#diver fic
paper-lilypie · 2 years
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it’s 4am, have the first batch of my mermay au with Diver!Y/N
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cool-thymus · 4 months
An illustration for a fic "For Love of a Boy"
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"it is on this morning in may, soaked by sea and sun alike that obito spots a silver-haired fish by the beach. under the limestone crags of the cove by Niwa-hama, the light glints, shakes, and seems to beckon to a single bright eye. he is a fisherman’s son, and so he is sure. he knows it to be a fish because the figure unravels something like a piece of green seaweed from its head, sheds its smooth grey pelt, and in one watery motion, disappears quick as a streak, sharp as a silver fin into the rushing sea foam. never mind that the sun is sharp and bright and he does have to cover one eye, squinting below his forgotten goggles."
— for love of a boy by revecake
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"But all we know,, is that they never found his body.."
I hc that Candy Diver is Lord Oyster.
Something about your undying love for someone ACTUALLY being undying and still persisting long after your old life is only faint glimmering memories, mwa, just chefs kiss.
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ozclxwn · 1 month
Y'know I think there needs to be more Candy Diver angst in the world
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starry-blue-echoes · 1 year
Is I have a bunch of other stuff to finish, but the Stone Ocean Brainrot Is Strong and I need to get this out now. 
not technically an AU, but since canon never went into detail I’m including it on the list, AU covering Post Stone Ocean and Emporio adjusting to Normal LifeTM
Not too many fully thought out bits  because I came up with it. Literally an hour ago but I do have some fragments I want to work with so oNTO THE BULLET LIST >:D
Emporio accidentally making it storm HARD with Weather Report during that car ride so they have to pull over and wait it out because driving was too dangerous. This accidentally ends up forcing some bonding between the group and leads to them all becoming friends
The group gets very mixed vibes about Emporio, particularly about how he’s both incredibly smart but also knows very little about the world and is an emotional wreck
Emporio is both incredibly shy and awkward but also desperate for positive affection and proof they’re actually alive and here. Ends up being given One(1) head pat from Wes and bursts into tears right then and there
Then when they all try to comfort him it just makes him cry worse, and eventually this leads to him spilling some of his situation. Not the Universe Resetting Stuff, but how he was born in the prison, his mom hid him, how she was killed by a priest and he's been living in the walls ever since, terrified about said priest finding him, and how he was only able to get out thanks to his older sister, her friends and dad who were.... falsely?(not sure how to describe it, most of their situations are weird) imprisoned, but the priest killed them all too before Emporio could kill him back, so now while he’s technically safe he’s now completely alone
As one can image, They Were Not Expecting All That and collectively decide “yeah we’re keeping this kid safe,” leading to them sticking together for a bit when they get to their destination in the city so they can figure out what to do from here
If I’m remembering correctly, I believe that out of the four of them only Anasui would have his Stand so some chaos there when he learns this kid has two, one of which is pretty sentient and makes itself very clear that if any harm comes to Emporio There Will Be Consequences
Also speaking of Weather Report The Stand, it just kinda. Stares at Wes for a bit when nobody's looking. Things are definitely going to be awkward if the rest of the Gang ever get their Stands again
Emporio also talks to the Stand often, and it becomes a piece of comfort for him, however unfortunately it also has a habit of messing with the weather in response to Emporio’s emotions and wants. Florida can expect a lot of flash storms in the coming days
A few days into the five of them being friends and hanging out, they decide to go on a shopping trip and Emporio has stars in his eyes. He’d never been to a store before, let alone a mall. In the end Emporio easily gets the most stuff despite his reservations at the insistence of everyone else, and it ranges from stuffed animals to a new baseball and glove to new clothes(Emporio is positively giddy at the prospect of non-Green Dolphin clothes, and it both depresses the hell out of everyone but also his joy is infections and makes them all laugh)
At some point they end up meeting Foo Fighters, but not as a plankton. Instead they meet Foo’s old User before Pucci had stolen them and made them sentient. Funnily enough, their User’s personality is almost exactly the same as the Stand when they were sentient which is both another knife in Emporio’s heart but also a comfort because Foo gets to still exist in a sense
Jotaro being a good grandpa and recognizing the signs of Emporio’s trauma and helping him work through it. When the Stand aspect of Emporio’s trauma is revealed, he ends up contacting the SWF to get him a Stand Therapist so he won't have to hide it
Let This Boy Be Happy Damnit
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top 5 wips you’re most excited to write? :D
AH …. anon my beloved 🥺🥺🥺 tysm for giving me an excuse to talk about them!!!! i have a whole bunch but here are the ones i’m most excited for/planning to write soon :3 hopefully
TITLES ARE STILL UNDER CONSTRUCTION BTW but if you know where any of them are from you get a big gold star ⭐️
it’s your touch that i need
the best friend’s brother!satoru fic that i’m planning on posting next….. i’m . Unsure if i’ll have time to post it this week but :’3 i’ll get it done!!! honestly i just think bfb!toru is insanely attractive so this is mostly an outlet for that but . i have a plot mapped out kind of… the unrequited love trope is just perfect for him but it’s Me so it’ll probably be less angsty and more funny/bittersweet !!
here’s a snippet from it <3
”you’re a good kid,” he says, and his smile teeters on the edge of something apologetic. mostly, it’s pitying. ”there are lots of people out there for you.” the weight of his palm on your head is usually a comfort, but like this? it’s a specific kind of torture. he ruffles your hair, as affectionate as ever, the same as it’s always been. not a trace of any romantic intent. there are lots of people out there for you. (i know, you want to tell him, but your voice is raspy and your throat feels sort of dry. i know. but i want you.)
hunter, you were human
my neglected mer!sugu fic…… our beloved fish man….. one day. i’ll write it out. i’m having some trouble deciding the order of events + general formatting of the outline so 😭😭 i’m a bit stuck. i’ll get there though!!! this au has angst potential but it’s Me so trust that this will be fluffy and nothing else. lots of banter and cutesy moments. i have a lotttt of thoughts about this au and character/reader dynamic so….. i’m. really excited to eventually write it all out!!! i love him sm :cc
“i don’t really like freshwater.” … your eyes widen. his voice is silky, smooth, like a silver river running from the forked tip of his tongue; a melodic lilt that makes you think of the lullaby your mother used to sing you to sleep with. a long, slow moment passes you by, like the rocking of a rusty ship. silently, your tongue forms around a bundle of words, your mouth gaping like a fish out of water. staring at the merman in your bathtub. “you can talk?!”
consider the hairpin turn
THE BELOVEDEST OF THEM ALL …… my extremely neglected best friend’s brother!kenjaku fic T_T my magnum opus even . i started writing it out a while ago but had to stop bc i can’t decide how to format it …. i think it’d be best to tell the story through a lot of flashbacks but it’s difficult to decide where to put what flashbacks in a way that doesn’t disturb the flow, yk??? but i do have everything outlined and i’m super excited to finally post it :33 someday… bfb!kenny is the actual loml i have so much lore planned for him. this fic is just a whole bunch of yearning and tension… the tiniest tiniest bit suggestive bc he truly makes me ill.
nervously, your gaze trails towards the stairs. worried, your teeth gnawing at your bottom lip. kenjaku notices. a large palm cradles your cheek; making sure your eyes stay locked onto his own. ”don't worry about him,” he soothes, a rough thumb smoothing down your skin. ”it’s just us here… just you and me. why don’t you take a deep breath for me, hm?” (you do. without thinking. as if your body was waiting for instructions, waiting to satiate this gnawing desire to impress him, make him proud. be good for him.)  “now,” he exhales, in tandem with you, molecules mingling together. “do you want this?” 
only in the next world
ANOTHER DEARLY BELOVED WIP that’s been rotting in my drafts for a while ….. 👉👈 i think that out of all of these fics this is the first one that i wrote the outline to?? probably even before i made this blog. it’s basically just a canon-aligned au where gojo navigates his maybe-possibly-feelings for you, a new teacher at jujutsu high!! sooo really just my attempt to write what i view as a more canon-aligned gojo and his feelings towards love :3 mostly character-centered fluff and slowburn… some office au vibes…. i’m very fond of this reader!! and i love this version of gojo so bad i really hope i can do him justice…
“they’re a softie, huh?” shoko exhales — smoke drifting past her lungs, mingling with the cold air, a stench of tobacco that makes him crinkle his nose. ”they are,” she hums, glancing at him out of the corner of her eye. a dangerously knowing look. “it’s not often someone captures your attention.” gojo smiles. ”is that what it seems like?” he drawls, almost a chuckle. closing his eyes and thinking of you, the fading scent of your perfume. ”well, who knows.” (certainly not him.)
signs of affection
my sickeningly fluffy cult leader geto fic <333 bc i’m spreading the agenda that he is a puppy of a man towards his s/o. this one is just meant to be funny and sweet!! i adoreee the thought of him dating a retired sorcerer with a normal ass job so in this one the reader works at a preschool…. and they’re meant to attend some kind of event for the preschool + is offered to bring a plus one. mild chaos ensues (geto doesn’t want to be anywhere near your non-sorcerer colleagues but he also wants to support you so he’s having a bit of a crisis rn…..) i LOVE this one and i’m so excited to write it out <333333 i think this geto is the most endearing man alive.
suguru blinks, eyelashes fluttering, gleaming under the shallow light of the lamppost just behind him. illuminating the peach-dyed flush dusting his ears, those wide pupils. and his lips, glossy with something cherry-flavoured, soon to curl up into a smile — fond, fond, fond. melting into your touch, basking in your long-sought attention. if he were a cat, you’re sure he'd be purring. he places one big palm over yours, where it rests on his cheek, and he stares. silently, like you’re the only thing worth seeing; dreamy galaxies inside his eyes, all honey and star clusters, leaking adoration. a milky way of love. ”… another,” he pleads, nosing at your fingertips.
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wacky-theater-kids · 2 months
hey guys i made a short angsty candy diver cookie oneshot. enjoy <3
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starryshxckz · 8 months
One day I will drag everyone into the diveavi propaganda. Aviskull is cool. Genuinely. But please consider them for a moment.
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chainsawmochi · 7 months
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So for the last little while, a group of talented artists and authors, including myself, have been working in secret on a zine featuring everyone's favorite managers from TTCC! It's been released today, FREE, for you to download and print if you'd like! Please be sure to check it out and to share! A shout out and thank you to everyone who worked on this project! I have a little fic in the zine that I hope you all enjoy!
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alectoperdita · 7 months
Here's some Mob boys playing strip poker I wrote last week. I haven't edited it beyond basic robo edits.
This is probably rated more M than E. But people tell me I've become very bad at judging the explicitness of my own works. The sex is mostly a joint handjob, for now. Not sure if I should keep expanding this or just leave it as is.
Gold hovered on the edge of Seto's vision. It drove him to utter distraction—that chain of interlocked links, as strong and sturdy as the thick pecs it rested between. It glinted when it swayed with the shifting body or bounced from deep, heaving breaths. If it wasn't that, it was something else.
Such as the soft flaxen strands curling around a strong jawline. Or the long stretches of exposed, tanned skin that his fingers itched to touch and sink his teeth into.
Slowly, Seto inhaled a fortifying breath. It took tremendous effort to tear his gaze from the man, the very naked man across from him, to focus on his cards.
It wasn't a shabby hand. He already had a pair of sixes before discarding.
His eyes flicked to the discard pile facedown on the coffee table. His mind raced as he recounted what cards were already removed from play, none of them included a six. He had a shot at four-of-a-kind, and then he could finally strip that gaudy gold chain from his companion. It could join the small pile of rings he already won off Katsuya, and their wristwatches sitting next to each other, a veritable his-his pair despite their mismatched styles.
That was where they started, each anteing their wristwatches as Katsuya dealt the first hand and summarily lost. Along the way, Seto lost his watch, his tie, his suit jacket, and his waistcoat. But he had gotten Katsuya down to nothing but his gold necklace. It figured the gangster would give up his underwear before his beloved accessory.
He peered up to watch Katsuya drain the last of his whiskey. Watch his Adam's apple bob as he swallowed, seemingly taking the saliva from Seto's mouth at the same time.
Seto cleared his throat. "It seems you're fresh out of luck."
Katsuya smiled easily. "Already that sure you've won, huh?"
"You're down to your necklace. The odds aren't in your favor."
Unlike his companion, Seto could afford to lose a few hands. Victory was within his grasp. There was no question he loved to win. Court cases, arguments, billiards, even something as juvenile as strip poker—what mattered was proving his superiority. Did that make him a gracious winner? Of course not. But that never stopped him before.
Katsuya didn't mind, though. If anything, the man was subtly flexing his biceps. Perhaps he thought it would throw Seto off his game. While it made Seto's mouth dry, it wouldn't stop him from claiming his rightful victory.
"See, that's the thing about luck. It can turn at the drop of a dime. Bet," Katsuya purred as he toyed with his necklace.
"Call," replied Seto, voice and expression as hardened as steel.
He discarded three cards, and Katsuya discarded for four. He stared across the table at the other man. Katsuya didn't lack a poker face, technically. The man was consistently jovial and joking that it became difficult to determine when and if he had a good hand. Seto played in the opposite direction, using the professional face he'd cultivated over the years.
Mirth danced in Katsuya's amber eyes as he said, "Check."
Seto merely nodded and revealed his three sixes. Katsuya, however, boasted a flush.
Scowling, Seto ripped off his unbuttoned shirt to his lover's wolf whistle. "Your luck can't hold out forever," he snarled. Afterward, he knocked back the last of his drink and slammed the glass on the table.
"Heh, wanna bet on that?"
Oh, Seto intended to wipe that smirk off his face, one way or another.
Yet hand after hand, Katsuya won until Seto was left in nothing but his boxer briefs. Seto should probably be more irked at the sudden reversal of fortunes, but something hot caused his stomach to swoon.
Plus, he hadn't lost yet. In the end, the only hand that mattered was this final one.
Seto shuffled before dealing five cards each. Katsuya whistled as his eyes scanned his cards. Seto didn't react, no matter how obliquely the other man tried to goad one. Though he narrowed his eyes when Katsuya cheerfully declared he was keeping his hand as is.
The menace licked his lips before speaking, "This is it, babe. Gotta say it's been fun, though. We really should do this more often."
Shivers wracked through Seto as Katsuya's leer raked down his chest. He quickly recomposed himself and revealed his teeth in a sharp grin. "Yes, I'm happy to beat your pants off you any day."
Katsuya laughed. "Show me whatcha got, then."
"Full house." Seto jutted out his chin. His gaze was unflinching.
A pregnant pause before Katsuya fanned his cards across the table. "Straight flush. All hearts. I win."
Seto's jaw dropped. Dumb and sheer luck, that was the only explanation.
"C'mon, Seto, it's time to pay up."
Teeth gritted, Seto threw his cards down on the table. For several beats, they merely stared at one another, neither making a move. Until Seto rose to his feet, and without breaking eye contact, he slipped his thumbs into his waistband and tugged it loose from his hips. His underwear slipped down his legs and pooled at his feet, baring his completely nude body to his lover's increasingly ravenous gaze.
Katsuya sucked in a sharp breath.
Seto's skin crawled, but he refused to crumble under the weight of his lover's heated attention. "What? It's not as if you haven't seen me naked."
"Yeah"—Katsuya's muscles rippled as he climbed atop the table and clasped Seto's hip—"and it takes my breath away every fuckin' time. You're just too damn beautiful."
Seto found it equally difficult to tear his eyes off his lover. He visually traced the thatch of dark body hair that forested his toned torso, lingering on the defined brown nipples before moving on to his soft belly, then down to the half-hard cock rising between his legs.
The rugged masculinity weakened his knees and sent blood rushing south to his groin. He wanted to lose himself between the large, soft pecs or the thick thighs. Or have his lover's thick cock fill his mouth and throat. Seto shivered, recalling the countless times he'd rutted against Katsuya's stomach and that happy trail before drenching it with his release.
When his lover tugged him forward, he followed his lead, kneeling on top of the wood. He placed one hand on Katsuya's broad shoulder to steady himself, while his other hand twisted the gold chain in its palm. Katsuya's calloused hands skated across his skin to clasp the small of his back and the nape of his neck. Goosebumps erupted across his naked skin. His body tingled in all the best ways, even before Katsuya guided him into an ardent kiss.
Wood creaked beneath them but held as they deepened the kiss. Seto shuffled closer, but his knees almost slipped on the discarded cards. Katsuya's embrace kept him upright, but his lover chuckled before they broke apart. His breath heaved. A whine shriveled in his throat, but he longed to close the distance between them again.
Katsuya stoked the forge of his desires. Nothing could extinguish it.
Gently, Katsuya caressed his cheek and nipped his pouting lip. "Why don't we get more comfy?"
Seto nodded, mute and dumb, while Katsuya nudged him toward the nearby sofa. As soon as his butt settled on the cushion, his lover immediately straddled his lap. His faint gasp when they finally touched skin-to-skin was swallowed along with his mouth as Katsuya devoured him. The individual links dug into his palm, but he clung to the necklace, determined to not let Katsuya get away.
Everything Katsuya did with his mouth was filthy, from the words he said to the way he rolled his tongue and swept the muscle across Seto's palate. God, and the absolute confidence with which he used it to fuck Seto. Sometimes, he bit just shy of hard enough to break skin, and the resulting pleasure-pain scrambled Seto's brain without fail. But it was most devastating when he went slow, catching Seto's lip between his teeth, then soothed the swollen flesh with lazy sweeps of his tongue.
Seto was burning up. An unsightly desperation crawled underneath his skin. He wanted so much more, especially the thick cock that bumped against his abdomen. He tried to urge him for something faster and rougher, but Katsuya merely chuckled, using both his hands and his mouth to preserve a sensual and torturous pace.
"Katsuya," he panted. He bucked up against the hot body in his lap, whining when their hard cocks finally rubbed together. Yanking on the gold chain helped little. He simply lacked the leverage when Katsuya had him pinned so solidly against the couch.
Katsuya smiled against his lips before he planted two chaste kisses. Whimpers wormed out of Seto when a large hand gripped their cocks, lining them against each other from tip to root. Mindlessly, his hips bucked upward. Katsuya pumped. Heat coiled in Seto's groin. Before long, it spread to his spine.
"Harder," Seto demanded, breathless.
Katsuya squeezed. His callouses chafed against his dry skin, but Seto wouldn't change anything. Each rough stroke made his cock throb. It made Katsuya's erection pulse, too. Seto could feel the heat and every twitch as if it was his own. A thumb swiped over his glans, spreading the pre-come they were both leaking. Hastily, Katsuya coated their shafts with the fluid, adding a new dimension of filthy to their coupling.
"Fuck, Seto, you're making me lose my mind," muttered Katsuya.
With another harsh yank, he claimed Katsuya in a frantic, open-mouthed kiss. They were both unraveling, mouths smearing wetly together like their slick cocks. As they rocked together, the pleasure climbed ever higher. All that mattered was the searing heat, the wet squelch between them, and the breath they fed to one another.
Oh god, Katsuya's cock was so fat and full. Every centimeter of it was rubbing against Seto's skin. Almost felt as amazing as when his lover filled his ass with it.
Another squeeze, another clever twist—Seto came apart, moaning his lover's name. Katsuya answered him with a groan that rumbled from deep in his chest. His hand continued to move, now smearing Seto's semen on their cocks. Just as Seto approached the threshold of oversensitivity, Katsuya tensed. Every muscle under Seto's touch went taut, tight as rocks, before more hot wetness spurted into Katsuya's trembling fist.
Breaths heaving, they collapsed back on the sofa in one sticky heap. Seto's eyes slipped close while Katsuya nuzzled his neck. They flew open again when wet fingers pinched his nipple.
Unbidden, a moan tore out of him. "Katsuya."
Teeth grazed threateningly over the crook of his neck as Katsuya twisted his newly aching bud. Without thinking, Seto tossed his head back, further exposing his neck.
Katsuya lifted his head to catch his eye. Still fuzzy from his recent orgasm, Seto could only stare back in a daze.
His lover chuckled. "Oh babe, you don't think I'm done with you already? I wanna enjoy my winnings thoroughly."
Seto's pulse quickened. The promise of more dispelled the fog. Or drew him deeper into his haze of lust. "What do you intend to buy with tonight's winnings?"
Katsuya flashed a crooked grin before bending forward to nip at his jaw. "I already got you. You're everything I want."
Seto didn't muffle his wanton moan. He simply weaved his hands into Katsuya's hair and clung. For once in his life, he could learn to be a gracious loser.
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sun-undone · 8 months
diver down pod update!!!
so i was just catching up on some of the recent interactions on the pod episodes and wanted to give a little update cause i feel like it's been a while!
first off, i'm still absolutely floored that that many people have listened to me ramble for even a minute, much less over 20 episodes worth, so thank you thank you thank you.
second of all, due to the writer and actor strikes as well as my own burnout post-jiara week, i haven't recorded anything new yet for the pod and wouldn't expect anything in the near future. if y'all have found this blog recently through the pod, then you might've noticed that i've been posting other fandoms lately, and that's just how i've been feeling! not super in my obx or jiara feels at the moment, so even when the strikes eventually end, it might take me a second to start recording again. or maybe i'll slingshot so fucking fast back into the brain rot as soon as they start filming again WHO KNOWS
basically, thank you to anyone who's listened and interacted during this content drought, i genuinely appreciate y'all so so much, and i hope you'll stick around through this dry patch so we can scream about obx again sometime in the future, whenever that may be!!!!
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theinfinitedivides · 9 months
second My Dearest related post today but Only Skin from Ys and Divers from the eponymous album 🤝🏼 Ryang Eum longing for a man who will never love them in exactly the way they deserve
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percivaljacksons · 2 months
Pst any plans on another pjo fic once mando is over?
ye I’ve got two simmering on the stove rn as I try and bring mando to a boil etc
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barefootcosplayer · 6 months
Rapture as a haunted house…….
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izzy-b-hands · 4 months
This fic is horny enough I've started making a gifset from a random video in my Watch Later to give myself something to take breaks on (but keep my brain turning lol)
Do I want to be Ed or Izzy in this fic, if given the chance? Yes
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sorakazeno · 9 months
This is post is meant to be read after reading Sailor Stars: Rebirth, Act 9: Only Together We Face the Fight.
Pictures below were taken in Odaiba on December 6, 2022.
Below is the pathway leading up to the Rainbow Bridge Observation Deck.
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This the view Sailor Pluto and Sailor Saturn had of Tokyo from Odaiba.
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Zoomed out view with more of Tokyo.
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Statue of Library replica.
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A few more pictures of the path but these are leading to the observation deck.
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There was a group of school children's posing for a class picture and I found several of them staring at the only gaijins in the area.
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Diver's City Plaza is known for the Gundam Unicorn Statue.
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