#look at him face palming
timdrakeslawyer · 2 years
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need to see tim in that costume IMMEDIATELY
(preview of batman #127)
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dyinggirldied · 2 months
Undereage Superheroes On The Rise: A Morally and Ethically Cause of Concern?
It's supposed to be another clickbait news but it comes at the time when the existence of ghost was recently proved factual at a small town in Illinois along witha its dead teenage superhero, when the heroes of Paris and by large France accidentally revealed they weren't adults at all, not even close, when Spiderman was unmasked to be 16-year-old Peter Parker, when the Young Justice was wounded in a large scale attack.
Most of the people involved and not involved are not having fun.
(This is inspired by the Miraculous fanfic The Growing Pains of Child Soldiers by BloodWolf13, a fic which I recommend you read since it is very, very good. Hits all my whump and angst points)
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frnkiebby · 2 months
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he’s just too fucking cute i cannot~🎃
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meownotgood · 2 years
oh....... oh my goodness
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justafriend-ql · 11 months
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Is this how couples kiss? NEVER LET ME GO Episode 7
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respectthepetty · 1 year
I can't be normal about this show
suggested song for maximum emotional impact - "How Will I Know," the Sam Smith version
Falling in love is so bittersweet This love is strong, why do I feel weak? How will I know if you really love me?
David and Wu were EVERYTHING to me this episode! In an episode buried with foreshadowing of a separation (e.g. the fortunes) and clear signs of Palm and Nueng's differences ("this is my home like Bangkok is your home"), these two men gave Palm and Nueng hope for the future.
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The speech Wu gave to David about people not believing they should be together because they are too different, but that's what makes him love David more because every day he learns something new and he is his family, his friend, AND his soulmate are exactly the words and actions Palm and Nueng need to hear and see.
Nueng is immediately clocked as a rich kid several times in the series, and even Mam comments on the boys' social class differences, but Wu and David show them that love isn't conforming to someone else's life; it's making a new life together. Love isn't speaking each other's language; love is learning a new language together.
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Based on the trailer, I truly believe Nueng is going to push Palm away in hopes of protecting Palm from a caged life, but if anything, this episode showed that they are better, together.
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Nueng is great with words. He can sell fish just by his words. He can translate. He can directly tell Palm he wants him. Palm is a man of action. He can physically protect Nueng and always gives him little touches of support.
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This episode, we see both boys give more for the other. Nueng grabs Palm's hand several times, plays with him, and hugs him. Palm flirts with Nueng and tells him he took him to the beach to romance him. And neither of them shy away from it. After Mam interrupts them, Nueng still pushes Palm when she leaves. When Palm is unsure of Nueng's requests, he asks for clarification. These boys bring out aspects of each other that others don't even think exist within them.
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Mam mistakenly compares Palm's love for Nueng to Chanon's love for her. She said she lost freedom because Chanon loved her so much. Palm is not Chanon. Palm is Nueng's freedom but being Nueng's bodyguard is Palm's bondage.
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However, Mam is right that love isn't all life is about. It's about living, something neither boy has had a chance to do. Palm had no hope for the future and was told he would give his life for Nueng. Nueng has been told he will take over the family business. But here, with each other, they are experiencing lives they never imagined because they have each other. Life isn't all about love, but love has greatly enhanced their lives.
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Nueng has complete faith that Palm can fix the motorcycle, and instead of his normal bossiness, he tells Wu he will ask Palm first about the beach. Palm knows Nueng wants money for a phone, but he quickly dismisses David's suggestion of payment. Nueng is learning that money isn't all there is to life. He is learning that the only things Palm can give him are more valuable than any gifts he has acquired over the years - the warmth of the beach, the kindness in his heart, and the love in his touch.
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That's why Nueng doesn't ask Palm to tell him how he feels about him. He tells Palm to show him how he feels about him. He is asking Palm to give in, so Nueng can finally give Palm something he desires - permission to be free.
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Permission to be free of his employment. Permission to be free of the future that the fortune predicts and his father dictates. Permission to be free to love him, fully, without the constraints of respectability and duty. Nueng can give that to Palm now, and later, when he pushes him on the rocks and tells him he doesn't love him, he will attempt to do the same. He will give Palm an out. He will give Palm permission to be free of him and a life that requires him to sacrifice himself because that's all Nueng can give this boy who has given him everything. (Please don't let Chanon's arrest cause a rift between them.)
Chopper has already learned this.
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Instead of fighting for Ben, he let's Ben go and encourages him to pursue Nueng. (I'm sorry I ever doubted you. You are a good boy. THE BEST BOY!) He doesn't hide his emotions. It's clear how he feels, but he never voices them because he is giving Ben an out. He doesn't want to burden Ben with his feelings. Not yet. Not when he knows Ben can't reciprocate, even if he wanted to.
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Although both boys are being crushed under the toxicity of their fathers' expectations, Ben still has a chance to be free. Ben likes Nueng's bravery, but Chopper knows he can't be brave. Not like that. Not when he knows his father is willing to kill anyone he deems as an obstacle, even family.
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Chopper wants to protect Ben. Chopper wants to be there for Ben. Chopper wants Ben. But much like Chopper already knows and Nueng is going to learn, they won't always get what they want.
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Mostly if they don't have the courage to fight for it.
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meowmeowmessi · 1 year
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akemi-snow · 11 months
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It's them.
Don't let that serious face fool you. Izumo was the one who came up with whatever idea put them there. Kotetsu only made it worse.
I got the background from here but had to edit the heights bc my boys are smol
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depollutingshosz · 2 years
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Pocket sal
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strawberrystepmom · 1 month
sweet kendy..... what gives satoru butterflies
hi my mar my sea 💓💓💓💓 thank you for asking!
tbh - a lot lmao he has a lot of feelings but i believe as far as tried and true butterflies go, the kind that make your heart beat fast and your palms sweat, casting him a prolonged glance.
it doesn’t even have to be loaded with innuendo! simply looking at him when he isn’t prepared to catch you doing it truly throws him off balance. all of those feelings come to the surface at once and his cheeks turn pink and so do his ears. he plays it off by winking and looking away but you can just tell.
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okiedokie2216 · 1 year
i'm never going to be over how WHIPPED and devoted palm is to nueng and how he basically eats drinks sleeps and breathes nuengdiao for the next 15 months at the very least
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andy-clutterbuck · 2 years
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lyssafreyguy · 23 days
speaking of my villagers' houses I went back into Francine and O'Hare's houses just to adjust them a teeny tiny bit and I'm so so much happier with them like I might go back into everyone else's houses real quick just to make sure there aren't any other little changes I might wanna make before the dream address gets uploaded
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gemkun · 1 month
@oneireth said : [ META ] + his vidyadhara form ( powers, thoughts on his appearance, whatever ) for dh :) ♢      —        send  [ META ] + a word / phrase / person / etc
personally , he prefers his human form , but that doesn’t mean he dislikes his vidyadhara appearance. his true being , well , there is a detachment from the nameless , which is where he feels at home and himself in. of course , the astral crew members have said otherwise , and accept him for who he is , scales and all , but dan heng still has this inward perception regarding his origin.
focusing on his vidyadhara self , we can analyse these sections with a breakdown.
powers : even if he is not an emanator , he is “ the closest being to the permanence ”. having been cut from dan feng’s powers , in canon it can be inferred that those powers were split between him and bailu — where the archivist received powers of combat whilst the dragon lady received healing abilities. that being said , he hasn’t undergone proper training of harnessing this passed down residual power , and with the absence of technique , the immensity of his powers are likely unmet in terms of their true potential. if it wasn't explicit enough , this means he is absolutely weaker than dan feng. fun note : dan feng was a smidge stronger than jing yuan but where dan heng is , the general is definitely higher. he might sit where welt is in terms of power across the characters in hsr.
appearance : it cannot be denied that the imbibitor lunae ensemble is extravagant. his robes alone are exquisite in their finery , and their intricate patterns weave a combination of symbols and tales. comparing dan feng’s garb to dan heng’s , there are plenty of differences with some being subtle whilst the others are noticeable.
i looked to this article which assessed an assortment of aspects regarding dan heng’s imbibtor lunae form , and i think it’s quite spot on. hoyo is notorious for sprinkling significant notes via inconspicuous details. the most obvious would be the clouds and lotus that are motifs for nobility and water which is attributed to wisdom , intelligence and quintessentially yin. neither can the equipment attached to his clothing that resembles armour be missed — indicative of the combat dan feng participated in , as both guard and a member of the high — cloud quintet.
green , in not only chinese culture , but in general is representative of vitality and life and i would argue emphasises his link to protecting the ambrosial arbour. speaking of , his horns are noticeably branch — like , and longer than dan feng’s , which elucidates to his role and perhaps , signifies growth. the growth of himself , however , which dan feng permitted in ichor ( although this was dan heng’s perception of what the preceptors had painted so we cannot use this reliably ). i also think the waist accessory of the oracle bone script is a hint at his position as the archivist but it could potentially be a sign that visualises how he balances between bearing the burdens of dan feng against carrying out the remainder of his life as a nameless — the bad luck vs the good luck.
his tail ( the one i know you were waiting on ) , is something i have always debated on as to whether it is a fully manifested appendage that he is capable of summoning or not , or is simply fluid in appearance staying true to his watery roots. the element he is bound to. when bailu pointed out the stark absence of it , and dan heng became rather withdrawn , i think it does spell out he can bring it out on command , but elects not to. otherwise , it is a proper and tangible limb.
i think ultimately , dan heng does accept and acknowledge the debt he has inherited , as well as the responsibility and role the high elder brings , but he cannot deny that it feels unlike him. in both regalia and in the inward sense the form brings.
it has its benefits , no doubt , especially on the battlefield when faced with powerful adversaries , but if he can fend off the enemy in his human build and with cloud — piercer , then he will opt for this choice instead.
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spicy-rainbow-pizza · 2 months
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boy what are you getting so close for..........
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kindahoping4forever · 2 years
Ash on the IG stories of Andrew Berkeley Martin and LP
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