#maybe this is why I’ve never seen much try the three team dynamic again despite it seeming more balanced then a five team
no1ryomafan · 4 months
Yknow I love Getter 2, it’s my favorite getter within the set of forms most of the time but I can’t help to notice compared to it’s counter parts it feels like it lacks the most in combat because it only has one weapon.
Like the main issue with Getter balancing is Getter 1 (sadly) gets all the attention, thus they prioritize it having the most weapons in its arsenal. (The tomahawk, a occasional gun, various getter ray based powers past getter beam) and even if Getter 3 is clearly the most shafted of the group it at least can do a lot with its arms and has missiles on top of that. (Really it’s issue more stems from it hardly gets used in fights and when it does it’s almost never a standalone one) But then you look at Getter 2, who gets a decent amount of usage but all it gets to do is drill things and those have noteworthy drawbacks as sometimes it’s drill is completely stopped or removed from its arm.
I do remember Neo2 has a sword but it’s not like Sho used it much given the length of SVN-and don’t remember if in the manga it even has it there as Getter Sho-and most base Getter 2s are just drill go brrr. I wish at the very least if they aren’t gonna give it a second weapon they idk do the Gurren thing where it’s a powerful green drill. (I say as I haven’t seen it but COME ON how did the heavy getter inspired show do a green powered drill but the series itself never did)
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lovebecomeshim · 3 years
hello! your zutara posting today has finally motivated me to ask this question because I came to atla very late(last year, to be specific) and I Love It Very Much but am 1000% out of the loop as far as why what remains of fandom (at least that I've seen among my friends) is so very strongly zutara. I'm not opposed to it per se I just don't really know what has driven it to apparently be such a popular ship? can you help me understand and maybe convert me a little bit?
Hey!! Your ICON! :D I can try but I’m not sure how coherent I’ll be; however I AM sure someone a lot more competent will be willing to add to this. Either way, I’m glad you asked because my plan was to drag down as many people as possible with me.
*smacks the hood of zutara* this baby can fit so much mutual love and support!
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This got so long, I’m so sorry. I don’t know how to put it under a cut on mobile and it already got deleted once so I’m scared to mess with it lol. Moving on.
I’m gonna start this with a disclaimer that im on mobile so formatting is tricky and I’m also really new to atla in that I only completed my first watch through in like 2019??? So some of my info is all just based on what I’ve picked up from Discourse 👀 so anyway the sparknotes version: zutara was wildly popular from the beginning. To the point where the atla crew internally disagreed on which ship should be endgame. (Ex. Bryke [showrunners] asked the writers to rewrite The Southern Raiders to make Zuko seem less ideal for Katara than Aang [which failed, depending on who you ask]; the animation team purposefully created a visual parrallel between Oma and Shu in the Cave of Two Lovers and Zuko and Katara in the catacombs under Ba Sing Se in the Crossroads of Destiny; etc.)
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The ship was popular enough that Bryke actually chose to display zk fanart at a con for the sole purpose of mocking the fans, but that’s neither here nor there. The entire episode Ember Island Players, while a love letter to/parody of the whole show, was an opportunity to address zutara’s viability as a canon pairing (while, again, mocking zutaras for romanticizing that catacombs scene). Point is! It’s always been popular but with it not being endgame, there’s got to be something that’s given it staying power.
And that’s honestly got to do with three things: their dynamic, thematic cohesion, and potential.
(You know what... you know what, it’s four things. The fourth is they’re so aesthetically pleasing together and individually. Like, they’re just good looking people [specifically when they’re grown but they’re also cute kids] and that absolutely doesn’t hurt) (but it’s not the Point, it’s just nice to point out sometimes)
The dynamic is hard to get into without also looking at the canon pairings, but I think I can do that without unnecessary bashing. It’s just that part of the magic of zutara is really highlighted by what they give to each other that their other relationships don’t.
First off, it’s classic enemies to (would be) lovers. The absolute truest form of it. It’s not too different from how CS started out: a rogue antagonist with a job to do—but no personal vendetta against the future love interest—who is deeply and emotionally invested in his personal storyline (revenge/redemption) with little regard for how it effects other people after his entire life and genuine good nature are marred by suffering, and a fierce warrior girl with a strong moral compass and her own personal investment in stopping him (protect her family and save the world doing it). Obviously frustration and animosity grew between them by the nature of them being on opposing sides, but that just lends itself to the sweetness of their later reconciliation.
The thing is that while they’re wildly different on the surface (he’s a hot-headed prince of a fascist regime who is trying to capture the Avatar to please his father; she’s a nurturing daughter of the chief who is trying to protect and train the Avatar in order to topple his father’s throne) they find out that they have so much more in common both in their experiences and their personalities.
(What follows is an excessive use of the word “both” and I’m sorry about that)(I can edit it. I can do that. That IS an option............)
They both have an innate sense of justice that they are determined to see done (zuko, at the war meeting, sticking up for the Earth Kingdom kid when the guards torment his family, choosing not to steal from the pregnant couple despite his circumstances, abiding by his word to leave the SWT should Aang come willingly, etc.; katara, literally.... at any point). They both have pretty one-track minds at accomplishing certain goals once they’ve put their mind to it, regardless of a lack of support in that endeavor (it goes without saying I guess, but zuko’s entire hunt; katara’s determination to get the earth benders to fight back, her determination to absolutely destroy Pakku until he agrees to teach her, etc.). They both lost their mothers at young ages. Their worlds are war-torn and traumatizing to them both, if in different ways, but that ultimately forces them to grow up too quickly to be wholly independent individuals. They both have issues with their fathers (for WILDLY different reasons, but). They both hold extreme prejudices that they need to learn to overcome (which ties into thematic cohesion)(bit like Lizzie and Darcy in that way but magnified by a million). They’re both extremely emotional and empathetic—which can and often does result in loud outbursts. Katara’s a bit better adjusted and can temper her anger for longer than S1 Zuko can, but they both feel that anger deeply and have no compunctions expressing it (Katara is, usually, more justified, particularly in S1. Again, S1 Zuko is severely maladjusted but at the point when they could’ve feasibly become a couple, he’s so much better off with the way he carries himself). They both struggle with feelings of inferiority in their bending abilities when confronted with prodigal benders like Aang and Azula, but have the work ethic required to double down and become two of the most powerful benders in the three remaining nations. This is a little more minor but it is a parrallel that appeals to some shippers that they both have these alter egos in the Painted Lady (notably fire nation coded) and the Blue Spirit (water tribe coded) that are pretty different from who they are day-to-day and are useful in accomplishing a purpose that they as themselves cannot.
(I’m.... I just realized that this could potentially get very long. Should I have made a slide show with bullet points??????)
Anyway, similar. I know there’s more but there’s literally so much to love about zutara that I’ll drive myself a little crazy trying to compile all the ways they’re similar. (Just gonna say that at this exact moment I went back to add more similarities.... so okay then)
Once they’ve reconciled, we see how all of these things only lend themselves to a deeper intimacy together than they share with literally anyone else. There’s a steady partnership that positions them as the mom/dad of the gaang, while also providing the support necessary to allow the other to not have to carry so much responsibility. A lot of zutaras will point out how zuko is actually depicted doing the more domestic chores that are normally relegated to Katara once he joins the gaang, since the others in the group are two 12-year-olds and sokka. The one that sticks out the most is how he makes tea for the group and then serves them, while Katara is able to just relax with her friends around the fire. Fanon expands upon this a lot to Zuko helping with the laundry or the cooking or whatever else needs doing since he, as a once-refugee, is used to doing his own domestic tasks. Before Zuko joined, Katara was the one mothering everyone, sewing for them, cooking for them, etc. She’s always tending to the needs of the group, and that includes emotionally. She does the emotional labor for the gaang 99% of the time, but when she’s the one falling apart, she’s usually doing it alone and without the comfort that she normally provides for others. Until Zuko. And that’s before they’re even friends.
Which is WHY people romanticize the catacombs of Ba Sing Se so much. Katara is verbally attacking Zuko out of her own righteous anger but also her own prejudice when Zuko, surprisingly, chooses to be vulnerable with her. He’s been on a journey that’s opened his eyes a bit, but he’s never actively chosen to expose the rawest parts of his past to anyone. But for some reason he chooses to do that with Katara of all people. While she’s yelling at him. He sees her humanity, and for once can look past his prejudice and empathize with her. And this time, when she breaks down, she gets to be comforted. Katara normally talks about her mother when she’s trying to explain to someone else that she sees and understands they’re pain, as a form of comfort to them. Here, Zuko uses the exact same tactic. He sees her and he understands. And for zuko? He’s not being shut down. He’s allowed to articulate his pain regarding his mother without being ignored and made to internalize it, and he’s allowed to process how he feels about his scar out loud without being told that he deserved it. And then he lets her touch his scar, something we’ve seen him actively avoid before. He’s completely open to her and she’s completely open to him and all it took was one five minute conversation. She was about to use the little bit of Spirit water that she had, that she was saving for something Important, to heal the scar that still daily causes him pain just because they had, somehow, connected.
Plus there’s the whole parallel to the star-crossed lovers forbidden from one another, a war divides their people—
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And then zuko messes up, he regresses, he gets what he wants and he HATES it. And the sense of justice he had as a child has been restored to him against his will and he can’t think of anything he wants to do more than the Right Thing, so he joins team avatar. Before he does that though, we get to see his relationship with Mai, which is where comparison really comes in. And what we see is Zuko, fresh off of his encounter with Katara in the catacombs, trying to be emotionally honest with Mai... and getting shut down and dismissed. Which is just how Mai is and it’s fine, but not for Zuko. Still, he keeps trying, and he keeps getting ignored or scoffed at or yelled at. Which is really a larger symbol for how he doesn’t fit in his old life anymore, but again that’s about thematic cohesion. He tries to articulate his anxieties about returning home, he tries to make romantic gestures, he tries to explain how morally conflicted he’s feeling—and Mai diverts to some kind of physical affection to shut him up and a parting comment that is pretty much always, in essence, “I don’t wanna talk about this.” So they don’t. On the other hand, once zuko and Katara are friends, we see him again emotionally distraught and caught up in his anxieties about facing Iroh, and it’s Katara who comes to him and listens to him and comforts and encourages him.
Similarly, we have Aang clamming up and getting uncomfortable whenever Katara shows any negative emotion, usually resulting in him making excuses or running away. Or, in the case of the Southern Raiders, lecturing her on how she needs to just let go of her anger about her mother’s murder. People have talked this episode to death and usually better than I ever could, so imma... keep it brief. There’s a serious disconnect between Aang and Katara in his ability to empathize with Katara and her needs that has her tamping down her vulnerability and amping up her anger. He tells her that he was able to forgive his people’s genocide and appa’s kidnapping (petnapping? Theft??), which is blatantly not true but also not an entirely equal parrallel to Katara’s situation, and continues making these little remarks throughout the episode. But it’s Zuko that Katara opens up to. It’s with him that she’s able to talk about the most traumatic day of her life, and it’s with him that she’s able to get the closure she needs, cementing their bond as friends and partners. This disagreement between Aang and Katara is then... never resolved. They just never bring it up and hear what the other is saying.
There’s a fic called The Portraits of Ember Island that has a line that so completely sums up the heart of the matter for why people love their dynamic. For context, zuko has woken up early to help Katara with the cooking and they spend the whole time just letting one another talk, and zuko stops to ask why she always just lets him talk. And so she stops to ask why he’s always helping, and it goes as follows:
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There’s just... so much mutual support! Trust! Intimacy!! And it just continues like that from the Southern Raiders on, listening to each other, advising each other, watching each other’s backs! And then! Literally saving each other’s lives!! I will never be over the last Agni kai. Not ever. Zuko may have been willing to jump in front of lightning for anyone, but he actually did it for Katara. And in a show, that’s the thing that really matters. It’s a fulfilled trope usually exclusively applied to romantic pairings, and it ended up applying to Zuko and Katara. And then she ran out into the middle of a fight with tunnel vision just to get to him.
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Also!! Also Zuko pushing Katara out of the way of the falling rocks at the Western Air Temple!! And Katara catching him as he fell from the war balloon that he fought Azula on!! Before they’re even getting along, they’re the ones reaching for each other. They come to this place of equal ground, as partners, who watch each other’s backs, call each other out but still listen attentively and understand, and provide the support that the other has been sorely lacking up until they knew each other (whether that be from lack of effort or lack of understanding from others, or an unwillingness to accept it for themselves).
Then, trailing along under the surface of this, we see the themes of the show totally embodied by Zuko and Katara as individuals and in their relationship to one another. There’s a YouTuber, sneezyreviews, who has a, like, 2-hour explanation on why she not only loves zutara but also believes that their endgame would’ve actually elevated the writing of atla to new levels particularly because of thematic cohesion and resolved character arcs. It’s the zutara dissertation I never knew I needed, and it’s funny and eloquent and effective, so I’m just going to sum up her section on thematic cohesion to the best of my abilities and then link it for whenever you have the time. And I HIGHLY recommend it, especially if you want a full understanding of what makes zutara so great and gives it such longevity.
Guru pathik has a line that goes something like this: separation is an illusion; things that seem different are just two parts of the same whole. Iroh also tells Zuko something similar: balance and strength are achieved when the different nations come together and influence one another and celebrate what makes them each unique. And this lesson is a massive central arc that both Zuko and Katara go through, moving past a black-and-white, good guys-vs-bad guys, us-vs-them mentality and into a greyer, more nuanced view of the world. Zuko sees the fire nation from an entirely new perspective and while he still loves and hopes for his nations future, he surrenders his blind loyalty to them in exchange for an unflinching loyalty to peace and love. Katara too had to come to terms with the fact that cruel people exist in the earth kingdom and water tribes, while some fire nation citizens are just regular, kind people who also need and deserve to have someone speak on their behalf. And this is honed in directly on how they view each other. They grow in their individual journeys to be open to the humanity in the other and then, once they’ve found that, they’re able to grow more in compassion for others in a beautiful feedback loop. And this is all matched in the symbolism repeatedly and intentionally associated with them in canon: sun and moon, fire and water, yin and yang, Oma and Shu who found love despite their warring nations. Their individual arcs are completed in each other and complement the themes of atla beautifully.
The canon pairs... just don’t. Which, again, is fine. But the very things that give atla longevity and popularity are anchored in zutara. Kat@ang doesn’t accomplish this. They’re... nice. Sweet. Especially when you erase a good portion of their interactions in S3. It could’ve been just a sweet love story. (Personally, the dynamic between toph and aang accomplish the same thing that zutara does, with complementary personalities that fulfill the theme of opposites blending in harmony) M@iko, on the other hand, is less sweet but I think wasn’t even supposed to last. Zuko’s relationship with Mai seems to represent his relationship with his old life as a whole. He can’t be emotionally vulnerable, he’s goaded into abusing his privileges, his agency and opinions aren’t respected. They just don’t have common ground with which to discuss anything that matters, so they don’t. As far as themes, the relationship doesn’t fit with atla. It’s zuko returning to and sticking with what is (on the surface) like him, what’s expected. Fire nation with fire nation. Fluid water bender with the flexible air bender. Like with like, separated from what is different and challenging and complementary.
And all of these things combined of course lead to the potential for the ship. I don’t know how familiar you are with the post-atla canon but... well, miss “I will never turn my back on people who need me”, miss “I don’t want to heal! I want to fight!” ends up living quietly in the SWT as a designated healer who turns a blind eye to the water tribe civil war happening right outside her front door. Which can be fine! People change! Some people just wanna stay inside. I just wanna stay inside! But the potential future for zutara is so much more satisfying, with Katara becoming the most unconventional Fire Lady the uppity old cads who are stuck on the old ways have ever seen. Fanon has her serving as a voice for the other nations within a kingdom at the point of its biggest political upheaval, as a confidante to Zuko who can actually help him while he’s trying to figure out how to move forward and make reparations. They have the opportunity, together, to accomplish what they both have set on their hearts to fight for: positive change that lends itself to harmony and balance. And the steambabies! A popular headcanon is that their firstborn daughter, the crown princess, is actually a waterbender, which causes such an uproar among the people who are adamantly clinging to the old ways. It’s just a future full of potential to be forces for good together, full of trust, intimacy, joy. The exact era of peace and love and balance that zuko announces that he intends to ring in with the start of his reign as Fire Lord is, again, magnified by the very personal zutara relationship. And we love to see it.
tl;dr zutara isn’t for everyone. Some people just don’t vibe with it. Some are nostalgic. Some love the canon they grew up with. Some have been disappointed for years. Some just see themselves in other characters and want their happiness instead. Whatever the reason, that’s fine. But for me, I love the way these two, from the moment they give each other a fair chance, are able to lower their walls and prejudices to see the other for the kindred spirits they are. They see each other’s humanity, and their response is to pour out love and support and compassion. I love that they’re a power couple in battle. I love the symbolism and, honestly, soulmatism that colors their every interaction. I love that they embody the whole storyline of atla in their relationship and how it develops, which is notably why their seasonal arcs always culminate in each finale with how they relate to one another. I love that zuko adopting a waterbending move is what actually saves his life and then katara’s. I love the chemistry! And I love the future they could’ve had, instead of the ones they were given.
So, in conclusion: I just think they’re neat and I hope you do too, at least a little bit. Even if it’s just respectfully from a disinterested distance cause you do you. And now here is the video I mentioned. I’m sorry this post got so long and then I gave you an even longer homework assignment, but I can’t recommend it enough. She says it all better than I can.
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maxwell-grant · 3 years
Cass wouldn’t even begrudingly tolerate [the Black Bat], because she’s even less lenient than Bruce on killing and far more willing to throw down.' - THANK YOU for remembering that.
Cass is my favorite Batfam member, the only one really that I have an active interest in reading about. I'd be incredibly ignorant to not bring bring up such a crucial aspect of her characterization. And even if I didn't personally care for her, well, last thing I'd want is to be another source of frustration for Cass fans. Lord knows there's enough of those to go around.
mousebrass also asked: On that note, how do you imagine a meeting between Cass and the Shadow going?
Fair warning: This one took me 6 hours to write, and it became a hell of a lot longer than I imagined. I liked Cass a lot, but I never quite realized I had this many feelings regarding her until I was tasked with writing this, and a lot of things clicked for me regarding my plans for The Shadow thanks to this ask. @mousebrass, thank you. I mean it. I think I may have found something here I've spent years looking for. Hope you enjoy the post.
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I'm thankful that this scenario is only really taking place in a hypothetical fanon where both characters can get a fair shot, because I wouldn't trust DC with this premise. I don't trust DC with either of them as is.
There's a lot of ways that this crossover could go on about taking place naturally, initially because Cass is already connected to some of Batman's pulpier elements, due to her connections to Lady Shiva and the League of Assassins, and one could connect Cass to Myra Reldon (who really should just be race swapped if ever brought back so she can stand out as the cool character she is, without the yellowface gimmick holding her back). There's two things I think are crucial to making the most of this idea, and the first of which has to do with the subject of killing. I usually don't like to come up with hypothetical team-ups for The Shadow that focus too much on the fact that he kills, because it's far from the most significant aspect of his character to focus on, much of it is written from a wrong understanding of the character, and it never amounts to anything other than perfunctory. But here, not only is it completely unavoidable to discuss, here there is actually a very, very substantial grounding as to why this has to be such a big part of the story.
The first and foremost thing that's gotta be established to everyone reading that doesn't know already is this: Cassandra Cain, more so than Batman, more so than any other DCU hero, has a tolerance towards murder lower than zero, and this is completely non-negotiable. She will throw herself on the path of an assault rifle to stop men trying to kill her from accidentally killing each other. The defining moment of her incredibly grim backstory is that she was trained from birth to be the world's greatest murderer, and her first kill traumatized her so badly that she has pivoted as far away from that as possible. I stress a lot that the Shadow should not be written as the trigger-happy maniac comics made him into and that the pulp version killed mostly to defend himself and others, generally left criminals to the police if possible, offered plenty of second-chances, had stories dedicated to the rehabilitation of criminals and so on, but none of this would matter to Cass.
Cass has literally chosen suicide over the prospect of living with murder on her hands time and time again, and The Shadow kills. When he kills, he does so without remorse, with unshakeable certainty. He hates death, he doesn't want lives to be at risk in the first place. But people will die if he doesn't do anything, and what he can do, what he exists to do, is turn the tools of evil against evil, and murder is the oldest tool of evil there is. He doesn't kill because a war scarred him, he doesn't kill because he's got a demon in his soul, he doesn't kill because he's mentally off balance, he doesn't kill because he's evil or sadistic or arrogant or anything of the sort. He kills because the men he fights chose death when they sought to harm innocents and fire guns at him. He kills because he is Death itself.
Regardless of how compassionate he is or can be, regardless of the fact that he's motivated by a desire to protect people, regardless of how justified he is, he is still dropping corpses and laughing maniacally doing so. Cass's real arch-enemy isn't Shiva or David Cain, it's Death, it's the thing that she's fundamentally most opposed to. And guess what The Shadow gets compared to often enough? Literally the very first line of the very first book where we get to see him, this is how we are introduced to him:
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So the premise here is that we are taking a character who is defined by her fundamental opposition to death with every fiber of her being, who understands death on a level no other human being does, who is traumatized and hard-wired to detest death at all costs and to choose suicide over it, and asking her to team up with The Grim Reaper.
Even if he received the most abject lesson conceivable on the sheer wrongness of murder, even if he does put down the guns around Cass out of respect for her, he cannot protect his agents and others if he cannot shoot or kill those who try to harm them, and the protection of the agents is absolutely non-negotiable and not at all something he's willing to fuck around with by trying out gadget kung fu superhero alternatives. The Shadow has chosen to throw his life away for their sake time and time again, and no matter how appaling or disgusting Cass finds his deeds, even if he concedes that she's right and should be right on all accounts and that he is fundamentally a monster who has no right to judge others, he would not concede on his mission and he would make it very clear she would have to put him down violently to stop him from protecting others this way, and death has not stopped him before.
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And to be upfront in case there's anyone who doubts it, Cass would kick The Shadow's ass, if they had to fight. She is the strongest fighter in the DCU, she lives and breathes fighting and combat in a way no one else does. And The Shadow's not one of those characters who is supposed to be invincible and the best at everything all the time always, he can and does lose fights and scrapes to people far less adept at it than Cass. He's a great fighter, obviously, he hauls bigger men than him through doors and was disabling people with Vulcan neck pinches decades before Spock, and he would definitely have an edge in other areas, but he's out of his league here. Frankly, I don't see The Shadow raising a finger against Cass unless she's been brainwashed into killing people by bad writing. Not because she's a woman, that doesn't really stop him from dealing with evil. But because, for one, she's practically a child compared to him age-wise. Two, he'd obviously know beforehand of her capabilities and how futile it would be to fight or even provoke her. And three, the Shadow's whole thing is knowing. The Shadow Knows and all that. Knowing comes with understanding.
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He'd understand very quickly that there is no way someone this young could grow so quickly into the world's greatest fighter without horrific treatment that no one should ever be subjected to. He'd see the movements too practiced and quick, the self-control, the strength and speed far beyond even the trained warriors he's seen, the places where she's been scarred and is good at covering it up. Assuming he doesn't already know about her life story, any meeting between the two would lead to him very quickly figuring out that there's something much deeper about her opposition to killing than just moral reservations, something deeper than Bruce's own gun trauma.
Denny O'Neil's 2nd Batman and Shadow story was about The Shadow secretly helping Bruce overcome gun trauma, and Bruce rejecting The Shadow's intentions to hand him a gun. And to make it clear, people tend to assume that The Shadow only helps people for utilitarian reasons, which is not true as I've tried to demonstrate many times now. I don't want to convey that he would want to help Cass overcome her trauma just so she could be more efficient or something, absolutely no, he'd help her because he helps people in any way he can. I think a story with The Shadow and Cass might involve a similar premise, The Shadow understanding that she has been traumatized very deeply by death and refuses to accept it on any terms, trying to help her overcome it, only to learn that she does not want to "learn" anything she doesn't already know, that she has weaponized her trauma into a source of strength, and wishes nothing more than to help others with it.
And here's where we get to the part that allows the two to be on less antagonistic terms, because one thing that also very strongly defines Cass, at least the Cass I like reading most, is her stubborn, almost desperate need to believe in the best of people, that people can and will change for the better. Like The Shadow, her strength too is knowing, it's perception, the things that she knows about people that words cannot convey. Just as there are many things The Shadow would grow to understand about her that others would not, there would be many things that The Shadow would not be able to conceal from her. Things that no one but her would figure out. Things that, despite her age and lack of experience compared to him, he would have to defer to her knowledge on, which reverses the usual dynamic The Shadow has with people. And perhaps one aspect of that reversal, it's that maybe it's she who winds up secretly manipulating The Shadow into overcoming a deeper issue.
Cass's perspective on killing is shaped not just through trauma, but from a painfully intimate understanding of not just what happens to someone at the time of death, but the cost of murder upon the human soul, the ways it warps people into things they never should have been. Killing is a deeply, deeply serious matter, much more so than fiction seems ever willing to go into. Of course we suspend disbelief for fiction, there's nothing wrong with that, but if a story starts asking questions, starts poking holes into fantasies, they should not be disregarded.
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And so it begs a question: How has it affected The Shadow? Is he really as remorseless as he appears to be? Is the fact that he's only killing evil people really of that much use? What's the cost of living as someone who has to know so much about so much evil in so many hearts? Knowledge never comes without price, and knowing evil is his tagline. When he enlists Harry Vincent, he makes it very clear that he has lost lives as he has saved them. From when is that regret coming from? What lives did he lose then? Is he saving people by damning his soul or merely prolonging the inevitable by piling corpses on another end of the scale?
If there's a character that could meaningfully start bringing these questions forth, who could ever truly get The Shadow to stop and reveal things to the audience he never would otherwise, maybe Cass could be that character. A girl who was raised to be a monster, who is treated as a monster and an aberration in-universe (and even outside of it), and turned that into a strength she uses to help others, who cares about everyone and refuses to let others be dehumanized as she was. Who better to know what lurks in the Shadow's heart?
Sometimes when I get an ask, I bullshit my way through infodump walls of text until I can structure it into something vaguely resembling a point. And sometimes, and I know it sounds crazy, but sometimes I get a very, very clear word on my mind related to it before I start writing, that almost seems to be a beacon pointing where I need to get to, and I work my way into getting there. Once you sent me an ask about crossing over The Shadow with Cassandra Cain, the word that came to mind the very second was Language.
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It's an interesting relation the two have with language. Language is of course a very substantial part of Cass's character, who does not process language and linguistic development the way most people do, and instead reads body language to the point of superpower. Many stories revolve around Cass's relation to the concept of language, the help she may require from others in getting around things beyond her upbringing, and ways in which she has mastered beyond anyone's scope. Though she is mute, language is her power, what makes her what she is, and she is someone that Batman freely admits could kick his ass if she ever felt like it.
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For The Shadow, language is also his power. He speaks all languages and connects allies all over the world, he is an expert ventriloquist, he is able to project his voice beyond what's physically possible, he can imitate voices perfectly to the point of being able to conduct group conversations single-handedly well enough to fool even the people whose voices he's imitating, much of his presence and terror and manipulation are done through his voice, arguably the very reason he exists in the first place is entirely because a radio actor's voice performance was so good and captivating that it tricked people into thinking the character was a real star and not just a glorified narrator. The man you cannot see, but only hear, the perfect hero for radio. And then of course the laugh, which I have a whole separate post on and which, in many ways, acts as a substitute for language in the novels. He uses the laugh so often as a substitute for statements or words, even to himself, that it's pretty much his own personal language. And language is at the core of how he deals with people, as he knows the right language to use to manipulate and move and help them. He knows what to promise, what to reveal, what to omit. He knows what to say, how to say it, when to say it. Language is the strings by which he puppeteers the world around him (and he can talk to animals, at least of one kind).
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The Shadow and Cassandra Cain have mastered two different types of Language as throughly as anyone can possibly master them. The Shadow can talk a group of hardened criminals into killing themselves, Cassandra can punch a heart into stopping without killing it. The Shadow echoes his voice "through everywhere and nowhere at once" to whip crowds of thugs into frenzies, Cassandra outraces missiles and was tanking bullets as a child. The Shadow can lie and usurp lives so masterfully to fool even the families of those he's passing off as, Cassandra is a living lie detector who gleams inner conversations from miniscule reactions. The Shadow can speak every language known, Cassandra is the greatest master of the world's most universal language other than music. The two are supposedly human, but every now and then, something comes along to call that into question because of the things they can achieve. They cannot hide secrets from each other the way they do to everyone else. They are driven by a deep desire to help others, to make something out of the circumstances of their lives. To weaponize that which dictates they should be evil and monstrous into a relentless force of good.
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Language is the root of understanding. And if nothing else, as impossible as a conciliation of their approaches to crimefighting may be, I think there could be an unique understanding between the two. Perhaps, and this is a bit crazier a concept but one that seems to be where I might have been heading towards all along, even Cassandra Cain finding a calling away from the frayed dynamics of the Batfamily, away from the Bat's looming presence, to become The Shadow's successor, swearing to uphold a mission of justice through non-lethal tactics while he stays on the backseat guiding her. If The Shadow could trust the safety of his agents and the protection of the innocent at the hands of someone as capable and selfless and good-natured as Cassandra, I think he'd be all too happy to be able to trust someone in such a manner, to no longer be the Master of Darkness, but instead to serve the next generation that's weaponized darkness without submerging in it. To achieve, and perhaps return, to his strongest, highest self: A disembodied voice heard, but not seen. Once again the narrator, not the star.
It's a concept I've thought about very extensively for the years I've been a Shadow fan, but now it occurs to me that, if I had to appoint a successor of The Shadow, someone who could take up the mission but shine on their own right, even improve it with the right guidance and circumstances, it would be Cassandra Cain. The Orphan, The Shadow of the Batgirl. Daughter of the greatest assassins, meant to be the world's most lethal murderer, instead pivoted to being one of it's greatest heroes, but never allowed to shine as she should. But in the darker, less restrictive and wilder world of pulp heroes, in The Shadow's world, a beacon would shine all the harder. Perfect strengths attached to perfect opposites, joined together for a greater good, unstoppable after together having weaponized that which most take for granted: the power of language to move worlds.
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pink-flame · 3 years
Juke Bodyguard AU Pt.3
Here it is! The third and final part of the Juke Bodyguard AU inspired by your requests from the trope game. I reserve the right to do a standalone in this universe at some point but this wraps things up nicely for now. Enjoy! 
Part 1
Part 2
Bodyguard AU + Love Confessor (Character A confessing their love for Character B to Character C)  
Julie was used to change.
Bad change like when her mom got sick and she had to learn who she was when she couldn’t see it reflected back at her through her mother’s eyes. Bad change like when music felt like a stranger and everything she had ever wanted seemed suddenly pointless.
Good change like when she found her way back to it with a vengeance, Alex and her dad and Reggie and Carlos and Flynn refusing to give up until she started chasing her dream again. Good change like when against all odds those dreams actually started coming true, the record deal, and the hit albums and now her first national tour, a new city every night.
What she wasn’t used to was waiting for a change that didn’t seem to be coming.
She had been so sure after what she now internally referred to as “the flu incident” that things between her and Luke would change. That their vaguely flirty dynamic would transition naturally into more flu incident level expressions of affection and then a love confession, marriage and 2-3 obnoxiously good looking babies. Not right away on those last two or anything but still.
And yet here they were, three months and 24 shows later, and they were right back in vaguely flirty territory. Only she was finding it harder and harder to flirt back now that the realization that flirting was all it might ever be started to sink in.
And maybe that was the way it was supposed to be.
After all, he was her bodyguard. She was technically his boss.
She was a strong, independent woman with a thriving music career. She didn’t need some floppy haired boy to complete her life.
Didn’t stop her from wanting him though.
She didn’t bother to go to Alex for advice since he was firmly on what he had taken to calling “Team Juke”. Reggie wasn’t much better, asking her if Luke was there every time she called and never believing her when she told him she was alone. So she did what she always did when she needed someone to tell her the harsh truth.
She called Flynn.
“Look, girl, I haven’t met him but I’ve seen him on tv hovering behind you so I get it. He’s so your type. But he’s not real. He’s a fantasy you can get invested in because you know nothing will ever come of it.”
“It could,” She grumbled into the phone.
“Are you planning on confessing that you’re madly in love with him any time soon?” Flynn countered pointedly.
“I can’t,” Julie answered quickly. “Not when it’s so obvious he doesn’t feel the same.”
“Then he’ll always be a fantasy. He’s like air.”
Julie sighed.
“Cute air.”
“You wouldn’t have called me if you weren’t tired of feeling like this,” Flynn insisted. “I’m not going to let you get your heartbroken. And right now you’re on tour with Luke. So the key is avoiding those big, beautiful, dangerous eyes.”
And as much as the idea of avoiding Luke, eyes and all, seemed ridiculous when he was literally paid to follow her around, she knew she had to give it a try.
Because Flynn was right.
If she couldn’t have him then she couldn’t let him consume her life.
She was sure she would get a great song out of the situation one day but for now she just needed to pull back a little until she could see him as just a coworker she was friendly with. She could do that. Right? Of course she could. She was Julie Molina.
Only it was easier said than done.
Because Luke did not seem to take the hint.
She came stumbling off the stage after a particularly epic encore, vision blurry from the blinding lights, every muscle weak from hours of exertion, yet feeling incredible. At least she was feeling incredible until she tripped over her own unstable feet and Luke was right there, like he always was, to catch her. His hands latched onto her forearms gently, steadying her even as he grinned directly and dangerously into her eyes.
“You ok there, Boss?”
Julie managed a nod, the pounding of her heart combined with the still echoing roar of the crowd leaving his voice sounding far away and yet annoyingly clear.
“They were loving you out there,” He told her in that specific, Luke way. “You were amazing, Jules. Insane, spectacular, rad!”
This guy and his insistence on using slang from two decades ago. She definitely didn’t find that endearing.
She had to stick to the plan.
Julie ducked her head and pushed back from his grip gently at the same time.
She glanced up just long enough to see a confused and slightly hurt look on his face before she pushed past him and headed towards the green room, Alex falling into step next to her.
“Are we going to talk about why you just kicked that helpless puppy over there?” Alex asked.
Julie punched him in the arm.
“Keep your voice down, he’s right behind us! And that helpless puppy is literally the very capable bodyguard tasked with keeping me alive, so.”
“So you admit you kicked him,” Alex responded in a completely unhelpful manner.
“Ugh, shut up,” Julie groaned, glancing back and catching Luke’s eager eyes for a split second before quickly facing forward again. “I have a plan.”
“Flynn has a plan,” Alex corrected. “A stupid plan that she never would have suggested if she had seen for herself how crazy he is about you.”
“Has he said that?” She turned her head towards her best friend sharply.
Alex tilted his head.
“Not in so many words but Julie…”
“Then we stick to the plan.” She interrupted determinedly.
Alex sighed.
“Idiots, I’m surrounded by idiots.”
A couple of weeks later, Julie was starting to think he was right.
She had been doing her best to keep her relationship with Luke strictly business and it was somehow more exhausting than the two shows a week and all the time spent trying to sleep in a tour bus cot. She pretended to be busy when he offered to work on a song. She said she was tired when he tried to get her to join him for a beer with the roadies. She pretended she didn’t see him trying to catch her eye during the thousand little moments during the day when she had grown used to making eye contact with him to laugh at something Alex had said or roll their eyes when her manager tried to talk her into something completely dumb.
It was exhausting.
And the thing was it wasn’t even working.
Because every sad, kicked puppy look (as Alex called it) he gave her only left her more distracted and in more emotional turmoil. Part of her was a little mad at him. How dare he look so hurt that she wasn’t playing their usual game when he clearly didn’t want anything more? She wasn’t just a convenient outlet for his excessive flirting energy. But mostly she was just mad at herself for thinking that this ludicrous plan could ever work.
She had thought he was trouble since the moment she met him.
And she was definitely in trouble now.
It was the night of the last show of the tour and they were back in LA to finish things off. Flynn was too sick to come (ironically she thought she had the flu) but Julie’s family were out there in the VIP section. Even Reggie had come down from San Francisco to catch the show.
Julie was feeling oddly nervous for some reason. She had grown up dreaming of playing the Orpheum. It was the smallest venue she was playing on the whole tour, her manager had tried to talk her out of it, but she had insisted it was the Orpheum or nothing. Reggie and Alex had taken her to so many shows there when she was a teenager, it’s where she had discovered rock. Somehow even after everything she knew it wouldn’t fully feel like she’d achieved her dreams until she played there. It was time. Only she had finally made it there and she felt like she was going to throw up.
She wanted desperately to seek Luke out so he could tell some dumb joke to distract her or give her one of his borderline too intense pep talks. But she wasn’t doing that anymore. In fact she had insisted he go take his break now before the show, promising not to leave her green room just to keep herself from giving in to the urge.
“You doing alright there, Jules? You look kind of green.”
Julie spun on her heels and barreled directly into her big brother’s arms.
“Oof!” He huffed as she knocked the air from his lungs, his arms still coming up to wrap around her despite his shock. “You ok?”
“I’m fine,” She told him, her voice muffled as she buried her face against his chest. “It’s just that it’s the Orpheum and you know what that means to me, and the whole family is here to see me play and I’m so nervous and I’m missing Mom and I’m totally in love with my dumb bodyguard.”
Reggie pushed her back by the shoulders until he could see her blotchy face.
He reached up to ruffle her hair affectionately.
“First of all, Flynn and I totally called it,” He said with a smirk. “And Alex swears the two of you have taken ten years off of his life with your stupidity.”
“Alex talks too much,” Julie grumbled. “And Flynn is the one who told me to stay away from his annoyingly pretty eyes to begin with.”
“That’s only because she wants you to be happy. So do I by the way. And this?” He waved his hand to indicate her current state. “I hate to break it to you, Jules, but this isn’t happy.”
Julie sighed as her shoulders sagged and all of the fight went out of her at once.
“I know,” She said defeatedly. “But what am I supposed to do? I can’t force my feelings on the guy especially when I’m his boss. That’s creepy on top of being pathetic.”
“Funny,” Alex broke in from the doorway. “That’s exactly what he just said to me.”
Julie just gaped at him for a few long seconds while Reggie and Alex exchanged amused yet exasperated looks.
“Wait...what did he say exactly?” Julie finally managed to get out.
Alex rolled his eyes.
“Oh you know, ‘What did I do? Why is Julie mad at me? I’m so in love with her do you think she figured it out? Did I come off as a creep? Do you think she’ll have my babies?’”
Julie felt her mouth drop open.
“Dude!” Reggie protested.
“Ok, so the last part was more implied than said directly,” Alex admitted.
“But he said he loves me?” Julie asked hurriedly.
“Yeah,” Alex confirmed. “I’ve been telling you he does for months by the way, but nobody listens to me.”
Julie ignored her best friend’s statement and sprinted for the door.
“Where are you going?” Reggie called after her.
“You go on in ten!” Alex added frantically.
“I’ll make it!” She shouted back without slowing down.
She ran down the hallway, dodging makeup artists and promoters and so many people she’d wanted to impress just a few minutes before. There was only one person she wanted to see at that moment.
Julie kept going until she found the exit that led to the alley outside and burst through it. Luke felt caged in if he was inside for too long, something about living in a garage for a year as a teen. He stuck by her side and did his job perfectly but any chance he got she knew he could be found breathing in the fresh air and feeling like his lungs could fully expand. Sure enough, there he was, leaning against the probably filthy wall humming some song that she knew would be amazing if he ever really gave it life.
He stood straight and took two steps towards her as soon as she emerged from the door, a look of concern immediately taking over his features.
“Julie? What are you doing out here? You’re about to go on…”
She closed the distance between them and stopped just a half step closer than she normally would, her sudden proximity shutting him up for a moment.
She just looked up at him for a few seconds, just to enjoy it after weeks of denying herself. He broke the eye contact first, chuckling awkwardly as he looked down briefly.
“Can you do me a favor?” She asked seriously.
He answered instantly.
“Anything, Julie, you know that.”
“Tell me what you just told Alex.”
His face drained of color, almost ghost like in appearance.
“He promised he wouldn’t say anything,” He mumbled.
Julie shrugged.
“He probably wouldn’t have if he hadn’t walked in on me telling my brother pretty much the same thing.”
Luke’s eyes widened comically as he took in her words.
“You told your brother that I did something to make you hate me and that I don't know what it is and it’s eating me up inside?” He asked in confusion.
“I told him I love you,” She said bluntly, all the bravery she had inherited from her mom giving her the nerve. “And that I’ve been trying to distance myself from you because I didn’t think you felt the same.”
“That’s...that’s...Jules, that’s crazy!” He exclaimed, bouncing a little to emphasize his words. “I’m head over heels, crazy in love with you. Always have been.”
“Why didn’t you say anything?” She asked softly, managing to step even closer to him.
His eyes softened as he reached down to tuck one of her curls behind her ear.
“Because you’re my boss, and you’re totally out of my league. You’re this super talented, total force of nature. I mean you’re Julie Molina and I’m…”
“A big fan?” Julie interrupted, raising one eyebrow teasingly.
Luke froze.
“How did you…”
“I’ve been in your apartment, remember? When you had the flu I snooped a little. Sorry. The fact that you have my first album on vinyl is one thing but to have a cd of my first EP is really impressive. I didn’t know hard copies of that still existed…”
Like groaned.
“Ok, ok. You got me. I didn’t want you to think I was a pathetic fanboy, alright?”
Julie grinned.
“Isn’t that what you are?”
Luke smiled softly down at her, brushing the back of two fingers over her cheek.”
“Only for you, Boss.”
Julie instinctively stretched onto her toes, raising her face towards his, her eyes starting to flutter shut…
They sprang apart and spun to face Alex who had just emerged breathing heavily into the doorway behind them.
“You know no one is more Team Juke than I am but Julie you are going on in 2 minutes!”
“Oh crap,” Julie said. “I’m coming.”
Alex shot her a skeptical look.
Julie glared at him until he sighed and disappeared back inside.
“Team Juke?” Luke asked.
Julie giggled, already backing towards the door.
“Don’t ask. I’ve got to go but later we should talk about your future with the company.”
Luke’s eyebrows shot up.
“You’re firing me?”
Julie grinned.
“Well, I think we both might find your current duties a little too distracting. I think I need a stoic, middle aged man built like a linebacker. But we’ve been looking to hire a new songwriter to help me with the next album if you know anyone who might be interested.”
Luke grinned back.
“I might.”
He bit his lip and stared after her with those big, beautiful, dangerous eyes.
He was such trouble.
Julie ran back to him wrapping her arms around his neck and leaning up to a plant a quick kiss on his lips, pulling back before he could fully register what she was doing.
“Hold that thought,” She whispered with a smile before turning and running back through the door and towards the second dream come true of the night.
She was Julie Molina. She was about to play the Orpheum. She was in love with her bodyguard.
She was in trouble and she couldn’t be happier about it.
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justgenshinstuf · 3 years
I love the team headcanons! They are such a creative and fun idea! May I request my team which consist of female traveler, tartaglia, keqing and jean?
Oof, sorry for taking so long! I hope you will still like my ideas about dynamics in your team >< And thank you for your kind words! It truly means a lot c;
 Team Headcanons: Traveler, Tartaglia, Keqing and Jean
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When you started going on missions together with Jean you became 10 times more productive. She knew the layout of Mondstadt perfectly and was also very organised and experienced in battle.
Jean may be of a noble background, looking like a true lady with beautiful blonde hair and sky-blue eyes, but there was no doubt she is a true knight. Powerful, fearless and dedicated to her goal of protecting Mond and now you too.
Despite being so good with the sword and skilful in use of her Anemo Vision she’s never been violent and is guided by the code of chivalry. You had a lot to learn from such an outstanding companion.
When you became closer you were excited to see more of her true self, not as Acting Grand Master but as Jean. The more times you spent together, the more you had the chance to see her getting a moment of rest and open up.
Your usual routine of going on missions and battling nonstop before Jean had to rush to her other duties was fun and all, but nothing could provide you such joy as having a friendly chat together while preparing for the next adventure or simply having a snack. You were quite amused to learn about Jean’s love for fast food.
You would start bringing take out to her office from time to time, and she would always apologise she can’t offer you something in return. She is also absolutely addicted to coffee and would drink it any chance she got.
Before learning of Jean’s sleeping habits you’d thought you were the one who likes to stay late. She is so hard-working it seemed like she doesn’t sleep at all on certain days. You had to almost beg her to have some rest, seeing dark circles appearing under her eyes by the end of the week.
One time you had a little chat about hobbies while you were helping Jean with some paperwork (it took you some time to convince her to accept the help she definitely needed). She shyly admitted she likes reading when she gets to spare some time to herself.
You decided to get her a few books to bring with you on the following mission. Maybe that could get her to take some rest. When you asked Lisa to give you something about legendary heroes or tales of the knights, she silently pulled a pocket book of romantic novels and gave you a wink.
Sometime after you had to leave to Liyue Harbor, a tough decision, considering Jean probably had to stay as Acting Grand Master in Mondstadt. You spent the day before your departure together, and even though Jean kept cheering you up, she seemed as heartbroken as you were.  
When it was time for you to take the nights rest, Jean, with slight hesitation, mentioned she would go to The Great Tree at Windrise to collect her thoughts. It was a place she tend to often visit in solitude to think and to ask the Wind for guidance.
«Wind, please forgive my selfishness». She started her prayer, trying to organise all the thoughts going through her head. «I promised not to give shame to my family’s name, but I’ve been struggling with my faith…»
On the day of your departure some of your newly found friends came to see you off. You were worried, as only Jean was nowhere to be seen. Did she decide not to come? When you were almost ready to take your ride you saw her running towards you in full gear, like on any usual day of your adventures and treasure hunting.
«The Wind took my worries away!» Jean declared, still stying to catch some breath. « I hereby swear that my sword shall always go with you». You soon learned that to her, her knightly duty is more important than her role as Acting Grand Master.
«Traveling by your side made me realise there are things beyond Ordo Favonious». Jean tried to explain her sudden decision on your way to Liyue. «We have the power to help people in need, to change the world for the better. It’s the greater good the knight must strive for and that’s what I swear my loyalty to».
In Liyue you caught the attention of another powerful woman. Yuheng of the Liyue Qixing, skilful Electro user Keqing, who was in charge of real estate and construction in the city. She kindly suggested to become your guide during your stay and provide all the assistance needed on your quest.
You now have a feeling it had more to do with spying on you on behalf of Qixing than she would admit. She is truly dedicated to her work and holds herself and others to the hight standards. Keqing would not rest until all her tasks are done, much like Jean.
Hanging out with both of them surely put you under some pressure. Being near such workaholics and overachievers made you question your productivity and competence, even though as a team you were a true definition of girl power.
Keqing is a true perfectionist and despises laziness. She and Jean always woke up at the sunrise (or were they sleeping at all?), discussed the plan for the day, prepared breakfast and had time to practise and sharpen their swords, all while you were still drowsy from sleep. You truly thought Keqing would soon electrocute you if you slept in again.
«Why would you think I hate you?». She laughed when you timidly brought it up. «You may be a bit unorganised, but I surely can admire one’s determination and straightforwardness. People like you forge their own path and I respect that». You both slightly blushed in embarrassment.  
It was quite a relief when Tartaglia joined your team. It was fun to have a dash of chaos for a change, but for Jean and Keqing it was more like a handful. His unpredictable behaviour would visibly put them on edge.
They would usually discipline you a bit from time to time. Childe wouldn’t take them seriously though, up until your first big fight as a team. Oh, he wasn’t as full of himself as before he’d seen all of you in action. He’s eyes instantly lightened up with some kind of new previously unknown emotion.
«Ladies, please allow me to invite you for a friendly sparring session tonight». He almost purred, fixing his hair a bit. He lusts for combat and is obsessed with becoming more and more powerful even if it means letting Keqing beat his ass three times a day. (She can admire the dedication).
Jean had a hard time accepting Tartaglia as her teammate, being way more strict and stern around him. A bit of a game-changer for her was his rule of not hurting innocent people, despite his habit of causing havoc, and his ability to follow a certain schedule even if the only things on the schedule are fights. She still feels iffy about him seeing himself as a proud man of sword (what a show-off).
You were closer with Childe than anyone on the team and probably anyone outside his family, so it was you who could see a more serious side of him. Sometimes, on the days you managed to make Jean and Keqing rest a bit and have reasonable hours of sleep, you would stay for the night watch together and chat about anything and everything.
On occasions he would go deep into his thoughts. The knights, the chivalry, a dedication to greater good, adventuring with you and how straight-forward and sincere you all are. It really reminded him of all the stories about Adventurers and Heroes his father used to tell him when he was a kid, something he hasn’t remembered in awhile. And it also brought up his resentment towards fellow Harbingers, those Fatui whose methods and principles were so far from his own.
«Hey, frowny-face. What are you thinking?»
He was a bit hesitant. «Oh, it’s nothing, I just…» He sighed «I sometimes wish I had a chance to be on the right side of history… What? Ahh, just kidding, good guys are boring anyway, haha». He laughed, scratching the back of his head, thinking about changing the subject.
«But you are on the right side! You’re here with me». You argued.
That was very sweet of you to say, but Childe wouldn’t respond. He’d just keep looking back at you with his puppy-eyes and a sloppy smile on his face. Sorry, dear, it may be too late for me.
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what-the--curtains · 3 years
Not a Piece of Art
Part 1/4 - A Grudge Like No Other
(Javier Peña x f!reader)
Summary: You’re tasked with an impossible mission and an even more impossible partner to complete it with.
Authors note: I have never not once seen narcos all I know if based on other fics I’ve read so pls be kind but let me know if anything’s wildly out of character! Also I’m aware forensics wasn’t a solid discipline (especially DNA fingerprinting) but we’re gonna pretend it is. Lemme know if you’d like to be tagged (or untagged) 😊
Tw: Mentions of fake parental death, swearing, mentions of sex
Word count: 4.1k
Tagged list: @agingerindenial @diogodxlot
The morning sun radiates down on your shoulders as you lock the door to your apartment complex behind you. Despite the early hour it was already far too hot, but at least the humidity wouldn’t kick in until the afternoon. You’d been working in Colombia for a few months now, but the heat wasn’t something you’d ever get used to. You weren’t complaining, most days you preferred it to the frigid temperatures that painted your childhood. The frost bitten noses, wool socks and thick snow falls coating tree branches seemed all but a distant memory now. You’d settled on Columbia after your long time best friend Connie convinced you to take the universities offer. She had recently made the move down south and was eager to have you there with her.
She’d told you about the job and honestly, you wouldn’t be surprised if she had marched down to the university herself and dropped off your resume. She’d flown up to Brown and helped you pack up your life and then unpack it after your arrival to the terraced apartment Connie had picked out for you both to live in. It was a decent size and the balcony was south facing which gave you all day access to the sun. When you weren't working you spent your time out there soaking up the sun and watering the small garden you had been tending to since your arrival. Your days were primarily spent at the university working out the finer details of the forensics lab you were hired to set up. Your PhD in forensic anthropology has left you with various laboratory based skills, including DNA analysis, making you a coveted asset to the campus. Whilst in school you had also completed an art certificate which came in handy when facial reconstructions were needed.
After everything was in place you began running samples, processing unidentified remains by working on dental ID’s and facial reconstructions, as well as testing for drug residue. Despite being run by the University your job wasn’t as research based as you would have hoped with your work often falling under the DEA’s jurisdiction. You weren't involved in their day to day protocols. You mainly just ran the tests, or identified bodies recovered from the crime scene only conversing with them when it was absolutely necessary. Police work wasn’t in your wheelhouse, and it wasn’t a profession you supported or believed in.
Many faces passed through your workspace all demanding your utmost attention claiming their projects to be the most important. One frequent flyer through the lab was Steve Murphy, who Connie had met down in Miami a few years back. His relationship to your friend was the only reason you had bothered to make an effort with him. A friendship was established between the two of you faster than you had expected, due in part to his easy southern charm, but mainly because he and Connie evidently had feelings for eachother. You always found it easier to get along with men who weren't trying to get into your pants which was, unfortunately, a frequent occurrence in the male dominated discipline you worked in. There was only one flaw you could attribute to Steve, his work wife, the other half of the DEAs “dynamic duo”, agent Javier Peña. You’d never been formally introduced to the man, but his reputation preceded him. His was a face that also made frequent appearances in your lab but you'd never spoken more than three words to each other which was, probably for the best. You had what some might deem a confrontational personality and from what you understood Peña was, to put it nicely, an asshole.
He always came in sporting a more casual look and sunglasses which he kept on despite being indoors, a habit that drove you up the wall. He’d tap the file on the glass to get your attention always making you walk the five extra steps to get to him. You didn’t bother to look up when he passed the beige folders to you just grabbed the file from his hands and added it to the pile on your desk. He’d started attaching yellow sticky notes with “put a rush on” scrawled across them in impatient handwriting, as if his case was more important than the remains you were currently working on identifying. Not talking was a strategic move on your part, you’d heard he was quite the charmer when he needed something done, and you weren't going to let him get away with that. You ran this lab, not Javier Peña. Was your dismissal of him warranted? Maybe not, but your gut instinct was usually right and the rumour mill had painted Peña in a very specific manner. You weren't about to let yet another hot headed alpha male who took “too much male energy” to an entirely new level into your life.
Unfortunately, your knack for avoiding him became nearly impossible when you were called out to work on a crime scene. Despite your refusal to work in the field, the remains couldn’t be moved so you had to go to them. The site was just far enough away that a daily commute would have been tedious so you, along with the dynamic duo and your forensic team were booked into a nearby hotel. You weren't sure what you'd done in your past life to piss off the gods but somehow you’d ended up sandwiched between Steve and Peña. Steve wasn’t the issue, apart from the TV which you’d hear blare spanish dubbed reruns of Miami Vice between 4 and 8 PM, he was a quiet, considerate neighbour. Peña, on the other hand, was neither considerate or quiet particularly during the late hours of the night while you were trying to sleep. Sharing a wall with the agent proved to be an issue, so much so that by the third day just looking at him filled you with such intense rage that you'd given yourself lockjaw.
Every night without fail you laid awake as the exaggerated, bordering on ridiculous, moans coming from whoever he'd enticed into bed that night reverberated through your shared wall. You'd tried it all, earplugs, pillows so forcefully wrapped around your head you were essentially smothering yourself, but the sounds still permeated through the plaster and into your head. On the fourth night when you heard the talking start you knew what you had to do. You furiously wriggle free from your sheets and make your way out into the hallway. You walk one door over and inhale deeply before aggressively pounding your fist on the door.
“Hey” you say, through gritted teeth.
“Hey?” a slightly disheveled Steve murmurs eyes squirting into the hallway’s bright lights as his arms cross clumsily over his bare chest.
“Look I hate to ask but can I sleep on your couch, the walls are thin and...”
“And Peña has a thing for loud women '' he finishes for you, shoulders relaxing as he opens the door up for you “surprised you lasted this long, come in i'll grab you some pillows”
“Thanks for letting me sleep here, I think I may have killed him in the field tomorrow if I didn't get at least an hour of sleep. Also this isn’t some tactic to get you to bed so you can stop trying to cover your modesty” You say wiping your eyes, as Steve drops his arms to his side laughing.
“I know, believe me, besides i'm sure you're aware I’m only interested in one person.” So he did have a thing for Connie.
“You should go for it, I think she'd say yes” you offer, even in your sleep deprived state you were still a pretty solid wingwoman.
“You think?” His eyes light up, further cementing your belief that Steve, despite being friends with Peña, was a good guy.
“Thanks” you murmur as he hands you some pillows and a light sheet. It's not long before the AC’s quiet hum draws you into a deep sleep.
The alarm blaring out from Steve’s room pulls you from your dreaming state, groaning as you squeeze a pillow over your head. Why was it that you always felt worse after getting a good night's sleep? You briefly doze off again only waking as the smell of burnt toast convinces your brain that either a fire has started, or you were having a stroke.
“Tryna burn this place down?” you mumble, relaxing back into the couch cushions as you watch Steve scrape the burnt bits off into the garbage before buttering it and taking a bite.
“You think you got enough sleep to not kill my partner this morning?” he asks between mouthfuls.
“No, but I did get enough to realize if I killed him in the field there'd be witnesses” you remark pouring coffee into a cracked mug. “Thank you for letting me sleep here “
“Anytime, though Javi should be the one thanking me considering I basically saved his life. Lucky were leaving today or I’d have to put him into protective custody.”
“And I'll never have to hear him ever again” you say suddenly feeling a bit better. You were glad for Steve being so accommodating to your needs, especially considering he didn't really know you that well. “Well I should go get ready for the day ahead what it's supposed to be out?”
“A balmy 40” Steve offers, as he washes your cup up in the sink.
“Wow I should have packed my snow pants when I moved down here.” you dead pan, the delivery causing Steve to snort as you exit the room. As you exit, Javier opens his door kissing the woman he’d spent the night with one last time watching as she strides off down the hallway. You don’t see him, but he sees you. Specifically, he sees you leaving his partner's room, and in nothing more than an oversized t-shirt, he raised his eyebrows. Good for Steve from what he’d heard half the department had been trying to get your attention to no avail. Your head was always buried in paperwork and your ears were always donning headphones blocking out small talk, maybe he should take a page from your book. He didn’t say anything to Steve in the field, but he did watch you interact with one another. Paying specific attention to how you'd made Steve laugh while photographing the murder weapon. Javi watched as you meticulously gathered up a few finger bones that he'd overheard you saying would be used for DNA fingerprinting. He'd tried to talk to you a few times this trip, but the second he'd stepped in your direction he noticed your jaw clench and your body tense up, not wanting to upset you he decided it was best to back off. After getting what you need you packed up your things and headed back home, with no intentions of ever having to interact with Peña for more than 5 minutes ever again.
Several months later
Your lab was now contracted out full time by the DEA which meant you still got to do research but you didn’t have to teach any teenagers which was quite frankly a dream. Unfortunately, the contract meant you'd now be spending time in two male-dominated fields. The boys club offered little that would qualify as genuine friendship. Turns out the ones brave enough to approach you were only nice to you because they wanted to sleep with you. Something you’d found out after overhearing a less than true story about you from one of the guy’s you’d hooked up with. After that you’d stopped sleeping where you work and started looking elsewhere. Your few short lived romances were mainly found in dive bars only going home with people that had been thoroughly vetted (and vaguely threatened) by yourself, Connie and Steve. Who was now a relatively permanent fixture in your life after finally asking Connie out, and you really didn’t mind it. He was good to Connie and he never minded being excluded when you needed a girls' night without him. You also assumed the decrease in misogynistic talk amongst the agents was Steves doing, you made a mental note to thank him later, as you took another swig of the beer you’d been nursing for the past hour.
Steve was still inseparable from Peña and where he went Javi was sure to follow. Your inability to not become enraged by him meant you often found yourself leaving the room as soon as he showed up, subsequently cutting your Connie time in half. Devastating both you and her.
“You know he’s not really as insufferable as he acts” Connie states, Javi was due to show up any minute which meant it was just about time for you to leave.
“ You're not gonna sell me on this” you say, chewing on a stale nacho chip from food you’d ordered hours ago.
“Seriously, he's almost nice sometimes” your pointed look tells her to drop it. Connie was nothing if not resilient and you were constantly amazed by her. You don’t know how she worked as a nurse. You had a hard enough time with the dead, how she also dealt with the living as well was beyond you. She was a quantifiable saint which was probably why she saw the good in Peña.
“Remind me to never make you mad” Steve says.
“No one holds a grudge quite like her” Connie exclaims
“Awe you say the sweetest things about me” you retort after finishing the last of your beer.
“Alright well I’ve got an early morning shift so we should be heading out, tell Javi I say hi” Connie says kissing Steve before the two of you exit the bar.
“Are you really going to keep up this affront against Javi?” Connie asks, interlinking your arms together as you exit the bar.
“Yes, now please and can we stop talking about Peña even thinking about him gets me riled up”
“I thought you said you hated him” she teases causing you to roll your eyes.
“Please don't make me gag” you say pulling a face that causes you both to break into a giggle fit.
“What up her ass? Seriously, am I infectious or something?” Javi asks, slumping down across from Steve who's filling out paperwork at his desk.
“Well considering your history, probability is pretty high” Steve quips back earning him a thwack to the head with a folder you’d dropped on Peña’s desk earlier that morning.
“You know her, what's her deal, why does she hate me?”
“Everyone hates you Javi, it’s a fundamental part of your personality” Steve laughs.
Javier usually wasn’t one to concern himself with how others perceived him, but his work frequently overligned with yours and he figured his life would be made infinitely easier if he could get into your good books. Sure, at first his intrigue in getting to know you was purely physical. He knew looks aren't everything, but for what he wanted, they played a fundamental part. He wasn’t the only person to have noticed you the day you showed up, all eyes were on you as you walked through the DEA embassy for the first time. Your arrival had sparked a competitive energy amongst the men with the agents often vying over who got the honour of dropping off case files to you. A few were apparently even so lucky to have actually spent the night, at least that's what he’d overheard some agents proclaiming loudly, making him doubt their validity.
He’d cracked down on what some would call “locker room talk” when he thought you and Steve were sleeping together, after seeing you leave his room early that one morning. Though if Steve had been spending nights with you he’d never brought it up to Javi, and after he started dating Connie there never seemed a right time to ask about you, so he let it go. He’d gotten more proactive with stopping it once you’d been hired on full time. He’d upped his guard when he’d caught one trying to cop a feel of your ass the day you had been called in on your day off. You’d come in wearing a skirt shorter than what would be considered workplace appropriate gaining you more attention than usual. He noticed the guys hand drop down low, but any contact was stopped when Javi smashed the guys arm back into the wall behind him. In most cases a move like that would have earned him a swift punch to the face but a simple raise of his eyebrows was enough to get the pervert to sit back down.
Despite the scene playing out a few feet from you, you never noticed carrying on about your day as if nothing had happened, headphones on, paperwork in your arms and various scrawlings across your hand, reminders of meetings he knew you'd be late to anyways. He assumes your chronic lateness was a tactic to spend as little time around him as possible. Your hatred for him was palpable, he wondered if it was as obvious to everyone else as it was to him. He'd noticed how you would stand in meetings when the only seat available was next to him. It was starting to get to his ego. He wanted to know what he possibly could have done to be treated like the scum of the earth by you. He’d heard from Connie that you didn’t like cops, but you got on fine with Steve. Your lives continued on with minimal interaction until the day you were called into the head of the DEA’s office.
“Office now!” your boss shouts from the door. Fuck. What have you done now?
“Hey you need something?” you ask, lips parted and forehead wrinkled, feeling like a child who’d just been called to the principal's office. Your head snaps to the left when you feel eyes boring into you, eyes belonging to Peña. He shifts around in the chair to escape your violent gaze. You turn to Steve who's gazing up at the ceiling.
“I have the dental results here for the missing persons from the case last week, it’s a match, I know it's late but...”
“It's not that,” he gestures his hand to the chair beside Peña and you sit, placing the documents down on the table. Javi cranes his neck slightly, eyes darting over the various statistics strewn across the page surprised you were able to piece it all together.
“You have an art degree right?”
“I have an art certificate” you correct
“and you paint”
“A bit”
“She was featured in local galleries back in the States” Steve pipes up.
“ Good, we need you to go undercover” you snort before laughing aloud. Your amusement quickly fades when you realize no one else was laughing with you.
“Wait you're serious? You want me... to go undercover? I'm not an agent, I can’t use a gun, I don’t think I've even held one before” you say, tearing through all the excuses you could think of.
“You can shoot a bow and arrow,” Steve pipes up.
“Ya very different instrument Steve, also does Connie tell you everything about me” he shrugs his shoulders.
“You won’t need a gun anyways, you'll have a trained agent with you at all times.” Your boss reassures.
“No. No way! Im sorry but this… this is beyond the scope of my work and my skill set” you assert, not budging.
“You’ve been to crime scenes before, you’ve been in dangerous scenarios, excavated mass graves, we need you you’re the only one who can help with this”
“Why? You have multiple agents out there who would kill to go undercover, why me?” you push
“ Your background, and relative anonymity. There's been an increase in art dealing amongst the sicarios.”
“So what? Maybe they just really like art.” you offer
“Does anyone really like art” Peña pipes up
“ Yes, the whole world actually” you shoot back, successfully shutting him up.
“We think they're using convincing fakes to smuggle drugs without suspicion” Steve offered, helping to clear up the situation.
“Okay... then hire an art expert to go in and see if the paintings are real”
“We need you to test for residue on the paintings, and to recreate one in time for the next move”
“Okay im good, but I am not good enough to recreate a painting worth thousands of dollars.”
“From what I’ve seen you are,” Steve says further cementing your fate.
“What if I say no?” you ask, exhaling deeply.
“Then you're fired” Javier pipes up, once again causing your head to turn to him.
“And who, pray tell, made you judge, jury and executioner” you spit “last time I check Javier Peña wasn’t the one signing my paychecks”
“No, but I am, and you will do this” Your boss's backing of Peñas statement makes the smirk on his face even more aggravating.
“Fine, but just know I will be personally mentioning you all in my will so everyone knows exactly who got me killed, and I'm gonna want a raise, more vacation time and a new piece of lab equipment if I make it out alive. ”
“Fine” you smile feeling slightly vindicated.
“So what's my story? Who am I to have a million dollar painting in my possession?” you ask, as your boss pulls up a document on his computer.
“You’ll go by Melanie Alverez nee Smith, you were born in London England to parents Maria and Calvin who passed in a car accident four weeks after your nineteenth birthday”
“Shit” you mutter, thinking about your own parents who were very much alive.
“You dropped out of Oxford where you were undertaking a degree in chemistry and moved to New York where you began painting. You were a struggling artist for the first two years but received funding to attend Julliard. After graduation your first major piece was accepted by a local gallery and put up for auction. It sold for 10,000$. The buyer wanted to meet you after seeing your photo. He’d sent thousands of flowers to your gallery before showing up and asking you on a date.
“Must be nice” you murmur
“After a whirlwind romance you eloped and moved down to Columbia where you continue to work as an artist.”
“Alright easy enough, short live romance is a good call that can be used to explain why we don’t know certain information about each other.”
“You'll be staying here” A huge spanish style house appears on the screen. Its prestige was only overshadowed by the mansion looming over it from across the private beach. Must be the target's house, you think.
“It was built by the target, he lives there with his fourth wife. He’s rich, sources claims from drug smuggling, they think he may even have direct links to Escobar
“Like, as in Pablo?” you ask, eyes widening.
“Apparently he’s his art dealer. We need you to go in and see what he knows, if it's not enough then test the paintings in their homes”
“And if they trace?”
“You'll give them the fake implemented with a tracking device so we can target its route.”
“Okay well I'd say easy enough but the threat of being murdered isn’t lost on me. Who's my husband anyways? Obviously he’s rich but did he tragically fall down the stairs and die, did I kill him?” you ask, smiling as Steve laughs.
“What?” you say looking up
“What...” you say as Steve refuses to meet your eyes as he chokes on his laugh.
“Well you haven’t killed him yet but I give it a week.” He responds.
“Who's my husband” you ask, again suddenly afraid and very aware that there were two men in this room, and one was currently laughing at you.
“Your lucky day sweetheart.” Your head turns comically slow to face Javi, the effect only causes Steve to snicker more.
“You’ve got to be fucking kidding me.” you whisper.
“This mission is anything, but a joke.” your boss interjects “If we can trace the arts movement it brings us one step closer to catching Escobar. I don’t know why there's animosity between you two and frankly I do not care. You two must work together. If you are to succeed you have to be believable. Study up on each others aliases the target hasn’t made it this far without being killed by being stupid. We’ve tried to get to him before with no success, he will be on high alert. You two will have to convince him, and his wife, that you’re sincere.”
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Fallen From Grace
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A/N: Hi this is my first time writing anything like a/b/o dynamic stuff, so be kind, I've been reading a lot lately and I’m quite liking it. I’m hoping to make this a series, just gonna test the waters and see how this goes. 
Series Summary: Before the incident she was one of the most powerful Alphas on the Avengers team; admired, idolised and possibly feared, nothing could stand in her way. However, after a mission goes terribly wrong, and she is brutally attacked, the injuries she sustains take all of her Alpha strength, reducing her status to a weakened Omega.  By the way of nature, the team can't help but treat her in a completely new way. Especially her two closets friends, who now see her in a whole new light. 
Pairing: Steve Rogers X Bucky Barnes X Reader
Series Warning: a/b/o dynamics (and the fun stuff that comes with that!), strong language, sexual content (smut is coming much later, and there will be added warnings on those chapters), fluff, angst, manipulation, corporal punishment (18+ only readers)
Part One: The Ambush 
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Chapter Warnings: Strong Language, Violence, Brief Mention About Masturbation (18+ Readers only)
Word Count: 2.4K 
The quinjet jostled you from side to side, as you examined your weapon for any pre-battle problems. It was a trident: the handle was long, and made of black metal it was perfectly balanced, just for you. As the Beta, Sam found out, when he attempted to use it during training. You and Bucky had still not let him forget the time he tried to pick it up and swing it round his head, which resulted in a very unhappy Tony, as he nearly cut Peter in half, after he lost his balance mid swing, stumbling backwards. At the top of the trident, there were three large, and silver blades, that protruded outwards, each sharp and jagged. On the other end, there was one lone spike, that jutted out at the bottom.  
it all seemed to be in pristine condition. Just how you liked it. You looked up; Natasha and her Omega, Bruce, sat opposite you, you couldn't help but gag a little when they continued to make out. You must have visibly grimaced, because you felt a bump on your shoulder from Steve, who sat next to you. You looked up at him as he stared down at you in an unimpressed fashion, but you just quirked an eyebrow at him; “What? Don't look at me like that, I’m not your Omega, you can't scold me.” you joked, pushing his arm back. 
He snorted, “you ain’t gonna be anyones, anything if that's how you look at people when they show their love.” This time is was your turn to snort, as you sat up straight, resting your head on the rest behind looking up towards the ceiling, despite Steve’s impressive size, you weren't phased at all by him. You were both Alphas, but it was obvious that Steve was the more dominant not that, that ever stopped you from giving him lip. If you had been an Omega, it would have been classed as a crime of nature, being this nonchalant around such an impressive Alpha. “What if I don't want to be anyones, anything? What if I like just being on my own, maybe go the Lone Wolf approach.”
“What about wolves?” You turned as Bucky came and sat next to you, he was also of an impressive size, and with his weight now the other side of you, you were now being crushed between the two super soldiers. 
“Y/N was just telling me that she doesn't want to find herself a mate, instead she wants to...” Steve momentarily paused to lift his hands up, with his fingers outstretched, “die alone.” he says in an hush tone, as he dramatically parts his hands. You playfully glared at him, vaguely amused, Bucky does the same, but giving a little smirk.
“You don't have to die alone, Y/N, we can take care of you.” Bucky says wrapping his arm around your shoulder. You shake your head before shrugging him off, and standing up, before turning to face the two men.
“You two, can just fuck off,” you say, hands on your hips, attempting to show dominance over the two large Alphas, “I don't need either of you, or anyone else, I’m an Alpha. Not just any Alpha, a fucking good one at that. I don't need a mate, an Omega to prove that. So why don't you two go and crawl back into your little man caves, and jerk off to the cartoon picture of some forties pinup doll, that you’ve got hanging on the ceiling above your bed.” The two of them looked at you with a mixture of emotions, Bucky looked mildly amused, his smirk still etched on his face, Steve, however; didn't look overly impressed, his eyes slightly dark, and his face stone, you could hear the faintest of growls seeping through the corner of his mouth. But you remained unfazed by his brooding stare and simply strutted over towards Agent Hill, who was flying the jet.
You heard a faint “preach sister.” as you head towards her, and you turned seeing Sam sitting up straight, and clapping his hands over enthusiastically and wiping away a fake tear, you roll your eyes, before shooting him a glare, which turns into a small smile. Sam turns back to the rest of the jet, to see a very disapproving, and rather angered look from Bucky and Steve. He swallows thickly and goes back to fiddling with his wings. 
You’d never really been in to the whole mating thing. It wasn't that you didn't like sex, quite the opposite, sex was great, sex didn't really have any hidden emotion to it. You could have sex with anyone, and that's it, you never have to deal with that person ever again. Mating, however; that could lead to a whole load of emotional baggage, and that was something you wanted to avoid. Emotional baggage was not really a ‘go’ area. The thought of being not only mentally, but emotionally joined to someone, scared the hell out of you. And then there was the ruts.  You had learned to cope with your ruts on your own, usually the odd toy was needed, but nothing you or some suppressants couldn't handle. 
An Omega in heat, now that's whole other kettle of fish you don't need. And what comes with heats, comes the pitter patter of small feet, and that was the last thing on your mind right now. Pups meant no missions, no training, and basically no living. You had seen that when Clint’s Omega, Laura became pregnant. It was like one day she was at the compound nonstop, the next; Clint had her locked away in their den, until eventually the pups came, and Laura was released.  Yep, nope that was not where your life was heading. 
It’s not long before you land a few feet away from the Hydra base, you’ve been sent to scope out by Director Fury. Steve takes control of the team as usual and starts to give his little speech, before dividing everybody up into smaller groups. You were placed in a team with Sam, Clint and Bucky; whilst Steve took Natasha, Rhodey and Scott. Bruce had been told to remain on the jet, a code green was gonna be unlikely, as this was a stealth mission. You tried to ask what was the point in bringing him in the first place, or was it because Natasha was int he middle of a rut. You watched as Bruce’s cheeks heated up and Natasha let out a primal growl, before trying to lung towards you, but was blocked by Bucky, and before you two could get physical with one another, Steve intervened with a louder and more dominant growl, silencing the two of you. 
You didn't hate Natasha, you just didn't really get along. When you’ve got two very strong minded Alpha Females in a Pack, shit can sometimes get a little heavy. It was times like these you wished you had Wanda. Wanda and you always got along great, and you were a good team. But she was in heat, which meant she was forbidden from partaking in any missions, or leaving her room, for that matter, by her Alpha Vision. It drove you crazy with the Omega restrictions, you couldn't see why it would be such a problem for the Omega’s to get involved in the action, just pop a few suppressants and away you go. You once suggested this to Bruce, but that resulted in you in a Tom and Jerry style, cloud of arms and legs, fight with Natasha, which ended in lots of things being broken, and a very loud dressing down by; Fury, Tony and Steve. 
You are given your positions and you separate in to your two groups and begin the operation. Steve takes his team round the side of the fortress, whilst the rest of you scope out a way of getting over the top of the walls. 
Clint fires one of his grappling arrows, up and over the wall, the sound of it landing in brick echoes around the small woods, and you can't help but flinch at the noise, worried it’ll alert any guards nearby. Clint plants the base of the arrow in the ground, securing it to the floor. Before you begin your ascent over the top, Sam sends Redwing up and over the first wall to scout for any enemies possibly laying low. It comes back clear, and Bucky gives the signal to Sam and Clint to head over the walls. 
An uneasy feeling settles in your stomach, you don't like this, it seems too easy. So far there had been no guards, or any signs at all of movement from in or around the base.  Clint begins to shimmy up the rope, whilst Sam’s jets whirl in to gear, and he's propelled up and into the air. 
“I don't like this, Buck,” you say turning to face him, “It all seems a little too easy. Fury wouldn't have sent all of us out here, if things were gonna be this easy.” Bucky lets out a small laugh and shakes his head, which makes your nostrils flare slightly, with frustration.
“You worry too much, Y/N, just relax,” he calmly says fixing his harness to the wire, “gee...always so uptight.” He winks at you and begins following Clint up the wire, before they both disappear over the wall. You sigh, heavily, before following after them. 
In the base, once again the group splits in two, you went with Clint, whilst Bucky went with Sam. Clint and you made a decent down some stairs, the place was still eerily quiet, it was practically deserted, but that only made you more nervous. 
“Christ Y/N, you need to chill, you’re stinking up the whole place.” Clint whispers harshly, arrow already knotted and drawn tight, as you two reached the bottom of the stairs. You weren't gonna lie, you were sweating slightly, you couldn't help it, you were just so on edge. Clint could probably smell the anxiety, that slowly beaded off your forehead. Only problem is, if he could smell it, so could anyone else nearby.  
At the bottom of the stairs, was a long narrow corridor, barely lit by buzzing LED lighting bars, that hung loosely from the sealing. You edged your way down, but both came to abrupt stop when you heard voices from behind a large steel door, at the end of the corridor. German voices, speaking quickly and in a harsh whisper. You looked at Clint and held your, fingers to your lips, motioning for him to stay quiet. 
“Y/L/N, Barton, what’s your status?” 
Steve's voice came through, your’s and Clint’s ear pieces. The voices behind the doors stopped speaking, you gripped your trident tighter, silently cursing Steve in your head. 
“Y/N, Clint, What’s your status?” 
There was movement behind the door, Clint drew his bow tighter, and you lifted you arm ready to take a swing at whoever was about to come through the door. The sound of a heavy lock being opened echoed off the narrow walls, as the steel frame slowly slid open . 
“Barton, Y/N Where are you!?” 
The door was completely thrown open, revealing a large group of heavily armed guards. Suddenly there was sliding sound from behind you, panels on the walls around the corridor, lit up, before they began to slide open, revealing even more heavily weaponised men. It was an ambush. 
“Hang on!” 
You shouted before leaping forward, and striking a guy in the face. Clint loosed arrows, at his usual speed of light pace, taking down three men at a time. You swung the trident round your head, slicing five guys at once. You thrusted your trident, here there and everywhere, striking men in the face, and chest. 
Suddenly, you felt a sharp prick in the lower, righthand side of your back, you recoiled in discomfort, searching for the cause of the sudden spike in pain. A guard stood behind you, in his hand he was grasping, what looked to be a bayonet style knife, it was slick with crimson blood, the source of which, was from you. He lunged for you again, this time prepared you swung your trident, blocking his leap, you pushed back with the small spike at the bottom, getting a direct hit to the guard’s forearm. He growls in pain, as the blood quickly trickles down, coating his hand. Spinning violently round, you managed to land another direct hit, this time to his head, he comes crashing to the floor, cradling his face. Whilst he was down, you took the opportunity, and stuck the three blades into his back. He screamed in pain, before slumping on the floor.  
You heart pounded against your chest, and you clutched your back as the stab wound began to burn. It was like he’d stabbed you with a white hot knife, as a burning sensation spread from the wound, all the way up your back. It reached your arms and legs, making them feel numb, you slumped slightly, using your trident for support. You didn't have time to rest as more men came pouring into the room. You and Clint were vastly outnumbered. You tried to swing your trident with all your might, but it was as if your body was giving up on you. Your mind was screaming for you to move...to fight. 
The sound of Steve’s voiced filled your head, you clutched your hand to your ear, and tried to speak. It was like you were paralysed, no matter how hard you tried to form, any kind of coherent sentence, nothing came out. 
It wasn't long before you were tackled to the floor, your head hitting the ground, with a loud thud, sending your mind even dizzier. You struggled to push the man off you, but felt another sharp stab, this time to your abdomen, as the man plunged his dagger into you. You screamed in agony, as another jolt in pain hit you, the burning sensation spreading up through your abdomen making you feel even weaker. Somehow you found enough strength to power your head into the guys skull, knocking him backwards. The head-butt only worsened your situation, as your vision began to grow black. The pain from your stomach and your back was eclipsing your senses. Black spots were appearing in the corner of your eyes, your perception slowly faded. 
Just before you were completely over come by the darkness, the whirling of metal, and the clanging of a shield, filled your ears. You managed to keep your eyes open long enough, to see Bucky and Steve, running towards you. Your mind going completely dark, the last thing you hear is the sound of two deep voices, calling your name. 
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bitch-b0i · 4 years
So The Hollow Season 2 happened and I have opinions. 
Spoilers under the cut. Obviously
“dude I’m gay” !!!!!! Beautiful. I am Fed. I am replenished. Faith in humanity? Restored 
It was brought up so... organically? Like that is a scenario that I could see in real life, it worked so well??? The “she’s not my type”???? YEs????? 
In all seriousness I don’t think people fully understand how important that scene was. My friend and I had to pause it because we were both crying. This is huge you guys. And Mira’s 2 dads??? Excellence
... That being said. 
This season slightly disappointed me not going to lie
Baseline? Fairly ok continuation of the story from season1. Cool twist, didn’t see it coming. New. Exciting. Fine. 
The character development in this season was astronomical, and I mean like, I genuinely don’t know whether to praise or critique it. On the one hand, it’s really freaking exciting that these characters have so much that the fandom can build from, and that we got the chance to really understand why each character did what they did (for the most part). But at the same time, it very very much felt like the season could not decide whether it wanted to be a character-driven season, or a plot-driven season, and it was sort of distracting throughout most of the season past episode like three 
This really came through when they killed off Skeet. I really didn’t understand why they did this other than to show the others that they weren’t playing the game anymore, and I really, really didn’t understand why if that was what they were going to go for, they gave him some really interesting character development first. They made us care about this character and gave us information about him that had so much potential for what the rest of the season would look like, and then they killed him. And the whole season we were expecting him to come back, because this show kills people all the time, and he never did. And that felt a little off to me. Of course, feel free to disagree with me on this one
The romance? Who??? Allowed this??????
I’ve seen a lot of people saying that the show really didn’t force any romance into this season, and I did not get that at all 
For one thing, no, technically nobody ends up together, but imo romance in shows isn’t exclusive to doing the kissy-kissy wif somewone 
They brought up that Mira kissed Adam again, and it was brought up when Kai mentioned that he had a crush on Mira, when it was basically a dead thing from season one. That didn’t feel very organic to me 
Skeet randomly brought up that he and Mira never “dated” despite the fact that literally nobody asked???? 
Now, feel free to @ me about this, because I could be off base, and I’m very open to discussion, but to me, this show does relationships (not just romance, like friendships and other relationships between characters) in a really confusing way. There is hardly a way to tell whether a relationship between two characters is implied or meant to be romantic or platonic (and don’t tell me this show is not involved with romance, because obviously there is something going on in it), so you sort of have to take hints from what surrounds the characters’ relationship development 
For example, Mira and Adam are childhood friends, and their friendship is very nicely developed as a long-standing friendship, but their relationship is framed very differently from Adam and Reeve’s friendship (/relationship?), even though they’re sort of in the same ballpark. Adam is childhood friends with BOTH Mira and Reeve, but his relationship with Reeve felt almost forced within the show. They’re almost presented as exes, (yeah everyone got that, I know) and the show felt like it was trying to put them together again arbitrarily, and I was basically yelling at the screen for them not to do that, not because I don’t like the ship, but because I would have been all for it if it was developed in a meaningful way, but it wasn’t 
Adam came out as gay. Oh Look, a boy. Perfect 
Just. Ugh. I don’t. Ugh. 
It felt like this season was sort of pushing this “the other team as the love interests” as a subplot, like Mira and Skeet will end up together, and then Adam and Reeve, and then (most annoyingly) Kai and Vanessa
And all of these romantic or weird relationshippy dynamics that were going on as subplots came across as being super annoying to watch due to the forced character development 
There were so many character arcs to follow I almost wasn’t paying attention to the plot, which is what initially drew me to The Hollow 
And that would be FINE if they wanted to focus on character development, but they were trying to do such a complex plot thing at the same time and it just. Came across as very jumbled and messy and chaotic and hard to follow. 
The characters also felt like they were exaggerated versions of their season one selves, if you get what I mean? But like done in a really bad way. 
Adam felt way angrier and more aggressive than he was portrayed in season one. Like, excessively so. Angry latino?? Ahaha we love stereotypes 
Mira is the single brain cell (which was cool, she was like the one person I consistently rooted for this season, but got a little irritating after a while of her being the only logical person around) 
Reeve was distrusting and cold and an asshole, because what else would he be 
Kai was stupid. Kai was the comic relief. Like even his parents’ neglect and dysfunctionality was played for laughs. What the fuck man??? 
Don’t even talk to me about Vanessa (just kidding please talk to me about Vanessa) 
I thought that maybe these sort of “off” versions of their characters maybe was the show’s way of saying that they weren’t entirely themselves, which was supposed to foreshadow the big twist? But it was done sort of messily and, again, annoying to watch 
I hate to be that predictable bitch, but does anyone else feel sort of baited with a queer relationship? (Adam and Kai and/or Reeve?) 
I’m hesitant to say this because people are going to yell at me that Adam is canonically gay and so it’s not queerbaiting, and that’s not what I’m saying! I recognize that Adam’s arc was an incredible step forward for us! Like I’m not exaggerating when I tell you I cried. It was so emotional for me, and so perfect and well done... 
But that being said, if the show had said from the beginning that it was completely unconcerned with romance, it would have been a perfectly acceptable resolution for me 
But it didn’t 
It is obviously concerned with romance at least on some level, and don’t get me wrong, I also recognize that none of the straights got canonization of their ships either, but think about this for a second
Kai and Vanessa? They’re basically dating at the end. They fly into the sunset together, they hold hands, don’t @ me about this. Kai/Vanessa shippers got what they wanted 
Mira and Skeet didn’t get much, because Skeet fucking died, but I promise that if he had lived, they would have probably had something similar 
Adam? He and Reeve and Mira are friends again. Yay. 
But twice throughout the whole series it’s been implied (I mean “implied” the way I described before) that Adam might have a love interest. Kai and Reeve
It was even STRONGLY SUGGESTED in the trailer with Adam’s flag and the whole holding hands scene that it would be Kai, which would make sense building off of season one 
But in the end, Kai gets Vanessa, and Adam gets his dysfunctional friendship with his ex back. How nice for him. 
ALL OF THIS is just my way of saying, I really liked season two, but it was in NO way without its flaws and serious downfalls, all of which sort of tampered with my enjoyment of the season on the same level as season one, which I thought was something really special 
Feel free to discuss with me, I love discussion and good discourse as much as the next guy 
At least they didn’t pull a Voltron and fuck everything up supremely. If there is a season three, there is hope for all this shit to NOT go south, so pray for the show y’all 
AND I will be fixing most of this shit on Ao3, so there.
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calliecat93 · 3 years
ST: TNG Watchthrough Episodes 17-20.
Home Soil: So from what I’ve read, this would be Gene Roddenberry’s final episode as showrunner before getting replaced by writer Maurice Hurly. I won’t comment on the behind the scenes drama and such that caused it because it was decades ago and not relevant for a First Watchthrough post, but since this is the last I wanted to make note of it. My thoughts? It was okay. This is very much borrowing from the TOS episode Devil in the Dark (the one with the Horta) with the plot being of an alien presence killing humans... but only because the humans were unknowingly causing it harm. It’s done fine enough, not being any better or worst than when TOS did it, but that’s about it. It does executed it a little differently with the events and the alien is FAR less willing to comply than the Horta was at first and ends with the alien backing down, but refusing contact with humans for three centuries, which DOES make it a nice contrast to how Devil in the Dark ended. It’s not great. It’s not horrible. It’s just okay with the biggest criticism being pulling too much from TOS again. Look, I love TOS and so far TNG hasn’t passed it. I outright have a 30 disc Blu-Ray set coming in the next few days of all the TOS material, including TAS and the films. If I want to revisit TOS, I’ll go watch it or read fanfiction or heck, go watch AOS. TNG has remained painfully average or not good at this point because it’s trying to retain what TOS had, despite it being over 20 years later and even the TOS films had changed how it did things compared to the show. Whatever one feels about Roddenberry, his removal I hope helped push TNG away from TOS and let it carve it’s own identity while still honoring what TOS had stood for, and according to history it did. Not sure if we’ll see the quality go up in these final few S1 episodes, but still. Sorry, felt appropriate to finally get this out here. Going back to the episode, it’s perfectly fine and it delivers it’s message well, and hey it’s not always a bad idea to showcase the same themes as the previous incarnation in a spinoff especially fi a relevant one/gets shown to viewers who hadn’t seen that TOS episode. Not the best, not the worst, and that’s not such a bad way to end up. 3/5.
Coming of Age: Alright Wesley, it took a bit but you’re starting to grow on me. So we have Wesley going through a test to get into the Academy while Picard and the crew are dealing with some rough interrogations and Picard being painted as an incompetent captain by the interrogator. They don’t seem that connected, but infact the latter is a test for Picard to determine if e’s ready for a promotion. I like how they bring up Picard’s actions in past continuity that WOULD present him as at least fallible to major error, ignoring certain conditions that caused it to begin with and how he got them out of the situation. Like I said, this was one of Wesley’s better episodes. While doing well with testing, his worry about the psyche test and not knowing his own fear and therefore worried about what the test will unleash upon him is very relatable. Heck his talk with Worf was a really nice scene, especially with Worf outright stating that only fools fear nothing which in turns add more depth and dimensions to the Klingons. The reveal fo his greatest fear, while I wish he had hesitated a little bit more, made perfect sense and he acted as a true Starfleet Officer. Which since this was before Undiscovered Country, is a VERY positive development. Picard guiding a kid who made a stupid decision was also good and shows why he’s a good captain, and his talk to him as well as encouraging a disappointed Wesley at the end was a nice moment to cap the episode off with. As far as Wesley goes, he may still be presented as too competent and intelligent, but he is more likeable and the testing setting allows him to shine like this without, again, affecting the adult characters. Plus text anxiety is super relatable haha. Now of course due to Status Quo is God, Wesley fails, but he takes it well and proved that he will be ready for it in the future. It was a pretty nice episode all in all. Nothing spectacular, but I enjoyed it, neither plot overpowered the other, had a good theme of one’s integrity as a person/doing your best, good use of past continuity, and it really shows the best in characters like Picard, Wesley, and the crew’s loyalty to the former. 4/5.
Heart of Glory: Back in TOS, the Klingons were depicted as war-loving jerks. They weren’t without some depth and episodes like Day of the Dove did attempt to give them a bit more positive limelight, but it wasn’t enough to overpower the one-dimensional characterization. The films were a bit better, Undiscovered Country especialy, but that one hadn’t been made yet and they still stuck with the ruthless characterization, just changed up the makeup to make them look more alien like. It was weird sicne whenever I ddi watch TNG back when that’s all I knew of Star Trek, Worf never came across like a ruthless warmonger but like an honorable warrior which made him stand-out amongst the cast for me (that and because I freakin’ love Michael Dorn due to his animation voice over work, anyone else remember I.M. Weasel? XD). So now we get an episode where Worf gets to interact with other Klingons. I lift a brow at Worf not knowing about most Klingon customs when he seemed perfectly knowledgeable about i in past episodes. Maybe that wad due tot he shift after getting rid of Roddenberry/ IDK, but these kinds of retcons happens sometimes. This was an interesting one for sure. The Klingons are much better presented here than the entirety of TOS, showing more of their culture/customs and compared to Worf, who was raised by humans and therefore not fully in touch with his people and their ways. This is probably one of, if not the first time he’s interacted with his full culture and naturally he’d want to interact with them and learn more now that he has the chance. There’s the themes of one growing in another culture, how they adapt while still trying to be part of that culture, and finding one’s own path. There is the question on why Worf wans’t just returned tot he Klingons as a child and IDK if they address it down the line, but that type of life and struggle with identity/culture clash due to upbringing IS real and VERY relatable. I’m really glad to see the Klingons fleshed out past their TOS depiction and it’s overall respected by the cast, showing how far things have come since Kirk’s time. It fleshes out Worf’s character a great deal and makes him more likable/relatable and giving him a very realistic struggle, and in the end he stands by his beliefs and even gets the respect and offer to serve with Klingons in the future by Klingon Captain K’Nera. Very much glad that I watched this one~ 4/5.
The Arsenal of Freedom: Oh boy, war machines that killed everything! That theme never gets old! I’m not joking, with how modern warfare and technology are growing and being sold for profit, it feels like it just keeps getting more and more relevant. There’s a lot of tension in this one with Yar, Data, and Riker dealing with the arsenal that is intelligent and they’re unable to be beamed up, the ship getting attacked with Geordi in command and the Chief Engineer (they seem to go through a LOT of those this season, guess they couldn’t handle the strain of acting as miracle workers like Scotty) being an asshole to him, and Crusher injured with Picard trying to keep her alive and not get killed. Seriously, I loved Geordi here for being an effective acting commanding officer during a VERY intense situation AND telling off the Chief Engineer without even so much as raising is voice while encouraging the other officers. Badass and admirable. The away team scenes were also good with everyone being plain awesome~ Crusher having to explain to Picard how to treat her injuries while she’s in obvious pain was really good character stuff and Thank God that they avoided indulging in the obvious shipping fodder. I know they’ve hinted a little at Picard/Crusher... but I’m not really interested in it int he romantic sense at least currently. It comes off as a Captain and CMO trusting the other (not quite the same as say... Kirk and McCoy, but the trust is very much strong here plus Picard and Crusher should be allowed to form their own dynamic) and that’s the kind of interaction I live for~! It feels like everyone got a moment to shine, even Troi checking on Geordi’s mental well-being and letting him express some of his nervousness was really nice. And of course the arsenal having destroyed their own creators... like I said, a theme that just seems to grow more and more in relevance. Like I said above, some themes are necessary to repeat, and this one very much qualifies. But yeah this was great for it’s tensions, the characters being all great especially Geordi, and it’s themes (even fi IDK how intentional it was) being a huge reminder of the dangers of modernized warfare/using warfare for profit. It doesn’t go well. 4.5/5.
Okay, it’s late in the season, but we are FINALLY getting somewhere! The characters have truly grown on me and their characterizations are getting better (i.e. Picard is still a serious captain, but is very much warming up and not as cold as he was early on), the stories are steadily improving, and even with what I said about the first one, I really enjoyed this batch of episodes! Only five remain in the season, and the plan is to knock ‘em all out tomorrow. Might take a day or two off before tarting Season 2, but golly I’m finally feeling excited~!
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popculturebuffet · 4 years
Ducktales Reviews: Let’s Get Dangerous!
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The Duck Knight Strikes Again as our Darkwing Double Feature concludes! Scrooge, the Kids and Launchpad visit the fair city of St. Canard. While Huey tries to work out how the seemingly world changing project Scrooge is financing for researcher Taurus Bulba .. um.. works, Launchpad and Dewey visit Drake, whose struggling to find any crime to actually fight, but soon finds himself tangled up in the case of a plucky young orphan, her missing grandfather and Bulba’s dark secrets and soon Darkwing and his new family find themselves the only three people standing between the world and it’s untimely end. Let’s Get Dangerous with a full review with recap and spoilers under the cut.
It’s time! I’ve been obviously, being a fan of both darkwing duck, if only finally watching it in full now, and superhero stories in general, and this show having told some REALLY good ones over the past 3 seasons including darkwing’s previous episode “The Duck Knight Returns!”, which I sadly didn’t get to in time before this episode. But this is a worthly replacement to conclude our double feature so it all works out. But yeah a big one hour special that changes the course of the season, brings Goslyn in, and brings in Darkwing’s old rogue’s gallery? Sign me up. And it’s also VERY clear that Disney has plans for a revivial/spinoff for darkwing. Besides this episode setting it up and Frank being very clear he has plenty of ideas for this big duckverse as a whole and is a massive fan of the series, there’s the fact Disney conspciously posted a trailer, 4 preview cilps (Though to their credit none really give the game away entirely and all but one take place in the first act, and the one that didn’t is so they could show off Stephanie Beatriz as Goslyn, which is fair enough). And if that werent’ enough, the killing stroke is that the episode is FREE TO WATCH on Disney Now, and likely on Youtube sometime soon given they usually do that when the make an episode readily avaliable as done with most series premires and, for some weird reason, the season 3 premire of big hero six. But wheras that’s probably just to drum up hype for an aging-ish series, this feels like a delberate move to drum up hype for the episode among both fans of the ducktales reboot and the old darkwing fanbase. The only way they could’ve been more transparent is if they put a giant sign at the end of the episode that says SPINOFF COMING SOON.. MAYBE.. DID YOU LIKE THIS? TWITTER US IF YOU LIKE THIS.. THAT’S THE RIGHT TERM RIGHT?. 
That being said I can’t blame them as Darkwing’s a beloved property, superheros are big right now thanks in large part to disney themselves with the MCU, and the fandom reactied with overwhelming praise to “The Duck Knight Returns!”, which is one of season 2′s best episodes even if the cliam that scrooge never went to the movies nor saw one on cable after 1938 is implausable at best and really dumb and I hate it at worst. I mean I get he wouldn’t love rising prises, but I seriously doubt Della wouldn’t have dragged him to one at some point or that someone wouldn’t of tried to get him to invest in theirs long before boorswan. It just dosen’t fit the character and it was dumb.. it’s also unrelated to this episode but I had pent up rage from preparing to review that episode and I might as well get it out of the way now. Point is this episode has a lot riding on it and had all the hype. So did it live up to it? Let’s take a look. 
We open in St. Canard, former wretched hive of scum and villiany and soon to be home to the second John Oliver Memorial Sewage Plant. Launchpad’s narrating and nearly getting everyone killed in a car accident as Scrooge argues with Bradford over the project Scrooge is on his way to see.. with the boys in two naturally. And since eveyrone else is missing and I had fun with it last time i’m assuming Webby is with Violet helping Lena with her burdgoening superhero career and trying to ask her out,  Beakly is tending to the house ,  Della and Penny are working out and trying not to admit there’s clear sexual tension and Donald is once again in the Pantry because he never learns. HE NEVER LEARNS. 
Anyways we learn their going to visit Tarus Bulba, in this continuity a famous and well loved scientist who I’m sure defintely won’t turn out to still be evil... yeshewillletsmoveon. Huey and Louie are excited about it because of Huey’s well established love of science and Louie smelling the money in a big inavation with Scrooge likely smelling both. As for Launchpad and Dewey their going to check in on Drake, whose living here now: Launchpad because he’s his best budy and possibly future boyfriend and Dewey because he needs more hits for his channel as he’s finally taken Dewey Dew Night to the masses. Bout time. Now he just needs a streaming deal. Make it happen Disney, D+ needs some animated series of it’s own. They also do a naturally terrible job of keeping the fact h’es a superhero a secret. We also breifly see drake doing a superhero dive before also comically tripping up and getting injured off screen. Cue.. Darkwing Colored ducktales logo as we don’t have time for the theme this week! And given this episode is an hour long that’s saying something.  Anyways Scrooge and the boys sans dewey head to meet Bulba whose a charming, gregarious man who quickly hugs the boys, puts them on his shoulders and snaps a selfie with the group. And he’s also familiar with the boys: Huey for wining the junior woodchuck science award and Louie for Louie Inc which ended before it’s time.. on public record. He’s a fan of both. And even given later reveals this seems genuine which I did not expect it to end up being anything resembling that. But we’ll get more into Bulba’s character when the time is right for now he shows off his invention: The Ramrod! While it shares the same name as Doctor Waddlemeyer’s device from the original, and as we’ll soon learn he made this one too, instead of a gravity device it instead can make ANYTHING you ask for, with Taruus wisely using Haggis to demonstrate. Huey however can’t help but wonder how it does what it does as surely what it makes has to come from somewhere though Louie tries to shut him up as he dosen’t want him to look a gifthorse in the mouth. I mean Horace gets self concious about it.  Meanwhile Launchpad and Dewey meet up with Drake at the reboot version of Darkwing Tower, where he’s set up nicely: Multiple costumes, gadgets, including arrows with his face on them, and the ratcatcher in all it’s glory. Seriously I do love motorcycles even if I’m terrified of riding one. It’s part of why yugioh 5d’s holds a special place in my heart despite card games on motorcylces being patently nuts.. but it’s in the best way possible. As for how Drake got this sweet setup turns out  Launchpad introduced him to Fenton who designed all his gadgets and presumibly his HQ as well as his snarky crime detecting and st.canard monitoring computer, W.A.N.D.A. Naturally he also is unaware he’s gizmoduck and freely shit talks gizmoduck again, though apparently Fenton does too. Granted Fenton could just be doing it to awkardly agree but it’s just as likely fenton uses it as an excuse to vent about his superhero alter ego, as we’ve seen that while Fenton loves being Gizmoduck he also resents it at time for keepiing him from doing science and getting glory just for punching people. But I love this dynamic, as Fenton’s just too nice for the old “they both hate each other and want the glory” dynamic to work, so Fenton untetionally pissing DW off as Gizmo but secretly supporting him as Darkwing is great and I can’t wait to see where this goes.  Before we get back to the main plot, and there is a LOT of it to get to, I just wanted to point out that Dewey seems an awful lot like drake.. i’m not saying he’s the boys father and Della simply didn’t knoow who it was mama mia style nor did she, in her more selfish form of 11 years ago want to know.. but that’s exactly what i’m saying. THanks to whoever sent me that theory, it got more fire this week.  Back on the actual plot turns out Darkwing dosen’t really have any foes to fight as while St. Canard has a reputation as a crime hole, Zan Owlson has taken over as mayor and cleaned it up. I assume in part because Glomgold seems to have no idea where she went and thus hasn’t done some elaborate scheme to show how much better off he is/kill scrooge mcduck. I mean let’s face it it always involves killing scrooge mcduck. His charitable contributions involve killing scrooge mcduck, his team ups with scrooge involve killing scrooge mcduck, his breakfast cereal came with a free knife and a map to scrooge’s house. Though I do defintely want to see Darkwing vs glomgold. I mean he’s not DW”s normal type of supervillian but still, tell me you wouldn’t see that.. and if your serious there’s the door. 
Anyways despite having no crime to fight and trying to bluff past it despite WANDA trying her best not to help his case, DW goes out on patrol with his boys anyway.. and procedes to just pose for several hours before trying to stop what turns out to be two guys moving furniture and being force to admit he’s not in a great place. He just wanted to fight crime and inspire people the same way Jim inspiried him.. before he you know went insane, tried to murder Drake and everyone on a film set then seemingly died but is now presumibly still in duckberg’s sewers.. or just as likely hiding in glomgold’s house hider in the house style.
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And yes that’s a real movie in which a real gary busey lives in the walls of someone’s house. And funner fact it’s on amazon prime and I was unaware of this or I would’ve watched it sooner and will be as soon as this reivew’s finished. Possibly while this review is going on I dunno. Point is your lives are richer and we might have another possible spinoff/gay love story for Disney. Just saying Disney. 
Point is Drake is breaking down, but thankfully he landed in the right alleway as a small figure is breaking into the mcduck industirie’s st.canard branch, i.e. where Bulba is. Also I gotta admit while McDuck industries having a branch in St. Canard wasn’t a huge stretch, it was set up all the way in the pilot meaning Frank had the backdoor to set up an episode here since day one, along with every other major location really. Nicely done. 
Darkwing follows her and confronts her, stopping the seeming intruder from stealing the key to the ramrod device and finding out she’s a.. little girl? It’s goslyn everybody!
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.... I .. why was this under clap. I mean it’s a very good message with a very nice garfiled head but i jus... what. 
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Okay that’s better. Thank you Genie and thank you ghost of robin williams.. I miss you man. She escapes, though sans key and security storms in, with Drake looking guilty. After some banter with Scrooge who fails to recognize him which would be funny if it wasn’t utterly nonsencial. And utterly nonseical can be funny it just comes off less as “haha scrooge still dosen’t remeber him” and more “Wait you seriously don’t remember the guy who was crucial to one of your plans during the moonvasion and who got beat up on your behalf.. I expect better from you. “ Scrooge just dosen’t seem like the type to forget someone helping him in such a big way. He can be stubborn, stingy and selfish, but he’s not that forgetful. 
However Bulba enters, says he knows exactly who he is.. and we cut to a press confrence where Bulba is lauding him for stopping a dangerous intruder. Presumibly he vouched for Darkwing since he knew about Goslyn and it was an easy way to cover up her involvment and it’s probably not the first time she’s tried this. He’s awarded the key to the city by Mayor Owlson who, while not wanting more costumed vigilatnes, is happy to reward someone doing the right thing. And I .. love this. I was worried she’d be your standard I don’t like superheroes type mayor, the kind gotham keeps getting with predectable results despite you know, the bat family being vital for gotham not becoming more of a hellscape. Instead Mayor Owlson is grateful, respectful and only reasonably dosent want St Canard overun with heroes it dosen’t need.. yet. She may want to use the proper channels but she’s not going to try and run someone out of town or grumble out of them for trying to help her city. She gets it.  Meanwhile Huey’s hat explodes with with notes and what not, to Louie’s annoyance, though my boy’s excuse is utterly hilarious “It’s dewey’s hat”... boy still cannot lie. Louie is of course annoyed at him wanting to know how it works and possibly runining his dreams, but Huey is rightly concerned that he has no idea just how the Ramrod works or what powers it or what prinicpals it runs on. And it makes sense: Besides Huey always wanting to know how things work being his deal at this late point in the series there have been quite a few times, both involving huey and not involving him where something seeming to be too good to be true in fact was and had some dark secret behind it. Counting them off:
The House of the Lucky Gander: A seemingly swanky casino with the best water show ever turned out to be mostly an illusion created by a luck vampire. 
The Infernal Internship of Mark Beaks: Beloved tech icon Mark turned out to be the con artist we all know and love as well as the jackass we also know and tolerate. 
Beware the BUDDY System: Beaks new driving robot turned out to be stolen bulb tech that Beaks hadn’t bothered to fix properly. I know Huey wasn’t there for that one but still. 
Day of the Only Child: Again Huey wasn’t involved but probably heard about it later but since Louie WAS, he should know better. Louie befriends rich kid Doofus Drake only to end up nearly kidnapped because he’s creepy as shit. 
Who Is Gizmoduck?!: While Huey wasn’t the target here, he and Fenton are close friends at this point and he was direclty involved. Beaks trying to sponsor Fenton turned out to be a scheme to steal the Gizmoduck Armor. 
The Town Where Everyone Was Nice: A seemingly central american town having a friendly festival turns out to be a carnverous plant monster that wanted to eat them. 
The Dangerous Chemistry of Gandra Dee!: Fenton’s seemingly nice date turned out to be an industrial spy for .. Mark Beaks. Seriously he seems to love this type of scheme. Mark Beaks alone is reason for Huey not to take Bulba at face value. 
A Night On Kilmotor Hill: The kids being able to go into their dreams ends in Magica stalking and nearly taking back Lena. 
Quack Pack: A wacky sitcom wish nearly gets everyone eaten by horrifying versions of humans. 
The Lost Harp of Mrivana: While the Mirmaids werne’t responsible for the dark secret this time, their society was built on the philosphy of a man who turns into a giant sea monster and nearly lead them all to the same fate. 
The Trickining: A lost horde of candy ends up being a trap by a bunch of monsters to steal candy that nearly got them all eaten and hurt Huey’s feelings. 
The Forbidden Fountain of the Foreverglades: A two-fer as the resort their at steals youtha nd the fountain of youth they went to find turns out to need to drain it from someone first. 
And Louie was present for 9 of these! And the only one around for one of them! That’s what makes this frustrating: Huey and Dewey have grown, but Louie instead of learning from his mistakes, blindly trusts something too good to be true despite the fact he has a running tally of when that’s happened!  I get he’s lazy and dosen’t want this to turn out to be too good to betrue, but he’s too smart for him not to see the red flags or see that Huey’s not “ruining this for them” but has been through this enough, mostly with mark beaks or people around him, to see a pattern. It’s frustrating when Louie was given a whole season arc, and didn’t seem to have any of it stick despite you know nearly murdering his family and nearly getting murdered by a zombie. The show is better than that and knows it’s better than that and it’s one of the weaker points of the episode. 
Back to the stronger stuff though, it’s time for the moment you’ve been waiting for IT’S DEWEY DEW-NITE WITH DARKWING DUCK! I figured after the preview clips this was the one Frank had been hinting at all season and it’s finally here! Dewey, now fully on team darkwing, interviews the terror that flaps in the night.. and has a picture of him just coming out of the shower for some reason.. okay are Launchpad and Drake already together and no one told us? Whatever the case, Darkwing’s first big interview is interupted by Gosalyn. As for how she found them, she followed a combination of the resedue from his smoke bombs and Dewey’s livestream that’s been going on this whole time. As his attempts to hide Drake’s identnity and really this entire show up to this point has shown subtley is not Dewey’s strong suit. 
Gos, after snooping around a bit and even letting out a “Keen Gear!” for old time’s sake, and finding Drake’s lunch box and first darkness poster, reveals she came for help since she figures DW owes her one for last night.. or earlier tonight. The timescale in this special is really hard to figure out and only gets worse.  Gosalyn fills in her side of the story and why she broke into two places in the span of 24 hours. Turns out the Ramrod was in part created by Gosalyn’s grandpa, who was working under Bulba on the project. But one day Dr. Waddlemeyer found out the Ramrod was critically unstable and went to warn Bulba.. and never came back. Gosalyn wants to find him, and wants to DW to punch Bulba into telling her where he is. DW.. naturally does not and raises valid concerns: He’s an upstanding citzen whose offered his full support, has done nothing wrong in the public eye, and is nothing but nice to everyone and Gosalyn.. is a kid whose clearly in mourning, broke into two places, and has no evidence to back her up. He wants to help but he simply can’t and Gosalyn prepares to storm off herself.  However in a VERY nice moment, Dewey goes to her and offers to help, as obviously missing parents are a big button for him and he appricated the fact he had someone when he needed to look into his own missing parent and wants to be Gosalyn’s webby.. his exact touching words. It’s a nice call back that really ties Dewey into this story well: He has a solid motive besides crimefighting stuff to help here. Granted Gosalyn’s confused as she hasn’t met webby, yet, and Dewey’s puns don’t help, but as Dewey explains his Dewey puns to her and his name, Launchpad talks to Drake and encourages him to help her. Drake is in fact reluctant like Gosalyn thought for his image but also because as mentioned Bulba seems to belive in him And that’s. understandable. Since starting out, he’s had no crime to fight, no villians to vanquish and only one person acknowledge his work and existance and that person is standing right there. Bulba is the first person besides Launchpad to not only enourage his Darkwing Duties, but to honor that and got him cleared of possible tresspassing charges, a key to the city and an interview on the hottest show on the internet. This risks all of it. But Launchpad makes a good point.. that he needs to help those who can’t help themselves and while he dosen’t have to fight bulba, he can at least look into him. A look at his dented lunchbox reminds Drake that his best friend/future husband is right, and that he became darkwing to protect people like he used to be.. to help the helpless.. and Gosalyn is helpless right now.. plenty capable, but someone who clearly can’t do this alone. So the four take off in the ratcatcher.
The four sneak into Bulba’s office and root around, but end up having to hide when Taurus comes in, with DW hiding in his massive filing cabinet that resembles Darkwing’s own from the original series, that was retired since by now computers have made that kind of thing obsolete. Still it’s a nice nod. Turns out Huey is confronting Bulba as he genuinely dosen’t know how it works and Bulba is annoyed at all his questions. Really Terry there’s an easy way to fix that. 
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But instead Scrooge comes in and while Terry TRIES to use him to brush off Huey.. Scrooge dosen’t bite and has learned to take Huey’s inquires seriously. And it’s something I didn’t notice about the series but love dearly now i’ve realized it with this bit: The Adults almost always take the kids concerns into considration and when they are brushed off it’s more due to personal issues, like scrooge’s pride, than because their kids. And given just how many hundred series have had the adults just brush off the kids issues like nothing, it’s REALLY refreshing that even reckless adults like Launchpad usually listen and that the kids competence isn’t entirely ignored just because of age. 
Bulba brushes them off by giving them the map to the ramrod.. speficially extensive notes on it that they have to carry out as a team. He then adresses Darkwing as he somehow knew he was there but again, is more than happy to help him with any investigation.. and it just so happens evidence Gosalyn was at least telling the truth on some level flies out of Bulba’s files as it shows a picture of him happily playing with Gosalyn and Dr. Waddlemeyer. 
Darkwing asks if he knows them and surprisingly Bulba is completely upfront about it or at least his version of events: Waddlemeyer was his best friend his close partner until one night he ran in raving about a problem with the ramrod and in trying to fix it, it backfired and then he was gone. Gos takes this well.. and tackles Bulba while calling him a liar and pockets the key toossing it to dewey as the two soon run from a pissed off Bulba. While Launchpad tackles Bulba away from the kids, Gosalyn TRIES to trigger the ramrod only for Darkwing to stop her. “I’m Sorry Kid but this isn’t going to bring your grandfather back” it’s then the entire episode is turned on it’s head. While, unfortunatley, the trailer gave away other dimensions would be involved, it didn’t however set this up “He’s not dead, he’s in another dimension!”
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Yeah while it makes perfect sense in hindsight I dind’t see him being ALIVE ever being a thing, so well played frank.  Back with the rest of the family, Huey, Louie and Scrooge are diving around a stack of papers and Louie is sitll being a little shit, and not in the fun way in the “well not everything’s a missing mystery blah blah blah”... when you .. you learned tolerance for your brother two episodes ago. Thankfully this ends here..mostly because Huey ends up being right as Louie mentioning the misssing mysterys gives Huey his eurkea moment. Turns out the Ramrod uses one of them, Solego’s Circuit. Solego, based on the chaos god from the disney afternoon crossover something I missed on first watch, was in this universe a mad thinker who belived in the old theory that fiction is just a mirror to another universe and everything is real and found a way to open portals to other worlds. Problem was his methods were unstable, and could destroy the world, and likely the universe, if used repeadtly. Wuh-Oh
Back at the Ramrod, Bulba has launchpad on him, while Darkwing aand Gosalyn discuss things and come to the obvious conclusion: If Dr. Waddlemeyer was caught in a ramrod explosion then he’s likely out there somewhere and Darkwing clearly wants to help. Bulba TRIES playing diplomat again and mentoning that even if he’s out there the trillions of dimensions out in the multiverse mean he may be nigh impossible to find.. and the ramrod’s too unstable for that. This however finally backfires on him as Bulba had previously said it was perfectly stable, and has now fully confirmed gosalyn’s side of the story.. and since it is stable, if he’s not lying that is, then that means they can find Dr. Waddlemeyer and get the full truth.  Naturally at this point Bulba finally stops playing nice and knocks both over and triggers the ramrod which is now very clearly unstable from use and prepares to throw both into another dimension, also confirming that what happened to her grandfather was no accident. Thankfully Dewey arrives in the nick of time with a well place smokebomb and bulba gets hit with lightning from the machine giving him a scar and cleaving one of his horns. While Gos is able to escape thanks to launchpad it dosen’t last long and Bulba confronts her.. but soon makes the classic mistake of saying no one can save you now.  Cue Darkwing with the classic terror that flaps in the night speech. And unlike the original darkwing’s fights with Bulba, this fight is entirely in darkwing’s favor, as in a thrilling fight Darkwing beats the crap out of them then escapes Bulba’s fist , the only blow the man gets in this time. While Bulba still is a legit threat, he can’t match Drake’s speed or misdirection skills. However when trying to get the key, which Bulba grabbed earlier in the scene, Goslayn falls and Darkwing goes to save her. And while our heroes celebrate for a second with launchpad joining them.. Bulba has escaped AND still has the ramrod key. Uh-Oh
Bulba is of course activating the ramrod with SCrooge and the boys telling him to stop.. it’s too dangerous... but Bulba decides to get dangerous and pissed at darkwing, unleahses the fearsome four! Cue act break. We’ll be right back. Let’s have an intermission shall we. 
Okay break’s over. St. Canard isn’t doing great as the fearsome four have locked down the city, with Gizmoduck barely holding his own against bushroot and unable to get past, and thus meaning implicitly no one else from duckberg can either and with scrooge and the boys missing, Mayor Owlson calls on darkwing to save them, again giving her more points in my book as she rightly figures the guy dressed up as the hero from the tv show and playing him for reasl is the best person to face four villians from a 90′s tv show suddenly out and about and holding her city hostage. 
But Drake is spiraling a bit as these are super villians with super powers. This dosen’t quite work for me as A) He’s a super fan and thus should know their weaknesses and B) What.. what did he expect. Even the vast majority of Batman’s Rogues Gallery is super powered. But it’s a quick speed bump, understandable as Drake probably didn’t grasp the very real reality of fighting super crime. We also get to see all 4 classic DW Badguys int heir glory, and beating up bonkers, who apparently exists in this universe which is more suprising than it should be. HOwever Darkwing, ends up accidently coming up with a plan: capture one of them, get them to let them into bulba’s heavily foretfied lab turned lair, and use the ramrod to send them home and find dr. waddlemeyer. Easy. Well okay not so much as the two argue over Gosalyn coming along but Launchpad’s experince has taught him kids are the best adventuerers at all and they just need to be an adventure family. Gosalyn’s dewey, Darkwing’s launchpad and Launchpad’s the uncle.. not quite the right congifuration but his heart’s in the right place.. even if Gos refuses a family since she still has one.. even if you know she can always add the two of them in. Eh semantics point is WANDA found Quackerjack and Goslyn rightly points out they can handle just one villian. So they head out. Also during the scene Fenton tried to contact them but Darkwing semeingly brushed him off.. we’ll get to that later. As the camera closes in on Scrooge and the boys being seen as missing we find the boys at least as Bulba throws them in jail. Scrooge is still missing, though we’ll find out where he is soon enough. Bulba returns to his office to find Bradford. Unsuprisingly finding the circuit wasn’t an accident and Bulba was working out the circuit for F.O.W.L. this whole time. However Bradford also isn’t remotley happy about how big and bombastic things are getting. After all his modeus operandi is stealthy and quite not you know hyjacking an entire city with an unstable super science device and 4 villians from an old cartoon show. Bulba points out hey he wanted the world, this is the way to do it and when Bradford continues to push back against him Bulba rants: he’s just like scrooge or the waddlemeyers or darkwing no vision. Bradford may not see fowl as supervillians, which no dude you are just because you don’t operate in the open dosen’t make you not supervillians. one of you wears a hood for fucks sake. Supervillians don’t have to wear costumes just ask the kingpin.. or his lookalike bulba who has his newfound minons take out bradford and throws him in with the kids. Yeah maybe.. don’t downtalk the well intentioned madman. This is why you haven’t taken the world yet. But with both his bosses gone Bulba feels they need a big splash and takes Liquidator’s suggestion of killing darkwing duck, and sends everyone’s faviorite dog shaped liquid pitchman to bring him to Bulba. Side note I watched a few episodes to see if the series gets darkwing’s villians  down.. what changed. and .. yeah it ended up being irrlevant as while the four do get to show their stuff and liquidator, my faviorite so far and sadly the most underused, relaly gets time to shine, they aren’t really that diffrent. Except for bushroot who weirdly only uses godzilla noises now. Thanks I hate it. Otherwise though it’s pretty accurate to the series and hopefully wtih a reboot we’ll get full on reboot versions of all four. 
Meanwhile Team Darkwing stakes out quackerjack, with Darkwing still unsure of what to do, and Launchpad having brought snacks like a good uncle. Yeah while he did immitate scrooge for a second it’s clear he’s taking after donald. Awwwwwww. The two then procede to think over one of quackerjacks episodes and while gos goes to find him, they sing the theme song. Great. They do end up finding him.. and as in the episode it’s inside a giant mech.. that probably wasn’t cgi in the show.. or maybe it was but god it’d be awesomely horendous.. somebody make that. They narrowly escape him.. but run into liquidator instead. Wuh-Oh.  Meanwhile, literally as these bits are intercut but it was just easier to do it this way, Bradford is thrown in his cell and the kids are curious why he’s here, with Huey assuming he’s getting money and the kids breaking out with Bradford forced to follow, though caling Heron for an evac. Dewey actually has a plan: Since he knows Darkwing an Gosalyn won’t stop till they get to the ramrod, they simply need to find the ramrod and wait for them to show up and offer a way out, though Bushroot bars the way. Thankfully Dewey knows who he is as Launchpad naturally made him watch a LOT of darkwing duck but hey it came in handy and gives him something to bond with his birth dad over so that’s a bonus. 
The three make their way through, with Dewey singing the darkwing theme song.. and naturally being the one to trip the vines. our heroes make it out alive but bradford  is pisseeeeedddddddddd. And in his rage accidently says maybe a bit too much after dewey incorrectly assumes he’s never felt this alive in years. 
“I’ve never been closer to death thanks to your foolhardy adventuring! If you didn’t meddle with forces you didn’t understand Magica De Spell wouldn’t have broken the bin, the moon never would’ve invaded earth and all of reality wouldn’t be in jeopardy! SOMEONE HAS TO PUT AN END TO THIS!” Yeah this speech .. is damn good hence me quoting it in full and Mark Evan Jackson really sells it. While granted we knew this was what started FOWL trying to elimiate the ducks, that’s how we found out FOWL existed still after all at the end of last season, here it becomes clear that despite Bradford saying it’s just buisness and seemingly being business minded.. this is PERSONAL. He genuinely seems to hate the ducks and their adventuers and the damage they cause and seems to blame them and soley them for everything that goes wrong.
And I was going to say “Well he’s not entirley wrong” as their adventures have had consequences.. but as I looked through the episodes.. I realized I was wrong. Out of 60 episodes so far, the ducks actions have only threanted duckberg or Scrooge’s buisness a handful and most of those are Louie. They are :
Louie misusing little bulb in the great dime chase wrecking parts of the bin
The beanstalk incident from Jaw$, which Scrooge was called out on in the public. 
Gizmoducks messy bank robbery prevention in who is gizmoduck, easily outweighed by everything since. 
Destroying an underwater research station in the depths of cousin fethry which was in part due to natural wildlife. 
Scrooge’s flu and stubborness tanking stocks in “The 87 cent solution” not to mention destroying property. While yes Scrooge was being played by glomgold his own stubborness and the kids refusal to call beakly lead to it playing out longer than it should have. 
Ruined an expensive movie production (Which is partly Jim’s fault, but scrooge still didn’t get intolved at any point or have anyone more experinced oversee boreswan or even ever contact jim about a cameo. )
Louie nearly destroying time itself in timephoon.
Della giving the moonlanders the blueprints for the spear
And as you can tell almost all of them aside from louie’s two incdients involve some form of extenuating circumstances. While Chaos has insued it’s never been intentional and always been cleaned up. Even the invasion, as close a call as that was, was solved BY the family and their allies.. and glomgold, but hey sometimes you need an x factor.  Most of the duck’s actions have only backfired on themselves of people nowhere near duckberg or scrooge’s intrests and most villians gunning for them would regardless if scrooge was active or not: Glomgold hates scrooge for entirely personal reasons, Magica was locked up for good reason and while she got out due to the family’s rift, she would’ve done what she did with the bin regardless, the beagles just want their land back even if Scrooge rightfully owns it, Beaks maniuplated fenton to get the armor and now goes after him out of jealousy, and Lunaris was already going after earth Della just sped it up and did so in good faith entirely unaware he was a invader. These nuts would be gunning for scrooge anyway, and while some of it’s due to his life as an adventuerer, said life was started before Bradford was born. Scrooge isn’t responsible for guys coming after him any more than batman, or spide-rman. Sure a hero being around gives them reason to keep trying but it also means there’s someone to STOP them.  And more importantly, as I always intended to prove, their adventures have done more good than harm: Beisdes the obvious mending and extending of their family, with Donald and Scrooge patching things up and Beakly, Launchpad and especially webby being warmly welcomed in and Della finally finding a way home, not to mention their various allies, over the last 60 episodes our heroes have, and yes another list and a long one so buckle up. In chrnological order:
Brought clean, limitless water to duckberg, if through scrooge’s water company. 
Defeated a luck vampire that was kidnapping innocent people (Okay Gladstone’s probably mildly incident but even he didn’t deserve that) and likely left him unable to continue his scheme. 
Freed a lost and enslaved Egyptian civlization from a tyrant and brought them quite literally into light.. and gave them burritos. 
Defeated Zeus.. not really a huge change for humanity but given what a dick he is I’m counting it. 
Through Gyro’s invetion of the gizmotech armor and Fenton’s use of it, gave duckberg a superhero whose since cleaned up crime, keeps the city safe while scrooge isn’t around and is beloved by the city. 
Stopped a known super spy.. who works for Bradford but still. 
Defeated Magica, saved the entire city, and depowered her all in one day and all together.
Found an entirely new and giant species of plankton and gave their cousin a purpose
Destroyed an evil plant monster that had likely eaten dozens before that. 
Helped a man find his family’s treasured lamp
Opened a museum wing to share Scrooge’s various treasures with the world. 
Hundreds of years ago stopped a robber baron from bleeding a town dry. 
Donald selflessly possibly sacrificing himself in a dangerous rocket to try and get home to warn earth and his family of the coming invasion. 
Taught Lena how to love herself, got her to turn against magica, and then with Violet’s help Webby helped her return to life, and find a home where she’s actually loved and wanted and finally happy and free. 
Stopped beaks rampage.. granted it was with stolen gizmotech, but he still stole it int he first place. 
Gave the Drakes an adopted son who genuinely loves them and sucessfuly gave them finacial freedom from their cruel, sociopathic biological son. 
Stopped an army of scrooge’s greatest foes from stealing his company. 
Formed a resistance against the moonlander invasion, stopping it eventually with glomgold and the cousins help. 
After that stopping Lunaris backup plan to destroy the earth itself along with his own people. 
As a result of all of this, despite the invasion, introducing a new population of happy, repentant for their invasion of the world aliens into duckberg who have been loyal and hardworking. 
If unknowingly stopping Fowl’s own agent from killing everyone in duckberg. 
Saving a lost society of mermaids and helping them start over
Sucessfully saving a charity gala from hyjackers. 
Helping Daisy start the career she wants. 
Saving BOYD from being hyjacked by dr akita
Saving all of Tokyok from Akita’s plans for boyd.
Finally letting BOYD be his own boy and break free from his past. 
Defeating team Ragnarok and saving the earth from the end of days. 
Defeating the phantom blot while unlocking Lena’s powers, both saving an innocent child from death and giving duckberg protection from Magica once and for all. 
Helping penny adjust to earth giving Duckberg another defender besides Gizmoduck and the clan mcduck. 
Stopping ponce de leon from draining the youth from anyone else and restoring all his victims. 
So yeah five times the number of bad things they’ve done or money they’ve lost. For all the chaos it causes the ducks have changed so many lives and not just their own for the better. And I think that’s the problem: Bradford only sees thing in the terms of possesion in money, and helping people gets him NONE of that. To him all of this is just more risks to the world and his control of it. To him Scrooge has near complete control of duckberg, thousands of buisnesses, the potetial to grip the world.. and he uses it to seemingly endanger it and better lives instead of his own. I mean he has enriched his own but still. Bradford simply CAN’T see past himself or his own saftey and greed to see any benifit for anyone else. ONly himself and with scrooge gone the world is his, the world is safe, and the world is better. In other words.. he’s who scrooge ALMOST became, minus the effort to get things himself. A bitter old man who cares only about himself and his possesions and wants nothing else. We’ve seen it here and we’ve seen it in the life and times: Without his family scrooge grows cold and alone.. and without anyone to really care about Bradford is what he’d become.  He’sd also forced to eat his transmitter after blaming his outburst on his lack of medication. Wah Wah. 
Back at Darkwing Tower, after what feels like 80 years, our heroes squabble a bit as Gosalyn wants to run off after another villian to get to her grandpa while Darkwing wants them to get some rest while he takes care of some buisness> Gosalyn balks at this, all but shouts YOUR NOT MY REAL DAD! and then runs off to the overlook of hte tower. While Darkwing takes a call with Fenton at long last, Launchpad goes to comfort the girl. She admits straight up she was a bit hard on the guy she’s just desperate to find him. And it turns out darkwing as over hte last.. few nights? Wait....
I’m genuinely confused as the time skip at the end of act one indicated a day at most yet i’ts apparently been several and drake’s been loosing sleep over it? And even WITH the lockdown the rest of the duck family hasn’t barged in? I mean yes the four are keeping the gates shut but even with fenton trying, I highly doubt della has the patience to wait while her kids and baiscally dad are in serious danger, and they still have the cloudslayer/sunchaser and while yes bushroots pplans could stretch up it’s as simple as della flying up and then landing somewhere. I don’t think mayor owlson would complain TOO much about property damage and while scrooge would grumble he’d pay for it. Point is the timescale here is confusingingly worded. At most i’d say a day has passed and darkwing hasn’t slept since last night, as that makes more sense than “Whelp I guess our famiy’s been missing for days nothing weird about that. As I said the timescale for this episode is really weird and one of it’s few problems, the other being, now we’ve met them might as well get out of the way, how throwaway darkwing’s foes feel. They all, minus mega volt, get a moment to shine but they all feel like interchangable goons. Like any of them could’ve done any of their scens just swap out the gimmick. I do get this episode has a LOTTTTTT going on at once, so I get any character bits with them probably got shoved out and odds are we’ll get “real world” throughly updated versions next time, it just feels weird to make such a big deal and bring the fearsome foursome in and not either give them a bigger roll or have them stick around for the future, though as I said frank will probably remake them from the ground up for the reboot with new origins and what not, and some might intentional take after them like drake did with tv darkwing, so fair enough, just felt it was a bit of a waste but I understand it given the sheer amount of stuff to fit into a 45 minute special. 
Back on the actual plot though Darkwing’s been up all night conversing with Fenton trying to find dr. waddlemeyer. And Fenton sadly has no good news: Not only does the Ramrod have only one shot left in it before it breaks reality, but even if that gives them one shot to find Dr. Waddlemeyer.. there are trilions of universes out there. The odds of finding it before reality goes bye bye are slim to none. But Darkwing refuses to give up as he refuses to let Gosalyn down. It shows that despite his earlier fear.. Drake is a damn good person and wants to make up for not beliving in gosalyn, to help her anyway he can no matter what it takes. Gosalyn realizes she’s been kind of a dick and helps darkwing and herself get some sleep, and in a reversal of the scene from Darkly Dawns the duck, hums little girl blue to him. Awwww.. my heart.. it’s too full!. 
Back at the tower, the boys and bradford find the ramrod and bradford grumbles as he finds where scrooge is: trapped in the ORIGINAL ducktales reality, though using the remastered proportions and blue eyes. It’s a good gag especially since Bulba specifically trapped him in this scene. 
Beautiful. Bradford wonders how the hell he’s going to cover this up.. and Huey overhears him, having already been suspcious because while good at running a massive shadowy conspiracy, he didn’t you know, tell heron to keep it down on the transponder as the boys were around and her continuned interputions and his outburst earlier made Huey suspcious. Before Bradford can cover he starts coughing (With Dewey’s pricless injection of “Oh no we killed him!”) and coughs up the transmitter.. with Heron inconvently pointing out he’s fowl high command. He’s the bad guy.. from the kids point of view at least. But Bradford just chucks them into the 87 dimension where they stare blankly at scroog’es rampage. So now it’s all down to team darkwing.  Speaking of which their all asleep but Wanda wakes darkwing up and in another ddtd parallel, he leaves to take care of this himself, if without Gosalyn waking up this time. His reason is simple though: The ramrod has fired up and this is their only shot at getting her grandpa back. So Darkwing strolls in.. and once Bulba and the fearsome four marvel at his directness, Bulba sends them to knock his brains out and drag him in. Thankfully Gosalyn and Launchpad wakeup and while Gosalyn is mad for a second, she sees him getting drug in and finally realizes just charging in isn’t going to do it. .and since Launchpad knows DW like the back of his hand, he gets them in by dressing them up as Jumbalya Jake and the Bugmaster. I’ve heard of both though why the hell Frank chose Jumbalya jake over .. ANYONE else, is beyond me. Bugmaster is fairly popular, Jumbalya Jake.. is basically a less intresting fuzzy lumpkins. Regradsleess it works and our heroes make their way inside. 
Bulba is preparing to his big hyjack the airways villian speech, contacting the leaders of the world.. and killing darkwing, whose none to happy about it to show their serious with an ultimatium: either let him use the ramrod to change the world for hte better or else. And this seems a good as time as any to talk about Bulba.. whose utterly EXCELLENT in the reboot. And I loved the original but instead of just being a super comptietn villian bulba is instead a well meaning one. While he embraces the supervillian lifestyle and flunkies and flamboyance, he’s also just trying to remake the world, to make it BETTER than it was beofre, to end hunger, no traffic acidents. It dosen’t make him a good person, much like magneto or disney’s own toffee, the ends do not jusify the means and he’s likely going to destroy reality in the process, and it’s clear his own arrogance is at much at play as his desire to do goo dand anyone with valid concerns is just a doubting asshole. He’s a compelling villian and James Monroe englehart REALLY fucking brings it, creating a villian with style, a mission and competence galor. He’s really damn good and easily tops the original which is not easy at all, but props to frank for doing it. 
But before he can get started, Gosalyn throws the smoke bombs down all around and does Darkwing’s terror that flaps in the night bit for him, and the distractoin allows DW to escape and kick bulba in the face. A HELL of a fight insues. That’s one of the best things this series does is fight corpegraphy as while battles aren’t in EVERY episode, whent hey do happen their spectacular as Darkwing and Launchpad take on the fearsome four in one hell of a beautiful sequence. Darkwing and Launchpad plan to take the four on while Gosalyn gets to the ramrod. Gosalyn understandably questions how an actor and a launchpad are going to take on four villians with the two piping in that bushroot really isn’t na villian which .. I mean he KINDA is but the symapthetic kind that would probably give it up eventually but fair enough. I still like that nod even if this version is less adorakable traumatized plant and more...
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Still Goslyn realises their power! THeir nerds! And with the power of fanboyness, and taking a few hits and refrencing the just us justice ducks episode I haven’t seen yet, their triumphant. Singed but triumphant. 
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Meanwhile Gos continues to try and find her grampapapapapapapappapappaaaaaaaa while Bulba engages Darkwing and Launchpad. Jokes on him their already engaged to each other! She fails to find him but does find the ducks, who wonder what quackaroonie means and why their heads were round.
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As the Ramrod rips a massive hole in time and space that threatens to suck everyone in. While Dewey encourages Gosalyn to keep going Huey tells her to stop... which.. Huey you lost your parent too, end of the world or not you can phrase it better. Otherwise top notch youv’e been the best this episode. And in one of the best scnees of the episode Gosalyn realizes what she has to do and despite Bulba tempting her with another relality she ddosen’t even consider it.. she shoots the ramrod with her crosbow, destroying it, with the final portal taking the fearsome four .. somewhere. I dunno? Cleavland..antis? I’m sure their fine. Bulba is knocked out though, and Gosalyn slowly weeps while her new dad consoles her. It’s a touching scene.
Thattt’s soon interupted with one last bit of unfished buisness as Huey suddenly realizes OH CRAP BRADFORD”S MISSING. They find him heading off in a marked FOWL helicopter, which Bradford points out the stupidity of but with Scrooge now having concrete visual evidence his head investor is running one of the oldest and deadliest spy agencies in the world, and their gunning for him decides to give a big of a gloat and tells Scrooge his adventure fantasy is ending while Scrooge remarks their world got a lot more dangerous. And yeah.. while I doubt Bradford will still brook over the top villiany, he now no longer has to hide his agents from scrooge or dance his operation around him and likely has enough embezlled funds to keep fowl going long enough to take out scrooge.  And yeah before we get to the end, thank god as while I love this review it’s been one of the longest writing experiments of my life., let’s talk about the FOWL overarching Plot and the interlocked missing mysteries subplot. The progress up till now has.. not really been great. Understandable but wheras season 2 had way too much plot this season took until thsi episode for the plot to really kick in. It’s been aggrivating and both fowl agents after you only crash twice .. really had nothing to do with them in their missions, with both only really using their resources. However.. as slow as it’s been, I will give credit in two places: 1, htis was likely done to get plots out of the way that were lighter and less tied into things, with only two exceptions in the next 6 episodes judging from the just released synposis for novemeber. And 2) the fowl episodes that WERE there set things up brillinatly. You Only Crash Twice set up heron’s lack of stealth and overt villianly, so her calling bradford a ton and bringing a marked helicopter did’t come out of nowhere, while last week’s episode hinted at the fact that FOWL somehow has acess to their own copy of finch’s diary or an equivleant. While we don’t know all the details. This episode also got the plot into overdrive by fleshing out bradford anymore, adding into his lack of liiking cartoon supervilliany by giving him a well and true hatred for scroooge and co. It’s not just the risk, he truly hates their lifestyle and LOATHES all of them and wants them gone.. and now he’s getting his chance. Overall it hasn’t been a bad plot and I get why it’s mostly in the back, but it still could’ve used some build up. But they worked well with what they had. I will also say the focus on Huey is ramping up with the last batch of episodes, so this really has turned out to be his season afterall. Good.  So we wrap our story back at Darkwing Tower as Gosalyn bemoans the fact her grandpa is gone. But Drake, for the first time this episode in his civies, softly encourages her to, much like him at her age, get back up again. She got blown up, buffeted around and lost a lot. but they WILL find him. Afterall Drake has a scientest friend who knwos another scientest, and until then.. she can be his crime fighting partner/implicit daughter. So Gosalyn, after so much rejection of it finally accepts her new family while Launchpad runs in to join them with dewey’s blessing. He’s not leaving the show ind, he’s just going to spend days in duckberg, nights in saint canard and sleep on the drive over, to Drake’s pitch perfect “What the actual shit bud” face. Gosalyn is happy, ,and Wanda has a crime for them to chase and our hapy family , back after way too long, heads off into the night to get dangerous. Wheew. 
Final Thoughts: God damn this was a long one. I mean it was an hour long but god damn I had a lot to say. But it was a good one. Minor flaws aside, a second watch showed off the pacing, great jokes, amazing emotoinal core, perfomances and plot progression. Unlike the Duck Knight returns the episode wisely ballances darkwing with the boys and scrooge, and interweaves them beautiful as well as finding a credible way for them to find out about FOWL. The game has changed.  I also saved the best for last as Stephanie Beatriz was fucking amazing as Gosalyn. While i’ve always loved her, she’s nice, bi and utterly fantastic on brooklyn nine nine why wouldn’t I?, and was excited I was both suprised by how diffrnet her gos voice is from her regular one, though shouldn’t have been as her rosa voice is also vastly diffrent.. seriously stephanie do more voice work your great at it, and Gos was rebooted well, sanding a bit of her hellion streak off while still feeling like the character and instead of just ignoring her grandpa’s death after one episode, making it inot a major part of her character arc here and likely in the future. It’s damn good stuff. The special really overall gets the spirit fo darkwing while making something, new , fresh and bold out of it and easily holds it’s own among the other specials. Nothing much else to say that hasn’t been said, this special was utterly amazing, go watch it. 
Now with that done if you like my weekly ducktales reviews, you can follow me for more, comment to tell me how i’m doing and i’m proud to announce.. follow me on my brand spanking new patreon! 2 dollar patrons get a poll once I have enough to do one of those, a discord once I get any, and 10 dollar backers get to pick a review for me a month! If you have the dough, please check it out and if not tha’ts okay. Until next time get dangerous but in the safest way possible, don’t forget to vote trump out and happy halloween! Play us out  Jeff Pescetto!
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rwby-nwbe · 4 years
Just Finished RWBY Volume 4...
...and I actually liked it?
[Spoilers Ahead, Y'all Know The Drill]
I mean, from what I've heard the Volume gets a lot of flack but honestly? I don't think it deserves it.
Yes, this is the first volume without Monty, and yes, the fights lost a bit of their momentum compared to earlier volumes, but aside from that... it's actually pretty good?
Alright, let me give you the play by play character style.
Ruby Rose
There goes my baby... off to destroy evil.
Ruby hasn't changed much, at least to a noticeable degree, compared to the rest of the cast. Actually, no, that isn't true, she just hasn't changed in a way that would force her overall character to noticeably shift. And I think that's fine. She's still a child at times, and is still really optimistic. But the thing is, she has matured. She doesn't immediately jump head first into danger like she used to, and it's clear she's still trying to process what happened at the Fall of Beacon. And yet, she's pressing on, and I'm glad that she and the rest of Team RNJR have each other's backs.
My only concern is what will go down in Mistral...
Weiss Schnee
Welp, Jacques Schnee, congrats! You've joined Cinder and Adam on the hit list I'm writing up!
The a-hole aside, I really like how Weiss played out this volume. According to what I've heard, volume 4 took place about 6-8 months after Beacon, so I'm kinda sad that Weiss was stuck home for all that time. On the bright side, we get a look at her progress on her summons, which looks to be coming along quite nicely. Then we see the concert, and ooh does that make my blood boil. I'll get to Jacques in a bit, but personally, I'd have no qualms watching him burn, figuratively, or literally.
Fly, Weiss, fly from the coup. Give your bastard of a father the metaphorical middle finger he deserves! (P.S. Klein is best dad.)
Blake Belladonna
Oof. I hurteth.
So Blake tends to stay away out of fear that she'll hurt her friends (i.e. some alternate version of survivor's guilt). In order to make amends from her point of view, she heads home to Menagerie. And once again, we're reminded on why humanity sucks sometimes!
Humans: Here, have this desert island for your large spanning species that covers just as much ground as we do.
Faunus: But... but it's so small!
Humans: Is it? Oh well, we can't have everything!
Me: Y'all LITERALLY have several freaKING CONTINENTS-!
*Ahem* That said, Sun came along! And we met Blake's parents! But first, Sun; I'll admit, I had mixed feelings about him being there at first, but that was mostly because Blake was being angsty and despite Sun's best intentions, virtually nothing he did help. Although, towards the end of the Volume, he managed to help Blake realize why her way of thinking was wrong, so props to him for that. Uh, Sun, could you maybe knock like a normal person? Wait, Blake, DON'T SLAP HIM FOR IT!!!
Ah, Kali, you're just as chaotic as Sun, oh dear... Ghira, never change, man. Never change.
Yang Xiao Long
Oof. I hurteth again. (ADAM!! LET ME DESTROY YOU, DANGIT!!!)
So Yang has been... adjusting to life after Beacon and without an arm. Oh, and Adam gave her PTSD! Isn't that just swell?
[When the find your corpse it'll have Wilt running through your spine and your skull severed with bullet shots from Blush I swear-]
Luckily, Yang gets a prosthetic from Atlas. I was afraid she'd reject it, but it's actually kinda nice to see that she takes to it rather well. And after seeing Oobleck (YAY!) and Port again, it's cool that she's just trying to find her footing. Though, Tai, you might wanna consider NOT flying to close to the Sun Dragon, capiche?
And all this culminates in Yang finally getting back out in the end of the Volume, hoping to find some answers. Hopefully she takes Tai's words to heart.
Jaune Arc
But seriously, it was... kinda off-putting to see Jaune act so... morose. Granted, we all know why (PYRRHA!!!), but still. I'm glad his team is looking out for him and that he's slowly starting to recover like everyone else. His conversation with Ruby in Kuroyuri was also really touching. Come to think of it, didn't Blake have a similar conversation with Sun? The PARALLELS!
Also, that upgrade, tho. CUT THAT NUCKELAVEE INTO DUST, MY DUDE!!!
Nora Valkyrie+Lie Ren
You can't talk about one without bringing up the other.
Guys, this was as much a Renora volume as it was a RWBY-Post Beacon volume. The Fall triggers some odd behavior in Ren, but we figure out why pretty quickly once we reach the Kuroyuri episode.
First, young Ren and Nora... adorable!
Second, I was NOT ready for when Nora had to talk Ren out of charging blindly at the Nuckelavee. The slap. The way Ren sees young Nora and then sees current Nora. Nothing could prepare me. Nothing.
They are so SOFT together, it's just... <3
New Characters (and Old ones, too)
Lightning round, baby!
Qrow Branwen. So Qrow serves as the inside man. He knows what's been going on, and he fills the rest of us in. We also know why he tends to keep his distance, because his semblance brings bad luck to allies and enemies alike. The poor birb. Glad he managed to survive Tyrian!
Jacques Schnee. Egotistical manipulative piece of garbage whom I will not feel sorry for once he's put in his place. 'Nuff said.
Whitley Schnee. Mixed feelings. Mixed feelings everywhere. 'Cause on one hand, I've seen plenty of the fandom's takes on his character putting him in a positive light, but on the other he starts getting kind of unbearable after Weiss loses her title as heiress. Then I have to remind myself that Whitley is the "Fawn" reaction to trauma. Weiss is "Fight," Winter is "Flight," their mother is "Freeze," and Whitley is "Fawn." Stuff like that helps me contextualize that when Whitley says things about their dad like "It's foolish to not do what father asks," or "It's barbaric. It's beneath me. Beneath father," Whitley's not just saying that 'cause he's a bit of a brat. That's his coping mechanism to the abuse Jacques put him and the rest of his family through, and it's probably been a long time that he's been telling himself stuff like this so he can keep in his father's good graces and not risk getting a slap to the face like Weiss, while also trying to deal with the fact that Weiss and Winter get a freedom that he never had a chance to get. And you have to remember that Winter and Weiss were abused to, and that trying to blame Whitley's current condition on the two of them doesn't make things any better. They're not obligated to care about Whitley just as much as Whitley isn't obligated to care about them. It would be nice if either one of them could get through to him, but they were all trying to combat Jacques in one way or another. Whitley was just the odd one out. And if you really think about it, the biggest brain play you can take from all this is to blame it solely on Jacques. I swear, when I get to Volume 4 in my NWBE AU, one of my top priorities will be getting Whitley the ever loving hell out of that accursed mansion alongside Weiss, mark my words.
Klein Sieben. Ladies and gentleman, the only valid man under the Schnee roof! And a Seven Dwarves reference no less. Thanks, I love him! Glad he helped Weiss escape his father's clutches.
James Ironwood. Oh boy, boss man is starting to lose his grip on things. Granted, he's trying to do the right thing, but it's clear his paranoia is getting to him. You know crap is getting bad if the most valid person in all of Atlas simultaneously needs to be told to get a grip from Jacques of all people (especially if he's making a point). Hope this doesn't trigger a downward spiral...
Ghira and Kali Belladonna. Ghira is done and Kali just wants to have fun. I love their dynamic and interactions with Blake and Sun! It was a nice wind down from everything else going on, though I don't think that'll last for long.
White Fang. So we got three more WF members: Fennec, Corsac, and Ilia. The Albain brothers are sleezeballs already, since they're working with Adam and all. Ilia's working with them too, but I'll have to withhold my judgement since she appears to have an as yet undisclosed connection to Blake, but I don't want to get my hopes up since she already stabbed Sun, so... Low expectations, but still expectations.
Salem's Group. Yup, Salem's a villain alright. I'll be keeping my eye on her, she just reeks of trouble. Cinder apparently lost her voice... eh, probably for the best. Emerald, Mercury, get the ever-loving FRICK outta there, you're clearly out of your element! Hazel, you're... fascinating. Neutral Evil, perhaps? Watts, you're on my radar, especially with the last episode of the Volume. And Tyrian... well, he's clearly beyond the point of no return, entirely devoted to Salem, and his psycho-sadistic tendencies are enough to freak Cinder of all people out. Needless to say, I hope something or someone takes care of him before the damage becomes irreversible.
And for now, I'll wrap this up with Oscar Pine. I'll admit, it was interesting how they set up Oscar's character as a slow burn this Volume. We learn he lives a quiet life with his aunt in a barn, and at first we're wondering "Who the heck is this kid?" But then Ozpin shows up and suddenly everything is like "Oh... wait, WHAT!?" So yeah, Ozpin just brought another child into thia conflict. At least they're both not happy about it, and hey, they met Qrow! Hopefully that keeps things from getting too crazy down the line. We still need answers, after all.
Well, those are my thoughts. Sorry they took so long. Hopefully Volume 5 won't be so hard to complete. Well... cheers!
-Mathewton, the RWBY Newbie (15 May 2020)
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imagines-tmr · 5 years
imagine #25
character - Minho
words - 1710
warnings - n/a
description - AU where you’re the only female member of the Royal Guard and Prince Minho likes you.
a/n - requested anonymously; this is my first time trying to write a maze runner au, so it took some effort to come up with a decent foundation for the request. this is like a modern royal au, with all the technology of the maze runner universe, except there’s a royal hierarchy. also, this is super long omg i’m so sorry
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Working for the Royal Guard was not as bad as people made it out to be. It seemed to be a common understanding between anyone working for the Palace that being a member of the Royal Guard was the least favourable job one could be assigned, despite the high pay. There were many things you’ve heard guards complain about: the odd, numerous hours; the constant austerity; the solitude; and above all, the Prince. Every single one of these complaints seemed unwarranted to you — except the latter.
Prince Minho could be insufferable at times. He was handsome, without a doubt, and incredibly intelligent — there was no way he would have been chosen as the Heir had he not been. Out of the few selected candidates, he’d been the only one to show all the qualities of a future King of the Glade. That wasn’t the problem.
The problem was that he had it out for you and you didn’t know why. You were a good soldier, having advanced in your ranks faster than most. Perhaps you shouldn’t have been so competent at your job. Maybe then you wouldn’t have been assigned to protect the Prince and could have saved yourself from Minho’s constant tormenting.
He would always try to get you alone, teasing you endlessly and doing everything possible to get under your skin. He always seemed to get such a kick out of it. It was a personal goal of his to get you flustered whenever he could. It would have been fine if he were anyone else — you might even have indulged him — but he was the Prince and you were anything but royalty.
You were situated at your post, outside the doors to his private parlour, one of the two guards on duty. Another soldier, Gally, was on shift with you. The two of you hadn’t exactly gotten along when you’d first gotten promoted; he’d thought of you as weak simply because you were a girl. But after an attack in the dead of night by several Cranks during which you’d single-handedly taken out every assailant, Gally’s level of respect for you grew instantaneously.
Unfortunately, that had also been the incident that had drawn Minho’s attention to you.
“What time is it?” you asked, trying your best to stifle a yawn.
Gally glanced swiftly at his watch and then repositioned his hands behind his back in a stiff stance. “Two-thirty,” he replied. “Half-an-hour left, and then we’re good.”
You hated being scheduled to work nights but it made sense. Crank attacks didn’t happen during the day.
“What are they even doing?” you continued, jerking your chin towards the parlour. “They’ve been in there for hours.”
“No shucking clue,” he shrugged. “Probably trying to map out the Scorch. The recon team came back this afternoon.”
You nodded, though your understanding of the kingdom’s dynamics were limited. Everything was on a need-to-know basis and apparently, this was not something you’d ever needed to know.
A few minutes later, the parlour’s metal doors slid open with a hiss and two boys walked out, a brunet and a blond, the latter sporting a subtle limp. You recognized them as Minho’s advisors, Thomas and Newt. They were clad in black like most of the Palace staff were, with dark circles adorning their under-eyes.
“Minho wants to see you,” Newt said, his accent thick with fatigue.
As the boys disappeared down the fluorescently lit hallway, Gally unsuccessfully tried to hide his snicker.
“Duty calls, shank,” he teased.
“Slim it,” you muttered. Drawing in a deep breath, you entered the parlour, the metal doors sliding shut behind you.
Minho didn’t adhere to the all-black dress code. Instead, he wore grey jeans and a dark blue button-down, the sleeves of his shirt rolled up to expose toned forearms. It wasn’t the first time you’d seen them but you were still taken aback by how attractive they looked — how attractive he looked. He was pouring over some hand-drawn maps at a round metal table, a pencil in his hand. He, too, had dark circles under his eyes.
You cleared your throat to announce your arrival, though you knew very well he was already aware of your presence. He was always aware of you.
“(Y/N),” he greeted, his face lighting up with a cheeky grin. “Wow, sleep deprivation looks really good on you.”
You smiled through tight lips, furiously thinking about the glorious paycheck that was awaiting the end of your shift.
“Likewise,” you said. “So, how come you aren’t sleeping?”
“Oh, you know,” he shrugged. “Royal duties.”
“You’re going to overwork yourself to death.”
Minho’s grin widened. “Does that mean you care about me, (Y/N)?” He tossed his pencil onto the table and moved closer.
You struggled to keep your voice even. “No, it’s just that if you die on my shift, I’m going to have to do a lot of paperwork.”
He rolled his eyes and motioned to a chair by the table. “Make yourself at home,” he said. The idea seemed so out of reach to you — the Palace would never be your home. Sure, you slept in the bunkers like every other guard, but there was nothing homey about it. It wasn’t a place where you could ever put down roots.
Nevertheless, you took a seat. It wasn’t as comfortable as you’d imagined it would be, which surprised you; you thought the Prince would have a more comfortable environment than he did.
The more you looked around the parlour, the more you realized that it was the wrong word to call it.  A parlour was supposed to be opulent and inviting. Minho’s was grey and dark and unwelcoming, with the same fluorescent light fixtures as in the corridor outside. There was no personality to it — nothing that screamed Minho — and was clinically void of non-essentials. Back in the day, future kings would be living in lush and opulent castles with ornate wallpapers and chandeliers and mounds of colour, not this bunker they had the audacity to call the Palace.
“Relax, sunshine,” he said. “You’re so stiff all the time. Don’t worry, I’m not gonna let any Cranks break in here and hurt you.”
You frowned and scoffed. “Oh, please. Big help you were last time. Yelling that you were going to, quote, kick their shucking ass, is not much of an achievement.”
It was easy to be informal around him; he didn’t enforce his title as a Royal the way you’d seen previous leaders do. He took the requirements of his job seriously but not the reverence. 
“Well, if I did all the work, you would be out of a job,” he joked.
“And what a shame that would be.”
You hadn’t meant to come across as bitter, but there was a flicker of hurt on Minho’s face.
“You don’t have to keep guarding me,” he said, sharply. “If you really don’t like it, I’ll have them assign you somewhere else, with the same pay-grade.”
The offer was tempting. It would probably mean no more odd hours, no more having to deal with randomly orchestrated attacks, and you’d still get the same financial compensation. But the thought of not having to deal with Minho made you uneasy. He couldn’t be right, could he? Did you actually care about him?
“I’m alright,” you said, lowering your gaze.
Minho’s smile came back at full force. “I knew it. I knew you liked me.”
“I don’t—”
“Yeah, right.” He swatted the air dismissively. “That’s okay. It’ll be our little secret. No one has to know you have a crush on me.”
A spasm of panic bubbled in your chest. A crush? Your first instinct was to deny it. You were a soldier. You were unimportant in the hierarchy of the Glade, just a pawn, albeit a well-paid one, that was ready to lay their life down on the line to keep the peace. While you weren’t prohibited from starting a family or settling down, the last person you could ever do that with was the Prince.
Minho would probably end up marrying someone like Teresa, the pretty brunette ambassador you sometimes saw at council meetings — someone with a political relation to the Glade. Definitely not someone like you. The only role you had in his life was to protect him with yours.
“It’s not professional for me to talk about this,” you said, hoping he’d drop the subject. He didn’t.
“So you don’t deny it,” he noted. Minho braced himself on the armrests of your chair, his face awfully close to yours. The faint scent of his cologne was intoxicating.
“Minho, please,” you whispered, though you weren’t sure what you were begging him for.
He feigned innocence. “Please what?”
“Stop playing with me,” you said. “At the end of the day, you’re a Prince and I’m just a guard.”
“It’s just a political title,” he replied. “It only governs what I do for the Glade, not what I do for myself.”
“So what are you saying?”
“You can’t be this shucking oblivious.” Minho shook his head. “Come on, (Y/N), you’re smart. You wouldn’t be here if you weren’t. You can figure it out.”
The thing was, you knew exactly what he was hinting at, but you didn’t want to let yourself believe in the possibility of a future together.
“I—” Your breath faltered as Minho closed the distance between you, his mouth feverish on yours. He tasted like a mistake, all sweet and warm and beautiful, one you were suddenly very ready to pay for. When he moved away to look at you, there was an affection in his eyes that you swore no one else had held for you.
“I’ve been shucked and gone to heaven,” he laughed. “Was that as good for you as it was for me?”
With newfound confidence in your veins, you straightened and looked him dead in the eye. “I think we need to do that again to find out,” you answered. Minho grinned in reply and kissed you again.
When three o’clock rolled around and your shift came to an end, you didn’t leave the parlour like you were supposed to. In fact, you didn’t leave at all.
Not until morning.
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wrestlingisfake · 3 years
Wrestle Kingdom 15 day 1 preview
Tetsuya Naito vs. Kota Ibushi - Naito is defending the IWGP heavyweight championship and the IWGP intercontinental championship.  Whoever holds the two titles after this match will go on to defend them against Jay White on day 2 of Wrestle Kingdom, on January 5.
Naito and Ibushi haven’t met in a singles match since June 9, 2019, when Ibushi lost the intercontinental title to Naito in a match filled with rather dangerous spots.  The point of that match was that both men wanted to hold the intercontinental title long enough to also win the heavyweight belt at Wrestle Kingdom 14.  The obsession with being a double champion culminated in the “Double Gold Dash” mini-tournament, where Naito went 2-0 to win both belts and Ibushi went 0-2, losing in the first round and the consolation match with Jay White.
Since then, Ibushi mounted a major comeback by winning the G1 Climax tournament, earning a Wrestle Kingdom title shot.  However, he lost his title match contract in a match against White on November 7.  Luckily, Naito decided he wanted to wrestle matches on each night of Wrestle Kingdom, and he concluded that Ibushi was still the logical choice for the other title match.  (Ibushi did still win the G1, after all, even if he lost his reward for doing it.)
I’m very worried these guys are going to do sick bumps on their necks, as in the June 2019 match.  Both of them have a bad reputation for doing scary shit.  After the last time I was like “that was really good, please never wrestle again.”  It’s been 19 months (six years in 2020 time) and I’m just now starting to be like “maybe potentially it would be okay to come back with this match, but be careful.”  I don’t really expect them to be careful--these are two guys who always have something to prove, and now they’re going to particularly want to prove they can tear the house down during a pandemic in a stadium show where fans aren’t allowed to shout.
It feels to me like the natural arc of this storyline is for Ibushi to rebound from last year’s defeats by finally winning the titles and finally avenging his losses to Jay White.  But...I expected Kota to go sweep the Double Gold Dash last year, and look what happened.  So I go into this first title match with no confidence that either man is a lock to advance to the second one.  Even when one guy looks to be heading for the finish, I’m going to believe one sudden counter can change everything. 
Will Ospreay vs. Kazuchika Okada - Ospreay is the RPW British heavyweight champion, but it looks like the title is not at stake in this match.  When Ospreay originally issued the challenge for this match, I could’ve sworn he demanded that Okada put his career on the line, but I guess everybody just ignored that.
This feud began on October 16, when Ospreay was still a member of Okada’s stable, CHAOS, and they met in a G1 Climax tournament match.  Bea Priestley and the Great-O-Khan interfered to help Ospreay win, whereupon he turned on Okada to start his own faction, the Empire.  If I went back in time to 2019 and told myself all this was going to happen, past me would assume it’d be way cooler than it’s turned out to be.  (Past me would nonetheless wonder why they’re rehashing the Okada vs. Jay White storyline.)  For years I’ve wanted to see the creation of a totally new faction in NJPW, but the Empire hasn’t lived up to my expectations.
If nothing else, this match itself should be good.  I’m just not convinced anything big will come of it.  If Okada wins, it kind of maintains the status quo where 2021 Ospreay is at the same level as 2020 Ospreay, except he’s a heel.  If Ospreay wins, he gets the rub from Okada but he still has to prove it’s not a fluke like EVIL’s middling run as a top heel.  The easiest way to sidestep all this is to distract everyone with a big angle, like doing a run-in finish with a new guy joining Ospreay’s group. But I’d rather just see a clean match where the guy getting the next push wins clean.
I’ve learned to avoid betting against Okada, and Ospreay’s heel run hasn’t given me a good enough reason to break from that policy.  At least not on this show...
Hiroshi Tanahashi vs. Great-O-Khan - There’s not much to this one.  O-Khan basically beat up Tanahashi a couple of times during the World Tag League & Best of the Super Jr. tour last month.  O-Khan’s gimmick is that he’s a new badass in the tradition of “Mongolian wild man” characters.  Tanahashi’s storyline, for what feels like forever, is that he was the best but he’s old now and his knees are shot and everybody keeps beating up his knees.  So for the 800th time Tana has to prove he can still hang in there with the top guys in the world.
A win for O-Khan would probably be considered a big upset, but I think that’s tainted by how hard they’ve tried to sell that Tana is practically on life support.  Moreover, it doesn’t really feel like they want to push O-Khan that hard--he seems more like an enforcer type than a future main eventer--so I’m not sure he even needs this win for the role he’s slotted into. Tanahashi, on the other hand, really needs a singles victory, if only to build him back up for the next time they do the “does Tana still have it?” story.  So I guess I’m picking Tanahashi to win.
KENTA vs. Satoshi Kojima - Kenta is defending his “right to challenge” contract for a future title match for the IWGP United States championship.  This match was originally booked as Kenta against Juice Robinson, but an orbital bone fracture took Juice off the show.  On any other year, New Japan could probably arrange a more impressive substitute.  But the pandemic and travel restrictions have limited their options, so they’re making do with 50-year-old Kojima.
The IWGP US title has not been defended since February 9, 2020, when Jon Moxley retained against Minoru Suzuki.  Moxley’s commitments to AEW are such that he cannot wrestle a New Japan match in the US, and he can’t fly to Japan long enough to satisfy Japan’s 14-day quarantine policy.  Rather than simply vacate the championship due to inactivity, New Japan has politely ignored the situation in favor of booking Kenta to win this contract in a nifty red briefcase.  I had believed that meant a plan for Mox vs. Kenta was in the works, but as the months went by it became clearer that they couldn’t make it happen. So it looked like Kenta vs. Juice for the contract was the next best thing, and now we don’t even get that.
Kojima was a top guy back in the 2000s, so I don’t mean to be dismissive of him.  But whereas 50+ legends are pushed as unbeatable gods in the US, in Japan they tend to be positioned to put guys over as they slowly accept the twilight of their careers.  Which is fine, to have the old lion prove come back to prove he can hang in there with a guy in his prime.  But they’ve been telling that story constantly with 44-year-old Tanahashi, so doing it again with Kojima feels like overkill.  I suppose an upset win is at least possible, but it would certainly shock the hell out of me.
Zack Sabre Jr. & Taichi vs. Tama Tonga & Tanga Loa - Dangerous Tekkers (Sabre and Taichi) are defending the IWGP heavyweight tag team championship.  The Guerillas of Destiny (Tonga and Loa) won the 2020 World Tag League tournament to earn this match.
For a long time I was thinking the tag title match at Wrestle Kingdom would be David Finlay and Juice Robinson against either GOD or the Tekkers, but I have to admit this match is more interesting.  It feels like every tag title match in New Japan is a straightforward babyface vs. heel dynamic, whereas the singles title matches can have more shades of grey.  So a heel vs. heel tag title match feels fresh.  We’ve seen Sabre and Taichi get heat on every face team available, so how will they adapt when their opponents are pulling dirtier tricks than they do?
These teams met during World Tag League last month, and the Tekkers actually played babyface a bit, which was interesting.  Actually, I get the feeling the Japanese fans have been warming up to Suzuki-gun in general, and Taichi in particular had a cult following for years.  Maybe an exceptionally valiant battle here can turn Sabre and Taichi all the way?
The story for the Guerillas is that, despite their numerous tag title reigns, they had never won World Tag League or walked out of the Tokyo Dome with the tag titles; now they’ve finally got their WTL trophies, so there’s one thing left to do.  If they do win the belts, I’m hoping it will lead to rematches that keep Dangerous Tekkers in the mix.  My fear is that this will be the end of the Tekkers’ run as a team, and it’ll just be GOD vs. FinJuice for a whole year, which doesn’t grow the tag division as well as having three top teams.  Of course, if Sabre and Taichi just win, I don’t have to worry about that, so I guess I’m rooting for them.
Hiromu Takahashi vs. El Phantasmo - Takahashi won the 2020 Best of the Super Jr. tournament, and ELP won the 2020 Super J-Cup tournament; the winner of this match will challenge the IWGP junior heavyweight champion, Taiji Ishimori, on January 5.
I kinda wish this match wasn’t a qualifier for tomorrow’s title bout, because it’s fresher and more compelling than Takahashi vs. Ishimori would be.  (ELP vs. Ishimori would be interesting, except that I’d expect Phantasmo to just lay down for his buddy.)  I’m pretty sure Hiromu and Phantasmo have never met one-on-one before, and ELP’s super-douche style should be very different than anything Hiromu’s lol-random style has contended with.
Phantasmo is one of those heels that trolls so hard I can’t even get mad at what he does, but I get sick of him trying so hard, so I guess it all works out and I hate his guts and want him to lose really badly.  But this will be his first match back in Japan since the pandemic, so it feels too soon for him to do a job.  So I could see this one going either way, if not for thinking Takahashi challenging for the junior title is the obvious destination.  Gotta go with Hiromu on this one.
New Japan Ranbo - This is a gauntlet battle royale, with two wrestlers starting and each additional wrestler entering at timed intervals.  Participants may be eliminated at any time by pinfall, submission, or exiting the ring over the top rope.  When all but four wrestlers have been eliminated, the match ends and those final four advance to another match on January 5 to determine possession of the KOPW 2021 trophy.
New Japan does this type of match all the time for Wrestle Kingdom (usually with just one winner, not four), and I always thought it was called “New Japan Rumble,” but someone was mistranslating something.  Turns out “ranbo” is literally a Japanese word that can mean “riot.”  So we all learned something today!
I’m not certain how many participants are supposed to be in this.  I think I read 21 somewhere, but even if I did I wouldn’t trust any hard number.  If they have everybody pencilled in a month ago and then the day of the show they get an idea to put, I dunno, Captain New Japan in there, they’ll just do it.  The main thing is that anybody who doesn’t have a regular match on this show or tomorrow’s show will probably be on the short list for this one.  The biggest names that I think we can expect would be Tomohiro Ishii, Toru Yano, Hirooki Goto, YOSHI-HASHI, El Desperado, SHO, Bad Luck Fale, BUSHI, and maybe Minoru Suzuki.
The gimmick where you just have to make it to the last four in the ring should make the finish a bit more unpredictable.  Ordinarily I woudn’t expect, say, Tomoaki Honma to win a match like this.  But it’s not going to make or break tomorrow’s four-way if one or two guys are curtain jerkers or joke guys.  With that in mind I think this match is impossible to predict.  But I guess my dream lineup for the four-way match tomorrow would be...let’s see...Yano, Suzuki, Toa Henare...and let’s go with Yoshi-Hashi to win the KOPW trophy to start 2021 off weird.
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toonstarterz · 5 years
Hey, not dropping the ball actually worked!
We’re just a hair’s length away from summer vacation, but unlike last year when Tomoko approached summer with not much consideration, she’s now taking a proactive role in deciding how to spend her last summer in high school. At first glance, Tomoko appears to have become a responsible, young lady. But as we soon will see, that can-do attitude may not be as refined as it looks on the surface.
Chapter 164: Because I’m Not Popular, I’ll Do My Best Starting From Summer Break 
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There’s that time period during the day when most students have already left but school hasn't quite closed up. It’s pretty creepy, even more so before summer break when you’re expected not to stick around.
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Have I mentioned Itou is a cute? ‘Cause she is.
It’s usually her looking after Komiyama, so it’s really sweet to see the dynamic flipped around like this. Despite, well, everything, Komiyama is a good friend.
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Assuming that cheering for the baseball teams is optional, it’s endearing to see Itou go through with it. Even though baseball isn’t her thing, she’s likely doing it to support her bestie, which I can 110% get behind.
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Ah, right. Dude’s in the manga club. That said, I wonder if their plans are for just being attendees, or if they’ll actually be manning a booth and selling their work. With his skills and, er, preferences, I think Hatsushiba could do the latter.
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Don’t be so modest, Tomoko. There’s no slouching either when you’re a three-year veteran of the Going-Home Club. 
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Studying during summer break? Outrageous!!
It’s intriguing to see just how Tomoko’s study habits have evolved throughout the series. The early days would see her spend summer goofing off on her hobbies, with bare minimum concern for academics. But now, Tomoko is actually considering studying on her own accord. Sure, it’s more-or-less a fallback when she has nothing else planned, but the thought itself is still worth mentioning.
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Is that one of those mini-fans that you can carry around in your bag? I love those things.
Study camp, huh? Any other day, Tomoko would be apathetic to the idea, leaning more on the side of brushing it off. But having Katou bring it up makes all the difference, ‘cause let’s be real. Katou could ask her to sign up for a hostess bar at the Red Light District and Tomoko would still seriously consider it.
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Miss you, Yuu-chan.
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I second that, Komi. Fourteen hours of studying a day is brutal, even if that’s to be expected in what is essentially a boot camp. I’ve always questioned the efficiency of cram schools and the like, mostly because they seem to prepare more for short-term memorization than long-term understanding. But even it actually works in principle...
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...I’m not sure Tomoko will be able to handle it.
Perhaps it’s just me, but it feels like Tomoko is overestimating her discipline for studying. She already struggled with Katou’s flashcards and study sessions that a whole training camp feels like it would have a more detrimental effect on Tomoko than a positive one. “Work hard, play hard” was never meant to be that extreme, Tomoko.
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That’s...genuinely uplighting. Tomoko has missed out on several of the key “memorable” high school moments, and she usually lets it go with only mild regrets. But here, Tomoko’s actively trying to gain what she once lost. Sure, she’s trying to “game the social system” a little, but what did you expect? She’s a person, not a saint.
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This was Yuu’s only line in this entire chapter. My girl deserves more than this.
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Will the 2% of Tomoko’s personality that is tsundere ever realize that if you really “didn’t care either way”, then you wouldn’t have asked the question to begin with? Doubt it.  
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That romaji tho.
It comes to the surprise of absolutely no one that Komiyama has some pretty...vivid fantasies about Tomoki. But what stands out to me is how deep into the relationship her thoughts go. Most people fantasize about their crush first in their sexual attractiveness, but only a few ever dream beyond that. Ironically, you know your crushing has gone off the deep end if you start thinking about them in domestic, SFW ways. Least Komi’s committed, yeah?
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Gee, I wonder what’s that “and stuff” Tomoko’s talking about?masturbating
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Nothing like a fresh bowl of Grossi-Os and Gross Juice to start the day!
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If what Yuri says is true, then that would mean that she and Ucchi have probably walked to school together several times before–more than the couple of times we’ve seen, at least. And even so, it doesn’t look like they haven’t gotten much closer as friends, if at all. Some people just don’t click, I suppose.
Not sure how blind Ucchi is because anybody with a pair of eyes (beady or not) would see that Yuri has friends, even if you only count Mako. Poor girl just can’t accept the truth even when it's right in front of her face.
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Ah, Yuri. Why can’t you just drop the “savior” act and just admit you want to spend time with her?
I’m inclined to agree about Yoshida, but who knows? She’s surprised us before. Mako's a safe bet, though. Especially if the former’s going. ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
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Boy, does that take me back. It still blows my mind that all of Ucchi’s problems originated from one night of misunderstandings. The art nerd in me really appreciates the subtle improvement in Niko’s art style. The character models feel “weightier” and more consistent without compromising the stylization. 
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You don’t see it in the previous panel, but Ucchi was totally blushing at the prospect of reliving her trauma/dream. Perhaps she was also looking to live out that ping pong match she never got.
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I’m not sure if there was some kind of wordplay in the original text. Either way, it kind of sucks for Yuu-chan that she got such a “flattering” nickname when she wasn’t involved in that scenario whatsoever. Though it sure is a tad classier than Miss Akari “Dick Sister Jr.’ Iguchi.
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It’s kind of (read: absolutely) frightening how Katou’s envy towards Yuu feels a lot more intense than Yuri’s. Perhaps it’s because Yuri’s so transparent that you know how to deal with her. But with Katou, that air of secrecy feels like a nuclear bomb about to go off. 
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I always wondered where girls picked up that thing where they intertwine their fingers as a sign of affection. It’s precious.
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Praise modern technology for convenient storytelling.
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Wow, Fuuka’s already made her mark on Tomoko’s “bitch” list. Though exactly why she’s on that list now is kind of odd. I mean, yeah, she asked Tomoko about the whole fondling thing, and she unintentionally presented herself as a pervert for the whole “hair” thing, but Fuuka hasn’t really done anything all that terrible. If anything, Tomoko is probably expressing a rare bit of jealousy towards someone else supposedly perving on Katou besides her.
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The most striking part about Fuuka’s inevitably failed plan is that she describes Tomoko’s appearance as “sudden”. It was touched on before, but it further emphasizes that Tomoko’s friendship with Katou was just as unexpectedly quick in-universe as it was for the readers. And in doing so, it brings us one step closer to the real mystery over why Katou is so enamored with Tomoko in the first place. 
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Ya’ll know Sayaka’s got her homegirl’s back on this one. Let’s see (hopefully) how Akari screws it up. 
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Chapter 58, mothereffers!
I don’t know whether I’d say Nico Tanigawa has been playing the long game, or if they just found a convenient throwaway to capitalize on. But the acknowledgment itself is very much appreciated. Tomoko may have forgotten, naturally, but us overzealous fans certainly never did! 
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The chills, man. Chill’s right up the spine.
It’s certainly true that Tomoko’s words can be interpreted in a good or bad way, so it’s pretty telling that Katou’s gut reaction went for the latter. It suggests that Katou may actually have some insecurities that can easily set her off. Then again, a defining part of Katou’s personality is that she takes everything Tomoko says at completely face value, so maybe she’s starting to see Tomoko’s negativity even if it’s not there. Just more of the enigma that is Asuka Katou.  
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Not a bad save, Tomoko. Countless battles with shame have made her quick on the fly. Unfortunately, while she’s improved at starting a save...
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...she still doesn’t know how to end it.
It would’ve been a clean getaway if Tomoko had just ended about half-way in the above panel. But because Tomoko’s anxiety causes her to try and cover all the bases, she ends up rambling suspiciously. The part about Nemo isn’t even that relevant, but in her burst of defensiveness, Tomoko ends up saying things that could just exacerbate the problem even further.
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Fucking shit, Katou is damn scary.
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The one fortunate thing about Tomoko’s defensive rambles is that once she starts to cool down, her honesty starts coming out more organically. Self-deprecation becomes self-reflection, and brings to the forefront Tomoko’s endearing side.
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Only Tomoko could spout such a cliché moe line and sound so pure of heart. Must be the irony. 
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–that totally didn’t happen.
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Tomoko, girl, you’re in the CLEAR! Stop trying to fan flames that have already been put out.
But on that note, it does affirm that while Tomoko is honest with Katou about certain things (perversion, laziness), she isn’t quite ready to be honest on anything that would paint Katou in a bad light. I’d say tha’st about 85% due to fear.
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Death Flags raised all around.
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I had a feeling that Nemo would take the plunge this time and invite Tomoko out somewhere during the summer. It seems like such an insignificant gesture, but considering that this is the very first time a classmate has asked to hang out with her during the summer, it warms my heart.
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Hey now, Tomoko. Don’t get cocky when you’re maximizing your own goof-off time by taking a study camp.
The easy guess is that Nemo wants to go to Comiket. But really, it could be anything that Tomoko would have an interest in. And because it’s implied that Nemo is going for research purposes, it could be anything from a seiyuu panel (the last one went so well) to a hot spring to a hentai game company. Hope they bring Okada along...
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Mama senses her daughter’s giving in to peer pressure.
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Not gonna lie. This hand gesturing from Rena made me think that she was thinking about doing...something else.
Damn mind-in-the-gutter.
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Even though Anna doesn’t appear to be the studious type, it’s pretty cool to see that she can respect people who are. Also, I dig the way she wears her tie (or is that a ribbon?). 
Emoji II really has become an honorary delinquent and it fits her perfectly. 
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I guess no matter how much more grounded Tomoko becomes, she still thinks reading manga is legitimate practice for playing in real-life (though tabletop games may actually allow for some truth).  
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Sub!Tomoko confirmed.
What a way to end a chapter. For the longest, Katou had always viewed Tomoko through a pair of rose-tinted glasses, always seeing the girl’s faults as endearing “quirks”. But as her soul-piercing gaze seems to indicate, Katou has reached a revelation about Tomoko that she can actually disapprove of. Whether or not it’ll shatter her illusion of Tomoko is still unclear, but how she treats Tomoko from here on out may finally give us a deeper look into Katou’s psyche. 
160+ chapters we’ve followed Tomoko, and we’re still learning new things about her. The very extent of Tomoko’s agency has always been a tad murky. She’s good at (poorly) executing short-term ideas, but hardly does she plan out and follow up on her long-term goals. Even her greatest milestone of making friends involved a lot of pushing from outsiders (Ogino, the most obvious case). That said, having to take charge of herself for once is inescapable with college on the horizon. How she goes about it amongst her various mom-friends may end up being Tomoko’s biggest personal challenge yet.  
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beachbabywrites · 5 years
Dynamic Duo // A Kara Danvers imagine
Valentine’s Request 18/?
REQUEST: Kara Danvers + Enemies to Lovers + candy heart
A/N: So I’ve come to realize I cannot write enemies to lovers fics for Kara, it’s just impossible ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ so I twisted it around a bit. In this fic, the media is doing everything in their power to pit Supergirl and Phoenix (Aka the reader bc I cannot come up with imaginary superhero names for the life of me) against each other even though the two have never publicly associated or worked together. Unbeknownst to the public, Supergirl and Phoenix are in a happy and healthy relationship. This takes place somewhere in the season one/early season two timeline
"Supergirl declares, 'National City only needs ONE HERO!"
"The REAL reason you'll never see Supergirl and Phoenix working together."
"Supergirl threatens to reveal Phoenix's true identity; Phoenix says "stand down!"
"Source says Phoenix will destroy National City before going to Supergirl's aid."
Of course, the headlines were the first thing you saw this morning, they were hard to miss with street vendors yelling at passing crowds trying to sell a copy of the latest gossip magazine. You scoffed, trying not to laugh in the man's face as he pushed the paper towards you. You could tell him then and there just how wrong those sources were but he wouldn't believe you. Why would he? You're no one special to National City. You're just (Y/N) (Y/L/N). So instead of initiating an argument on the sidewalk you went on to work and prayed you made it to your desk before your boss showed up.
You were staring at the clock, counting down the minutes till your lunch break. 15... 14... You answered an email about scheduling your bosses next meeting with the CEO, then answered a personal email regarding dinner plans.
12... Someone's phone rang, you began putting your things in your purse so you could sneak out early. You could hear the car horns outside in the lunch hour rush. You looked up as your coworker approached your desk and handed you a file. She apologized for laying it on you right before lunch, but it was due by 5 tonight. Inside was the research for yet another gossip segment on Supergirl and Phoenix's feud.
9... You agreed happily when your coworker asked if you wanted to grab lunch with her before she left to pick her kids up from school.
Much like every other devastating event that happened in National City, this one happened without warning.
When the first crash was heard, you dropped to your knees on the carpeted floor like everyone had been instructed to do in the past. Glass shattered, you could hear the screeching of breaks and mangled metal. The people on your floor screamed as the windows imploded, sending glass flying across the floor. Two more explosions quickly followed the first one, each one shaking the building more violently than the last.
You stood up slowly after some time had passed after the last blast, looking around the floor at your coworkers. All were fine, nothing too serious, maybe a couple cuts that would need stitches. You placed a hand on the shoulder of the woman who was trying to call her children at school.
"Phone lines are down." Someone hollered across the room and slammed the landline down. "Was it a gas line?"
"Surely not that strong!" Another voice answered.
The power went out and another round of screams pierced the air.
"Go! To the stairwell, come on." You urged them along. You rushed to the window to see what was going on outside when shouts of 'Supergirl!' caught your attention.
"Kara!" You whispered out loud, amazement and terror-striking your heart as she flew through the sky straight towards the pillar of smoke rising just a few blocks away.
"Come on!" Someone shouted behind you so you turned and made your way down the stairs.
You followed the crowd away from the shaky buildings and chaos, helping those who needed it but listening closely to the battle that was happening behind you.
You heard the first cry as you were helping a child find her mother. Kara was in distress but you couldn't just leave these people. You knew she could handle her self, besides you had a bigger responsibility at the time. You couldn't help the small part of you wondered what if?
Within a matter of minutes, dozens of buildings were evacuated, barricades set up to prevent any civilians from running into the mess. Smoke still darkened the sky and burned at your nose. It sounded like the worst of the fight was over, you could hear Kara yelling over the noise, but you couldn't hear a second voice.
Oh great, you sighed to yourself. She's monologuing.
You helped the volunteers passing out shock blankets to those who were injured or just scared, EMTs were rushing around the area. Someone mentioned the museum was in the same area Supergirl and the unnamed villain were fighting. The crowd wondered if there was something in there worth the fight. A man claimed it was Phoenix.
"I saw her with my own eyes, Supergirl tackled her out of the air as the building exploded!"
Everyone saw something different, no one could agree on who it was that Supergirl had encountered. With every yell from Kara's mouth, you became more anxious. More theories began to spread across the street, cops and reporters whispering Kryptonite and 'alien', despite your racing heart and clenched jaw you reminded yourself just how strong she had proven herself to be in the past.
Kara had taken on prisoners from Fort Rozz, she stopped a falling plane, Live Wire and the Red Tornado, the latter was designed specifically to upgrade its fighting skills based on its spars with Supergirl, to use her strongest moves and patterns against her, and these were only in the first couple of months of taking on the hero role. Kara was called super for a reason.
You could hear Alex and her team mobilizing and preparing to rush in as Kara landed the final blows. Your phone buzzed in your pocket, the screen lit up with Alex's name and number and a text asking where you were.
"I'm safe. Is Kara?" The little bubbles on the screen told you Alex was typing and erasing, typing and erasing for what felt like ten minutes before she finally sent back "Kara is safe." But at this point, Kara didn't sound safe.
A menacing voice was taunting her, telling her if she stayed down, if she gave up he would spare the block of her choice. The longer you sat on the stairs to the bank with the unaware crowd the more your muscles ached with an electric need to step in and help, every nerve running up your spine tingling. When you heard a cop whisper to his partner in a broken and panicked voice 'she's losing' you couldn't stay still any longer.
You hopped up, the metallic blanket falling to the steps as you turned and raced the opposite direction, away from Supergirl and the fight.
The dust didn't have time to settle before the alien that had Kara trapped on the ground was turning on you, giving the blonde a chance to jump to her feet.
"Just how many of your kind are on this planet Kara Zor-El?" The alien asked the laughter in his voice was infuriating as you realized just how worn out Kara looked. She stared at you wide-eyed, taking in the red and yellow you were wearing, a hint of pride in her slight smile. "Two Kryptonian heads will be more than enough to atone for the crimes your people have committed against my home."
"I'm not Kryptonian. I will not allow you to commit the same crimes you allege against the Kryptonians to my own people." You countered, hands already burning.
"Phoenix!" Kara shouted, "distract him!" You sent her a glance as she dashed away but did as she asked.
This alien was highly skilled at hand to hand, their punches fast and aiming at all of your weakest points. Face, throat, face, stomach, stomach, face, throat. You were beginning to notice a pattern to his moves and as you stepped to the side in anticipation of his next move, ready to make your own, he took you by surprise with a right hook to the face. You stumbled back before regaining your balance,  a coppery taste on your tongue.
You could see Kara picking up something from the farthest edge of the street, he was preparing to turn his back on you to attack her once again, so you ran at the invader. When your bodies collided the impact knocked both of you back. The force of it knocked the breath out of your body. You forced yourself up, staggering slightly as you put distance between you and the seven foot alien on the ground.
Supergirl was behind him as he stood. He snarled at you in a foreign language before lurching forward. Supergirl grabbed him by the shoulder, pushed him so he was now facing her. She landed punches in quick succession; One, two, three, his fist made loud contact with her face.  Kara glanced over her shoulder and you knew she had a plan. Your heel connected with the aliens back, he fell to his knees.
"Move!" Kara bellowed and before you had much time to do anything, a second blast rang throughout the area, throwing you onto your back once again. As you sat up, dizzied and sore, you noticed the DEO agents rushing in, guns raised and shouting orders at the criminal.
Supergirl rushed up to you, arms extended to help you up.
"I'm okay." You assured her for the third time before she finally quit asking and stepped back. "Are you okay?"
"I'm fine, I'm not the one who was just electrocuted." You rolled your eyes but smiled at her. "Wow, we really are a dynamic duo! We should do this more often... Besides the whole- Yeah." Kara stammered out, cheeks bright pink and eyes bright from the thrill of the fight.
You threw your arms around her and whispered, "you scared me Supergirl." Kara quickly wrapped her arms around you tightly. Exhaustion flooded your body and senses. "I've never seen you in action like that." You told her. "You're kinda hot Supergirl."
"Oh, oh geez." Kara laughed nervously and shook her head. "Noo... I'm a- I'm a mess."
You pressed your lips to her's quick, forgetting where and who you were for a moment. You could have stayed there with her like that for hours if it weren't for the sounds of shutters clicking and reporters shouting. Kara jumped back from you, eyes wide as she scanned the crowd, only relaxing when she saw Jimmy was front and center with his camera.
"Our secret is out." She whispered. A moment of panic fell over the two of you as reality set in. "We'll be okay." She decided, not quite sure if she was assuring you or herself.
"You know, someone said I was the one attacking the city." You told her as she watched her sister's team drag the alien away in Kryptonite handcuffs.
"That's funny because, on my way over, I heard that I was the one blowing an entrance into the side of the museum to lure you out of hiding for a final smackdown." Kara jumped back, playfully lifting her fists in a mock spar.
"It worked, I guess." You answered throwing a hand up to block a punch.
The next morning on the way to work the headlines read very differently than they had just the day before, a picture of Supergirl and Phoenix hugging was splashed across the front of each magazine and newspaper.
"SUPER-TRUCE? A timeline of the SvP feud"
"Supergirl retiring? Source says 'She's ready to settle down!"
"The 'dynamic duo' we didn't know we were waiting for"
Your eyes lingered on the last title, the picture of Supergirl's hand resting on Phoenix's back. As you picked up the magazine, you recognized the logo across the top and laughed.
"How much for the CATCO, sir?" You asked reaching for your purse.
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thecleverdame · 5 years
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Part Three - Judgement
Summary: Alpha!Sam x Omega!Reader -Sam’s young, powerful and comes from one of the wealthiest families in New York. When he meets an Omega bartender who’s far from what his family expects, Sam is forced to make a series of hard choices.
Warnings: A/B/O dynamics, smut, knotting, breeding, dominance, ownership, angst, family drama
“You were late today.” John quips.
Sam doesn’t look away from his computer as his father takes a seat, adjusting the lapel of his jacket.
“I wasn’t late for anything. I came in later than I normally do, but I was here for the Cavanaugh presentation.” Sam quips, finishing his email before giving his father his full attention. “Are you keeping tabs on me now?”
“Yesterday you didn’t show up for work and I find you shacked up with a woman I’ve never seen before. This morning you wander in at ten o’clock. It seems like I need to take pay attention.”
“Your concern is noted. What happened yesterday will never happen again. But while I’m working eighty hour weeks, I expect to be able to come and go on my own schedule.”
John’s eyes narrow, rubbing his thumb and forefinger together as he stares at his youngest son.
“You need to talk to your mother.”
“I thought you were going to take care of that.”
“You’re not getting off that easy. I told her you’re seeing someone. It’s up to you to break the news.” John couldn’t be more disgusted by the conversation and they both know it. He’s never had the patience for anyone or anything that disappoints him.
“Fine. I’ll talk to her on Friday, at dinner.”
“I think you should break the news before then. And you better bring the girl.”
“You think that’s a good idea?” Sam cocks an eyebrow.
“Of course not, but she’s important to you if you claimed her and your mother will want her there. That’s a huge commitment, Sam. Being a mate is a shit ton of responsibility that begins and ends with your family.”
“I get it.” Sam’s done with the conversation but John is far from it.
“Do you? Tell me you understand why I’m upset, Sam. I need to know that you get it.”
“I don’t.” Sam shakes his head. “Maybe if I had a history of reckless choices I’d understand your concern but I’ve always pulled my weight when it comes to the business. I missed the meeting yesterday and I get that can’t happen again and it won’t. But my whole life just changed, I think I’m entitled to a mistake.”
“Is there anything else I should know?” John pulls his glasses from his pocket. “If this girl is going to come back and bite the family in the ass, you better tell me now.”
“No.” Sam quips.
In truth, he has no idea. You could have a closet full of dirty secrets and scandals that he doesn’t know about. But he’s not able to tell his father that. Besides, he’s loyal. Even if there was something, he wouldn’t throw you to the wolves.
“I sure as hell hope not.” His father grunts, pulling twin folders from his briefcase and throwing them onto Sam’s desk.
“What is this?” Sam cocks an eyebrow.
“What I came to talk to you about.” John stares a hole into Sam before a smile breaks out over his face. His gruff, satisfied laugh laughing filling the room. “I can’t believe I’m saying this. We got final approval this morning.”
“You’re kidding me…” Sam trails off, everything else fading away. “They said FDA approval would take two years at the soonest.”
“I greased a few palms and Caleb worked his magic. As of this morning, we’re officially ready for market.” John laughs again, slapping a palm on the arm of the chair. “Not only are we about to make history but we’re gonna make more money than God himself. This is a game changer, Sam. It’s why I need to make sure you’ve got your head on straight, that you’re all in. This train is going to start moving and things will happen fast. I need you sharp. I can’t do this without you.”
“I’m here and I’m ready.” Sam nods.
“I’m glad to hear it.” John’s stare lingers for a few seconds before he gets up to leave. “Your mother is meeting me this afternoon. She’s coming here before we head to dinner with the Takahashi’s. I’ll send her your way before we leave. You need to tell her Sam. Today.”
“I know.” The younger Alpha nods. “I will.”
There’s a soft knock and Sam looks up as his mother slips through the door, carefully shutting it behind her. He abruptly ends his conference call and she’s apologizing before the line is dead.
“Your father said you wanted to talk to me. I wasn’t trying to interrupt. You didn’t have to end that call for me.” She smiles as Sam approaches her, hugging her before pressing a kiss to her cheek.
“You’re always more important than work.” He waves his hand in her direction. “Do you want anything? I can have Amelia bring us coffee-”
“No.” She sighs, squeezing his arm. “I’m just stopping by. I heard you have some news to tell me.”
She looks excited and Sam feels sick. John must not have indicated how unhappy he was with his choice. He’s left the hard sell to Sam. She takes a seat on the small sofa across from his desk and he moves, sits beside her.
“He told you I was seeing someone?” He clarifies.
“Yup.” She quips, still grinning. “But he wouldn’t tell me any details. I don’t want to be that mom, but you know I wanted to call you as soon as he said anything.”
“I know.” Sam smiles tightly.
“What’s wrong? Is it someone I know?” Her good mood is fading quickly once she senses his apprehension. “It’s not your secretary is it? I see the way she looks at you-”
“No, definitely not.” Sam pauses. “I just, I don’t want you to be upset with me. We’ve worked so hard to have this relationship and it would hurt me to know that you’re disappointed in my choice.”
“Disappointed?” She repeats, her eyes narrowing. He can see the wheels turning in her head, trying to figure out where this is headed. “I’m never disappointed in you.”
“I don’t know about that.” Sam snorts and instantly regrets the comment.
“You’re starting to make me nervous.” Her mouth pinches together in concern.
“Mom, I know you have this idea of who you want me to be with. The kind of person you think is a good match, but that’s really not what I want.” He needs to just say it, but this is harder than he thought it would be.
“Well, Lord knows you have no interest in any of the women I’ve set you up with.” She sits back. “Why are you making such a big deal out of this? You think I care that much about who you’re dating, enough that it would affect our relationship?”
“I know you, you don’t like unconventional.”
“Sam,” Mary whispers, taking his large hand between her own. “Are you trying to tell me that you’re…gay? Because I don’t care about-”
“What?” He’s taken off guard. “No. No, I’m not gay. I met a woman and things have moved fast. I don’t want to get into the gritty details right now but I-I claimed her. And despite how it might seem I feel that she’s the person I’m meant to be with.”
“Oh.” She takes a breath, stoic and staring at him as if she’s not heard correctly. Her hands pull back into her own lap.“Where did you meet her?”
“I was out with some of the guys and we ran into each other. She was working actually.”
This is the part that eats Sam up from the inside. If he’s honest, there’s a part of him that hates his hesitation to say who you are. What you are. A job doesn’t define a person, nor does social standing or lineage. But his parents missed that memo.
“Working?” She chokes. “Oh my God, this is your brother all over again.”
“No mom, she’s not a stripper.” Sam resists the urge to roll his eyes. “She works in bar-”
“Thank God there’s a distinction.” She spits back.
“Don’t be like that.” Sam snips, instantly angered by her response. Disappointment he can understand, but her irritation is a whole other beast. He won’t tolerate it, not from her. He’s forgiven a lot when it comes to his mother, he gave her a chance back when his father and brother refused to speak to her.
“Well, I’m not sure what you want me to say.” She grits out. “I think we should talk about this later after I’ve had time to digest the news. I don’t want to say anything I might regret.”
“I think that’s a good idea.”
“What are we celebrating?” You inquire, slipping on to the couch beside Sam.
He’s popped a bottle of champaign, leaning over the coffee table to pour you both a glass.
“We’re celebrating the next chapter in my life - our life.” Grinning, he hands you a glass clinking his to yours before taking a sip. “First I found you and now we have FDA approval. This drug is going to be huge.”
“Don’t get me wrong, I’m happy that you’re happy. But can you tell what I’m happy about?” You laugh, energized by how thrilled he is.
“Sorry,” Sam grins. Leaning forward he kisses you quickly, then a second time as if he needs another taste. Then he tips back his glass, gulping down the champagne.
Sam looks utterly alive as if every part of him is vibrating with excitement.
“Gilead has this world-renowned research and development team. For a decade my father has been recruiting people, the top scientists, and thinkers from around the world. Poaching people from other companies. One of the reasons Gilead has been so successful is our commitment to pushing boundaries, thinking outside the box and being willing to fund projects that some predict are likely to fail. It’s all about the possibility.”
His face lights up as he talks, becoming more animated as his hands grab the flesh just above your knee, squeezing in excitement and leaving his palm there. If you’ve learned one thing about him, it’s that he prefers to always be touching you. The physical contact anchors the two of you together.
“Ten years ago R&D came to my dad and pitched a simple idea. A cure for heat sickness. One percent of the world’s population are Omegas who have unsatisfied heat and we wanted to target that group and find a treatment.”
Truth be told he doesn’t need to explain it. Unsatisfied heat is a condition that terrifies you.
Some Omegas have a heat that grows more severe over time. Often it’s made worse once they’re claimed. The basic idea is their body wants a child, it’s the biological reason for the pairing. It harkens back to a time, thousands of years ago when human biology evolved to combat a dying population. Alpha was the first to emerge of the evolutionary chain and Omega followed with one purpose: to breed. It’s a basic instinctual need that still exists but it’s been dulled over time.
A few hundred years ago Sam would have claimed you and you would have given him as many children as your body could manage. Reproduction was imperative and the preternatural pull was insatiable. Women bore child after child until they became too old to become pregnant or died during childbirth  It wasn’t uncommon for women to bear children until it took their life.
And when Omegas aged out of the childbearing years they were replaced by someone younger who was still fertile. It was commonplace for an Alpha to have four or five mates over his lifetime. Foregoing one for the next, leaving behind each Omega to suffer a lonely existence.
It was during these times that unsatisfied heats first showed up.
The more common situation is an Omega being forced to become pregnant to satiate her heat. Being fucked and knotted doesn’t do the trick. In these cases, the body needs a full womb to equalize and the woman’s body turns on herself until it’s given what it wants. It’s one of two options, have child after child or suffer through spine curling heats that often last for weeks a time.
The second and the rarer scenario is when an Omega is unable to be satisfied. Despite claiming, mating and pregnancy their heats grow more and more intense. To date there is no treatment, the condition is terminal but often makes the Omegas suffer for years before finally taking their life.
One percent of the population means it affects roughly seventy million people.
“And you found a cure?” You ask and Sam smiles, pink lips pulling back over white teeth.
“Three years ago we went into clinical trials and the results were incredible. Phase one had a ninety-two percent success rate. I’m talking about no pain, no heat. No symptoms at all. It only got better from there. We were told FDA approval would take years. It’s only been eight months.” He laughs, clearly over the moon at this news.
“You’re going to help so many people.” You beam, proud of this man who’s waltzed into your life. He just keeps getting better and better. “I mean it, that’s amazing. It’s going to change people’s lives.”
“Yeah.” His smile fades as he focuses on you.
All day people have responded to the news with comments about how much money this drug will make and what it will do the company’s stock prices, not to mention future applications. But here you are, talking about the people it will impact.
“What?” You ask, afraid you’ve said something wrong.
“Nothing.” He cups your jaw, running his thumb back and forth across your cheek. “I just like you so much.”
Sam’s insistent two of you continue learning about each other. Whether it’s an in-depth conversation or eating you out on the floor of his apartment, Sam’s need to know you is insatiable. His fingers curl into the clammy flesh at the back of your knees, forcing your legs wider.
“Right there.” You moan, butterflying your knees outward as Sam’s tongue works in deft strokes over your clit. You’re spread out on his living room floor, naked, sweating and hovering on the cusp of an orgasm for nearly an hour.
“Wanna fuck you Omega, but you taste too good.” He mumbles against your pussy, taking a moment to lick into your cunt, pressing his tongue inside to get a taste before moving back to your clit.
“You’re gonna make me cum.” You moan, sucking in a breath and tuning your head to the side as you close your eyes in concentration.
“Tell me when.” His tongue slides firm, back and forth, working your bud until the building pleasure encroached on too much.
“Now, Sam.” Warning him you’re momentarily shocked when he pulls his head from between your legs.
Sam moves fast, over your body and pushing his cock into you with breathtaking speed. He thrusts in to the root with one sudden shove of hips. His pelvis rocks into your clit and you cum, crying out, clawing at his neck and back as he holds himself deep.
He feels delirious like he’s in the midst of some feverish dream as he watches you under him, struggling to breathe, your tight little pussy squeezing him again and again. Your back arches as you gasp and go limp, like you’re dying before he brings you back to life.
“Love watching you cum.” He grunts, smiling against your throat, before scraping his teeth over the hollow of your neck.  “So fucking beautiful taking my cock Omega. I can feel you, sucking me inside you.”
“Oh God,” Choking, you squeeze your eyes shut, feeling your cunt continue to pulse around his thick shaft. The weight of his large frame on top of you coupled with the sensation of being filled to the brim is incredible. If feels like this is where you’re meant to be.
Sam’s never been in love. He’s never even been close before. But as he lifts his heads to watch you silently gasp and twitch as your orgasm fades, he can imagine what it’s like. He can understand the wanting someone completely, body and soul.
“That feel good?” He grins, watching as your eyes flutter open.
“Amazing,” you sigh, smiling lazily and looking up at him. Bringing a hand to his face you bite your lip as you try to catch your breath. “It feels better when you’re inside me when I cum.”
“Better than my fingers?” He clarifies.
Sam’s in the process of the methodical exploration of your perfect orgasm and you think he might just have found it.
“Way better.” Arching up you kiss him. “It feels best when you’re like this.”
“Noted.” He quips, his mouth breaking free to watch your reaction as he rocks his hips, sliding out before slowly easing back inside. “Too much?”
“No,” You sigh, hitching your legs wider. “Just a little sensitive. Be gentle with me.”
“Of course.” Sam nuzzles under your jaw, dragging his nose across your skin as he breathes you in.
He fucks you slow and deep, with long, steady thrusts that make your eyes roll back into your skull. He watches you intently, mesmerized by the way you whimper, clutching at his shoulders, hanging on to him with the desperation of a drowning woman.
“Can you cum again?” He speeds up, just enough to ease the ache of his cock, sliding base to tip with every thrust.
“I don’t know. But it feels so good I don’t care.”
Sam places one hand on either side of your head, holding his weight and pumping faster. The wet smack of your bodies coming together echoing off the walls and becoming his sole focus. That sounds gets faster and louder until he feels his knot swelling.
“Fuck.” Groaning in pleasure, he pops inside you, emptying thick ropes of cum into your belly as you take his knot. He’s not sure he’s ever going to get used to the feeling of knotting you bare, cumming inside you as nature intended. It feels unbelievable every time.
You don’t have to open your eyes to know it’s too early for any sane person to start the day, You’ve bartended for your entire adult life so the night owl lifestyle comes as a default. Truth be told you’ve always preferred to sleep until noon and start the day at a slow pace.
Sam is the polar opposite.
“Good morning.” His sleep drunk voice is deep and warm at the shell of your ear as you lay face down in the feather pillow.
“Hmmff.” Grunting, you burrow deeper, stretching out under the covers.
“Are you going to join me this morning?” You feel the smile on his lips as he kisses your shoulder.
He’s been trying to get you to go running with him for the last three mornings. You’ve declined. Not that you don’t exercise. You love to work up a good sweat, you even jog on occasion, but not at 4:45 am.
“It’s too early.” You groan.
“Come on.” You feel the bed dip as he straddles your legs. Pulling down the blanket his lips trailing down your naked spine. “It’s hard the first few times but it’s worth it. If you get out of bed right now we can have a great view as the sun comes up.”
“If you’re trying to motivate me you’re headed down the wrong path.The idea of watching the sunrise makes me nauseous.”  Voice muffled by the pillow you make no move.
“Okay, how about this. If you come with me today, I’ll stay in bed with you tomorrow and wake you up more enjoyably.”
Maybe it’s the promise of morning sex or just the playful tone of his offer but you crack on eye open.
“Even if I wanted to, which I do not, I don’t have anything to wear.” It’s the same excuse you’ve used all week but this time he’s ready.
“On the contrary. I took the liberty of having a few items delivered. Not only do you have something to wear, but you’ve also got options.”
“Why are you doing this to me?”
“Because I want you to be healthy and live a very long life so I can enjoy you as long as possible. Purely selfish reasons.”
Ten minutes later you’re still half asleep, leaning into Sam’s side as the elevator descends to the ground floor. He chuckles tucking an arm around your side and squeezing you against him.
“It’s freezing out there.” Your protesting hasn’t ended, even as he takes your hand and pulls you toward the front doors of the building.
“You’ll warm up in two minutes. Come on, if we leave now we can be back in time for a nice long shower before I have to leave…”
“Promises, promises.” You laugh as you follow him out into the cold.
You walk through the front door of Mick’s just after lunch. You need to beg forgiveness from your manager Joey. He sees you coming across the room and waves the hand towel he’s holding in your direction.
“I don’t wanna hear it.” He warns.
“Please, just let me explain.” Begging you take a seat on the stool across from him.
“Explain what? That you left to fuck some dude and left Jesse alone in the middle of a shift? I don’t hear from you for almost a week…”
“Well,” You shrug, unable to argue with the facts. “Yeah, but things were crazy and I…I - I’m sorry. It won’t ever happen again.”
“I can’t chance it.” Joey stops what he’s doing and gives you his full attention.
“Come on, I never even call in sick.” You counter.
“Maybe not sick but I already gotta give you time off every month for your..Omega stuff. I should have known better. I thought you’d work out but I set you up for failure, that’s my fault.”
“Are you kidding me?” Eyes narrowing you study him, trying to suss out if he’s joking. You’ve known him nearly two years and you’ve never even suspected that he might be prejudiced.
“Look, I’m sorry.” He sighs, distinctly uncomfortable. He’s hoping you’ll walk away or storm out but you’re not going to make this easy for him.
“I know I did a shitty thing leaving like that. But trust me, it will never happen again. I swear. Look-” You push your hair back and pull at the neckline of your t-shirt. “I’m not even on the market anymore.”
He eyes Sam’s bite and takes a moment before rolling his eyes in frustration.
“A claimed Omega doesn’t do me any good. I’m just gonna be honest here. The reason I hired you is that you’re super hot and single. You’re a draw, guys come back every weekend to try and get a piece. But what am I supposed to do with you now?”
“Wow.” You murmur, trying to comprehend what he’s telling you. Feeling a blush rising in your cheeks you try to maintain your composure. There’s a sickening culmination of anger and embarrassment threatening to overtake you.  
“Don’t look at me like that. You’re making me feel like an asshole.” He grumbles.
“Maybe because you are.” You spit back.
“Hey, watch your mouth.” Joey has always had a quick temper and he doesn’t like to put in his place. “Because I’m a nice guy and I don’t want you out on the street I’ll see what I can do. Maybe we can get you on the afternoon shift.”
“You want me serving burgers to salesmen? No way, the tips aren’t worth leaving the house.”
“Fine, have it your way. You’re fired.”
Sam left you a key.
Just like that he trusts you enough to leave a key in a white envelope on his kitchen counter with your name scrawled across the paper. There was a note in his block letter writing - You can come and go as you please.
Unable to control the idiotic smile on your face you slipped the shiny silver key onto your ring. It’s been burning a hole in your pocket all day, just resting there, like an unspoken invitation to his life.  There wasn’t a conversation or a massive gesture of commitment. It’s more than that, it’s the way he’s approached his entire short-lived relationship with you.
You’re here to stay and that’s just the way things are now.
Sam’s apartment is massive and modern. You’ve seen the plenty of the master bedroom but you explore the rest of his home, finding an office filled with books and two oversized leather chairs. The shelves are filled with volumes of boring books on business and leadership. But the opposing wall is all fiction. Everything from Tolkien to Jane Austen. You smile pulling the first edition of Mansfield Park, delicately opening the pages.
Across the hall, there’s a small guest room with a neatly made bed and en-suite bath. Off the kitchen, you find a laundry room and a fully stocked pantry. The kitchen and living area are one massive space, open and tall with vaulted ceilings. The far wall of the living room is one giant window, floor to ceiling, wall to wall, looking out over the city.
You don’t even want to guess what he pays for a place like this.
You hear a key in the door and glance at the clock. It’s not even three and Sam shouldn’t be home yet. You’re watching from beside the refrigerator as an older woman lets herself in, dropping her bags to the floor.
“Hello.” You greet tentatively and in turn scare the living daylights of her.
“Oh, Lord!” She shrieks, placing a hand over her heart.
“Sorry!” You put your hands up. “I’m so sorry. I was trying to not to scare you.”
“It’s okay.” She takes a heavy breath, sucking in through her nose. “I’ve been a little jumpy lately.”
“Do you mind if I ask…who are you?” You take a step closer, sock feet sliding across the hardwood of the kitchen floor.
Her expression sours at your question.
“Who are you?” She returns.
“I’m-” That’s a good question. “I’m Sam’s…Omega.”
“Oh.” Her eyes widen, looking at you with a newfound curiosity. She looks you over from head to toe, offering a final nod of apparent approval. “I didn’t know he’d taken a mate. About time.”
“I’m Y/N.” You continue hoping to get more information about this stranger.
“Gail.” She offers her hand and you shake it. “I’m the housekeeper.”
“I didn’t know he had a housekeeper.” You admit as she moves to the sink, already focused on the job at hand.
“I didn’t know he had an Omega.” She shrugs, rinses glasses and loading them into the dishwasher. “We’re both learning new things today.”
You’re a bit taken aback by her attitude, unsure if you’ve done something to offend her.
“I come on Monday, Wednesday and Friday.” She looks up, “I clean and do the laundry. You can leave your clothes in the hamper, or on the floor, but if you want anything dry cleaned, make sure you lay it out in a separate pile. I prefer to do my work and leave. Mr. Winchester likes discretion and I do my best to keep my nose out of his business. That includes friendly conversation. The less I know about you, the better. It’s not personal.”
“Uh, okay.” You nod, slinking away from her.
You try to ignore her presence, but having someone scrubbing the shower and cleaning the toilets while you lay around doesn’t feel right, so you grab your jacket and spend an hour at the coffee shop down the street contemplating how strange life keeps getting.
“You look beautiful.” Sam squeezes your hand as the elevator rises. John and Mary Winchester live on the top three floors of the massive Lebanon building. You Googled it this morning, wanting to get an idea of what you’d be walking into and were flabbergasted by the size and opulence of their home. From the rooftop swimming pool to the custom marble floors it’s clear you’re walking into a life that you know nothing about.
You knew they were rich, but John’s net worth printed in bold letters next to his name gave you a stomach ache.
Sam bought the dress you’re wearing. You’d protested when he handed you the box but he scoffed rebutting your apprehension by telling you he saw it in the window and thought of you. You suspect it has more to with the matching lingerie underneath but you couldn’t turn down his generosity. Not to mention the way he looked at you when you emerged from the bedroom, eyeing you from head to toes with a stare that made your belly tight.
“We need to get this over with so I can get you home.” He purred, kissing you in the back seat of his car. You glanced up to see if the driver was watching the two of you make out like kids, but only found two eyes plastered to the road. Sam’s mouth caught yours again, kissing you slow and deep, letting his tongue venture over yours as his hand slid between your thighs. “Wanna fuck you in this dress.”
He warned you this wouldn’t be typical Friday night dinner. It’s part of their yearly employee appreciation initiative. And tonight several members of the board and each of Sam, John and Dean’s assistants will be in attendance.
A woman, evidently staff, answers the door. Sam hands her his coat, then helps you off with yours. Once you’re alone he embraces you, slipping both arms around your waist and pulling you to his chest. Placing both hands on his biceps you stare into his bright, shining eyes, breathing the smell of his cologne and unmistakable scent of his Alpha.
“My family can be…different. I want you to know how much I want you here tonight. You’re a big part of my life now and-”
You turn to see a blonde woman striding in your direction with a painfully tight smile plastered to her face.
“I’m so glad you’re here.” She slinks closer and Sam relinquishes his hold on you, keeping one hand around your waist.
“Mom, this is Y/N.” He gestures toward you. “This is my mother.”
“Hello.” She extends her hand and you take it. “I’m Mary.”
“Hi, Y/N. Thank you for having me. Your home is beautiful.”
She stares at you for a moment, nostrils flaring as she blinks in rapid succession.
“Thank you, sweetheart.” Tipping her head, Mary looks you over one last time before turning back to Sam.
“She’s gorgeous.” She quips, turning on her heels before he has a chance to respond. “We’re having cocktails in your father’s study. Please join us when you’re ready.”
You watch her leave, not quite sure of what to make of the interaction. She’s less brash than Sam’s father but something is simmering under the surface that you can’t quite put your finger on.
Sam takes your hand as he leads you through the long hall before he opens the doors into a two-story office. It’s like something out of a fairy tale, books floor to ceiling surrounded by hardwood and leather.
“Sam!” You look up to see a pretty brunette in a cherry red dress walking toward you. She’s carrying a glass of champagne and it sloshes over the edge. Her eyes stutter between the two of you as she gets closer. Her eyes fall to where he’s holding your hand. “I wasn’t sure if you were coming.”
“I wouldn’t miss it.” Sam grins, letting you go as he places a hand at the small of your back. “Amelia, this is Y/N. Y/N, this is Amelia, she’s my assistant. She keeps my working life in order. I’d be a mess without her.”
“Hi.” You extend a hand and she pauses for a split second before taking it.
“Nice to meet you.” She smiles. Her disappointment is palpable as she looks between you and Sam before asking what she wants to know. “She’s your…friend?”
“She’s my Omega,” Sam confirms without skipping a beat.
You squirm as the color drains from her face. It was apparently the last answer she expected to hear.
“Oh wow, I didn’t know you were seeing anyone.” She recovers quickly, unable to look at you directly.
At dinner, you’re seated next to Sam and directly across from John’s assistant Rowena. You’ve caught her staring multiple times now but she’s doesn’t seem intimidated, refusing to look away. She’s studying you and you don’t think you want to know why.
To Rowena’s right is Amelia and on her left is Lisa, Dean’s secretary. It’s interesting, three powerful men with beautiful women working for them. It all feels very old-school. You try to listen to the conversation happening at the end of the table here John and Mary are chatting with Dean about an upcoming project.
“So, Y/N.” Lisa smiles, sweet as sugar. “We’re all so surprised to find out about you and Sam. I’m dying to know more about you. Where did you go to school?”
Sam’s hand finds you under the table, offering a squeeze.
“Um,” You pause setting down your wine glass. “Hillhouse. In New Haven.”
“I don’t think I’ve heard of it…” She makes a production of thinking about your answer, mushing her lips together. “Oh honey, I didn’t mean high school. Sorry, I should have clarified. Where did you go to college?”
You try to control your expression, holding your jaw stiff, willing yourself not to give away any reaction.
“I didn’t. I started working right out of high school.” You answer honestly, suddenly aware that you have the attention of the entire table. Sam shifts beside you, this time he places his hand over yours where it rests on the table.
“Oh,” Amelia chimes in. “Nothing wrong with that. So Sam, why you don’t tell us how the two of you met.”
John clears this throat from the head the table, but Sam doesn’t react.
“I just happened to be in the right place at the right time.” Your Alpha responds, taking a sip of his whiskey.
“How romantic.” Amelia grins, her eyes betraying her. “I think I heard Mary saying you were working? What is that you do?”
You have a sneaking suspicion that she knows full well what you do. These questions are designed to be a deliberate public humiliation.
“I was a bartender.” You quip, not wasting any time. You’ve never felt ashamed of what you do or who you are until now. There’s a heat rising in your cheek and a sick feeling in your belly.
“Was?” Mary inquires. Every head at the table looks from her to you. Shit.
“She’s making a change.” Sam intercedes.
“Better be careful.” Lisa leans forward. “You don’t want to wait too long. I hear entry-level jobs are in high demand.”
Amelia snickers along with Lisa who looks pleased with herself.
“That’s good advice.” You respond calmly.
“I’m sure my son will take good care of you,” John speaks for the first time, his eyes burning with a quiet disdain that settles at your gut. “Why go back to work at all?”
“She doesn’t have to.” Sam’s answer to quick and deliberate. He’s making a point. You’re none of his father’s concern and he doesn’t like that the old man has an opinion about his personal life. “There’s no reason for her to work unless she wants to.”
“Okay.” You try to redirect the conversation. “Do we want to spend all night talking about my career choices? I’d like to know more about what you do-”
“Well, I just want to say that I’m happy for you. Both of you.” Amelia tips her glass towards Sam before staring daggers at you. “It’s a fairy tale ending isn’t it?”
“I’d say.” Lisa joins. “A rags to riches sort of romance. It reminds me of that movie…you know the one with Julia Roberts.”
“Pretty Woman,” Amelia confirms, giggling. “Now that you mention it, I can see that.”
You want to crawl under the table.
Sam has no idea how to handle this. He’s an expert at dealing with his father, but he’s not sure how to navigate this social disaster happening right in front of him.
“Except she’s not a prostitute,” Rowena speaks up.
“Oh my God.” Lisa sputters, putting a hand over her heart as if she’s offended. “I never meant to imply that she was-”
“Oh, didn’t you?” Rowena looks at you with her unwavering stare.
“Will you please excuse me.” You force a smile, pushing your chair back from the table.
The moment the door to the bathroom shuts you lose all control of your emotions. You’ve never felt so embarrassed in all your life, but the worst of it is that you’re ashamed for who you are. No one, save for your parents, has ever made you feel like trash.
You want to be angry, but the truth is that you’re hurt. Utterly gutted. The tears sting your eyes before falling over your cheeks. A sob escapes your throat and you cover your mouth afraid that someone will hear you weeping in the bathroom like the weak person they assume you are.
There’s a knock at the door and you freeze, unable to speak without betraying your breakdown. There’s the shuffle of feet and a second rap.
“Let me in.” Sam’s voice instructs, twisting the handle only to find it locked. “Unlock the door.”
Pausing, you wipe futilely at wet cheeks and flip the lock.
When he pushes the door open the sight of you sends Sam’s heart to his stomach. You’re crying, red eyes leaking fat tears. You’ve got a hand over your stomach, trying to anchor yourself. At the sight of him, you clap a hand over your mouth to muffle the cry that escapes.
“I’m sorry. I just needed a minute.” Whispering and broken, you turn away from him.
“Come here.” Sam takes you by the arm, refusing to let go when you tug away. “I’m so sorry, baby. I had no idea it was going to be this bad.”
“I can’t go back out there.”
“You don’t have to. We’ll go home, right now.”
“I don’t think I could stand it.” You don’t mean for your voice to crack. You’ve held it together for this long, but Sam naturally disarms you. You turn away from him, covering your mouth as tears slide down your cheeks.
“Hey, hey, hey.” He mutters, turning you back to him.
Sam pulls you to his chest, wrapping his arms around your small frame and holding you tight as you cry into this chest. He’s pissed. You’re the one person he wants to protect at all costs, the last thing he wants is for you to be hurt. But anger isn’t what you need right now. The feeling of you shaking in his arm breaks his heart. You’d been nothing but gracious, biting your tongue as the entire evening became about backhanded comments.
“They’re just so…mean. Why? If being with you means I have to endure that once a week I don’t think I can.” You look up at him with such earnestly tears streaming down your face. Sam feels like he might throw up.
“I’m so sorry.” he pleads, taking your face in his hands and kissing you. “I’ll never put you through this again. My family, those people, they’re not important. You’re what I care about. Please don’t cry.”
Sam swallows your cries, his mouth covering your again and again until your body begins to overrule you mind, flipping switches as the Omega in you respond to his Alpha. His hands grip your hips, pulling you against him. A final tear falls down your cheek as his tongue snakes into your mouth, curling and tasting, muting any unwanted feelings.
His knees bend and you feel his hand snake under your dress and between your thighs. You part your legs for him out of pure instinct, hitching wide to give him all the access he wants. He grunts softly into your mouth as his long finger swipe over your sex, feeling the sticky lace that’s the only barrier between him and your pussy.
“You’re wet.” He murmurs, his mouth sucking at the skin just under your jaw. The truth is you’ve been wet since he claimed you.
“Take me home.” You whimper, your head falling all the way back as his mouth sends shivers down your spine.
“I want you right here.” Both his hands are under your dress, pulling your panties down far enough to give him what he wants, leaving them around your thighs. “Right now.”
“Someone is gonna hear us.” You pant.
He pulls back, turning you around and bending you forward over the edge of the sink.
“Good.” He grabs a handful of your hair, forcing you to look into the mirror. He stares at your reflection and you meet his gaze.. Your eyes might be a little red but no one would ever know you were crying only moments ago. Your pupils are blown wide with lust, cheeks flush as your mouth hangs open. “Look at you, so fucking beautiful. You’re better than all of them put together and you’re mine.”
Sam’s meets your eyes, locking in a dead stare. He lets go of your hair and places both your hands on the counter, giving them a squeeze, his silent instruction to stay where he puts you. Reaching around he pulls down the neckline of your dress and the cups of your bra so that both your breasts are partially exposed, nipples puffy and hard as his licks his lips.
He pulls your hips back as you stick out your backside. He doesn’t have to tell you what comes next, you already know. You watch each other in the mirror, his eyes never leaving yours as he unbuckles his belt and unzips himself. You’re mesmerized, watching his eyelids fight the urge to close as he presses the swollen head of his cock against your pussy.
“Don’t close your eyes.” He commands, examining your expression as he slides inside. His cock stretches you wide, finding a familiar home deep in your aching channel until his balls rock forward and you feel every inch of his length. “So fucking tight every time.”
He pulls out all the way, leaving you trembling and empty but only for a moment before thrusting back in and burying himself to the root. You cry out, instantly horrified that the entire dinner table can hear you but Sam doesn’t seem the least bit phased.
“Tell me what I feel like inside you.” He grits, one hand reaching around to squeeze your breasts. His hips find a slow rhythm, fucking you deep and steady like he’s got all the time in the world.
You refocus on his eyes in the mirror, watching him watch you as you whimper and twist in pleasure, moaning like a whore.
“You feel big…and deep.” Sucking in a breath you watch as he fucks you from behind. “Sometimes I think you’re going to split me in two.”
Sam groans, fucking a little faster, seemingly pleased with your response.
“I can’t believe I can take all of you inside me, your cock’s so big.” He rewards your confession by grinding deep and holding himself there with the head of his shaft pressed against your cervix. Your eyes roll back into your skull, back arching as you fight to keep breathing. “Fuck Sam, Oh God. It’s too much.”
He doesn’t pull back, just lowers his head to your ear, whispering like he doesn’t want anyone to hear. Like you aren’t alone, locked in a bathroom together. “Have you ever been fucked this deep before Omega?”
“No.” You cry out, trying to move but you can’t. You’re trapped between his massive frame and the marble countertop.
“No what?” His hand in back in your hair, pulling your head back. His cock is unrelenting, your pussy stuffed to the brim as you tighten around him.
“No, Alpha.” Your eyes snap open, taking in the obscene sight of your bare tits arching forward as you squirm on his dick.
“And you’re mine, aren’t you?” He grits at the shell of your ear, still not moving, refusing to give you any relief. “Tell me.”
“Yes.” You hiss as it becomes a long, drawn out moan. “I’m yours. I belong to you, Alpha. Fuck, please just fuck me. It’s too deep like this, I can’t…”
“Can’t what?” He teases, easing out just an inch before pressing right back in to the hilt.
“I can’t take it.” Crying you twist against him, the width of his shaft pulling inside you. It hurts, but it’s a kind of pain that makes you want more. The idea that his cock is this deep and the feeling of him tapping your womb makes you gush around his cock. He really doesn’t need to do anything else, this is enough to send you over the edge. “You’re gonna make me cum.”
“Like this?” He asks, his tone evening out. He’s not teasing anymore, he’s genuinely in awe of how your body responds to him. Just like everything, he’ll store this information away for later. “You’re gonna come from taking my cock this deep?”
“Ahuh.” You nod, barely able to speak. Maybe it’s the sight of your breasts heaving with every breath or how strung out you look, desperate and writhing on his cock. Maybe he’s the sight of him taking you from behind, how big and dominate he looks standing there. But there’s a swell of carnal pleasure that’s building fast, as you pathetically try to move your hips.
Sam watches in near disbelief, your tight little pussy squeezing and sucking him. He’s not even fucking you, just pinning you against the bathroom counter buried balls deep in your cunt, unmoving and hard as steel as you have, what looks like, an earth-shattering orgasm. He can see the build-up, his beautiful Omega heaving, breathing faster and faster, pussy getting tighter and tighter and then your mouth falls open and your eyes clench shut and you’re cumming around him like he’s just sucked your clit.
“Don’t move.” You gasp, clutching his length inside you, milking his cock.
“You alright?” He whispers, leaning down to press his face against your cheek, still watching. You pant fast trying to catch your breath, hanging on to the counter as if your life depends on it.
“Yes.” Sucking in a breath you keep your eyes shut, still riding out your orgasm. Whatever this is, it’s making you painfully sensitive, your body reacting like it did the first night you were together like you haven’t reached your final plateau and the pleasure is still building.
He shifts behind you, inadvertently pulling out, just an inch, just enough that you feel the drag of his cock but it’s too much and you find yourself plunged into another orgasm, stronger than the first. There are no words, instead, you make a desperate noise, crying out and reaching behind you, trying to hang on to your Alpha as your whole body tightens.
Sam doesn’t wait this time, instead, he fucks you through it, thrusting in and out, pumping with long thrusts while your pussy contracts around him. It doesn’t take long, he comes like a kid on prom night. He barely manages to avoid knotting you in his parents’ bathroom, somehow finding the self-restraint to hold back.
You’re both out of breath, shaking and trembling. The swollen head of his cock is still in your cunt and his seed running down your thighs when there’s a knock at the door.
The handle begins to turn and Sam reaches out to grab it as you stare at each other in the mirror.
“Everything alright in there?”
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