet the man. Long gone were the spiders. There was a small part of you that recognized that he wished for the insects instead of the young girl with a bruise ready to bury the knife in his chest, his stomach, anywhere the business end would find purchase. She was standing over him.
He screamed. Yes, ‘scream’ was the right word for it…
You spectated his nightmare; the girl with the dark eye had already started plunging her blade into him. Again. Again. Again. Again.
Aro’s hands shed themselves from your arms but only for a moment. Your chin bloomed with the familiar feeling of his fingers, turning it and angling it upright. Proud as it was meant to be.
He whispered again. “Look.” It was a gruesome sight. 
The possibility that the man had begun gouging out his own eyes the moment Aro had begun amending your posture was a good one. If that was the case he had indeed made decent progress. The man was on his knees and his left eye hung from its socket like a generous helping of hot cheese, swinging. You almost wanted to applaud the man’s zeal. Only a desperate rodent would have done what he had. His grubby fingers pushed into his own skull again, getting around the other eye, bemoaning his self-inflicted plight. He seemed to be chewing the air. There was viscera on the marble -- not the first time it had been so defiled and it certainly wouldn’t be the last.
Still, you didn’t relent; you had never extended your power this far. God, why hadn’t you done it before… Sure, you- no, he had taken his eyes but somehow it wasn’t enough. The young girl brandishing the blood-soaked knife was still angry. This was justice. And he hadn’t yet paid in full.
He howled, writhing.
Marcus approached at the very edge of your vision. “Aro… is this-?” 
He was halted by an upheld hand, the other slowly falling from your chin. Aro watched you as you watched the man, watched his nightmares.
“We needn’t toy any longer.”
The thunder in your ears rumbled to silence. “This is toying? If you saw what I saw, you’d know…”
Marcus seemed taken aback. You weren’t sure if it was because of how true your words were or how right they sounded coming from your mouth.
You drifted back to the man. “He deserves it.” Your voice came out no louder than a whisper.
“It’s alright, Marcus. We asked for an assessment-” The ensuing squelch and sudden cry indicated the man had found success on his second endeavor. “-and we have indeed received one.”
You found Aro’s eyes with yours.
There was something of an assuaged smile -- his bright teeth wolfish. The feeling of your cheeks pulled up was the only sign to yourself that you had been smiling. You took the moment to look about the room. Caius was staring at the man on the floor, mouth slightly ajar.
He turned his head first then his eyes. A grin.
You beheld the grotesque body with a sneer. He hadn’t even had the decency to look artful as he went -- his body held upright by the leverage of his spine against his heels. Pathetic. The way he dug at his own face like that… like you were some tumor, something he could just rip out of himself if he tried hard enough and be done with. He died as stupid as he looked. Your chest flared at the offense.
Aro was still standing near you. “Par excellence.”
You digested his words. You understood now. This was what he had known you were capable of. In just moments, Aro had cured you of your affliction, the debilitation of timidity. You matched his smile.
“Would now be the appropriate time to thank you?”
It was met with a giddy laugh. Aro clapped his hands together, utterly delighted at your words, your smile. He gulped it down and stepped backward offering you an expressive bow complete with arms outstretched. “No ‘thanks’ necessary. You… you are a credit to our kind.”
You bobbed your head in courteous reply to his own bow, unable to hide your giggle.
“You were never anything but.”
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Last sentence game
I was tagged by @just-french-me-up! Thank you kindly ❤️
I am sure no one who has been follow me for any significant amount of time will be surprised that I'm giving you a little more than just one line... I just can't help myself ;)
“How did— You.” “Me…?” said Hob, somewhat taken aback. Had this man—his…clustermate?—already caught a glimpse of him without his noticing? The man did not answer, and a second later Hob was swaying back in his chair in the pub with a sensation of having just been bodily kicked out of an exclusive club by an overeager bouncer. He squinted as his eyes tried to readjust themselves to going from sunlight to the much more dimly lit pub, then started as he realised that the strange man had followed him there and stood by the side of the table, taking in the surroundings. “Hm. England.” He turned his head towards the nearest window. “London.” “You—” “The South Bank. Northwestern Greenwich.” His eyes fell to the table, and he reached down to where Hob had left his wallet after paying for the whisky and flipped it open. With deft fingers, he slid the driving licence out and gave it a cursory glance before casually tossing it back on the table. Looking down at Hob with dispassionate disdain, he said, “You may tell your master to employ more careful spies in future, Robert Gadling,” before disappearing again. Hob blinked. When he looked down at the wallet, he found it still closed and undisturbed. “I— What…?”
"Wait," you may say to yourself, "are you writing a Sense8 AU in the year of our Lord 2024?" - Yes. Yes, I am. "Weren't you working on something else?" you may then ask. "Perhaps even two things?" - Yes. "Didn't you say you had a policy against letting yourself have more than two WiPs going at any given time to increase the chances of actually finishing what you've started?" - ...No comment.
I'll go ahead and tag @mathomhouse-e, @aralezinspace, @im-not-corrupted, @beatnikfreakiswriting and @tj-dragonblade this time 😊
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lotus-flowerz · 2 years
diluc x reader hurt/comfort
F/n- Friend's name
a/n- sorry for the amount of self indulgent fics, i don't feel comfy talking ab it with most of my irls because i dont want to worry them or push them away- im writing this because a (now ex) friend of mine just cut me off to focus more on their partner and because i was more of a deadweight (hence the fic name) than a friend
sorry for the dump ty if you actually read it LMAO
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You were walking back towards Mondstat. Another lonely day, doing commissions and helping other people with their problems. All you could even feel nowadays was jealousy and hair-ripping stress.
The sun was setting, the colors of the sky mixing together to form a light purple. It was truly gorgeous. You stood on the bridge to Mondstat looking at the sky with a sullen expression, not like your normally happy one. You found thoughts flitting through your mind- thoughts you weren't supposed to be thinking:
"What color sunset would I make?"
You shook your head to rid yourself of the thought. You had been having these suicidal urges and tendencies for a while- just no one had exactly picked up on them.
You took a deep breath and walked through the gates of the city of freedom. It didn't feel like freedom to you, though. It felt like endless lonesomeness and work.
"Oh, F/n! Hey!" you called. You hadn't seen them in a while since they had started to recover from their own mental illness. You heard that recently they had a new partner!
"Y/n, hey."
"How have you been?" you asked, smiling at them.
"Good. I've been meaning to come talk to you actually- I think it's best if we go our separate ways- you know, you're a bit of a downer sometimes, no offense."
You felt your heart shatter- again, it happened again. A deadweight.
"Right. That's okay, if I'm not needed anymore then by all means, we should go our separate ways." you smiled again, trying to show that there was no harm done.
"Thank you for understanding. You're a good friend, and I'm thankful that you helped me recover."
"Yeah, anytime!"
You both waved and you hurriedly walked towards Angel's Share. You needed a drink. You and your boyfriend, Diluc, had been strained for a bit- only because you were both never home. Both of you were busy, and you weren't really a drinker. You didn't know he was supposed to be bartending tonight.
You took a seat at the bar and ordered a death after noon. One turned into two- and you nursed the second drink for about an hour before finishing it.
You were certainly an unusual patron at the tavern- and seeing you holding a particularly strong drink, sitting in silence and staring at the table was definitely not what Diluc expected to see when he came to help out Charles that night.
You laid your head down on the bar and just held your drink, not wanting to look at or talk to anyone. It was easier to look drunk than to explain why you were there.
But what you didn't expect was that the death after noon took a bit to kick in- you WERE drunk- and you knew you had to get out of that tavern.
Diluc knew you hadn't noticed him. His heart dropped when he had first seen you in the tavern and he was still worried about you as you shoved yourself up from the position you were in and left a tip on your tab. He looked at it out of curiosity and- 3 DEATH AFTER NOONS???
"Go, you don't have to explain, just go"
"Thank you."
He tore off his apron and threw it behind the bar. He came up behind you and scooped you up bridal style with ease. You made a tiny struggle but he held you tighter.
"It's Diluc. Calm down."
He felt you relax in his arms and he began the trek to the dawn winery.
"Hey Diluc." you slurred out
"Why do you have me?"
"You're drunk."
"No. Why are you with me?"
"I'm sorry?"
"I weigh you down. Both of us are depressed, but I slow down your recovery. Helping me isn't an easy task and I don't need anyone else leaving because I made them. So if you want to leave just put me down and let me find my own way home. Go live your life without a deadweight pulling you down all the time."
Good god- the alcohol had really loosened your tongue
"Excuse me? Oh Barbatos- darling, I love you. Nothing is going to change that. I love every part of you, mental, physical, personality, you're YOU and I wouldn't change that. You've helped me in my recovery process. You found me at my worst and lifted me up. Why wouldn't I do the same for you? I will never let you go unless it is something that you truly want- and this? This is coming from a different problem. I don't know how long exactly this has been brewing in your pretty little head, but whatever has happened will pass, and whatever will happen, we will be together. I promise."
He kissed your forehead, and looked down at you to admire you. You had wet, tearstained cheeks, your head was leaned against his chest, and you looked as perfect as ever.
"It's okay. I've got you." he whispered.
After arriving at the winery, he cleaned you up and slipped you into your pjs. He put you down in your shared bed. You were only partially awake and aware of what was happening, but you knew you felt something you hadn't felt in a while. A warm fuzzy feeling that welled up from your stomach. You found new tears slipping down your cheeks but you didn't know why.
After telling the maids to prepare a hangover remedy for you to drink in the morning, Diluc joined you in bed. He noticed your starstruck expression and tears, and used his thumb to wipe them away.
"I've got you now. You're alright. Just rest. We can talk about this in the morning, when you're coherent."
He pulled you into him, the smokey scent from his vision mixed with the vanilla shampoo he used filled your senses. His warmth enveloped you, and you felt your eyes begin to close as he combed his fingers through your hair.
"Goodnight, dove. I love you."
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Sooo I couldn't pick just one? I've been binging your writing again 😁 and three stood out to me. Please feel free to choose whichever one (or all three? 😉) you want to do.
Q - Mouse & Bex
O - Connor & Will
U - BuckTommy
Oooh, fun, fun, fun! thanks for sending these! Okay, here we go:
Q. One missed call (Mouse & Bex) [takes place before they've gotten together.]
Mouse stared at the message on his screen informing him of one missed call. After the day he'd had, he just wanted to go home and face-plant onto the first soft surface he hit, but with their lives and all of the things that could and did go wrong, he didn't want to ignore what could be an important message.
Despite his exhaustion, a smile crept across his face as the message started to play and Bex's voice rang out of the speaker.
"Mouse! Hi. It's me. Bex. So, Jay told me you guys had a bonkers day and I figured you're probably too tired to make it out tonight–"
He dragged a hand down his face. Right. Game night. "–or Jay or any of the rest of your gang so don't worry, we're rescheduling. Will and I are still making a bunch of food though and Jay's coming over to eat. He said he was too tired to cook like he ever cooks when he's not tired." She laughed and Mouse's smile grew wider. He loved that sound. "Anyway, you should come too. You know Will and I always end up making too much and I might also have some cookies here for you too. So. Come by. If you want. Or I can drop stuff off to you too. Either or. I'm flexible...schedule-wise. Not like–although–no, where was I going with this? FOOD. If you want. Just text me. Okay. Bye."
Mouse laughed, feeling the weight of the day ease the slightest bit. He opened up his message thread with Bex and typed out a reply. On my way. O. The stars or space (Connor & Will)
Connor thought he'd seen all the different sides of Will, but that had been a gravely incorrect assumption.
He'd never met Camping Will.
"I tried to warn you," Jay laughed as he caught a look at Connor's face. Will was busy bossing instructing everyone on where to set up their tents, how to set up their tents, where to store the food, what their itinerary was for the day, and exactly how far behind they were.
"He's definitely...efficient," Connor allowed. And weirdly enough, he was kind of into it? Bossy Will was doing things to him.
Jay groaned. "I knew I never should have agreed to come on this trip. Should have just left the couples to it. Where's Emery? She said we could go on a hike and escape you guys if we had to. Emery!"
He wandered off to find her, leaving Connor to finish setting up the tent. A shadow loomed over him as he fit the last peg into the ground.
"I'm not sure about the positioning here, Con," Will said, hands on his hips as he frowned at the tent. "Pretty sure I asked Jay to set up over there." He pointed to a spot less than two feet away.
Connor smothered a laugh as he got to his feet. "It's Jay's tent so he can suffer the consequences."
Will scrunched up his face and Connor couldn't help but lean in for a kiss. "Tell me what's next on the agenda," Connor said, smiling as Will lit up and proceeded to list off a ridiculous amount of activities.
"Don't forget stargazing," he interrupted, noticing the criminal lack of that listed anywhere.
"Hm?" Will frowned as he looked over his list.
Connor wrapped an arm around his waist, pulling him in close. He pressed another kiss to Will's cheek and whispered into his ear. "You and me, cuddling up under a blanket to look up at the stars? Gonna teach me about the constellations?"
"That is, yeah–" Will started scribbling through lines on his checklist. "That is absolutely going on the list."
U. Coming home (BuckTommy)
Buck stood in front of the door, keys in hand as he contemplated the lock. He'd moved in with Tommy officially a few days ago, but this was his first time doing this. Coming home after a shift and using his key on what was now their house. Officially. He grinned to himself, taking a moment. Their home.
For the longest time, Buck never thought he'd get here. Not only sharing a home with someone, but a future. The love he'd found with Tommy still floored him sometimes; how big it was and how safe he felt.
Home might be the cozy couch they'd picked out together or the bathroom tile they were still playfully arguing about, but more than all of the pieces put together, Buck had found home in Tommy.
The little window in the door opened up just then and the man himself peeked out. "You coming in any time soon?"
"Babe," Buck laughed, gesturing between himself and the door with his key. "I'm having a moment here."
"Oh, my bad, carry on." Tommy grinned back at him before shutting the window.
Buck let out a happy sigh before finally inserting the key in the lock and opening the door...where Tommy stood waiting. "Welcome home, baby."
* This was for the mini fic ask game if anyone else wants to play! Thanks again for sending these in, @thewannabewriter! It got me in a good writing groove! 😀
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amazingmsme · 8 months
Like Magic
AN: So this is a bit of a different spin on the prompt, but anything to write more TMA! Idk how the rest of this month is shaping out to look like for me, but I’m gonna try to finish things. Please be patient as I try to finish these fics. Here’s my fic for day 18!
Martin rolled his eyes for the umpteenth time as Tim droned on about how such great friends he apparently was with one Jonathan Sims. Of course he wasn't buying any of it. But that didn't mean he wouldn't play along.
"Wow, ya don't say?" Martin said breathily, sarcasm still evident.
"Yup! He even said so himself!" Tim proudly proclaimed. Martin raised his brows in shock.
"He said that you are the funniest one here?" he asked skeptically. Tim scoffed.
"Why'd you say that like it's hard to believe?"
Martin shrugged. "B-because it is! I mean, it's Jon we're talking about. Does... does he even have a sense of humor?"
Tim shook his head with an amused chuckle. "Oh Martin, always so naive. Everyone has a sense of humor if you know what tickles their funny bone," he winked, nudging him with his elbow.
"Yeah but, he just doesn't seem like the giddy type," he reasoned.
"Well, you just don't know Jon like I do. What can I say? We have an unspoken bond between us. I can make him crack up with a single look," he boasted, and that was where Martin called it.
"Oh you can not!"
"Wanna bet?" he asked with a crooked grin, wiggling his eyebrows at him. Martin opened his mouth but abruptly snapped it shut when Jon walked into the break room. Tim also shut up, hands shoved in his pockets. Jon looked between them and snorted, walking to the counter.
"If you're going to talk behind my back, I suggest making it less apparent," he casually teased.
"N-no, it's nothing like that!" Martin assured him.
"I was just telling Martin what great friends we are!"
"Hm, that's news to me." Jon barely hid his smirk  at the way Tim cried out indignantly.
"Ouch. I'm hurt Jon. You hurt me," he said, pointing an accusing finger. Jon grinned smugly, turning back to the kettle. He poured himself a cup as Tim walked back to the couch, flopping down next to Martin with a pout. Martin looked about as smug as Jon.
"What?" he snapped.
"You're so full of it," he said softly, an amused smile firmly in place. Tim shoved his shoulder.
"Oh sod off! You know, that last part was actually true," he said, and something in his voice seemed genuine enough for Martin to feel inclined to believe him.
"Really?" he asked, casting a quick glance Jon's direction. Tim followed it, nodding.
“Oh yeah. It’s a little magic power of mine,” he bragged, wiggling his fingers in a twinkly magic kind of way. Martin snorted in amusement.
“Magic, okay, sure,” he said with a roll of his eyes.
“Oh you don’t believe me? Here, I’ll prove it,” he said matter of factly. He hopped to his feet, sauntering over to the counter next to Jon. He looked over his shoulder at Martin, smug smirk already in place. He turned his attention to Jon, leaning his hip against the countertop.
“So how’s your day been so far?” he asked casually. Jon snorted.
“The same as every other damn day, what do you think?” When he looked up from adding the smallest amount of sugar to his tea, he froze like a deer in headlights.
Tim was giving him The Look. The one he always gave him before he pounced and turned him into a hysterical mess. His eyes were glowing with mischievous intent, deviously smug smirk peaking out from behind his mustache. Jon took a step back, a nervous grin already tugging at his lips. He glanced over at Martin- oh God, he was going to do it in front of Martin! He looked at Tim with wide eyes, shaking his head. His smile stretched ear to ear and quite literally lit up the room. Martin stared on in shock, a faint blush dusting his cheeks at the sight of their boss looking so adorable.
“Tim-“ Jon started, hoping to negotiate his way out of this.
“You sure it’s just another boring day?” he asked, cutting him off. When he wiggled his eyebrows at him, Jon giggled, actually giggled, bumping into the corner of the fridge when he backed up further.
“Tim I swear-“
“What? I’m just asking about your day. You seem to be rather chipper, thought I’d see what that’s all about,” he teased further. Jon was starting to visibly flush, and he was at a loss for words.
“Oh you bastard,” he huffed, turning away. Tim stepped in front of him.
“Where did this hostility come from? I think someone ought to teach you some manners,” he said, winking at him. Jon felt his blood run cold.
He turned to run, but Tim hooked an arm around his waist, immediately digging his fingers in his sides. Jon doubled over, choking back laughter that still forced its way out through quick bursts of giggles, snorts, and uncharacteristic shrieks. Martin was in awe.
But he couldn’t let himself look or act as lovestruck as he felt, so he just sat there in shock.
“Tihihim! Wha- whahahat dihid I dohoho?” he asked through an onslaught of helpless snickers. Tim brought his other hand into the fray, kneading his sides like a cat making biscuits. Jon snorted, knees buckling when devious hands made contact with his ribs. Those torturous fingers prodded every space between the bones, leaving him sputtering through laughter.
“Oh nothing, nothing at all. You just looked like an easy target,” he reasoned and Jon whined. He found the uppermost ribs and Jon arched his back with a giggly squeal.
Tim only kept at it for a while longer before he released him. He gave Jon a pat on the back as he caught his breath. Tim looked over at Martin and flashed a wide, cocky grin.
“See, what’d I tell ya? Magic,” he said with a grand flourish, making Martin snort in amusement. And if he noticed the way Jon was slowly creeping up behind Tim, fingers flexed and ready to strike, well, he didn’t say anything.
Where would be the fun in that?
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crazyexdirkfriend · 10 months
for the ask meme, R and/or Z
ty ty!
R: Which writers (fanfic or otherwise) do you consider the biggest influence on you and your writing?
Hm difficult to say! With me, it's often more like I'll read a passage of something or a deconstruction of something and be super influenced or inspired by it. And I'd have to credit everything I've read, good bad and indifferent, for a *very* long time to really say what's influenced me. I suppose maybe it would be easier for me to look at specific fics I've written and ascertain what influenced my writing of those specifically. shag, emotionally devastate etc., and two short hours etc. were largely influenced by mixed media fics like Don Juan Manlet King, House of Dirk, Detective Pony etc. that kind of showed how to work outside the bounds of ao3 HTML, and some of the old MSPFA works I would have read as a teenager. Also Henry Jenkins I guess then lmao. Also influenced by social media aus but funnily like, the only one I had read at the time was the doofenperry kpop stan au...so that's lore there.
we were something is influenced by A Christmas Carol and Taylor Swift's folklore, and all of the above. It's also influenced by journey to the centre of the mind fics like Way Stations of the Heart, A Litany etc., and A Thousand Years
eschewal was inspired by the script for the season 1 finale of Steven Universe, Sylvia Plath, and psychology texts I was reading at the time.
lunar calendar was inspired by Moon Song (and I Know The End) by Phoebe Bridgers and a number of stylistically similar fics I read in quick succession with a nonlinear narrative
perpetuity was inspired by Endlessly by The Cab, Emily Dickinson, my nervous breakdown, and many stylistically similar fics I'd read until that point
With regards to like, writers specifically who have written or said stuff that I've found inspiring though, I guess all of the above. Then reading Save the Cat helped a BUNCH with my script-writing, as did reading the scripts for Gone Girl, Fraiser (selected episodes), and Death in Paradise. Stephen King's On Writing was very useful too I found. And recently I've been into this essay by Chuck Palahniuk that's helped me re-look at writing crutches I have. I'm not actually using this when I'm writing fic (because sometimes the reader *does* know because they've read the source text and it can get very clunky to come up with reasons, y'know the drill etc.) but it's changed the way I approach personal work a bit.
I've written too much for this question apologies.
Z: Is there a story you’ve written that doesn’t seem to get much love?
I'm going to be honest I am consistently overwhelmed by the amount of people who read my stuff. I put things out into the ether and then am like WUH when someone acknowledges me. It's a great feeling though.
I supposeeeeeee we were something perhaps, but it's a short WIP that people probably don't want to start until it's done. But I sort of lost steam on it and forget to work on it because I'm not sure many people read it. I will finish it! But it's probably my least popular of the dj fics (aside from my ancient ones from when I was a teenager)
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