#making me all invested and shit before she breaks my heart
thebetterluthor · 11 months
Lincoln Lawyer season 2: Absolutely killing it, so far.
I don't think anyone was happier than me when they started watching the show and realised the writers had twisted Lisa's story around a bit. I love the "community hero" twist versus the "disgruntled wife" of the original novel, it makes for a much stronger case of is she guilty or not.
Also, 0 surprises to Lana playing this up absolutely perfectly and nailing the line between making us want to believe she is innocent (I mean, I personally wouln't care, I'd help her hide the body, just talking about normal viewers here) and getting flustered when caught in a lie to make us wonder if she actually did kill the dude.
Great work for Mickey as well, who is so absolutely enthralled (fantasising about making out with Lisa while eating her flan? Honestly dude, same) he is 100% incapable of being objective, or seeing anything outside of how to keep her out of jail. I even felt for a moment, when he was refusing to answer whether he thought she was innocent or not, that it actually didn't matter to him as long as he won the case and kept her out of jail, and I swear to God, I've never empathised with a male character more in my entire life. I'm there with you mate.
I also like the fact that he starts to care more about her innocence the more emotionally attached he gets (I love that this attachment grows with every meal she makes for him, they've made that food association, they're sticking with it, it works perfectly, I love it). It does make me sad that, that emotional attachment, the clear connection between them is the actual proof of guilt for Lisa. Because Mickey can't really walk off into the sunset with an innocent and gorgeous chef at the end of the season. That's not really the show, is it? And since I can't see a way where they'd realistically break it off if Lisa was found innocent, I guess I'm just waiting for part 2 at the edge of my seat to enjoy a few more episodes of Lana finally gracing us with her presence on sceen, and watching poor Mickey's heartbreak as the events will unfold.
Lastly, I'd like to make a final observation on how elegantly they've used the fact that Lana is an absolutely gorgeous woman. They've not turned her into a stereotypical femme fatale. There's depth to her character, and there's depth to her appearance and her relationship with Mickey, too. I found the fact that we got the scene where he was fantasising about them making out, while Lisa was in the kitchen, hair in a messy bun, just going about her day, apron in place, just really sweet. He just likes her, it's so sincere. Hot too, but also sincere. I'm as enthralled by the whole situation as he is, so, good job Linkoln Lawyer writers!
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love-belle · 1 year
about damn time !!!
*ੈ✩‧₊˚ in which he finds out that his pregnant fiancée can really hold a grudge.
for when you love them too much to stay mad at them. ˚ ༘♡ ⋆。˚
real life // carlos sainz jr. x fem!reader
warnings - language, pregnancy talks.
author's note - had too much fun writing this, hope u like it as well!! thank u so much for reading, i love you <3 requests are open!!!
≡;- ꒰ °real life ꒱
"can you tell your friend to stop poking me with that damn stick?"
"carlos," charles sighed, rubbing his face tiredly as he sat between his two best friends.
"stop poking y/n with that damn stick."
"tell her to tell me that herself."
"tell him to stop poking you with that damn stick yourself."
"tell him to stop poking with that damn stick before i break it and shove the pieces high up his ass."
"your fiancée is really fucking scary."
"i know."
"why are you guys even fighting?" charles asked, looking from y/n, who was very pointedly ignoring carlos who was watching with a nervous smile on his face, trying his best to get her attention for the past hour. he wasn't very successful and resorted to more inconvenient methods, which included poking his pregnant fiancée with a small wooden stick that he had found in god-knows-which cursed corner of their house.
"ask your friend that because apparently i'm too stupid," y/n snapped, standing up and leaving the room without even sparing carlos a glance.
"shit, what'd you do?" charles asked as he watched her retreating form. "the only time i have ever seen her pissed was when max ate her last cookie. i have never seen a man so terrified."
"why is it you always assume i did something?" carlos whined, burying his face into a cushion.
"because it is always you, that does something," charles retorted, moving to lay back against the couch.
"fair but doesn't mean it's nice," carlos narrowed his eyes at his teammate. "and it was a stupid thing i said this morning. word of advice, it's always better to stay silent when you have a pregnant fiancée with anger issues."
"holy shit," charles laughed in disbelief, not really understanding what stupid thing could his friend have said to make y/n this mad. "what did you say?"
"well, since we found out that we were gonna have a baby, she's been so invested in knowing what's the size of the baby like it's the size of a grain of rice, two grains of rice, end to end, a — "
"what's the size of your crotch goblin right now?"
"first, it's about the size of a blueberry right now and second, don't ever refer to my child as a crotch goblin."
"pet sperm?"
"what is wrong with you?"
charles shrugged, motioning him to continue with his account of what had happened in the morning.
"uh — and she also tells me that the baby grew a heart today, or that the heart is 's' shaped right now and soon it'll have limbs and all, yeah?"
"uh huh," charles hummed, his eyebrows furrowed as he thought about what ever could carlos have had said about this for them to be like this.
"and today, apparently the baby developed a brain or something and y/n came in all excited and she was like 'mi amor, i grew a brain today' referring to our child and i said that..."
"that..?" charles raised his eyebrows, sitting up straight as he watched carlos inhale deeply before he finished his sentence.
"i said that it was about damn time," carlos whispered, as if afraid that y/n would hear him once again.
"you said that?"
"i said that."
"to a pregnant woman?"
"if the doctor's appointments are legit, then yes, to a pregnant woman."
"who happens to be your fiancée?"
"i'm not sure anymore, to be honest."
"do you have a death wish?!" charles exclaimed, looking at carlos with wide eyes.
he knew how well y/n could hold a grudge and her anger was something you would never want to be on the receiving end of. and a pregnant y/n was a force to be reckoned with. the mood swings were already heavy on not just carlos, but their entire friend group, no one wanting to get yelled at by a woman who wore fluffy socks and sang taylor swift during long drives.
"i knew i fucked up as soon as i said it," carlos groaned, running his hand through his hair. "i thought she was gonna get mad."
"she didn't?" charles asked, surprised at the revelation. he knew if he had said that to her, he would on the next flight, any flight, out of the country.
"no," carlos grimaced, as if reliving that moment. "i thought she would, to be honest, her mood swings are wild this week but she didn't. she just stared at me for a minute before walking away."
"woah," charles nodded, not knowing what to say. "that feels worse."
"yes, especially because i think i made her cry," carlos admitted with a frown, fiddling with his fingers. "i hate it when she cries because she hates it when she cries. something about her feeling overdramatic for crying at every single overwhelming thing, even though i tell her that it's okay. it's just those hormones. she hates crying and this pregnancy is really challenging that and i think i made her cry this morning. she was just excited to tell me about our baby and i unintentionally and indirectly called her stupid."
"you're stupid," charles immediately said, looking at carlos with an incredulous look on his face. "i feel bad for her. i mean, i know that she's mean sometimes and she yells at us when we're being stupid but her crying feels, i don't know, wrong."
"yeah," carlos sighed, standing up and nodded towards the direction of the master bedroom. "i better go and try to talk to her. you'll be okay in the guest room, no?"
"yes, i will be, thank you," charles smiled at his friends before making his way towards the guest bedroom, leaving carlos in the living room.
the man sighed, switching off the tv that played a random movie before he turned off the lights, making his way towards their bedroom.
he paused in the front of the door, his hand lingering on the handle before he pushed it open carefully, thinking that she was already asleep. his eyes took a few seconds to adjust in the dark as he moved blindly towards the bed, reaching for any furniture in his vicinity. he tried his best not to make any noise as he moved as y/n was asleep not even three feet away from him and he would not have her any more mad at him.
he finally found himself by the edge of bed and quickly got in after discarding his t-shirt and pulled the covers over him. he didn't dare move, in fear of waking her up. he knew that it was sometimes difficult for her to fall asleep, always one thing not being right, sometimes it would be the pillow and the other times it would be the texture of the bedsheets against her skin. he had found her in the living room all by herself at three in the morning too many times to count. so, whenever she finally fell asleep, he would do his best not to wake her up.
he sighed, feeling weird, not having her right against him as they both slept. instead she was there, all over her own side of the bed, a good few inches between them.
carlos couldn't take it anymore, he'd gotten used to having her lay next to him, her arms around him while his rested on her stomach, tracing random patterns. with a swift movement, he reached across the bed and pulled her towards him, whispering a soft 'sorry'.
y/n exhaled deeply, her hands unconsciously going around carlos as she shifted to get more comfortable against him.
"this doesn't mean i forgot what you said this morning," y/n's voice spoke, barely above a whisper but carlos heard it loud and clear.
"i'm sorry, hermosa," carlos kissed her forehead, moving to place kisses down her face, sighing softly. "forgive me?"
"you know, i already do," y/n whispered, holding his hand that rested on her stomach. "i'm sorry, i was being overdramatic earlier."
"no, no, no," carlos rushed to correct her, holding his face in her hands as he shook his head. "you were not being overdramatic. you just wanted to share something about our baby with me and i said something stupid and made you cry. i'm sorry."
"technically, these stupid pregnancy hormones made me cry," y/n answered, a slight giggle escaping her making carlos chuckle.
"i love you," carlos sighed, pulling me her impossibly closer to him. "so fucking much."
"i love you so much more," y/n turned head and pulled herself up so she could plant a kiss on his lips, smiling slightly when he pulled her back into another one. "you're the best."
"i think you confused yourself with me, sweetheart."
"of course i did," y/n laid her head back on the pillow, her hands fiddling with carlos' fingers. she couldn't help but feel her heart swell up with love for her fiancé and for her baby, who would be soon joining them.
she stayed there, for god knows how long, thinking of her perfect family before she turned her head towards carlos, not really seeing his face in the dark. with the way he was breathing evenly, the fact that he had not spoken in minutes and the hand that had been tracing shapes on the exposed skin of her stomach laid limp, she reckoned he fell asleep. and even though he was asleep and couldn't hear her, she couldn't help but say it one last time.
"i love you, so fucking much."
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hippolotamus · 5 days
Sentence Sunday ✨
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I can show you lies 'Cause I'm a real tough kid, I can handle my shit They said, "Babe, you gotta fake it 'til you make it" and I did Lights, camera, bitch smile, even when you wanna die I was grinning like I'm winning, I was hitting my marks 'Cause I can do it with a broken heart
Beloved mutuals and pocket pals... I honestly don't know what to say for myself. This is a case of 'I listened to a song too much, I had an idea I knew I was never gonna write' turned 'I'll just throw it out as a prompt' --> 'I'll just make a moodboard' --> 'Oh god, I've written over 1k words in place of a summary'. SO. Have... whatever this is, T Swift influenced Buddie actor au. Under the cut to save your dash.
Honestly, if the world still exists in the morning, Eddie Diaz doesn't really give a fuck. His girlfriend left, claiming he's still not over his late wife, and his teenage son, the last thread connecting him to said wife, went to go live with his grandparents. After, of course, blaming Eddie for pushing 'yet another one' away. Christopher wouldn't even look at him before he went.
Then there's Anita Mills, his agent, who is probably a few blood pressure points away from a stroke at this point. Assuming she doesn't fire him first.
Let her, he thinks, grabbing a bottle of Maker's Mark from the cabinet. He has a string of blockbuster films to his name, not to mention a commendable collection of Oscar's and Emmy's. Not that they made his parents proud or kept his wife from leaving him before she died. But they exist as proof that he's had a successful career. Between investments and liquid assets he has more money than he would know what to do with in a hundred lifetimes. So, fuck it.
Eddie breaks the wax seal and twists off the red cap. He doesn't even bother with a glass, not really seeing a need. He's never been a big drinker, but lately his tolerance has grown considerably. Indulging until he passes out seems like an ideal use of his time right now anyway. If he wakes up after? Well, he'll consider that a success.
"Hey! What the hell?!" Eddie manages, coughing and trying not to choke on the ice cold water hitting his body. He opens his eyes to see Mills towering over him, glowering and holding an empty vase. He swipes a hand across his face. "Seriously, Anita, what the fuck was that?"
"I don't know, Eddie, you tell me." She disappears for less than a minute, returning with a hand towel she unceremoniously drops on his chest. "Help me out here. What's today?"
He wriggles himself to something resembling sitting and leans back against the coffee table. "What's today?" He parrots back dumbly.
Anita crosses her arms and quirks an eyebrow. "I asked you first."
Today, today, today. Where was he supposed to be- "Shit! The interview with, uh, fuck." He snaps his fingers and racks his brain trying to remember a name or a face. All he knows is they're important.
"Claudette Collins. Very good, Eddie, you got it part way."
"Give me ten minutes, I'll put myself together and we can go," he says, fighting the violent wave of nausea that hits as he scrambles to stand up.
"Save your poor carpet from getting puked on and sit the hell down."
"What? No, I can-"
"Eddie," Anita interjects, "the interview was five hours ago. The interview with the Claudette Collins. The one that took me months of phone calls, groveling and cashing in favors to get for you."
Fuck. "Anita, I'm so sorry. How-"
"Save it." Anita holds her hand up, effectively silencing him. It takes him back to being seven years old and having to explain why his dad's truck had an enormous dent in it. She rests her hands on her hips, pacing back and forth as she purses her lips. Eventually she sits in the leather armchair situated in the corner. "Eddie, you and I have known each other a long time. A long time. I've been your agent since you walked into my shitty office back in Dallas. Given your impressive display of awards, I'd say we've done pretty well together."
She inhales sharply, rubbing at her temple. Anita doesn't mince words, it's part of why he's always liked her. He never has to question where he stands. She says 'jump' and he knows exactly how high. It's not difficult to guess what's coming next.
"Eddie, I know you're going through a rough patch. What you're dealing with is hard enough without seeing it splashed on every tabloid and trashy website. Not to mention none of those places knows the real story, so it's all a bunch of 'she said he might have said' bullshit. But you've made it through tougher things." Anita doesn't need to clarify that she's talking about Shannon's death and how his parents tried to take Christopher. "I don't know what's happening this time, but I need to take a step back. My wife has made it very clear that all of my attempts at stress management are not working and that if I can't get it under control I shouldn't be surprised when I come home to an empty house. So."
Eddie swallows, waiting for the inevitable and cursing himself for pretending he wouldn't care.
"I've talked to a few friends in the business and found someone willing to take you on."
"What? You're not firing me?"
Anita's features soften. "Technically, yes. I am very much dropping you like a scorpion I found in my boots. However, like I said, I found someone willing to work with you. The name is Bobby Nash. He runs a smallish agency but don't let that throw you. He's cobbled together some pretty impressive talent. I assume you've heard of Evan Buckley?"
Eddie scoffs. "Of course I have. Who hasn't? Christ, he's everywhere you look. I can't pass a damn bus stop without seeing his face." A few details begin to click into place within Eddie's muddled brain. "Bobby Nash is his agent?"
"Sure is. And we all know the stories about Evan's past aren't the type you trot out at parties. My advice is that you don't look a gift horse in the mouth, go with Nash and do whatever he tells you to do. He even has a role in mind for you, costarring with Buckley. What do you say?"
What else was there to say? If Eddie didn't want to get blacklisted or wind up as some washed up tragic Hollywood story, being gossiped about where everyone - including his son - could see what a failure he was...
"I guess I say- when can I meet him?"
"Good answer." Anita clasps her hands together and gives him her signature smirk that tells him she approves. "Just leave everything to me."
Up to this point, Eddie has trusted Anita implicitly with all the messy business that comes with having him for a client. Why stop now?
tagged by @loveyouanyway @spotsandsocks @wikiangela @tizniz
np tagging @actuallyitsellie @epicbuddieficrecs @a-noble-dragon @mountedeverest @fortheloveofbuddie
@weewootruck @saybiwithme @bidisasterevankinard @shipperqueen6 @ramonaflow
@taketheplanspinitsideways @dangerpronebuddie @theotherbuckley @stereopticons @kitteneddiediaz
@daffi-990 @diazsdimples @your-catfish-friend
@thekristen999 @filet-o-feelings @underwaterninja13 @lizzie-bennetdarcy @rainbow-nerdss
@steadfastsaturnsrings @inell @jesuisici33 @rmd-writes
@shortsighted-owl @eddiebabygirldiaz @queerbuckleys @bi-buckrights @elvensorceress
@bucksbiawakening @giddyupbuck @hoodie-buck @indestructibleheart @ladydorian05
@lemonzestywrites @monsterrae1 @statueinthestone @slightlyobsessedwitheverything @the-likesofus
@thewolvesof1998 @watchyourbuck @welcometololaland @wildlife4life and anyone else who wants to 😘
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multifariousqueer · 1 year
Ok here’s my request and it’s not smut so don’t worry lol.
What if like Yn tried sneaking into Mike’s room with some good news or smth and she catches him doing the deed with another girl so she decides to leave and then he’s blowing up her phone but she cuts him off. Idk just angst angst and more angst lol
Ofc love!!!
A/n: It’s good to be back writing fluff, hopefully no one has an issue with this but if they do, oh well🤷🏽‍♀️. As always, feel free to request, just know if it’s a smut req, it’s gonna be written on AO3. Speaking of Ao3, follow it, its in my bio ❤️
Warnings: Cheating, suggestivness, language, reader being a boss as bitch and cutting Miles off, angst, brief mentions of vomit, breaking in, toxicity
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“Congratulations, Y/n L/n you were admitted into (your dream college). We look forward to seeing you in the fall!” the admissions letter read
It felt like you were working towards this your whole life; your parents sacrificed everything to send you to a great school like Visions and they spent a ton of money investing into your future. To be honest, it seemed like a fever dream at first; you had wanted to go here since you were 11 and you were making your younger self so proud
You decided to call Miles and tell him the good news. Your parents were already informed and they were throwing you a party that weekend and you had told your friends, the only thing left to do was to tell the man you loved most in the entire world and his family that took care of you like their own.
You tried calling but it went straight to voicemail. This was unlike Miles because he never left you on delivered and he never declined your calls, even when he was doing Spiderman stuff. You decided to take a short walk over to his dorm to see if he was okay, since if he wasn’t home, Ganke was and you could just ask him where Miles was. So, you grabbed the letter, your phone and your bag and walked the 10 minute walk over to his dorm.
When you reached his dorm, you heard moaning and it sounded like the bed was hitting the wall. Your heart dropped to your stomach and tears welled in your eyes.
“no. It can’t be, Miles would never” you tried to reason with yourself
You knocked on the door and you immediately heard an “oh shit” come from the room, followed by shuffling. You begged and pleaded with God that this was all a mistake, a dream gone wrong, something other than what it was.
When no one answered for a second, you opened the door with the spare Miles gave you and you saw him on top of another girl. The girl was blonde, blue eyes, tallish, had an eyebrow piercing and looked like she could dog walk your ex-boyfriend
“m-Miles?” you questioned
“Y/n, It’s not what it looks like; I promise” He said frantically, trying to come towards you as you backed into the door
You felt sick to your stomach; it felt like someone dropped a two ton weight on your chest and crushed your heart. Miles and you shared some of the best and worst moments of your lives together and you never in a million years, thought that he would cheat on you. His mother raised him better than this and in that moment, you considered calling her to tell her what a whore she raised. You ran out of the room and to a trash can where you vomited, your stomach emptying all of it’s contents and hopefully, all of the memories you shared
“OMG ARE YOU OKAY?” Miles questioned
“GET AWAY FROM ME” You said, running away
He quickly webbed you in an attempt to explain but you weren’t having it
“How could you do this to me?” you kept whispering as he pulled you close and attempted to kiss your forehead and hug you
“I-I don’t know, it just happened. I still love you, Y/n I’m so sorry” Miles said, tears pouring through his eyes
You stood there motionless, numb and with tears glossing over your cheeks. This moment didn’t feel real, it felt like someone took you out of your body and Miles was hugging your shell.
He let you go but not before you looked in his eyes and said:
“I’ve been there for you for four years. I have been your girlfriend, engineer, friend, and in some cases, your mom. I feel so sorry that a beautiful soul like her could raise a poor excuse of a son like you. Don’t call me, text me or do anything to me. You just lost the only person who truly cared about you”
Miles just looked at you with rage and sadness in his eyes. His mouth was slightly agape but you just shoved your letter in his chest and stormed off.
You told your entire family, friend group and Miles’ parents about the affair and they all took your side. Miles’ mom was especially hurt, seeing as she saw you as a surrogate daughter
“Dios mío, Mija. I’m so sorry, from all of us No sé dónde me equivoqué(I don’t know where I went wrong)” She said, offering you a hug and a kiss on the cheek
“Gracias, Mama Rio but there wasn’t anything you could do about it. He made that choice to sleep with her and he has to live with the fact that he lost me forever” you spoke into her chest
“Si, si. I know it hurts but you’ll find someone one million times better than him, prometo” she said
“Thank you so much for understanding. I’ll still come over and participate in family functions if you’d like.” you spoke, even though your relationship with Miles was gone, you still valued your relationship with his mother
“Of course, mija. You’ll always have a home here” she said warmly
She wiped your tears and you headed for the door where you saw Miles. It had only been three days but he still looked disheveled, sad and had bags big enough to carry a gallon of milk under his eyes.
“Y/n, please listen-“ he started
You put in your headphones as you walked away, heading for the subway and fetching a taxi. Your friends already knew and were waiting for you in your dorm with chick flicks and food
“Heyy, we heard about the news. We’re so sorry, and we are here if you need anything” your roommate(your best friend) said
“Yeah” they all agreed
This time, the tears in your eyes were from the support you were getting, you smiled and sat down as they gave you your pajamas and slept over
The next week was a blur of you going to classes, Miles trying to speak to you, your friends talking about how shitty he was and people sending their condolences. You guys were the one couple people thought would never break up so this came as a shock to everyone. The Morales family send flowers(paid for with Miles’ allowance) and food, your family offered to come get you one million times, your friends comforting you in any way possible and even your teachers being a bit more lenient with you.
Miles was a train wreck on the other hand, he was broke, sad, and alone. Miles barely showed up for classes and when he did, he looked awful and stank. Where a clean, soft, sweet boy had once been; he was replaced by a crumb bumb who couldn’t keep his grades, friends or family afloat. The only person there for him was the girl he cheated with and he didn’t even want her anymore. He craved your sweet scent, your infectious laugh, your cooking, your kindness and your intelligence and so much more. Everything reminded him of you and it was killing him, even Ganke stopped talking to him.
People whispered in the halls as you two would walk through and even in the classes you had together. You had moved your seat away from him and your teachers were gracious in granting your request.
It was now nearing Summer and you were grabbing your things, smiling and getting ready to leave to your dream school. You had given Miles’ stuff back(lead to him begging for you back but you just left), erased any pictures of y’all together, said goodbye to his family and had wiped your hands clean of him. You began to feel like yourself again; you changed your hair, clothes, makeup and hangout spots(you avoided any graffiti clad buildings because you knew Miles would frequent there), you even went on a few dates
Most of them were a bust until you met one, his name was Thomas and he was nice and he was good looking. Where Miles and you differed, you and Tom came together. You shared common interests and you felt happy for the first time in a while. It began to feel like you had your groove back and you were a whole new person
It was a gorgeous summer day, the sun was shining and the birds were chirping; you had just gotten back from a cafe date with Thomas where you talked about nothing but everything at the same time, he offered to walk you home and gave you his sweater. You held his hand as you reached your apartment.
“wanna come inside?” you had asked for the first time
“yeah, sure. Only if you’re okay with it, I mean-“ he stammered
“I’m fine with it.” you smiled
You lead him to your apartment and kicked off your shoes.
“Hey, where’s your bathroom?” Thomas asked
“It’s right down the hall” you called, grabbing the remote and lighting a candle
“Okay, thanks babe” he called
“Hey who are- AHHH” Thomas screamed
“THOMAS. THOMAS?? OH MY GOD ARE YOU OKAY?” you asked, running to the bathroom where you saw Thomas webbed to a wall with a figure standing in front of him
“Miles?” you asked in disbelief
“Hola, Mami” he smirked
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gtsdreamer2 · 8 months
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As much as you loved the thrill of being with Stacy, you had to break it off. The last straw was finding her rummaging through your research papers after she had forced your briefcase open.
"I couldn't help it!" she whined. "You never talk about your work and working is all you've been doing! I just wanted to see if it was almost done!"
"I told you, this is very secret, sensitive government information. The fact that I trusted you with the details of what my team is even working on should be enough for you!" You rubbed the sides of your head, a slight headache forming. Stacy fidgeted at being scolded before finding her spine.
"You're my boyfriend! Of course you should be able to tell me all about this! You should be proud of your work! I want you to open up about it! I want to see what you've been working on!" Her domineering attitude always surfaced when she was confronted.
"No. You're way too invested in this Stacy. You need to pack up whatever stuff you brought over since you've been staying here and go. I cant have you around when the project starts practical testing on monday." Her ears perked up.
"So it's almost done then?" She asked, trying to get info out of you.
"GET OUT!" You grabbed a handful of her stuff and pushed it into her arms ushering her out the door.
Stacy's mind was racing as she walked back to her car, hands full of personal items from her now ex's apartment. She was trying to collect her thoughts and formulate a plan. 'The device is almost done.' She thought to herself, starting to make a bullet point list of what to do next with what information she had. 'I have a spare key to Brad's apartment that he doesn't know I made. I copied his keycard for the lab, but I don't know if that's enough to get me in. Even if i do get my hands on it, I don't know how to work it since he caught me while I was still trying to make heads or tails of the schematics. 'I think I only have one shot at this and I need to act fast.' Stacy thought to herself. She opened her trunk and threw all her junk into it before speeding off towards the lab.
Stacy sat in her car in the parking lot of the lab, trying to manifest the will to enact her master plan. She took a deep breath before leaving the car to stride towards the lab. Her strides weren't very long. She was only five foot four in her heels that made a loud clack against the pavement. Her small breasts didn't so much as jiggle in her sports bra as she powerwalked to the door. Another deep breath and she was ready. 'Here goes everything.' She thought to herself before flashing her ex's badge over the reader. It turned green and the door lock clicked. She was in.
Meanwhile, you were trying to put all of your notes back together. You quickly realized that your keycard was missing. "Fuck!" You cursed out loud, realizing that she must be on her way to the lab. Knowing that phones don't work once you're in the building, you grabbed your keys so you could warn your coworkers who were hopefully in the building. You sped after your ex, hoping it wasn't too late.
Stacy confidently walked through the foyer past the empty front desk and into the lab area. She was trying to strut about the place as if she belonged there, but her heart rate was spiking. She reached the lab and finally laid eyes on the device for the first time. It sat in a glass case, the designated name GRP-MK1 on a little title card next to it. 'This is it!' She thought to herself, salivating at the thought of getting her hands on her prize. 'The Growth Ray Prototype Mark One.' She reached her hands out towards it.
"Hey, you can't be in here!" A male voice called out. She recognized it. It was your coworker Shawn. 'Shit shit shit shit shit!" She thought, before turning around and beaming the biggest, fakest smile she could muster.
"Shawn!" She exclaimed warmly, trying to act as if nothing was amiss.
"Stacy, what are you doing here?" He said puzzled. "You shouldn't be in here. "Where's Brad?"
"I thought he was here!" She said innocently. "He gave me his keycard and told me to bring him lunch so we could have a little date before he had to go back to work." She made big puppy eyes at her ex's coworker. "Maybe he forgot about me. He always seems to be forgetting about me. Do you think he could be cheating on me Shawn?" She started to force tears to well up in her eyes, forcing a wave of empathy to wash over the man that could make or break this whole operation.
"He said he was so excited to show me the first stages of the practical testing too!" She made sure to use the same terminology that Brad has used so Shawn would think she came by this information in a morally acceptable way.
"Well..." Shawn started, "I don't think he's cheating on you Stace. He talks you up all the time. You're his little firecracker of a girlfriend." She bristled at the word 'little' but tried not to show it. "Maybe he gave you the wrong day? Practical testing isn't supposed to start until tomorrow. Today is Sunday. There's no one here but me, and I'm just going over all the specifics so that everything will be ready by then."
Her eyes lit up with all this new information. Knowing it was just her and him, her demeanor shifted. "That's really too bad." She pouted, walking over to Shawn. "I really really wanted to see the device work. Stupid Brad was so excited to show me that he gave me the wrong day. And I'm busy tomorrow, so I'll never get another chance to see it. After he talked it up so much to me and everything.."
"I'm sorry Stacy. I wish there was something I could do to help." She gave him her best pleading face at this point.
"Well it's ready isn't it? Can't you just give me a teensy demonstration? Pretty please? No one has to know." She put her hand on his chest now. "Besides, don't you want to see that it works before tomorrow? I would hate for you to be doing all this work alone tonight and for something to not work tomorrow. They could blame you." He immediately saw her point.
"Well...I was going to say no and kick you out of here since you don't have any kind of clearance, but its nice to talk to a girl once in a while. You're right though, I should make sure it's calibrated correctly and ready for the real demonstration tomorrow. Just sit right over there behind the blast shield and I'll get it all set up. You're in for a treat." Shawn's ego began to flare and he was getting excited about showing this little cutie what they've been working on. 'Sure she's Brad's girl, but he isn't here.' He thought.
He grabbed an apple from the break room and brought it back to the lab. Stacy was sitting right where he told her to like a good listener. He set the apple on a pedestal. He than carefully picked up the GRP. He fiddled with the settings far away enough from Stacy where she couldn't see what he was doing. She cursed under her breath. "Almost ready?" She said in her cutesiest voice.
"Ya, we're there." Shawn replied. "Standby." He lowered his safety goggles a and walked back behind a line that was a certain distance away from the apple. "Ok. We're recording. On my mark in three, two, one. Engage." He fired a soft green light from the gun that hit the apple spot on. Once it found its mark, the beam locked and began to pulse into it. Stacy watched in awe as each pulse caused the apple to in turn pulse larger. It trippled in size in a matter of thirty seconds. She could feel a wet spot forming between her legs wishing that she could trade places with that apple. "Disengage in three, two, one. Power off." He switched the gun to off and the beam thinned and ended its connection to the hulking fruit.
"Is it safe to come over there now?" You said, not even trying to hide your manic excitement. He nodded and you quickly walked over to him. "That was incredible! It works even better than Brad said it would! I bet that's because you were the last one working on it! You're such a genius! And a stud!" Shawn was blushing now. He cleared his throat.
"Yes...well that was what you wanted to see and all I needed to test before tomorrow. I hope you're satisfied now." He began to put the gun back where it went.
"Wait!" She blurted, louder and more desperate than she intended. Shawn was taken aback. "I mean..." She said mousily. "Did it work? I can tell it looks bigger, but is it safe? Is it gonna blow up or something? Is that as big as you meant to make it? Can you make it small again? Sorry, I'm kind of dumb and don't really understand how it works or any of the science behind it. Could a smart guy like you make me feel at ease and explain it to a silly girl like me?" Shawn's ego flared again.
He held the device in his hands and turned to face her, delaying the return of the ray to its home. "That's a lot of questions for someone who isn't even supposed to be here." He paused. "Hell you seem just as interested in this stuff as your boyfriend. But I'm in such a good mood after the test worked, what the hell. First off, it worked just like it was supposed to. We had done the calibrations for this specific fruit with the hopes that the energy input over the time we alloted for would result in about a three times gain in overall mass. It looks like we've achieved that. Secondly, it's totally safe. All this GRP has done is deliver the proper nutrients and signals to tell the apple to 'grow' in a sense. The ray signals the cells in the organic material to accept the nutrients in the beam, get absorbed, and the cells then go through forced mitosis. The longer the beam stays on the organic matter, the longer the cells continue to go through the multiplication. So healthy cells make more healthy cells and result in growth. There are settings to localize the beam on different parts of the organic matter, so like you can make a giant banana without having a peel that's thicker than tree bark. It's just all in the settings." He seems so proud of his work. "Oh, and no, we can't shrink it down. We haven't worked even a little on the hypothesis of sucking the nutrients back out. Once it's big, it's big. Which is good for what we need it for." She liked that answer.
While her mind was racing with all the new information that had just been mansplained to her, Shawn twirled the raygun around like a six-shooter and pretended to fire a shot at Stacy before blowing on the tip, mimicking a cowboy in an old western. She opened her arms wide as if pretending (hoping) to be shot. Shawn just stared her down and gave her a puzzled look. "I wasn't gonna use it on you, Stace. Don't worry." Worry was the last thing on her mind as she gave a nervous giggle in reply.
"I know that. Of course you're not. You wouldn't want me to become more woman than you could handle." She batted her eyelashes at him and gave another silly giggle. "But..." She pressed on, "...what would have happened if you did?"
"Well trials on animals don't start for another few months at least. I mean, I've been tinkering with the settings for it sure, but we'd have to start with like bugs and mice and stuff first." Stacy stuck out her bottom lip.
"And here I thought you could help me get a little bit...bigger." She said accentuating the last word as she stuck out her tiny chest towards Shawn. "How about just a teensy bit? I could be the perfect test subject. I'm right here and I'm ready and we don't have to tell anybody. You said the apple was safe and you've been fiddling with the settings for animals. I'm an animal Shawn. Shoot me. Show me what that big brain of yours can do with that gun you've got there. Pretty please?" She laced her fingers together and pleaded her best.
"I guess it couldn't hurt." Shawn replied nervously. "I know it'll work and as long as I'm only growing you the smallest bit, no one should know. Stacy squealed with delight as she skipped over to the pedestal the apple was resting on. She picked it up with both hands and hefted it's weight a few times before gingerly setting it down and taking its place in the blast zone. She kicked her feet back and forth like am excited school girl while Shawn fiddled with the settings.
Meanwhile, you were tearing up the road doing eighty-five trying to get to the lab as quickly as possible. You had finally pulled up as Shawn had finished dialing in the machine.
"Alright, I've set it to all the proper specifications. It should work just fine on you and it should only add an inch. Two at the most. Are you ready?" Shawn seemed overconfident in his abilities, but after growing the fruit and also being spurred on by this small cutie in front of him, he couldn't not be.
"You have no idea." She replied, feeling the arousal flood her body at the prospect of finally getting to grow. "Hit me!" She demanded, opening her arms wide like before.
"Standby." Shawn began. "We're recording. First animal subject. Set for twenty seconds at one to two inches. On my mark in three, two, one. Engage." Pulling the trigger, the beam shot out and hit Stacy square in the chest. Immediately her whole body was flooded with an intense euphoria as each cell drank in the nutrients and received the signal to divide and multiply. 'Fuck. It's happening! It's really happening! I feel it!' Her whole body felt hot. Every nerve vibrating with pleasure, every neuron screaming for more. Her time was almost out though. She was too lost in the pleasure to hear Shawn counting down. "Disengage in three, two on-" just then you threw open the door to the lab after using the backup access panel to get in.
"Shawn, what the fuck are you doing?!" You screamed. Shawn meanwhile was focused on you now and failed to switch off the device after the alloted time. Stacy squirmed in pleasure as she felt her clothing grow tight against her expanding body. She tried as hard as she could not to moan or cry out or draw any attention to herself so she could grow as long as possible.
"I can explain! I wanted to make sure that everything was ready for the demonstration tomorrow so I was going to try it out and then your girl wanted me to make her a little bigger and
.." Shawn returned his focus to Stacy now, who has been basking in the beam for upwards of a minute by now. "Disengage!" He said frantically as he turned off the beam.
Stacy was taking up a considerable amount more of the pedestal than before. Even sitting, you could tell that your ex had grown substantially. "Mmmmph. Thanks Shawn. That was incredible. Even better than I could have imagined. She stood up and the seams on her jeans split. "Fuck that's hot. I outgrew my damn pants. Oh hi Brad." She said nonchalant as she strutted with her new, longer legs over to Shawn. She had grow. About a whole foot and was now slightly taller than the man holding the gun. "What do you think?" She asked, giving him a little twirl.
"I think I messed up and made you too big. I'm sorry! You only wanted to be a teensy bit bigger and now you're taller your boyfriend." He looked so small and pitiful to her while apologizing.
"Who, him?" She gestured over to you. "Oh he broke up with me earlier today. I'm actually single now if you think you can handle all this, big boy." She was still incredibly aroused, but she wanted so much more. "Oh and don't worry about holding down the trigger for longer on accident. I think that was for the best. After all, I'm not done. I want you to turn it up and hit me again."
"Stacy, what are you-" you began, but she quickly cut you off.
"Shut the fuck up Brad. I've been waiting years for this little project of yours to finally become a reality. I've always dreamed about becoming bigger. I've fantasized about it since I was a little girl. And up until now I've never felt like anything more than a little girl and certainly never been treated as anything more than such. But now you've finally helped me become so much more! Too bad we aren't together anymore though. Truly. This new body of mine feels like it could have really given you a good time. Growing has really turned me on!" She rubbed her hand over the remains of her denims before tearing them away to reavel the tightest soaked pair of pink panties, holding on for dear life. She then turned her attention back to Shawn. "Now Shawn, I'm not going to tell you again. Hit me." She took another step closer to him as he tried to back away but found himself cornered against a wall of the lab. Stacy struck like a snake and placed her hand over Shawn's on the gun. She placed the nozzle straight against her top, which could barely contain her still hardly sizable bust, and squeezed his hand against the trigger.
The beam shot out directly into her chest as the pleasure exploded once more through her cells. "Mmmph! Yes! There it is again! I don't have to hold back about how fucking good this feels now!" She let out a loud moan as the growth resumed. Panting and pressing against Shawn, she humped the air as her cells responded to the beam. You ran over to try and break the connection, but Stacy was too strong now. In her euphoric state, adrenaline surging through her, she kicked you clear across the room, knocking the air out of your lungs. As she lifted her leg to send you flying, her panties tore away, utterly defeated by her growing hips.
At eight feet, the pleasure had finally built up to be too much. Stacy released her grasp on the ray and fell backwards, spasming in orgasmic bliss as the beam was finally shut off from Shawn. She topped out at nine feet tall, taking up a significant amount of the floor as she came down from her high. Meanwhile you looked on from the other side of the room as your ex lover shook and cooed at her own magnificence.
This was your one chance you thought to yourself. "Shawn!" You croaked with what little air remained in your lungs. He broke away from his fixation on the post climax giant before him to look at his floored coworker. You made a key turning gesture towards him to signal him to lock the device away. He quickly turned away from Stacy and made a dash for the case. As soon as she realized what was happening and shot to her feet.
"No!" She screamed, lunging after Shawn as he shut and locked the device away inside a metal gun safe. "Open it! I'm not finished!" She roared trying to intimidate Shawn with her sheer magnitude.
"No way!" Shawn said, clearly oblivious to the predicament that you were both currently in. "We outnumber you two to one, and now that the GRP is safely locked away, we wont let you get any bigger than you already are! Look at you! You're like ten feet tall!"
"I know! Stacy bellowed with glee, "It's amazing! I feel so so good! No more 'little firecracker.' No more submissive pixie girlfriend. No more shy reserved daughter." She swung her arm into Shawn then as you were finally gaining the ability to breathe again. He only flew a few feet, but he hit the ground with a hard thud. As you began to crawl towards her, she put both of her arms on the gun safe, violently pulling at the handle to no avail. Then she spotted you.
"Help me open this, wont you honey?" She said, feigning sweetness. She picked you up with two hands by the back of your shirt and pressed your face against the cold steel front of the safe. She put her face right next to your ear as she whispered. "Don't make me make you. You know I can."
You felt her big strong hand pressing into your back. You knew she was strong enough to break you at this point. You were cursing Shawn under your breath for letting things get this out of hand. You were cursing yourself for letting her trick you out of your keycard in the first place. She increased the pressure against your back again in an attempt to force you into compliance. And then you did. "Ok." you muttered, defeated. You pressed the code into the safe and the light on it turned from red to green as you heard the lock click open. Stacy tossed you aside like rubbish and then opened the safe. Now, for the first time, she held the gun solely in her hands. You and Shawn were both struggling to get back on your feet as the mini giantess fussed with the settings.
"It's really intuitive once you get into it." She said out loud as she started turning all the dials way up past their recommended limits. "It does help that I got to skim through your notes honey." She smirked, looking down at you. She was getting aroused again at how much further she would be looking down at you very shortly. "And adjust this for my tits. This for my muscle mass. This for...well all of me. Setting the timer to automatically shut off after...never." She giggled as she rigged the gun to never stop after it was switched on. "Now I just set it up here out of the boys' reach aaaaand." She got into position and flipped the switch. Immediately the whole room glowed with the brightness emanating from the gun as it funneled an otherworldly amount of energy directly into Stacy's chest.
Her whole body burned in an inferno of pleasure as her cells struggled to take in the nutrients and information from the beam. "Aaaah, it feels so good! Fuck! I feel like my each of my cells is getting themselves off to this fucking feeling! All of her muscles contracted as the cells drank in enough energy to burst. Her whole body glowed the color of the beam as she felt her orgasm start to build. Then, in recognition of the beams orders, all her cells started to multiply at an exponential rate. Her body doubled to twenty feet as she doubled over to not break though the roof. Then she doubled again, lifting the gun and cradling it in her hand as she destroyed the building that previously caged her. Shawn was crushed by the debris, but a steel girder protected you as the sides of the building collapsed around you. All you could see was smoke and falling rubble, but your ears were ringing with the laughter and moans of your power-drunk ex girlfriend.
"More more more! She screamed as she stood up to her full height of 50 feet, the GRP shooting out from her hands at her as she held it gingerly away from herself. She doubled again to one hundred feet and took a few steps in the opposite direction from where you were trapped, crushing everything underfoot. 'She doesn't even feel the lives she's taking' You thought to yourself as your manic pixie giant doubled again.
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"Bigger!" She cried as she doubled again to two-hundred feet now before the gun sputtered out and stopped. Dropping the gun and then dropping on her ass, Stacy began to vigorously touch herself, making sure to relish in the pleasure of her new size before the euphoria wore off. She cupped her finally stable breasts, squirming and moaning as her juices flooded the crushed city in front of her.
Finally coming back to reality, Stacy looked around. "Oh boyfriend!" She called out lovingly. "Where are you? I need you to make me another one of those rayguns because that one broke. I'm still not done!" She gave a giant pout before looking at the rubble, picking you out of it, and bringing you close to her face. "You don't have a problem with that, right dear? Not that you have a choice either."
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is-emily-real · 7 months
Five Minutes
Eddie anticipated his last day of summer break to pass peacefully and quietly. The plan was to stay home, meditate on the awful realities of Hawkins to hopefully give a shit about the upcoming school year (at least enough of a shit to graduate), and prepare himself to save the new sheepies he’d add to the current roster of the Hellfire Club.
There he was, deep into his meditation, accompanied by the wonderful melodies of Black Sabbath, when a frenzied knocking sounded upon his front door.
He paused his music begrudgingly and opened the door. Steve Harrington stood on his porch in all his sweaty, shirtless, unadulterated glory.
He pushed past Eddie and slammed the door. “You gotta hide me.”
“What the hell? No.”
“Please.” The panic was written all over his face. “Just long enough so she leaves and I can get to my car.”
Eddie opened his poor, abused front door with a frown. “Get out of my house.” 
Steve flinched at the sound of a girl’s hollering and ducked behind the couch. “Five minutes. Five minutes and I’m out of your hair. Deal?” he panted.
He considered his options. He could kick him to the wolves and have an odd anecdote to share the next day, or he could let him stay and have an odd anecdote to share the next day. Only one of those options let him ogle his middle school crush for longer than a few seconds.
He was a simple man. 
“Fine,” he sighed and closed the door with the respect it deserved. “You owe me.”
Steve stood up. “Thanks, man, I mean it. She was about to kick my ass.”
“Max. We were helping her move in and I pissed her off.”
“Max Mayfield? Billy’s sister?”
He gave Eddie a stern glare. “Don’t bring him up. Yes, that Max.”
Two screams told him things were going to shit outside. Steve scrambled into the hallway with Eddie hot on his tail. “What did you even do?”
He winced. “I may have told her she didn’t get any more help if she was going to be a bitch.”
Eddie stopped in his tracks. “You didn’t.”
“Listen, she was being a bitch!”
“Keep your voice down. I know King Steve’s never been in a trailer before, but the walls are thin, okay?”
“Sorry, sorry,” he whispered, “but she was giving Lucas shit for wanting to try out for the basketball team and it wasn’t helping anything.”
He shrugged. “I don’t see what’s wrong with making fun of that.”
“Hey, I happen to like basketball.”
“I remember.” Any tint of pink in his cheeks was purely due to the heat. Eddie opened the door to his bedroom and waved the boy inside. 
This was not how he’d planned to get Steve in here. He cringed at the thought.
“Anyways, he’s good at it, and if it makes him happy, he should go for it, you know?”
“I’m not getting invested in the social lives of children.”
“But you’d like them! They play that castle game you’re into.”
“The castle game?!” Eddie couldn’t help himself. It came out louder than he expected. “Dungeons and Dragons—”
Steve clapped a hand over his mouth. 
Something twisted in his stomach. This was… too close for anyone’s safety. He swallowed, trying to control the racing of his heart when they heard a pounding on the front door.
“I know he’s in there!” a girl called.
Steve’s eyes went wide. He left a chill when he drew away. 
Eddie tried to wipe the longing off his face as he shot him a glare. “My blood’s on your hands.” Slowly he left the room, throwing on the aloof air he’d spent so long practicing before he opened the door.
Max Mayfield stood on his porch, fire red hair matching the color of her face as she stared at him. “Give him here.”
He rolled his eyes. “Nice to meet you too, neighbor. I don’t know who you’re talking about.”
“You have Steve.”
“Hmm.” He tapped his chin as if he were trying to think. “About my height, pretty face, huge jerk? Haven’t seen him.” She huffed. “Listen, check the woods, if he’s not back there, come back and I’ll upend my whole day to help you look, okay?”
“You suck,” she spat before she turned on her heel and stomped away.
“Love you too!” he called with a grin.
He peered out the blinds, waiting until she was several lots down before he turned away. “You owe me big time, Stevie,” he called. “I think I’m on her shit list for life.”
He entered the bedroom to the sight of a muscled back, its owner leaned close to his sweetheart. Steve brushed his fingers down its neck.
The whole situation was doing unfortunate things to him. He cleared his throat.
Steve whirled to face him. “I was just— You play guitar?”
He gave a wary look. “Yes.”
“That’s— uh, that’s… hot.” He shut his eyes tight. “I should— Is she gone? I should go.”
“Um, yeah, she’s gone.”
“Oh, good. Well, I guess I’ll see you around?” Steve hit him with a sheepish grin. It was the most dazzling thing he’d ever seen.
“Sure,” he stammered. “See you around.” 
Eddie stayed rooted to the spot as he left. The picture of Steve’s fingers running down the neck of his guitar played on repeat in his head. That’s… hot. He listened to the crunch of gravel under tires.
He was such a dweeb.
He’d tell Jeff tomorrow. Jeff would know what to do.
(No one would believe him. Not even a little bit.)
“Steve, that’s the lamest thing you’ve ever said.” Robin continued to walk around the empty store, straightening tapes as she went with no particular fervor. 
He rolled his eyes. “If it was cool, I wouldn’t be here commiserating about it, would I?”
“Still. I know I have no game, but that was bad . Criminally bad. He should press charges.”
“Listen, some of us found out we maybe liked boys a month ago.” He started to rewind another tape. “ That’s hot . Who even says that? Also, when did I start thinking Eddie Munson was hot?”
She shot him a look over the counter. “He’s your type.”
He sputtered with indignation. “I don’t have a type!”
“Curly hair, brunette, snarky? Is none of this ringing a bell?”
“Twice doesn’t make a type. If that were the case, you’d have a thing for redheads.”
“At least I know when to admit my flaws.”
“I have flaws. I hear about them all the time from my mom.”
Robin laughed. “She’d be so upset if she knew how totally not smooth you are.”
He glanced at the clock. “Don’t you have somewhere to be? It’s a school night. You have a bedtime.”
Headlights flashed in the parking lot. “One, it’s a curfew, and two, there’s my ride.” She slung her bag over her shoulder and sauntered to the door. “Seven a.m. sharp, dingus!” she called as she left.
“Loser!” he yelled after her. Steve shook his head. He’d be there, obviously.
The rest of his shift dragged. He was certain the store was losing money staying open this late on a Wednesday, but he got paid to be there, so it was whatever. 
Thirty minutes left on the clock. Then twenty-nine.
After what seemed like days, a quarter to ten rolled around, and he started to close up the store. He was sweeping when the door chimed. “Welcome to Family Video,” he said without looking up, “let me know if you need anything.”
“A place to hide would be wonderful.” He looked up to find Eddie Munson approaching the counter, curls mussed and breathing hard. 
Damn it, Robin was right.
“Okay, but we close in five minutes.”
“Something’s better than nothing,” he replied, hopping over the counter.
Steve abandoned his broom. Keith could whine at him tomorrow if he really cared about three whole crumbs on the floor. He walked back to find Eddie curled into a ball, tucked tightly in the corner between the overstock candy and the safe. “Who are you running from, anyway?”
“The cops.”
He blinked. “The cops?”
“Fine, one cop. But this new deputy’s a huge dick. He’s been trying to bust me over nothing all summer, and I really, really don’t want to get arrested tonight.”
“I highly doubt it’s nothing.”
“He saw me talking to Rick one time!”
“The drug dealer?”
Eddie shushed him, one long finger over his lips. “Grandma says it’s not polite to call him that.” That got a laugh out of Steve. “I met your children yesterday. They’re assholes.”
He sighed. “They’re my assholes, though. Are they adjusting alright?”
“About as well as any freshmen.”
“So, terribly.”
“Pretty much.” He attempted a dramatic flourish, only managing to knock over a box of Twix. “I’ll be a gracious super-senior and radicalize them before I hand over custody for the weekend.”
“Oh, good. I’d hate for them to learn nothing at school.” 
He was basking in Eddie’s chuckle, a warm, pretty sound, when a car came to a stop outside. His face fell. “Stay here,” he ordered and spared a glance at the clock.
9:58. Close enough.
He stepped out from behind the counter and met the officer at the door. “I’m sorry, sir, but we’re closed.”
“I’m looking for someone, actually. Eddie Munson. Do you know him?”
“Only in passing. He’s not here. We actually haven't had a customer in the last hour.”
The officer fixed him with a harsh look. “You’re sure?”
“I’d pull the report, but I’ve already shut down the terminals, and they take forever to boot back up.”
He huffed. “How much longer are you here for?”
“Maybe fifteen minutes? I’ve just got to finish rewinding this tape.”
“If you see him, give us a call.” 
“Absolutely. Have a good night.” The officer nodded sharply and turned on his heel. Steve locked the door behind him.
The air hung tense as he returned to the counter. Eddie sat as still as stone until the car finally pulled out and started down the road. “You’re okay now.”
He unfolded himself and stood. “You’re beautiful.” 
Steve stopped dead in his tracks. “What?”
He flushed bright red. “You do that well!” he said quickly. “You know, lie.”
“Oh! Thanks. Lots of practice, I suppose.” He could feel his heart fluttering. Eddie called him beautiful? What the hell was happening?
“Well, I guess I should get going.”
“We can leave through the back.” He gave the store a last glance before leading Eddie out. 
Eddie paused once they were in the cool night air. “Seriously, thank you. My knight in shining armor.”
“No problem. Just paying you back.” The silence hung for a beat too long. “I can walk you to your car?”
“I’ve just gotta cut through the fence row and I’ll be good. Thanks, though.”
Steve could barely make it out in the shadows, but he could see Eddie debating something with himself. He locked the door behind them, giving him time to come to a decision.
When he turned back, Eddie pressed a soft, chaste kiss to his lips.
Every semblance of a thought left his brain. Steve decided, there and then, that he liked kissing boys. He especially liked kissing Eddie. He’d never had the whole fireworks experience before, but he got it now. It felt like his head was swimming, mesmerized by chapped lips and tobacco.
Too soon, Eddie pulled back. “Was… was that okay?” 
All he could do was nod.
“Good.” He started for the trees.
“See you later?” Steve called feebly. God, he wanted to.
Bathed in the orange of the streetlight, Eddie gave him a salute. “You know where to find me.” Before he could think again, he was alone. 
Robin was going to be pissed.
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imaginespazzi · 5 months
Pazzi Drabble #2: Not Yet, Maybe Soon
Words: 933
TW: Light Swearing, Paige's ACL Injury
64 missed calls from Big Head Fudd
call me back please
are you still at the hospital???? did they do an mri??
k i'll just call carol for more info then i guess
please talk to me
just call me whenever ok?
i love you
There are more texts and if Paige closes her eyes, she can picture her best friend throughout the day, hunched over her phone, fingers tapping away frantically. She'd almost texted her back, almost picked up some of the missed calls, and then stopped herself. She hadn't been ready yet. Truthfully, she's not sure she's ready now but the overwhelming need to hear Azzi's voice pushes her to finally call her best friend back. She answers on the second ring.
"I bought a new fortnite skin," Paige blurts out before Azzi can even say anything. It's so random but she knows Azzi will understand why.
"Well at least it wasn't new shoes," Azzi says slowly, "we need to get you a financial consultant or something."
"I have one and I'll have you know he thinks it's an amazing investment."
"Well you should fire him them because investment? Really?"
"You're just jealous," Paige huffs. Bickering with Azzi feels so natural, so easy; she wants to lose herself in the comfort of it and just forget.
"Of your new fortnite skin? Absolutely not," and Paige can feel Azzi rolling her eyes through the phone. It almost makes her smile, almost.
"You're awake pretty late," Paige says after a beat.
"Yeah well, iwaswaitingforyoutocall," Azzi mumbles and Paige's heart flutters.
"What was that?" she asks and this time she does smile.
"Shut up," Azzi sighs but repeats herself anyway, "I was waiting for you to call. Couldn't sleep without talking to you."
Sometimes Paige wonders if Azzi understands the gravity of the things she says, if she understands the way they hit a part of Paige's soul she hadn't even known existed until Azzi. She pencils the admission into her mind's notebook, in a list titled things azzi says that break my heart and fix it at the same time.
"You're such a sap," Paige teases.
"Only for you Bueckers, only for you." and there's mirth in Azzi's voice but there's a touch of of something else too.
Paige pencils this confession into a list titled maybe it's not all in my head, maybe you feel it too.
They fall into silence. There's something comforting about hearing each other breathe, about listening to the sounds of the other's heartbeat. And amidst the calming quiet, Paige finally feels ready.
"Az," she whispers, the rest of her sentence sitting heavy on the tip of her tongue, "I tore my ACL."
The words hang in the air like a thick fog that suffocates Paige. She's known it all day. She'd known it the minute she'd torn it. But saying it out loud is different. Saying it out loud is making it a reality, her reality.
"Fuck," she curses, as the first tear slides down her cheeks, followed by a second and then a third until there's a constant stream flowing down her face, "shit. I tore my ACL."
"Paige," Azzi says, and she's never been one for a fake it'll be okay, not when she knows it won't be, not for a while at least but she hopes, Paige can hear the i'll be here for it all that she wraps around the whisper of her best friend's name.
"I'm not gonna play this season. I barely played last year and now, I'm out again," Paige says slowly, the admissions falling down from her lips like dominoes, "I'm not gonna play basketball properly for almost a year. Fuck."
Paige doesn't really know a life beyond basketball. After her family, everything she had, had come from basketball. The game had given her everything, including the girl on the other end of the phone. As she finally admits to herself that the game's been taken away from her, no matter how temporary it might be, Paige feels lost.
"What do I do," she pleads desperately, "Azzi, fuck, what do I do now?"
It takes Azzi a moment to gather her thoughts, to pry herself away from the misery she feels herself and be strong for her best friend.
"Tonight, you let yourself break," she says finally, remembering something her mother had said during her own ACL injury, "and tomorrow, you start to power through."
"Right," Paige leans back against the backboard, closing her eyes and repeating it to herself, "power through. God gives his hardest battles to his strongest soldiers."
"And you're the strongest of them all Paige. You're gonna get through this and I'll be right by your side for all of it, " Azzi says firmly, and the promise of it, of Azzi being there, loosens the knot in Paige's chest just a little bit.
"I wish you were here right now," Paige confesses. In the grand scheme of things, missing Azzi is not a new concept to Paige. They'd been apart far more than they'd been together for most of their friendship. But it's different this time and she's not quite ready to give a name to dull ache in her chest that rise every time's she's not around Azzi.
"I wish I was too," Azzi says softly. She means it more than she can ever convey.
There are deeper things, deeper feelings, that they hide behind those wishes. And perhaps one day, they'll have the courage to not hide those three words behind platitudes of friendship. But not yet, maybe soon.
A/N: Hello my lovelies <3. Look at me actually living up to a deadline I set for myself! I kinda hate how I ended this but I genuinely did not know how to finish it so whelp. Anyways, I hope that was a good quick read and I promise I will finally write something happy next time. Have a lovely weekend and let's get another W on Sunday!!
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ineadhyn · 5 months
Astarion and polyamory
So I was thinking about Astarions reaction when you romance both him and Shadowheart and are forced to make a decision. Both of them are in general fine with an open relationship and/or polyamory and let you romance Halsin as well. But not with each other.
What Astarion says is : "Perhaps if Shadowheart had a bit more experience in these things ... Or if you two were not just starting out."
Later he can say: "Take it from someone with experience... Hearts are destined to break."
And in regards to Karlach he'll say: "Healthy relationships are not my expertise (or something similar)"
So, let me add my thoughts: The first sentence is exactly what I would say myself as someone with year long poly experience. Starting simultaneously with two partners is more difficult than adding someone to a stable established relationship. Also the first serious relationship to be poly right from the start can be difficult. The person doesn't know yet what they want and need from a partner, their love languages, time management, all that. It needs time to figure that out together. (Not saying it can't work. It can, but it needs more work and care and investment).
Shadowheart is incredibly inexperienced with relationships. She never had one like with Tav/Durge before, she says it herself. Not to mention a poly relationship that needs even more communication. Adding a highly traumatized Astarion into the mix who also needs a lot of attention and for whom figuring out what he wants and needs is a full time job ... It would be incredibly difficult to balance. And whilst saving the world and living on the road? Astarion is right about rather not risking it and one or all of you ending up with a broken heart.
In short: Dude knows his shit about polyamory.
It makes me think that he actually has experience with it. Like, he's not referring to seduction in the second quote about having experience, but to actual relationships.
I know people like to treat him like a young boy who never was with another person before being snatched by Cazador (over-exaggeraing here to make a point). Probably because it makes the story more dramatic. But *I* think this 39 year old elf has experience hiding somewhere in him. Half forgotten probably, because of trauma, but he sounds so much like he knows what he's talking about.
Astarion has had relationship(s), poly or open or something before Cazador. And I think they didn't end happy, because of quote 2 and 3.
Of course most relationships end and he's wise enough to not blame it on the poly aspect. He knows that can work for him and it's something he wants eventually - with the right partner who also wants that.
But he has not found his happy end before Tav/Durge. Wich is completely normal. Very little people will find their soulmate right away. Most of us have a backstory with heartbreak. And if you go through a few relationships you start questioning if it's actually worth it to get your heart broken again. That's what I read from quote 2.
About the toxic relationship part in quote 3: He could actually be self-aware enough to refer to his own manipulative behaviour. Or he has experienced it before. Because referring to Cazador or his victims as "unhealthy relationships" is unfitting on so many levels.
Résumé: Astarion has had relationships. Probably also poly or open ones. He has had bis heart broken before.
(He might also have been in unhealthy relationships, but that is left open for interpretation.)
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leofrith · 3 months
hii so i‘m way to invested in everyone‘s baldurs gate plays. can we see your tavs? I would love to see them haha😭
YESSSSSS i will happily take any excuse to talk about my tavs. 🥰 i'm sorry this took so long. i wanted to have their Lore™ a little more set in stone before answering this, but then i proceeded to make uhhhh 2 more tavs and a durge. 🤡
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i am listing my characters in the order i created them. they're all good/neutral aligned because being mean in video games makes me break out in hives. aaaaand this is going under a read more because it got really fucking long. 🥴
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marqwyn stoneheart
race: human
class: eldritch knight fighter
background: soldier
romance: gale
my first tav who i adore. ❤️ i stole her name from the very first character i created for a now abandoned dnd campaign (though she's nothing like og marqwyn). she's a former flaming fist who left their service due to the corruption she witnessed there. after leaving the city she became an independent soldier for hire—but she's a terrible mercenary because she's a bleeding heart who will help people because they need it, regardless of whether they can pay her or not.
she has dragged the party into many an unnecessary brawl because her charisma is literally in the negatives. we love a girl incapable of talking herself out of Situations. she also used to have two brown eyes before deciding to get herself volo'd during a brief moment of desperation-fuelled insanity.
her backstory has changed a lot since i first made her, mostly because i didn't really have anything in mind when i started playing. 😬 i also had no fucking clue what i was doing when i first started and it certainly shows (tons of missed content, didn't take enough long rests, completely missed lae'zel for the first ~30 hours of gameplay, have done quests in an extremely questionable order, etc.).
i romanced gale with her because the wizard had me by the jugular the second he opened his mouth, and buff wife who hits things with her big sword and her squishy wizard husband who casts counterspell is something that can be so personal. that being said, i do want to rework her character and do another playthrough with her, probably romancing wyll, because her playthrough is a mess.
i will now dip into the alternate canon that lives in my brain in which my next three tavs are allowed to coexist, so just stay with me here and trust in the vision ajgjsdgf
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meadow moonwillow
race: mephistopheles tiefling
class: storm sorcerer, bard of the college of lore
background: entertainer
romance: karlach (or enya in the canon that exists in my head)
i made her specifically for my karlach romance run, because best girl deserves a little sunshine to match her own. meadow was born to play gigs in dive bars, but was cursed with a natural talent for magic. 😔 she'll use it because it's useful in a fight, i guess, but she'd much rather insult people to death. if there is shit to be disturbed, she will disturb it.
her and gale are best friends, because i think having some friendly spell caster competition with his bestie who (begrudgingly) lets him teach her wizard spells would be good for his mental health. her and wyll butt heads a bit at first, mostly because meadow's way of trying to comfort people is through humor, and her attempts to make him feel better about his new devil form come off as insensitive (inspired by the way i accidentally insulted wyll at the tiefling party in my meadow playthrough by joking that i was jealous of his horns. king i swear it was meant as a compliment!! 😭). eventually they become really close, which is certainly a necessity when you're both going on a vacation to hell with no set end date.
also my choice of name for her definitely has nothing to do with the fact that i am in the middle of watching the sopranos. definitely not.
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landric sparrowsong, "the wrath-bringer"
race: human
class: oath of vengeance paladin, tempest domain cleric of ilmater
background: sage
romance: gale
his backstory is probably the one i've thought about in the most detail, mostly because he's a walking tragedy and i live for that shit. 🧍🏻‍♀️
he was once a school teacher and wasn't much of a fighter at all before his little village near baldur's gate was razed to the ground and his wife and (or so he thinks 👀) daughter were killed, at which point he took up his oath of vengeance. his favourite pastimes now include self-sacrifice and violently murdering evildoers, hence the "wrath-bringer" epithet.
he has been alone—mostly by choice, because he can't lose any more loved ones if there is no one left alive that he loves—for over a decade by the time he's infected, but the forced proximity means the companions very quickly get under his skin. he's very protective of meadow especially (when they're both in the party at the same time in the universe that exists in my head) because she reminds him of his daughter.
he is god's favourite sacrificial lamb, and is consistently the first to go down in a fight (inspired by me, constantly getting him killed by taking far too long to figure out how to play a support class). naturally i paired him with gale because i think the idea of a guy finally opening his heart to the love of another after over a decade of self-imposed solitude out of fear of being hurt again, only for gale to decide to take on a suicide mission just as they're finally realizing their feelings for one another, is soooooo good and tragic. ☺️
he has a soft spot for children, but being around them makes him sad and withdrawn (for obvious reasons), something that the companions notice pretty quickly once they get to the grove and see his cold exterior totally melt around the kids there. he carries a journal which he adds to often, either little blurbs or sketches of people he meets in his travels, ever observing from afar as an outsider.
he was actually a war cleric of mystra when i first multiclassed him because the idea of this man finding solace in his goddes during the worst years of his life only for that same goddess to tell the first person he's truly loved in years that he needs to kill himself is sooooo. anyway. but i decided to change it because war domain just wasn't doing it for me and also have you seen ilmater's whole deal?
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also if he bears a close resemblance to my favourite unromanceable assassin's creed npc, that's just a coincidence (lying).
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enya sparrowsong
race: human
class: beast master ranger/circle of the land druid
background: urchin
romance: lae'zel (or meadow in the canon that exists in my head)
enya is landric's very alive daughter. i made her in the character creator with no intention of actually doing a playthrough as her, which is a lie i tell myself every time i open the character creator. 😔
ideally she would not even be filling the role of tav at all, but that's obviously not an option for an actual playthrough. she spent her childhood hunting and gathering in the wilds and later pickpocketing her way through the darkened alleys of baldur's gate to survive. in the version of her backstory that lives in my head, she eventually caught the attention of jaheira (by trying to rob her), who then took enya under her wing. the harpers became a family to her, and she is with them in the shadow lands when we meet them at last light in act two. also depending on my mood on any given day, enya and meadow are either bitter exes or couple of the year.
she is generally very abrasive with most people she doesn't know well (her and lae'zel are very perfect for each other), but has a soft spot for animals and orphans. she likes her solitude and it takes a lot of effort to earn her trust (there's a reason she's survived alone as long as she has) but once you do, she's ride-or-die.
she has a raven companion and her preferred wild shape is a wolf, but i've also had a lot of fun using her wolf wild shape and a wolf companion for twice the mauling in combat (and twice the torment for shadowheart—thank you sam for pointing out that she would fucking hate this 😭). i also like to think that she's been helping shadowheart get over her fear of wolves.
her relationship with her dad is deliciously complicated!!! but that's for another post.
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race: high elf
class: necromancy wizard/gloom stalker ranger
background: haunted one
romance: astarion
i haven't played as her much yet, and she's my first durge so i don't really know a ton about that whole background. but her brain is currently scrambled egg and she doesn't remember her past so i figure it's fine if i don't know anything about it either.🧍🏻‍♀️
she's trying so very hard not to kill people, and making up for the lack of murder by being incredibly rude to everyone she meets [astarion approves]. i named her idunn because i like the name but also in large part because i think associating the dark urge with the norse goddess of rejuvenation and vitality is really funny.
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aelius lucilius
race: drow half-elf
class: light domain cleric of selune
background: acolyte
romance: shadowheart
he's my newest tav and the one i've played the least, so i'm still working out his backstory. i honestly just really wanted to romance shadowheart as a selunite, which is working out great so far because the shar is already out of the bag and now she loudly and openly hates his fucking guts. 🤪
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eldritch-spouse · 1 year
HELLOOOOO (⁠人⁠*⁠´⁠∀⁠`⁠)⁠。⁠*゚⁠+
First of all, i love ur content so much holy shit, like just the world building is amazing but also the really well written characters AND THE LORE, so good, just *chef's kiss* and the fact English is not ur first language always takes me by surprise bc your writing is so good 🙏 like I love reading about ocs and the likes, but yours is definitely my favourite :')
Seconly, I'm here on my knees,asking, if perhaps you could write a small fic/more headcanons on how it'll be like to be in a poly relationship with Obie,Mervin, and Ludwig?
You wrote about it slightly before and since then i couldn't take it out of my brain😔
P.S- i wonder, how long did you have the idea about Krulu and Admin, and The Clergy, and the entire wrold-building before you decided to publish it on Tumblr?
[AAAhjldc- Thenk, that genuinely makes me shriek with happiness, I'm glad you're enjoying the stuff! I can't really do ya a fic in a timely manner, so I'm going to ramble if you don't mind. :V]
It's already been discussed that Ludwig is the first one to meet you, and interacting with him on his own is nothing out of ordinary. You'd never expect that he has two other, utterly insane siblings, that he's in fact just as batshit mental, just better at hiding it. Truly, putting all three together is the key to seeing their true nature.
While Lud is the one to introduce you to his brothers, Mervin is actually the first one that'll declare this dynamic a relationship. There will be a lot of confusion for you initially, as you're getting swayed into romantic situations with each of the brothers seemingly behind the other's back. You're likely to reach a breaking point, and confront all three about it- Only to have the fork tell you something among the lines of "What do you mean, dipshit?! We've all been dating you for weeks now." And while it's far from a gentle nudge, if he hadn't told you that to the face, the other brothers would have taken much longer to make a statement.
The most affectionate of the bunch is Obie. Out of the trio, he's got the less hangups about physical touch and will often drape himself over you like a blanket. Lud and Merv definitely think he overdoes it and will make efforts to either join or rip you away from the glutton. This is easier said than done.
Ludwig and Mervin will be investing in your self-defense skill, as you'll eventually be brought into the Common Ring of Hell to meet Katia. Mervin teaches you directly how to fight with or without weapons, and your opponent is almost always Ludwig, because it kind of gets him off to fight you. By the end of this, you'll be able to hopefully buy yourself some time if a more powerful demon attempts to make a victim out of you.
Katia is a very nice lady who's just happy to see her boys found love, you'll be accepted into her heart without issue and you'll definitely get to see the ever elusive baby demon pictures. There's nothing cuter than seeing a picture of baby Ludwig putting Mervin in a chokehold while Obie's standing by their side, casually eating a pillow. That album is a bit cursed... But Katia does want a picture of you four together! Speaking of, she's here when you have trouble with any of them okay? If they start getting any funny ideas, she's just a call away. You're likely to be quickly escorted away by the three heathens when sloth mama starts mentioning grandkids.
Ludwig is the designated piggyback ride giver.
Obie is oftentimes oblivious to your flirts, Mervin has to hit him over the head and whisper the obvious.
It may seem like Mervin has more brain cells, but he does not, that's Ludwig's unwanted privilege. Nonetheless, the prideful demon often spearheads most outings.
Mervin is somehow more easily flustered than Obie by your antics. The hardest to fluster is Ludwig, but when it does happen, he gets quiet and extremely blushy, so pat yourself in the back.
As mentioned before, fighting between them over the smallest thing is common, and even healthy for demons, but some fights will be started purely because they want you to wedge in-between and give them attention.
Obie is the one that lends you clothes the most, although Mervin disagrees with this because the glutton is a "slob" and "has no taste".
The three are trying to decipher how to propose to you and can't reach an agreement. Ludwig argues they should polish the skulls of their enemies and put the wedding ring on one of the horns. Mervin can't afford the ring he wants so he's just going to steal it. With a lot of effort. Obie wants to do it with a massive feast that'll put even Vorticia to shame. Needless to say, it's going to be a very bizarre proposal.
I can't think of more right now, but you can always ask. <:1
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cazperx-x · 1 year
I LOVE THAT SONG SO MUCH RGUTHIFK the remix is literally my ringtone 😭
Teenage Dirtbag
Gareth x fem!reader
918 words, no warnings im pretty sure, she/they pronouns used throughout
Cause I’m just a teenage dirtbag baby…
“Gareth! Emerson! Earth to Emerson helloooo?” Jeff was smirking while waving his hand in front of the fluffy haired boy's face. 
“Huh? Yeah I’m paying attention.” The boy in question muttered, his cheeks now tinted red. 
Gareth was once again caught staring at the popular table, full of people who shoot balls into laundry baskets as Eddie called it. 
Well not at the table specifically. More like someone sitting at the table. With their dickhead boyfriend. Who just had to play the previously mentioned shoot balls into laundry baskets game. 
“Uh-huh. Sure you were. Anyway, I was talking about how Y/N and Andy were caught arguing behind the school yesterday and-”
“What?!” Gareth whisper screamed, now clearly invested in the story. 
“Ha! Knew you were looking over at Y/N’s table again.” Jeff chuckled. 
“You need to get over your little crush Gareth, not to be the reality fairy but there's no way they even know you exist.” Eddie said, before rolling his eyes. 
Gareth ignored Eddie and turned to Jeff. “So were you lying about Y/N and Andy having relationship issues?” Gareth frowned, secretly hoping the relationship would turn to shit so he could swoop in and act as a knight in shining armor. Maybe just in time for prom.
“No actually. Apparently they were arguing in that alleyway outside during basketball practice. Y/N seemed pissed. Apparently they were arguing about how Andy never wants to do shit they want too, how they have completely different interests, etc.” 
“Gareth, If you care so much why don’t you just talk to Y/N and, I dunno save them from the evil force that is highschool jocks?” Eddie questioned. 
Fuck, it was a very good question. 
“Well even if I was on Andy's radar he’d kick my ass. Simple as that.”
“And he won’t after you quote unquote get the girl?” Eddie tilted his head, poking holes in Gareth’s very flimsy logic. 
And on that note, lunch was over. 
Oh well, it didn’t exactly help Gareth’s mood. But he did catch himself smiling while you and Andy were screaming at each other in the gym. 
“Look Chrissy, really nothing against you, you're amazing, but sitting at the basketball and cheerleader table makes me want to vomit.” You sighed, turning to the one cheerleader who even bothered acknowledging your existence ever since you started sitting with Andy.
You and Chrissy often joked Andy could win the worst boyfriend of the year award, although you had doubts he wouldn't lose to Jason. You kept those to yourself though. 
“No offense taken.” Chrissy smiled. “If you hate it so much, why don’t you just sit somewhere else?” She asked. 
You sighed again. “Andy.” You muttered. 
It was the week before prom, and you were thanking the heavens Andy decided to skip today. 
“You don’t like him that much either.” Chrissy chuckled. “Why don’t you just call it quits? Don’t you have your heart set on another boy anyway?” 
“Well yeah, but I doubt he even knows who I am, unless you count ‘Andy’s new girlfriend who won't even last a month’. After all, I’m just a teenage dirtbag, and he’s Gareth the great.” 
“Wouldn’t he qualify as more of a teenage dirtbag than you?” 
“Well- I don’t even know anymore.”
“I have an idea.” Chrissy smiled. 
“Does it involve breaking up with Andy and getting the boy of my dreams?”
“Yep.” She giggled. 
“I’m in.” 
“There's no way I’m going to prom. First off it’d be depressing as hell to show up without a date, and second off I'd probably end up watching Andy and Y/N be all coupley and shit.” Gareth groaned. 
Eddie looked taken aback. 
“You’re telling me you don’t know?”
���Know what?” Gareth looked at the dungeon master confused. 
“Y/N broke up with Andy this morning. He’s pissed, apparently he stormed out of the school.” Eddie chuckled. 
“Yeah, Nancy said she heard him fuming about how he has no date to prom now.” Dustin chimed in. 
“Maybe prom night’ll be your chance?” Jeff questioned
“I mean, can we be too sure though? Y/N still doesn’t even know I exist-” Gareth stuttered, trying to come up with an excuse to not go. 
“Well either way I’m making you go with me, if my mom finds out I’m going alone or all my friends have dates she’ll probably try to set me up with the neighbor. “ Jeff groaned. 
Great. Now there was no way for Gareth to get out of this. 
“Are you sure about this Chrissy?” You nervously asked, standing outside the gym doors on prom night. 
“Yes. And if he says no, we can always leave and eat ice cream at my place.” Chrissy smiled. 
“Remember, you got this okay? Confidence is key.” 
“Yep, I got this. “ You said, before walking into the gym. 
Now or never you figured. 
Welp, here he was. 
Prom night, alone by the punch table. 
Just before he was about to find Jeff and tell him he was leaving, he saw something that made his lip start to shake. 
You. Walking towards him. 
This has to be fake, a dream or a cruel prank or something- how do you even know who he is?
“Gareth, right?” 
The boy nodded frantically.
“I've got two tickets to Iron Maiden, baby. Come with me Friday, don't say maybe. I'm just a teenage dirtbag, baby, like you.” You smiled, a genuine, real smile. 
“What time?”
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nellynello · 10 months
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Prompt: Song- 'Do it for Her'; Steven Universe
TW: blood, violence, swearing
Word count: 2.6k
Training gets difficult every day...
Right foot, left foot, clash, now step back, right foot left fo- clash!
I fall to the ground, my heart beating in my throat. I struggling to breathe from this new training routine. My opponent not making it any easier; as well with not being a magic user and all.
Running my hand through my hair and sighing through my nose, sweat continues to fall down my forehead onto my neck, and finally dripping down my shirt. I look up at the beaming sun in defeat, blinding my vision from my true opponent.
Each puff of oxygen results in my recovery from exhaustion. I can't do this anymore. Giving up would be so nice... But just think about the life you'll have after this war, fighting for this kingdom.
Fighting with your heart for the heart.
Take me back to the easier days...
"Get up"
A break from reality, I look up. Hovering my hand over my eyes to see what was before me.
Long black hair, symmetrical face, perfect body. Any girl would want to be that beautiful, strong and talented. A bit unfair yuno. To be born into a wealthy family and have flawless genetics as well. My dream is Alexia's reality.
Looking down, avoiding eye contact from embarrassment with the loss of the training match, I look down with all sorts of negative emotions.
I squint my eyes now irritated. Taking a deep breath, I pull myself up in a crouching position and pick up my fallen sword in the process.
But I come to a halt when I feel pressure on my shoulder; a foot. More of a boot, but non the less. A dirty boot. filthy and muddy from the ground. I am not the ground. What does she see me as, someone beneath her because I lost? Treating me like the earth beneath everyone. Acting as if she's the Queen of the Heart Kingdom, the Queen of fighting everyone weaker than her. Dishearting the hearts of soldiers instead of encouraging their dreams to fight for their king
My eyes widened in a mix of bewilderment and overwhelming emotions. I struggled to maintain the boiling rage inside me, clenching my jaw shut with all my might. I tried not to do something rash that I would regret, knowing the consequences of my actions could be severe.
I track my eyes over to the shoe and follow their leg up to her face.
A shit-eating grin plasters over her face, proud of what she's doing.
" Admit your defeat and perhaps I'll give you a hand up."
I stay silent. My pride overruling her ridiculous offer
"Come on, say it. Say it!"
Pressure seeps more into my shoulder, she's trying to push me to the ground. What a bitch.
By now everyone who was training has now become invested in the sudden commotion, forming a circle around us. Fuck sake.
As if my defiance enraged her, she forcefully grabbed me, using all her might to subdue me. I was thrown down with both of her strengths, completely powerless as her force crushed me. My resistance was futile, her strength was superior.
Colliding my head with the ground my vision blurs. I bring a hand to my head to find a substance, a liquid that's colour resembles the king himself. Red, red blood. Rouge. The pain starts to now engulf my head. I goan in immense pain, struggling to stay awake from the extreme blow.
"Fuck..." Whimpering in pain.
"Im almost impressed with you staying awake so long"
She steps forward, and each placement of her foot dominates the training ground.
I feel like crying from the amount of pain I am in right now. Feeling the blood drip down my face, now having to focus on the freshly opened wound. But am abruptly stopped due to another force pulling my hair up. I look up and wince from the pain endearing the extraordinary amount of torture.
The crowd around us gasps. Why has no one stopped her?
"Tsk, tsk, tsk. Truly pathetic. But again I'm almost impressed you haven't fainted yet."
I look away
"Look at me when I'm talking to you."
I stubbornly refuse to budge. A moment too late, I notice her other hand move up before it slaps me across the face with a sharp sting. The punishment for my refusal and stubbornness, I quickly learn, is a painful slap to my face. I feel the shock of the sting and try to hold back my frustration at this mistreatment.
“Eat shit”
Bloodied and bruised she lets go of my hair and fall to the ground.
"Tsk no wonder your parents abandoned you, can't even live up to the (L/N)'s nam–"
I lunged towards her in a blind rage and slammed her to the ground. Blinded with rage. I saw nothing but red, consumed by a fury I couldn't control. Fists up, I rained strike after strike into her face, ruining her once-beautiful features. And with ferocity, I grab her hair, pulling her back up and whacking her head down with more force, feeling a rush of satisfaction as I saw her ruined face.
My breathing was heavy and ragged as I continue to pummel her, my heart still pounding in my chest. I felt no regret, no sadness, it was as if my mind was detached from my body and all I saw was her face, battered and broken. I knew at that moment that I had gone too far, but it was as if the anger took over and refused to stop.
I was finally pulled off of her by someone with enough bravery and common sense. I tried to resist, struggling against the hands that tried to restrain me, but I had done too much harm and they were strong enough to wrestle me away. But even then, all I could focus on was her, her battered face and the blood that kept spilling out. My mind was filled with guilt, but also the thought of how she deserved it for hurting so many people with brute strength and arrogance.
"No, I'm not done! Let me finish her off."
"That's enough! (Y/N) you need to stop immediately!
"NO! I'm not letting her talk about me and my family issues."
I try crawling back to the fallen soldier but fail from being restrained.
"Let go of me!"
"(Y/N) I beg you, you have to stop!"
My efforts were futile, being met with failure again. Like my whole life. I break down and feel a tear run down my face while I stare down at the ground as if I've lost everything.
I can't do this anymore, I say id do it for her; the late Queen, but... can I do it for him also. The current king.
I look up at my surroundings, my instructor kneeling in front of me.
"Lady Nello"
Shocked by her being here.
"What are you doing here....?"
"I was the one who stopped you. You don't know how strong you are, I almost lost my grip."
Looking at her dumbfounded, my eyes trace back to the ground with overwhelming embarrassment. More tears flood my vision, becoming more unbearable by the second.
"I'm so sor–"
I now feel a warm contact wrapping around me, and I realized it was someone hugging me. The shock and confusion that hit me took me by surprise, and it suddenly dawned on me how far I had let myself go. I hadn't realized how much this anger had consumed me. For a moment, I felt comfort in the warmth of the hug, wanting to bury my head into this person's shoulder and never leave.
"It's okay... I should have been here sooner, I'm the one who should be sorry..."
Stroking my hair to soothe my mind.
"No, but–"
She says sternly.
Third person
Finally, (Y/N) head drops into Lady Nello’s shoulder in defeat, experiencing a large amount of fatigue and pain.
Blood, sweat, and tears covered both soldiers, and (Y/N) could hardly bear to look at what she had done. After a few moments, the person on the ground began picking themselves up, now standing as they removed the blood from their nose. Alexia staggered towards the two people that were embracing, their eyes fixed on them and then the sword still in their grasp.
"This is not over yet."
She lifts her sword upwards to strike (Y/N) in the head.
I look up to see what was in front of me; causing the last dose of adrenaline to pump through my veins. I manage to push Lady Nello to the side and myself in the other direction, just about missing the murderous swing.
I took in a few deep breaths, trying to steady my nerves and regain my strength. I mustered up my strength to stand on wobbly feet. One step at a time, I managed to rise to my feet, still breathing a little heavily from all the emotions that rushed through me.
We stare, battered and bruised. Time seemed to slow down as we had an intense staring contest with one another, our eyes locked unblinking. I could feel my pulse pounding in my head, and I knew I had to show no signs of weakness. The outcome of this battle of just our eyes and our minds would be decided in the coming moments.
"(Y/N)! No, it's over! Come on, be the better person and leave it be."
I don't look back, considering whether to listen to my mentor.
Pride overtaking me, I continued to make eye contact, but I cautiously stepped backwards toward Lady Nello. This battle had to be won and I knew I couldn't let my guard down, not yet.
"Tsk such a disappointment."
It was all too much and I couldn't take it anymore. My mind was broken from pain and tiredness and I was no longer in control. I let loose all my thoughts and emotions, my whole world crashing down around me and leaving me in a dizzying fog.
"Seriously what is your problem, why are you so interested in my family issues."
Nello tries to stop me again.
"No I'm not going to stop, I'm sorry. All the stuff you've been spreading rumours about is absolute bollocks and you know it, you thought I wouldn't hear what your saying? Calling me a mistake and I shouldn't have been born because of my failures within my family business. Why does my life interest you so much? Huh... Why can't you get it through your thick head that everything doesn't involve you and my problem aren't yours to speak about?
I know I'm weaker than you, but I know damn well I might be worth something to someone being a non-magic user. Picking on the weak to make yourself deem strong makes you as pathetic as you say I am. So don't you dare think for a moment that you can continue doing this to me or ANYONE ELSE!"
Silence. Pure utter silence.
Despite the chaos, everything and everyone had gone quiet. All I could hear was my breathing, deep and shallow breaths. In and out, in and out, calming myself down.
Making everything became so clear, all my senses were heightened and it was almost overwhelming. I could hear everything, and the sound that stood out the most was you. There was an air of anticipation and uncertainty that I knew I could not ignore.
The once-deafening silence was broken by the rhythmic sound of clapping, and my heart started to pound with anticipation of who it was.
"Grarvo! Grarvo! Such a wonderful speech. So..... Inspiring...what do you think King of Diamonds."
"Could of had less profanities. But yes, I agree. Very profound."
Shooting my head to the voices. My senses now left my body instantly seeing who it was.
Straightened back, wide shoulders, with stoic faces. Both kings stood in front of Alexia, Lady Nello and I.
Whispers are heard amount the crowd around us. 'Both kings are here?!', 'The heart and diamond are here together, that's unusual.'
They both stood with formality and elegance. Well-kept red and black hair, their clothes not a speck of dust date to lay upon them and their eyes say it all; curiosity, but also disappointment with the scene in front of them.
"Lady Nello, as the supervisor of this training ground, care to specify what happened?"
The King of Diamonds asks with confidence.
"Your majesty, my deepest apologies. This was my entire fault, I shouldn't have paired these two together and I wasn't supervising this when it played out."
I'm suddenly stopped by the intense glare Lady Nello gives me. Pure frustration and as if to say 'Don't say anything.'
Shutting my mouth and taking a big gulp immediately, I trace my head down towards the ground thinking about what the outcomes will be. What will happen to Lady Nello? She's done everything for me! She's helped me with my family issues, helped me train and learn how to fight and learn how to act in difficult situations. To then repay her with a possible demotion...
My foot begins to tap uncontrollably out of anxiety. But I force myself to look up to see what is happening. Deep black pupils seemed to pierce into my skull as if I was in the depths of the abyss and my brain was about to implode on itself from the mounting tension. It was difficult for me to think and breathe normally, every moment felt like a struggle. The atmosphere was too much and I felt was only a matter of time before I passed out from the intensity of the situation.
With my throat tight and my heart racing, the fear paralysed me in its grip. I stared at the royal and study him with an intense unease as the nervousness took over my body. All the while, the royal stared back at me with an air of authority.
His hair was a deep red that swirled perfectly. To perfect. His skin looked so clear and smooth like it belonged on a painting instead of an actual person. He was so pretty, it almost felt unnatural. So part of me was being drawn to him in the wrong way, as he's a king.
The king! A king for heaven's sake, and I was just a lowly soldier who was supposed to be loyal to him! Why was I thinking about him in that way? I felt the heat on my face as I cursed myself for the thoughts that were passing through me.
This isn't appropriate for the situation for fuck sake (Y/N)...
"Very well, due to the severity of this incident, your punishment will be discussed at further notice."
"What! No–"
"And!... if anything like this happens again consequences will be immediate and without mercy. And this goes to all of you. If anyone dares to cause a commotion like these two did today, you will be punished as equally as them."  The king of hearts finishes after interrupting me.
Feeling embarrassed, I take a look at Alexia. It looks like she wants to kill me. I ignore her out of irritation and now focus on the heart king coming towards me.
But before I could say a word, my conscience falters and I feel myself buffer and wonder why the king now has multiple heads. Dizziness engulfs my brain and I begin to pass out.
Then my head hit the ground...
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
There will be part two more related to the prompt :)
Spelling and punctuation are shit :D
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mikufigure · 6 months
i intended to write this as a comment on this https://archiveofourown.org/works/42448821/chapters/110444814?view_adult=true fan fiction (nsfw), but comments are disabled. i’m a fairly private person in regards to erotic content, i don’t like sharing what i enjoy outside of very limited circumstances, but i feel i need to set that aside for a moment in order to praise this. this is one of my favorite fanworks of all time.
let’s set some background so i can formulate my thoughts and also give a proper info. i rarely read fan fiction, only occasionally indulging whenever visual art can’t scratch the itch of enjoying media. guilty gear is a franchise that i, excuse my wording, feel guilty for enjoying due to my lack of participation in the actual fighting game side of it. i’ve been about actively into it for ten months, but i first started looking into it because of bridget’s depiction in strive, as she was transgender, and openly accepted as such by her franchise.
putting the rest under the readmore since this got long
after listening to her theme song a few times i ended up hearing other songs as they came on autoplay, and loved them. passively listened to just the music for a few months before plunging into what the series actually was. i am not good at fighting games. i’ve tried a few, played a few rounds against friends, but ultimately did not stick with them for very long. the way i enjoyed guilty gear was by listening to music, learning about the story, and enjoying fanworks.
as much as i like to pretend that i don’t, i do have an anxiety disorder, and the general culture of media led me to developing the mindset of becoming a ‘poser’ for not actually playing the games. there was a reputation of fans that got into the series because of bridget never playing the game and being looked down on because of that, and i did not want to fall in that crowd. with this factors, i was reserved in my emotional investment for quite some time.
what ended up drawing me out of this shell was meeting people who enjoyed the series, and seeing them enjoying it without hesitation. there was no breakthrough moment of “oh wow! i can just enjoy things without worrying about opinions!”, but rather a gradual build up of confidence in seeing the happiness of others.
do you wanna know the fun part of this? the people i’ve met got into it for various reason, still play the game, and enjoy the franchise as much as me. the only other uniting feature between us is that we’ve all been transgender. guilty gear has cultivated a safe community for transgender people solely through their addition of characters like bridget and testament. don’t think i’ve forgotten about testament, i’ve just only been addressing bridget due to her widespread impact.
i think i’m ready to actually talk about that fanfiction i linked forever ago. go read it if you haven’t, or at least read between the first and second line break. the part that got me wanting to write all of this was two specific paragraphs:
She doesn’t know what to tell this gothic nonbinary transfemme to keep them safe. Maybe spit out some stupid platitudes. Shit advice like, don’t ever write poetry. Don’t ever write song lyrics. Don’t ever write your heart and your trauma and your hope into trans erotic fanfiction; don't do it, it's not worth it.
this first one made my heart ache. it made me realize why comments were disabled, why the work was posted anonymously. i had already decided i needed to write something in response to it by then, as a sort of “tribute” to whoever might have written this.
And in response, I-No brushes her guitar’s strings, enough to summon her magic. Transformative magic, the kind that you’d archive online in the hopes that another trans reader would find resonance between the lines.
i’ve found such an intense resonance with this. it’s hard to convey with words the emotion that this makes me feel. i’m grateful to have found this fan fiction, to have found this community, for a game like guilty gear to exist which could foster a community for transgender people. i’m grateful for transgender erotica and expression as a love letter to the source material and for personal indulgence. i don’t think i can make a much more compelling closer than that, just simple adoration for transgenderism and love.
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davinagreece · 2 years
mr. perfectly fine
jeremiah fisher x oc
chapter 1
After last summer everything changed. I changed. I started working out and eating healthier. I invested in good quality skincare products that made me look flawless. I learned how to style my hair to frame my face and apply makeup that made my features pop. I stopped wearing glasses and have a straight white smile. I had long, smooth legs and a flat, toned stomach. The little fat that I still had left went to my chest and hips. Guys wanted me, and girls wanted to be me. I was finally pretty. But no matter how pretty I am, I'll always feel like the girl I used to be. The one that wasn't good enough.
It's the day before I leave for Cousins. I'm on the phone with Belly while I finish packing when I hear a knock on my door.
"Come in" I yell
My mom comes into my room carrying a basket of laundry.
"Do you need me to wash anything for tomorrow honey?"
"No thanks mom"
"Hi, Daphne!" Belly yells from the phone.
"Hello, sweetheart. Are you girls excited for tomorrow? You've both changed so much over the past year. Susannah is going to have a heart attack when she sees you" My mom laughs.
Susannah isn't the only Fisher I want to have a heart attack when they see me.
I'm not the only one who changed over the summer. Belly was never ugly to begin with, but now she's stunning. Conrad Fisher was going to drop to his knees when he saw her.
"Yeah, I'm excited. I'm just a little nervous about what people are going to think."
"It doesn't matter what they think. You've both grown into beautiful young women. You’re going to knock that asshole Jeremiah dead." She winks at me before she leaves the room.
My mom and Belly are the only people that know I’m in love with Jeremiah. My dad died when I was little so they're all I have. They know how deeply he hurt me.
"Things will be different this summer" Belly says.
"Things will be different this summer" I agree.
I'm on my way to Cousins. Everything around me has changed, but Cousins is always the same. The air tasted the same, smelled the same. The wind making my hair feel sticky, the salty sea breeze. Its all the same as it was. It's like it's been waiting for me to get here. I wonder if Jeremiah changed. I wonder if he's still the golden retriever that never failed to make me smile. I wonder if he's still the same Jeremiah that didn't love me back.
I woke up early that morning to get ready. I showered, shaved, and made sure I packed everything I needed. I decided on wearing a simple dress with sneakers.
Tumblr media
I ghosted Jere almost the whole year. I would occasionally reply to his messages, but I never answered calls or sent him pictures of myself. I thought ignoring him would help me move on, but it made my heart hurt worse. When I look in the mirror, I'm still the girl he didn't want.
As we pull up to the Fisher house, I can't stop the ball of anxiety forming in my stomach. My mom noticed me fidgeting with my hands and placed hers on top of mine. She gives me a reassuring smile as she gets out of the car. I look in the mirror one last time before taking a deep breath and getting out. The first thing I see is a soaking wet Belly running towards me and engulfing me in a hug. I'm guessing I missed the infamous "Belly flop." I hug her back like my life depends on it. No matter how much I miss summers at Cousins, I'll always miss Belly more.
Belly and I break apart when I hear someone say
"Holy shit."
I look up and make eye contact with the bluest eyes I've ever seen. Jeremiah Fisher. His mouth is hanging open but it quickly turns into a smile as he runs over to hug me.
"Damn Rena, what the hell happened to you over the summer?"
I awkwardly stand there without hugging him back. I want to hug him back, more than anything, but I can't. I'm only hurting myself more by letting myself be close to him knowing he doesn't feel the same. I don't miss the small glimmer of hurt in his eyes when he pulls away.
"People change Jere," I mutter as I look over at Conrad who's burning holes into Belly with his eyes.
"Well, it was a good change. You look good." He says with an awkward smile.
"Syrena Cove Laurier is that you!?" Susannah asks in disbelief as she sees me.
"The one and only, Mrs. Fisher" I say with a giggle
"Sweetie I have known you for 16 years, you do not have to call me Mrs. Fisher" she laughs
I start to respond before Belly grabs my hand and tries to pull me inside.
"Sorry guys! I really need to talk to Rena!" She laughs while dragging me through the door and into the kitchen.
"Oh my god you look amazing," Belly says in shock.
"Look at yourself Bells! You look like a model! Conrad couldn't keep his eyes off you."
"It's funny you say that considering Jeremiah almost dislocated his jaw when he saw you." She laughs
"He was just shocked, That's all. Like Jeremiah said, he sees me as a sister and will never want me the way I want him."
Belly starts to say something but stops when she sees everyone else walk into the kitchen.
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throwaway-yandere · 2 years
BUT! BEFORE I GO TO SLEEP. I must mention, yandere yanfei would be fucking scary - speaking from experience,
i had a friend who was deeply invested with law and she was scary, her presence was threatening but she was a crackhead. She was planning to become a lawyer, she knew about every law in almost every country. Everytime I'd joke about "am i breaking the law?" She would go full on judge mode and I'd have to play irl ace attorney. One time i asked her jokingly out of pure randomness "is it okay to kill someone?" AND SHE REPLIED WITH THE SCARIEST THING I'VE EVER READ, I half remember the words- sumn about like "if you hide the evidence good enough" and sumn about "murder is okay in [somewhere i can't fully remember]" BUT I SWEAR I REMEMBER SHE SAID "we could go on a trip there" then another day out of pure curiosity i asked her about what the fuck a written contract is, i didn't pay attention but i payed the most attention when she said "a written contract cannot be broken parties can get out of written contracts in many ways. For instance, if the contract wasn't created adequately, courts will declare it not to be binding. Also, a contract is unenforceable when the terms are unconscionable - in other words, when the contract is patently unfair to one of the parties. The actual terms of a contract might also contain conditions under which the contract will be dissolved." (i actually had to copy and paste that from our group chat.) that last part scared the living shit out of me??
So what I'm getting from yan! yanfei is that she can quite literally make sure you ain't leaving her by legal means and can get away with murder. All thanks to my law fanatic of a friend.
Yandere!Yanfei is such a fricking gold mine of so many potential plots, like imagine being her pen pal. She seems like the sweetest authentic person out there as she sends her rap lyrics and other things she likes to compose. Yanfei invites pen pal!darling in the chasm since they're a tourist and she purposely leads them to a dangerous place until they got injured.
That's not what scares the darling, no. Their favorite pen pal starts saying ominous things about conservatorship. What's worse is that Yanfei speaks of it in a light-hearted manner, as if she's certain that they'll never be able to recover their legs. When pen pal!darling stubbornly attempts to debate with the xiezhi, she laughed. Her laughter echoes in the vast emptiness of the chasm.
"You think I come across as quite imposing when presenting these facts? Don't be, after all, we'd be spending most of our time together for now on."
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veilchenjaeger · 1 year
Okay. After over a goddamn year, I have finally finished Couple of Mirrors. Consider me wrecked.
I don't even know where to start with this show? It's everything I've ever wanted, save for the censorship issue. (But I think I can read the manhua to soothe that particular ache.) It's so damn good. I watched this with month-long breaks between episodes, so I don't remember everything, but I still want to try to write up my initial thoughts bc it's fun to reread that kind of thing after a rewatch or some time of brainrot.
First, without getting into spoilers: I adore this show. The plot is incredible - dense without being overwhelming, unpredictable without nonsensical plot twists. Nearly every episode had me on the edge of my metaphorical seat. At the same time, the characters were given time to shine and develop. Especially Xu Youyi is just one of the characters of all time, I'm obsessed with her, but I definitely got attached to side characters as well. (Which is dangerous, considering the body count this show has.) I really appreciate the pacing, the little moments of downtime between the imo impeccably paced rush of revelations and developments. There are some things that could be seen as... soap opera-esque, in a way? Just because of the amount of family drama, but I think it all worked really well bc the show immediately tells you what kind of show it is and what the stakes are. None of the drama is out of place, is what I'm saying. There's a lot of murder.
There are complaints about Xu Youyi and Yan Wei not having a lot of screentime together, and while this is in some way true, I... didn't mind? They're both set up well enough as individual characters for their interactions to be meaninful, and it was more than enough for me to get invested in them. (Not to mention that there's a whole episode of domestic Yiwei in the end.) But mostly, and I think I've said this before somewhere, I came for the lesbians and stayed for the plot. Xu Youyi's story is about so many things, and it's important that each of these things was given the space it deserves. This is a murder mystery/thriller first and a romance second, and I honestly prefer it that way. The pacing felt right, and the central relationship still came across well.
Final non-spoilery verdict: PLEASE watch this show if you haven't seen it yet. It's so, so, so good. You can watch the whole thing on Youtube for free, and the subtitles are actually decent.
Spoilers under the cut.
There are approximately fifty separate things I'm obsessed with, but I'll only name a few.
First of all, the whole Thing between Zhou Heng and Xu Youyi, and especially Zhou Heng's character. Holy shit, this is well done. Zhou Heng is never portrayed as the good guy, but the sheer extent of his unhingedness is revealed so gradually that you're pretty much bound to underestimate him. He starts out as a bad husband who cheats on Xu Youyi, but for what it's worth, it seems like he does love her and wants to try to be better for the first episodes. He defends her from his family, he supports her, and while Xu Youyi is right not to let him get away with that after he broke her heart like that, he's sympathetic. He's not a cartoon villain or a cardboard cutout of an evil abusive husband. And he still isn't that when it's revealed that he fucking tried to kill her. That caught me off guard so hard! I didn't expect that at all, and then it just fucking kept going. It's in episode 10, during the dinner he has with Xu Youyi, that I realised that he's not only an utter dickhead, he's batshit insane. And it's the very fact that he was built up as a sympathetic character that makes this reveal as creepy as it is. Gods, what an asshole! Gives me chills of the worst kind! A superbly done antagonist.
(The same is true for Zhang Wan, too. She's a lot more obviously mean, but the extent of that isn't revealed all at once, and the relationship she had with Xu Youyi before is still meaningful. Zhou Heng's father, too - he acts according to his motivations, and whether he's with Xu Youyi or against her depends on the way she fits into his plans. Just, good antagonists all around.)
Second of all, I adore the characters so, so much?! Xu Youyi's development, her sunny personality, her heartbreak, and the way she gets more and more tired of being nice, are so [chef's kiss]. Detective Jiang was right, actually - she is someone who'd happily live with a murderer. She's so genuinely kind, she doesn't mean harm, but after everything she's been put through, she's ruthless deep down. I love how cold and collected she is when she demands the divorce, when she signs the papers, when she's in court, and especially when she finds out that Yan Wei is indeed the murderer of Zhang Wan and doesn't even hesitate to lie to the police to help her. Xu Youyi has had it and she will not be taking any prisoners.
It took me a little longer to get fully attached to Yan Wei, simply because she's not the main character, but the last episode really sealed the deal for me. She's grown so much because of Xu Youyi! She's started to live a life that isn't ruled by her past, she's capable of joking with Xu Youyi and she's a good mother and she's happy, which she didn't know how to be before! She even gets along with other people; she's on good terms with Mr Wang and has a bit of a teasing relationship going on with Detective Jiang. (Big fan of that, btw. I think they should be bros.) And yet, she's also presumably doing some very shady stuff to get money, and we haven't seen her find actual closure yet. I get why the last few minutes aren't the most popular ones - they're a bit of a shock, for one, and the pacing of the show fails here, although I assume that's all a set up for the next season - but they make sense. Again, Detective Jiang is right! Xu Youyi doesn't know anything about Yan Wei's past, and it's a past that's pretty important for who Yan Wei is! That's the one thing I was worried about throughout the show: that Yan Wei's past would just stay unaddressed, and that Xu Youyi wouldn't find out. So, yeah, I do like that they made that into a (future?) plot point. It's such a strong beat for Yan Wei's arc, I really hope we do get that second season and get to find out what she's been doing behind Xu Youyi's back and what those flowers mean. Yan Wei deserves some more development!
(That being said, I still think that season finale cliffhangers are bad writing and shouldn't be done, especially with the state of queer entertainment in China being what it currently is. Looking at you, Scum Villain season 2.)
And last but not least, I'll be listening to the opening song on repeat for the next lifetime, thanks.
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