#maddox coulter
strawberry-1011 · 5 months
“Lila García era una descarada hasta la médula.
Una sucia y jodida pícara a la que le encantaba torturarme. Una venganza, decía ella. Venganza por burlarme de ella en la biblioteca, venganza por desafiarla a correrse en público…
Mi pequeño dragón era toda una zorra.
A Lila le encantó cada minuto, estaba prácticamente empapando sus bragas, con sólo pensar en mis dedos en su coño.
Y ahora se hacía la dura.
Recordé la sonrisa de su cara cuando me desafió hace tres días. No puedes tocarme. No hasta que yo te lo diga. Te reto.
Lila me hizo perseguirla, prácticamente rogando para que mi polla se aliviara, pero ella no cedía. Me tuvo en un estado perpetuo de bolas azules durante tres días.
Encontró todas las formas de ponerme duro y de que me doliera por ella. Me masturbaba tres veces al día, para poder soportar todas las malditas burlas.
Haciendo sus estiramientos matutinos, con sus ajustados pantalones de yoga que se estiraban sobre su culo como una segunda piel, se inclinaba deliberadamente, se tocaba los dedos de los pies y movía su jugoso culo cuando yo pasaba por delante de ella. Sí, eso casi me hizo chasquear.
O la vez que decidió limpiar todo el apartamento sólo con una camisa y bragas que apenas cubrían su coño y culo rosados. Ah, y sin sujetador.
Sus pezones se habían asomado a través de la fina capa de su camisa todo el maldito día. Casi rompo una nuez en mis pantalones de deporte.
Lila era muy hábil en el arte de la tortura, y joder, yo vivía para eso.
Me encantaba su sonrisa burlona… y su suave sonrisa.
Me encantaba que me arañara la espalda como una tigresa cuando la follaba… me encantaban sus suaves labios en mi pecho y su dulce caricia.
Amaba su cerebro inteligente… amaba su mente peligrosa.
Su fuerte voluntad, su inquebrantable determinación. Como hace dos semanas…
Lila Garcia estaba absolutamente aterrorizada por los coches y la conducción. ¿Pero mi chica? Mi jodida chica se sacó el carnet de conducir.
Fue una forma de superar su miedo, dijo.
Lo hizo. Lo recordaba con bastante cariño. Con una sonrisa confiada, una actitud feroz y un ligero balanceo de sus caderas, mientras se acercaba a mí y me anunciaba que había aprobado su examen de conducir.
Lila era mis buenos días, y la razón por la que mi frío corazón, ya no era tan frío. Era mi media naranja, la combinación perfecta de ángel y diablesa.
Un lío de caos magnífico y hermosos ojos marrones, pelo negro y labios rojos.
Tal vez Dios, si es que existe, la creó sólo para mí. Mi alma gemela. Mi pieza perdida.
Oh, maldita sea, me estaba convirtiendo en un romántico cursi y en un poeta de pacotilla. Pero joder, me sentía tan jodidamente débil de rodillas por ella.
Por ella… lo arriesgaría todo.
Entré en nuestro apartamento y encontré todas las luces apagadas.
—¿Lila? —Llamé.
Me quité los zapatos en la puerta, dejé mi bolso allí y me adentré en el apartamento. La puerta de nuestro dormitorio estaba ligeramente entreabierta y las luces estaban encendidas. Empujé la puerta y prácticamente me tropecé con la visión que tenía delante.
Parpadeé, me quedé con la boca abierta y me ahogué en un gemido.
Lila, la descarada, estaba abierta de par en par, en nuestra cama, con un puto vibrador entre las piernas. Su espalda se arqueó sobre la cama, y dejó escapar un suave gemido. Al oír mi gruñido de respuesta, sus ojos se abrieron y me dedicó una mirada de puro éxtasis. Su rostro era una máscara de placer, a punto de llegar al orgasmo.
Me acerqué, con la polla ya dura como una roca. El olor almizclado de los jugos de su coño se extendía por la habitación, y me estremecí en mis vaqueros. Maldita sea, esta mujer iba a ser mi muerte.
Muerte por coño. Sí, sería una muerte dulce, eso seguro.
—¿Qué estás haciendo, Lila? —Pregunté, mi voz arenosa y áspera para mis propios oídos.
Ella me sonrió, tímidamente. —Corriéndome.
Me detuve junto al borde de la cama y mis ojos bajaron entre sus muslos. Casi gruñí al ver su coño rojo e hinchado. Ella mantuvo el vibrador en su clítoris, moviéndolo en círculos. Sus jugos corrían hacia abajo, y cubrían la sábana debajo de ella. —¿Cuántas veces te has corrido ya?
Sus dientes atraparon su labio inferior y lo mordió, conteniendo otro gemido de necesidad. —Una vez… y… Oh, Dios, ya casi… otra vez.
Le temblaban las piernas, mientras levantaba las caderas, frotándose contra el vibrador como lo haría con mi polla. —Oh, oh… Maddox, Oh Dios… ¡Maddox!
Mi control se rompió.
Con un gruñido bajo, me quité frenéticamente la camisa, los vaqueros y me arrastré sobre Lila. —Esto se acaba ahora mismo, joder.
Sus ojos marrones estaban llenos de lujuria sin adulterar, y sonrió con maldad. —No puedes tocarme —Dijo—. El reto.
—A la mierda el reto —Siseé, apartando su mano de su coño codicioso. Tiré el vibrador al suelo y abrí sus muslos alrededor de mis caderas, enganchando sus tobillos detrás de mi culo.
Lila no se resistió. Simplemente… sonrió.
Frotando mi dura longitud contra sus pliegues, mi polla se cubrió con su dulce excitación, y mi mirada bajó hasta el vértice de sus muslos. Observé cómo se abrían los labios de su coño hinchado, y su abertura prácticamente lloraba de necesidad.
Estaba tan jodidamente preparada y lista.
Me aferré a su cintura, apretando. Esa fue la única advertencia que recibió antes de que entrara en ella, introduciéndome en un rápido movimiento, enterrándome hasta la empuñadura.
Lila jadeó. —Joder.
Joder, en efecto.
Mi cuerpo se tensó, los músculos de mi espalda se apretaron, mientras intentaba no correrme con el primer empujón. La apretada envoltura de su coño iba a matarme. Estaba tan malditamente suave y húmeda, que me deslizaba fácilmente dentro y fuera.
—Tú. Me. Vueles. Loco. —Gruñí, puntuando cada palabra con una fuerte embestida.
Lila gritó, sus ojos se cerraron.
—Abre los ojos.
—Abre los ojos, Lila. Mírame. —La amenaza era pesada y gruesa en mi voz.
Sus ojos se abrieron de golpe, y estaban vidriosos de lujuria. Mi polla se hinchó, mientras golpeaba dentro de ella. Me rodeó el cuello con los brazos y se aferró a su vida, gimiendo cada vez que la sacaba y gimiendo con cada empujón.
Sus uñas rasgaban mi espalda, arañando mi carne. Sangraba por ella.
Jodidamente feliz.
Nuestros labios se encontraron, locos de pasión. Enloquecidos y desesperados.
Sus muslos apretaron mis caderas, y mis dedos se clavaron en su cintura, tan fuerte, que supe que dejarían marcas. Bien. Necesitaba que le recordaran a quién coño pertenecía.
Y a quién le pertenecían sus malditos orgasmos.
Mi corazón retumbó en mi pecho, galopando como un caballo en una carrera.
Lila respiró mi nombre, gimiendo una y otra vez. Mis pelotas se tensaron y ella me agarró con fuerza, mientras se retorcía y tenía espasmos debajo de mí.
Echó la cabeza hacia atrás, encontrando su liberación con un gemido bajo. Lila nunca había estado tan hermosa como ahora.
Me corrí dentro de ella, con nuestros ojos fijos. Mi semen salió de su coño, corriendo entre sus muslos temblorosos y cubriendo la sábana con nuestra esencia mezclada.
Lila enterró su cara en la curva de mi cuello, y sus dientes rasparon el lugar detrás de mi oreja. — Gané —Dijo, con una pequeña risa que me dejó sin aliento.
Dios, la amaba.
La amaba, joder.
—No quiero que te muevas —Me confesó Lila al oído.
Yo tampoco quería moverme. Mi polla semidura estaba bastante feliz donde estaba. Nos di la vuelta y nos tumbamos de lado, manteniéndonos pegados. Ella palpitaba a mi alrededor, su coño aún se retorcía con las secuelas de su liberación.
Lila me miraba con ojos marrones soñolientos y una tierna sonrisa.
Tenía el pelo negro pegado a la frente sudorosa y parpadeaba con cansancio. Seguía siendo tan hermosa. Mía.
—Me matas —Susurré, con mis labios rozando la punta de su nariz.
—Tú también me matas. —Mi pecho se tensó ante su confesión en voz alta”.
I dare you, de Lylah James.
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efexbe · 1 year
i dare you by lylah james
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banksreads · 1 year
Lila: “Eww, did you just lick me? What is wrong with you, Maddox?”
Maddox: “I thought we were supposed to lick the ones we love. I licked you, so you’re mine.”
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danzinora-switch · 2 years
You know what? I’m not done. 
More takes from my rereading of Fablehaven:
- Mara. There’s never enough to say about her, she’s such a badass. Probably my biggest fist pump moment was in book 5 when she’s leading them through the Dreamstone “staying oriented is my biggest strength”. Girl, I RELATE. I have a pretty good sense of navigation myself, taken from my dad. It was so awesome to see it treated akin to a superpower in a book.
- Nero’s massage in book 1 was so well-described I have actually given other people massages based on those methods. And received many compliments.
- Newel and Doren! Likable from the very beginning. I love Grandpa Sorenson vs Patton’s approach to satyrs - Grandpa mentions work to get them to go away, Patton mentions sport to get them to work. But these guys come all the way to Zzyzx, and THAT counts for a lot.
- I’m still on the fence about leaving Dale in a safehouse at Fablehaven. On the one hand, yeah, he is not the adventure dude. On the other hand - he braved the inverted tower alongside Tanu and Coulter. Broke both his legs, but he still went. And he full-on tackled a dark satyr in book 3 so that the others could make it to the pond. And let’s not forget about the shotgun. I feel like the battle at Zzyzx would be a bit different if Dale was there with his shotgun.
- Warren is still my favorite character. He really sticks his neck out for others, even when it gets repeatedly chopped. He leads the way through the inverted tower, through the vault at Lost Mesa, is the one-man rescue mission at Living Mirage, and truly gives every task his all. The description of Neil’s death is especially potent. Gosh, it gets you, but you also see how Warren reacts. He guided every single person through the chokepod cave and Neil was the only one who didn’t make it. And he punches a wall so hard his knuckles bleed. He really cares. And he’s also on Seth’s side, essentially sneaking him into Wyrmroost. Seth really needed an ally and Warren understands. Plus, he’s funny. 
- Maddox the fairy broker. Cool guy, been through hell. As a kid, fairy brokering made sense to me. Yeah, this is a world of magical creatures. Creatures. But on the reread I have so many ethical questions.
- The description that they watched the demon horde poor out of Zzyzx and into the fairy realm for THREE HOURS is what really sold the ‘horde’ for me. That truly is a massive amount of demons, and yeah, there is no hope of fighting that.
- I love unique solutions to big problems. Like slaying Siletta the poison dragon with a unicorn horn. Or the Russian Doll key/vault for the Translocator. Or the pod for Seth surviving Olloch the Glutton. It all just fits very nicely.
- The Sphinx is such an interesting antagonist. He is so PATIENT and that’s what’s made him so dangerous. It’s unique for a bad guy, in my opinion, but it’s largely what makes Graulus completely shuffling the deck so important. There was no other way out of the Sphinx’s plan. It was also interesting seeing him there as an ally at the battle of Zzyzx, and I think his punishment is fitting, though a part of me still agrees with Vanessa. 
- I think what makes Coulter’s death hit harder is that we see it from Seth’s POV. Kendra has watched several people die: she sees Errol taken down by a panther, Tammy flung off a cliff, hears Neil die then has to crawl past his liquefying corpse, witnesses Dougan get eaten, Gavin/Navarog get eaten... by the time Vincent is dying beneath the ice it’s no wonder she feels numb, and that they just need to keep moving there’s no saving him. Seth, on the other hand. Seth witnesses “Kendra” “die” which is ROUGH, but then he quickly learns that she’s still alive. Vincent is his first death, but he disappears out of sight and we also just met the guy. But Coulter... Coulter dies in his arms. And he’s not a stingbulb, he’s really dead. And we’ve known him since book 2. No wonder it hits Seth hard. No wonder he feels like this is the worst mistake he has ever made. These kids are traumatized, and the story doesn’t skimp over those details. They all have major trust issues by book 5. Kendra’s having nightmares. Seth is sadder, and more brooding. They save the world and it looks like they’ll heal with a happy ending, but they did go through some dark stuff and it left its mark.
- The concept of the Quiet Box forever fascinates me. Since I’m pretty sure it pauses aging (Kendra’s stingbulb is able to live for more than 3 days inside it) there is one other person from the Sphinx’s history alive - the jailer’s assistant whom he had put inside to free Nagi Luna. That poor guy whenever he gets out. 
Will probably have more, frankly.
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acutechaos · 1 year
Character Names
Feminine/Androgynous Names
Brina (Breena)
Masculine/Androgynous Names
Last Names
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maddiesflame · 4 years
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Lylah James headers
like/reblog if saved © maddiesflame
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Fablehaven characters as The Onion Headlines
Newel and Doren:
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The Sphinx:
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The Centaurs:
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Part 2,3
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romancereadingdiva · 4 years
I Dare You by Lylah James
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I dare you to love this book! 👑👑👑👑👑
Oh my goodness, I have to find the words to tell you how much I loved this book! You must read Do You Dare first. This book made me happy and love it at the beginning. Then it destroyed my heart with weeping involved, but I kept loving it. Until it finally made me happy again. Maddox and Lila were finally together and falling more in love at the beginning of this book, and Maddox actually made me swoon. They finally gave into their chemistry, and it was off the charts hot! They were addicted to each other, and I was addicted to each page of this book! But they both have flaws and weak spots when it comes to each other and their relationship. Maddox could be overprotective, but I could see why he was doing it. He loved her and needed her so fiercely. Lila was an overthink-er, but I could relate to that too. She was still a sassy, fiery woman but afraid to love because of her past. Once the twists and turns started, I was an emotional wreck. After secrets, lies, betrayals, pride, anger and vindictiveness were revealed, could their love survive? Read this gripping and emotional love story and find out! I absolutely loved it and highly recommend it! 
*I received an advanced copy of this ebook for my honest review.*
Enemies to best friends and now lovers.
Maddox Coulter.
Was my enemy. Now my best friend.
You know him... Popular jock, rich enough to buy a town and a modern day casanova with a dirty smirk.
He's every girl's wet dream. But he wants me.
Maddox needs me.
One night of untamed passion has us dangling over the edge of something dangerous and it could forever break us.
Our hearts are on the line.
Maddox is keeping secrets.
I vowed to never give up on him but I'm not sure he's the same man I fell in love with anymore.
I'm scared he'd leave my heart bleeding at his feet.
But worst, what if we go back to...
... hating each other?
Available now! Free in Kindle Unlimited!
Amazon US: https://amzn.to/2AJIrAH Amazon UK: https://amzn.to/2UQnHOo Amazon CA: https://amzn.to/2UV8ax3 Amazon AU: https://amzn.to/2NcicFv
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bookloversreviewer · 4 years
I DARE YOU by Lylah James
Release Date: January 30th
Photographer: Michael Stokes
Model: @attila / Atilla Toth
Cover Designer: Steamy Designs
Add to Goodreads:
Enemies to best friends and now lovers.
Maddox Coulter.
Was my enemy. Now my best friend.
You know him... Popular jock, rich enough to buy a town and a modern day casanova with a dirty smirk.
He's every girl's wet dream. But he wants me.
Maddox needs me.
One night of untamed passion has us dangling over the edge of something dangerous and it could forever break us.
Our hearts are on the line.
Maddox is keeping secrets.
I vowed to never give up on him but I'm not sure he's the same man I fell in love with anymore.
I'm scared he'd leave my heart bleeding at his feet.
But worst, what if we go back to...
... hating each other?
About the Author:
Lylah James lives somewhere in Canada. She is usually pretty busy but she uses all her spare time to write. If she is not studying, sleeping, writing or working – she can be found with her nose buried in a good romance book, preferably with a hot alpha male.
Writing is her passion. The voices in her head won’t stop and she believes they deserve to be heard and read. Lylah James writes about drool worthy and total alpha males, with strong and sweet heroines. She makes her readers cry – sob their eyes out, swoon, curse, rage and fall in love. Mostly known as the Queen of cliffhanger and the #evilauthorwithablacksoul, she likes to break her readers’ hearts and then mend them again.
Connect w/Lylah:
Website: http://authorlylahjames.com/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/AuthorLy.James/
Facebook Group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/1738794629699569/
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Goodreads: https://www.goodreads.com/author/show/16045951.Lylah_James
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Newsletter Signup: http://bit.ly/32XJGFR
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fairykam · 7 years
BOOK FIVE! KEYS TO THE DEMON PRISON!!! (also sorry this took so long. life happened.)
“I’m afraid to die.” -Graulas  “Me too.” -Seth (4)
Vincent smiled lots and was short.
A beautiful image from Kendra’s imagination... Trask stoickly in an airplane seat as the plane disintegrates and plummets to the earth. Trask’s expression unchanging.
Seth talking to Berrigan after Berrigan lost Camira, his sister. Seth is so kind and funny and just a cinnamon roll too pure for this world! (33-34)
Elise knows lots of big words.
Obsidian Waste was Seth’s first official mission as a knight. It doesn’t end well for him... Thanks Torina.
Warren has serious trust issues too. When Kendra rescues him from the knapsack, he reaches for his sword. *tear* (83)
Seth is very quick and intuitive. He acts fast where Kendra takes more time and sometimes hesitates too much. Both have their strengths and weaknesses.
The Sphinx respects his enemies. He calls Stan a good man..
“”I’m evil.” Seth said numbly, plopping down on his cushion.” (103) This is after he learns that the Sphinx is a shadow charmer too.
Warren with his hair cut short. (114) hmmm...... I need to draw this.....
Patton’s incredible faith and confidence in Kendra and Seth is so heartwarming!
Bracken thinks centaurs are jerks too. HAHAHAHA
Seth’s friends were concerned about his allegiance because of his status as a shadow charmer. Please excuse me as I cry. (141)
Maddox and Bracken are BFF’s
The shrine at Stony Vale is very similar to Stonehenge.
Some head cannon the Fairy Queen as stoick and serious and aloof, but all of her contact with Kendra is incredibly passionate. So passionate it affects Kendra’s emotions.
When going to face Vanessa, “The prospect of social awkwardness daunted Kendra more than anything.” (167)
Nagi Luna sees great power and potential in Seth.
Poor Kendra gets so many nightmares :(
About Vanessa, ““That girl does her homework,” Warren said with admiration.” (193)
Gloria and Hank Larsen were good friends with Stan and Ruth Sorenson!
Kendra and Seth are well known among the society.
Coulter tried to comfort Seth as he was dying. “You’re a good boy... You were showing mercy.”
“You might want to stutter- that could help sell it.” -Kendra to Bracken (248)
“Doesn’t help that you’re so... Brilliant.” “Is that sarcasm?”  “I meant brilliant as in shiny. Should I stop talking?” -Bracken and Kendra (251)
The Sphinx and the satyrs are very opposite. “There is great power in harboring a single goal.” -Sphinx “Causes have a way of tainting your reason until [you] take much bigger risks than sanity would otherwise allow.” -Newel
Seth making sure Nero landed ok after he had Hugo throw the troll. (276)
“Good choices are not always safe choices. Many worthy choices involve risk. Some require courage.” -Patton (279)
Bracken helping Kendra to understand the lammasu. #first time brackendra hold hands (287)
Warren tried to tell an actual Sphinx a knock knock joke...
Nervous Bracken! <3 <3 (305)
                            (Also note my lack of emojis...the technology struggle is real...)
Bracken winking at Kendra. IN FRONT OF HIS MOTHER! Well.. sorta... but still! (307)
“Truly you are powerful.” -wraith to Seth
Currently problematic fave, Warren isn’t a fan of Raxtus. :(
“Luck has a way of evaporating when you lean on it.” -Warren (334)
“Unless it’s evil and threatens your dad.” -Kendra to Raxtus, about being able to eat people. (335)    What does this mean for the future?.....
To draw: Warren free falling with a sword, attacking a harpy in mid-air. HARDCORE! (343)
Warren, now my un-problematic fave, now likes Raxtus!!! Raxtus really proved himself while taking down the harpies.
Seth dreams of pie, llamas, and waterslides. Quite the contrast to his sister. (350)
“Don’t test me. I’ve had a really bad week.” -Seth (355)
“My lifelong love is what now surrounds us: a fresh breeze, wild plants thriving, rushing rivers, the sun and moon and stars.” -Bracken to Kendra (374)
Peanut butter and marshmallow fluff sandwiches. Yum.
Of all the singing sisters, Orna is the best :) and also has a crush on Patton. that’s not weird at all.
Newel bet against Doren that Seth wouldn’t make it out of the singing sisters. (410)
“Do not underestimate the young.” -Chu the beaver
Seth found strength through Coulter.
“Warren used a mop to fend off a furious owl.” (462)
Oh Warren. Are you clueless or a genius? I cannot tell. But he did successfully intrude on a brackendra moment. Was it on purpose? was he oblivious? No one knows... (478)
Seth collecting seashells. (483)
Warren said to Vanessa... the narcoblix, “Please... Think about your past. We’ll all sleep easier.” Oh Warren. again. Was this intentional? I really need to know. (489)
“Seth seemed sadder, more brooding.” (492)
“Vanessa wasn’t wrong.” !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!(accurate description of me reading this.)
“... if you want to place bets on the last one of us standing, my money goes on Hugo.” -Bracken   “No... Not last. Hugo save Seth. Hugo save Kendra.” -Hugo (515) HUGO IS A GIANT CINNAMON ROLL MADE OF ROCKS AND DIRT!!!
“When have doubt and fear given the best advice? Why not heed faith, courage, duty, and honor?” -Bracken (519)
Bracken’s dramatic flair.
Something I’ve noticed, Kendra has never been able to see the light in her. Only others can. It’s like us. We are blind to our own worth and inner light. In a more figurative way, of course.
The downfall of the demons was their laziness. They could have easily defeated their opposition, but they didn’t want to sacrifice. They prefer to bully.
Coulter knew that they would win. So did Patton! <3
I LOVE the Sorenson reunion scene.
Dad always talks about food. Has anyone else noticed that?
Doren trying to make a good impression on Seth’s folks.
“But I promise I won’t let it turn me into an idiot!” -Raxtus about training with his dad. (582) Please keep your promise, Raxtus! Please!
Kendra has a tendency to look down or away when she’s bashful.
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stumblebee83 · 4 years
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The eagerly anticipated conclusion of Maddox's and Lila's story, I DARE YOU, book 2 of the Truth And Dare Duet by @authorlylahjames is coming January 30th! Read an Excerpt Here: https://wp.me/pax1MW-1fh Blurb: Enemies to best friends and now lovers. Maddox Coulter. Was my enemy. Now my best friend. You know him... Popular jock, rich enough to buy a town and a modern day casanova with a dirty smirk. He's every girl's wet dream. But he wants me. Maddox needs me. One night of untamed passion has us dangling over the edge of something dangerous and it could forever break us. Our hearts are on the line. Maddox is keeping secrets. I vowed to never give up on him but I'm not sure he's the same man I fell in love with anymore. I'm scared he'd leave my heart bleeding at his feet. But worst, what if we go back to... ... hating each other? #excerptreveal #truthordareduet #idareyou #lylahjames #candikanepr #comingsoon https://www.instagram.com/p/B7q1nebgBBu/?igshid=hwuhayr5hhfp
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strawberry-1011 · 5 months
—Entonces, ¿a dónde quieres ir primero?
Me acomodé junto a él en el capó de su coche y abrí el mapa que tenía en el regazo.
Maddox y yo decidimos hacer un viaje alrededor del mundo, antes de que ambos nos establezcamos en una vida ajetreada. Ahora que habíamos terminado la escuela, tenía que empezar a solicitar trabajos. El mes pasado, Maddox había asumido "oficialmente" el puesto de su padre.
Brad Coulter dejó un enorme legado, y Maddox era el responsable de continuarlo.
Pero primero... necesitábamos unas pequeñas vacaciones.
—Estoy pensando en Bali, ¿y tú? —pregunté, pasando el dedo por mi teléfono para mirar el marcador, donde había guardado todos los lugares que quería visitar.
—No, pequeño dragón. No voy a llevar tu culo a ningún sitio hasta que seas la Sra. Coulter.
Puse los ojos en blanco. Ayer me propuso matrimonio.
—¿Quieres casarte conmigo?
—¿Ahora? —bromeé.
Sus ojos azules se iluminaron con picardía y se lamió los labios lentamente.
—Hmm. Déjame pensar en esto. Quiero un vestido de novia. Quiero caminar por el pasillo. Quiero un primer baile. —Miré mi reloj y me quedé pensativa—. Así que, si consigues que todo eso ocurra en menos de doce horas, me casaré contigo hoy. Antes de que el reloj marque la medianoche. Y si lo consigues, te dejaré tomar mi culo en nuestra noche de bodas, como recompensa.
—Hecho —dijo demasiado rápido.
—¿Qué? —grité.
Maddox saltó del capó de su coche y retrocedió, dedicándome una sonrisa malvada.
—Nunca subestimes a un hombre que quiere sexo anal en su noche de bodas.
—¡Oh, Dios mío! ¡Vuelve aquí, Maddox! ¡Estaba bromeando!
Él se burló.
—No. En el momento en que empezaste a hablar de tu culo, ya no estaba bromeando. —Me quedé mirándolo, sin moverme—. Entra en el coche, pequeño dragón. Al final de hoy, vas a ser mi esposa... y sí, te voy a follar el culo. Trato hecho.
Una carcajada brotó de mi pecho. Salté del capó, Tomé el ahora inútil mapa y subí al coche con él.
La vida nunca era aburrida con Maddox Coulter.
Lo conseguí.
Seis horas más tarde, teníamos el patio trasero de los Coulter decorado, digno de una pequeña boda.
Lila tenía su vestido. Y el pasillo que quería. Nuestras familias y amigos estaban aquí. Todo era tal y como ella había soñado que fuera este día.
Juraba que mi madre me iba a pegar cuando le dije que tenía menos de cinco horas para preparar mi boda. Savannah Coulter miró, resopló, resopló... y luego sacó su varita mágica (su teléfono móvil), lanzó algunos hechizos (hizo algunos arreglos con la gente que conocía) y lo hizo realidad.
Colton me dio una palmada en la espalda. Era mi padrino de boda, por supuesto.
Negué con la cabeza. Ni un poco.
El piano empezó a sonar. Inspiré profundamente y tiré de mi corbata.
Riley fue la primera en llegar al altar, con un vestido morado. Era la dama de honor de Lila. Me guiñó un ojo y le envió una sonrisa tímida a Colton.
Pero luego olvidé cómo respirar cuando Lila apareció al final del pasillo, agarrada del brazo de su abuelo. Su vestido de novia sin mangas moldeaba cada una de sus curvas. De seda y bonito. Sencillo y elegante.
Sabía que el vestido no tenía espalda, porque se burló de mí con eso, quince minutos antes de nuestra boda.
Sí, me colé en su habitación, mientras ella esperaba. Y las cosas que hicimos... bueno, no había nada sagrado en ello.
Nuestros ojos se encontraron.
El tiempo se detuvo.
Un segundo duró más.
Ella caminó por el pasillo y compartimos una sonrisa secreta.
Mi corazón golpeó contra mi caja torácica, cuando su abuelo puso su mano en la mía.
—Cuídala —murmuró, con lágrimas en los ojos.
—Lo haré —juré.
Agarré su mano en la mía y Lila me regaló una sonrisa que me dejó sin aliento por completo.
El ministro comenzó la ceremonia, pero todo en lo que podía concentrarme era...
Sus ojos marrones.
Sus labios carnosos y sonrientes.
Nuestro atrapasueños, colocado perfectamente en el centro de su pecho.
Y el hecho de que, ahora mismo, oculto bajo su vestido, mi semen probablemente había empapado sus bragas y estaba goteando por sus muslos.
Lila me guiñó un ojo, como si pudiera leer mi mente.
Y me hizo retroceder seis años.
Esta era la chica con la que me topé en la cafetería de la Academia Berkshire. Derramó su café con leche frío sobre mí y luego me habló con desprecio. Feroz y descarada.
Era el principio.
Y el final.
I dare you, de Lylah James.
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Check out this super sexy cover reveal for the eagerly anticipated conclusion of Maddox's and Lila's story, I DARE YOU, book 2 of the Truth And Dare Duet by Lylah James!! Coming January 30th!
Photographer: Michael Stokes Model: @attila / Atilla Toth Cover Designer: Steamy Design Add to GR: https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/47809725-i-dare-you
Blurb: Enemies to best friends and now lovers.
Maddox Coulter.
Was my enemy. Now my best friend.
You know him... Popular jock, rich enough to buy a town and a modern day casanova with a dirty smirk.
He's every girl's wet dream. But he wants me.
Maddox needs me.
One night of untamed passion has us dangling over the edge of something dangerous and it could forever break us.
Our hearts are on the line.
Maddox is keeping secrets.
I vowed to never give up on him but I'm not sure he's the same man I fell in love with anymore.
I'm scared he'd leave my heart bleeding at his feet.
But worst, what if we go back to...
... hating each other?
#coverreveal #truthordareduet #idareyou #lylahjames #candikanepr #comingsoon #coverlove
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banksreads · 1 year
Maddox: “Did you get in my phone and change your name to My Main Chick?”
Lila: “Well, yeah. Because I am your main chick. All the other girls are just your side chicks.”
“It’s okay, though. You can fuck around with them. At the end of the day, you come back home to me. And I know I’m better,”
Maddox: “For fuck’s sake, woman! My only side chicks are your other personalities. And there are like twenty-five of them.”
“Grumpy Lila. Lazy Lila. Pouty Lila. Funny Lila. Lila when she’s sleep-deprived. Sugar high Lila, like right now. On her period Lila. Normal Lila.” "Do you want me to go on?"
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messijessi120 · 5 years
Review: Do You Dare by Lylah James (Truth and Dare Duet #1)
Review: Do You Dare by Lylah James (Truth and Dare Duet #1)
    DO YOU DARE? (Truth and Dare Duet #1) by Lylah James Release Date: October 24th
  Add to Goodreads: https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/46040344-do-you-dare
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    What happens when a dare goes too far?
Maddox Coulter. Reckless bad boy. Infamous playboy. My nemesis. And now my best friend.
I know he’ll never leave me hanging. He knows I’ll never refuse a dare. Everywhere we go…
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DO YOU DARE? The first book in the Truth and Dare Duet by @authorlylahjames is LIVE!! Highschool/College Romance? ✔ Alpha-hole? ✔✔ One very sassy and feisty heroine? ✔ Dirty talk? ✔✔ Sexual tension? ✔✔ LOTS OF ANGST? ✔✔ Blurb: What happens when a dare goes too far?  Maddox Coulter. Reckless bad boy. Infamous playboy. My nemesis. And now my best friend.  I know he’ll never leave me hanging. He knows I'll never refuse a dare. Everywhere we go we turn heads, but it’s not like that.  Until it is.  For one of us, anyway. I've always known he would be my downfall. But I trusted him to catch me.  He proved me wrong.  Maddox has gone too far, and I don’t know if I want to rein him in or push us further into dangerous territory.  He tells me those three little words that I crave. Three little words I want from no one else.  I dare you.  Except this time, it's no simple dare. This could burn us to the ground. "I dare you to fuck him." #doyoudare #truthanddare #lylahjames #newrelease #bookstagram #candikanepr #evilauthorwithablacksoul https://www.instagram.com/p/B4KiPMFnW9I/?igshid=1rzaltjp8q67c
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