#loml: lost's mutuals <3
thelost-in-time · 4 months
Who are your top three favorite Hazbin Hotel characters, and why?
So I haven't finished the season yet but so far it's:
Sir Pentious because look at his eyes at the end of this post.
Lucifer because of his duck collection (or hyperfixiation) is so me with my plushies recently (read: three plushies and two plushie keychains)
I'd say probably Husk due to that one episode that "Loser, baby" comes from because that song is a banger.
👀 who are your top three?
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Also, hear me out, don't come for me. But I'm mentioning Adam here because I like his voice (Also his VA voiced Fizz, how could I not), and I also think that so far Adam was a well written villain. He's meant to be antagonistic and they hit the goal with that one. As a character? I wouldn't even put him on my favourites, he goes straight in the trash, but I personally think so far he is a well written antagonist, which is why he makes the list. Just for writing alone and voice.
Also Lute's singing voice has blessed my ears too. I do dislike her as a character though. Which I think was also one of their intentions, so another well written antagonist?
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thedeadthree · 1 year
🥀! the oc page is here !
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inklore · 10 months
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let's pretend that i posted this on the real anniversary date (july 18th) and not a few weeks late ok. but i'm still shell shocked i honestly stayed around on here for this long, seeing as how i've been on this hellsite for over ten years maybe even longer, have left many blogs and sideblogs behind, but have stayed put on here for longer than it feels. even through all the craziness and friends gained and lost. i have not grown sick of this place and i know it's all because of my mutuals (and followers) aka the most beautiful, hilarious, talented souls anyone could ask to have on their side.
whether we are friends or have never spoken i love you, i adore you. thank you for making my time spent on here worth it even when times get tough and this little hobby of ours seems more like a stressful nine to five.
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@deathmotif, @authurials, @theauthorvt, +annie — hey remember when we all met on wp and i started that silly little michael langdon gc on kik and it was a dozen of us in there but then it soon dwindled down to us five and kik was on the verge of imploding and we all moved over to snap and now we literally all talk every day, if not every other??! my day isn't complete without seeing one of you sending an unhinged video in the gc. IT'S BEEN SIX YEARS with you guys in my life and you know me better than anyone. i can tell you my darkest secrets, traumas, thoughts, and there's no judgment. it's literally the most healthy friend group ever. i'm forcing ya'll to dress up as barbie's for my bachelorette party, like you're stuck with me. barbie is serious. just as serious as my love is for each and every one of you. when i think about my life and future you guys are always in it. idk if we should thank cody fern or the antichrist or both. but whoever brought us together in this life i hope they do it in the next because life without y'all would suck.
@psychedelic-ink — you should already know how much i love you, but let me remind you, let me go on for ever and tell you how special you are to me ok. when i was balling my eyes out on the phone/discord you were there to listen to me be a blubbering mess, you were there to talk me down, to listen, to validate my feelings. when i need someone to be motivating and get shit done with me you're there. when i need to rant about something horny you're there to encourage the unhinged. our discord sleepovers are my favorite thing in the world. i'm still shocked when i think back to our casual messages on here turning into a friendship so close and tight that my man spent over $100 to send you a magazine (without question) because he knows how much you mean to me. you have my heart always!
@pedrito-friskito — i have the most vivid memory of me and sil talking about you on discord and how great you were and i was like um?? i wanna be friends with kay! so after we got off of the phone i messaged you and then before i knew it me, you, and sil were in a gc together and the rest is history. i love that you and i like to disappear without a word sometimes but always come back like lol sorry but here's this love and support and encouragement and let me just life update you but also make you horny with this thought, and sil just puts up with us and i love it. ily. i'm forever forcing you to write and publish every story you write because you're going to put sjm to shame with the beauty your brain comes up with.
@tom-whore-dleston — i know i'm the worst at replying but you never make me feel bad for it. you're like 'oh yeah her adhd brain will get back to this text in 2 to 3 business weeks it's ok', and i love you for it. but no seriously ily so much. you're the first person i think of when all i can think about is dick because i know you're thinking the same thing. i know you'll understand. every time i see you post on social media i'm like wtf?? why am i halfway across the states and not with the loml right now?? it's truly unfair because i know if we were together we'd be the most chaotic, loud, sluttiest duo ever. your talent always amazes me, your beauty makes me jealous. both of our partners better watch out because i'ma run away with you one day i swear!
@chaseadrian — the fact that we grew close in a fandom that i despise now and is more toxic than not and a beautiful friendship came out of it?? iconic. every time i think about you all i can think is 'they just seems like they have everything all together, their ideas, their graphics, their mind, the way they speak is like talking to that really cool english teacher' like lmao i cannot explain how much i want your vibe. i adore your vibe. i ADORE YOU.
@greenorangevioletgrass — as one of my first friends on this little blog of mine i feel like i need to do more than put into words how much i adore you, how grateful i am to call you a friend, to be a part of your presence on here. hearing your ideas, your living breathing fic-like life is serotonin to me. like please share in the sexy wealth bestie!
@sapphireplums — when i see you in my inbox i literally get this overjoyed feeling inside me like charity thought about me today?? took time out of her day to send me something?? i'm blessed. i hope you and your beautiful mind are thriving bestie because you're literally one of the nicest, softest, people i've met on here and i'm in your corner if you ever need me. to show you love and support. to continue to convince you that your themes will always be more superior than mine!!
@rae-gar-targaryen — if success and talent and beautiful prose (and face) was an olympic sport you would have won by now. you HAVE won. we may not talk as much as we used to but just know that i always am thinking about how you are, waiting patiently for you to bless us with more of your fics (even if it's a crumb i'm like a little mouse savoring it because hello?? emily henry who? she got nothing on you). as my lawyer i love knowing if i needed you you'd be there with a simple text, as my bestie, as someone i look up to, as someone who radiates elegance and something else i can't even put into words because that's literally how you leave me, speechless: never change and know i'm always here for you.
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@allaboardthereadingrailroad, @littledemondani, @wroteclassicaly — the three of you were those 'big' accounts that always intimated me. i stood in the background reading your stuff and being like ok they're going to put me out of business and then being absolutely shook when you followed me, i felt like i made it. like this was what being on here was all about having the accounts you find the most talented and amazing, and who have wrote some of your fav fics, follow you. and we may not talk a lot but i cherish you guys so so very much. like even before i made this account, on my old accounts, i've always been your #1 fans!!
@kittyofalltrades, @namorwife, @yoditopascal — i may have all but died out and disappeared from the discord server, and we may not talk anymore, but some of my best memories are with you guys. the unhinged, the thirst, the games, the rantings, i've never been more entertained and chaotic and rowdy than i was with ya'll and i love it. i miss it. ya'll are still my favorite people, my loves, my besties. one day i will be horny over the same characters as ya'll again and you'll be annoyed with my thirst again.
@eupheme, @tripleyeeet, @wint3r-h3art, @ohcaptains, @celestianstars, @flordeamatista — if there were ever a group of beautiful people i constantly compare myself to because the way they write, the way their themes look, the way their fic layouts / set ups look, their graphics, their vibes, their talent, their so many damn things: it would be ya'll. like i'm constantly like how do i get on their level? like i know there's not levels on here and everyone is so uniquely special and amazing at what they write and do and make, but i'm always in the trenches of devoting and heart eyes over EVERYTHING ya'll post. ya'll are the cool art kids i want to hangout with but instead i'm screaming in cheer in the silent museum where your creations should be showcased.
@mothdruid, @moonlight-prose, @moondirti, @angrythingstarlight, @amywritesthings, @oncasette, @withahappyrefrain, @navybrat817, @bakerstreethound, @villenelle, @refined-by-fire, @ladylannisterxo, @emerald-chaos, @mxgyver, @foli-vora, @jettia, @moreofem, @bits-and-babs, @woodlandmouth, @fluffyprettykitty, @cocoamoonmalfoy, @galatially, @ladylannisterxo, @saintlike78, @buckys-estrella, @ghostlyfleur, @arctvrvs — through the two years of me being on here i have had the pleasure, the joy, of talking to each of you. whether that be screaming in asks, inboxs, discords, pms, where we were hyping each other up, sharing ideas, support, check ups, screaming over each others fics, whatever it may be. there has been love and support and every time i see ya'll in my notfis, reading my stuff, your thirst posts or rant posts or your rbs, i'm always grateful to see it. for it. to be a part of it. but most importantly i'm like: hello why are we not closer?? why do i not bombard them with my love?? annoy them with it so much so that they have no choice but to be my bestie and feel all the doormat love and support that i'm constantly feeling when i see their little icons and usernames. so this is me both saying i adore you, ily, we may not talk as much as i wished but i'm here supporting and loving everything you do and beware that i will annoy you with my love when you least expect it and soon you'll be wishing for me to get out of your pms. you have a friend in me, a supporter, a hyper, seriously i got lucky with y'all being my mutuals <3.
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there's so many other babes that i'm missing but tumblr has a tag limit so i couldn't get everyone on this list but just know ily ily literally every single one of my mutuals is a gift from god to me. you put up with my posts and insanity, i have no choice but to give ya'll my whole ass heart!!!!
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janggtoco · 1 year
It's award season (unconfirmed)! Give some of your mutuals silly little awards.
the academy thought long and hard on our decisions and after considering all the nominees we would like to announce our winners.
the best person to deal w/ honey’s bullshit award goes to @seokgyuu! she yelled at me for not drinking water while sick today </3 and i still didn’t drink water…. (sorry mitchie 😔) idk how she deals w me every day tbh but it’s def bcs we are the same person
the loml and best wife in the history of wives award goes to @seokmins! literally a joy and i get so happy talking to her every day and seeing her in my notifs and elv i’m free thursday night at 6 pm on thursday at night at 6 pm during-
the honey platonic soulmate award goes to @bitchlessdino! she’s a gemini.. i’m a virgo.. literally mutable sign soulmates (a la tom holland and zendaya). but fr i feel connected to nana, my long lost bestie that has finally been brought to me by the universe 🫶🏾
the partner in crime award goes to @bisexualgyu! we’re each other’s biggest ride or die and we’ve already gotten in a lot of shit together so what’s a lil more sjdhdj
the most unbothered award goes to @97-liners! i aspire to not care about what anyone has to say about my opinion and just give it
the been through some shit but doesn’t deserve ANY OF IT award goes to @gguksgalaxy! (runner up: @seokgyuu skdhjs) listen gwaen just needs some rest and some goddamn respect!!! i hope she’s able to get it <3
the kpop has traumatized us a little too much award goes to @taeiltual! again. that exo-l and orbit solidarity… we’ll get through this together friend 😭
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mangokitkats · 2 years
tag 9 people you want to know better!
Thank you to @sebsxphia for the tag!!!
3 Ships: Kai and Amelia, Callie and Arizona, Rooster and Hangman babey
1st Ever Ship: Korra and Asami the og lomls
Last Song: ‘Purple Rain” by Prince
Last Movie: Real Genius
Currently Reading: not readin anything atm!
Currently Watching: The Rookie :)
Currently Consuming: water and a honey throat lozenge (tech week tingz)
Currently Craving: chicken wild rice soup mmmmm
I will add tags later bc I suddenly lost all concept of my mutuals that I don’t already know well
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aquablues-archive · 2 years
hopes this goes to the right blog JDGJBH minheetual underrated ggtual y*hantual (sowwy) and most importantly younger siblingtual i'm taking u for ur fave treat when you're tired of studying n lending u my most fun jewelry n not saying anything when u don't give it back <3
omg u made it 🫶🫶 SKFMD oh em gee minheetual it is all i need to b known for he is the 2nd loml 💘💘 love my girls !!! stan ichillin !! stan pinkfa !! pixy !! wooah !! tri be !! purplebeck !!! hehe 💗💞💓 yohantual .. it’s ok i’m in my acceptance era i lost i gave in 😔😔 that makes u my fave older siblingtual !!! showing up in ur room to lay on ur bed and do nothing !! sitting on ur floor to be close to u !! blowing u a kiss i wuv u eri 🫶🫶🫶
what mutual am i ?
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brain-reads · 3 years
dnf fics that make me scream into my pillow at 2 am
disclaimer: i do not wish to cross the ccs boundaries in any way possible. if they ever say or indicate that shipping makes them uncomfortable, this post will be immediately deleted. 
i will keep updating this list as i read more
note: all of these fics are on ao3
complete, multichapter fics:
heat waves: classic angst with fluff, such a good fic tho the descriptions are so well written
inkling: THE WAY I SCREAM FOR THIS FIC PLEASE ITS INCREDIBLE AND I REALLY DONT READ A LOT OF AUS GDSFUIJHSD anyway- this is basically about a soulmate au where anything you write on your skin is shown on your soulmate’s skin on/after both of your 18th birthdays and oml it was adorable (bonus karlnap! sgfhbd) this is one of my all time fav fics and i would HIGHLY RECOMMEND IT !!!
chasing snowflakes: mutual pining, fake dating au because george has been telling his family that he has a bf but he doesnt, angst and christmas fluff
12 days of DNF-mas: sequel to chasing snowflakes and honestly the loml i would marry this fic if i could it is so cute with the right amount of angst and asghfhdsvbfhhsdn
lovesick (the beat inside my head): the only au i am probably going to read for dnf ever, highschool au, dream and george havent seen each other and dk where they live, gnf is moving to florida, meets clay at his new highschool, and well ;)
seconds, minutes, hours, lifetimes: highschool roadtrip au! oh i loved this one so much, it was amazing i would highly recommend it <3
stick with me: angst. so much angst. but it is so worth it the feels are insane!!! dream and george trapped in an airport together because of a hurricane, chaos ensues
heavenstruck: guardian angel au !! cw for major character death (i cried a lot in this one but it is so worth it)
hold me close: ahhh the yearning the angst the fluff this fic is just *chefs kiss* i would highly recommend it (also!! a tiny bit of bonus karlnap again :D)
it was only a fic: sfgdhn dream accidentally gets invested in a dnf fanfic. that cant end badly can it 
moment’s silence: smut and sexual tension. thats all i have to say for this fic (the students really be actin like us dnf stans-)
incomplete, multichapter fics:
tidal pools and stars:  it’s an amazing read, quite a lot of angst but mixed with some softer moments (i cried in this fic like thrice-)
helium: sequel to heat waves, hopefully with a happy ending? it’s genuinely so good there’s an incredible balance of angst and fluff
an interstate paved with memories: another roadtrip au ! updates every friday
early age: im so sorry this is so much angst theres a lot of tws in this fic too so please go through that before you read it
bedroom walls: oh boy are y’all in for a wild ride on this one. college/uni au, frat boy dream, internalised homophobia, SMUT, this fic has it all 
this is a drista moment, lets just accept it: drista content my beloved, i’ve only ever read one more dnf fic that’s been from drista’s pov (and sadly that was only the last chapter) and i loved it! this is such a sweet oneshot there’s just something so domestic about these fics and i am so asgdfhjshf /pos AGAIN THIS IS ONE OF MY ALL TIME FAVOURITES AND I HIGHLY RECOMMEND IT
they say love is contagious: sickfic!!! all fluff no angst, absolutely adorable, dream, sapnap, bbh, and big q are all visiting george and dream is just taking care of him because he gets sick sdfhdsbvjfdn
“i thought i lost you”: the PAIN OH MY GOD I CRIED its so beautiful the yearning the love the everything and the way i can picture this so vividly- i would highly recommend giving it a read
3 am showers: ahhh such a cute domestic oneshot, honestly i love sickfics so much they’re adorable
paper rings: read it. trust me. it will not let you down i swear
hold what’s close to your heart: dream and george are dating in this one and they finally meet and oh its just so cute
you are home: this is so super cute, another feel good domestic fluff fic that just warms my heart :’) george reminisces over some special moments in his and dream’s relationship 
like real people do: tooth rotting fluff. its another oneshot and just,,, yes. i read an incredibly angsty and frustrating fic before this that i will neither name nor recommend but this just fixed my mood completely
chasing rays of sunlight: red string soulmate au 10/10 would recommend
stella by starlight: god domestic fics just make me so happy, george is in florida, but he’s here to stay! and just in time for new years too!
tawny, marigold, caramel and somewhere in between we fall in love: another fic centered around george’s colourblindness! i swear these are just too cute to handle-
stumbling into place: sdgyufjhbn i laughed so hard this is so cute and funny the way sap think george got a cat is so gdsfhbv
heart and throat, lined with it: im gay and touchstarved so i read about gay cuddles help
strawberry blond: roommate au!! college au !!! ahhh i love it 
stay on the phone just to hear me breathe: a 5+1 of dream watching george sleep (it sounds creepy when i say it like that but i promise its good)
dream’s dollar donations: established relationship, dream and george have a fight and now dream’s trying to make it up to him <3 super cute and fluffy
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< mutuals >
aka, my favorite people on this godforsaken hellsite
in no particular order, just how i saw you guys on my followers page anyway this is my excuse to geek out about yall cause <3
@tama-jam been putting up with my bs for 9 years now love her. talented artist and writer and musician and I could literally talk about you for hours but I'm not gonna so I don't write a 12 paragraph essay
@topazastral we really don't talk much? ur super super cool tho I'm just bad at talking to people lol
@radioactive-gold been dealing w my shit for 2+ years and love em for it. keep talking about ur gay exy boys forever please
@decora-peaches one of my first kick ass followers on my writing blog and I still appreciate you to this day <33333
@asleep-on-the-moon !!! you!!!! ur so funny and for what. we need to talk more
@domestic-void literally an angel I still reread that lev fic bc that's how I met you you're so sweet <3
@atomicfanboy platonic bf #1 I love you
@shirari we r stressed about school and vibing. i need to figure out how tf to write for shirabu so I can write fic specifically catered towards you. also you're such a talented artist??
@mysterystarz wife #2 (only #2 bc inez was first I'm sorry). can and will fight akaashi for your heart
@shoyotime wife #1 and I remember following u and talking to you when I was a measely little blogger at 100 followers or less and u had just hit 400 and now ur like super famous I'm so proud of you babe
@ellesmain TUMBLR BIG SISTER NUMBER ONE BEST SISTER RIGHT HERE also one of my top fav writers on here your stuff is so good teach me your secrets. also ur so pretty ugh
@agonyaster my favorite fuckin little sibling ever I'm so platonically in love w you. thank u for the albedo luck you can have all of my itto luck.
@possiblypoe gay ass /j. anyway thanks for letting me geek out about my characters and thanks for being gay for them and plz keep talking about tokyo rev and jjk forever
@haikyuuublog we do not talk v much however!!! ur very cool and funny <3 /p
@0ltremareart CAN U CALL MY STARSTRUCK OMFG gonna expose myself here but I didn't realize we were mutuals and the first time I talked to you I was so nervous and then. and then I realized like 4 minutes after I sent an ask that we were mutuals . hihc apparently you think I'm cool enough to follow so I shouldn't have been embarrassed. so then I just screamed into a pillow for 2 hours bc I was embarrassed <//3 anyway matchablossom rights
@k-kazvha WE WILL GET ALBEDO ITS GONNA HAPPEN WE WILL GET THE BOY also when I finish this dumb world quest I cant do we should play genshin together
@i-li we have not talked in a while but you are very chill!! i haven't seen you online a lot I dunno if that's me or my dash being dumb and not letting me see ur posts
@criso ANGEL ARTIST OMFG we met and had nothing in common and now I gay panic to you 24/7 and geek out about sk8 and yuri on ice and its wonderful <3
@atsuvu you give such strong friend vibes like. just that really cool chill friend that everyone loves I hope u know that
@kitacharm we need to talk more I feel like I only talk to you through nova but that's alright. one day when I start being able to talk to people I will yell about random things in ur inbox
@animated-moon tendou supremacy. also ur like super sweet and give me big sibling vibes. but like the slight crackhead energy older sibling vibes
@kodzukoi another one that gives me older sibling vibes I feel like people are just gonna start adopting me at this point
@merucry tumblr dad officially ily and I still look at that fairy thing u drew me in that one day
@rudolphsboyfriend LITERALLY TALENTED. INCREDIBLE. LOML /p HOW DO YOU DO WHAT YOU DO god the gender envy I get from you /hj
@kade-is-gay PRONOUN BUDS <3 what can I say about u ur so awesome
@chuupetarou platonic fiance and fellow cherry simp I cannot wait to get to know u better. lets be gay and piss off the conservatives together <3
@rqkuya YOUUUUUUUi cant wait till the day I pass you in ar rankings which is never gonna happen but that's okay ur awesome ily. rosaven supremacy
@coastalmangoes I don't think we've ever interacted personally but ur really funny and rb good stuff
@official-lucifers-child starstruck part 2 you're SO COOL I didn't think you were still following me tbh anyway hi!! you also give strong older sibling energy although I don't. i don't think you're that much older than me but that's alright lol /pos
who knew I had this many mutuals wow
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samsspambox · 2 years
THOUGHTS on ch 6pt2
spoilers under the cut <3
first of all? a really good episode!! it's interesting that they didn't end it on a trial, but it's okay!! i, uh, was dreading the trial bc i lose track of the evidence LMAO
okay, this episode had so much artem lore i love it but also really good artem moments
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bRO WHEH I TELL YOU I SCREAMED OML i deadass went 'THATS MY BOI',,, fuckkkk i love him
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ARTEM WING OUR PINING KING I FUCKING CANT,,, this man has my whole ass heart,,, he'd be the one pining i fucking,, listen buddy mutual pining exists and you're getting straight FILED into that category im sorry bb boi
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me, who already knows artem as a film geek and that he's wearing glasses in electrifying nights: artem buddy, loml, you're a geek and you wear glasses, too late. also EARRINGS HELLO 👀👀👀
so one of three: artem wore clip ons (which is the most likely), he pierced his ears and let them close, or he has a super small gauge!! which honestly please someone edit artem with earrings ikdjdj (also, it makes sense with(cn spoilers) that one sweater he wore at his event where it had a face? looked like a nirvana shirt and made me think he listened to rock and im fuxking in love someone edit him like this)
i didn't get the screenshots but vyn and artem drinking each others drink or preference i fucing cant,,, wonder how vyn takes his coffee?
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YES NEIL CAN STILL HELP HIM TIE HIS TIE BEJKDJF (even tho it's heavily implied that he learned himself but don't take this away from me im begging)
also also I FUCKING CALLED IT!!! I FUCKING CALLED THAT KENDRICKS HAD JERRY UNDER HER THUMBS!! (tho,, for the wrong reason,, I WAS RIGHT THO) also also lads, we fuxking lost her to the straights im so SAD (tumblr has an image limit but trust me on this i have the sc)
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and to end it all off, my bingo card (:
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the end i guess jdjdbf
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aiiwa · 4 years
hi pretty baby 🥺 for fmk -> oikawa, iwaizumi, tsukishima. i’d marry iwa of course loml <3. and then probably fuck tooru and kiss tsukki
celeste baby this was hard for me to choose from hehehe, but you have great taste <3
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FUCK - iwaizumi hajime. i saw this head cannon that iwa can’t do fwb because he’d already be in love with the person and i just- yeah.
after a triad of back to back failed relationships, you were officially taking a break from romance. but you still had needs. so when one of your girl friends had suggested having a friend with benefits you weren’t necessarily opposed. though you were surprised iwa was quick to offer himself when you had briefly mentioned it to him - he wasn’t necessarily your first choice, only because you thought he wasn’t into anything like this, but you’d be lying if you said you hadn’t thought of sharing a bed with him.
you found iwa to be a passionate lover; so much different than other guys, so much better. he wasn’t afraid to take his time with you, to savour you; it was so clear your pleasure, was his pleasure. but i guess you should’ve realised much sooner than three months in, that it was deeper than just friends who have sex.
“iwa, fuck, feels too good.” you panted out, nails digging crescent shaped moons into his forearms.
he was holding himself up on top of you, your knees by your head, as his arms were tucked against the underside of your thighs. you were basically folded in half, and as you glanced down, you could see the connection between you two. his thick cock sliding in and out of you, coated in your juices - a bulge poking into your belly with each stroke. you can feel he’s near when he starts hitting deeper inside, twitching.
“gonna cum.” he groans, and just as both of your orgasms peak, lost in the high you still manage to make out what he says next. “fuck, i love you, y/n.” you gasp, eyes shooting open to meet his looking down at you. a panicked expression taking over his face, as he tries to cover up his confession. “shit! uh...i love this, i mean- uh, yeah…”
he’s still buried inside you, cum leaking out; that all you can do is laugh at the situation. “how about you try that again later.” iwa’s just nods sheepishly.
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MARRY - oikawa tooru. another chaotic marriage.
when you had asked your husband what he missed most back home, aside from his best friends and family, he had said milk bread. it wasn’t common here in argentina, but nonetheless, you were determined to give your husband a piece of home. so calling your sister-in-law had been the first option for retrieving the recipe, and although your japanese was a tad choppy, you had the recipe and you begun preparations to have it ready before tooru returned home.
everything had seemingly gone well. when tooru unlocked the front door, announcing his arrival;you were quick to greet him with a lingering kiss, before dragging him into the kitchen.
“something smells good, mi amor.” and when his chocolate eyes catch sight of the warm milk bread on the countertop, you swear you see sparkles in his eyes. “you made this for me?”
nodding your head, you serve him some milk bread, watching in anticipation as he has his first taste. when he freezes, and struggles to gulp down the first bite, you feel your heart sink. of course, tooru is quick to notice, and offers you the brightest, most painful looking grin you’ve ever seen.
“don’t even try to lie to me, tooru.” you cut in before he has a chance to speak. having a taste for yourself - you’re quick to spit it back out into the trash. “oh god! where did i go wrong for it to taste that bad!”
your mortified expression is quick to turn morph into laughter, as both you and your husband keel over. and then your laughs turn into sobs as you groan about how you wanted to do something nice for him. tooru only pulls you into his chest, peppering kisses across your face as he comforts you.
“mi amor, just the thought of you doing this for me, is enough. i love you...but please don’t ruin my favourite food again.”
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KISS - tsukishima kei. i used to wanna fuhhh this man so bad (still do) but me and him would sass tf out of each other.
your time in college was dedicated to two things - keeping your streak record of top grades and pissing off tsukishima kei. and just your luck you got to do both at the same time. it couldn’t have been a coincidence that the two of you were taking all the same courses this semester, or the fact that all of your professors had seemed to come to a mutual agreement for placing you as partners for each group project.
which is how you found yourself sitting in the library, with a salty blondie sitting across from you, golden-brown eyes glaring daggers into your relaxed form.
“do you plan on actually doing any work today?”
stretched out on the table in front of you, the side of your face pressed against your open textbook; your voice come out muffled. “nah.” tsukki continues to stare at you, grip on his pencil tightening, when a random though pops into your head. “hey, tsukki?”
“stop calling me that.” he grumbles, looking back down at his worksheet. when you don’t start talking again, he speaks up. “what? don’t know how to talk anymore? thank god.”
rolling your eyes, you sit up a bit, resting your chin on the flat of your palm. “why don’t you have a girlfriend, yet?” the pencil between his fingers snapped. you hated to admit it but over the years, tsukki really started to fill out his tall frame. he was handsome, though you hadn’t openly admitted so, but by third year of college you would’ve thought a girl would be attached at his hip.
putting down the broken pencil, he pushed his glasses up his nose, staring at you with an undecipherable look. “there’s...someone i’m interested in.” at his confession, you perk up. “she’s one of the most intelligent people i know, but she’s too dumb to even realise.”
“oh? maybe you should just confess then?”
“alright.” he agrees easily. “y/n, you’re the biggest idiot, and i like you. there, how was that?”
it takes a moment for his words to process, mouth agape in shock, before you’re leaping up from your seat, pointing an accusatory finger. “you like me?!” he only rolls his eyes, clicking his tongue. “ooh, tsukki, you wanna kiss me!”
and it’s mid teasing that he too stands, leaning over the table to grip your jaw, and press his lips to yours. he tastes like the strawberry shortcake he’d eaten earlier, and when his tongue slowly teases against yours, you felt yourself melting into him. when he moves back, you shouldn’t be surprised when he mocks you for being so dense.
“shut up.” you grouch. “i’ll be your idiot, just kiss me again.”
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sooibian · 3 years
tag games!
here’s me catching up on all the fun a million years later <3
check in tag! ✔
thank you for thinking of me @haechanblr @exoxobsession @xiusoomygod @his-mochi-cheeks @cxsmicmyeon
why did you choose your url? kyungsoo (the loml) + suibian (mdzs)
any side blogs? none active... i will soon deactivate baekislub
how long have you been on tumblr? since oct’19
do you have a queue tag? q: srb for my fics
why did you start your blog in the first place? upon my sister’s insistence to write fics for exo and rekindle my long lost love for writing
why did you choose your icon/pfp? do i need a reason? ;~~~~~~~;
why did you choose your header? again, do i need a rea-
what’s your post with the most notes? my dad!baek fic - like father, like daughter
how many mutuals do you have? 60ish
how many followers do you have? *thinking*
how many people do you follow? 72
have you ever made a shitpost? somebody please *awkward* explain to me what is a shitpost! the definition online is quite vague :/
how often do you use tumblr each day? i pop in every once in a while
did you have a fight/argument with another blog once? erm not exactly but i do remember 2020 being a dreadful year for the exo writing community
how do you feel about “you need to reblog this” posts? i just do what i want hehe
do you like tag games? take a wild guess 😆
do you like ask games? i don’t usually play ask games cuz they make me nervous 🥲
which of your mutuals do you think is tumblr famous? my moots are all incredibly talented and i am blessed to have found friends in so many of them! i’m sure they're all tumblr famous 😎 more often than not i find myself wondering why they chose to follow me
do you have a crush on a mutual? i am by default an unnie to most 😂
tags? at the bottom!
8 songs 8 people 🎼
thank you for the tag @cxsmicmyeon @rosetvler !!! soooo i’ve only been listening to exo and nct sometimes in the last two years eeeeeep so idk how i’m going to fare here.
favorite song at the moment: runaway by exo
song u associate with ur favorite ship: wuji for wangxian <3
a song that could be about you: at the risk of sounding slightly pretentious...and i literally don’t know why but i used to think that...oooff idk...okay miss jackson by p!atd. also, when my friend moved to a different college and found new friends and started to ignore me i would cry to 'how to save a life' by 'the fray' in the autorickshaw on my way back home from college :P
a song u think is overrated: i don’t wanna go around starting fires for fun. not today.
a song that reminds you of a good memory: oh, there are so many! paranoid by jonas brothers; thriller, billie jean, and smooth criminal by michael jackson; stayin’ alive by bee gees; one more night by maroon 5; ANYTHING AND EVERYTHING A R RAHMAN!!!!!
the last song i listened to: SKIN TO SKIN BY LUHAN! ahahah same as starry when she did this tag!
a song that makes you laugh: lu by luhan (the man says to “blow it like a flute” and he made it when he was drunk. need i say more?) - YES I TOTALLY STOLE STARRY’S ANSWER AGAIN AND WHAT ABOUT IT *small voice* i'm sorry starry 🤧
a song i want my mutuals to listen to: i’m the last person to be recommending music since all of you know better but to answer the question...'what if i said’ and ‘catch me when i fall’ by luhan and please stream dftf hehe
zodiac sign game! ✨
thank you my bebes @rosetvler @exoxobsession !!!
☆ list your zodiac sign: pisces sun, taurus moon, capricorn rising 
☆ list a few personality traits associated with your sign: sociable, composed, dreamy, tactful, empathic, vengeful, quick to deny things.
☆ list 3 idols/celebrities with your Zodiac Sign: nct jungwoo, wayv ten (same b’day), bts yoongi
☆ list 3 signs that are most compatible with yours: google says taurus, cancer, capricorn, and scorpio.
☆ list 3 signs that are the least compatible with yours: google says aries, gemini, and sagittarius. google is not wrong about sagittarius 🥲
bias selfie tag
tagged by squishy @kyungseokie 🥺💖
here's a lazy, 'cant get out of bed', 'new glasses are giving me a headache', 'can either smile or look into the camera or hold my phone steady', 'thank god for filters' selfie of mine next to the most gorgeous man to ever grace the earth.
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lockscreen + homescreen reveal📱
i love you, rosie @rosetvler 🥰 i did this on sunday hehe
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inviting everyone tagged above + @is-that-baekhyuns-shirt @vampwrrr @leewalberg @kunrengui @kyoonqs @privebbh @crossandchange @littleflowercrown13 @making-me-blush @j-pping @jenmyeons @7wanderingpaws @changshapatrol @smolgirlbigthoughts @thedeviousdo @fightoh @royal-aeris to participate in any or all of these games (only if you wish to) 💖
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thelost-in-time · 7 months
Did I say something wrong?
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with-love-anu · 3 years
hi hello good to see you here hehe
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okay so be ready for sappiness cause im gonna attack. last few days have been absolutely insane and you've helped me like a tonne so yeah.
I love how you try to see good in everything. No matter what happens, you always try to see the positive thing and it really makes a difference. You genuinely believe that people can change and improve and like, you're there for them and actively help others. I have lost count of the number of times I would be really sad or like simply crying and you would send me something that would have me laughing out loud. Come to think of it, you do it intentionally and I'm glad for it.
YOUR WRITING. I THINK AT THIS POINT WE BOTH HAVE THAT VERY SPECIFIC KINDA YEARN AND JUST. Your writing makes me f e e l. It makes me cry, it makes me giddy all inside- there is a reason why you're titled angst queen. It's like stomp on my heart and I will still love you kinda story.
And I'm not forgetting about our au. I adore your naming skills (reg wouldn't and we would love to see him all riled up about it). I don't think I can create scenarios so fucking funny and lighthearted anywhere else and just dnjdkekdj please I wanna live in that universe :').
Okay so if it wasn't obvious before ILYSM and you're the greatest platonic loml I could ever ask for. KITH!
mutuals send me a 💭 and I'll try to tell you 3 things I love/like about you
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bbjimin-dududu · 3 years
K-pop Tag Game
Wasn’t tagged by anyone but I liked this so :’)
Rules: Answer the questions and tag 10 people.
1.First group you listened to? BlackPink<3
2.First solo artist you listened to? Lee Hi!!
3.First group to actually know their names? BlackPink
4.First bias ever? Jennie [my love<3]
5.First song to make you emotional? Uh….. I’m thinking BlackPink’s Stay
1.Top 3 fave male groups? I’m not that much into boy groups except for bts lol so uh…. BTS, TXT and Ateez I guess :)….oh and maybe stray kids and seventeen too?
2.Top 3 fave female groups? I’m totally in love with girl groups how can I choose TT~TT…..but ok uh…. BlackPink, Twice, Red Velvet and a new addition of Itzy and Aespa :D and Mamamoo, Gfriend, G-idle, Loona, Dreamcatcher…and I could go on and on ;-;
3.Top 3 fave solo artist? Samuel!!! IU!!! Sunmi!!! ….Chung Ha and Lee Hi and Heize and Somi too :))
4.Top 3 fave songs of all time? Outro: Wings by BTS, Lost by BTS, Really by BP and I have to include more please- Dinosaur by AKMU, Black Mamba by Aespa, Can’t you see me by TXT, Bet You Wanna by BP, Bad Boy by RV, Answer by Ateez, Don’t wanna cry by Seventeen, Wannabe by Itzy, Egotistic by Mamamoo and- ok….i’ll stop now ._.
5.Top 3 biases? PARK JIMIN! [Loml<33], Jennieee [it’s still you bby<3] anddd my Dahyun! [not to mention Sana’s overtaking but ok :’) ] I’m obliged to not mention more people and it crushes my heart…..(i’m saying this as if I haven’t bombarded almost every q with more than 3 :\ )
6.Top 3 fandoms you’re a part of? Army, Blink [expected I know ok :)] and Reveluv…..how can I not say Once, Buddy, Moa, MY, Midzy, Neverland, MooMoo…..i’ll stop again ._.
7.Top 3 choreographies? NCT 127′s Kick It, BlackPink’s HYLT, BTS’s Not Today, Sunmi’s Gashina…..and again my dumbass would like to include more….KARD’s Bomb Bomb, Ateez’s Hala Hala, Jennie’s Solo, Jimin’s Serendipity, Itzy’s Not Shy, Somi’s Birthday, Mamamoo’s Hip and I’ll get myself to a stop sorry…. T-T
1.Ultimate bias group? BTS :))
2.Ultimate male bias? Didn’t I mention in caps? I’ll say it again then :).
3.Ultimate female bias? Ladies and gentlemen I give youuuuuu- QUEEN sjdfhkdsjfdsdsjkfnksjfkds KIM JENNIE!<3
i’m tagging my mutuals: @axeptancespeech @naviwings @mxnyoongi @yoongismykink @marethetic @yoonaminn @jeongjeffrey @hoseoksrightnostril  @userjiminie @fabulousbangtan and anyone elsee who wants to try :)
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hinamikasa · 6 years
tag game
i was tagged by angel sai! @saishii thank u <3
rules: bold what you prefer and tag 10 people.
1.   coffee or tea
2.   early bird or night owl
3.   chocolate or vanilla
4.   spring or fall
5.   silver or gold
6.   pop or alternative
7.   freckles or dimples
8.   snakes or sharks
9.   mountains or fields
10. thunderstorm or lightning (neither!)
11. Egyptian or Greek mythology
12.  ivory or scarlet
13.  flute or lyre
14.  eyes or lips
15.  witch or fairy
16.  opal or diamond
17.  butterflies or honeybee
18.  macarons or eclairs
19.  typewritten or handwritten letters
20.  secret garden or secret library
21.  rooftop or balcony
22.  spicy or mild
23.  opera or ballet
24.  London or Paris
25.  Vincent van Gogh or Claude Monet
26.  denim or leather
27.  potions or spells
28.  ocean or desert
29.  mermaid or siren
30.  masquerade ball or cocktail party
tag up to 10 people
age: people think im a lot younger than i actually am is all im saying
birthplace: nz!
current time: 6:24pm
drink you last had: water,, stay hydrated
easiest person to talk to: the loml beni!! @toukatan
favorite song: currently your teeth in my neck by kali uchis .. good shit
grossest memory: when i was working at the preschool and a kid spat in my hair.. WHO did i hurt to deserve THAT
hogwarts house: i have no clue ive never seen hp 
in love: nah
envious of people: depends????
killed someone: mineta from bnha in my head far too many times
love at first sight or walk by again: both sorta?? idk
name: carrie or kai! my friends just call me carrie but my family call me kai 
number of siblings: i have a brother!
one wish: not to sound depressing but for my homophobic parents to stop.. being homophobic
person you called last: my best friend because a wasp was attached to my skirt and i lost my shit and tried to get it off me and ran around the room ten times until it fell the the floor,, and then i realised it was DEAD name someone more dramatic you can’t
question you are asked most?: “why are you so quiet?” and its like ,, im not quiet i just dont want to Talk To You,, my friends and mutuals are painfully aware that im too LOUD
song you last sung: UGH! by the 1975 (good song!!)
time you woke up: 7am!
underwear colour: this question is so different from the rest o h my god
vacation destination : rome rome rome!
worst habit: not giving things a go because im scared of embarrassing myself??
x-rays: one time i broke my arm and my parents didnt take me to the doctors until A MONTH LATER
your favorite food: udon.....and pasta........there are too many
zodiac sign: gemini
im tagging @toukatan @reavenagreste @flowiee-chan @nimuradash you dont have to do this !!! tbh if i forgot to tag you and you wanna do this just do it
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jacquclyn-blog · 7 years
hi my guys ! name’s honey, i’m 19 and i’m actively doing everything in my power to keep from going back to campus to get my books because that means classes are about to start and...yep, no thanx. anyways, i’ve been eyeing this bad boy and when i saw lizzie the loml got reopened i’d figure hell yeah, let’s do this thing, so here i am and honestly just accept that you’re never getting rid of me. beneath the cut is more on jackie, ofc, so feel free to hmu or just like this and i’ll come to you !! #buyrainbowonitunes
——— woah! wait, was that ELIZABETH OLSEN i just saw walking down mainstreet? no, of course not. that was just JACQUELYN VANCE. they’re TWENTY-SEVEN years old and identify as CISFEMALE. they have been in Alder Heights for TEN YEARS and work as a MAGAZINE EDITOR. i’ve heard they can be OBSTINATE and PEDANTIC on their bad days. but don’t be put off, because JACKIE can also be FERVENT and DISCERNING. no wonder people around here call them the AMARANTH.
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born in los angeles, california, jackie grew up very comfortably; both parents are lawyers and during the clinton administration, jackie’s father served as the us ambassador of france. she was nine when they first moved, and was seventeen when her father’s run overseas was finished, and being back home was an interesting transition for her, since she felt like the odd man out considering she’d fallen in love with the french way of life, i guess? she didn’t really want to leave when the time came, but it wasn’t entirely up to her (her least favorite president is w. bush, 3 guesses why lmao) 
instead of going back to la, they moved to alder heights, since her father wanted to continue pursuing a career in government/politics, and it was much closer to dc than la was. her two younger sisters adjusted to life back home a lot easier than jackie did; she wound up completing the last little bit of high school online, since she’d had an accelerated course schedule overseas (she loved school) and would’ve rather been eaten by wolves than go back to public school tbh. she started classes at georgetown uni (rich parents lmao) at seventeen and for awhile, her major was in political science since she had every intention to follow in her father’s footsteps, he was her hero after all
and then somewhere along the line, she realized she didn’t really like political science, she liked having an opinion on and discussing politics, so she moved over into mass communications and her parents weren’t thrilled at all, they totally thought they were going to have a vance legacy and be able to start some family dream team thing and being the oldest, they expected her to be the one to fulfill this, and it definitely started a few fights but they eventually shut up about it just because arguing with her is arguing w a brick wall tbh — they are still slowly coming around, they’re not crazy about it but they still support her, things are Tense, fun times
so she graduated, went on and got her masters, blah blah, fast forward to where jackie finds the job of her dreams at an unnamed, v popular magazine (it’s unnamed bc i want it to be lmao, givE ME TIME but if you need a comparison, think cosmo) and she chased after it hard, like all she wanted to do was be a writer and after spending roughly two years as an assistant, she got promoted to a writer and she loved it, absolutely loved it. got to write about the things she was passionate about, loved the people she worked with, she was living the Dream 
and after a few years of just really, really enjoying her job her higher-ups were like “hey, we’re gonna promote you if you want” and in jackie’s mind she was like, hell yeah, more responsibility, more control, all the things she loves tbh and she took the job as the lifestyle department editor since it was broad and encompassed a lot of the stuff she’d enjoyed writing for and of course, Loved it...to a point
jackie is married to her job, and it’s highkey unhealthy tbh, she’s very very hard on herself and now that she’s moved up in the hierarchy of things she’s beginning to see what they ask of their employees and it’s not always stuff she agrees with? it’s a lot of pressure and she’s beginning to fall out of love with all of it in general, the writing, being responsible for stuff, etc and part of her is like fuck this, i’m over it but at the same time, she’s forcing herself to stick w it because she wants to prove to her parents she can too see their successes in the career path she chose
basically, she’s currently conflicted as hell when it comes to work and is currently a don’t ask, don’t tell type of situation
has begun doing freelance writing on the side?? she doesn’t post or share any of it since most of it is just her rambling and she’s not got that much time to dedicate to it as it is but it’s kinda keeping her sane in the moment and reminding her as to why she loves what she does
her label is the amaranth, one of my faves, which p much means that they’re hard to forget and leave an impression and that’s certainly jackie lmao, she’s got a very strong personality that makes it hard for you to confuse her w anyone else
y’all see the traits up there in that app....that’s Her. she’s the kinda person you want in your corner, not the person you want opposing you bc she will end you and show no mercy
is a sagittarius 
can sometimes let her emotions get the better of her??? she’s stubborn and gets conflicted very easily and that basically just leads to disaster, she’s great at making problems in her life that aren’t a big deal a Big Deal and what she wants, she’ll get it even if she’s got to step on toes or scream really, really loudly for someone to hear her; her parents taught her to never settle and settle she does not
also bilingual, speaks fluent english and french. usually only slips into french when she’s pissed so...beware
connections i’d love to see for jackie (but aren’t limited to, i just know it’ll be a hot second before i get a page up and running!):
best friend  —  self explanatory, obviously, but just give me someone who jackie can sit on the couch and drink wine with in her pajamas, someone who’s got her back if they go out to a bar, her go-to if she’s ever got a company thing and she needs a date last minute, someone who’s gonna butt heads with her when there’s a conflict in either of their lives but they still love one another no matter what *cue true friend by hannah montana in the distance*
sibling like relationship  —  another self explanatory one but jackie’s got a mad mom side to her, she’s v protective of the people she loves so give me someone that might as well be a long lost vance, they do dumb shit together, have each other’s backs, try (and fail) at matchmaking for the other, having a toothbrush with their name on it at their apartment, the works
summer flings!!!!! someone jackie met while she was on vacation or even off on a business thing and they like hooked up and she never in a million years would’ve expected to bump into them back in alder heights......except, she did
tbh just give me a friends-esque group of people for jackie where they all hang out and eat and act like their lives aren’t constantly falling apart, that’d be N*ce too
exesssss!!! the good, the bad, the inescapable, the ones with lingering feelings, the ones that swear they’re over but have a problem every time the other even looks like they’re about to go on a date w someone else, this is free range
college friend   —  basically someone that she met back when she was in college and was the first bit of american companionship that she’d had since she was like, nine?? like i said, she started classes at seventeen, and hadn’t really interacted with anyone since she did online schooling for her senior year; this could’ve been a roommate, someone she had a class with, someone that she met on campus and got coffee with, we can talk this one out obviously but you get the gist!
angst  —  idk what, idk how, i just live for it and i want it thanks
someone who lives near jackie and whether it’s really weird stuff like coming over to ask for some milk to put in their coffee since they’re out and forgot to buy some or they like hang out and have dinner together a few nights a week, switching off and stuff, i think this could be Fun
family friend  —  jackie’s parents are both lawyers and her dad’s been involved in politics for awhile so i can imagine jackie’s gone to her fair share of parties and whatnot, meeting clients and coworkers and all kinds of people so this would ideally be someone she met because their parents were acquaintances/friends; they could’ve met as kids, stayed in touch while jackie was overseas and resumed their friendship years later when the both of them found themselves back in dc, they could’ve met on the more recent end of things, they could totally understand the other’s pain and get along gr8 because someone finally gets it, they could lowkey hate each other bc their parents are rivals/ they’re trying to work through it...the possibilities are endless
and while i’m on the topic of past connections: jackie occasionally had to come back to the us and visit dc while her dad was serving as ambassador (aged 9-17) so if you’re interested, we can totally work something with that
a plot where they’re acquaintances at best, they’ve maybe got mutual friends and therefore they hang out a bit but they’re always arguing w one another for whatever fucking reason, they both probably annoy each other but they’ve got mad sexual tension going on?? maybe they act on it, maybe they don’t, but either way, they lowkey enjoy the bantering and being at one another’s throats even if they act otherwise
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