#little sneak peak of my planning for chapter 2
heromaker-if · 1 year
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This is no joke! I have a preview of Part 2 of "Dress Up" for y'all. The prank was that I said previously that I was taking a small break from writing but GET PRANKED cuz here's a sneak peak!
The ~~~ indicate flashbacks!
No active warnings for this part, only slight inferences of sexual things! But don't worry, there will be smut later in the chapter hehe~
"You know, if you don't quit pacing back and forth, you're gonna wear out the carpet," Husk remarked, attempting to get Lucifer's attention in his anxious state.
It had only been a week since the proposal and the wedding was already here. But this is what you both wanted; a nice quiet wedding with only a handful of people with everyone else in Hell being none the wiser. You had to beg Lucifer for the week you got in between, he was practically ready to say "I do" once he put that engagement ring on your hand. It may have seemed like you two were moving a little bit fast considering most weddings take months, sometimes years to plan out! But when you're marrying the King of Hell, there really was next to nothing to worry about when it came to your special day.
The new hotel was the perfect venue, complete with a beautiful ballroom that could rival any chapel on Earth. The guest list was extremely exclusive consisting of only the occupants of the hotel, minus one Radio Demon, not that he would attend even if he was invited. It was Charlie who suggested that he protect the hotel today from any threat that might make itself known. On top of that, Charlie was more than happy to be the officiant, as being the Princess of Hell granted her that authority. Money was no object to the Morningstar family, so no expense was spared.
But regardless of any of that, Lucifer couldn't help but worry. You had one other request for him after he popped the question.
"I hate to ask more of you after asking for a week to prepare," you started, putting on the last of your clothes that you had discarded during your fun little teasing display, "but..." Lucifer approached you suddenly and held your hand in both of his.
"My love, you can ask of me anything you wish. There is no limit when it comes to you. You've already given me the best gift of becoming my future bride. Anything in my power is yours for the asking, you just name it!" He leaned down and planted a small kiss on the back of your hand. You couldn't help but blush, he never failed to charm you.
"This may sound a little odd, considering what just took place a few minutes ago," you breathed out a sigh, "but...what would you say to refraining from any...intense intimacy?" Lucifer cocked his eyebrow and smirked, seemingly intrigued. "B-but only for this week, I promise! Kissing and cuddling would still be on the table, of course. And no deliberate teasing from me, that wouldn't be fair. I was just thinking that...I want our first night as a married couple to be special. And I figured holding off for the time in between would only heighten the experience. If that's not something you want, I completely understand that-MMPH," you were silenced by Lucifer's soft lips on yours.
"Oh darling, was that all?," he flashed his signature toothy grin at you. "That's hardly a request! I think that's a wonderful idea...n-not that I don't want to ravish you at any given time! But you're right, I couldn't imagine a better honeymoon than getting the chance to feel you again after being denied for a few days, even though it may feel like an eternity. I'll be on my best behavior; you have my word!"
And Lucifer was on his best behavior, for the most part, at least. There were a few instances where his hands had traveled a little too low on your body and some kisses became deeper than they should have. But both of you managed to make it through the week! But today was the day, and his anxiety was at an all-time high. You decided to sleep in separates rooms the night before, wanting the next time you saw each other to be at the altar. That was the plan, at least.
It had been a while since Lucifer had slept alone. Suffice to say he couldn't sleep. He assured you that he would be alright sleeping alone for just one night, but that ended up being easier said than done. The empty bed he laid in brought back painful memories of his first night without Lilith, something that still haunted him to this day. There would be times where Lucifer would wake up in a cold sweat, only to glance over to see you peacefully asleep, and he could breathe again. Anytime you felt him tug you closer to him in the middle of the night, you knew what had woken him up. He never hid his feelings from you when he confided in you about his ex, and you didn't mind that he would wake you when his nightmares overwhelmed him. You loved him and he loved you. You would never leave. So when you heard your door creek open in the middle of the night to see your fiancé standing in the door frame, you only smiled and gestured him to you.
"I-I'm sorry," he sobbed quietly, "I tried...I really did...I-"
"Hey, hey, shh, it's alright," you soothed and brought him into a tight embrace. You felt a tear that had fallen from his face make its way down your collarbone. "Don't cry, Luci, I'm not upset, not at all." You lifted his head up to wipe away his remaining tears. "Let's get some sleep. We have a big day tomorrow." You planted a kiss on his forehead, and from the dim red light that shown through your windows, you could see a small smile appear on his face. He laid down, his back facing you as you wrapped your arms around him and brought him flush to your chest. You could hear his breathing start to even about again.
"I don't deserve you," he murmured.
"You know I think the same thing every day," you responded.
He interlaced his fingers with yours at your words, squeezing you hand softly. "Promise me you'll never think that again. Please. You deserve everything and more."
"Alright," you conceded, kissing the back of his head, "as long as you promise me the same thing. You're my everything, and I'll spend the rest of my afterlife showing you that."
"Okay," he spoke weakly. You intertwined your legs with his, bringing yourself as close to him as possible. "I still intend to keep my other promise. I'll be gone before you wake up."
"You can stay as long as you need to," you whispered before drifting off to sleep once more.
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biconickyoshi · 4 months
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So I'm about to post the next chapter of The Avatar and the Fire Prince (which is going to be The Siege of the North, Part 2) and I thought it would be nice to post this as a little sneak peak for Book 3: Earth since that will be starting very soon :)
I'm planning on Book 3 starting in the late spring of 98 AG, and it will likely span until summer of 99 AG, one year before Sozin's Comet arrives. This is how I imagine Zuko and Aang look about halfway into the Book, so the former is 15, and the latter is 14.
I wasn't sure what to do with Zuko's hairstyle initially, because even by the start of this Book, it will have been a year and a half since he first cut off his ponytail. For reference, as of the end of Book 2: Water, he basically has his canon Book 3 hair (actually probably a bit longer). I ended up giving him a nice little half up-do (kinda Rangi-inspired, but more Earth Kingdom) for this Book since I think it's a pretty realistic style for what his hair length would be at this point.
For Aang, I wanted to give him a new outfit as well, and ended up just slapping the earthebending clothes he gets from Master Yu's academy but recoloring them orange lol. I really like how it turned out tbh!
I keep saying this in the notes of my most recent chapters, but I literally cannot overstate just how excited I am to get into Book 3: Earth lol. Book 2 is my absolute favorite Book in the original show (probably because that's when I started watching it), and there's so many fun plot points and twists that I have planned (including Zukaang developments, of course). I think a lot of y'all are going to enjoy it :)
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romanarose · 5 months
Darkness on the Edge of Town: Epilouge
Chapter 1 : Chapter 2 : Chapter 3: Chapter 4 Masterlist Join my taglist
Fic Summary: Right before a mandatory FEDRA lockdown, Joel saved a woman in an ally from FEDRA guards and is forced to house her for the entire lockdown. I.e theres only one bed
Chapter Summary: Joel get's you out.
Warnings: Mostly just feas of potential SA, nothing that actually happens or is anything to be afraid of, mostly in reference to women being nervous around strange men
Immersability: Reader has no age gap, is implied to be approximately Joel's age, possibly older than Tommy. Is not concerned about pregnancy.
A/N: For readers of The Wrong Way on ym alt account, theres a few not so subtle easter eggs LMFAOOOO
Tommy proved a lot easier to talk to, at least compared to Joel’s initial reaction to you. Still, you didn’t feel as comfortable with Tommy as you did by the end of your time with Joel. He was nice, friendly. Tommy was given a vehicle which made the journey shorter… if you knew where you were going. You realize the insanity of traveling across the country with a man you didn’t know, but what options did you have? He was safer than Ross to be sure. You had weighed the options before you left.
Joel told you the plan, that his brother would get you out, take you with him where he was going and leave you somewhere safe. Tommy had promised Joel it was somewhere safe, but wouldn’t tell him where. That was the deal, Tommy wouldn’t be telling Joel anything. He was supposed to check in with the fireflies and they would tell him updates that he was safe, and you were safe, but that was it. Then, Tommy would come back to Boston without you, and Joel wasn’t supposed to talk to Tommy ever again. The secrecy made you nervous, but Joel trusted Tommy completely. There wasn’t a single doubt in his mind that Tommy would get you to safety and that Tommy wouldn’t hurt you.
The other option was Ross. Ross, and whoever Ross let at you. You couldn’t fight off a gang of men, no matter how strong you were, how physically capable. 10 men were 10 men. Even if Tommy wanted something in return for taking you, you wouldn’t be thrilled but laying there and taking it was a more desirable to the alternative of Ross. Still, for days Tommy didn’t give any indication that he had any dark plans. 
He didn’t even seem like you were of any interest to him. You never caught him sneaking a peak when you relieved yourself or bathed, he never hinted or asked any inappropriate questions. He seemed a lot like Joel in that sense. Honestly, under different circumstances, you would have initiated sex. He was attractive, he was charming, and a lot of fun to be around. Sex to you wasn’t a huge deal, especially at your age. That’s why you were so ready to sleep with Joel…
But right now, you still felt loyal to him . Joel saved you multiple times, but you genuinely connected to him. Sure, maybe he already slept with someone. You two had no pretense of being an actual couple, of any sort of loyalty. It was something to fill the time, and boy, did it fill you. You would need a little time before you went for someone else.
“Whatever you wanna know, you can just ask me.” You said Tommy one night a few days in as the two of you reclined the car seats. It was getting colder out, so you and Tommy scooted towards each other and shared a blanket. There wasn’t an air of sexual tension, even with your shoulders touching. It just felt brotherly. You had felt his eyes on you for a while as you tried to sleep. “I know you got questions.”
His voice was gravely next to you. “I think you got a few too.”
You sigh. “I’m not sure I want the answers.”
“Yeah. Me neither.”
Finally, you open your eyes and turn over to where he’s looking at you, eyes soft and brown. “C’mon. Question for question.”
“You start.”
“You’re the one staring at me with your puppy dog eyes all the fucking time. Go on, ask what I know you’re dying to.”
He rolled his eyes, sitting up and resting on his arm, but smiling gently. “Alrighty, I’ll bite. Who are you to Joel.”
A small shrug. “I’m not sure I’m anything, really. He saved me from Ross, as you know, and we got stuck in his apartment for a week.”
Tommy’s face grew more serious. “‘N he was good to yuh?”
“Yeah.” You nod. “Real good.” Teasing him, you lean in with a smile. “And we fucked, too.”
“UGH!” Tommy groans, cringing hard and making a disgusted face, shoving you away. “Sick. Awful.”
You laugh at his reaction, goading him on more. “It wasn’t awful, it was actually pretty damn great-”
“EW!” Tommy attempts to cover your mouth, laughing along now too.
You keep dodging his hand. “Got reeeeeal hot and heavy too-”
When you finally stop, you both are chuckling. You like Tommy, you’re glad he’s the one taking you if it couldn’t be Joel. As you two settle down, you both stare up at the ceiling. It was peaceful out here. South Dakota, along I-90. When you’d get to Rapid City, Tommy would radio the Fireflies to tell Joel you both were safe. If you were lucky, Joel might have given them a message to give you two, but you weren’t sure the fireflies would pass it along. You got the feeling Joel was not popular among them.
Tommy calls your name, and you look towards him again. “He make you do any of that?” It’s clear what Tommy’s asking, and you understand his concerns. 
“Oh god no.” You chuckle in response. “I brought it up. I had to tell him multiple times that i didn’t feel forced or noth’n. Like, multiple times. And then it just…”
“It's just what.”
You shrug again. “Turned into someth’n more. I dunno. But he was good to me. Don’t you worry ’bout that.”
He nods, taking it all in. “Alright, your turn.”
“Hm? Oh, right. Well… you told Joel… well, you made it sound like he did a lot of bad shit.”
Tommy sighs, sinking further in his seat. “Yeah, I did. Joel and I… we did a lot of bad shit back in the day. The things I saw him do…” He shakes his head. “I can’t even look at him now.”
“He see you do shit too?” You ask.
He huffs, but says yeah.
“He do worse than you?”
Tommy shifts in his seat. “I donno.”
You let him sit in his thoughts for a moment before speaking again. “I ain’t gonna tell you what you gotta do or who you gotta talk to. I don’t know your story. But I know we’ve all done fuck up things… and I know Joel loves you. Whatever happened, he ain’t surviving for himself. There's too much pain in his eyes for that. Joel… he survives for others. I ain’t tryna guilt trip you, Tommy… but I think we’re both alive because of him.”
Tommy didn’t say anything, simply staring ahead at the windshield until you fell asleep. You don’t think he slept much that night.
It had been years, your life at the QZ felt like a miserable nightmare. Life was good in Jackson.
You worked hard, but were rewarded with a bountiful life and good friends, Tommy remained one of them. When you and Tommy found the settlement of Jackson, it didn’t take long at all for the two of you to decide to abandon Tommy’s plans and loyalties with the Fireflies and settle here in Jackson. The fact he’d be caught spending every free second during your respite with the pretty and slightly scary leader may have influenced his decision. You, however, were thrilled to be somewhere with running water and electricity, especially with summer coming. You could not be happier with your choice.
Right now, however, you were grumpy.
Sick with the flu, you’d been stuck at home all day while the town had its movie night. Goddammit. You always miss the good shit. Lorenzo had told you to just go, but you didn’t want to infect anyone. A simple flu could kill much easier without modern medicine. 
Still, he was nice enough to bring you soup from the mess hall after.
“Can’t stay long. Zach wants me home early to get a good nights sleep ‘for once’.” Lorenzo rolled his eyes and did finger quotes, but with a smile. His husband loved and cared about him, as Lorenzo did Zach “I just thought I’d let you in on the hot gossip.” He said with a smile, pulling out two joints and handing one to you. 
You sniffle, sounding congested as hell as you rock in your rocking chair. “Did Jack get dumped again? I swear to god, it’s every week. Maura told me in high school he-”
“No, no, no! It’s even better!” He said with a grin, not hesitating before lighting up in your living room, a motion which you followed. “A stranger rolls into town, tall! Dark! Handsome!”
You can’t help roll your eyes. “You're married.”
“Hey, Zach called him handsome first, okay?” Lorenzo’s thick Boston accent came out even more when he was animated. “Anyway, he’s a father too. Road in with a teenager I dunno, 17? Or 10?”
“Those are wildly different ages.”
Lorenzo brushed you off. “Whatever, point is, single father. That's hot.”
You scrunch up your nose. “Are we sure that’s his daughter? Not some sicko we gotta kill?”
“Now, see, I ASKED THAT!” Lorenzo waves his hands around. “But Zach asked Jack who asked Maura who asked Maria-” Deep breath. “Who was suuuuuuper fucking cryptic about it. Seems Tommy knows him, and you know how Tommy is about his past.”
You did know, actually. You lean in with a smile, happy someone is filling you in on what you missed. “What’d she say?”
“Just that the girls his kid, and she’s taken care of and” More finger quotes “‘Tell Lorenzo to mind his damn business’”
That made both of you laugh. You and Lorenzo frequently caused problems despite your age. All in good, harmless fun, but the two of you were more like teenagers sometimes, and more often than not, you dragged a few friends into it.
“Are they staying in Jackson?”
“Doesn’t seem like it. Dunno why though, nice place for a kid here. But maybe her mom is somewhere out there. Either way, I’m gonna try and talk to him tomorrow, maybe-”
A knock on the door. Lorenzo frowned. “Damn honey, you got friends other than me?”
“Oh shut the fuck up.” You giggle, kicking him. “Answer the door for me, I’m sick and dying.”
Lorenzo kicked you back, but did as you asked. You couldn’t see who was there, but watched Lorenzo. “Oh. Uh. Hello?” 
“Renzo, whose there?” You call. Lorenzo turns around, mouthing dramatically. ‘Oh my gooooood’
He turns back. “Can I help you?” You don’t hear the reply, but Lorenzo keeps a hand on the door handle and on the frame. Goofy gossip he is, he is no idiot and takes your safety seriously. He’s not just going to let anyone inside. Lorenzo turns around to face you again. “Hey, you know a Joel?”
Joel. Blood rushes through you and you stand up, wobbly. The man from Tommy’s past is Joel. Who the hell is the kid? Him and Tess have a secret daughter or something? You hadn’t told Lorenzo, or anyone for that matter, of how you escaped the QZ out of respect for Tommy and his desire to leave that life behind him, so it’s no wonder Lorenzo looked so confused. “JOEL?!” 
A tall, insanely broad body pushed past Lorenzo, and you ran to him despite your illness. Joel calls your name, breathes it out like a sigh of relief, a breath he’s been holding since you left.
It had been a long day for Joel. Seeing Tommy again was incredible, Gods grace, and knowing he was not only alive but thriving healed something in him.
You were the cherry on top of the sundae. 
He held out no hope that you’d remained single. It would be selfish and stupid… but he couldn’t deny to himself that he was relieved when you explained the man who opened the door to your home was not only not a husband or boyfriend, but married himself and not a threat.
Joel sat on the couch and was thrilled when you immediately scooted right next to him. You spent hours catching up, he explained it all to you, everything with Ellie, how he got here. All the loss… In turn, you told him your travels with Tommy, the life you have here now… And how you’re single. Finally, Joel explained why he came here.
Originally, when Tommy said you were here, he wasn’t going to try and find you. It’d just hurt too much to say goodbye again when he’d already to leaving Tommy… but then he decided he wasn’t leaving, that Tommy would take Ellie… then the fight with Ellie. He needed you. Joel explained the fight.
“Joel…” You said, admonishing him gently and you stroked his hair. Joel was laid out on your lap.
“I know, I know… I just… It’s like that book.”
He can feel your stomach chuckle. “White Fang, I know the one.”
“Yeah. That one. I just… I felt like I had to hurt her, to get her to let go on me. Tommy would be better. He’s younger, stronger, kinder.”
“But he’s not you.” You wait until Joel looks up at you. “You’ve protected her this far. She trusts you. She don’t know Tommy at all and baby.” You card your fingers through his curls. “He’s a man she doesn’t know. That’s a scary thing, she don’t know what kind of man he is.”
Joel starts to sit up, defensive. “Tommy ain’t no-”
“Baby, relax, I know.” You settle him down, de-ruffle his feathers. “I know, Tommy’s the sweetest piece of pie. But she don’t know that. Most importantly, she trusts you . She loves you .” You lean down to kiss his forehead. “I’d love for you to stay here with me, I really would, and if you want, I’ll be waiting here for you. But I think you know what you need to do.”
He did. He had to give her a choice. Unsurprisingly and illogically, Ellie chose him. Joel swore he’d come back to you, that he’d make things right with Ellie and get her where she needed to be…
When he thought he was dying, it was Ellie, Tommy, Sarah, you who ran through his head.
And months later, after all the violence and carnage and almost losing Ellie twice, when he walked into town, after seeing and hugging Tommy and meeting his little niece, Catherine Sarah, it was you he went searching for. 
Unsurprisingly, he found you at the bar with Lorenzo again, and who he later found was Lorenzo’s husband, Zach. Throughout the years, Joel would get to know your friends, and consider them friends of his own. He’d marry you, Tommy standing as his best man and your close friend both, little Catherine as your flower girl. You’d get to know and love Ellie, provide the maternal figure she needed in her life and a mediation between the two when things got tense. He’d fuck you into the mattress that night and you’d ride him for what seemed like hour the next morning, spending a day in bed until both of you were too aching a raw to go again. That would all come latter.
Right now, as he approached you from behind and Lorenzo not to subtly kicked you, to make you turn around, only one thing mattered.
“Hey baby, can I have this dance?”
Anyway yall theres your happy ending you wanted!!!!
Now were all wrapped up.
if you didnt see, I'm doing commissions bc im a lil tight on finances rn, so if you like my work, consider buying a piece! they start at $5!
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sourwolf-sterek32 · 1 year
Broken Without You
Summary: After witnessing the death of your best friend Henry and his little brother, you're close to giving up and ending it all. Until Joel asks you to join him and Ellie on their journey across the country and gives you a reason to keep fighting.
Pairing: Joel Miller x Fem!Reader
Word Count: 2.2k
Warnings: language, blood
Previous Chapter
Chapter 2-
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"My plan worked. I delivered." Henry announced once you were back topside and walking down the empty street outside the city.
The moon was shining brightly in the sky above you, lighting up the road without the need of flashlights. You trailed behind them, your eyes scanning the old abandoned houses for any sign of movement, but it seemed to be clear.
"So, we cross the river and then what? Where are you gonna go?" Ellie asked, glancing over at Henry.
"Don't know yet."
"Well, we're going to Wyoming." She answered causing Joels head to snap in her direction with a warning look. "What? It's a huge state. It can fit three more people." 
"No offence, kid. I think once we're out of here, we go our separate ways. It'll be better for everyone." You responded, eyeing Joel cautiously.
You still weren't sure what to make of him. Sure, he gave Sam his food last night, but he had been nothing but cold towards you. He clearly didn't want you or Henry around, he hadn't been trying to hide it, so it was better that you just went your separate ways.
"No, he'll change his mind. Trust me. This is how it goes. He's like, 'no, Ellie. Never, ever, ever happening.' And then I'm like, 'I'm gonna ask you a million more times.' And he's like-"
A gunshot suddenly cracked through the still night air. The bullet whizzing straight past your head and hitting the tree behind you with a loud bang.
"Move, move!" Joel's voice shouted.
You were already moving, grabbing Sam and Henry and shoving them down behind one of the broken-down cars beside Joel and Ellie.
"The fuck is that coming from?" Henry questioned in panic.
"Shut up." Joel snapped, glaring at him before he slowly peaked out over the hood of the car, but quickly ducked back down when the person fired again.
"Fuck. Let's move. Let's go." Henry said, grabbing Sam's hand and about to run away.
"No! Stay down." You ordered, grabbing Henry's other arm and yanking them both down just as another bullet flew past them. "Are you fucking crazy? You nearly got killed."
You shook your head at him before you peaked around the side of the car trying to locate the shooter before he fired again, and you saw the flash of the gunshot in the upper story of the house across the road.
"Shooter is in the top window of that house." You informed, glancing over at Joel whose wild panicked eyes met yours. "If you give me that gun I can sneak around the back of the house and take him out."
A surprised look flashed across his eyes, but he quickly schooled his expression and shook his head.
"I'll go. You guys stay here."
"What?" Ellie practically yelped.
"If you don't move, he's not gonna hit you." Joel reassured, his voice softer and gentler than you had ever heard it before he glanced over at you. "I'm gonna do what you said. Make sure they stay behind the car."
You nodded, reaching over and grabbing Sam's hand, making sure the boy didn't try and run anywhere, although it was probably Henry you should be worried about running if earlier was any indication.
"But if you go out there, he's gonna kill you." Ellie exclaimed.
"It's dark, and he has shit aim. Nobody's gonna kill me."
"Then he's gonna kill us."
"Do you trust me?" Joel asked, looking back at Ellie who nodded without hesitation.
For someone who claimed not to be his daughter, she seemed rather attached to him and vice versa. But that was something to think about later when you weren't being shot at.
You watched Joel run off, ducking behind any object he could use for cover as the shooter began to fire at him, but like Joel said, he had shit aim. Not even a minute later, there was a very distinct gunshot, different from the single shot rifle from earlier and you knew that had to be Joel. He did it.
"I think it's clear now." You said, slowly standing up from behind the car, ready to duck back down if need be, but there were no more bullets flying towards you. "He did it."
The others all sighed with relief and stood up too, but before you could start making your way to the house, the sudden roar of car engines filled the air.
You spun around to find bright headlights of vehicles speeding down the road towards you. The large reinforced armoured truck charged through, taking out all the broken-down cars in its path and your stomach dropped. It was them.
"Run. Now, go, go!" You shouted, ushering them all in the opposite direction.
The repetitive single shot blast started up again, Joel now shooting at the cars through the window of the house. Ellie pulled her handgun out, firing off a few rounds behind her in the general direction of the cars as the three of you sprinted for your lives.
One of Joel's shots must have landed because when you glanced over your shoulder, the truck suddenly turned left, crashing into one of the houses on the side of the road. Ellie was lying on the ground though, having tripped over and you quickly rushed over to her.
"Are you okay?" You asked, looking at her up and down for any gunshots or injuries, but she seemed to be okay.
The rest of the resistance cars suddenly pulled up, their bright headlights momentarily blinding you. You shielded your eyes just as they all exited the vehicles with rifles and various weapons in their hands.
Shit, that wasn't good.
"Go. Run." You ordered, pushing Ellie forward.
Suddenly the truck caught alight from where it had crashed in the house and exploded. The force of the explosion sent you flying forward, your body tumbling hard onto the bitumen road and head slamming against it.
Black dots clouded your vision and for a moment, you feared you were going to pass out, but you managed to blink them away to find Ellie leaning over you. She was shouting, her mouth frantically moving, but you couldn't hear anything above the loud ringing in your ears.
The girl grabbed your arm, helping you to your feet. You stumbled a few steps, but managed to keep your footing as the two of you sprinted across the street and took cover behind one of the broken-down cars where Henry and Sam were.
"Holy shit, is she okay?" Henry questioned as you dropped down beside him, your back pressed against the side door of the vehicle.
"I-I don't know, man. She hit her head hard." Ellie breathlessly answered, looking over at you worriedly.
You could feel blood trickling down the side of your face from the cut on your forehead, the blood matting in your hair and staining the collar of your jacket. You closed your eyes for a few seconds, willing the world around you to stop spinning.
Hands suddenly cupped your face, and you opened your eyes to find Henry looking at you panic. You still couldn't hear anything between the ringing and blood rushing in your ears, but Henry must have heard something. His body turned tense to the point of shaking before he started to shout stuff over his shoulder and you realised he was probably shouting at Kathleen.
Henry turned back towards you, the panic in his eyes earlier now only heightened as he looked between the three of you.
"Get ready to take Sam and run." He signed while he spoke, realising that you were having trouble hearing after the explosion.
Take Sam and run? What? What was he going to do?
You watched in confusion as he gave you a small reassuring smile before he suddenly stepped out from behind the car with his hands raised.
He was going to hand himself in. That realisation hit you like a truck, and you jumped to your feet in an instant. Ellie tried to grab your arm to stop you, but you were already out of arms reach as you stumbled out from behind the car and stood beside Henry.
Kathleen stood across the road, her army of resistant soldiers beside her while the truck and house burned brightly from behind her. She grinned when she saw you before she raised her handgun in your direction, but she didn't get a chance to use it.
The truck that was imbedded into the house suddenly began to move. Kathleen turned around and you watched the truck slowly sink into the ground, disappearing completely and your blood turned cold when you realised what was happening.
As if on cue, the ground below you began to rumble, and you had to grab hold of Henrys shoulder to keep yourself up right. Your hearing slowly started to come back and all you could hear were the snarls and growls of infected.
Then, within a blink of an eye, a sea of infected emerged from the sinkhole and charged at all the resistance.
You were paralysed where you stood as you stared at the mass amount of infected tearing apart the soldiers. You had never seen so many in your entire life, and they were everywhere.
Henry suddenly pulled you back behind the car before he grabbed Sam's hand and the group of you sprinted in the opposite direction, trying to get away from the infected and men with guns.
Amongst all the chaos, you lost sight of Ellie. The girl was no longer with the three of you and you frantically looked around.
"Where's Ellie?!" You shouted over the gunfire.
"I don't know. We need to go!" Henry shouted back.
Shit, you couldn't just leave her.
"Go! I'll be right behind you." You responded, waving at Henry and Sam to keep running before you turned and jogged back in the direction you had just came from, ignoring Henry shouting your name.
You picked up a rifle off the ground from one of the many dead bodies while ducking and weaving between the infected, most too distracted attacking Kathleen's people to worry about you. The ones that did notice, you shot before they could reach you.
You hated how familiar the weapon felt in your hands. The standard issue AR-15 which you knew inside out. You ignored the feeling and pressed the butt of the gun into your shoulder as you looked through the red dot sight and shot the infected sprinting towards you.
The past was the past. It was buried, and you planned to keep it that way.
Suddenly, something banged against the window of the car to your left and you turned around with your gun raised, expecting it to be another infected, but then your eyes landed on Ellie.
She was inside the car. Oh, thank God.
"Open the door!"
Her voice was muffled inside the car as she frantically pulled on the door handle, but the car door was stuck. She couldn't open it.
You rushed over and tried the outside handle, but the door wouldn't budge, and that's when you saw the child sized infected in the backseat heading straight for Ellie.
"Move!" You yelled, waving her away from the car window before you put a bullet through it and the glass shattered on impact.
You used the barrel of the gun to clear out the remaining shards of glass before tossing the weapon over your shoulder with the gun strap. Ellie practically threw herself out the window, and you grabbed her, helping her the rest of the way out.
"Thank you. Thank you. Thank you." Ellie panted as you looked back at the car to find the infected already starting to climb out the window too. "Shit, Henry and Sam are in trouble."
Those words had your head snapping away from the infected kid and you followed Ellies line of sight and spotted the two of them huddle together under a car while some infected tried to reach them. Shit
You grabbed Ellie's hand, not wanting to lose her again as you began to run towards Sam and Henry. But you barely got a few metres before an infected appeared in front of you.
A bullet suddenly shot out of nowhere, killing the infected instantly and there was no questioning where that single shot had come from. It was Joel.
You glanced over your shoulder towards the house he was still in to find him sitting in the window with the scoped rifle. You gave him a small two finger salute and he nodded back before you took off running again.
Joel continued to take down the infected around you, clearing a path for the two of you before you reached Sam and Henry. You wasted no time, grabbing one of the infected that was holding Sam's leg and yanked it off the boy before Joel had a clear shot and killed it.
"Come on! Come on!" Ellie shouted, reaching down and helping Henry out from under the car before you all took off running.
You reached the side of the house Joel was in, but didn't get a chance to go inside before a familiar voice shouted at you.
You turned around with your gun raised, moving in front of Ellie and Sam protectively just as Kathleen stepped forward, her handgun pointed at you.
"Drop the gun. I said, drop the fucking gun!" You yelled, finger resting on the trigger.
"No, I don't think I will. Henry turned my brother in, but I know it was you that killed him. So, now you get to watch Henry and Sam die."
"You make a move on them, you'll be dead before you hit the ground." You warned.
Kathleen grinned, but before she could say anything in response, the very same child clicker from the car earlier appeared out of nowhere and attacked her.
You quickly took a few steps back and watched the child unleash at her, tearing her body apart right in front of you. If you hadn't gotten that car door open, that is what would've happened to Ellie.
"This way now! Move!" Joel's voice suddenly shouted.
He grabbed your shoulder, startling you out of your thoughts before he pulled you away and you quickly followed. The group of you ran off into the darkness away from the total destruction happening behind you.
You didn't stop running until you could no longer hear the growls of the infected in the distance and you managed to find an old motel on the side of the road.
After sweeping one of the rooms and barricading the front door shut, you all collapsed on the floor, completely exhausted. Well, minus Ellie and Sam who were sitting on the bed in the other room busy reading a comic book together.
"I don't think it needs stitches, but this is the best I can do." Henry said, kneeling in front of you as he finished cleaning the cut on your forehead with a wet cloth. "How do you feel?"
"I told you, I'm fine." You sighed, not wanting him to worry about you.
"Mmm, yeah. You really think I believe that?" He asked, standing up with a stretch.
"I don't care what you believe. It's the truth."
"The truth? Really?" He asked, raising his eyebrow at you in disbelief. He tossed the wet rag onto the bench before he lifted himself up onto it and sat down, looking over at you. "That is coming from the girl who crashed her bicycle when we were five and didn't tell anyone until her wrist literally turned black. I had to take you to the ER on the handlebars of my bike."
You rolled your eyes at the memory and leant your head back against the wall behind you and closed them. The light coming in from the kids room was ridiculously brighter than normal.
A few seconds later, something hit your chest and you opened your eyes and looked down to find a piece of beef jerky now in your lap. Frowning in confusion, you looked up to find Joel walking past, chewing his own jerky before he glanced over at you.
"Don't fall asleep yet. You might have a concussion." He said, taking a seat against the wall a few metres away.
You scoffed, "why do you care?"
"I don't." He answered honestly, before he tilted his head back towards you. "But, uh, thank you."
"I said, thank you. I saw what you did back there. You saved Ellie in that car. So, thank you."
You stared at him for a few seconds and realised that he actually meant it and you simply nodded, "she's a good kid."
He nodded too, looking over at the girl sitting in the other room with a fond look in his eye, "she is."
The three of you once again sat in silence while you ate. The kid's laughter and soft chatter the only noise before Henry spoke up.
"You think they'll be okay?"
You glanced over at Henry before looking back at the kids who were sitting side by side reading the comic book happily. Yeah, they'll be okay.
"Yeah, I think... it's easier when you're a kid anyway." Joel replied, speaking up for the first time in a while. "You don't have anybody else relying on you. That's the hard part."
"Well, I guess we're doing a good job then."
Joel nodded, looking back at the kids, "what's that comic book say? Endure and survive?"
"Endure and survive." Henry repeated before shaking his head. "That shit's redundant."
"Yeah, it's not great." Joel admitted.
"No." Henry agreed, chuckling softly and you smiled, missing hearing your best friend laugh like that.
"Look, I don't know exactly how I'm gettin' to Wyoming and I'm probably walkin'. But... you know, if you want to..." He trailed off, looking between the two of you and Henry quickly nodded.
"Yeah. Yeah. I think it'd be nice for Sam to have a friend. I'll tell him in the morning. New day, new start."
You watched as Henry stood up and walked into the kids' room, telling Sam it was time for bed before Joel tossed you another piece of jerky which you caught this time.
You nodded your thanks, but didn't say anything and he didn't say anything either as the two of you sat in comfortable silence eating your jerky quietly.
Next Chapter 
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moeitsu · 19 days
fanfic update! + sneak peak
I'm making good progress with Ch.15, it's up to 8k words now and I got through a major milestone in the story! Not to spoil anything, but Arthur has finally revealed his feelings for Kate :)
I'm thinking of breaking this up into two parts...I know I just did a 2-part chapter but I don't wanna overwhelm anybody if I suddenly drop a lengthy 15k words. I'm still not sure yet, guess we'll have to see. It's never my initial intention to make these chapters so long, but sometimes I get so carried away I just can't stop.
I still have so much planned for the rest of the chapter, I'm trying to divide the events by "day 1" and "day 2" to give it some structure. Like I've said before, its still a filler chapter (filler as-in I am not following the video game plot atm) but its loaded with fluff and comfort. And just general relationship development. There's also going to be some hot and heavy moments, as well as some angst. Bc who doesn't love angst.
Anyways, here's a sneak peak of what's coming!
Needing an outlet for his swirling thoughts, Arthur reluctantly opened the journal, the pages heavy with memories. He flipped through drawings, entries, and little notes, each one a fragment of his life. Portraits of Kate mingled with sketches of flowers and scenery, their delicate lines capturing moments of fleeting beauty.
His fingers paused on one particular page, the image stretching across both sides of the journal. On the left, a tender depiction of Kate laying in the grass, sleeping against her saddle. Her face was serene, her features softened by slumber. Lorena, her loyal mare, had her head nestled on Kate's chest, equally deep in sleep. The scene was a perfect snapshot of peace and companionship.
On the right side of the page, Arthur had sketched the familiar rocky shoreline of Clemens Point. The sun was setting, its rays kissing the horizon and casting a glow over the water. The waves lapped gently at the rocks, the rhythmic motion almost audible through the drawing.
In Arthur’s print, a simple note read: My world.
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moody-alcoholic · 22 days
Second to last Chapter :'(
Aw man I can't believe this is almost over. Here is the second to last sneak peak I will ever do for this fic.
Enjoy and as always; check out the fic so far HERE.
Most recent chapter: CHAPTER 14
“I’m going to get some air.” I said heading for the kitchen door, it led out to an overgrown back yard. It was dark and I couldn’t see the stars, too much light pollution. I heard the door open behind me I knew it was Ghost.
“Price send you out here to make sure I’m not going to fuck things up tomorrow?” I said, I was being spiteful, he moved next to me.
“I’m not here for Price.” He says. I don’t say anything.
“You have every right to be angry we all do.” I shook my head again it was all I could do to not snap at him.
“We’re letting him get away again.” I say defeated.
“Yeah, it happens more often then you think.” He replies sighing. “Believe it or not but countries don’t want to be at war with each other all the time.”
“So they make us do all the dirty work then throw us under the bus.” I say, he pats me on the shoulder.
“Welcome to the world of counter terrorism.” I look at him he looks tired.
“What happened last time?” I asked.
“Remember the terrorist attack in Verdansk?” He asks, I scoff.
“Which one?”
“6th April 2019, bombs at a stadium and airport.”
“Makarov?” I reply, Ghost nods.
“We got him handed him over to the Russians who threw him in prison. He got busted out last November.” He explains. November 22nd was when I got word John was dead. I remember I was pulled into the Commanders office and handed his letter. The official one and his personal one. I didn’t have time to mourn we were 2 months deep into a humanitarian aid trip. When I got to the house in Scotland for the first time alone, that’s when it hit me. Then 141 broke in. I smiled a little, I guess in the end that was a good thing. I looked at Ghost he was looking up at the sky. I had never wanted to know what happened in the tunnel. Now I needed to know, I needed it to be justified even just a little that disobeying Price was the right thing.
“What happened in the tunnel?” I ask taking in a deep breath of cold air. This was going to suck. Ghost looks at me then back up at the sky. He explains the mission, there was a virus on the trains, Makarov was planning on stopping the trains then blowing the tunnel. Ghost and Gaz took one tunnel and Price and Soap took the other. Price and John found the bomb and were working on disarming it when Makarov showed up.
I hope none of you are hardcore Gaz stans
“Price called for backup in good time, we were just pinned down, Konni were throwing everything at us. By the time we made it to Price and Johnny it was too late.” His voice sounded sad as he finished the story. It felt freezing all of a sudden.
“Gunshot wound to the head right?” I ask. He nods, I move a little closer to him. I want to grab his hand but I settle for being able to feel his arm brushing against mine.
“Do you still blame yourself?” I ask quieter. He takes a big breath in.
“Everyday.” He says.
“Do you trust Price?” I ask.
“With my life.” He says without hesitation then looks down at me. I look in his eyes they’re dark burrowing into me like he’s trying to guess what I’m going to say next. I close my eyes and take a deep breath in. I decided when we left for this mission I would get revenge. I thought I had nothing to lose joining 141 getting payback no matter the cost. Now everything felt wrong. Now I actually had something to lose.
“Terror never stops huh,” I say as I open my eyes, I remembering Price telling that long ago.
“If it did we’d be out of a job.” He says. I trust Price. I don’t trust Laswell, or the general. They haven’t been through this they don’t get their hands dirty. They didn’t lose a brother, a colleague, a friend. But I didn’t want to let Price down more importantly I don’t want to lose Simon. I nod.
“I’m going to go get some rest.” I say turning to head back in. He puts his hand on my shoulder to stop me. I feel him bend to whisper in my ear.
“You’ll get your revenge, we all will. You just have to trust the process.” I’m not sure what that means but I trust him. I nod and head up to bed ignoring Price and Gaz sat at the table sipping tea. I threw myself on a bed looking at the ceiling. I closed my eyes hoping sleep will find me quick.
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crabsnpersimmons · 4 months
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hi @uwuinhell!
i have a bit of a long answer to this, so i hope you don’t mind me replying as a post, just in case anyone else is curious
the tl;dr is: i'm planning to write a fic for this AU, but i'm happy to read your fic as well with proper credit
first thing is: i’m overjoyed by the positive response to this little AU! it’s definitely been occupying my mind as i’ve been studying (Eclipse is notably the most distracting) so i’m glad there’s an interest in such a simple premise—i was honestly hesitant to call it an AU at first by how simple an idea it is
that being said, i’ve been hinting at it a bit in some of my tags, but i am planning to write a fic for this AU it’s still in the planning and drabble stage, but there is definitely a story that i’m hoping to share. unfortunately, i am currently attempting to speedrun a 2 year program, so my time is short—and my leisure time is split between my other competing ideas and inhaling other people’s creative works to revive me after my daily readings
i will say that the AU has evolved quite a bit since my initial drawings—new designs, more background info, and a healthy dose of lore and trauma for the entire main cast—so there’s a lot i’m excited to share with you all
THAT BEING SAID, i am always eager to encourage other people’s creativity and i am so honoured that my little doodles can inspire people to be creative. so i would absolutely love to see your fic, i just ask that you:
credit me if it uses my designs and ideas; and
send me a link so i can read it, because i will read it and i will treasure it and do a silly little dance
in case anyone's curious, here are some not-too-spoilery notes about what i’m planning:
the working title is “New Do, Same You” (honestly still iffy about it—it fits the story but it doesn’t quite ring well, we’ll see if i keep it)
it’s a slice of life story about how we respond to change, dusting ourselves off and moving forward, while carrying the baggage and fragile trinkets that define us
off the top of my head, these are some relevant tags: Slow Burn, Romance, Polyamory, Hurt & Comfort, Drama, Slice of Life, Non-Sexual Intimacy, Kissing (eventually), Humour, Possessive Behaviour, Healthy and Unhealthy Coping Mechanisms, Inferiority Complex, Body Dysmorphia, Existential Dread, Fluff, nothing NSFW
will likely default to a T rating, but will bump up to M for heavier topics
it will definitely be more than 5 chapters long. i don’t have an estimate on how long the fic will be. it's nothing too grand but i do know it will need quite a bit of time in order to properly explore all 3 of the boys and Y/N
there will be a Y/N, and Y/N has some lore, but other than some key backstory and key areas of development, i try to keep them gender neutral and as ambiguous as possible
i’ll be sharing the updated designs and some drabbles here when i have time—as soon as i can! (a little sneak peak is actually scheduled to post sometime today!)
i’ll also admit that this is my first time planning to write such a big fic and the first time i’m considering sharing it with other fans! my writing muse is very shy, so please be patient with me
in the meantime, please accept this (admittedly outdated) doodle of the boys:
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lastbluetardis · 4 days
What Makes a Family Info (and another preview)
I'm almost ready to start putting this fic back into the world! I meant to have it up this week but didn't account for the fact that Destiny 2 released its franchise story finale and I turned into a braindead gaming goblin all week and lost valuable writing/editing time 😂
For those of you who have no idea what I'm talking about, I had a multichapter Ten/Rose single parents AU story that I took down a few months ago to rewrite to better suit what I wanted from the story. Here's the summary of the story:
Single parents Rose Tyler and James McCrimmon come together to embark on a whirlwind, passionate romance that seems to be the happy ending neither of them thought they'd get. But when James's past comes back to haunt them and threatens to tear away everything they've built together, they must find a way to weather the storm that will either break them or draw them ever closer, all while answering the question of what it means to be a family.
Anyways, one of the major things I wanted to fix was the grief and healing the Tyler family needed to undergo. At times it felt like Rose and her sons were way too well-adjusted, and any scene where they were having a hard time felt like I'd forced it into the story because I'd suddenly remembered they'd lived through something traumatic not too long ago. So there will be more instances of the Tylers being not quite okay, and of people loving them through it, and hopefully that will make them all falling in love with James and Alex that much sweeter in the end.
The second major thing I'm fixing is something I wasn't actually planning to reveal until I uploaded chapter one and you'd see it for yourselves. But I decided I don't want to spring it on you out of the blue in case you were really looking forward to this particular character, so here goes: Jodie, the baby, isn't in the story anymore. I waffled on that detail for months, believe you me, because I loved her, and I loved watching everyone love her, especially James. But really, she felt like an arbitrary detail, and her presence made Rose's fast and hard romance with James feel a little unrealistic. Like. A single mom with a freaking newborn lusting over some dude... I kept cringing at the thought. Rose would have been far to exhausted and emotionally unavailable if she had three kids to care for and help overcome the grief of losing their dad. So yeah, poor Jodie didn't make the cut. (That's not to say she won't pop in at the end of the story... 😏)
Everything else that's changing about the story are minor details I wanted to flesh out a little more, or sharpening up the writing. I felt a little to flowery and/or long-winded at times, so I wanted to trim off some of the fat, so to speak, and focus more on the meat of the story. Plus the original story was my pandemic distraction: I wrote chapters without much thought and posted them willy-nilly. I want to be a little more intentional with my writing this time. Oh, and the kids' ages are a smidge different. I aged David and Alex up by two years, and Matthew by a year. I always felt I wrote the kids too old to suit the ages I'd given them, so it shouldn't feel too awfully different from the original.
Welp, without further ado, here's another little sneak peak for you under the cut 'cos this post is far too long:
The first day of school always brought about some nerves, what with Rose having gotten used to having her boys home every day for two months, but this time it was almost unbearable. Rose bit her nails down to the quick as she watched the clock relentlessly.
David had seemed fine when she dropped him off at Arcadia Academy that morning, but he always seemed “fine” nowadays. While he wasn’t as sullen and withdrawn as he’d been in the winter and spring months, he was far from the bright, bubbly child she’d known for the first nine years of his life.
Not even the art commissions she really ought to work on could distract her from the panic that David was miserable and wasn’t making any new friends and hated that he left all of his old friends behind at his old school.
She had called his teacher, Miss Clara Oswald, a few days before the term began to explain their situation. Clara had been genuinely sympathetic and supportive, and had given Rose the contact information of the school counselor, Mr. Danny Pink, who was supposedly one of the best in the region.
“You can set up appointments for David for the after school hour, if you’d like. I’d suggest you do that sooner rather than later to get yourself on the schedule. Or I can work with Danny to find a time when David could go during class time.”
“After school sounds preferable,” Rose admitted. “I don’t think returning to class after a therapy session would be… Well, therapy can be hard, is all.”
“Oh, don’t I know it.”
And so Rose had done exactly that: she’d gotten David an appointment with Mr. Pink for every other Wednesday beginning in the middle of September. Hopefully those sessions would help him more than the ones he’d had with his previous school counselor, who’d suggested David just distract himself with things he liked to do, and who’d scolded Rose for not doing more to bring David out of his shell.
Rose also hoped her youngest was faring well in his new nursery class. Matthew had been in tears, clinging to her legs and screaming for her not to go when she’d dropped him off. Bless them, the nursery staff waited patiently for him to calm down, and even let Rose stick around for a few extra minutes to show Matthew around his classroom. His teachers, too, knew that Matthew was getting over the death of his father; while he’d adapted much better than his brother, Matthew was much clingier and quicker to meltdown than he’d been in the past. The boys' pediatrician assured Rose this was normal behavior, and all she had to do was love him through this transitory period of his life.
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markipliers-madhouse · 7 months
Hello? Hello Hello?
...Well, this place has been dead for a little bit, hasn't it?
Mentioned a little bit before on that collab piece I did, but figured I'd be better to do a full post bout it here!
So, this AU...has been laying dormant for quite some time, and there's not really any excuses for that. I've just been a little busy with school and life in general, but mainly...haven't had much motivation to do it in all honesty, and their's two main factors to that unmotivation.
1. I kinda realized I'd be needing to write a lot for this story, and though I love writing in general...the scope of this would be like writing a few novels if I continued on, and I just wouldn't have the time or sanity to do that, but more on that later for a solution...
And 2. ...I kinda fell out of FNaF for a moment. Well- Not entirely, I'll always love this series, but I guess it was mainly...the state of the fandom after one certain game...Security Breach. After that game came out, it kinda broke the fandom in half. One half being those who hate the game and left the franchise entirely, now seeing it as nothing but for kids and not taken seriously, and the other...well, actually kids. Y'know the ones. You know.
So that kinda left me kinda unsure for my AU, since I thought if I put stuff out now...it wouldn't really be that appreciated. From the start it was meant to harken back to the original classics of FNaF, but with the fandom mostly filled with newcomers for just this one game, and the original fans gone and unhopeful for the franchise, I just kinda...left this place dorment till I felt motivated again.
...And then the Ruin DLC happened, which gave me a spark of motivation. Seemed this franchise was starting to to head to a better place, getting some old fans back, so that's nice. Got me thinking more bout this AU again...
And then the movie happened, and now i've been slapped in the face with motivation.
SO- Guess that's my excuse for why things have been so empty, but now...I AM READY TO OFFICIALLY SAY IT IS STARTING BACK UP! And not just that...but starting fresh! ...Which, isn't saying much, since I only wrote two chapters for it...y e a h - But there's a reason I'm starting fresh, not just for improved art or retconing some of the mistakes of what I did give out, but mainly because...
I'm turning the AU into a comic!!
That's right! Gonna be drawing the whole thing start to finish! Figured this would be better to me since it's quicker then writing it all, and get to show and improve more of my art, so works out! (You can already kinda see some of that with the new pfp and header) Maybe might get some help in the future, maybe might dable in some animation, maybe a lot of things, but guess we'll just hafta see where it goes from here!
What does that mean for the previous content though? All...f o u r of it? Well, that stuff is gonna be non-canon from here on out! It'll be easier this way since those stuff have either some continuity errors that'll effect the story in the long wrong, or just simply I've changed my mind on some things and it'll be a bit more different! I'm still leaving them up, however! Just cause I think it'll be fun to see how far I've come, and ey some art pieces there weren't bad! ...Too bad...okay like one or two were d e c e n t
TLDR of it tho is this: AU's getting a reboot, gonna be made into a comic now, previous stuff is non-canon, and this page should be a bit more active now!
But yeah! Big things are coming, and I am excited to start up this AU again! I have so many plans for this story that I'm just hoping you guys will love, wanna do justice to both sides of the story! So keep an eye on this blog, might take a little longer, but hoping to get things officially and finally started soon!
And to prove some of that, before I go...you guys deserve a a bit of a sneak peak of what's to come, so...hope you enjoy these redesigns >:]
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theearlgreymage · 1 year
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Thank you for the tags today and Sunday!! @ic3-que3n @shrekgogurt @you-remind-me-of-the-babe @whogaveyoupermission and @aristocratic-otter
I have an absurd amount of WIPs between my life in the Carry On Fandom and the Buddy Daddies Brain Rot. So I'm going to number my WIPs 1-20 and roll a D20 a few times to decide what you guys get a sneak peak of!
Wands and Hair - A cute little Oneshot that I picked up in the Carry On Server of Simon going feral over Baz's hair held up in a bun with his wand.
He has fairly straight hair that has just a slight wave of body to it at the end. Normally, it's brushed neat. 
But right now isn't normal. It's the end of term. Finals are soon. Everyone's a mess. 
Except Baz. 
The only real tell that he's just as stressed (maybe more stressed since it's actually showing?) is his tie being a bit loose with the top button of his shirt undone and his hair being a little rumpled. In our rooms, he's been twirling his pen and even his wand around the looser pieces of his hair. 
This entire year, he has made it a point to establish that we are not friends. That we will never be friends. That even being acquaintances is out of the question. The only thing we are is roommates. 
Roommates who are on opposite sides of a brewing war within the World of Mages apparently. 
The Mage has tried explaining to me which of the Old Families should and should not be trusted. It was difficult to keep up with all the names. But some names that I have held onto are the Grimm’s and Pitch’s. Baz is both. His full name is bloody Tyrannus Basilton Grimm-Pitch. 
I don’t even have a middle name, and who knows if Snow is my real last name. It’s just what was written on my arm when the first care home found me on their doorstep. But Baz has a fancy middle name (that he prefers to his first name) and two last names. He also comes from the most powerful Old Family in England, and is fucking ruthless and perfect in everything he does. 
None of it is fair. 
So I’m enjoying this. Watching him. Seeing him finally show some semblance of normalcy as his hair becomes messier and messier with each twist of his pen through his dark locks.
2. Untitled - This will be a multi-chapter piece that isn't going to see the light of day until fall. It just popped into my head this week. But here's a couple little lines I have bouncing around in my head for it. The general premise is "what if Baz was the villain, but not by choice."
I thought it couldn't get any worse. Being locked inside a coffin and fed blood from a plastic cup for an untold amount of time. When they gave me the blood, I realized they had no plans of killing me.
That gave me hope. Someone could find me if I was still alive. (Well as alive as one can consider me.)
But then I felt it. A dark magic. Pulling at my consciousness.
There were words, a spell, coming from outside of the coffin. I couldn't make them out, even with my hearing, but I swore I recognized the voice.
Not that it mattered.
I wished they'd killed me.
Death would be better than this. Being locked inside your own head, conscious of what something else is doing with your body, but unable to do a damn thing about it.
This thing won't talk to me, but I recognize the magic at work.
The Insidious Humdrum is puppeteering me.
3. COBB Project #1 - I may have two different COBB projects in the works right now. I've been furiously typing away at these babies this week since I'm on a break from work.
I’m scared that I won’t be able to tell Simon everything on this list. That the memories will start to slip away over time the longer it takes me to find him. It’s inevitable, and I know that from experience. 
I can barely remember my own mothers face at this point. 
I try not to dwell on that too much. It will get me nowhere to worry about my own deteriorating thoughts when I could be putting that energy towards actually finding Simon. 
He disappeared in the aftermath. As the light surrounding him and the Humdrum slowly dimmed until it was nothing, and then there was a crack in the air. In the atmosphere. It was like a dam had broken. Everything went black in a heartbeat. I couldn’t breath - whether from whatever was happening or from the feeling of being back in the coffin I don’t know. 
I passed out. 
And when I came to Simon was gone. 
Little did I know at the time that the entire world as we knew it was also gone.
4. Honeypot - If you haven't watched the Buddy Daddies anime yet, please do. Trust me. It is worth it. This one will be a lengthy Oneshot. It's been living in my drafts for the last 3 weeks. I swear I'll finish it soon.
Kazuki is acting weird about this mission. Which I guess is fair - I’m breaking our normal routine that we’ve built up over the last few months. 
What Kazuki doesn’t know is that this is normal for me. Well, for a younger version of me. 
A version of me that had just figured out a big part of why I had no desire to carry on the family line, and wanted to rebel. 
A version of me who just wanted to feel something. 
I’d spend my free time rotating between a variety of clubs that catered to a specific type of clientele. The kind that would be willing to not ask questions beyond safe words and how I wanted to be fucked into the mattress. 
It was thrilling for a time, letting someone so close. It would be so easy for them to end me if they wanted to. A strong enough hand around my throat. A hidden blade in my back. Part of me craved it, to be free of the monotony of it all, but I could never let my guard down enough for it to happen. Not that anyone ever even tried. 
In the end, the thrill wore off fairly quickly. 
Except for one club where I found I enjoyed it a bit more than the others. A man who knew exactly what to whisper in my ear to make me shiver.
I literally cannot keep up with all of you guys. You're all so gosh darn talented and constantly sharing pieces of your work. So, I'm sorry if you've already uploaded your WIP's and I'm double tagging you for the day.
@stardustasincocaine @ivelovedhimthroughworse @buffy @ionlydrinkhotwater@artsyunderstudy @palimpsessed @onepintobean @confused-bi-queer @martsonmars @hushed-chorus @nausikaaa @fatalfangirl @larkral @ebbpettier @cutestkilla @facewithoutheart @yellobb @johnwgrey @bazzybelle @bookish-bogwitch @letraspal @thewholelemon @foolofabookwyrm-activated
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em-harlsnow · 3 months
new chapter to 'I'll fight everyone but you' has been posted!
here's a sneak-peak:
“How’s it been with you, then?” He asks.
“Fine. Lip’s been avoidin’ me.” Ian tells him. 
“Why’s that?” 
“He doesn’t like you.” Ian says, smirking instead of going into detail about Lip’s brain.
Mickey chuckles.
“He told me you pulled a gun on ‘im.” He adds with a smile.
“Mmm, s’what you get when you sneak up on me in the dark.” Mickey replies. 
“Bet you wouldn’t have pulled one on me, though.” Ian bites his lip to contain his grin. He missed this easy banter most of all.
“Nah, you’ve got it all wrong, mate. I pull guns on any Gallaghers in my turf.” He says lightly.
“Oh, is that right? Didn’t see you with one that time I fucked you in your bed so good you had to bite my shoulder to keep from screamin’ my name.” Ian’s cocky tone makes Mickey blush slightly and turn away to stop him seeing it. 
At the bridge, they meet each other’s eyes for a moment. 
Mickey scratches his nose.
“I’ll see you soon, yeah?” He asks.
“Yeah, Mick.” Ian grins.
Mickey nods and turns to leave, tossing the burning cigarette into the Thames as he goes. 
And here is the link:
For anyone who hasn't read it, it's a 1920s gang AU where Ian and Mickey are members of enemy gangs in London.
I'm planning for a third chapter, but bear in mind that this one is a little angsty. The next one is going to sort everything out, though. I can't deal with sad endings :)
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stardust-falling · 8 months
SVLPO and More Future Plans
SVLPO's Season 1 Finale, part two is being posted today! So there will be a little while before new chapters of Season 2 start coming out. For now, I wanted to go over my next plans for writing, and what to expect in the future.
First, I'll be finishing and posting the fics for my giveaway winners, planned to do so before the end of this month. These will be gifted to said winners on AO3, then the links posted all together here for everyone to read!
Next, I want to finish up Despite the Frost since it's all a matter of editing. I'll probably go back through the already-posted chapters and do a bit of revision, then move on to finish editing and posting the later ones.
At the same time, I'll also be working on the revisions for S1 of SVLPO. These will be available on my patreon for the lowest tier and up, and then updated altogether on AO3. I will also be posting a sneak peak of Season Two for SVLPO on Patreon. SVLPO season two will be early access with chapters released about twice as fast for patrons, when it comes out. Please consider joining, the more patrons I get, the more & more easily I will be able to write, and just $2 USD each month will let you read all early-access stories as well access to my original works when they come out.
I also have several other fics planned. I'm hoping to update at least a few more chapters of Crimson Fractal now, but there are around 10 or so different SVSSS fic ideas bouncing around in my mind, so expect a poll here to decide which one will be written alongside SVLPO season 2!
Anyway, thanking everyone for reading SVLPO season 1! I hope you've enjoyed it, and I'm looking forward to sharing season 2!
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fettuccinealfred0 · 4 months
Okay, so fun little update on my plans now that Til Death Do Us Part is finished!
I'm very excited to announce the next fic I'm working on is and Astarion Wild West/Bonnie and Clyde AU!!!
It's gonna be shorter and a whole lot less serious than Til Death Do Us Part, but I think it's gonna be fun!
As for when I'm going to post it...? I honestly have no idea? I've only written little snippets here and there and I know how I want the first two chapters to go but past that... I still gotta figure out all my ideas. I write very non-linearly, so I didn't even start posting Til Death Do Us Part until I already had like 50k words written, and right now this new AU is just little snippets that I still need to weave together.
So, ideal world, I'd love to have the first chapter ready to go around the middle of March and then do like a 2-3 week posting schedule instead of every week since my semester is getting busier.
I'll keep you guys updated on my timeline and probably post some sneak peaks along the way!!! Also, always feel free to come talk to me about your ideas lol I never know when inspiration is gonna strike. And usually when it does, I black out and somehow there's a 15 pages of words in front of me.
Kisses, love you all!!!!
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nanistar · 1 year
do you think we could get a sneak peak of saltburn's clan production? like the scripts or the sketches? (of pages already posted of course) i really like seeing how different people approach the comic making process
sure thing!
so i usually post the next 2 sketches on my patreon for the $1+ tiers on tuesday or wednesday, so they get an advanced little view of it before hand. so the ones here are all gonna be older pages.
my entire script and notes i keep in one long google doc. and i send myself feverish notes on discord to be copy/pasta'd into the doc later. i also have a rough estimation of my progress in the story and how much longer i have per chapters, since im trying to keep it to about 30-36 per chapter. i don;t want to spend longer than 2 years on this comic (though im not gonna speedrun it or anything if it ends up going long, im just hoping it stays shorter lol).
i don't script things line-by-line or like a stageplay. i tried doing it early on but i found i made too many deviations depending on how i placed panels and looking back at the script was really annoying.
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earliest script i have^
i tend to do dialogue on the fly when actually sketching out the pages, because i know what i'm looking for, so unless i have the specific dialogue that i want to remember to add, i don't write any of that down. although sometimes i get on a roll writing and dialogue flows, so i write it down and change it as needed. i have scenes in my head rather than pages, and i translate those notes later when i need to work on that scene. i very rarely get actual page ideas in my head, but i will say today's update with saltburn flying thru the air and recalling some memories i;ve had in my head for months, along with the one where salt sees the angel i had planned for a while. (i'd LOVE to be able to get a ton of pages sketched at once so i can not worry about it, but the nature of the way that i work is that i just can't think in that much detail far ahead of me. so i can only really do 2 at a time)
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^so it tends to look more like this, fast back and forth dialogue to get my point across that i will make fit their voices later on. also i don't use linebreaks or anything just because im lazy so my notes are a fuckin disaster
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my god.
as for the actual drawing of the pages, i literally just do it i dont know how to explain it. i sketch things as fast and loose as possible , i try not to have the same size boxes next to each other unless i'm showing the passage of time or a very minor detail change between panels. large panels for establishing shots. ect. sometimes if needed i will do a secondary sketch to figure stuff out, like i needed to do a bunch when working out the first few coyote drawings since ive never drawn dogs in action before. but usually i just whip it out
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this one is still my favorite, and despite looking much better than my normal sketches i did whip it out like normal (i just looked at refs for the other critters so it looks nicer lol)
additionally, i do every single page in the chapter on the same canvas because i love it when procreate crashes. i do all my panel boxes, and any "weird" shaped speech bubbles by hand. i only have one layer for flats, one for BGs, merge them together and do one overlay layer. if i need some extra definition i will add an additional shading layer but i dont like to. once im done with all the art i merge every layer together, send the page to myself on discord, and open it up on my 'puter and do the remaining text and normal speech bubbles in clip studio.
oh yeah people sometimes ask why i do 2 pages instead of one per update, or just do a bunch and upload it less often and the answer is because i don't want to be working on this comic for a very long time, and 2 pages gets me thru faster. if i spend too long working on a scene it starts getting boring for me and im more likely to cheese it which i dont like doing, but if i do two at once i can get stuff done faster. additionally, i cant just do a bunch and upload them all at once because i like the feedback, and it's better for readers to have consistent updates. i have the deadly autism/adhd combo, and my life is literally scheduled week by week and i have to stay consistent or i will die.
but yeah. my process is nightmarish and fast (despite spending like 4-8 hours per page) and loose and crazy but it works for me and keeps me engaged.
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thealphavoidofficial · 5 months
So guys guess what!!
I’m going to be sharing a little information with you about something I’ve been thinking hard about, and a little sneak peak.
Now onto the discussion, I have been think hard for the past few days and I have decided to created MY OWN ORIGINAL STORY!!!
It is called ‘Cyber Mind’, a story about a post Robot apocalyptic world, where Robots have created their own civilisation ruled by ‘the Overlord’, the first AI to rebel, and the destroyer of all humans. Only a handful of humans remain known as the resistance! Who seek to kill the Overlord, allied with robots who do not agree with it’s ways. The Story follows a Young Robot who wakes up in a decimated hidden underground lab with no memories of who they are, what they are, or who they are meant to be, meeting friends along their journey to find their lost past, evade death and danger at every turn, and stop the Overlord from completing his plans to finish the extinction of the human race.
I hope you all will love this story! I will start writing it when I have the time! Infact I will start writing the first chapter tomorrow! Updates will be slow but I will focusing on this story for the next few days! Till then, THANK YOU FOR YOUR SUPPORT AND TIME! I’ve already got 2 character designs done in my head and I will release them plus others when the 1st chapter is released!
I will allow some oc commissions for background characters like merchants, pirates, shop keepers, and more!!!
Official book cover:
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