#march 1984
verysexynudeladies · 3 months
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chicinsilk · 1 year
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Yves Saint Laurent Spring/Summer 1984 Haute Couture Collection. Photo Antonio Guccione. The Paris Fashion and Couture Official. March 1984.
Yves Saint Laurent Collection Haute Couture Printemps/Été 1984. Photo Antonio Guccione. L'Officiel de la couture et de la mode de Paris. Mars 1984.
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fabledenigma · 1 year
In the Source Link, you will find a gif pack of Ryan Rottman in the short lived MTV tv show Happyland (2014).
Ryan played the role of Theodore Chandler, the older brother of Ian Chandler. A few secrets come out over the course of the short eight episodes.
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Source - FabledEnigma
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sweetc2020 · 5 months
"Don't Sing" by Prefab Sprout from Swoon (Songs Written Out Of Necessity) album, 1984
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albertcapraro · 1 year
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March 1984 - DOSSIER Page 39 & 40 Among Hart's favorite designers is Albert Capraro, to whose philosophy of a personal style she subscribes.  Capraro, who dressed former first lady Betty Ford, is similarly impressed with Hart.  "She's a tall, attractive woman with an imposing appearance," he says.  "She's young enough to take a few chances with. her clothing.  She needs clothes to give her confidence, to make her stand out from the crowd."
Capraro believes that a sense of style develops from the functions that one is required to attend, and that if and when one becomes first lady, the style grows with the requirements of the position.  He sees a candidate's wife, and a first lady, as representative of other American women with active lifestyles, whose public appearances make them central figures in any group.  He feels conservative clothing can be boring, and that a first lady can be criticized as much for being too conservative (i.e. dowdy) as for being too flamboyant.  "Some events require a certain element of glamour," says Capraro.  "Sometimes to look good you have to take chances."
"It's important that her ensembles work for her and let her individual personality come through," concludes Capraro.
After a speech, Lee Hart applauds her audience wearing a one-shoulder linen dress with side button detailing and an organdy jacket with sailor collar from Albert Capraro.
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lanawintersenthusiast · 7 months
eating disorder?
no bitch, im eating this order 😍
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coolthingsguyslike · 3 months
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hamartiuss · 2 years
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verysexynudeladies · 3 months
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chicinsilk · 1 year
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Yves Saint Laurent Haute Couture Spring/Summer 1984 Collection. Model Mounia Orosemane. Photo by Guy Bourdin. Vogue Paris March 1984.
Yves Saint Laurent Collection Haute Couture Printemps/Été 1984. Modèle Mounia Orosemane. Photo Guy Bourdin. Vogue Paris mars 1984.
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Sunshine Boy Chapter 2
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Franken Kyle Spencer X Reader
Word count: 1,241
Summery: A typical story of girl meets boy…and maybe some trouble along the way.
St..uu..upid” He mumbles as he points his pointer finger at his chest.
“I know you’re not Kyle. You’re not stupid, okay?” I say while giving him a small smile.
Immediately I am engulfed in a tight hug. His arms wrap around me and his head goes to rest on my shoulder. After a few seconds, my hands start to stroke his hair in a soothing matter.
Before I arrived at Miss Robichaux’s Academy for Exceptional Young Ladies, I thought that I was destined to be alone. A certain blonde proved otherwise, he showed me kindness that no one ever has.
Even though he had difficulty talking, somehow I always knew exactly what he wanted to say.
At one point I even thought I was a clairvoyant, but after a few other tests it turned out to not be the case.
“An Ouija board huh?” I say while leaning on the wall next to the closet.
“Madison wants us to find her and we can't afford to lose a single witch if we want to survive.” Replies Zoe as she pours a drink into multiple shot glasses.
After Queenie’s terrifying story about her grandma and a spirit board, I was even less excited about the whole plan.
“There are four of us, and if we want to find Madison we need to witch up.” Says Zoe as she places the now empty shot glass on the board.
After a while of trying, and later contacting the Axeman, we finally managed to reach Madison. All four of us went up to the attic as the spirit board instructed.
It was a horrifying sight, Madison lying there with her arm severed in half. It looked like her body already started to decompose. Yet despite all of the horrific things that happened to her, she still looked peaceful.
Ever since Madison’s return, the academy felt more like a war zone than a school. Fiona was going after possible supremes and rekindling old feuds with neighboring covens.
Despite everything that was going on, I could still seek comfort in my two closest friends at the academy. Due to the fact that I was getting closer to Kyle, it also meant that I was getting closer to Zoe.
Since the day I met her I knew that she was going to be a big part of my life.
“Hey YN, can you help me gather some herbs in the garden?” Asks Zoe, interrupting my thoughts.
“Yeah of course, I’ll grab the baskets.” I reply while getting up and going towards the kitchen.
After spending about a half an hour out in Cordelia’s garden, Zoe and I head back inside.
“So Kyle seems to like you quite a lot..” Says Zoe as she empties the contents of her basket onto the table.
“Yeah I like him too, he’s a really good friend.” I reply while doing the same.
“Mhm.. he’s definitely the light this place needed.” She responds while looking at the dark hallway outside the kitchen.
Following our little chat in the academy’s kitchen, I went upstairs to clean up. Before getting in the shower I decided to pay Kyle a visit in his room.
After knocking a few times and getting no answer I figured that it was okay for me to come in. As I went through the door and into his bedroom, I saw him sleeping peacefully on his bed.
His body was fully under the covers except for one arm which was tangling off the bed and he had a light smile resting on his lips.
He looked almost angelic under the golden light of the sunset.
I was about to leave the room when I heard a quiet whisper of my name. I turned around and saw Kyle sitting up on the bed, he was smiling like a kid on christmas morning.
“Hey Ky, sorry I didn’t mean to wake you up.” I say as I walk up to him.
In response he just shook his head which made his blonde curls fall onto his face.
Instinctively I brought my hand up to his face to try and fix his hair. Immediately after my fingers connected with his golden curls, I noticed that Kyle closed his eyes and his dimples were now visible.
As I continued to play with his hair I realized that he started to lean on my shoulder. After a few minutes I removed my fingers from his hair and tried to get him back into bed.
“H..ha…p..py.” Stuttered Kyle as I pulled the blanket over his body.
“I’m happy too Ky.” I responded while giving him a small smile.
For the first time in a long time I could say that I was truly happy. Sure the coven played a big part in that happiness, but the main reason was Kyle.
“Okay I’m gonna go make you some dinner, in the meantime try and get more sleep.” I said as I finished tucking him in.
“N..no..sta..y.” Kyle hesitated for just a moment before taking my hand into his own.
At that I gave him a small nod and decided to lay down on the bed. After making sure that it was okay with Kyle, I got under the warm blanket.
After getting situated I noticed that Kyle was already drifting off to sleep. I moved a bit closer so that way I could be the big spoon and he the little.
Turns out that Kyle was a big fan of that idea. A few moments after my arm wrapped around him, he began to let out soft snores. His hand also went up to hold mine, as if to make sure that I wouldn’t get up and leave.
If there was one thing I knew for sure is that I would never leave Kyle Spencer.
The following morning I was woken up by the sun which was seeping through the curtains. I turned to face Kyle and noticed that he wasn’t sleeping. His eyes were focused on my face, when he realized that I caught him staring he just gave me a goofy smile.
“G..g..ood..m…mm..moor-“ I smile as Kyle attempts to communicate his thoughts.
After a few seconds he lets out an irritated huff and burries his face in the pillow.
“Hey hey it’s alright. Good morning to you too Ky.” I comfort him as he continues to wallow.
I gently place my hand on his shoulder and tell him that I was going to go get us some breakfast. Once again he protests, but I still exist the bedroom telling him that I would be right back.
As I walked into the kitchen I noticed Zoe standing over by the fridge.
“Hey Zoe!” I greet her while grabbing two bowls out of the cabinet.
“Oh my god YN where have you been? I thought something happened .” Says Zoe as her face pales ans her arms go up to her heart.
“I was with Kyle, sorry didn’t mean to give you a scare.” At that she seems to slightly calm down, however her face remains a few shades lighter.
“With Kyle? Wha.. what do you mean?” She questions as she closes the fridge.
After a quick retelling of yesterday’s events, Zoe’s face regains its color. I knew she felt protective over Kyle ever since his death. What I didn’t know was the reason why..
PS: Im currently working on a Kyle Spencer one-shot which should be posted soon. I also started working on the 3rd chapter of “Sunshine Boy” and let me tell y’all.. I already cried twice. The next chapter is no joke but Im so excited for you guys to read it! I will also be making a tag-list so let me know if you would like to be added! As always my requests are open so feel free to send them my way!:)
Tags (Only for this post) : @bucky-daddy-barnes @thebleedingm00n @stumachersearwax
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evanswifeily · 10 months
Will you ever forgive me? [Evan Peters x fem! Reader]
WARRING: idk if that's a warring, but arguing with Evan?
Summary: you and Evan are in relationship for almost a year. One day you saw a picture of him, kissing a girl. You have a serious argument. Will you forgive him? Will you get back together?
Word count: 690
A/n: Hi there! This is my first fanfiction and I'm sorry for any mistakes because my English is not perfect. enjoy reading!
Part 1
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You lie in the bed you share with Evan and scroll through Tik Tok. Suddenly, you saw a Tik Tok about Evan. It was some picture of him and some girl he's with. In the next one, they are.... they are kissing. Tears flow over your eyes. You quickly skip the video and wipe away the tears that run down your cheeks.
'When was he going to tell you about it?'
'Is she prettier?'
These types of thoughts came to your mind. You thought he loved you. Suddenly, the front door opens.
"Baby, i'm home!" Evan says. You get up and quickly check yourself in the mirror. You leave the room and walk down the stairs. You grin at the sight of him and walk up to him. He also smiles and hugs you, kissing you on the forehead. After a while, you pull away from each other. You look at his face. You can see that he is hiding something.
You swallow your saliva and say. "What do you want for dinner?"
He takes a moment to salivate and smiles slyly. "You," he replies and starts kissing your neck.
"Not today... I'm on my period..." You quickly think of something to avoid going to bed with him so soon.
Evan hasn't told you about the girl or the kiss all day. You take the matter into your own hands. You sit on the bed with him and watch a movie. You sigh and look at him. After a while, you say, "Can we talk?" Your voice shakes slightly. He turns off the TV and looks at you with a slight smile.
"Sure, what's going on?" He asks and puts his hand on your knee.
"When were you going to tell me about that fucking kiss?" You say And tears come to your eyes again.
He giggles and says "but what kiss?"
"Don't say you don't know what it's about, Evan. It's about that kiss with another girl, who is she?" You say, and tears start to run down your cheeks.
His smile faded, and he looked at me. "It's not what it looked like."
"It's not what it looked like?!" You raise your voice softly. "For once, tell me the truth."
"She kissed me."
"Really? I saw you holding her, and you were smiling after the kiss." You wipe away your tears.
He sighs and looks at the wall.
You shake your head and get out of bed. You take your phone and put it in the back pocket of your pants. You take your wallet, house and car keys, some more things.
"Where are you going?" Evan says And you could hear panic in his voice. "I'm sorry. Please don't leave me, y/n. We'll explain it to each other and go on with our lives and be happy as before. Please don't leave me. I love you. We will fix this together. From now on, it will be just you and me, I promise you that. I love you and only you. It was just a stupid mistake."
"Do you seriously love me? Because I, after this picture, doubt that word anymore." You say and leave the room, and Evan follows you.
You walk down the stairs, and he grabs you by your wrist. "Please. I love you the most in the world, my love. Don't leave me," he says. "Don't destroy us."
"Evan, you're the one who destroyed us, not me. Now let me go."
He lets go of you and follows you. You put on your shoes and jacket.
"Please. No, no, no... don't leave me alone." He says.
You grab the handle and open the door after which you look at him. He has tears in his eyes. You wipe away your tears and say, "It's over, Evan." You say and walk out.
"Will you ever forgive me?" He says.
"I don't know" you said and you go to your car and drive away.
you feel your phone vibrate. he texted you called you so many times to come back, that he misses you and how much he loves you and he is sorry. but you ignored them and did not write back.
will you ever forgive him?
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shethevampyr-gallery · 3 months
More WoF x 1984 au art .
Notes: Didn't sketch this at all, just went in head first . Never again .
Time taken: 2hr 36min
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viaov · 1 year
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Guillem March, Wonder Woman
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commiepinkofag · 7 days
Saving Houston’s LGBTQ history through thousands of hours of radio archives
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1984 Houston Pride Parade 📷 JD Doyle
For years, hundreds of fragile cassette tapes sat quietly aging in a storage locker in Houston, Texas. Each plastic case contained hours of radio shows, made for and by LGBTQ people. The first shows aired in the mid-1970s. They continued, off and on, for more than 30 years -- a period that included the AIDS crisis, the women’s liberation movement and the rise of LGBT civil rights. A pair of archivists, Emily Vinson and Bethany Scott, have been working on preserving the programs, thousands of hours of them, online. … The shows aired on KPFT (90.1), Houston’s Pacifica station. One of them, Wilde ‘n’ Stein (named for Oscar Wilde and Gertrude Stein) started in 1975 and ran through the early 1990s. A late night show, After Hours, ran from 1987 until the early 2000s. … Over the years, the producers and hosts of these radio shows brought their listeners live street coverage of Pride parades, music that celebrated LGBTQ experiences and interviews with city council members, activists, local arts luminaries, and public health officials. Because it was on the radio, often late at night, closeted people could listen quietly and discreetly, without the fear of discovery that printed material might bring. Carl Han, a young Vietnamese-American, listened to the station’s LGBT programming at the lowest possible volume, as he told the radio show After Hours in 1992. “That’s how I discovered the Montrose [LGBT] community,” he said. “At the age of 15, I hit upon KPFT one night and turned it down real low so no one can hear.” He would go on to be a leading local activist, who at the time of the broadcast was the secretary of Asians and Friends, a community group serving Houston’s LGBTQ Asian Americans. Such content came as a revelation to 20-year-old Andrea Hoang. As an undergraduate at the University of Houston, one of her campus jobs was to help digitize and transcribe the shows. Hoang, who identifies as queer, was thrilled to discover the voices of Asian-American activists, including Han and After Hours host Vivian Lee, in broadcasts from before she was born. “They had so many people of color coming onto this show and spearheading these local movements,” she marvels, adding that she also loved learning about the vibrant LGBT music played on the programs so much, she made this Spotify playlist honoring it. The digitization of this audio history, says Vinson, would not be possible without three Houstonians who safeguarded the cassettes for so many years. Judy Reeves co-founded the Gulf Coast Archive and Museum of Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual, and Transgender History. JD Doyle maintains an extensive website documenting local LGBT history. Jimmy Carper was a longtime host and producer of After Hours. …
Neda Ulaby | NPR | June 4, 2024
More On NPR >
Listen to Andrea Hoang's archive-inspired Spotify Playlist
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kai-anderson-whore · 1 year
He's a cult leader (kai Anderson x fem reader-series) part one
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Summary: y/n moved back to Michigan after her college degree in music where she reunites with an old lover kai Anderson
Chapter warnings: none
July 2016
Walking into the grocery store, gloomy since you moved back to Michigan, now living on your own in a shitty house you rented, a degree your father didn't approve of, you losed contact with your friends one by one.
You missed one friend in particular, kai Anderson, you both had met in college, he studying religious studies, you were studying music, soon enough becoming more than friends, till you broke it off to come back home.
You hadn't seen or heard from him since, you wondered how he was getting on, he was older than you by four years, you often wondered what he was doing now, where he was.
Paying for your things, thanking the cashier, heading home, opening the trunk of your truck packing your grocerys in before closing it, "what a day" you sighed.
Not paying attention infront of you, bumping into someone, coffee now over your t-shirt, "fuck" you hissed not that the coffee was hot just cold, "shit I'm sorry" a recognisable voice said.
Looking up to see if you were right, it was kai, "y/n?" He asked unsure, "Oh my god kai hi" you smiled now forgetting about the whole coffee thing.
"I can't believe it's you, you haven't changed" kai smiled, you couldn't say the same for him "wish I could say otherwise" you joked making kai chuckle
His hair that was once a shaggy brown, now a faded blue that was longer, once shy now oozing with confidence, he was different.
"I'd love to catch up kai but I need to get going before my roommates Popsicles melt" you said "can I get your number and we can arrange a catch up?" He asked.
"Sure" you replied giving him your number before driving home, the drive was fairly peaceful, you still were shocked you had seen kai again despite him being well your ex he was a good friend to you, you missed him.
The radio playing as an attempt to pull your out your thoughts, but of course it didn't work, you were shocked sure you and kai live in the same state but you recently moved to this part of the state not expecting to actually bump into him.
He looked good, you couldn't take that away from him, he oozed with confidence unlike the kai in college, it was like he's an imposter, you couldn't wrap your head around it.
Entering your shared apartment with your roommates, who you didn't get along with, "I'm back with your Popsicles" you sighed placing the bags on the counter unpacking the grocerys.
Your roommate Jessica came waltzing into the kitchen, "me and Courtney are going out tonight we won't be back till tomorrow" she said, "Oh okay that's fine" you said not really caring what they did.
"You don't want to come?" She asked, "jess you and I know, you don't want me there plus I like my own space especially with the day I had" you chuckled packing the last of the food.
"Okay I'm going to get ready anyway" she said, god you hated her and Courtney, but you needed to stay here for a while just till you get a proper job, currently giving guitar and bass lessons to rich kids.
Going into your room, turning on your record player, a random vinyl you bought from a thrift store you had yet to listen to playing, grabbing your guitar strumming to a random note.
Being pulled out of your thoughts by your phone, confused you answered it "Hello?" Your voice chimed down the phone.
"Y/n it's kai" you face instantly brightened up hearing his voice "kai hi how are you" you smiled, feeling a wave of nostalgia from when you two were dating years ago.
"I'm good I was wanting to ask are you busy tonight?" He asked his voice fulfilling with confidence, "I haven't got anything planned tonight in fact my roommates are going out for the night if you wanted to come over?" You offered, twiddling your hair around your finger.
"Sound great I'll be over around 5:30" he informed, making you feel all giddy inside, after you both hanged up giving him your address, nervous you jumped into a shower, changing into something nice yet comfortable, awaiting on kai's arrival.
"Are you guys away for the full night?" You asked Courtney and jess as they were about to leave the house,"yes y/n why?" They replied irritatingly "I've got an old friend from college visit for the night thats all" you shrugged letting them leave the door.
"Thank god" you sighed plopping down on the sofa, playing music on the tv, 'chain of fools' by Aretha Franklin playing, you sang along sipping on a ice cold beer.
Hearing knocks on your door opening it to reveal none other than kai Anderson.
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