#little pervy robot
madame-mongoose · 3 months
everyone in borderlands is so mean to claptrap if i were there id do whatever he wants forever
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iovesia · 4 months
i can't stop thinking about evil!ted logan, he's just MMMMMM GODDAMN FINEEEEE UGH
i need him biblically 🥺
if you're taking requests, please can you do something for evil!ted x innocent reader who is with real ted and doesn't realize he's been replaced by a robot, but kind of likes this new side to ted??? fic, headcanons, comments, whatever PLEASE I'M STARVING POOKIE
(anyways thank you hehe, i love your blog 💕💕)
i'm so late to this ask pookie, forgive me 😵‍💫 but i laurv me some evil robot ted .. sorry if this is short ml, feel free to send me more asks!
contents. evil robot ted 𝑥 innocent!f!reader. smut .. ?
you and original ted had a kind of puppy love romance. the both of you were very bashful and flustered around each other, and you always knew ted to be kind of blushy and shy when it came to romance. not that you minded! he's adorable, and it's sweet ♡ but it was all very .. soft.
.. so it's a sudden 180º flip when you visit your boyfriend for a typical movie-date night, and he starts tweaking a little bit. he's more raunchy with his dim-witted jokes, his laugh is more boisterous, and his cold hand is constantly trying to slide up under your skirt. you were thrown off! since when is your giggly and shy boyfriend so.. so.. lewd?
at first it was off-putting— the constant dirty jokes, pinching your butt, and getting all touchy (esp in the wrong places, at the wrong time)— but a part of you kinda loved this new "take-charge" side of ted. granted his eyes looked blank, and his hands were always cold and .. rubbery? — yet you still ended up flustered and embarrassed at his pervy words.
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kairolee2004 · 7 months
Hello, may I request from Demon Slayer? The Reader takes (separately) their beloved partner into sauna and teaches them how to hit each other with vihta, how to jump into a cold lake or snow in the middle of the sauna, and how to throw more löyly to make it hotter? You can also enjoy cold drinks while in sauna to ease up the heat. Could I request this with Giyu, Sanemi, Gyomei, Kyojuro, and perhaps Tengen? THANK YOU SO MUCH!
Another Demon slayer ask already? Omg fun!! :)
Thanks to ________ for the request!!! <333
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Sauna with… Giyu
• 🌊 It was already difficult enough to get Giyu to come on this mission with you up to the frozen mountains.
• 🌊 Of course it was even more difficult to get him into the sauna!
•🌊 He kept saying that it was a waste of time to stop at the inn when you guys were miles away from the location.
•🌊 With a little convincing and promises of kisses and cuddles later throughout the night… HE ACCEPTED!
• 🌊 As ya’ll sat in the sauna relaxing, Giyu looked at you. He saw how relaxed you looked and kinda loved it.
“You know reader… seeing you like this. All warm and calm, it makes me so happy that I came on this mission with you. Not saying that it isn’t a pleasure being around you!”
• 🌊 You sure as hell were happy that you brought your lovely partner.
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Sauna with… Sanemi
•🍃 This man likes them- PLEASE DO FIGHT ME ON THIS!
•🍃 Feels like Sanemi dragged you to a sauna. Gave the excuse that he’s always ‘sore’ and that he needs to ‘relax’ a lot of the time.
•🍃 Gotta believe the man because he’s paying for most of the stuff.
•🍃 He likes it when the people put in lavender scents. It of course calms both of you down.
•🍃 Cuddles or holds you throughout the whole time y’all are there.
“What? Ok what if I want to hold you, it doesn’t mean anything. I just care about you idiot!”
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Sauna with… Gyomei
•📿 Goes to the sauna 2 times a week!!!
•📿 If he could, man could have a membership!!! Have all the sweet deals and high quality stuff.
•📿Takes you to places like that very often.
•📿 The owners love him and very much adore you!
•📿 Holds onto you the whole time.
•📿 While your talking and holding onto him, he has some… non-holy thoughts about you and he needs to pray STAT!
“My darling, you sound so happy and calm and it brings me so much happiness that you are comfortable around me. Thank you for your love.”
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Sauna with… Kyojuro
•🍱 This man definitely orders drinks in mountains!!
•🍱 He’s got 5 drinks down before you can finish your first.
•🍱 Begging the owners if he can order food or even bring food bit sadly know.
•🍱 I feel like you would sneak in some sweet potatoes for him. You love him that much <3
•🍱 Would definitely secretly run out the front door and jump in the snow. Then run his cold ass back in the hot room.
•🍱 Definitely falls asleep.
Thanks for reading!!! Sorry I wont be doing Tengen, I had things to due and I officially didn’t have energy to write for him and plus~ Im sick with a virus- NOT CORONAVIRUS!!!
See ya soon!!! - Cookie
Requests are: Open
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moonlight-tmd · 8 months
Okay, i know i’ll explore more of this but i want to hear your thoughts on this too.
Femme frame bumblebee? He’s still a mech but he’s definitely built with the aft and curves of a femme and even has heel struts instead of regular pedes. He knows he’s built and his frame compliments his doorwings.
He usually wears a bulky over armor but it gets damaged in battle and breaks off revealing him in the heat of a battle that just stops?
His teams reaction?
Blitzwings reaction?
Before or after they start dating. If after blitzwing didn’t know b/c bee has trauma.
oooh i get it, like @toxxicpill design. I always imagined him a little feminine, just more blocky instead of smooth curves.
hmm, i mean, sure he would be a bit curvy, the doorwings are a nice touch for him cough happy flutters cough cough. I am a little disappointed that they decided to gender the robots but eh, 2000's cartoons i guess.
He is a bit curvy on top of the blocky frame, the heeled pedes are not uncommon, i mean Prowl has these- he kinda looks like Elita overall, his subspace is moved down to cover his aft in this since he has doorwings (yes it does look like earth bumblebee's abdonmen). Yes, he does wear additional armor to apprear more bulky over his chassis and shoulders, he doesn't like how everyone kept staring at his chassis. I always imagine Bee and Prowl are almost the same height, only that Prowl is few inches taller and way slimmer than Bee (I mean, he is a motorbike. They are rather small, even when compared to tiny cars). So without the top armor, Bee is almost half the width he was.
I imagine the only one who'll know is Ratchet. I mean, he fixes Bee all the time and there is no way he wouldn't know that the upper part of Bee's armor is not his original frame. Ratchet is a medic, he's not gonna judge anyone- well, unless you say or do something stupid. Then he's gonna judge you all he wants.
So yeh, bots and cons fight over Allspark shard- idk, maybe some stray blaster shot hits him on the chassis and the thing breaks, it's not completely broken but heavily damaged. Now, this is a battlefield. I don't think anyone would stop to look at Bee's badongahonkas, especially when there's such an important item involved.
After that, sure the team is surprised that Bee's frame is actually different from what they see so often but nobody hates him for it. They're not homo/trans/any lgbt+-phobic. And they don't have genders in the first place, everyone chooses how they want to portray themselves.
When his additional armor is being fixed, there's not much of a change. Sure, others throw glances at him more often but nothing else- the only one to have a visible reaction would be Optimus. Bee already reminded him of Elita when he met him, and seeing Bee look even more like Elita is weird, if it isn't raising some questions... he almost slips and calls him Elita.
Sari thinks Bee looks pretty, and may or may not be trying to get him more armor pieces like that so he can be a full-blown knight.
The repair was quick so no Elite Guard reaction- but if they were to witness this, Sentinel would be the first afthole to stare at Bee's chassis as if to take that armor off with his processor power. Jettwins and Jazz would have respect and try to keep SP away from the young bot- as they always do, just this time the reason is different. They all have no idea how Sentinel can be so awful and still keep his job...
Now you want Blitzy's reaction, alright.
That stray blaster shot might have been his and he struck Bee on accident. He does catch a quick look at Bee's slim frame before his team calls on retreat. If they weren't dating then he would be a little bit pervy in his mind, he wouldn't bring it up with the scout tho, he's not sexist.
If they were dating, he would wonder why Bee didn't tell him. He asks about it the next meeting they have- Bee's armor has been fixed by then. Sure enough, Bee confesses that he was forged a femme but decided to be a He. He wears additional armor because he didn't have credits for changing his frame type and had enough of other bots calling him and grabbing him rudely. Wasp was one of those bots, he harrased Bee with no mercy until Longarm saved him.
Blitz feels both sorry and hella ANGY. How could anyone treat his precious hummel like that?! And they say Decepticons are evil- if anyone is racist, sexist and disrespectful about such basic things as appearance and behavior, it's the Autobots. The 'cons murder everyone equally, not just the "freaks".
Once Bee gains enough confidence then he'd show Blitzwing his real frame. And Blitzwing will have some pervy thoughts he'd keep to himself only. He loves Bee, and seeing him even smaller than how he was already is adorable. Blitz is the only one that Bee lets grab him like that. And Blitzwing can't help but admit his hummel's chassis is a great pillow.
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spidermilkshake · 10 months
The big thing I like about Dongusrongus is how the characters be.
Even the "annoying" ones, they have their charm. As much as I know Hiyoko's a spicy little projecting bitch, I appreciate how she can be so ass and also be a superglue-tight buddy to others... it helps that she's, what, 16 years old, partially amnesiac and fundamentally traumatized?
Aside from the worst of the weird pervy "...fanservice" in some of the spin-offs, the characters in general super come off as... "gifted kid" teens, with all the baggage that title entails. Plus also there's sentient robots, MK Ultra-type video mind control brainwashing procedures, virtual reality programs so real you feel like you're living in them, and probably like real-ass X-men powers mixed in with the talented artists and computer science whizzes. Dongusrongus. Yeeee.
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broken-clover · 1 year
I feel I should dislike Vatista in concept for being yet another ‘emotionless-except-not-actually robot girl whose main personality trait is the protagonist and following him around and conveniently doesn’t understand things like clothing so we can be pervy about them and pretend we’re not’ but she’s just such a little creature to me and I can’t hate her. I want to feed her apple slices
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I really need to stop getting sucked into these dumb Reddit dramas, but there I was just fully engulfed in some ridiculous "Am I The Asshole?" saga about a woman calling herself a "mama bear." Seriously, who even uses that term unironically? It's like the female equivalent of those dudes who punctuate conversations by saying "as a man." Just say you're an overprotective parent and move on.
Anyway, this self-proclaimed ursine matriarch is losing her mind because her mother-in-law wants to take her 9-year-old daughter on a Disney cruise. Okay, not that crazy so far. I used to sleep over at my grandma's house all the time and she never trafficked me on the child labor black market. Then the lady drops this brain-vomit: Some random 20-year-old cousin is also attending this "girls trip" for reasons unspecified. Her working theories seem to be: A) He's obsessed with Disney B) Mother-in-law is paying him to assist with her dementia or C) He just wants a free vacation. The possibility that doesn't seem to be crossing her mind? The dude just wants to eat unlimited soft serve and watch fireworks over Disney's military-industrial complex. When I was 20, that would've sounded amazing.
This mom is utterly convinced the cousin is going to molest her kid while grandma is having a Boomer Moment brought on by too many lunchtime margaritas. As if the mom's mere presence on this cruise is going to prevent any generational perviness from occurring. She'll probably spend the whole trip sizing up the relatives for "elevated brow arches" before drunkenly drowning in the pool while chasing her fallen sunglasses. Although to be fair, I guess paying attention to headmovements on a Disney cruise is more entertaining than whatever actual entertainment they have booked.
Her husband is playing the typical "My mom cried, so now I have to appease her" card that some men shamelessly deploy anytime mother sheds a tear. Meanwhile, the Reddit peanut gallery is lighting their torches, claiming this unseen cousin is "obviously a predator" and that "all men are danger!" Insane overreactions from people who haven't left their house since the Patriot Act was signed into law and made COVID masks legally permissible evening attire. 
The truth is, we all make assumptions about people's intentions based on no evidence, because assuming the worst prevents us from confronting our own prejudices and personal shortcomings as terribly insecure beings. This mom definitely seems to have made up her mind already, so she's really just looking for external validation from the internet amen corner that she has now regrettably turned to. You can't put that genie back in the bottle, lady.
In her update, she claims she'll be joining the cruise after all because it's "blown out of hand" and she regrets ever agreeing to it. But we all know the real reason - she wants to be there to vest the cousin for irregularities in blinking patterns and pupillary deviations. In 50 years, when our robot overlords have taken over, they'll look back at these semi-anonymous Chicken Little debates on internet messageboards and finally realize why human beings chose to be so miserable and paranoid. We're a species hard-wired for doomsaying and witch-hunting, making puppets dance on tiny crucifixes in our minds. At least the robots will provide some much-needed context about why we invented moral panics where none existed.
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Heal Together
Rating: M
Pairing: M!Reader x Jungkook
Word Count: 1K
Genre: Angst/Fluff
Warning: (Y/N) is mute for a little bit (yes, that's a warning), heart-wrenching angst, fluff, mention of meds and surgery, mild cursing
Author: @cityofdreams-writing
Description: (Y/N) and Jungkook fall in love after a hospital visit.
Notes: @mwitsmejk, @letsfalloffabuildingtogetherpls, @pervy-az, this is for you three, who requested a part 2, thank you for making this happen. And thank you to you, reader, for liking my work and supporting it as much as you can. I'm sorry that it's so short and it took so long. Hope you guys like it! Here's Part 1 if you haven't read it, please read it to understand the context.
Soundtrack: None
"(Y/N)-ie baby! Look what I made!"
Taehyung smiled with a beautifully woven flower crown in his hands. Purple orchids, (Y/N)'s favorite flower, littered the array of flowers on the crown. He put it on the other male's head. (Y/N) smiled, hugging him.
"It's beautiful, Tae…you have such artful skill…I love it!" You nuzzled his nose and kissed him with a smile.
"Yes, Taehyung?"
"I'm going out. Don't expect me for dinner, my friend is going to pay for mine."
(Y/N) sighed, pushing up his blue-light glasses on his head. He closed his computer and walked over to Taehyung, his footsteps soft. The older male didn't miss the way the younger flinched as (Y/N) kissed his head.
"Okay." Resignation flashed in his (e/c) eyes.
Taehyung turned away, hiding a pang of sadness deep in his heart. He put on his brown shoes and went to open the door.
Taehyung's heart broke at the love in his voice. That nickname…that was one that (Y/N) gave to him when they started dating.
"You know I'm always here if you want to talk."
"Okay." And with that Taehyung left.
(Y/N) walked over to the counter and put his head in his hands.
What happened to the Taehyung he loved…?
Tears leaked from his fingers.
That was the day when the coughing started.
"Doctor…what's wrong with me?"
"Seems like you have Hanahaki, my friend. It comes from unrequited love. Your partner doesn't love you back. That's the main reason for it. You've got flowers and vines growing in you. These flowers will kill you if they trap your lungs. The thorns will hurt. There aren't many cures for it, but…if you really wanted to, you could opt for surgery. It would cut out the flowers…but your emotions would be gone. You'd be an unfeeling robot. There are also these pills that you could take. It suppresses the flowers, but you'll become numb inside slowly. If you want a permanent solution, then get someone who actually loves you." The doctor rolled their eyes.
"Listen here. My partner actually loves me. I know it. And I don't want your stupid pills. Nor do I want surgery. I'm leaving, thanks for wasting my time." (Y/N) bristled and left, slamming the door behind him.
The coughing only got worse from that day onward. Taehyung was out of the house more often than not, so he didn't notice.
(Y/N) opened his eyes to a white room, with bright lights and a blurry face above him.
The older male finally came to, the searing pain in his head tripling as he got used to the lights all around him. He touched his head and felt a cloth bandage that seemed to wrap all the way around his forehead.
The man who had yelled at Taehyung before he brought him to the hospital was standing beside his bed.
Bright tears shimmered in his eyes as he looked down at the male, so fragile and weak.
"I-I'm so sorry…" Jungkook stuttered, rubbing at his red-rimmed eyes with the heels of his palms.
(Y/N) tugged at the younger male's shirt, making him drop to his knees. He motioned for Jungkook to come closer. The boy inched closer, a little scared.
He pulled at Jungkook's shirt, then connected his lips with the other male's cheek. Jungkook blushed as (Y/N) smiled at him.
He wrote on a whiteboard.
"I'll be okay. Thank you for saving me. I would have died had you been accepting of Tae. He truly didn't love me…"
(Y/N) looked down, wanting to sigh, but not being able to get any sound out.
Jungkook hugged him tightly and smiled. It's okay, his gaze said.
Jungkook's voice cracked as he spoke to the silence.
"I'm so sorry…(Y/N)-ie…"
"It's okay." (Y/N)'s voice was strained with pain, his voice sounding rusty from days of disuse.
"How much longer in here, (Y/N)?"
He wrote on the whiteboard again.
"Today is the last day. I'll be out in a few hours."
"Can I stay for the night? It's pretty late anyway…" Jungkook yawned, running a tattooed hand through his hair.
(Y/N) smiled, quirking an eyebrow at him.
"It's only 4:30 PM, Jeon. Go home. You think Jung-min could watch my house for me? He's a good boy."
Jungkook laughed. "Whatever (Y/N) wants, (Y/N) gets."
The older male let out a small, breathy chuckle. "And let's go on a proper date after this, shall we?"
"Yeah, that'd be nice." Kook's heart fluttered just thinking about it. Technically they were just strangers with broken hearts.
But maybe…just maybe…they could heal together.
A few days passed. (Y/N) was now out of the hospital and staying with Jungkook until his condition fully stabilized. Jungmin, or Minnie, as he was called by Jungkook, was watching the older male's house.
(Y/N) re-learned how to use his voice, and with it, he got to know Jungkook better.
Jungkook was like a…if an exercise machine was human. That would be what Jungkook would be the epitome of.
However, he liked to do other things as well, like reading and painting.
Basically, the same things the other liked to do.
They grew closer as friends, going out together for coffee, picnics, running barefoot through meadows and watching the sunset.
(Y/N) and Jungkook's hands were next to each other as they stared at the sunset. They looked at each other, and the boys' lips curved into a smile.
The older male's eyes flicked down to Jungkook's perfectly red lips, the waning sun bathing them in a golden glow.
"Can I kiss you?" He breathed, getting close.
"Please, I want you to." The brunette smiled and closed the distance between the both of them, connecting their lips.
The final flower died in (Y/N)'s body.
The disease was gone, forever. The feeling of being choked was replaced with a swelling of his heart with love.
He was the proof that he could always heal from anything.
"I love you, Jeon Jungkook. Forever."
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oatmealcrisp-freak · 3 years
A big part of what makes my heart go ow about the kusuke and kusuo thing, besides the
the trash
is that in Kusuke’s flashbacks it seems to me that Kusuo idolizes his big brother. 
If he sees Kusuke doing something, Kusuo wants to do it too. Ride a bike? Do good in school? Build a neat robot? Kusuke does all that and Kusuo mimics him. Overimitation or being a ‘copy cat’ by and large seems to be performed automatically as a fundamental part of how baby learns. Kusuo’s just being a kid and learning from someone he looks up to.
It could be an effect of the POV characters (clearly this is a fundamental experience for Kusuke while Kuniharu and Kurumi, well, not the most observant are they?) but the only time I recall we’re really shown him imitating his parents, maybe, is when he buys the mirin. Given how bratty his dad is and how vapid his mom can be, which with that ‘I’m second place’ bit it could be said he picks up on pretty early, I don’t think it’d be surprising if Kusuo latched onto Kusuke as the ‘reliable adult’ in the house, and therefore the figure to learn from and look up to. 
However Kusuo’s never taken well to being patronized so when Kusuke lashes out at him, it inevitably ends badly and in turn, of course, feeds the flames.
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(Is he showing his dad or is he showing Kusuke, standing behind his dad that look he made one just like big brother’s too? The angle with Kusuke standing behind his dad’s shoulder and Kuniharu being just barely in frame might imply the latter.)
Further, Kusuo says he doesn’t like Kusuke foremost because Kusuke doesn’t like him. And because of that he’s creepy. 
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After Kusuke acts even the slightest bit affectionately, ‘cooperatively’ fixing the limiter, as opposed to pissy, Kusuo expresses hope that maybe Kusuke HAS changed a little before course correcting right back into skepticism. It’s like he doesn’t want to get his hopes up. 
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The entire thing seems to say that if Kusuke wasn’t a pervy jerk Kusuo would, more than having no problem with him, regard him affectionately, with respect, etc, probably in vein of how he acts with his mom. With Kusuo you get what you give tenfold. Give sincere affection with no ulterior motives and get in return a person who will do his absolute damndest for you in return, even if he’ll never, ever tell you and will tsundere over it.
However, give violence?
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Get violence.
Except, post reunion, he doesn’t beat Kusuke up does he? Probably a mixed bag of not even wanting to touch the pervert combined with
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If Kuniharu and Kurumi had paid just a little bit of attention to pick up on their eldest’s distress over being ‘beaten’ and explained that Kusuo isn’t competing but is imitating his big brother because he looks up to him- 
(you know, parenting their kids...)
But that didn’t happen and instead we got monkeys who have anxiety, to put it extremely mildly.
It’s the what ifs that get me the most in this damn thing, there’s so much grief resulting from a cavalcade of missed opportunities and ignorance. But Asou manages to make it gotdang hilarious. Impressive, incredibly.
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cybersodas · 2 years
I'm not sure if anyone has asked yet, but do you have any interpretations for Flash man and Crash man??
I’m gonna be honest i. I kinda see flashman as a womanizing creep JFNJFJDKGNDKGKVN. Gross and a little pervy and ENTIRELY pathetic. He nasty.
And as for crashman, what’s funny about writing the megaman 2 robots as unhinged Men is that I basically just copied his archie comic adaptation verbatim AKDKVNSKKGKFKGK
As stated before, crashman and flashman both play fps games like call of duty or overwatch and then they get super pissy when the human girl in middle school beats their asses. They got those fragile male egos
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Hiya Im nervous but you seem kink positive so I have to share this with someone, I have a blueberry inflation fetish and I have no idea why. But I don't know how to make that apply to bots without being a total freak. Hope that's not too weird, you can delete this if you want. Thanks for being sex positive, it's good to even type this out!
Hey, you guys can tell me WHATEVER kink you're into. This is 100% a sex positivity blog, and unless your kinks hurt people (bdsm not included), its safe to share here.
Now I'm not too familiar writing this particular kink, but they're robot aliens! They've done much weirder stuff! You just write your pervy little heart out, and make something for YOU to enjoy! (Hell I'LL write it for a price)
Thank you again for sharing with us, I'm proud you got it off your chest!
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fictional-thoughts · 4 years
could we have some public or semi-public sex with our best boy pretty please
Pretty Please
nsfw. the mandalorian x reader
warnings: smut, fluff?, language, public sex, against a wall, slight choking, the filth is real
words: 4.1k
a/n: kudos to the lovely anon for the delightfully sinful prompt and inspiration of the title
A gloved hand closes around your lips, silencing a soft yelp that escapes your lungs as he’s pushed you to the wall. The Mandalorian looms over you, blocking the light all broad shoulders, gleaming beskar armour, the blank look of his visor and gentle signs of life coming from the rise and fall of his chest in line with his steady breathing. He’s tall, and having you pressed to the wall outside a grimy bar at quarter to midnight in a foreign city makes him only look all the more intimidating.
“Right now?” His deepened voice crackles through the modulatar, helmet tilted down, he’s gazing at you but only he knows that, panels of light from the yellow street lamps glide over the crest of the helmet as he tentatively looks over his shoulder, out to the busy street only yards away, packed with wandering city go-ers it’s loud and buzzing with the feeling being out at night gives one, of freedoms and excitement.
You tug his hand away from your mouth, breathing through your nose heavily you glare at the Mandalorian. “Why not?” Leaned comfortably against the wall — trapped — you’re allowing a smile to tug at your lips, bright eyes watching the Mandalorian. “This is nice,”
“Quiet,” he sounds distracted and looks down at you, letting his left hand drop, the Mandalorians looking at you sternly, you can feel it through the visor. 
“I think its quite perfect, actually.” You’re looking around, hearing him sigh deeply, wondering exactly why he puts up with you, he’s mulling over the idea of what you’d been suggesting to him only moments ago, back inside the warm building; leaned close to him inside the bar under the hazy lights, fingertips trailing over your glass you’d been murmuring dirty things, teasing, hinting of other things you wanted your lips wrapped around. She reminded him of the times before, lost in the throes of lust, she and the Mandalorian, together, of entangled limbs and buisning kisses, of the taste of her skin and he’s never felt anything so soft.
He wants you so bad.
The Mandalorian had grown warm under the helmet, clearing his throat, avoiding looking at you he’d been shifting in his seat, forced himself not to think of you, how your body fits so perfectly with his, your pink lips, the curve of your waist, beautiful, a piece of art he’s only so lucky to have in his grasp.
“Yeah?” He’s bemused, not nearly feeling as confident as you had been, leading him outside the bar, past the fringe of people gathered around, laughing and drinking, the air smelt of smoke and the city, of cooking food and gasoline from parked ships on the outskirts of town. “You think so,”
“Mhm,” your hands slide over his shoulder pieces, slipping your fingers beneath the beskar you’re digging your nails into the material of his shirt, drawing a short breath from the Mandalorian. He’s so cute, almost innocent, his reactions to your touch like nothing you’ve been with before, raw and honest.
“Mando,” and he’s looking at you, locked in, his eyes linger on your lips, and his hand comes to trace down the angle of your jaw, curving down your neck he’s pulling at the soft material of the tight turtleneck shirt you’ve got on under a thin layering of dark armour, bulletproof padding, knife holsters and shiny bullet packs. “There’s no one here,” you’ve got your lip trapped under your teeth, feeling the jumpstart of warmth settle itself at your core, rolling and heavy it’s coming in small waves and gods his touch gets you so riled up. “I mean, aside from the pervy droid,” you nod your head at the figure behind Mando’s shoulder, “but he’s walking away.”
There’s laugher in your tone and the Mandalorians huffing, tugging your neck piece back up he’s pulling away. “Do you ever shut up?” He’s speaking over his shoulder to you and checking for the droid, he’s quick to anger and his fingers itch to grab the blaster at his side — but the robots hurrying on its way, strutting over the rubble on the cities streets. Voices and shouts are heard inside the bar, doors slam open and small groups of people walk past — if they slow down, look a little closer and peer to the left through the darkness, they would spot the Mandalorian and you so quickly.
“You should consider silence.” He’s turned back to you, leaning on the wall again he’s towered over you, caged and feeling small you’re sliding yourself further up against the cold wall as he’s getting closer and closer, pushing the cold night air away till he and you are the only ones left in the space, lost in the moments, the memories of today’s fading away and you’re nodding, looking up into the Mandalorians visor with nothing but innocence, sultry, alluring innocence and it’s dragging him closer till he’s pulling his gloves off and got his hands round your waist. “Might be good for you.”
“You sure?” A whisper, light as air and you’re arching into him, letting your hands slide down his chest, palms pressed over the cold beskar armoury the Mandalorians adorned with. “I think you rather like the sound of my v-oice,” you’re words are clipped, cut short as he’s dragging his hands downward, squeezing the curve of your ass, shaping you, inching himself closer, his palm slides inwards and around, slipping between your warm bodies.
Mando rolls his eyes at your words, he’s annoyed with your teasing, the game, the constant back and forth, an unbalanced act of intangible intimacy; controlled, content, and the passionate, rough and dirty words. He can’t find where you sit on the balance and it angers him. But he does like the sound of your voice, it fills his ears like a thousand prayers, soft on the edges with hints of a curled tongue, you’ve made him start to smile softly when you speak, telling him of anything — he’d listen to you for hours. “Maybe,” he feels your thighs tighten closed, your body reacting to his touch, melted and in a daze, the Mandalorian feels a tug of the familiar hotness deep within him as his fingers are slipping around the inseem of your thigh, he’s pulling it to the side and you’ve gripped his shoulder, swallowing a soft gasp.
“Want me to keep talking?” He’s pulling at the ties of your armour, unbuckling and moving the tight material to the side, hurried, smooth. You’re standing on tiptoe, leaned into him, engulfed in his presence — you’ve never let him have personal space anyways — close enough to graze your lips over the face of his helmet, in place of who he really was, you’re hands slide over his shoulders and clasp behind his head, elbows bending you’ve got him pulled close enough to whisper where his ears would be under the helmet. “I can tell you everything I want you to do to me,” thinking, imagining of his hand curled around your throat, legs wrapped around him tightly as he’s fucking you against the cities wall, under the canopy of stars, moons and the vast openness.
You don’t care, under the light of the foreign city, pressed to the wall, the Mandalorians hands on you it’s a risk, a hidden and secret game, of will and the desperation of moments.
She’s so desperate. Mando bites his lip, keeps the satisfied groan at bay, your words, alluring and twisted with seduction — it’s working — hotness seeps under his armour, tugging at his self control. He wants to hear it, to take your whispered fantasies, bring them to a beautiful reality.
“No,” he’s saying, more to himself that to her, preoccupied with his hand between the two of you, your shirt slides up as his hand spans the softness of your stomach, past the ridges of your ribs and he’s got his hand on your breast, curved around the shape he’s pulling a moan from your lips.
“Gods, Mando,” her choked moans seem tens of times louder in the street, he’s sure everyone outside the bar can hear her they’ll come to investigate and god this is a bad idea.
“Quiet.” He’s ordering her, pushing her harder into the wall.
She’s smiling, eyes alight to match the stars she wants this so bad. “Make me,”
A challenge, controlled by longing it’d twisted with her determination and the constant urge to get a rise out of the Mandalorian, to test him. It’s heated and hinting. He scoffs, pulls his hand from her shirt and pushes her back to the wall, forceful and just how she likes it he’s bringing a gasp from her lips she’s opening her mouth to speak again when he’s hand slips down her front. He’s silent, observant, watching her expressions as his fingers push past her underclothes, she’s warm under his touch and quivering and wet. He’s gathering her slickness, the drops of warmth borne of longing he’s got two fingers running up and down and soon they’re circling her most sensitive spot.
Fires spreading over his body and suddenly his armours too tight, he feels his own warm skin, every inch trapped under the thick material and heavy metal. His eyes drop to his hand between your thighs, then he’s looking at you. Eyes screwed shut you’re lost, high above the city, fists gripping his broad shoulders and lips parted — though you’re not making a sound. Each moment against you is burning hot, the looming and waves of pleasure is threatening to ruin you, peel back the layers of control, of conflict between emotions.
Now she’s quiet.
You’re caught on the edge, so close to slipping you feel your knees weaken, heavy under the intoxicating fire spreading throughout your anatomy; indescribable, pulling it’s wrecking you.
Trembling, a shard of glass on the battle field you lean your forehead to his chest, the Mandalorian is balanced, of metal and weapons surrounding you it’s all you’ve got to grasp as his touch is slowly taking over, gentleness and silence forgotten you bite down on a gasp, voice lost in your lungs it’s nearly too much when two fingers curl inside, pushing up and dragging out he’s going slow on purpose. Eyes closed you’re in ecstasy, wrapped in the idea of risk, of challenge and Mandos so, so, so close to having you, to make you his own.
“Gods,” your words come out in the form of a gasp, taunt and heavy you’d been holding in your breath, engulfed in the feeling, his hands cupped around your slicked cunt, his thumb grazes over the sensitive bud, feels your body jerk in reaction and all he wants to do is taste. Mando’s drunk on the sights and sounds, your breathings speeding up in time with the slow movements of his hand, he can just hear your longing whispers, tugging at his building arousal he’s imagining you back on his ship, spread and so close, he’d suck short kisses into your thighs, curve his hands over the smooth skin, something so soft and warm he’s never wanted anything more than to just duck under your thighs, pull your hips close and delve into your glistening cunt. He’d pick up on every moment, every tremor in breath, your hands tightening in his thick hair he’d moan against you, push impossibly closer and have you saying his name, a prayer on your tongue. “‘m so close Mando…”
He’s caught in your trap, your body leaned to his, weakened at the fault of pleasure, he’s holding you, grounded and balanced, pressing you to the cold wall — his chest heaving under your forehead, the beskar cooling under your hot skin. You’re hot and sweaty under the constricting armour, buried under the darkness of it you wonder how much you can get away with — can you pull free of his hands, unbuckle and free yourself from the armour? Tilt the Mandalorian’s restricting helmet back, to feel his lips on your skin? Kiss down your throat, curl his tongue over your breasts and teeth biting down into your skin — you’re thoughts are blocked by shooting and grinding and building pools of warmth, then suddenly you’re silent, lips parted but not a word is uttered, he’s got your form under control, a possession of fantasy, of demands and passion, curling two digits within you, fucking you, it’s not enough but too much all at once. Please, it’s not the end, the building breaks off, and he’s removing his hand from you, slipping from your soaked centre you suddenly feel empty, without the rush.
He’s stopped.
“What —” In the darkness between buildings of the city, you’re choked on whimpers, hands twisted in the material of the Mandalorians shirt, desperatly wrinkling it as your thighs tremble, of wind in a summer storm, waves crashing into the rocks, frigid, blinding — then it all stopped. “M-mando,”
He’s stepping back, rolling his broad shoulders and resisting every urge to forget his surroundings, break apart from the ties of decency. Your chest is dropping with heavy breaths, shirt pulled apart the arches of your breasts show beneath the covering, there’s just enough light to see the shadows glide across your skin, a spotlight on the feature artwork. You’re thinking of insults, caught on the brink of release he had stopped, teasing and mercilessly, “you’re so mean,” scolding, pushing back the urge to smile.
Wrecked, alive on the heat returning to your skin, the Mandalorian finds himself smirking under the mask, he’s close again and feels just how much you want him, the feelings mutual, he’s filled with the churning need, of indulgence and cravings and he’s growing in confidence, thick and heavy it’s dripping off him; he’s loosing shame he doesn’t seem to care anymore, of the placement in the cities streets where anyone could walk upon them. It’s making him hotter and he looks down at you, blushing and eyes only for him, he’s basked in your beauty, the sheer darkness and warmth he sees within her amazes him. “I thought I told you to be quiet.”
The reality sinks around you, the sounds and smells of the city snap back into focus. Then suddenly the air of risk is alight, you’ve got a twinkle in your eye, of which the suns and stars are envious and Mando’s sure he’d do anything for you, if only you looked at him that way again. “I dont recall,” your words cut short, the Mandalorians a step closer and finally touching you again, dripping in honey hes slow and careful, moulding you to his form you’re trembling again, excitment and something else building with you.
The Mandalorians armour is pressing into your skin, digging and cold you gasp as he hitches your thigh around his waist properly, a clinking and grind of his armour and he’s mumbling a quick “sorry,” before shifting you again, muttering as his capes caught on your thigh holster. It’s rushed and whirled within the buzzing feeling of the risk. Of staying silent, on edge, that anyone could walk past.
“Keep going,” he’s as close to you as possible, your high over his side, he’s got you pinned, tight to the wall you bite down on a moan as you feel him brush past your core, tingles erupt over the plains of your skin and all you want is for him to remove his helmet, to distract your lips with his own, sliding against and bruising you crave the clash of lips and teeth, to feel him groan into your mouth, lost in the cage of passion. Its all too much and you’re sure you’ll collaspe with weakness, its a rustle of clothing, hushed movements and clinking of armour nearly masked with the covering sound of heavy breathing, soft sighs and clipped swears. He’s painfully hard and chasing the feels of release, your thigh wrapped around him its only the perfect angle, she’s slicked and finally he can step a little closer, hitching her up inches higher she’s sinking around him, arching her back from the wall they’re both lost in the trance of the moment. Mando’s paused, caved over forwards he’s leaned onto her shoulder, chewing his lip under the helmet he tests a movement, pushing further into her she gasps loudly.
His hand closes around her mouth, sealing her lips from sound he’s getting a rythm. Pushing her into the wall harder at each thrust, its a battle between control and risk, nearly silent he’s wrapped up, sunken into her, clothes the only barrier between them in the dead of night, he’s fixing his posture and his grip on her, one hand under her thigh the other closed around her lips hes connected to her in more ways that that, so tight and warm around him its a mess of burned desire, flowing through him he’s pulling her hips from the wall, getting her up and under him the Mandalorian feel’s every milimeter of her, slicked and smooth, traces dipped in honey. “Gods,” his tone, manipulated by the mask its still raspy, broken by the seductive distractions of her body to his, its hard stringing together cohernt words. “Fuck,”
You’re struggling with movement, the overheated and overwhelming rush of the Mandalorians increasing roughness — it’s fire, sent to burn down the cities it’s destructive, burning. You gasp and moan his name, muffled by his hand over your lips, thankful of that as each time he’s fucked up into you, dragging you closer to the steep edge you’re only getting louder. Hands gripping anywhere you can reach, blinded by half lidded eyes through the darkness he’s everywhere, around you, his voice, deep and dripping with ragged intensity it’s only fueling the flames. Tears form at the corners of your eyes, prickling your lashes you squeeze them shut, curling your fists in the material of his shirt and armour you’re so close it’s nearly unbearable. He’s hard and hot and thick, pressing you indescribably close, he’s using you — and it’s all that you want him to do.
“This is what you wanted?” He’s loosing himself, his pose of toughness, of battles and ruined ships through the galaxy, his voice curls with broken whines, softening on his tongue. It’s a bribe, your flushed body undenying of the human pleasures, and he’s taken it. “Wanted me? Right here?”
You’re nodding, albeit frustrated at how quickly the Mandalorian can pull you to the edge, you want it to last for hours, drag on and on till you’re trembling, lost of air in your lungs until he’s all you have to breath through, to live on. But each hit, the bruising stroke of his cock against the pooling warmth at your core — it’s holding you over the edge. The fall is steep, and you know it’s coming fast.
The lights, the voices and beings of the city, of the vast openings and at the same time, of isolation. Over your travels of the galaxy, every path and turn you’ve made for yourself, has landed you being fucked by a Mandalorian outside a bar. And so well at that. He’s ripped from you all words, and his quiet grunts and shifts of breath falter, pushed on by the adrenaline of the risk, he’s nearly there. His hand leaves your lips and winds around your throat, the lines of his fingertips pressed into the soft sides your neck, a flood of pleasure leaks from your centre, warming him and you.
“Please,” you’re choked, jerking up as he’s fucking you faster, harder, chasing after the promised release. Pretty please. You’ve tightened your thigh around him, curved around his waist, tangled in weapon holsters and edges of guns and knives — the danger of it. “Mando…”
He’s faltering, using the full force at each hit he’s pulling you from the wall, muscles strained he’s falling into a delirious trance, you’re all he’s got, soft whimpers fill his ears and the sights of you, glazed over under the hazy and limited light of the city’s lamps, flashing red and orange it’s poetry. His hand squeezes your thigh, and he’s groaning, shaking under the pressure, the Mandalorian feels you tense, and you’re gonna win the race, slipping around him, the ridges of armour and leather press to her skin. He’d never expected it to be this good, and it surprises him every time, the relentless feelings, urges and the softness she brings to him.
Don’t stop, don’t stop don’t stop. You’re squeezed around him, locked your thigh around him it mirrors the grasp he’s got on your throat, delicate and pulling the air from your lungs it’s aiding in the build up, sinful and longing, the crashing of violent waves upon a thousand sands, you feel him under you; together under the secrecy of exposure — but isn’t that the rush? The feeling of getting caught? You gasp, wetted lips parted your cores tightening, that burning familiar coil wound tight and times running out, he’s got to keep going.
Mandos breath shutters, he’s saying your name, hot on his lips you’re all he can see. Then he’s jerking your form close, unwinding from the bridge of emotions, of forbidden feelings but it’s all to much. He’s pushed against you, thick and hot and deeper then he’s paused, the warmth of your cunt squeezed around him, sending shocks through his nerves. You’re trembling, hot on release you’re drowning in him, weakened against the Mandalorian he grunts and lifts you, crashes your back to the grimy and hard wall you slide your other leg around his own, caught on bullet cases and shining beskar armour. “Come on..” his breath is shuttering in his lungs, you’re all that’s surrounding him, body tense and arched with rocks of pleasure, each hit is masked with bruising force, focused on dragging it out, stretching it over the line of pleasure and pain, he wants to make it last forever.
“M-mando —” Its hitting you like lightning, hot and flashing it’s curling up inside you, hot and thick the Mandalorians fucked out, slipping from the edge you’d just fallen from you both land in a daze. Ripped from the planet, crashing together he’s buried so deep you’re sure he’ll break you. “Gods you’re so good.”
You swallow gasps and his hand leaves your throat, it lands on the wall beside your head and his own comes to rest on your shoulder, the metal cooling against the exposed skin. Under the helmet the Mandalorians got his eyes screwed shut, sunken into the feelings drifting off the entangled lovers. She’s soaked, filled and fucked out, wrecked and she’s holding onto him, braced to the cold wall he’s finally slowing down. Controlling his pace. The Mandalorian falls from his high, muscles relaxed, wrecked from overdrive. He’s finding words to string together but nothings going to make sense. “That was…” it was quick, rushed and twisted with urges of passion and longing.
“Great.” You sigh, lean back against the cool wall and let your legs slide away from him, he’s straightening up and gazing down at your blushing cheeks, swollen lips and bright eyes. Bodies abuzz with leftover adrenaline, the lovers pull themselves back together, pick up the forgotten pieces left on the ground, you straighten your armour and watch the Mandalorian rebuckle and clip his own armour, pull his gloves back over his hands. You’re still caught in the moment of release and feel the hotness still thick between your thighs. He could have you over and over again and it wouldn’t be enough. “We should do this again sometime,” you’re gesturing at the vast openness around you, the reminder of the risk.
The Mandalorian looks over you, the helmet tilts to the side, picking out the small details of you he loves and he forgets where they are in the moment. He’s quiet, watching you, and you both feel the settling sounds of the foreign city, lights are fading and so are the voices. He turns away and begins to leave. “You need to work on your volume.”
thank you so much for reading, feedback is much appreciated!
edit: tags weren’t working, i’ll mess around with them a bit and see if they’ll post next time :/ sorry!!!
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sailorhyunjinz · 3 years
okay but the perv minho anon makes me think of like him and perv han like pervy besties 👯‍♂️
Minho is more of like a,,, idk,, literature student, he fucking hates it tho but chose it because his dad is a professor in some other uni and Jisung is hmm,,, probably a tech student of some kind,,, idek robotics maybe?? He likes very nerdy into small techy parts and likes to disassemble only to reassemble all those little parts. even if their majors are different they still find time to hang out and jisung is hella jealous that Minho got a gf, let alone someone as cute as you and so he can’t help but to drool a bit, imagining the things he could do to you if only you hadn’t been Minho’s gf HAHSHAH HE’S TOUCH STARVED he doesn’t get affection from the robots he building :(((
Maybe he can build himself a gf
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crtter · 3 years
Haven’t written my review for the new episode yet! It was another skit compilation, this time with a special focus on AUs (hence Cosplaymatsu, I believe!). There were a lot of skits, some I like more, some I like less, but overall... I’d say it was a pretty solid episode! Lots of skits means I have a lot to say so... sorry in advance for the lengthy post, heh.
In the Nothing-I-Can-Do-Police skit, Jyushimatsu and Choromatsu, in the roles of neighborhood passerbys, try to dissuade a certain desperate side character from jumping off a building. A passing policeman, played by Ichimatsu, is ill-suited to de escalate the situation though, given that he’s even more disenchanted with life than the to-be-jumper is.
Despite the heavy subject, was pretty funny to me. I wasn’t expecting to see the infamous Atsushi OR one of the Sutabaa barista girls in incidental roles like that, so that was a funny surprise. I thought Choromatsu and Jyushimatsu’s old men designs were very appealing as well. The ending was a bit predictable given the fact it’s Osomatsu-san and the thing the brothers resent the most is other people’s luck in love but I felt like it tied the whole thing together pretty well.
In The Hell?! Maid, Karamatsu is surprised when Chibita’s oden stand seems to be have rebranded itself as a Maid Oden Stand. Chibita, however, seems to be taking the maid role very seriously.
I know a lot of people dislike “boy character dresses up as a girl” jokes, very understandably so (and me included), but I personally thought Chibita dressing up as a café maid and performing the café maid role so well had a much more endearing tone than a mocking one. The humor of the skit wasn’t due to Chibita dressing up as a maid, but more due to how ill-suited oden is as a food item for a café setting and how clashing Chibita’s rude mannerisms are next to a maid’s cutesy ones, something I appreciated a lot.
Maid cafés are basically a staple of anime these days, so I also appreciated seeing Ososan’s take on it! To top it all off, we hadn’t seen Karamatsu and Chibita interact one on one like that ever since... season one? Karamatsu makes for a very good straight man next to Chibita’s particular brand of weirdness and it’s always a delight seeing those two together. Well, it’s always a delight seeing a Chibita skit, period. I just love the little guy. Definitely my favorite out of all the skits!
In No-Chance Trial, Osomatsu is brought to court to be judged for... farting crimes. Prosecutor Choromatsu and Defense Attorney Karamatsu eventually reach the agreement it’s not THAT bad of a crime. Judge Todomatsu, however, feels like the only appropriate punishment is the death penalty.
Another solid skit! I really liked the Ace Attorney references (even the BG music resembled the music of the games!) and Todomatsu’s insistence on getting Osomatsu killed for his insistent farting in his general presence got some good laughs out of me. There wasn’t a big side character presence in this episode with the exception of Chibita’s, but I liked Totoko, Nyaa-chan and Dobusu as members of the jury, and the Riceball robots as stenographers. The ending was, as Ososan is famous for, hilariously gross.
In Reborn As a Mosquito, Choromatsu is, as implied by the title, turned into a mosquito isekai-style when he laments not being able to find a girlfriend. As a mosquito, he’s free to bite pretty ladies whenever he wants to! That is... if he can bring himself to do such a uncouth thing.
This one didn’t amuse me THAT much, but it was a fairly decent skit. I liked seeing Choromatsu having second thoughts about doing something pervy for like, once in his life, heh, even if the devil on his shoulder tried to convince him otherwise. The double joke of him hating the taste of blood AND being killed right after that got a “ha!” out of me. Not my favorite and fairly uneventful but not a bad skit.
In Mister, Osomatsu is a local unemployed bum who entertain the neighborhood kids, played by his brothers, by making picture card shows in exchange for pachinko balls. The story he tells them eventually hits a little too close to home, though.
Not my favorite either, but I liked everyone’s designs a lot, and it was fun seeing the original tortoise and the hare fable getting more and more complicated as Osomatsu ends up making it about his life instead. Now, this is a VERY “me” complaint, and I’ll understand it if people don’t agree with me but! I felt like that was a role that would be better suited for Iyami. I mean, think about it! He’s already an unemployed bum living in a shabby house who’s bothered by local children in pretty much all his incarnations. It’d be perfect for him! But maybe I’m just a little miffed he didn’t show up.
Also, I feel like this might be a reference to something? I’ve definitely seen a very similar “local poor man puts on picture card shows for children” story in manga before. I’m going to look more into it to see if it’s a “thing” I’m not aware of.
In I-Do-What-I-Want Bartender, Todoko and Ichiko try to get a drink at a bar, just to find out the bartender, Karamatsu, fancies himself as an artist and refuses to serve them what they ask for, instead making fancy, elaborate drinks.
I liked seeing the Girlymatsu again! You know... even if it was just 33.33% of them, heh. This one wasn’t all that eventful either, but the joke felt pretty solid and I thought Karamatsu having so much trouble not acting on his “vision” and serving the girls what they asked for was pretty funny. Him loudly complaining thinking they couldn’t hear him was great as well.
In A Restaurant Filled With Mysteries, we see the return of Businessman Osomatsu, this time accompanied by Choromatsu as they try to get lunch in a foreign restaurant they can’t quite place where it’s from. Turns out that the restaurateur, a very unsual man from the unheard-of country of “Jyushimatsu”, isn’t going to make it easy for them.
I’ll be real: I felt like this could have... very easily taken a less-than-savory turn when it comes to mocking other cultures as “weird”, especially with the Indian-inspired imagery. In my opinion, they didn’t QUITE cross into shitty territory but they stayed... uncomfortably close to it. Reminded me a bit of the whole deal with the Oompa Loompas in the 2005 Charlie and the Chocolate Factory movie. The country was fictional, Jyushimatsu’s ethnicity was fictional (good call making him blue skinned) but... you know. They could have done it a little bit more tastefully. I did like the holes joke, though. It was a nice subversion of the whole “gross foreign food” trope that’s still so popular in cartoons and such.
Well, that’s it! Overall, more good points than bad points, in my opinion. Next episode seems VERY promising when it comes to Iyami but I’ll get into it into another post. This one’s too long already.
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alison-anonymous · 4 years
flawsome bandits pt. 21 ♡ sonic
Flawsome Deceptions
Part 21! Only 3 more chapters left, my darlings! I hope you enjoy! This is also being uploaded to Wattpad as well, if any of you are interested. Love you all, darlings!
Warnings - violence (not too bad though), and some angst near the end
...and smashed it onto the ground.
Robotnik’s mouth dropped open in horror as he watched his creation sink into the ground, singeing the blades of grass beneath Y/n’s tennis shoes until they were no longer recognizable. It even began to eat away at the shards of glass next to it, and Y/n winced.
That could have been her insides.
“YES!” Sonic cried out in victory just before he got punched in the face by Metal Sonic. But at least his girlfriend - or ex girlfriend - was still alive.
“What the hell have you done?!” Robotnik screeched like a banshee, rising up out his seat and gasping in horror at his specialty made poison that was supposed to melt Y/n’s insides and was now instead melting the ground beneath their feet.
You see, the lion’s actual plan had been to deceive Y/n into thinking that he would let her friends go if she came with him. But being the actual VERY HAIRY buttho- I mean intelligent scientist that he is, his actual plan was never to leave her friends alone. He would take Y/n, kill her, then destroy her friends as well so that he has a bunch of weird alien animals to conduct his experiments on. But then he got an amazing idea (not really).
What if he made Y/n kill herself in front of her friends?
God, it was genius! 
Seeing their friend kill herself would definitely put a damper on their strength, as the loss of their friend would be very debilitating. But they forgot one thing.
“I’m not a fucking idiot,” Y/n snarled, her fur beginning to tingle as her powers began to churn. She cracked a smirk. The zebra was back. “I think it’s time that we switch roles, don’t you think?” 
Robotnik furrowed his brows, confused as to what she meant. She took this small window of opportunity, reeled her fist back, and punched him straight in the face.
“I’m not a zebra anymore! I’m a lion, you motherfucker!” 
The impact was enough to send the man falling straight out of his drone and he collapsed onto the ground, a pathetic jumble of limbs and mustache hairs. He let out a groan in pain which soon turned into a snarl, and he quickly noticed that his controller was no longer in his grasp. This was a little bit of an issue because that controller was the one that he could use to power Metal Sonic, supercharge him, and shut him down. While he was distracted, Y/n quickly dove into the drone and snatched up the controller, staring down at the three buttons that blinked before her.
They were all the same color.
“You little bitch, WHY WON’T YOU LOVE ME?!” Two strong gloved hands wrapped around Y/n’s furry ankles and ripped her out of the drone. She let out a shrill scream as she went airborne momentarily, and thinking quick, she let out a low hum. Her body instantly responded, holding her up into the air so she was in a sort of trance. Shadow let out a low growl from the ground, his ruby irises flaming with heartbroken rage. 
“Because you’re a creep!” She shouted down at him, and slammed her fist onto the first button on the controller. She glanced down at Metal Sonic, who was in the process of trying to kill the actual Sonic, only to find that it didn’t change anything. She grunted and pushed the one on the bottom. 
The robot froze. 
Sonic rolled on the ground and stood up, preparing to run off again as he watched the robot in confusion. The red eyes on the bot grew bold for a moment, and then… turned off. That was the off button. Y/n breathed a sigh of relief and lowered herself onto the ground. Unfortunately, her victory was short lived as Shadow tackled her to the burnt grass.
The icy blue hedgehog let out a shriek as she went collapsing onto the ground from his weight.
“Get off of me, you pervy walrus!” Y/n snarled, immediately trying to shove the dark hedgehog off of her. But he wasn’t ready to let go that easily. He latched his strong arms around her waist, and sent them tumbling onto the ground like a bad gymnastics performance. While they were distracted, Knuckles took this opportunity to slash the binds around Spirit and Tails, freeing them. The duo quickly bounded up, armed and ready to fight, only to find that the bot was already shut off. Sonic quickly sped over to the struggling hedgehogs only to narrowly miss a burning hot laser. He froze, gaze shooting up to meet that of a very pissed off Robotnik.
“What the hell, man?” Sonic snarled, throwing his hands out to the sides in exasperation. Robotnik simply shrugged, hitting some buttons on his gloves and turning the attention of his egg bots towards him, Knuckles, Spirit, and even Tails.
“Are you forgetting that I am being portrayed as the bad guy here? It’s my job to make your life a living hell.” Robotnik rolled his eyes like he was explaining this to a five year old. Sonic had lost most of his sense of humor upon witnessing the love of his life almost kill herself, and he frankly didn’t have much time to even throw in a good natured joke when he was trying to take out a bunch of robots while his friends did the same.
Meanwhile, Y/n had other problems.
Shadow kept trying to yank the remote control out of her hands, presumably to turn back on Metal Sonic so that he could kill them. But she wasn’t having it. 
“Quit groping me!” She snarled between panted breaths as she countered all of his punches and smacks, clutching the remote tightly between her right fingers. She was in a very unfortunate position with him practically straddling her on the ground, eyes full of fire and rage as he tried to get the upper hand. But just as she had managed to land a punch to his face, she spotted something out of the corner of her eye that could prove useful.
Shadow’s gun.
Spirit’s baseball bat collided with three of Robotnik’s bots, knocking them into the oak tree beside her almost instantaneously. She let out an exhale, but her eyes were already on high alert, searching for any more signs of danger around her. She had lost track of where Y/n had gone after witnessing her almost kill herself, and she was frankly feeling rather light headed. But that wasn’t important right now. The important thing was to get them all out of here safe.
And alive. 
Tails, who was never really one for being on the front line in battle, timidly hid behind her legs while he watched with hearts in his eyes as she took out a bunch of the egg bots. The determination and the fire in her eyes… the way her hair swung about in her ponytail with her motions… She was beautiful. 
Knuckles sidled up next to them after having taken out a bunch of the other bots as well, followed shortly after by the Blue Blur. Sonic let out a frustrated groan as another hoard of bots began to carreen their way towards them, lasers at the ready. Robotnik stood under the cover of his old drone not too far away from them, and it was then that Sonic hatched a plan.
“Guys, if we can get those controller gloves away from him, then maybe we can stop the drones long enough to get Y/n.” Amazing how even in the most dire of circumstances, Sonic’s first instinct was to find a way to make it to his beloved girlfriend.
Gotta stop doing that.
Spirit and Knuckles immediately stepped up in front of Sonic and Tails, already beginning the process of punching and smashing the next line of robots. Even Tails was able to prevent some of the bots from getting too close by whacking them with his tails and with random sticks he was able to pick up on the ground. Using their amazing fighting skills as his que, Sonic sped through the darkness the trees gave him before coming to a stop just behind Robotnik. Thankfully, the man had been captivated by the fight as well, his eyes trained steadily on the fight as one hand controlled the bots and the other stroked his unwashed mustache hairs.
Disgusting, Sonic thought bitterly. He would make sure that this man would never harm another person again. 
He slowly took two more steps forward, and the second Robotnik’s glove was within his view, Sonic ripped it off of his hand and slammed it against the ground with a rock. Robotnik let out a choked scream in surprise, cursing himself for being off his game and blaming it on Y/n’s hate filled punch, he turned only to hear the static sound of his precious controller being destroyed.
“NO!” He screeched like a little girl, not knowing how to defend himself in the absence of his beautiful bots. He dove towards the little blue hedgehog, seeming to have forgotten that Sonic was… well, Sonic. “WHAT HAVE YOU DONE?!” 
“I just saved my friends,” Sonic answered boldly, stomping on the controller again for good measure. When he watched the drones drop dead by Spirit, Tails, and Knuckles, he knew for sure that they were toast. Now just one more thing left to do.
Sonic slowly reached into his right glove and pulled out a tiny little object. It was small enough for Robotnik to not quite figure out just what it was, and it was only when Sonic held it up towards the burning flames in the trees that Robotnik understood.
A golden ring.
Robotnik, for the first time in his life, was speechless. 
He could only watch as Sonic closed his eyes momentarily, then threw the ring onto the ground before him. Instantly, the ring began to glow and spin before opening up a portal to some other world. Robotnik recognized it as the Mushroom Planet at first, but this one looked a lot darker. More nutrient-starved. It would be impossible for Robotnik to try and get any supplies for his drones on a planet like that. Even when he was on the Mushroom Planet, at least he was able to find some watering holes and mushrooms that didn’t seem poisonous. 
This was it.
“It’s all over isn’t it?” Robotnik asked dazily. Sonic wore a very rare expression. No ounce of mercy could be seen in his searing emerald orbs as he stared down at the pathetic man who used to be a mad scientist. He wasn’t planning on pushing Robotnik in. Robotnik was going to crawl in himself.
Like the pitiful excuse of a human that he was.
Robotnik glanced around at the burning vegetation and destroyed babies he had once cradled in his arms. The little beings that came out of his egg sack (see what I did there?) They were all destroyed. He had gone through so much trouble to come up with this beautiful plan, this beautiful robot, only to have it taken down within seconds by a couple of angry hedgehogs?
Maybe he should find another hobby.
Maybe Agent Stone had been right all those times he had tried to steer him down another path. Maybe he could find some other outlet for his personal problems that didn’t have to do with forcing his wants on other people and hurting them if they didn’t go with it straight away. Threatening people and making them try to kill themselves just because they were weak. Maybe if he had been a better person, then none of this would have happened. Maybe then he and Agent Stone could have been happy. Maybe then he could have been friends with the hedgehogs. Even though they were painfully annoying.
This was it. Robotnik was never a lion, was he? No. He had pretended to be a lion, always putting his bark before his bite. Always trying to use his smarts and his pride to trump character. He thought he was better than everyone else. And then he got punched in the face by a girl.
The true zebra surrendered. 
“Well played, Sonic,” Robotnik had to commend the alien creature. Sonic’s eyes widened momentarily at the first comment he had ever received from this man. “Well played.” 
And with that, Robotnik drug himself forward and fell through the portal.
Shadow’s gun glinted in the dancing flames of the trees from his tool belt. 
Y/n stared up into his angry red irises and immediately went limp. Shadow freezes momentarily, confused by her sudden actions. Why had she stopped fighting him? He enjoyed it when she fought him, it brought up some weird emotion of adrenaline and plea-
Wait, what? Shadow felt a strange lightness on his waist. He glanced down only to hear the sound of a gun cocking. 
“Shit.” He cursed, looking up to be met with a very shocking sight.
There Y/n lay beneath him, her teeth gritting as tears streamed down her glowing e/c orbs. Her hands were trembling as she held the gun to his head, trying her very hardest to fight against the debilitation that he put her under. He made her want to die just by looking at her, let alone touching her. And now she had to make him stop. He glanced to the side by her head and felt a draining sensation through his chest when he saw what used to be the remote controller for Metal Sonic. She must have found a way to smash it at some point.
But then he realized something. 
“You’re a fool,” He scoffed, shaking his head. “A beautiful fool.” 
Y/n didn’t respond, but the shift in her expression let him know that she heard him perfectly. 
No, she thought. This wouldn’t work. He isn’t afraid of the gun. He isn’t afraid of it because he knows that even if she wanted to, she might not be able to pull the trigger. No, his fear wasn’t of having a gun put to his chest. But what he was afraid of...
Y/n slowly turned the gun around in her hands until it was pressed up against her forehead. 
She placed her finger over the trigger, and Shadow’s facade crumbled almost instantly. He wrapped his hands around hers, trying desperately to yank it away from her forehead. They were no longer physically fighting one another as he sat on top of her stomach, pinning her to the ground. No. The fight was now over the gun Y/n was pressing to her head. But even when Shadow tugged at it with all his might, it didn’t budge an inch. The glowing in Y/n’s eyes explained why. 
But she wasn’t done yet.
“You did this to me.” 
Shadow froze, staring straight into Y/n’s burning e/c eyes as they swirled with a tornado of emotions. Anger, hatred, betrayal, hurt, disgust. 
“You did this to me, Shadow. You made me think that dying would be better than living on this earth. You hurt a perfectly good batch of people, all for what? For money? For something that you didn’t even understand. You hurt me, Shadow.” 
Shadow’s hands fell limp by his sides, and if Y/n didn’t know any better, she could practically see his soul shatter through his eyes. 
“You. Hurt. Me.” 
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Shadow instantly began shaking his head, the last bit of denial still trying to claw its way to the surface. 
“N-no, no, n-no, I-I love you, I-”
“You tried to make me kill myself. You. Hurt. Me.” With her final words, Shadow finally broke. Watching all the fire drain from his eyes, Y/n took the opportunity to smash the gun against the side of his head, knocking him out successfully. He slumped onto the ground in an unnatural position and Y/n finally heaved in a shaky breath. She pulled her shaking body up into a sitting position and stared down at the gun in her hands.
A tiny tear drop fell onto the trigger.
She had won.
♡ a.a.
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welcometomy20s · 3 years
February 6, 2021
February 8th is the 3rd anniversary of Nijisanji, and to celebrate I want to give you a quip about every single extant member of Nijisanji... since there are over 130, that’s including ID, IN, and KR... but not VirtuaReal, because they are not on Youtube and also.... China... it’s split into three parts. Part 1 covers everything up to the merger that happened on the beginning of 2019.
First Wave
Tsukino Mito - The iinchou. One of the original seiso gone wrong. Mito is something else, a term I used for Haato, but Mito’s degeneracy feels very different. Mito is much more cynical, definitely likes gore like Korone, and definitely one who calculates things. Haato is just beginning to figure out how to play out her degeneracy, to great effect, but Mito knew the future. In that sense, she fits the Student Representative nature.
Remember that Mito is kind of like Sora in Hololive. This comes as the major source tension, for Hololive, it’s the tension of being an idol and being oneself. Here, it’s more like how to best express oneself within the limitation of the medium. It seems similar, but the feeling is quite different, and that’s what makes Nijisanji so different from Hololive.
Higuchi Kaede - I heard she plays the trumpet. Hmm, that’s all you need to know about this person. If you were in band, you know the instrument determines your personality. Trumpet people are outgoing, brash, but ultimately a nice group of people. The girls, in particular, have a cool side to them, even if they present feminine. They are going to be good friends, with no worries of love blossoming. Usually referred to as Deron, which roughly translates to a slobbering napper... and part of JK Gumi with Mito and Rin.
Shizuka Rin - The functional leader of the group. She’s the competent one, pretty good at gaming, pretty good at hosting, good at being both boke and tsukkomi, also good at drawing apparently. Also good at language as well.
Yuki Chihiro - A soft spoken loli who plays a lot of shooters, and is pretty good at them. Also quite pervy at times. So, just your typical salty gamer, who happens to be a magical girl, apparently... so in another word, a brat.
Elu - Full name, Snow White Paradise El Santo Flow Wasurena Pure Princess Livre Love Heidern Dokodoko Yattaze Valkyria Passion Alfr Noel Chakoboshi Eluaria Frosia Made-in Bloom Elu. Shares the illustrator with Hal Shibuya, Toya, Sister Claire and so on. Started out as a talk streamer, known for her wide range of voice, she shifted to playing Minecraft as you usually do. A bit lacking at top, but tries her best.
Shibuya Hajime - Not to be confused with Shibuya Hal, who was affiliated with upd8. One of the more proficient players in Nijisanji, from his start as pro Getting Over It player, to giving tech advice, and eventually establishing himself as a pro PUBG and Apex player. Apparently did some odd tweets that got him under fire, but he’s better now, apparently. Probably why he did so good at the imagination tournament.
Moira - A goddess, you know with ara ara and everything. Apparently seems to have her head above her clouds... which makes sense considering she’s a goddess.
Suzuya Aki - We have a cross-dresser, everyone. According to TVTropes, he’s affably evil, you know the type. Apparently the most normal of the first wave... and as you have might have guessed Toya really likes this kid. It figures.
Second Wave
Morinaka Kazaki - Another loli character, but has an adult form. Formed a duo with Gibara for some goddamn reason... childhood friends with Emma August, and strangely seen as mother-like, although she looks ten half the time. It’s odd.
Mononobe Alice - Not a loli, despite the appearance... and some of her acts. Has a decent grasp in English, which is really pretty cool. Not much other than that.
Suzuka Utako - The shotacon of the group, and just the most perverted person. Usually has a deep voice, but actually has a pretty wide range, and therefore a really good singer. First Nijisanji member to get banned, apparently.
Fumiko Tamaki - Very much Nijisanji’s own Okayu, including the bad live streaming environment, and having a cat of her own, who is just the most bad of kitties... but even more like a cat in how her schedule is what she feels like... apparently got 250 grand by sleeping. Well, sleeping cat is a staple. Also has a tendency to get her jaw taken out... you know those people. As you might garner, very clueless with technology.
Yuhi Riri - She’s from the future... She has a nice boyish voice, but usually is the butt of the joke due to her lore, so no one comments about it. She seems nice.
Ienaga Mugi - Shares the illustrator with Rin, a shut-in who loves video games and her onii-chan, one of the few who actually grows in age. Pretty good musician, likes to flirt with Riri... which is interesting. Had her identity revealed at school... yikes.
Ushimi Ichigo - She’s a strawberry milk sea slug, which is just the coolest thing. Has a father-daughter relationship with Belmond, and good at drawing. Got some cool advice from Matsuri... which actually, uh, isn’t really a good idea, isn’t it?
Kenmochi Toya - Speaking of not being a good idea to be next to lolis... many people point to the double standard about female vtubers being creepy as kind of a quirk, compared to men, who would go straight to jail... and I point to Kenmochi Toya.
He’s a good host, strangely like Matsuri or Marine, apparently the son of Mito, which Mito likes but Toya doesn’t... go figure. Has that v-line chin that is parodied a lot, and likes to rap... which also feels like a Marine thing. Sorry... he’s pretty good on his own.
Fushimi Gaku - Cheerful man who does a morning show and plays horror games. Kind of plays the father figure for the second wave... but also has a dark side, which makes sense considering the children above. Also fit with the horror games above.
Gilzaren III - Rarely streams, but hangs around in the chat a lot, like he’s some kind of an official lurker of Nijisanji. Also speaks with a pretty high tone, which doesn’t quite fit, although this might be a ruse... it’s unsure.
Nijisanji Gamers
Kanae - Kind of have his head in the clouds, which fits the lore of having amnesia. Kind of the leader of the Gamers, and one of the best at gaming. Does long streams and everything, likes PUBG but venturing to Apex and the likes. Good at Minecraft, too. Usually works with Kuzuha, leading to that famous clip... such a good classic.
Overall, a really solid streamer and personality in general. A real gem for the crew.
Akabane Youko - Rarely streams, but she is good at gaming. Has a wild laugh and so people still like her... huh, in some sense she’s the female Gilzaren.
Himawari Honma - Gamers 2nd Generation is an absolute goldmine. There were three, one of them retired, but you still know her (wink wink), and all three are just fantastic. Probably the best is Hima... one of those empty-head people that is really good at gaming... you know, Aqua, but somehow better, least to me.
Like Aqua, she's a pretty good singer and she likes vocaloids. But Hima-chan is like a sunflower while Aqua is an... onion. I mean onion could be sweet, but it always gives off a bad taste at the end, while a sunflower is a pure delight. Just look at her, her emptiness is a light, while Aqua’s emptiness is dark. (You can tell my bias here.)
I never like the dumb sterotypes, but Hima is so warm and comforting in her emptiness that you cannot help but smile at the airhead. She’s just such a good vtuber.
Sasaki Saku - She’s the hot-headed of the three, well two. She picks fights with everyone, including people like Belmond or Yashiro, and they fight back because she’s just an entertaining fighter. She’s entertaining, period.
Kuzuha - Probably one of more well-known male Nijisanji members. Went on the Suisei route, as in, he was independent before joining Nijisanji. Plays FPS with Kanae as mentioned before. Pretty good player, but better at banter. Kind of a mischievous person who is actually quite shy... a little of Pekora in the person, except Kuzuha is more annoying than truly like a villain that is Pekora.
One of the people who says cannot sing, but can actually sing very well. Just overall, a great talent to have and just fun to watch, especially in collabs.
Shiina Yuika - Likes Nintendo, and also does a radio show on YouTube. Actually did a radio show as well once. One of the brutally honest people, and a trouble-maker.
As you kind of expect, Sasaki Saku was the one who really got her into the groove, and during her what-turned out to be an absence, Shiina did feel a bit down. Likes to sleep, which makes sense in the context. Not the best at gaming, but still a fun player.
Aqua really likes her, which is interesting since she shares the illustrator with Okayu, and therefore the two are close friends... and they would go after the poor onion.
Makaino Ririmu - Supposedly a succubus. Definitely headstrong and kind of a loli, so there’s a pretty wide fanbase for her... but she’s honestly a good-hearted person. Just look at her collabs with Kou or Lize... she did calculus for a stream?
SEED 1st Gen
Ryushen - Real name, Sengawa Midori. Singer of uncertain gender, so I’ll use ‘they’. Known to be the planner, and a good one at that. Friends with Sister Claire, and their junior, Kakeru and Hayato. Is part of the group, ‘Rain Drops’ with five other members. Originally stated to be part of VOIZ, a male pop group, but as stated... ‘they’.
As for personality, they are a cool kid, friendly with others. Not a bad person to watch.
Hanabatake Chaika - Muscular Okama Elf who wears a maid dress. Very cool personality, a rough and tumble kind of person. As with the description earlier, the concept is odd, but the person is odd in a more palatable way. Honestly, one of people I would try to seek to watch in Nijisanji. Apparently the cross-dressing thing was enforced, rather than a personal choice. Got turned into a robot once.
As for an example, his 3D debut was actually months after he has gotten them and actually used them in collabs and TV interviews, so Chaika skipped right to the shenanigans instead. Perhaps this spontaneity is what makes Nijisanji 3D better.
Yashiro Kizuku - Concept is a systems engineer, likes rhythm and retro games. Friendly with a lot of people, especially with Sasaki Saku, which they host a gaming show. It’s really fun! They are a good bickering couple. The show is kind of a good gateway for Nijisanji as a whole, I believe. Oh, right the intellectual test with Hima...
Yeah, the blandest concept, but one of the most likable members in Nijisanji.
Dola - She’s a fire dragon. Act as an elder to the SEED group, kind of an admin at the minecraft server, so she’s treated like a god here. Good singer, great dancer.
She’s in a group with Yashiro, Hima, and Kuzuha, where the concept is that they are a family, with Dola and Yashiro being parents, and Hima and Kuzuha being their children, and they are one of the best groups to come out of Nijisanji. You can’t miss them.
Sister Claire - Usually does really short talk streams, which was reformatted to a radio format. One of the last seiso people, but strangely gets along with many of the members, mostly because she wants to be funny, and honestly... succeeds for me.
Also a great singer... who would have guessed? Sometimes treated as a cult leader.
Todoroki Kyoko - A 19 year old gyaru. Self proclaimed normie, but obviously not the case anymore. Great at drawing, but only in 2D. As with gyarus, really nice!
Suzuki Masaru - A chunni cross-dresser. Wants to be cool, but obviously cute. Actually doesn’t really like cross-dressing, but it does get the views. Honestly, he looks cool.
Uzuki Kou - A rich teenage boy, well liked by other people. Great singer but doesn’t show often... he does have a rap about hot pot ingredients that is well-covered by others. Friends with Ririmu, I believe. He’s a nice person to watch.
Azuchi Momo - A 14-year old illustrator who did her own design, and one of the most dangerous members of Nijisanji. Yep, known for her curses and drinking cocktails... and yes, she’s supposed to be 14. But even she recognizes that she’s an adult woman...
SEED 2nd Gen
Takamiya Rion - A student at a magic school. Supposed to be a lass, but in reality becomes like that sketch where two beautiful women are dubbed by kids? Yeah, she becomes like that. Just the least intelligent person... good for moron-sexuals, I guess.
Apparently this is more a debuff, as she can act smart and lady-like in late night streams. She was the one who hosted the imagination event. Also really likes SAO, and therefore fell into Genshin pretty hard last year, and who can blame her?
Asuka Hina - Is sometimes called a succubus, kind of works a producer and did a special producing session as a result. Can be calm and outgoing at once.
Maimoto Keisuke - Originally a farmer, but got tired of it. Does gaming and sport commentary, usually wrestling or baseball. Became someone who always gets tortured by his female peers... strange but not a bad character. Oh, this harassment leads to a lot of anger and there’s a tradition where they burn people virtually... and he always gets lumped in as a person to be burned. Friends with Subaru and Ui, and forms the Oozora family, believes to be a middle-aged man, but others don’t treat him like that.
Amemori Sayo - Typical high school student, but we’re sure she’s a ghost. Does a lot of special effects, leading to tech problems. Kind of a quiet speaker.
Kanda Shoichi - typical college student, has a buddy relationship with Gundou Mirei. Good at gaming, singing and hosting, which means he got his due even though it was a little late. Doesn’t really like Korea, though, which is a problem.
Rindou Mikoto - An oni queen, likes girls and booze. Can hold down a liquor, and hold down a girl... a quick learner in everything, therefore excellent at everything.
I knew her as Marine’s coach at Mario Kart... and now I know the reason.
Joe Rikiichi - He’s a joker, a real comedian. Good at improv. Pretty poor. Does late-night radio with Maimoto as well. He’s always a fun person to watch.
Debidebi Debiru - Demon koala who dabble in the occult. He’s the kid in the family, with all the stubbornness and gumption included. Likes to make nicknames, good in collabs. And as with kids, ultimately a good person at heart, which is why he does collabs.
Probably one of my favorites... I’m kind of miffed his section is so short, honestly.
Sakura Ritsuki - A fairy from another world. Basically only plays minecraft as the resident builder in the area. Got a new outfit, and suddenly got a ship going on with Kuzuha, which is good for her, I guess. Yeah, she does what she does.
Machita Chima - A great singer and bit of a psychopath. Went dark to study for exams, but soon returned to herself. Kind of a younger Suisei is what I’m getting at.
Belmond Banderas - The Corpse of Nijisanji. Low voice, and very kind to everyone. But he can be funny too. If he’s drunk, he’s just your average guy who agrees on everything. Also incredibly lucky, apparently, enough to make a religion with Lize as worshipper.
Yumeoi Kakeru - Singer-songwriter who got calling as a host. Really likes Ryushen to a psychopathic degree, but they are good friends as well. Seriously, he’s one of those well-adjusted psychopaths. Apparently he was a biochemist before singing. Sara calls him papa... which, okay, I guess. Did some shady stuff like catfishing in the past...
Overall, he’s that person who came from a rough background, and that means there’s some edges and some of his strength. Definitely an important asset.
Kuroi Shiba - She’s a four year old dog, but acts like an old lady and eventually earned the suffering characteristic and works at a shady company. But what’s the most fascinating thing is her deep lore. Seriously, it might be one of the most interesting lore before Haachama/Haato became a thing.
Yaguruma Rine - A eleven-year old girl who says the first thing on her mind. Also went dark during exam season, but returned after the summer exams. Practices English a bit during her streams, so there’s that going for her. Also her phone disappeared for a bit.
Harusaki Air - Air here meaning ‘spring’ in Greek. Kind of interpreted as a cleaner version of Toya. He’s a prince, so he’s usually busy... unlike a certain princess.
Naruse Naru - Remember has a different look! Although now he can switch it back and forth... apparently it was management issues? Whatever, won the current mario kart tournament (Mikoto was second) and that’s pretty much it, honestly.
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