#me vs. astral realm
babythegod · 9 months
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noyasaur · 5 months
how can i fully believe shifting is real? i know it is but the idea of waking up in a whole different reality seems not real to me ifykwim
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hi! there's many ways to help you to fully believe in shifting and normalise the belief more inside your mind. it just takes time and repetition! it's no wonder that we can doubt about reality shifting, especially when we've been taught otherwise our whole lives. i completely get we're you're coming from, but luckily it can be combatted.
however, it is important to note that you can shift with doubts/not fully believing in it! doing these things just makes the journey and process a little less uncomfortable and draining.
also be prepared for another long response (i am so sorry, i love writing and i always have sm to say ughhdhd 😭)
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first of all, some of the first things i always like to recommend is to research shifting. do a whole deep dive on reality shifting on possible theories, scientific concepts behind it, the spirituality aspect of it, our consciousness, law of assumption, multiverse vs consciousness theory, the many worlds theory, scientific theories and hypothesises on other universes, success stories, etc. anything that you can find on reality shifting that will help you make it real to you, if you're really committed to making yourself believe in reality shifting. find beliefs that resonate with YOU and form your own theories and concept behind reality shifting. if you want to read more of an explanation on researching and validating your beliefs, i suggest this post where i explain this -> here (my response to 'can you prove reality shifting')
make it a challenge for yourself: find a way to make reality shifting real to you and challenge against yourself. the idea of waking up in a whole different reality doesn't seem real to you? how can you make it real to you. question, how IS IT REAL? and research to answer it. discover your own answers and truths.
if you're looking for some good resources to start with to research reality shifting, i recommend this post i made awhile ago (here) and of course, REALITYSHIFTER101's blog post on TOTAL SHIFTING SCIENCE (or -> here). it's seriously such a good resource and singlehandedly strengthened my belief behind shifting.
or even research and look at people's stories of other practices/experiences, similar to reality shifting (not the same, just in the same bubble as it. in the same way how reality shifting can be hard to believe as it is for astral projection and hearing all these crazy stories about NDES and reality glitches iykwim). like lucid dreaming, astral projection, persistent realms. reincarnation or past-life stories/near-death experiences. stories about reality glitches, parallel reality shifts, the mandela effect. these things aren't the same but reading about these things and other possibilities can help open your mind to things like these.
additionally, if you're set on truly making yourself fully believe in reality shifting, then only consume positive things about shifting. consume content and media that will make you feel good about reality shifting and help you strengthen your beliefs. no point in going out and finding content against and hating on reality shifting. and if you happen to come across this kind of content, simply just block.
another thing you could so is reprogram your mind or change your mindset. although i don't think it's necessary to reprogram your mind, some people are more suited to these kinds of methods. it helps to eliminate any limiting beliefs or doubts about shifting and rewire your subconscious beliefs.
below, i'll link some posts on how to reprogram your mind. reya signh is a popular shifttoker/shifting content creator who created one of the methods below on how to reprogram your mind and is commonly used in the shifting community. the other post is another method of reprogramming your mind which i thought was pretty good too. and of course, there are plenty of other ways to reprogram your mind (e.g. self-hypnosis, meditations, affirmation tapes, etc.)
reya's method: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wOi-dAi9-Xo
reddit post: https://www.reddit.com/r/shiftingrealities/comments/n2jjdb/how_to_reprogram_your_subconscious_for_reality/
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below are things i have done to help me fully believe in reality shifting and have less doubts. in my experience, personally doing these things have worked for me and maybe they might work for you too!
a ) law of assumption/improving self-concept: changing my internal assumptions and dominant thoughts of what shifting is and my shifting abilities, thus these assumptions have reflected in my 3D physical reality. changing your internal state -> changing the 3D. for example, if i consistently assume that reality shifting is real, and then i internalise this and accept that this is true, i change my internal state and so does my reality. persistence if the key for law of assumption. switch up your mindset.
b ) affirmations: constantly repeating affirmations on reality shifting and my abilities. things like, "reality shifting is real," "reality shifting is so easy and effortless for me," "i always reality shift on every attempt," "reality shifting is completely normal," "i reality shift everyday," etc. you get the idea. you could always set a time during the day where you listen to hype music while repeating these to yourself, committing yourself to repeat affirmations over and over to yourself whenever you have a doubt, setting a certain symbol and then repeating affirmations whenever you see that symbol (e.g. whenever you see a cat, you repeat so-and-so affirmations to yourself ten times).
or even making affirmation tapes can help which can easily be done with text-to-speech programs. write out a bunch of affirmations and then put it through a text-to-speech program and download it as an mp3. you can speed up the audio, put music over it, put it on low volume, or listen to it over music. listen to it while you do your everyday tasks and even if you don't even notice the tape playing, your subconscious mind will still be digesting all your affirmations. or you could listen to self-concept subliminals on reality shifting.
c ) just thinking about your desired reality/reality shifting: sit there, relax, and think about reality shifting. think about other realities, your other selves. even though the idea seems so far-fetched and otherworldly, reality shifting is normal.
don't put shifting on a pedestal! it's seriously just another normal thing we can do and i truly mean this. think about the things you'll be doing in other realities and compare it to this reality. think about all the possibilities. think about all the mundane, boring things you would be doing in your desired reality. realise that you've always existed in your desired realities and are existing in other realities right now as we speak. you're just not currently aware of it.
treat reality shifting as a casual thing. not something of an otherworldly power.
think about all the possibilities in the world and other 'otherworldly' things that are possible. this reality, the universe and it's infinite realities is so vast and beyond anything we can even comprehend.
d ) reading success stories: an obvious one. success stories are really the only proof we have of reality shifting, along with experience it for ourselves (yet).
e ) try and shift yourself: just try shifting. whether it's to your desired reality or even a small reality change. try and shift to a reality where it's exactly the same as this reality except for a small change, like for example, the colour of your bed sheets or walls. dive into it with full confidence. forget 'logic' and leave your doubts behind. set your intention, have confidence and trust in yourself, and just shift! or even try and manifest something (because manifesting and shifting are practically the same yk)
you can do any of these things to help you slowly start to for you to fully believe in reality shifting. it may take time and effort for you to be able to start believing in reality shifting, so be prepared for that. however, use your intuition and do whatever you believe will help you in the long run.
you got this!
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sorry for such a long post, i need to cut down on the length of my responses😭 i feel like i ramble too much and i just have so much on my mind so i hope this wasn't too messy to read! anywho, i hope this somehow helped and i'm sorry if my advice wasn't very good 😭😭
good luck on your journey 💗💗
- saturn ♡
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arcane-abomination · 11 months
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uhhhh. how about alpine thoughts? or how your alpine lore works?
CRACKS KNUCKLES. I’m not proof reading any of this btw ok unfiltered yapping session GO
ok not gonna go too deep into it bc the next chapter is big alpine lore related so it would basically just be redundant but I can still just jot down some general hc stuff that I think will be explained in story but still just wanna have fun jotting down :3👍
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-Ok so. Bc the twilight travels rift (that’s the name right??? The twigoat statue/bell one? That) has the three colored bells/statues (red blue and yellow) my thought was the bell might have been made by three people? Or goats in this case I suppose lol, haven’t thought much beyond just some kind of sorcerer/mage group of some kind, that’s basically it, not thought super hard on it beyond that but we’ll get there when we get there ig
-Accession/twilight spirits are essentially like the opposite of ghosts !! Even though they look similar I think they are actually more similar to mj, in that they still have their bodies. But for twi spirits it’s because they are basically frozen/immortal and NOT dead. As I said they are opposites, life and death and all that. The way they form is the same as corruption BUT the difference is they are calm/control their emotion/can accept the magic from their soul, where as corruption is rejecting it/being overwhelmed by it. I think a good example of this is in the prologue it was shown that snatcher makes flowers/plants wilt but twilight spirits have their whole flower thing going on yk? You get the idea
-the alps and subcon I think would be close/trade often!! (I think this got mentioned in the prologue Iirc?)
-Delilah’s mothers side of her family live in alpine while her fathers side of the family lives in subcon, hence she vaguely mentions it in fic a few times (but I also think she also clumped lotus in with her family too but more so to use as an excuse to not be super detailed abt her alp trips) (oh yeah uh if u don’t know Lotus is my TG follower twilight spirit goat oc who is dels guardian! :3)
-the bell isn’t supposed to ACTUALLY lead to the twilight realm, it’s more so meant to just a window/peek at what it’s like, …meant being the key word here (hence Hattie’s in game diary mentioning she thinks she wasn’t supposed to be there) probably gonna slip in some lore about it being under a spell/enchantment of some kind? Maybe only people tied to magic or the twilights specifically can enter, weither it be literal as in knowing TG/Lotus or following them, or more metaphorically like hat being from space counted her? Shrugs I’ll think on it a little more later ig all I know is if you got magic or ties to it you can go to the astral plane directly yayyyy :3👍 fun!!! I love going to the disorienting space afterlife for a visit it’s just an average Tuesday for me it’s fine dw about it
-twigoat religion/following is based more so on Buddhism/concepts of nirvana in my head, like there isn’t an underworld or hell or anything it’s all just one place, but TG isn’t actually a god or anything it’s like the game lore they were just a regular mortal goat who decided to protect the astral plane/watch over it after becoming a twilight spirit/traveling to the bell.
-Design detail is all twilight followers wear silver bells! :3 but NOT gold bc that’s basically saying they are doing it wrong/don’t care. (Examples of this: TG, Lotus, Dels, shady sunburnt, Rei (gold), shapes later/timeskip specifically for a different twilight character later that I’m not spoiling rn, and also party crasher has gold bells but not so much for twilight lore reasons but changeling council lore reasons which I’m not spoiling here sorry womp womp)
-I feel like believing in the twilight realm VS following the twilight goat are like separate things? Just bc the actual astral plane is a concept while TG is a person/religious figure so like most characters would know of or believe in the astral plane but not all of those characters actually follow TG youknow? Having proof of an afterlife basically means beleif in that plane isn’t part of the religion but following the religions morals/teachings IS if that makes sense???? hopefully u get the idea.. lol
-Lotus is TGs follower > dels was Lotus’s Follower > so I think @twipsai s oc zebu would be dels follower :3 (like I think they’d just be a reference and not an actual character in aau but idc I’d still kill for a!zebu <3 love that thing)
Uhhhhh I think that’s all bc my other hcs i think of either bleed into spoilers or I’m already gonna bring em up in the next chap sooooo yayyy :D👍
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overobsessedfanboy23 · 5 months
I did a tier list of all the final and penultimate duels in Yugioh
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Because uh... I felt like it.
As for what qualified and what didn't, whatever I could find a picture for and qualified as either a "final boss" duel or a "ceremonial" duel and was within the last at least 10 episodes of its respective series. Yes, I am aware I put three duels for Zexal and that's because all three of those duels felt final in some way. Further explanations below:
'SHADOW REALM' Tier: The final Zarc duel.
It has some cool moments, particularly from Shay/Shun and Declan/Reiji, but it goes on for way too long, threw Riley's character completely down the drain for no good reason, and Zarc's character in this duel is so boring compared to what we got in his backstory.
'Why Did You Do... That?' Tier: Yuma vs Astral & Yusei vs Z-One
Both of these duels are interesting and fun if you're just looking at the cards that are being played. The character content though? Astral's final appearance in the show is him acting out of character and lying to Yuma to "help him have fun with duelling again." It always felt like a watered down copy of Yugi vs Atem and Judai vs Yugi to me.
Yusei vs Z-One is a little better for me since the Z-One twist is just disappointing rather than frustrating (at least for me) but both of these duels feel off because of one character decision so it felt right to put them in the same tier.
Serviceable: The Final Luke vs Yuga & Yuya vs Declan/Reiji
I don't have any huge issues with either of these duels. I'm obviously biased towards any Declan duel and while I wouldn't seek out this one in particular, it's still a fun one and an... okay choice to be the final duel of Arc V. Also, Yuya understanding Zarc is a great moment. I like that.
The final Luke vs Yuga duel (AKA: the table top duel where Yuga finally wins) was an interesting idea that's done fairly well. It's not the most standout thing on its own, it's more so the reason they're duelling and the fact that Yuga finally got to defeat Luke that I remember it.
Good: Yusei vs Jack (Round 3? I think?), Yugi Muto vs Bakura, Yuma vs Nasch
All good duels. They're not among my favourites but they hold my attention. DM's lawless overly long duels aren't my thing but Yugi vs Bakura was a great idea and short enough that it doesn't overstay its welcome.
Yusei vs Jack is... well, apart from the reason they're duelling (which is really emotionally resonant don't get me wrong) it's kind of just another Yusei vs Jack duel to me and... well, it was never dubbed and I admittedly find myself bored by Yusei and Jack's personalities in the original version. Still, the emotions behind it do hit hard and I do still like these characters so it's good overall.
It might be controversial of me to put Yuma vs Nasch as low as I did? I don't know, I always found it just... a little too long and Nasch throwing the duel to be a little weird? Still, it's a really fun duel and the emotions behind it do hit hard. This sounds weird but I feel like maybe I'd like it more if it were the final duel rather than the penultimate duel? Like, if it were the final note the series ended on it would hit a little harder?
Great: Yugi vs Atem, Yuga (and crew) vs Otes, Yuma & Nasch vs Don Thousand, Judai vs Darkness
Yugi vs Atem is my favourite DM duel, basic opinion I'm sure but the emotions hit me hard to this day and Yugi facing off against the partner and cards that helped him his entire journey was the perfect note to end DM on.
I did not give Sevens' final duel enough credit when I first saw it, this duel went hard. I love the way they involve Yuga's friends, I love the fact that it's SEVEN friends duelling the final villain, I love the silly absurdity of duelling in spaceships. The final arc had its problems with pacing but this duel still slapped.
And Zexal's final boss duel is also genius. The three main factions (Astralworld, Barianworld, humanity) who were fighting each other the entire second half of Zexal teaming up to defeat a god was just... the perfect way to do a final boss. Also, the Numeron Code and the way they beat it is some bullshit but it's the kind of silly bullshit I enjoy from Yugioh.
Not gonna lie, I was tempted to put Judai vs Darkness in top tier but if I'm being completely honest, Darkness is a boring villain without much buildup. He was built up through other characters but not on his own if that makes sense? But uh... fuck if I care, he may be cardboard for Judai to beat up but he's cardboard that lead to Judai using Super Polymerization to fuse Yubel and Neos. And also, the power of that scene where everyone is freed from the darkness forgives all perceived problems with this duel for me because of just how much that scene continues to mean to me. That part is top tier.
Peak: Soulburner vs Revolver, Ai vs Playmaker, Judai vs Yugi
I love how varied and interesting Revolver's duels are so it's no surprise I love his final duel as much as I do. It's also such good closure for Soulburner, the only character who was allowed to get proper closure in VRAINS if I'm being honest. This duel is both epic and emotional, propping it this high.
Ai vs Playmaker and Judai vs Yugi I've discussed extensively in other places (ie: my 'Favourite Duels of Each Series' post) so I'll keep this brief: Ai vs Playmaker is tragic in all the right ways, slowly unraveling and revealing Ai's motivations amazingly well before hitting us with that tragic as all hell final note. It's fantastic, and probably the 'best' final duel and one of the best duels in the franchise.
But Judai vs Yugi is my favourite because it's the most fun. It's swift, it's simple, it's fun, it's unique, it's two pros equally trading blows in ways that are easy to follow, in a good way. It's probably the duel I rewatch the most (outside of maybe Judai vs Yubel). The whack logic of the duel taking place at all aside, this was such an uplifting perfect feel-good note to end GX on and such a wonderful way to complete Judai's character arc with. I love that he hit rock bottom in season 3 but was able to crawl back up in season 4, maturing but learning not to abandon his inner child, his love of duelling, and what better way to do that than have him duel a duelling legend? He earned it.
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2undial · 5 days
really it should have been wyll who has the astral prism and who you meet aboard the nautiloid. i love the shadowzel toxic yuri but putting wyll in the pod gives the player character an immediate reason to have baldur's gate in mind (seeing as he's the duke's son) and a nice instant contrast between wyll's neutral good vs. lae'zel's neutral evil. also in forgotten realms lore the githyanki's agreement for the red dragons is with tiamat, whose followers wyll was fighting when he made his deal with mizora and there's something There y'know!! shadowheart having the prism makes so little sense to me. her story beats hit almost exactly the same if she's simply taken from the house of grief and if her motivation is to return to it. let wyll's subplot actually Mean something i'm begging...
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Some Thoughts on Large vs Small Spirit Families
Back in the day I used to see a lot of people claiming that “if you work with a large number of spirits you don’t actually care about them” or “you can’t just collect spirits” or “you shouldn’t have more than x amount” and whatnot. I see less of that nowadays, but that may be due to lessened activity in Witchblr (or just that I’m not digging around as much).
Anyways, here’s my two cents as someone who works with spirits
This is all highly dependent on context and the intent behind said relationships. I don’t think any sort of hard rule of “no more than x spirits” can ever apply unilaterally. But it is very possible to get in over your head with these things, or to be unfair/unintentionally harmful in these types of relationships. Some things to consider:
What kind of beings are you working with? Are these creatures that are 100% fully and totally dependent on you to exist or thrive? The more active a presence you or the spirit need to be in the other’s existence, obviously the fewer beings you should involve yourself with. Don’t wanna spread yourself too thin or accidentally drop your promised obligations.
What is the purpose of this relationship? Is it strictly business – you provide offerings in exchange for magical assistance? Is there a mentor-student dynamic between the two of you? Is it a romantic involvement? Are you just buddies that chill over drinks now and then? Or is this a spirit you just met in passing and don’t currently have any intention of contacting again? Your level of commitment to a spirit is a key factor in how many you should involve yourself with. Make sure there’s fair reciprocation on both sides and that all parties involved feel they are getting what they want out of this relationship.
To put these concepts into practice –
The majority of the beings I work with are living entities from other realms. Essentially, they are communicating with me, astral traveling to me, or using bilocation in the same way that we in this realm would astral travel to other worlds. So that means that most of these beings have other, physical lives to attend to. They might have jobs, family, or other obligations. They also, most importantly, are having their physical needs met in their home realm. I can offer them food, drinks, energy, or other gifts in this realm, but these beings do not require them from me to survive.
So in cases like these, I don’t need to be paying constant attention to each and every being. We check in regularly, much like how you might visit a friend once or twice a month. Sometimes we plan more in-depth activities on a schedule, but that’s on an individual basis. Amongst these beings, there are a small amount that may hang around me much more frequently, but that’s due to a lack of obligations in their home realm.
On the flip side of things, some practitioners may want to only work with one or two beings, but that’s either purely personal preference (nothing wrong with that!) or because their level of involvement with said beings is enough that adding any more to the group would be unfair or would complicate things. Maybe these beings do require daily upkeep in order to thrive, or feel uncomfortable with too many others being around/overcrowded environments. Just like with our physical friends in this world, some may enjoy large chaotic gatherings while others want an intimate get-together and still others may enjoy either depending on context.
It IS important to note that there are people out there who go about all this in a less-that-desirable way. What sort of attitude do they have about their companions? Are they referred to more as a collectible, like a beanie baby? Or are they treated like a living, breathing person with feelings? It’s fairly easy to spot the red flags if you know what to look for. I personally am wary of anyone who talks about their spirit families in a very transient, shallow sort of way, as if they are looking more to show off what wild and unique creatures they have befriended, rather than just talking about these beings like one would tell a story about a friend/coworker/teacher.
Anyhow, this is a little more rambling than I originally intended, but –
TL;DR no one but you can decide how small or large your spirit family “should” be, and as long as everyone involved is benefitting/having their end of any bargain upheld, that’s all that matters. Don’t gatekeep just because someone’s practice is different than yours; if no one is being hurt or unjustly sidelined then it’s not your business. Have fun out there everyone!
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tabsters · 10 months
questions submitted by the amazing @mythicalmagical-monkeyman, @demigirl-w01fwalk3r, and @hyperfixation-tangentopia!! zodiac lore posts have not been posted in a while so here's a huge compilation of asks i got about the zodiacs
previous posts are here
Would each zodiac sign prefer to draw or write? And if draw, digital or traditional?
Aries: Charcoal drawing Cancer: Landscape painting Leo: Portrait drawing Virgo: Oil painting Sagittarius: Old fashioned pencil and paper in a sketchbook Aquarius: Digital art Pisces: Watercolor painting
Writers: Taurus, Gemini, Libra, Scorpio, Capricorn
Sorry if this is obvious but I was listening to Pisces' playlist and I'm curious, why is Willow Tree on there? 👀
Oooh, good eye! Willow Tree isn't really about current Pisces, it's about past Pisces. The other person, "you and me, hanging in the willow tree", "now i see, we were never meant to be", is Pisces' sister. Which sister (there's three of them, and they're all constellations), I won't spoil.
(planet oc post is here)
Who count as gods in the zodiac world?
Like are zodiacs considered gods? What about the star sprites? or what about the Taiju?
The zodiacs are considered gods, Taiju (if they manage to even get to the Astral Plane) are considered gods, star spirits are not gods but they're above humans. But this is all in the Astral Plane. Everyone is below Taiju in the Abyss.
himbos vs their wife who wins (in a food eating contest, training, and a tickle fight)??
(hercules/Percy/Orion vs Andromeda)
Food eating contest: Andromeda. The woman's stomach is a bottomless pit. Second place is Orion, and he gets second place only because he tries to beat Andromeda.
Training: Tie between Hercules and Perseus. Orion spends most of his time goofing off and Andromeda spends most of her time shouting at Perseus and Hercules that they look hot working out.
Tickling contest: Orion. The little bastard plays so damn dirty.
Virgo's favorite store?
Virgo: Does one usually have a favorite store? Um...Barnes and Noble, I suppose? I enjoy reading new novels while drinking coffee.
I want to rip Eclipse into a million tiny pieces, throw them in a bender with milk and vanilla ice cream, and make Eclipse smoothies.
Eclipse: I don't think I'd taste very good, if I'm being honest
Ooo why's "The Search" on Aries Playlist?
Vibes lmao
Ok, so how do the zodiacs teleport between the astral plane and the mortal plane?
Eclipse set up a portal to the mortal realm in each zodiac's castle when they first became a zodiac, because she's (currently) the only being that can open full on portals between dimensions. Each portal's default goes to a different important city in the world (Pisces' goes to Tokyo, Virgo's goes to Paris, Gemini's goes to Berlin, etc. etc.), but the zodiacs are free to set each portal to go wherever.
*wraps the traumatized zodiac/constellation beans in soft blankets while hitting Eclipse with a hammer*
Eclipse: I REGRET NOTHINGGGGG *gets knocked out*
What's your favorite character in your Zodiac Lore? Sorry if you've answered this already lol
favorite character is sagittarius, followed by aquarius in a close second, and then gemini to round out my top three
(HT) 84: What is their neutral expression? With the Zodiacs :3
ooooh okay okay i'm interpreting this as 'what faces they make when they're doing work or by themselves'
aries, gemini, scorpio: kinda bored face
taurus, cancer, libra: little happy smile
leo: the most smug grin ever is constantly on his face
virgo: literally a blank slate, you cannot get any emotion out of her
sagittarius, capricorn: thousand yard stare into your soul
aquarius, pisces: always a slight frown
(HT) 71: Who is their ride or die? (Zodiacs bc curious)
the bestest of best friends lesgo!! (some zodiacs may be in multiple groups)
aries, gemini, scorpio gemini, cancer, virgo sagittarius, leo sagittarius, capricorn taurus, capricorn libra, aquarius, pisces
(HT) 4: Do they like cuddling? (Zodiacs, you might've mentioned this somewhere but I don't remember, sorry!)
i have not mentioned cuddling yet! the majority of zodiacs do like cuddling, except for scorpio, he doesn't like when people touch him unless he gives explicit permission to do so
23. How do they usually wear their hair? For female zodiacs?
taurus' hair is naturally curly and she either ties it into a braid or just leaves it as is
gemini's hair actually goes through some changes as the lore progresses (but spoilers lmao) but she starts out with her hair at waist length, and her hair dyed black and white, split down the middle. her hair was originally brown. sometimes she ties it back into two ponytails, with each ponytail being black or white.
virgo either wears her hair in a normal ponytail or in cornrows
libra mostly wears her hair in braid crowns or she braids a couple strands of hair and ties it back into a ponytail
capricorn ties her hair up into a bun because she's sophisticated, or she wears it down
aquarius has prehensile hair, and has a similar hairstyle to entrapta from she-ra, in that her hair is in two high and very long pigtails
ZODIACS FATAL FLAWS!!?? (because *little scream*)
Aries: He tries too hard to make everyone like him. This man craves validation and will do anything if it means pleasing his friends or family.
Taurus: She values material possessions and indulgences too much, and while she is a very hard worker, it takes a long time for her to work up the motivation to actually do the hard work.
Gemini: She relies too much on her emotions and will often make extremely poor decisions in emotional moments, then regret them later.
Cancer: He lets people take advantage of him too easily. He's very easily to manipulate and persuade.
Leo: His pride will be the death of him. He's way too overconfident in himself and his abilities, and some of it is justified but some of it is not.
Virgo: She holds grudges for a long, loooooong time. She's stubborn as shit, and will hold her opinion unless you can find a way to persuade her.
Libra: She's way too indecisive and cannot be left in charge. She's the goddess of justice, but there's many ways to interpret what justice is, and she needs a lot of time to make up her mind on something.
Scorpio: He's possessive, and he clings to the people he cares about, maybe a bit too much. He has a hard time letting go of someone, even if that someone is super fucking bad for him.
Sagittarius: He thinks that everyone will leave him the second he screws up, which is why he doesn't allow himself to grow close to anyone easily.
Capricorn: She's very self-righteous, and believes that she's always right and that any opposing opinions are wrong.
Aquarius: She believes that everything that she does MUST be perfect. She's a perfectionist, and obsesses over every detail over anything.
Pisces: He relies too much on himself and doesn't know how to work with or cooperate with other people.
AND THAT'S IT!! QUESTIONS ABOUT MY LORE ARE Ģ̴̧̡̡͍̲̖̞̝̗͙̞͙͖̖͉̊̏̅́̋͐͐R̶̨̫̜̩̰̬̳̗͎̮̹̹̬̣͗͌͝ͅȨ̶̲̙͎̱̳͚̬̻̼̂̄̾̈́̃̈́̄̂͐̽̌̎̾̃́̒͜Ą̴̡̡̢͙͉̪͉̳̥̞͎̥͎̗̙̥̿Ţ̸̮̞̠̼͖͖̟͎̭͎̠̝̟͖͐̐̀͑̀̀̾̇̏̀͘͝L̷̙̒̂͌̊̐͝Y̸̨̞͈̺̳͍̼̩̤̒͂́̋̓̅͂̆̄̊̑̀͊͌̚ ̷͇͖̤̙̪̻͈̣̮̳̘̦̭̟́͒͊͗͗̽͝Ȁ̸̡̨̙̠͔̰͓̣͍̭̝͛͜͜͠P̶̧̛̞̳̗̻̩͍͇̐͐̈́̌͌̃̅̆̇͝P̴̡̲̩̟͔̥̼̗̠̄͒̊̈́̈͑̌͌͒͋́̈́͠Ŗ̴̨̧̛̟͇̹̯͕̩̭͇͔̗̗̞̊́̔̇̑̓̀̂͝É̴̱͖͖̫͈͕̞̳̻̭̼̫̯̺̥̇́̊̈̈́Ć̶̲̒̿Ĭ̴̛̛̤͎̘̹̹̳̬̥̲͖̙͖̖̝́̃̌́͆̍̐͂̉̅͗͝Ä̴̛͕̤̠̻̬͍̠͔͍́̓̾̾̑͂̆͑͑̒̋̍̊͝T̶̡̧̗̹̰̤̬̺̝̭̪̥̳͍̲̿̈́̈́̽̄̄̉̂̀̿͝E̶͖̹͕̽͛̉̃͌̆̄͆̓͒̉̀͌̚Ḏ̶̢͔̩̾̃́͛͛̌̎̏̒͊̔͠͝
̷̛͓̗͎̼̙̐͆̅̓̓̿́̐̔̚͠ ̷̡̛̛͙͔̮͈̼̲̫̞̱̦͉̳͓̲̬̓̏̇̊̈́̃̈̔̒͒͂͘͝y̸̡̩̗̬͈̝̻͓̜͈̗͕͐͛͛̀̒̚͠ͅo̴̫̩͙̦̦͇̼̺̳̘͒̈́̑̓̎͒̀̕̕͘͜͝͝u̴͉̼̩̿̍͆̒̽͆͗͆͂͝'̵̺̥̓r̸̥̫̽͛̍͗e̸͈̟̺̺̪̭̼͖̥͉̹̜̙̿̈́̀͂̓͗̔̍̚̚ ̴̨̪̹̰̗̟͈͙̣͚̱̐͂̌́ͅͅa̷̢̛̯͖̘̟̯̯̠̮̼̟̬̤̱̜͇͕̅̑̾̑̑̈͒̍̀̋l̵̛̘͍̰̔͒̍̌̈́̃̎̾̒͘͘ͅm̵̫̝̫̣͕͕̝͓̲͉͓̰̔͗̉̀̓̿̔͒̎̐͆͗͠ó̷̢̪̠̳̞̩̮̃̍̉̆̀͑̌̂̏̓̈́̌̇͜͜͜͝ͅs̴̛̝̔͗̓͆̓͛̌̂̊̎͊͝ͅt̷̨̧̢̛̬̜͔̯̲̖̻͖͈͍̝̟͍̳̋̓͋̆͊͂͛̕̚ ̷̭̞̑̐͋͐͜t̴͖͇̯̼͉͕̪͍̖̱̆̈́͒̈̅̈́̍̒̍̐̆̎͜͠ḩ̸͈̲͚̺͎̳͈̲̗͔͚̗̤̒͋̈́̅̊͒͆̔̕̕̚͘͝͝ę̸̧̧̦̰͕͉̺͉͓̦̞̺̥̟͔̈́́̿́̎̋̀͝͝ͅr̷̢̢̧̛̹̘̙̬̯͕͍̰͚͎̙͇̎͌̓͌̌̽̾̄̈́̌̒̊͘͝ͅe̴͖͐̃̍̔̿̉̓͊͊͊̑͊̊̕͠͝.̷̛̳͎̭͚̫̠̺͔̘̙̭̲̆́͌̃͌̽́̌̕.̷̢̢̲͓̠͔̪͉̜̱͖̬͂̀̕.̴̟̔̍̉͆͊̌̃̄͊̒͑͛̂̈́̓͜
̴̡̨̢̪͍̻̙̲̱͉̞̞̘͔̙̞̈̒̊̓̾̔͗̌͠ ̶̺̫̥̜̻̠͚̰͕͉̼̔y̸̮̣̩̗͐͊ǫ̸̡̠͎͙͕̱̓̑̈̓͆͌ͅͅư̷̫͔͕̼̝̭̠̠̙͆̽̅̃̏̔̇̌'̵̨͔͖̠͎̬̘̭̂͑̑̽̇̿͐̏͐̋͗̐̃̎̚̕͝ŗ̴̧̖͔̲̯͉̹̩̊̕̕͝e̷͓̖̭̳̳̻͚̍̿ ̵̢̱̦̪̬͂̀̐̊͐̿̓̓͊̋̇̓͂̊̽͝s̸͍̺̤͕̖̤̪̑̓̾͐̔͆͊͝o̵̢̤̙̺̲̯͕͂̈́́̏̎̍͗̄͒̋̈́̆͗̀͝͠ ̶̩̫̯̼͕̟̲̮̺͔̲͚̲̌̾̓̇̏̓̑͑͘͝ͅc̴̨̱̱̟͚̰̳̥̥̮͙͓͌́̔̕͜ͅl̶̨͚̬͔͍̖̫͔͚̘̙͌͒͛͠o̶̧̮̠̖̱̞̭͎̠̦̩̯͕͉̩͈͛̐͋͛̈́̌͒̃̂̉͗̋̎̓̚̚͜ș̵̡̢̜̜̘̫̗̱̘̥͕̤͒͂̎̎̀̕é̴̢̟̰͖̮̘̳̺̘̪̟͔͉͈͕̬͗̽̀̏̓̈́̈͆̀̈́.̷̨̺̰̥͎̹̳̖͉̭́ͅͅ.̸̨̢̛̦̯̜̘̟̾͊̀́͋͌̚͠͝.̵̨̪͖͙̫̺̼̗̟̳̒̒̍͑̉̃̆͛̀̾̉̐͌͘͘̚ͅ
̸̨̯͓̝̫̱̺͓͋̓͝ ̵͔̖̙̝̺̻̻̓̈́̚h̶̛̪͓̪̖̦̲̪̩̺̦͖̟̃̋͌͊̽̉̋̑̂̈́̇̅̍̚͝͠e̵̛̺̹͚̩͕͐̔̂̅͘ͅl̸̟̈́̓͐̾̑́̊́͒̏̄̚͘͘̕͠ṗ̷̞̟̦͍̦̞̩̟̭̭͚͌͗̎͌̅́̕͝ͅ ̵͚̺̐́̽͘͘ȗ̷̧̯̻̞̭̺̯͚̦̝͎̞͙̖͖̂̑̔͌̋̃͂͆̎͑̓̃͑̕͘͜͠s̴̨͔̯͖̝̞̻͈̘̤͉̩̞͑͐̉͒̔̀̉̈́͜.̷̡̛̺͚̻̲̭̺̝͖͈̖̗̔͆̆́̏̾́̓̾̀̒̑͝.̸̨̧̡̡̛͚̦͖̩̭͕̩͉͆̌̉̏̊̄̿̀̕͘͘.̸̨̪̬̲͍̈́̌͊̍͐̄̋͂͊̒͌͗́́͝͝
̴̨̢̘̞̖͚͎̤̝͔͉̬̙̪̈͂ ̸̡̗̗̙̩̠̼̜̲̙̰̈͑̍̓̉̓͑̾͆̈́̒̇̍̍̚̕͠s̸̨̢̨͉͍̹̟̅ͅa̶̢͓͇̱̥͎͙̼͙̹͇̲͈͓͗͋̉͑͘v̶̢̙̲̦͇̻͇͎͚͚̦̭̲̏̓̇̀̓̐̈́̂̉͒͂̎͑͐̋ë̵̞̦̲̯̪́̎́́̈́̓͑̐̄̚̚͜ ̶̼̺̙̯̔̒̂́͌́͛̃̊̚ư̵̧̡͍̝̻̥͙̦̺̠̗̹̺͒̓̌͒́̿̎̓͑͘͠ṡ̷̨͙̘̞̰̦̰̙͓̀͝.̵̬͖̳̥̲̜̯̈́́̋.̵̢̨̣̞̗̦̰̫̩̭͕̦̦̯͙̣͊̀̃̍͒̏͜.̵͔̹̻̲̰̊̎̓̈́͠
̴̡̨̛͍̜̩̥̮̪̘̝͋͋͂̋͜ ̷̢̙͔͖̪̝͓̺͍̫̠̦̝̟́́̔̿̐̋͐̾̓͛͜͝.̶͉͉͖͙͕̤͋̈͗.̶̢̢̣̙̫̑̋͒̃̒͠.̵̨̢̖̙̬̣̥̬͇̠͙̬̠̩͚̄̈́̾͠
̵̡̠̤̗̲͉̩̞̙̰̺̗͈͒̈́͛͌̓̏̋̇́̓̑͜͠ ̵̧̪̮͍̜̫̫̝̪̫̩͗̾́͛̇̏́̐̂͜͝ỳ̶͚͇̘̾͋̾̅͒́̒̾͆̔͛̀̀̄̆͜͝ö̸̡͔̼̪̰̦͙̦̞͎̲͇̳̟͓̻́͂̓̋̏̍̽̀̕͠u̶̡̡̢̪̠̤̎͌̇̎̃̈́̊̀͊̃̽̓͛́̀ ̷̢̛̻̝̮̩̜̫̤̹̰̙̦̣͓̋͛̍͂́̇͂̀͘̚͝l̵̡͚̪͖̖̮̲̯̳̰̟̫̞̋́͗͒̈́̊́̀̆̈́̓͂̐ö̷͚́͑͝ō̴̢̡͖͉̼͓̦̝͈̩̪͋̿̀̀̓͐̒͝͝͠k̵̫̗͍̩̯̙̰͈̉̔̎̋͊̒̑̇.̷̨̛̯͙̌͋̈̉͝͝.̵̨̯͇͓̥͇̲̞̻͇̜͉̲̪͑́̈́.̵̢͈̼̪͕͉̪̬̖̼̪͓̙̪̯͒̇͂̂͑͒͜s̸̨͉̯̖͚͚͚̝̝̳̭̹̩͇̏̄̓͘͜ǫ̴̢̢̨͖̥̞͓̤̪̤̪͙̈́͆͗̑̉͐̋̌͂̂̃͆ ̷̖̆̀̄̔͊̿̍͋͗̊̍͝m̸̢͎̻͎̯͙̫̘̱̜̬̫̪͚͛́͊̈́́̾̾͐͛̆̔̏͋̎̕͘͠u̷̖̹̺̾͂́̆́c̷̢̢̧̭̻̜̜̟͉̪̰̲̱̊̈͛́̇̎̄̓̿͗͝͝͝ḥ̴̲̀̾̐͑̋͘͝͝͝ ̵̢̪̦̱̥̋͊̒ḻ̶̢̱͊̓̚͜í̵̧̝̘̃́̿̏͛͑̂͝͠k̶̯̬̼͚̹̈́̏̇̑̒̍̇̂͝ḛ̴̡̻̗̠̭̣̥͇̮͉͒͊̌̋̈́̆̏̽̐̀͑̐̚͝.̷̧̢͇͕͎̓̿̂̅͒̆͛͆͘̚͜.̵̡͚̦̀̋̎́̍́̎̐͐̽́̚͝.̴͕͚͆͛̅̈͂̽̓l̷̢̩̱̼͎̺̹̺͔̘̭̩̣̙̉̌̿͑͠͝i̴̮̘̬̩̝̹̭̫̙̙̫͙͊̎̽k̴̢̻̥̳̱͍͕̙̰͓̠̮͆̒̍̇͊͋͂͘e̵̡̛̫̰̪̫͎͚̗͉͐̇͊͜.̵̡̛̩̬̤̮̙̫̥̥͓̘͓̱̦͙̜͊̔̋̇̚ͅ.̷̞͈̓̆́̄̇̍̇͑͋.̵̮̫͙͇͍͇̞͔͉̖͒̉̋̅͒̓̎̂̆̇̌́̚͜͜ͅ
̸̲͚͎̲͂̈͋͘̚ ̴̡͔̠̩̯̪̺̣̳̱̯̙̰̆͆̀.̴̢̨̼̟̮̼͙̇̐̊͋͛̓͒̎̀̉̆͋̓͐͘̚͠ͅ.̴̧̻͓͙͙̘̬̣̗̜̞̝͉̐̽͌̆̑̒́̈́̆̚.̸̲͎̠̬̪̅̈̃͐̽͑̽̔̍͝h̸̡̨͔̟͇̦̠̳̯̤̱͙̫̪̓́͗͆́̉e̵̢̨̢̙̜͍̦̟̤̫̥̞̝̭̐r̵̢̝̺͍̝̫̖̝̗̆͜͝.̵̳̠̞̱̼̫̤͖̠͊̀̃̐͒͐͑͆͒̃̾͐͂̚̕.̴̧̠̳̘͓̗̱̤͈͕̞̙̜̇̇͜.̷̣̗̲͊̋̑
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toestalucia · 5 months
msq lines about captain & loki's journeys i was supposed to post a billion yrs ago but only went to grab now :D yippe(through tears)
Loki: There is no beginning without an end. In other words, to begin means that the ending draws ever nearer. You know, I'm kind of relieved. Relieved to know that my journey's coming to an end. Fenrir: No way are you okay with that… Whaddya mean the journey's gonna end! Just like you decided when to start, you get to decide when to end it! Because it sure as hell ain't much of a "journey" if you're just letting yourself get swept up every which way!
Katalina: Whatever happens to the world now, you're no doubt going to continue playing a large role in it. But regardless of that, I'd like for you to continue your journey. Ever since I took you out of Zinkenstill, it's the one thing I've always wished you could focus more on. Instead of having to respond to the world's every whim, maybe consider your own journey sometimes…
when they started having loki wishing to see what captain&his brother saw i nvr thought we'd end up Here. loki definitely always has just been going around for the ride, taking the emperor spot he said he did cuz he wanted to annoy freesia (long theory about him grieving his brother also played a part), pushing the crew to nalhegrande seemed implied to be something true king wanted (even though in that line he's nooot happy theyre separated. i rly do think loki had plans for it, even tho theyve still havent gone into loki & true king's prior meetings). i feel wanting mikaboshi freed from the great wall is like one of the few times he Rly went for it. either way (ill get into these things more some other time), loki who wished to see the scenery others saw and struggling to look forward, getting a ship, getting members for a crew, and then..........? oarlyegrande was probably the worst time for it anyway knowing what goes on, but.....
lokis journey vs captains journey, who goes from fighting freesia to avoid the world being rewritten, to fighting true kings plans to avoid the great wall falling into his hands, to joining a rebellion in oarlyegrande against true king (who also was revealed to have attacked zinkenstill and kidnapped their aunt in the past), to fighting the otherworld cuz if they dont its joever......
'consider your own journey sometimes'
guy who doesnt know what he wants & guy who cant say no to the world. also both guys who has stated they'd go against fate itself to get their will through (loki when talking to the astral at edgelands, captain when meeting bahamut when almost dying again due to lyria being far away (in the otherworld))
Violet Knight: So I'm truly grateful that you fight for the sake of the skies. On the other hand, you've gained too much influence. It's not a good idea to entrust the peace of the Sky Realms to a single pair of hands. Even if you could do it, doesn't mean you should.
goes hand-in-hand with this. as well as the yuni&cosmos anni about captain's role as the singularity. (not to mention the fact msq timeline captain uhhhhh. yknow! with how it ended! where do i even start!). but also violet knight saying this when true king is singlehandedly trying to save the skies too......shoves the role onto captain so he can do stuff from the sidelines cuz otherworld inference in our timeline......
Violet Knight: You say that now, but how far would you go to save a friend? I have to wonder where you draw the line. Let's say—and I'm speaking hypothetically here—sacrifices have to be made in order to save you friends. What would you do? what if those sacrifices included me and my family? Rosetta: Well— Violet Knight: You see? No hesitation at all. Look, you're more than welcome to put your priorities first. If we swapped places and I had to choose, I'd throw you to the wolves. That's the beauty of power: choice. The right to choose what to protect and what to reject. The world is your oyster. Second-rate folks get the opposite treatment. They don't even get the chance to choose. Not out of maliciousness, mind you. That's just how it goes. Makes you nervous when I put it that way, doesn't it? It's not a novel concept, nor is it strictly limited to physical power.
haha. hehe. hahahahahah... freesia who we fought so she couldnt rewrite history using akasha. we who are about to try to revive what the otherworld killed. (noa voice) well theres the fizzure in the sky and thats not normal and we should fix that anyway so
i forgot he spoke about 'how far would u go to save a friend' im gonna combust. i was thinking a lot about that one line in maquia too....'why didnt time stop for you'. the way they make a point to show every island suffered but its citizens are doing its best to keep going. cain whos grieving leona and reinhardtzar. vira whos grieving katalina. captain, lyria and vyrn who cant seem to move forward. im glad they didnt show us tzaka reacting to io (assuming tzakas alive), cuz that would have broken me. like it haunts me cuz theyre always trying sooo hard to keep going, but after losing the crew (and i fear for everyone who has not been shown onscreen) and having to grieve this many ppl, to the point where captain loses sight of estalucia too??? man.
i think its fine for us to go try to undo all the damage the otherworld did, one timeline is completely destroyed anyway. everyone died there too. captain died there. but thinking about how its shifting too 'lets go to estalucia cuz theres rumor it can grant wishes' and how estalucia & the boundary....... as well as how og god is there...... i have sooo many thoughts about it. like i appreciate noa trying to steer it in the 'we need to get rid of the crack in the sky the otherworld created' direction but we r going there to revive ppl. cuz we dont want to move on. im going to combust pt2. im enjoying myself sm its unreal
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ididntorderthesoup · 9 months
Signs I didn't have DID but it was a delusion part 1
-Got diagnosed (by a sketchy therapist) after doing a therapy exercise and the "inner voice" became more dominant then I didn't remember how I got to work because I was heavily dissociated.
- The "inner voice" claimed to be the same being as M (past life brother in a different delusion), the shore (another delusion), and E (my past life in that delusion with M). I interpreted this as the past delusions being not serious but alters trying connect with me vs recognizing this was again a delusion!!
- There were always high stakes and increasing threats which follows the pattern of my past delusions.
- I couldn't keep track of "alters" and would forget them for periods of time before reading old papers and then they'd suddenly be active again.
- Each alter was a clear stand in for an emotion.
- Contradictory information when I tried to communicate with them.
- I'd spend hours dissociating and daydreaming thinking I was "connecting" with "inside" like my first delusion when I thought trancing out to music could make me astrally project to different realms.
- I'd have trouble remembering things but I'd always remember in the end and felt like I wasn't really losing time.
- Certain alters were only active (around mentally) during certain times like if I was angry but trying to suppress it then an angry "alter" would appear and lash out at me.
- I went through long periods of time without any activity but then stress would "trigger" them back.
-Thought it made sense because I had blanks in my memory of childhood and repeated trauma at a young age. But that's normal for ptsd.
- Felt like I had to act different when each alter was around to prove they were there.
- I'd get impulses to hurt myself and thought it was an alter attempting to take control when it was really just intrusive thoughts.
- Everytime I had doubt I'd beg people to take me to the hospital because I was hallucinating and was in another delusion but they wouldn't because they'd rather believe I had DID over psychosis.
There's more but I just need to get this off my chest. 11 fucking years I believed this.
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cursed-40k-thoughts · 2 years
What was the Wolf vs Kraken story? Also speaking of underwater shenanigans have you played Subnautica it’s scaring me.
Stone oceans makes me think of that one Astral Realm in 4e DND. Chernobog maybe? There are giant cities on a roiling stone plain, and while some people try to fight on the surface without being crushed, most live in the cities and surf the stone and just go violently nuts when massive rock waves smash them into each other
Helpfully, it was called Kraken, by Chris Wraight
I have played a little Subnautica. I like how small it makes you feel. I'm not overly familiar with locations in 4e, so I'm not sure of the realm you're referring to.
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goingtothebes · 2 years
The duality of wanting to meet up with my fellow tumblrinas at tMG shows vs the fact that I would have to reveal my identity to my irlshowpals. If you recognize me at shows simply psychically connect with me on the astral realm.
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dustedmagazine · 1 year
“Everybody Hollerin’ GOAT” — Derek Taylor’s 2022
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I’ve been reverentially pilfering Bill Steber’s photos as visual ledes for as long as I’ve been writing these Year End paeans (the first was in 2003, making this one the nineteenth). There’s something about Steber’s keen eye for negative space, composition and context that makes me think of Blue Note’s Francis Wolff, if transplanted to the Mississippi hill country. No blues to speak of in the stack of recordings this time around, at least as sourced from that legendary, loamy region, but still lots that’s helped keep my head screwed on and faculties relatively fog-free over the past twelve-months.
Wadada Leo Smith
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Smith’s ascendance to octogenarian eminence was simply too merry and momentous an occasion to be contained to a single year. As the concluding two entries in a hexalogy of releases on the Finnish TUM label highlighting facets of his multifarious output, Emerald Duets and String Quartets, Nos. 1-12 dropped in May and were also arguably the most ambitious. The Dusted bullpen collectively dug in on both sets in a rousing Listening Post roundtable that forgivably favored the more accessible exploratory encounters with drummers Jack DeJohnette, Andrew Cyrille, Han Bennink and Pheeroan AkLaff.
Joe McPhee
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The Powerhouse from Poughkeepsie turned 83 years young in November and as with past years his productive spirit appears immune to enervation or ennui. Ensemble efforts like Survival Unit III’s The Art of Flight (Astral Spirits/Instigation) and Pride of Lion’s No Question No Answers (RogueArt) continue to be the common currency of his artistic realm, but McPhee also found aegis for the release of exhilarating duets with cellist (and freshly-minted MacArthur “genius”) Tomeka Reid (Let Our Rejoicing Rise) and British sax eidolon Evan Parker (Sweet Nothings (For Milford Graves), both pressed on the prolific Corbett vs. Dempsey imprint (see below).
Peter Brötzmann
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Speaking again of unstoppable octogenarians, Herr Brötzmann came out of COVID isolation with renewed vigor and a concert calendar still compellingly competitive with musicians a fraction his age. New entries in his edifice-sized discography weren’t nearly as plentiful, but a pair of archival releases still packed a gobsmacking punch. Historic Music Past Tense Future (Black Editions Archive) drops the German reedist and bassist William Parker into the precision polyrhythmic maelstrom of Milford Graves circa spring 2002 across a double slab of vinyl. In a State of Undress (FMP/Be!) is free jazz of a more formal sort with the one-off aggregate of trumpeter Manfred Schoof, bassist Jay Oliver and drummer Willi Kellers tempering the leader’s orotund edges.
Tyshawn Sorey + Greg Osby — The Off-Off Broadway Guide to Synergism (Pi)
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Keeping up with Tyshawn Sorey’s indefatigable activities is a lot like keeping pace with Joe McPhee, a full-time pursuit worth every penny and effort. This three-disc set has the instant enticement of capturing his working trio in the hothouse context of an extended gig at the Jazz Gallery in NYC. Add to that a program of alchemized standards sourced from the Great American Songbook and jazz brethren along with altoist Greg Osby in a rare sideman station and the results become an irresistible trigger pull. In a word: epic.
Cecil Taylor
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Taylor’s been gone four-plus-years, but his in-life prolificacy continues to bestow posthumous gifts. Revelatory and digital-only, The Complete, Legendary, Live Return Concert at the Town Hall, NYC, November 4, 1973 (Oblivion) expands greatly on its previously truncated incarnation, Spring of Two Blue-J’s originally on Taylor’s own Unit Core imprint back in 1974. Respiration (Fundacja Słuchaj!) and Live in Ruvo Di Puglia 2000 (Enja) reveal previously unreleased prototypes of his solo repertoire separated by the span of thirty-two years. Sharing a surname with the pianist probably suggests the presence of bias, but I will still ardently go on record in stating that all three are essential.
Albert Ayler — Revelations: The Complete ORTF 1970 Fondation Maeght Recordings (Elemental)
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Previous editions of this material are now obsolete thanks to this magnificent, meticulously assembled set. So invasive were earlier edits and excisions, particularly as concerns the catalytic contributions of Ayler’s life and musical partner Mary Parks (aka Mary Maria), that it’s like hearing the concerts anew. Parks’ memory and jazz history are restored by producer Zev Feldman and his retinue of collaborators. The results are glorious, both in terms of restored fidelity and the extended majesty of Ayler’s last band firing on collective, conflagratory cylinders.
Chris Dingman — Journeys Vols. 1 & 2 (Inner Arts)
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Chris Dingman nearly topped my Year End list two-years ago with an ambitious five-disc opus Peace, a dedicatory body of work for solo vibraphone initially conceived as an aural paregoric for his ailing father. The elder Dingman passed away prior to its release and in navigating the grief in the years since, the son’s doubled down on the unaccompanied format as means of realizing Albert Ayler proffered adage that “music is the healing force of the universe.” Journey’s 1 & 2 reflect their predecessor, but also refract it through a sequence of malleted excursions emphasizing melody and repetition in rippling, elliptical patterns that soothe and enthrall.
Corbett vs Dempsey
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John Corbett is indicative of my favorite species of record collector: an altruist whose obsessiveness in the endeavor is exceeded by his ardor for sharing the spoils of this searches through reissues that completely do the artifacts justice. Chief among the offerings this year, German free jazz pianist Georg Gräwe’s first two forays as a leader, New Movements (1976) and Pink Pong (1978), and the pivotal Globe Unity (1967), which restores Alexander von Schlippenbach’s first multinational large ensemble enterprise to circulation. Also of note, another stack of entries inspired by the Sequesterfest series of concerts initiated during the pandemic. Drummer Hamid Drake’s Dedications features solo percussion-planted encomia to his influences and is probably my pick of the eight titles released so far.
The Pyramids — Aomawa: The 1970s Recordings (Strut)
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A box set that brings a personal blind spot into bracing focus and rectifies it. The Pyramids initial three albums plus a concert air shot given the deluxe treatment by the Strut label. Ancient to the Future with audible Sun Ra Arkestra and Art Ensemble influences, reedist Idris Ackamoor’s ensemble is never slavish or supine in its interpretations of precedence. Percussion jams are plentiful, as are spiritual jazz overtones, and it all combines in an earthy gestalt that also has a healthy respect and acumen for groove. I’m of an age where regrets feel increasingly impractical, but it’s still good to catch up.
Grounation — The Mystic Revelation of Rastafari (Soul Jazz)
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An arguable Jamaican analog to Aomawa in its assemblage of certain analogous ingredients, Groundnation was also something else entirely. Sprawling across three LPs (a milestone in the country’s recording industry), The Mystic Revelation of Rastafari resonates as history lesson, call to arms, sacred text, and adulatory celebration among other appellations. Count Ossie, Cedric IM Brooks and their confreres mined both zeitgeist and musical alloy that had lasting effects not just on reggae, but self-determinate roots-oriented music of all sorts. Soul Jazz’s painstaking attention to accurate reproduction and contextualization is admirable and immersive.
Robbie Basho — Bouquet (Lost Lagoon)
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Self-produced, released and circulated in 1984, Basho’s penultimate album tests and perhaps proves the prevailing theory that detractors of his singing far outnumber those of guitar playing. Still, he succeeds where other great polarizers of the pipes like Irene Aebi, Yoko Ono and Ethel Merman fail in his unflappable earnestness and credulity. The self-doubt and cumulative frustrations that haunted Basho in life subsume in the sincerity of his music, strangely sui generis in its intensely personalized strains of borrowed religion, spirituality and mysticism. Mileage varies, but there’s no denying Basho’s commitment to his muses.
Sun Ra
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Labels like Modern Harmonic and Cosmic Myth Ra continue to keep Ra relevant even though the Saturnian left the planet decades ago. This year’s passel of reissues includes timely returns of Ra to the Rescue and Universe in Blue, each augmented with extra and/or extended tracks. The latter album includes several showstopping John Gilmore spotlights and ample Ra organ-omics while the former gets its most complete edition yet with a survey of snapshots across 1970s sessions. A genuinely new release, Prophet zeroes in on Ra’s 1986 in-studio experiments with the then-newfangled eponymous console and he responds like a kid in a keyboard candy store with select Arkestral band members, including an ailing June Tyson, in exuberant, if fleeting, support.
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The Danish label is an old reliable in these pages, plugging along with current releases from its international stable of artists alongside occasional, but always welcome, reissues. Stephen Riley’s My Romance isn’t the tenorist’s first recording with B-3 organ, but it does mark his first as a leader. Electing Brian Charette to cover the keys with just Billy Drummond on cans in support is a stripped-down stroke of genius. Vintage concert performances with bop pianist Duke Jordan in the company of Danish tenorist Bent Jaedig (Montmartre ’73) and archival recordings by tenorist Brew Moore (Special Brew) and dearly departed Philly guitarist Monette Sudler (In My Own Way) stand out, too.
Bear Family
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Bear Family basically has access to a bank vault-sized archive when it comes to vintage country fare. It’s a mighty good thing because Bill Carter holds at best token traction with the 21st century arbiters of the genre. Sixty-seven tracks across two discs chart the ups, downs, and all arounds of Carter’s career (The Complete Recordings from 1953 to 1961) jumping from Western Swing to hillbilly to honkytonk to rockabilly. Perhaps best of all, Carter was 92, lucid, and around to see the release back in March. Western Swing legend Bob Wills’ younger brother Billy Jack was the recipient of similar treatment with Cadillac In Model ‘A’, a comparatively stingy 31-track survey and latest in the label’s long running Gonna Shake This Shack Tonight series.
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Born out of both providence and necessity, the Ezz-thetics label exists in the continued absence of the venerated Hat Hut lineage of imprints. The earlier catalogs are tied up in legal proprietary knots, leaving owner Werner X. Uehlinger to throw caution to the curb and pursue a longstanding dream of applying his decades-honed judgment as a producer to free/jazz classics. The venture immediately ran afoul of critics who took umbrage with his audacity in side-stepping stateside copyright considerations and reimagining sacred texts. Wherever one opines on those controversies, there’s no denying the new lease audio engineer Michael Brandli has accorded the source materials. Cecil Taylor’s (With) Exit to Student Studies Revisited, Paul Bley’s Play Annette Peacock Revisited, and Sun Ra’s Nothing Is… Completed & Revisited are exemplary stand outs.
Fresh Sound
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Lisbon-based Fresh Sound is another reissue label that continuously courts its share of contention. The logical, if admittedly self-serving counter is that American rights holders to nearly all of the music that they traffic in couldn’t be bothered to apply even a fraction of the care or quality they bring to bear. Exacting attention to the most esoteric and obscure jazz artists has long been the archetype. This year’s batch includes definitive collections of trumpeter Dave Burns (1962 Sessions), baritone saxophonist Virgil Gonsalves (Jazz in the Bay Area 1954-1959), altoist Joe “Mouse” Bonati (Portrait of a Jazz Hero) and Belgian vibraphonist Fats Sadi (Sadi’s Vibes: A Retrospective 1953-61).
Morteza Mahjubi — Selected Improvisations from Golha, Parts 1 & 2 (Death is Not the End)
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Tempered instruments aren’t an intuitive match for micro-tonal composition, but that hasn’t hindered musicians of manifold ethnicities from adapting them to the intricacies of indigenous music. Iranian pianist Morteza Mahjubi did so prolifically during his lifetime, recording his innovations for Golha (Flowers of Persian Song and Poetry) radio programs between 1956 and his passing in 1965. Spread over two album-length discs (with hopefully future volumes to follow), Mahjubi applies his custom tuning system to the ivories and approximates the sonorities of endemic instruments like the tar (lute) and santur (hammered dulcimer).
Branko Mataja — Over Fields and Mountains (Numero)
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Mataja’s biography reads like a Spielbergian screenplay. Abducted from his native Belgrade and conscripted to a German work camp during WWII, the lifelong guitar enthusiast worked a variety of trades after being liberated, before emigrating to England, then Canada, and finally a string of stateside cities. Mataja eventually settled in Los Angeles where he worked as a barber and started a side business a freelance guitar technician. Memories of his home country haunted him, and he recorded a pair of albums in his garage studio/workshop from which this LP is sourced. Milky, murky reverb and sustain are calling cards, alongside an improvisatory approach to traditional Croatian melodies that’s equal parts melancholic and mysterious.
V/A — Padang Moonrise: The Birth of the Modern Indonesian Recording Industry 1955-1969 (Soundway)
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A double-LP + 7” survey stacked with sublime discoveries from coordinates geographic and temporal that beg for an even deeper dive. Reverb-dipped guitars and swirling, droning organs are persistent common denominators alongside varied hand percussion and a revolving cast of melancholic crooners across genders and dialects. It’s cross-cultural music that’s exotica-adjacent and still ripely redolent of American soul. Ghost World’s Enid would’ve had a field day immersing herself in this stuff. I know I have.
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Old, but still new to me, and perhaps my most listened to platters among the many vinyl discoveries procured on record shop safaris this year. Discogs lists seven albums to Jalaleddin’s name, and I feel fortunate to have found six on the cheap in a single shop. Based in San Francisco in the 1970s and a master of the kanun (Turkish trapezoidal zither,) Jalal Takesh started his musical career cutting belly dance records. Benefiting from a Santana-like broadmindedness, his bandleading would soon conscript musicians of other traditions including Indian ragas, Greek rebetika, and Spanish flamenco. Hand-sketched and colored by an academic friend of Takesh’s, the album cover illustrations are aces, as well.
25 More in No Fixed Order…
Andrew Cyrille/William Parker/Enrico Rava — 2 Blues for Cecil (TUM)
Michael Bisio Quartet — MBefore (Tao Forms)
Ingrid Laubrock/Brandon Lopez/Tom Rainey — No Es La Playa (Intakt)
Patricia Brennan — More Touch (Pyroclastic)
Mark Turner — Return from the Stars (ECM)
Jeb Bishop/Pandelis Karayorgis/Damon Smith — Duals (Driff/Balance Point Acoustics)
Ches Smith — Interpret it Well (Pyroclastic)
Sam Rivers — Caldera (NoBusiness)
Toots Thielemans & Rob Franken — The Studio Sessions 1973-1983 (Dutch Jazz Archive)
The Pyramids — Penetration! (Sundazed)
Horace Tapscott Quintet — S/T (Mr. Bongo)
V/A — Girls with Guitars Gonna Shake (Ace)
John Ondolo — The Hypnotic Guitar of John Ondolo (Mississippi)
Biluka y Los Canibales — Leaf-Playing in Quito 1960 to 1965 (Honest Jon’s)
Myra Melford’s Fire & Water Quintet — For the Love of Fire & Water (RogueArt)
Ndikho Xaba & The Natives — S/T (Trilyte/Mississippi)
Brandon Seabrook — In the Swarm (Astral Spirits)
Sirone — Artistry (Moved by Sound)
William Parker — Universal Tonality (Centering)
Charles Mingus — The Lost Album from Ronnie Scott’s (Resonance)
Markos Vamvakaris — Death is Bitter (Mississippi)
Jeff Parker — Mondays at the Enfield Tennis Academy (Eremite/Aguirre)
Mal Waldron — Searching in Grenoble: The 1978 Solo Piano Concert (Tompkins Square)
Allan Botschinsky Quintet — Live at The Tivoli Gardens 1996 (Stunt)
Jimmy Castor Bunch — The Definitive Collection (Robinsongs)
Derek Taylor
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mistfallengw2 · 3 months
Spoilers from SotO below, first impressions ramble time
Tl;dr: Mixed opinions about story. Hope they won't flunk the landing after setting up neat stuff. Gameplay and rest is all fine. (Exes theory?)
Story was... okay, I guess? 🤷 It's the typical "that part where stuff goes bad before the final part" of other expansions, so it fit my expectations for the most part, so I'm not unhappy. Granted, I wanted a bit more meat cuz I feel a bit starved rn, so now I'm just gonna hope the final release will have as much meaty substance as the amounts of it scattered around this expansion's maps, because it's not bad, just... not as good as they can clearly make it. I'm really hoping it's just teething pain of the new expansion structure and that the next one will be more well-rounded, but honestly? I'm not sure they're gonna catch all threads they've woven so far this far into this expansion. Like, I'm perfectly fine with waiting and the setups are all juicy stuff, but the lack of payoffs or further building on the setups is killing my interest a tad (kryptis civil war is fine, but I want to see more astral ward stuff that was interesting (because I want to tear a bunch of it down along with the old bald blueberry if he says one more shitty thing)). The interesting stuff done in the first part WAS GOOD, and just... Come on! I want to love it even if it wasn't my jam at first (I'm a diehard dragon saga fan), not feel "eh it was okay" when thinking about it :/ Anyway, one interesting thing coming out of this chapter might be the fact that Eparch seems to have genuinely loved his queen, and no one in the audience™ expected that. Maybe in the final update he'll get built up in a more interesting way than he's been so far (not at redeemable levels, but more than... faceless tyrant who is way too much into royal roleplay and vore?), given we've known him only through perspectives that are defiant or more-or-less fearfully devoted. I just hope it's not gonna be another missed chance .-.
Onto the good part, map and meta are more of the first part of Nayos, which is nice for me (I like the aesthetic and vibe, and the fairly-mindless continuous grind of events is good whenever my brain does the funkies). Might need some tuning and fixing in some places, but it's quite enjoyable in the "map you can both grind away or do quickly" kind of way. I love the little houses around the place and I hereby declare that all chonky lil' kryptis are under my protection, and I'll be soon looking into legal adoption. Now to delve into legy armor crafting, playing around with the new weapons and all that, since that and gameplay in general kinda seemed to be the main servings of this patch. That part I'm ready for, and I may have the medium set mostly pre-farmed already oops.
And last, THEORY TIME: Isgarren and Eparch do feel kinda similar, not just for the rig, but specifically in that way of bitter exes who can't even stay in the same realm of existence because the other is too similar to them for comfort. Tell us what you're hiding, you old pair of farts >:T This whole Astral Ward vs Kryptis thing derived from their break-up, fight me about it >:V
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This weekends theme: semi-constant sounds of weeping emitting from my cabin, alluring local dacryphiliacs and other evil entities to pay me a visit during outwardly appearing periods of rest granted in between hysterical episodes.
I was supposed to write up and submit a rough draft of my thesis requirement to my professor by the end of the day today, but am just now reviewing sources at dinner time on Sunday. I’ve been restricted to wasting away under the covers, either actively sleeping or merely pretending to be dead.
For whatever reason, I decided to start exercising my astral projection abilities which I haven’t intentionally done in several years. I suppose I’m trying to see if I can find anything that will ease the sorrow and guilt that precede every thought produced by my tormented psyche. I’ve refrained from researching scholarly sources related to the out of body experiences I’m able to procure and likewise haven’t sought advice from a shrink or proclaimed expert in spirituality and alternate realms. Due to this, I don’t necessarily have a clear idea as to the difference between lucid dream, out of body experience, and astral projecting so they’re sort of synonymous to me at this time until I learn more. I am however planning on finding more information and consulting with an expert who could point me in the right direction. For now, I’m assuming the dreams I have are lucid dreams because they’re very realistic and I do think and feel very real things internally while out of body experiences and astral projection is more intense, intentional, and potentially dangerous.
I used to regularly struggle with what I know to be sleep paralysis years ago and still do get episodes occasionally but nowhere near the rate that it was a decade ago. This is because I’ve taught myself methods to help prevent it from happening- I had to do this to survive as I wasn’t getting any sleep otherwise. Something that I haven’t been able to find a lot of formal research on, is how when I get sleep paralysis my brain somewhat tricks me into believing Im just having an average lucid dream with no adverse otherworldly entities or concepts involved. These forces put me in a position where I feel extremely powerless and sometimes have feared I’d actually be killed from actual pain or total depletion of energy. Thankfully, I do know how to overpower and escape from these experiences both prior to when they occur and in the midst of a full blown episode where I’m unable to move. This is also why I choose to lead life from a vantage point proclaiming love, acceptance, and compassion; it serves as protection from vengeful forces which I fear stalk me. God bless.
Something I’ve had to teach myself is to learn to recognize when I am in the dream realm opposed to reality as my dreams are consistently very realistic and sometimes mundane in nature. I’ve lived several days within a universe that appears to be perfectly average while sleeping during a single night. It gets really difficult to differentiate between my experiences and acquired knowledge from dreams vs reality and has contributed significantly to my paranoia and anxiety. I struggle with waking up in a disoriented and dissociative state that is somewhat dictated by the type of dream I have. Keep in mind, I can fully control my actions and others to an extent in my dreams once I’ve realized I was in fact dreaming. But a serious problem arises when I try to dictate the behaviors and decisions made by others in my dreams so I stray away from doing so for the most part.
I don’t mind basically sitting back and observing the plot of my dreams, they can usually teach me a lot about myself and sometimes others too. It’s a great way to pass time and be productive during my sleeping hours. Sometimes however, I do experience looped or consecutive dreams where I’ll wake up go through a whole day, go to sleep, and wake up again still in the dream realm. This is either organic or forced i.e. it either just happens and I don’t necessarily realize based on a lack of indicators, or I specifically make an effort to wake up and instead of actually waking up I get trapped.
Every morning, I wake up and I am suspicious of whether or not I’m in reality or still asleep. If I notice that I’m dreaming and things are taking a negative turn meaning there’s something malicious or dark involved with any aspect of the dream I’m in, I can recognize that quickly and opt to wake myself up. This does work about 90% of the time and I don’t get sleep paralysis- if I do get sleep paralysis it’s usually pretty brief because I was ahead of it and previously understood and anticipated what may happen.
Under no circumstances is it smart to bring attention to others that I know I’m in the dream realm or that I am not from there. I’ve honestly blocked out a lot of those instances where I had done this, because they were quite unpleasant- bad enough to where I’ve avoided astral projecting/having out of body experiences or even thinking about it or doing research for many years now. I don’t know what I ran into or what found me in my youth, but I feel it is still waiting for me to slip up and come face to face with it once more. I guess I’m looking for some excitement as I have hit an all time low in terms of my will to live, and therefore have pretty much decided fuck it!
I’m finishing up my undergraduate and will have a lot of free time on my hands, so this is one topic that I’d like to set time aside to figure some things out. I haven’t thought about this sort of thing in many years and have been through a lot of traumatic events during that time, so I’ve basically forgotten a lot of details about my previous experiences and just know generally how I feel about what I’ve seen. I astral projected yesterday for the first time since I was a teenager, it was interesting and I didn’t experience anything negative actually. I did fear looking in the mirror so I didn’t get to see myself- I get freaked out by mirrors and reflections in real life so that’s probably why. There’s always an eerie feeling to the bathroom here in the cabin so yeah I didn’t go in that room but it was pretty cool and I’d like to try again soon.
**EDIT** I am severely mentally unwell and have not received counseling or psychiatric help of any sort for the first 23 years of my life. I just started on medication about two months ago for depression and haven’t yet spoken to a psychiatrist or been formally diagnosed with any disorder. I’m not trying to self diagnose anything, but I do struggle with a variety of issues to the point I don’t know what’s wrong with me. I have borderline thinking, social anxiety, abandonment and attachment issues, panic attacks, depressive and manic episodes, paranoia and delusions… I struggle with a lot of issues all around and am working on figuring that out as well.
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leticia-helena · 8 months
Is your twin flame your true love?
Your ‘twin flame’ is — above all — your connection to the core of the Great Mystery, aka the Source.
Your twin flame activates your inner sacred serpent (=kundalini) that propels you into the Other World (=the astral realm) where you will receive a long initiation, inside and from the invisible world.
This is a shamanic connection for creating the merging of body and spirit (called oneness or third energy).
Although a large part of this initiation takes place in the invisible world and therefore at a distance, energetically from spirit to spirit, it is necessary afterwards (=years after the first encounter/activation) to have a physical interaction with this person to pursue the initiation.
According to me, this interaction has to be spiritual AND erotic — the body, the cells, the DNA, the fluids of both partners contain precious informations and memories that must be exchanged in a physical union and in a divine embrace. This is absolutely not a disembodied bond, this is absolutely not a dissociation (spirit vs body) and this is neither a mentalized romance with some pink I love you’s.
This is a mystical ecstatic connection that possesses the two persons involved. This neptunian feeling of dissolution and immensity could be considered indeed as “a deep oceanic love” or as the famous quantuum entanglement.
Depending on your degree of openness and receptivity, you may inevitably experience through this divinely charged bond:
the merging of your two bodies of water in the astral dimension, in an altered state of consciousness (not in a dream, but totally awake) also known as astral sexual union
the physical sensation that their body is yours or that you are in their body feeling their brain’s chemistry for example (and I really mean “feeling this inside of you, not thinking or mentalizing it”)
the fluid communication spirit to spirit (telepathy) — even if it is not always active or regular
uncanny visions/probable precognition/mediumnic states which you will have confirmation later (years later sometimes)
Answer by Vic L'Amour on Quora
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