#if Lisa dies like Rita I will sue for damages I swear to God
thebetterluthor · 11 months
Lincoln Lawyer season 2: Absolutely killing it, so far.
I don't think anyone was happier than me when they started watching the show and realised the writers had twisted Lisa's story around a bit. I love the "community hero" twist versus the "disgruntled wife" of the original novel, it makes for a much stronger case of is she guilty or not.
Also, 0 surprises to Lana playing this up absolutely perfectly and nailing the line between making us want to believe she is innocent (I mean, I personally wouln't care, I'd help her hide the body, just talking about normal viewers here) and getting flustered when caught in a lie to make us wonder if she actually did kill the dude.
Great work for Mickey as well, who is so absolutely enthralled (fantasising about making out with Lisa while eating her flan? Honestly dude, same) he is 100% incapable of being objective, or seeing anything outside of how to keep her out of jail. I even felt for a moment, when he was refusing to answer whether he thought she was innocent or not, that it actually didn't matter to him as long as he won the case and kept her out of jail, and I swear to God, I've never empathised with a male character more in my entire life. I'm there with you mate.
I also like the fact that he starts to care more about her innocence the more emotionally attached he gets (I love that this attachment grows with every meal she makes for him, they've made that food association, they're sticking with it, it works perfectly, I love it). It does make me sad that, that emotional attachment, the clear connection between them is the actual proof of guilt for Lisa. Because Mickey can't really walk off into the sunset with an innocent and gorgeous chef at the end of the season. That's not really the show, is it? And since I can't see a way where they'd realistically break it off if Lisa was found innocent, I guess I'm just waiting for part 2 at the edge of my seat to enjoy a few more episodes of Lana finally gracing us with her presence on sceen, and watching poor Mickey's heartbreak as the events will unfold.
Lastly, I'd like to make a final observation on how elegantly they've used the fact that Lana is an absolutely gorgeous woman. They've not turned her into a stereotypical femme fatale. There's depth to her character, and there's depth to her appearance and her relationship with Mickey, too. I found the fact that we got the scene where he was fantasising about them making out, while Lisa was in the kitchen, hair in a messy bun, just going about her day, apron in place, just really sweet. He just likes her, it's so sincere. Hot too, but also sincere. I'm as enthralled by the whole situation as he is, so, good job Linkoln Lawyer writers!
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