#lovely readers📖
kpop-stories-21 · 11 months
Hey, uum, maybe you were asked this question a number of times , but I seriosly love The Library of Illissions series and I was wondering when are you going to post The Resticted Section part. Sorry to bother you and I hope you have inspiration for your work!
Hi! You're the first person to ask me that, believe it or not. I'm so happy you're enjoying the series tho! I'm hoping to get it out sometime this week unless life decides to intervene. If you want to be tagged when it does come out, I have a taglist form linked in my masterlist💖
Thanks for popping in and I hope you have a wonderful day😊
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cryptidcorners · 3 months
Another day. Another fucking underrated jhutch character. MAX NATION WHERE ARE YOU !!! one of my friends say he looks like Clapton but like .... sadder LOL. he's so girlie ....
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mysteriesmuse · 5 months
Pro-Heroes New Years Livestream Q&A Featuring Katsuki Bakugou / Dynamite
The next morning you couldn’t help but find yourself reflecting on years past — and not just the previous one!
You’d gotten out the box full of your childhood yearbooks that your parents made you take to your new apartment. Ironically, using the wobbly stool you’d stolen from your parents house in order to grab the dusty stack off the top shelf of your closet.
And now you sat on the floor by your coffee table coughing and sneezing as you flipped up all the yearbooks labeled with: Musutafu Middle.
You flipped through them all. Laying each book out in front of you as if you were some kind of detective with a red string to connect; and honestly, you kind of did because for the life of you. You. Could. Not. Remember Katsuki Bakugou. You had absolutely zero recollection of him from your time in middle school.
The worst part about it was that none of your friends could really remember him either. Like you knew he was rich, and snobby, and sporty, but that’s just because it was a small middle school. The way that you still remember a lot of other classmates, except that was all you could recall about Bakugou Katsuki. I mean, you don’t think you knew each other well enough for your name to be the one uttered by a ProHero in a nationally televised talk show?!!
You’d watched that video over and over and over again until you could practically see him on the talkshow repeating himself behind the red folds of your eyelids. And now you’d embarrassingly see him behind your eyes every time you blinked. But besides the video corroborating the fact that you had to be the girl Dynamite was speaking about you and your bestie couldn’t figure out how he’d encountered you in middle school? Because at the very least you never ran into him. Like you knew he was there and who he was in the small town sense, but you don’t recall having met Bakugou.
At least, not in the way that your eyes light up and you cause a charming boyish grin on a man whose reputation is just THAT. That devilishly handsome, incredibly chiseled Adonis looking with the cheekbones and jawbone that may injure a person, incredibly smoldering eyebrows and sharp intellectual eyes, kind of way. Not to mention, a top ten hero at the tender age of 23.
The past few days yours and your classmates photos had been circulating through various social media platforms as the general public tried to piece together the puzzle with their own detective work.
Meanwhile, you’d managed to hide out in your little apartment as the internet took Dynamite’s childhood crush by storm. You were immensely grateful that the public hadn’t picked up on it yet. Watching the internet frenzy from afar was enough for you.
Dynamite had already released a statement that he would not confirm or give up your name for the sake of protecting your own privacy. And as quoted by @dynamiteoffical, “absolutely fucking not. that’s low shit to do to anyone you know, especially to someone you don’t know very well yet.” If the revelation in itself did it have you swooning, then the public defense, and the mention of yet did. but still? ProHero Dynamite?? A guy you’d apparently known as children and harbored a small celebrity crush on for the past year and a half, it just didn’t feel real. It didn’t make sense, why? What did he see? You dragged the final yearbook off the coffee table and much like the others you’d blown off the dust and immediately gone to find Bakugou Katsuki.
Your fingers traced around the corners of the pages. A delicate finger around the generic blue background that framed your pictures. There you stood smiling back at yourself your red kerchief matching the ribbon your mother had put in your hair. You touched the back off your head. The same hairstyle that you’d never quite grown out of: a braided ponytail; just like ProHero Dynamite had called it.
Frantically, you’d pushed your way through the filler pages of clubs, ceremonies, and school events that had occurred throughout the year. The ones that always separated the graduating class from the rest of the student bodies pictures. So many clubs and event were put on — including the semi-annual quirk emergency training. That was coordinated through the Mustafu Police Department. They canceled all club activities for one afternoon and divided up the school in half; 1st year and 2nd years together, and then 3rd and 4th years. Which according to your calculations meant that you’d been in the same safety seminar as Katsuki for 2 years. And that only explained how you did remember, and meet, ProHero Deku. They always split off the kids with quirks capable of self-defense and gave them some small group training. Meanwhile the rest of you stayed in the gymnasium learning self defense moves with partners. — You always paired up with your best friend.
You flipped past more stuff. Fondly remembering the Battle of the Books win that year. As well as the Middle school Medieval themed dance with the inflatable sword duel with the Student Body President and Vice President. And especially the Battle of the Bands an event you participated in every year til high school, much to your parents chargin, and finally that final year you’d placed top three. In the photo you stood clutching the neck of your guitar to your chest with the golden microphone in your hand. How you ever left the house in that outfit you’d never understand. You smiled fondly tracing over the trophy with your hand, a relic that your parents ironically kept in order to show off to their friends still.
Finally, you’d flipped to the grade below you and spotted the elusive head of blonde hair. In a frustrated sigh you asked, “seriously Dynamite how on earth do you know me? Like actually?” Because honestly how could a ProHero like you when you were sooo cringe.
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2018-01-20 · 2 years
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sypnosis. your secret boyfriend is not so secretly afraid of squirrels.
pairing. suna rintarō × gn!reader
sticky-note. tooth-rotting fluff + secret dating wc. 957
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“wait, really? the suna rintarō is scared of squirrels?”
“keep it down,” he quietly hisses into your ear, making you snicker in amusement at the six-foot-one male hiding behind of you. “the miya twins are right there.”
before you can even open your mouth to start teasing, the hands that currently occupy the space of your shoulders abruptly pull you into his chest—steering you away from the small cliff’s edge and forcing you to step back. tilting your head down before suna can try to distract you, you spot the absolute tiniest squirrel a whole foot away from the both of your figures, and the middle blocker grumbles under his breath in what you assume is pure disgust.
“there’s nothing good about them,” he huffs out, irked, still using you as a shield when another squirrel speedily climbs up and walks closer to him. you smile at the sight. “plus.”
“mm. plus...?”
“plus, they’re pretty fucking ugly.”
“you’re too mean,” you laugh and shake your head, giggles bubbling out of you at seeing such a hilariously cute side of suna. since day one of dating, he’s shown absolutely no sign of any fears or deep disgusts—and now? you’re totally basking into the feeling. “why do you hate them so much?”
“what are you talking about?” the judgemental tone of his voice sounds just like a baby whining and complaining. “what is there even to like about them?”
“you can feed them goldfish crackers, and that’s pretty cute. don’t you think so, rin-rin?”
it’s so hard to not giggle again when suna only childishly ‘hmphs!’ in response. his cheeks are quick to warm up after hearing you casually speak his embarrassing—yet secretly favorite—nickname out loud, and he steps back to lead you towards the inarizaki bus and as far away as he can from the tourist spot.
when osamu suddenly calls out a, “you guys heading back in already?” suna visibly freezes, and you are quick to put on a smile. as much as you want to tease your boyfriend, you play pretend: because you really do not want to see the miya twins finding out about suna’s relationship with the squirrels.
—or with you.
“sorry, suna’s feeling a bit sick!” you reply, a hand cupped around your mouth. “i’m gonna get medicine from my bag!”
“feel better soon!” atsumu yells back with a grin and a wave. “it would be bad if our precious little number ten couldn’t play!”
you smile genuinely at his words, climbing onto the bus with suna glaring daggers from behind of you. you already know what he’s going to say before he even says it.
“...seriously? me, feeling sick?”
“it makes sense that the manager has medicine,” you retort, immaturely sticking your tongue out at him. “happy? there’s no way a squirrel can get into here.”
“very.” he groans, sliding into a booth and taking a seat without a moment to waste. you yelp in surprise when he shamelessly pulls you onto his lap, arms sneakily slipping around your waist to bring you closer to better feel your warmth.
“r-rin!” blood rushes to your face with embarrassingly record speed as you quickly steady yourself with a hand to his chest. the things he does to you and your poor, racing heart. you quietly hiss, “what if they see us through the window?”
suna cheekily smirks against you when he buries his face into your shoulder, his adorably unkempt hair tickling your skin. you resist the urge to slip your fingers through the dark strands to mess it up even more. “nah, they won’t. they’re all too focused on the squirrels.”
“uh-huh. and now, you are getting your revenge for me making fun of you. real discreet.”
“you deserve it.” he sits up, sticking his tongue out at you too in return and immediately earning a flick to the forehead. you loop your arms around his neck to pull him back in; the both of you giggling in between words. “squirrels aren’t even scary, you just thought that i was scared.”
“oh, is that so?” suna starts pressing distracting kisses all over your face, making it harder for you to continue as you laugh even more. “will... will you still tell me why you h-hid behind me then? i swear to god, stop it!”
he pouts with a pretend frown. “is it such a crime that i got bit by one as a kid?”
“...wait.” you sport an ominous smile. “really...? for— for real?”
his eyes narrow when he notices you trying to bite back a laugh. “don’t grin like that. i just used to feed a squirrel outside of my house everyday—and then when i stopped once, it bit me.”
automatically, you give up trying to hold in your laughter as an endless amount of giggles suddenly erupt from your chest. just visualizing it makes you clutch at your heart at how hilarious the situation looks in your mind. “a-actually? wait, that is too funny—”
“sto-op,” he pinches and stretches out your cheek, continuing to fake pout as you tilt your body back and laugh to your heart’s content. “there, i told you. now stop giggling.”
“fine, f-fine.” sighing with one last laugh, you move to sit next to him instead, a small smile on his face that matches your wide one. “hopefully that squirrel never bites you again.”
“yeah.” suna’s voice suddenly shifts into a whisper, holding your hand in his and expertly hiding them in his jacket pocket. you feel your ears starting to warm and your heart beating dramatically faster as he keeps good, steady eye contact—the members of his team starting to get onto the bus with a loud chatter.
“i hope so too.”
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sigmoon · 9 months
𓇢𓆸 Wildflowers under the summer rain
Chapter three: Lily Of The Valley
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Pairing: Fyodor Dostoyevsky x reader
cw: PTSD flashbacks (sexual abuse), mentions of depression, a panic attack, y/n is not doing well, but is back at girlbossing at the end of the chapter. However, if descriptions of PTSD symptoms and panic attacks make you feel uncomfortable or trigger you, please skip this chapter.
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Lying on the uncomfortably cool floor of the small room Fyodor gave you as your own, you focused on the feeling of your back against the hard concrete and the goosebumps that spread across your skin. On days like this, when you felt like gravity was weighing down on your body much heavier than usual, it was easier to just submit to the feeling and lie down on the floor in a starfish position, your limbs sprawled out as you stared holes into the ceiling. Inhaling deeply and releasing your breath in a shaky exhale, you closed your eyes and fought the urge to do what you felt like doing the most right now.
But then again, you were far too weak and heavy to even bother to get up from the floor, walk towards the drawer next to your bed, and take out the small handgun that Fyodor had insisted you’d carry with you. “Just in case of emergencies,” he'd explained. “Besides, take it as a sign of my trust.”
You had only left your room once today, for a brief trip to the bathroom and back, sending some nasty glares toward your new colleagues, the whole insufferable bunch.
You already felt like going right back to sleep after waking up with the familiar heavy weight on your chest this morning, and after your stroll through the headquarters, which took longer than planned, since you couldn't find the bathroom in this stupid, intricate tunnel system, you went right back into your room and locked the door behind you before you lay down on the floor. You didn’t know how many hours had passed since then, as you remained on the cold surface and didn’t bother to stand up even once. Was it yesterday's conversation that weighed down on you? Or still the aftermath of the events of the past few months haunting you like ghosts of the past? You had many of those, after all, and they were all painfully loyal, paying you regular visits that you never asked for. Whatever it was, you weren't able to think a single clear thought, anyway.
Not when you felt him on you again. Those vile hands, no, claws, caressing your skin and leaving it burning like someone poured acid on it. The firm embrace around your torso squeezed you so tightly against a repulsive body that you could swear you heard your ribcage crunch and crack, and the hot, humid breath against your neck, heavy and rapid. And that smell, a mix of cheap aftershave and cigarettes, that made you gag when you even thought about it, filled your nostrils and took your breath; like the sensation of inhaling some poisonous gas. You could feel yourself stiffening up, wondering for how long you haven’t inhaled or exhaled, holding it until you felt dizzy before starting to breathe again, in short, rapid gasps. You felt like a fish on land, eyes wide and full of panic, your mouth half agape, fighting for some oxygen. You felt that old burning sensation between your thighs again, one that made you feel disgusted by your own body, vulnerable, wanting to tie your legs together with a rope and never open them again. You felt dizzy and the lamp on your bedroom ceiling was spinning in circles, hypnotizing you and pulling you even deeper into whatever it was that you spiraled into once again. Was your entire room spinning? Or did your eyeballs leave your skull, bouncing through your room like ping-pong balls? Your body felt so restless that you felt like you had to jump up from the floor and climb up your walls, but the thought alone, of sitting up straight, was enough to make you feel so weak that even breathing was exhausting.
You traced a few shaky fingers over your chest, aching to sink your fingertips into your flesh, carve your ribcage open, and tear out whatever rotten stuff was buried deep inside you and caused you to drown in sorrow day and night.
You only snapped out of your trance when, with a particularly sharp inhale, you choked on a drop of your saliva and abruptly sat up, coughing and gasping for air. Trembling, you cleared your throat a last time and then brought a hand to your collar, tugging on it in a desperate attempt to make the agonizing tightness in your throat go away, a feeling of a hand around it, slowly squeezing tighter and tighter, but never hard enough to grant you the final relief that the lack of oxygen would bring you.
You felt cold and weak and realized that you haven’t eaten or had any water for hours. With wobbly legs, you stood up, tightly grasping the edge of your desk and slowly breathing in and out, when Fyodor's words from yesterday rang in your ears. He was right. You had the power to do what countless other people, innocent victims of god knows what will never be able to do; make the world a little more just. Delivering appropriate punishments to those who deserve it, so the poor souls of their victims can finally find rest. And here you were again, wallowing in self-pity and squirming on your bedroom floor like a damsel in distress, praying for someone to come and save you from your demons. As much as Fyodor's lecturing angered you, you knew very well that indeed nobody was going to come and save you. There was no helping hand in sight, no white knight, nothing at all. Not even Fyodor was there to help you. Deep down you knew that your most loyal companions were the demons that lived inside you like parasites, sinking their teeth and claws into your heart. Trying to get rid of them was a futile attempt, you knew that by now. The only option you really had, was befriending the demons and becoming one of them, finding someone else they could maul, someone like him, who deserved to be shredded to pieces. As long as they had a desperate soul to torment, the demons didn't care who it was. You or anybody else, it didn't matter to them. And this was your chance. If using your ability to break others who deserved it provided you and other victims with a bit of peace and satisfaction, you were willing to do so. Regardless if it were people that Fyodor chose, and if he was only using your ability for his own benefit at the end of the day.
Every rational thought was drowning in bloodlust, with no trace of morality left when your mind was running and your teeth were grinding. "Fuck it," you murmured to yourself and walked towards the door. Before leaving your room, you looked into your mirror and studied your own face. Puffy and swollen from crying, flushed, and an expression of dark determination contorting your features into a grimace that barely looked like a familiar face to you anymore. Your eyes seemed dull and empty, but in your irises swirled the essence of unhappiness and a small spark of hesitance and doubt whether you were making the right choice. But you quickly blinked it away, straightened your back, and stepped out of your room.
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If you like my work, consider buying me a coffee ♡
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Hio’s note: Please remember that everyone experiences PTSD differently and that what I write is fictional and written through my lens and not everyone will relate to it or feel like it's "accurate". This chapter and the entire series are a piece of fiction, not a description of reality or actions/choices/behaviors I think are good or healthy. I don’t mean to romanticize the dark contents I write in any way. The reader's character is an OC, a character I created, and not an example of healthy coping or good life choices. Please stay safe and reach out for support if you need to.
I hope you liked the chapter regardless and look forward to the next!
© sigmoon
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anemptypuddingcup · 8 months
Omg so like... Hi!! I saw it period post and was like.... Wait a minute bc that got me thinking and I've never wrote a fanfic before (I wrote short stories) especially smut so like... That prompt got my two tiny ass brain cells going full gear to write this shit... I hope you likey :] I didn't re-read shit and I tried my best for this to make sense to others :] have a good day/night and I hope your period don't make your week a living fucking nightmare 🥰🥰
It was your time... To bleed like a fucking virgin sacrifice to some devil... You could compare that to what was actually happening. 
Your day started off in the worst way possible... You started your period in the middle of the night causing  your sheets to get dirty with your blood. Oh, your sweet boyfriend Monkey D. Luffy just laying there like nothing happend.
"Luffy, wake up for a minute." Shaking him a little to try to get him to move so you can put the sheets to wash.
He doesn't move... The sheer audacity of this man. You shake him harder... Nothing. At this point why try you can't move this man. But you'll be damned if you not only let yourself sleep in the mess but Luffy too? Nope.
You sigh as you move closer to him and lean close to his ear.
"Luffy~ I made food..." You whisper softly into his ear and all of a sudden his body shoots up looking at you like your some sort of saint that bestowed the holy Grail upon him rubbery body. 
He smiles so brightly at the thought of your food. Hugging and kissing you.
"Good Morning, y/n! Thank you for breakfast!" He gets up,running towards the kitchen not paying any mind to the mess on the sheets.
You laugh softly, grimacing in pain as laughing mad your cramps... cramp...👍🏽
Managing to get said sheets off you throw them on the floor being careful about not getting any blood on the floor not feeling like bending over and hurting yourself more. You manage to change the sheets and put them to wash when you hear your lovely oh so lovely but idiotically stupid boyfriend yell from the kitchen.
"Y/N WHERES THE FOOOOOOOOOD!!!" he's whining like a child. You snicker to yourself softly ignoring him.
 Going into the bathroom to clean yourself up the best you can without stepping into the shower cause your body hurts to much at this point to bother. You can't hear Luffy enter your shared bedroom. 
 As you come out of the bathroom "freshened up" (bc let's be honest... Who actually feels clean while on their period)
 Luffy slings his rubbery arms around your waist pulling you into his lap. Both of you grunting softly at the whiplash and weight.
 "Y/n where'd the food? Did you lie to me?" He mumbles into your neck before looking at you with those eyes... Those goddamned puppy eyes... The ones you can't lie too, those one.
   You move your hands to play with his hair kissing him forehead "No my love, I'm sorry for lying to you but I needed to clean the shee-" he didn't left you finish... He don't care, you dare lie to him about one of the things he loves most in this world. FOOD! (You ofc matter to him along with shank's hat but... Like you lied about food 🥲)
 Anyways... His man slams him lips onto your... It's the most sloppiest, wettest most pussy throbbing kiss you've ever gotten out of him. Teeth and tongue are clashing against each other in a race for dominance. 
 You don't even know how he got you on the bed shirt and bra off whille he's making out with your breast the whole things basically in his mouth while he's rolling your other nipple with his finger looking at you with madness and hunger (literally and figuratively).
 "Mami~ why did you lie to me?" He looked at you pulling off of your chest kissing back up to your chest and leaving bite marks in his path
 "I-im sorry I had to lufty-" you were cut off by him pulling your pants down you kick him softly looking at him and shaking your head. 
 "No Luffy, we can't go no more... I'm on my period" you look at him and put your legs back down besides him. 
 This man looks at you stupid.
"Y/n.. what's a period?"
• *Explaining x3*
  He nods... Still looking just as confused. 
 "I do not care." He puts his hands back on your pants pulling them down reveling your underwear. 
 "Luffy!" You look at him stupid before sighing... It's not like you can deny him, you want this just as bad as he does but you don't want to make a mess on the bed again.
 "Ok.. fine but get a towel and put it under me... I don't want to make another mess" you look at him and give him a sheepish smile. 
 He bolts towards the linen closet and grabs a towel. Moving you towards the side laying the towel under you.
  "I-love-you-so-fucking-much-mami~" he whispers inbetween kisses starting at your chest and down your stomach stopping at your underwear.
 Lifting himself up off of your body pulling pulling his shorts and boxers off in one fluid motion. Hissing as his cock springs up hitting his stomach.
 You feel your mouth water as the sight of Luffy flushed face his body covered in a thin layer of sheen and his cock... Oh God does it look at pretty as ever he has a vein on the bottom and on the side of his cock with a deep red tip leaking pre from his tip.
  He dosnt bother asking you for permission he rips off your panties throwing them to the side.
 Grabbing his dick and running it between your wet blood soaked fold both of you moaning softly at the feeling.
  "Fuck- Luffy please... I want you inside~" you spread your legs further apart whining trying to get more friction against your cunt.
  He leans down and kisses your neck before slamming himself into you groaning. You are just screaming your lungs out at how fast he enters you. "Your so tight and warm for me mami~" he moans into your ear pressing on your lower tummy to feel how deep he is inside of you. 
 Whining and moaning at the pressure he's applying to your lower stomach. You wrap your legs around his waist pulling him in closer your pussy beating around him. 
 "Please Luffy~ I want you to move~" you moans around him trying to get him to move. "Mami~ I need you to beg for me~" he whispers into your ear biting the fleshy lobe of your ear.
 You look at him and take your hand and press it against his hand on your lower stomach " Please papi~ I want you to fuck me into the mattress please I want your cum please~" you tell him blushing in embarrassment but you both know what you want.
 He goes at it. He's slamming his hips into your pussy so hard whispering praises into your ear. "So good~" is on repeat from him lips as your just moaning your nail scratching at his back mumbling nothingness as he fucks you dumb. He pulls away from your body still going absolutely ham in your cunt adoring the way your blood his covering his cock Everytime he pulls out of you just to go back in. 
 "F-fucK luffy I'm so close~" you moan loudly as your tights start to quake around him. "Me too mami~ just wait a little bit longer for me~" he says pulling out of your cunt. You whine at the lost of him inside of you only for him to flip your around onto your stomach and slams right back into you going even faster than before. Moaning loudly as you grab the sheet and pillow any thing for support from his ruthless thrust into your tight cunt. "I'ma cum in you baby~" he moans into your ear as he thrust even faster inside of you releasing his seed and you squirt around his cock screaming his name.
  He fucks his cum back into your pussy looking at how his cum and your blood and fluids mix together. "You did so well for me, mami~" he whispers into your ear before pulling back out, flipping you back into your back and kissing you softly. "I love you so much lu~" you say in-between kisses.
 "I love you to y/n." He whispers into your ear, flopping next to you pulling you closer to his body, kissing your cheek and neck. 
 It was such a lovely little moment... Till you hear snores... You look at this man stupid yet again as he has a strong grip around your waist. 
 "LUFFY! WAKE UP!" You yell slapping him and he just stays asleep.
DO YOU WRITE LOVE?- PLEASE TELL ME YOU DO BC I ADORED THIS SM🥺💖 istg this was so good for your first try-
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p0pp3t · 2 years
HI HI ok so idk if this is gonna be hard but can you write about a roller skating date with Auron? Any gendered terms are alright, tysm!! ♪(^∀^●)ノ
Auron x Reader | “I’ll Be Rolling Place to Place!”
gender-neutral reader
fluff, playful n sweet
"You know, I never would've expected that this was one of your hobbies."
Roller skating seemed an extremely out-of-place idea, especially for someone with Auron’s reputation. Despite that, he couldn't help but give in when he realized how genuinely you wanted him to join you. So here he was now, sat next to you on a bench near an empty area of a roller rink.
"Oh? What gave you that idea?"
"Well, the workplace does have a way of putting people into a professional setting. It's not often our meetings are so . . . casual."
You laugh a little, finding it fitting how formal Auron remained when he wasn't filling the role of a CEO. "You can just call it a date, y'know. I know you said you don't go on those, but I'd like to think I'm a little more than just an employee now."
“Oh, fine,” He sighed. “I’m just saying that this date is far more informal than when we usually meet.” Auron always did have a way of keeping up with your banter, and you with his. Maybe it was just one things that drew you to each other.
You adjusted your skates, tightening their laces to make sure that neither of you would be slipping too much today. The skates fit just fine, but you stalled a little while longer for Auron’s sake, noting how he seemed to still be preparing himself mentally.  
“You’ve really never done this before? Not even as a kid?” 
“No, I never went when I was younger, so I didn’t feel the need to go now; not on my own, at least. So please,” He avoided your gaze now, looking embarrassed; “Don’t judge me too hard. I’ve made a fool of myself in front of you before, and that alone is more than enough.”
“You don’t need to worry yourself so much,” You press a reassuring kiss to his cheek, taking Auron’s hands into your own. “I appreciate you coming with me anyway. Besides, if you end up not liking it, you don’t have to skate with me again. Deal?”
The slightest blush tinged his face. “It’s a deal then. Thank you, dear.” Auron returned your kiss, just as warmly, but this time on the back of your hand. “Now, shall we get going?”
“Oh! Well, if you’re ready. Here,” Still a bit flustered yourself, you stand and extend your hands out in front of you. “Hold onto me, I’ll have to teach you how to walk in these things first.”
He stood slowly and cautiously, taking a moment to steady himself. Hand in hand, the two of you make your way over to the rink. Fortunately, it was relatively empty tonight; so if Auron did end up “making a fool of himself,” he hopefully wouldn’t feel too ashamed.
“Be sure to pick up your feet; you’ll notice these are a lot heavier than you’re used to,” you cautioned. “Also, brace yourself for the rink. It’s kinda jarring with how slippery it is around your first time.”
Auron nodded quietly, and stayed that way most of the time you spent actually skating. You did your best to catch him when he slipped, but to no avail. So, Auron would avert his eyes from you with a furrowed brow whenever you’d pull him up by the hand. Still, you persist. With some time and your patience, he eventually got the hang of things; enough to loosen his grasp on your hand and make a full circle around without falling. Between your stifled laughs and his unusually demeaned expression, Auron strangely found himself enjoying his time with you.
Your night together neared its end as you both rested on the bench again. Looking at him curiously, you wondered how Auron was doing.
“Didn’t hate it too much, did you? You were pretty silent the whole time; I was a little worried.” you ask, lighthearted but still concerned.
“Oh, no it’s nothing like that,” he promised. “You know I’m not the best with new things. But despite that, I actually quite enjoyed this.”
You smile, relieved to hear that you didn’t put Auron through too much. Another kiss to his cheek conveyed your gratitude.
“Also, I wouldn’t mind joining you here again.”
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additional notes:
aaaa sorry for taking so long to write this!! school has been keeping me busy 😔😔 but anyway this request is SO CUTE and i'm more than glad to use it as an excuse to make auron fall on his ass (i'm projecting btw i've gone roller skating like once and sucked major balls at it) hope you enjoyed <3
a little bonus: here’s a song that reminds me of him <3
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agaypanic · 8 days
who do you think made the first move? bc i can see them being kinda flirty the whole time in like a jokey friend way and eventually it evolves into real flirting where they ask him out, but i can also see chase having a weird complicated scheme to ask them out that goes horribly wrong almost immediately and ends in his siblings just making him ask straight out
it really becomes a "will they, wont they" situation OR people start to assume you guys are already dating but in reality, you're both too chicken to make an actual move
when chase finally decides to ask you out, his scheme probably becomes so convoluted ("because it has to be perfect!") that it totally ends up backfiring somehow
and it gets to a point where his siblings either tell him to just tell you he likes you upfront, or they save everyone involved the extra trouble and do it for him
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bluexiao · 2 years
i’m reading this funny af manhwa called pure love villain and sheeshhhh i want to write a fic like its plot—
then i realized i already thought of that kind of plot with heizou…. but hey… it also fits cyno too👀
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solaireverie · 2 months
op81 | best he'll ever write
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summary: [ author!oscar piastri x f!driver!reader — social media au ] being the partner and muse of a celebrated author means that fans start connecting the dots sooner rather than later
faceclaim: gracie abrams
author’s note: i'm secretly a ya romcom book girlie and i feel like that shows SO MUCH in this fic 🙈 delusional for life!
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liked by logansargeant, oscarpiastri, liakblock and 534,230 others
geotag: melbourne, australia
yourusername short break down under 🐨
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user great race at the australian gp y/n!
↪ user first points of the season let's goooo
↪ yourusername and hopefully many more to come 🙌
logansargeant STRAYAAA 🦘🇦🇺🦘🇦🇺
↪ yourusername VEGEMITE ON TOAST 🤤
↪ user sometimes i forget that logan and y/n are both gen z 😂
user the puppy is so adorable 🥺
↪ user i wonder whose it is 👀 y/n's said that her schedule doesn't allow for pets
oscarpiastri not my birthday cake...
↪ yourusername sorry not sorry 😉
↪ user who the hell is oscar piastri and why is y/n replying to his comment 😭
↪ user don't you talk about my favourite best-selling author like that 🤺
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oscarpiastri has added to their story
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seen by yourusername, logansargeant, jennyhan and 124,203 others
you replied to oscarpiastri's story
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liked by oscarpiastri, logansargeant, landonorris and 3,393,210 others
tagged: oscarpiastri
yourusername can't believe that little kid is now a 3-time nyt best-selling author 🥹 so proud of you oscarpiastri 💗 i haven't been able to put eighty-one seconds down 📖 available in bookstores near you!
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user i love how y/n always supports and promotes oscar's books 🥺
↪ user they're so adorable together my heart can't take it
oscarpiastri Thanks for the encouragement. Couldn't have done it without you 👍
↪ yourusername damn right you couldn't have 😤
user okay but who took the photo of y/n 👀
↪ user i'm betting it was oscar 😜
↪ user hello what 😳😳😳
↪ user oh my sweet summer child...
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liked by yourusername, hachetteaus, johngreenwritesbooks and 293,192 others
tagged: yourusername
oscarpiastri Thank you to everyone who's been on this journey with me. Eighty-One Seconds is finally yours and we can't be more happy to share it with you. As many of you have guessed, it is my homage to Y/N and all the time we have spent together. My wife, my love, my heart. I'm grateful that you're in my life. Forgive me for re-using my words, but here's to eighty-one more years together.
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user hold on a damn second 🤚 his WIFE??? when was this a thing 🧐
↪ yourusername 🤭
↪ user give us answers please 🙏 i haven't had peace since oscar posted this
yourusername i love you too, oscar jack piastri 🤍
↪ user oh he literally named his mc after himself 😭
↪ user GOODBYE??? JACK AS IN HIS MIDDLE NAME??? oh my god they really weren't subtle
williamsracing signed copy when 😏
↪ hachetteaus already on its way 🫡
user honestly i'm surprised they managed to hide their relationship for this long 💀
↪ user oh they did NOT we were just blind
↪ logansargeant I didn't find out until I got the wedding invitation in the mail 🤝
↪ landonorris i think that's just cause you're oblivious mate 😂
↪ logansargeant what???
↪ landonorris they literally make out all the time in williams hospitality
↪ yourusername lando... 😒
user if your man isn't writing a book professing his love for you, what's he doing with his life?
↪ user oscar's set the standard 😌
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likes and reblogs are appreciated!
taglist: @scenesofobx @vellicora @boiohboii @julesbabey @flannelforthetoads @misartymis @c-losur3
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kpop-stories-21 · 1 year
hi! can you add me to your taglist??? either just your general one or the one for library of illusion?? or both ?? please & thank you🥺👉🏻👈🏻🖤
Sure thing! I'll add you to both💖☺️
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cryptidcorners · 3 months
No format, because my brain is ROTTING. Derek Dandorth headcanons or character essay? Uhhh, I think so!
I honestly kind of deepened his whole character, lol. Sorry but I can't help myself. I promise I'm working on a fic rn !!
Some quick warnings are mentions of childhood trauma and such!
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✦ Derek Danforth, someone who craves attention and emotional intimacy more than anything — while his relationships may be minor in numbers, he holds them dearly. His competitive nature, self loathing and lack of social skills (+ him being a bit of a loser) contributes greatly to his behavior. Most of the time, he wallflowers at a party or scrolls through social media.
✦ He challenges people who succeed much better than him. Derek has always been fighting for someone to see him, even if it's just mindless praise. Derek devotes so much of his time to appear better and he lives off the dopamine of people liking him. Derek doesn't seem to fit in with others and isn't as popular as most assume.
✦ Enjoys time consuming activities, such as his morning routine. I think he'd like writing as well. Just anything to kill time, he'll do.
✦ So sassy. Yes, he is very awkward — but Derek is incredibly charismatic and smiley when he's in his field. Anytime Derek is in uncomfortable places, he goes dead quiet. It's really just instinct to kind of go on autopilot when he isn't contributing anything. But yeah, he's a drama queen with a huge attitude.
✦ Probably has the most wildest music taste, or taste in general. I mean, have you seen his outfits?
✦ Very needy and clingy. In all his relationships, he's overly affectionate, sweet and chases any positive reactions. Constantly calling to check in on them, send in gifts or shower them in compliments. He's a hopeless romantic.
✦ Speaking of romantic, he's definitely crazy over the genre. He's so lovesick he probably has a shelf filled with books from the romance genre.
✦ Derek enjoys when people play with his hair, or share soft intimacy. Hugs that last too long, cuddling under the covers or talking nonstop — drives him crazy.
✦ Rambles about wine. I don't think he'd drink it too much but he'd definitely have a heavy preference and drop his opinions no matter what.
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lovifie · 4 months
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Hi! 🩷
Welcome to my blog! You can call me Lovi/Lovifie or any nickname 🩷🩷
Request are closed at the moment, but my inbox is always open for asks and chats 🩷
Also on AO3 (working on uploading)
Add you username if you would like to be added to the tag list - Please check this before writing your name
I post mostly NSFW stuff, and I don't feel comfortable with minors interacting with it. Please, put your age on your bio or something so I can check you are in fact old enough to read it.
My dear anons 🫠, 🍰, 🫀 and 🦝
Hope you enjoy it!
❤️‍🔥Smut❤️‍🔥 🌸Fluff🌸 🤔Suggestive🤔💡Interactive💡
✨One-Shot✨ 📖Series📖 🎭Crack🎭 💧Angst💧
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No One Needs to Know... Right? ❤️‍🔥✨
Nasty Young Price ✨❤️‍🔥
Price meeting your parents for the firt time ✨🎭
Him with a wheelchair user partner ✨🌸
Mr. & Mrs. Price ✨🌸❤️‍🔥
Price and his lovely caddy girl ✨❤️‍🔥
Accidentally Kidnaping Mafia Boss Price ✨🌸
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Her Royal Highness 📖💧🌸❤️‍🔥
Hormones Chapter 1 - Chapter 2 - Chapter 3 🤔❤️‍🔥📖
Spidey 📖💡
Switch Bodies 📖🌸 First Morning 🌸 Meeting Soap 🌸💧
Simon Riley is a Good Man ❤️‍🔥✨+ Soap is a good man in the reblogs
Boyfriend!Simon learning about himself 🎭🤔✨
Immortal!Ghost x Reader that always comes back 💧✨🤔
Simon Riley always loved your hair ✨🤔🌸
"Simon" 💧✨
Simon with a big titties and tiny titties girlfriend ✨🤔
Insecure about their hands reader ✨🌸
Simon learning about your childhood - Extra bit - Extra x2 ✨🌸
New dad Simon ✨🌸
A Village Apart ✨❤️‍🔥
Simon “I Will Never Be A Father” Riley ✨🌸❤️‍🔥
Simon and his lipstick ✨🌸❤️‍🔥 alterative ending ✨🌸
A Ghost Of The Past ✨🌸❤️‍🔥
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Actually... That's my wife, ya wanker ✨🌸
Are you home? ✨❤️‍🔥
Gaz finding his soulmate ✨🎭🌸
Manipulative Gaz ❤️‍🔥✨💧
Break Up 💧✨/📖
Competitive Gaz ❤️‍🔥✨
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Back Home ✨❤️‍🔥🌸
Valeria's different approach to interrogation ❤️‍🔥✨
Little Red Riding Hood ❤️‍🔥✨
Soap's Diary (mumbling)
Him with a wheelchair user partner ✨🌸
Johnny's work out routine ✨❤️‍🔥
Soap, who steals something more than your heart (darkishh)✨
Fishy Business ✨❤️‍🔥
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Price's secret weapon ✨🤔
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¿Hambre, mi niña? ✨❤️‍🔥
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Poly 141 x Reader
Shitposting and Jokes I have Proudly Posted 🎭
Lift Me Off My Feet (Poly 141 x Reader) 📖❤️‍🔥🌸💧
COD Boys Try Sexy Roleplay ✨❤️‍🔥🎭
What kind of nasty each man is? ✨❤️‍🔥
141TF Men and what piece of clothing they would steal ✨🌸
Little comforting bit (Poly 141 x Reader) ✨🌸
Soap x Ghost x Reader
Well, I Wasn't On That Tunnel (Ghoap x Reader) 📖❤️‍🔥💧
Ghost finding out about you and Soap's little deal ✨❤️‍🔥
1K Event Choices
Price x Gaz
An Offer You Won't Refuse ✨❤️‍🔥
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enaus · 2 months
❤︎— paper rings. (l.heeseung)
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tumblr’s algorithm works best with reblog’s not just likes, so, pls reblog my work, thank you! <3
pairing: bf!heeseung x f!reader genre: established relationship, romance. warning(s): cuteness overload.
synopsis: in which your boyfriend heeseung proposes to you with a paper ring. wc: 0.688.
author's note: hi everyone,, i got inspired by taylor swift’s song paper rings off of the album lover n’ thought i’d write this. i do have my taglist open so if you want to be in it just send me a message in my inbox. as always, all feedback is welcome, just don’t be negative pls n’ remember to have a good time, happy reading everyone! 📖
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“Do you ever want to get married?”
Feeling surprised and startled by the sudden question, you looked up from the small tech device you were holding in your hands, your gaze falling upon your boyfriend, Heeseung, whose head was currently laying flat against your lap.
You took this opportunity to scan your boyfriend’s features for a tell that he was joking around, and it didn’t take long till you made the startling realization that he was genuinely being sincere.
“What’s with the sudden question?” You questioned as you fixed your gaze on him and raised your eyebrows. Your eyes catching his own.
“Technically, it’s not sudden; we’ve been dating for three years. Last time we spoke about this was maybe a year ago. Isn’t the topic supposed to come up again eventually?” He asked, cocking his head so he could see your face better while leaning against your lap. His maroon colored lips that were originally straight in form, now curled into a little pout as he raised his eyebrows in curiosity.
Naturally, the topic would come up at some point, and that didn’t bother you at all. Not that you were against getting married to your boyfriend—in fact, you were all for it. Hardly a day went by where you didn't consider asking him directly as opposed to just dropping those small, subtly hinting clues whenever he was nearby.
It wasn’t like you both were in a rush to get married; it was clear that you both intended to tie the knot at some point, but you both just never really had the opportunity to discuss it in thoroughly.
“You’re right, it is. It's just that we’ve never really spoken about it since.” You spoke, your hands finding their way into his messed-up hair. The few hairs that were delicately draped across his forehead, almost completely hiding his eyes, were now brushed away by your finger tips.
“Exactly.” He mumbled and fiddled with a piece of straw wrapper, probably from the remaining takeout you two had ordered an hour prior. He mumbled a string of nonsense under his breath before letting his thoughts break the silence once again; “If I were to propose to you right now, but I don’t have a shiny ring to offer you, would you say yes?”
You giggled and softly grinned at your boyfriend laying on your lap while you continued to run your fingers through his silky locks, a mutter slipping past your lips and under your breath in contemplation, “Yes.” You nodded, your smile remaining small and sincere.
“Wait, really?”
“Of course, why would I say no?”
“I figured maybe you’d prefer something extravagant..” He laughed, grinning, “I guess I was wrong.”
“Hee, I like shiny things but I’d marry you with paper rings. I don’t care for it to be expensive or fancy, as long as I have you, that’s all I want.” You spoke, as you watched the way his eyes soften, the reflection in them displaying a mix of love and comfort and that alone was just enough to make your heart beat even faster. The way the sparkles in his eyes resembled the stars located in the night sky, balancing beautifully with the way his eyes stared into yours.
“So, marry me.” Heeseung, who had previously been lying down, was now sitting up straight and motionless. His body facing your curled-up form on the couch, as he awaited your response.
“Marry me.” He repeated, bringing his hands into view to match the words coming from his mouth and letting you catch a peek at the piece of paper he was toying with just a few moments ago; the straw wrapper now neatly crafted into a paper ring—the sides were twisted as a tiny little knot rest at the top to resemble a diamond.
The moment you’d been wanting for a while had finally come, and you didn’t even need to think of an answer. This was the sweetest and cutest thing anyone has ever done for you, and it might not have been perfect or super romantic, but it was to you, and that's all that mattered.
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enaus all rights reserved, do not repost, copy, or plagiarize my work.
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httpsserene · 8 months
𝐡𝐭𝐭𝐩𝐬𝐬𝐞𝐫𝐞𝐧𝐞'𝐬 𝐟𝟏 𝐤𝐢𝐧𝐤𝐭𝐨𝐛𝐞𝐫 𝐬𝐩𝐞𝐜𝐢𝐚𝐥
𝘂𝗽𝗹𝗼𝗮𝗱 𝟰: 𝗱𝗮𝗻𝗶𝗲𝗹 𝗿𝗶𝗰𝗰𝗶𝗮𝗿𝗱𝗼 / 𝗺𝗮𝘅 𝘃𝗲𝗿𝘀𝘁𝗮𝗽𝗽𝗲𝗻 𝘅 𝗿𝗲𝗮𝗱𝗲𝗿 | 𝗼𝘃𝗲𝗿𝘀𝘁𝗶𝗺𝘂𝗹𝗮𝘁𝗶𝗼𝗻
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📖𝘀𝘂𝗺𝗺𝗮𝗿𝘆: you can't remember the last time you've gotten to spend more than three days at a time with both of your boyfriends. you understand how demanding their job is but, you just can't remember the last time they really exhausted you...pleasurably. and then winter break comes around , and they have all the time they need to make you lose your mind. 📖𝗰𝗼𝗻𝘁𝗲𝗻𝘁 𝘄𝗮𝗿𝗻𝗶𝗻𝗴: 18+ only. explicit. overstimulation. light dom/sub. quickies. cunnilingus. vaginal fingering. vaginal sex. unsafe sex. safewords. creampie. come eating. squirting. hand job. masturbation. dacryphilia. mention of taking explicit photos. praise kink. aftercare. set after the 2023 season. no beta we die like carlos’ fuel system. 📖𝘄𝗼𝗿𝗱 𝗰𝗼𝘂𝗻𝘁: 6.5k words 📖𝗽𝗮𝗶𝗿𝗶𝗻𝗴: daniel ricciardo/max verstappen x black!fem!reader 📖𝗴𝗲𝗻𝗿𝗲: oneshot. 📖𝘀𝗼𝘂𝗻𝗱𝘁𝗿𝗮𝗰𝗸: take me away • daniel caesar
𝗽𝗿𝗲𝗳𝗮𝗰𝗲: set post 2023 season. mm, i luv me some danny caesar–i got to see him live this year 😛 i was originally gonna pick a classic country song in true american fashion to show some patriotism for the austin gp—as a black woman, i can attest that we love our country bangers—but take me away just fit perfectly. and daniel is definitely taking yall somewhere this upload—max and reader are just along for the ride 💀. i tried to write sub!max, i think it came across well, and ahead of time i sincerely apologize to the maxiel truthers…i think i may have slayed. i will not be paying for your therapy < 3 🙂 (and if you think i changed the summary, stfu no i didn’t 😌) enjoy y'all !!!!
do you want to be added to my general taglist? or my f1 kinktober taglist? send me an ask!
cross-posted on my ao3, htppsss
to see what kinktober uploads have already been completed or to see what's coming next check my f1 kinktober masterlist ! for all of my works see my general masterlist!
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this past racing season was long; daniel knows that well; he went from being the third driver at red bull, to having a seat at alphatauri, to breaking his wrist–and still managed to recover to drive in the last five races. max can also account for how lengthy this season was; he dominated every race illustrated by his 10 consecutive wins, won his team the constructor’s championship 16 races in, won his third world driver’s championship the following week through a sprint race, and still had to stick around for five more races. but, daniel and max both know who has the best firsthand account of how prolonged and draining the formula one 2023 season was.
daniel knows that you’re they’re biggest supporter; you’re a sweetheart. and while you haven’t vocalized your displeasure for the twenty-three races this year–he can feel your dejection. at the start of the season, everything was seen through rose-colored glasses; max was winning, the three of you were having champagne-drenched celebrations in hotel rooms–so filthy the poor staff probably had to incinerate the sheets. you were satisfied; and daniel was with you whenever red bull didn’t want to parade him around at a grand prix. but as the months progressed and as daniel got a seat, the demanding nature of formula one was observable. the longer season had stolen them from you–they were flying from country to country, the gaps between races only long enough to only have them home for two or three days at a time, before they had to fly out and adjust to a new time zone. leaving your two boyfriends unable to make a mess of you as often as you all crave in doing so. phone sex is hot–but it can lose its luster over almost nine months. they’ve been neglecting you–even though every time either one of them suggests that notion, you disagree vehemently– but, it’s the truth.
they pride themselves on the fact that they used to make you beg for them to stop drawing orgasms out of you...but recently your sex life has consisted of dry-humping like horny teenagers, frantic pussy-eating and cock-sucking, and quickies in the shower. so, max and daniel formulated a plan.
after abu-dhabi, the three of you returned home to max’s monaco flat and fell into bed. you’re comfortably laying completely on top of daniel, front to front, and your head is tucked under his chin, turned to the side to face max, who’s settled on his side facing the two of you, arm draped over your back, with his hand squeezing at your waist randomly as he talks to daniel. you’re fighting sleep and losing; eyelids fluttering closed every now and then against your will, breath slowing as you edge closer and closer to sleep. you're floating on the brink of unconsciousness until you're dragged away at the soft sounds of daniel and max rousing you.
“there ya’ go, honey,” murmurs daniel, his voice rumbling in his chest underneath you, “we got somethin’ to ask you, before we let ya sleep, sweet girl.”
max’s hand shifts to rub at the length of your back, and you clear the sleepy haze from your mind enough to nod your head and hum softly in question, “m’kay.”
daniel gently pulls your head from his neck with his tattooed hand on your nape, making sure your pretty eyes, foggy with sleep, make eye contact, “how do ya’ feel about spending december in australia, hmm? a sunny christmas–on the ricciardo ranch; you, me, max and our families–ain’t that perfect, honey?”
max smiles softly at your pout–you’re never one to appreciate having your sleep interrupted–before adding on to daniel’s question, “jimmy and sassy can stay with the sitter; i already spoke to her a few days ago. she’d be thrilled to have them, so you don’t have to worry about where’d they stay. i don’t think i can get pet passports in three days nor do i want to see how two bengal cats act on a private jet for twenty hours.”
a few seconds pass, max and daniel searching your face for any hint to a possible answer. you blink a few times, before you murmur faintly, “‘m okay with it…can i go to sleep now?”
max laughs tenderly, guiding your head back into daniel’s neck before he scoots closer and rests his own head on the australian’s shoulder, “yeah, mijn schatje. sleep well.”
daniel wraps the arm pinned under max around him, pulling him closer to drop a kiss on his forehead. his other hand falls on your back over the dutchman’s, caressing it softly. he holds the two of you as tight as he possibly can, the big grin on his face only seen by the ceiling. he has his whole world in his arms right now, but come christmas time, his whole universe–his family–will be under the same roof back home in australia.
the next three days are filled with an absurd amount of packing. max and daniel have five suitcases between the two of them—you have five for yourself; it doesn’t hurt to be prepared. the night before your flight, they watch you pace around the bedroom making sure there’s nothing important you’re forgetting. jimmy and sassy had been dropped off at the sitter’s, and max and daniel had already moved all the luggage to the entryway for the early flight. the two drivers had stopped trying to convince you to join them in the bed and cuddled together, knowing it’s best to let you work out your anxieties now so you don’t overthink on the flight.
as you start combing through the closet again, max whispers to daniel, “we could fuck the nerves out her right now, danny.”
daniel smacks max’s hip, smirking when he whines quietly, “no, maxy. she has to sit for an almost twenty hour flight, we can’t make that any more difficult for her.” the dutchman huffs, unhappy with the answer even though he knows it's the logical course of action.
dan continues, “remember: as soon as we get to the ranch and settle in—we'll be alone for a week before my parents come ‘n join us. we’ll have plenty of time to take her apart and put her back together.”
daniel was wrong. after y’all landed in perth, and made the drive out to the countryside—it was apparent that the three of you weren’t the only ones at the ranch. his parents had come early to make sure the ranch was prepped and fully stocked for your vacation, and prepared a home cooked dinner to welcome you in. dan can’t help his big smile from becoming a permanent fixture on his face as he watches his mom and dad fawn over you and max. grace pulls you into the house, instructing the men to bring the luggage inside while she gets to fixing you a plate heaping with barbecue. joe affectionately calls max ‘son’ with a tight hug, congratulating him on his third championship before they all make their way into the house.
the original plan is put on the back burner as daniel watches you and max bloom under the loving attention from his parents. the days passed quickly, all of them spent horsing around the farm; horseback riding, dirt biking, atv riding, making a trip out to the beach, eating good food, and sleeping well. dan sees max’s pale skin pinkening and your melanated complexion glowing with warmth from the caress of the australian sun. your afternoon naps are taken underneath the warm rays, stretching out in any slice of sun you can catch, bathing in it like a cat. max and dan do as many things as they can shirtless attempting to get their tan in as quick as possible—dan tans gracefully, max, on the other hand, burns like a lobster first before his tan becomes apparent.
they fucked you on the second day after your arrival, but not exactly how they were hoping too. it’s still a relatively short affair—for their standards, at least. while it quieted the need within you, it didn’t completely satisfy the urge for any of you. daniel had to coax you into biting a pillow to muffle your squeals, and have max nearly choke on his tattooed fingers to quiet his whining—dan himself clenched his jaw so tightly to prevent his own moans from escaping that he’s surprised he didn’t crack a tooth. he loves his parents, but he’s genuinely going to snap if he doesn’t get to ruin you and max without worrying if they could hear how he makes you and max beg for him.
on the fifth day, you wear your first sundress to lunch and max pulls daniel in the kitchen to muffle a scream into his chest. 
“dan, baby—i love your parents,” max starts, his eye twitching, “you know i do! but, i can’t go another day without hearing her scream for me—for us.”
they’re only men. very desperate men. and you had the nerve to parade yourself in this flowy, yellow, strapless sundress at a meal they have to suffer through. they can’t even tear it off of you after, because dan’s parents have a chance of overhearing. but, what forces the australian to kindly kick his parents out of the house, is how you fail to stop yourself from drooling over them playing around in the pool—struggling to continue speaking with his mom as you sit on the pool’s ledge. 
before dinner, dan showers by himself first, changing into fresh clothes. he then ushers you and max into the shower, ‘to rinse off the chlorine and sweat from the day,’ he says. but, he could care less about that. as soon as he hears the shower start, he practically sprints to the kitchen to see his mom and dad put the finishing touches on the burgers they fixed up.
daniel skids to a stop in the doorway, leaning against it in faux-relaxedness, and says, “howdy.” it’s silent for a minute; his dad stares at him blankly, and his mom eventually breaks and speaks plainly, “what is it, danny?”
daniel gasps in mock-disbelief, “why d’ya always think i want something from you? i can’t just be greeting my wonderful, loving, and understanding parents?”
grace stares at him, not fooled, “are you just saying ‘hi’?”
daniel stutters aimlessly looking to his dad for help, but joe just shrugs at him in a ‘you did this to yourself, son’ manner. 
“maybe! well, no, actually…” daniel sulks, slinking into the kitchen, and resting against the counter next to his mom.
his mom hums knowingly, and gestures at him to start speaking.
“uh, so, you know i love having y’all around, right, and uh, it’s nice y’know—i mean, i don’t see ya’ as often as i want to, but uh—don’t get me wrong, you’re my parents, but uhm—“
joe sighs, “daniel, cut to the chase, please.”
daniel groans, before he leans his head back to look at the ceiling, “fine. look—we just expected to at least have one week to ourselves when we got here. not that y’all being here to surprise us is bad! you know that. but, uhm…we just made plans, i guess. a-and we kind of can’t do it, because, well…”
grace washes her hands as daniel continues to ramble through an unnecessary apologetic explanation. she turns the water off, drying her hands on a towel, and turns to her husband, pointing at daniel while rolling her eyes teasingly, before she cuts her son off, “daniel, we can leave tonight.”
daniel stops, head dropping to look at his mom in shock, “what?”
“we can leave tonight, if that’s what you’re trying to ask. your father and i don’t mind,” grace smiles gently, “we weren’t supposed to stay for this long anyways, we were just trying to get the ranch prepared for y’all, and you know how enamored we are with your girl and boy; we overstayed our welcome. we can go and come back a week before christmas with the rest of the family, danny.”
daniel perks up, “you guys don’t have to leave for that long, i don’t wanna kick you out—“
“daniel, please,” joe scoffs, walking over to clap daniel on the back, “you’re not kicking us out. we’ll be back on the seventeenth, alright. hopefully, that gives y’all enough time to work out your frustrations. we really don’t want to overhear or see anything—“
daniel pales, “okAY, thank you, yes—please don’t comeback until as late as y’all want, jesus christ. wait—did you hear the other night?! ohmygod…they’re going to kill me.”
joe and grace laugh, “no, we didn’t hear anything, danny. we just figured from how they were following you around in the morning—max couldn’t even look us in the eye, son.”
daniel groans, embarrassed, “don’t tell them anything about this okay? they’ll break up with me if they know i asked you to leave so i could have sex with them.”
his parents' laughter only gets louder, but they agree eventually after they indulge in teasing their son a little more.
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dinner is pleasant; you and max remain unaware of the ricciardo’s intervention, enjoying the well-cooked meal and lighthearted conversation. when everyone’s stomach is full and the conversation quiets, grace and joe break the news that they unfortunately have to return to perth. you and max sadden, trying to convince daniel’s parents to stay a little longer—max’s eyes fail to hide his eagerness at their announcement, even though his voice manages to be completely sincere. daniel watches as his parents formulate a fake excuse about their departute before he gently reminds you two, “they’ll be back for christmas, babes. you’ll see them again.”
the two of you calm at daniel’s statement, and walk his parents out to the car, exchanging hugs and kisses before they drive off back to the city. daniel leads you two back into the house after you’ve watched his parents disappear down the road, and the shift in energy as soon as the door locks is missed by you.
you mindlessly amble back to the dining table, stacking the emptied plates and glasses and wandering into the kitchen to clean them. as soon as you turn the sink faucet on, a strong body pushes against your back, and presses you against the edge of the counter as their hand reaches around you to shut the water off. you turn around to tell-off whichever boyfriend did that, but before you can get any words out, you’re pulled into a filthy kiss.
your shocked gasp is muffled by max’s lips, and you half-heartedly attempt to pull away, but the dutchman chases your lips, not allowing you to stop. you give in with a sigh, allowing max to continue kissing you. he buries one hand in your hair, tilting your head to the side for a better angle, and licks at the seam of your lips. you squirm against him, not quite giving into the coaxing of his tongue, and max hums softly before he tugs at your bottom lip. you turn your head to the side, panting softly to suck in a few desperate breaths before max pulls you back and invades the opening of your lips. you squeal at the feeling of his tongue laving against yours, the lewd wet sounds of your mouths have your thighs pressing together. max brings his other arm to grasp around your waist, and pulls you against him, groaning into your mouth at the smallest amount of friction that movement provided. you feel lightheaded, your knees weakening, but max firmly holds you up, not letting you slip from his grasp. your hands come up to wrap around him, one feeling up his chest before resting around his neck, and the other hand digging into the meat of his back in search of stability. he hums at the ache of your nails and drops both of his hands to cup the back of your thighs right under your ass. he lifts you onto the counter, spreading your legs and shoving his body between them, while still managing to not break the kiss. at the show of strength you arch your back, whining highly, pushing your chest against his—he’s so strong. he eagerly starts tugging the sundress up your legs, making to expose your panties before he’s interrupted by a sudden heavy hand on the back of his neck.
max jerks away from you (you can finally catch your breath), his chest heaving, and his own whine fills the air at the weight of daniel’s hand.
“now, darlin’,” daniel addresses max with a smirk, “this wasn’t part of our plan, was it? you forget the script, maxy?”
max blushes a pretty pink, and murmurs, “no, daniel—sorry, danny.” dan hums at the apology, pressing a kiss to max’s warm cheek.
“w-what plan?” you timidly ask, still sitting on the counter, legs spread obscenely, dress skewed messily, and lips swelling from max’s ambition.
daniel chuckles, eyes shining at you hungrily, “mmm. how ‘bout we make our way to the bedroom and ‘ll show ya, sweetheart?”
you’re spread eagle in the middle of the bed, completely naked, with daniel fully dressed in between your legs sucking marks and pressing kisses on your thighs, max stripped down to his boxer-briefs on his side next to you, doing the same to your neck and chest. you’re squirming viciously just from the feeling of his beard scraping against your inner thighs, squeals ripping from your throat when he leaves a hickey or bites at the meat of your thigh. the australian’s pupils are blown wide, as he watches you try and muffle your cries behind your hand—if this is how you’re responding to the two of them thoroughly refreshing their claim on you, he’s thrilled to see how you’ll lose your mind as the night goes on. pulling his head away, daniel presses his thumb into one of the bruises he left and your back arches deeply–you choke on your squeal, thighs slamming shut around his hand.
“none of that now, sweetheart,” dan instructs firmly, “‘s just me, you, and max, honey. no need to quiet those sweet sounds of yours, alright?”
you nod wildly, stumbling over your agreement, “y-yeah, danny. ‘ll be- i’ll be loud for you guys.”
max moans at your words from where his lips were tugging at your nipple, pulling away to raise himself back to your lips, thirstily tasting your desperation from its source. dan allows max to bruise up your mouth, and leave his own beard burn around your lips, as he undresses himself down to his briefs. 
“max…max, maxy, babe,” daniel softly calls a few times, failing to get the impatient man’s attention, “max, look at me.” the switch from dan’s soft tone to a deeper, base filled sound has max snapping away to look at daniel, panting roughly.
“be good f’me and give yourself a hand, darlin’,” dan commands, and max sighs lovingly at the endearment, “you can manage that right, maxy? while i get our sweet girl ready to take you, hm?”
max whimpers, “yes, danny,” and shifts to sit upright, pulling his underwear off and wrapping his large hand around himself. dan purrs, “good boy. her sweet cunt’s already drippin’ for us, maxy. won't take me long to stretch ‘er open for you.” you keen, humiliated at the way dan speaks about you like you’re not in the room with them. daniel tugs your legs open again, hiding his laughter in the plush meat of your thigh, but you can feel the smirk against your skin. 
embarrassed, you whine hushedly, hands fisting into the sheets by your side, “mean.”
daniel hums uncaringly at your remark, “mean? don’t worry, honey–when i finish with you, you’ll think ‘m mean for a very different reason.” he doesn’t give you a chance to ponder his words, and a firm drag of his tongue across your cunt destroys any chance for your thought processes. this time around, your moans are clear, echoing around the room. the press of daniel’s tongue is unforgiving and working intently at your clit. your thighs clamp around his head, not allowing the australian to escape even though he can feel your hips bucking away, trying to escape the consistent stimulation on one of your most sensitive spots. when one of your hands flies down to tug at his curls, he relents his assault and switches to prodding his tongue against your opening. he moans depravedly against your entrance, the noise vibrating through you, causing your shriek to pierce the air. he eats you out like a man starved; savagely shoving his tongue deeper inside you, curling against your walls, nose bumping against your clit, mouth moving like he’s truly trying to eat you alive. he ignores the ache of his jaw, the tightness of his briefs, how his beard scratches your skin; and he smoothly slips a finger into you, beginning thoroughly stretch you out.
it’s absolutely obscene-sounding. daniel works his way up to three fingers, and any previous qualms he had about you being too quiet are resolved. your whines are constant at the insistent invasion of daniel’s curling digits, and based on the way your legs are trembling, he can tell you're nearing the precipice. what’s even more erotic, is the way your cries harmonize with max’s own grunts of pleasure; the dutchman’s hips buck into the frantic pace of his hands and danny wouldn’t be surprised if max comes before he even gets inside you. daniel sits back on his heels, his fingers still digging deeper inside you, forcefully pressing against your g-spot. with his left hand, daniel knocks max’s hand away, ignoring the responding yowl of displeasure, and fists max’s cock on his own, “doin’ a little too much, maxy. our desperate girl deserves to come first, anyways—lemme set the pace for you, darlin’.” max suffers under danny’s ministrations; the extreme shift down in tempo, the constant attention on the head of his cock, a finger pressing at his slit or the vein along his underside alternatingly. you, on the other hand, are being pushed closer and closer to your orgasm. daniel’s thumb joins, rubbing quick circles of your clit–and you scream out, pleasure overriding you. when your moans start to blend into breathy little ah-ah-ah’s, he slips his fingers free from the tight clasp of your cunt, and releases his hold on max’s cock.
you sob achingly, begging daniel to make you cum, dismayed cries of, “no! danny, why’d you stop, please, make me cum,” falling from your lips as max mewls next to you, his own hands trying to force danny’s back around him. daniel shushes you, and motions for max to come closer. max flies forward happily, his whines cutting off at daniel’s attention. he man-handles max into hovering over you in missionary, his cock resting against your fluttering cunt, waiting for permission. your cries quiet, and your heart races with anticipation for max to bury himself in you. danny’s left hand grips at max’s corresponding hip, and his right hand slips in the narrow space between you two, and he presses the flushed arousal in you. and the australian cannot stop running his mouth.
“that’s ‘t, baby–nice n’ easy for ya’–mmm–he’s splitting you open isn’t he–yeah, soak ‘im, babe, get him nice and wet–no, sweetheart, don’t run from it–yeahhh just like that, you take ‘t so well–”
your own orgasm suprises you, otherwise you would’ve at least made an attempt to tell the two men. max hasn’t even gotten halfway inside you and you’re cumming; back-arching, toes-curling, hands rushing forward to scratch down max’s back, eyes screwed shut, and walls clamping tightly around him. max is whining above you, flinching away from the hot grasp of your inner walls, but daniel won’t let him pull out.
“danny, danny! please–oh–i-i-i’m gonna–not gonna last–‘m gonna cum, if i stay inside her,” max admits, sobbing embarrasingly.
daniel laughs softly from behind max, and shifts so his front is pressed to the dutchman’s back. max shivers at the sound, the hair on the back of his neck rising. “aww, you can’t handle it, darling? don’t worry, i’ve changed my plans for you, anyways,” daniel smugly whispers into max’s ear. dan brings both of his hands to the younger’s waist, and forces him deeper inside of you, ignoring the way max cries sensitively and keeps pushing him forward until he bottoms out. you and max let out twin squeals from the white-hot flash of pleasure; you struggle to adjust to his size as quickly as daniel forced him in–you pulsate around him, it’s like you’re still trying to drag him further in and push him out at the same time. daniel presses a kiss to max’s shoulder blade and praises him, “see, maxy? i knew you could do it—such a good boy f’me.”
max’s eyes roll back, and he can’t fight it–he cums, loudly. his limbs weaken and his body collapses over yours, head falling into your neck, and his lewd moans vibrate through your raw skin. the younger’s body covers you completely, and your knees come up to cradle max’s hips, encouraging him to thrust through the aftershocks. daniel leans back, continuing to bathe the two of you with praise as he lets you guys shudder through the come down. a couple minutes pass before your legs relax and max’s moans die down to breathy hums, as both of your chests heave as you try to regulate your breathing. 
“feelin’ good, my loves?” daniel questions tenderly.
you’re the first to respond, a sated smile sent the australians way, “so good, danny.” max sighs out a breathy “yeah,” muffled into your chest. daniel brightens, “alrighty–maxy, fuck her properly now, and make her cum again.” the dutchman grunts in disbelief, “what? no, i-i can’t, i just came–”
dan cuts max off, “you can’t or, you won’t?” max’s breath stutters at the sudden dominance in daniel’s tone, sitting up to turn his head to look at the older man incredulously. the smile on dan’s face is gone, his expression suddenly firm and unyielding–max can only drop his gaze away from daniel’s eyes, avoiding the piercing gaze.
“max, look at me,” the australian states unflinchingly, and the younger man’s eyes fly to meet his at the command.
“what’s your color, darlin’?”
with his tongue flicking out to wet his lips nervously, max mutely whispers, “green.” daniel’s piercing gaze drops to you and he repeats the question, “sweetheart, what’s your color?”
you squirm under his intense attention—max’s hips stuttering at the stimulation, and your bruised brown thighs squeeze at his waist until he stops—but the slight flare of pleasure that races up your spine decides your answer, “green, danny.”
a smirk spreads across daniel’s lips, “see, you can, maxy,” the younger blushes deeply at his teasing croon, “now, be a sweet prince for me, and fuck our sweetheart, hm?” and with a pinch to max’s hip, he sinks in you deeply with an oversensitive sigh, before he pulls out and sets a slow rhythm to allow you both a little more time to recover. the drag of his cock is coaxing soft shuddery breaths out of your lips, and sharp over-sensitive whines from max. his hands are trembling from where they’re grip flexes on your waist, veins popping with the strength of his grasp, sure to leave a mark on your darker skin. dan’s hands halt the gentle roll of his hips, before the man leads him at a quicker pace. max throws his head back onto daniel’s shoulder, overwhelmed at the feeling of your tight, soaking wet cunt, and cries out “too much—ngh—i-it’s too much!” but aside from all of his whines, he’s getting hard again. unlike max, the sensitivity from your orgasm had faded quickly—if anything, it’s doubling the amount of pleasure you’re feeling. desperate for more, you plant your feet on the bed and start rolling your hips to meet max halfway; moaning yearningly at the change in position.
the younger man frantically tries to force your hips back down, the friction added from you meeting his thrusts is too great. “heyheyhey—none of that, prince,” daniel quickly tugs max’s hands away from your waist, one hand firmly holding them against the younger’s chest, “remember, we made a promise to give her so many orgasms to make up for how mean we’ve been to her. you don’t want to break that promise; right, darling?” max tries to hide his face in dan’s shoulder, but it’s too late—he starts sobbing. daniel watches how the tears rain down max’s cheeks, and how his face crumples so prettily—is it weird that making his usually unbothered boyfriend cry, turns him on?
max sniffles, “n-no, danny. -ll do it, i-i wanna make her cum.” not wanting to disappoint you any further, he starts quickening his strokes on his own, eventually outpacing the rhythm daniel set for him. it dawns on max quickly; he’s not going to last, again. he makes the mistake of looking at the blissed out expression on your face, the knot in his tummy tightening as he watches how your mouth falls open in a moan, wet and inviting. he drops his eyes away, but they fall on where the two of you are connected; the sight causes him to choke on his breath. his own thrusts have forced his cum out of you, frothing at your entrance, smeared all over your labia and staining your inner thighs. if he could eat you out and fuck you at the same time—he’d be doing it. max urgently asks daniel, “d-danny, ‘m gonna cum—please, can i cum?” ignoring max, dan’s hand lets go of max’s, and falls to let his middle and ring finger rub vigorously at your clit. your body jackknifes, a scream leaving your lips at the sudden addition, you choke out a warning, “g’na cum! pleasepleaseplease—” and when daniel’s thumb sneaks down to press gently at where you're wrapped snugly around max, almost like he’s trying to slip in alongside his cock—white flashes behind your eyes and you’re cumming hard. 
daniel hums, satisfied, “now, you can cum, maxy.” the younger had already started coming the second he started speaking. it’s erotic—how the two of yours’ orgasm feeds off of each other. every clench of your cunt has you squeezing tightly around max, causing him to thrust in you deeper, which in turn has you pulsating around him tightly, and the cycle continues. max rides out the two of your orgasms viciously this time around, his hips slamming into you, forcing himself as deep as possible wanting to empty every last dreg of his cum within you. you can only whimper brokenly, not making an effort to calm his grinds, wanting to savor anything you can get before he pulls out of you. with max’s last pump of his hips in you, daniel slowly guides him out of you. the two of you hiss, extremely over sensitive from the two times you’ve cum, so daniel tries to make the affair as smooth as he possibly can. with a squelching pop, max is freed from the tight grasp of your cunt, and dan leads him to lie down next to you on the bed.
you’re still floating, not a single thought in your head, a deep sense of satisfaction coating your mind, but you can vaguely hear daniel checking on max, making sure he didn’t push him too far. you hum quietly under your breath, almost like a purr, eyes shut blissfully as you allow yourself to relax in your afterglow. you faintly register daniel slipping in between your legs, his broad shoulders pressed against the underside of your thighs. you feel his left hand gently press at the raw skin of your thigh, and you fuzzily manage to move it over for him, thinking that he’s trying to clean you up. 
daniel can only stare. the pink skin of your hole has turned to a deeper red, with how max bullied your cunt. his mouth falls open, entranced, at the sight of your bruised pussy winking at him, struggling to close, and he moans softly as the pulsing of your cunt starts pushing max’s cum out of you. the creamy, frothy, white fluid slowly sliding out of you and down your ass. his tongue wets his lips—he wants a taste. dan drops the towel he was holding in his right hand, and brings the now empty hand up to spread your lips with a ‘v’ of his fingers. his eyes flick up to your face, and once he sees that you're still floating, he takes a gentle pass over your entrance with two fingers, collecting yours and max’s combined release. he sucks the mess clean, and a groan rumbles through his chest. fuck—he needs more. daniel quickly finds himself breathing softly over your cunt for the second time tonight, and he can feel how your thighs already start shaking at the exhales of his breath against you. he laps his tongue once in a broad stripe over you, and moans depravedly—and then, he pretty much forced to eat you out; why let this go to waste. 
the minute his tongue slips inside you, your thighs slam shut around his head, trying to halt his overeager movements. daniel doesn’t care, he’d happily suffocate in your cunt if it meant he got to eat max’s cum out of you for the last time. when he slips two of his fingers in to coax more of the cum max fucked deep in you out, your hand flies down and tugs at his curls. daniel pulls his mouth away, growling sharply at the pain from the grip of your hand, but he steadfastly dives back in—he’s going to swallow every last drop you’ll give him. “hngh—too much, –anny, can’t take it—my tummy feels weird—it hurts!” daniel’s hips starting grinding against the bed, and he’s made aware of how painfully hard he’s gotten throughout the night; he hasn’t cum once. daniel moans against your cunt, panting against you, “ya got one more f’me right, sweetheart? yeah, ya do—just let me taste you, yeah?” daniel tunes out your cries again, and brushes his nose against your clit as he laves his tongue over you picking up every drop of cum the two of you have spilled on your swollen cunt. his fingers start to curl upwards as he pulls them out, dragging wetness out from the depths of your walls, and you squeal, any pleads that you planned to say have been suddenly erased from your throat at the sudden pain-pleasure that bursts behind your eyes. your core tightens, and you seize against the bed cumming for the third time this night at daniel’s insistence. this is the most intense orgasm all night, and it feels never ending; all of your senses feel like they’re burning hot, nerves tingling from your scalp to your curled toes. what you’ve failed to recognize is that you're gushing all over daniel’s face. he practically gets waterboarded from where he was pressed against your cunt, but once he realizes that he’s made you squirt, he happily starts drinking down each spray of your fluid, uncaring of how his beard is drenched with your release, and how it puddles underneath your ass. 
he swallows you down to the very last drop, plump lips massaging your labia sweetly. he backs off your pussy, switching to your thighs to collect any wetness he missed out on. when your hand tugs at his curls again, pulling him away when the beard burn gets too much, daniel rises to his knees over you. he tugs his cock out of his briefs, the tip flushed the deepest red he’s ever seen it, and it throbs hotly in his grasp. he uses the hand soaked with your squirt to roughly rub himself off, tattooed thigh spasming, and it takes less than ten pumps of his hand before he’s cumming. with every spray of his hot cum that lands against your swollen cunt, your hips jerk—even that feels too much.
when daniel finishes, he moans at the picture he painted on you—would you let him take a picture if he asked? but his fantasy is disrupted when you squirm up the bed, your hand falling to cup protectively over your cunt, thighs tightening around your hand, and you murmur repeatedly, “no more, no more.” max coos quietly from where he’s laying, still just as fucked out as you, but he tries to soothe your cries. he sweetly pulls you into his chest when tears slip out of your eyes, petting at you clumsily, not quite yet having regained complete control of his limbs. “did so good, schatje. daniel did just like he promised—i-if, if you let him clean you up, we can cuddle and go straight to bed, ok? be good, j-just a little longer.”
you sob messily into max’s embrace, but after a few minutes with max and daniel both reassuring you that they’ve finished pulling orgasms out of you, and comfortingly massaging the already setting soreness of your muscles—your cries die down to sniffles, and you slowly spread your legs open for danny. daniel stares at the mess he created this time around, but dismisses the urge to lick it off you; his only goal right now is to properly clean you up, and make sure you go to sleep feeling satisfied and worn-out. as gently as possible, he takes turns wiping both your thighs and cunt, and max’s thighs and cock, switching when either of you says it’s too much. it takes longer than it usually does, but it doesn’t upset daniel as long as it means the two of you are comfortable. 
“okay, okay,” daniel soothes sweetly, “i’m done. you both did so good for me tonight.”
max blushes at the praise, and with a voice as airy as silk, you whisper, “you ‘ere good too, danny—made me feel r’lly good, thank you.” daniel smiles, his heart warming at your sweet words, “thank you, honey. you’re always so sweet to me.”
“now, let’s move this party to the bathroom so both of you can pee, and take a bath before we sleep, i’ll get some snacks for you to eat too,” daniel orders softly, “i took a lot from the two of you tonight—so let me make sure i put you back together, okay?
taglist: @lorarri @soph1644 @jaydensluv @fanboyluvr @nissaimmortal @redgonerogue @hollie9111 @saintwrld @buendiabebeta @butterfly-lover @lana-d3l-rey @dylan1721 @spicybagel14 @dhhdhsiavdhaj @miahgonzalez16 @jjaekin @dkbj14 @f1lover55 @f1lov3r @mindless-rockk @biancathecooll @barnestaticic @sweetpiccolo-bloglog @my-ylenia @zaynzierulez @reblog-princess-blogss @lovingaphroditesworldditesworld @katekipshidze @darleneslane
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© httpsserene 2023
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hxmocrastic · 5 months
𝐘𝐚𝐧𝐝𝐞𝐫𝐞 𝐏𝐞𝐫𝐜𝐲 𝐉𝐚𝐜𝐤𝐬𝐨𝐧 | HCS
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Pairing ; {📖} Percy Jackson x GN!Reader
Warnings ; Yandere , Obsessive Thoughts, Manipulation, Gaslighting, Implied Stalking, OOC, Imminent Kidnapping, Predator/Prey Dynamic. ALL CHARACTERS 18+
A/N ; Sorry I've been gone for so long y'all 😭🙏🏾 I promise I'll be more active with my fics on here, Thank you all for so much love !! Enjoy!!
- I see Percy as a somewhat manipulative but possessive kind of yandere, He has all the strength and power to make you his but he chooses to befriend you.
- He's quick witted, spiteful, and fiercely loyal he would do anything to stay by your side and to keep you by his. In his eyes you are meant for each other whether you like it or not (not).
- You're a drug, driving him to insanity this dark obsession is killing him and will soon kill you.
- What we've seen him do for annabeth will be the bare minimum of what he'd do for his obsession.
- Yes, obsession. Percy has viewed you from a objectified lens for so long that his perception of you has twisted into l something sick.
- To him you're just something to keep, something to protect, and something to love.
- So much so, he's had thoughts of what it'd be like to just take you. Take everything OF you, from you, and toss this pathetic little waiting game In the trash.
- He's sure he would keep you hidden and protected from perverted eyes sullying what belongs to him. He'd keep you clean and pure from those disgusting demigods,
- But this is Percy we're talking about, he'd never even conceive of doing this to a fellow demigod. Except for the fact he already did, to you.
- Percy always has to reassure himself that these thoughts and feelings are just that, thoughts and feelings. Thankfully these are just thoughts right? They're okay if their just thoughts right? Just dirty sick thoughts that he knows are wrong, but can't help entertaining.
- though rest assured Percy is your friend, he's protective of all his friends ! He's just loyal that's why he's always at your side when you're practicing archery.
- Why he's always caught staring openly and vacantly at you whenever you even step one foot outside your cabin.
- Why he's always somehow accompanying you on any quest you receive.
- Why his touch always seems to linger whenever he manages to maintain physical contact with you.
- Listen to your head counselor, he's just being friendly! Percy's like this with everyone, you see. infact you should be lucky that he would even look at you so fondly.
- Maybe they're right, maybe you are going crazy. Maybe he's just being sweet. Maybe he just wants to be your friend.
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