#mafiafell sans X mafiatale sans x reader
skeleboiii84 · 2 years
Hi... Ima a big fan ,I had a request could u do mafiatale and mafiafell sans x reader angst, fluff and maybe smut
Helloooo There darling!! <3 this has been a long time coming I sincerely apologize for the wait sweetie 🥺
I just didn't know how or where to go with this story but I think ik where I'll take it! I'm so happy your a fan of my writing your so sweet you've waited a while for this so I'll make it as long as I can 😊❤💙
Come back out sweetheart.. Please..?
(A mafiafell sans X mafiatale sans X reader) angst, fluff and a lil smut
You ran up to your bedroom in tears and slammed the door behind you. You sat on the floor as you cried into your knees. Sans and butch had been fighting again, when you tried to stop them they both shouted at you to stay out of it.
They immediately calmed down when they saw the tears in your eyes you couldn't handle being shouted at, they knew that. But you didn't wait for an answer you ran straight up with tears silently rolling down your cheeks.
"Dollface..? Ya.. Uh ya in there..? " said a soft low voice from outside the door it was butch. When you didn't answer sans chimed in "we're sorry baby.. We didn't mean to upset ya.. ", butch decided to add" yea.. We really are..we shouldnt have raised our voices at ya..come back out sweetheart..please..?" you could hear how sincere they sounded so you slowly opened the door avoiding their gaze.
Sans put his hand on your cheek and wiped a falling tear, causing you to look him in the sockets. "We know you were tryin ta help babe but sometimes if we fight we don want you gettin involved is all" sans said softly. Butch nodded in agreement and took your right hand to give it a gentle kiss.
"We're sorry" they said it at the same time looking up at you as they were on their knees because they knew it tugged your heart strings.
You sniffed "I'll forgive you.. " you mumbled, they both bounced up to shower you in kisses until you stopped them before they could. "If" they looked at you with a confused look. "If? " sans asked.
You composed yourself before stating "if I get you two all day tomorrow with cuddles, kisses and attention", you puffed out you're cheeks and turned from their gaze.
You're little fit was rudely interrupted by being tackled to the bed. "Ahh! " you shrieked as they both pinned you down. "Come on doll Ya'know we can't take days off just for a lil fuck around", butch chuckled. " do you want me to forgive you? " you huffed at him.
But that huffed turned into a gasp as he rubbed up you're hips and sans kissed you're neck lightly biting it too. You let out a soft moan as your neck and hips were sensitive. "How bout we make you forgive us~? " sans said in a low tone in your ear that sent a shiver up you're spine.
"Mhnng~ you'd have to work for it~" you whined. "That's our naughty girl~" butch ran his fingers up your warmth causing a sinful moan to fall from your lips.
The night was let's just sayy passionate~😉😉
Again I really do apologize for the wait darling 🙇‍♀️🙇‍♀️
You've been very patient with me, but alas I have delivered! So enjoy your mafia boys if you want some more smut let me know through my ask box and I'll get on it! 💙❤
Again enjoy darling you deserve your husbones<33
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bigoltrashpile · 7 months
What if their s/o just yelled "Come here, pretty boy!!" before grabbing the sides of their face and covering them with kisses
Mafiatale Sans: You've never seen Sans so blue! He's going to be stupidly flustered, both from the kisses and the nickname. He'll try his best to play it off, make a stupid pun, but you can very clearly see the effect you had on him. He's going to be blue for several minutes.
Mafiatale Papyrus: This is a dream come true!!! He's wanted to wake up to a shower of kisses, but this is better than he ever could have expected!!! Getting countless kisses from his loved one, and getting called pretty??? You can guarantee that he's going to repay the favor once you're done!
Mafiaswap Sans (Lucky): He's heard a lot of flattery in his life, but pretty boy is new! The only thing more unexpected than that is you immediately covering his entire face in kisses. He'll laugh and blush until you're done. You should be honored, it takes a lot to fluster him! Don't worry though, he'll make sure you're equally flustered later~
Mafiaswap Papyrus (Slim): Poor Slim is practically going to shut down. He has no idea what's going on, why are you kissing him so much? Because you love him?? What is this madness??? He's not going to recover for at least an hour, but the good news is that now you know a foolproof way to see his adorable blush!
Mafiafell Sans (Butch): Like Lucky, he's been called a lot of names, but never this one. He...kind of likes it! Or that could just be the countless kisses. Either way, he's going to melt, loving all the attention. As soon as you're done though, he's going to go crazy trying to make you feel just as good~
Mafiafell Papyrus (Noir): Pretty? Him??? Wrong, he is great and terrible and very handsome! Wait, he didn't say to stop! He's going to relish in every single kiss you give him, he never thought he would ever have a partner as wonderful and sweet as you!
Mafiaswapfell Sans (Scar): He'll freeze for a moment. For a second, he thought you were attacking him. Which, you kind of are. Attacking him with love! As soon as he realizes what's happening, he's going to melt into your arms, but refuses to admit how much he loves your treatment. How did he ever manage to find someone as perfect as you?
Mafiaswapfell Papyrus (Hound): Pretty boy? He's your pretty boy?? Fuck yeah!!! He'll laugh a bit and happily accept the kisses, but I hope you're not wanting to go anywhere anytime soon. If you treat him so nicely, he's going to want to hold you for at least an hour. Get comfortable, angel!
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improvidence318 · 1 year
His schedule may already be full but I’m sure he’ll find a way to squeeze you in
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plush4bunny · 1 year
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"The monster takes another puff from his cigar and your view is again obscured by the red smoke that seems to form skulls and screaming faces. When the smoke thins out you see a glimmer of gold and focus to see the face of the monster better. You are shocked by the absence of it. A skull head is what meets your eye with its maw set in a Cheshire grin. The glimmer you saw is a golden tooth and as the skeleton takes another drag of his cigar you see rings adorning his bony fingers gleaming in the club’s lights."
@chrism02 and I were inspired to adapt MafiaFell!Sans from "Sooner or Later You're Gonna Be Mine" by Staringback and comic by Melikas. See what Chris' classy take is like in their fic "Putting on the Ritz"
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the-faceless-bride · 5 months
Does anyone love undertale anymore? Or underfell? Because im thinking of doing a Mafiafell story. I just need to know if anyone w9upd actually read it.
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ratstuckintheblender · 2 months
RAHH FANFIC FANCOMIC(???) in love wit them fr more coming soon im working on it. Trust 🙏🙏💪💪🔥🔥🔥
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Author: https://archiveofourown.org/users/BattleMaiden13/pseuds/BattleMaiden13
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chrism02 · 6 months
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ladyisaliability · 2 years
rules and character list
i will do:
- reader insert
- fluff
- angst
- gore
- romantic relationships
- platonic relationships
- poly
- tbh anything I haven't explicitly said I won't
i won't do:
- character x character (romantic)
- matchups
- nsfw
- incest
- pedophilia
- anything that i am uncomfortable writing. this list may grow
character list
you may also request other characters from any of these AUs. also, Swords and Scales (or S&S) is an original AU that i own with one of my friends (its a pirate and sirens au).
will add more aus in the future
Undertale Sans: Sans
Undertale Papyrus: Papyrus
Underfell Sans: Red
Underfell Papyrus: Edge
Underswap Sans: Blue
Underswap Papyrus: Stretch
Swapfell Sans: Nox
Swapfell Papyrus: Mutt
Horrortale Sans: Oak
Horrortale Papyrus: Willow
Farmtale Sans: Peaches
Farmtale Papyrus: Rancher
Mafiatale Sans: Snow
Mafiatale Papyrus: ???
Mafiafell Sans: Butch
Mafiafell Papyrus: Velvet
Mafiaswap Sans: Lucky
Mafiaswap Papyrus: Slim
S&S Undertale Sans: North
S&S Undertale Papyrus: Gull
S&S Underfell Sans: Char
S&S Underfell Papyrus: Captain
S&S Underswap Sans: Lapis
S&S Underswap Papyrus: Tang
S&S Swapfell Sans: Vill (Villorita)
S&S Swapfell Papyrus: Squall (Squalus)
S&S Fresh: Eight
Fresh Sans: Fresh
Ink Sans: Ink
Outcode OC: Anon
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jaythedweeb · 2 years
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Writing a Two Shot because I haven't gotten Just A Little Taste all figured out yet!
The Cotton Club
"You had a small gig of singing in a bar in New York, and when a Large man...- a large skeleton catches your eye, it seems to throw you off balance."
The first chapter is done so just one more to go! Look for the new story on Archive Of Our Own! Right below is my account!
Art is not mine it belongs to Melikas on https://tapas.io/series/Sooner-or-Later-Youre-Gonna-be-Mine/info It's a great comic that was turned into art from an ao3 fanfic by
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Oh Wow! Another Masterlist!
Update: 18/9/2021
Works: 70
General Hcs
★ Best Friend Who Can Bend Reality (UT, US, HT)
★ Domestic HCs (Swap and SF-)
★ Friend Has A Crush On Their Bro (HT, SF, US)
★S/O Catches A Snake-
★ Uncle HCs
★ Weddings, But Speedrun It
★Friend Comes Out As FTM
★Pizza Delivery (Gone Wrong)
★Trash Attack
★How They Annoy Each Other (UT, UF, SF)
★Beach Ball Blast
★Teleporting Baby
★S/O Fights With The Neighbors
★Sick Kid
★Found Family (UF, HT)
★Stretch HCs
★Having A Fussy Kid
★The Skeles As Parents
★Parenting HCs (UF)
★How They'd Comfort You (HT, US, UF)
★What Would Make Them Propose
★Living Away From Their Bros
★Teleporting Baby
★Sick Kid
★How Do They Annoy Each Other
★Haunted House
★Sleepy Time-
★Meeting A Goth Kid On The Surface-
★Bippity Boop, A Demon Is Now Here! (UT, UF, US)
★How They Annoy Their Bros, Electric Boogaloo
★Finding Abandoned Puppies-
★ Angst Hcs (FS)
✩.・*:≻───── ⋆♡⋆ ─────.•*:✩
Romantic Headcanons
✩.・*:≻───── ⋆♡⋆ ─────.•*:✩
♥︎ Insomniac S/O
♥︎ S/O Celebrates "Day Of The Dead"
♥︎ S/O Gets Caught Dancing
♥︎ Strong S/O
♥︎ Drunken Confessions
♥︎ Cursed S/O
♥︎ Insomniac S/O Part 2
♥︎ S/O Has A Semicolon Tattoo (Tw) (UT, US, UF)
♥︎ S/O Gets Exposed By A Ghost
♥︎ S/O More Talkative Than Blue
♥︎ Contortionist S/O
♥︎ S/O Gets Random Headaches (US, SF, HT)
♥︎ Affectionate S/O
♥︎ S/O May Have Killed Someone
♥︎ S/O Can Lift The Skeles
♥︎ Shy And Cute S/O
♥︎ Slow Dancing
♥︎ Sick S/O
♥︎ Domestic Hcs (UT)
♥︎ S/O Has A Stalker (UT and US)
♥︎ S/O Who Likes Old Music (UT, UF, US)
♥︎ S/O Has A Panic Attack (UT, UF, SF)
♥︎ Holding Hands
♥︎ Male S/O With A Lot Of Scars
♥︎ Close Call Confessions
♥︎ Tall, Stoic S/O (UT, US)
♥︎ S/O Has A Stalker (UF)
♥︎ Kiss Hcs Part 2
♥︎ S/O Tries To Protect Them
♥︎ S/O Has A Habit Of Eating Quickly
♥︎ Gentle Giant S/O
♥︎ S/O Doesn't Realize They Have Dom Energy Lmao-
♥︎ "I Love You" (UT, UF)
♥︎ S/O Has Top Surgery Scars
♥︎ Orchid Hcs
♥︎ "I Love You" 2 (US)
♥︎  Drunken Confessions 2
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rainysquiggles · 4 years
I wanted to do a colab with @bigoltrashpile so here are some skits based off their characters!
If for some reason you're not following them I highly suggest you do!! They write the best fan first for undertale and they're just 👌👌
MT sans: im the don here, anything I say goes. You mess with me and you'll be sleeping with the fishes-
Y/N, bursting through the doors: i made cookies
Sans: ooooo cookies!!
MT sans: its a hard life, you never know when you're gonna die. And I've killed so many people, do you know what that's like?? The struggle I go through
Y/N, who once killed a dog in minecraft: oh yeah dude, I feel you
Y/N: babe help!!! Someones threatening me!!
MT papyrus: *cocks gun* IM COMING
Y/N: *grabs shoe* :/
Y/N: paps is so strong
Y/N: once he threw me into a pool for making a joke
MT papyrus from the next room: YOURE WORSE THEN SANS
MS sans (lucky): WHAT THAT MOUTH DO ;)
Y/N: eat
Y/N: how much do you love me?
Y/N: i mean you proposed on our first date but i mean-
MS papyrus (slim): just let me know if im ever bothering you x
Y/N: babe we've been married for 3 years
Y/N: i keep getting shivers down my spine
Y/N: i think my skeleton is trying to excape
MS papyrus (slim): why can you be normal? <3
Y/N: is it to early in our relationship to say that I love you?
MF sans (butch): i mean I've already named our future children so probably not
MF sans (butch): youre the most beautiful person I've ever seen
Y/N: s
Y/an: sir this is a wendys
Y/N: i cut my finger :(
MF papyrus (noir), trying to be cool and mysterious: I could kill you
Y/N: so could a duck, bitch u ain't special
MFS sans (scar): honey! Whats a simp? Am I a simp?
Y/N, loosing their shit: oh absolutely
Y/N: youre handsome
MFS sans (scar): scar.exe has stopped working
MFS papyrus (hound): darling, what do you see in me?
Y/N: not much really, you're a skeleton
MFS papyrus (hound):
MFS papyrus (hound): babe I meant romantically-
MFS papyrus (hound): i put youre minecraft bed next to mine
Y/N, tearing up: b-baby this means so much
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bigoltrashpile · 9 months
Skeletons with an S/O or close friend who sleeps nude or near nude?
I just think it's funny the mental image of one of them ready to lay down with the reader for the night, and then see a shirt and pants chucked across the room and boom, ass, bare, right next to em.
Hehehehehehehehehe, I love this trope! >:3 Also so sorry everybody, I've been very busy (who knew being a teacher would take a lot of work lmao)
Mafiatale Sans: Sans is mostly chill about it. On the outside, at least. On the inside he's screaming. He won't be able to stop himself from sneaking a few glances at your bare skin, but he quickly forces him to look away soon after. Hopefully he'll get a bit more comfortable with you being naked, but for now he's going to be a little flustered.
Mafiatale Papyrus: Papyrus is a gentleman, he would never do something so uncouth as to get horny just because he saw his dear friend in their underwear! That's what he tells himself anyway. On the inside, though, he's totally freaking out. He's going to have to take several deep breaths and not look at you for too long. He doesn't want to make you uncomfortable!
Mafiaswap Sans (Lucky): Oh wonderful, I hope you're ready for so much more flirting than you're used to. No matter if you're dating or if you're just close pals, he's going to make sure that you know that you're incredibly attractive~ Don't be fooled though, he's doing this to hide how flustered he is. If you're too busy blushing, you won't notice his!
Mafiaswap Papyrus (Slim): Oh god oh fuck oh no oh damn. He's going to be ridiculously flustered by you. He's probably going to have to look away from you for a while, both so that you don't notice his super bright blush, and so that he doesn't get a bit too excited by you. Please at least put on pants if you don't want to kill the poor man.
Mafiafell Sans (Butch): I hope you're ready for him to get naked as well. If you're going to fluster him, he's going to fluster you back! He'll probably lay on the bed in the "draw me like one of your french girls" pose. He might even try to get frisky, if you two have that kind of relationship. Even if you don't, he's going to dial up the flirts to 11.
Mafiafell Papyrus (Noir): He's going to act cool, but stars, he has no idea what to do. Are you flirting? Are you getting comfortable? Is this a human thing?? What are these riddles??? You might have to explain that it's just how you sleep before he drives himself crazy with all these theories and questions.
Mafiaswapfell Sans (Scar): Scar isn't going to make a huge deal about it. Of course, he thinks you're ridiculously attractive, and loves the view, but he knows that this is probably how you sleep. For now, he's going to just enjoy sleeping next to you, and being able to feel how soft your skin is.
Mafiaswapfell Papyrus (Hound): Oh? Do you want to fuck? Okay, he's ready-oh, nope. You just sleep like this. He tries to hide his disappointment, but he's also just happy to cuddle! That's pretty damn good too! Maybe you'll want to go further next time!
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How would the Mafiatale Fell and Swap bros react to their S/O suddenly fixing their tie while they in the middle of a serious and important conversation?
I can write it, but the character limit is 4!! I will only be writing for the Mafiatale and Mafiafell bros
Mafiatale Sans:
Isn’t too bothered by it, but may be a little flustered by your action.
Mafiatale Papyrus:
Will thank you before continuing the conversation.
Mafiafell Sans:
Is a bit flustered by your action, but doesn’t really acknowledge it too much besides thanking you
Mafiafell Papyrus:
If he weren’t in such a serious conversation, he would have maybe smiled just slightly. He does gently pat your head and nod a bit in acknowledgement.
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bugsweirdworld · 4 years
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Mafiatale Sans (Bones) x reader
Word count: 0.9k
Tw: implication of abandonment and threats
You’ve been working at the little mom’n’pop flower shop for a while now, but when it falls on hard times, the owner makes a shady deal with the mafia... the monster mafia. You should hate the brothers who frequent it, but instead you find yourself doing the exact opposite. It’s a shame they suddenly disappeared and left a hole in your heart.
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Not every bouquet is created with a literal meaning in mind.
Most days, customers just pick flowers based off of beauty.
You’d never had much of a reason to raise your brow at a customer’s choice, other than a couple of oddly ugly flower arrangements requested along the way.
However, there were some people you could never dare to do much as drop a stem around.
People who could very easily end more than just your employment here. People who wouldn’t normally spend their time or money on a little mom’n’pop flower shop in the first place, but at fancy restaurants or casinos like the ones uptown.
Places you knew never to go.
After a while, it wasn’t hard to guess what was going on behind the scene. The shop had fallen on hard times in the past few months and seeing as it was all the owner had left of her husband and it was located in a very opportune spot, there was no doubt in your mind that the poor thing had made a deal with one of the local mobs.
However, you hadn’t expected it to be the monster’s…
The first time literal skeletons walked into the shop, you were terrified yet intrigued. You knew who they were instantly, but you hadn’t expected them to be so… dynamic.
At first they only came about once a month, but eventually the gap between their assigned “visiting days” became shorter and you weren’t sure if that was a good thing or not. Especially since the shorter of the two started deviating from his “mission,” to his younger, yet extremely tall brother’s half hearted annoyance.
As time went by, the eldest had begun showing up at the shop for random “checkups,” but he never seemed to do more than just watch and “help” you make flower arrangements. By help, he really meant making an excessive amount of plant puns to boost your moral or something like that.
Is it wrong to admit a mobster made you feel happiness?
Minutes turned to hours, to days, to months but not no matter how much you looked forward to seeing him, you knew you could never forget the sort of life he lived, whether you wanted to or not. Not only that, but you were scared the consequences of it would follow you too.
One day, however, neither brothers came to the shop.
Instead, a completely different, stern, no nonsense monster with cracks extending from opposite sides of his sockets, stalked through the door. As he entered, a chill filled the room and you could feel the hair on the back of your neck rising as he walked past, barely acknowledging you.
Part of you was glad he basically ignored you, but the other part was terrified at the implication that you didn’t matter in what ever was coming next and you had a strong feeling that the menacing monster entering the back would have no objections to killing you.
You never saw him leave, or felt the disturbing chill he put out when he was upset, but it was time to close the shop and you didn’t know what to do. Looking into the back to see if they were done yet, you found your boss, alone and crying. She wouldn’t tell you what was wrong or what the strange monster had done but you were desperate to know.
She never told you.
After that day, you didn’t see the skeleton brothers again and you had no idea know why.
Is it wrong to pray that a mobster didn’t die?
A couple of months later and you were helping to pack up the little mom’n’pop shop you had worked at for such an important part of your life. You constantly wondered if its closure had anything to do with that creepy old monster who had visited, but the only answers you had gotten so far felt fake and rehearsed.
Looking back at all the plants and equipment yet to be packed away, you stopped, took a deep breath and turned.
You still had to time to make one last bouquet.
Foxglove - For expressing uncertainty about how you feel and fear of the insincerity that was woven between every aspect of his life
Pink Camellias - To show your longing for him
Blue roses - Symbolic of dreaming for something unattainable, unrealistic or impossible;
You love him, but you don’t life his life.
Therefore, he can’t be in yours.
Fixing up any loose ends you tied a ribbon around the paper holding the flowers, a note attached to the side;
“Dear valued customer, we regret to inform you that our shop is closing. We’re sad to see things change, but some things never will. Such as, the lazy smile I imagine when I pass certain plants or how I’m still waiting for you to say “flow-er you doing today?” just one last time. Hope all is well with you and your brother, maybe we’ll meet again someday, even though we’re both a-“pot” of different worlds, huh… Sans?” ~Y/N
Not every bouquet is created with a literal meaning…
But this one was.
Whether you wanted its recipient to realise that or not tore you apart and you couldn’t help but wonder if it would be easier to just forget.
Although, the strange tugging in your soul told you that you never could.
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supershiny-raven · 4 years
Hey guys! Send in some asks for your favourite skeletons! I can do small doodles, matchups or just simole imagines!! So dont be shy!!
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chrism02 · 1 year
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