#mamoru k fic
random-mailbox · 1 year
Talking to @oshiokiyopod about Business Proposal - both the K-drama and the Webtoon - I think we have agreed that the K-drama Taemu is basically Bruce Wayne, while Webtoon one is definitely Mamoru.
Specificly the @wishwars "Pass the Syrup, Please" Mamoru. With the workaholic - until he realized who is important - looks amazing in a suit - or without - Mamoru. Because I mean really - look at this:
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Also, I am now even more excited about @sweet-dreams-of-willow-trees "Business Proposal" fic to be updated some day 😘
Thoughts?! @caelenath looking at you specifically as our Mamoru resident expert 😁
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sailorstarr-chan4 · 2 years
A Much-Needed Conversation - a Sailor Moon fic
Posted on: ff.net and AO3 Words: 2,730 Rated: K+ or T Genre: Friendship & Hurt/Comfort, plus a good dose of Humor Setting: Manga canon-verse, specifically the manga chapter where Usagi, Mamoru, Chibiusa, and Minako return to the present day after their first journey to the 30th Century.
So. Um. "We Don't Talk About Bruno," the Sailor Moon edition. That is all. Shout out to @risingfire17-in-wonderland-blog for glancing this fic over and giving her approval for posting! Love ya fam! ❤
“I swear on my life to protect Small Lady...”
“Usako… I’ll take charge of Chibiusa…” 
Usagi curled deeper into herself on her bed, trying to ignore the persistent pain in her chest. Mamoru’s voice haunted her mind, taunting, telling her things she knew were irrational, knew were absurd, and yet… and yet…
At first, Mamoru’s bond with Chibiusa only bothered Usagi in a very juvenile sense: someone was taking precious time away from her beloved boyfriend. But slowly, like a terrible poison, her initial envy blossomed into a deadly garden. 
“I’m jealous of my own daughter,” she whispered to herself, staring into the palm of her hand before clenching it tightly into a fist, as if willing her nails to break her skin, to bleed. “God help me, what’s wrong with me?” 
A gentle knock on her door jolted her from her reverie. 
“Usagi-chan? Can I come in?” It was Minako, her voice muffled by the door, but her tender tone was still the lifeline Usagi needed. 
Suddenly, the reality of everything – Mars, Mercury, Jupiter’s abductions; Chibiusa’s true identity; everyone living to be nearly a thousand years old before the Black Moon’s evil destroyed the world – came crashing down over Usagi’s ears. The room seemed to tilt with the gravity of all that she had learned, seen, felt in the past twenty-four hours. 
With a choked sob, Usagi bolted out of bed, rushed to open her bedroom door, and flung herself into her best friend’s arms, wailing incoherently. 
If Minako was startled by the storm of emotions thrust upon her, she had the tact to not show it. Gently, she steered her inconsolable friend back into her room, closing the door behind them. 
“There, there, Usagi-chan,” she cooed, reaching up and plucking the bobby pins from Usagi’s buns. “Sit down, take deep breaths for me, okay? That’s it, nice and slow…” 
She continued to undo Usagi’s buns, stepping away only to pick up a hairbrush lying on the vanity desk, returning to sit on her knees on the bed to brush out her friend’s long hair. As Minako gently brushed away, Usagi’s hysteria began to quiet, her breathing stabilized, her tears drying on her cheeks. 
“Wanna talk about it?” Minako asked softly. 
“I… Mina-chan, I’m terrible.” 
“No, you’re not.” 
“What kind of mother is jealous – romantically jealous of her own daughter?!” Usagi sobbed. 
“Damn, addressing the dog in the barn that fast, huh?”
“It’s ‘elephant in the room,’” Usagi muttered with a hiccup that could have been a laugh under different circumstances. 
Mina waved her hand, before returning to her work, now focusing on braiding Usagi’s hair into two parts. “Whatever. The point is I’m proud of you for directly addressing the problem.” 
“See? I am the problem here–”
“Don’t put words in my mouth, sweetheart. I said the problem, not your problem. The first step to fixing mistakes is admitting to them. And you’re not a bad person for feeling that way, Usagi-chan.” 
“Then, what do you think of me, Mina-chan?” Usagi demanded, whirling part way around and looking into her friend’s eyes. 
Minako smiled, a knowing mysterious smile, the same kind of smile she donned when she was masquerading as the Moon Princess. “I think you’re human. No, let me finish. You’re human, Usagi. Human beings are complicated. We’re kinda dumb, too, let’s be real. Is your jealousy stupid, wrong, even? Sure, but that doesn’t make YOU bad. Feelings are feelings. We girls can’t help it.” 
Usgai sniffled, fresh tears pricking the corners of her blue eyes. “Since when did you switch places with Ami for being the smart one?” she mumbled, her throat closing up as she wiped her eyes. 
“I’m gonna ignore that jab because you’re crying and because you’re only human.” 
The girls giggled, and for a moment were silent, Minako nearly done with the first braid. 
“Mina-chan, I don’t understand why I feel this way.” 
“Who can say?” 
“B-but, it was bad enough when Chibiusa was just a mysterious girl! Now that I know who she is, that should have made me feel relieved, right?” 
“Then, why–?”
“Speaking as your Friendly Neighborhood Goddess of Love, I hate to break it to you, Usagi-chan, but feelings are not rational. That’s why they’re so addicting. It’s easy losing ourselves into them. Trust me, I know.” 
Minako paused to tie a hair ribbon at the bottom of the first braid before working on the second. Usagi remained patiently quiet, biting her lower lip as she pondered Mina’s words. 
“The fact of the matter is,” Minako continued calmly, “you are the reincarnation of the Moon Princess Serenity. You have regained your past life’s memories, and it ended tragically. You lost Endymion to hate, and you almost lost Mamoru recently to Queen Beryl’s twisted love, so it’s not entirely illogical that the next living thing to bond with Mamoru would fill you with irrational jealousy.” 
Usagi opened her mouth to protest, but Minako reached around and placed a finger on her lips. 
“I’m not condoning your feelings. But I’m also not going to attack you for them, either. I get it. Feelings are complicated. Just try to remember that this is Mamoru we’re talking about. Tell me truly, Usagi-chan: do you really think Mamoru, your Mamoru, would willingly be seduced by his daughter? Or God forbid, do the seducing?” 
“Of course not!” 
“Then, what are your feelings telling you?” Minako returned to her braiding. 
“I… I just can’t lose Mamoru, Mina-chan, I can’t! Not again!” 
“Who says Chibiusa will be the cause of his loss?” 
“Because… because she…. She loves Mamoru!” 
“Lots of little girls have crushes on their fathers.” 
“Exactly! Oh… oh gods, Mina,” Usagi blubbered, “how can I even think that?!” 
“Let me ask you something: did you ever think or say when you were young that you wanted to marry your father?” 
“I think so. Mama caught it on camera and showed it to me a few years ago. It was so embarrassing!” 
“How did your mom react?” 
“She thought it was hilarious and adorable. She thought it was the sweetest thing, having a husband who dotes on their daughter.” 
“Mina-chan, the more you ask these questions, the more obvious it is that I am in the wrong, here!” 
“Well, of course, you’re in the wrong, Usagi-chan,” Minako said matter-of-factly, “but that doesn’t make you the villain.”
“Ack! Stab me in the back next time, why dontcha?!” 
Minako laughed, finishing up Usagi’s braids and hugging her best friend’s shoulders. “Oh, my silly, insecure princess! I’m trying to help you unpack!” 
“The real reasons you’re so jealous. It’s not Mamoru’s character you distrust, and it seems like you didn’t learn anything weird from your parents. I mean, hell, I doubt there was a lolicon rival in your past life, but you never know…” 
“Oh, hush!” 
They fell into giggles again. After another affectionate squeeze about her friend’s shoulders, Minako hopped off the bed to rummage through Usagi’s hair accessories. Usagi certainly felt calmer, and most definitely very foolish, but also rather pensive. Why did she feel such intense jealousy towards her future daughter? 
“Mina,” she said slowly, tentatively, “maybe I just…” 
“Maybe I just… hate Mamo-chan splitting his attention…between, um, Chibiusa and me…” Usagi trailed off, highly embarrassed, hoping her friend wouldn’t chastise her. 
“Yeah, I figured as much.” 
“Well, yeah, think about it.” Minako turned around, some artificial flowers in one of her hands, as she ticked off the reasons with her other fingers. “One, the whole tragic reincarnation thing blah blah blah. Two, teen girl in love. Three, teen boyfriend has a tendency to be kidnapped and brainwashed by crazy chicks with a crush on him. Four, teenage girl grew up pampered and sheltered and is suddenly thrust into fighting evil, regains her tragic backstory memories, and now has to live with the knowledge that one day she’ll become official royalty again, only this time it’ll be on Earth, the place that she fell in love in ancient times, but also the cause of her previous life’s doom, and –” 
“Okay, okay, I get it,” Usagi cried, half-laughing, half-blushing. 
“Do you, though?” Minako said shrewdly, as she began clipping the flowers into Usagi’s braids. 
Usagi chewed her bottom lip. The truth was that she definitely felt calmer and more rational about the whole mess in her heart, even if most of the jealousy was now replaced with shame. But still…. Minako had been gentle, understanding, despite all evidence revealing that she deserved otherwise. Usagi suddenly envisioned the other girls here, if they were never abducted, and how they’d react. 
Makoto would also have been kind. She knew better than anyone how powerful emotions were, and how blinding love can be. But she also was not the jealous type. She tended to “suffer in silence” due to unrequited love, rather than lash out in a fit of jealousy. Plus, Usagi doubted that Mako would provide the kind of levity that Minako’s jokes did. (Granted, she could go for some of Mako’s delicious baking right about now…) 
Poor Ami would have tried to resolve it logically. She’d probably talk about how it would be physiologically against Mamoru’s better judgment to find Chibiusa attractive because of her age and biological connection as his daughter, and that Mamoru did not have any history or symptoms of mental illnesses that would make him a terrible exception to the rules. She would have been, as Minako would put it, “too real,” and put an emphasis on the uncomfortable facts surrounding Usagi’s turmoil. 
Rei, on the other hand? For a brief, terrible moment, Usagi imagined Rei’s fiery temper, usually kept under cool restraints due to her spiritual training, unleashed. She involuntarily shuddered. 
“I’m glad it’s you and not Rei talking to me about this,” Usagi mumbled, half-hoping her words wouldn’t be heard. 
As it so happened, that was not the case, since Minako immediately burst out laughing. 
“Ohhhh, I can only imagine Rei’s reaction! She’s bad enough when Mako-chan and I gush about cute boys. You know how ‘superior’ she is to all things related to the heart. Should we enlighten her and the girls once we rescue them?” she added with a wicked tone. 
“MINA-CHAN!! You wouldn’t dare–!” 
“I’m teasing, Usagi-chan. Your secret is safe with me. Although,” Minako said with a more serious voice, “you know you’ll have to talk to Mamoru.” 
“I… I kinda already did.” 
A pause. Minako fiddled with the last flower connecting Usagi’s plaits at the end, waiting. 
Usagi took a shuddering breath, and whispered, “It was just before we – we first traveled to the 30th century. I told Mamoru that Chibiusa was obviously in love with him, and that – and that —” 
Usagi closed her eyes, tears welling up and threatening to spill. She clenched her fists and blurted out the horrible truth: “And that it didn’t matter her age, she’s still a woman!” 
Minako let out a low whistle. “Oof…. How did Mamoru take that?” 
“Oh, you know him. He’s kind, so kind. He didn’t shame or correct me. He only embraced me and assured me that he loved only me.” Usagi was crying again now, wiping her eyes. “He… he held me close, he… he made love to me,” she confessed hoarsely, hearing Minako suck in her breath. “After I said that, after I basically admitted that I saw Chibiusa as a romantic rival, after he knew something so awful and ugly was in my heart, and oh, oh, Mina-chan, what did I d-do to deserve that man? How can I still doubt him after that? How can I still – still —”
She couldn’t finish her sentence. Her sobs were wracking her body once more. She was vaguely aware of Minako shifting positions and holding her close to her chest, patting her head, and whispering soothing words. Usagi wailed and sobbed and cried her heart out, loathing herself, grateful for Minako’s presence, relieved that Mamoru or Chibiusa or her other friends were not present. Of all the people in the world, Sailor Venus seemed to be the best suited companion for this absurd, painful crisis in her heart. 
“--- gi-chan? Usagi-chan? You still with me? Okay, now wipe your eyes.” 
With a great heaving breath, Usagi nodded, accepting the handkerchief being offered to her. She blew her nose, sniffled some more, and looked up to see Minako’s eyes were overly bright and tender. 
“Usagi… You need to talk with Mamoru. You can’t just sit here and dwell on your feelings while leaving poor Mamoru alone. This is your relationship, your future, that you’re trying to save. It’s more than just Chibiusa.” 
It’s more than Chibusa…. Yes, yes, that was precisely why her jealousy, of any kind, was so absurdly selfish. Some of the burden on Usagi’s shoulders lifted, ironically, at that moment. Somehow, thinking of it that way, it puts things in perspective unlike anything else. 
Minako seemed to sense the gravity of Usagi’s thoughts, because she followed up with a would-be casual, “I mean, come on, are you really gonna let Fate try to destroy your love again, all because you’re projecting your fears and worries onto a 8-technically-900-year-old child?” 
The two friends looked at each other and burst out laughing. After her two previous breakdowns, suddenly laughter was dangerously addicting, as Usagi swiftly found herself out of breath, clutching her sides, practically wheezing, tears streaming down her face again, only this time, with mirth. Minako was just as bad, but her grins had a distinct touch of triumphant smugness to them. 
Finally, recovered, Usagi hopped out of bed, glancing at her vanity mirror and approving Minako’s work of making her look like an innocent, adorable flower girl, and heaved a few deep sighs. 
“You’re right, Mina-chan. All of it. I may not help my feelings, but that doesn’t mean I have to act on them when it means hurting the ones I love. I have to go see Mamo-chan. Cover for me, wouldja?” 
“Hold your cats, missy,” Minako said sharply before Usagi could bolt out of her room. 
(“It’s ‘hold your horses,’ Usagi grumbled, but she still obediently halted in her tracks and faced her best friend.) 
Minako was rummaging through her purse that she had left on Usagi’s vanity table. Then, she tossed a few packets to Usagi, who immediately shrieked and nearly dropped them, gazing at Mina in horror, her face turning redder by the second. 
Minako, on the other hand, looked shamelessly unperturbed.
“Listen, sweetie, babygirl, my dearest princess and future queen, I am very proud of you for coming this far in our deep conversation, but if you and Mamoru decide to get down and bone as a way to make up, it’s always best to take precautions–” 
“Usagi-chan, you literally just confessed to me you’re no longer a virgin, this is hardly the time to act like one–” 
“Well, let me put it another way: do you really want to conceive Chibiusa now?” 
Usagi squeaked something incoherent. Minako plunged on, relentless. 
“I’m just saying, girl. Giiiiirl. You’ve barely gotten over your Electra Complex Jealousy Mode, and Chibiusa is currently at Mamoru’s apartment. It’s gonna get real awkward if you get pregnant and have to double down and explain to Mamoru that ‘no, Mamo-chan, I swear, I’m not jealous of the fetus inside my womb!’” 
“I thought you understood where I was coming from!” Usagi protested, half-laughing through her mortification. 
“I do, but that doesn’t mean I don’t reserve the right to give you a little shit for it.” Minako winked, then crossed over the room and hugged Usagi tightly. “We all love you, princess, flaws and all. But it’s time for you to own up to your flaws and talk with your boyfriend honestly, the whole thing, no punches held back.” 
Speechless, Usagi embraced her back, overwhelmed in her half-ashamed, half-mollified state of mind. They squeezed each other, then Minako abruptly let go, spun her around and pushed her towards the door. 
“Now, get going and get laid, honey! You’ll feel loads better, especially when it’s not an angsty session like your first time.” 
“Mina-chan, if I didn’t know any better, I’d say you were speaking from experience —” 
“Wow, would you look at the time! You better get going and go get your man before he’s asleep!” 
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talesofzero · 6 years
La Douleur Exquise - Ch. 9
Leijiverse Brothel AU; Chapter 9 - The Case of Beige 
I’ve been on a bit of a break from Leijiverse writing, but here’s a Christmas present for @not-actually-harry-potter who is very sweet and deserves many things, including a chapter about anger Daiba.
There are too many Zeros in the Leijiverse, and I should stop pulling such obscure characters.
~5600 words
Captain needed a new rule - all clients needed to strip before all the sex stuff. The assholes kept trying to sneak stuff in under their clothes. Next time one of the guys tried to tell me they had nice clients and that not all clients were human-shaped dumpsters, I would remind them of the client who was stupid enough to not only rough-up Mamoru but also to stab me with a tiny pocket knife.
He should have brought a bigger knife if he wanted to do any real damage. I guess a bigger one wouldn’t have fit in his boot, but the small one fit into my side with all the force of a bug bite. His grip made for an easy target. Grabbing his wrist with one hand, I slammed the heel of the other into the back of his elbow. The resounding crunch of his bones sent him into a screaming fit. I didn’t even have to kick him down. He dropped to the floor on his own, cradling his arm.
Left his stupid, tiny knife in my side though, asshole. As soon as I yanked it out, blood spread out along my sleep shirt in a heated pool. “This had better wash out,” I growled as I tugged my wristband off and slapped it on the client’s arm instead. The band lit up in a bright flash of blue, turning the bastard turned into a twitchy mess. Captain made me use weird shit to put down clients. Beating them bloody would have worked just fine, but he insisted on tasing or drugs to knock them out. That just wasn’t satisfying enough. The bastards deserved a few good breaks and bruises.
But whatever. Captain’s orders.
With the client glitching out like a busted hologram on the floor, I stepped over him and up to Mamoru. The Kodais never had trouble when they were together, but being alone left them open to danger, and Mamoru worked to blink away a daze. Blood dripped from his lips. Judging by the way his cheek was starting to bruise, his teeth had cut into the inside. “Come on,” I said, taking him by the arm to lead him to his feet. “Let’s get you away from this bastard. I’ll get Captain to take care of him.”
Mamoru stumbled like the carpet was sliding out from under his feet. His hands landed on my shoulders for stability. “Can’t believe he hit my face,” he said as I dragged him toward the door. “I need that.”
“Next time you decide to take a dick of a client, tell him to hit you in the brain since you sure don’t need that.”
He whined like an abused dog, but judging by his cutesy pout, he was just fishing for sympathy. “Daiba, be nice to me. I just got beat up.”
“Yeah-yeah.” As I snapped the door shut, the wound in my side seemed to sink its fangs in deeper. I couldn’t hold back a wince.
Mamoru must not have been that dazed because he noticed. “What’s wrong?” But even before the question was all the way out of his mouth, his eyes found the blood that had crept its way toward the buttons of my shirt. The grip on my shoulder became a vise, spinning me to face him. “Is that your blood? Daiba!?”
“It’s fine,” I said with a shrug. When the panic didn’t leave his eyes, I held up the knife, still coated in my blood. “It’s such a small knife. It couldn’t do much.”
Fear iced over his expression, and though he opened his mouth, nothing came out at first. The claws in my shoulder dragged me toward the second flight of stairs. When he did speak, his voice was so thin that it sounded lost in a breeze. “We’re taking you to the infirmary.”
“We need to tell Captain about the client.”
“I will tell him! But we need for you to stop bleeding. Shit, Daiba, you got stabbed!”
“It’s whatever.”
Mamoru started chewing my ear off like he wasn’t the one who’d gotten his ass kicked in the first place. I was a bodyguard. Getting in fights and taking hits was my job, but all the guys yelled at me when I did what I was supposed to. Even before I started work at the brothel, it was like that.
They shouldn’t have cared. No one should have. Where I came from, useless street kids were as plentiful as the rats and heaps of trash littering the planet. All I did there was fight, and no one cared. Well, the guys whose asses I kicked might have cared, but I sure as hell didn’t.
I didn’t pay enough attention to remember which gang was which. They all flaunted dumb names like “White Tigers” or “Poison Fang,” but they were all the same. A bunch of weak dogs roaming in packs to look tougher. I let them be as long as they didn’t bother me. The burned husk of an apartment on Fifth Street was mine, and they knew that. As long as they kept away, I didn’t care enough to fight them.
Their heads were too damn big, though. Bastards always picked a fight when I went out into the streets. The worst bunch was some group named after a shark or fish or whatever. I got to know them too well for my liking. Because of that, I recognized the sounds of their voices in time to stop me from turning down one of my usual haunts.
“You’re clearly not from around here,” the one with the tattooed face said. “So I guess you don’t know the rules.”
“Yeah, just give us your stuff,” chimed in another voice I matched to a scrawny guy in my memories who’d been egging the rest on in our last brawl. That bastard was going to hurt. He’d been the one to throw in the pipe that busted my leg. The all-too-familiar sound of the hollow metal ringing and scraping along the concrete echoed out from the alley.
The third voice sent my blood boiling. “We don’t need any violence,” he said, the same one who’d swung that pipe into my leg like an ax to a tree. I’d been dragging around a limp for days, trying to avoid fights while it recovered. Being injured would slow me down, but I couldn’t pass up an opportunity to dish out some revenge.
“I wouldn’t recommend it,” someone I didn’t recognize added. “You would not come out unscathed. Walk away, and we can leave this.” He sounded older than any of the gang kids. Though his voice was calm, it held the dark edge of a threat.
Whatever. I’d kick his ass too if I had to.
He made for a helpful distraction as I launched myself around the corner. Tattoo turned just in time for my elbow to shatter his nose. When he hunched over to clutch at his face, my knee met his gut. For all his talk, he went down in a heap without a fight.
Scrawny came next. He was too tall for my elbows and knees to be much help. I couldn’t chance breaking my fingers on his ugly mug, so I punched him in the throat instead. People always try to curl in on themselves when they take a bad hit, try to hunker down and protect everything vital. That made my job easier because I was cursed to be short. Once Scrawny ducked his head enough to be in my range, I grabbed a fistful of his hair and smashed his face into the brick wall.
That left Pipe, who forced me to jump back as he aimed to crack my skull open. My right leg staggered under me, protesting my weight with nauseating flashes of pain. A strangled yelp tore up my throat, and Pipe’s eyes lit up with a sadistic recognition. “I remember you,” he laughed as his pipe swung back around and cracked into my leg again.
I had to hiss air between my teeth to keep from screaming. The pain burned so hot that the rest of my body seemed chilled. The deafening crack of a blaster cut through the air, and I found Pipe clutching his empty hand to his chest with a wince. His weapon clattered to the ground.
As the burnt smell of the gunshot tinged the air, the last man in the alley steadied his aim again and spoke in such a low voice that it could have been a growl. “Leave.”
I wasn’t going to fuck with anyone wielding a gun, but while the other bastards scurried off back to whatever pits they crawled out of, my first step brought the ground up to meet me. My leg roared with pain so overwhelming that my eyelids fluttered before I could yank them back open.
“There’s no way you’re moving on that,” the gunman said. The edge was gone from his voice, replaced with a flat drawl of reality. He sounded far too close for my liking. “Stay still.”                                                                                             
He hung over me, close enough that I could see the dark brown of his one eye even in the dim light from our moons. His arm clutched me around the shoulders, keeping me upright. He could fuck right off with all of that.
“Don’t touch me!” I sent a jab straight for his face, but the crushing grip of his hand caught mine.
“I’m not going to hurt you,” he said as I tried to yank my hand free. “You helped me, and I appreciate it.”
“I didn’t fight them to help you,” I snarled. Only when I let the tension out of my arm did he release his grip. “I just had some business with those assholes. If you came to this planet looking like that, you’re dumb enough that you deserve to get jumped.”
Gunman had clothes so nice I’d only seen them in pictures. It seemed too fancy, like a costume. “Maybe, but I could handle them,” he said. I wanted to tell him that a gun wouldn’t save him forever, but his hand pressed on my thigh where the damned pipe had just hit. He may not have put any pressure on the bruise. I couldn’t tell. Just the weight of his hand was enough to send my stomach rolling from the pain. Exhaustion hit me like a wall, my eyes rolling back.
“Damn,” he hissed. His voice was enough for me to grab onto to stay conscious, shaking away the dark edges on my vision. “That’s, uh, not good.”
“S’fine,” I said. “Get away from me.”
“My name is Harlock,” he said like I’d asked. “I employ a doctor. Let me take you to him.”
I may not have gone to school much, but I was not that stupid. Too many of the other guys on the streets went missing for me to trust some rich asshole with a gun. “Hell no!”
“Then let me contact your family-”
“Don’t have one.”
Silence bit at us for a breath. “Sorry,” he said. “I suppose I should have known. Listen, I understand why you wouldn’t want to trust me, but I came to this planet looking for someone to hire - a bodyguard. I know a number of skilled mercenaries work in this area, so that was my original intent, but why don’t you let me hire you instead? You seem plenty capable.”
“Thought you said you could handle yourself.” My words tinged with a slur. Sleep pulled at me like grasping hands reaching from the ground.
“You wouldn’t be guarding me. You’d be looking after my employees.”
“Who’re they? I don’t look after assholes.” I’d never looked after anyone but myself. Gangs weren’t for me. I couldn’t get along with anyone else, and Harlock didn’t know what he was talking about. Or he was lying. That seemed more likely.
“No,” he said. “You’ll be fighting the assholes.”
“I’ll consider it.” Considering time was a half-second, and that was enough to assure me Harlock was bad news. “No,” I decided.
“Let me get you to a doctor regardless.”
“I’m fine.” I would have been even better if he would have let go of me, actually.
Harlock heaved a sigh. “Look, I’m not a medical professional, and even I can tell that leg is broken.”
He was obviously no professional because my leg was not broken, just bruised. I would have noticed a break. “Really?” I drawled in disbelief. “And how are you so sure?”
“I can feel the bone sticking out of place”
“Bullshit!” When I placed my hand on my thigh, though, I could feel the way my skin had shifted in an uneven ridge beneath the fabric of my pants. “Well… It’ll heal eventually.” The pain didn’t seem like enough to be a break, so I guessed it could have been some knot instead. After all, I could still move my leg. As I pulled my knee inward, aiming to stand, the pain morphed into a tidal wave that dragged me under. My vision slipped to black, and I could hear Harlock barking something. None of it was clear enough to understand.
All I could make sense of was the pain until that blinked out too.
I woke in what must have been a hospital room. Too damn bright and white to be anything else. I had to squint to make out much of anything. The bed was the first I’d slept on in ages that didn’t jab me with metal springs. As my eyes adjusted, I spotted a man standing at my side. He wore a dark green uniform I didn’t recognize. His hair was so silky and neat that it looked more like a cat’s fur than hair. Brunet strands framed his face and dark brown eyes, which focused on the drip feed of some drug. The tube leading from the vial hooked to a needle port in the crook of my arm. My hand shot to it, ready to free myself from whatever he was using to drug me.
“Don’t,” he said, so sharp and sudden that I froze. His gaze had not left the clear liquid. “That’s just going to hurt. If you try to take it out, I’ll give you a bigger needle to replace it, so calm yourself. It’s just an antibiotic.”
Though I didn’t pull the needle free, I kept my hand on the port as I eyed him. “Who are you?”
“You are an idiot.” Still not looking at me, he gestured to the patch on his sleeve. The embroidered red x looked like the symbols on first aid kits I stole. That made him a walking first aid kit, I guessed.
“I’m not an idiot,” I snapped. “Doctors are supposed to wear white coats, so what are you?”
When his gaze did turn to me, the snobby irritation in his voice and expression did not change. “I am a medical sexaroid. Call me Zero if you must, though Doctor works as well. I am the one who fixed you, so you should be thankful.”
Thankful, my ass. I wasn’t staying anywhere with some fucked-up sex robot.
“I’ve set your broken leg,” he continued, “and I saw to your skull fracture. You must have had that for some time. I imagine the headaches were troublesome, and you must have been bleeding from your eyes, yes?”
That was enough to keep me put. “How’d you know?”
“Doc-tor,” he repeated with emphasis.
Though I held back some choice insults, I couldn’t help but roll my eyes. “Okay, how’d you know, Doctor?”
His expression remained dull as he breathed a slow sigh. “The brain damage must have been worse than I thought. It doesn’t matter. I fixed what I could. I also cleaned out the infection in your lungs, and I removed that disgusting lice infestation from your hair. When was the last time you even bathed? Actually, I don’t want to know.”
For a robot, he was a huge dick. I guessed the robotic laws didn’t apply to emotional harm, not that he looked like a robot. He could have just been lying to be an even bigger dick.
“The last thing that needs proper attention is the malnourishment,” he said, crossing his arms, “and that is a simple fix. Some food will be brought shortly.”
He didn’t move when I reached up and poked at his cheek. Though he did feel like skin, he was cold and stiff like a corpse. “You don’t look like a robot,” I said.
He batted my hand away as he spoke. “Android. Not a robot. It’s in the name - sexa-roid.”
“Yeah, I’m more worried about the sex part. What the fuck is up with that?”
“It’s a catch-all term. The original sexaroids were built with an obvious, carnal purpose in mind, but as we were further developed, our uses became varied. My creator didn’t like calling me a sexaroid, but technically I am one due to some overlapping mechanics. Trying to have sex with me is not recommended, though, and will result in removal of some non-vital parts.”
As he spoke, I worked my way into a proper sitting position despite whatever drugs were weighing me down. I felt no less confused when he finished. “Is it that people can’t have sex with you, or that you don’t want them to?” I asked.
“Yes. Now stop asking stupid questions or you’ll be getting your pills the other way.”
“What other way?”
His dim eyes blinked twice before he shook his head. “Nevermind. Your food is here.”
Before I could tell him he was malfunctioning, the door across the room swung inward. Another man, older looking than the sex robot doctor but still not that old, strode in focused on the tray of dishes in his hands. His brow knitted in concentration as he tried to keep whatever was on there from spilling. When he did look my way, his eyes brightened like an eager puppy’s. “So good to see you up,” he said. “I made you some food.”
He could have brought me anything, laced with poison or drugs or whatever, and I would have scarfed it down. My stomach seemed to be eating itself, turning into a gaping hole in my gut. I was always hungry.
What he set down across my lap was actually damn good, just about the best thing I’d ever eaten. It was some kind of potato soup, so warm it heated me from my chest to my fingers and toes. The man had to tell me not to eat it too fast because I all-but gagged myself on the spoon in my rush.
“I’m glad you like it,” he said with a smile. “I don’t get such compliments on my cooking often.”
I hadn’t said anything, too busy chewing on the spoon. He didn’t seem to mind.
“My name is Warrius Zero. I work here.”
My eyes narrowed as I looked back to the doctor. “Wasn’t your name Zero too? Is this some kind of cult?” And if Second Zero worked at the hospital, he sure didn’t dress for the part. He had the same sort of fancy costume that I’d seen on Harlock.
“If you must know, my creator named me after him,” the doctor said. “Now shut up and drink your water.”
Glaring at him out of the corner of my eye, I chugged the water and slammed the empty glass back down on the tray. Despite my attempt at defiance, he smirked.
“Would you mind giving us your name as well?” Second Zero asked, still with that kind smile.
“I don’t like to give my name out to weirdos in suspicious hospitals.” Or anyone else, honestly. No one needed my name. It wasn’t as though we were going to be pals.
“If you tell me your name, I’ll bring you more soup.”
“Daiba. Tadashi Daiba.”
He was good on his word, and as I ate two more bowls of soup, I found myself with more odd visitors. The hospital had a weird dress code because they all wore a rainbow of vests. First came the alien, who didn’t say anything but looked so starry-eyed as he clasped my hands that I couldn’t bring myself to dislike him. The guy called Dick lived up to his name, an annoying prick. He kept trying to ruffle my hair until I bit him. The brothers were fine, kind of weird with their constant arguing, but they didn’t try to touch me beyond a handshake.
My first non-guy visitor also didn’t wear a stupid vest. She dressed casually and appraised me with the same suspicion I gave her. “How old are you?” she asked.
Not that it was any of her business, but I set to counting back the winters, trying to recall how long it had been since my last proper birthday. My planet had about two cycles for every Earth one, so that was…
“Fourteen? Fifteen?” I looked up from my fingers. I didn’t have enough to help me count. “I don’t know.”
“Oh jeez.” Her head listed to the side, and her arms crossed. “Well, you’re not exactly what I asked for, but I’ve heard good things about your fighting ability. It’ll be nice to work with you once you’re back on your feet. I’m Kei, also a bodyguard.”
My spine shot straight. “I didn’t agree to that job! And I didn’t ask for anyone’s help, so I don’t owe any of you anything.” If they expected payment or servitude for fixing me up, they would be sorely disappointed.  
Her smile turned into a smirk. “Too bad. You’re stuck with us now. With how rough you were when the captain brought you in, there’s no way the boys are going to let you go back to that planet. What did you even do to wind up like that?”
That wasn’t her business either, and I was not going to let her gloss over the more important topic. “What do you mean ‘back to that planet?’ Where the hell are we? I’m leaving! You can’t keep me here!”
“You’re on a satellite,” Harlock said as he slipped in like a shadow through the open door. “You have no money for transportation, so unless you have some other method of space traversal, you’d do well to make yourself comfortable for the time being.” He placed himself beside Kei, his expression stony in response to my glare. “Sorry for taking so long to come see you. You seem to be doing much better. I’m glad. Now before you try to attack me-”
I wasn’t just going to try. I was going to destroy him.
“-I’m going to once again offer you the position of bodyguard for Arcadia.”
“Arcadia? The whorehouse?” I’d heard whispers of it back home, a place notorious for being outside of the law’s reach. “Is this sex trafficking? What the fuck!?”
The doctor sighed as I tried to launch myself out of the bed to kick Harlock’s ass. I forgot about the cast on my leg. The awkward extra weight dragged me down, and my cheek smacked against the icy floor.
“You’d be a bodyguard for the sex workers, not one yourself,” Harlock said as Kei picked me up by the scruff of my hospital gown and tossed me back into bed. “You already met them, all of the prostitutes in my employment.”
The only people I’d met were all those guys, so they must have been the whores. While I didn’t know what a whore was supposed to look like, I had a feeling those guys weren’t typical. That also brought up some weird questions about those brothers that I wasn’t sure I wanted the answers to.
“Your job would be to subdue any clients who aim to bring harm to my employees,” Harlock continued. “I have strict rules of consent, and I don’t tolerate troublesome clients. They tend to be quite wealthy and think they can get away with whatever they’d like because of it. If you need to rough them up some to get the message across, that’s fine by me.”
If I’d been kidnapped just so I could fight for them, I wasn’t sure I could be mad about it. Fighting was all I was good at, all I knew how to do. I didn’t mind having to crack a few skulls in exchange for having all the lice gone. Damn things drove me crazy, so I would have killed a man if it meant being rid of them. Getting to wail on some affluent assholes was just a plus. “So I’d just get to beat up rich bastards?” I asked.
Harlock shrugged. “More or less.”
Damn, I would have done that for free.
“Okay, I’ll work here, but only if I get more food.”
“That was easy,” Kei muttered.
A smile tugged at Harlock’s lips. “Your meals will be covered along with your room. I’m happy to have you aboard, Daiba.”
“Great, so can I get more potato soup?”
That soup was the first meal anyone had made for me in years. Monono’s cooking was great, and I loved all the sweets Kei brought from far-off places for me to try, but nothing beat that soup. It was every warmth and comfort Arcadia had given me. Every time I wound up in the infirmary with that asshole doctor, Zero would make it for me. Even when he was half-asleep at 3 AM.
I’d lost some time to the drugs Doctor gave me for surgery, but when I woke, Mamoru was sitting on the cot beside mine as his brother berated him. The two of them both had bowls of soup in their hands, and Zero was dozing in a chair near the foot of my bed. When Doctor noticed me awake, he helped me ease into a sitting position. As he handed me my own bowl of soup, he said that Harlock had taken care of the stab-happy client.
That was all I knew about what happened to bad clients - Harlock “took care” of them. I got to throw out troublemakers, but the real sick bastards I just put down. After Harlock took over, I never saw them again, and that was fine by me.
Other than the dark stain of a bruise on his cheek, Mamoru looked alright. “It won’t happen again,” he was telling his brother. “I was just careless. I’ll be more careful.”
No, I was careless. I should have gotten to him faster, should have noticed the client was trouble at the beginning. If I’d been any slower, that knife could have done some real damage. I would not let that happen again.
“Daiba’s the one to be upset over,” Mamoru continued when the concern didn’t ease from Susumu’s face. “Go fret about him. Doc gave me an all clear, not even a concussion. There’s no need to worry.”
After adjusting the drip of whatever he was drugging me with this round, Doctor sighed and went over to Zero, who was two seconds from falling out of the chair. Doctor hooked his arm under Zero’s and pulled him to his feet, murmuring, “Let’s just get you to bed before there’s another injury, alright?”
Zero’s head lolled as he fought to hold onto some form of consciousness. “Hm? What? Where are we going? Is Daiba okay?”
Their voices echoed as they reached the hall. “Daiba is fine. He’s too stubborn to let a knife bother him. Now how does sleep sound?”
“Sleep is good. I love sleep. I love you.”
“Right, yes, I love you too.”
“Zero’s cute when he’s tired,” Mamoru said. “And he’s got the right idea. I should get back to my room before Doc wants to run any more tests. You should get some sleep too, Susumu. Your client is coming tomorrow.”
Susumu’s lips tightened to a thin line as he helped his brother to his feet. Whether he was upset about Mamoru’s condition, or the idea of his client, I wasn’t sure, but I hated that royal bastard. His smug face and sweeping, flashy mannerisms made me want to knock him out. Mamoru and Susumu almost never had troubles with clients when they were together. Weird as it was, I hoped the two of them could pair up again. I wanted that royal guy gone as soon as possible. As much as I hated him, though, I hoped he wouldn’t give me a reason to kick his ass.
Mamoru came up to my side and squeezed me in a bone-crushing hug until Susumu barked at him about my stitches. While I wanted to be angry at him too, I didn’t hate the hugs. The guys didn’t need to know it. I wasn’t going to say I wanted hugs or anything. I didn’t, really, but I wasn’t going to say no to one if the guys wanted to hug me.
Unless it was Dick because he could fuck off.
“Thanks, kid,” Mamoru said as he pulled away. “But next time don’t scare me like that, alright?”
“I’m fine,” I reminded him.
“I know, and I know it’s your job to look after us, but I’m still allowed to worry when you get hurt.”
When Susumu hugged me, he clung like static, pressed tight with his face buried in my shoulder. “Thank you for looking after my idiot brother,” he murmured. “I know this room can be cold. Do you need anything?”
He didn’t let go, still hanging on me, so I put my arms around him too. Unsure what else to do, I patted his back. “I wish I could go back to my room, but I know the doctor won’t let me,” I said.
“Yeah, he’s stubborn,” Susumu sighed, pulling back with a worn smile. “But don’t worry. We’ll take care of it.”
As they headed for the hall, Mamoru whispered, “We will?”
Susumu said something I couldn’t hear in return, but I could see him smiling. They didn’t turn off the lights when they left. The Doctor would if he felt like it.
Putting my bowl aside on the table, I eased myself back down despite the ache in my side. I swore it hurt more after the stitches, feeling like it might tear open again at any moment. Once I’d flopped onto my back, though, the pain fell away. Sleep came easy for the two seconds I was allowed to have it.
“Hey, Daiba.”
I cracked one eye open to find one staring back in return. Kneeling at my side, Captain forced a weak smile and started patting my hair. “Sorry to wake you, but I took care of him. He won’t come back.”
“Of course.” My words slurred in rebellion. “You always do, Captain.”
He never touched me except to drag me away from bad clients, so the patting confused me. The fear burning his eye was unnatural too, something he never let show. “I’ll be more careful in checking for weapons,” he breathed more than said. “I’m very sorry.”
Oh, guilt. That was it. Captain didn’t need to feel guilty for my sake. None of them did, yet it kept happening. I was just their shield, a thing to be used. They didn’t need to feel bad for a shield when it took a hit. If I broke, that was my own fault, not theirs. They’d done enough for me, taking me in and looking after my wounds, making me food, giving me affection in their own weird ways. In return, I would take a knife or a bullet. Anything for them. The only ones who’d ever cared about me.
“It’s fine,” I said. “It’s not the first time I’ve been stabbed.”
Captain winced. “You are a magnet for trouble, you know?” he sighed, standing. Some form of a kiss brushed against my forehead and bangs. “You did a good job, Daiba. Get some rest.”
He flicked the light off as he slipped out, and once again, I fell into a doze. And once again, someone dragged me out of it.
The bed shifted under the weight of heavy hands and knees. “Daiba, are you okay?” whispered a small voice, so sweet I swore I’d get a toothache just from hearing him. “Susumu said you got stabbed.” Looking like he might collapse and fall asleep against me at any moment, Tadashi sat at my side in his pink pajamas, lips drawn to a pout.
“I-I’m alright.” But my face was getting hot. He was close enough that sitting up would have knocked our heads together, not that I could sit up easily. “You can go back to bed.”
Tadashi nodded. “The Kodais said it’s cold in here, but don’t worry,” he said through a yawn. Tugging up the blankets, he settled himself under them and flopped his head down against my pillow. “I will help.”
Though he seemed to pass out in seconds, I could no longer grasp sleep. Our noses almost touched in the small space of the bed. Had either of us been any bigger, it wouldn’t have worked, but he was so small. My hand trembled as I reached beneath the sheets and took hold of his. He slept on without a twitch, yet I felt a burning in my chest. Like the potato soup but painful. Like wanting to cry, maybe.
I hadn’t cried in so long. I’d almost forgotten what it felt like, but he made me remember. He made me want to as I pressed myself closer to him and listened to his soft breathing. No one was allowed to get near him. He was too small, too fragile. No one but me.
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voltagesmutter · 4 years
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❁Obey Me:
Lucifer and Beel / Satan and Leviathan / Mammon and Asmodeus / Belphegor / Diavolo - Heat (F)
Underwear shopping - light nsfw (F)
Lucifer, Diavolo and Simeon / Asmodeus, Beelzebub / Mammon, Leviathan, Satan, Belphegor  - Aphrodisiac (GN)
ABC’s of sex:
Asmo - A, C, D, I, M, O, Y.
Beelzebub - O, S. / A, Q, R, T, U.
Leviathan - C, K, M, N.
Lucifer - A, C, D, I, M, O, Y.
Mammon - D, K, V, X. / C, F, O, P.
NSFW Prompts (1000 Followers):
Lucien, Mammon, Dazai, Leonardo.
Full Fic:
Obey Me: Leviathan - Diphallia [Part1] [Part 2] [Part 3]
Warning: Diphallia (Double penis), hand-job, masterbation, double penetrational sex.
Obey Me: Satan - Asphyxiation || Orgasm Denial || Public
Warning: Public sex, mutual pining, vaginal sex, hand-job, fingering, talks of masterbation, angry Satan.
Obey Me: Lucifer - Masturbation || Simultaneous orgasm || Nipple play
Warning: First time, virgin sex, fluff, pining, angst, drunk mc and Lucifer, internal cum-shot, hand job, oral, fingering, vaginal sex, Lucifer being a pussy because of his pride.
Obey Me: 7 Brothers - Masochism || Hair-pulling || Orgy
Warning: Fingering, Oral (Male and female), vaginal sex, over-stimulation, breath-play, multiple-partners, spit-roasting, marking, rough-play, internal cum-shot, dirty talk, aphrodisiac. 
Obey Me: Lucifer - Face-sitting || Creampie || Anonymous sex
Warning: Face riding (Female receiving), fingering, vaginal sex, reunion, fluff, cock-warming, cream pie/ internal cumshot.
���Mr Love Queen’s Choice:
ABC’s of sex:
Helios - Complete.
Gavin - Complete. 
Lucien - Complete.
Victor - Complete.
NSFW Prompts (1000 Followers):
Victor Li.
Gavin, Shaw, Theo.
Lucien, Kiro.
Lucien, Mammon, Dazai, Leonardo.
Full Fic:
Mr love Queen’s choice: Victor - Accidental stimulation || Glory hole || Massage
Warning: Head-canon situations, massage, accidental stimulation, thigh riding, vaginal sex.
Mr love Queen’s choice: All suitors - Prostitution || Aphrodisiac || Impact play
Warning: Sex work, rough sex, breath-play, angst, protected sex, unprotected sex, vaginal sex, oral (male receiving).
Mr Love Queen’s choice: Kiro - Master || Lapdance|| Uniform
Warning: Playful sex, slight dirty talk, Kiro just being a horny boi, internal cum-shot.
❁Ikemen Vampire:
ABC’s of sex:
Arthur - B, D, F, G, K, P, X. / A, J, V, W.
Comte - C, F, J, K, O. / D, E, X.
Dazai - B, D, J, K, N, W. / F, L, M, P, V.
Issac - D, J, Y. / F, M, W.
Jean - A, B, C, F, I, K, M, S, W. / D, E, H, J.
Leonardo - D, K, L. / C, F, Q, R, U.
Theo - Complete. 
Mozart - A, C, F, G, T, V. /  D, I, K, O, U, W, X.
Napoleon - K, O, W. / C, D, F, H, M, Z.
Shakespeare - D, J, K, M, X. / C, F, P.
Vincent - Complete. 
NSFW Prompts (1000 Followers):
Gavin, Shaw, Theo.
Dazai, Mozart, Isaac.Comte.
Lucien, Mammon, Dazai, Leonardo.
Full Fic:
Ikemen Vampire: Leonardo - Deep-throating || Role-play || Object Insertion
Warning: Roleplay, Outdoor sex, stranger’s scenario, dirty talk.
❁Mystic Messenger:
Mystic Messenger: Zen - Body Worship || Masks || Formal wear
Warning: Mirrors, Body-worship, loving-fluff smut, oral (Female and male), vaginal sex.
Mystic Messenger: Jumin - Sensory Deprivation || Pet Play || Licking
Warning: Dark domination, Twisted themes, Oral (female and male), vaginal sex, forced orgasm, pet play, internal cum-shot, daddy kink.  
Mystic Messenger: Jumin - Sleepy sex || Religion Kink || Mirror Sex
Warning: Fingering, sleepy sex, marital bliss, vaginal sex, internal cumshot, Me just being weak for a new man.
❁My Forged Wedding:
ABC’s of sex:
Kuni - Complete.
NSFW Prompts (1000 Followers):
Kuni Aikawa.
❁Kissed By The Baddest Bidder:
ABC’s of sex:
Eisuke - F, K, O, W.
Soryu - D, F, P.
NSFW Prompts (1000 Followers):
❁'Tis The Season For Smut
Mystic Messenger: 707 - A naughty sleigh ride.
Warning: Finger, Semi-public, References to Storyline. 
Obey Me: Beelzebub - A kinky Secret Santa gift exchange.
Warning: Sex-toys, Mammon Idiocy.
Mr love Queen’s Choice: Gavin - “Why sit on Santa’s lap when you can sit on mine?”.
Warning: Jealousy, drinking, bit of rough birdcop.
Ikemen Vampire: Theo - “You’re the only gift I plan on unwrapping tonight.”
Warning: Oral.
Obey Me: Asmo - “Toys aren’t only for playtime”.
Warning: Toy’s in public use. 
Obey Me: Diavolo - Wrapped up in ribbon/bondage
Warning: Ribbon bondage. 
Mr love Queen’s Choice: Victor  - Nibbling on holiday treats
Warning: Oral, mild-food play.
Kings Of Paradise: Taki - “You’ve been a very good boy/girl this year.”
Warning: Oral, Intercourse. 
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❁ Kinktober (18+)
❁ Masterlist (18+)
❁ Smut Drabble, Prompts and Giveaway (18+)
❁ Like my work? Send a donation of support here
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tinacentury · 3 years
For the prompts!! Write a piece that includes “Here. You look hungry.” (Sorry if it doesn’t spark any inspiration!!)
Thank you, @queenrisa14! This was fun! Posted on AO3/ff as well, as I don’t actually like reading fic on tumblr 😅😅. Also, this is unbeta’d practice, so go easy on me, k?
Usagi frowned as she examined the crumpled, chocolate-smeared napkin on the table in front of her, the mess of crumbs surrounding it that clearly marked the area as hers. She’d arrived at the late afternoon senshi meeting, ravenous after forgetting her school lunch at home that morning, and lost count of the piles of cheese-flavored chips and boxes of chocolate Pocky she’d eaten.
Now, all of the snacks Rei and Minako had brought to share were gone. Usagi’s stomach grumbled in protest.
She glanced at Mamoru’s section of the table and rolled her eyes at his pristine, perfectly-folded napkin, marveling at how it was the only evidence he’d eaten anything at all.
Well, almost the only evidence.
Usagi’s eyes nearly bugged out of her head as she noticed the stack of three, small, foil-wrapped dark chocolate squares on the other side of his napkin. They were embossed with the logo of that fancy espresso chain Mamoru loved, and she knew he saved them to snack on during long study sessions.
My God, the man had self-control.
Sort of.
Usagi drew her attention to the warm weight of his palm on her thigh underneath the table, a contented shiver running through her as his finger stroked her skin.
Looking at him, you’d never guess. His navy eyes were intently focused on whatever Ami was saying about Esmeraude and the latest droid attack (Usagi hadn’t been listening for some time now), and his other hand held a pencil that he would occasionally use to jot down some impossibly neat notes with.
You’d never guess that this stoic, focused man could not keep his hands off of his…
What was she, anyway? Usagi supposed they were technically still broken up, as, despite their recent reconciliation, Mamoru had insisted that they still try to keep their distance until they understood the meaning behind his dreams.
Neither of them was very good at it.
Usagi didn’t really care about the official titles, content instead to lose herself in the longing glances he no longer hid from her, the stolen kisses they shared in dark alleys after battle, the electricity of his touch searing her skin.
But, at this exact moment, she was still focused on her rumbling stomach and the only remaining snack in the room—Mamoru’s untouched chocolate squares.
“Usagi! Have you listened to a single word of this meeting?” Rei exploded, and Usagi winced as she looked up.
She took a deep breath, preparing to tell her sob story about forgetting her lunch and how on earth could they expect her to focus on an empty (or, at least, not full) stomach, when Mamoru locked eyes with her and gave her a sympathetic smile before coming to her defense.
“It’s been a long week, Rei,” he said.
His elegant fingers slid the three chocolate squares across the table to Usagi.
“Here. You look hungry.”
63 notes · View notes
daikon1 · 2 years
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I posted 654 times in 2021
75 posts created (11%)
579 posts reblogged (89%)
For every post I created, I reblogged 7.7 posts.
I added 959 tags in 2021
#sailor moon - 237 posts
#this artist is amazing - 146 posts
#fanart - 123 posts
#sailor moon fanart - 118 posts
#usamamo - 95 posts
#mental health - 55 posts
#sailor moon fanfiction - 53 posts
#cute - 49 posts
#fanfiction - 43 posts
#signal boost - 40 posts
Longest Tag: 137 characters
#i’m reblogging this after i just got like 20 new reviews on the latest chapter of tru and i might have written a whole scene this morning
My Top Posts in 2021
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Happy Valentine’s!
Have some UsaMamo fanfic recommendations!!
Happy Ending - Guaranteed:
Checkmate by @queenrisa14 - I just read this multichapter mystery coffee-shop AU for the first time and let me tell you, it is a ride!! If possible, I recommend reading it with someone else so you can over-excitedly bounce theories around with them between chapters. Where the hell is Usagi’s mysterious chess partner, aka Mamoru?? (Rated T)
The White Rabbit by @idesofnovember - Okay it took me MONTHS and many very-enthusiastic recommendations before I finally gave this three-part pirate AU a try. Learn from my mistakes, go read it now. (Rated T)
A Craving for Chocolate Milkshakes by @kasienda - This is like, the ultimate MindMeld fic. Sailor Moon and Tuxedo Mask get hit by a Youma attack and Mamoru and Usagi are suddenly mentally linked - and all that that implies! Emotional, sexy, adorable, and recently finished multichapter! (Rated T)
Since I Found Out by @lyraterra - First season multichapter AU with an early reveal, mindlink, and a side of SenShi! Cute, fast-paced, and very bingeable!! (Rated T)
The Heatwave by @reiokiscorner - If you haven’t read this amazing multichapter AU, go do that immediately. Waiting for updates seriously got me through the first six months of quarantine. After years of bickering, unexpected temperatures have Usagi looking at Mamoru in a new light... (Rated M)
Distraction by @kaleidodreams - A smutty established-relationship oneshot where Mamoru calms Usagi down during a thunderstorm. Sexy, tender, and fun! (Rated M)
Better Than Dreaming by @wishwars - a loosely plotted and very sexy oneshot PWP; what the hell else would happen if Usa walked in on Mamoru masturbating while thinking of her? (Rated M)
Somniloquy by @ninjettetwitch - Sexy little PWP oneshot where Mamoru-baka decides to ‘punish’ Usagi for her hurtful sleep-talking. (Rated E)
The Ghosts of Lake Yokai by @floraone - I ‘jokingly’ refer to this one as “proof of concept” on FloraOne’s writing after LDE got my attention. Usagi and Mamoru are sent on a mission alone after years of pining, and with the help of some demonic possession, Usagi’s feelings finally boil over. Mutual pining, miscommunications, and misunderstandings abound in a two-parter I revisit frequently. (Rated E)
Angsty or Open-Ended Fics:
His Changing Rose by @tinysagi - I’ll be honest and admit that chapter 2 (Summer) is my favorite, but this short multichapter delving into how Mamoru thinks about Usagi as they move through their lives is just darling all around. (Rated K)
The Chances We Don’t Take by @floraone - Okay it’s probably cheating to include this one because she wrote it specifically for me and my tastes but EVIL ENDY MUTUAL PINING???? This oneshot is f*cking glorious and I still cannot believe it was written for me. (Rated T)
Weathering the Storm by @brownsugarheartattack - Also probably cheating since I got to beta this one; a maybe-TBC oneshot in which Mamoru and Usa are hilariously reunited when they both “rent” the same cabin, giving Mamoru another chance to win over the girl of his dreams. (Rated T)
Contrition by @tinacentury - I ADORE this mutual-pining canon-divergent AU oneshot. Too much detail honestly kind of spoils the first read, so just know that it’s the best of these two idiots trying and failing to communicate. (Rated T)
Ongoing Fics:
Hikari 27 by @uglygreenjacket - An angsty, pining, miscommunication-ridden long-distance AU multichapter that I am DYING to see finished. Usagi and Mamoru meet on the Shinkansen and fall in love; Mamo-chan has no idea how to be a boyfriend and Usagi has no idea how to ask for what she needs. (Rated T)
If Only I Belonged to You by @beej88 - A fabulous epic UsaMamo-week story that isn’t quite finished yet. Weaving together their various lives, Usagi and Mamoru have to find and choose each other again and again. Read it and help me cheer her on to the finish!! (Rated M)
Something Old, Something New by @allyunabridged - My happy place in fic form! Usagi and Mamoru meet at an antique shop when Mamoru buys Usagi’s great-grandmother’s long-lost star locket. Now they have to not mess things up! Please help cheer her on so I get more of this awesome story!! (Rated M)
(Please note, each section is loosely ranked in terms of what I deem least-to-most saucy)
Happy reading! 😘
39 notes • Posted 2021-02-14 13:02:13 GMT
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Just Usagi
Now that she’s ended the arrangement with Mamoru, Usagi is all set to mope and distract herself with her new job… so what in the hell is Mamoru doing sending her flowers?
40 notes • Posted 2021-09-14 18:02:47 GMT
Friendly reminder that @sailor-moon-rei, @misshotaru, and @ladyanna87 are blogs that steal art and repost it for likes without the actual artist’s knowledge or consent.
Please unfollow these blogs and alert the actual artists that their art has been stolen whenever possible.
42 notes • Posted 2021-01-16 18:59:05 GMT
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A quick taste of air
Celebrating Usagi’s new job turns sour when Mamoru shows up uninvited…
57 notes • Posted 2021-07-19 18:01:10 GMT
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The Runner-Up
I turned in my last assignment for my degree today, so to celebrate I’m bringing you the first chapter of my new story! It’s UsaMamo aged-up enemies-with-benefits - so basically an angsty miscommunication-ridden smutfest. Hope you enjoy 😉
60 notes • Posted 2021-05-11 18:01:08 GMT
Get your Tumblr 2021 Year in Review →
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yoificfinder · 4 years
Hiya! could you please recommend victuuri mutual pining fics? thanks!
I received this ask right after I posted this #newreadsrec of a fic set during the summer of mutual pining™ so I'm guessing you want more of that, nonnie? Happy to oblige and I'm also adding other mutual pining in general fics, including AUs:
Summer of Mutual Pining
hold me tender, hold me sweet by @crossroadswrite [M, 10K]
Here are a couple of things to have in consideration about the scenario Victor finds himself in:
1. Yuuri is wearing three different pairs of very soft looking socks because his feet are very cold, a pair of boxers, Victor’s blanket and nothing else
2.Victor’s never actually helped another omega through a heat. He’s barely had enough heats to know what he’s doing, choosing to supress them until his doctor’s lips were a thin line and they started talking about impact on his performance and making the supressants less effective. There wasn’t really anyone around when he had to have his heats, so it’s not like he even has the experience of watching others do
3.Yuuri’s room smells like sex, strawberry candy and energy drinks
4.Victor likes Yuuri very, very much and he has no idea what to do with himself around him most of the time
(OR: what if heats sucked a little bit and you just cuddled a lot and also being touch starved made you physically ill?)
if you can't sleep, don't count sheep by @lazulisong [G, 5K]
It's maddening to find out how much more he has to learn about Yuri -- but at the same time, Victor is glad of it too.
Lay Your Head by @kiaronna [G, 3K]
By the time they end up sharing a bed, they’ve already slept next to each other everywhere else.
reach out and... by @stammiviktor [T, 2K]
"Please, Yuuri."
resting pulse by @cafecliche [G, 1K]
For something all in his head, it can be brutally physical when it wants to be. But he’s an athlete - he knows how to listen to his body, categorize and interpret its signals. It doesn’t really follow that the smallest twinge in his knee could mean a very bad season at the same time full-blown palpitations mean it’s a day that ends in Y. But bodies are weird.
Victor, though. Victor is a stress test brought to life.
(Or: a story in heartbeats.)
The Boyfriend Series by @japansace [T, 5K]
Summary of first fic
For some inexplicable reason, Yuuri speaks Russian.
Now, as everyone knows, there are only two viable reasons why anyone ever learns a foreign language:
1. For school.
2. To impress a foreign love interest.
And Victor can’t quite bring himself to believe that Yuuri would be at all studious enough to hunt down Russian classes in Detroit of all places.
(Or: Victor gets jealous of a boyfriend that doesn’t exist.)
umineko by @shysweetthing [T, 4K]
Victor has never told anyone that he’s a seagull shifter, which is a perfectly natural thing to be and actually really useful for cross-training as a figure skater, thank you. It’s never really come up, but it turns out that seagulls mate for life, and Yuuri is becoming more and more important to him…
Other Mutual Pining Fics
Be my chef, Yuuri by @n3rdlif343va [M, 88K]
When 28-year-old Victor loses his parents and inherits his family's five-star restaurant, he learns that working for a living is much harder than he anticipated. That's when young, talented chef, Yuuri Katsuki unexpectedly arrives, providing hope in the midst of Victor's chaos.
Can these two work together? Bartender Chris, manager Mila, and sous chef Phichit can't wait to laugh at them as they try to navigate their instant attraction in the most awkward of ways.
Black Ink by Anonymous1313 [Not Rated, 60K] *WIP
Being together was what nature had dictated them to be. Alpha and omega. Their families had thought so too, agreeing to marry them to one another once they were old enough. A joyous union between the Nikiforovs and the Katsukis.
But Viktor had decided that they would not be controlled by what their parents had set out for the both of them at a time in the past when neither he nor Yuuri even knew the other existed.
“I was hoping as soon as you turn eighteen, you’d… sign the termination contract.”
Because after all, he and Yuuri were no good for each other.
"If… if that's what you really want."
 "It is. I'm sorry."
i will go down with this ship by @thishasbeencary [T, 30K] *WIP
Yuuri and Viktor co-star in the fantasy drama History Makers, a show where their characters Mamoru and Dimitry are shipped by all the fans, which of course leads to the fact that fans also ship Yuuri and Viktor. And write fic about it. Yuuri reads RPF by only one author, therealviknik, and leaves a comment on every single one with his account, katsukiforov. Some fans pick up on the conversations and begin to ship therealviknik with katsukiforov as well.
Phichit ships it all.
never tasted rubies by @ebenroot [T, 17K]
Phichit puts up a poll on the radio website. It reads ‘What Do U Think About Yuuri K. from Hasetsu Nights and the Mysterious Caller Victor?’
Seventy-five percent of listeners said ‘lol they should just f*ck already tbh’.
in which Yuuri is an unwilling radio host and Victor won't stop calling in to chat with him
On Online and Offline Love by @alexwspark [M, 33K]
Gaming/Streaming AU: In which Yuuri and Victor are gamers, head over heels for each other, and hoping to one day come face-to-face. Of course, when two whipped, adorable fluff-balls are involved, shenanigans ensue...
The Power of Love by @kiaronna [T, 66K]
“The two Japanese singles medalists make a beautiful pair! Here, at the 2009 Tokyo GPF, we have the start of this power couple’s reign!”
Yuuko and Yuuri dominate the singles skating competition as Japan’s power couple—except they aren’t a couple, and when their old skating idol stumbles into their personal life, everything rapidly goes downhill.
The Secret Lives of Catholic School Boys series by violetlolitapop / @curls-and-cats [T, 72K]
Summary of first fic:
“I’m plenty happy, I know what I am. I’m a godless heathen who is in love with another boy and can’t stop thinking about his ass.”
“It’s a great ass. Now I’m not Chris, I don’t know much about asses, but he has a great ass. His legs are great too. His whole lower body is great, and I would give a lot to be able to get down on my knees and–“
“-tie his shoe laces.”
In which Victor confesses to being in love with another boy and makes it difficult for everyone involved.
Other suggestions are welcome but I won't include fics previously recommended under different themes since they're already in the masterlist.
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doublerainebow · 4 years
Back to Pinned Post
Latest Update: November 7, 2023
Quick Note 1: Most of the x Reader stories were written with a female reader in mind. Some of them may get away with being gender neutral-ish, but just to be safe, F! Reader for these stories.
Quick Note 2: Links that lead to AO3 are colored in red.
Quick Note 3: Links that lead to a different masterlist are colored in blue
💌 || Fulfilled Requests ✨ || Latest Fic 🔄 || Pending Fic 🔞 || NSFW, leads to NSFW blog. Minors DNI
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~ Fanfics ~
DC Comics - Bat Family
Sanctuary (Priest! Jason Todd x Reader); Bonus Lines/Prompts
- - - Series: Robin and the Whore - - -
Robins (sans Damian Wayne) x Prostitute Reader
Red Hood
Red Robin
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DC Comics - Booster Gold & Blue Beetle
- - - Series: Black and Blue with Gold All Over - - -
Michael Jon Carter/Booster Gold x OC x Ted Kord/Blue Beetle
OC: Ariane Meritt/Black Shadow
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Final Fantasy XIV
Whisper in My Dreams (Ardbert Hylfyst x F WoL Reader); 🔞
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Fire Emblem Three Houses
Breakdown (Felix Hugo Fraldarius centric); Possibly Triggering
Duel of Promises (Felix Hugo Fraldarius x OC); OC: Lacey Alford
The Morning After (FE3H Boys x Reader)
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Fire Force
Rescue and Meeting (Akitaru Obi x OC); OC: Toba Amagawa
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Affection (Kei Tsukishima x Reader)
I Don’t Hate You (Kei Tsukishima x Reader)
Long Sighs (Hajime Iwaizumi x Reader x Tōru Oikawa)
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The Morning After (Hetalia x Reader)
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Kingdom Hearts
Her Resolve (Sora x Kairi)
Where We Left Off (Lea x OC x Isa); OC: Kali
- - - Series: The Baker and the Scientist - - -
Ienzo/Zexion x OC
OC: Athalia
Arrival and Homecoming
Books, Pastries, and Wagers
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My Hero Academia
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One Piece
Boyfriend Zoro Headcanons
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Stray Kids (K-Pop)
Pirate AU Felix; ✨
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~ Original Fics ~
A Silent Cry; Possibly Triggering
Hanahaki Disease
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~ Random Headcanons ~
Final Fantasy XV: Ignis’s Coffee Breath
Kingdom Hearts: Ienzo/Zexion and Cooking
Kingdom Hearts: Post Kingdom Hearts III
Fire Emblem Three Houses: Sylvain and Sleight-of-Hand Magic
DC Comics - Bat Family: Robins and Their Favorite Gargoyle
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~ Friendly Voice Actor Reminder ~
Akira Ishida
Daiki Yamashita
Keiji Fujiwara
Kōki Uchiyama
Lucien Dodge
Mamoru Miyano
Miyu Irino
Nobuhiko Okamoto
Yūichi Nakamura
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~ Art Resources ~
Part 1?
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lavellenchanted · 4 years
for the meme you posted before eurovision: zoom edition, A, G, K, P?
A - Ships that you currently like a lot
I mean I’m always a slut for Steve/Peggy and Harry/Luna, but I’ve got a Jyn/Cassian fic half written and one percolating for Thor/Sif so I’ve been thinking a lot more about them recently. And I do pop into the Finn/Rey tag fairly often. 
G -  Have you ever had an OTP? If so, do you remember your first one? Who was in it?
I think we all know I have a lot of OTPs. I think my first one has to be Usagi x Mamoru from Sailor Moon - I vividly remember watching the anime as a 6 year old and being very upset because Mamoru had gone on a date with Rae when clearly he was meant to be Usagi and why did they not know this
K - What character has your favourite development arc/the best development arc?
Ohhh man that’s tough ... there are so many that have had such wonderful development! I mean, I love Steve’s arc from being the soldier sacrificing his life for peace to being able to lay down his shield and claim some peace and a life for himself, and similarly I will fight people over Eowyn’s development from someone seeking death to someone who wants to preserve life. And I just rewatched Rogue One the other day and oh man, all the arcs in that film are gold. But honestly my initial reaction was Zuko - his growth as a character was so good and so beautifully written. 
P - Invent a random AU for any fandom (we always need more ideas).
WELL since I was musing on it the other day may I suggest a modern Persuasion AU where Peggy and Steve met when they were at university, fell in love and got engaged - but Michael convinced Peggy to end it. They were both so young, and so poor, and while Steve was joining the army and was going to be away for months if not years at a time and in danger every minute, Peggy was applying to join MI5. The conflict of interest alone meant it was no basis for a long-term relationship.
Eight years later, Peggy, one of MI5′s top agents is paired with former US Captain turned SHIELD agent Steve for an assignment. When they find that nearly a decade hasn’t been enough to get over everything they felt for one another, they have to ask if it’s possible to move past all the hurt and longing to try again.
(Also alternatively just a straight up Regency-set Persuasion AU, with Peggy having to think about her family’s status and Steve a poor Naval officer who has signed up to stop Napoleon.)
A-Z fandom asks
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flyswhumpcenter · 5 years
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Bad Things Happen Bingo! The event where you send me requests according to this marvelous card! (Red cross is the completed prompt, character headshots are prompts I’ve already filled. I don’t have any request left, so feel free to send in suggestions for this card!).
Despite the initial idea of writing a prompt fill for something called the *Bad* Things Happen Bingo, I sure am a softie. This is fluff because all I've been writing lately is angst (but always with happy endings so fluff was bound to happen), and also to make up for all the angst I've written about the show lately. It's a quick and light fic because I really wanted to celebrate one of my all-time favorite characters' bday without being late as a train, so please excuse my lack of words for this one haha. And I'm also pulling out my "vague timeline" setting again because I was thinking of this story happening during the first season, but then I mentioned Tachimukai, so to heck with it. just take my offering. I'm just gonna say most likely after the third season of the original, where everyone is just a grade above. It works cuz none of the OG Raimon was in 3rd year lmao
Happy birthday Endou I love you and your smile and your absolute dumbassery
Blazing Zenith
Summary: A team always makes things less frustrating, even if said frustating thing is a hospital stay.
Fandom: Inazuma Eleven (original series) Relationship: Endou & the original Raimon Eleven
Wordcount: 1.1 K words
Event hosted by @badthingshappenbingo
AO3 version available here.
It’s frustrating.
It really is frustrating, no matter how he tries to twist things out.
It really is frustrating, no matter how he tries to twist things out and, in the end, he’s just trying to roll around in bed before it starts hurting again. Feels bad.
 The room’s boring. It’s white and grey, safe for pastel blues and yellows for the curtains, and even the view from the window is boring as far as he knows: from the third floor or so, all he can see is the blue sky of August. It’s the ideal weather for soccer and he’s sure that everyone else is having fun outside training, exchanging the ball, scoring goals or stopping shoots. Good for them, of course: a team has to train and get better, it’s part of what’s fun about soccer and sports in general. He’s sure everyone is happy, outside, playing around. They deserve that, obviously.
 Still, that doesn’t remove his frustration at being unable to go outside and play with everyone else. It’s not even his fault if he’s there: they said that it happened sometimes with people, that it was random and that there was nothing he could have done about it. In fact, on second thought, that’s even worse: at least, if he could have done anything about that, he wouldn’t be lying here with no purpose and nothing to do to keep his hands occupied.
God, being stuck in a hospital sucks, and it keeps getting worse.
 It’s boring to lie around in bed all day, without even being able to turn around, when he could be playing outside. Hospitals aren’t places he likes anyway: they’ve always been synonymous with bad things happening around him, including Gouenji’s sister being in a coma and all that’s meant ever since the team has learnt about it. He doesn’t like being there, restrained to a bed and all alone like this.
He’s also never liked being alone for long periods of time. He’s just used to having people around: friends, family, opponents of a day, rivals, classmates, teammates. He’s way too used to hanging out with his team to feel complete without them by his side. He may have only been here for a day or so, but he already misses everyone, and solitude rubs salt on his wounds.
(That’s how they say it, right? That sounds like a thing Natsumi or Tachimukai would say…)
 A knock on his door immediately catches his attention, causing him to immediately sit up, cringe because of his stitches hurting from the sudden commotion, and reply to whoever this is to enter with excitement. Finally, someone else than him, in this room!
He’s still kind of surprised when he sees a dozen persons or so barge into the room, hardly fitting in there without pushing against each other, but it’s not out of the ordinary for the Raimon Eleven. At least, it’s not weird or anything, to him.
 “I knew this was going to be a bad idea…” Kazemaru mumbles under his breath, ponytail disturbed by Shourin on one side and Shishido on the other. “We can’t fit in there, guys!”
“C’mon, I’m sure we can if we try harder!” Kurimatsu replies right afterwards, tiny hands lifted as to signal his position.
“S-sorry guys…” Kabeyama apologizes, trying to reduce the space he’s taking, to no avail: Someoka still looks bothered by being almost squeezed against the wall.
Seeing his friends in this funny situation this reminds me of the atmosphere in the club and he’s so grateful for this. It’s like bringing the club to his room!
 “Hi everyone!” He greets them, ignoring the numb pain lingering from his moves, waving his hand at the group.
“Hi, Endou,” Gouenji reacts with crossed arms and somehow outside the mass, back against the wall. It doesn’t seem to make Someoka any happier.
“I’m really glad you’ve all come!”
The entire mass says hi in their manner, with delays in-between themselves, yet in the end he still grins at having some company at last.
“I can’t breathe…” An unidentified whisper, most likely Kageno’s. “Guyyyyys…”
 Then something hits him on the head.
“Wait, guys. What’s bringing you here? You’re not training?”
“Are you kidding?” Kazemaru pushes aside Shourin and Shishido to show himself.
“It’s not the same without you, Captain”, Kabeyama explains while fiddling with his fingers.
“What they’re trying to say is that they couldn’t focus and would rather pay you a visit,” Kidou ends the topic, arms crossed and smirking.
“Guys…” He doesn’t quite know what to say, but he tries to collect himself anyway. “Thank you so much…”
“It’s just a visit, no need to get all emotional over it,” Someoka chimes in.
 He feels a bit embarrassed by the remark, but he laughs it off anyway and smiles to his teammates.
“It’s still really nice to have you guys here! How’s training?”
“It…” Handa chuckles awkwardly. “…didn’t go as planned, I suppose.”
“Yeah… Something like that,” Shourin confirms, not any easier about the situation.
“I see…”
 The conversation derails on training as he tries to give everyone advice and tips, but in the end, the topic doesn’t revolve around soccer for very long, which is odd all things considered. Still, he very much enjoys the company nonetheless, so he doesn’t mind. They’ll talk about soccer later, he guesses.
“How long are you staying at the hospital for, Captain?” Kabeyama asks, smiling, but with eyebrows slightly frowned.
“I hope not for long! It’s just not the same without the Captain y’know!” Kurimatsu adds.
“I think they said a week or so… For stitches or something,” he’s not even sure himself, all things considered.
“They’re right to be cautious and have you stay here for a little while,” Kidou says, the group’s attention focusing on him. “We wouldn’t want you bleeding during practice because it’d have reopened, don’t we?”
“Wait, Captain, why are you in the hospital for in the first place?” Shishido asks, sounding lost. “I think I missed the memo…”
“What’s the word again?” His memory fails him. “A…”
“Appendicitis,” Kidou saves the day yet again.
“Yeah, that!”
A couple “ooooh” echoed in the room.
 The light-hearted chattering he’s missed for a day suddenly comes to a halt when a point gets brought up.
“Don’t you think we’ve all forgotten something, guys?” Gouenji asks, arms still crossed.
“Oh, that’s right!” Kabeyama is the first to react.
The others follow suit, none without funny reactions to witness.
“Forgot what?” He asks, confused. It seems to be a great deal to them.
 He may have forgotten about it until this moment, but Mamoru still feels happy tears when he hears the collective message they had to convey to him:
“Happy birthday!”
And, in that moment, he’s the proud captain and friend of the Raimon Eleven.
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random-mailbox · 2 years
Random-Mailbox's Favorite Sailor Moon Fics - Week 11 - In-Progress Fics
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This week I wanted to touch on some of the awesome in-progress stories that have been updated or started in the last 12 months that I CANNOT wait to see more chapters get posted for. I understand that there are different circumstances that might be preventing them from being updated but as a reader, direction they are going is very exciting and I am holding my fingers (and toes) crossed that we will get more of them soon!
As always, my apologies in advance for spoiling some of these for you (Fic Titles are linked to either FFN or AO3 entries).
Business Proposal - @sweet-dreams-of-willow-trees
This is @sweet-dreams-of-willow-trees first foray into fic writing and is inspired by the Business Proposal K-Drama. Don’t be fooled though, it is a super fun take that is refreshingly different and stays true to the Sailor Moon characterizations. Usagi goes to meet a gentleman in Rei’s place, and as the initial fibs start unravelling, Usagi agrees to a proposal that she might come to regret.  We got left on a cliffhanger, so hopefully we get to see more of it. 
Close to Home - @daikon1
Amazing roommates to (hopefully??) lovers story! Mamoru suggests that Usagi moves in with him, since they have been best friends forever, she needs to move out anyway, spends her time at his apartment regularly and, most importantly, he is secretly in love with her. There are so few stories that fall under this trope, that I am very excited for @daikon1 to post more of it. 
Once More, with Feeling! - @riverlethe
An awesome take on the Dark Kingdom Arc that is refreshingly different. We got left off a the part where Mamoru has been taken and they are trying to get him back. This one delves into the emotional impacts of the events more than any other version I have read. I think I have seen somewhere that there should be a new chapter up soon!
Surprises at Night - @kaitoscarlett
This one got posted initially during the UsaMamo Week this summer and the story coming to a head with how far we have gotten into this multi-chapter. I have thoroughly enjoyed the focus on food and drinks that has been a thread that has been woven through the chapters, as we are watching progression from enemies to reluctant friends to something more. (Side note: I would love to see more of It's the most wonderful time to pretend too!)
Unexpected Wishes - @sailorvsredmask
Here is another first effort into Sailor Moon fandom writing that has a very unique concept, so hopefully we will get to see how this one progresses. On his birthday Mamoru makes a wish. And somehow the universe makes it come true. Now he gets to try and figure out his life getting flipped completely upside down. 
The Long Way Home - @idesofnovember
If you read the comments on this story on AO3, you probably would have noticed similarities getting called out between this one and their All In story that will eventually make an appearance in our series (currently slotted into Fix-it fics). Initial premise in both is that Mamoru and Usagi part ways at some point and Setsuna comes to both of them explaining that to make sure ChibiUsa is born, they need to make some decisions quickly. I am very much enjoying this updated take on the story and how much it shines the light on Usagi’s feelings through everything we have seen so far. 
Ray of Sunshine - @shnuggletea
This is a fun non-senshi AU and has a widower Mamoru together with his son moving in next door to a painter Usagi. Even though we have only gotten 2 chapters into this story, it definitely shows potential and I thoroughly enjoy @shnuggletea 's writing style (you should check out her other stories too!)
There are a few stories that I am subscribed to but am waiting for them to wrap up before reading - these have been recommended to me by other awesome authors within the fandom. I am very much excited for the day these are completed:
@master-ray5 has suggested Sailor Moon X by @starlingsinclair and Just Paperwork by Simpl3Em0tions
@beej88 has been suggesting I start reading Puppeteer by @floraone ASAP!
@areptiledysfunction1107 has suggested The Shepherd and the Moon by @reispinkoveralls
Next week we will have Mutual Pining as the trope to cover based on request from @areptiledysfunction1107
Here are the links to the previous Tumblr posts in these series to explore more amazing works based on different themes- make sure to check them out if you haven't had a chance!
Sex Positivity
Established Relationships
Groundhog Day
Darker Stories
Potions 🧪
Wrong Perceptions
Unfinished Stories
Non-Senshi AU
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yumeorage · 5 years
Double K
Oneshot de Kageyama en teikoku, y Kazemaru teniendo que soportarlo. Basado en la temporada de Inazuma Eleven Ares no Tenbin.
Capitulo Único
Estar con Kageyama no es que fuera lo más ¿práctico? Kazemaru no podía bajar la guardia cuando estaba cerca de él. Cada cosa que planeaba el comandante para el equipo, lo consultaba con las reglas del comité del fútbol, o el mismo iba a pedir indicaciones. Si veía que algo no iba bien o iba contra las reglas, no tenía miedo de hacérselo saber. Kageyama por otro lado se le hacía costumbre la actitud tan molesta del chico, se notaba que era amigo de Endo Mamoru. Pero se veía que era bastante listo, mucho más que sus compañeros de Raimon, no tanto como Yuuto, pero... - ¿Pasa algo?- pregunto Kageyama, al ver al chico allí de pie aún revisando los documentos que él mismo le había entregado. - No, nada…- Kazemaru había recibido el nuevo itinerario de entrenamiento para el equipo ese día, y como usualmente hacia en las reuniones que tenía, lo revisaba para cerciorarse que no hubiera nada extraño. Pero todo se veía bastante normal, quizás era un poco más exigente que el anterior (aunque el anterior había recibido muchas modificaciones y quejas de parte de él), pero este era normal, dentro de lo normal para una secundaria como Teikoku.  - Has evolucionado muy bien…- fue el comentario que tomó desprevenido a Kazemaru.- ¿no quieres volverte mi nuevo soldado, Kazemaru Ichirouta? Él más joven observó al adulto, directamente a esos lentes oscuros que cubrían los ojos del contrario. Ichirouta solo cerró los ojos y sonrió. - No me gustan ese tipo de bromas, comandante.- fue la respuesta segura de Kazemaru. Kageyama se levantó de su asiento y se acercó al más joven, quedando a una distancia prudente. - ¿Y si no fuera una broma? Kazemaru levanto la mirada y le observo serio, sin pestañear siquiera ¿Qué estaba tramando ahora Kageyama? - No hay manera que eso ocurra.- contestó simplemente él, como siempre serio y sin dejarse intimidar. Hasta que Kageyama alzó su mano justo frente a él, Kazemaru cerró los ojos por simple reflejo, solamente para abrirlos sorprendidos segundos después, al sentir la gran mano de Kageyama sobre su cabeza ¿lo estaba acariciando? ¿Estaba siendo gentil? ¡¿Kageyama estaba siendo gentil con él?! Contacto que no duró mucho, solo unos pocos segundos, pero parecieron más para Kazemaru. - Me alegro que sea así.- respondió el adulto alejándose de él, caminando hacia la salida, dándole la espalda.- Nos vemos.- Kazemaru se quedó allí de pie, mirando sorprendido como Kageyama se iba y desaparecía, el más joven solo llevo ambas manos a su cabeza, justo donde Kageyama había colocado su mano. Estaba estupefacto, de verdad estaba sorprendido, hasta incluso le dieron escalofríos. - ¿Q-qué acaba de ocurrir?- exclamó en voz alta cuando ya estaba solo, esto no se lo creería nadie, ni siquiera Sakuma o Genda o… ¡Nadie le creería lo que acababa de pasar! Simplemente decidió guardarse aquello como un secreto.
No es que haya hecho este fic recién, la verdad es que esta publicado en mi privatter (X) hace meses. Pero como es solamente público para mis seguidores de twitter lo traje aquí (cosa que debí hacer hace bastante, siento eso). El oneshot esta basado en un fanart que vi en twitter (ahora mismo entre, y recordé que esa misma cuenta, tiene un fanart donde Sakuma es un vampiro: pero mira ese potencial... PARA HACER UN FIC xD)
La verdad es que me gustaría hacer más fics de Kazemaru y sus aventuras en Teikoku (lo llamaría Teikoku Camp, como el post que puse aquí, aunque lo de “camp” no tendría sentido xD), y obviamente con Kageyama haciendo de las suyas. Tengo ya algunas ideas y bosquejos(?), pero me falta tiempo, espero hacerlo algún día asdaskd. 
En fin, espero que les haya gustado uwu!
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floraone · 5 years
E (Nocturne For A Queen), K, and M!!
Hellooooooo, love! Thank you for playing!^^
E: If you wrote a sequel to Nocturne For A Queen, whatwould it be about?
Well we all know that if Usagi doesn’t do something, Mamoru never will. He slipped up three times that night. Even if Usagi doesn’t currently remember anything past that last drink on the bridge, she’ll still find her age-old handkerchief in her pocket, Motoki will have some pressing questions, and maybe Usagi has some vaaague memories that she could piece this mess together by.
K: What’s the angstiest idea you’ve ever come upwith? 
HA! I’ve been told today to “write another one of my horrible universes where Mamoru and Usagi aren’t together” LOLOLOL. So... Any of those?
As for unwritten, there’s a Sailor Cosmos Fic in my To Write-Masterlist about those first few horrible months after everyone died and only she is left and she is becoming Sailor Cosmos. So, yeah, that would be pure uber-angst lol??
M: Got any premises on the back burner thatyou’d care to share? 
My To Write-Masterlist currently has 33 fic ideas on it. Sooo.. there’s loads lol. I do want to write another installment in the Harmless & Catalyst world tho - one lined up for that would be a story for my Lemon Tree Series lolol.
But, first I need real life to calm down to tackle the next bigger thing. Sigh. xD
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talesofzero · 7 years
La Douleur Exquise - Ch. 2
AU; Chapter 2 - The Case of Black
Half this fic is just everyone giving Harlock a bad time.
~3200 words 
Clients who requested full lineups were always trouble. I gave a list of each boy’s specialty, and most clients were happy to pick based on that. Some requested to see one or two in person before deciding, but then there were these bastards.
All the boys picked spots around the couches, some more relaxed than others, as the client eyed them like a row of produce at the grocery store. I stood by behind him, enough to the side that I could watch his face with my good eye.
Clients who requested full lineups were trouble because they thought they could have whatever they wanted. The list of each boy’s specialty also came with each boy’s boundaries. Almost every time Daiba had been called to throw a client out, he’d been one to ask for a lineup.
I had no evidence against this one. His record was fairly clean, and he could certainly afford any of the boys with the bank account I’d seen, though the way his brows pinched when he glanced at Manabu made it apparent he had some limits.
Manabu must have noticed the look, must have learned to recognize it, because his shoulders slumped. I’d also learned to hide my relief as he was passed over yet again.
Susumu sat leaned against his brother’s side. The two were whispering about something that had Mamoru smiling. They didn’t seem too interested in the client, but at least they didn’t look as bored and unimpressed as Zero. He stared the client down as though daring him to have the gall to pick anyone. Not good for business, but I wasn’t going to get onto him.
With Shep looking sleepy from his early-morning clients, Richard was the only one bothering to smile at the client. But, well, that was Richard.
Naturally, the client picked him, and his expression lit up with the gleam in his eyes. It was for the best, as the boundaries listed for Richard were…near-nonexistent.
My brother would do anything for money.
The rest of the boys dispersed with sighs and yawns, most meandering to the dining room to harass Tadas- Monono for lunch. I did, however, find myself with a tail as I headed upstairs. “Hey, Uncle Phantom?” Manabu called as he rushed to keep up with me. I had a feeling I knew what this was about.
“Yes, Manabu?”
“Do you know if Dad’s coming today? I think he has the day off.”
I sucked in air to keep from sighing. “I believe he is.”
A sideways glance showed Manabu’s expression weighted by weariness, so I reached up and ruffled his already-messy hair. “You won’t have to talk to him,” I said. “I can sick Daiba on him if need-be.”
“I don’t want him dead,” Manabu said, fighting back a smile. “But if you can get him to leave me alone, I’d appreciate it.”
“I’m not a miracle worker, but I’ll make sure he doesn’t bother you today.” Even that much was easier said than done. I could see Manabu breathe easier at the prospect, though. He murmured a quiet thanks before darting back down the stairs toward lunch.
Leaving one trouble behind, I found a new one as I entered my office. Tadashi, who’d stolen the name from Monono and left me eternally mixed up, was climbing my shelves in an effort to dust everything. Thankfully the shelves were nailed to the wall, or everything would have come tumbling down on top of him.
For whatever reason, he was still wearing that maid uniform. I wasn’t sure why I’d bothered to get him new clothes. He’d seemed confused when I’d handed them to him. “Are these my uniform?” he’d asked.
“You don’t have a uniform,” I’d said. “You can wear whatever you like.”
Later I’d seen Daiba wearing the clothes, Tadashi still in his uniform. I wasn’t sure what I’d expected.
“I can get you a step-stool if you need one,” I called as Tadashi managed to reach the top shelf where I kept my old saber.
“I’ve got it,” he said.
“Very well. Do you need any other cleaning supplies ordered?”
“Oh yeah.” He batted at the saber with the feather duster. “Like everything.”
Honestly, that may have been a fair assessment. I could only recall buying a few cleaning tools in all the years, after Zero complained over the state of things. As I sat down to order “everything,” said-complainer popped through the door. Whatever scolding I was about to receive halted as he noticed Tadashi clinging to the shelf.
“Goodness, we’ll get you a step-stool,” Zero said as he rushed over and grabbed the boy under the arms to pry him away from the shelf.
“I’ve got it!” Tadashi insisted with a huff.
“Sure you do,” Zero said. “Now go get lunch. You’re on break.”
Tadashi looked to me for confirmation, and I nodded; then he was off like a flash. “I’ve never seen anyone quite so oblivious to a tactic to get him to leave,” I said.
Zero went over to close the door behind him. “I’ve never met anyone so eager to eat,” he said. “But I guess he is a teenage boy.”
“I know you’re still upset about it, but you’re not-”
“I know he needed the help. I know.” Heaving a sigh, he walked over and took a seat on my desk. He never would have admitted it, but he sat on my bad side or turned his back when he was upset. He never liked to give too much away. “What happens if Wataru finds out?” he asked.
“He may have the kid’s wanted poster already, but I think I can talk him down. That crime has too many inconsistencies.”
“Maybe, but he’s still going to be furious you hired another underaged boy. Might actually kill you this time.”
I smiled, resting my chin in my palm. “You didn’t, and you said you would.”
He turned enough for me to see his glare. “I considered it.”
“Come on, you’ve been begging for a maid for ages.”
“I have not! I’ve been trying to get all of you to clean for ages!”
He was a saint for attempting such a feat, but I’d ruined things with how much I spoiled the boys. “Well, now you don’t have to worry about it,” I said, hoping he’d be willing to drop the subject. “Anyway, I need you to help me make sure Wataru doesn’t bother Manabu when he comes.”
He saw through my ploy. “Don’t change the subject! And good God, Harlock, you’re asking a lot.”
“Just seduce him or something. You can do it.”
The unamused glare he sent piercing through me suggested otherwise. “That man is so oblivious he wouldn’t realize someone was hitting on him if they started stripping in front of him.”
“Do you know that from experience or-”
It wasn’t that I didn’t know what was coming. I just wasn’t fast enough to avoid it. His hand caught be around the back of the head, dragging down to slam my forehead into my keyboard. I couldn’t say it wasn’t fair, really.
“Get back to work,” he snapped. “And no more full lineups. I don’t trust those assholes.”
He left me to my throbbing head, as per usual. Monono came in later with a tray of smoked fish and rice. Since I was already buying a truckload of cleaning supplies, I asked him if he needed anything while I was at it.
“You could get some more plates and glasses. The new guy broke a lot when I let him help me do dishes. I don’t know how he did it. He just kept breaking them.” Bewildered, he shook his head. “I told him I would handle the dishes from now on.”
Tadashi worked hard, so hard that he was covered in dust and dryer lint by the end of each day. When he mopped, he somehow soaked his socks up to the knee. He was certainly one of my more reliable workers.
But he seemed to break everything. He’d shattered the vacuum on his first day, though Richard had managed to fix it into an odd Frankenstein’s monster of plastic, glue, and tape. Tadashi had gone on to knock a hole in a wall, snap off part of the stair banister, and break one of his own fingers. Daiba patched it up for him so quickly he didn’t have time to cry.
I wasn’t sure how he managed any of that, but at least the place got clean. He also had helped me weed out a few bad clients who had asked after him upon seeing him in the foyer. Daiba was quick to dispose of them.
Daiba was also quick to follow Wataru into my office after my brother slammed my door open. “What is that small girl in a dress doing downstairs?” Wataru demanded.
Before I could answer, Daiba jumped between us. “That’s my brother,” he hissed. He’d certainly invested himself in the role. “I’m looking after him.”
Realizing his mistake took some of the fire out of Wataru. “Sorry,” he said, blinking rapidly. “But that boy is clearly underage. You can’t have him-”
“He’s safer here,” Daiba said, his voice laced with venom. “I won’t let you take him.”
Wataru knew better than to fight Daiba on anything. We all knew better. Wataru put his hands up in surrender, though as he looked down at the boy, his eyes narrowed. “You don’t have a brother,” he said.
“I do now,” Daiba returned without hesitation. “Let this go.”
Wataru’s shoulders were tense with the urge to argue, but he relaxed with a slow exhale. Stepping past Daiba, he strode up to me. “The SDF sent me an update on criminals that may be in the area. There were more than usual this round, so keep your head up.”
He pulled a drive from his coat pocket and set it in front of me. This was our usual routine. He gave me confidential information, and I gave him anyone I came across on those wanted posters. “Not all my clients are criminals,” I said as I snapped the drive into my computer.
Wataru crossed his arms. “Oh, I know. You have a few rich bastards sprinkled in the mix.”
“A few bored SDF passersby too,” I murmured.
He stared down his nose at me as I flipped through the latest batch. I could usually tell based on looks alone if someone had a chance of stopping by - the ones with cockiness in their eyes. Standard petty-crime types tried to keep their heads low. Arcadia was flashy for a reason. The cocky ones always seemed lured-in by the shine.
As I neared the end of the list, my gaze caught the wanted poster I’d already seen. I kept myself from lingering on it - the photo of a smiling young boy, clearly pulled from some family album and slapped on the poster.
The name was different and his hair was longer, but it was clearly my new maid. Wataru didn’t seem to have noticed yet. I flicked my eye back up toward him. “Anything else?” I asked.
“I want you to release Manabu from his contract,” he said like a man who’d repeated the same thing dozens of times.
“No,” I returned the same way. “It’s a contract. That’s not how they work.”
Naturally, he switched to his scolding dad voice like that had ever worked with me. “Phantom.”
“Wataru,” I mocked. “If you’re done, go enjoy your day off. You know you’re not supposed to work during those.”
He crossed his arms. “I came to visit my son. Giving you the drive just happened to coincide.”
“Manabu’s busy,” I said, as though my nephew ever had a moment’s work since signing his contract. “You should come on his off-day.”
For a split second, Wataru believed my lie. Horror and rage flashed through his eyes. My death would have been quick had he not come to his senses. “I’m going to see him,” he huffed.
“No you’re not. No one sees my boys without permission.”
“He’s my boy.”
“No one owns him!” Daiba roared, startling both of us.
Daiba would fight us both if I didn’t find a way to ease the situation, not that I would mind fighting my brother myself.
“Not today, Wataru,” I said. “Leave him be for now.”
I waited for his rebuttal, but his shoulders dropped the same way his son’s had. “So he said he didn’t want to see me. Very well.”
“Any of the other boys would be happy for your company.”
He didn’t have the energy to be mad at my usual joke. “Don’t do anything stupid, Phantom,” he said with a sigh as he left. Ever untrusting, Daiba followed him out.
The silence of the room held me for a minute before I stood and left as well. Manabu’s room was empty. Instead, I found him in Zero’s violently yellow one. Sitting on Zero’s bed, Manabu sipped tea out of his usual blue mug.
“Your father left, so you can come out of hiding,” I said.
Rather than looking relieved, his brows pinched, and he stared into his mug. “Was he mad?”
“A bit. He’s always a bit mad.” Usually at me. 
Manabu’s hands tightened around the ceramic. “We always argue when he comes over. I just didn’t want to argue again.”
At his desk chair, Zero sipped something probably-alcoholic from his own mug. “He’s just worried about you.”
“I know but-!” He huffed, his shoulders scrunched up by his ears. “It’s really annoying! I can’t get laid!”
Zero and I both tried to block him out as he continued, glancing around the room as though it could protect us.
“Clients are like ‘oh, aren’t you that one guy’s son? I heard he’d kill anyone who went near you.’ Like, how does he make something like that known? Why does everyone know we’re related? We don’t look that much alike.”
They did.
“I started this job to get fucked by guys! And I haven’t been fucked by one guy! This sucks! I’m horny!”
At some point, Zero had put his face in his hands. He clearly hadn’t had enough to drink, and neither had I. The other boys talked about far more explicit things. I could deal with that, but I’d known Manabu since he was a baby.
“Uncle,” he whined. “You can get me a client, right?”
We’d already had this conversation too many times, and I rubbed my fingers across my forehead as I repeated my usual line. “We’ll get you one.” 
“Would I be more appealing if I weren’t a virgin?”
Zero whispered a scream as I threw up my hands. “I’m throwing in the towel on this conversation. Your contract says you stay a virgin ‘til- so just- I’m going to go drink.”
“Boo,” Manabu called as I skittered toward the door. “Uncle Phantom, get me a guy to sleep with, or I’ll keep telling you these things!”
“I’ll sleep with him!” I heard Mamoru yell from his room next-door to Zero’s.
“No!” I snapped at both of them, caught between the rooms. “Both of you be quiet! There are minors present!”
“Captain, it’s a brothel,” Mamoru yelled back.
“But it’s my brothel! I make the rules!”
Manabu appeared in the door-frame, leaning against it with the same unamused look in his eyes that his father got. “Do I still count as a virgin if it’s just like handjobs?”
Unable to look at him, I pointed down the hall. “No. Now go to your room. You’re in timeout.”
“Time out? You’re not my dad.”
“I’m your boss!”
“Timeout,” Zero said. Glancing up, I saw him pushing Manabu toward his room. “Off you go.”
“So is it a brothel or a daycare?” Mamoru asked as he peered out of his room. “We’ve got all the usual daycare trappings: brightly colored rooms, timeout, actual children.”
“You’re in timeout too,” I said, pushing against his head to shove him back inside.
I was far, far too sober to deal with them.
Monono found me sitting on the kitchen countertop holding a bottle of wine. He had me move my legs so he could get into the cabinets. “I need some of that for cooking, so don’t drink it all,” he said.
“Why did I hire my nephew?” I whispered.
“I dunno. It was pretty weird,” he said, examining a wok.
“His father is going to kill me.”
“Probably- Dick, put a shirt on!”
I looked up to find my other brother poking around in the fridge. He didn’t have pants on either, just his boxers, though he’d clearly showered judging by the wet hair sticking to his cheeks. “Dick, put a shirt on,” I said.
“Yeah-yeah. I’m hungry.” He pulled out an apple and took a bite. “I don’t know why you’re all stressed about hiring family,” he said between chews. “Hired me.”
“Don’t remind me.” I had actually been drunk at the time, but he’d begged me for the job just like Manabu had.
“That guy was alright,” he said. “Hope he comes back. Easy money. Did you get the new wanted list today?”
“Mm-hm,” I said through another swig of wine.
“Anyone interesting?”
“Anyone hot?”
“Absolutely not.”
Why was all of my family like this?
Daiba walked in, looking annoyed as usual. “Hey, Captain- Dick, where the fuck are your clothes?”
“On the floor,” Dick said.
For once, Daiba reined in his urge to scream at Dick, turning back toward me. “A client showed up without warning. Should I kick his ass?”
“Not yet. If he’s new I’ll have to talk to him and do a background check.” Not that I was in the best state to do that, but I’d been worse. “Put some clothes on, Dick,” I said as I hopped down from the counter. “You can’t go around looking like that when we have clients.”
He cocked a brow and gestured at his bare torso. “But isn’t this what they’re here for?”
Clients were usually only interested in what was below the belt, but this was the last conversation I wanted to have with my brother, so I muttered another “Put some clothes on,” and headed for the foyer.
Clients came in a set few breeds I’d come to know over time. This guy was one of the rare exceptions. He sat on the longer lounge couch, wearing an easygoing smile that reached eyes the color of a fresh bruise. Susumu sat nearby, clearly charmed by whatever he was saying, or at least acting the part to earn his favor. He may have been from the same race as Shep or a related one, as his skin was about the same shade of blue, his hair blond like a wheat field. He may have been military judging from the gray uniform.
But even the occasional SDF member or soldier we got never saw fit to sit and talk with the boys. Tolerable clients saw the boys as workers, though viewing them like tools was more common. Only a handful ever treated them like people.
Manabu and Mamoru must have still been in timeout, but Zero and Shep were seated nearby as well. Shep wore his usual smile, while Zero couldn’t hide his curiosity.
“I admit, I didn’t know what to expect coming in,” the man was saying. “I heard good things, and the decor is certainly nice. The company is not bad either,  though it’s quieter than I was expecting.”
“We don’t have many clients scheduled on Mondays,” I said.
His piercing eyes shot toward me, bright with interest. “I suppose I came at the right time then. Are you the man in charge?”
“I am. You may call me Harlock.”
“Desslar,” he said with that winning smile.
Shep’s eyes widened. Zero’s jaw dropped. I shook my head. Surely not… “Abelt Desslar?”
“The Galman king?” Susumu asked.
With a soft laugh, he scratched at his cheek with a gloved hand. “Ah, it seems I’ve been found out, though ‘king’ is such a human term. I’d prefer to avoid any formalities while I’m here if that’s alright.”
“Well aren’t we moving up in the world?” Zero muttered. “Entertaining royalty along with our criminals.”
This may have been one of the “stupid” things my older brother warned me not to do, but then again, who paid better than royalty?
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caffeineivore · 5 years
The return of the Spirits!
Prompter: Guppy
Prompt: Piano
Characters: Mamoru, Zoisite, mentioned U/M, A/Z, directly follows the last fic here
He’d last slept perhaps twenty hours ago, and though the young lady had already been doomed by the time she’d arrived at the hospital, the fact that she died under his watch still weighs heavily on him. In her final conscious moments, she’d looked so tired, yet almost relieved, and that death seemed to be the better alternative to the life that she’d had was the saddest part of all. 
Dr. Adam King scrubs a weary hand over his face, almost forgetting the reading glasses still perched precariously on his nose, and walks out into the cold winter night. He should go home. Go to bed. Wrap both arms around the lovely, sleeping wife undoubtedly dreaming away in their bed and let the scent of roses in her golden hair lull him to sleep. But in this mood, try though he might, he’d probably wake her, and then she’d demand to know what was wrong, and then she’d be sad with him, her pure heart unable to countenance that sorry, dismal life which had ended that night. And Angela-- Angela deserved only happiness. 
He walks out of the hospital compound and down the street, letting the wind and cold clear his head, and glances up at random to find himself at the door of a 24-hour cafe that he’s never visited before. A strange thing-- and here he’d thought he knew every place which served quick and easy food and drink at odd hours of the night within a ten-block radius. It’s a grubby little place called “The Kismet Kafe” and the neon light in the second K is flickering badly, but something about it almost seems to beckon him. And then, as soon as he pushes the door open, he hears it.
Soft, melancholy piano music coming from a dim corner. It’s a shabby little upright with yellowed keys that has no business whatsoever sounding so lovely and lonely. The player’s back is turned to him, but Adam vaguely makes out a slim build in a sharply tailored jacket and long whorls of dark-gold hair. An almost-androgynous build-- either a slender young man or a tall, athletic woman. There was something compelling about the pianist though-- something familiar and magnetic. 
The piece ends on a soft, wistful note like a sigh, and the pianist stands, turns around, and now Adam recognizes the face. Tilted green eyes and sharp cheekbones. “Oh, hello. You’re Raina’s friend, I met you at the wedding.”
“And fancy seeing you here,” the man-- Zhen, his mind recalls-- lifts a white ceramic mug off the top of the piano in a sort-of-toast. “It is quite late, isn’t it? Even for workaholic doctor types like yourself and my lovely one. Even she left work quite some time ago for the gym and swimming pool.” And perhaps if Adam had been less tired, he would have wondered more at why Dr. Raina Mariner would have seen fit to visit the gym at half-past one in the morning.
“I just left work. I suppose I could use some coffee before heading home. It’s been a long day.”
“Well, my friend, the coffee here is strong enough to power a car battery, but you look as though you could use it, if you don’t mind my saying so. Allow me.” Soon enough, another ceramic cup-- inky-black coffee against white stoneware, is set down in front of Adam, along with a muffin in a greasy paper wrapper. The coffee is strong and a bit burnt, the muffin is banana-nut, slightly over-sweet and slightly stale, and yet both seem to fit perfectly for that time and place. A bit tired and worn, yet valiant. Zhen gives him a long, appraising look (and why do those sharp, almost-feral green eyes give him such an odd sense of Déjà vu?), and seats himself back at the piano.
The piece he plays is soft and low, vaguely familiar, somehow serene and sorrowful at the same time. Adam finds himself finishing coffee and muffin quickly and in complete silence, his body belatedly recognizing its own need for some nourishment since his last meal-- a good ten hours ago, and when the music stops, he manages an almost-smile at Zhen. 
“Thanks. I guess I was a bit hungry, and you play very well. What song was that?”
“The Swan, by Camille Saint-Saens.” Zhen tilts his tawny-golden head to the side and gives Adam another long, appraising look. “They believed, for the longest time, that swans-- generally rather quiet and unmusical in life-- will sing something beautiful and haunting when they die. A final, glorious farewell-- for of course something so beautiful and blameless and pure would be destined for paradise, upon its passing.” 
Adam blinks at the odd explanation, stares down at the dregs of muddy coffee grounds in the bottom of his cup. There’s something almost surreal about all this-- the friendly but enigmatic acquaintance, the oddly ambient yet unfamiliar cafe, the poignant music drawing out the emotional turmoil of the night-- painful, yet cleansing like peroxide disinfecting a festering wound. It isn’t much, and perhaps only a detour of two blocks and fifteen minutes, but it gives him just enough strength, both physical and emotional, to make his way home. 
Perhaps something of that shows in his face, because Zhen smiles as though in approval, before raising an eyebrow. “Shouldn’t you be heading home soon, my friend? I’m sure that your lovely wife would be quite sad to wake and find herself alone.”
“Yeah, you’re right.” Adam sets down his empty coffee cup and has the wherewithal to proffer a hand for the other man. Zhen’s handshake is warm and steely-strong. “Thanks for the coffee and the talk.”
“It was what you needed,” Zhen remarks cryptically, standing and walking over to the door, pushing it open. “Take care of yourself, doctor.”
Adam makes a noise of assent, and heads for home, where he takes a quick shower and falls into the deep sleep of exhaustion almost the moment his head hits the pillow. He wakes the next day rested, and after a cozy morning making love to his beautiful wife, he feels ready to take on another day of chaos and challenges and perhaps even tragedy at work, and walks down the street towards the hospital compound from the subway station with a light enough step, taking those familiar few blocks.
He frowns, though, two blocks away from the hospital, the spot where he could have sworn was a dingy little coffeeshop. There’s nothing there but a hot dog cart on a stingy stretch of pitted parking lot, its proprietor hawking his wares with a loud Brooklyn twang. No Kismet Kafe with its flickering neon sign. No piano music. 
Well, isn’t that the strangest thing?
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smokingbomber · 6 years
Chapters: 1/13 Rating: Mature Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Relationships: Chiba Mamoru/Tsukino Usagi, Senshi/Shitennou, Senshi & Shitennou, Tsukino Usagi & Inner Senshi, Chiba Mamoru & Shitennou, Chiba Mamoru/Shitennou, Chiba Mamoru & Sailor Senshi, Tsukino Usagi & Shitennou, Kino Makoto/Nephrite, Mizuno Ami/Zoisite, Aino Minako/Kunzite, Kino Makoto & Jadeite, Chiba Mamoru & Mizuno Ami Characters: Chiba Mamoru, Tsukino Usagi, Kino Makoto, Aino Minako, Hino Rei, Kunzite (Sailor Moon), Nephrite (Sailor Moon), Zoisite (Sailor Moon), Jadeite (Sailor Moon), Mizuno Ami Additional Tags: Outer Senshi Also Appear, Small Lady Cameo, Nonbinary Zoisite, In Fact Nonbinary Shapeshifter Zoisite, Disasterfic, Disasters, Natural Disasters, Heartbreak Rollercoaster, Crappy Original Sonnet, Background Poly, not a songfic, But There Is A Soundtrack, No Sex, just some cuddling, And A Lot Of Tactile Closeness, A Lot Of The / Is Implied, Kunzoi Is Also a Thing, It's Just More Background Than the V/K Part, There's Also Definitely Mamokunz Surprise Surprise, And Minagi Ojojojojojo
CW: DISASTERFIC. Parts of this fic may be triggering due to the detailing of reasons to panic, reasons to grieve, and things that happen in a natural or manmade disaster, when the world is ending around you. No emotional quarter is given. I have prefaced the chapters most likely to be a problem with individual content warnings. 
Summary: Last October is set five hundred years from now, and uses somewhat sped-up worst-case-scenario official projections of the effects of climate change as a result of unchecked pollution, and the failure of a patchwork half-magic weather and sustainable energy system, and it applies them to the doomsday event that heralds the dawn of Crystal Tokyo. The Prince, Princess, Senshi, and Shitennou deal with preparing for it in their various ways, then work together to mitigate the damage as much as they can.
in other words, children, the month of halloween has begun. i’ll be posting a chapter a day of this timelapse trainwreck. :D
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