#made the picture myself lollll
bonnvivre · 1 month
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non-un-topo · 8 months
Going to attempt to find a suit jacket in one day (teenage boy size because I am wee)
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readreactrant · 1 month
'Tale of Winter and Spring' another goyuu arranged marriage fic that might just become a fave despite some reservations of mine!!! Let me explain!!! (Rec Review and thoughts)
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This review was so sweetly requested by the actual author and lovely mutual of mine @star2112 (really love their name for some reason). So with that context and their permission I'll be going a bit more in depth, and letting them know where I feel they could improve upon. I do keep in mind that many ao3 authors aren't from the pro writing background so I'll be super gentle.
But before we get to that I will give you a quick summary and listing out the fic's strong points (and there are a lot (✿ ♡‿♡)
CW for review and the story itself: there will be spoilers in this rev so if you want to read it before hearing my thoughts go ahead and follow the link in the title. The story involves mpreg, omegaverse and dub con.)
Tale of Winter and Spring is set in historical Japan as all good fics should be, where Yuuji is given away to Gojo by his older brother Sukuna. Thing is Yuuji is in love with next heir of the Zenin clan, Megumi and he's very, very, very unhappy with what's happening. Nevertheless he goes through it all with some very un-Yuuji like gloom )don't worry, we'll get to that). Its an ongoing fic so we don't know the end or which direction the plot itself is taking but for now there's a whole lot of intrigue and hints of Geto coming into the picture to ruin (or maybe not ruin) everything happening.
There's a handful of things that made this story a bit challenging to read but one of the many things I have to give props to is the development of the FushIta relationship side of Yuuji's story. I don't hate FushIta but it's one of many jjk ships that makes me grit my my teeth when it's not a side story in a goyuu ntr fic. So reading the development of their bond here… actually made me kick my feet a bit, is the author a FushIta shipper in disguise??? We'll never know ig ¯_(ツ)_/¯
There's the flashback scene where they're talking about books they read and after some banter Yuuji's like,
"hey megumi… in the future, let's go North, and see if those demons are real or not."
And I felt that, especially since Yuuji does end up going North (Gojo's Clan location if I remember correctly) but Megumi isn't there with him and it's much colder and lonely for him since he can't relate to Satoru at all.
Genuinely almost sobbed ಥ‿ಥ
Another thing I did enjoy was Sukuna's backstory and part of me really wanted more of it and him. It's said he got his hands dirty but I'd love to know what exactly this entails as it would really add more depth to the evilness of his character which is mostly told but not shown. It's easy to so say oh this character does evil things and imply that constantly but harder to display those evil things and show them doing the tragedies that solidify them in the reader's mind like 'yeah, this dude is the worst'. Example, Sukuna throughout the entirety of jjk lollll.
And there was an opportunity for the story to show one of such things which I'll get to in the critique part of this review.
I also really love the characterization which is very important you're making and alternate world. You don't always have to put characters in roles they'll fit but one thing I do like is when a they reflect that role with their canon personalities. And I know someone's already going "well fanon doesn't care about canon" which is fine and true but realistically many fanfic readers, myself included aren't into ooc content. What counts as ooc does vary from person to person tho, especially bc different people interpret characters differently.
Despite the various interpretations there is a common way a character is viewed and enjoyed, which is why, despite how much I enjoyed reading, there was something about Yuuji that constantly…called out to me.
I'm getting into the critique section now to talk about that. Where the writing shines in dialogue and interesting world building, it's kind of falls back in consistency.
Somewhere at the start, in the wedding scene, Utahime says they all have high expectations of Yuuji putting Gojo in his place with kind of indicates a firey kind of attitude but up until this point Yuuji has being quiet and avoidant and kind of continues to be until some of the later chapters. So it's weird she puts this responsibility on him when his character hasn't shown any signs of it. It's not one of more glaring instances but it's one that precedes a few others.
There's another part where Yuuji apologizes for speaking angrily, but Gojo says he doesn't have to because he knows he's the problem. Yuuji's internal thoughts proceed to view that as his apology being discarded which don't exactly make sense to me and ends up feeling like he's looking for reasons to be nitpicky at this point.
Character building isn't a huge problem but it's always the little things that manage add to the overall picture. There's a scene where Sukuna wants to take Yuuji to the Zenin clan and Wasuke doesn't want him to bc everyone thinks Sukuna wants to sell him off. Thing is Sukuna says he's not depraved enough to use an omega child like that but in my opinion it would have done his story and Yuuji's a greater service for him openly consider it and hold that over Yuuji's head for good behavior. He's evil, even if he'd actually never do it, evil people say evil shit.
With all this talk about characters it's time I finally expand on what really got to me and that would be Yuuji. My baby boy is literally all over the place. Yuuji canonically is a very social characters, eager to please and more ready than usual to give other's the benefit of a doubt. Here he's very quick to judge and overly guarded to me.
Now, I'm not saying has to overly friendly either but there's a balance that could struck with him not insulting or assuming things of Gojo constantly, and yeah the white haired bastard doesn't make it especially easy but one of Yuuji's admirable traits is his fortitude and patience with those around him.
Nevertheless, a part of me does think this was a stylistic choice to convey the disparity of Yuuji's behavior with his two love interests; Yuuji is only truly his best self with Megumi and the worst with Gojo. And understanding this, I was able to look past his behavior with the hope and interest of seeing both him and Gojo warm up to each other.
Also, did I mention it's still a mystery why Gojo asked for Yuuji's hand in marriage. Either that or it was mentioned that it's bc of his scent and I forgot (I've been through a lot this week forgive me (〒﹏〒)
My final critique is the writing structure and grammar. Grammar and writing are like 80% of a fic for me. If I don't vibe, no matter how interesting the concept I just might not read.
Thing is, I do vibe with Star2112's writing a lot, it simple yet beautiful in the way in which it conveys the emotions and moods of the story and characters. I enjoyed reading the scene where Yuuji freaks out cuz Gojo didn't spend the wedding night with him and now it may harm his reputation and Sukuna's. I enjoyed every FushIta interaction and I most definitely enjoyed when towards the ending of chapter 8, Yuuji allows Gojo to touch his belly and feel the baby while the Alpha spoke it (also Gojo wants to be a girl dad and that made me throw my phone across the room screaming cuz cuuuute (●♡∀♡)!!!!)
What I didn't enjoy was the structure of the sentences.
"Sentences work like this," Ren says. ✅
" Not like this, " They add. ❌
Figuring out how dialogue and quotations work are a big step for every author's writing journey, it's common not to know if you end with commas of full stops but for the most part, that doesn't really matter. Leave no spaces between the quoted sentence and the quotations marks and always start a new statement with a capital, doesn't matter if it was a continuation of what they were saying in a previous sentence.
Grammar-wise, there were a lot of frequent errors but none to glaring and they could all be fixed with a more thorough read through. It can be pretty hard without a beta reader bestie but I believe you, there's so much talent for you not to give the best reading experience you're able to.
Overall, this is definitely a fic I would recommend to avid arranged marriage goyuu fans that love the DRAMA (and if you're like me who likes to read Megumi getting cucked, tho it's not exactly cheating here we'll manage ( ꈍᴗꈍ)💕
At the end of the day, a lot of this advice is partly objective, all authors are free to take what they feel they want to work on and leave the rest. Or leave it all because what matters about writing and fanfiction is that you enjoy what you do. Other's enjoying it is just a bonus/by product.
And to Star2112, you're doing so good, keep it up, I'm subbed and ready to see more, especially if I'll get to read goyuu raising their kid or kids, I'm a sucker for 'oop it's twins'. I'd also encourage you to read more books outside fanfic if you don't if you're still interested in dialogue and sentence structure. You have a strong voice and I think working on your weak points will really amplify that. I'm honored you came to me and hope I was able to help.
If anyone else wants to request, recommendations and reviews are kinda two different things. If you Recommend me a fic and I may or may not talk about it, depends. If you request I Review (for analysis and advice) a fic it has to be yours and you'll have to prove it to me. Depending on what you want I'll either write a post or just let you know my thoughts privately. DMs open so don't be shy.
Thanks for sticking to the end, go check out Star's work to get in on that action and happy Easter my precious freaks!!!
Ps: will edit this later, my brain is literally on fire, bye lovelies (◍•ᴗ•◍)❤
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ectogeo-rebubbles · 9 days
for the 'bored fanfic writer' ask game
25, 27, 29
Thanks for sending these questions! :) (Link to the ask game)
29) Share a bit from a fic you’ll never post OR from a scene that was cut from an already posted fic.
Found this paragraph floating in isolation at the bottom of the doc for a random Sloanshir idea that never really got going. But this random paragraph definitely slaps:
He rolled over and stared at the armchair by the porthole. Empty, but for the pall cast on it by a memory. It was funny how many years of pleasant memories—how many books from Garak he’d read while curled up there, how many lovers in his lap—had been overshadowed by a single interaction. But getting rid of the chair, or even moving it elsewhere, would have meant giving Sloan the power to destroy any part of his life simply by touching it.
25) Have you ever upset yourself with your own writing?
Haha yeah... T_T Usually I'm fine if I know the fic is gonna work out okay (or if I can at least picture a happier potential post-fic future), but if I know that the ending of the fic or projected future is also a big bummer then I run a very high risk of upsetting myself so much that I don't finish the fic lollll.
So, I don't actually upset myself at all while writing horrible creepy sloanshir hurt/no comfort or whatever, because even if the comfort's not in the scope of the fic, I so strongly believe in Garashir ending up together in any given scenario that I just extrapolate in my mind that it'll be fine eventually. XD
The only real problem comes in when I attempt to write Garashir bad endings (for the ship or for either person involved). Like... I REALLY wanted to finish writing my wip about the events of "The Quickening" making Julian slowly go full mad scientist once he's back on the station, but writing it made me too sad because it was important to the concept that it needed to have a devastatingly tragic ending. T_T
27) Is there a fic you were nervous to post/share? Why?
Literally every single fic I've ever written. XD But that's not a helpful answer lol.
I always feel extra nervous posting rarepair fics. With Garashir, there are TONS of canon interactions to model their behavior after, and I've also read soooo much fic about them, which means I have a very good understanding of their dynamic at various points in the timeline of canon, and I know what characterization choices work for me and what doesn't. With Siskarak, there are not that many eps that show the two of them interacting so there's more extrapolation involved in figuring out their dynamic and how to translate that into a sexual relationship, and in terms of fic I have written a solid chunk of what's even out there so I usually put tons of pressure on myself to make sure it's good. And not only good, but like, meshes well with canon and actually follows from what we know about the characters, because I want people to understand how I got from point A to point B.
In addition to that, the longer the fic (or the longer I've spent on the fic), the more nervous I feel when I post. More words, more potential to write something unclear or OOC. XD More time spent, more critical I am of it by the time I post it, because I feel like it should be better than it is given the amount of effort spent. In all honesty drabbles (100 word fics) or other very short ficlets (anything <1000 words) don't make me all that nervous to post anymore, purely due to the time spent writing being so low, which is why I've been posting so many short fics lately lmaooo. If I can bang something out all at once and post without thinking, that's ideal, because then I agonize over it waaaay less beforehand and I don't feel bad if it doesn't get many readers. XD
Posting explicit fics also always makes me a lil nervous, due to the potential embarrassment of what if I've gotten something so wrong that it takes the reader out of the steaminess of the moment.
All that said, my "Second Skin" Siskarak fic, you're a criminal as long as you're mine, recently made me very nervous to post, because it's rarepair smut and it's the second longest thing I've written all year, haha. (Everyone PLEASE go tell me I did a good job, I worked so hard on it.)
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saffronapplemanga · 1 year
Blue Period - ブルーピリオド
Blue Period by Yamaguchi Tsubasa
(13 volumes, ongoing)
Available in English
Anime - yes, but… listen I’ve never said “don’t watch the anime” because everyone can enjoy stuff however they want but... don’t watch the anime… I’ve never been so offended by an adaption ;_;
Links to my other manga posts here
I’m not trying to be dramatic or anything, but I feel like the author probed into my head while I was asleep and then wrote this manga specifically at me. Rude.
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Truly, I cannot convey how much this series made me cry. Like, it felt like I was crying every other chapter. I signed up for a fun art kids manga (and it is) but I’ve been left in tears, staring at the wall. I’ve been reading this manga for so long literally years, yet I’m still not completely caught up, I’m on volume nine or ten I forget. The reason it’s been taking me so long is because I want to savor it but also I have to keep taking emotional breaks because it’s coming for my life. The amount of times I’ve had to literally put it down and pace around the house...
It’s become one of my top favorite series of all time.
Tbh, if it wasn’t for the exhibition that was held this summer (2022) in Shinagawa, Tokyo, then I’d still be further behind, but I kicked my butt into gear so I could catch up and enjoy the references at the exhibit. It was amazing.
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Thread of the pictures I took at the exhibit!
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My son getting some spotlight at Shibuya scramble!!!
The reason I say I feel like Yamaguchi Tsubasa wrote this specifically for me is because I too, just like my son Yatora, allowed myself to get serious about art (or just serious and passionate about something) in my last years of high school. I felt like I was late to the game, like doing art was selfish, the fear, the anxiety, all of it. It’s like looking into a mirror.
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Feeling attacked…
However, I think this manga is relatable to anyone, not just art kids!
The more I spent time with Yatora and the gang, the more I fell in love with them. Everyone is full of personality and life. They feel like real people, and I always want to see more of all the characters. I love the conflict, the friendships, the complicated relationships. There’s so much heart packed in here.
Yamaguchi-sensei’s art has a unique energy to it that I really enjoy. She’s able to convey so much emotion with her line work, expressions, composition, and so on. So many times, I’ve turned the page just to stare in awe, or bust out crying lollll. Another cool thing is that there are works of various real life artists for the characters’ art works and they’re credited in the manga. The amount of pages I want to make copies of and hang on my wall for motivation is... concerning...
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All hail Queen Oba!!!
Btw, I’ve collected some merch for this series I’d like to show off but I’m between places right now with my stuff in boxes, so maybe another time :)
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snickerdoodlles · 1 year
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I have finally learned the real reason why I haven't change my username yet...how else would I know my tumblr year in review.....
Anyways, only posting the relevant things;
Blogs I reblogged the most:
^ this makes me laugh, because Emily should actually be the top 4 spots here 🤣 most of my reblogs are from her, except she sends them to me directly. some friends curate tumblr via your dash, other curate them via DMs
I tagged 7,946 of my posts in 2022
#q* - 5,920 posts ← doesn't count, i do almost everything via queue 🙄
#bad buddy - 634 posts ← LISTEN IKIVE SLOWED DOWN BUT ITS STILL GOING STRONG IN MY HEART 😭😭😭😭😭😭 cannot WAIT for my break, im going to bury myself in blankets for 24hrs and watch only THEM there will be SO many tears
#kinnporsche - 561 posts ← hahahahahahahaha hello new obsession, im not letting you go any time soon ❤
#hey yuu - 471 posts ← HEY YUU ❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤
#the untamed - 242 posts ← lol
#mdzs - 239 posts ← LOLLLL
#writing woes - 187 posts ← ........hahahahahahahaha
#jeff satur - 160 posts ← i feel exposed
#not me - 130 posts ← i found a bunch of unposted meta for them in my drafts, now im wondering if i should've posted those after all...
#kinnporsche cast - 100 posts ← THEY'RE GOOFS I CAN'T HELP IT
Longest Tag: 124 characters
#👀👀👀👀👀👀👀👀👀👀👀👀👀👀👀👀👀👀👀👀👀👀👀👀👀👀👀👀👀👀👀👀👀👀👀👀👀👀👀👀👀👀👀👀👀👀👀👀👀👀👀👀👀👀👀👀👀👀👀👀👀👀 ← i have no idea what this post is for because tumblr says it doesn't exist but i am 90% sure it's a fucking jeff satur post..... he is my favorite menace ❤
My Top Posts in 2022:
Chay’s living the Wattpad dream life, Pete’s living the manic AO3 dream
210 notes - Posted October 31, 2022
actually one of my favorite little details in ep12 was pat and pran taking graduation pics with uncle tong and junior. not only because their relationship with those two is absolutely delightful and im so glad they kept their connection to these two strangers from the beach that signified two huge shifts in their relationship, but specifically because we don’t see any graduation pictures with the parents
their parents are still fighting. ming hasn’t apologized, dissaya’s still upset. pat and pran cannot be open about their relationship with them. but this doesn’t change pat and pran--they’re going to keep on loving each other and living together. it’s their parents who will miss out on the milestones. so long as they hold onto their grudge, they will only get the filtered parts of their sons’ lives. until they learn to forgive and move forward, they will lose chances to make memories. but pat and pran? they’re still going to be living their lives to the fullest with their own found family until then
324 notes - Posted January 21, 2022
351 notes - Posted February 1, 2022
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- this is an (un)official D.A.R.E. PSA
*Edit: made for from concrete fic
399 notes - Posted November 27, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
it took a kidnapping, an explosion, a confrontation with his brother, his life getting entirely uprooted, AND a bad breakup with his boyfriend to make Chay cry. the second time he cried still took another home ping pong match, another attempted kidnapping, his brother nearly dying, his mother returned from the dead, AND the emotional equivalent of a cannonball in the form of his ex-he’s-maybe-definitely-not-over soulfully wailing why don’t you STAYYYYYY
Kim broke up with the boy he likes then cried over their date polaroids
they are not the same
1,331 notes - Posted August 28, 2022
👆 i should not find these top 5 posts as funny as i do but i really do
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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nani-nonny · 7 months
Okay so i open AO3 and get slapped by the wholesome title that makes me smile immediately ✨🩷 i know for sure it's gonna be a great chapter because one, it's made by you. Two, it involve family wholesome moments + shenanigans.
I I honestly forgot about writing the review because i was actually too deep in the fic! Sorry 😝
I saw a part before the spoiler clip and am surprise to see Casey was with purple! Biggest betrayal since he's daddy's golden boy! And Leo fakin' his sleep was such a dad move because my dad used to do it whenever i snuck to take some bag of chips xD
I literally went 'Awww🥺' when Leo gave permission for purple to hold it and even told him how to take out of his arm. Dad + points💙
Leo pretending to think about purple's request got me like 'Oh you son of-' while smiling and giggling, JUST SAY YES! And purple begging saying 'please' while hugging it got me even more! If i was there i'd cover leo's mouth and say " he say yes, now go before he change his mind ".
In the next part i realized Casey was sleeping not helping Purple! Also can he do all of it in 3 hours?? I laughed and 'Aww'ed at how Donnie's begging leo to just give him the arm and save what left of his reputation ( that IF there's any left lol) ngl, i knew the ghosts had to interfere xD
Also when Leo was out of the bed i thought he crawled on four like this
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" could be a thief trying to steal great ideas from a thrilling TV show " this got me LAUGHING XDD
Now the fact that 4 ghosts have to stay with leo and watch his favorite TV show for probably hours?! That's a real torture xD But it got better when Donnie admit ghosts are real!! Now what's left is leo... And probably blue.
" Playing on the wall is a series of dramatic background music and horrific editing that rival a PowerPoint presentation " Nani you really did PowerPoint dirty, do i sense a personal hate there?👀
Also papa Leo forgetting some Spanish made me think he and blue could have some bonding time learning it together.💙🩵
Little blue getting more tense and panicked by the lost arm - i also forgot he lost it too - got me worried about him, i wanna help him feel better, i wanna hug him 🥺
Blue asking about how it feels to have a new arm making feel worried for him, it's a right choice from leo to be honest with him about how it feels so blue can prepare himself for the future tho, and i even loved how he said 'you don't have to get an arm' because unlike leo, blue and the rest of the colors have time!
My smile turn back again as blue talk about how robotic arms are way cooler! Tho i wonder what can serve as new arm instead of robotic? Also leo is truly taking the 'am old so you have to dpeak up' excuse waaay better then i thought xD sneaky old man.
Seeing the second spoiler clip got me laughing knowing that the ghosts have to watch it ALL with leo and blue and they can't escape. God i gotta make a meme about this somehow.
I laughed at both Donnie and April's comments about papa leo xD but it's true tho!
When the noises came i was excited like " ohohoh~ what's happening now?!? " until it turned out to be poor mikey trying to do anything with his hands, but when April said " amputation " i was like " woah woah woah! What?!? "👀
When leo saw how small orange's hands are and called them baby hands my heart melted from cuteness.
I got more level of happiness when orange's hand got better then before, i know it hasn't been fully healed but still its better!✨🧡 "I’ll figure out a way to expel my ninpo into a form that will project into the physical world " this got my mouth gapping 🤩🤩🤩 COULD IT BE?!
My head imagined purple with red eyes as he need sleep morning then anything.
The kids's shenanigans are back again and am over here LAUGHING
The picture lollll that’s definitely how Leo was sneaking through the lair toward the kitchen where orange was hahah!
The PowerPoint jab was more at myself when I was introduced to slide transitions and all the animations it can do for you presentation hahaha it’s like the excitement of finding something new and trying everything available
Robot arms are definitely cooler but that’s not the entire reason Blue wants one. (Totally doesn’t want one just because Leo has one and wants to be like Leo)
And lol Donnie took the “take his hands” too literally
Mystic warrior Mikey talking about projecting his ninpo to the physical world definitely doesn’t mean anything /sarcasm
Peepaw *clap* bonding *clap* time *clap*
(And guests)
Your reviews/comments for this book are one of the reasons that keep me going! <333
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in my demidecade away i learned a lot about humans and it’s that they’re all STUPID AND I LIKE TWITTER.
my fucking GOD.
Boy #1, the one I was writing about 5 years ago, LOL HE STILL HATES ME. AND IM PRETTY SURE HE GAY OOPS LOL. I MISS HIM SO MUCH AND HES STILL ALL I EVER THINK ABOUT. I would do anything just for him to even look at me again. I miss my best friend.
Boy #2 was boy #1 ex which I did not know when I was dating them but when I found out lowkey it felt like I was still trying to find any way to be closer and relate more to boy #1 even though he hates me :p anywho boy #2 cheated on me and then tried dating ppl who looked like me only to turn around and come crawling back 3 times and then ultimately threatening to kill themself. (I rly wanted them to go thru w it LOLLLL) they still look at my socials sometimes so unfortunately they are not dead (if they ever read this just know I only dated you to get at your friend (☝︎ ՞ਊ ՞)☝︎ and it worked LOLLLLLLL!)
Boy #3 was a rebound who ended up assaulting me kekeke. Aside from that I really felt like I could fix him. He had so much potential but ruined it. Tbh it was my fault
Boy #4 oh my G O D DO NOT EVEN GET ME STARTED. JESUS CHRIAF WOWKEAKAKAKAAHAHAHAHAAAAAAAA THEY DEEPLY TRAUMATIZED MEEEEEEE HEHEHE I DESERVED IT THOUGH. I fell for boy #4 because they literally looked like a taller version of boy #2 so not only was I attracted to them, it was a marvelous way at revenge against boy #2. They were a real poopyhead, and now they get to watch me be w their replacement (๑>◡<๑)kekekeke anyway lol they assaulted me too and psychologically tortured me for about a year. Constantly demanding sexual pictures and every droplet of my attention otherwise they would threaten to kill themself ._. shEESH DRAMATIC MUCH? It’s different from me though bc I don’t pull the suicide card I just cut myself and make sure they never find out LOL ANYWAY SO YEAH THEY WERE SERIOUSLY FUCKED they literally would refuse to go home and follow me home just like boy #3 oh my god I forgot to mention BOY #3 USED TO STALK ME AFTER THE BREAKUP I SHIT YOU NOT. ANYWAY I finally escaped them after they cheated on me w their ex and their life went downhill shortly afterwards hehe
And then there was boy #5. I loved him just as deeply as boy #1, I feel like that’s why his departure hurt me so much. I loved him so deeply and he was the first to not assault me (wow! bitch you rly live like this!) but yeah. Oh my god girl tell me why he was a drug dealer and everyone knew BUT ME??? I WAS SO NAIVE???? DUDE WAS THE TOP 10% of our class so he was hella smart so the fact that the smartest person in our school wanted me was a huge flex but scary lol bc he saw my potential. Also I’ve been pooping this whole time while writing this hehe ew anyways so yeah boy #5 had a double life and aaa pretending to be a goodie goodie the first time we dated but then broke up for a while because he started spiraling and then after the breakup i spiraled too but then like a few months later we tried again and he opened up a little so I truly had faith our relationship would have worked. And honestly I still do believe that. He’s my best friend now and we still talk every day but like if he was able to show that consistency back then I would have given him a third chance. It just hurt so much not to. We broke up again because he said he didn’t know if I made him happy so I ended it. Nuff said right? But we were still friends after that. Around the time of prom I was meeting someone new, boy #6, but boy #5 knew and didn’t care. He still wanted me. He asked me to prom as friends but tried to take me as a date. He even got me flowers and everything. But I knew he was trying to trap me back with him but he was moving halfway across the state to go to college so it never would’ve worked. Dude literally bawled into my chest and clung onto me while I stroked his hair and explained why we couldn’t date again. I loved him but he could never love me in the way I need to be loved. I think I like him better as a friend but sometimes I miss it. I miss the forehead kisses and cuddling and holding his half and feeling so safe and protected. He was my big teddy bear. And it sucks it had to end but I deserved better.
Lol and now we’re onto boy #6, my current partner who’s got me
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Anyway yeah that’s what I’ve learned while I was gone :P
0 notes
lululawrence · 4 years
Can you recomend any kidfic’s? Particularly where one of them already has a child! Thank you!
hello my dear nonnie! you know what’s funny about kid fic like this? i don’t usually seek them out, but i’m not against them either, and i’m so glad because i’ve read some really amazing ones. since you didn’t specify pairing, i hope you don’t mind but i’m including other pairings here too (mostly because some of my very favorite kid fics ever were actually tomlinshaw hehe).
so here we go! these are some fics i’ve loved where one of the protagonists has a kid :D hopefully there’s some on here you’ve not read before and you find some new fics to love! 
as always, please show your thanks to the authors with kudos and nice comments!
come on over, we've got something to share by @jaerie - A/B/O fic featuring omega harry and alpha louis. they’re neighbors and both have kids, and it’s so hot but it’s also got such a lovely deeper layer to it as well. i love this fic very much a lot!
Down From the North by @chelsea-frew - this is SUCH a lovely christmas fic! harry and louis have been dating for long enough that louis is ready to introduce harry to his daughter, but when they’re introduced it turns out his daughter has already met harry. it’s just SOOOO cute the way it all unrolls. hehe
try to not remember (rather than forget) by @hereforlou - ANGST TRAIN! established relationship fic where harry has been in a coma for YEARS. ACTUAL. YEARS. so when he wakes up there’s a lot of catching up to do.............. including meeting their child. TEARS MY FRIENDS. this fic was incredible. so anyway. get ready for pain, but you’ll like it ;)
He Was a Different League (When I Was Nothing Much) by @afangirlfantasy - i just really love crying over kid fics, okay? lollllll this one is one of those where they knew each other when they were younger, lost touch, and then reconnect when they’re older, right? but add in marcel and single father louis and oh gosh. so many tears. like when i reread my comment i kinda laughed, because apparently i ran out of tissues and made my poor husband get me a new box so i could keep reading and crying lollllll so anyway. a great fic, highly recommend, once again get ready for pain. lol
Eye of the Zebra by @sadaveniren - lmaoooo listen, this fic was written for @wordplayfics and the prompt was zebra, and then sada went and found a hilarious tumblr post to base the fic off of and i about died. this fic is actually from the pov of the child, and it’s GREAT. 100% recommend. lol
Liminal by @thousandbelow - okay listen. if you have never read anything by kodi, you’re missing out. she has such a way of creating a very specific feel and atmosphere to her fics. truly, it’s a gift, and this fic throws you entirely into louis’ world. it’s incredible and the story is amazing and hard to read in some ways and it’s just. wonderful.
Face Your Fears by @sadaveniren - SINGLE FATHER AND SECRET OMEGA HARRY!!! during his very first heat he was mated by an alpha who wasn’t there when he came to and he had twins. THE WORLD BUILDING! THE LIFE HE BUILT FOR HIMSELF! THE WAY HE MEETS LOUIS AND THINGS COME TOGETHER!!!!!! gahhhhhhhh and listen, these kids are SO REAL. i love it.
happiness hits like a train on a track by leighbot - tomlinshaw fic! tbh i went to scan the fic to be sure i was thinking of the right fic and then accidentally spent 20 minutes reading and had to cut myself off so i could finish this lmaooooo SO ANYWAY single father louis moves in next door to liam and harry, who do as many happy couples do and try setting louis up on dates so he can find his happily ever after like they have lmaooooo it clearyl doesn’t work, but then one night his daughter gets sick and duh duh duhhh! doctor nick to the rescue! the humor, the banter, the rhythm of this fic is all incredible and obvs sucks you in lol i love it 
Come and Get Your Love by @rsadelle​ - another tomlinshaw! this is a five times fic and both nick and louis are fathers and it’s so wonderful. the fic revolves around them taking their kids to each other’s houses for play dates and such, but there’s also little interludes and there’s history you want to learn and you slowly put things together and i just... oh gosh i loved the feel of this fic so much. every single character in this made me wanna be part of their friend group lol
i've a feeling it's time to try (love it if we made it) by serenityandtea - I LOOOOOVE THIS FIC SO VERY MUCH SO SO SO MUCH SO VERY INCREDIBLY MUUUUUCH. i just... deep breaths. yeah. okay. tomlinshaw! yoga instructor and single parent louis! nick basically stumbles into a class of louis’ and of course has to go back. lol it’s famous/non-famous, there’s so much DEPTH to SO MANY PEOPLE IN THIS. i just. fuck. i love it in a lot of different ways and it is truly one of my very favorite kid fics EVER.
Things There Might Be Pictures Of series by @andyouknowitis - established relationship, featuring george shelley as harry and louis’ kid! listen, lj has the most amazing writing, they build these incredible worlds for us and the detail, the intricacies involved in this series! it’s just mindblowing. gorgeous. wonderful. there’s such truth in the snippets we are able to have here, and i love them.
This is Halloween, everybody make a scene by @allwaswell16​ - i STILL giggle when i think of this fic and i read it almost three years ago now, okay? this one sticks with you. it is short and sweet and just a total nightmare for a parent, but also such fun lololol you just really have to read it if you haven’t cause it’s a gem
Home for Christmas by @haloeverlasting​ - HALLMARK CHRISTMAS AU KID FIC! truly it’s amazing. harry didn’t think he wanted kids but then he wakes up! and he’s got a husband and kids! hahaha oh gosh this fic has such feeling and i legit have built it up so much in my mind that i truly thought it had so many more hits than it does?? how?? does it not have more love? anyway. i love this fic very much, it is so soft and lovely and i adore.
Packed Lunches, Sticky Fingers and Accidental Levitation by @londonfoginacup - this fic made me cry... but not because it’s sad? lollll okay so it’s witch harry who has an entire house full of kids and all the chaos that brings. he does it all himself and is not doing a great job at staying on top of everything. he really needs help, and fae zayn finally makes a decision for him and sends louis. and listen. louis does so much for harry that i as a parent who have felt very much the same way that harry did, i cried. lollll but anyway, it is such a lovely and soft and beautiful fic AND THE SEQUEL!!!! IS SO GOOD!!!! so anyway. an absolute fav of mine, right here, and that’s saying something cause emmu is one of my fav writers.
Took Me by Surprise by @becomeawendybird - listen. famous/famous, secret relationship kid fic? you hear what i’m saying?? louis was making a name for himself in the world of MLS when he got injured so he’s now a big name commentator and he has this sassy daughter who is in love with singer harry styles, so naturally things happen, right? gosh I LOVE THIS FIC SO MUCH. i’m just sitting here remembering everything i love about it, and i can’t name it all, so please read it.
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bobcathoneybee · 3 years
i think i already knew. i just wonder when it started. a bunch of other questions came to mind after we hung up. but of course he’s not going to share details, and wasn’t sure if i wanted to know, but i had a feeling, esp after the NYE plans comment. i also noticed that he has this look on his face in one of the screen grabs. like one of those fleeting subconscious facial expressions that came to the surface for just a little bit. easier to read with screenshots. 
keep personal finances to self; anything with money to self really. that’s key. many ppl can come out of the woodwork if they know too much. 
pls be safe. you know how a lot of ppl are with... being/claiming they’re being “safe”
-is that my scarf (that i got you)? YES! i wore it on sunday, but you didn’t notice. how were the cookies? the strawberry one was really good, what was the other one, wasn’t sure what it was bc the flavor was a little light.
in no particular order, as i was about to get off the phone to finish dinner. and no wonder he didn’t immediately go to the microwave when the food was initially heated through.
-i wanted to talk to you about something. it’s not something we’ve really discussed after we broke up so i’m not sure how you would feel about it. im sort of seeing someone.i didnt know if you wanted to know or if you didnt want to know or how this would affect our friendship. what i wrote in the card is true. you’re my best friend and the best person in my life. what about gio?! i duno what to do with him, he even moved down to florida!
-we’ve always worked so well together. you get me. you’re the only one i still talk to as often as i do. *thinking (until she replaces me). that’s bc you’re the grumpier version of me! LOL i guess that is true
-i think i sort of knew tho, especially after you made the comment about not having to tell me anything when i asked (about the friend group it was), like whoa okay i’ll back off...was not expecting that reaction from you. yeah i realized that i probably should tell you
-i dont talk to any of them like that, we’re also not as close and i dont keep in contact with them, one bc shes married and that would be weird. I didnt speak to her much after we broke up. didn’t you wish each other happy birthdays and holidays stuff? they let you know they’re moving or their sister got married, the major life events? yeah
-after this past year, my intent was to eventually get back together. what i want to know if that’s even a possibility (or if that door is completed closed). i think there could be a possibility, but i dont want that to prevent you from seeing other ppl and figuring out what you want. 
-look, i’m probably going to be alone at 65 okay? don’t you think you’re just making it a self-fulfilling prophecy? yes, but still. 
-you dont even like people! i know! you dont know how exhilarating it is to just shut off your phone for the weekend and not talk to anyone. yeah, but now you’re going to make time for her. *pause, that’s true
-i didn’t want to feel guilty about not telling you and not being upfront about it. i respect you too much not to give you a heads up. i want us to meet ppl and figure out what we want or dont want. i dont know if this is going to go anywhere; it’s been slow-moving but i wanted to let you know. 
-i wasn’t sure if i wanted to tell you bc i didn’t want to see you cry. 
-you know you would say things like i’ll stop smoking WHEN i have kids (not if, when). i know i had to work through that myself too (about not having kids or getting married). i know but with all the weddings and kids the last few years... i think you needed to figure out what you wanted.
-it’s actually kinda hard dating (her) sometimes, it’s not the same. bc you can’t have chicken feet around her? LOL yes
-you just understand me so well. but i also dont want you to think i was using you to help me with measurement plans (for pitches) LOL. (this kid helps me with so much too.)
-you introduced me to new things all the time! you didn’t even like going to these places. i always grumble bc we have to leave the house but i still go when you suggest new places to check out (bc theyre usually always good!)
-i thought you were dating already. huh how do you mean? from the boat noodles comment. when i asked you about how you heard about it, you said some guy. LOL oh it’s bc i didnt know what it was and wanted to know if you knew/had it before. so did you go get it? no! it’s in astoria, why would i go to astoria?! was he asian? yes. it was one date. they’re so good! i shouldve had my mom make you some (when we were still dating) *side eye lollll sheeesh i tacked on that date with another appt i had in the city and it was on the way home! OH 
-in case you’re on a date and such, i wouldn’t want to be calling you all the time. lollll my dates are probably on weekends, when you dont talk to me... oh that’s true
-how did you guys meet? app? NO i would never put my pictures up there. okay i’m assuming neighbor friend during one of your brunch gatherings. (assuming she’s brunch girl as nickname or something brunch related). don’t you have friends (who can introduce you to ppl)? NO everyone has a SO and we don’t go out bc covid, we’re on apps! it’s just A LOT of talking. i’m literally trying to pick the best of the bunch at this point. ah i was afraid you’d say that (picking among the bunch)
-ALSO THIS HAS NOTHING TO DO WITH THE KNIVES! (superstition) OMG YES IT DOES. i purchased a knife set for jacob back then too bc his knives sucked and look what happened! LOL do you replace his actual name with jacob now? YES bc it’s funnier!
-you just need to lower your standards back down bc i’m the anomaly in your dataset! i’m wayyy up there at 1000, but the norm/avg is prob way down there so you’ll need to adjust. are you padding yourself up?! YES! but i’m awesome! it always happens that way. sheesh. 
-ugh now i feel tied to my job even more. after the last big purchase? yeah. are you having buyer’s remorse? YES!
-my head hurts so much. it’s not as bad as yesterday when i felt like i had to go to the hospital. i was thinking about calling an ambulance. omg did you do the head squeeze?! that didn’t work at all! it felt like a large knife repeatedly stabbing my head. you know that area i press on behind your neck at the base of your head/skull, that area between your neck tendons and the one going up the sides, press on both points and push upward. i think you need to lift your head a bit from your neck *POP POP do you hear that?! IS THAT A KNOT?! ugh the massage place around the corner hasn’t opened. i think they’re done. it’s the only one i trust bc my mom went there so  i know for sure they dont offer happy endings. LOL i dont think they do that where you are
-you should go see cindy. your health should be the one thing you prioritize this year. does she make house calls? yes she does. sometimes goes to brooklyn and used to go to UWS for friends. i wasn’t sure if you wanted me to stop seeing her (bc she’s your friend and our PT). i would never make you do that. shes the only one who seems to help you. besides, her office is closing, the guy is being sued for not paying rent... oh what?! yeah but try to see her twice a week, i’m not sure max once a week (once a month) is really doing anything for you.
-do you think i can just get surgery to fix this? LOL no! she said you weren’t a good candidate! see her more often. but she says what i’m doing now is more preventative (so it doesn’t get worse). it might be fixed. my mom’s PT/tui na people made that ball (from using mobile phones) behind her neck go away. try to see her twice a week! your health is very important.
-should i take another advil or aleve? what did you take first? advil, then take another advil. i mean i took it at 10am this morning. oh! okay then you can switch to aleve. hmm 2016 or 2018? can i still take it? probably, it’s less effective tho. okay i’ll take 2018. 
-ive been taking heart burn meds. what are you lying down immediately after you eat again? ...noooo....? uh huh. you are, aren’t you”? either on the chaise or the bed? ..no..... if you’re gonna do that at least wait 30 mins and lay on your left side bc you know the of the stomach right? there’s that cup to the left for the acid to stay in so it doesn’t potentially open up the end of the esophagus iike when you lay on your right? ... maybe you should look this up on google! LOL other ppl don’t eat as much as i do! it won’t work! just try! ok fine.  
-it’s been awhile (since we broke up) and so i think it’s time. im here if there’s anything you’d want to share (about anyone you’re dating), we can always talk about it. *thinking sheesh why would i want to tell you that (it’ll make you even better for her). 
-i meant it when i said i’ll always be here for you
-i miss you a lot. i love you. *even tho i didnt say it back during FT, was still in some level of shock, i love you too. 
0 notes
shywitchiness · 6 years
50 questions with Fall
1:what do you think is the worst creation ever made?
Fall: me 
Me: T^T 
Fall: jk im the best I mean have u seen me?? im  H O T....but to answer the question I’ll say adult diapers lol its weird, but also Persephone
Me: she will fully fight u lmao 
Fall: im ready I have the power of Aphrodite and anime on my side 
2: whats your favorite genre of music?
Fall: lets say rock?? or the type of music Panic! At the Disco does
3:if you could be any other entity, what would you be?
Fall: Idk? Lewi can freakin change into any reptile/amphibian he wants to?? that would be cool...ill take whatever he's having 
4: how many times do you think you have seen a beluga whale (in pictures or otherwise)?
Fall: lol they look lie dumb dolphins, but bc they look dumb they are cute
5:what is your favorite time of day?
Fall: late at night
6: when do you think is the best time to take a nap?
Fall: NEVER bc everyone messes with me when I sleep *glares at hen*
Fall: I guess its Ana too lol
7: how flexible are you on a scale from 1-10?
Fall: 1000 do u wanna see me do the splits
8: how many fingers do you have?
Fall: the full 10
9:how many fingers do you want?
Fall: 20 double the amount double the stuff I can do 
10: would you rather get rid of your left arm(/left fin/other left extremity) or like half of all your body hair?
Fall: body hair
11:would you rather have a hamster or a guinea pig?
Fall: can I say both??? I like small things
12: would you rather eat a rose quartz point or eat a selenite tower?
Fall: Ele says rose quartz makes u all lovey but im already that *winks* so ill say a selenite tower 
13: would you rather have your whole body to be shaved like a barber pole or have to wear crocs on your hands and feet for the rest of your life (cant ever take em off…they grow with u)?
Fall: *dies of laughter* CROCS LOLLLL ill say shaved
14: how many times in a day do you wash your hands?
Fall: all the times
Me: ?????
15: do you prefer rings or necklaces
Fall: necklaces
16: how many times in ur life have u ever wanted to yodel?
Fall: what the fuck??? never???
17: do you prefer chocolate or fruity candy?
Fall: hmmm neither??? but ill say chocolate?? do I like chocolate??
18: whats your favorite animal?
Fall: ME....*whisper* in bed 
19: if you had to ride an animal for the rest of your life, what animal would it be?
Fall: I don't know im feeling an elephant or an eagle
20:are you an alto or soprano?
Fall: I guess an alto?
21: what is your opinion on shopping?
Fall: its nice when u are shopping for a gift
22: how would you feel if everything you ate for the rest of your life was the texture of sand?
Fall: I would feel terrible 
23: how would you feel if everything you drank for the rest of your life was the texture of oil paint?
Fall: I would puke
24: how many times in your life have you tap danced?
Fall: once....right now
25:do you prefer the moon or the sun?
Fall: the moon and the sun I guess
26: what is your opinion on water?
Fall: Lewi is always swimming in it
27: how disgusting is the pulp in fruit juice on a scale from 1-10? (dont try to lie and say its good….its bad)
Fall: I actually don't mind it at all?? so a 1
28: what is your favorite flavor of chewing gum?
Fall: cinnamon or mint
29: how well can you juggle?
Fall: im good at juggling 100%
30: what are the top 3 instruments you’d like to learn how to play?
Fall: drums? the bass? and?? I GOT IT!!! the harmonica
31: would you rather be the size of an ant for the rest of your life or the size of a giant every day for two random consecutive hours of the day?
Fall: a giant I don't need people stepping on me
32:what type of clothing would u get rid of if you could?
Fall: umm see-through shoes
33: what 4 similarities can you think of for an alligator vs a peacock?
Fall: vicious, diabolical, they lurk, and are definitely pervs
34: what color would you want your tongue to be if you could change it
Fall: blue or purple
35: whats your opinion on reading?
Fall: it kills brain cells specifically Hen’s *high fives Ele* 
36: do you prefer the word snuggle or cuddle and why?
Fall: cuddly bc bree is cuddly 
Me: y’all are gross
37: how many hairs do you think you have on your body?
Fall: many??
38: what is cooler? tarot or lenormand?
Fall: lenormand
Me: do u even no what that is?
Fall: no 
39: what is the coolest “mythical” creature?
Fall: griffins 
40: if you could change your height/size, what would you change it to?
Fall: I would keep myself just the way I am bc im perfect
Me: trashhhhh
41: what is your favorite cartoon?
Fall: lol Teen Titans....Go
Me: omg Fall stop being controversial 
42: what is a place you’d like to visit in the world?
Fall: lolll Brees house okay jk but umm Europe or Asia in general
43: what is your opinion on daylight savings time?
Fall: it doesn't really affect me I go to sleep at the same time regardless
44: would you rather have to climb a tree like a monkey or like a big cat?
Fall: lol a monkey
45: how do you feel about man buns?
Fall: ehhhhhhhh
46: if you had to eat one bug for the rest of your life, what would it be?
Fall: that bug from that one nature doc that lights up 
47: what genre of music is cursed (aside from country)?
Fall: that one where they are screaming and also cutesy songs
48: would you rather have to wear one glove for the rest of your life or one sock
Fall: sock 
49: what color would u want to paint your nails if you had to?
Fall: Burgundy or red bc like me its fiery 
50: how much do you love your companion?
Fall: she's alright I guess
Me: awwww I love u too
( questions by @lulloph )
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hangryandlazy · 4 years
la + hawaii apr 19
back again at our favorite place! :) 
although we didn’t manage to cross all of the to do’s off of our lists, this turned out to be one of the best trips we’ve ever had. when it’s just alan and me on a trip, we tend to take the easy route. :P we play it safe and after exploring the city we chill out at the hotel room and milk it for what it’s worth hahaha.
soooo...alan and i had a night alone in LA before ada arrived. our first dinner was at a restaurant called sage plant-based bistro. i can’t remember which location we visited, but the cauliflower wings were BOMB af. also delicious were the avocado jackfruit carnitas and the baked eggplant farmesan. (see video for foodie pics)
the next day, we met up right at this restaurant called met her at a bar. it wasn’t a vegan restaurant although they offered many healthy plant-based options. we got buffalo cauliflower wings again, salads, burgers and french toast and waffles. (see video for pics again!)
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this time round, we made our way up to the japanese garden up in van nuy. i was expecting it to be much bigger, it takes you about 20-30 minutes to walk around the entire park. it was stunning, although you can also catch a view of the sewage factory next door.
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it was quite a relaxing visit anyway. :)
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of course i had to make a pit stop at sip matcha to support the youtubers i’d been watching since high school! a bit too sweet for my taste, but i’d also forgotten to ask them to take it easy on the sugar levels, so that’s my bad. it was delicious regardless!
ada had been raving about this salad place called sweetgreen for years now, so of course we ended up ordering seamless that night! the pics aren’t that great so i’m leaving them out of this post, but damn that’s some good salad. 
another reason why we’d ordered in that night was because we had to head out early the next day to make our flight to big island. so *long story short* we had some misunderstandings and ended up having to fly to big island to transfer to honolulu. i’d been dreading the layover from the moment that we got our tickets issued, and we both ended up hating sitting around in that small outdoor airport for several hours (they had a power outage so the ice cream in the freezer was melting) that we bought one-way tickets immediately from honolulu back to los angeles to secure seats on a direct flight for when we head back a few days later. it was miserable! (yeah i know i’m a spoiled, high maintenance bish lolll)
when we finally landed in honolulu and picked up our rental car, it was about the same time that ada was supposed to land, so we headed back to the hotel together. we stayed at the modern honolulu together. alan and i had stayed there as well when we had visited 2 years ago, and we both loved the deco/aesthetic as it was (like its name suggests) much younger and more modern than the other hotels down the strip. the location was also quite nice because it’s right at the beginning of the strip, so we’re not stuck in the middle of a sea of tourists, but right on the edge of tourist city and local life.
we ordered in that night because we were pooped from traveling all day long, and we just wanted some comfort food and veg out in front of the tv before our big day the next day. what did we have in store for ourselves? WELL, we only had to wake up a tad bit earlier to drive over to the north shore to join a shark dive!!! we joined the one ocean diving team’s free diving expedition. i don’t think our program is really considered free diving, since we had snorkeling gear on, but it sure sounds a hell of a lot cooler than shark snorkeling, so i’m going to call it diving from this point onwards (although, if you look closely in the photo below, you’ll definitely notice that we don’t have diving tanks strapped to us and we’re just using flimsy snorkelling gear and flippers.
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i was so proud of myself for taking the plunge and diving in right alongside everyone else. the waves were pretty rough, and i’m not familiar with using a snorkel, so it was actually quite confusing to me for a while. i had already warned ada and alan back in hong kong, before we’d even flown over, that there’d be a big chance i’d chicken out of the entire dive altogether. 
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i ended up staying in water the longest! i almost didn’t want to leave. (i mean, it did take me a while to muster up the guts to even get in at all lol) it was such a thrilling experience, i’m so glad i went through with it.
when we got back to shore, we treated ourselves to smoothie bowls from haleiwa bowls. i’d been wanting to try this place out for ages, but the last time we were in hawaii we didn’t rent a car, so we didn’t want to venture out an hour north of the honolulu on an uber... turned out it was just a couple minutes walk from the shark snorkeling registration area, woohoo!
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we got 3 bowls to share between the 3 of us (obviously more to share between me and ada lollll) we got a hapa bowl (acai/nana/strawbs/blueb smoothie with granola, fresh nanas, coconut flakes and hawaiian honey), a paniolo bowl (nana + pb + dates topped with granola, nanas, strawbs, cacao nibs and hawaiian honey), and also a blue majik spirulina chia pudding. honestly, they were delicious. not sure if it was because everything was hawaiian and fresh, or if it was because i’d seen their bowls on ig so many times before, or maybe we were just starved from all the adrenaline and excitement. 
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we went hiking the second day, and as aesthetically pleasing this piña colada combo looks, they tasted pretty bleh. not refreshing or anything..
this was the diamond head lookout trail, although it was paved and quite easy so i’m not really sure at what point these pictures were taken. :p we stopped at a couple spots along the way.
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before we headed off! (we threw away the fruits after the photo :p i know, a waste :( but no one wanted to lug them around on the hike)
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on another day, we rented a jeep and drove up to the ho'omaluhia botanical garden to take some jurassic park themed photos :)
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after we scouted out this spot and took a bunch of pictures here, other cars started to line up to make use of the backdrop as well hehehehe
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we flew back to la to spend the rest of our holiday! for 420, we went to by chloe for vegan fast food (YUM) and then went off to universal studios. i didn’t realize until much much later that alan didn’t want to spend his 420 there, no clue why he didn’t just let us know sooner! i was pretty stoked that i won 2 toys at universal hehe.
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our other best friend crystal was also in town, so of course we met up with her and ate more good food :P
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(those are her hands grabbing the truffle pizza! haha)
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and that concludes my la/hawaii trip! it was one of the best trips i’d ever been on, hands down! (even though it took me uhhhh 8 months to finally post about it hahahaha)
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jeonmefortae-blog · 7 years
What If? (BTS Q&A)
Hey my lovelies, HAPPY SUNDAY! Hope you all had a great day whether you are stressing out >< or whether you are having holidays. Good new is, if you are living in Malaysia, you will have Gawai holidays! (or only Sarawak for that matter?) 
But anyways! Thanks guys for leaving me ‘What If’ questions to answer on instagram. I find this really fun as i saw a lot of people doing this on instagram! It would be really nice to know what would you do if you got caught up with your favorite celebrity nice to know about your thoughts on something as well! Anywayy, i want to thank you guys deeply again. 
So basically, my ‘What If’ questions are about BTS in general! Like for example: ‘What if i met Jungkook?’ 
So shall we start?
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^^ very cute picture or gif above by the way! 
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1) What if kookie asked to stay in my house because he doesn’t have any place to stay? - asked by @/pewtaepie 
Answer : 
Omg, this answer got me shook, thanks so much ;-; Okay, OF COURSE i would i mean- but the problem is it would be more awkward because i stil live with my parents. But however, if that is the case then ofc i would still offer him a place to stay, because poor kookie! :( But if i was staying alone (no dirty thoughts here) of course everything would be less awkward because there will be no one around except me. Of course being me, i would be breathless and freak out like a potato. I would REALLY GET HEART ATTACKS. Don’t blame me if i DIE on the spot. Then, once i calmed down i would probably ask him whats the matter! Of course, (i want life to be as good as the fanfics ;) ) Hopefully by him staying at the the house we can be close friends because kookie and i share many similar interests. I would ask him to cook together and do chores together. Go to the mall together and help me with those groceries :’) Oh! and also play piano together with him singing by my side. (and you know hopefully it gets somewhere) JUST JOKING! OFC OBVIOUSLY in reality we have to sleep seperate rooms because if my virginity was lost I WOULD BE DEAD MEAT. My mother would slice my head off :”) lollll sorry the answer was just supposed to be short, but i made it freaking long. 
2) What if you found out you were childhood friends with one of the members of BTS? - asked by @/yourbutterflyy
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Answer : 
Holy moly. The answer would be that im very very absolutely shook. I mean out of the blue someone tells me that i am actually connected to them? :’) daebak. Of course, knowing me i cannot sit still. I have to meet my childhood friends because i mean- childhood friends are precious. However even if i meet them they have got to remember me right? :D  If our memories were rooted very deeply or in the case that maybe he got amnesia, i would ofc try and help to recover his memories :’) And me myself would try and remember all the things we did together and then as we reunite we would have many things to talk about and so that we can recreate these memories together again :’) 
3) What if you had to choose a BTS song that you have to sing in your life forever? - asked by @/namjinmochi 
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WOW. I had a hard time thinking of this one. But i would choose ‘Butterfly’. Its the song i fell in love at first sight. BTS songs are mainly really catchy and energizing and there are less ballads (won’t really call this a ballad) (i think its a cross between a ballad, and hiphop?) but this song gave me FEELS. IMMENSE FEELS. I cried when listening to just the instrumental version, and don’t mention the prologue. The prologue got me bawling and i could hear the butterfly instrumental in the background. ;-; This song gives me feels that can break my heart but at the same time heal it. Its like a lullaby that heals my tired and weary heart. The melody of it is very easy to remember and so its pretty chilly and cool when you can easily hum its melody :’) another song is probably run (ballad ver) i cried literally! those high notes hit my heart & also Spring Day. the lyrics are really meaningful and its a melody that you will remember for quite a long time. 
4) What if you had to choose one song BTS sang to you? - asked by @/unnati_8230 
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Hmm like the previous question, one of my fav songs is Butterfly so i would love them to sing that :’) because i really want to see their passionate faces when they sing this song. its really aesthetically pleasing. 
5) What if i found BTS living a block down from me? - asked by @/taes_suga_kookie 
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ASDFGHJKL!!! WOAHH WOAHHH okay. I need to chill. Like this, i am practically good as being their neighbours! Being a good citizen i would probably send some gifts for the new comers :’) because i mean its BTS and of course i have a high chance of seeing them so i want to do good deeds as their fan! Of course, if i had the chance i might even get invited to their house, but due to manyyy privacy reasons i would also try to limit myself, because their neighbourhood might be flooded with fans, and i hate crowds so... advantages and disadvantages. (the neighbourhood would be filled with screaming fangirls) but hey at least i fulfil my wishes right? :’) i am already pretty fortunately staying close to them. maybe i hope we can all be good friends too haha! there would be soooo many things to talk about. 
6) What if you became BTS’ new manager? - asked by @/bangtanfamfic 
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OMFG WHYYY OMG AHHH - ;-; umm umm of course i would be freaking happy for this job offer like- omg! BTS’ manager its like the best job on earth :”) however being a new manager i should not attract much attention. Also, i think i need to toughen myself up because of all the fans who love to push people. I cannot be fragile on this job :’) but i am willing to learn. But things like planning schedules and doing things for the boys is a-okay! IT WOULD BE HEAVEN. I would get to talk to them everyday, and there are so many opportunities for us to get close and ofc i would get to see them in their everyday lives (it would be pretty interesting) because all i can see is them outwardly on stage and everything- but not like behind the scenes. I want to see yoongi working on music, i want to see them practicing and everything! :’) ofc, i want the previous manager to teach me many things as well! SEJIN OPPA! TASUKETE. (LOL Y JAPANESE HAHAH) 
7) What if you found out that your bias is actually studying in the same school as you? - @/preciousbngtn 
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Hi i love you Christina and i will answer this question HAHAHAHA. BUT OI OMGGGG- If Jungkook was studying in the same school as me i would be shook asf you know. I WOULD FLIP. Obviously i want to introduce myself to him like ‘welcome to this school im rachel’ or something like that. BUT I BET THERE WILL BE SO MANY GIRLS GOING AFTER HIM  which leaves me out a chance :’) because i am always super slow hahaha! if its like this, i won’t really bother until i see him with no one. I don’t want to cause a ruckus either :’) (ill be a good girl thank you) i want to treat him like a normal classmate and friend. the rest can be all up to fate :’) of course it will be a distraction in class!!! i will not be able to pay attention damn it. 
8) What if i was BTS’ girlfriend? - asked by @/ttaevmin_ 
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OMFG!!!! OKAY UHM I CAN’T BREATHE. Okay, let me start with each member. Because you said BTS, so i will just cover members one by one. 
If i was Namjoon’s girlfriend, we would sure talk to endless hours because i believe i can talk comfortably with him, maybe even learn new things together :’) and he can teach me many new things as well! I am sure there’s lots of things to share! our dates can be anywhere! 
If i was Jin’s girlfriend we would soooo go grocery shopping together and cook amazing stuff for the boys :’) we would scold the bangtan kids together muahaha! ofc, because we share our common love for pink we can fight people who hate pinkeu :’D and ofc our date can be something simple like just stay at home and eat each others food! (i don’t mind!) 
If i was Yoongi’s girlfriend, i would try to get his ass out of bed, cheer him up with my wierdness and optimism. (we are total opposites btw) i will cheer him and motivate him daily as thats what he may need? (i will make sure i see his gummy smile) And because i love to compose, i would also do lots of composing works with him :’) i would soooo drag him out of the house and have fun HAHAHAHA but its a win win situation, at times i would just stay at the house if he wants too! however, on days 
If i was Hoseok’s girlfriend, that would be heaven on earth because Jhope is mostly similar to me. I am positive and optimistic, always happy,bubbly and friendly. We would so laugh at a lot of things and entertain the boys and be second hand embarassments as well :’) our dates can be anything! i mean- i believe hoseok seems like a very mature man to me.  
If i was Jimin’s girlfriend, i would treasure this little precious mochi :’) i would treasure him more than i treasure myself. Because his sweetness is no joke, it needs to be soooo protected. i would proabably cause lots of embarassment to him anyday, HAHAHAH but my main goal would just to be a good girlfriend and give him lots of love. Our dates can be anywhere! im not picky :) 
If i was Taehyung’s girlfriend, that would be heaven on earth as well. because uhmm character wise i am like Taehyung as well and also because taehyung’s ideal type is very much like me. i would get along with him pretty well and i think taehyung will be reaally sweet and also a protective boyfriend :’) i can very much imagine that he will love his girl til death and so being his girlfriend i would love him wholeheartedly and give him my all. 
If i was Jeon freaking Jungkook’s girlfriend i won’t think i will able to live for even a second. The moment i saw his smile i immediately knew that there was something about him. and from that moment, we actually have lots in common (except the fact that he is good at everything) being his girlfriend would be really humurous and funny as i feel like i am dating someone near my age. (he is just one year older than me) i think we will share lots in common and we will have many things to say as well! i don’t care if he is not good with dates or girls, i just want him to be jungkook. :’) our dates can be anywhere! but since he loves the beach we can take a drive down to the beach and hold hands in the sunset like how romantic right??!! i would live to see his cute smile anyday and i will do my best and my all to see him genuinely happy with me :’) not because he is my bias but because i love him as he is. 
9) What if Yoonmin isn’t real?- asked by @/lustyoongi 
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I WOULD FLIP. IMMA PACK MY BAGS AND GO TO KOREA AND SEE WHAT’S WRONG jokes i cannot do that but IMMA PACK MY BAGS AND GO TO KOREA. And i am not leaving until i attend all their fansigns and get them back to shape :’) anti climax : on the side of reality i would be really devasted and just cry tissues away. 
10) What if BTS had given up from the beginning? - asked by @/hoseoklq
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^^ this is so funny like omfg 
To be honest, if they have given up i won’t be as crazy and wierd as i am now. BTS has been a factor that pushed me to become a stronger person. They are people that inspire and admire me. If they had given up i would no longer acquire this strength. BTS all in all is my happy pill, just seeing them brightens up my day. it will be a huge mistake if their group wasn’t there anymore :’( there would be a hole that kpop is missing out on. then they wouldn’t know what they would be able to achieve and how much their fans adore them. BTS’ music leaves a strong impact on the young generation. Not just the lyrics and music but also their power and image that they bring. BTS is also known as a group filled with members of different unique personalities and together they are the most beautiful moments of our lives :’) teens need to know a lot about youth and they need someone to speak up for them and to tell them ‘i know, i have gone through this, but its gonna be okay. ‘not today. today we fight.’ they need message of love and strength. thats why BTS is a group that i feel is close to me even if they are miles away. 
and finally, if they had given up, IMMA PACK MY BAGS TO KOREA. (lol why am i like this) LIKE YOU AINT GONNA LEAVE LIKE THIS BISH (JOKESS) 
11) What if Jungkook wants to be my secret admirer/what if he admirers me? - asked by @/kookienochu  
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oKAY...OMG. Uhm, of course i cannot stop him from ‘liking’ me but it depends. Speaking from reality point of view, i don’t really believe in love at first sight unless love builds up through genuine relationships, but if he likes me i would totally feel the same way. but if we aren’t really close yet i always suggest to be my friends first :’)  but if he already knows me so well, then i think i will be ready to be his girl. I mean i may like him and all but in the end, relationships need to be genuine in order for true love to exist. i mean- no matter how much  i claim to love him, i would only like the idea of dating him, but that doesn’t mean i love him. Okay, so if i was already his really good friend and he knows me like so damn well, obviously i am ready to start this relationship. There needs to be a perfect timing and a perfect bang! to it. Even so, i need to know that whatever obstacles may pass, we must sort it out rationally and not just fight and break up for stupid reasons. Moreover, i would really feel grateful, because i was always called ugly in school, so its good to know that he finds me beautiful in my own ways. :’) remember guys, its not love just because your heart always beats around a person. its not just love if you are crushing on love. love withstands time and it takes lots of time and effort to accept someone and know their flaws and accept them still :-) 
lol i would save love talk for later. I am considered a ‘love doctor’ by my classmates and i always give ‘advice’ so if you want you can always DM in my instagram! :) 
And that is all folks! 
Do follow me on instagram if you want its @/kookiemonstae! 
If you want me to do more stuff like these you can always suggest and leave comments for more! 
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sharkbaitsekki · 7 years
Hey. I just wanted to say I will wait forever for your next chapter or new fic. I love CML and recently discovered I read a 14 day long Just Like Royalty so long ago, you have been through a number of user names since then (LoZ4L and NPNG). And Let me tell you I loved your writing years ago and the improvement makes me love it more. Take your time. You deserve to go at your own pace. But thank you for giving me all of the wonderful emotions over the years.
holy shit anon don’t call me out like this, who are you for having followed me for…. what…. a decade??? Omg. LoZ4Life and NPNG… talk about a throwback. 
But in all seriousness… Thank you for staying with me through thick and thin. You’ve seen me when I was churning out one chapter a day (wow, JLR and 12DoNY) and now, with two chapters a year with CML, and I’m amazed that you still stayed by my side. So thank you. My style has changed and evolved throughout these 10 years and I know I still have a lot to do. And honestly, the only reason I’ve made it this far is thanks to people like you who keep supporting me and my works. Even when they’re terrible (JLR in retrospect, lollll) or when they’re my life’s work (CML, I think???), the support I get always helps me better myself. In the end, it’s all thanks to you guys that I’ve had the motivation to keep writing. Knowing that people appreciate my ideas and are willing to enjoy them with me is all that I need to keep me going. 
So I guess what I’m trying to express in my tipsy wording (rum shots and horror video games, yo) is that I’m grateful that you and everybody else who’s ever given my works some time of day have given me the courage to keep posting and keep imagining. I can’t picture not having my writing today… and I probably would’ve given up a long time ago as a shitty, baby writer if I hadn’t gotten all the constructive criticism and the encouraging comments that kept me going. And I would never have had the chance to find my creative outlet. 
So thanks
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zet-sway · 3 years
@the-wip-project day 1 prompt -
Write about what your motivation is to write at all. What got you started? What keeps you going?
I'm not a storyteller I just write stuff. The first thing I remember being excited about writing was a 4th picture prompt with two boys on a boat hiding under a blanket, hiding from the rain. I thought picture prompts were really fun cause they gave me just enough structure to be creative without getting overwhelmed.
But I never wrote stories. I never form plotlines in my head. We did so many short writing prompts when I was in school I honestly wonder if my growth just got stunted. My childhood best friend always had these crazy wild ideas about characters and stories and stuff.
While she was doing that, I was writing this absolutely insanely dumb shit called The Conversation. Don't even get me started I filled many notebooks with this shit - it started in fifth grade with me making a script-style conversation between me and my friends, and degenerated from there. I think if I found one of those notebooks now I would burn it. I'm not hateful, just embarrassed at myself for doing dumb kid shit. But I loved to hand my friend my freshest material and listen to her laugh. At the time, it was something fun that was totally normal for us.
I started writing fanfiction in high school but I didn't really take off as a fanfic writer until college. First year, I had a fucking enormous mental breakdown about my mortality and I was quite literally full on panicking anytime I was alone. I stopped driving - too scary - and started taking the train. On the Friday and Sunday I'd hop on the local commuter train and sit for an hour with my headphones and my laptop. That's when I started writing. I didn't have a smartphone or internet but I had a bunch of MP3s and a keyboard. I wrote my first Resident Evil fanfiction inspired by the song Closer by Kings of Leon. Not my best work, but that's where it began.
Taking the train back and forth to campus every weekend became a nice time to unpack my thoughts and do something that wasn't video games. I started posting it online - I made friends. And then I picked up Mass Effect and started going ham.
I write a lot of smutfics cause that's what I wanted to write, I guess. Fun fact - I'm not a particularly horny person. In fact my libido is extremely shit. I've tried to treat it but the hormones gave me panic attacks. Maybe fanfiction is a safe space for me to explore my sexuality. Maybe fiction is better than reality. I don't know, but that's what I gravitate toward.
So I don't write stories, I'm not some kind of weaver of heroic tales. I actually can't even develop OCs, for fucks sakes I have tried but I can't. I write about feelings because I Feel A Lot of Feelings All The Damn Time Omg - and fanfiction is a good way to superimpose my feelings on someone who is not me. Fictional characters that help me work through whatever I'm struggling with. In 2017 I lost a really close friend and I wrote a bunch of bizarre shit about my World of Warcraft character because that's where I connected with the person that I lost - and it made me feel better. I never put it out on the internet, but I wrote my feelings because it helped.
And it's been like 11 years since my first fanfic writing train ride. I look back on it and I'm no longer ashamed to say I write fanfic. It's a stress release for me, it was an important skill that I developed. I don't need to be a professional writer to write - I can just write shit if I want to. And I certainly don't need to take myself seriously either lollll
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starryloft · 6 years
Honestly, don't be a fucktard in life
Honestly, some people are amazing at twisting their words.
I used to group with this 2 friends of mine since year 1, let's name the one that's currently in my class as S and the one that's NOT in my class as W. With S, W and me, 2 other girls make up a clique.
I'm currently in my 3rd and last year of getting my diploma. I've always worked with S and W since year 1. So I have an understanding that S does work. Apparently, in this year 3, 1st semester, it wasn't so.
S, me and the 2 other girls from our class since year 1, formed a new clique. Obviously so because we are in the same class. WHILE W IS IN ANOTHER CLASS. NOTE THAT I STATE W IS IN ANOTHER CLASS.
S was nothing but an utter freeloader this entire semester. The group REPEATED tried to include her and asked her stuff. Her response? Nothing but half baked and vague answers. What's a normal person to do?
Moving on, the group wanted to meet to discuss about the assignments. ONCE AGAIN, TAKE NOTE THAT IT'S ASSIGNMENTS WITH AN S. So it's not only ONE assignment, it's MULTIPLE assignments. Since S has been giving vague and half baked answers all semester, and with multiple assignments due on the same day, I simply gave her a yes/no option. What I literally messaged her was, "S, are you coming to my house tmr? Yes or no lollll"
I honestly see no reason as to why she felt compelled to send the message, "I Skype you guys" to "I think I Skype you guys". I have no idea what difference the "I think" adds into the context, but if S really feels that she wants to, so be it.
Let's talk about the Skype call on the day that me and the other 2 girls met at my house. If you are wondering why of all places to meet, it would be my house, the reason is:
1. My house is the most convienent out of everyone
2. Everyone has been coming since year 1 (once again, this information is crucial)
3. No one else is willing to open their house
Anyways, me and the other 2 girls met in my house. We skyped the girl. We discussed about our assignments blah blah blah. After that, I was getting really annoyed because I started to think about how useless and incompetent she really has been for the whole semester. I simply asked her, "S, is there something going on in your life or something? Because the amount of work and quality of work you are putting in is kinda terrible". I cannot state right from the get go that it's utter trash. I was literally trying my best to sugar coat. This stupid S started saying how she had a mental breakdown, and took 2 days break. Okay, can.
The thing is, we allocated her to place photos into the site A WEEK AGO. We found her the pictures, and ALL SHE NEED TO DO WAS ADD IT IN. She took a whole week, TO ADD IN 2 PICTURES. Honestly, if this isn't what you call a fucktard, I have no idea what else to call her.
Let's change the assignment now shall we? Let's move on to assignment 2.
Assignment 2 is lesson planning. S literally did nothing for the ENTIRE assignment, and on the day of implementation, she fucked up. The whole group fucked up. Everyone fucked up. Me and the other 2 girls, got really mad and angst. We have our own personal lives to deal with, we spend the night doing all these assignments. And in the end, we need to get the same grade as S? Think about it, anyone with a sane mind will think that it's unfair.
Right after the class ended, we told S that we wanted to peer evaluate her. The only reason she could give us to convince us was, "I don't want to remod". WHO WANTS TO REMOD dumb shit. Our grades for the first assignment was pretty nasty, and we put in the effort to save our grades. What makes you think you can get a free ride from us? And further more, she even acknowledged that she contributed literally nothing for the assignment. I have the recording.
The only thing that's going on in her life is school. ONLY SCHOOL. Me and the 2 other girls has way more commitments than the other girl. I honestly have no idea what makes it so difficult for her to contribute to the assignment. Anyways, remember W? This is when she comes into the picture.
S started telling W that me and the 2 other girls wanted to peer evaluate her. So what did W do? Gossip and spread the word! People that we thought were friends with us since year 1, started messaging us - to guilt trip us for wanting to peer evaluate a friend.
Let's be honest, what's the definition of a friend? Apparently, S's definition of a friend is to freeload off them? I personally really feel like she needs to think back of her actions before claiming that she feels betrayed by us because she thought we were "friends". If a friend is one who freeloads for the entire semester and acts so self entitled, I do not need that friend. Heck, losing a friend isn't that hard for me. In fact, I lived my life solo for 5 whole years in my high school. It wasn't that hard. Moving on with the story...
Lets go back to the first assignment. Me and the 2 other girls spent the entire night completing the site for assignment 1. Damn, we didn't sleep the whole night. We literally did the damn site from 12pm to 5pm and 11pm to 9am. What did we get from it? S stirring shit up.
Me and the 2 other girls literally just submitted the assignment. I've been really stressed all semester. I've been vomiting real bad, like everyday. I've been sleeping at 3-4am for the past 1 month. I have really bad backache from my bad posture to complete my assignments. And my period never even came once during the entire semester (1 semester is roughly 14 weeks?)
Right after submitting, I ran to the toilet RIGHT AWAY to vomit. I was literally in the middle of vomiting, when my lecturer messaged me - saying that me and the 2 other girls needed to come down to the school to meet her. She stressed that it was urgent.
Mind you. We spent the whole night doing assignment. Heck, when we submitted the assignment, the sun had risen. We spent the whole night doing, we haven't even slept and we need to go to school???? ON A DAY THAT WE DON'T HAVE LESSONS?
Long story cut short, we went to meet the lecturers and we saw S acting all pitiful as always. I have to really acknowledge her ability to twist words and cry on cue.
The lecturer in charge of the assignment didn't really take sides, however our class advisor was clearly siding her and casually spitting her comments that no one really appreciated as me and one of the 2 other girls were saying. (Honestly, fuck our class advisor. You suck at your fucking job. You met us only once in the whole sem.) The other girl went to the hospital to get an IV drip, because she was feeling THAT SICK.
S said mainly:
1. Me and the 2 other girls do work late
2. She didn't have assess to the site
3. We didn't include her
Alright. Let's get a few facts straight with this fucktard.
1. We all have our personal schedules. Like I said earlier, we all have WAY MORE commitments than S - which only has school. We have school in the morning till afternoon. After that, we need to attend to our other commitments. And we have assignments due. Let's use our brains to think shall we? God gave us a brain for a reason after all. You have school from morning till late afternoon. From evening till night you are settling your other commitments. By logical thinking, when and what are you supposed to do to complete your assignments? Obvious answer: stay up till you complete your assignments! WOW THAT DIDNT USE MUCH BRAIN CELLS DID IT.
2. S CLEARLY HAD ASSESS TO THE SITE. The group created a group gmail account to assess the site. We had notified her that the site has been changed. By common sense, you should have been able to know that the site is still the same!
As long as you take the effort to simply log in, you would have been able to see the site! WELL, WASNT THAT SIMPLE.
3. We tried many ways to include her. I even played a fucking mobile game to talk to her. AND TALKED CRAP FOR 30 WHOLE MINUTES. JUST TO PROVIDE HER WITH AN OPPORTUNITY. I have mobile games. I hate it but I honestly had no idea how to talk to her. So I had to play it. The other 2 girls did try to include her too.
Every single time we tried, she would reject and brush off aside and say, "I'll Skype you guys"
Since we have gotten these 3 points clarified, let's move on to why the situation had escalated such that the lecturers demanded to see us.
First thing in the morning, S and her parents went to see the lecturers. S expertly twisted words and portrayed herself as the victim. And that wasn't all! S required MORE moral support!
So W brought down her group of friends to give her moral support. (Her group of friends are also the ones trying to guilt trip us) and God knows why this stupid dumb fuck, let's call her J is involved too. She has absolutely no connection to me and the 2 other girls. (Seriously, why are you joining side the fray for?)
Me and the 2 other girls talked about our point of view and shut S down for being such a fucktard. Apparently from what I heard, S's parents were very sad because the lecturer had said that it was S's fault. It was her personality fault for being timid and not courageous (I honestly have no idea who's timid and not courageous since she's able to twist stories and put so much MSG into her stories and tell so many people about it).
I don't feel guilty in the slightest really. I only feel bad for myself and the 2 other girls.
I feel bad for even allowing myself to know about S's very existence. Her very existence is a mistake and me knowing about her very existence is an error.
Honestly, fuck you S. (I hope that society trashes you so bad in life that you just fucking cry your guts out)
You have done nothing but made my anxiety hit the roof and made me bring out my bitch tactics. If I really want to, I can slowly fuck with you but your existence itself isn't that important to me. I'll let society deal with fucktards like you.
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