#look at my little bord. look at her
dovelydraws · 9 months
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Happy birthday to my favoritest little bird!!! 💕
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wosoxwriterrr · 1 month
Stina Blackstenius x Swedish Arsenal reader
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request- could u do smth with stina blackstenius where reader is very flirty with stina, making flirty comments and being touchy with her but stina is absolutely clueless and doesnt catch on at all. then reader has enough and just kisses stina ☺️
a/n- i’m aware my fics are pretty short atm but bare with me :) requests are open!!
518 words ———
You always found a way to be close to Stina, you really liked her so you wanted to be around her. You always laughed at her jokes a bit too loud making those around you give you some glares but you didn’t care.
Walking into colney you spot Stina getting out of her car, you run over to her turining into a koala as you wrap your limbs around her. “Hej på dig med y/n” (Hello to you too) She giggles at your current position. “Jag saknade dig” (I missed you) you whispered into her ear, still clinging to her.
Before training, laura caught you making heart eyes at Stina and came over to talk to you. “what’s going on between you two?” she said quietly so no one else could hear. “i wish i knew Laura, i’ve tried so many times to tell her without actually telling her but she’s just so oblivious” Laura places a comforting hand on your back “maybe just use your words” she gets no response, just a knowing sigh.
During training, you being a defender and Stina being a striker, both of you were working together on some drills. As you start defending the ball away from her, Stina accidentally clips your heal sending you straight to the grass holding your ankle. “OMG y/n I am so sorry” she says as she rushes to your side. “Stina It’s okay don’t worry about it, I am fine kärlek” (love). You get back on your feet and walk back into the building with the medics.
Sitting in your cubby with ice on your ankle, the team start to filter in. Stina makes a beeline to you. “How’s the ankle?” said with a sympathetic tone. “Just a little niggle, nothing big luckily” said with a sheepish smile. “I was so scared, wouldn’t want to hurt my best friend” the minute the words ‘best friend’ came out of her mouth, your heart sunk. “Are you okay y/n” Stina asks with concern. You stay quiet for a moment. “Ka jag kyssa dig?” (Can I kiss you?) Stina looks at you for a moment then lightly nods her head. Soon your lips were connecting with Stina’s and your heart felt like it was about to explode. You had waited for this moment for years! You pull away “Förlåt att jag inte borde ha gjort att du inte ens gillar mig” (Sorry I shouldn’t have done that you don’t even like me) “I never said I didn’t like you y/n, I just didn’t know you liked me” as she looks at the wall behind you. “I thought I was making it really obvious, I think you’re just oblivious Stina” you say with a little chuckle. “Y/n is right, you’re oblivious” Frida chimes in after over hearing the conversation.
Everyone starts to leave the changing room, leaving you and Stina. “Well em I will call you later maybe only if you want” you say kind of nervously. “Jag skulle älska det” (I would love that) as she quickly pulls you in for a quick peck leaving you both blushing messes.
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shelbgrey · 10 months
Jack Hodgins Having a little sister:
Paring: Jack Hodgins x Little Sister!Reader
Summary: having Jack Hodgins as an over protective big brother and being 'queen of the lab'
A/n: this is short and kinda sucks. Request are open for bones.
💚MasterList 💚mood bord
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Jack practically raised you, your parents did love you very much but they were always working and that's just how it was.
Intentionally or not your parents missed the little things, like school concerts or marching season when you were in the band, Jack didn't miss one and always there chearing you on.
Your just as, if not smarter than Jack, and like your big brother you showed interest in becoming a Forensic Entomologist like him. You always looked up to him and wanted to be like him.
The only difference is your more interested in the animal/reptile aspect than the bugs like he is.
Your office/lab is full of lizards and turantulas, and you've named all of them.
Your terrified song snakes though, you hate them with a passion and jack of course knows it and tries to keep the ones he has in the Lab away from you. It doesn't work sometimes.
“Jack there's a snake in my office!” you shouted standing on your wheely chair. Jack came running in to get ride of it. “it's just a black snake, he's more scared of you than you are of him”
He didn't say that to tease you, he just genuinely trying to reassure you so you won't panic all the time. “I beg to differ”
Your the youngest on the team putting you about 20 years old when you and team first started to work together.
With that, Jack is very protective of you and makes sure your shown the same respect he and the team are.
People and other people of science might underestimate you, your young and have tattoos and have a more goofy personality. Jack and the jeffersonian team will always have your back if it comes to people disrespecting you and your always proving the snobby scientists wrong.
You always feel safe with your brother, even in the most dangerous situation. When you and him were buried in the car by the Gravedigger you had absolute faith you'd get out of there, no matter how scared you were.
“We're gonna be okay...i promised mom I'd always protect you” he said.
You both got out with your friends family's help. Angela and Lance were waiting for you both and relieved to have you safe.
Speaking of Angela, she just like a big sister to you. You are both close and you feel you can always go to her for help.
Angela's dad, Billy is also loves you and is like a father to you. While he was putting the fear of god and tattooing Jack, he was showing you how to play guitar.
Even if you and Angela are close, Seeley is your best friend. While he teases Jack and calls him 'bug boy' he genuinely love you like a sister and doesn't mess with you.
Jack wanted to give an over protective big brother talk to Lance when you started dating, but he couldn't. He liked Lance to much and trusted him.
“just don't hurt her”
He walked you down the aisle at yours and Lance's wedding.
Your always involved with his experiments and it drives Cam crazy. She loves you usually let's you get away with it.
Since Jack is 'king of the lab' your the 'Queen of the lab'.
He's literally the coolest uncle ever and your like a second mother to Michael-Vincent.
You've always got each other's backs, you were there when he got put in his wheelchair and helped him learn how to deal with it.
Sometimes people don't understand how you two can be so close and not find each other annoying.
Jack could never get mad at you and if he does it doesn't last long.
Sometimes his over protectiveness gets annoying, but you know he means well.
“Hodgins have each other's backs no matter what” You guys always say.
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Cookie Jar
Warnings: g!p Nat, oral (Nat receiving), Fingering (r receiving), soft!dom Nat
Words: 1,753
A/N: Hi my darlings! Wrote this little thing, felt like writing some fluffy smut, hope you like it!
(Also Alex's dialog isn't a typo, he's like 3 and can't talk properly, set a bit after AOU)
Don't forget to drink water, sleep and eat well my loves! <3
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You woke up to the sunlight, blinding your eyes in the early morning. Your wife's muscular arms wrapped tightly around your body. You groan, tossing and turning as you try to get out of her hold. “Where do you think you're going detka?” she mumbles out, whispering into your ear.
You smile, “Natty the kids are gonna be up soon..” she places a light kiss on your neck, “It won't take too long baby.” you sigh, “You're lucky I love you.” you say, sliding your hand in between both of your bodies.
Slipping a hand into her boxers, you grasp onto her hardened cock. “Fuck—” you smile, moving your body down to her crotch. You look up at her from your position, lazily jerking her off. “Mmh.. kotenok you're doing so– so good, fucking hell!”
Her hips bucked up as you run your palms up and down her dick, “'m gonna fucking cum all over that pretty face of yours detka..” she lets out a moan, when you rub her tip with your thumb.
Not too soon after, thick ropes of cum shoots up, painting your face. “Natasha— I have to go clean up now.. thanks a lot.” she chuckles, looking at your messed up face, “You're welcome moya lyubov, happy anniversary.” she winks, you roll your eyes.
You get up from the bed, making your way to the bathroom when, “Mommyyy! Mama!!” a knock on your door from your eldest. You whisper out a swear, “Yeah sweetie! Yup– mommy will be right out.” you yell out, glaring at your wife when you hear her snicker.
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You get out of the bedroom, widening your eyes in shock, “Alex! Why did you put— How did you put your little sister on top of the counter, I told you that she'd get hurt Alex.” you scold the toddler, picking up the baby.
“Sowwy mommy..” he looks down at the floor, sadly. Natasha walks into the kitchen, “Y/N, have you been yelling at our son?” she ruffles his hair, and he lets out a little laugh.
You huff, “He put Aliana on top of the counter again.” the red-head glances at the baby, back to your son. “You did what?” he cackles, running off to the living room.
“Alex! I– whatever. Nat he got this from you.” you say, adjusting the baby to your hip. “What? I never did that with Yelena when we were kids.. I think.” you laugh softly, kissing the corner of her mouth. “What do you want for breakfast Tasha?” she looks at you, “I can make it.” you scoff, walking to the pantry. “You are gonna burn the house down, but help is appreciated.”
“Mama, I want a peanut butter samwich.” she turns to face the little boy, “Babe, Alex wants a peanut butter sandwich!” you get out the peanut butter, “Got it.”
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After breakfast the 4 of you sit in the living room, “Mommy look I drew bord!” you take the paper and look at the deformed bird drawn on it, “Yeah, buddy I can tell. It's– great.” he flashes a big smile, kissing your cheek, then runs off to the table.
The baby sleeping on your lap stirs, “Detka you need me to hold her?” you shake your head, “No it's fine darling.” you rock Aliana in your arms, attempting to get her back to sleep.
Natasha leans over, whispering in your ear, “You want a 3rd one?” you blink, looking up at your wife. “I—” she chuckles, placing her lips against yours, kissing you slowly. You break the kiss, “Can you go uhm..” you spoke, breathlessly, “Check the oven? Call me if the cookies are done, okay?”
She gives an exaggerated whine, “You want me gone so quickly?” you roll your eyes, “Romanoff, just go do what I told you to.”
“That's not what you said last night.” she gets up from the couch and walks off to the kitchen. “They're done!” you hear from outside the living room. “Okay!”
You take the sleeping baby out of your arms and slowly place her down on the couch, then get up and make your way into the kitchen. You feel a pair of arms wrap around your waist, causing you to let out a light giggle. She plants light, feathery kisses on your neck, “Nat— we.. are in the kitchen.” she presses her body against yours.
“Natasha Romanoff.” she lets go of you, raising her hands up in surrender, “You have no idea what I'm gonna do as soon as I get my hands on you detka.” you smile, taking the cookies out of the oven. “Oh I have a bit of an idea my love.”
She turns around, and gives you a smack on the ass. “Natasha!” she laughs, “What? I didn't do anything.”
Your eldest kid walked in the kitchen, “Mama hit mommy.” you gasp dramatically and widen your eyes, “How dare mama hit me?” Alex huffs, crossing his arms, “Say sowwy to mommy.” your wife smiles, giving a fake apology then whispers into your ear, “I don't regret it though.” she pulls back and winks at you.
A blush forms on your face, “Mommy your face is red!” he points at you before running of to god knows where, “And why's that?” Natasha pretends to not know why, “It's just, there's a fly in here and it's really, really annoying me.” Natasha gasps, “Did you just call me a fly?”
You smile innocently, placing the cookies in the jar. Natasha takes out her phone, “Y/N look!” you hum in response, looking over at her screen. “Ugh, Laura's so lucky, when Alex was a baby he was chubby like that.” Natasha raises a brow and looks over at you, “What?” she shakes her head, “Nothing.”
You nod, closing the cookie jar, “Remind me to make sure someone can watch the kids for our anniversary next year.” you say, walking over to peck her on the lips. “Yeah, we should've done that beforehand.” she says, pulling you in by the waist.
“Mhm..?” you get on your toes, pressing your lips against hers, letting out a slight moan as you feel her tounge slip into your mouth. “Mmph—” you break the kiss, over hearing a cry in the distance. “Duty calls.” you say, clearly out of breath.
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After dinner, you and Natasha put the kids to bed and go back into your share bedroom. You sigh, and slip off your dress, noticing her eyes on you. “Come to bed baby.” you turn to look at her, “Yeah.” you unclasp your bra, sliding it off your shoulders.
You sit down next to her in bed, she pulls you onto her lap. “You're so perfect kotenok..” she places a kiss on between your uncovered breasts, sending a shiver down your spine.
She brings a hand between your thighs, rubbing your cloth covered clit, you whimper as you desperately grind against her fingers. “Tasha stop t-teasing I–” she smirks, sliding your panties to the side. She slightly widens her eyes, looking down at your dripping slit. “Is this all for me baby?” you whine, nodding vigorously.
She runs her fingers through your glistening folds, your hips buck forward, you moan softly. “D-daddy please f—” she pinches your nipple, causing you to yelp. “Use your words detka.” you let out a breathy moan, “Fuck me please 'need you in me.” she kisses your jaw, “Whatever you say princess.”
She discards her boxers, her hardened cock springs out, her pre-cum leaking from the tip. “Nata—” she covers your mouth when she slides her dick inside of you. You let out a muffled scream, completely breaking apart as she stuffs you up, inch by inch.
“Fuck baby you're taking daddy in so well..” you moan, pushing in more of her length. She feels your walls clench around her, “Mm.. daddy you're so big.” she grunts, grabbing onto your hips to thrust harder into you.
Your whimpers and moans like music to her ears, she pulls you in for a rough, slow kiss. You gasp softly, locking your lips with hers. “Mmh.. Natasha–” she squeezes your ass, making you emit a throaty moan as her dick rubs against your g-spot. “Oh—”
She grips onto your hips, slamming her cock deeper into you. “Taking me in so well baby.” she leans over and whispers. “Are you close?” you nod, unable to respond in words. “Cum all over my cock like a good little whore.”
You dig your nails into her shoulders, moaning loudly, as you came onto her dick. “You're doing so well detka..” she praises, whispering into your ear as she runs her hands up and down your back. “Natasha..” she looks down at you, “Mhm?”
You press a light kiss to her neck, “You want me to clean you up darling?” she softly smiles, “If you want to.” you nod, she kisses your cheek, and slowly pulls out.
You lower yourself onto her, wrapping your lips around her tip. She lets out a shaky breath, bringing her hand to grip onto your hair. You take more of her dick inside of your mouth, coating it with your saliva. She takes her hand, pushing herself into you. “Oh fuck baby..” she lets of a soft moan as you run your tounge over her veins, you feel her dick twitch inside of your mouth.
You suck harder, bobbing your head up and down her length, looking up at her with wide eyes. “Y/N..” she whimpers out, “Fuck– kotenok 'm gonna cum, swallow it like a good girl.” she says, before filling your throat up with her warm juices. You swallow it down, you pull her cock out of your mouth.
She smirks, grabbing your jaw to look at your fucked out face, her cum dripping out the corners of your mouth. “Are you okay moya lyubov?” you smile, nodding your head, “Mhm!” she wipes off your mouth, looking down at you. “Happy anniversary Tasha..” you say, moving upwards to pull her into a slow, passionate kiss.
She smiles into the kiss, pulling you closer to her. “Happy anniversary.” she pants out, “Maybe next anniversary.. we could have a 3rd mini Romanoff in our family.” you laugh, kissing her cheek. “Natasha– you're being serious?” she nods slowly, nervously smiling.
You kiss her softly, “Natasha I– yes I would love to have another mini Romanoff.” you look up at her, she holds onto you tightly, “Let's pick out names.” she says. “Nat I'm not even pregnant yet, you weirdo.” she chuckles, kissing your neck. “Yet.” you smile, “I love you Natty.” she puts her head in the crook of your neck, “I love you most Y/NN.”
You groan when you both hear a loud shatter in the direction to the kitchen, before yelling, “Alex!”
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looking4userthatworks · 9 months
If you where Miles cannon interest
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● you guys met at Brooklyn Middle you had just moved there and he was there to show you around you guys quickly clicked you had same interests
●you'd guys draw together eat lunch together and hanged out together and you two had a comfortable amount of classes together!
●you two where inseparable❤️
● you even started to gain feelings for the little goober like he's so boyfriend material he sweet funny creative...attractive 👀
●...that was until he switched to visions academy every thing changed
●You guys still hanged out just less frequent because he was busy with all his new class not to mention the amount of homework
●when it got to much he'd sneak out and hang at your place
●Miles gets beaten by the spider you where the second person he'd call of course you couldn't pick up cause you where still in school
●anyways the event of into the spider verse occurred and it didn't take you long to figure out he was spider man (ether that or he couldn't handle the stress and told you)
●and he tells you everything Peter B Parker Spider noir Peter Porker Peni Parker and..Gewn
●He told you about her so much it felt like you weren't even there like hellooo?
● Miles doesn't see a problem with this (he's a very blind man) so he just continues not even noticing how your borded to death rn not to mention emotionally hurt 💔
●it's been like 2 years ever since the whole spider man gig and itsv events and think where going great( no really they weren't🥰)
●you and Miles friendship was getting testy with the whole spider man thing going on not to mention when you guys do end up having time to hang out there's always got to be a way to involve Gwen
[Your Name]: Hey Miles what do you think about my drawing? I thought since you talk about Gewn SO MUCH- I'd draw her off your description!
Miles: Pfftt who me??- You got her hair wrong by the way its way pinker and a bit more shorter
● yeah that basically how things go
Fast forward
●Your at the Moralez's party
●you great Jeff and Rio (you've known them long enough to call them by there first name SUCK IT GWEN-) and you notice someone you haven't meet before but sure as hell know who it is Gwen Stacy in the flesh
Jeff and Rio notice you looking at them hanging out
Rio: you know she look old enough to vote
[Your name]: Gwen Stacy in the flesh... wow
Rio: you know her?
[Y/n] no and yes in a way? Miles told me so much about her I practically met her
Jeff: huh you know funny enough I think I have the urge to say hi to them-
[Y/n] it's fine Jeff- but just in case I'll go check up on them
You head up to them Miles see you coming and trues to act normal
[Y/n]: Hey Miles! And I assume you must be?
Gwen: Gwen my names Gwen (as if you didn't know already)
[Y/n]: Gwen well I'm [y/n] Miles best friend actually um- How'd you two meet ?
Gwen: Visions Academy! We-
Rio: Hello I'm Miles's mom! We found this in Miles room so I assume you must've been in there.
Anways after that whole scene Miles run off to find Gwen or whatever blah blah blah
Meanwhile your just worried
in the end you just hope he knows what he's doing
Blah blah blah
Miguel shows Miles the whole web of destiny thing and tell him that he messed up both of his cannons actually 😨
Your and Miles where supposed to be together but since the whole itsv thing happened and he met Gwen that changed...
And miles is like Me??? Liking Gwen your crazyy like everyone doesn't know they like each other
So not only is his dad gonna die but so is his best friend 🤭
(Not only that your gonna die sad bc you know that he'll never love you!!!🤗)
(No but seriously let me know if you want me to go more indebt about this by rebooting this and taking me in it bc I'm on the website ver and I can't read messages 💔)
Have a lovely jubbly day my customers 🫡
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hockeyandhrsepwr · 1 year
Jack Hughes x F1 driver reader
Je T'aime Series
Mid August
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Yourusername who would’ve though five years later we’d be here? Je t’aime superstar. 
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Thombordeleau_ For a racer you sure move slow. Congrats McQueen now go get that championship
yourusername still faster than you
Mickschumacher does this mean ive lost my chance? I’m absolutely devastated. 
yourusername oh youre an option? Brb breaking it off now
jackHughes youre hilarious
SebastianVettel I still remember you complaining about the cute boy who didnt talk to you that summer. look at you now
yourusername don't expose me seb!
JackHughes no please, tell us more!
NicoHischer Hi Seb, I love you
yourusername looking a little thirsty there Nico 🚰
yourmum im so happy! he finally did it. Love you darling
YourUsername Je t'aime mama. See you soon
BrendanBrisson: Epic summer! See you in Vegas? 
Yourusername oh baby absolutely.
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JackHughes four years, now forever. Je t’aime
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Elblue can’t wait for her to officially be part of the family
JackHughes Me neither mum
Yourusername ew, he’s being sappy on main 🫶 love you Ellen!!
TrevorZegras congrats mate! Still don’t know how you convinced her 4 years ago, but it clearly worked
JackHughes me neither!
Yourusername he had a cute butt 😍
JackHughes thanks babe
lhughes_06 can we keep her & get rid of you?
Yourusername I'm down. Hi I'm Jackie Hughes, I play hockey
Yourusername can't get rid of me now! je t'aime <3
jackHughes <3
ThomBordeleau_ I better be best man for that introduction
_Quinnhughes hold the phone Bords, I think not
Lukehughes yeah, we all know it’ll be me
Yourusername nah you’re maid of honour  T😘
Alexturcotte finally man!! Took long enough
Jackhughes hey, I had a cup to win too!
Yourusername and win you did.
Fan67 no fucking way
Fan84 he hid a whole ass girlfriend for 4 years?!
Fan94 she’s so out of his league
On Twitter
Who is Jack Hughes & why is he trending with y/n 
Hockey4567 babe, hes only one of the NHLs top talents right now
Ynferrari okay and?
Fan5756 did you see y/ns enagement post? Because he posted with the same photo……
YnFerrari Oh fuck, hes the guy? 
Well, the sport was right but we were all so off on the player. Off to learn everything I can about hockey
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astars-things · 1 year
ok so hear me out// ur dating thom and he takes u home to meet his family but say like his dad doesnt like you and hes like talking to thom abt it in french but u know french and thom knows u know so hes trying to get his dad to stop but his dad doesnt know u know french//
that was not explained well and my fingers are too cold to type with sorry
Omg yes I love this sorry about your fingers 
Mentions of swearing, body shames also used google translate 
“Babe stop being nervous” thom spoke to you as you put your suitcase in the back of the car 
You are meeting his whole family, you had met his sister and mom but not his dad or other family members 
As you both got in the car them had his hand on your thigh gently rubbing small circles 
“Y/n” you hear Jade yell as she ran up to give you a hug “umm im here” thom spoke offended his sister ran to you first 
Soon you all made it inside, you got introduced to most people 
As you were walking from outside where everyone else was, you made your way to the kitchen to get a drink 
But you were stopped in your tracks when you heard “elle est un peu sur le côté positif” she is a bit on the plus side  a strong male voice which didn’t sound like thom
You had a small look to see who it was, turns out it was Thoms dad 
“connaît-elle même le hockey ou est-elle un lapin de rondelle” does she even know hockey or is she a puck bunny 
"Fils, tu pourrais faire tellement mieux qu'elle, ne te contente pas d'elle" son you could do so much better then her, dont settle for her it was like a knife getting stabbed into you
“Dad shut up” thom seethed, but the damage was done you had tears falling freely down your face 
You went back outside pretending you never were inside “hey hun you okay” Chantal whispered rubbing your back 
“Yeah just a little overwhelmed” you hiccupped wiping your tears “jade go get thom” soon thom appeared in front of you 
He scooped you up in his arms and took you to his childhood room to talk and settle what ever it is upsetting you 
“You heard didn’t you” thom sadly looked at you as more tears poured out your eyes you nodded your head not having the voice to speak 
Thom pulled you closer holding you tightly, there was a knock on the door that pulled you and thom out of the bauble you created 
“We are having dinner but if you both what to stay In here that is okay” Chantal spoke as you hide your face in the crook of Thoms neck 
After a couple of minutes you spoke “I want to go home” you pulled away from the comfort of thom and looked at him 
“If you want to go home you can, I’ll book you a plane ticket for you and me” you looked at him shocked “babe stay with your family” 
“No y/n I really don’t want to be around my dad seeing as he hurt you” you couldn’t argue with him and soon started packing the small amount you took out 
“Its going to be okay” you made your way downstairs with you back pack and suitcase 
“Chantal thank you for inviting me, Mr Bordeleau if you’re going to talk shit about me do it in a language I don’t know” you smirk as his face dropped Chantal and jade both got up from the table to hug you and apologise 
Soon you are bords were on a flight home 
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newhectorroso49 · 4 months
After dinner and a few glasses of wine, we went up to the hotel, I opened the door and stood aside so she could pass, I saw her walk inside, slowly moving her hips, I knew he was watching her, she took off the straps of her pretty black dress and it slid gently down her shoulders to her waist, she gave it a little push and she fell to the floor, she took out her beautiful feet protected by impeccable black high-heeled shoes, she approached the bed and remained motionless on the edge He waited to hear me close the door, he raised one leg and turned, looking me in the eyes, I could see his stretched leg and his bent leg that made his ass stick out, he sat me down and took out his wet tongue to walk around, wetting his upper lip while his gaze scanned me from the top down; He knew what awaited him, he raised his other leg and placing his head on the bed he waited for me to decide what I would do with it; I removed the ribbons that held the curtains, drawing them, not letting in any of the colorful night lights that illuminated the noisy city.
I forced her to sit on her ankles, keeping her head close to the bed, I put her hands back and joined them to her ankles, while I began to tie her wrists to her legs, leaving her immobilized; I spread her legs and, grabbing her tiny panties, tore them off with a strong pull, which I pressed and slid over her skin. I opened my hand and hit her hard on one of her buttocks, she screamed. "If you scream again, I'll hit you harder," I told him; and with the other hand he hit the other buttock just as hard, she joined her pretty red lips and not a single noise came out of her tight mouth. I bent down and blew on her buttocks, I spread them apart and continued blowing, her inner area could already be seen to be shining with moisture, I also observed that her skin was crawling...
tras la cena y unos copas de vino, subimos al hotel, abri la puerta y me eche a un lado para que pudiera pasar, la vi caminar a su interior, moviendo lentamente sus caderas, sabia que la observaba, se quito los tirantes del bonito vestido negro y este se deslizo suavemente por sus hombros hasta su cintura, le dio un pequeño empujón y cayo al suelo, saco sus bonitos pies protejidos por unos impecables zapatos negro de tacon alto, se acerco a la cama y se quedo inmovil en el borde, espero a escuchar que yo cerraba la puerta, subio una pierna y se giro, mirandome a los ojos, yo podia ver su pierna estirada y su pierna flexionada que hacían que su culo sobresaliera, me senrio y saco su lengua humeda a pasear humedeciendose el labio superior mientras me escaneaba su mirada de arriba a abajo; sabia que era lo que le esparaba, subio la otra pierna y ponendo su cabeza sobre la cama espero a que yo decidiera que haria con ella; quite las cintas que sujetanaban las cortinas, corriendo las, no dejando pasar nunguna de las coloridas luces nocturnas que iluminaban la ruidosa ciudad.
La obligue a sentarse sobre sus tobillos manteniendo la cabeza pegada a la cama, echo sus manos hacia atras y las unio a sus tobillos, mientras yo comenzaba a atar sus muñecas a sus piernas, quedando inmovilizada; separe sus piernas y cojiendo sus diminutas bragas se las arranque de un fuerte tiron, que presiono y se deslizó por su piel. Abri la mano y la golpee con fuerza en una de sus plaquecinas nalgas, ella grito. — si vuelves a gritar te dare mas fuerte — le dije; y con la otra mano golpe la otra nalga igual de fuerte, ella unio sus bonitos labios rojos y no salio ni un solo ruido de su apretada boca. Me agache y le sople las nalgas, se las separe y segui soplando, su zona inteior ya se veia que brillaba por la humedad, tambien observe que se erizaba su piel...
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lolomarrie · 2 months
My first fanfic
NOTE:gramner mispelling also this takes place a week after tpot8
To help a teardrop in need
It was a sunny evening and everypne was talking about their day and stratigies for future callenges, well everyone except teardrop. She was sitting alone in the hotel lobby looking at robot flowers vast collection of items in her shop
Teardrop had a heard time comunicating with people, everyone knew that. Nobody knew what she was saying without her writing it out, but since moving to tpot, she had to leave her typewriter behind and has been having trouble finding paper.She was a bit bord not talking to anyone but she had gotten used to it.
Suddenly she felt somthing drop on her head, it was a rectangular blue box with a little note attached to it ' hey TD, i've noticed you've seem really down lately so iasked two to send you this gift-Eraser.' Eraser!? Nonono that cant be right she thought that he hated her, especaly after what she did last challenge.She opened the box to see, a new phone. Teardrop was shocked, even if it wasn't from Eraser to think anyone got her of all people a new phone. She opened to see that the wallpaper was a picture of Eraser holding a sign saying ' you like the gift?' H-he did!
Teardrop was flooded with emotion but mainly she happy that somone would do somthing so nice espesaly somone she had wronged. Next time, she was going to do somthing nice for him.
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streaminn · 11 months
Hum no because, huge thanks for the written thing, I am in paradise, it's exactly how I see Enid reacting. Also, the use of the "we" is something very dear to me, the consensus of the wolf and the girl and the fact that Enid is totally on bord to mail just a bit (a lot). The passage with the "Wednesday better warn me from now on when something like that happens or she gonna find those little "surprises" with something less..." Is hilarious because I see the worst case scenario where she DOES this kinda thing and Wednesday sees it and Enid just goes "ok, it's not what it looks like, he seemed to know too much about you but his name didn't ring a bell. We can't take risks with that. Oh, you knew him ? Well, not really important now, is it ? You never know with those people"
On another note, I don't know if you've seen the last two arts of thatwomanlovingpotatosfromtwitter (I think it's her url) or just, the artist that draws detective Wenclair, but those last two.... Maaan, lemme tell you each time I stumble upon it I'm like
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I'm squealing, yeeting my phone cause it's too much. The aura of it is just, DAMN !
Enid has a little bit of self control but that's bc she's a polite gal and Wednesday deserves a lil bit of a warning before the wolf goes guns ablazing
But yes!! I have seen the arts of detective Wenclair, she pops uo alot on my Twitter feed and I sometimes see her in my notifs too. We love Wenclair in suits, so I can appreciate the art
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el-chubby-bunny · 4 months
♡(Sea MerMonster Miguelx Pirate Y/N) SMUT ♡ (Ending) P.4
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♡(Sea MerMonster Miguelx Pirate Y/N) SMUT
♡By: Bunny♡
♡Miguel- [Giant Ancient Sea MerMonster (merman)]
♡Y/N-[Pirate washed ashore]
♡CW:(Smut, Language, Possessiveness, Sexual Situation, Big Man, Size Difference, Age-Gap, Women's Autonomy, Men's Autonomy, Edging, masturbation)
♡( I Imagined His Height as 120'9 To Be For This Lil Fic, bc like being a Sea Monster like you hear in tales of pirates in certain movies)★
✨PART 4✨
The sounds of his lustful state caused your body to feel as if it were on fire. As he continued stroking his massive cock in front of you as you fingered yourself.
("Ayyy, Mi amor you look so... beautiful")
He groaned while watching you, he felt something in him. Something that made him crave more, in his eyes there was a burning desire.........A desire to make you his..........A desire to claim you...........To fuck you.
He gritted his teeth at the thought of him inside you, his fangs digging in his lip causing blood to trickle down his neck. The thought he had of him forcing his way into your entrance.... feeling your walls contract around him... feeling your folds spreading around his cock was running wild in his head.
("Ayy Mi amor quiero sentirte, quiero sentir tu coño cálido Quiero sentirte palpitar a mi alrededor, quiero sentir tu coño mojado suplicarme")
TRANSLATION 1:("Oh, my love, I want to feel you, I want to feel your warm cunt, I want to feel you throbbing around me, I want to feel your wet cunt begging for me.")
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You couldn't help but moan as he spoke to you his voice making you even wetter. His husky rough voice made you swoon as your legs trembled. He couldn't help but smirk slightly see how bad he had gotten to you. He stroked himself to the same pace you had going for yourself. He began getting impatient and frustrated at the aching feeling he had.
("Ven aquí mi pequeña déjame ayudarte con esto")
TRANSLATION 2:("Come here my little one let me help you with this.")
He then proceeded to move you closer to the shaft of his cock, you felt your stomach get warmer. It was like it was telling you feel it, he noticed you gawking and smirked.
("Pequeña, súbete a mí, no te asustes. Déjame sentirte contra mí, déjame sentir esos labios tuyos abiertos para mí")
TRANSLATION 3:("Little one, climb on to me, don't be scared. Let me feel you, let me feel those lips of yours spread for me.")
You slowly mounted his shaft slowly allowing you legs to spread open around it as you sat down. Your folds opening up around him, feeling him against your clit sending shivers down your body. He grunted as her felt your wet cunt spread open along his shaft causing him to thrust, which made you grind your clit against him.
("Dime princesa, cómo te sientes? Cómo se siente contra tu coño? Te sientes bien, no?")
TRANSLATION 4:("Tell me princess, how do you feel? How does it feel against your pussy? You feel good, don't you?")
He smirked as only a moan slipped out from your lips as your cunt throbbed against his cock, you could feel his cock throbbing and pulsating against your wet folds. You felt something heavy drop into your stomach it felt like a heart beat that wouldn't stop. Every beat stronger than the last, made your body ache and your nipples harden leaving them so sensitive.
All you could do was just sit there while you were literally riding his dick as he continued thrusting causing you to slide up and down against his shaft. He continued making low growl and grunting from her throat.
He continued speaking to you while in the moment, you couldn't help but love it as it sent chills along your body making you feel so warm.
("Mira.... mira a mi preciosa, mira su cara ohh...Se siente bien no? Esos labios tuyos extendiéndose a lo largo de mi eje... tan cálidos... tan húmedos. Puedo sentir tu entrada contra mí... Ohhh, ella solo está gritando para que la tomen.... Para que la llenen hasta el borde")
TRANSLATION 5:("Look.... look at my precious, look at her face ohh... It feels good doesn't it? Those lips of yours spreading along my shaft... so warm......so wet. I can feel your entrance against me...Ohhh, She's just screaming to be taken..........To be filled to the brim.")
("Oh you love the feeling so much don't you, Querida? Your throbbing folds and clit tell me so.....Dime cariño...dime cómo te hago sentir.")
With a few more thrust, causing you to grind against his shaft. Your body feel endless waves of pleasure from your core, you can't help but moan at the sensation he's given you. You hear him grunt as he feels you cum against him, feeling your nectur soak and drip down his shaft. He continued thrusting while stroking himself, his breathing growing heavy as he mutters to himself.
("Ayy cariño... te siento siento tu nectur....Ayyy Hace tanto calor, dame más cariño, corre para mí con ese pequeño y apretado coño tuyo.")
TRANSLATION 6:( "Ayy baby...I feel you, I feel your nectur....Ayyy It's so hot, give me more baby, cum for me with that tight little pussy of yours.")
("Ayy Voy a... voy a... joder.")
TRANSLATION 7:( "Ayy I'm gonna...I'm gonna...Fuck")
Before you knew it he quickly moved you to his other hand, placing you in front of his pulsating cock as he continued stroking him. You layed back spread out and rubbed your fingers against your folds as you watched him. Then you heard one final deep growl in his throat before giant thick hot ropes of cum shot out his dip then dripping down on to you. Bathing you in his cum everywhere while you squirted from just the sights of it all. Your legs began trembling as you layed back, you felt so warm and exhausted you didn't even care that you legs continued being propped open while his cum slowly dripped into your entrance. Everything started feeling fuzzy your body was shutting down on you as you breathing became slower and slower you felt so sleepy as you looked up and only saw Miguel looking down at you with a satisfied smirk.
You eventually closed your eyes, concentrating on your breath then felt his tip press against your cunt then follow with a big gush shoot through your entrance causing you to gasp.
Your body felt so numb and limp after your high...
("Ayy pequeña... que cansada hmm? Duerme mi amor... cuando despiertes sabrás que ahora me perteneces y has sido llenado por mí. Ese pequeño coño es mío.")
TRANSLATION 8:(Oh little one... how tired hmm? Sleep my love... when you wake up you will know that you now belong to me and have been filled by me. That little cunt is mine.")
Your breathing slow steadily as he looked down at you with a satisfied smirk then slowly softening into a genuine smile. He carefully caressed you cheek and chin with his finger as a for a praise. You couldn't help but lean into his touch, his caresses made you feel all warm and cozy. You slowly dozed off, your heart beat slowly resuming it normal pace as you drifted off into your dreams. In your dream you were reliving each and every heated moment of your session with miguel. His giant tongue licking against your cunt.......
His lustful dominant eyes staring back at you as he ate you out.....
His lips kissing your cunt every chance he got and...
His massive pulsating cock twitching in front of you and leaking precum as he stroked it in front of you. His desperate grunts and growls for release played over in you dream continuously.
You eventually woke up to the feeling of warm water running down your body. Miguel was cleaning his cum off of you. He held you in one hand as the other poured the warm water on you. Looking around you saw you were in a lake that lead off into the ocean. The island surrounding you and him trees swaying in the gentle warm breeze as the sun shined down on you both. He sat in the lake, bathing you as he hummed a soft tune occasionally admiring and complimenting you as you were half asleep.
("Ayyy, Mira mi preciosa tan pequeña... tan cansada. Ay Ese cuerpo tuyo es tan suave y delicado solo quiero usarlo una y otra vez llenándote con mi semilla, hasta que tu cuerpo tiembla diciendo que no puedes soportarlo más ")
TRANSLATION 9:("Oh, look at my precious one, so small... so tired. Oh, that body of yours is so soft and delicate, I just want to use it again and again, filling you with my seed, Until your body trembles saying you can't take it anymore.")
He slowly was your hair better his fingers to not hurt you. His care was so gentle and sweet as h pampered you. You just layed there enjoying all the pampering he gave then you find yourself laying against his chest as he spoke softly to not fully wake you.
("Duerme, cariño, duerme para mí... no te preocupes, te tengo... eres mía ahora estarás a salvo conmigo, cariño".)
TRANSLATION 10:("Sleep, darling, sleep for me... don't worry, I've got you... you're mine now you'll be safe with me, darling.")
~♡The End♡~
Hoped you all enjoyed this little fic
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fear-of-flyers · 2 years
you can let it go (luke hughes)
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Luke Hughes x gn!reader
Word Count: 4059 (including lyrics)
Warnings: troubled family dynamics, flight anxiety, general angst (please let me know if i missed anything)
Author's Note: I'm sorry this took so long for me to post, life has been busy. But, I'm super proud of where this ended up and hope y'all enjoy! Also so much thanks to @cobrakaisb for proofreading and letting me bug her about this for a month.
You were riding your bike to the sound of "It's No Big Deal" / And you're trying to lift off the ground on those old two wheels / Nothing 'bout the way that you were treated ever seemed especially alarming 'til now / So you tie up your hair and you smile like it's no big deal / 
"Y/n, are you going home for christmas?" Thomas asked. There it was, the question you had been dreading since the talk of the holidays began. "No, I'm gonna stay over break and work. Why?" Bords shrugged, "Just curious, you haven't said anything before and we've talked about it a lot." You shrugged back, choosing not to address it further. The conversation naturally transitioned but you didn't fully insert yourself again. The truth was you didn't want to go back home. Your parents were narcissists who had raised you and your siblings with the highest of standards and very little affection. You had always thought it was normal, not knowing any other way of life but when you started high school you realized that your home life wasn't "normal". As you grew up you distanced yourself from your parents as much as possible, learning to find things you actually liked, not just things you liked because your parents wanted you to like them. That's how you found yourself at Umich. Despite the school being higher level, it wasn't an ivy and therefore wasn't good enough for your parents, who went to Yale and Brown respectively. But you couldn't imagine life anywhere else. Minoring in photography you found yourself working a lot with the hockey team. Eventually Nick and Luke introduced themselves and now, almost 4 months later, you hung out with the team all the time.
You can let it go / You can throw a party full of everyone you know / And not invite your family 'cause they never showed you love / You don't have to be sorry for leaving and growing up, mmh /
Surrounding yourself with people you loved at college made you realize how much you were missing out on in your home. To know the unconditional love you felt from your friends changed you forever. You were truly happy, which is why, now that everyone was going home you found yourself feeling isolated again. It was a couple of days after that conversation, and a week before break, when you were hanging out with the boys again. This time you were in a private study room in the library, everyone finishing up the last of your work before leaving. You had control of the aux, playing some soft music, and were talking a little with everyone, keeping the mood up even on your third hour of studying. Then, as it always did, the conversation shifted to everyone’s plans for break. Brendan was especially excited about seeing Jordan after so long, and was looking forward to Bords flying down with his family a couple of days after christmas. When it was clear that the conversation was going to stay in that realm for a while you excused yourself, grabbing your water bottle to fill up and quietly leaving the room. You walked to the water fountain in the hallway and slumped against the wall, sighing heavily. You felt bad. You didn’t want to bring the mood down because of your issues and felt like it was your fault when the conversation switched away from holiday plans. You were outside for not very long, but lost in your thoughts, when someone cleared their throat next to you. “Oh my gosh, I'm so sorry.” You said, rushing to fill up your water bottle, “I was lost in thought, I just have to fill this up really quick.” You rambled on, embarrassed. “Y/n, stop it, you’re fine.” A familiar voice said. “I just wanted to make sure you were okay. We were talking about going home again and I know that can be tough for you.” You turned around and found yourself face to face with Luke, “I'm fine, just stressed. Thank you Luke.” You said, and he nodded, putting his water bottle under the fountain, but you could tell he didn’t fully believe you.
Of the boys on the team you were closest with Luke and Nick, hanging out with them after they introduced themselves and growing closer over the course of the season. Because of this, Luke was able to read you very well, and despite the limited knowledge he had of your family he could tell it was a deeper issue than you were letting on. Therefore, the first thing he did when you mentioned that you were staying on campus over break was call his mom. On the call Ellen could tell almost immediately that something was wrong with her youngest son. He only called so often and had already talked to her earlier in the week to solidify flight plans. With the smallest push, Luke let her know what he had called for and, not even 15 minutes later, a ticket was bought; plans were made for you to spend the holidays with the Hugheses. That brought you to the present, the boys studying, Luke nervous and you blindsided.
Matilda, you talk of the pain like it's all alright / But I know that you feel like a piece of you's dead insidе / You showed me a power that is strong enough to bring sun to the darkest days / It's none of my business, but it's just been on my mind / 
“Luke, where is this coming from? I’m fine with my plans for break.” You said, face twisted in emotions you couldn’t begin to place. “It’s not that I didn’t think you were fine but I was talking to my mom and friends’ plans came up. She wanted to offer so you didn’t have to stay here.” At that you scoffed, you didn’t want Luke or Ellen to think that you needed help or a place to stay. “Do you even want me there? I mean, your mom offered. Do you not?” You asked, voice full of accusation and eyes full of rage. Realistically, you knew that Luke was trying to be nice and there was no malice in his actions. But you hadn’t ever had someone do something that big or nice for you and you truly couldn’t figure out how to react. Luke’s face dropped, “No, I- I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to offend you. The offer is still there if you want it.” He said before grabbing his water bottle and turning away, walking back to the study room.
Watching him walk away you knew you messed up, you had overreacted and definitely upset Luke. As he disappeared around the corner you finally filled your water bottle up and tried to figure out how to fix your mistake. But, when you walked back into the study room the first thing you noticed was that Luke wasn’t there anymore. The music was still playing but it was no longer yours, probably Nick's because he knew your phone login, and the mood was a bit more somber. You quietly made your way to where you were sitting before and got back to your homework. The issue was you couldn’t focus. You knew Luke left because of you, and felt like the biggest asshole. You finished the last problem in the set you were working on and started packing your stuff. “Y/n you good?” Briss asked, turning to you, eyes full of worry. You nodded softly, “Yeah, just tired. Plus, I wanna get back before my roommate does and clean a little.” Briss nodded, accepting your answer but clearly not fully believing you. You disconnected your phone from the speaker (but left the speaker for the boys to use) and softly waved as you left.
When you got back to your dorm you did clean, turning on music to lift your spirits and help you stop thinking about everything happening in your life at the moment. But, about halfway through your normal cleaning routine your mom called. You let it ring through, wanting anything but to talk with her at that moment. Luckily she only called once, leaving a probably long voicemail, and it allowed you to finish your cleaning and homework. But once you finished you were faced with the reality of the situation you were in, the situation you put yourself in. The first thing you did was text Luke to apologize. You let him know that you were really grateful for his offer and that, all willing, you would love to go to Florida with him for break. You also asked him if the two of you could meet up for lunch the next day so you could fully explain everything. The next thing you did was call your mother back, letting her know that you wouldn’t be home for christmas, before texting your siblings and apologizing for your future absence and promising to still send presents.
You can let it go / You can throw a party full of everyone you know / And not invite your family 'cause they never showed you love / You don't have to be sorry for leaving and growing up, mmh /
You went to bed early that night, wanting to get a good rest before meeting with Luke, anticipating a difficult conversation. The next morning you woke up and got ready for your 10 a.m. history lecture. You got out of the shower to a text from Luke accepting your apology and confirming lunch, offering the name of your favorite diner. You responded saying it was perfect and that you would see him at 12, enough time for you to walk from class but early enough where Luke wouldn’t miss his late afternoon practice. Class was uneventful but that didn’t matter because you spent the whole 90 minute lecture thrumming with anxiety for your lunch with Luke. You had no clue how he felt given how you had left off the last time you saw each other, just that you clearly upset him. You didn’t know if he was going to forgive you or even if the offer that had started the whole situation was even still on the table. You got to the diner with 3 minutes to spare and opened the door to Luke already sitting at your usual table. You smiled awkwardly as you made your way over, sliding into the booth across from him. “Hi,” you said, meeting luke’s eyes. “Hi Y/n” he said, smiling gently, “I’m sorry for what I did,” he added, shocking you. You shook your head immediately, “No, Luke, don’t be sorry, I'm the one who should be apologizing.” You said, rushing to explain before he could say anything. “I was mean to you Luke. I know that you were trying to be nice, I knew that when you offered and I brushed you off and acted like you were crazy for it. in truth, it’s just hard for me to think about going anywhere else, no matter how much I want to.” 
That admission had a rush of emotions crossing luke’s face. “You want to come home with me?” He asked, eyes shining with excitement. You nodded, “And if the offer is still open then that’s the plan.” You added, wanting to make sure you weren’t inviting yourself. “Of course it is Y/n, I wouldn’t dream of taking it back.” Luke responded. but his smile fell when he remembered what he wanted to ask next. “Okay. You don’t have to tell me but, why aren’t you going home?” He asked, rushing to add “Please don’t tell me if you don’t want to, you don’t have to” When he saw your face falling at the thought. You laughed a little, Luke's panic lifting your mood a bit. “Luke calm down,” You said, “I’m gonna tell you because I want to. Plus, I think it’ll be good to get it off my chest.”
Taking a deep breath you started explaining everything. “My parent’s kinda suck. They’re narcissistic and only really care about how we make them look, not how we feel. My siblings and I had to be perfect growing up; all As, first in sports and extracurriculars, if there was an award for something we were expected to win it. And because it was all I knew, I didn’t think anything of it. that changed going into high school. I realized that it wasn’t normal for parents to control every aspect of their child’s life so I started distancing myself from them, which they hated. When I was applying to colleges they made me apply to all the Ivies, arguing which of their alma maters I would go to. They hated it when I chose Umich instead of Yale and made me think I was gonna hate it here. But I don’t, and being around you and the team and my other friends has made me realize how much I've been missing out on. Y’all make me feel so loved.”
“You are so loved, Y/n.” Luke said, reaching across the table for your hand, “And, if I didn’t make it clear before, I do want you there for the holidays. It would make me so happy to be able to spend time with you, even happier if it would make you happy.” When he finished you look up from your hands, the hands Luke hadn’t let go of, and make eye contact with the boy sitting across from you. You were crying a little, you knew, but couldn’t help it. “Hey, are you okay?” Luke asked, eyes shining with worry, scared he upset you more. You nodded, wiping your eyes. “Yeah,” you answered “I just really appreciate you Luke. Thank you so much, for everything.” At that the worry left Luke's face, “Of course Y/n, I would do it all over if you asked.” 
You can see the world, following the seasons / Anywhere you go, you don't need a reason / 'Cause they never showed you love / You don't have to be sorry for doing it on your own / 
You found yourself, five days later, in line at the airport Starbucks to grab drinks while Luke grabbed the two of you snacks for the flight. The days leading up to the flight you spent panicking about not having gifts for anyone that you would be seeing, especially Ellen; so you spent the time in between working and classes packing and online shopping. You had planned to pick flowers up at the Orlando airport to give to Ellen when she picked you up but you wanted to have at least something small to give everyone else. Luke indulged you, helping you find things he thought his brothers and dad would like and you thanked him endlessly for putting up with you. What you didn’t know was that whenever Luke answered “Of course” he meant it with his whole being, he would do anything you asked. The boy you found yourself spending so much more time with had been harboring a crush on you since he made Nick go with him to introduce himself. 
You finally boarded at around 3:30 and were scheduled to land at 6:10. Settled nervously into your aisle seat, you got out your water bottle and book. “Ya ready?” You asked, but turning to Luke you saw that he looked particularly nervous. “Hey, are you okay?” You asked, grabbing his hand. He nodded shakily but you didn’t fully believe him. “Luke, you don’t have to be okay,” you said, “Are you nervous about bringing me home?” you asked. That garnered a more confident response as Luke shook his head. “No, of course not. They’re all going to love you too.” He said before rushing to continue, to cover just what his words revealed, “I just kinda hate flying. I know I do it often but the fear just won’t go away. Promise you won’t make fun of me?” You shifted so that you could look at him comfortably, “Luke of course I won’t make fun of you.” You said “You can hold my hand as long as you need, okay?” He nodded at that and pulled your hand into his lap. The two of you made quiet conversation as the plane took off. Then you let go of Luke's hand long enough to plug your headphones into the screen, give one side to Luke and choose a movie.
That was the last thing you remembered because 2 and a half hours later you were waking up to Luke softly rubbing your shoulder that wasn’t slumped against him. You shuffled lightly, slowly opened your eyes and looked up at luke. “Yeah?” You asked, not fully understanding what was going on. “We landed sleeping beauty.” Luke said, a smile painting his face, “People are already getting off and I just texted my mom.” You nodded, lifting your head off of his shoulder and started to put everything into your bag. When there was a gap in people, you and Luke stood up and grabbed your luggage before deboarding the plane. Then when you made it to the terminals you made your way out of the way before stopping to figure out where you were going. After reading the signs you turned back to Luke who had a guilty look on his face. 
“What?” you asked. “So my mom just texted that she got caught up in prep stuff.” Luke started, “So my brother Jack has to pick us up.” You nodded, expecting more. But when he didn’t continue you asked “Is that it?” He nodded. “Oh,” you said, “that’s fine. I was expecting something much worse.” Luke sighed in relief “Cool, that’s great. Well, he’s almost here so we should probably start moving again.” You nod and grab the handle of your suitcase, following the signs to the gate that Jack was waiting at. As you walked you asked “Why were you apologizing because your brother is picking us up? Is he really mean or something?” At that Luke looked surprised, the real answer was that he had talked about you a lot, especially leading up to this trip, and he was certain that his brothers would tease him for it. But, he couldn’t say that without exposing how he really felt so he settled for an adjacent truth, “No, not mean. Just a lot.” he said, “I don’t want you to feel uncomfortable and I know that Quinn would’ve been more lowkey.” You nodded, but you could tell there was more that he wasn’t letting on and hoped it wasn’t bad. “Well,” you said, “I appreciate you being concerned. I know it’s gonna be fine though.”
You're just in time, make your tea and your toast / You framed all your posters and dyed your clothes, ooh / You don't have to go / You don't have to go home / 
You had been with Luke and his family for a week now, both Christmas and Hanukkah have come and gone, and you were in complete bliss. Being surrounded by, and included in, a healthy family dynamic was refreshing to you and you were eternally grateful that Jim and Ellen welcomed you into their home. Throughout the week you had gotten closer with both Jack and Quinn, but had bonded even more with Luke and were absolutely harboring a crush on the boy. You had barely spent a second alone throughout your stay, wherever you were Luke was close behind, but you couldn’t complain. Luke’s company has always made you feel safe but this was true now more than ever, and despite not talking to anyone about it, Luke’s family could tell that you liked each other and were waiting until you could figure it out yourselves. Little did you know, Luke had been planning to ask you out for most of the trip and, with Quinn’s help, had the perfect way to do it.
It was a Saturday, three days before you left, and Luke asked you to go to breakfast with him. Of course you said yes, but he was nervous leading up to it which in turn made you nervous. His nerves made for a very awkward car ride filled with a thick tension and deafening silence. Finally, you couldn’t stand it anymore. “What’s happening Luke?” You asked, eyes full of concern and voice laced with anger. You were angry, you had been having what you thought was a great week only for the most awkward car ride of your life. You just wanted answers. “Do you regret this or something?” At your question Luke realized his mistake, he hadn’t considered that the lead up to his question could look bad. Aggressively shaking his head Luke pulled over onto the side of the road. “Luke what is this?” You asked again, your anger replaced with nerves. 
Oh, there’s a long way to go /
I don’t believe that time will change your mind / 
In other words / 
I know they won’t hurt you anymore as long as you can let them go 
“Okay,” Luke started, “I’m going to say something but you have to let me finish before you respond or react.” You nodded confirmation, hoping it wasn’t something that was going to break your heart. “To start, I’ve had a lot of fun this week and am super happy that you came home with me. The week has only made me realize how much I love having you in my life and how much I really like you. Like, as more than friends.” Luke rushed out, pausing to breathe. “Now, this isn’t how I wanted to do this but clearly I didn’t think through execution far enough to do it right. Will you go out with me? No wait, that sounds too casual. Will you, Y/n Y/l/n, be my partner?” Finally Luke finished what he was saying and looked into your eyes for a response. Unfortunately, the first thing you did was laugh which scared him to death. But you quickly realized your error and rushed to correct it “Oh my gosh, I’m sorry I just thought something was wrong because of how nervous you were.” You said, “Of course I want to go out with you Luke. I’ve liked you for so long.” With those words the energy in the car lightened immediately, and Luke couldn’t help but pull you into a kiss. You pulled away from him, your hands on his face, smiling wide. “It might be too soon but I have to say something” You say, “I love you.” At that, Luke’s grin widens even more than he thought possible, “I love you too.” He responds, thanking his lucky stars that everything worked out.
After your moment you continued on to breakfast, which you agreed counted as a date, and then back home where Quinn was waiting to hear how breakfast went. You and Luke walked into the house holding hands and all Luke had to do was nod in confirmation before Quinn whooped with joy. At his burst of excitement you blushed and the rest of the family came rushing into the room from around the house, not sure whether they had to be nervous or not. “What, what?” Ellen asked, eyes checking over her oldest and you and Luke for injuries or emotion. Eventually though, her eyes settled on your intertwined hands and a smile broke out onto her face. “Congratulations,” she said, smiling sweetly with eyes full of love, “I take it breakfast went well, Luke.” At his mom’s comment, Luke nodded before turning to you and placing a brief kiss on your lips to clue in Jack and Jim. With everyone on the same page Ellen came over to hug you and her youngest, whispering in your ear, “Having you with us has been a joy, you are welcome back any time.” You thanked her quietly, knowing you had finally made it home.
You can let it go / You can throw a party full of everyone you know / And not invite your family 'cause they never showed you love / You don't have to be sorry for doing it on your own
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t0ast-ghost · 8 days
Discovery thoughts because I can’t contain myself apparently.
Episode 1:
- “They are Coming” heh
- That’s such a beautiful opening though. Like a whole speech in Klingon ending in “To lock arms against those whose fatal greeting is… we come in peace.” WOW just wow
- MICHELLE YEOH ?!? What’re you doing here!
- Heyyy Michael? Thats a pretty cool name :) (That’s my name)
- Absolute slimy of a creature
- okay banger graphics on the opening, yeah we get it you’re amazing
- woah interesting warp imagery
- I lobe Saru already
- Georgiou making fun of Michael and Saru for agreeing with each other
- Interesting outfits. The gold to show higher rank than the silver. And they’re blue cause science…Where’s my pyjamas in primary colours?
- I love the way Michael talks
- Showing the knobs, buttons, and dials, I appreciate this. I’d love to touch all the knobs, buttons, and dials
- This is something Spock would do in tos (Shooting himself through space at high speeds). He’d be like, ‘it’s super logical’ and then McCoy would be like, ‘don’t do that, you idiot’
- SUPER cool landing shot. The bend of the knees, the look of the suit, the sideways shot, I’m in love
- Do you think that death was honourable?
- oh that’s not good. Cracked helmet
- So that’s what the Klingons look like this time. They remind me of lord of the rings a bit
- Cool ass Klingon burial. That’s so cool. I like that they’re leaning more into the fantasy for Klingons this time. That’s such a cathedral looking ship. THERES STAINED GLASS.
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- I’m missing so much of their words cause I’m (edit: I meant to say “I’m getting distracted” but never wrote down the rest of the sentence…yep)
- That’s fucking horrible. Why would they show young Michael that clip. It’s obviously from a recent tragedy in her life
- SAREK OMG HI BITCH. Come to be unhelpful I see.
- I love her showing her emotions and using them to aid her logic. RAHHH
- hiii Saru hiiii
- “We can’t destroy another culture’s property on a whim.” Bringing back the extra little wh i see
- Georgiou is so fucking cool
- Intense
- Right before Saru had to make a command decision Michael comes back on the bridge
- His bright blue/green eyes and soft manner of speaking have captivated me
- “Your world has food chains. Mine does not. Our species map is binary. We are either predator or prey. My people were hunted. Bred. Farmed. We are your livestock of old. We were biologically determined for one purpose and one purpose alone: to sense the coming of death. I sense it coming now.” Go watch this goddamn show right now it’s so good already.
- and the admiral is a dickhead.. a complete dickhead
- Why do you have this bitch Sarek on speed dial
- ooohh Michael’s gonna nerve pinch her, isn’t she?
- and she did.
So that’s the first episode… I’m not going to do this for the full show mainly because I just want to watch it, and less mainly because I find it’s not the right fit for commenting like I did with TOS. TOS is special because all the episodes are their own thing, none of them connect and it’s just about characters going on little adventures. And it’s so camp.
I do have more thought posts to come about other star trek stuff.. so see ya next time :D
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shelbgrey · 1 year
Glory of love(Eleazar Denali)
Chapter 3: the council has spoken
Table of contents
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-------(Cullen Residents, Eleazar's pov)-------
The house was quieter than usual, which concerned all of us. Carlisle would often sneek glances at Edward as he silently lied across his piano bench staring up at the cellin. I looked up from the papers I was grading and looked at Alice as she laughed at another joke Tanya made concerning me and Y/n Swan.
But then she's been extremely quite when it comes my love life, she's never quite. I don't know if she won or just gave up.
“Está demasiado tranquilo aquí (it's too damn quite in here)” I said setting my papers down and clicking my pen shut. I looked over to Edward and as I did he sat up from the stool. I motioned for him to come over to couch with Alice.
“what are you guys up to?” I then turned to Alice. “especially you” I asked softy.
Edward just shrugged with solum look. Alice had a small smile and shrugged like a innocent little girl that was hiding a harmless secret.
I rubbed my forehead and sighed. “guys, come on” I said as Carlisle and Esme joined us in the living room.
“nothings wrong” Edward snapped getting slightly restless. Carlisle sighed and placed his hand on his shoulder.
“we can't help you if you keep us in the dark” he turned to Alice. “both of you”
“I think I met my blood singer” Edward said and his shoulders dipped like he's been waiting to get of his chest. Alice looked at the three of us and shrugged.
“I just had a vision... Nothing bad of course” she said like a bord child.
Carlisle sighed and took a step back, he looked towrds the stairs the lead to the floor where everyone was. “Family meeting! Now!” he shouted.
Seconds later the cellin shook as different pairs of feet started to stomp around then travel down the stairs. Jasper and Kate came down first, followed by Tayna and Emmett.
We all met in dinning room and set at table that looked like it should be setting in a board room of big office building. Me, Esme, and carlisle set head of the table while Tayna and Kate sat on left closet to me. Jasper and Alice sat close to one another across from the girls. While Edward sat on the same side close to carlisle.
“girls, we called like ten minutes ago” Carlisle sighed once Irina and Rosalie came in, gracing us with their presences.
“sorry Eli” Irina said setting next to her sisters. “I had to finish a few things up” Rosalie said setting in between her mate and Irina.
“oh we're sorry for taking you from somthing so important princess” Edward mocked.
Rosalie sat back in her chair with her arms crosed. I sighed mentality preparing myself for an agreement between the two teenagers.
Rose gave Edward a fake sympathetic look “what's wrong? Did the Golden boy almost have slip up?”
Edward's chair scratced against the floor and was about ready to leap across the table at Rose. I rolled my eyes and sped over, pushing him back in his seat.
I sighed and sat back down. I know I looked annoyed but I really wasn't, it was refreshing hanging around vampires that acted like their real age... They also acted like family. If Rose had a snappy comeback Edward would jab back like a little brother would. They were all just a bunch of teenagers in one big family. Emmett and, Kate, and Jasper were the pranksters and the fun ones, when a prank war breaks no one is safe, even me. Then you have Irina and Rosalie, the older sisters who seem uptight but really they have the biggest hearts. Alice and Tayna were the peace keepers.
“anyway...” carlisle started but he was cut off by Emmett.
“Wait, do you want to use my judge malett?” half the table snickered while Edward, Irina, and Carlisle gave him a weird look.
“why do you have a judge malett?” Irina aksed. “for meeting like this” Emmett said like it was the most obvious thing in the world.
Carlisle let out one of those tired dad sighs. “let's just get back to the subject at hand and thanks for the offer Emmett, but I think we're good”
“it comes to my understanding that Edward has a blood singer and as his family I think he deserves our support”
“we need a meeting for this?” Rosalie asked. “I mean of course we're gonna help Edward out.... He not a killer we eat animals for Pete sake” Rosalie's sighed. “Edward is trustworthy enough”
“yeah the whole eating animals... that's not gonna set well with Eleazar's mate” Alice mumbled. As soon as the words fell out she slapped both hands over her mouth once all eyes fell on her.
Bewildered my native language rolled off my toung “¿Qué carajo?(what the fuck?)”
“Nothing! Forget I said anything” Alice said as her gold orbs went wide. My eyebrows scrunched together as I shook my head. “you can't just say that and pretend it's nothing”
“thank God that's out in the open, I'm tried of seeing all the visions” Edward said. Irina rolled her eyes, it was her turn to take a jab. “well if you would stay out of our heads we wouldn't be having this conversation”
“you know it doesn't work like that” Edward barked. “trust me I would turn it off if I could, you know how tiring is to read your self centered thoughts? Or Emmett's nasty mind”
“don't bring me into this” Emmett said shaking his head.
“Wait-” I said trying to get back on the subject of Alice's visions, but it was cut off by another screaming match.
I tried to speak again but their bickering just got louder and this time they were on their feet throughing tastless hand gestures. Esme rolled her eyes and one of her very rare out bursts came out.
“SHUT IT!” she shouted making Edward flinch and Fall into his seat while Irina slowly sat back down with her arms crossed “sorry Esme” they mumbled. Carlisle smirked at his mate. I would be lying if I said I didn't want that. The kinda moment where can just set there with a smile as looked proudly at my mate.
“okay” carlisle started while looking at me, he then turned to Alice. “What is this about a mate? Is it Edward's mate?”
Alice shook her head no silently. Carlisle then pointed to me. “it's Eleazar's?” Alice nodded with a smile growing on her face.
“your lonely nights are over Uncle Eleazar” she said proud.
“who is she?” I asked fermly. If I was alive I just know my heart would be pounding against my chest.
“y/n Swan... She's the new English Teacher” Alice said. I sat there fiddling with my thumbs. I couldn't help but smile as her beautiful eyes and curly hair appeared in my mind.
“resently I've been having countless visions of them together... Like together” Alice said.
“ooh” Tayna and Kate said in sync. They both smiled at me like the shining twins. “I knew it!” Tayna said proudly.
“and she's so pretty, I knew as soon as you started staring at her” Kate said proudly.
Emmett's hand then slammed on the table making the girls jump. He had a big smile plastered on his face. When he has 'that' smile you really have to prepare your self for what your about to hear.
“Wait! You saw them having sex?” I sighed immediately at his comment and placed my face in my hands.
“What? NO!” Alice said disgusted. “God no” she said composing herself. “she was one of us... But different... But the main thing is she was with you and you were happy” Alice said.
“okay it's one thing to talk about my love life, but we're NOT gonna talk about my sex life” I said fermly.
“but you said she will as different, right?” I asked and Alice nodded. “I know what you mean, when our hands brushed against each other today I felt something... I think she has a gift, but I don't know what”
“Wait a second, y/n Swan has a gift?” Tayna aksed. I shrugged still confused what I saw. Usually I can only interpret vampire's gifts... This was different.
“I don't know what I saw” I said running my hands together. “I haven't seen a gift like that since my time in kansas”
Tayna and the girls gave me a disponted look. Rosalie then looked at me sad. “your not gonna decline the mate bond, are you?”
I sighed not wanting to get my hopes up. “Alice's visions have been fulse” I turned to the small girl. “no offense Al”
Who was I kidding, Alice's visions are always true and I probably couldn't even count on one hand on how many times she was wrong. That small detail about her gift shook me to my core.
“none taken, but I've had thousands of visions, especially since she gave you your Spanish assignments” Alice stated.
“and Alice's visions are more true than not” Esma said defending her 'daughter'
“it's okay your in love Eleazar, you deserve happiness” Carlisle said softly.
I shrugged slightly getting defensive. There wasn't a lot of privacy in this house and you'll get used to it, but I seriously don't want my love life out into the open to them. I already had Alice seeing every move I make before I even know I'm doing it and Edward heared every thought rather he understood it or not.
“I just don't want to get my hopes up” I said. The only way to explain it is this, it was infatuation I had for her, that's all... Right? And as I thought about it harder I remembered the rules that were engraved into my skull during the years I lived with the Volturi. It was aginst the rules and I'd be damned if I put something as beautiful and pure as y/n Swan in danger.
Alice then gasped having another visions, as she did Edward's eyes widen and jolted up. “that's never gonna happen!”
Emmett and Kate looked at the two confused. “What happened?” they were ignored when Alice started to shout.
“it's slowly solidifying! The more you pull away the curious she gets!” Alice explains. “which ever path you take it seems to always end the same way”
“can some peleas enlighten us? Eleazar?” Irina asked.
Edward spung in his office chair, turning his back to Alice as his fingers griped his hair. “why are you doing this to me?!”
“beacuse your gonna love her!” the family went silent, some were shocked, some were happy. Tayna looked down heart broken. I was still distracted by y/n's eyes engraved in my skull to have a natural reaction.
“HAHA!” Emmett and Tayna both cackled at the same time. Emmett slapped his knee laughing while Tayna giggled. into his shoulder
“dude, she just told the family your deepest, darkest secret, you must be so embarrassed” Emmett laughed. Esme slowly stood up and silently stroled over to Emmett. Let me tell you Esme is not a violent person, not in the slightest, but she will slap you if your acting like a fool, and she did exactly that to Emmett.
“tough break Eddie” Rose said shaking her head. “both of you” Irina said looking at me.
“Estoy rodeado de idiotas(I'm surrounded by idiots)” I mumbled, Carlisle chuckled as Emmett looked at me clueless.
“What?” Emmett asked. I looked up and raised an eyebrow. “What?”
Edward sighed. “she's Isabella's sister, isn't she?” Alice nodded. “great”
“I think we're done for a while, go hunt or something” Carlisle said knocking on the table before getting up. Everyone filed out one by one till it was just me. I sighed as I got up, I just need to process everything.
I basked in the quiet as I sat on the roof. The moon light shined on me as I watched the trees danced with the wind. I'll never get tired of how peaceful the forest was.
A shadow casted down next to me, I looked up and saw carlisle standing next to me with his hands in his pockets “figured you'd be up here” he said.
I crumbled a bronze leaf between my fingers as carlisle sat down next to me. “you alright?” he asked. I nodded dusting the dirt off my hands.
Carlisle went silent when he heard the front door slam shut. He looked over the edge of the house and with a sulem look he watched Edward run towards his black Volvo with an over night bag. You didn't have to be a mind reader like him to know what he was feeling.
“he'll be fine mate” I looked over at the blonde. “he's going to see Carmen... He won't last long” I said bitterly.
“can I ask you something?” Carlisle asked. I nodded.
“what happened between you and her?” I sighed crumbing up another leaf.
“you remember Demetri, right?” I aksed. Carlisle nodded. “yeah he was part of the gard, same as you”
“yeah, well I found her in bed with him” I snarled and threw a stick across the lawn. I hear it hit a couple of trees as carlisle's gold orbs widen.
“wow” Carlisle mumbled. He was at losse for words and I didn't hold it against him. I knew he was trying find the words to make one of his uplifting speaches. He couldn't find the words and quite frankly I didn't want to hear it.
“and beacuse of that you think love is dead? Meaningless?” Carlisle asked. I left out an airy chuckle.
“quite the opposite my friend” I said with a straight smile. I then sighed. “I need to know if it's possible that two people can stay happy together forever.”
Carlisle looked into the distance and smiled, probably thinking about Esme. “in my opinion, the best thing you can do is find a person who loves you for exactly what you are”
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geekedoutbunny · 6 months
My Unexpected Romance
Paring Cross-ship: Megumi Fushiguro x Ariel
Rating M
Warning: Suspense, Humor, Supernatural, Suspense
Summary: Megumi, Yuji, and Nobara, have all gone on a mission together to stop a curse from its rampant killings. The only issue is that they don't know where the spirit may be hiding, however, Megumi has a suspicious experience at a beach and he's sure that he's found where the curse may be ... But he may be shocked to know, that it isn't a curse at all, but rather an innocent girl who needs rescuing.
A car was riding down the road on a cliff, on the left side of the cliff, it was a field of trees, while on the right it was the sea. She was big, blue, and calm, the sun glittering along the water beautifully. In the car sat three passengers. Megumi, Yuji, and Nobara. Yuji and Nobara were talking among themselves while Megumi was looking out the window down at the ocean. He was practically entranced in its deep blue depths, he was leaning against the door, his borde gaze locked on the water below.
'The water looks so different right now... It looks deeper, mysterious almost... It's strange.' He thought as his body lightly bounced when the car hit a bump in the road... It wasn't too long before they made it to their destination, it was a hotel in the middle of the city, and it didn't stand out in any kind of way. They got out of the car, and both Yuji and Nobara stared up at the building while Megumi paid the driver... "So, what kind of curse do you think we'll end up exorcizing here?" Yuji asked as he stretched his arms above his head before he rested his arms behind his head.
Nobara crossed her arms as she leaned on one leg, a judgmental look on her face as she sized the building up. "Well, seeing as this is a pretty popular place for people to come and visit, I'd say we might be dealing with a Grade 2 or a Grade 1." She said. Yuji stared up at the building in question. Megumi spoke up behind them as he walked up to them. "We're not dealing with any curses here at this hotel." He explained they both looked back at him in question. "Then... Where?" Yuji asked his eyes wide in wonderment. Megumi walked past them both his hands in his pockets. He stopped a few steps before them before he looked back at them both. The serious look on his face made them both tense up. "The whole city." He said. They both gapped at him in shock before they shouted. "WHAAAAAAT!?" They screamed.
The door to their hotel room opened, Nobara walked in first, followed by Yuji and Megumi. She looked around the room, checking the bathroom, the closet, the small kitchen, and the bedroom. Both Yuji and Megumi stood by the entrance, silently watching her. Yuji stared at her curiously while Megumi stared at her in boredom. She walked back to them and she nodded in approval. "This place seems clean and ready to be used." She said. Yuji stared at her in excitement as he balled his hands into fists. "YEAH!?" He said. She nodded her head. "Mmhmm, there are two beds, I get one to myself, and you and Megumi figure out who gets the other one and who gets the couch, until then later losers, I'm going to take a shower." She said as she spun around and she walked off.
Megumi and Yuji stood there a little longer before they looked at each other. Megumi placed his hand on Yuji's shoulder before he walked past him. "Have fun sleeping on the couch man." He said as she walked towards the room. Yuji stared at him in shock before he shouted. "HEY!! WE'RE SUPPOSED TO PICK NOT JUST -" SLAM!! .... "Guess the couch can't be too bad." He said as he stared at the couch... It didn't take long before the group got comfortable in their new 'home' for the time being. Nobara exited the bathroom with a relaxed smile as she dried her hair, her pj's on with some pink slippers.
Both Yuji and Megumi sat on the couch. On the coffee table laid a map of the city, and they marked it with red ink. Circles, check marks, and X's could be seen scattered over the paper. Nobara walked over to them, peeking curiously over the back of the cough. "What you guys up to?" She asked. Yuji and Megumi looked back at her. Megumi spoke up. "We've marked the map to make it easier for us to find the hot spots, the cold spots, and the common areas, but not enough to raise alarms." He explained.
Yuji pointed his thumb at himself proudly. "AND I came up with the key for our mapping!!" He declared. She stared at him unimpressed. "Congratulations, you know how to mark a map." She said in a bored voice. He pouted at her, but he was ignored by her as she reached forward, pointing at the map. "Tell me, 'great map marker', what do these symbols mean?" She asked with a roll of her eyes. His face brightened up, and he squealed in excitement. "OKAY!! OKAY!! OKAY!! So, the X means it's a place where people vanish, but it's not common enough to cause panic. The check mark means that it's a major hot spot, and the circles mean that someone has vanished here once or twice."
He explained proudly. Nobara's eyes scanned the map, counting each mark repetition. "So we have 15 checks, 10 circles, and 41 X's." She said. Megumi spoke up. "Yeah, and the hot spots are pretty active but not as spaced out as the X's... they're off in secluded yet still pretty populated places... It's smart." He said as he looked over at the two. They both stared at him with serious gazes before they both looked back down at the map. "So what's the plan?" Nobara asked. Megumi sighed as he thought over his words before he pointed at the map. "I'll go check the circles, Yuji will go check the checks, and Nobara, you'll go check the X's." He said.
Yuji nodded while Nobara looked annoyed. "Why do I have to check the one with the most places?" She asked. Megumi looked up at her. "Simply because it's in the shopping center, so -" "SHOPPING CENTER!? SAY LESS!!" She yelled as she ran to the room, and she slammed the door. They both stared at the door for a moment before Yuji chirped out. "She seems excited." He said with a happy smile, Megumi just sighed as he leaned back against the couch.
Megumi walked along the streets of the busy city, people walked by him laughing, talking, running, rushing, and texting, trying to get from A to B as quickly and as safely as possible. He was looking down at the list of locations he had written down, speaking with the locals who were willing to answer his questions about the places that were deemed haunted or dangerous to venture to at night or alone. He sighed as he crossed off yet another area that led to a dead end. When he first did his research about the place, he wasn't expecting some of the places to be dead of activity, apparently, this curse likes to hop around and once it deems an area useless, it leaves. He stopped in the middle of the sidewalk as he threw his head back, his hand coming up to rub the back of his neck.
"Ugh, my neck hurts." He muttered, ignoring the people who'd walk past him giving him a questioning stare or an annoyed glare. He looked down at his list again and he blinked in realization as he looked back up at the sign across the street from him. "Triton Beach" He read aloud as he walked across the street, he looked back and forth, checking for any cars as he jogged across. Once under the sign, he looked down at his and he saw Triton Beach with a small note next to it. 'Still Active Dissaperences'. It read he looked up at the sign and sighed. "This should be promising." He said as he walked under the entrance and onto the beach. He noticed that it was more empty than all the other areas on his list so far, which gave him hope that his traveling hadn't gone in vain. He noticed that the sand was clean, with not a footprint in sight, he felt around the area, sensing for any curse energy, but he couldn't feel anything.
He gave an annoyed sigh as he crossed off the words 'Triton Beach.' "Another dead site." He said in annoyance. He turned to leave, but the sound of a voice caught his attention. He looked back towards the beach, his eyes scanning for a person. He stared a little longer before he turned away, he got a few steps in before he heard it again. A woman singing. He looked back at the beach, frantically scanning the land and waters for anything. 'This is no coincidence... It's haunting... and I'm its next target... Perfect.' He thought as he went back to walking along the beach, looking for any sign of curse activity.
The longer he walked, the more he got the ominous feeling of being watched. He walked along the sands, becoming more aware of its soft surface, the deep waters, the dark small caves in the cliffs, the shadows from under the dock. "This is the most perfect hunting grounds... anywhere and anywhere could be a feeding spot... that could mean one of two things. One, it's fast and/or can teleport. Two, there's more than one... or the unmarked third option and the worst one... Both." He said as he muttered to himself. He was slightly nervous, he wasn't sure how strong these curses were and if there was indeed more than one. If so, he was going to need help.
He began walking back up to the streets when he heard the water splash. He whipped around, arms up and ready to summon his hounds... his eyes bounced around the surface of the ocean, looking for anything, but he saw nothing. 'So my guess was right... it is fast... extremely fast at that.' He thought. A nervous sweat broke out on his forehead. 'How long has it been on land with him? Was it even on the land? Was it on the cliff? The dock? ... Where? It made the water splash, which means that it jumped back into the water... is it a water-based curse? If so, that would make sense.' He thought as he slowly backed up to the streets behind him, his eyes locked on the sea before him.
'I just have to make it up to the streets, and I'll be off the hunting grounds... move slow, move smart. It's faster, it's hungry, it's smart... I can't let it out move me.' He thought cautiously. His feet scraped across the sand, leaving a jagged trail in front of him as he moved back. Then it happened again. The sound of a woman singing sounded out. His eyes widened, and his movement stopped. 'A woman? A female curse? Why is she singing? Is it to lure me in? Who is she singing to? Is she singing to me?... It's beautiful, like a lullaby. It's slow with meaning like she's telling me a story... Maybe she needs help... Maybe it's not a curse... Maybe... Maybe.' He thought. A heavy hand slapped his shoulder, making him whip around quickly, his hands coming up to release his cursed hounds, but he stopped when he saw Yuji.
"WOAH!! CALM DOWN MAN, IT'S JUST ME!!" He shouted out in alarm as he raised his hands in surrender. Megumi huffed and puffed as he stared at Yuji, his eyes fluttered as they darted around. "What's my first name?" He asked him. Yuji stared at him in confusion. "HUH? What kind of a question is that?" He asked him. "WHAT'S MY FIRST NAME!?" He shouted as he pointed his hands at him with tight arms. "ITS MEGUMI!!" He yelled as he raised his arms high above his head. Megumi sighed as he slowly lowered his arms.
"Itadori." He said, relief in his voice. Yuji blinked at him as his lips wobbled in fear and concern. "You okay, Fushiguro?" He asked him worriedly. Megumi sighed as he looked off from Yuji, eyes scanning the lands around them. "Yeah, I'm fine... It's just that... I'm convinced that I'm in the nest right now." He said. Yuji's worried look turned into a serious stare. "Are you sure?" He asked. Megumi nodded. "I'm positive." He said. Yuji nodded. "Okay, let's go and get Kugisaki." Yuji said. Megumi nodded. "Yeah." He sighed as he followed Yuji. His brows tightened and he stopped walking and looked down, seeing that he was shin-deep in the water. He looked down in shock and confusion at the fact that he was standing in the water.
He looked up and saw Yuji walking back up to land. 'When... When did I walk out into the water?' He thought in confusion. The sound of a woman singing again caught his attention and he looked out into the ocean, watching the small waves in the distance. "Something's wrong." He said to himself.
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solilym · 7 months
Chapter 2
Pairing: King Yoongi x Princess reader
Rating: 18+
Warnings: sex, maybe violence, one-sided cheating, character death, depression
Word count: 1.2K
Yoongi waited until she fell asleep and then turned around to hold his wife in his arms, he had no clue why he would want to do that. He did not even like her, but that feeling of holding her close kind off overcame him. Why did he feel this way, why did he feel like he had to be close to her and want to hug her? It didn’t make any sense. It just felt so right but why, he certainly didn’t want to feel like that, but it felt like it was meant to be like that. The King could not fall a sleep the whole night because of his confusing feelings and when the sun came up, he slowly detached himself from her without waken the girl and left. Yoongi didn’t want to know that she slept in his arms. He didn’t want to give her hope when there is none. It will never going to happen, the King will never let her in his heart, he can’t make er suffer with his dark soul.
Since the wedding night he has taken her into his arms every night, because he can’t resist the good and happy feeling he gets in these moments. Yoongi has also discovered that he sleeps way better with her then he ever did alone. No nightmares, no twisting and turning, nothing that normally interrupts his sleep. Even though he felt happy about holding her, he could not let his Queen know. Because of that he leaves the bed before she wakes up and pretends the hole day that it didn’t happen. Not just that but he also waits until she is a sleep before he goes to bed and comes close to her to hold her in his arms.
Meanwhile the girl has no idea what he does every night and starts to think that he doesn’t even sleep in their bed. Is she the problem? Is she so repulsive that he can’t even sleep in the same bed? She doesn’t expect her husband to hold her and kiss her good night. But they are married and are expected to produce an heir and she is starting to be disappointed and sad. She just hoped he would warm up to her after that sweet moment in the wedding night and she would not be waking up alone anymore. As if that was not the worst thing but threw the day, he also didn’t pay her any attention. The Queen wanted to get to know the King and if they can’t have a romantic relationship then at least a friendship. The former Princess felt more alone than she ever did in her entire life, she didn’t even feel like that when her best friend Josie died.
The next few days she tried to fill her time with exploring the castle and the grounds around it. She wondered through the gardens and tried to find a nice place where she could read her books that she brought from her homeland. But after some weeks she became bord because her Husband had never time for her, the girl also had no friends jet, so she decided to see if one of the Boys had time for her. The girl didn’t even try to go to Namjoon because she knew that he had more to do than the King himself.  She fought the best option was the free youngest, so the Lady went to where the Guards always took their break. As she entered the room, she immediately saw the two siting at the very end of the table surrounded by the other guards. With no hesitation did the Girl crossed the room to get to them, as soon all of the men noticed her, they stood up and bowed and Taehyung asked:” What are you doing here my Lady, do you need something?”. The Queen answered with hesitant look on her face:” No, I was …. I was wondering if it possible that you two (she pointed to Jungkook and him) could maybe spend some time with me. I… I mean only if you want to and have time…. I…. I just don’t have any friends jet and also, I would like to get to know the friends of my Husband, you don’t have to feel obligated because I am the Queen, I genuinely would love to be friends with you since we are also closer to age.” At first, they looked a little shocked that the Queen wants to be friends with them, but then they looked really happy and Jungkook answered for them:” It would be an honour to be friends with you my Lady and we would love to spend some time with you. How about we meet after our shift and walk around the lake, would you like that your majesty?” “Yes, I would absolutely love that, see you later.” With that she turned around and the guards bowed to her again when she walked off. The hole time she was smiling and couldn’t wait for when their shift was over. The Girl can already see a very good friendship blooming. And she wasn’t wrong in the next two weeks the boys and her became one of the best friends especially Jungkook, she also now had nicknames for them, Taehyung was Tae or TaeTae and Jungkook was Kookie or Guk. They walked around the Lake, strolled the Garden, went to the kitchen to steal some food and annoy Seokjin (the Queen called him Jin and they also became friends), helped Hobi and Jimin and played some games. The Lady found out that Namjoon was very smart and loved to read, so when he had time, she would go to him for some books she could read and sometimes they would read together. Jimin became her soul comfort, she realised that he only flited that much because he often felt lonely too. The boy was such a nice, kind and loyal friend and also very cute and good looking, especially with his cute round cheeks and beautiful smiley where his eyes disappeared. They are all very lovely in there one way and she appreciated that from all of them. Tae, Jin and Hobi loved to gossip, that is how she found out about all the good tea of the castle and also got to know her Husband a bit better. But she couldn’t stop wondering why he won’t want to get to know her too and why it seemed like he was not even at the castle. Even though she now had her friends, she still couldn’t help but feel lonely with out him.
So, one night worried that the King would never acknowledge her, she lied in there bed and staring at the sealing. The Queen was tiered, but she wanted to wait for him so she could finally talk to her husband and for once and for all, but all worries aside. After a while she turned around in defeat to fall asleep once again alone as she suddenly heard a sound announcing his arrival. The Girl closed her eyes to pretend that she was asleep and waited as she after two minutes felt the metres sink next to her and her husband getting in. The Lady had to hold her breath so that he wouldn’t notice that she is awake, when he suddenly pulled her very slowly into his arms and held her tight. She snuggled closer to him and finally fell asleep with a smile on her face. Will he also be there the next morning?
To be continued......
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