#love how this account shows how many wips i make and how little i actually finish
mattodore · 8 months
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hello good morning happy thumb in his mouth tuesday (a day i just made up for matthias's slutty little whims)
#river dipping#theodore doe#matthias evanoff#echthroi#a burning house to live in#ts4#blender#now i just have to make a pose where theo's thumb is in matthias's mouth so everything goes full circle#you already know matthias is gonna be on his knees for it 😌#but anyway i finished making that first pose last night while recording a little video showing nene how i make poses#and then when i woke up i jumped back into blender to make another version of the pose but like. hornier.#i love making poses rn like i'm in blender so often these days... honestly i'm in blender more than i'm in the sims lmao#there's one i started working on like two days ago that is so... i wish i could share it on here but cock and balls are out in it </3#placing so many curses on tumblr hq#...........i did make a pillowfort account tho so :)#i'll post the wip of it onto there when i get further along bc the pose is kind of messy atm. still trying to figure out the anatomy 😁🔫#i actually made a pillowfort yesterday just to post an old screenshot from the casual oc save that i found again and had a good laugh at#i've been messing around on there and i really like how you can set posts to being just for logged in users / followers / mutuals#and there's an 18+ label you can slap onto your posts too#like it's great!!! tumblr sucks so bad why don't we have those options on here... seriously#ALSO you can turn off reblogs on pillowfort any time you want and you can set it so that it DELETES ANYONE ELSE'S REBLOGS OF THE POST!!!#WHY is that not an option on this website like i hate it hereeeeeeeeee#but anyway pillowfort also seems to not have that many people on it so like. that's literally perfect for me and my avpd#i'll probably end up posting on there a lot#...... oh and#nsft#?? just in case i mean matthias does in fact have a handful in that second pose there so. for the blacklists ☝️
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jjoshlynaround · 5 months
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making a part two to the gay moment comic i made. making it clear my favorite wolfwood is 98 wolfwood
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farfromstrange · 4 months
Lizzi’s Valentine’s Special & Follower Celebration
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Dear Everyone,
Valentine’s Day is just around the corner, and I thought, since this silly little blog hit over 1.1k followers yesterday, I want to give you something special.
First of all, though, I want to thank you. I’ve been on here since (and I checked with the archive) July 19, 2022. I can't believe that it has been almost two years. I started watching Daredevil after watching Spider-Man: No Way Home in December of 2021 and hearing Matt Murdock say, "I'm a really good lawyer," after catching a brick. So, I started watching the show, and that was during a time I was really miserable. Mentally and physically, I wasn't in a good place, but after watching Daredevil for the first time and falling in love with Charlie Cox as a genuine person and an actor, it felt like I found a reason to keep going.
I started writing fanfiction again, which I kind of neglected because I felt like this hobby of mine wasn't going anywhere. I wasn't inspired at all until I watched the show. If I hadn't, I probably would not have gotten back into writing and using it as an outlet for my feelings, and I probably wouldn't be where I am today. Thanks to Charlie's portrayal of Matt Murdock, and watching his interviews, I felt like I could do the things that I love again and follow my dreams. He's the reason I chose to major in English. And while I owe him that much, I owe you guys here on Tumblr and AO3 even more.
When I first posted here, I didn't think people would even be interested in what I had to say and write. But then more and more people started visiting my profile, you guys started following me, and it kept me motivated to keep writing, even when I'm miserable, and I sometimes only post once every blue moon.
I feel so honored that you guys chose to follow a silly little blog run by a silly little 20-something-year-old whose first language isn't even English (but made it her entire personality), and who chose to write about traumatized dark-haired characters portrayed by Charlie Cox. I'm overwhelmed by the love you continue to show me, and every time one of you chooses to reblog or comment on one of my works, saying that it resonated with you, I feel like I'm doing something right. I'm sharing my ideas, my own experiences, my wishes, and even my deepest, darkest dreams through my writing like it's a fucking diary, and you eat it up every single time.
I'm just so glad that this community exists, as chaotic as it sometimes is, and that you chose to stick around, even when I suck at keeping promises sometimes. You keep teaching me new things about who I am, my writing, and how important it is to put myself first. I don't know if you've heard it lately, but you guys are incredible and I appreciate the hell out of every single one of you.
Thanks to Tumblr, I made lifelong friends (especially looking at you, @blackshadowswriter) and found like-minded people that made me feel less alone. That alone was worth making this account and continuing to post on here.
You may think that I'm being dramatic, but for someone who has never really experienced the kind of validation this community gives me, I want to celebrate this milestone. It means more to me than I can even put into words. Thank you, from the bottom of my heart. I love you all so much! Please, don't ever forget how amazing you are.
That being said, I've got some exciting things planned.
The other day, I found a folder in my Docs titled "the vault". I completely forgot about it because I usually keep my WIPs in a different folder. As it turns out, I made that folder for fics that I originally never planned to post, or ones that I'd finished but wasn't happy with. It’s many, but it’s a few. Some are deeper than others. I also jotted down rough ideas and outlines last year that I stuffed in there, some of which I've actually shared with you but never started working on. Until now. And the contents of that vault are what I want to give to you now.
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6 stories from the vault. 1 bonus fic. 7 days.
I went through a myriad of emotions while I wrote these. For some, I actually bled my soul onto paper. For others, it was merely a brain fart that led to their existence. They're sad, horny, and at times angry, but some of those were originally written for me, and only me. Those that weren't started as a few sentences in a folder before I forgot they existed. Either way, I don't want them to catch dust. And I wouldn't want to share them with anyone else.
Starting February 14th, I will be posting one fic every day until February 20th. My “The Vault” works are Matt Murdock x Reader works, but I've made an exception for the bonus fic. I won't tell you what they are about, but I will give you a list of installments and what kind of fic they are so you know what to be excited about (and maybe which ones are not your cup of tea).
-> The number at the end tells you the date I will be posting it on, but I put it in chronological order as well.
1. If You Need To Be Mean (angst, hurt/comfort) 14.
2. Mismatched Bridesmaid (fluff, smut) 15.
3. Weed Cookies (humor, fluff, cw: accidental drug use) 16.
4. the grudge (songfic, angst, hurt/comfort, cw: death of a parent) 17.
5. Halloween (Smut) 18.
6. I Want To Fuck A Priest (Smut, cw: priest!Matt) 19.
7. Now That We Don’t Talk (Part 2 of Is It Over Now?) -> Frank Castle x Reader (smut, angst) 20.
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A few more words: You are free to send me an ask if you want to know more, but be prepared that I won't be answering in much detail. I don't want to spoil the fun. I would, however, not mind talking about them as vaguely as possible (if you’re interested).
Thank you all. For everything. And I hope you stick around to read these little gems.
With love from yours truly,
Lizzi <3
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optiwashere · 2 months
WIP Wednesday
Holy shit, it's actually on a Wednesday this time?
I really wanted to do one of these this week since I've gone a bit rabid on a few WIPs.
I'll post a little bit about each of those WIPs later, some snippets and a blurb about why I'm so excited. But first! Folks to tag! Since I'm so excited for these, I'm gonna tag a lot this time.
If you have anything you want to share WIP writing-wise, please do... @quitefair @bottombatch @siyurikspakvariisis @causticcontemplation @jasminethetransvampire @underworldobsessed @assarivanguard @amorficzna @funwithnix @askweisswolf @linka-from-captain-planet @tief4tief
If you don't want to do this, or have nothing you want to share, feel free to ignore. If anyone else wants to do this, please feel free to consider yourself tagged. Now, onto my obsessions.
WIP 1: New chapter of Nightsongs
After spending some chapters in a kind of angst zone after the relatively light (relatively) first 4-5 chapters, this next chapter is going to be a kind of upswing. There's lots left to do with the AU, so I'm expecting to chug along and write more and more as time permits.
This AU is a lot for me to handle, especially after having so many chapters ready to post and then... falling way behind on writing the chapters afterwards. But it's fanfiction, and we're having fun here. So, who cares? The game's fandom heyday is already over, so at this point I'm just writing whatever feels best to me.
This chapter is mostly done, I think. I'm giving it a few days/a week to sit before I go back to edit it with fresher eyes. Also, we return to Ash's POV!
Lae’zel walked into Ash’s back office without a word on the seventh day and Ash nodded her way without looking up. Papers sat in strewn piles all over the desk, a handful of old incident reports and assessments that still needed working for Wulbren’s accountants. The absolute worst part of the job remained for the year – paperwork – and Ash intended to get them caught up in the hours that remained of her day. It was a useful, meaningful task. It gave her something else to think about. Anything other than green eyes. “We should talk,” Lae’zel said, sitting down without being offered one of the folding chairs in front of the desk. “Aren’t we doing that?” Ash scanned the paper in front of her and quickly jotted down her signature. [...] “You begin working on a van,” Lae’zel said matter-of-factly, counting off on her fingers as she spoke. “You talk to a pretty girl. You suddenly work more often on that van. Then, you disappear inside yourself and act bitter all day because suddenly the girl no longer shows up. There is more to it than you say.” “I think this might be the first time you’ve spoken more than five words to me, you know that?” Ash chuckled. “Am I that obvious?”
WIP 2: New chapter of Blades in the Night
The need to write more plot for this has been burrowing in my skull for a long time. I initially stopped myself from writing too much of it because I wanted to do Nightsongs first in its entirety before getting to this, but I think I'm just too impatient for that.
I also love the fact that this fic turned from a simple PWP one-shot into this much more expansive, plotty story that's now pretty important for what I want to do with my babies post-canon. Something about that makes me smile.
Plus, you know how I've been lamenting my inability to write happy endings for certain characters?
Either way, this isn't really complete, but the hardest part is complete and now I just have to start connecting the dots and filling in the blanks. I'd say it's about a third done?
The room filled with the same aura of a distant gaze leveled their way that Shadowheart had felt back in the cloister. Asheera had made an oath to protect Shadowheart then, and the flooding of a dense, real presence had nearly swallowed her whole in the cloister's barracks. A weight of importance sunk down on her shoulders there in Hobb's Hovel as well. A smell like molten metal cooling lilted in the air with a lingering, acrid tang. It tasted of blood in Shadowheart's mouth, as if the forging was tainted with some other foul presence in the mixture. [...] Little could have compared better to that feeling of a weight lifted from her shoulders. Worry disappeared and gave way to earnest joy in Shadowheart, and she thrived on it. She hadn't felt such keen happiness since she'd been so readily accepted into Asheera's family by her parents.
WIP 3: Gauntlet of Shar fic
Wow, I know! I've been talking about writing this fic for so long that it's almost become a sort of mythical never-to-be-slain beast for me. I'm not normally someone that talks about my ideas too often, I just write them before they can flee me.
I tend to also get in my own head about what I "should" be writing in the first place. Frankly, I'm getting kinda tired of writing so many ships, though fear not - I'll still have ideas that can only work with ships that aren't Shadowheart/Asheera. It's just that, for a while, I want to focus back on my loves.
This fic is one of those that I've wanted to finish for months. I know that at this point in the fandom's life cycle, I'm pretty much writing just for the dedicated, lovely folks that still read my stuff and I'm extremely happy to have y'all around! Maybe this will make Light Casts a Shadow ring a little more true for some, maybe it will be just another fic that I post, who knows.
Also, one thing I'm planning on experimenting with for this fic is alternate endings for Fun. This is a fic where the ending hinges on choices that Shadowheart makes in the game, so it's only fitting that I explore what would happen if she made those other choices.
But anywho, enough blabbing. Excerpt time!
Those touches and more, Asheera cherished. She watched in silence as Shadowheart turned her devotions to each of those tasks. Perhaps it was the nature of clerics to give themselves entirely to seemingly mundane tasks much the same Asheera felt compelled to consider her oaths in nearly every conversation, battle, or even moments like Shadowheart carefully buckling a cuisse to her leg with straps of leather at the backs of Asheera's knees. Fingertips trailed against her clothed skin, and Shadowheart stood up once more. "There," she said, "all's taken care of, then. Tell me, how's my handiwork? Be honest. I can handle the criticism." Asheera brought her balled fist to her chest in an arm curl. She flexed the elbow out and tested her shoulders, knees, ankles, and hips for motion. None of the plates caught on one another, and none of the straps across her hands, arms, knees, or chest restricted her. "Perfect," Asheera said at last. "Marvelous work." Shadowheart offered a quick smile. "I'll take a Gondian's compliment on such things any day." "Can't say I would've done a better job." "Ah, there's the honesty I was waiting for. Truly, where would you be without me?"
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timeofjuly · 8 days
Twenty Questions for Fic Writers
Thank you so much for the tag @floofanflurr <3 I am always happy to yap about my fics! I'll pop this below the cut 'cause it's kinda long.
1. How many works do you have on AO3?
Eight under the timeofjuly account, and a few others scattered around other usernames and the anonymous collection.
2. What’s your total AO3 word count? 124,470 words, which is kinda crazy to look back on since I only started in August of last year.
3. What fandoms do you write for?
Just Undertale at the moment, but I've written for a few other fandoms in the past.
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
Resisting the Current
Trick or Heat
Parallel Circuits
And Four Papyri in a Pear Tree
5. Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
Yes! Always, though it sometimes takes me a little to get around to it. My favourite thing about writing fanfic is the sense of community that you build, so I love getting to chat about the fic in the comments. I always have a million and one thoughts that didn't make it to the page that I'm desperate to share. I also like to say thank you when people go out of their way to comment, because I really appreciate it. As a reader, I know I get super excited when an author replies to my comments.
6. What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
I'm going to go with a few of the RtC 'verse oneshots for this. I think Resolutions from Parallel Circuits ends on a pretty angsty note, particularly compared to the seemingly upbeat start. From Silver String, there will be no answer is pretty bleak and so is on my way home. I'm quite proud of how they both end, actually - I think they're my two strongest endings in the lot.
7. What’s the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
Any of the smut, probably? They're all set in happy established relationships and end on a cutesy note.
8. Do you get hate on fics?
Not for a very long time, no! I remember, many many years ago, posting my very first fic on fanfic.net lol and getting a very nasty review about how the reader didn't know the main pairing in the fic was m/m (slash back then, what a blast from the past) even though it was very clearly indicated in the summary and the AN at the start. It goes to show people have been bad at curating their own reading experiences by minding the tags and summaries since forever.
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
Yep! Mostly established relationship stuff under this username so far.
10. Do you write crossovers? What’s the craziest one you’ve written?
I'm not super into cross-universe crossovers, but, same as @floofanflurr, I really like playing around with cross fic crossovers. I'm (slowly) writing a crack dialogue-only oneshot where the reader inserts of Wishbone and RtC are stuck together in a broken elevator lol. It's been a fun challenge! It's very very hard to put two characters who are normally referred to in the second person in the same scene, lemme tell you, which is why I ended up choosing to go dialogue only.
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
I don't think so.
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
I have not, but I'd be open to it!
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
Nothing that I've posted! @marty-parties and I have been messing around with an underfell papyrus/reader fic, though! I also used to rp all the time, which I'd count as cowriting. I miss it very much, even though I used to get super easily overwhelmed by it.
14. What’s your all time favourite ship?
This is such a tough question. I'll pretty much read anything if I vibe with the ship dynamics (pining and unrequited love my beloved, I will read you anywhere no matter the ship or fandom), but I went through my bookmarks to actually get the stats on this. I used to be super into the mcu (I completely lost interest after endgame) so tony/steve and tony/steve/bucky were the most common ships. I have no clue what my favourite ship would be now, though.
15. What’s a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
Never say never, but I really want to write this horrortale isekai fic I've had bouncing around in my brain. I've fully plotted it out and it's set to only be five chapters, but I'm really struggling to actually write the thing. I have started it, though, so we'll see.
16. What are your writing strengths?
Characterisation, I think. And even though I mostly gravitate towards writing angsty stuff, I think humour and comedic timing is a strength of mine too.
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
Physical description and settings, 100%. I don't really picture anything in my head when I write, which means all that physical description doesn't make its way onto the page, and when it does, I'm just going off vibes. Particularly with setting - I have zero idea what the locations in any of my fics look like lol. Like, the house in RtC? No clue. Zero.
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fic?
Really cool! I love it when people do this and I get to translate it, it's like a nice surprise.
19. First fandom you wrote for?
Harry Potter, I think? It's all scrubbed from the internet now though.
20. Favourite fic you’ve written?
Wishbone. I am so attached to the Second Mage and Sans and Rus, you have no idea. Particularly Flint, I just adore them. Don't get me wrong, I love the electrician and Quinn and all of my ocs, but I have a special place in my heart for reader inserts who are nasty and hurting and lash out and aren't always the kind, considerate, emotionally stable person in the relationship, forever supporting others. I read something years ago that said to consider how your character is inclined to react to things, both good and bad, and how for lots of people, it's not in our nature to instinctively respond to things with kindness and openness. In fiction, we often expect our POV characters to deal with situations with emotional maturity that we ourselves, along with the majority of irl people, don't have. I think this rings true even more for reader inserts. It's fun to flip this on its head in Wishbone - what if instead of acting with an uncommon kindness, you do the opposite? You get to be flawed. You get to have the murky motives. You get to hurt and in turn you hurt others, and that hurting has real consequences on you and the people around you. This is also a great way to create angst lol - in the non-fell version of Wishbone, where everyone is generally just less of an asshole and therefore makes kinder choices, a lot of the events in the fic just wouldn't happen.
No pressure tag to @covfefeships and anyone else who'd like to do this!
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morningstargirl666 · 1 month
20 Questions For Fic Writers
thank you @garglyswoof and @stars-and-darkness for tagging me!
How many works do you have on ao3?
12, though 2 of those are moodboards so don't really count.
2. What's your total ao3 word count?
553,036. Huh. Lower than I expected. No doubt that will shoot up when the tbbw rewrite is done [fake laughter, hiding real pain]
3. What fandoms do you write for?
TVD, TO a.k.a Klaroline
4. Top five fics by kudos:
The Big Bad Wolf, Into Eternity, The Little Wolf, The Red Wedding and Falling For You.
5. Do you respond to comments?
Yes! I try to respond to every one as I love talking with readers. I figure if someone spends time to write a comment, I'll return the favour and reply. In fact when I'm updating fics regularly, if my reply to your comment turns up in your inbox it's often a pre-warning that a new chapter is about to drop, as I read over comments I've missed before updating.
6. What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
Does Damon murder count? [I don't really do angsty endings, I need my happily ever after]
7. What's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
Probably Into Eternity. It's really sappy and makes me feel all warm and gooey inside. What can I say - I'm a romantic at heart.
8. Do you get hate on fics?
Yes, kinda. Is it hate if it's just wild interpretations of the characters or plot? Some people leave comments that just make you blink repeatedly and think...are they reading the same fic I'm writing? I remember one time someone left a comment calling Caroline a pushover (honestly had some kind of vendetta against her showing ANY kind of emotion like okaaaaay mate) even though in that very same chapter...she literally kicked Klaus is the balls. Man, that was a weird day.
9. Do you write smut?
No. Not yet. In the future? There may or may not be scenes planned. 😏 I'm picky with smut, I need feelings and the eMoTiOnS, I need to be INVESTED. Porn with plot, rather than just smut for smut's sake.
10. Craziest crossover:
Haven't written a crossover - unless intending to drop Dracula into tbbw at some point coints. There's some great ones in the fandom though, just not really my thing.
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Not that I'm aware of [narrows eyes]
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
No! But I'd be flattered if one ever was, as long as its translated on ao3 and given credit to me.
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
No, I haven't. I might be open to it though, if it was a round-robin kind of thing where the writers take in turns to write the scenes.
14. All time favorite ship?
15. What's a wip you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
I really want to finish Divided We Fall, Falling For You and Songs of the Sea. I wouldn't say I doubt I'll ever finish them, just that I doubt I'll finish them while I'm still writing the tbbw series. Too much of the klaroline brain rot is invested in that fic alone.
16. What are your writing strengths?
I've been told it's shifting between moods? So I can give readers whiplash in the emotions department - one minute you're crying, the next you're laughing. I like to think my strength is dialogue though. Even the way I write is focused around it.
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
Historical accuracy. I'll fall down a rabbit hole researching stuff like any writer, but the researching is more out of obligation and crippling writer guilt rather than actual enjoyment. Which is why I often take creative licence and go fuck it, history has its own au now bitches (sorry ella).
18. Thoughts on dialogue in another language?
If its little words here and there - even a sentence or two - yes. Full conversations though unless you're fluent yourself are not fun to sift through.
19. First fandom you wrote in?
Star Wars? I want to say Star Wars. Idk those fanfics are over on my ffnet account which I will not be going back to anytime soon. I dare not go where the light doesn't touch, Mufasa speaks wisely.
20. Favorite fic you've written?
It used to be The Red Wedding but I actually love The Little Wolf more now. That one's a true labour of love, fueled on rage and spite, curtesy of Julie Plec.
I will tag @galvanizedfriend @kirythestitchwitch @marxandangels @bellemorte180 @impossiblekryptonitecolor @the-road-betwixt @purplesigebert @that-sarcastic-optimist
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recurring-polynya · 11 months
Hey hey heyyyyyy so it finally happened:
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1500 is not a real number. It is a made-up number. A lie that Tumblr tells me to keep me logging on. There is no way that I have 1500 actual human followers. tbf, I am quite sure that at least some of them are bots or dead accounts or whatever. It doesn't matter, Tumblr showed me a big round number, and I feel like I should do something nice for you, my beloved followers, but I'm also kinda overstretched rn, so here it is:
✨1500 Follower Celebration: Junk I Found in my Garage Edition✨
Here's how it's going to work:
I have written a lot of fanfic. Not all of it has seen the light of day. Below is a list of fanfics that I have at least one deleted scene from that's not too terrible. From now until I get tired of doing it, send me an ask with which one you want to see, and I'll post it. If I get repeat requests, I'll post an additional scene, until I run out. Just so you know, some of these scenes are short. Some of them cut off unexpectedly. Many of them are minor variations on scenes that ended up in the final product. The fact is, they all ended up on the chopping block and in a lot of cases, it was for good reason. Regardless, I thought this would be kinda fun and maybe you think so, too! We'll see!
Your options, in the order I wrote them:
One Final Training Montage (oh god there are nearly as much deleted scenes as fanfic and they are Not Good. I did not know what I was doing when I wrote this.)
A Supposedly Fun Thing We'll Never Do Again (1 tiny one but it's funny)
Hold On, Hold On (one whole-ass entire alternate ending that got replaced for a reason and one shorty short one)
Between Tides (I have 28k worth of deleted scenes, but it's mostly 7 only-slightly-different versions of the confession scene and an entirely different Tomoe/Takeru backstory?? Most of them are Not Good)
Portions for Foxes
Call Me Back When the War is Over
There is No Bankai in Football (Nothing can prepare your for this. I was not prepared, and I wrote it.)
Blessings and Curses
Brothers in Arms
What We Do with our Hearts
I am feeling generous, so as a bonus, I will also allow a few requests for preview scenes from my two Big WIPs that I am not working on right now:
Make this Leap (Soul Society Tattoo Artist AU, but it's the part where they meet as teens)
a little in love, act iv
That's it! Feel free to be specific in your requests, if you want! Thank you for being my followers! I love you!
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anawrites3 · 5 months
20 Questions for Fic Writers
I got tagged by @zeroducks-2, thanks love 💕💕 Sorry it took me so long to answer -3-
How many works do you have on AO3? It's 44 (+1 unrevealed)! And 19 of that are DC fics
What’s your total A03 word count? 163,947 I need to post more on ao3, huh
What fandoms do you write for? Mostly DC rn, tho I have a few fics for COD
What are your top five fics by kudos? on this account all of those are bakudeku because I've been very deep in the fandom until last year lmao so I'm going to cheat a little :3 and list the ones from DC fandom to self-promote myself a little 😂
1. taking a break (alone, please) at 345! I'm really happy with that and quite surprised because it's the very first proper sladick fic I wrote! Dick gets hurt during a mission so Slade takes him somewhere to take care of the wound and maybe have a little fun while he's at that. The only problem is that Dick's comm gets turned on at some point.
2. unexpectedly beneficial at 289. This is surprise since it's a New Year fic and those, in my experience, never get that much kudso lmao It's also my second fic! Dick's stuck at Brucie's New Year Eve's party. Slade comes over to keep him company
3. bunny-shaped trouble at 230 kudos, the idea came from Claudia who sent me a prompt 💕 Dick gets turned into a bunny and takes the opportunity to annoy the hell out of Slade
4. persistence at 219! This was my entry for sladerobin week and for some reason I was very anxious so I'm glad its so high in the ranks Dick goes on an undercover mission, where he has to seduce the target. Slade isn't very happy about that.
5. conflict resolution at 217 kudos! It's the first part of the series and well, let's be honest, compared to the rest (that is posted here on tumblr now, im working on it to post it properly on ao3) it isn't very exciting but I still love it and I'm happy it's so high as well! King Slade Wilson offers the way to stop the war between Gotham and Defiance. He will stop the attacks if prince Richard becomes his royal consort.
Do you respond to comments? Why or why not? I always do!! Sometimes it just takes me longer (like rn oops) but I always make sure to respond to comments and show people how much I appreciate them taking the moment to share their thoughts with me 💕💕
What’s the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending? It's definitely keeping what's mine because Dick is having awful time in this one, to the point that I tagged it as hurt/no comfort because well, Dick is hurt and doesnt get any comfort. I mean, he kind of does? But it doesnt actually comfort him so yeah 😂
What’s the fic you wrote with the happiest ending? I write a lot of fluff so this is actually a very difficult question lmao but I would say it's (not) willing to share which is a short domestic fluff. And Dick has a cat so that's very happy for me haha
Do you get hate on your fic? I do not, actually! And I'm a little surprised by it because sladick and batkids ships gets hated on a lot
Do you write smut? More and more lately
Do you write crossovers? Not really right now, no
Have you ever had a fic stolen? Thankfully no or at least I dont know about it lol
Have you ever had a fic translated? Nope
Have you ever co-written a fic? Not yet but I think it would be really fun!
What‘s your all-time favourite ship? I have one of those for every fandom I'm in lmao and right now it's sladick
What’s the WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will? Gosh, don't say that lmao! Buut *looks quickly through the list of my wips* probably the one I named "the middle of the night" which is like,,, undercover mision identity porn masquerade ball sladick story that Im very exciting about but for some reason I just keep moving it down on my list of wips sooo... yeah. Maybe cause masquerade balls need a lot of dance descriptions and I suck at that lmao
What’s your writing strengths? Writing dialogue! I like it a lot and I've been told I'm good at it :3
What’s your writing weaknesses? Actually sitting down to start writing 😂 and more complicated descriptions like fights or dances and stuff like that, I'm still working on it
Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language for a fic? I like it a lot actually but not if there's too much of it - just a few sentences are enough or just a few words thrown here and there, and there needs to be translation somewhere in the fic, in the notes or something because people should know what the characters are saying but yeah, I like how it directly shows that someone is speaking in another language instead of writing "he cursed in russian" or other stuff like that
First fandom you wrote for? *hides my face into my hands* Strawberry Shortcake probably... from when I was still a babey...
Favourite fic you’ve ever written? sun and sunflower, a little brudick story about Bruce being smitten and a coward
Tagging time! @roipecheur @wingdingery @blackbeanbao @enak-s and anyone who'd like to do it as well!
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dragonsorceress22 · 2 years
Fic Auction for Charity!
Alright y’all! The time has come! Now through Sunday, August 28th 11:59PM (Central Daylight Time) YOU have the power to guide my hand and decide which of my many, many, (many) kaishin WIPs will take priority and ascend to the top of my list!
This is part of a charity event run by @ficwritersforreproductiverights !
Well, I’m an accountant. So we’re gonna use money. Every dollar donated to any reputable charity anywhere in the world that is fighting to support and protect reproductive rights will be 1 vote. (More details below the cut.)
Show me the options!
Gay drama! Kaito’s deeply closeted and dealing with some internalized homophobia and it’s ruining his and Shinichi’s relationship. Can love conquer all?
Porn! Starts out with a sexy dream and a bit of voyeurism, ends with actual sexy times~
Other porn! Involving blindfolds and a bit of roleplay
I’d be happy with any one-shot fluffy get-together fic if it means you’ll have something new to post faster~❤
Detective Conan Movie Cut Scenes: Private Eyes' Requiem
Look, DS, I just want you to focus on the the next installment of the Fall into Flying universe!
(More details on each of these below the cut.)
Remember, our goal here is to raise as much as we can to support and protect reproductive healthcare for all!
The world’s gone mad. Let’s write our way out. ✍
Tell me more about how voting works?
There is a $1 minimum as $1 = 1 vote (If donation is in a different currency I'll go with the closest reasonable equivalent.)
First, pick a charity. If you already have some that you like, that’s great! If not, try this helpful list!
Next, make a donation and take a screenshot of your confirmation that shows which charity you donated to and the amount donated.
Send that screenshot to me either on tumblr, on discord (DragonSorceress22#9937), or by dropping it in this google doc here – whatever you find easiest. (Please be sure to black out or exclude any sensitive personal info in your screenshot! Safety first!)
Along with your screenshot, tell me which option number(s) you want to support:
For example, if you really really really, want vampire!Shinichi to win, and you made a $10 donation to Charity A, you can send me your screenshot and say “all 10 of my votes are for Option 1!”
Or what if you can’t decide which is better: porn 3 or porn 4? You could split your donation total and say, “5 votes for Option 3 and 5 votes for Option 4!”
Or any variation thereupon
There is a $1 minimum but there is no maximum! If you want to come in absolutely wreck the system by making it rain because you’ve just GOT to have that Gay Drama™ in your life, you can do that! If you want to give a little to a lot of different charities, or go all in on one charity you really love, it’s all good!
Say more words about these fic options… 👀
Vampire!Shinichi. Working title: Different Means. This fic would also feature magicalblood!Kaito (he’s basically vampire catnip in this scenario, let’s be real) and would be rated E for sexy times as well as for violence. (Whump? You better believe it.) The idea belongs to @kiwilart and their friend, but I got real obsessed with it and they said it would be okay if I wrote my take on it : ) This would be a little bit of a longer fic. Probably with chapters instead of a one-shot.
Gay drama! Working title: runner. Kaito’s deeply closeted and dealing with some internalized homophobia and it’s ruining his and Shinichi’s relationship. Can love conquer all? Well this one’s got a happy ending, so yeah, I guess it can lol It will be rated either E or M for sexy times – not sure yet. I’m guessing this will be a one-shot.
Porn! Working title: It Was Only Just a Dream. Starts out with Shinichi having a sexy dream and Kaito having a bit of voyeurism. Ends with actual sexy times~ Rated E. No plot. One-shot.
Other porn! Working title: Rival Fantasy. Involving blindfolded Shinichi, a bit of bondage, and a bit of roleplay as sort of pre-relationship thief and detective (instead of the practically married couple they already are in this fic). Rated E. No plot. One-shot.
Any one-shot fluffy get-together fic. I’ve got a fluffy get-together G-rated one-shot that I could probably crank out pretty quickly if it’s what the good people want :) Working title: In My Dreams from the song of the same title by Ruth B.
Detective Conan Movie Cut Scenes: The Private Eyes' Requiem. Has it been two and a half years since I posted one of these? Yes. But that doesn’t mean I’m not still working on it. But now you have the power to say, “No more waiting! Give us Kaito’s perspective on the hostages in a theme park and detectives wearing bombs movie!”
Look, DS, I just want you to focus on the the next installment of the Fall into Flying universe! I’ve been working on Blackout for probably three years now, and I’m still only halfway through the eighth chapter. The pandemic messed me up for a while, but if the people decree, I will get my butt back on track and focus in on this mighty beast of a story! This one comes with the bonus factor of tumblr teaser posts every time I complete a chapter! The first seven are already posted ;)
Some general notes:
You are only voting for which of these WIPs I bump up to priority status. If your favorite doesn’t win, that does not mean I’ll never write it, but it could mean you’ll be waiting a much longer time to see it finished.
You may well see me posting items that are not the winner of this auction before the winning fic from this auction. That could be due to the fact that I owe specific people specific fics from other charity auctions, or as part of a commission exchange, or because I tripped and fell on my keyboard and oops I finished this other fic and what am I gonna do, not feed you guys? Please be patient with me.
And that’s it! If you have any questions at all, please feel free to reach out to me with an ask or an at here on tumblr, or a DM or an at over on discord (DragonSorceress22#9937) – whatever you prefer.
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broken-clover · 6 months
Ok so people actually expressed interest so I guess I'll take a good excuse to show off my Neopets customs! I'm definitely not on the level of some really serious users who stake out the really rare items but it's still fun to make my weird cats stylish and give them their own little lore.
Thanks to the anniversary event gifting some free NC, I bought another pet slot and currently have 7!
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Dhanue (Donahue/Donnie) is my active main, and even though I know ghost isn't a super rare color I'm absolutely never painting him. Somewhere along the line I just really liked the idea of a steampunk ghost gentleman. He's a gentleman thief with a flair for the dramatic who pretends to be suave but is really a massive troll underneath it.
The only design change I'd like to do with him is finding a better background bc the magma puddle clips into this one. I found one I sorta liked but it's expensive so that's a future goal
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0grese was a lucky pound find a few years back! I really love how the robot pets look so weird and angular and gritty without the sleek casing on, it lends well to a slightly spookier aesthetic, I just had to make a her a mad scientist! Though she isn't a bad person, just very timid and odd-looking. She's actually a doctor that studies biohazards and diseases since she doesn't have to worry about getting sick or spreading it to other pets. She also has an unsubtle crush on my Draik but is too shy to say anything
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Batatiinha_ (Batat) is another not-really-rare color that I'm not in a hurry to paint. I think it adds to her vibe! I wish I could find a library background that was a bit more ominous, though. And if I can find anymore good gold accessories I might use those, too. I wanted to go for a Midas-esque vibe, with an obsession for riches leading to her obsessively studying dark magic and becoming more ensnared in it until it started altering her body
She and Dhanue go way back, with him often trying to rope her into heists. She finds him insufferable, but it's one of the few reasons she leaves her empty estate anymore and prevents her from becoming a complete shut-in
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I love Kaceae way too much, something about baby Aishas actives a rabid part of my brain. I'm not quite sure what I'm doing with her background yet, that's still a to-do, but I'm very happy with her little outfit.
She's, well...she's a baby! She doesn't do much aside from chew on her plushies and nap. When she grows up, she'll become a famous scientist, but for now, she's just baby.
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Professor_Giri is the pet I moved to my account with the new pet slot I bought. I traded a Krawk for her current paintbrush and I really love the dark blue, even if Stealthy tends to be more about the ninja accessories. So far I'm happy with her custom! Might change later, but for now I like the vibe.
Giri is an adventure archaeologist who studies tombs, and she absolutely does not know when to shut her mouth. She means well, though. She also knows full well 0grese has a crush on her, but is waiting for the doc to work up the nerve to say something.
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Weaclen was obtained from a very lucky fountain faerie quest I got during the festival a few years back. Getting an alien aisha was always one of my dreamies! I love their weirdness. In contrast to the space-age tech and design, I wanted to make his customization a little grungy, with garbage and Slorgs. I'm trying to trade for a few more Slorg accessories, either the raincoat or the little faerie companion released during the last festival, that's another WIP
Speaking of Slorgs, Weaclen can't get enough of the things! He collects as many Slorgs and Slorg memorabilia he can get his paws on, and my account's gallery is devoted to his menagerie. He's actually from the future, but an incident with a wormhole sent him back a few hundred years. He's a descendent of the famed doctor and roboticist Kaceae, and upon finding her as a baby, he takes it upon himself to care for her and raise her until she fulfills her grand destiny in a few decades. He considers it a massive honor.
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And finally Zekotah (Zeko) is a pretty simple custom that I'm nonetheless really happy with. Faerie just lends itself nicely to pastel and flowers. If I find any garden-related pieces I like better I might change them, but I like this general vibe a lot
Compared to the others, Zeko lives a pretty quiet, uninteresting life as a gardener, but she's fine with that. She's mostly nonverbal and hates commotion and being crowded, so she's perfectly happy to spend most of her time in the flowerbeds in quiet solitude. Making friends is difficult, so if you're nice to her and don't make a lot of ruckus, she would probably die for you
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eirenare · 7 months
Hi hi~! Life update here
Hi there!
Yes, I'm still alive lol, it's just that 85% of my social media time I currently spend it on Twitter (I refuse to call it how Elmo Muskrat wants the site to be called lol), and 15% I spend it on Bluesky (which, by the way, if you wanna find me there, I'm Eirenare too there lol).
I'm still very veeeeeery much in my Reylo brainrot haha, so yeah, you might see me posting or reblogging every now and then some of it, although I've been as well into some other stuff lately (Elden Ring for example), so you might see me posting about that too, so just a heads up there about it (and don't worry, everything I post here, regardless of what it is, as usual it'll have its tags and spoiler warnings, a "read more" if need be, etc).
My energy's been specially low for the past months though to be honest, so I can't guarantee I'll be very active around here (except for private messages, I'll be checking these every little time), just that every now and then I'll come here and post or reblog some stuff, probably Reylo and other things Star Wars or series/movies, life updates too, maybe will share in a bit of my Elden Ring brainrot and theories as its DLC approaches and I get more and more excited.
Anyways, here's some random life update stuff and anecdotes that I wanted to say before I log off for the night here:
I fell into the Kalluzeb (Kallus x Zeb, from Star Wars Rebels) rabbithole some time ago and it was, and is, neat, I love them so much
earlier today I had churros and hot chocolate as desert at lunch time and I was in cloud nine all the while I chomped on them
apparently my brain won't cease to come up with new Reylo AUs which is amazing and so much fun but also if I ever showed you guys screenshots of my Google Docs you might just faint because there are just so many things there between WIPs I'm currently working on that are already on Ao3, future things to go on Ao3, vague WIPs, AU ideas... and my energy is running so low and I'm working on various Ao3 WIPs so yeah lol I don't think I'll ever write even half of the fics I noted down
I watched Barbie at the cinema and it became one of my new comfort movies and one of my fave movies of all time
somehow I'm not as bad as I thought I'd be at Elden Ring even though I'm clumsy, a scaredycat and my tunnel vision goes lvl 100 when I'm playing videogames which usually means "good luck remembering to look at your stamina bar and using key items", so seeing myself not get too stuck on bosses was unexpected and neat (in fact, funnily enough: somehow this game even makes my anxiety lower at times and it barely increases it at all even when I'm fighting bosses, go figure lol)
I had the chance to buy Final Fantasy XVI at a much cheaper price than release price but because at that site I didn't see any warning that it was temporary, by the time I went to buy it, it had risen price again so now I'm awaiting once again for both better prices and for my wallet to recover
my brother bought a PS5 back in spring and a copy of Star Wars Jedi Survivor and, since we live in the same house, I did play that game and it was amazing asdfgffdgfjfb there were only a very few things I didn't like that much but holy shit was it good, some stuff even felt tailor-made for me in ways I wasn't expecting but that I enjoyed very much (and also the tears, the rivers of tears I shed on certain scenes lol) and now I'm super hyped for the 3rd whenever it is that it'll happen
the official Star Wars accounts at Twitter have been posting quite a bit about Reylo and the sequels and Ben for the past days (and I gotta say, the account from Spain even added some extra Reylo flavor in some tweets that other accounts didn't which is curious) and I'm clowning kinda hard, hoping that DLF finally realized most of the people actually like a lot Reylo (or don't mind it) and the ST, and hoping (always hoping, always dreading to hope too much, but hoping anyways) that we'll get Rey and Ben reunited in her movie
Anyways x2, enough anecdotes and thoughts for the night, see you around lovely people~! <3 Hopefully soon lol, but if not... *looks at 2024 fast approaching* if not, then I'll 100% be around to gossip and scream for when the Rey movie begins production and talks begin and all that stuff, lol.
Good night~! :D I hope you have a great day and/or a good sleep~! <3
EDIT: looooool apparently this was my 100th post in here and I got a free badge for my profile so yay, nice~ x) XDD
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sunshinebunnie · 1 year
AO3 Year-in-Review 2022
Tagged by @libra-lizard and @dream-a-little-dreaam
1. What is your AO3 account?
2. How many words did you write total in 2022?
293,795 posted (I’m honestly floored by this…nearly 50% of all words I’ve ever posted on AO3 were written last year)
3. How many fics did you publish in 2022? How many multichapters vs oneshots?
Published: 12 (+1 podfic)  Multichapters: 8  Oneshots: 4
4. What was your longest fic? Your shortest fic?
Longest: Private Dancer (103,121)
Shortest: Sweetest Little Liar (7,291)
5. What was your most popular fic? Your least popular fic?
Most popular: Private Dancer (17,381 hits); Term Papers (542 kudos)
Least popular: Sweetest Little Liar (958 hits); Play to Win (64 kudos)
6. What fic didn’t perform as well as you thought it would?
Hmmmm….Probably Sweetest Little Liar. I actually submitted that as a Hellcheer prompt fill and it’s weird because it’s the 2nd story in my Hellcheer series and the 3rd story actually has more hits (although fewer kudos)? I think I might’ve some of that to myself because (a) I was posting during the holidays (which I feel is usually a time when there’s less reader engagement) and (b) I posted the 3rd story pretty quickly after (within a few days), so I don’t know it really had a chance to find readers. 
7. What fic performed way better than you thought it would?
Oooooo….probably Prairie Doll. You wanna talk about writing pure fucking crack, the kind of story that’s the definition of “write for yourself”???? The fact that anyone else has enjoyed that story with me floors me. lol
8. What was your favorite fic you wrote from 2022?
Hmmmm…From a story development standpoint, probably Prairie Doll because it’s really stretching my creative storytelling muscles. From a “holy shit, I can’t believe I pulled that off!!!” standpoint, I’d have to say Private Dancer. The fact that I functionally wrote a whole ass book in like 4 months blows. My. mind. 🤯😂🤯😂
9. What was your favorite fic that somebody else wrote in 2022?
You’re nucking futz if you think I’m gonna keep this to just one!!
I know Tumblr is gonna jack up my ish if I try to post them all, so here are my current Top 10 (in no particular order).
to bring you home by MissAtomicBomb – Lexi as a journalist who falls in love with Fez after she keeps finding herself at his hotel + hot smut???? What’s not to love!!!
sweet dream, saccharine by myztify – I am a Cash truther and my girl myztify keeps me fed!! Ash is the bassist of a popular hair metal/rock band and Cassie is the sexually-empowered groupie who steals his heart. I can’t tell you how many times I’ve reread this.
a thrill beyond compare by MissAtomicBomb – if you like some Dark Fexi, this is the story for you! Lexi goes on the (temporary) run with Fez after he kills Nate at the NYE party and things get hot ‘n’ heavy.
baby i just need a thug by myztify – another Cash story (with a sprinkle of Fexi). Cassie and Ash start off in a bad place here, but communication and adulting eventually prevail. Bonus points: Ash beats the shit out of Nate for disrespecting Cassie! 😍😍
this town is only gonna eat you by gigi_originally – this is a WIP but I absolutely love the story! Lexi & Cassie wind up coming to work for Kitty (Lexi as a bookkeeper, Cassie as a stripper). Lexi & Ash wind up getting super tight and Fez & Lexi develop a mutual crush on each other. This is one I always eagerly look forward to its updates!
hear me screaming, heavy breathing by myztify – this is the 1st story to baby i just need a thug. Shows how Cassie & Ash get together. Super hot and shows Cash as a bit of an investigative duo as they try to figure out whether Lexi is pregnant. 👀👀
TASTE by myfemininedivine – another WIP, but my girl is CRUSHING it!!! Each month Lexi focuses on an indulgence, and the fic charts Fexi’s developing relationship and how Fez plays into Lexi’s various desires. The descriptions and the feelings between Fexi are so beautifully described. This story makes me feral.
His veins like telephone wires by myfemininedivine – I am kicking my own ass for not downloading because it’s not on AO3 anymore. 😭😭😭😭😭It was sooooo good though. Lexi and Fez accidentally swapped phones after a run in at a club, and come to fall in love as they get to know each other through texts. 
One More Time, Steal My Breath by DeliriumsDelight7 – this is a 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥Hellcheer fic. If you like your smut kinky, consensual, and really tastefully done have I got a fic rec for you! Bonus: the chapters are suuuuuuuper long and the character development between Chrissy and Eddie is fantastic. Another fic that makes me rabid!
Dirtbag by betts – if you like your smut with a healthy dose of angst, this Hellcheer fic is gonna hit you right in the feels. This follows Eddie and Chrissy over the years after Chrissy marries Jason, but keeps coming back to Eddie as the “other man” and the emotional toll that takes on them both. 
10. Tag your friends to do this year-end fic review as well!
@myztify @myfemininedivine @tuesdayschildd
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thedetectivesystem · 11 months
Please write more 17 year old Near x 27 year old Near when and if you are able to, do you have any head canons, yet? If so, i would intrested to hear? What type of personalities would they have? Who would get more shy or embarrassed ?🥹💕💕💕
hi hi ! :3c thank you so much for asking ! i have content to give… i also have so many wips but i find this pair to be very lovely… i do have headcanons ! 17 year old near is actually a bit different from 27 year old near and that is mainly due to mental age and being raised in a different generation.
so first, this is how they meet and to give some more context to this au !
17 Near is a transgender man while 27 Near is a cisgender man. It’s brought up as 17 Near asks if 27 Near is like him (he’s assuming that 27 Near is a trans male like him and is just really far into his transition) but 27 Near says, “No, I am a cisgender man. However, I find this particular difference between us interesting.”
This is an AU where 17 Near was born again in different circumstances, so two Nears exist in this universe without the other knowing.
They met online, and it makes 27 Near look like a big creep when he’s just genuinely confused to why someone who looks and acts a lot like his younger self exists.
There are noticeable differences as 17 Nears physique is different from 27 Nears, but he’s smart, and he decides to see if he can get answers if they have the same name, what happened, or if it’s just genuinely a person who acts and looks scarily like him in the past (As well as having the same first name.) By of course making an account in attempts to talk to the person.
17 Near has a bit of… Personal baggage of daddy issues.
17 Near was about to block 27 Near because blank profile and account, obvious creep, until 27 Near brings up a person question that he personally remembered in his childhood. He is then called a creep and asked how he knew that about him (17 Near.)
Things do escalate and they engage in conversation, 27 Near knew how to keep 17 Near in conversation well, and for hours, it’s himself after all.
Nears account is filled with pictures of his toys and stuffed animals, very very few photos have himself in it and it’s usually never a full face picture unless he’s showing how cute he looks for the day in his little outfits. (OOC, I know, though keep in mind it’s a modern setting and he was raised differently and had online spaces. Not in a chronic way though, he knows better than that.)
When 27 Near finally shows what he looks like (because there’s no way 17 Near would ever want to visit an online friend if he doesn’t know what they look like and no established trust is put) 17 Near is amazed and of course finds him to be very handsome. Most would say his taste in men is very odd.
17 Near doesn’t remember Wammy’s, Mello, Matt, etc. Until a bit later when 27 Near opens up to him in their online chat (27 Near wanted to test the waters to see if 17 Near remembered as well.) It’s a slow process but he begins to dream of those things, it’s also traumatic for 17 Near, as technically it happened to him too just in another life.
Once they do meet once they engage in conversation about the memories, they meet in a public place such as a cafe. (17 Near still being cautious for his safety, which is completely understandable regardless of who it is.)
17 Near dresses cute for this occasion, although cautious, he’s still attracted to 27 Near (he wonders if this is a real life equivalent to selfcest, it is.) I’m thinking of a casual ouji outfit, comfy and stylish.
personality wise, 27 year old near is an INTJ 5w6, 17 year old near is also an INTJ 5w6, although he is more of a feeler and clingy towards his loved ones in situations that 27 year old near would have to bottle down in order to solve a case.
here is a fact, 17 near doesn’t have a job, as not a lot of jobs are really autism friendly and the one he would work (librarian) he needs a higher education.
“who would be more shy or embarrassed?”
17 near would be more shy and embarrassed. 27 near can hide it well until he gets in situations he doesn’t expect himself to be in.
17 Near also has ADHD inattentive type.
17 Near has abilities that 27 Near does not such as cooking and baking. 17 Near learned these skills to be able to survive on his own and he genuinely enjoys it.
27 Near notices the differences in 17 Nears body and verbals behaviors when 17 Near grows more and more comfortable with him. Such as his stims (unmasking) and odd wording. (17 Near refers to himself with internet terms such as a “boywife” or “femboy”, 27 Near had to look up what these meant though given the context he has a good guess, he just wants to make sure.)
Socks, both of them have so many pairs of the same plain socks. Aside from 17 Nears thigh highs and frilly socks that he will wear when more open with 27 Near.
Referring to one another as “Near” is not confusing to them, and luckily the SPK just calls 27 Near “L”.
17 Near sometimes doesn’t let Rester make 27 Near lunch (he forgets to eat a lot due to autism and being busy with cases or stimming/building with his toys.) Just so he can make 27 Near cute bento meals for lunch.
The age gap is weird to the SPK, but it’s technically himself despite a few differences so they don’t question it.
17 Near actually makes the first move by giving 27 Near a kiss on the cheek because “a prince must give his gratitude to his knight.” When 27 Near catches him when he slips on one of his toys.
Stuffed animals fill the bedroom 27 Near let’s 17 Near have for when he comes over to stay the night. 17 Near calls it his “nest.”
Physical affection is a big love language of 17 Near, as 27 Near isn’t used to physical affection so he will gives gifts and likes quality time.
Sexuality wise they’re both gay.
27 Near really likes the thigh highs 17 Near wears.
if you have anymore questions feel free to ask !
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eirian-houpe · 2 years
The Monday Menu
Week 2 of August, next week I start back to work... teacher workdays, but still... 
So, what news...? I FINALLY did it.  I cut myself free from a certain horrible fic website. Deleted ALL my fics, and I’m just waiting for them to tell me how to close the account, and it will all be gone. (There’s no button to do that.) Fear not, however, I am moving everything to AO3. Some of the great exodus has begun already, I’m working through a Stargate Atlantis fic, and a UC: Undercover fic right now, and the others will come in time.
I wrote a little bit last week about how I feel guilty when I indulge myself an allow myself to write. I know I shouldn’t.  It’s a HUGE part of my self-care routine, but I still do. So if anyone catches me doing that guilt thing - please call me out.
Still waiting on those Behind the Scenes requests? Also, nothing happened on Thursday or Saturday last week because I didn’t get any prompts for TTT or Saturday Secret. Sad really. Is the fandom sleeping?
Here’s the plan for this week (and an explanation of each thing for those that are new to my Tumblr), though I might be making some changes.
Monday - The Monday Menu - what it says on the box. A plan for the week.
Tuesday - TMI Tuesday. - Ask me… go on, anything.  Ask my characters -they’ll answer. Nothing is off limits, but be sure you want the answer before you ask the question.
Wednesday - WIP Wednesday - Current state of my works in progress. So many - and still clmbing!
Thursday - Three Things Thursday - any fic of mine is fair game. Doesn’t have to be Rumbelle, I have Rushbelle, a bunch of crossovers, some shows people might no know, some ST: DSC, some SGA and some Tolkien too… ask three things, I dare ya…! Please… This is also the day I’ll do the ‘Behind the Scenes’ post, which might just end up as part of the TTT post.
Friday - Final Line Friday. - Assuming I manage to write anything, I will post a word cloud, and the last line that I have written right before I post this.
Saturday - Saturday Secret - another one of those where you can ask about any fic, and I’ll tell (or show) you a secret. Feel free to follow up with conversation or guesses.  I will tell you if you get something right. Again, no one took me up on the offer… so we might also have to think of another ‘SA’ post.
Sunday - Seven Sentence Sunday. - yeah, I have to write something to be able to post this.
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Writing this week - Disparate Pathways is at the head of the list, followed by Not Yours to Keep, and then maybe if there’s time, What the Actual Fuck! I’m also being poked at about a fic that has the working Title “Only Remembered for What We Have Done.”  I think that title is likely to change, but probably not by much.  You might get to see chapter 1 of that fic sooner than I had anticipated.
As always my inbox is open for thoughts, questions, asks… I don’t restrict people to any particular day of the week, and I - like most fic authors - love to discuss things to do with fics and fandom.
I just want to add a shout out to those readers who have left me Kudos these last several days.  It has not gone un-noticed.  love you guys for those votes of confidence..
Talk to me, peeps! My inbox is lonely,
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thexanderewolf · 2 years
Who I Am?
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【About Me】
My name will remain a secret so just call my Nyx or Xandere (Xan for short), and Welcome to my Page! Where my account is a Work in Progress. I only have a few WIPs and finished artwork up, I’m trying to batch some artwork so people would have something to look at while I make my MMD Models and FanFictions (which will take me a while . . .)
I’m currently 23 yrs old, I’ll be 24 on July 29th
I’m a huge piece of trash so forgive me uwu~
I’m a learning artist, writer and animator (2D and 3D). Animation are my side hobbies at the moment. I am in no mean a profession at this stuff but I would like to be. I’m not good at drawing and writing ;-; and no matter how many animation tutorials I watch, I STILL don’t get it! But I’ll get there . . . (hopefully). But I reaaally want to be an a NSFW artist o3o. I don’t know, to get the anatomy drawings right and know how to pose my characters in suggestive positions.
I was a huge Hetalia Super Geek when I was 14 until I discovered Good Omens and Michael Sheen at the age of 21. Then I was set. I stopped being a Hetalia Super Geek and OBSESSED over Good Omens and Michael Sheen. So it was 7 years since I been in the in that fandom. I mean, I still like to see Hetalia fanart and so on but to a RARE occasion while I look at Good Omens Fanart and FanFiction almost 2-3 times a week, and Hetalia once or twice a month.
But did it stop there? No, no. It was a fool who thought that. I came across something so devilishly smexy. Full of bad asses, king of hell and brothers who will do anything to save the world. Yes. I came across.
Then, oh ho ho, I really started a brand new obsession after a another. Now I can’t go anywhere without seeing Supernatural shit. Someone post a GIF. Its related to Supernatural. I watch a YouTube video. Boom. I’m recommended a Supernatural Video. This person reminds me of a character from Supernatural. Supernatural. Supernatural. SUPERNATURAL. But am I complaining? Nope. I enjoy the fandom and show. I also have a few friends who I roleplay with who also like to add the characters in from the show. It’s pretty cracked but I enjoy it.
So I would obsessed over Good Omens and Supernatural to calm my fan like mind. So I can enjoy watching Owl House, Steven Universe, Encanto, Star vs the Forces of Evil, My Hero Academia and Our Flag Means Death to a small minimum. Now high obsession. Just. Fanart. Nothing serious and crazy.
A little fact about me. I never actually watched these shows but I read comics, fanart and clips on YouTube about them, I even read their Wiki’s to learn more about them. So I’m in no means a TRUE fan but I do love them all. (I don’t know why I do this shit, so, don’t ask please . . .)
Favorite Characters:
Sam Winchester – Supernatural
Crowley – Supernatural
Crowley – Good Omens
Tom Lucitor – Star vs the Forces of Evil
Janna – Star vs the Forces of Evil
Kaminari Denki – My Hero Academia
Hawks – My Hero Academia
Lapis Lazuli – Steven Universe
Peridot – Steven Universe
Hunter – Owl House
King – Owl House
Izzy Hands – Our Flag Means Death
I am gender queer, I will flip from being feminine to being masculine and vice versa. I just go with how I feel at that moment and I even have a binder to bind my chest if I need too.
【Facts about Me】
★ I always carry my phone and laptop around with me.
★ An Anime Nerd (Doesn't watch anime exactly but learns about the show and whatnot.)
★ Dorky and Anti Social
★ I love to learn!
★ I love to play video games on my Switch.
★ I'm interested in doing NSFW art soon.
★ I'm practicing 3D Modeling at the moment.
【Social Media】
Archive Of Our Own
YouTube Channel
【My Rules】
★ Don’t steal my art! Please! You will be blocked if I find out.
★ Feel free to draw my OC’s. I would like to see how you draw them! ^^
★ I’m a person. Art won’t be posted everyday, I will try but no promises. They’ll get done on my own time.
★ Be kind to me and others. This is friendly environment.
★ Don’t interact with my NSFW if you are under 18. I mean like, come on, where are your parents?
★ Don’t like my art or what I do? Don’t interact. Simple as that. I’m not the one to kiss your ass. =_=
★ I do what I feel like. If I want to post shitty fanfiction and art, I’m going to do it. And you can’t stop me. uwu
【What I Post】
✦ Switch Screenshots
✦ MikuMikuDance Pictures
✦ MikuMikuDance Videos
✦ Artwork
✦ Literature/Fanfiction
✦ WIPs
✦ Edits
✦ Voice Acting
Might add more later .  . .
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h7jfangirl · 2 years
TGS chapter 12's cover!
And how I said before, Hyde appears!
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First of all: I really love the colors of this cover, the black and gold convination is fantastic and you can feel how Hyde is suffering while nobody is doing nothing to help him.
Now, let's start from the description of this page
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When I read this for the first time I didn't catch it, I though they were literally saying that although Hyde was shown in agony on the cover, the chapter was going to be calmer than it seemed
So at first I was like:
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But then I read the comments and I understood that Sabrina was being sarcastic (JAJAJSJ).
So, analyzing Sabrina's words we can realize that it reveals a little about what the chapter was mainly about:
The chapter will be about Hyde suffering the concequences of his actions while Jekyll decides to confront Laynon with his feelings, something that could affect Hyde in a worse or better way (Knowing that Hyde usually use Henry's negative emotions to escape from a emotional problem. But Edward could be inside of a deep part of Jekyll's mind where the negative emotions that Henry can feel are even more stronger and dangerous than before, so Hyde would be in a lot of trouble with the same things he once use for his own benefit.
Now let's analyze the cover image:
"The image is of Hyde being taken over by dark forces on top of a stage while many upper-class viewers watch it as a fantastic spectacle"
This is clearly symbolic, I don't think real magic dark tentacles grab Hyde on a stage and the viewers think it's part of the show LMAO. BUT what are exactily thoses dark forces?
Maybe they are the actual representation of Hyde's OWN INSECURITIES, due to everything he went through in chapter 10 Hyde's ego was very damaged and from that new insecurities were formed about himself, being such doubts as "Will I be free" or even existential questions like "Who I am?" That tun into these powerful dark forces that have manifested for drag him into the darkest part of the mind, where he belongs
For one night, he will face and feel all the fear and stress Jekyll felt cause of him, while outside of his mind the exhibition begins and Henry faces one of his own fears...
I think about the possibility that the chapter takes place on the night of the big exhibition, because in the small spoilers of Sabrina on Twitter Henry and Laynon are seen with elegant clothes. However, there is also the great possibility that it could be a Jekyll or Laynon flashback where we are shown that we still did not see EVERYTHING in the last chapter, i think so because we only see them in those suits. But at least we know that the exhibition is very close.
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But then if the spoilers about Henry and Laynon are just a flashback, then the chapter would be about Jekyll remembering the little confrontation he had with Robert while Hyde suffers in the depths of his mind and he doesn't realize? Or maybe...
Nah, I don't think so but it would be super hyper mega cool. Henry being able to somehow control the shadows so they will take Hyde inside his mind and lock him in the deepest, even if it was for just one night (Surely because the poor guy just wants to sleep). It would make sense if we take into account that he will be able to empower himself with Frankenstein (According to Sabri's wip on Twitter)
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So why not with Hyde too? He actually did it in the last panel of chapter 10!.
Well, whatever what will happend in this chapter, we don't have to wait to long, because nexts uptade comes next week!
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So~ I'm ending the post here, thanks for take the time to read this. I'm so sorry about my bad english, i had to use Google translator for this but I hope you liked it!
I Will love to see your theorys and thoughs about this chapter in the comments!
So yeah, goodbye and have a nice day! 💕✨
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