#lots of excuses y'know
daydadahlias · 2 years
hey jess!!! before i ask, pls know this is an absolute no pressure question bc i am naught but a faceless collection of 1s and 0s on your device, and i am in no way entitled to your time nor labour,,,
are you still writing bite marks or have you gone off it?
(reminder: this praise is not intended to guilt you) i love the concept of that fic and though my imagination is great it's got nothing on the way you write!!
all love and hope your day features many fluffy cows
hi anon!! welcome welcome to the inbox. i will say, I very much appreciate the tone of this ask, it's very sweet!! I appreciate it a lot <3
as for BM, yeah I'm still writing it!! I know it's been a long time since the last update and I am sorry abt that! I just keep getting side tracked along the way. If you want some behind the scenes info on Jess Fics, I have a little "schedule" of sorts I've made for myself this year and this month is a Busy fic month for me. So I've been prioritizing other stuff before BM. But that doesn't mean I've completely forgotten about it! It just means she's been left on the back burner longer than I would have liked.
I appreciate the praise!! And I would also love to know what your imagination is filling in if you ever want to tell me <3
Thank you very much for asking and being so polite! I hope I can give you an update soon.
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antirepurp · 6 months
how dare steam put digimon world next order on sale i can't be buying video game in this economy especially when i already have them on console
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pawsitivevibe · 9 months
Man some of these "sport dog" breeders will have a whole alphabet soup of titles on their dogs but when you look at them they're like all novice/beginner titles. Or things like CGN. Easy stuff. I want to see Excellent and Masters titles, even if that means your dog has fewer letters after their name.
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tbh i think one of the biggest things they could have done to make five and nine hate each other without bullying or bigotry involved would have been to lean into the thing where some adhdtistics naturally vibe, whereas others have an incompatible combination of nd traits that make them viscerally unable stand each other, and go from there
#lorien legacies#LL number five#LL number nine#like nine is very obviously coded adhd but he is also autistic as hell#and. gestures at five#this is also why canon!nine's brand of lying about things and getting his behavior excused as being 'bad at signals'#when that's Not What's Actually Happening irritates me#they could have even included elements of some of the others being a little too defensive of his behavior at five's expense#without it just being 'lol bully the fat autistic kid'#if they're used to accounting for the fact that nine is neurodivergent and having a Hard Time of It#in ways that make it easy to assume he's just a dickhead when he really genuinely does not realize or understand that's how he comes across#and/or is exhausted and defensive that he has to try constantly and /so hard/ NOT to come across that way#and feels like he's being fucked with when people correct him constantly#because 'that doesn't sound right but i don't know enough about social skills to dispute it'#and is also increasingly bitter at feeling like 'why the fuck should /i/ have to be the one to change everything about how i act'#'why can't people at least try to meet me in the middle for once. fuck this'#all compounded by brain damage from extended solitary confinement and physical TBIs#and it becomes more understandable for the others to kneejerk toward accommodating his access needs before five's when they conflict#while also y'know. being significantly less assholess toward five in general; and in fact treating him a lot less shittily BECAUSE they#have experience with not judging people for initially being awkward and kind of insensitive or seemingly abrasive#or just behaving in ways that seem Weird. it's still a blind spot that they favor nine here but they're not being ableist pieces of shit#nor are they trying to shut him up about abuse and force him to Get Used to It#anyway lots of thoughts about this need to write up posts etc#LL tag#ableism cw#dyn: lost boys
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if-loki-was-a-fox · 2 months
I'm pretty sure this as a trend is mostly over by now, but would anyone be interested in me doing that evil art style thing? Like would anyone offer descriptors of my art and enjoy seeing me try and avoid them / do the opposite?
I might do that for 400 followers, unless people have other things they might be interested in as a 400 follower milestone thing
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I loved your ranking of Jane! She gets way too much hat. Tbh I like her way more than Kenny
Thanks anon, glad you enjoyed the post!
But yes, I agree. I think Jane gets too much hate and I believe it comes from a misunderstanding of her character, as well as a lot of bias set in Kenny's favor.
Believe me, I understand a lot of the criticism with her character and I don't fault anyone for disliking her. To each their own, y'know?
I find her compelling and way more likeable than Kenny, and while I stand by the Wellington ending being the best outcome for Clementine and AJ, I loathe that you only get it by going with Kenny. Personally, if forced to throw out the Wellington ending, Jane is Clementine's best option as far as S2's ending goes...
...We don't talk about ANF Jane. ANF is forever on my shitlist for what it did to Jane. You ever want to study a great example of writers fully misunderstanding a character then writing a total character assassination? Then look at Jane in ANF.
But anyway, Jane isn't heartless and she actually listens to Clementine when she chews her out and tries to improve, something Kenny just... doesn't do, no matter how many times he says he will be better. Actions speak louder than words, my guy.
One example I can give comes with Arvo. Jane will threaten him with a gun and suggest they take his stuff, that she doesn't care about his supposed sick sister, all that... no matter the outcome, Jane shows remorse for her actions and questions how she got to the point of threatening a kid like Arvo, someone clearly powerless against her and in a position to be taken advantage of.
Then you have Kenny who treats Arvo as a personal punching bag and never once does he feel remorse. Kenny just treats him as an outlet for his rage, nothing more. Arvo isn't even a person to him. Hell, he cares more about going after Arvo and beating his ass than he does if Clementine falls through the ice while trying to save Luke.
You know who pulls Clementine out of the icy water? Not Kenny. Jane does, and she's the only one in a huge panic about her freezing to death, running around looking for a way to start a fire and what is Kenny doing? Right, beating Arvo again.
That's just one example. Also, to touch on the topic of Sarah, because I know that's a big thing for people who dislike Jane which fair enough, I get that. I don't have time to give a full analysis, but Jane's backstory is a huge part of why she tells Clementine that Sarah's going to bring her down. Sarah isn't in good shape after Carlos is killed, and you can't just pretend that she didn't endanger them when she refused to move. It makes sense why she doesn't, and it's incredibly tragic, but Jane can see as an outside observer with no attachment to Sarah that if they stay here, they're all going to die. So, either Clementine forces her to move, abandons her, or dies with her.
There are plenty of flaws with how Sarah is portrayed and handled in S2, again I don't have the time to give a full analysis, but Jane is gentle no matter what Clementine decides to do, save her or leave her. She doesn't chew Clementine out, she doesn't say, "I told you so." Jane explains her story with her sister, and the Sarah situation clearly triggered that trauma for her.
Again, soooo easy for people who hate Jane to be like "see?? she left her sister to die?? Jane bad, she want Sarah dead too," but that's just purposely ignoring the nuance and grey of the situation so you can think easy. And no, Jane doesn't want Sarah to die, that's just a straight up lie.
When Sarah is trapped, Jane will put aside her beliefs and safety to help Sarah when Clementine asks her to. It's not Jane's fault Sarah died. Maybe if she hadn't been hit with that plank of wood, she could've gotten to her faster. Maybe she would've died because Sarah was such in a state of panic that she would've brought her down, too. Y'know that drowning metaphor-- a drowning person will almost always pull you down, is it worth sinking with them? all that.
I want to make it clear that this isn't Sarah's fault. She's a victim here, both in the situation and in the games writing. Jane knows this, too. She's sincere in her apology to Clementine, and seeing Sarah die is yet another trigger that causes her to leave.
There's so much about Jane's character that I could get into, and I plan on it at some point. Like I said in my tier list, Jane is a great character and I'm tired of pretending she's not.
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arolesbianism · 10 days
Thinking abt my dupe ocs again... Maybe Quinn does have hashtag issues actually
#rat rambles#oni posting#oc posting#theyre very well known and liked amongst all the colonies as y'know. they helped found all of them.#and theyve always been very friendly and kind and they have always taken their responsibilities incredibly seriously#and when they get time to be on a planet they relish it as they have a great deal of appreciation for the beauty of these worlds#but one thing that has always been a thing for them is that they've never rly had like. friends amongst these colonies#partially because of them having to travel constantly but even when they get time to hang out more theyve sort of unconsciously trained#themself to be a bit emotionaly detached from those around them#it also doesnt help that theyre a digger and usually one of like 2 or 3 on any given planetoid#which earlier on meant thar they rarely encountered other dupes and late on left then with little to do as most of the ongoing work was#already being managed by others specifically trained for the role#so the isolation started to get to them and they started to get rly antsy and didn't know why or how to fix it#when the printing pod went offline they were one of the ones more calm abt the matter due to them being generally more used to the unknown#and this combined with their general good reputation lead to a lot of dupes looking to them for direction and answers alongside burt#this actually made quinn feel rly good for a while since it was their excuse to actually talk to ppl regularly and in more personal ways#theyd hear out ppls anxieties and ideas and newest passions and goals and theyd actually feel like theyre hearing the words said#they liked the feeling of everyone wanting to be around them and seeking them out even on other planetoids#they'd get phone calls and people taking breaks from their work to come say hi and it made them feel real#but as time went on and their fellow dupes became more and more self reliant they began to seek them out less and less#because why bother someone so important and busy when you dont need to right?#and this lead to quinn going wait no why did you all leave me again :(#it felt like before but worse because now they actually had started considering a lot of these guys friends#and they still had no idea how to reach out themself without a work reason and as such they sorta started dissolving again#and its during this time when they start missing the pod and start to get more upset that shes gone#they end up returning to the original partially to be closer to her and partially because it feels the most like home to them#there they start to slowly learn to reach out themself as they sort of sit in a corner watching burt work while shaking like a small dog#this at first is very unwanted by burt who is stressed as hell but they end up forcing him to stick to an actual shift instead of just#working until he passes out and this allows them to hang out while they force him to have downtime with them to keep him from exploding#it becomes a nice comfort time for them both as they rly havent hung out much since the first like 100 cycles or so
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deeisace · 9 months
Alright. Train home.
I've run out of tags so I best shut up before I cry (again)
#very very tired and zoned out#i just keep thinking about my eldest auntie#saying like#oh you only live just there you've got no excuse to hide then#and everybody saying like ill see you soon an all this#which obviously they aren't saying to mum#tho we did sit at the front#mum cried at at um her cousin's wife? saying something like you know you're always welcome or or something#um#which. which she's not really or well she is but it's it's all it's not it's#it's hard to explain disfellowshipping#i don't know how to explain it properly#like if she came back to the truth. they call it. then everything would be fine#but she hasn't and she won't#so we can go to the funeral but not the wake#well when mum cried as that set me off again#and i sort of said through tears like um to my cousin michael he was saying like it's overwhelming isn't it#cs there is billions of family like granny had 4 kids and then their kids and grandkids and then various cousins an all#so even if there weren't the situation it'd be. a lot.#im not used to it at all like im an only child as grew up in the woods y'know#my sister's in the same crem as granny it turns out ive got a map to where she is i never had before#she hasn't a name on the stone but there's gonna be a thing made in february mum says#um so i sort of said to michael oh well it is overwhelming and i wasn't expecting to sit right at the front#and he said well it's only right you are family you should sit with family#which which um#just everyone saying oh it's lovely to see you and oh that's where you live and where you work ill have to come and pop in#and you have to keep in touch#and and and but i can't i can't not now#not when there's everything#not with all the london doctor's things an stuff that obviously they don't know. and i have to leave for good before they do. so so um
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not-poignant · 2 years
jesus Pia that sounds fucking rough.. I've been following you and reading your stories from 2015, and I never knew about this. I'm so sorry you had to go through that. Sending you all the best <3
I didn't speak about it openly at the time because I had a policy of not shit-talking on my Tumblr, and I knew at the time if I mentioned what was happening specifically re: the self-harm photos, everyone would know who I was talking about, and I worried it might create backlash for this person. And while I felt manipulated and abused by her, I was genuinely worried for her mental health, and I didn't want her getting hate from people who saw what was happening to me. (Because like, I did carry some influence in that fandom, and that would have been fucking terrible).
The person who sent me most of the hate messages actually emailed me to apologise months later, which was bizarre, but... it didn't surprise me to know she was good friends with this other person. Because she always sent them under anon, I had no idea who she was until she apologised.
But yeah the reason a lot of people don't know is because I just...was only talking about it behind closed doors to cope, and trying to keep it away from anywhere other people could see it. I wasn't always successful, and I think I did mention I was having a tough time because of some of the people in the fandom, but that was the extent of what I tried to say.
Now that a lot of time has gone by, no one really knows who that person is anymore (though I think a very few people who were super active in the tags at the time might have some suspicions), and so I don't have to worry about her getting any hate, and she's a lot harder to identify. I don't even know if she's on Tumblr anymore.
I have a general policy of keeping that stuff off my blog, so I turned off anon sometimes, and I deleted (and tried to block) a lot of anon messages, I responded to very few. I have a general 'delete anything that I can't turn into something useful' policy. Sometimes messages from antis I can turn into a teaching/education moment, but if it's just repeated 'KYS' messages, there's nothing for that except the bin.
I do have a lot of screenshotted receipts though, lol. I got in the habit of screenshotting things, because I became quite paranoid at the time (esp because I didn't know how many people were sending me all the anons, so it felt for a while like it was a LOT of people vs. I think just a few very disturbed dedicated people lol), so I have a folder in my RotG writing folder literally of just...Tumblr drama, lol. It's sad to think about. I think it's one of the reasons I don't really go as deep into fandoms anymore like I used to. :( But that might change with time. :)
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doolallymagpie · 2 years
everything i’ve heard about her run suggests that jodie whittaker is the colin baker of new who
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rosetintedgunman · 2 years
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"If I had things I needed ta do today they're bein' put on hold. My friend's sad. :("
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cartoonsbyandie · 2 years
WIP Challenge - whatever's left that you wanna talk about?
WIP Challenge 6. The Otherlands
This is probably the only one left that's interesting to explain...
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There was a moment where I was really into RPGmaker. I wasn't any good with it, but I sure did try! After my first attempt at a project fell apart, I downloaded a demo of the latest version at the time (VX Ace, I think?) and decided to see what I could make with that. Since it was the demo, there were a lot of limits, like I don't think you were able to make your own custom art and character sprites.
None of the default sprites were really speaking to me, so I thought it'd be fun to make a story where you played as the object sprites.
The plot is that, in a Dungeons and Dragonesque fantasy world called Clarus, a portal to another world opens up. That world (called The Otherlands because I'm uncreative) is inhabited by sentient objects (tables, chairs, boulders) that roll around like people do. The people from Clarus took the spell for sealing people into objects, and now uses that to punish their criminals and attack other nations. The player characters are a group of said criminals trying to overthrow the government, since their seals were faulty and allowed movement when they normally don't.
I later adapted this into a D&D campaign guide, where all the different types of objects would be character classes with new rules. It never got off the ground because you need friends for that, and I moved away from the group I was going to do it with years ago. I still have the campaign book and I think it's horribly unbalanced. But that's what happens when someone who's played maybe ten sessions of Pathfinder tries to design their own campaign from scratch.
I actually still really like this idea though. You can probably tell from how I'm talking about it, I just dunno what to do with it now. XD
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julesnichols · 3 months
I really really should finish my Castle (re)watch
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Hey so you've posted a bit about replaying DA and I wanted to know if you have a canon run through
I do! I'm currently replaying through my canon run right now [with a few deviations here and there] because every time I finish a run, some time passes before I'm like, ".........I miss them." It makes doing an alternate run harder, too.
For DAO, I play as a rogue lady Tabris named Rosalie, or Rose. Dual-wielding ranger and dualist. Her most used party dynamic is Alistair/Morrigan/Zevran. She named the mabari Griffon after the tales of Grey Wardens and their griffons. Rose romanced Alistair, kept him a warden and made Anora queen. She considers Morrigan one of her closest friends until Morrigan reveals her true intentions for coming with them. I've written about that whole thing before. Honestly, as far as companions go, Rose becomes close friends with most of them... except Wynne, they tend to butt heads in a lot of ways.
Rose didn't want to become a warden and thinks most of their rules and secrets are bullshit. Duncan's excuse for not coming to help her and the other elven women Vaughan took is a driving force for her to defy that "we can't get involved" rule as much as she can during and post-blight. She sided with the mages in Kinloch and with their help saved Connor, made Bhelen king of Orzammar, and settled things between the Dalish and the werewolves peacefully by convincing Zathrian to end the curse. She executed Loghain at the Landsmeet since, y'know... he sold city elves, nearly including her father, to Tevinter slavers to fund his war so... in her eyes, he doesn't get to live after that.
This playthrough I did make a save to reject Morrigan's dark ritual to see what happens when the warden makes the ultimate sacrifice and it's the most unsatisfying ending. It's such a, "No no noooo we didn't deserve this! After everything we went through! Just for it to end like that??" hopeless feeling... which was then fixed when I went back and made my canon choice of begrudgingly accepting the deal [even though it mostly goes against Rose's character but I'm weak and selfish and want her and Alistair to live].
In DA2, I play as a male mage Hawke named Edgar, or Ed. Force mage and blood mage. His most used party dynamic is Carver/Merrill/Anders until Carver goes to the Grey Wardens, then it's Isabela/Merrill/Anders. He's mostly purple in personality, but occasionally dips into blue, and I can count the number of times he's gone red on one hand. He named his mabari Fleabag after Malcolm bought the pup from a traveling merchant who failed to mention he was flea ridden. Several baths later, the mabari was finally flea free but Ed decided he should never live it down and named him Fleabag.
Ed maxes out the friendships with everyone [yes, including Carver, Ed tries so damn hard with him] except Aveline, he maxes out her rivalry. They all side with him and the mages in the end. He romanced Anders. I once did a run where I romanced Fenris with Ed and even though I liked it, the whole playthrough felt wrong because romancing Anders is, like... a fundamental part of Ed's story now... Even though they break up in the end.
I've done all three options across different playthroughs when it comes to Anders; I've spared him, I've killed him, and I've told him to leave. My canon choice is to tell him to leave, and then let him join my party later after we've sided with the mages. It's hard to explain without writing a full essay, but Ed and Anders are pretty much life partners at this point. Even if it's no longer romantic because a huge amount of trust was broken, even if they never get back together in that regard, even if Anders will now be on the run for the rest of his life, whether or not Ed agrees with him [he does and he doesn't, it's complicated] like... Ed loves him and he'll always love him, y'know? He won't abandon him even when everyone tells him he should.....but then DAI happened uhhh
Finally for DAI, I play a lady mage Lavellan named Ashalle, or Ashlaen, or just Ash. She's a knight-enchanter who mostly does storm magic. I'd say DAI is the game where I have a pretty even party use that I rotate between; Cassandra/Varric/Vivienne, Solas/Sera/Blackwall, The Iron Bull/Dorian/Cole. She sides with the mages in Redcliffe and left Hawke in the fade [sorry Ed, and sorry Anders... and sorry Carver... and Varric]. When it came to picking a ruler for Orlais, she figured all options sucked but went with Celene and Briala. Ash drank from the well, and then disbanded the inquisition in Trespasser.
I dislike how DAI just kinda plops your inquisitor into existence with only a small paragraph explaining why they were at the conclave; I wish it had a DAO approach so that's what I did for my inquisitor. Before I start the DAI playthrough, I boot up DAO. Before she was Ashalle Lavellan, she was a circle mage named Ashlaen Surana who escaped with Jowan after he lied to her about being a blood mage. In the ten years pre-DAI, she lost Jowan. In her grief, joined the Dalish, changed her name, and eventually ended up at the conclave. It just adds a lot more meat and spice to the choices and interactions with companions and advisors since she keeps that part of her backstory a secret. After all, she helped a blood mage and then was accused of being one herself before fleeing; she doesn't want the inquisition to know that. All of her crafted staves are named after Jowan while her crafted robes are usually named after her conflicting identities and pieces of her past, too..... Oh, speaking of past, she romanced Cullen. Because of course.
With the context of all this, it becomes them reuniting after they may or may not have had a thing going on in the circle, but then she escaped and he believed she was actually a blood mage for ten years. Cullen sees her like "Ah. Yes. You. Whom I haven't met. Hope they're right about you. We've lost a lot of people to get you here. Glad you survived." when internally he's screaming "I know who you are, those tattoos fool me not! Why are you here?? To torment ME specifically??" Then there's Ash who takes a little longer to recognize him, and when she does, it solidifies that she needs to run after this because he knows who she is and why she fled, that's not good, she's not going back to the circle after all this is done.
But y'know... they work it out. Eventually.
That's my canon run through of all three games. I keep trying to talk myself into doing a full alternate canon run, but the only game I've successfully done a different route in is DAI with my male rogue Tristan Trevelyan whose backstory was that he's a pro-mage ex-templar. That was fun to see how different things play out, but I haven't managed it for the other two.
I'd like to play DAO as a more cutthroat warden who, unlike Rose, won't go out of their way to do kind things; they'll do what they deem necessary. I'd like to do a lady warrior Hawke run with Bethany as the surviving sibling, and I've tried before but every time I hit a point where I'm like ".....I miss Carver so much" and abandon the run. Like there's always something that makes me abandon the run. I almost abandoned Tristan's run, too, but somehow I pushed through and got invested. I dunno. One day I'll put on my big girl pants and just do it.
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arolesbianism · 6 months
I find it so funny just how long I'd have to talk to get to a single non original character in the random card au if I explained the worldbuilding in chronological order. I'm pretty sure the first recognizable characters would be og Tae and Rei and even then there's a pretty big span of time where they could have possibly existed so I could theoretically go through a Lot before getting to them even without all of the finer details of kingdom worldbuilding
#rat rambles#random card au#band posting#after that I believe next in line would be misaki and rokka followed shortly by hagumi and nanami#then we have an haruka kohane shiho and shizuku all around the same tome period next#and after that we get glitter green and rimi#then we get to another shaky period where no one rly comes up but rui emu kanade and honami are probably all in there somewhere#and then after a good while the main characters and other alive ppl start existing and we get to actually sort of discuss plot stuff 👍#note that even with me not going into too deep detail theres a Lot involved in the main plot thats hard to explain without explaining basic#worldbuilding such as the gods and divinities and the vessels and other shit like that#like most of it is much more naturally integrated into the story but yknow writing smth into a full narrative and explaining the same thing#are very different and it's hard to do the ladder effectively if its complicated enough#its also frustrating to explain to ppl cause its very much meant to be treated as a fantasy setting opposed to my typical two layers down#approach to realism since a lot of the worldbuilding especially are much more meant to be creation myth vibes y'know?#so ppl have gotten snarky with me abt it and its just frustrating as hell cause like yeah it doesn't make logistical sense this is fantasy#like there Are sci fi elements but a lot of sci fi is just nonsense too so like that doesnt mean much#I dont completely abandon my two layered realism but as far as basic world origins go its a creation story with gods and stuff#so yeah I get silly with things cause its fun and gives me an excuse to make characters furries
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sapsolais · 6 months
#man. there's something about trying to nap in your car that REALLY makes you appreciate your bed at the end of the day#need as much bed time as possible#anyway#today was really nice actually#i took my car down to a self serve car wash my dad would take me to when i was younger n#god. it was like 9 am n it was sorta overcast. no one was there. it's sorta tucked between a neighborhood n an auto body lot/center#n. fuck it was one of the most therapeutic things ever actually. you wouldn't Believe#i got *so* lost in it. must've been there for over an hour washing and scrubbing and drying everything over n over n vacuuming the floors n#seats n just. god. i dunno#i slapped the gtn vinyl decal thingy i got on my back window afterwards too :]#it felt good. great even. just to get lost for a lil bit n tuck away someplace quiet. do something with my hands n See the result#immediately afterward. there's something about it#i'll go there again sometime#it's funny to miss and feel fondly of places and memories attatched to someone you Logically dislike y'know#part of me wishes i had more experiences w my dad like that but. i stopped saying yes when i was old enough to realize#that he wasn't all that great of a man. that he wasn't really There for me or knew much about me y'know.#it's a complicated feeling#when you understand Why something happens/is but you also know you owe it to yourself not to excuse it/that you deserved better regardless#hm#just some thoughts before bed i guess#sap says
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