#mari rodriquez
merrymarvelite · 11 months
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Cover of the Day: Spectacular Spider-Man #1 (December, 1976) Art by Sal Buscema
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marvelousmrm · 2 years
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Amazing Spider-Man #135 (Conway/Andru, Aug 1974). Spidey sets the Punisher’s sights on the Tarantula, and Harry confirms his most paranoid suspicions about his roommate. It’s a lot of place-setting but this meal’s gonna be tasty.
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mr-divabetic · 1 year
The happy healthcare host, Mr Divabetic raises awareness for diabetes in a fun, new way at the American Diabetes Association's largest Latino event of the year -- Feria de Salud, at St. Mary's Park in Bronx, NY. The annual Feria de Salud Festival offers free health screenings and education to South Bronx residents about diabetes. Play along with Mr. Divabetic as he challenges various American Diabetes Association staff members, Dr. Ileana Vargas - Rodriquez, Mimi Gonzalez BS, RN with the food game, 'Serve, Taste or Trash!' You might be surprised by the results. In the game, players are given three choices of fruits and vegetables. You must decide which one you'd serve, which one you'd taste and which one you'd trash. Before you decide to "trash" a veggie for good, why not try to eat it raw? Raw veggies can be more appetizing than their cooked counterparts to people who aren't crazy about vegetables. The flavors of raw veggies can be milder than those of cooked ones. And the texture is crispy, rather than mushy. Mr. Divabetic is a 2011 WEGO Health Activist Award finalist and the happy healthcare host of Diva TalkRadio. Diva TalkRadio is Divabetic's dynamic free online and mobile podcast channel where tens of thousands of fans, followers and listeners turn to laugh a little and learn a lot. The channel features a line-up of live and archived programs and specials. Guests include health care professionals, beauty, image/style and fitness experts, entertainment industry leaders and VIPs: women and men living with, at risk of and affected by diabetes. Meet Mr. Divabetic on the red tomato carpet at Divabetic - Makeover Your Diabetes outreach event in Philadelphia, PA, Fashion's Night Out in New York, NY, Central Farm Market in Washington, DC, the American Diabetes Association's Diabetes Expo in Pittsburgh, PA and the Taking Control Of Your Diabetes Conferences & Health Fairs in San Diego, CA and Austin, TX in Fall 2012.
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nj-stone · 1 year
Chaos #NerdAvengers | The Mary Trump Show with Dr. Lena Rodriquez Tarot Down Under https://youtu.be/W3cXTGeh0R8 via @YouTube
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comicwaren · 3 years
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From Sinister War #001 (1/2)
Art by Mark Bagley, Andrew Hennessy, Andy Owens and Brian Reber
Written by Nick Spencer
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jmalkki · 4 years
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Team Stamets 
Finally! A proper group shot, to feature some of the uncredited regulars of the Disco family. Hopefully this is only the first of few more to come.
Haven’t done a ‘cast post’ like this in a while, but here goes:
(Though, before the cut I also need to make the customary mentions of this work on instagram, on twitter, and that the Disco works are all listed here).
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I am so ecstatic to finally have gotten this done! I've been attempting to do group shots of the various Disco teams for the couple past years now (as some may recall me lamenting on several occasions). Poster type, posed things, which always failed at unnecessarily intricate planning stages (trying to figure out who to include, how to group them, and not wanting to leave anyone out), or couple times having already started drawing, to my attention just wandering off to more interesting scenes, away from illustrating just frigid poses.
This half-staged looking approach seems like it was the way to tricking my brain into sticking through with it. This looks it could very well be a paused scene in-universe; the (available) team gathering for a group shot mid workday, for some introductory organization PR clip or some such (though, Paul’s looking rather unnaturally mellow here for any Fleet propaganda nonsense *ha*).
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This duo continues to have a special place in my heart. LtJG Harrington,  played by Devon MacDonald, was introduced in ep3 of the first season, and was the first one of Team Stamets to ‘welcome’ Burnham to the Engineering in Paul’s absence. They were also the one who found Paul by the escape pods after the poor fellow had discovered and wandered off with dead Hugh later in the season (scene, which btw reeked of unresolved possibilities). Unfortunately we haven’t seen them after that (please, bring them back! ...if Devon is still up to play them, that is).
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Chris O’Bray. This fellow should get so much more recognition! They’ve played several roles in the series already, as a Klingon, Kelpien, Andorian, ‘red shirt’... more? As well as continuously appearing as a Science officer on Team Stamets (I hear they even played opposite Anthony in season 2 in a scene of frustrated Paul, and though the interaction was ultimately cut, you can see a glimpse of it in an episode opening montage scene where the team is trying to figure out how to recover Tilly from the network). Yet, uncredited, Disco isn’t even listen on their imdb-page. I keep waiting to see them to get invited to Trek cons eventually, alongside older ‘minor role alumni’, having already gained such a repertoire of Trek roles.
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Speaking of O’Bray, they were the one who’s mention of the name ‘Anna’ introduced me to this redhead on the left, too: Anna Popowicz (thank you!). I had been keen to know their name since season 1, where they are a prominent regular at the controls of the reactor core at that top level in the engineering room. In their most prominent screenshot I thought they greatly resemble Yeoman Mears from TOS.
Often appearing at the same station is also ‘Buddy’ - as I had gotten to calling this jovial looking fellow in the middle here, before learning they are played by ‘Jordan’ (name according to their instagram profile). Their most prominent on-screen appearances in season 1 include this lovely moment in ep 4 (with Paul Marion Landais, who didn't make the cut here, but was previously featured in this one), and the team briefing scene in episode 13. In season 2 they can be seen ie. standing behind Paul at Airiam’s funeral.
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Then there is this Science officer on the right. They are the only one yet to wear earring with their uniform, and were thus first most recognizable to me too. Appearing several times in season one at a fairly regular spot at the controls in the Engineering. Previously featured way back in here (with Harrington), and since discovered to be played by one ‘Naima’ (real, or a stage name?).
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Often alongside ‘the Earrings’ in season 1 is also this, as of yet unidentified character in the far background here. First appearing in ep 3 with ‘Earrings’, in that first Engineering scene with Burnham and Harrington, they’ve continued to be one of the most familiar presences around the premise all the way through to season 2 too. Their most prominent appearances in season 1 include that same celebratory sweep across the team in episode 4 mentioned above with ‘Buddy’, and running to the collapsed Paul’s aid in the spore reaction chamber with Saru, Tilly et co, after the mushroom man had taken upon himself to dose with the Tardigrate dna. In season 2 you can see Paul instructing them to a task in episode 13 (incidentally, while chatting with ‘Buddy’).
And this I haven’t asked in a while, but: if anyone recognizes them and knows to give a name, I’d love to credit them, and perhaps find more of them to help with featuring them more in any future works too. Any hints much appreciated.
Edit: Identified as one Michelle Browne. Yaay! So awesome to finally have the name to such a stable member of the Disco crew. Thanks to O’Bray, again <3
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And lastly, there is also the fellow reading the PADD, an Engineering Ensign portrayed by Christian Rodriquez. Previously featured/identified here alongside both Buddy and Harrington, and in this season 2 starter piece with several other familiar faces. Oh, and in this one, too. Their most prominent scene on screen must still be their first season 1 appearance: they’re the one on duty when Burnham sneaks into Paul’s mushroom garden.
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Oh, and there are of course Nilsson and Tilly of the credited cast there too, but much like Paul, I doubt they really need any introduction.
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Obligatory hands/arms appreciation shot <3
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Gosh, this was rewarding. Wouldn’t seem like the same ship without the recognizable crew aboard. Much kudos to the casting for keeping things consistent. Next, Bridge or Medical?
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antisocialclimber · 7 years
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barbiegirldream · 2 years
Would you mind explaining what you mean by MCU Peter is a whitewashed version of Miles Morales? I’m not that into comics/superhero movies but I’ve seen this mentioned a few times so I’ve always been curious
Peter Parker is a poor Jewish coded boy from Forest Hills Queens who grows up in a small house with his Aunt and Uncle. Ben was like some guy and May ran that Homeless shelter FEAST. He's your avg teenager who goes to public school and gets bullied. When he gets bit by a spider he goes wrestling to try and earn money for the family. Uncle Ben gets shot Peter becomes selfless to a neurotic extent and becomes Spider-Man. He becomes a solo hero for many years rejecting invites to the Avengers, starting and ending most of his team ups with fist fights, and just generally being a lone wolf (spider). He doesn't team up with Tony Stark until around the time of Civil War when Tony gets him with talks of responsibility. When Peter face reveals as was required of him Aunt May gets shot on the Kingpin's orders. Peter loses his shit goes mental almost kills the Kingpin, has Dr Strange make everyone forget Peter Parker is Spider-Man, and makes a deal with the demon Mephisto for Aunt May's life and sells his marriage with Mary Jane. Now he and Tony just like argue over Miles and beat each other up when Tony's not out being a borderline villain.
Miles Morales is a black/Puerto Rican boy from Brooklyn who lives in an apartment with his nurse mother Rio and cop father Jefferson. Miles wins a scholarship to the Brooklyn Visions Academy (exceedingly similar to the school MCU Peter goes to that he in no way would be able to afford) Miles is a very outgoing young man who's always willing to do a team up. He and Tony are very close and have the mentor/mentee relationship Peter and Tony never did. Also in Miles's original universe I won't get into it he was also relatively close with Captain America
Ned Leeds in the comics was someone Peter met at the Daily Bugle, Ned was a reporter. Peter and Betty Brant had dated a bit in high school but broke up after graduation. Ned Leeds was always jealous of Peter. They never really got along all that well. Ned like died in Germany or Russia idr on a business trip with Peter at some point. Then he suprise wasn't dead and became the hobgoblin which is like the Green Goblin but orange. Hence the jokes in the movie about Ned going evil and trying to kill Peter.
Ganke Lee is Miles's best friend. And he helps Miles as the man in the chair. Ganke is incredibly skilled with computers. As well Miles told him pretty early on that he was Spider-Man.
This picture sums it up red haired dude is comic Ned to MCU Ned to comics Ganke
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Michelle Jones seems to be some weird mashup of Peter's old roommate Michelle who once sold his clothes so he would pay his half of the rent. Miles's ex girlfriend Barbara Rodriquez who was an edgy loner who can sing so I'll be surprised if they never utilize Zendaya's ability to sing.
Peter never went to high school with Ned or MJ in the comics.
Liz Allan in the comics was one person Peter did go to high school with. She was the daughter of the people who owned Roxxon or something you know the generically evil businesses. She went to college with Peter where they both met Harry Osborn. She would marry Harry and they have a son named Normie Osborn who is Peter's godson. Liz was very stuck up and pretentious and also sometimes villainous if it meant her son was safe. But she loves Peter because he's family so that was rarely a problem.
Liz Allan in the mcu was totally different. And the comics in this case took her and changed her name to make one of Miles' friends/love interests, Tiana Toomes. Or Starling who is the granddaughter of the vulture and used his gimmick to become a hero. She was so very much MCU Liz Allan but so different to comic Liz it doesn't matter.
A lot of May's personality in the MCU was also stolen right from Miles' mom Rio.
And it took Peter three fucking movies to no longer be a stupid over trusting selfish kid. No Way Home is the first time I felt like I was watching a movie about Peter Parker.
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that-demigirl · 2 years
Goldtower Family (Shadowhunters)
Antonia Goldtower
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FC: Nina Dobrev
Full Name: Antonia Daniela Goldtower
Era: The Infernal Devices
Love Interest: None
Parabatai: Victor Roseheart
Parents: Diego and Maria Goldtower
Siblings: Julian Goldtower and Fiona Goldtower/Roseheart
Fiona Goldtower/Roseheart
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FC: Jessica Brown Findlay
Full Name: Fiona Marie Roseheart (neé Goldtower)
Era: The Infernal Devices
Love Interests: James Carstairs and Victor Roseheart
Parents: Diego and Maria Goldtower
Sibling: Julian and Antonia Goldtower
Children: Joseph and Antonia Roseheart
Dian Goldtower
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FC: William Mosley
Full Name: Dian Christopher Goldtower
Era: The Last Hours
Love Interest: Sylvia Bridgestock
Parents: Julian and Emily Goldtower
Sibling: Diana Goldtower
Children: Jason Goldtower
Diana Goldtower
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FC: Anna Popplewell
Full Name: Diana Abigail Goldtower
Era: The Last Hours
Love Interest: Connor Fairchild
Parabatai: Antonia Roseheart
Parents: Julian and Emily Goldtower
Sibling: Dian Goldtowe
Children: Maria Fairchild
Derek Goldtower
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FC: Adam Rodriquez
Full Name: Derek Julian Goldtower
Era: Valentine’s Era
Love Interest: Camila Rosales
Parabatai: Fiona Roseheart
Parents: Jason and Olivia Goldtower
Children: Antonio Goldtower
Antonio Goldtower
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FC: Tyler Posey
Full Name: Antonio Dian Goldtower
Era: The Dark Artifices
Love Interest: None
Parabatai: Esmeralda Bellfire
Parents: Derek and Camila Goldtower
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My Dream 2021 Emmy Nominations: Acting
* Desired Winner bolded
Outstanding Lead Actor in a Comedy Series 
Ed Helms (Rutherford Falls)
Rob McElhenney (Mythic Quest)
Jason Sudeikis (Ted Lasso)
Josh Thomas (Everything’s Gonna Be Okay)
Outstanding Lead Actor in a Drama Series 
Nicco Annan (P-Valley)
Joe Cole (Gangs of London)
Joel Kinnaman (For All Mankind)
Matthew Rhys (Perry Mason)
Jonathan Majors (Lovecraft Country)
Rene-Jean Page(Bridgerton)
Billy Porter (Pose)
Outstanding Lead Actor in a Limited Series, Anthology, or TV Movie
Olly Alexander (It’s a Sin)
Paul Bettany (WandaVision)
Joel Edgerton (The Underground Railroad)
Lin Manuel Miranda (Hamilton)
Leslie Odom Jr. (Hamilton)
Outstanding Lead Actress in a Comedy Series
Jean Smart (Hacks)
Aidy Bryant (Shrill)
Kaley Cuoco (The Flight Attendant)
Maya Erskine (Pen15)
Robin Thede (A Black Lady Sketch Show)
Anna Konkle (Pen15)
Charlotte Nicdao (Mythic Quest)
Outstanding Lead Actress in a Drama Series
Brandee Evans (P-Valley)
Elarica Johnson (P-Valley)
MJ Rodriquez (Pose)
Jurnee Smollett (Lovecraft Country)
Outstanding Lead Actress in a Limited Series, Anthology, or TV Movie
Michaela Coel (I May Destroy You)
Kate Mara (A Teacher)
Thuso Mbedu (The Underground Railroad)
Elizabeth Olson (WandaVision)
Anya Taylor Joy (The Queen’s Gambit)
Kate Winslet (Mare of Easttown)
Outstanding Supporting Actor in a Comedy Series
Danny Pudi (Mythic Quest)
Carl Clemons-Hopkins (Hacks)
Dylan Gage (Pen15)
Brett Goldstein (Ted Lasso)
Michael Greyeyes (Rutherford Falls)
David Hornsby (Mythic Quest)
Cameron Britton (Shrill)
F. Murray Abraham (Mythic Quest)
Outstanding Supporting Actor in a Drama Series
Lucian Msamati (Gangs of London)
Dyllon Burnside (Pose)
Chris Chalk (Perry Mason)
Stephen Root (Perry Mason)
Angel Bismark Curiel (Pose)
Michael Dorman (For All Mankind)
Paapa Essiedu (Gangs of London)
Shea Whigham (Perry Mason)
Outstanding Supporting Actor in a Limited Series, Anthology, or TV Movie
John Boyega (Small Axe)
Evan Peters (Mare of Easttown)
Nick Robinson (A Teacher)
Daveed Diggs (Hamilton)
Omari Douglas (It’s a Sin)
Paapa Essiedu (I May Destroy You)
Outstanding Supporting Actress in a Comedy Series
Juno Temple (Ted Lasso)
Anna Baryshnikov (Dickinson)
Maeve Press (Everything’s Gonna Be Okay)
Zosia Mamet (The Flight Attendant)
Kayla Kromer (Everything’s Gonna Be Okay)
Gabrielle Dennis (A Black Lady Sketch Show)
Hannah Einbinder (Hacks)
Hannah Waddington (Ted Lasso)
Outstanding Supporting Actress in a Drama Series
Shantel VanSanten (For All Man Kind) 
Tatiana Maslany (Perry Mason)
Indya Moore (Pose)
Aunjanue Ellis (Lovecraft Country)
Michelle Farley (Gangs of London)
Sarah Jones (For All Mankind)
Gayle Ranklin (Perry Mason)
Wunmi Mosaku (Lovecraft Country)
Outstanding Supporting Actress in a Limited Series, Anthology, or Movie
Weruche Opia (I May Destroy You)
Julianne Nicholson (Mare of Easttown)
Renee Elise Goldsberry (Hamilton)
Kathryn Han (WandaVision)
Phillipa Soo (Hamilton)
T’Nia Miller (The Haunting of Bly Manor)
Outstanding Guest Actor in a Comedy Series
Bowen Yang (Girls5eva)
Josh Brener (Mythic Quest)
Stephen Colbert (Girls5eva)
Adam Driver (Last Week Tonight with John Oliver)
Anthony Head (Ted Lasso)
Nick Kroll (Dickinson)
Dean Winters (Girls5eva)
Outstanding Guest Actor in a Drama Series
J Cameron Barrett (Pose)
Justin Kirk (Perry Mason)
Norm Lewis (Pose)
Freddie Stroma (Bridgerton)
Courtney B. Vance (Lovecraft Country)
Outstanding Guest Actress in a Comedy Series
Gabrielle Union (A Black Lady Sketch Show)
Kelli Barnett (Dicksinson)
Shelley Henning (Mythic Quest)
Tina Fey (Girls5eva)
Patti Harrison (Shrill)
Anya Taylor Joy (Saturday Night Live)
Outstanding Guest Actress in a Drama Series
Loretta Devine (P-Valley)
Jackee Harry (Pose)
Anna Marie Horsford (Pose)
Gretchen Mol (Perry Mason)
Regina Taylor (Lovecraft Country)
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Spider-man gets ANOTHER book. This brings him up to three with Amazing Spider-Man and Marvel Team-Up, and really it is only going to grow from here.
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ao3feed-lokiangst · 3 years
Along Came the Spiders (temp., please suggest titles) references
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/3uMqYOA
by Starfire2
If you can't tell, this is is a revamp of my first story, now with more characters! This time, I will not be accepting reader input for characters (other than aliases, ages, and the team name), or origin details, but I will be open to trope suggestions. Feel free to suggest those! Also, the format is different, lots of time has passed, so I know what I'm doing a little more.
Words: 213, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English
Fandoms: Marvel
Rating: General Audiences
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Characters: Peter Parker, Aaron Aikman, Anna-May Parker - Character, Anya Corazon, April Parker, Ashley Barton, Jessica Drew, Katherine Pryde, May "Mayday" Parker, Penelope Parker, Petra Parker, Charlotte Morales-Stacy, Teri Hillman, Mary Jane Watson, Jennifer Justice, Elizabeth Brant, Courtney Duran, Gwendolyn Stacy, Julia Carpenter, Benjamin Reilly, Antoine Tarantella, May Reilly, Martha Franklin, Charlotte Witter, Erin Hasko, Veranke (Marvel), Diane Jenkins, Laura Kinney, Roger Gocking, Parker Peters, Valerie the Librarian, Becky, Cindy Moon, Parker Peterman, Pavitr Prabhakar, Patton Parnel, Otto Octavius, Miguel O'Hara, Miguel Stone, Miles Morales, Ai Apaec, Benjamin Parker, Benjamin Parker II, William Braddock, Dmitri Smerdyakov, Edward brock, Ezekiel Sims, Eugene Thompson, Gerald Drew, Harold Osborn, Hobart Brown, Kaine (Spider-Man), MacDonald Gargan, Max Borne, Quentin Beck, Kamala Khan, Marc Noletti, Ron Corbett, Theodore Altman, Vincent Gonzales, Wade Wilson, Felix Lifson, Zoltan Amadeus, Daniel Rand, Loki Laufeyson, Jay T. Thomas, Norman Osborn, Buddy Tyson, Takuya Yamashiro, Yu Komori, Bruce Banner, Nino, Gabriel O'Hara II, Ethan Myers, Izumi, Joseph Wade, Michael, Van, Patrick, Felicity Hardy, Chu Chi-Huan, Sergei Kravinoff, Esteban Beach, Tom Hendricks, Yelena Belova, Benjamin Richard Parker, Bradley Shaw, Brian Kornfield, Carl King, George Stacy, Peter Parquagh, Benjamin Urich, Natalia Romanova, Natasha Romanoff, Natalia Romanoff, Natasha Romanova, Claire Voyant, Janet Van Dyne, Tania, Anya Derevkova, Carol Danvers, Dean Tarlek, Petra, Stefanya Melnikova, Galina Tsarfin, Monica Chang, Natasha, Layla, Virginia Stark, Peter Ross, Maximilian Morales-Stacy, Benjamin Simmons, Mig-El Gand (Amalgam Comics), Hida Haraka, Sylvie Yaqua, Carlos LaMuerto, Fabian LaMuerto, John Jonah Jameson III, Cassandra Webb, Anton Miguel Rodriquez, Luis Alvarez, Gwendolyne Stacy, Maria Vasquez, César Mendivil, Clay Riley, Jacinda Rodriquez, Miguel Santiago, Kevin Green, Peter Parkbury, Oliver Osnick, Nell Ruggles, Niko Constantin, Peni Parker (Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse), Amadeus Cho, Aaron Davis (Marvel), Petunia Parker, Polymnia Swan, River Verys, Venice Doadi, Felicia Hardy, Shannon Kane, Michael Bingham, Roderick Kingsley, Adriana Soria, Jesse Drew, Piotr Parkerov, Paul Palmer, Ava Orlova, Hercules, Eric Brooks, Steven Rogers, Tempest Monroe, Nathaniel, Sean Boyle, Lian Tang, Margo, Peter Urich, Claire Parker, Norman Osborn II, Reilly Tyne, Richard Parker II
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/3uMqYOA
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dxsole · 4 years
Character Interview! | Remington
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What is your name? “Remington Winterbottom. I was thinkin’ of adding on Esquire at the end, ‘cause that’s kinda sexy, you know?”
Do you know why you were named that? “I’d like to say because of the gun or a town but alas, my dear old mother was an avid art collector and she may or may not have been obsessed with Remington Schuyler’s cowboy paintings...which is fair.”
Single or taken? “Currently single but I am taking applications. I need 5 years experience in commitment and, like, at least three references. And a stellar performance review, of course.”
Stop being a Mary Sue! “You keep it up and I’ll have to sue you for slander...maybe libel too— that counts as libel, right?”
What’s your eye color? “I’ve got beautiful baby blues— I know, it’s hard to look me directly in my eyes because they’re so incredibly pretty and powerful.”
How about hair color? “Black. Like Vantablack but even more expensive.”
Have you any family members? “Well, I have a mom and a dad like everyone else. A few cousins who I refuse to see because they’re all after my money— like, what? They invite me to a baby shower and then what, huh? I pay for the kid’s tuition? Unlikely.”
Oh, how about pets? “I have a lovely little cheetah named Chi-Chi Rodriquez...love her. She keeps trying to maul my assistant. So cute.”
Now tell me something you don’t like. “Corn flakes. That’s not even a cereal and yet they have the audacity to run commercials and try and say it’s edible. It’s just cardboard shavings? How is that legal— people get mad at me all the time about the shit I pull and yet NO ONE is doing anything about Kellogg’s Corn Flakes...”
Do you have any activities/hobbies that you like to do? “Starting drama on Twitter, starting various scandals with other people, handing over those really big checks to organizations, doing hot yoga in the nude, telling people what to do...”
Have you ever hurt anyone in any way before? ”My lawyers advise me not to answer this question.” 
Ever … killed anyone before? “ My lawyers DEFINITELY advise me not to answer this question.”
What kind of animal are you? “I was called a hyena once but I don’t think that’s accurate— I feel like it’d be a red panda, truthfully. Adorable, everyone loves them, a little mysterious...a little mischievous— very me. I should probably buy one.”
Name your worst weaknesses? “How...giving I am. Really, I am just so...wonderfully humble and just,” Remington is choking up as he says this. “I really do give so much to the little, insignificant people of this world.”
Do you look up to anyone at all? “I have a sculpture of David Hasselhoff near one of my pools...It’s very large so, I mean, I do have to look up at him.”
Are you straight, gay or bisexual? “Moneysexual.”
Do you go to school? “Not currently. I went to Harvard, though. Kind of boring, to be honest.”
Ever want to marry and have kids one day? “God no— what? So I can pay alimony? Child support? That’s the one institution I don’t want to be involved with.”
Do you have fangirls/fanboys? “Millions. Mostly on Wall Street. They love me.”
What are you most afraid of? “Like, actually being fairly taxed. Could you imagine?”
What do you usually wear? “Lots of suits for business meetings— I’m partial to a nicely patterned suit with like, big bold accents. Love hats. Love the turtleneck plus sport coat combo. When I’m home, it’s leisure wear ‘cause, duh. Love a good plush robe.”
What’s one food that tempts you? “I get hard for good pad thai.”
Am I annoying you? “Of course not! I love talking about myself!”
Well, it’s not over! “Fire away, I’m ready for the world to see me, Remington, in a new, sexy light.””
What class are you (low class, middle class, high class)? “One percent, buddy.”
How many friends do you have? “Oh, hard question! I have, like, an entourage but most of them hired...like, if they piss me off, they’re canned so I don’t know if I can call them friends. I mean, I do call them my friends but I don’t know if that’s the proper terminology.”
What are your thoughts on pie? “An American institution! Pumpkin is, by far the best, in my very right opinion, but I wouldn’t say no to a key lime.”
Favorite drink? “I love a good Bahama Mama...Anything that is some ungodly color and has little bits of fruit and a teeny, tiny umbrella. Preferably in a coconut.”
What’s your favorite place? “My lawyer’s office. I feel very safe, zen. Sauna...Whole Foods...banks...hotels where the concierge will literally break their own spine to get you whatever you want.”
Are you interested in anyone?   “Romantically? Not right now, again, I need those applications, ASAP— But I’m interested in lots of people. There are so many great creatives and musicians and innovators in this world and I am so excited at the idea that one day they could meet me.”
That was a stupid question… “Well, everyone asks dumb questions sometimes. Not me or BIll Nye but you? Definitely!”
Would you rather swim in a lake or the ocean? “A deeply chlorinated pool.”
What’s your type? “Oho, you want to know what sort of person gets my all riled up, huh? Heh, well let’s just say if you’re a recent divorcee of a certain multi-billionaire...hit me up. ”
Any fetishes? “While I would love to answer this in painstaking detail, again, my lawyers advise me not to answer. We might upset the Conservatives.”
Seme or Uke? “—It’s 2020, is this question really still here?”
Camping or indoors? “Indoors! Bears don’t understand monetary value and I cannot abide by that.”
Who asked me to interview you? “A very delightful young man who’s name escapes me— He looked like a Chester though. I’m gonna go with Chester.” @theimpalpable​
Who would you like to send me to? “Just want to give a quick shoutout to my investors: I love you all, I’ll probably forget you all in my memoir but I know you’ll still love me: @cocainumking​, @vxcalcords​, @oldmcncy​, @patiencetaught​, @occultistboss​ and anyone else who would be willingly to answer these questions! You can tag me!”
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coffeebooksorme · 4 years
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Dune - Frank Herbert  ⭐ ⭐ ⭐
The Two Lives of Lydia Bird by Josie Silver  ⭐ ⭐
I Am Not Okay With This by Charles Forsman  ⭐ ⭐
Into the Drowning Deep by Mira Grant  ⭐ ⭐ ⭐ ⭐ ⭐
Locke & Key: Crown of Shadows by Joe Hill & Gabriel Rodriguez  ⭐ ⭐ ⭐ ⭐ ⭐
Locke & Key: Keys to the Kingdom by Joe Hill & Gabriel Rodriquez  ⭐ ⭐ ⭐ ⭐ ⭐
Locke & Key: Clockworks by Joe Hill & Rodriguez  ⭐ ⭐ ⭐ ⭐ ⭐
House of Earth and Blood by Sarah J. Maas  ⭐ ⭐ ⭐ ⭐ ⭐
Undercover Bromance by Lyssa Kay Adams  ⭐ ⭐ ⭐
Wayward Son by Rainbow Rowell  ⭐ ⭐ ⭐
Layoverland by Gabby Noone  ⭐
ApocalyptiGirl: An Aria for the End times by Andrew McClean  ⭐ ⭐
The Midnight Lie by Marie Rutkoski  ⭐ ⭐ ⭐ ⭐
TRUEL1F3 by Jay Kristoff  ⭐ ⭐ ⭐ ⭐
Call Down the Hawk by Maggie Stiefvater  ⭐ ⭐ ⭐
The Honey-Don’t List by Christina Lauren  ⭐ ⭐ ⭐
Now Entering Addamsville by Francesca Zappia
Another month chock full of books but looking back now, not too many that really blew me away. I was on the full spectrum of ratings this month and I can’t say I’m surprised because I don’t really remember really loving anything but a small fraction of the books. Also, I’m a tad bit surprised that this number isn’t higher because I had a full 10 days off from work. Either way, I’m happy with my progress because I’m halfway to my yearly goal and I’ve been consistently reading more backlist books than new releases.
This month I have a huge chunk of a TBR which in itself is odd because I don’t usually give myself set TBR’s since I’m such a mood reader. I’ve got my monthly TBR Rainbow Challenge and the OWL’s Magical Readathon TBR! I’m kinda cheating and getting a headstart on my TBR Rainbow Challenge but it’s all good, I make up the rules 😂
I’m also SUPER PROUD of myself because I FINALLY read Dune by Frank Herbert. I’ve been trying to read that chunker for years and I freaking did it! I enjoyed the story but good god, Frank is like the sci-fi version of Stephen King. He a wordy bitch 😂 I kinda want to continue the series but we’ll see. 
The true shine of the month was Into the Drowning Deep by Mira Grant. I’ve been wanting to read this for a year or so now but I kept putting it off because it was intimidating as hell. I am so freaking glad that I finally broke down and read it because holy shit, does Seanan McGuire know how to write a book! If I had to describe it, I’d say it’s a Jurassic Park at sea and instead of dinosaurs, you get killer mermaids! It’s inclusive, funny, well written, and downright terrifying!
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wakefieldroleplay · 3 years
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Please send us your account within 24 hours (if you aren’t around a member), if you require longer then don’t hesitate to get in touch. We look forward to seeing everyone soon! Once you’ve sent in your account, we will link you to the discord if you are a new member and all members must complete our first task which is their character’s intro (link here) within seven days.
Mariana “Mari” Rodriquez Fox - 35 - Boxing Instructor for Wakefield Health Hub & Clerk for Wakefield Bank (J @etcrnaloptimist)
Orion “Owen” Fox - 36 - Journalist for Wakefield Gazette (Beth @qvietwhispers)
Romeo Cooper - 29 - Mail Carrier for Wakefield Post Office (Charley @perfectregret)
Scarlett Barclay - 31 - Seamstress for Doll House (Beth @qvietwhispers)
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comicwaren · 4 years
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From Amazing Mary Jane #005
Art by Carlos Gómez and Carlos Lopez
Written by Leah Williams
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